secondbeatsongs · 1 year
new year, new food crime
I hate it when recipe bloggers tell you the entire rundown of their day before giving the recipe, so just to start off, I'm going to put this here:
3 cups of liquid (water + shrimp water) 3 packets unflavored gelatin 1 tbsp vegetable base (or a bouillon of some kind; that'd probably be fine) 1 large handful of shrimps (approx 20) 3 eggs, hard-boiled and sliced 1 small bag mixed frozen vegetables, thawed a gelatin mold or bowl with a capacity of 4 cups
now, looking at this ingredients list you might be asking, "hey SBS, what the fuck did you cook this time?" and to that I say: buckle up.
so I've been watching Arne & Carlos' videos for a bit, firstly because I was curious if they were gay (they seem to be), and secondly because I like their knitting patterns
but their channel isn't just knitting! they also cook together, and it's fun and chaotic, and one of the things they cooked…intrigued me.
I don't know how this dish is spelled. cabaret? kabaret? there are only a few recipes for it online, and most of those are not in english. but essentially, it is a Norwegian aspic with shrimp, vegetables, and hard-boiled egg in it.
what is aspic, you might ask? well, it's…I mean…it's meat jello. that's what it is. you cook meat for a while (some recipes say to use pig's feet, snout, etc), and it makes a gelatinous broth, which solidifies when it cools.
however, I am not willing to make aspic from scratch for this, so I substituted it with unflavored gelatin packets. hooray!
(apparently in Norway, you can buy packets of instant aspic! but since you can't do that here, I looked up what ingredients are in instant aspic, and after putting them through google translate, decided "huh, seems like gelatin powder with some kind of bouillon", so that's how I ended up here)
this recipe isn't so much cooking as it is…construction. like sure, you heat up the gelatin, but after that it's pretty much just putting stuff together.
and apparently you can make this with pre-cooked or canned shrimp, but I only had the raw frozen kind, so I put them in a saucepan with just enough water to cover them, heated them until they were fully cooked, and then saved the water from the pan to mix in with the gelatin.
so, shrimpy water + enough water to make 3 cups of liquid, and then I mixed in vegetable base until it tasted…fine. (it didn't taste good, it just tasted…okay.)
then I heated up the liquid in the microwave (in a big 4-cup measuring cup), mixed in the three gelatin packets, and there you go! that's all of the cooking done.
now, for the assembly.
I put some of the shrimp all the way at the bottom of the jello mold, trying to arrange it so that it would look nice. I sliced the hard-boiled eggs, and put the prettiest slices of egg around the edges, sprinkling in some vegetables and pouring gelatin as I went.
…and then I gave up on being artistic, and just kinda lumped everything else in, and covered it with the gelatin mixture.
(unfortunately I didn't think to take pictures of the assembly portion of this, because I was multitasking at the time and got distracted, but you'll just have to trust me that it was a tolerable experience, and didn't look very interesting)
after that I chucked it into the fridge (gently), and left it alone while I streamed with makerrcat for a bit, stayed up way too late, and then passed out in a dramatic fashion.
13-ish hours later, I rescued it from its frigid prison.
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stare into the murky depths with me for a moment. look at this…nightmarish placid soup. this motionless broth.
one of my egg slices definitely didn't get covered all the way. 
ah, well.
to unmold this monstrosity, I put it in a bowl of hot water for a minute or so, until it seemed like it could pull away from the edges. it really didn't take much, so if you (god forbid) try this yourself, keep an eye on it. gelatin melts fast.
then I put a plate over the jello mold, and flipped it over.
after a few tense seconds, it released from the mold with a slimy kthnk sound.
carefully. nervously. I lifted the mold.
and then I let out an involuntary "oh!" because…
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…it's kind of…eerily beautiful?
like in a horrifying sort of eldritch way, it looks…lovely
vegetables and shrimp and eggs, suspended not just in space but in time, preserved and surrounded by a gelatinous cocoon…
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I just like staring at it, okay! I just think it looks cool! so here's another picture of it from the side:
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the egg slices…the little bits of yolk…enchanting
it definitely smells like food. but it's unclear what kind. vaguely shrimp-vegetable-egg, but muddled
let's cut into it
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oh. oh god. it made kind of a…squelch? when I cut it?
hold on, you have to experience this for yourselves
god. deeply unsettling.
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now, seeing what the inside is like is kind of interesting! there are places where the gelatin has sort of splintered apart from being cut, and there are gaps where pieces of vegetable have fallen out.
but...how does it taste?
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I really like it
this bizarre combination of textures is weirdly satisfying! the squish of the egg and the gelatin, the slight crunch of the vegetables and shrimp, it's just…good?
the gelatin itself just tastes vaguely of broth, but I don't mind it! I don't know if I would eat it by itself, but with the shrimp, egg, and veggies, it's perfectly okay!
the shrimp, egg, and vegetables of course just taste (respectively) like shrimp, egg, and vegetables, but that's...fine? I like all of these things, so this is pretty enjoyable!
so, some of the recipes I managed to find mention serving it with sort of a mayo-mustard mix, so obviously I have to try that
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this...helps? like, it tastes really pleasant?
not that it was bad before, but it remains an enjoyable experience!
and a video that I saw (but could not understand) seemed to show it served on a piece of bread, again with the mayo-mustard.
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this is also fine! I enjoy this too! I don't feel like it needs the bread, but it's all right!
this is bizarre.
I think most people would probably hate this. it's got the look of a 1960s party food (which is probably what it is), and "meat jello" isn't a texture that modern society regularly enjoys, but…I love it.
I actually love this.
I kind of understand now why people call dishes like this a "jello salad", because…I mean, I'm eating it, and my brain is saying, "yup. this is a salad" and I have no fucking idea why, but this right here? salad. for sure.
cold, wet salad.
damp, even.
so like...is this objectively good food? probably not.
but is it fun to eat? I think so. 
it's refreshing, somehow. it's light, but also more filling than I expected it to be. I have no idea how much would be considered a reasonable serving, but I intend to figure it out as I go along.
so I'm not saying "go make this!" because although this combination of textures plays well with my brain in particular, I don't think that would be the case for everybody.
but I will be eating the rest of this.
weirdly? weirdly, it's just good.
an edit, a few days later:
I have done it. I have consumed the entire thing. and I enjoyed every bite of it.
in fact, I plan on making it again! probably more than once!
food crime? no. food…
(pauses to look up what the opposite of "crime" is)
…food blessing. food virtue. food achievement! food…benevolence.
this is what cabaret is.
at least, that's what it is to me.
(create and consume at your own risk.)
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midautumngame · 1 year
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If you're looking for even more incredible indie games exploring Asian culture from Asian devs, check out Kabaret!
Welcome to the Kabaret - where monsters from Southeast Asian myths and folklores dwell. Perform tea ceremonies, play traditional games, and question your humanity. Kabaret is a visual novel about a boy cursed into a monster where you talk to monsters and learn their stories, brew tea, play minigames and more inspired by Southeast Asian myths and folklore.
The team is based in Malaysia and the game just came out only a couple days ago on Steam so go show them some love!
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littlemxhoney · 7 months
Games for tea lovers ☕
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Teacup (Steam & Nintendo Switch)
You play as Teacup, a shy and introverted young frog who loves drinking tea and reading. Before hosting a tea party, she realizes she is completely out of tea, and must venture into the woods around her to find the herbs she needs to restock her pantry.
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Kabaret (Steam)
Welcome to the Kabaret - where monsters from Southeast Asian myths and folklores dwell. Perform tea ceremonies, play traditional games, and question your humanity in this dark fantasy folklore adventure game.
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Pekoe (Steam)
Pekoe is a cute cat-filled tea-making simulation game about taking the time for self-care and connecting with the things that make you happy. As the newest resident and teahouse owner in town, you’ll learn everything there is to harvesting, preparing, and serving tea.
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Cuisineer (Steam)
Cuisineer is a wholesome food-focused game where you play as Pom, a young adventurer turned restaurateur. One day, you return to your hometown only to find your parents’ restaurant closed for business and deep in debt. With boba and spatula in hand, you must dungeon-delve to collect ingredients and re-open your family's shop!
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movie--posters · 9 months
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jamnickowa · 6 months
Robert Górski wypowiedział się.
Od jakiegoś czasu w niedziele nie są emitowane nagrania kabaretów. Polsat przestraszył się wPiStu? Czego? Pan Robert Górski rzekł:
Polsat zachował się strasznie. Nie rozumiemy tego, bo nikt z nami nie rozmawiał o tym, ani nas nie ostrzegał, dowiedzieliśmy się tylko, że w niedzielę nie zostanie emitowany kolejny odcinek i nie wiadomo, co dalej z następnymi. - Mówi portalowi Wirtualnemedia_pl Robert Górski. Jak dodaje, o rezygnacji z emisji kolejnego odcinka kabaretu poinformował ich Artur Patkowski, producent Polsatu. Nie podał żadnego uzasadnienia, otrzymał tylko polecenie, żeby nam to przekazać. W piątek dowiedziałem się od swojego menedżera, że nie będzie programu, a w poniedziałek napisaliście artykuł, który sugeruje, że to wina jego oglądalności. Taka opinia wpisuje się w politykę Polsatu, która jest upokarzająca dla nas. Do odbiorcy dotrze, że nasz program został zdjęty ze względu na jego jakość. Jakość jakością, bywa lepiej, bywa gorzej. Ale wszyscy wiemy, że nie to jest przyczyną zdjęcia wystąpień kabaretów z anteny. Link ➡️ https://www.wirtualnemedia.pl/artykul/koniec-kabaret-na-zywo-robert-gorski-polsat
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Jednym słowem: cenzura. Tak witamy się po przegranej wPiStu w wyborach. Co dalej?
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ravzd · 1 year
Hai kamu...
Apa kabar?
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leonmizio · 5 months
Z okazji życzę Wolnomyślicielom, Ludziom, nie bio-robotom, twórczego spokoju:
Z tej okazji bonus (dziś dobry dzień mam dla zombiaków...):
Na ratunek...
Kto wam zohydził tak Lucyfera?! Ślepcy niemrawi. Nikt dla was tyle dobrego Nie zrobił. Niewarci niczego. Czcijcie Go - dla bogów pracować Chcecie?! W kopalniach Uranu ginąć jak muchy? Świecić w ciemnościach jak karaluchy?
Lecz co ja widzę? (Ścierwa niewierne). Próżna nauka. Niewola waszą Matką - Macochą! Banksterów kabzy nabijać będziecie, By za ochłapy żyć w kabarecie...
2.11.2022., las tutaj jako KsiążęKsiężyca (już z wyklarowaną myślą o Leonie Mizio)
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adria-art · 7 months
Maciej Stuhr ma "wszystko w standupie"! Zobacz co przygotował w swoim nowym programie satyrycznym. :)
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adamgrzanka · 1 year
Zapraszam serdecznie, bałagan, ale mój
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primaeros · 2 years
Mainan ni jadi makanan aku masa budak-budak dulu. (Dah besar jadi cikgu matematik pulak, hai...)
Kabaret on Steam
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o-coolturzepl · 2 years
Kabaret spełniał ważną funkcję w historii Polski. Scena kabaretowa służyła jako katalizator społecznych nastrojów, niejednokrotnie narażonych na szykanę ze strony władzy. Czy współczesny kabaret ma jakiś cel poza rozśmieszaniem Polaków?
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elbenwald13 · 2 years
Thomas Blubacher ist schuldig. Eigentlich wollte ich mit dem Hund raus. Eigentlich hatte ich diesem wunderbaren Buch Adieu gesagt. Eigentlich. Dann gibt es den Verweis auf einen tollen Audio Beitrag. Von Thomas Blubacher. Könnte ich ja eigentlich ignorieren. Geht aber auch nicht. Also hänge ich meinen gleich mit ran.
" Einen Skandal rufen ihre Schweizer Gastspiele im April 1929 nicht mehr hervor: << In ihrem Äusseren ist sie zwar noch dieselbe geblieben: gelbbraune Hagerkeit, pechschwarzes Haar, ein Mund weisser Zähne, Augen wie nur sie hat. Und noch lebt in ihr jene animalische Unverdorbenheit: ihr erster Sprung und schon schleicht sie am Boden." Gekürzt. Mehr sage ich nicht. Keine Deutung zum Blickwinkel weisser Menschen auf diese Frau. Nix zum Inhalt dieses Buch. Kaufen, lesen. Toll finden. Youtube und das Internet nutzen. Für die Musik (!) dieses Varieté Tempels. Die Filme über das Haus und die Künstler. Bei dem Wetter. Schön laut. So lernen die Nachbarn feine Dinge kennen.
Eigentlich reicht das jetzt. Danke an den @zytglogge_verlag. Danke an @thomas_blubacher.
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ashtrayfloors · 2 years
Ketekalles - “Kabaret”
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lileu-u · 3 months
jak myślicie co jest napisane pod kocham 🤫🤫🤫 ̶k̶o̶b̶i̶e̶t̶y̶
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Kabaret Starszych Panów – wybrane teksty
Sławomir Mrożek – Tango
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adria-art · 8 months
Kabaret Młodych Panów z kontrowersyjnym skeczem "Sklep zoologiczny"
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