heynhay · 23 hours
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freckled-moss · 19 hours
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“A baby who needs to reapply his sunscreen” - I had to jump on @bleepzip ‘s dtiys it looked so fun (and congrats on the followers!)
2 Commission slots open!
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bleepzip · 24 hours
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sleepy keith
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dillydallycorp · 3 days
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klanceogies · 2 days
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Not so fond of Keith’s time in the BoM.
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moonkoiluv · 1 day
Do you ever think Lance gets insecure about being "too much"?
Too loud, too excited, too passionate, too - everything? People are constantly telling him to quiet down and relax, that he's being too much and just needs to stop. Eventually, he starts to quiet down and reel it in a bit but constantly feels sad he has to cover it up.
Then there's Keith who's haunted by the quiet. After his Dad died it was just always quiet. People didn't talk much around him, left him alone, kids didn't play with him. There was always just an uncomfortable quietness around him.
Now they're in space, trapped together in the castle of lions, which really isn't that big once you've been pacing for weeks, months.
Lance wanders off on his own after Pidge kicks him out of the lab and Hunk kicks him out of the kitchen. He walks for hours just talking to himself and being loud since there's no one around to see. No one to tell him he's too much.
Keith also wanders off on his own. Everyone on the castle-ship thinks he just likes to be quiet, so they usually leave him alone. Shiro is a bit of an exception, but there's only so much time he can spend with Keith before he needs to do something important for the war effort or whatever. So Keith wanders. He ends up stealing a pair of headphones from Pidge and listening to music while he walks, it's one of the only times he let's his guard down because it's the castle-ship. It's so big there's no one around to see him or judge him, he can just exist.
One day, Lance walks along, laughing to himself about some alien pun he made (that really isn't that funny). He decides to take a different turn today. Why not? After a while he hears something, a slight twang of an old country guitar and a deep voice. He goes to investigate because who would be out here and who would listen to that?
He rounds the corner, and there's Keith, headphones blaring, eyes closed, walking in time with the twang of the guitar. Lance hides back behind the wall, scared that Keith would see him.
Keith's completely in his own world, the voices of Jane Carter and Johnny Cash ringing in his ears. Jackson is a great song, he hums along every time it plays. One of Keith's favorites from his Dad's old records, it's a miracle that he could get it digitized and out here in space. He lets his eyes drift open as he rounds the corner, and suddenly, he's face to face with Lance.
"AHH- Lance, what the hell?!" He shouts, why was Lance out here? He's walked this hall a hundred times before and never heard the other boy.
"I didn't do anything! Don't yell at me mullet-" Lance leans into Keith's face with a scowl, "I have every right to be here is that a problem?"
Keith frowns for a second and pauses his music, his mood spoiled anyways. "No that's not a problem. You can be anywhere I don't care, just why here? No one ever walks here."
"I just decided to go for a stroll. What do you OWN this hallway?" Lance leans back but his face is still in a fixed frown. It seems that's the only face he ever gives Keith.
"No Lance I-" He sighs, "you were hiding around the corner. Why were you hiding?"
Lance stutters over his words for a second before answering, "I just heard something and thought the castle could be haunted again-"
Keith scowls, "Lance that-" he sighs again "nevermind." He puts the headphones around his neck, the phone in his pocket and turns to leave.
"WAIT!" Keith turns around, "what uh- what were you listening to? I didn't know you listened to anything other than the sounds of- of- ... emo-ness" he looks so proud of himself while Keith just rolls his eyes.
"Johnny Cash."
"Johnny who?"
Keith pauses for a second. Lance could make fun of him, laugh and leave him on his own again but Keith knew deep down the other boy wouldn't do that. Out of everyone, Lance was the only one who actively sought him out to talk. It may be mostly teasing and half-assed insults but it took away that heavy quiet.
So Keith hands over the headphones for Lance to listen. That's how it all starts. The next day they happen to bump into eachother again, Keith shows Lance a new song and Lance talks about the music he grew up with. Every day they have a routine, they bump into eachother and walk together.
Lance hops around from topic to topic, and Keith opens up about things a little bit at a time. Lance was never too much for Keith, and Lance took away that quiet.
They take walks every day together on the far end of the castle-ship while they're in space. Just to pass the time. No matter what the team sees or thinks, Lance and Keith are a lot closer than they know.
They're never too much for eachother, it's never too quiet or too loud. It's just right.
Note: this ended up being SO MUCH longer than I thought it'd be 😅 please let me know if you like this and want more cause I actually enjoyed writing this 👍
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harricite · 15 hours
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KISSES!!! ✨✨
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w1ck2drawz · 2 days
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r1ch13-tv · 2 days
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home safe <3
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pxstel-art · 2 days
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this is probably the best sleep theyve gotten in months lets be honest
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klancekisszine · 2 days
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🌟Contributor Spotlight🌟
Hello Klancers! 💋
Introducing Lucy! 😘 @/xxlucynekoxx over on IG & Twitter
Get ready to plunge into the awesomeness of their art!! 💕
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beyond-debate-light · 11 hours
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starlightments · 3 days
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written by: starlightment
When Keith’s notorious temper lands him in major trouble at school, he’s forced to serve out his time somewhere even more nightmarish than detention: drama club. Despite his determination to avoid the spotlight at all costs, an unintentional mishap ends up getting him not only cast in the show, but playing opposite Lance McClain, a boisterous and bright-eyed thespian who Keith just can’t seem to shake—on stage or off.  
Chapters: 2/?  |  Language: English  |  Art Credit: here
FANDOM: Voltron: Legendary Defender
PAIRING(S): Keith/Lance
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b4gu3tt3m4n · 3 days
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Bro is getting his ass handed to him
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slugtowns · 3 days
I don’t think we talk enough about the fact that Keith’s favorite animal is a hippo
hc that Texas took him to Disneyland once and the only thing Keith wanted to do was go on the jungle cruise over and over to see the hippo animatronics
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shitty picsart visual aid for your convenience
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soulvtude · 2 days
keith and lance are always falling asleep in the weirdest places and positions together.
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