#Just not every couple of days like it has been. Back to the usual fanart. Probably
hrokkall · 10 months
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Final attack for @smangethe
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Bonus static version... goodnight scugs :]
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electraslight · 2 years
I care about ur Bevin headcannon I would love to hear
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YES i finally get to yell abt these two, its my fav ship in the series idk why people arent more into it. Fanart is supplied as usual and i have some evidence-ey screenshots under the cut, mostly bc i want to share them w SOMEONE other than my friend blue. Enjoy my ramblings
-kevin is dating both ben and gwen, gwen and his relationship being a lot more outward and public and ben a more private relationship, they only ever kiss or hold hands when its just the two of them or (rarely) when gwen is around, partially bc of bens fame and his own hangups about liking men and partially bc when they are romantic they r extremely vulnerable with each other and thats the sort of thing they wouldnt want anyone else to see.
-(quoting from a discord dm w my friend) ben and kevin violence is something that if u saw it in a painting or a movie it would be rly profound and aweinspiring. in real life its also the same, but it feels so much like intruding when ur actually watchingbc kevin and ben have all their emotions about each other in v short bursts, theyll bottle them up 4 an extended period of time and then have som e massive cataclysmic event when it bubbles to the surface. there r literally no continual emotional moments between them like kevin and gwen who have contunious small emotions abt each other, kevin and ben will hang out 4 months at a time and then one day just start hitting each other, which is in a way a part of the romance
-in omniverse theres a scene where its shown that 12 year old kevin is in possession of a photo of ben that is suspiciously well worn, it has rips and stains and has been crumpled up and refolded a couple times. I like to think he kept that photo, whether to use as a beacon of hate or chew on and cry who knows. 
-ben and kevin dont give a shit about what form the other takes, the only time ben has ever blushed about a guy is when mutant kevin grabbed him in the rooters arc and kevin is around alien versions of ben every day and doesnt bat an eye. This is why i think that once kevin and ben get together kevin makes a game about kissing all of his aliens (indiscriminatley. Even if they dont have mouths) he makes a scoring system and writes reviews on how good the experience was in glitter gel pen and makes a ranking list of his favorites. Stinkfly sweeps the vote, shocking everybody. Ben would rank kissing kevins mutations but only 2 out of 5 would even consider it before turning him into pink mist so he just sticks with what he knows.
- ben and kevin get married when theyre older and gwen stays in girlfriend status (mostly bc she knows that ben has a much shorter lifespan than her and kevin and she wants to give him the happiest time she can while hes still there) and they all live in a mansion the size of the white house. Kai comes by once a month to keep kenny happy (he still thinks shes his bio mom even after theyve told him multiple times she was just a donor. Gwen says he gets his delusions from ben). Ben and kevin like to sit on the 500 foot long porch and throw rocks at passerby and snuggle. Kevin is so happy he giggles mindlessly to himself in public, scaring strangers. He tries to get them to look at pictures of his family but this only further creeps them out.
-kevin finds the most random shit ben does extremely charming. hed look at him picking his boogers and eating them and he thinks in his head i need this guy so much. ben finishes a rubix cube not even very fast and kevins like wow. cool. do you like emos.ben is charmed by kevin in the same way. he sees kevin use the toilet brush to scratch an itch on his back and hes like fuck oh fuck oh fuck
I have more i prommy i just cant think of them rn, i will make more if im able. 4 now please have my collection of bevin screenshots under the cut. Spread the word my disciples. fair warning there are a lot
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likeabxrdinflight · 4 months
so as we all know, the live action atla airs tomorrow. knowing me, I'll end up binging the whole thing in one, two days tops.
I think the majority of my followers on this platform followed me back in 2020, when the animated show dropped on netflix and saw a sudden resurgence in popularity. so most of you know me as a fan, and it's not exactly a secret. I adore the animated show. It's somewhere in my top ten favorite tv series of all time. it might even be the top, I've never actually sat down and thought about it that deeply, but if I did, atla very well could be number one.
it's not a perfect show, far from it. it has flaws. everything does. but I was there with atla from literally day one. I remember back in 2005, all the tv ads for this cool, anime-esque nickelodeon show that was gonna air soon. I memorized the date and time of the premiere. I made damn sure I wasn't gonna miss it. my 12-year-old ass forced my little brother to surrender the remote for that hour and refused to let him touch it. turns out I didn't need to, because we both got invested right away. and I tuned in for every new episode from that day on. even if I was at a friend's house, I made sure we watched if a new episode of atla was airing. I was that insane about this show.
I can remember making up fake bending routines in my parents' living room (usually firebending lol). in the summers I'd pretend to be a waterbender in the swimming pool. some of my earliest drawings are of katara, aang, and zuko, and then later azula. I remember when the blue spirit first aired and presenting my brother with the "zuko will definitely become aang's friend and teach him firebending" manifesto. he was not convinced. I was devastated by the season two finale, and so vindicated by season three. I remember how long the 2008 writer's strike felt when it delayed the second half of season three. and I remember when the finale finally aired- by this point I was now 15- and just the rollercoaster of emotions that was for me as a teenager. I remember not wanting it to be over, delving into the online fandom and discovering all the different ships, fanart, fanfics, and video edits (and drama). I learned how to use windows movie maker and pirate the episodes just because I wanted to join in on the fun. I wrote a not good zutara fic that I never finished. I put my shitty little azula videos on youtube. I've been in and out of this fandom ever since.
so to say I have a lot of love for the animated series would be an understatement. when I think of the media that defined my childhood, there's really five things that first come to mind- harry potter, pokemon, anime more broadly (special shout out to yugioh and sailor moon), disney, and atla.
I say this all to establish that there is zero chance the live action adaptation could ever overtake the animated original for me. I will always love it more, it will always be the more special version of this story. I was exactly aang's age when that first episode aired. there's no replacing something like that. when I think of this story and these characters, I think I will always default to the animated version.
that said, I really am feeling optimistic about the live action adaptation. I'm frequently skeptical of these kinds of projects, especially the disney remake trend, but there's a couple reasons I feel pretty okay with the adaptation of atla. one is that there has been a recent uptick in popularity of the original. it's a good time to re-visit this story, people are interested, and it can only serve to get even more people to watch the original given both will now be on netflix. two is that I'm very encouraged to see that both in front of and behind the camera, asian and indigenous people are taking center stage. I don't think we can discount the importance of that. third, everything I've seen about this show that's not a panicked hot take on twitter or a headline pulled out of context is fairly encouraging. I mostly like what I've heard from the cast and showrunners in interviews. several reviews of the first episode's premiere have been broadly positive, most importantly to me, from actual fans who attended.
I do have some reservations. I'm not totally sold on the visual aesthetic, with the somewhat darker color palette and the contrasting saturation of the costumes. for this first season, I'm easily most concerned about how katara is going to be written. I want them to make changes and tell the story differently, but I do worry they won't find the right balance. too much change to central character arcs could deleteriously impact the story. and I will always be concerned about the portrayal of azula.
I also have mixed feelings about the sexism thing- I'm not necessarily pressed that they might tone down sokka's or even pakku's overt sexism, and frankly the "girls can fight too!" version of feminism is kind of tired in 2024. I also know several indigenous people have spoken up about how the water tribe's being sexist was not a great look. but I am concerned that, in toning this aspect down, they might inadvertently neuter katara's character arc or remove some of her best moments. I have to question how this change will impact suki as well. ironically I'm not as worried about sokka, his sexism was a minimal part of his overall character arc- but it's impact on the women around him was much more meaningful. that's what I'm more concerned about.
I've also heard that the first episode suffers from a glut of exposition that was felt necessary for new viewers but returning fans will likely find tiresome. and naturally I'm worried some things will look goofy, fail to translate from cartoon to live action well, or that some of the heart and charm of the original will get lost in translation. so yeah, there's concerns.
but generally speaking I'm more excited than not. if the show has as much love put into it as the cast and crew interviews seem to indicate, then I think revisiting this world and these characters in a new way with a new generation at the helm will be a lot of fun. the nostalgia market is definitely oversaturated right now, you can certainly argue this didn't need to exist, but I'm not going to pretend I'm not interested to see what they do with this. especially when we already got such a bad live action version- it's not like this is a new idea for atla as a franchise. there's a precedent already set for trying it again. so I'm going in with an open mind. let's see what they do- it's not like it's ever going to replace the original. it can't.
...also I think the tag I'm going to use is "natla spoilers". I've been tagging "atla live action" but I think I'm gonna switch over to "natla" primarily from now on. and believe me, I will be sharing my thoughts.
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ygodmyy20 · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @toastytoaster22 (finally getting to this I started this and then life happened haha)
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
8 (i just got back into writing in July 2023!)
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 66,608 (it will probably double as I am deep into a long fic right now)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I used to write Puzzleshipping YGO but I’m all in on Mob psycho 100 now.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Just Breathe
Black Sweatshirt (yeaaaaah rising!)
Emotional explosion (surprised this one I thought got the least amount of reads this was my very first mp100 fic)
Float (I love how much this resonated with people)
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! It’s something I take very seriously. No judgement if someone doesn’t respond to my comment on fics! But for me it’s important to respond.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ah. Hm. Blackhole I guess? The ending isn’t angst though it’s just a more intense fic.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think Float is very happy. It makes me smile every time I read it. Also the ending of Cobalt makes me so good. I want to rewrite Cobalt though its missing something. I posted it too soon.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Back in my YGO days I got some but I just ignored it. Usually they were just about me not finishing a fic so….yeah I get it heh
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep. I’m an adult. I can write and enjoy smut.
But in all seriousness I do and I encourage anyone who is hesitant to write about sex, to just do it for yourself if you ever want to. You never have to post it, you can just write what you want and delete it, or keep it for yourself. Or never write about sex at all. I'll just say, getting back into this part of myself after not writing it for years has been so beneficial for my mental health. It helps me process and work through things. And writing gives me the opportunity to do that.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Well not right now, but I do know a lot about a certain mp100xOPM AU by @sodasexual and may or may not write something in that verse one day. Already drawing fanart for it so.... fanfics are likely gonna happen one day!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Uhhhh not that I….know of? (gosh I hope none have...)
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Sorta co-wrote something recently that was just for fun. Also @emeraldoodles and I def co-wrote a dragonshipping fic I think when we were in high school? Dunno if I ever posted it tho I can't remember
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Hm. Puzzleshipping is my origin story. But something about Terumob really hits me in a place that I can’t describe. I just adore them.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Hmmm I have a couple one-shots I wanna write and I may not write them all.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I love writing POV descriptions of emotions. And I like to hope I’m good at it. Blackhole is this. It’s a mess of words and descriptions that I can just chew on and I love writing it. I think my recent Terumob oneshots kinda get into that space too. I like to hope that is a strength. But yeah it seems to resonate with people so I think it’s a strength?
I also think dialogue has always come easy to me. I feel like it’s the easiest thing for me to write and I hope it is realistic.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Ah.... I am terrible with consistency. I forget things and sometimes run off down paths. I also repeat myself a lot and like to describe every movement a character makes which can bog down scenes.
I have so written myself into a corner and had to weasel my way out of it hahaha This is why I am trying to talk about my stories more to friends so I DON'T do that again.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I did this a bit but I don’t anymore. It’s just too much mental work for me.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I think Black Sweatshirt, my current ageswap fic, will be my fav. It’s the most expansive writing I have done probably ever in my life. There are multiple plot lines, scenes that have already made me cry, and an ending that I just cannot wait to share with the world. I hope others enjoy it as much as I do, and I can deliver on this story.
The other one is a series called Safe Space which is a series of one-off stories touching on different emotions Shigeo has to process post-canon. Exploring the gray areas of forgiveness, confessions, grudges, anger, and love. I think I will be writing that on the side as I do other things but I love it to pieces. It means a lot to me and i hope to one day share it.
I'm always nervous to tag others so if you see this, feel free to do it!!
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wangmiao · 5 months
Shipper Tag Game
thanks so much to @godotismissingx for tagging me again!
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
i'll be honest LOL i was oblivious in stuff like this when i was a teenager. yes, i'd drool over celebrities and characters, but i never knew shipping was a thing.
2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
i got into the fandom culture very late, so my first ship was joseph chandler x emerson kent from whitechapel
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
i honestly don't remember. i got into fanfic pretty late too. maybe whitechapel as well?
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
i don't really do discourse most of the time.
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
i don't know how you define no-otp. like is it just something you don't ship, or you hate? there are ships that i don't like, and i just don't mention them at all on my blog. if you know that i've watched a show or film, but i never mention or reblog a popular ship from the show/film, that's probably my no-otp...
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
LOL i'm predictable, shi qiang x wang miao (shiwang) from three-body. i'm especially into reading fanfic recently. one of the first things i check every morning is if there's new shiwang fic.
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
shiwang has been living in my mind rent free for an entire year now, and i haven't gotten tired of them yet...probably never will...
recently i'm into cheng bing x pan dahai from the lonely warrior and tang chuan x shi hong from the devotion of suspect x.
and just to name a few other otps: guang hongfeng x zhou xun in day and night, lee joongyeop x cha jaehwan from chimera, lee chang x youngshin in kingdom; cheng fengtai x shangxirui from winter begonia, agron x nasir from spartacus, jack x ianto from torchwood, and my first whitechapel ship is always very important to me.
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
i'm used to not having ships be 100% canon. what can you do? sigh!
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
can't really think of anything
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
can't think of anything either...
12. What was your favorite crack ship?
i don't really have one...xD...
13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
definitely shiwang...i kinda stopped reading fanfic in early 2019 due to the original sin/原生之罪 drama and a family incident...i might have tried some fanfic occasionally, but i generally wasn't in a mood for fanfic until three-body aired in 2023.
another reason is back then, most chinese fanfic writers don't really use ao3, so lots of fanfic for day and night and original sin was on lofter and weibo instead of ao3. and it's a pain in the ass trying to track fic on those sites. but now, most of the shiwang fic would be on ao3. and because shiwang is very loved in cfandom, new fic never stops coming.
i do read western fandom fanfic too, but definitely not as much as the chinese ones ever since i got back into cdramas in 2017.
14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
give me all of the dilfslove or dld (dilf loves dilf) LOL.
enemies to lover is something i always like. though how you define "enemy" would be very different in different ships. i also tend to ship work partners (detective duos; cop & some kind of consultant; villain duos)
15. What you absolutely hate in a ship?
maybe the lack of chemistry? if i can't feel the chemistry between the actors, no matter how romantic or hot the plot is between them, i probably won't ship them.
tagging @bahoreal @xinxiaojie @yohankang @zhivchik @a-very-fond-farewell @randomingoftherandomness only if you haven't done this and want to do it; also tagging any followers who want to do this.
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gentil-minou · 8 months
Xiantober Day 10 - Fanartist!Xian
WlW Wangxian Week Day 2 - Queen for a Day @wlwangxianweek
NSFW (masturbation, body worship, thirsting over your own art)
The email sat in her inbox untouched for days, heavy and daunting, the sender's address highlighted and glaring at her. It arrested her breath every time her cursor hovered over the unopened message.
Wei Ying has been creating fanart for years, and recently her clay sculptures have achieved widespread recognition for their level of detail and stunning paintwork. It's not uncommon for her to get emails asking to commission her.
But not all of those emails are sent from famed cosplayer Hanguang-jun's official email address, titled "Commission Request" in bold unassuming font that might as well be plastered on a neon sign for the way Wei Ying can't look away at all.
Hanguang-jun wants to commission Wei Ying for a tabletop sculpture to scale of her latest elven cosplay. She's willing to pay generously for Wei Ying's time and labor, well above her usual rates. She has a small list of specifications and offers to meet one on one for measurements.
How can Wei Ying explaing to HGJ, the queen of cosplay herself, that she doesn't actually need her measurements because she's spent the last few years memorizing her body by sight in all the the thousands of elegant cosplay photos HGJ posts on a weekly basis.
What would HGJ think if she knew the entire reason Wei Ying is lauded as one of the premier up and coming sculptors of her generation is because she's spent years honing her craft for the express purpose of being able to perfectly capture the essence of HGJ in inanimate form?
How did HGJ find her anyway?
Okay, actually, that's a dumb question. When Wei Ying started sculpting a year ago one of her first videos was a time lapse on tiktok with a clay model of a HGJ cosplay of a xianxia character.
And admittedly, Wei Ying did spend the entire video thirsting over HGJ while in her small studio surrounded by her fanart of HGJ and okay yeah so that video has several million views and quite a few cheeky comments tagging the queen herself…
So okay, it makes sense how HGJ found her, but it still doesn't explain WHY she chose to commission Wei Ying directly.
Like, here's the thing. Wei Ying knows she's good. She's super good. She didn't get to quit her boring day job for no reason, and she's spent practically all her life getting this good, she's not gonna pretend to be humble.
But HGJ never commissions people. She doesn't even reshare fanart or even respond to fan's comments. Her photos and videos are cinematic and expertly shot, but she doesn't do lives or anything like that where she talks to fans. Wei Ying has never been to a convention to see her personally, but with her expert internet sleuthing skills she knows that when HGJ does meet and greets, only ever for charity or some good cause, she doesn't do more than nod politely before posing with them.
So why would she all of a sudden reach out to Wei Ying and go against all of that?
But it doesn't matter why…because Wei Ying just responded to her email and took up the offer to meet Hanguang-jun to talk about her commission.
She's going to meet HGJ…in the flesh…outside of costume.
Wei Ying looks arond at her walls, plastered in artwork and photos of HGJ in all her glory. She stares at the smattering of sculptures she has displayed in a place of honor. At the life-sized cardboard cutout she got of HGJ cosplaying as Shego a couple years back, glaring menacingly in a way that makes her spine tingle...
Wei Ying is going to have to clean up her studio before she meets with HGJ…
What is she getting herself into?
Wei Ying likes to make prototypes before she meets with any client. It's not really a courtesy so much as a necessary requirement. A sculpture is way more taxing on her resources after all. She needs to make sure her client likes it before she gets started on the real deal.
She might be…spending more time on the prototype for Hanguang-jun than she has for anyone else…especially considering she's sculpted her enough she knows its good but, well…
She almost can't help it. Whenever she makes art of HGJ, it's like she's under a spell and can't resist. It's mesmerizing, watching the block of clay taking form and shape, transforming into a temptress that leaves Wei Ying glued to her desk until she finishing the final touches and sits back to admire her work.
Wei Ying used to exclusively make fanart of fictional characters. She mostly liked donghua and manhua, and rarely ever caared for things that were live-action or realistic. It took away the fun, she'd always thought. She lives in the real world so why would she care about something like that in her work?
Then, she saw Hanguang-jun cosplay her favorite character from her favorite novel. It was all over from there.
It wasn't even one of HGJ's more scandalous cosplays that showed off her ample cleavage or milky white thighs. She was completely covered up, wearing an intricate set of robes that must have been embroidered by hand with long black hair too silken to be a wig styled up in a top knot.
The costume was stunning, but it was HGJ's expression that ensnared Wei Ying. Fiercely intense, and a gravity that made the character come alive.
For a moment, Wei Ying forgot she was looking at a fanmade cosplay. For a moment, it was like the character she'd admired so much had come to life right on her computer screen, all elegant lines and secret curves. Her hand had reached into her shorts of its own accord…bewitched.
And so followed a mad scramble to get as much content about HGJ as she possible could, imbibing every last ounce until Wei Ying felt like she knew everything she could about HGJ.
Despite being notortiously private about her personal life. HGJ regularly shares bts about her costume work and and what goes into creating cosplay. There was a panel she'd done for a con where she explained how she'd sewn every costume painstakingly by hand, and how long each costume took.
That more than anything, pulled Wei Ying deep into HGJ's orbit.
She'll never forget listening to that video, the soft cadence of HGJ's delicate voice, so seldom heard when she plays so many silent and serious characters, as HGJ spoke about her love for her craft. Wei Ying was lost to the moment, to the wonderful sensation of someone knowing exactly why one would spend hours and days on creating something. The pure love for her craft, shining in the golden contacts HGJ wore, the stage lights giving them a twinkle that seemed to come from within.
That's when Wei Ying realized her crush on HGJ was more than that.
But until this moment, she didn't have to worry about it. Wei Ying was perfectly content making artwork from a afar, ever getting any closer. A fan and her muse, the simplest pairing there was.
Except now Hanguang-jun is coming to her studio. For a private meeting. Today.
Needless to say, Wei Ying is feeling woefully unprepared. She'd at least had the wherewithal to hide her more salacious fanart away. HGJ does not need to know how often Wei Ying has imagined and tried to paint her breasts…that would be a bit too far.
Her studio as ready as it is ever going to be, all she needs now is to finish the prototype.
It's a crude model, really. Meant mostly to test the pose HGJ requested. It's not even painted, though Wei Ying did spend more time on it than she has for anyone else.
The clay is still wet to the touch, as the model sits on her workbench and she trails a careful finger down the side of HGJ's face. Her eyes are still hollow and blank, but the shape is correct, the lines meeting at the corners to taper off underneath arched brows she's etched in.
HGJ's high cheekbones were carved at an angle over a mouth with a tiny smile, barely there. The reference photo Wei Ying had used for HGJ's expression wasn't from the official photo shoot, but a bts video on HGJ's brother's feed (also public, and filled with so much delicious content). HGJ wasn't even looking at the camera. She'd been holding her pet bunny in her lap, smiling so sweetly down at it, the corners of her mouth just barely lifting up and the softness of her eyes breathtaking. Wei Ying had felt like she'd been suspended in midair with the force of that little smile.
She'd fully intended to use one of the more serious expressions from the photoshoot, but when the time came it's like her hands had a mind of their own. It was instinct and the image of that sweet smile that guided her as she etched in the lines of the model's face.
Once it was done, there was no way she could smudge it away. And so the small smile stays. Wei Ying's hand trails over to the slope of HGJ's nose, and she giggles as she gives the figure a gentle boop. The clay sculpture is pretty large, about the size of her torso (also not the standard. usually these reference models are smaller than the sized asked for. But well...if Wei Ying has to give the final sculpture to HGJ maybe she can keep this prototype for her collection...) but that doesn't mean she's willing to risk damaging it when it's still so fragile. She'd be devastated if something happened to HGJ, in whatever form she's in.
Her finger slides down over plump lips that Wei Ying has spent many lines drawing over and over again, sketches of that mouth in every expression, closed and pursed into a frown, even open and waiting… She has the lines of HGJ's lips practically memorized. Can imagine how they'd feel when she traces over her own.
She does that now, the fingers of her right hand tracing over her own lips as the pad of her left index finger trails back and forth over the model's lips. Chapped against glossed. Plush pink. How would HGJ's look free of lipstick, smudged and wiped away at the edges onto someone else. Lips bitten red.
Wei Ying's breath hitches and she pulls her lips into her mouth to bite down on. Her right hand falls into her lap.
She lets the tip of her finger trail to HGJ's pointed chin, then curves it down as if Wei Ying is lifting it up to draw her towards her. That would be ludicrous, to kiss a statue…except….
Wei Ying had taken care to carve HGJ's elegant veins that jut out from her neck, and follows them down her slender throat and over her collarbone, to where the shape of HGJ's breast sit, exposed to the frigid way that would surely harden her nipples into soft rosebuds if they were real.
Wei Ying has spent many nights staring at the ceiling of her room, idly tracing figure 8s around and around her small chest as she ruminates on HGJ's full breasts, the way they effortlessly lift and nearly slip out of her costumes, though the never actually do.
How they must be twice the size of Wei Ying's own, leaving her to lift her own and wonder how heavy HGJ's must be. Imagine the weight of them in her palms, how they'd look when she squeezes. The sounds HGJ would make, her quiet gasps echoing in the silence of the room. The way those honey brown eyes, her real ones, not the fake contacts she uses for her cosplay, would be fixed on Wei Ying's, long lashes fluttering as she leans forward to give Wei Ying a better angle.
The heat inside Wei Ying flares up, and she lets her hands pull her shorts away so she can lip her hand inside, trialing over coarse curls until she reaches the place that's hottest within her. Not for the first time, she wonders what it would feel like to touch HGJ in this place. Would it feel the same as it does when Wei Ying touches herself? Would it feel like something else entirely?
She draws circles around her lower lips with the fingers of her right hand as her left index finger trails down the center of HGJ's chest, over the valley between her breasts.
Perhaps she should have sculpted the mounds of her breasts closer together so they'd create the cleavage HGJ is known for. But like earlier, when she'd felt out of control with the need to carve her smile, Wei Ying had wanted to let HGJ voluptuous breasts hang free and apart, natural the way she always imagines her.
Besides, it would fit with HGJ's request to create a sculpture of her recent cosplay of Galadriel.
Wei Ying had just about lost her mind when she'd seen the gauzy fabric of HGJ's dress, how it left only the most intimate parts of her to the imagination as the sheer dress draped over the curves of her body. How she could so clearly see the outline of her full breasts, with no bra restraining them only a simple fabric to tastefully cover her nipples. Beneath her chest, the dip in her slender waist flared out into wide hips. The curve of her thighs, with a wide slit in the dress that revealed the tiniest tantalizing peek of pale skin…
The pale blue, nearly see through fabric had been both too little and too much. Wei Ying had felt like she needed to look away. She'd also felt like she never wanted to stare at anything else ever again.
Remaking the exact gauzy lines in a clay sculpture will be a fun challenge. She can already see the way she can carve the lines so the creases of HGJ's dress show it's there while the rest of the fabric clings to her shape and form, a glimpse of something that shouldn't be seen. That Wei Ying sculpts herself, a shrine to a goddess.
The thought makes Wei Ying gasp, as she dips one finger inside her, slipping through her drenched folds with ease.
The heat is jarring, almost burning where it stokes a fire deep within her core, spreading outward, consuming everything in its wake.
In contrast, HGJ's clay figure is nearly ice cold against her heated skin. But as her finger rest against the figure, it turns warm, as if a heart truly beats beneath that clay chest.
Would it be the same if she was trailing her fingers across the real HGJ's chest? With a frozen exterior melt into warmth? Would a pink stretch across her torso, matching the lips she bites down? Would her heart beat just as fast as Wei Ying's?
Wei Ying rocks against her finger, but one just isn't enough. She adds another, strokes herself with intent even as her eyes flutter closed as her other hand slides down to the contours of HGJ's flat stomach, then to the v that points towards a place Wei Ying can only imagine in her wildest dreams.
If she doesn't pay attention, she can almost imagine her left hand is touching something else, something alive and real.
She whimpers, feeling the fire burn bright and hot and all encompassing. She wants to throw her head back, let her gasps echo off the ceiling. She wants to recline in her chair, give herself completely over to her pleasure. But how can she, when that would mean she can no longer touch HGJ, even this mere imitation of her?
At the thought, she opens her eyes again, gasping as she struggles to keep them from shutting, as she shudders from her approaching climax, curling those fingers and rubbing at her clit, faster and faster.
HGJ's model is haloed in a yellow spotlight from her desklight, drawing the eye and entrapping it.
It's not the real deal, but if Wei Ying squints her eyes she can pretend the burnished red figure is Hanguang-jun, blurry but real. Here, in front of her, panting breaths a match to hers.
She can almost see it, hear the intake of breath as HGJ watches her. What would HGJ think id she saw her? What would she do if Wei Ying called out for her? If she begged for her aid?
Would she hang back and watch? Would she be mortified? Intrigued?
Would she…would she dare approach? Would she stand over Wei Ying as she lies back in her chair? Would she draw her hand down the side of Wei Ying's face, past her chin and her neck, following the path Wei Ying traveled along her clay figure? Would she let her hand pass through the valley between Wei Ying's smaller breasts, fingers feather light, down, down over her stomach to join where Wei Ying's fingers slide in and out, pumping rhythmically as she chases her release.
Would she slip inside as well, bending over her, only touching that one most intimate place, Would she watch Wei Ying, those honey-brown filled with a new sort of intensity, something she's never worn for any of her cosplays. A vision just for Wei Ying.
Would she smile at her?
Wei Ying's orgasm crests and flares over her, all at once, rocking through her as the fire burns and burns and burns. She cries HGJ's name into the ceiling, caught in a wanton moan that goes on forever, obscenely so, until all that's left are Wei Ying's panting breaths.
When she returns to her body, feeling lightheaded, she registers the sticky wet sensation of her right hand as she pulls it out of her pants, feeling hollow inside. The tiny studio smells of sex as sweat beads down her back,
At some point during her climax she must have knocked over HGJ's figurine to where lies forlornly on its side.
"Shit," she whispers, checking over it with her clean hand and setting it down securely in its base. Thankfully it is undamaged, and she moves on to look for something to clean herself with.
It's not the first time she's done this here. She really should be more prepared for this sort of thing.
She cleans her hand as best as she can with her water bottle and hand sanitizer, wiping the rest away on her shorts. There's no mirror in this room but she's got enough time she can probably go to the bathroom and fix herself up, maybe air out the room before Hanguang-jun arrives—
There's a knock, quiet and polite, unintrusive, on the door to her studio, and Wei Ying jerks her head up in shock.
It's too early, she's supposed to have another ten minutes at least… it can't be.
The knock goes off again, this time louder and more firm. Wei Ying yelps, before covering her mouth with her hands. But it's too late.
Someone calls from the other side, "Is this the Yiling Matriarch's studio?"
It is. Fuck. Wei Ying is shaking, but she can't put this off any longer.
She opens the door.
(threadfic here)
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itsanidiom · 4 months
LET'S GOOOOO~ tagged by @negrowhat
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1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
Glorestor or Glorfindel / Erestor of Middle Earth Fanon Fame. Not that I don't CARE about it anymore, mind you. There's just not enough new content (for obvious reasons god it's old and there's like one conversation of original source material). I don't think about them as much anymore. Like I used to be reading fanfic EVERY NIGHT and we're talking like novel length fanfics (as you can imagine people in the LOTR fandom write lol). Anyway here's some super old fan art... (>u<)
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2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Oh god...something Dynasty Warriors related for sure...
Probably like Sun Ce / Zhao Yu or Gan Ning / Lu Xun. (GO WU! lol) I feel like there were other couples I'm totally forgetting right now...but yeah god I love Dynasty Warriors...
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Also...daaamn Gan Ning looks good there I should go buy the latest game. (>w<)
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
Like the first one I wrote or read?? I went into my oldest of old "old writing" folders and found this list of docs that I haven't been touched in over ten years. SO I'm gonna saaaay it was a Dynasty Warriors fanfic...one of these pairings. (^ ^;)
Also kind of hilarious to see that I literally still organize my fanfic files in the same way for over half my fucking life ago...nice...
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4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
I feel like it would have been something Inuyasha related. That or something Final Fantasy X. I do not remember, but it was probably some version of these scene.
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5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Not that I can remember...do not need this in my life...lol but maybe I've reblogged some RPF like discourse? Like the "should or shouldn't you ship" type discussions. I'm on the side of "do whatever you want but don't send it to the famous people" [ex. like ATEEZ fanfic/fanart] or "if they are literally doing it as part of their promo go ahead, it's for fun/they literally requested it as part of their promo" [ex. BillyBabe]. (^ ^;)
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6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
It honestly always depends on the quality of the fanart or the fanfic because even a notp can turn into a OH!tp if it's good enough. [Exhibit a: my Phaya/Tharn/Chalothorn fanfic]
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
Weirdly the one new Chalothon/Singh fic from The Sign. But I really need AO3 to fix the spelling of his name in the tag...
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8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
PhayaTharn are the current obsession~
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Look at them...adorable...
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Still wish John Wick / Santino fucked...also like James Bond / Q and The Protagonist / Neil and Arthur / Eames...bromance is SUCH a waste but considering the genres of these movies it is never gonna happen...I have to wait for the Thai BL versions lol (^ ^;)
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10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
OH I haven't been traumatized by watched it yet, but Dead Friends Forever has made me get onboard with Macau/Chay of KinnPorsche fame because OMG LOOK AT THESE CUTIES!!!!
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11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
GOD I remember there was a LOT of Sesshomaru x Inuyasha yaoi when I was a kid LMFAO like...straight up cancelled...I dunno if it was normal back then but no yaoi was normal back then so like it sadly all got lumped together or something...then again looking at some of the comics that are coming out these days...
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12. What was your favorite crack ship?
LOL Sorry that just brought me back LOL
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13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
Ahhhh I don't know...I usually either write a lot or read a lot...I literally have a fic rec list for Glorestor lol and then when I look in my AO3 bookmarks the top ship is Hannigram sooooo let's say Hannigram even though I haven't read one for a while.
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14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
toll and smol...i like me a toll and a smoll...lol or big and small...i dunno something something contrast something something just crush him and/or be uncharacteristically gentle or somehow incapacitate the larger man with your wiles...that is all...
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15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Miscommunication < seconding @negrowhat's response. Cannot stand it. Such a boring trope. Very annoying for me (the audience).
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ryuichirou · 8 months
8, 16, 20, 24, 25, 27 for the ask game!
Ask game!
YessSSS that’s a lot of questions, thank you so much, Anon!
Let’s roll.
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in.
There are a lot of them, unfortunately.
I won’t name any of our projects with Katsu because I still hope to come back to them and finish them one day. Even the ones that are super old… They are just so good that the idea of not completing at least some of them would break my heart lol
But there are some Solo Ryu projects that I’ve lost interest in. I used to brainstorm about a comedy comic about a girl and another girl that represents her periods and treats her poorly… The joke got old pretty quickly, and the whole thing didn’t work out.
I also used to come up with random characters, but I never do anything with them when I’m doing it alone, so they appeared for one or two sketches and then perished – I’m not really a storyteller, and without a story I can’t get invested in my own ideas :(
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing.
I don’t know if there is such thing, to be honest. Maybe I’m forgetting something, of course…
But in general, if I’m good at it, my mind usually goes “fuck yeeeeah”, so I’m inevitably end up having fun at least to some degree. Even if it ends up not looking good…
I guess I’ve gotten better at drawing shoes, but I still stress out every time I draw them, so it stops me from having fun sometimes.
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
I guess… that would be… hands. 👀
I used to suck at drawings hands so bad that one person from my past even said that with every new drawing I invent a new way to avoid drawing hands. Well well well guess who’s laughing now, Linda?
Saltiness aside, I spent a lot of time getting better at them, so now I really genuinely like drawing hands.  
24. Do your references include stock images
I try to avoid them as much as I can, to be honest. It depends on the stock image; sometimes they work nicely, but when it comes to special equipment, the models from the stock images usually don’t know how to hold them properly. Which isn’t their fault at all, I wouldn’t randomly know how to hold a violin either; but for that reason I would probably try to search up some violinist. If I find a good video, that’s even better.
… I rarely really use references aside from situations like this lol
But I also feel like everyone uses stock images to some degree, and I’m no exception.
25.  Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
We used to receive a lot of comments comparing our stuff to Killing Stalking back when we posted SnK fanart lol And we haven’t even read it…
There were also a couple of times when our stuff got compared to the artstyle of Avatar, which is??  A huge compliment that I didn’t deserve back then?? But despite us loving Avatar very much, we’re not actively inspired by it.
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
I try to, a lot of times it’s necessary, because otherwise I make stupid mistakes 💪😔
A lot of times it’s just a simple portrait sketch. But also, sometimes I start by drawing day by doing something simpler, like cleaning/shading the scans or adding base colours to my drawings. I feel like it also counts as a warm up.
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dragonballwish · 10 months
hi do you have Krillin relationship headcanons? canon or otherwise? 👀👀👀👀
I will be honest with you, anon. I don't often think on it these days. HOWEVER!!!! for you, I have,,,, formulated a response i think mostly encapsulates my feelings on the matter.
Krillin is, by far, the most lovable character of all of dragon ball. objectively, even. He is cute, nice, and very self-sacrificing. Every one of his friends has probably seen this trait and agreed that krillin is worth protecting and loving. etc etc.
That being said!!!!! i think krillin inserts veeerry nicely with very many ships, most being non-canon, obvi. The only krillin ships i actively ship are k18, a lil sprinkle of gokrill, and some latenight thoughts of bulkrill (?) bulma and krillin. whatever their shipname is.
that being said, krillin is one of those characters that when i see crackships and such with him its more like a pleasant surprise because he's usually overlooked. i think he deserves some crackship au fics and fanarts sometimes....
anyways. getting into it. here are some thoughts i have... and some ship stuff.
Krillin's love languages are probably acts of service and physical touch. When he receives an act of service, he is so deeply touched to the bottom of his heart that he probably cant help but feel a little indebted, no matter how that gift or service was intended.
on that note, he is just genuinely kind, so he will give out services out of the kindness of his heart. when others see that genuine kindness, that is what pulls them in.
he is not immune to bickering and playing and fighting. teasing back and forth is in his nature, no matter if he ends up the butt of a joke LMAO. i don't think he really minds.
goku is someone he met as a young teen and they bonded after a brief rivalry while studying under the same master, and they became quick best friends after experiencing the same hardships in their training. this is literally the setup to every #1 shounen m/m ship I've seen. literally. rivals to best friends to lovers is IT for everyone ever. i think people should take a gander at og db and really get a wholesome view of the trope. because krillin and goku both have so much kindness to go around its just them bouncing off encouragement and some dumbassery back and forth.
bulma is another early teens friend, and they have truly been on many adventures together. I think the filler in namek saga kinda turned me off from it a bit, but without all of that, i really just think about how they were able to spend so much time together in an enclosed space and not kill each other? i think some married couples cant do that. they would make a good duo in that sense for sure.
it helps that they have a VERY established dynamic of bulma taking the lead and krillin following and helping, and taking action where necessary. they have a long history together and know when to defer to the other, yahknow?
well,, k18 is canon and it gives us a pretty solid amount of information about their dynamic as a couple that i really like. 18 fell in love with krillin's kindness, and krillin opened his heart to a former enemy and gave them a home and a place to belong. genuinely you cant tell me this isn't the best canon ship in dragon ball. i wont believe it and i wont trust any of your opinions if you don't think they're objectively the best least toxic family unit.
one of my silly little headcanons is that they actually had a lot of trouble conceiving, so they cherish little marron like she is the whole world. because she is, as all parents should, but when you spend years trying for a baby and finally get some fruit,,, idk its a little different.
honorable mention: yamcha
that moment in the saiyan saga, when yamcha lies down his life because krillin has already died previously... that is so huge to me.
thank you for asking, anon! sorry for this long, drawn out, rambly..... etc! answer. i hope you enjoy at least some of it LOLLL
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nxmeolvides · 3 months
GET TO KNOW THE MUN ! (under the readmore)
what made you pick up the muse you have ? : I have a deep love for horror, and specifically sibling narratives within it: due to personal reasons, working on a muse that's a younger sibling is a comforting process for me. And honestly, Ana just has had a grip on me since I first started playing the game. I jumped on around September, and she wasn't that common a pick yet, which let me get completely attached to her. My initial brush with the game fandom was through fanart, and her attacking Johnny was the first thing I did - I have a lot of thoughts on them and how they're both driven, arguably, by family that I won't get into. But that's definitely part of what drew me in. And then it grew and grew, and I chickened out of making a blog for her I'd say maybe three times? Tumblr rp intimidated me! But I joined a discord server, and then another one, and threw all the headcanons I'd already been chewing on into her. Skip forward a few months, and I'm here. And I love her dearly. She is truly one of my favourite characters I've found in a long while - even if by this point, she's at least half my oc. But she's my beautiful, resiliant girl, that has a hard time letting down walls and sacrifices too much but has so much love to give, and I really hope to write here for a lot longer.
is there anything you really enjoy writing ? : I adore hurt/comfort above everything else. It lets me really dig into a character's feelings and their layers, and character analysis is probably one of my favourite things to do with reading/writing? So yeah! Love hurt/comfort. And finding dynamics where my characters will feel safe, and exploring those. Love love love.
is there anything you don't like to write ? : I'd say the majority of what tends to come under "dead dove." It just doesn't appeal to me - don't mind reading headcanons, but I don't want my own characters to be violated.
how do you come up with your headcanons ? : Finding media that reminds me of my muses! I love to just single out a couple movies - usually horror right now, for Ana,- and sit and watch them, and develop hcs off whatever floats into my mind. It helps me keep a grip on my characterisation, as well, which I feel like I struggle with a lot. Outside of that, it's just sitting with a friend and brainrotting it out, since I tend to second guess a lot of my own ideas. Even if the other person doesn't say much, just getting to bounce it off someone helps me a lot to knuckle down and iron everything out.
do you write in silence or listen to music ? : It varies! I'm usually either listening to music, sitting in silence, or have a tv show or movie playing in the background.
do you plan your replies or wing them ? : I try to have an intial plan in mind, and then just kind of wing it through that if it's a longer reply that's cooking. And then with those, I usually go back and edit and change my mind so much that the outcome or characterisation is pretty different to how I intended! But it works out eventually.
do you enjoy shipping ? : Absolutely! But it is completely dependant on chemistry. I have ships I'll always be partial to, but even if I talk about them a lot I'm not going to head into an interaction expecting something to happen. Every portrayal is different, and the vibes always vary. But when it does work out, yes. I love just being able to write a little fluff drabble of a character being happy. Smooches are cute. Love is cute. I'm a sap.
what's your alias / name? : Piper! sometimes Cherry, but mainly Piper. Chose it when I was... 15? And it's stayed since!
zodiac sign ? : Saggitarius, and I don't know shit about astrology to say the rest!
Birthday? : Dec 14th
favorite color ? : So many shades of pink. SO many. Right now, particularly like... a deepish, reddish pink. It appeals to me.
favorite song? : Impossible to answer! Depends on the hour of the day. I'm currently enjoying a lot of Sabrina Carpenter and Olivia Rodrigo though - I'm a sucker for pop.
last movie you watched ? : No clue!
last show you watched?: Yellowjackets! Rewatched some of it on the train. I love my cannibal lesbians.
last song you listened to? : Seventeen by Ladytron, thanks to spotify shuffle.
favorite food ?: I have a horrific weak spot for gnocchi.
favorite season ? : Spring <3 Everything's starting to come into bloom and it's not too hot.
do you have a tumblr best friend ? : I don't think so? I'm still new here! But Des and Sawyer are discord buddies and dear to me ♡
TAGGED BY : Stolen from the dashboard.
TAGGING : Anyone!
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dorakonia · 1 year
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What's your phone's wallpaper: A fanart piece of Pantalone from Genshin Impact skdjfhsdf it's been there for the past half a year, and it's funny because I used to change my background fairly often before but nowadays I'm just too lazy to change it. So I guess he'll be there until I find something new that I really really like.
Last song you listened to: Idk man, I'm listening to music daily so songs come and go every 4-5 minute skdjhfsf But I guess I could put down the song I'm listening to right now while typing this - "You Are My Sunshine" by Johnny Cash.
Currently reading: Kuroshitsuji. I'm really bad at sitting down and reading books so I usually listen to audio books instead but I love collecting books for some reason skdjfhsdf, but keeping up with the Kuroshitsuji manga is easy since one chapter is released every month, and ngl, I would do the same to other on-going manga series but that would require me to... y'know, sit down and read a lot just to catch up skdjfhsd but I do have Vanitas no Carte in the backburner that I'll eventually get to reading in full. Same goes for the Sailor Moon manga, which I actually own the entire collection of, and I have read at least 3 volumes of it + the volumes with the bonus stories. But in general the collection is just... sitting on my bookshelf collecting dust 😭
Last movie: Uhhhh.... I used to watch movies so much but nowadays I'm too addicted to youtube content to really sit down and watch movies, because it's always such a hassle because every time a movie is over I'm sitting there like 'ok now what to watch' and then I get stuck in limbo of what I feel like watching skdjfhsd And youtube is endless. But I think that the last movie I watched was "Pokémon: Mewtwo Strikes Back - Evolution" with @jinanreona :3
Last show: ... Same thing here, I don't watch a lot of shows either. And if I do, I usually rewatch shows I'm already familiar with ksdjhfsdf I think the last show I watched in whole was The Walking Dead back in February. And a couple of weeks ago I watched a few Kuroshitsuji episodes with @dokitm! But I think that's about it skjdfhsdf
What are you wearing right now?: .... That is kind of a personal question, isn't it😏
Piercings/tattoos?: No tattoos, but I'd like to have one one day when I'm financially stable to get one skdjhfsd I've had plenty of piercings tho. I got my ears pierced when I was 7 and I still have those, and then when I was 15 I pierced them again so I had two beside each other on each ear. Then when I was 17 I got one for my nose but I let it grow away like 3 years later because I thought it always looked like I had a giant decorative zit on there skjfsd Then I got a navel one when I was 21, and I actually loved it a lot and had it for years. But then one day the jewelry came loose and I couldn't be bothered to get a new one and that one too eventually grew away. I've always wanted a tongue piercing, but it has just never really happened yet. Maybe some day~
Glasses? Contacts?: Reading glasses~
Last thing you ate: My lunch today - salmon in white sauce and boiled potatoes~
Favourite colour(s)?: For stand-alone colours my favorites are black and blue. For colour combos, my all-time favourite is black/white/red, and I also really like purple/pink/orange/yellow.
Current obsession: Uh... I'm very particular in the way I obsess about things skjdfhsdf I don't have a lot of things that I obsess over, but I have a couple that I keep switching between depending on what kind of content I'm exposed to and/or engage in at the moment. Like, for example, right now my current obsession is Breath of the Wild because I'm replaying it to get into the hype for Tears of the Kingdom that is coming out tomorrow (!!!!), and I've been obsessing about it for at least 2 months straight now just because of that. But like... even tho I've been playing a lot, I still don't play every day. And the days when I don't play, I'm obsessing over any of my other interests. And whenever I'm not obsessing over those, I'm obsessing over the one remainder thing. The other day I was obsessing over Warcraft lore because I was spending a whole day playing WoW, and before then I was obsessing over Genshin, and before then it was something else. I obsess over the same things but I do it in phases, and I rarely get new obsessions ksdjhfsdf And ofc, in-between all of these interests, I'm constantly (tho subconsciously) obsessing over Kuroshitsuji and Twisted Wonderland ( Sebastian and Malleus specifically ofc ) :'3 It's like when my mind isn't occupied with anything in particular, Sebastian and Malleus is always living rent free in my head, and I spend my time drawing fanart of them.~
Do you have a crush right now?: Nope. Thus is the life of a demi.~
Favourite fictional character: If I don't say Sebastian Michaelis here I cannot in good faith call myself the biggest Sebastian apologist to have walked this Earth.... but Malleus, Yuugi (ygo), Howl (howl's moving castle - mostly the book version because he's such a little shit there and i absolutely love it, but the movie version is what i was introduced to and it will forever hold a special place in my heart), Zhongli (genshin), Fiore (sailor moon), Mamoru (sailor moon - manga and smc have him much better fleshed out and i love it, but he 90s anime will obviously always have a special place in my heart because it is what i grew up watching ♥ ), Lady Mipha (loz: botw), and Harley Quinn (btas as well as the newer animated harley quinn series) are all ofc huge faves of mine as well ;w; There's absolutely more but.... we'd be here all day~
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TAGGED BY: @gosutm , @jinanreona , @pomfiores (thank you guys!!) TAGGING: I think almost everyone has already done this one so I'm just gonna uhhhh tag some that I don't think have done it so uhhhh @casketdweller, @svmmoning, @niiveusx, @decayedhearts, @chxmpionofjustice, @universestreasures, && @ofcryptid!
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demadogs · 2 years
what do u think the st fandom is gonna be like after s5 drops and finishes.. like idk but I've just been wondering cuz this is the last time we're getting a new season 🤔 do you think it's gonna stick around or what? I noticed that usually after every season the fandom goes kinda radio silent after around a month but the fandoms still actually p active after s4 so. I wonder if the potential spin off is gonna keep the popularity up or even surpass it a la brba and better call saul(not that I think st is as good as those shows but I think they're both kinda iconic in their own ways)
i think stranger things will have a similar kinda legacy and impact as harry potter. the last movie came out in 2011 and its still a MASSIVE fandom and community that write, make fanart, make edits and gifs, collect merch, the whole shebang. the storys long done but the fandom has never died. i just went on ao3 and guess how many pages i had to go through just to reach a fic that came out more that two days ago….. TWENTY!!!!!???
stranger things is one of the only fandoms for a fictional media ive seen that is similar to the size and commitment of the harry potter fandom. i would say star wars also is a close comparison but a lot of people have mixed feelings about all the new ones (rightfully so honestly. daisy ridley slays but why the fuck did reylo kiss. thats not at all how you write enemies to lovers.) most star wars fans just love the classics like empire strikes back so the fandom isnt as strong as harry potter. and it doesnt really feel too much like a fandom in the same way that stranger things and harry potter do. i could go on about this but i’ll go back to my original point.
i dont think any passage of time will negatively affect the success of this show. you know how youve probably seen a bunch of iconic classic movies from the 70s, 80s, and 90s that your family got you to watch? this will be the show of the 2010s that future generations will watch because their parents loved it. its not even that the show will go down in history, it already has!! its so cool to really look into how much of an impact this show has actually made. im really glad ive been able to witness it and have been watching the show since it first came out.
another thing that’ll probably keep this show iconic and new generations watching it is the kid actors. these are all of their first “big break”. theyre all probably gonna go on to play so many more iconic roles into their adulthood and eventually people will look at them in stranger things in the same way that we currently look at young winona ryder in beetlejuice. thats mad trippy to think about tho. in my head theyre all perpetually 14.
i think this fandom will always be active because there is just SO MUCH to talk about!!!! and this would be the case no matter what they ended up doing with the relationships and characters, but once byler is canon that’ll definitely play a huge role in keeping the fandom alive. people who have never seen the show will probably start watching it after they hear that the main characters are gay. no one will ever stop writing byler fics. people who really really love a specific couple or ship dont ever really lose interest. if you love the characters and love them together, that love never just goes away and people will ALWAYS want more content so theyll always love reading fics and seeing fanart. snowbaz is a good example of this. i read carry on when i was 16. i just turned 23 and i read snowbaz fanfiction all the fucking time. im currently reading one thats amazing and they update weekly and every monday i get so excited to read a story from characters that i was introduced to SEVEN YEARS AGO!!!!!!!!! that’ll probably be the same case for byler. and lumax too.
i think the spinoffs will definitely be talked about but i dont think theyll be the reason the fandom stays alive. i honestly kinda would rather it be more separate from the og stranger things. i hope its good and treated in the same way that fantastic beasts was treated and not the shitty new star wars movies. and you didnt ask this but i also have a hunch that the spinoff will be about kali.
to sum all that up, no i dont think this fandom will ever die. its so iconic.
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whumperific · 2 years
Big ramble time (sorry lads)
I haven't posted anything original on here for a while so I apologise and I also apologise in advance for this long rambling post, don't read this if you don't want to anyway here we go weeeeee
Big man (me) has a tendency to get incredibly obsessed with something, usually a tv show, or youtuber or whatever, and then after a bit of it taking over every thought in my brain I end up moving onto something else and losing interest in that thing (uh oh hyperfixations). And the cycle continues and continues and so on and so forth. And I thought and really really hoped that 911 would be different, and it was different for a while, and of course I will never stop loving it but I feel like I'm finding it difficult to be as interested in it now as I was a few weeks ago, and that really upsets me because I love it so so goddamn much and I don't want to lose it because of my stupid brain being stupid.
I think one reason for this could be that, for the last month or so, my friend would come over every weekend and we'd binge watch 911 for like 24 hours straight and it was incredible and exciting and I loved sharing my excitement with them. But we haven't been able to do that for the last couple of weeks so that may have aided in decreasing my interest. We're going to do it again next weekend so hopefully that could help in some way
I don't really know what the point of this post is - I think I just feel bad because the majority of my followers and the people I interact with on here are 911 blogs, and I've promised that I'll finish my wips (fanart and fanfiction) but I just feel like I have no motivation and I feel really bad for that
I don't know, I apologise again, I feel like I just need to explain myself and give excuses and whatever for why I find it so hard to post stuff right now
Maybe some day I'll be able to get back into all of this but we'll see
I'm thinking a lot about university and art and I'm becoming so so so excited about the idea that someday I won't have to worry about anything except art (and generally keeping myself alive lol) and I've got so many ideas and I despise the fact that I still have basically a whole year left, and revision and exams before I get to just do art
A lot of the stuff I've been excited about recently are weird horror art things so I might be doing more stuff on @liminerific but I don't know
(I'm just gonna tag a bunch of people that I've interacted with so they actually see this @phantasmiczombiewhispers @rogerzsteven @loveyourownsmiilee @imsupposedtobewritting @repressedqueen @vampirebuckleys @paranoidbean @cm1031sr @name-code-black-widow @jacksadventuresinwriting I'm sorry if I've forgotten anyone)
I will probably finish some of my fanart wips eventually because I do really love them and I'd hate not to finish them
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Happy 7 years to Undertale!! ❤
Happy anniversary to the funny pixel game that made me autistic /hj
Not gonna lie everytime I think about this game i can't help but be an emotional little bitch. I was obsessed with this game then, previous years, and it's only gotten worse <3 How the fuck has it been 7 years though good god I'm getting old ahhaha
Okay okay in all seriousness, my little insane rambling is under the read more for those who are interested. Warning its very informal pff
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Any of you who have at all been following this blog know I am very much still obsessed with this game, so I'll spare everyone the usual "this game inspired me and my art" stuff since you all know that nonsense haha.
I think the reason I'm still here talking about Undertale in 2022 is because, well this game... is now a big part of my childhood/teenhood. This is the game I sort of technically grew up on, and I found in a time of insane loneliness and a creative block. I was fucking 14 struggling through high school and little did I know rahg I would have to transfer to a new school, and that it would be very stressful. I also didn't know that this game was going to help me through it.
You know how a lot of people had Pokemon, or Mario, or Zelda or other games as their fixations or childhood. That's cool, and I always want to play those types of games, but the thing is I've always either missed out on or came extremely late into those franchises. I came to Mario very late, and I consider one my fave game franchises, but that whole ass franchise is older than me and there's still games from it i have yet to play. Still to this day, I haven't played a single Pokemon or Zelda game, as a kid I only knew Pokemon as an anime and Zelda was completely off my radar until a couple of years ago. I've always come late to or missed out on many games.
Undertale however, I and many others have sort of been here from the start with it. I've seen almost everything from the first happenings of the fandom (whether for better or worse... mostly worse pfppf), I've seen so many people play this game, I've studied and analysed and theorised over every little mystery I could find in it, and sometimes just thought a lot about being friends with the characters cause you know I'm normal. I've also gotten excited for new merch drops, even though I still haven't bought any for myself. I've been with friends and gone apeshit for new content like new characters, the smash reveal, and of course the alternate AU smorgasbord game of Undertale, Deltarune, another incredibly important game to me.
I'm still waiting for new chapters of Deltarune, still drawing art for both games, still enjoying everything about it. This. This silly little game inspired by Earthbound and made by a previous Homestuck writer, two franchises i know nothing about, this fucking game is my Mario. It's my Pokemon, or Zelda or Metroid or whatever other beloved franchise that has captivated people for years. Its the game I get teary eyed and warm thinking about, the game with a soundtrack that I can listen to ANY time as much as I want. Its the game I can get all the references to and get excited about when I notice them. Cheesy as fuck yeah I know
I know 7 years seems measly to the maybe 10, 15 and even 20 years people have had their fave games, but fucking hell i think it means SOMETHING when this silly little indie rpg with a fuckton of lore and mystery around it can have such an impact on someone like me. And who knows, I think in the future, maybe 5 years later?? I will be able to look back on Undertale and Deltarune alike, like others do with their fave games, and feel nostalgia, and a connection with the games. I'll revisit it, play it again, still be making fanart for it, and maybe introducing it as something beloved to me to someone I know, while they do the same with their fave games to me.
I dunno i feel just really emotional thinking about it, and yeah haha Undertale the game that makes everyone cry and feel things, GOOD. that's the plan!! And i don't plan on fucking stopping talking about and loving, and CRYING over this franchise. Despite everything my love and respect for this game has never waned, despite everything, I'm still here!! Despite everything, its still me.
So yeah I guess thanks Toby Fox for continuing to make your games and inspiring me and many others and for constantly killing us with your games, thanks to you I will never be the same again and I think I'm more than okay with that <3
Happy Anniversary to Undertale (and happy 1 year anniversary to Deltarune chapter 2, how the fuck has it been a year already it seems like only three months ago I was losing my shit shit one discord with my friends at the announcement-)
Okay bye lol
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Got tagged by @measlyfurball13 so time to talk about my relationship to Fandom
Tagging… hell I don’t know. Look if you see this just count that as a tag.
Your Name: NotOkapi or Okapi usually, theoretically you could also use Pidgeon (spelled normally or Like That) but I don’t think anyone’s ever acknowledged that’s the title at the top of my page.
Your Current Fandom(s): As you can see I am currently in Spider-Man hell. I’m supposed to be able to leave Spider-Man hell at the end of the month but in all likelihood Spider-man posting will continue into the foreseeable future.
How did you first get into fandom?: 7th grade I met a kid at fencing camp who was also into Wings of Fire and mentioned that he was active on the Fandom site for Wings of Fire fan content. Fun fact, totally-not-an-awkward-okapi is just the latest variation of my personal naming scheme. It was Not A Robot when I made a disqus account to comment on my favorite webcomics, not realizing that the locks my school placed on internet usage made it unusable. When I joined Fandom my name was Definitely Not Darkstalker since he was the main villain of the series at the time and therefore about as villainous as online bots.
How long have you been engaging in fandom spaces?: 7th grade, unless you count the few times my disqus comments slipped through school security. Or actually I made two question submissions to @tape-hiss as I first read White Noise anonymously. Have fun guessing!
How often do you read fanfics?: Really depends on my fixation! Sometime I go a couple months without reading any, sometimes I read every fic in a characters tag (that isn’t smut, I’m so ace that it just doesn’t appeal to me) in a day. It’s all variable.
Top three characters from your current fandom: I mean, other than Spidey character supreme Will o’ the Wisp? Both Butcherbird and Sandman continue to live in my head rent free. Pretty consistently when my brain is too excited about the next days design to sleep I start putting one of those three in Scenarios (TM).
Have you ever written fic for a fandom?: Sometimes! Occasionally I can’t tell something through art and need to write it out instead. Most of my fics sit for personal reading only in my docs, but I do have a AO3 account for when it needs to be unleashed upon the world. Basically all of my ongoing fics are “I’m going to come back to them someday but right now my brain will not function” though, except for Beneath the Quaking Tree who I’m not finishing out of spite because my Metal Gear Solid emulator broke so there will be no process until I fix or replace it.
Have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom? Sure have! Most of the #my art tag on this blog is fanart.
Share a personal headcanon you feel very strongly about: All my Spidey posting for the month has been AU work, so it’s all kinda headcannon in that way? I guess the ones I feel strongest about are how Butcherbird and Sandman’s brains work. Butcherbird is essentially an unfinished recreation of the Winter Soldier’s programming, which causes odd stops and stutters when he thinks. A little bit of a WIP from my files to try and explain:
They wake up cold. They always seem to wake up cold. Frankly, they don’t remember not waking up cold (they try not to puzzle at that last one). Cold possibly isn’t the right word. Cold implies “chilly” not “I’m pretty sure some of my internal fluids are still frozen.”
The Vulture pushes to the surface, and they let it pass. The Vulture eliminates pain. Good. There is a short burst of acute pain as the body starts shifting, before the body finally gives up on sending pain signals.
Then the Vulture freezes too. Holding pattern. Awaiting orders.
No one is there. Someone should be there. They’ve never woken up alone. Waking up usually means training. Programming. Pain. There’s no one there.
It should be a relief. It is worse. The Vulture paces. It was not meant to go long without orders.
They have contingencies. There’s still space for many more, but digging around it finds an applicable scenario.
They can be taken out of cryo manually, either through the attached control panel or remotely. If certain emergency protocols are activated, it can also be put on a timed release. The latter two are the most likely.
There is a contingency for remote and time release. It has not been uploaded.
Sandman on the other hand is interesting because there’s both “How their brain has always worked” (she has dissociative identity disorder) and “How her consciousness transferring from electric signals in the brain to about one body’s worth of electromagnetic bonds effects their ability to think” (poorly)
And finally, what does fandom mean to you? Getting to hang out with people who’s brains are as messed up as mine is who don’t mind me ranting about consciousness or medieval fashion, and then getting them to ramble about their own ideas and just. Talking about something we both love! Sorry, Measley explained this so much better than I can.
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Happy Sunday!
Stopping by to say “Hi”. How was your week? It is sunny there? I wish you many sunny days. It is still grey here, ugh - January can be so brutal. It is snowing right now. Light fluffy snowflakes.
I saw your post the other day of the Brian and Justin drawings. So soft. 16 years ago - wow! Have you always drawn? How did you get started? Did you take lessons/school? How did you get here? So so talented. Cheers to that!
It was so interesting when you were describing the best art supplies (pencils/paper) to me. I use to think I wanted to randomly meet you at an art event. Now I think an art store would also be fun.
Update on my 1D Big Bang edit. It’s coming along nicely - Harry’s ear looks good. Louie’s ear looks like I stuck a cabbage on the side of his head - oh my! Every time I look at it I laugh. Needless to say that ear is a work in progress. 
I often wondered if you knew what my first art request was. I love that for us. It still makes me smile when I think about it. A definite memory maker.
I’m going to miss your Harry Birthday post. Heading south (sun) for a couple weeks. I will be off line for a bit. Looking forward to seeing it when I return.
Your blue sweater looks very cozy. How long did that take to make? I'm also wearing sweaters these days. Well usually a sweater and a sweater for my sweater (my workplace is cold).
Were you able to do some gardening at your sisters? How did it go? No gardening here. Skiing, skating and tobogganing are more likely.
I'm planning some kind of February/March "My Policeman" bookclub thing for us. Are you in? (I'm using the word thing because I'm not sure where I'm going with this. I'm counting on our creative abilities to come up with some"thing".)
Until we message again.
Take Care.
Hello my lovely nonnie,
thank you for stopping by and saying hi. It is so lovely, your messages always make me smile. To cite one unnamed band: You and me got a whole lot of history :)
It is grey here as well. Winter came back, it is snowing and the sun is hiding so no gardening or preparing the garden for spring. We are expecting this weather to be continued at least a week or two. 
I would love to go buy art supplies with you or go to some art event together it would be great. I kind of miss someone I could talk about these things irl. It would be so nice. 
I am happy your 1D Big Band artwork is going well. I am so curious about  Louis’ ear now :D. What is yout technique? I also have a work in progress - Harry drawing. I hope I will have time this week to finish it already. I guess I will be able to finish another one in time for his birthday so you will have some surprise after your vacation :). 
I I've always loved to draw and I liked art and crafting in general. But drawing has always been just my hobby. I did not take drawing classes or something like that. (But I have many books about drawing.) I took only the art classes that were part of our general education in school. But I have been drawing since quite a young age. I remember my first fanart of Ralph Fiennes and Titanic, oh my goodness :D. And what about you? When did you start with your art journey?
I am so happy I am not the only one who wears sweater for their sweater :D. The new one is very cozy. It was meant to be for my sister but as I was knitting at home I tried it on myself and whoops it is mine because it is too big for her :). She will get the next one. It depends on many things but this one took me like a week (I did not knit on it at least 2 or 3 days of the week though), the previous one took 5 days. But both of them are knitted on quite a big needles. I would say week or two is an average time for me to knit a sweater. (But I would also say I am fairly fast knitter.)
I am in for that My Policeman bookclub. It is a great idea :). Let's do it
I really hope you will have wonderful time filled with sun, joy, and rest. You deserve it.
I will miss you and your beautiful creations (but I am looking forward to talking to you when you are back).
Take care and enjoy your vacation.
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