#Judaism even works
jerseymuppet · 5 months
i think u made a post a while back about not caring about frank iero, do you feel your opinion has changed since then? (not asking this in a “do you like him now?” way, but rather in a “have your feelings changed from neutral/disinterest, to outright dislike?”) (feel free not to answer, i was just curious bc i haven’t seen a lot of mcr fans who are ALSO uninterested in mr. iero, & since you’ve made that post he’s done a bunch of dumb shit lol)
hii!!! i answered an ask about it a while ago! I definitely disliked his fans (hardcore frank girls) more than i disliked the man himself due to my own personal experiences with them. However. Yeah between the AI thing and the casual antisemitism my opinion of him has dropped from ambivalence to outright dislike.
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asocial-skye · 5 months
as the holidays come to a close, i'm left to wonder....
how does religion work in the pjo universe?
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cultivating-saplings · 8 months
begging people to understand that you are living in a world that has millennia of antisemitism woven into the most fundamental fabric of its culture, and it has left its mark on how you think about jews, even if you dont think it has.
you are not immune to the effects of conspiracy theories because you've read some posts debunking them, you are not incapable of perpetuating antisemitism just because you say you want to punch nazis
when you talk about how we all need to examine how internalized prejudices change our view of the world, don't act like jews are the exception. think about why your first thought when you see something less than glowingly positive about palestine is that it must be the result of israeli state controlled propaganda. really fucking think about it. because sure, it might be, that's always a possibility, but why is that the first place your mind goes?
i hate that i have to say this because yeah, israel and its leadership as they currently exist are deeply fucked and their actions in gaza right now are despicable, fucking obviously, and when you need to be reminded about these incredibly basic concepts like the existence systemic oppression all that does is detract from what would otherwise be extremely necessary criticism
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menlove · 8 months
christianity is insane to me bc in like 90% of academic discourse on ✨why is it so violent✨ they blame it on monotheism as a whole and claim monotheism is inherently violent and intolerant and all that is a rant for another day but
I'm constantly just sitting here like
[points at the roman empire]
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foxdies · 26 days
"they're not canonically trans" to you
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thathilomgirl · 10 months
After more than a year of work on this, @0hana0fubuki0 and I are finally able to present our translation of the Religion chapter featured in the TPN Western Literature Analysis book by Kei Toda!
The translations aren't perfect and the wordings picked might not match the desired nuance of the author, as the main translator is not a native Japanese speaker. If there are things that are unsure by the translator, they will be addressed later at the bottom. 
From what I can remember, this book was published at least a few weeks/months before the Mystic Code fanbook and 3rd light novel got released (and based on Part 3, also possibly finished before the last few chapters of the manga were out), so certain observations written here may or may not have been made obsolete by any new information revealed in these specific sources.
Names and terms used within the series follow the Viz English translation, and mentions of the manga’s timeline are double-referenced with the fanbook. 
The ESV translation is used for the Bible verses mentioned in-text. 
Another thing to note is that Kei Toda is looking through this topic as a Western literature/culture scholar, and not necessarily as a theologian.
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syn4k · 6 months
if there is one thing i wish more people understood it is the fact that just because i do not understand something does not mean that i am automatically opposed to it. there are many things that i do not understand for example alloromanticism, the workings and practices of many organized religions, and the existence of white chocolate but that doesn't mean i want to scrub their existence from this earth. i love knowing and comprehending things but theres also some things that i simply cannot understand right now for some reason or another and thats okay. humans are weird, varied, and complex! i'm not the judge jury and executioner of the entire universe and i am very glad i'm not! and anyways imagine how fucking boring knowing everything would be
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ofpd · 11 months
why did i just see a post in big letters claiming to have the dates of rosh hashanah and yom kippur 2023 but it literally got them wrong
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coelacat · 2 months
the three ways to make me INSTANTLY dislike you:
unironically call an animal (or any living thing rly) "useless" because if it exists there is inherently use for it. thats how evolution works dumbass
"art is dead"/"theres no good art anymore"/i dislike modern art"/"i could paint/write/sculpt that"/any variation of some bullshit about how any sort of art is lesser than another
"i think anyone who believes in religion is stupid and should be embarrassed" and im especially deadass about this one. it puts you in such a bad mindset its not even funny. you can hate bigots all you want and the way bigotry may intersect with religion is always an interesting study but. genuinely. if you hate religion AS A WHOLE for just. like. being a reflection of a population. i think you seriously need to get your head checked.
#i think the religion one is probably the most controversial but it really shouldnt be#the universe is scary#it can be so scary to think about how everything is just a dice roll. youre only here because of random chance.#no shit people dont wanna think about that#its grim!#its much more comforting to have a higher power who put you here with a purpose than to just be some ape that became bipedal#and evolved a big brain from there#and now we're doing taxes n shit#like!! i get why some people would be freaked out about that and would hate thinking about it#not to mention religion has a giant history and its always been more than just believing in higher powers#religion can be a large group of peoples history#i really love looking into and learning about judaism for this reason#religion is so interwoven with history and tradition and folk tales have been a driving force of human socialization for forever#another thing is that i think a lot of people forget that religious people are. p. people. even if its a religion you hate for good reason#im not gonna defend mormonism. lol. but people tend to forget that the mormon church wants you to be an asshole to mormons#thats kinda how the whole thing operates? creating a fear of the unknown and outsiders?#same as any cult#sorry for all of this i just saw a really awful post#idk. is it that hard to just be nice to people and not assume everyone around you is an idiot#because thats gonna make you hate people and then make you lonely#id know because ive been there#if dnis worked i think these three things would be the only things on it#theyre the people i dont wanna engage with the most. mostly because theyre annoying
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one thing i always find disturbing about xianity is how they try to get people at their lowest moment and use that to convert people. like i usually laugh at the 83-for-truth billboards because there’s just so fucking many and all of them are ridiculous. but ive recently become aware of ones that say something along the lines of “ALONE?” in big letters and then “find community at church”/“find community in jesus” or something and it’s just. sinister. i’m sure some people do get through loneliness by joining a church and that helping, but targeting people who are going through rough times because you think they’re more likely to join your religion is strange
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wehdile · 2 months
if people keep using Is/ra/el/i and J/e/w interchangbly, I'm going to scream.
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So the source is like a guiding hand that seems better than it being god. I still don't know how the omniverse works
Idk what brought this ask on but two things: 1) I also don't know how the omniverse works and at this point I am too afraid to ask, and 2) I don't know if the Source being a guide and the source being God are mutually exclusive?
Like disclaimer I'm a goy and don't know shit about fuck, but from what I know, the Source's depiction in Kirby's The New Gods seems not dissimilar to the Jewish God.
To my knowledge, the Jewish tradition is based heavily around debate, and Jewish relationships to God reflect that. This seems very similar to how New Genesis' relationship to the Source is portrayed in Kirby's The New Gods. The Source is the source of all creation, the source of life and the universe, a being that has reached out to Highfather and gives advice, writing its commandments down with a flaming hand. And the advice is wise, it is good; I don't believe it has ever been wrong in Kirby's comics. But the choice whether to follow it is ultimately Orion's, Metron's, Lightray's, Highfather's, etc. And when the advice appears, there is debate around the words and what they mean, whether following them is the correct choice.
Like once again, not Jewish, and Judaism, like most systems of religion or forms of spirituality, really flies well above my head. I could be completely off base here. But even to my ignorant goyische ass this seems really, really Jewish. I'm not saying the Source was necessarily intended to be the Jewish God, but Jack Kirby's Judaism influenced a lot of his work, and I think the portrayal of the Source was almost certainly influenced by it.
Which makes it all the worse that a bunch of culturally Christian assholes then immediately decided that the Source must basically be the Christian God.
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dlnqnt · 9 months
i know im too far gone an satc fanatic bcus i just found a writing flub in and just like that... s2e2 these writers need me on their fact checking team
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naturebrujo · 2 years
I don’t understand how non Jews will be like “Lilith is based off of the Mesopotamian goddesses so that means that I can work with her” because for one, Lilith is exclusively Jewish and though she was inspired by other deities that people were worshiping around the time, she is still Jewish. Respect that. And two, since she’s based off of Mesopotamian goddess, go work with those goddesses instead? Why work with a spirit from a closed religion?
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theygender · 2 years
The world is so full of knowledge and there are so many things I want to learn but the problem is and always has been that I don't have enough time
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mossboys · 1 year
being jewish this time of year is never great but the jewish-muslim solidarity is very appreciated
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