#and they know polocks and jews
jerseymuppet · 4 months
i think u made a post a while back about not caring about frank iero, do you feel your opinion has changed since then? (not asking this in a “do you like him now?” way, but rather in a “have your feelings changed from neutral/disinterest, to outright dislike?”) (feel free not to answer, i was just curious bc i haven’t seen a lot of mcr fans who are ALSO uninterested in mr. iero, & since you’ve made that post he’s done a bunch of dumb shit lol)
hii!!! i answered an ask about it a while ago! I definitely disliked his fans (hardcore frank girls) more than i disliked the man himself due to my own personal experiences with them. However. Yeah between the AI thing and the casual antisemitism my opinion of him has dropped from ambivalence to outright dislike.
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nunaya-business · 6 years
Hi, I'm from Pennsylvania and here we have many specific things that make other American's bat an eye.
Our form of Pot Pie is dough noodles, chicken, ham, or turkey, sometimes peas and green beans, and broth in a pot that's boiled. (It's really good)
We invented Gobs (or whoopie pies)
Shoofly Pie is amazing.
Bitch we own Hershey's.
We got a lot of Italians, Germans, Irishmen and Russian/Polocks here.
Also they all live in separate districts/towns. (At least in the part where I live.)
We got the Eagles, and the Steelers, but in South-central PA (where I live) Steelers is everything.
H O M O P H O B E S. (maybe only in South-central, but I've been to both Philly and Pittsburgh and they hate LGBTQ there too.)
J E S U S F R E A K S. (seriously.)
Shit ton of Amish and Mennonite.
Middlesworth is the only chip brand you'll ever need.
You're either from Philly or you're from Pittsburgh but you can only be from those two cities and it's blasphemy if your family is from both. (I kid calm down.)
Lots of Baptists.
Lots of Racists.
Like, no Jews... at all. I didn't even know what it was until 3rd grade.
Like, no Asians unless you go into the cities or into an Asian restaurant.
All black people live in one area only.
Because around where I live everyone is racist af.
Philly = Philadelphia.
Punxsutawney Phil is almost as important as Jesus.
Y'all think Californians and Jersey folk are promiscuous, y'all ain't seen nothing until you get into PA. We're really country on the outside but I assure you that only half of the 8th graders at my school are virgins.
Farms everywhere.
Cow shit smells are so common we've become nose-blind to it.
Harrisburg ain't Harrisburg, it's Hairsburg.
The fuck is a sub? It's called a hoagie you weirdos.
The fuck is Sunnyside Up? It's called Dippy Eggs.
Will Smith is from Philly!
And so is Robert Downey Jr.!
And Kevin Bacon!
And Tina Fey!
Christina Aguilera is from Pittsburgh. (She acts like one too.)
Sabrina Carpenter is also from PA apparently.
Christina Perri is from Bensalem, PA!
TAYLOR SWIFT IS FROM READING??? (I honestly didn't know that 😲😗)
The amazing Steve Burns (y'know, from Blues Clues) is from PA.
Also Steve Rogers. (Rest in peace you beautiful man.)
The Bearenstain Bears is from Pennsylvania.
Well shit look at me, now I'm just bragging.
For real though, I love Pennsylvania and how weird it is. I'm a proud Pennsylvanian, but not a proud American. I want to get out and explore the world... I've literally never been off of the east coast of the US. If you're going to visit anywhere in America, visit Hershey, PA.
Because anywhere else in the state and you're just asking to be harassed.
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