#Jubilee RP
Sparrow nudges Spider-Man with the side of her boot. Sparrow: “Did you know that sparrows eat spiders?” -@deathurgeoverdrive
"Is that your way of saying you'd win a fight against me?"
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madworldmarvel · 2 months
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MARVELOUS MAD WORLD, an inclusive Marvel Discord Roleplay, is currently seeking the following characters [ & more - don't be afraid to ask us anything!]
Brawn/Totally Awesome Hulk
Miss America
Professor X
The Destroyer
The Patriot
Negasonic Warhead
Strong Guy
Iron Patriot
Sam Wilson
Ms. Marvel
Lucy in the Sky
Princess Powerful
The Gloom/Sister Grimm
AND ANYONE ELSE that speaks to your heart or is a character you'd love to highlight -
We encourage you to bring us who YOU'RE passionate about!
A bit about us: Marvelous Mad World is a 21+, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and neurodivergent-friendly server. Opportunity awaits you around every corner in this world that is ours to mold however our imaginations desire. The plot? That's all up to you! (Well, us. Us Modmins want to write too!). Mad World is a bastion of what ifs and why the hell nots. Pull up a chair and join us for one helluva good time. We'll leave the light on for you.
Canon character exclusive
Flexible staff
Friendly writers
A collaborative effort between staff and writers for plots/events
Character/writer driven
Niche/obscure characters welcome
Tupper is life
7 character max
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bunny-stickerssz · 7 days
day 10, blog 15
12:48 pm
my stomach doesnt feel any bettrr
i ffffound this halway nd ive been laying on the flor
i ddont want to mve
im dont feel good:( he woudl holdd my hand
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ollvrsicons · 15 days
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Character: Jubilation Lee Media: X-men 97 Screencaps:@neverscreens Icon Count: 197 Size: 100x100 px Link: HERE These base icons are free to use for the purpose of rp. Feel free to edit with a PSD or boarder. Please do not redistribute. Like and reblog to share them around!
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ronyavalentine · 2 years
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helluvatimes · 21 days
Orange Jubilee
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Tacoma ‘Orange Jubilee’ showing up on Sentosa Island. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.
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inviciboy · 26 days
Craving an X-Men 97 RP after watching the last episode 😫 If anyone would be down to write Jubilee against Roberto then that would be sick! Alternatively I could do oc x oc
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amazing-jubilee · 2 years
12. What’s something that makes Jubilee laugh every single time? Be specific!
What makes me laugh! The look on people’s faces when I glitter bomb them NEVER EVER GETS OLD! I mean to them it might but to me its always funny!
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Open Summer RP (to all fandoms)
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Jubilee couldn’t wait for the 4th of July. Its going to be a lot of fun. There will be food, dancing, and fireworks. Luckily for everyone, she could help provide better fireworks than any of the actual fireworks they get. And she has a few new ones she’s been working on.
She finished getting ready, while running into your muse. “Oh hey there. You excited for the 4th of July? I know it isn’t as big as the other major holidays, but we do get to shoot off a lot of fireworks and won’t get in trouble for it.”
((I don’t own the pic))  
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xprojectrpg · 3 months
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Moment of Awesome - Jubilation Lee/Jubilee:During his apology tour, Marius Laverne drops in on the convalescent Jubilee.
“It’s almost as if you had something to apologise for,” Jubilee noted with a smile but she pulled the salad towards her first and started digging in with the supplied fork. “You can have some too, like, don’t make me eat all this alone.”
The words were somewhat distorted by her eating but she figured Marius could translate well enough, he’d lived with Kyle for at least some of his kidnappings.
"If you insist." The spare ribs were the most accessible, but it meant removing the gloves. Marius hesitated for a moment, then shrugged inwardly. Jubilee had all but unhinged her jaw in front of him. She wasn't precious.
"You are correct," Marius continued as he peeled off his gloves and tucked them into one pocket, "in addition to food I come with my sincere apologies. I am not unfamiliar with unpleasantly exhausting one's physical reserves."
Sounds of eating were all that met the apologies for a moment as Jubilee continued to work her way through the salad while also reaching over and plucking one of the types of loaded potato off its tray and chowing down on that too.
“It’s a bitch,” Jubilee admitted with a shrug as she gave him a once over. “Glad I didn’t kill you though.”
Marius plucked one of the ribs from the bucket and contemplated it for a moment. "Truthfully, if ever you find yourself in a similar situation I ask you not devote too much worry to that. It was hardly the first time I've needed someone to put me down. Comes a point where it's a bit ridiculous, you know?" He took a bite of the rib, the teeth in his mouth briefly coming within touching distance of the ones in his palms.
“Kid, if I’m ever unhappy that someone lived when maybe they could have died it’s probably time to put me down,” Jubilee noted as she took another loaded potato and swallowed it almost whole. She noted calling someone who was probably close to her age kid was odd at best but she couldn’t help it. He was…hurt shaped. She knew that hurt, and sometimes you needed, something that wasn’t judgement but maybe also something that wasn’t complete forgiveness either. “How you want this to go like? Cause I’m totes fine with being ‘You’re bad, don’t turn into Death again’, or I can be like ‘you owe me at least a fancy dinner at some place in New York’ if that’s better?”
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⊗Greetings from the X-Men!⊗
Hi everybody, Jubilee here!!! Me and the X-Men made this little "daycare" of sorts so that other age regressors can have a safe space to like- Hang out and have fun!!! (I myself regress to around ages 7-9!) Want more info? Read further!!!
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Welcome to the X-Men's Daycare for X-traordinary Littles!!! (I named it myself! B)) This blog is primarily meant to be a safe space for age regressors, but anyone is welcome!!! As long as you're not a meanie. No meanies allowed!!! >:(
Here, you can ask the X-Men questions, (Including me!) or you can just talk to us about anything you want!!! Anons are welcome if you aren't comfortable with revealing your identity :)
Some X-Men you can talk to include:
Jubilee (That's me!)
Jean Grey
and more!!! You aren't limited to those on this list, so feel free to ask about any other mutant if you wanna!!!
These are to ensure that this is a safe space for all, and appropriate for littles!!!
No prejudice of any kind. (Racism, homophobia, ableism, anti-mutant, etc.)
No NSFW of any kind. Age regression is 100% SFW, and should not be confused/associated with labels such as DDLG/MDLB, ABDL, or agepl*y.
When sending messages using the askbox, please make sure they are appropriate and kind! Do not send any offensive/inappropriate images either.
Swearing is allowed to a certain extent. Don't overdo it!
Non-agere asks are allowed, but remember to make sure they are appropriate! (See rules above)
Have lots of fun while you're here!
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So, there you have it!!! Asks are open anytime >:)
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(psst!!! down here!! this is a rp/fandom ask blog, but you can check out my main blog here!! /ooc)
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tacticalhimbo · 6 months
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the ghost recon brainrot is consuming my brain, so naturally have to fill this out for her
NICKNAME: nomad (callsign), toni by close friends/team kingslayer (re: holt, weaver, and midas)
GENDER: unlabeled transmasc; she/him pronouns
ORIENTATION: alloromantic questioning (only experiences attraction to men)
NATIONALITY/ETHNICITY: white american, born in boston (and yes, the accent does come out when she's riled up. yes midas and holt have playfully mocked her for it-)
HEIGHT: 5'9 / 175cm
STAR SIGN: gemini sun, sagittarius moon, leo rising (and suddenly her brazen stubbornness makes so much sense skdjdkdkdk)
FAVE FRUIT: grapes. particularly sweet jubilees
FAVE SEASON: late summer / early autumn
FAVE FLOWER: morning glories
FAVE SCENT: not sure of a specific scent, but categorically... she really likes vibrant, citrus-y scents.
COFFEE, TEA, HOT CHOCOLATE: Coffee, 100%. she likes that shit dark and bitter. hell, she's definitely just straight up snacked on the beans before, if she didn't have the means to brew 'em on the field.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: anywhere from 2 to 8. tends to fall on the average range, but there have been plenty of times she's gone running on low fumes. it's especially apparent in breakpoint, where she's working entirely alone and in open territory (since walker uh. dispatched. team kingslayer. and wants her dead, too. skjdkdkdkdkd 🥲)
DOG PERSON OR CAT PERSON: definitely a dog person, but not in the "i hate cats they're so mean wah wah wah" way. she just prefers dogs because it's easier to take them places and such. if she weren't being pulled all over the place, i could see her having a malinois, honestly.
DREAM TRIP: route 66 round trip. starting in chicago and ending out in california, then heading back the same way. really taking time with the trip, too, and stopping at each major location (plus some of the smaller ones).
NUMBER OF BLANKETS THEY SLEEP WITH: ideally two; one comforter and one throw blanket. more often than not, though, it's whatever thin blanket she has on hand (or can get her hands on). and if she doesn't have them, she's tucked in a nice padded sleeping bag.
RANDOM FACT: despite being a military brat, she was not, in fact, a j-rotc kid. at least by technicality. her family had a bunch of connects as is, so they didn't feel the need to make her go through their program on top of her academics (plus, what more could they possibly have taught her that her mom and dad couldn't have?). that said, she's done her fair share of volunteering and misc. favors for the instructors on her high school campus. they were all buddy buddy.
got tagged by the incredible ✨️ @pinkyjulien to fill this meme out! tyvm again for the tag (and the comic recommendation 👀 i bookmarked it and will be checking it out asap)
i'll tag @perpetuagf , @vendettavalor (figured this one could be good for your rp blog), @alexxmason , aaand anybody else who feels like hopping on board!
i've seen so many of these on my dash it's hard to remember who has/hasn't done it ^^;
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r-i-fakier · 9 months
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The editor was sitting on the floor, his laptop on his lap, fingers running down the keyboard. The day felt slightly colder than usual, even though that was a big deal for the editor, due to his severe frostbite, he didn't care. As he wandered through forums and other social places, looking for something interesting to do or someone who was looking for a new editor, he comes across a social media page. "Tumblr?" He mumbles out to himself, he looked at the page for some time, before finally clicking on the sign in button. Who knows, maybe he could find some new friends.
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//RP Blog introduction!!//
//More info under the cut. Check before interacting.//
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Hi guys! I am Lem, the person who runs this roleplay blog. This blog is part of the bursonaverse thing created by @emeraldsandpearlsxx, and is made just for fun.
This blog is "partnered up" with @coldarg , who is another argbur blog that's also part of the bursonaverse, our blogs might eventually interact.
My main blog is @ghostlem, I am a 15 years old Chilean. (fun fact I'm also an argbur fictionkin)
This is a "Canon-divergent" roleplay (canon-divergent means that it follows the Canon pre-established, but also adds some changes, or at least that's what I understand from the word).
When I'm talking OOC (out of character) I will write with // on both sides in a specific way.
//Example text.//
Asks and written stuff that contain NSFW insinuations will be seen and answered, as long as they don't contain visual stuff such as NSWF pictures or videos or isn't too explicit.
I created myself a system for asks, since I get confused if I should answer it on the "blog" or as if it was an interaction outside it. When sending asks to Jubilee's Blog please put something like "[{user}/anon sent and ask!]", when is an interaction outside of the blog, please put "(interaction outside blog.)" If you have any questions about this please feel free to dm me!
This blog might contain stuff that can trigger some people, they will be tagged properly, but please keep it in mind.
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(with headcanons I mean the important data you should know about argbur before interacting with him and his blog, I'm just trying to make this intro thing look good)
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☆-Argbur's name is currently unknown, as he doesn't like sharing too personal info about him.
☆-He uses He/Him pronouns.
☆-He uses this blog as a personal space, sometimes he might post stuff that could be seen as "incoherent".
☆-The glasses will be a current thing happening in this blog, it won't be explicit most of the time, but pay attention in the way he writes the posts.
☆-He's a video editor, sometimes he will post videos he has edited, but something might feel odd about them.
☆-He doesn't use tone tags (he doesn't even know what that is), because of this, the tone he writes in might be misinterpreted as mean.
☆-You can always interact with him, he'll be just a little weirded out about the social interaction since he's not exactly used to it (he's just weird over all /hj)
☆-He is Chilean, but doesn't speak Spanish often, and when he does, the Chilean accent is very noticeable, as well and the fact he speaks way too fast.
☆-He's so cold.
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When he posts about stuff that happens in his life, it will go with the tag #An Editor's Life
When he posts a video he has edited, it will go with the tag #New Edited Video
When he answers a question, it will go with the tag #Editor Ask
All his posts will be tagged with #Argbur's Roleplay
Ooc posts (out of character) will have the tags #ooc post and #tda chatchat (which is shared with my main blog)
Posts where he speaks Spanish will be tagged with #Chilean Editor
I might add more tags, depending on what happens.
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emmatriarchy · 25 days
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I am done making rp gifs from the 1st episode of X-Men '97.
All X-Men characters were giffed and are available to people who donated to Gazafunds* from may 1st onward (except Jubilee, underage until episode 4). The link to the packs will be made available publicly for free on June 15.
Characters available:
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*I will not ask for proof or anything. Whether you have donated before asking for the link is your business. I want to trust in the good and honesty of people.
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jubilee-station · 9 months
There will be information about this blog under the cut. Check before interacting.
Hii! This is a Jubileebur roleplay blog run by @ghostlem, who's also the admin of the @r-i-fakier blog. This post will be updated as time goes on, so stay tuned!
This blog is part of the bursonaverse, which was created by @emeraldsandpearlsxx.
I'm a 15 years old Chilean.
NSFW insinuations or flirtiatious insinuations will be answered as long as there isn't any explicit stuff (like images or videos).
I created myself a system for asks, since I get confused if I should answer it on the "blog" or as if it was an interaction outside it. When sending asks to Jubilee's Blog please put something like "[{user}/anon sent and ask!]", when is an interaction outside of the blog, please put "(interaction outside blog.)" If you have any questions about this please feel free to dm me!
When I talk ooc (aka admin speaking) I will write //exactly like this//.
This blog might contain stuff that can be triggering for some people, those posts will be tagged propperly.
Jubileebur's name is literally "Jubilee", but prefers to be called Ju o Lee (only if you're close to her).
They use They/She/He pronouns.
Ju loves poetry and music.
For Ju, music is his way of escaping reality, always playing her guitar and singing the songs she's composed.
They like to be at a very specific bridge, no one knows why, she just likes it.
He has problems when stablishing relationships, a lot of past experiences had made her really insecure about this, they feel they don't deserve to be loved, they feel lonely, they feel like a waste of space, and she reflects that in the songs she's written.
If you couldn't tell already, they have a very low self-esteem.
They like bright colours, specially bright red, it gives them some sort of comfort since he feels like he's trapped in a dark corner, so bright colours help him feel slightly better.
They're genderfluid, but the way he dresses is man-aligned due to dysphoria.
She has asthma (ironic innit?)
When Ju posts about her life or he has interactions outside of the blog it will be tagged as #ju has a life
When they decide to reblog something it will be tagged as #ju can reblog
When he posts about random stuff it will be tagged as #ju can speak
When she answer asks it will be tagged as #ju can reply
All posts that are about jubileebur rp will be tagged as #jubileebur's roleplay
All posts that are ooc where the admin talks will be tagged as #ooc post and #tda chatchat (which is shared with both my main blog and the argbur blog.)
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darkrpfinder · 28 days
Hi everyone! Like a lot of us I’ve binged through the first 9 episodes of X-Men 97 and have been absolutely loving it so naturally I just had to try find someone to do an RP with me. A little bit about me first before, I’m 22 and my timezone is BST. I don’t mind what timezone or gender my partner is but I’m looking for someone to write a female character, Jubilee against my OC, (I could possibly be tempted in to playing Roberto De Costa) in a long term RP. I’m mainly looking for action, romance and of course a little drama and intrigue to go along with it. I don’t have any solid ideas in my head but I love brainstorming and coming up with ideas with my partner, along with worldbuilding! If this interests you then please like and I’ll get in touch asap!
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