#Josie Dupont
therunwayarchive · 8 months
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Josie Dupont at Private Policy, Fall 2022
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fashion-boots · 2 years
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Jake & Josie Dupont for The Blonds, FW 2022
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reclusivedouche · 1 year
Riverdale Thoughts: 3x06
PEEP SHOW! Please, I am the Barchiest of stans so like yes to all of it. Anyway, thoughts.
Jughead is not interesting to me rn if he's not with Veronica and since that's currently over... (Also like I better see him kiss Ethel properly at least ONCE omg before Tabitha comes back ofc bc Tabitha)
What I wouldn't give to have a window's view into Archie Andrew's bedroom wow
50's Archie is honestly the best Archie, it's so good
Betty and Veronica should kiss again in the 50's as a treat.
Also, Archie and Jughead have to kiss before the show ends to complete the circle or else!!!
Surprise Evelyn Evernever is really out here saying things like "lezzie" honestly Toni should punch her.
Can you dig it?
Cheryl's face of both gay excitement and gay fear when Toni asked if she could show her some appreciation.
It lives in my head rent free forever now
I did absolutely rewind mid episode to watch that part again bc idk it was giving everything.
50's Toni is so hot
Is Fangs Elvis yet?
There is no difference between Cheryl, Evelyn, and Midge and Regina, Gretchen, and Karen. Don't @ me
I love new Midge tbqh
I'm tired of Julian, he was only fun for like one episode lmao
Someone should top him so he can cum to jesus
Veronica is really that bitch and I am here for it like yes absolutely allow me in your room to peep on the hot carrot top next door
I need to see Veronica and Jughead hook up properly once PLEASE
Dan and Blair got to (IN AN ELEVATOR)
I am not sure what order I'm remembering all of this in
Betty not feeling the lingerie at first is me anytime I buy something different from what I usually where so it just sits in my closet for eternity
Toni and Betty should kiss also
I'm gonna need Archie and farmboy Reggie to also kiss at some point as they are actually boyfriends
Anyway, the cringe dialogue about maybe ending up in our rooms at the same time was incredible
Archie saying he's excited is too adorable
Still thinking about how he snatched Betty's teddy bear to cover his boner when she felt up his thigh
Incredible really
Oh and also, why is Frank? I'm so over him completely. He sucks. Just let Mary do all of the parenting. More Molly!
Frank was at least hot with the like beard this mustache is not it
The gifsets of Archie and Betty undressing for each other in the window are my everything rn
As are the ones of Cheryl and Toni kissing!!!!!!
Does this mean the episode where they are going to bone is coming soon?
Please say yes
Back to the window stripping - what are Frank and Hal doing that they both barged into those rooms at the same time
I'm telling you the white men in this season are up to some shit. Principal Warden Norton, Francis Dupont Werthers, MAYOR Clifford Blossom, Basketball Coach Uncle Frank, HAL
God for some reason Hal
A terrible actor
TBK should've been Hal or his twin bc he is also a blossom so like why do the coopers not have twins Hal??
It was so disappointing but whatever I digress
Even tho I hate Hal
Also save Ethel?? We just threw her back to the sisters and? We've moved onto comics from the murders.
Give her a proper full season storyline for once ffs
You give Kevin things and he's not even remotely interesting at all
Loved and episode with no Kevin tbqh
Anyway, the ending with Archie and Betty getting caught is in my top like 3 endings rn
One is the very precious moment where Archie ASKED if he could kiss Josie (it was adorable they are my crackOTP okay)
I think I've stopped thinking about this episode and instead am thinking about the whole show
We must stop before I never stop
I hope Archie and Betty kiss soon also
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renaldiroyals · 2 years
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Elena: It’s been a long time since we’ve had tiny feet running around this house.
Jacqueline: She seems to really enjoy the warm weather down here much more than in Paddington
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Elena: If you need some time to yourselves we’ll be happy to have Josie for a few days.
Jacqueline: We might just take you up on it
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Jacqueline: I’m going to ask you something and I need you to tell me the truth.
Elena: This is a bit worrying but sure. What’s the question?
Jacqueline: Did you meet with Rosalie DuPont?
Elena: Can we not talk about this today Jacqueline.
Jacqueline: I guess I have my answer.
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Elena: If you would just give me a chance to explain-
Jacqueline: It’s either you did or you didn’t?
Elena: She came to me-
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Jacqueline: Does Papa know about this?
Elena: [sighs] Of course he does.
Jacqueline: So the two of you have just been lying to us this whole time!?
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Jacqueline: When did you become this person?
Elena: Maybe when Josie gets older you’ll understand that sometimes you have to make tough decisions
Jacqueline: No. You should’ve let things be
Elena: I realise how much I’ve made of things
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Jacqueline: Yet you’ve done nothing to make it right. I’m not going to say anything.
Elena: Thank you.
Jacqueline: I’m not doing it for you. She can’t handle anymore disappointment right now.
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typingtess · 2 years
NCIS: Los Angeles Season 13 Rewatch:  "Pandora's Box"
The basics:  A robbery at an art storage facility is connected to Katya.
Written by: Chad Mazero & Lee A. Carlisle  
Chad Mazero co-wrote “Internal Affairs”, “Revenge Deferred” and “Where Everybody Knows Your Name” and “The Noble Maidens”.  Wrote “Tidings We Bring”, “Can I Get a Witness”, “All Is Bright”, “Diamond in the Rough”, “High Society”, “Murder of Crows”, "Overdue" and "Sorry for Your Loss".
Lee A. Carlisle wrote or co-wrote “Golden Days”, “Reentry”, “Into the Breach”, “Concours D’Elegance”, “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” and "Sundown".
Directed by: Daniela Ruah directed "Russia, Russia, Russia" and "Lost Soldier Down".
Guest stars of note:  Both Beckett Gunderson as Young Callen and Duncan Campbell as NCIS Special Agent Castor return from “Bonafides”.  Nicky Endres returns from “Provenance” in season 11 as Kim Cho.  Kavi Ramachandran Ladnier joins the show as  NCIS Reserve Agent Shyla Dahr.  Gildart Jackson as Gerard Dupont, Adam Lustick as Hieronymus, Josie Nivar as Pilar, Czarina Mada as Elena Maldonado, Christine Horn as Elliot Reynolds, Aaron Coleman as Ross and Samantha Gangal as Teenage Girl.
Our heroes:  Solve a heist.
What important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Applied for the warrant and was deepfaked into its delay.   Sam: Once again tending to his father. Kensi:  Disappointed Rosa was not at the immigration facility when she and Deeks visited. Deeks: Watched vampire and zombie movies to bond with Rosa. Fatima:  Working with Callen today. Rountree: Jealous of Shyla. Kilbride:  Lied to his son about there being no monsters in this world
What not so important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Drives sitting down. Sam:  Absent. Kensi: Not Keith. Deeks: Ab-normcore. Fatima: Bad at restraining Dupont. Rountree: Tried small-talk with Kilbride at the coffee machine. Kilbride:  Has gluten issues.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  Not a mention of Hetty but Callen’s Hetty-led Noble Maiden’s past ends the episode.
Who's down with OTP:  Kensi and Deeks are working so hard to be foster parents and so hard to not live and die with every twist and turn in that journey.
Who's down with BrOTP:  In one episode, the Rountree and the Admiral go from being a well-oiled machine working together to a lot of uncomfortable silences.
Fashion review:  Callen is wearing a blue plaid button-down shirt.  Sam isn’t around.  Kensi has on a sweater that that is dark green about 10% down from the top with , down with of grey and pink before becoming off-white.  The color distribution is reflected in the sleeves.  Deeks is wearing a grey sweater.  Pale blue oversized coat for Fatima with an aquamarine turtleneck.  Rountree is wearing a pink sweater because on this show, pink was the color of choice for Deeks and Rountree this season.  Charcoal grey three-piece suit for the Admiral with a crisp white dress shirt and a blue and red tie.  
Music:  “Oh Baby” by LCD Soundsystem is playing as Kensi and Deeks sit with Pilar.
Any notable cut scene:  Again, more extended scenes.
After Callen and Fatima speak to Maldonado for the first time, they discuss the delivery and the plumbers showing up at the same time.  Callen wonders if the plumbing company and the delivery company teamed up for the heist.
As Kensi and Deeks wait in the Admiral’s office, they talk about the only reason he’d call them in.  Kensi sarcastically thinks he going to tell them they are doing a great job in an act of workplace transparency.  Deeks thinks they are getting fired in the mahogany aquarium.  Kensi can’t think of a reason he’d fire them unless he has a reason to fire them.  Deeks will be fine since he always has the “solace of the ocean”.  The Admiral arrives.
After the Rountree-Kilbride gluten-free fried chicken spot scene, Rountree runs into Shyla in the hall.  She thinks he’s in a good mood.  He denies that, “I’m not in a good mood.  You’re in a good mood.”  
Quote:  Kilbride:  “If this is what Katya went through, no wonder she turned out how she did. But why'd she want something like this back so bad?  Hell, why keep it in the first place?” Callen:  “Blackmail? Motivation for revenge? I'll send it to the lab, make sure we didn't miss anything.” Kilbride:  “You know, my son could never sleep as a child. The dark. I lost count of the number of nights I spent trying to convince him that monsters aren't real.  Worst part about this job …knowing it is a lie.”
Anything else:  At an art storage facility, a female staffer is accepting a delivery of yet another balloon dog art piece.  The art is a in a large wooden box.  As the staffer directs the delivery company where to put the box, she gets a call.  The plumbers are there.  She asks the delivery man to unpack the box.  Keeping his face obscured with a baseball cap and his head down, the delivery man is happy to help.  
Opening the crate, there is no balloon dog art, there are two men wearing black from their ski masked covered heads to their boots.  Both men immediately takes out the security camera.  The delivery man orders his accomplices to “grab what you can” as the two run wild through the facility.  The delivery man has special equipment – he’s stealing something in particular while the others are really just grabbing what they can.  
Closing up the crate with the stolen goods and his accomplices inside, the delivery man almost makes a clean getaway when a male staffer from the facility stops him.  The delivery man tries to explain that he was there to drop something off and to pick something up but without the proper paperwork, the male staffer needs to check out the crate.  The driver shoots the male staffer in the shoulder instead.  In decent shape, the male staffer is able to call for help on his two-way radio.
In the office, the Admiral is making his way to the coffee area.  Rountree follows.  The Admiral is not particularly pleased to be in LA.  While the two listen to the coffee brew, Rountree tries some small talk.  The Admiral is making a “concerted effort to forgive” him for that.  As he leaves without his coffee, the Admiral starts talking to a woman who will bring him his coffee.  Walking past Rountree, she notes he’s sort of Admiral Kill-joy before his morning coffee.  
Rountree asks who she is and the woman replies Shyla Dahr, the Admiral’s new assistant, “sort of.”  Rountree was unaware that Kilbride had an assistant.  Shyla explains she was sent out by the Director to help the Admiral.  Shyla doesn’t understand why Kilbride is anti-LA.  Washington DC is “all backstabbing all the time”.  In LA, you can fit in a Pilates class between betrayals.  Rountree notices a box Shyla has.  It is a humidor full of cigars.  Rountree didn’t know the Admiral smoked cigars.  Shyla thinks he should get to know Kilbride better.
In Ops, Fatima is having a tough conversation with someone who isn’t being helpful.  Ending that conversation with “Warm thanks for nothing,” Fatima takes a call from Callen, asking if they have a case.  Fatima tells him about the robbery at Crusciel & Crusciel, the art storage facility.  Before Callen’s call, Fatima was talking to people at Crusciel & Crusciel and they weren’t helpful.  With a lot of wealthy and powerful clients, Callen knows they will do everything in their power to keep the robbery quiet.  
Fatima thinks it can’t be a coincidence the at facility was robbed just as Callen was getting a warrant for Katya’s storage space.  Callen thinks this gets them into the facility without a warrant – it is a crime scene.  Callen is on his way to Crusciel & Crusciel while Fatima tries to learn more about what happened.  Fatima is about to contact Sam but once again, Sam is out of town tending to his father.  Fatima asks if everything is OK.  Callen isn’t sure but he’s good on handling this alone.  
At an Immigration Center, a worried Kensi arrives with Deeks.  She’s concerned that Rosa won’t want to talk anymore.  Deeks has a back-up plan, binging as many vampire, zombie and sorcerer movies as he could find.  Elliot Reynolds, Rosa’s case manager, approaches Kensi and Deeks.  Rosa is out of the facility and living with an aunt in Barstow.  Reynolds wanted to call Kensi – she and Deeks made arrangements two weeks ago to see Rosa – but is overwhelmed with cases.  Kensi asks if Rosa is going to be OK.  With a good case for asylum and family in the US, Rosa is going to be about as OK as it gets for someone who survived her trip to America Reynolds replies.
In the burn room, a stunned Rountree tells Fatima about the Admiral having an assistant.  Checking out Shyla, Rountree learned while she technically works for Leon Vance, she is also an NSA Analyst.  The two start back to Ops.  As Rountree is talking, the Admiral walks up with Shyla for introductions.  Fatima invites both the Admiral and Shyla into Ops to review their current case.
The start to the robbery security video from the storage facility shows what happened in the teaser.  The team is running the delivery man through facial rec to get an ID.  While the Admiral thinks it is a sad day for the art world – and he actually doesn’t think that – he wants to know why NCIS is involved.  Art is used by criminals to finance crime and terrorism.  Also, Katya was storing something there.  
Shyla is aware of Katya as the “sociopathic powder keg with a murderous appetite for love?”  The Admiral feels she’s more a “giant pain in my ass”.  Crusciel & Crusciel will only provide client numbers for the crates, not the names of the clients or what’s inside.  Katya’s crate was one of the ones stolen according to the crate number on the invoice Callen found in Katya’s safe deposit box.   Rountree suspects Katya has someone in with the feds since she probably knew about the warrant.  With the deepfake technology, Fatima thinks Katya could have posed as anyone to get information from the feds about the warrant.  Shyla has been read into all the Katya deepfake business.   So these three were either the unluckiest thieves ever or Katya is pulling out all the stops to get her stuff back.
When Fatima arrives at the art storage facility, she finds Callen is already there.  With Shyla in Ops, Fatima is free to help Callen.  He found nothing in Katya’s vault.  Fatima is stuck on how the thieves wound up alone in the facility.  Callen is stuck on that too.  They approach Elena Maldonado, the woman who walked in with the delivery man earlier that morning.  Maldonado already spoke to LAPD – one second she was taking a delivery, the next Ross is shot and everything is gone.  
Noting that Maldonado was the only one registering new items that morning, Fatima wants to know if it was normal to leave a delivery man alone in the vault.  It isn’t the right way to do things but they are understaffed and their bathrooms were underwater.  When the plumbers arrived with the delivery people, she had to make a choice.  Since the plumbers gave her a window for their arrival, she didn’t know they were coming at the same time as the delivery.  While looking through her bag for something to calm her down, Maldonado has had enough – she has a board meeting in 20-minutes, a client call after that and she really needs a valium.  
In the fishbowl, the Admiral walks in with Kensi and Deeks waiting for him.  Kensi asks why they are there and is told by the Admiral that’s he’s old.  He doesn’t want to chase the team around the office like a groupie for the Grateful Dead.  Kensi and Deeks are up to speed on the case and since Katya can’t just sell the stolen art at a different gallery, the Admiral is looking for Kensi to get in touch with Kim Cho, her contact in the “off-market” artworld.  Castor is going to bring Cho to the boatshed.  Deeks talks about the wood in the Admiral’s office before realizing it is time to go.  “Toodles!”
Both Rountree and Shyla are getting the runaround.  He’s getting it from Maldonado’s plumbers, Shyla from the person holding the account to bring the fake box in to the storage facility.  Shyla is sure the client is fake.  Facial rec still has nothing on the delivery man.  Shyla, however, knows why the warrant was on hold.  “Callen” called the judge and asked her to hold the warrant until a related case is solved.  Katya used a deep fake to delay the warrant.  
Kensi and Deeks walk into the boatshed where Castor has Kim Cho.  Cho recognizes Kensi as Keith, her former undercover persona and wonders who the normcore with her is.  Kensi explains she’s a fed and normcore Deeks is her partner.  Deeks considers himself ab-normcore.  While unhappy they were played, Cho respects how Kensi worked.  Kensi asks Cho for help.  They ask if helping will put them in danger.  Kensi assure Cho it will not.  Cho seems disappointed.  
Reviewing that happened at Crusciel & Crusciel (“C&C Art Factory” according to Cho), Deeks asks if Cho can help trace the art.  Cho is not sure why Kensi and Deeks are asking for their help.  Kensi reminds Cho that they did exactly that on the last case they worked.  And if he doesn’t help again, they’ll have him arrested.  “I hate you both and I love it,” Cho tells Kensi and Deeks before starting to help them.  
Fatima has the unhappy task of telling Callen about the deepfake situation with the judge.  “She’ll never stop,” Fatima worries aloud.  Not if NCIS can make her stop, according to Callen.  Whatever was in the vault was really important – personal.  By delaying the warrant, Katya was able to buy herself some time to put together a crew to pull off the robbery since she could never show up.  Rountree calls with news.  After speaking to the plumbers, Rountree learned that Maldonado set-up the time for the work to be done, not the other way around.  She paid double to make sure the plumbers would arrive.  Maldonado gets on a big elevator to leave.  Fatima and Callen follow.  “Going down?” Maldonado asks.  “One of us is,” Fatima replies.
Marching Maldonado to a far part of the vault area, Callen and Fatima accuse her of lying to them.  Maldonado says she is under so much pressure – she’s responsible for the millions of dollars-worth of art by her pay is a joke.  “I’m barely scraping by.”  Callen asks about Katya but Maldonado was hired by “some guy” with $15,000.  She stopped asking questions when she got the money.  Her description of the “some guy” was Callen’s age, French – sexy French not angry French – with piercing blue eye.  Callen finds that not very helpful.  
Cho works the phones in the boatshed.  They can’t find anything for sale.  Kensi and Deeks thinks they came up dry but Cho disagrees – if what was stolen isn’t for sale.  Whoever has the art is either sitting on it or it isn’t for sale.  Either way, Kensi and Deeks will have to wait.  When Fatima texts Kensi and Deeks the description of the man who paid Maldonado, Cho has someone who fits the bill – Gerard Dupont.  Dupont was out of the game according to the scuttlebutt Cho heard.  When Kensi asks if Cho knows where Dupont is, Cho reminds Kensi who is the federal agent.
In his office, the Admiral is going on about war and the money spent on the fight and that fight being the reason generations have gotten out of bed every day.  Having survived bullets, bayonets and other artillery, the Admiral tells his doctor he can survive gluten.  Rountree arrives for the end of the call.  Kaleidoscope followed the van from the vault but lost it when it went into a tunnel.  Kaleidoscope 2.0, however, was able to figure out the van driver switched with another vehicle.  That vehicle is now behind a building downtown so Callen and Fatima are on their way.
Shyla has a lot on Dupont for Kensi and Deeks.  In broad daylight, Dupont committed over 50 heists, all without violence.  Dupont tried to steal a statuette of Mercury from the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Belgium and was caught.  Sentenced to five years in prison, Dupont served three and moved to LA to be near his daughter and her husband.  Dupont just became a grandfather.
While never arrested for anything in LA, Dupont is a person of interest in a number of art theft cases including the successful heist of the statuette of Mercury.  He’s been questioned but let go.  Deeks wants to know if Dupont steals for profit or as an addiction.  Shyla has an address so Kensi and Deeks are on their way.  Cho thinks it all sounds so dangerous.  Kensi tells Cho the only thing that’s dangerous in their future is Castor’s barely suppressed road rage.  Castor feels it isn’t his fault that nobody in LA can drive.
In her tactical gear, Fatima enters the shop where the van was found.  She sees a man in the back of the shop who makes a run for the back door.  That’s where Callen is waiting. Fatima recognizes the man – it is Gerald Dupont/the delivery man.  
Handcuffed by Fatima, Dupont is asked about Crusciel & Crusciel.  Dupont knows they are a high end art storage company.  Fatima asks if that’s why he stopped by that morning.  Dupont claims to only know about them by reputation.  Telling Dupont a highly-skilled Frenchman robbed the place that morning, Fatima sees Dupont take off his handcuffs and suggest Gerard Depardieu as a possible culprit.  Fatima is stunned and not about Depardieu.  Explaining there is always an escape, Dupont assures Fatima that handcuffs cannot hold him.  Fatima has zip ties and uses them.
Callen returns.  He did not find the stolen art.  While not denying his past, Dupont tells Callen and Fatima that he’s been in the shop all day.  He’s helping the owners open a pottery shop.  Callen pulls out a pair of overalls that looks a lot like the one the delivery man was wearing.  Dupont asks to see the jacket and puts out his hand.  Fatima swears she double-checked Dupont was secured.  
Dupont says they are generic overalls – thousands of them are floating around the city.  Fatima now has duct tape.  Callen brings up the male staffer – the dock master – who will survive his gunshot wound.  He could ID the man who shot him.  Fatima brings up Dupont’s past again – he never used a gun in the past.  Dupont sticks to his story.
Pulling up to Dupont’s home, Kensi and Deeks have a warrant to go in.  Inside the house is a lot of art all over every flat space.
Rountree updates the Admiral that Dupont isn’t talking and that Kensi and Deeks haven’t found much in his home.  The Admiral doesn’t really thinks that’s an update.  As he doesn’t leave, Rountree says “Pikunico”.  The Admiral answers “bless you” (which is funny).  Pikunico is a Japanese fried chicken place that is gluten-free.   “Just as good as the real thing” and that means a lot coming from Rountree, a guy who grew up in Texas.  The Admiral threatens to end Rountree if he shares the gluten diagnosis with anyone.  “The last thing I need is for anyone to think this city has gone to my head.”  He then thanks a departing Rountree.
At Dupont’s home, Kensi is angry.  Dupont had no issue getting into the US as a convicted criminal but Rosa, who was a victim of a crime, is fighting to stay while locked up in a shelter.  While Kensi and Deeks are talking, Deeks notices a hat on a little statuette.  It is the stolen Mercury.  Holding up a photo of Dupont’s daughter and grandchild, Kensi thinks they can leverage them to get him to cooperate or be sent back.  
Claiming he picked up the Mercury statuette at a garage sale in Reseda, Dupont is still trying to get out of his duct tape handcuffs.  Five years and an early release is a kind sentence but the Dutch government may not be as kind to a repeat offender.  And of course it would be Belgium prison, taking him out of the life of his child and grandchild.  Cooperation means he could stay with his family.  
Dupont said he was a middleman in the robbery.  He was hired by a woman named Irina Feodorovna.  Callen confirms that is one of Katya’s aliases.  Dupont was given very specific instructions on what vault to hit.  Asked what he stole, Dupont said it was nothing he recognized.  Asked where it was, Dupont is evasive.  He admits that Katya was thinking small.  He made a better deal.  Callen tries to explain to Dupont just how tough Katya is.  
Dupont give up the buyer, who uses the name “Hieronymus”.  Callen wants Dupont to set up a meet with Callen playing a possible buyer.  When Dupont tells Callen that Hieronymus would not just meet with Callen, Callen decided he would meet with Callen and Dupont.  Rountree will be teamed with Fatima.  He’ll also bring a suit for Callen to wear.
A suited Callen and Dupont go into a warehouse to meet Hieronymus.  Fatima and Rountree are set-up in the roach coach.  Callen goes in as Mr. Carl.  Hieronymus is surprised to see Dupont so soon.  Dupont agrees.  Fatima warns Callen that the meet won’t be a private one.  It isn’t – it is an auction.  Crypto only.  As a friendly warning, Hieronymus tells Callen to be aggressive.  He expects big sales.
In the roach coach, Fatima and Rountree run facial rec on the others at the auction.  Gang and drug cartel members are there.  Rountree asks if they should move in but the Admiral has them hold off.  Callen really hasn’t seen any of the art.  The REACT Team is 15-minutes out, Kensi and Deeks are behind them.  
As the auction begins, Dupont doesn’t recognize any of the art from the vault.  One of the buyers calls the art “rubbish”.  Hieronymus says one of the pieces is counterfeit.  Dupont realizes he’s been exposed and starts with leave with Callen in tow.  Pulling a weapon, Hieronymus stops them.  He thinks it is odd that Dupont showed up at the auction with a complete stranger after trying to pass off “rubbish” as great art.  At this point Rountree yells federal agents and all hell breaks loose.  Callen wrestles the gun away from Hieronymus.  Fatima jumps one of the bodyguards while Rountree ends a shootout by dropping some fancy rugs on the shooter.
The REACT Team gets most of the fleeing buyers.  Dupont, however, disappeared.  Callen hopes for they catch him before Katya finds him.  Asking LAPD to bring Hieronymus over, Callen wants to know which piece was from Katya’s vault.  None of them were – what was in the vault was worthless.  He tossed it with the crating.  Callen finds a film reel marked “Pembrooke”.
Back at the Immigration Center, Kensi and Deeks wait for Elliot Reynolds, who called them back with news.  Reynolds arrives – Rosa is fine – but Rosa gave one of the other young girls something for Kensi.  Pilar arrives with a Rosa’s gift, a Muñeca quitapena.  It is a worry doll.  They are made in the town in Guatemala where Pilar and Rosa grew up.  That common background helped them become friends when they were at the Center.    
Holding the doll, Pilar explains that if Kensi tells her troubles to the doll, it will help solve her problems.  Pilar brought hers from home but lost it on the trip.  Kensi offers Pilar the doll instead.  Pilar asks Kensi if Rosa was telling the truth, that she was a superhero.  Kensi smiles for the first time in the episode.  Deeks is smiling too.  Deeks explains on a slow day that Kensi can do what Superman does.  Kensi and Deeks asks Pilar if she wants to hang out.  She would like that.   Pilar just saw a vampire-sorcerer-werewolf movie and Deeks has opinions.
With Dupont in the wind, Shyla put some protection on his daughter and grandchild in case Katya wants revenge.  The Admiral is grateful for Shyla’s help.  Shyla pushed the Admiral – he’s been in LA long enough that he doesn’t hate all of it.  “Well, that will be a cold day in hell.”  Seeing Callen in Hetty’s office, the Admiral sends Shyla on her way.
Loading up the projector, Callen and the Admiral watch what Katya stored so securely.  Four teenage Noble Maiden are on the screen.  When directed, one punches another before the other girls  join in on pounding the one girl.  When the beating knocks the girl to the ground, she’s ordered to stand up and take some more.  She does.  
The Admiral turns off the projector.  This treatment goes a long way to explain how Katya wound up being the way she is.  What he doesn’t understand is why she protected it so zealously.  Why didn’t she burn it?  Callen isn’t sure.  Blackmail, maybe motivation for revenge.  The Admiral remembers his son as child being afraid of monsters.  While the Admiral assured the boy there were no monsters in this world, he knew he was lying.
After the Admiral leaves, Callen watches some more.  He flashes back to being hit when he failed at an assignment he was given as Subject 17.  He was called “17 and told the same thing the young women were told in the video – “pain is just a state of mind.”
What head canon can be formed from here:  Not much of an episode.  Shyla is a keeper but beyond that, it was a generic case and not a very good one.  The personal scenes – Kensi and Deeks at the Immigration Center – were fine but nothing great here.
The Rountree-Kilbride scenes were weird.  They were in near perfect sync in “Bonafides” but here it was awkward for no real reason.  When did Rountree, who seems to only care about his sister, his job and sports – in that order – suddenly get interested in office gossip, chatting and managing up?
The final speech about monsters from Kilbride is another reminder on why this program has thrived with older actors who just bring so much weight to scenes like this.  Linda Hunt is irreplicable but Gerald McRaney was the perfect addition.
Episode number:  This is episode 14 of season 13.  It is the 294th episode of the season
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exitiumhq · 5 days
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✧ ━ don’t get lost in the shuffle  ━ ✧  the following have 24 hours to become active (with 3 or more replies) or their role(s) will be reopened:​​
@liliana-parker ( liliana parker )
@gvditsbrvtal ( josie saltzman )
@morsobitus ( luna mikaelson, tarvir aneja, blossom bellarose, sabrina lewis, georgie kenner, henrik mikaelson, carmen mondragon )
@preacherhannes ( hannes damon )
@henrythewere ( henry lyons )
@krit-ikal ( krit vorachai )
@xblindfoldcdx ( coraline barrett. elizabeth saltzman. hayley marshall. iliana mikaelson. mackenna aguado. paislee davis. )
@bvsyhead ( sofia rivera, theodora berman, talia reyes )
@oconnellthebrave ( camille o'connell )
@beavtifvltragedies ( jordyn reine, sierra kenner, aria cadieux, avery bradenton )
@fragmcntedsouls ( cassian lancastor, dex vane, ellis madden, keelin malraux, klaus mikaelson )
✧ ━ don’t forget to say hello ━ ✧  the following have 24 hours to complete their bio/intro & 3 replies or their role(s) will be reopened:
✧ ━ taking a breather  ━ ✧ due to player(s) request, the following are on hiatus/semi-hiatus:
riley shaw, jesse kenner, aliyah simmons, peyton morgrave, cordelia langthorne, & sebastián mondragón — 6/1-6/14
jeerawat waite, & nagisa abe — 6/1-6/11
artemis mikaelson, hope mikaelson, saphira woods, starla fairlight, & haven kenner — 6/1-6/8
roxelana demir, lorelai shaw, xavier langthorne, raquel navarro, ruslan jamakovic, ryker bradenton, lucas cadieux, skyla fairlight, oaklee campbell, theodore kenner, everleigh vane & osman divit — 6/2-6/6
matthias allesio, gianna madden, jackie miller, ruby o'connor & victoria dupont — 6/2-6/9
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randomestroleplays · 1 year
Upcoming Muses
an incomplete look at the next selection of muses I’m looking to introduce, very happy to start talking crossovers before their introductions are out if anyone is interested
Abbie Hudson ( glee )
Adelaide Stark ( avenges )
Adeline Mikaelson ( legacies )
Adhara Black ( harry potter, golden era )
Adina Lightwood ( shadowhunters )
Alessia Stark ( avengers )
Ariadne Blackthorn ( shadowhunters )
Asteria quill ( guardians of the galaxy ) 
Atalanta Jackson ( percy jackson )
Blair Dupont ( vampire diaries universe )
Callie Raeken ( teen wolf )
Camila Nelson ( stranger things )
Carlotta Falcone ( the batman )
Charlotte Bridgerton ( bridgerton )
Cleo Sullivan ( the umbrella academy )
Coco Bates ( gossip girl 2021 )
Constance Osborn ( the amazing spider-man )
Delaney Carlyle ( riverdale )
Elle Harper ( titans / dc )
Elle Winchester ( supernatural )
Emilia Newton ( twilight )
Finley Rider ( descendants )
Halley Shaw ( teen wolf )
Hel Solo ( star wars, the new trilogy )
Helena Hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
Jacqueline Grant ( gilmore girls )
Joanna Baratheon ( game of thrones )
Josie Archibald ( gossip girl )
Kyla Keller ( gossip girl 2021 )
Nevaeh Murphy ( supernatural )
Peggy Featherington ( bridgerton )
Rachel Elliot ( the society )
Reese Masrani ( jurassic world )
Remi Alcott ( titans / dc )
Rosalind Greengrass ( harry potter, marauder’s era )
Sierra Nearing ( the umbrella academy )
Tyler Barton ( avengers )
Valentina Wolfe ( gossip girl 2021 )
Vanessa Kline ( titans / dc )
Venus Malfoy ( harry potter )
Victoria Blofis  ( percy jackson )
Wilhelmina Hargreeves ( the umbrella academy )
Willow Dell ( gilmore girls )
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getthesamovarready · 4 years
AU where Florian doesn't die and Josie Mardle is happy with a man who deserves her.
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ncisladaily · 2 years
Episode Directed by Series Star Daniela Ruah
“Pandora’s Box” – NCIS investigates the robbery of a high-end arts storage by going undercover as potential buyers on the black market, to find who is behind the stolen items, on the second of back-to-back episodes of the CBS Original series NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Sunday, March 27 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*. The episode was directed by series star Daniela Ruah.
Chris O’Donnell
(Special Agent G. Callen)
(Special Agent Sam Hanna)
Linda Hunt
(Operations Manager Henrietta “Hetty” Lange)
Daniela Ruah
(Special Agent Kensi Blye)
Eric Christian Olsen
(NCIS Investigator Marty Deeks)
Medalion Rahimi
(Special Agent Fatima Namazi)
Caleb Castille
(Special Agent Devin Rountree)
Gerald McRaney
(Retired Admiral Hollace Kilbride)
Beckett Gunderson
(Young Callen)
Duncan Campbell
(NCIS Special Agent Castor)
Kavi Ramachandran Ladnier
(NCIS Reserve Agent Shyla Dahr)
Nicky Endres
(Kim Cho)
Gildart Jackson
(Gerard Dupont)
Adam Lustick
Josie Nivar
Czarina Mada
Christine Horn
Aaron Coleman
Samantha Gangal
(Elena Maldonado)
(Elliot Reynolds)
(Teenage Girl)
WRITTEN BY: Chad Mazero & Lee A. Carlisle
DIRECTED BY: Daniela Ruah
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nurbanu22 · 2 years
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Hope Mikaelson x Reader
Cherrys: Chapter 1.
You met Hope at the Salvatore School when you were both girls. Your family hated hers, so you had to keep it a secret, at least from your family, since some of her family knew about her friendship. Over time, you both fell in love and started dating at 15, now you're both 17 and your relationship with Hope is broken.
You belonged to the Dupont family, it was historically the oldest family of witches that existed, the most powerful. The Mikaelsons asked them for help on several occasions, but due to Klaus Miakelson's bad temper and the stories surrounding him, your family always refused to even talk to his family. And, despite being the originals, they knew that the DuPonts were people not to mess with.
The night had started terribly, those of us who had magic felt something strange in the air, a bad feeling, which was only confirmed when the werewolves and vampires heard all kinds of creatures heading to the school. But everything got worse when the protective spells of the school fell.
Alaric and those in more advanced courses took care of putting the lycanthropes around each entrance to the school, while the witches and wizards put protective spells on the rooms in which we hid the youngest, those who were more frightened, more defenseless. Everything happened very fast. Vampires, werewolves, witches. They all wanted to end the school, they didn't know why, they were all children.
Hours later, they had finally killed most of them or hexed them so they couldn't move, that was maybe two hours ago, in all that time I hadn't seen Hope, we had taken care of different tasks. Now, I was running through the halls, healing everyone I came across when I heard Hope say my name behind me, I turned around and saw her running towards me, I walked the short distance between us and took her in my arms, arranging them around her neck, with hers around her neck. In all the mess around us, I took a few seconds to smell the scent of cherry in her hair, a very familiar one.
"You need to stop wearing my perfume" I whispered with a smile.
She tightened her arms around me and I could feel the vibrations that her body made when she laughed "Maybe one day I will" she separated from me and put my hands on her face "I couldn't find you, I was scared" she said.
I kissed her forehead softly. "I know, I'm sorry. She was healing those who were injured".
"There are many?" I ask really worried.
"Yes, but not seriously, they're fine now, mostly tired. How's your part?"
"Same thing, Lizzie and Josie are taking care of entertaining the younger ones, while Alaric has Kyle calling all the parents."
I smiled at her and was about to kiss her when I saw a movement in the distance, with her back to her. Everything happened so fast that I didn't have time to think about any spell, I wouldn't have arrived in time, neither of us, so I took Hope by the shoulders and turned us around, I felt something go through my chest, Hope's arms stabilizing me, her cries from near and then from afar, by the time she returned, she felt so far away. That was when she knew it, when she felt it. My vision was blurred, confused, my hearing was distant and my touch null. There, on floor number 2 of the Salvatore school, in the arms of the one she loved the most, is where I felt my life leave my body. So I left, with a slight aroma of cherry.
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okay so I went... kind of overboard lmao sorry about that!!! There are some of these that idk 100% how they'd work with ships but I tried to just focus on ocs who I think could vibe well together and just not worry too much about that part lmao!
Addie Black
Addie & Rosalind Greengrass / Addie & Adhara Black
Addie & Gemini Black
Addie & Jessica Stevens
Aliel & Deborah Winchester
Aliel & Elle Winchester
Aliel & Genesis
Aliel & Isla Geroge
Aliel & Marmaroth
Aliel x Nevaeh Murphy x Sam?
Annie Sinclair
Annie & Abigayle Whittemore
Annie & Aislynn Deaton
Annie & Alexis Argent
Annie x Amara Caro x Lydia
Annie & Belle Serpico
Annie & Bridget Finstock
Annie & Elsa Lahey
Annie & Scout Stilinski
Cassie Lane
Cassie & Blair Dupont
Cassie & Rowan Saltzman
Diana Hargreeves
Diana & Alice Hargreeves
Diana & Andrea Hargreeves
Diana & Andromeda Hargreeves
Diana & Audrey Hargreeves
Diana & Dahlia Mort
Diana & Helena Hargreeves
Diana & Poppy
Diana & Sierra Nearing
Diana & Sofia Martinez
Diana & Vienna Montgomery
Diana & Wilhelmina Hargreeves
Erin Moore
Erin & Karina Mikaelson
Kay Keller
Kay & Adeline Mikaelson
Kay & Eudora Donovan
Kay & Iris Bennett-Gilbert
Kay & Jenna Saltzman
Kay & Kit Conrad
Leia Kingsley
Leia & Abigail Layton
Leia & Camila Nelson
Leia & Lori Hill
Leia & Samantha Mayfield
Leia & Sidney Hopper
Leia & Stacey Byers
Nina Dean
Nina & Cori Denton
Penny Parlor
Penny & Holly Bradford
Polly Carpenter
Polly & Alessandra Vanderbilt
Polly & Alia Kelly
Polly & Josie Archibald
Polly & Thea Mellon
Robyn Argent
Robyn & Abigayle Whittemore
Robyn & Alexis Argent
Robyn & Amara Caro
Robyn & Arianne Martin
Robyn & Aspen Linwood
Robyn & Aubrey Whittemore
Robyn & Belle Serpico
Robyn & Carmen Rivera
Robyn & Carrie Prescott
Robyn & Elsa Lahey
Robyn & Kiana Tate
Robyn & Scout Stilinski
Yvette Valentine
Yvette & Abigayle Whittemote
Yvette & Aislynn Deaton
Yvette & Aspen Linwood
Yvette & Bridget Finstock
Yvette & Elsa Lahey
Yvette & Kiana Tate
Yvette & Percy Flowers
Yvette & Rianna Deaton
Yvette & Willa Morgenstern
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riverdale-retread · 3 years
Riverdale S4 E13
- Archie has to get up really early in the morning to open up Andrews Construction and bring the crew breakfast.  He leaves a nice note for his mother.  Munroe’s grandmother is kind to Archie, and buoyed, he goes to consult Mr. Honey, who is of course an asshole.  Mr Honey is the worst kind of jerk because he actually tells the truth but in the meanest possible way.  He is accurate that Archie won’t graduate and it is a hollow gesture to let Archie walk at graduation (Archie eventually does do this and he’s not made in any way happy by it).  But he doesn’t have to say it like that.
 - Veronica’s not handling her father’s mortality very well.  She finds Archie in the music room, and they get it on. Archie has had a sexual encounter with three other women in this room - Ms Grundie, Valerie and Josie.  No wonder there’s never anybody else in here.  This room is the Archie Andrews Sex Room at Riverdale High.  Veronica Lodge is being a bit insensitive - she has her college plans so she just wants to have fun. Archie goes along.
- Betty got Jughead kicked out of Quill & Skull and as Jughead has both read and memorized the Code, he has to accept that having a girlfriend do what Betty did is a violation.  Because the Q&S has kicked him out, he also gets fired from his writing contract.  Then Jughead calls the very person who caused all this disaster in his life, purely out of spite and envy, for help and Betty comes running to Jughead, exactly the same way that Alice comes running to Betty only when Betty has been terribly wounded by a trap Alice has laid.   The advice that Betty gives to Jughead - write something about your actual life at Stonewall - is the most mundane thing anyone could ever say, and in any case, writing about himself is what she’s seen Jughead do nonstop for three years. And yet, Jughead calls her Brilliant and kisses her and she accepts the worship. 
- Hiram visits Archie because he needs to be recharged, and he needs to be near nubile young men in general and Archie in particular.
- Jughead has reengaged with his true genre, and despite the intense insecurity and stress he must be under, is having a grand old time, writing and reading his works out loud.  Jughead’s genre is Nonfiction Disguised As Self-Insert Fanfic (or, as Dupont calls it, ‘Autobiographical Hokum’).   Dupont is a bit taken aback at Jughead’s indomitable spirit, but he doesn’t understand.  Betty has ‘reset’ Jughead back to his S1 self, the boy who nobody wanted and didn’t belong.  Jughead is accustomed to this misery, so he is comfortable here. 
- Hermosa is back!!  She’s  undercover, so she’s in a blonde wig and glasses with a different name.  Are we sure that Veronica and Hermione have different mothers?  Also Hermosa is... gay, right? 
- Veronica and Archie are out dancing ‘having’ fun but the music is asking Who do you love, Who do you love? and Archie ditches her.
- Jughead is still chugging away at NanoWriWeek and Donna’s face as she listens to this dork dramatically read out fanfic he wrote about himself is priceless.  By the way, I’ve read actual fanfic about the night that Jughead (excuse me Jarhead) got locked into the coffin and they were much better than this and didn’t rely on writerly flourishes like sinisterly simple (see what I did there?)  Jughead is so pleased with himself he actually wriggles his butt, shaking his tail feathers. 
The Stonies cannot endure another day or chapter of this writing, so they up the ante and accuse Jughead of plagiarism.  Jonathan actually gets to talk.  And of course the PC is missing. I don’t how persuasive i find the idea that a timestamp is the be all end all in a plagiarism debate. 
- Archie has amnesia about all the things that Hiram has done to him, and Hiram indulges his damage.  Archie hates the construction business and says so, because in response to a neutral question from Hiram - Have you considered shedding one of the two businesses? -he immediately answers, But Andrews Construction is my legacy. 
- Vic wants to buy the construction business, and even though Archie doesn’t like him, Vic actually knew what he was doing, so this is actually a great idea.  It might even have saved Riverdale later??
- Jughead is consulting with Betty and FP about what to do, and because Alice does not care if Jughead lives or dies, she is nowhere to be seen. Betty hangs back like she didn’t cause all this misery to come cascading down on Jughead, making the Concerned face that Alice always makes when her acts of aggression bear fruit.  FP and Jughead are saying things like our name, reputation, tarnish. 
Betty has an idea, she says. This is another Alice move, to insert herself by providing a false solution, where she gets to talk the most and stand center stage. Bughead set up a lie detector test, and because the Stonies are really smart people, they laugh at Betty’s stupid idea, and Betty puts on a truly Alice like show-boat.  
Donna calls Betty Sweetie and Betty calls her Bitch, and I love how Donna makes the cutest evil kewpie doll face in response. 
-  Mr Honey finds Veronica’s liquor, and Archie lies and covers for her so she doesn’t get into trouble.  To reward him, Veronica acts like a sex addict, and Archie rejects her.  Who is this decent standard-having Archie?
- Hermosa and Choni meet up at La Bonne Nuit, and Cheryl gets a slow motion entry and the three pretty girls do a slow motion dance and it’s amazing.  Hermosa is gay.  The three Riverdale girls trap Hermosa. I love the way Hermosa says Veronica.   Hermosa drops a bomb - Hiram trusted Hermosa with information about his illness (which I am going to treat as being real for now) and Veronica is appalled, but Hermosa understands something.  Hiram’s misogyny means he ‘trusts’ the daughter who isn’t doing what he’s doing.  If she’s less than, he can let it go, and act ‘like’ a dad.  Veronica is upset anyway. 
- Bughead break into Joan and Donna’s dorm, then the Quill and Skull secret room, and then finally, Dupont’s desk. This is supposed to be Bughead doing a Caper but all I see is Betty doing to Jughead what Alice does to Betty, and also justifying herself.   She ruined Jughead’s happiest time at any school by doing exactly this, breaking & entering & trespass, and now she’s basking in his ruination and retroactively justifying her initial act of aggression by making him do it with her, to yet other people. 
I am horrified by my realization, that Betty is doing to Jughead what Alice does to Betty.
- Bughead find the rewritten Boy In the River novel, and Jughead tries to confront Dupont with it, only to be told that he should have read the publishing contract.  Of all the things that happened on this show, this is actually a real element, an actual thing that happens in the real world. (See, e.g. The Vampire Diaries authorship)   So, read your contracts, people.
- Archie comes to Veronica, asks her what’s wrong, and is kind and empathetic and eloquent in the face of her distress about Hiram.  He’s lovely.  Why can’t Archie be like this all the time?  They both agree that Hiram hates Veronica, and that activating that hatred is probably the way to enliven him. 
Ides of March
- Veronica and Cheryl’s Rum is called Red Raven (red for Cheryl, raven for Veronica) and I really love it and wish this thing was real.  She says they’re gonna produce 300% more maple rum, and Hiram is genuinely pissed and wants to kill his daughter again. 
- Betty is so pleased with herself, and is chattering on about the tie pin and that she was thinking about it while she’s doing her stupid arts and crafts with the push pins and people’s photos.  This is the exact same energy as Alice screeching about the nerve of that man after Honey punishes Betty for being caught with the cheat sheet that Alice gave Betty, in order to set her daughter up for failure.  Alice was so happy then, too.  Jughead is laid out flat by despair, on the bed. Betty and Alice love it when they successfully maul someone that they pretend to love but want to ensure never escapes their orbit, and then get really cheerful and energetic when they turn around and try to ‘help’ their victim with the problem that they themselves have caused.
- Betty meets with Donna and gets pwned.  Betty is a terrible judge of character, for one, and she’s very terrible at trying to persuade people. She takes a girl, like Donna, that she should know is ruthless and cunning, calls her pawn, manipulated, and a liar, and then says Don’t be a stupid manipulated pawn, you stupid manipulated pawn.  Donna laughs in Betty’s face, and I love her forever. DONNA SWEETT NEVER DID ANYTHING WRONG.  Donna’s delivery of the withering line, ‘You and Jughead, Teen Detectives’ in a singsong of amused contempt, complete with a wriggle of mockery, is CHEF’S KISS PERFECTION.  And she’s right - Betty has never actually solved anything on time.
- Bret baits Jughead and Jughead bites, because Bret understands that Jughead loves it at Stonewall Prep and is really terrified and devastated that he will have to go back to Riverdale High.  Jughead can’t stand the idea that this might be his last time in this dorm, so when poked he spews out his entire gameplan for the inquisition.  Bret, in response, threatens Jughead with wide release of the Bughead sex tape.  Both these boys understand the impact that something like this will have on a woman in our misogynist world in a way that Betty is too stupid to understand (assuming she means what she says to Donna later, which to be fair, might be a bluff).   You’re a hopeless romantic. Yup.  Chipping and now Bret are people Jughead should have had more time with.
I really wish Betty just dumped Jughead when she felt that initial surge of hatred and resentment, watching him joyfully run towards his future after she gave him permission to pursue an education.  But of course, Alice tells the daughter she can’t satisfactorily destroy that she loves that daughter the most, so it’s not a surprise Betty doesn’t realize she should break up with boyfriends she hates.
- Archie reverts back to form and bails on selling Andrews Construction, in the rudest possible, most bridge-burning way. Oh there you are, Archie.
- Jughead chooses withdrawal, a sort of honorable discharge, rather than risk an expulsion, from Stonewall.  Jughead’s heart is broken, and he looks like he wants to vomit as he says he will leave quietly.  Donna is actually pleased, Bret smiles to keep from crying, and Betty looks to see if anyone is looking at her, because she’s very happy.  FP is very upset. When Jughead says to him, You don’t know these people! he is including Betty.   Jughead can’t bear to look at her in that hallway, and Betty cocks her head like a predatory bird and calmly studies her wounded prey with big pretty eyes.
- Betty is cheerfully present to watch Jughead pack up.  If she’s telling Donna the truth about her feelings about the sex tape later, she certainly never shared that with Jughead at any point in the proceedings.  
- Donna and Bret invite Bughead to the party.  Jughead says he has a plan, that they’re going, and then he tells the person who has spent all of her extra time destroying his happiness and best platform to launch a brighter future that he loves her and kisses her and I want to vomit.  
-  The one point of good build up is Veronica is on a weird spiral, which is why she does something out of character and walk into an obvious trap with a cluster of people she should know enough either to avoid or see through.  Veronica is not having a normal week, and Jughead has been defeated by Betty, so we have this happen. 
- Jughead puts on the most elaborate version of his Serpent outfit, because he knows that this is the clothing that will turn on Bret the most.  He puts on the bunny mask, and as he expected, Bret is majorly excited.   The shot of the two boys walking slowly through the forest, in silhouette, against the misty night sky would look very romantic and enticing with different music, and I think that’s the point.
- When Betty confronts Donna again, in the forest, Betty says that she is not bothered by a sex tape, because she’s the daughter of the Black Hood. Is this true? I can’t tell.   Oh and Donna is a much better investigator than  Betty - she found Evelyn. 
- The Ides of March plan was a piece of theater concocted by Jughead to communicate to Betty that she had in fact killed him.  She killed his hope for the future, and his faith that he would find a place to belong, and his belief that his girlfriend genuinely supported his dreams and wishes.  Jughead both wanted to tell Betty this, and he actually really did want to die.  Betty has reduced his whole life to being just about her, and she did everything she could possibly think of to make sure he wouldn’t get to Yale. Betty has persuaded Jughead that he doesn’t deserve Yale and that he won’t belong there.   This is (OMFG what) textbook partner abuse.
- Archie wants to know what Betty has done, because Jughead is ‘dead.’ We know he isn’t, and I suppose I will keep an open mind that the cockamamie story that they’ll tell me about what was ‘really going on’ might ease some of my horror at Betty, but I have grave doubts.
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dessarious · 4 years
Misconceptions, Miscommunication, and Misinformation Pt77
Inspired by @ozmav Maribat AU
AO3   Beginning   Previous   Next
Damian spent the next day with Marinette at the hotel. Chloe and Luka both had school and Mari needed someone to keep her calm before the meeting with the Justice League. Not to mention Damian did not want to be stuck in the apartment with Drake. When Hawkmoth was unmasked it created a lot of ripples that everyone was still reeling from. Françoise Dupont was one more casualty. Between the ongoing investigation that was happening because of what happened to Marinette and the fact that Hawkmoth’s son went there the school was shut down until they found new staff at the very least. Since Damian hadn’t transferred yet he was off until it went through.
“So how’s your family taking the announcement?” He figured she’d ask eventually but it had taken her three hours so he’d give her points for restraint.
“The same way they take everything. It’s just one more thing for them to make fun of and overanalyze.” He saw her expression go hard and when she spoke there was a dangerous edge to her voice.
“They’re making fun of your sexuality?” He actually shivered at her tone. This was why Batman himself was terrified of this tiny girl.
“No. More making jokes about me having a significant other at all. Apparently they all decided that if I was ever to show interest in someone it would definitely not be reciprocated. At the moment they seem to be debating whether I’m making the whole thing up or holding my boyfriend’s family hostage to get dates.” It was their usual nonsense and he was used to it. Marinette however looked ready to transform and go back to Gotham to ‘talk’ to them.
“You should tell them that’s not okay. You shouldn’t be so worried about dealing with them that you’re afraid of living your life.” Damian just scowled at her in annoyance.
“I’m not afraid of those idiots.” She rolled her eyes and sighed.
“I didn’t say you were. But how many times do you decide to not do something because you don’t want to deal with the fallout? How often do you debate whether it’s worth it to do something that actually makes you happy because you think they’ll give you shit for it? They need to know that’s not okay. You should be able to live your life without being concerned about what they’ll say or do.” That made sense, to a point anyway. When he really considered it he realized she was right. It never would have occurred to him to ask to go to an arts school because he didn’t want to listen to their comments. At the same time, it was how they acted with everyone in the family.
“They don’t just do it to me you know. They constantly harass each other just as much. I could just ignore it and not let it control my actions.” He hadn’t realized how much it did control his actions if he was being honest. That was one of the many things he’d learned about himself because of his friendship with Marinette. Not that he’d ever tell her that.
“That doesn’t make it alright. Just because they don’t discriminate in their stupidity doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be called out on it. Just like when I call you out for being an asshole.” He gave her a flat look but she just smiled at him. It was becoming harder to keep a straight face around her and he couldn’t decide if that was a good or bad thing.
“Any idea what you’re going to say to the Justice League?” All else fails, redirect the conversation. Marinette grimaced at the question before blowing out an annoyed breath.
“I assume that Superman is going to start before I can get a word in edgewise so having an actual speech planned out is pointless. There’s only a few things I want to make clear. First that the ban to travel to Paris will be lifted at the end of the week in case of ‘loose ends’. Mainly I just want them to stew about the fact that they can’t do whatever they please.” Damian let out a snort of laughter at that. Given the way they’d all tried to descend on Paris the moment Hawkmoth’s capture hit the news he understood why she was doing it. They didn’t wait to confirm she had in fact caught the real villain and could have just been putting Paris at risk. “Second, that they still have absolutely no authority over the Miraculous themselves. Having Wonder Woman’s backing should help with that but I wouldn’t be surprised if one or more of them try to tell me to give them the Miraculous. And third, if any of them think tracking us down to take them is a good idea they’ll get the full force of the wrath the Kwami are capable of. Given that Plagg destroyed the dinosaurs in an ‘oops’ moment they should probably be worried about what he can do when angered.”
“As much as I would like to believe words will work, you may have to do another demonstration.” Marinette just nodded at him. She knew as well as he did that this wasn’t going to be easy. It was highly probable that they’d spend the next six months or so showing various members of the League that they needed to back off. Yet another reason for him to stay in Paris. Damian still didn’t understand why Marinette didn’t just ask him for the civilian identities of the heroes so she could deal with them herself. “Did you figure out which wheelchair you want to get? My father said he’d pay the difference if you need something out of your price range.”
“That’s a kind offer but I’m not struggling for money. My business has actually gotten even better since the fashion show. I might actually have to hire some people to make the clothing so I can concentrate on design if I don’t want to start turning people away. I’m also getting a lot of interest from clothing manufacturers about designing discount clothing to market to a broad audience. Honestly just doing one of those would likely have me set for life. I’m just glad I’m at the point where this won’t completely destroy my parents financially. While it’s nice to know they love me enough to sell the bakery and move somewhere that’s accessible to me I would never want them to have to.”
“Well if you need tips or names of people to help with that, Drake would be a good source. I know that you have Jagged stone but global manufacturing is different from music in a lot of ways. Wayne Enterprises deals with a lot more of the problems you’re likely to see.” She nodded thoughtfully before offering him a bright smile.
“Thanks, I might just do that. It’ll be helpful to talk to someone who knows the ins and outs of things. I was actually going to ask you since I have a feeling you know a lot more about your father’s business than you let on.” Damian just blinked at her for a moment before giving out a sigh and pulled out his phone to send her a list he’d put together. It was names and numbers of people in the company who could help her along with various laws, specifically intellectual copyright laws, and some other things to do with business. She just gave him another bright smile before she started drawing in her sketchbook again. He really wished he could figure out how she did that.
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typingtess · 2 years
Tiptoeing through the “Pandora’s Box” guest cast
Beckett Gunderson as Young Callen Duncan Campbell as NCIS Special Agent Castor Both appear in the prior episode.
Kavi Ramachandran Ladnier as NCIS Reserve Agent Shyla Dahr Guest starred in episodes of Cosby, Law & Order, Las Vegas, CSI: Miami, CSI: NY, Heroes, General Hospital, Criminal Minds, Future Man, Good Game and The Sex Lives of College Girls.
Set/trailer photos. 
Nicky Endres as Kim Cho Returns from "Provenance" in season 11.
Gildart Jackson as Gerard Dupont Was Simon Prentiss in General Hospital, Jackson Palmer in Providence and Ian Carlyle in The Bold Type.  Guest roles include VIP, Early Edition, Boomtown, John Doe, Las Vegas, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Charmed, StarGate Atlantis, The Suite Life on Deck, Hannah Montana, Burn Notice and The Young and the Restless.
Adam Lustick as Hieronymus Appeared in a lot of sketch series like Adam Ruins Everything, CollegeHumor Originals and Punk'd.  Was Bo in Disengaged and Anthony in Casual.  Guest roles include The Office, 2 Broke Girls, Dads, Anger Management and Therapy.
Josie Nivar as Pilar Teen actress with guest roles in Shameless, The Baxters, The Bay and SWAT.
Czarina Mada as Elena Maldonado Guest roles include Blue Bloods, Orange is the New Black, Manifest, Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan and FBI: Most Wanted.
Christine Horn as Elliot Reynolds Played Sherry Perkins in Complications and Black Diamond in Snowfall.
Had guest roles in episodes of The Young and the Restless, Rectify, Reckless, Red Band Society, Being Mary Jane, Kaleidoscope, The Originals, Greenleaf, MacGyver, Powerless, Ray Donovan, Mom, American Crime Story, Good Girls, Legion, Timeless, The Affair, The Good Doctor, Lethal Weapon, SWAT, Miracle Workers, Bosch, Sydney to the Max, Mayans MC, Black-ish, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Two Degrees, Helstrom, Shameless, Grey's Anatomy, Big Shot and Kenan.
Played Dr. Felicia Serena in NCIS's "Ready or Not" in season 15.
Aaron Coleman as Ross Guest roles include episodes of The Bold and the Beautiful, Passions, Criminal Minds, General Hospital, One Day at a Time (2019), The Affair, Carol's Second Act, The Goldbergs, United States of Al, American Crime Story, Young Sheldon, The Rookie and Super Pumped.
Samantha Gangal as Teenage Girl Guest star appearances include appearing in a number of Fresh Off the Boat episodes.  Over at IMDB, Gangal is credited as “Young Katya”.
Written by: Chad Mazero & Lee A. Carlisle
Chad Mazero co-wrote “Internal Affairs”, “Revenge Deferred” and “Where Everybody Knows Your Name” and “The Noble Maidens”.  Wrote “Tidings We Bring”, “Can I Get a Witness”, “All Is Bright”, “Diamond in the Rough”, “High Society”, “Murder of Crows”, "Overdue" and "Sorry for Your Loss".
Lee A. Carlisle wrote or co-wrote “Golden Days”, “Reentry”, “Into the Breach”, “Concours D’Elegance”, “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” and "Sundown".
Directed by: Daniela Ruah directed "Russia, Russia, Russia" and "Lost Soldier Down".
NCIS: Los Angeles is preempted next Sunday due to the Grammy Awards.
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Currently in Progress
The Liaison from Wayne Enterprises 2: 
“Your father is on the phone.” 
“Why didn’t he call my cell?” 
“Because you blocked him for fun last week.” 
Jason blinks. “Right. Forgot about that. Okay. I got it. Thanks, Josie.” He clicks onto the line and grins. “B.” 
“Jason. Good to finally get a hold of you.” 
Jason smirks. “Blame Duke. He dared me.” 
“Of course he did,” Bruce says wearily. “Do you know why I’m calling?” 
“You missed my dulcet tones?” Jason guesses. 
“Your brother.” 
“Which brother?” 
“Damian,” Bruce tells him pointedly. “Is coming to stay with you for the summer while he interns at the White House for Leo McGarry.” 
“Right! Because firing another loose cannon at that place is a great idea,” Jason jokes. 
“Okay, okay, when does he get in?” Jason asks, sitting down. 
“Saturday night,” Bruce tells him. “And he’s bringing Colin along with him.” 
Jason freezes. “Oh. No. No. I did not sign up to play denmother to the brat duo.” 
“I’m not even home half the week, I’m at Maggie’s!” 
“Maggie can’t come to Dupont Circle? It isn’t far.” 
“Far isn’t the point!” Jason cries. “How am I supposed to live my life when there are two idiot teenagers idioting around? You can’t make me responsible for both of them all summer!” 
“I’m not a parent, Bruce. I’m not legal guardian material!” 
“I’m aware, which is why I’m also sending Alfred,” Bruce cuts in, finally getting a word in. “You’re busy with work, and you have your own life. I know that. Alfred will accompany the boys, and make certain they only get into a modicum of trouble.” 
Jason deflates. “Thank fucking christ,” he mutters, rubbing at his face. “I thought you were gonna make me live with those two by myself.” 
“Alfred will be driving down with the boys on Saturday. Jon Kent may visit. So will I. I’ve emailed you a list of guidelines for having the boys in the house for the summer. Please respect them.” 
Jason frowns and quickly pulls the email up on his phone, reading them out loud. “‘Number one: do not give them alcohol-’ God, nobody needs a drunk Damian. That sounds like a complete nightmare anyway. ‘Number two: please confine all romantic activities to your bedroo-’ B. Seriously? They’re not gonna walk in on me and Maggie in the kitchen, we christened it last year.” 
“What every father loves to hear…” 
“‘Number three: No night job activities.’ I’m already semi-retired, B. Damian’s still full-time. You’re really gonna convince him not to go running around on DC rooftops?” 
“I can try.” 
“Uh-huh. ‘Number four: No attempts on each others’ lives.’ God, old man, you spoil my fun.” 
He laughs a little. “Fine, fine. I won’t smother Damian with a pillow in his sleep, but he’s gotta promise the same.” 
“I wrote out a contract that he signed,” Bruce informs him. “He knows better than to break it.” 
“That’s weird. But whatever works, I guess.” 
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alexzalben · 4 years
oh yes Alex you hate Jughead, only like Barchie, Archie, and Choni
The only characters I like on Riverdale are:
Archie, Betty, Veronica, Jughead, Kevin, Cheryl, Alice, FP, Hermione, Hiram, Toni, Fred, Reggie, Tom, Penelope, Pop, Josie, Fangs, Hal, Sweet Pea, Sierra, Moose, Principal Weatherbee, Polly, Mary, Cliff, Rose, Evelyn, Jellybean, Valerie, Melody, Bret, Donna, Joan, Jason, Mad Dog, Chic, Ethel, Penny, Johnathan, Mr. DuPont, Joaquin, Tall Boy, Charles, Peaches, Sister Woodhouse, Doris, Midge, Smithers, Gladys, Edgar, Sheriff Minetta, Elio, Dr. Curdle Jr., Dr. Curdle Sr., Ben Button, Dilton, Andre, Ginger, Reggie 1.0, Chuck, Hermosa, Principal Honey, Ms. Grundy, Ms. Weiss, Laura, Dodger, Coach Clayton, Tina, Arthur, Kurtz, Mr. Chipping, Vic, Eddie, Toby, Warden Norton, Frank, Malachai, Football Player, Captain Golightly, Hog Eye, Mrs. Klump, Leo, Nico, Deputy, Dancer, Ricky, Darla, Marty, Baby Teeth, Mr. Svenson, Happy Patient, Dr. Masters, Referee, Malcolm, Delores, Nuckles, Dr. Patel, Dr. Phylum, Aunt Cricket, Judge, Seedy Boy #2, Uncle Bedford, Cassidy Bullock, Trev Brown, Robert Phillips, Lawyer, Brooke, Myles, Mustang, Larry, Dealer, Li’l Polly, Xavier, Simone, Game Master, Agent Ordelia, Head Nurse, Sister Agnes, Gargoyle Leader, Monsignor, Other Serpent (...list continues on next page)
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