#Jordan Kent x Witch!Reader
fanficwritersworld · 3 years
It's Always You
Summary: When investigating your crush’s laser eyes. You end up protecting him and his brother against your Coven’s rules.
Paring: Jordan Kent x Witch!Reader
Requested: No
Word Count: ?
Warnings: Mentions of death, abandonment, burning a person.
Angst and Fluff
Masterlist|Prompt List|Jordan Kent x Witch!Reader
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Some people say that the moment is gone
And then they tell you that its time to move on
But don't you listen to a word that they say
From the moment you saw Jordan Kent shoot lasers from his eyes, you knew he was extra special. This was the boy who played with you when no one else did. He would listen to you endlessly over the phone when you rambled about a new topic that crossed you path. Even with you in Smallville and Jordan in Metropolis, you two were beside each other through and through.
You always felt that Jordan was special. From his curly dark hair to his rosy red cheeks, Jordan Kent was one of a kind in your eyes. So when you saw him cause an explosion you did one thing.
Cause we got magic that just won't go away
And we may be a hundred worlds apart but that won't keep me from your heart
You used your mother’s heritage to find out Clark Kent was Superman. Your mother was a witch, making you one. At your age you could read people’s auras, understand their emotions from a touch and if you concentrated hard enough see past memories. Basic witchcraft.
However you didn’t need to use your powerful magic when you saw Clark Kent leave the Cushing barbecue early, only for Superman to be on the news minutes later.
You could also read his aura, the reading unfamiliar to others whom were human but semi familiar to the Kent boy who had caught your eye. You noticed however the overwhelming pride towards Jordan and Jonathan which made you smile.
You can't fight the rain when its already falling
You can't hide the truth from yourself when you're all in
No one can erase this, I'll always be drawing you closer and closer
Whatever I do, its always you
Ohh, its always you
You turned to see the bright eyed boy you had been worrying over fort he past few day. He gave a quick jog towards you before pulling you into a hug. “Jord! I missed you” You smiled, wrapping your arms tightly around Jordan, inhaling his intoxicating scent. He was taller than you, which sucked on the outside but on the inside filled your romantic fantasies. You blame that on Percy Jackson.
When Jordan joined the football, You supported Jordan entirely seeing him be happy was you life mission. His goofy smile made your heart skip a beat or two and your stomach flutter like a thousand butterflies waking.
“I’m proud of you, Jordan” You smiled after practice finished, walking home with Jordan.
He gave you that smile and the heat rushed to your cheeks. “You don’t know how much I need to hear that from you” He replied, hitting th pebbles by his feet.
“See you tomorrow Jord” You smiled as you both got closer to your mother’s home. Jordan gave you one last hug before saying goodbye. His touch lingered as he had whispered his goodbye in your ear.
Some people run from what they don't understand
But we're just keeping up the best that we can
I know you need to go, I wish you could stay
You only went to that stupid party because Jordan asked you. But when you accidentally read Tag Harris’ aura, you nearly fainted onto Jonathan Kent. It was dangerous, unstable and harmful. You could see the yellow energy climb up your veins, unintentionally linking you to the injured teen for a short amount of time. You followed Jonathan and Jordan who went after Tag, your senses confused and disoriented from the darkness inside of the teen
You played off that it was the alcohol but Jordan clearly didn’t buy it. He knew you better than anyone and you never drank a day in your life, a custom that was heavily surround by your small but powerful coven. But when Tag went to attack Jordan, you rushed in front of him creating a barrier of magic around you two, pushing Tag back.
No one in your coven was that powerful alone, causing you to collapse into Jordan Kent’s arms as Superman came to the rescue. Unaware in your delirious state you mumbled a spell in front of the twins unlinking you from Tag.
Because we got magic that just won't go away
And we may be a hundred worlds apart but that won't keep me from your heart
You can't fight the rain when its already falling
You can't hide the truth from yourself when you're all in
No one can erase this, I'll always be drawing you closer and closer
Whatever I do, its always you
Ohh, its always you
You woke up in the Kent household, Lois Lane tending to the cut on your left leg. You were confused at first, wondering how you got there and then like a shelf full of heavy books toppling over it hit you.
You used magic right in front of outsiders.
You panicked, your body shaking uncontrollably as you cried in front of Lois. Even though she didn’t understand why, the mother pulled you into a hug, calming you down ever so slightly. “Shhh, it’s okay your safe” Lois reassured you, believing you were shaken up by the night previous. “No, I’m not” You sobbed, knowing what was to happen when you got to your mother’s home.
Clark and Jordan both escorted you home in Clark’s trusty truck. You didn’t talk or utter a single word since your statement to Lois, your mind going over every negative outcome possible. Jordan held your hand in his the entire way, giving you some comfort. “Thanks for the ride home, Clark” You muttered, leaving the truck not saying goodbye to your only friend.
Your mother noticed you and without hesitation she yanked your arm and dragged you into her home. The coven’s leader stood tall as the other witches sat behind you. You felt like a criminal in the court like room. But you were, you used magic in front of outsiders and the price of your actions was high.
“You, (Y/N) (L/N) are here by banished from the Coven Kyra. You will remain a witch with no coven or ties to our most prized knowledge from now till your ruin. Your powers will be uncontrollable unless you are provided a grounding crystal in which you will be given to keep our coven secret.
You are not to contact anyone in this coven. If you seek another coven’s help they will see your crimes through your aura. You are not to return to this coven nor shall you ever come back to our sacred grounds. If you breach these rules you shall be burned by hellfire”
And just like that you were alone. No family. No home. No protection against the hunters who wished to kill you.
Jordan noticed you hadn’t returned to school. He tried to text or call you but your phone had died hours after you banishment. He begged his father to help him find you, thankfully Clark was also worried and agreed to help you.
You sat outside of town, under a broken down, useless bus stop that had been taken off the route years ago. The rain pattered above you and one you as you tried to sleep. Usually, the rain would help you sleep better but now it became a constant reminder of the life you lost protecting Jordan Kent.
But you never regretted your actions.
You opened your eyes to see the curly haired, rosy cheek and now frowning boy look down on you. He didn’t look sympathetic or shocked by your current state. Your hair was dirty, greasy and covered in soot. Your clothes were already worn from the seasonal change into winter.
“Jordan, I ca-”
He stopped you from answering, pulling you close to him despite you being soaked to the bone and dirty from not having a shower in weeks. He cried onto your hair, mumbling about how worried he was about you and all his fears of what might have happened to you. You buried you head into his chest, crying with him unable to speak.
Jordan held you head in his head, his tears blueish-green orbs staring back at your own (E/C) filled with tears. He didn’t say anything, only looking at your scrawny and sick-like features. He noticed your nose turning red and your puffy eyes previous from your crying. “Let’s get you back home” He whispered, pulling you close once again.
It's always you
It's always you
It’s always you
You told Clark and Lois about your banishment, about your coven’s code and terms with your punishment. They listened, not asking questions or butting in when they disagreed with anything you said about the coven.
“My sisters used magic to erase me from any photo in their home. My mother burned all of my belongings with hellfire. I am completely erased from their family and the coven. I was lucky enough to be given a grounding crystal for my magic” You sobbed, holding the cup of tea Lois made you harder.
Lois only hugged you as you started to sob, she know understood why you broke down after you woke up and it broke her heart. “When did this start?” Clark asked softly, knowing that this subject would be very sensitive. “When you dropped me to the coven’s home. I am lucky to be alive, using magic in front of an outsider is punishable by death, being burned by hellfire in front of the entire coven” You choked, wiping your tears with the back of your hand.
You didn’t want to ruin the fresh pyjamas provided by Lois after she insisted you take a hot shower and wore fresh clean clothes. Lois and Clark looked at each other, not even you could understand what the meant. “Clark and I need to talk, why don’t you go up to the boys. You don’t have to tell them what happened if you don’t want too” Lois told you, pushing your hair back behind your ears.
You nodded quietly.
“We will respect whatever decision you make, even if you twist the truth” Clark added. He understood what it was like to keep a secret so big, he had first hand of experience with it blowing up in your face and he knew that what’re you chose it was in the best interest for Jordan.
You knocked on Jordan’s door, your hands trembling as you waited for him to open the door. What was only moments felt like hours to you before the caution taped door opened up widely. Jordan looked at you, the worry in his eyes causing you to shrink in your form.
Jonathan sat up from his brother’s bed, thankful that his twin stopped pacing. He excused himself from the room, giving you a comforting squeeze on the shoulder.
Jordan moved to the side, motioning for you to come in. You slowly walked past him, waiting for him to change his mind. “How are you feeling?” Jordan asked you, looking down at his feet. “Better” You answered, playing with your fingers.
“I was so worried about you” Jordan sighed, sitting on his bed. You stayed by the door, hooked onto his every word, waiting for more. “When you stopped answering my texts and calls, not showing up to school. Hell even you sisters wouldn’t tell me” Jordan muttered that last part hoping you didn’t hear him. But you did and winced at the mention of your sisters.
“I’m sorry” You answered, not knowing what to say. Jordan ran his hair through his dark curls, his mind racing at the thought you might have been dead or abandoned in a ditch somewhere. He patted the empty space next to him, looking at you his eyes pleasing to have you near him.
You obliged, the creak of the springs echoed the silent room as you sat next to Jordan. “I’m a witch. When I stopped Tag from hurting you, my coven didn’t like that I used magic and kicked me out. Erasing me from ever existing at all to them” You told Jordan, leaving out the darker parts of your punishment.
Jordan took your hand in his, his thumb caressing over your scabbing knuckles. “This is all my fault” Jordan blamed, his voice cracking. You pulled his hand with yours, his head turning to you. “No, its not. I used my magic because I wanted to protect you. I did that not you. And I would do it all over again if it meant you were safe. It’s you, Jordan” You told him, your free hand now laying on his wet cheek wiping his tears.
“It’s always you”
Jordan gave a small smile before leaning in, his lips ghosting over yours. You closed the gap, his hands now moved to your cheeks as did yours. This kiss was soft and gentle. His lips tasted like peaches and were slightly salty from his tears. To Jordan, yours tasted like the chamomile tea you had and for an odd reasons lemongrass.
Once you pulled apart, you both leaned your head against each other’s. You both didn’t need words to describe what you both felt in that moment. Silently, you both knew the feeling you both kept bottled up were mutual.
Jordan pulled you in for another hug, resting his head upon yours. You snuggled into his warm chest, his black hoodie smelling like grass and mint. You closed your eyes and before you knew it, you had fallen asleep.
Jonathan snapped a quick picture of you and Jordan snuggled up under his duvet. You were hugging Jordan as your head lay against his chest. The half-alien’s calm heartbeat soothing your slumber. Jordan had both arms lazily wrapped around your waist, his chin resting on your head as he laid on his back.
Jonathan was happy for his brother, and even more so now that he didn’t have to hear him gush about the crush he developed on you.
Lois and Clark both noticed the three teenagers were not downstairs and went o investigate. They stopped at Jordan’s room, seeing their other son tip toe out of there.
“Where is your brother and (Y/N)-“ Lois was shushed by her son, who pointed at the room he left. “Trust me. It’s worth it” He whispered, moving to allow his parents a view.
Lois and Clark melted at the sight of you and Jordan. They had been rooting for you two since day one and honestly were happy you both came to your senses. Sure they wished it happened under better circumstances but overjoyed nonetheless. They didn’t even care that you both shared a bed, knowing they could trust you.
“Now we just need to know who acted on their feelings first? I want my ten dollars”
Requests Are Open!
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dollwritesarchive · 2 years
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here’s a list of my current WIPs !!
below the cut, you can find everything from current writing events to which requests i’m working on, to which commissions i have coming up! this masterlist will be updated as often as i can remember to do so :) ya girl is heckin’ forgetful so please be patient with me! also, if you don’t see your request, it probably means i’ve just got the others on my mind; i do not do requests in order, i follow my muse.
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current ongoing events
three’s company event
fluffy prompts list
kink roulette game
dark prompts list
current aus
galaxy’s edge au
double vision au
the puppy trap au
neon moon au
upcoming single fics
upcoming parts / series
bring me a dream ( 1, 2, 3 )
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i obviously have more requests in my inbox ( there is over 1k messages in there ! ) but these are the requests that i keep coming back to, keep thinking about, or have started working on.
my requests are open for dc & twisted wonderland only atm!
anonymous asked: Doll my absolute beloved, I would be over the moon if you wrote anything involving teasing dom!Trey Clover! Maybe involving some light bondage? Please and thank youuuu - 😴
anonymous asked: I’ve come bearing a Hal Jordan request in my little simp basket!!! (But only if you want it.) 🥰🥰🥰 He comes home from a really long mission out in space, fucks you silly, and tell you he’s gonna fuck a baby into you because you’re so good for/to him!!! 💖💖💖 Thank you!!! 😘😘😘
anonymous asked: Heeeey doll! How are you doing?May I request some Klarion Bleak's headcanons with a gender neutral s/o who is a witch as well but they are a superhero and against the Light? How would it play out between them? Thanks a lot!! And take care ♡♡♡
anonymous asked: Great! Can I please request adult!Damian x f!reader where he takes her virginity? I loved the dick Grayson one but would love to see it with Damian. Thank you so much!!
anonymous asked: hey bb can you do jason or connor x a virgin! reader :)
anonymous asked: Could I request a Hal fic where he has you cockwarming him and whenever he feels like it starts thrusting into you but stops so you can’t get off. he does this for a while because he finds it amusing when you turn into a mess because of him and then just absolutely rails you until you almost pass out and he’s more than satisfied you won’t be able to walk properly for a while. I just love the idea of mean but soft Hal, it makes me go soooo fucken feral! thanks!!! you can make it more darker if you want, I wouldn’t mind dark Hal at all.
anonymous asked: Hello I just wanted to say that I love your writing and if you want, for the neon moon can you write a case where Jason has to go somewhere and your left alone with Dick and he really happy cause he gets to torture you without Jason complaing thanks
agentofkrypton asked: 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 that puppy trap inspiration….doll, I am trembling at the idea of this au, I need dark!superman to tied me up and use me as he pleases
anonymous asked: hey can I request silver from twisted wonderland w/ lingerir kink? I just think he'd look sooooo pretty in frills y'know
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click here for commission info !!
maximoff twins x reader smut
conner kent x reader smut
frank castle x reader smut
brahms heelshire x reader
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andsjuliet · 4 years
2020 books read
1) Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston (Re-Read, Audiobook) / (Jan 1-Jan 1) 2) Since You’ve Been Gone - Morgan Matson (Re-Read, Audiobook) / (Jan 1-Jan 7) 3) Little Women - Louisa May Alcott (Re-Read, Audiobook) / (Jan 2-Jan 3) 4) Sounds Like Me: My Life (So Far In Song) - Sara Bareilles (Re-Read, Audiobook) / (Jan 8-Jan 8) 5) I Woke Up Dead at the Mall - Judy Sheehan (Audiobook) / (Jan 10-Jan 12) 6) A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder - Holly Jackson (Goodreads Giveaway Advanced Reader Copy) / (Jan 14-Jan 17 ) 7) The Cheerleaders - Kara Thomas / (Jan 18-Jan 19) 8) When I Was You - Minka Kent / (Jan 19-Jan 21) 9) Always Never Yours - Emily Wibberley & Austin Siegemund-Broka (Audiobook) / (Jan 21-Jan 27) 10) The Hand on the Wall - Maureen Johnson / (Jan 26-Feb 22) 11) The Haunting of Ashburn House - Darcy Coates / (Feb 23-Mar 2) 12) One of Us is Next - Karen M. McManus / (Mar 2-Mar 13) 13) The Carrow Haunt - Darcy Coates / (Mar 14-Mar 15) 14) American Royals - Katherine McGee / (Mar 20-Mar 22) 15) Tweet Cute - Emma Lord / (Mar 23-Mar 24) 16) The Unexpected Everything - Morgan Matson (Re-Read, Audiobook) / (Mar 26-Mar 27) 17) Burn for Burn - Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian / (Mar 28) 18) Fire with Fire - Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian / (Mar 28) 19) Ashes to Ashes - Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian / (Mar 28-Mar 29) 20) Love & Luck - Jenna Evans Welsh / (Mar 29-April 1) 21) The Summer I Turned Pretty - Jenny Han / (April 1-April 3) 22) It’s Not Summer Without You - Jenny Han / (April 3-April 4) 23) We’ll Always Have Summer - Jenny Han / (April 4) 24) Love & Gelato - Jenna Evans Welsh / (April 5-April 6) 25) As Kismit Would Have It - Sandhya Menon / (April 6-April 7) 26) All Eyes on Us - Kit Frick / (April 9-April 12) 27) The Babysitters Coven - Kate Williams / (April 18-April 27) 28) What I Like About You - Marisa Kanter / (April 27-April 29) 29) Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston (Re-Read, Audiobook) / (April 29-April 29) 30) Nancy Drew: The Curse - Micol Ostow / (April 30-May 1) 31) Out of Left Field - Kris Hui Lee / (May 1-May 2) 32) The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyne Hardcastle - Stuart Turton (Audiobook) / (April 20-May 5) 33) The Raven Boys - Maggie Stiefvater / (May 2-May 6) 34) If We Were Villains - M.L. Rio (Re-Read, Audiobook) / (May 6-May 8) 35) The Dream Thieves - Maggie Stiefvater / (May 7-May 12) 36) Blue Lily, Lily Blue - Maggie Stiefvater / (May 12-May 18) 37) The Henna Wars - Adiba Jaigirdar / (May 16-May 24) 38) The Raven King - Maggie Stiefvater / (May 18-May 25) 39) Break the Fall - Jennifer Iacopelli / (May 25-May 26) 40) The Foxhole Court - Nora Sakavic / (May 26-May 27) 41) The Raven King - Nora Sakavic / (May 29-May 30) 42) The King’s Men - Nora Sakavic / (May 30-May 31) 43) The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins (Re-Read, Audiobook) / (June 1-June 1) 44) Catching Fire - Suzanne Collins (Re-Read, Audiobook) / (June 1-June 2) 45) Mockingjay - Suzanne Collins (Re-Read, Audiobook) / (June 2-June 3) 46) On the Come Up - Angie Thomas (Audiobook) / (June 4-June 5) 47) The Starless Sea - Erin Morgenstern / (June 7-June 12) 48) The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reid / (June 12-June 13) 49) The Lightning Thief - Rick Riordan / (June 13-June 15) 50) The Folcroft Ghosts - Darcy Coates / (June 19-June 20) 51) The Sea of Monsters - Rick Riordan / (June 20-June 23) 52) If We Were Villains - M.L. Rio (Re-Read, Physical + Audiobook) / (June 29-July 2) 53) The Titan’s Curse - Rick Riordan / (June 23-July 2) 54) The Battle of the Labyrinth - Rick Riordan / (July 2-July 4) 55) The Last Olympian - Rick Riordan / (July 4-July 5) 56) Beach Read - Emily Henry / (July 5-July 6) 57) Anna K - Jenny Lee / (July 7-July 7) 58) Circe - Madeline Miller / (July 9-July 10) 59) Emma - Jane Austen (Re-Read, Audiobook) / (July 12-July 15) 60) You Should See Me In a Crown - Leah Johnson (Audiobook) / (July 17-July 19) 61) The Song of Achilles - Madeline Miller / (July 21-July 23) 62) Second Chance Summer - Morgan Matson (Re-Read) / (July 25-July 28) 63) Stamped: Racism, Antiracism and You - Jason Reynolds, Ibram X. Kendi / (July 3-July 31) 64) Clique Bait - Ann Valett / (July 29-Aug 1) 65) Meet Me at Midnight - Jessica Pennington / (Aug 2-Aug 3) 66) By the Book - Amanda Sellet / (July 6-Aug 9) 67) The Black Kids - Christina Hammonds Reed (Audiobook) / (Aug 9-Aug 10) 68) She’s the Worst - Lauran Spieller / (Aug 10-Aug 10) 69) Love and Other Train Wrecks - Leah Konen / (Aug 10-Aug 12) 70) The Hate U Give - Angie Thomas (Re-Read, Audiobook) / (Aug 6-Aug 15) 71) The Poet X - Elizabeth Acevedo (Audiobook) / (Aug 16-Aug 16) 72) Fractured - Shay Siegel (NetGalley ARC) / (Aug 18-Aug 19) 73) These Witches Don’t Burn - Isabel Sterling (Re-Read) / (Aug 21-Aug 24) 74) This Coven Won’t Break - Isabel Sterling / (Aug 24-Aug 24) 75) This Spell Can’t Last - Isabel Sterling (Novella) / (Aug 24-Aug 24) 76) Save the Date - Morgan Matson (Re-Read) / (Aug 25-Aug 27) 77) I Hope You’re Listening - Tom Ryan (NetGalley ARC) / (Aug 27-Aug 28) 78) Twelfth Night - William Shakespeare (ReRead) / (Aug 12-Aug 31) 79) Boyfriend Material - Alexis Hall (Audiobook) / (Aug 31-Aug 31) 80) Only Mostly Devastated - Sophie Gonzales (Audiobook) / (Sep 1-Sep 1) 81) Where Dreams Descend - Janella Angeles / (Aug 30-Sep 5) 82) Majesty - Katherine McGee / (Sep 7-Sep 9) 83) I Killed Zoe Spanos - Kit Frick (Audiobook) / (Sep 10-Sep 11) 84) Nobody Knows But You - Anica Mrose Rissi (NetGalley ARC) / (Sep 12-Sep 12) 85) If We Were Villains - M.L. Rio (Re-Read, Audiobook) / (Sep 14-Sep 14) 86) Macbeth - William Shakespeare (Re-Read, Audiobook) / (Sep 15-Sep 15) 87) The Year Shakespeare Ruined My Life - Dani Jansen (NetGalley ARC) / (Sep 16-Sep 19) 88) Kisses and Croissants - Anne-Sophie Jouhanneau (NetGalley ARC) / (Sep 24-Sep 25) 89) The Lakehouse - Joe Clifford (NetGalley ARC) / (Sep 30-Oct 1) 90) The Poppy and the Rose - Ashlee Cowles (NetGalley ARC) / (Oct 1-Oct 7) 91) We Were Restless Things - Cole Nagamatsu (NetGalley ARC) / (Oct 8-Oct 10) 92) When Life Gives You Lemons Instead of Lattes - Rayna York (NetGalley ARC) / (Oct 11- Oct 12) 93) Where Dreams Descend - Janella Angeles (ReRead) / (Oct 17-Oct 21) 94) The Royal We - Heather Cocks & Jessica Morgan (Audibook) / (Oct 21-Oct 23) 95) The Heir Affair - Heather Cocks & Jessica Morgan (Audiiobook) / (Oct 23-Oct 24) 96) The Hollywood Jim Crow - Maryann Erigha / (Sep 30 - Oct 29) 97) Lies Like Poison - Chelsea Pitcher (NetGalley ARC) / (Oct 26 - Nov 1) 98) In Tune - Yeyet Soriano (ARC) / (Nov 2 - Nov 4) 99) Red, White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston (Re-Read, Audiobook) / (Nov 2 - Nov 5) 100) These Violent Delights - Chloe Gong / (Nov 6 - Nov 10) 101) Influence - Sara Shepard (NetGalley ARC) / (Nov 4 - Nov 11) 102) Ten Rules for Fakiing it - Sophie Sullivan (NetGalley ARC) / (Nov 11 - Nov 13) 103) The Worst Best Man - Mia Sosa (Audiobook) / (Nov 13 - Nov 14) 104) Sixteen Scandals - Sophie Jordan (Edelweiss+ ARC) / (Nov 15 - Nov 16) 105) The Life and (Medieval) Tiimes of Kit Sweetly - Jamie Pacton (Audiobook) / (Nov 17 - Nov 17) 106) You Have a Match - Emma Lord (NetGalley ARC) / (Nov 19 - Nov 21) 107) Be More Chill - Ned Vizzini (Audiobook) / (Nov 21 - Nov 21) 108) Dear Evan Hansen - Val Emmich (Re-Read, Audiobook) / (Nov 22 - Nov 23) 109) The Bitterwine Oath - Hannah West (ARC) / (Nov 24 - Nov 25) 110) The Gilded Wolves - Roshani Chokshi / (Nov 18 - Nov 25) 111) Rent a Boyfriend - Gloria Chao (Audiobook) / (Nov 26 - Nov 26) 112) I Love You So Mochi - Sarah Kuhn (Audiobook) / (Nov 27 - Nov 27) 113) The Twelve Dates of Christmas - Jenny Bayliss / (Nov 26 - Nov 28) 114) Wiith the Fire on High - Elizabeth Acevedo (Audiobook) / (Nov 28 - Nov 29) 115) Not Our Summer - Casie Bazay (NetGalley ARC) / (Nov 29 - Nov 30) 116) Meg & Jo - Virgina Kantra (Audiobook) / (Dec 2 - Dec 2) 117) The Honey Don’t List - Christina Lauren (Audiiobook) / (Dec 3 - Dec 3) 118) Clap When You Land - Elizabeth Acevedo (Audiobook) / (Dec 3 - Dec 3) 119) The Wedding Date - Jasmine Guillory (Audiobook) / (Dec 3 - Dec 3) 120) Perfect on Paper - Sophie Gonzales (NetGalley ARC) / (Dec 1 - Dec 4) 121) The Wedding Partty - Jasmine Guillory (Audiobook) / (Dec 6 - Dec 6) 122) If We Were Villains - M.L. Rio (Reread) / (Dec 5 - Dec 6) 123) We Are Okay - Nina LaCour (Audiiobook) / (Dec 6 - Dec 7) 124) Royal Holiday - Jasmine Guillory (Audiiobook) / (Dec 7 - Dec 7) 125) Party of Two - Jasmine Guillory (Audiobook) / (Dec 7 - Dec 7) 126) The Silvered Serpents - Roshani Chokshi (Audiobook) / (Dec 7- Dec 8) 127) Pride and Premediitation - Tirzah Price (Audiobook, NetGalley ARC) / (Dec 8 - Dec 9) 128) Faking Under the Mistletoe - Ashley Shepherd / (Dec 9 - Dec 10) 129) We Met in December - Rosie Curtis (Audobook) / (Dec 10 - Dec 11) 130) The Insomniacs - Marit Wesenbeerg (Audiobook) / (Dec 11 - Dec 11) 131) Rebecca - Daphne de Maurier (Audiobook) / (Dec 12 - Dec 13) 132) A Midsummer Night’s Scream - R.L. Stein (Audiobook) / (Dec 14 - Dec 15) 133) Julius Caesar - William Shakespeare (Audiobook) / (Dec 15 - Dec 15) 134) Maggie Finds Her Muse - Dee Ernst (NetGalley ARC) / (Dec 15 - Dec 15) 135) Don’t Tell a Soul - Kristen Miller (NetGalley ARC) / (Dec 16 - Dec 17) 136) Yesterday is History - Kosoko Jackson (NetGalley ARC) (Dec 17 - Dec 18) 137) Admission - Juliie Buxbaum (Audiobook) / (Dec 20 - Dec 20) 138) A Princess for Christmas - Jenny Holiday (Audiobook) / (Dec 20 - Dec 20) 139) I Love You So Mochi - Sarah Kuhn (Re-Read) / (Dec 19 - Dec 21) 140) RomaJuliette Christmas Short (These Violent Delights Universe) - Chloe Gong / (Dec 22 - Dec 22) 141) Roman and Jewel - Dana L. Davis (NetGalley ARC) / (Dec 22 - Dec 22) 142) That Way Madness Lies - Various Authors (NetGalley ARC) / (Dec 22 - Dec 24) 143) The Love Curse of Melody McIntyre - Robin Talley (Audiobook) / (Dec 26 - Dec 26) 144) Turning Pointe: How a New Generaton of Dancers Is Saving Ballet from Itself - Chlooe Angyal (NettGalley ARC) / (Dec 24 - Dec 26) 145) Written in the Stars - Alexandriia Bellefleur (Audiobook) / (Dec 27 - Dec 28) 146) A Midsummer Night’s Dream - William Shakespeare (ReRead, Audiobook) / (Dec 28 - Dec 28) 147) Cemetery Boys - Aiden Thomas / (Dec 27 - Dec 30) 148) Keep My Heart in San Francisco - Amelia Diane Coombs / (Dec 30 - Dec 30) 149) Felix Ever After - Kacen Callender (Audiobook) / (Dec 30 - Dec 31) 150) The Falling in Love Montage - Ciara Smyth / (Dec 31 - Dec 31)
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dccomicsimagines · 6 years
Masterlist - Updated 11/2/18
Young Justice Imagines
Learning to Float
Everything is Going to be Okay - Part One
Everything is Going to be Okay - Part Two
Not Good Enough
Alone - Part One
Alone - Part Two
An Order to Regret
First Time
Swimming By
Jealous on Christmas
The Presence of a Demigod
“Borrowed” Lasso - NSFW
Bart Allen
Out of Nowhere - Part One
Out of Nowhere - Part Two
Weighing You Down
Love is Confusing - Part One
Love is Confusing - Part Two
Some People are Just Bad
First Valentine’s Day
First Time
You’re Expecting What?
Couple Costume
Sugar High
Helpful Advice
Preventing the Fall
Words Unsaid
Your Choice
Snuggling War - Part One
Snuggling War - Part Two
At First Sight
Staying Over
A Funny Feeling - Part One
A Funny Feeling - Part Two
Attention Grabbing
Helping Others
I Almost Lost You
Paint Lesson
Dick Grayson as Robin
Show Off - Part One
Show Off - Part Two
What You Don’t Know
Being Best Friends with Dick Grayson Would Include…
First Time
Joker’s Daughter
Kidding Around
I Can See Them
Undercover Halloween
Never Underestimate Magic
Dick Grayson as Nightwing
Don’t Take This Personally - Part One
Don’t Take This Personally - Part Two
Don’t Take This Personally - Part Three
I’m Not Leaving
Love Yourself - Part One
Love Yourself - Part Two
Muscles - NSFW
Left Out
Electric Currents
Beach Day and Jealousy
When the Teleport Fails
I Can See Them
How to be a Heartbreaker
Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle
A Suitable Mate - Part One
A Suitable Mate - Part Two
A Suitable Mate - Part Three
A Suitable Mate - Part Four
A Suitable Mate - Part Five
Just a Little Crush
A Cagey Feeling
Back to the Past
Love is Confusing - Part One
Love is Confusing - Part Two
A Promise
The Computer Geek
Couple Costume
Tim Drake
Broken Arm
A Secret to Tell - Part One
A Secret to Tell - Part Two
Finding Out
Damian Wayne
Puppy Love
Wally West
First Time
Snuggling War - Part One
Snuggling War - Part Two
Tutor Love - Part One
Tutor Love - Part Two
Love Yourself - Part One
Love Yourself - Part Two
Dating Wally West Would Include…
First Halloween
A Halloween to Remember
Stop the Flirting
Tears of Sorrow - Part One
Tears of Sorrow - Part Two
Westie is My Bestie
Tight Squeeze
Teen Pregnancy
Roy Harper as Arsenal
I’m Here - Part One
I’m Here - Part Two
First Time
Roy Harper as Red Arrow
Love Yourself - Part One
Love Yourself - Part Two
Klarion the Witch Boy
A Tease
Defenseless Pussycat
Crushes are for Mortals - Part One
Crushes are for Mortals - Part Two
An Infant Secret
Hole in the Wall of Chaos
Jason Todd as Robin
An Awkward Conversation - Part One
An Awkward Conversation - Part Two
Miss Martian
Dating Miss Martian if You Were a Fellow Hero Would Include…
Martian Manhunter
First Christmas
Lagoon Boy
Underwater Meeting
No-Pairing Imagines
How Did You Do That?
What You Don’t Know - Part One
What You Don’t Know - Part Two
World Ending Team up
Team Halloween Bonding
Batman Imagines
Jason Todd
Guardian Angel
Reluctant Guests
Wings of a Robin
The Right Thing
Jason’s Worst Fear
Kinky - NSFW
I’ll be Here When You Wake Up
What’s on the Radio?
I Miss You
Jason Todd - Arkham Series
First Time
Dick Grayson
Rolling with the Punches - Part One
Rolling with the Punches - Part Two
Rolling with the Punches - Part Three
Hugging the Demon - Part One
Hugging the Demon - Part Two
Being Best Friends with Dick Grayson Would Include..
Muscles - NSFW
A Quiet Night - Part One
A Quiet Night - Part Two
A Quiet Night - Part Three
Will You Stay With Me?
Damian Wayne
The Unlikely of Chances - Part One
The Unlikely of Chances - Part Two
The Unlikely of Chances - Part Three
Personal Assistant
Opposites Attract - Part One
Opposites Attract - Part Two
Opposites Attract - Part Three
Hugging the Demon - Part One
Hugging the Demon - Part Two
Hugging the Demon - Part Three
When Passion Strikes - NSFW
Away from Home
Meet the Family
The Princess and the Demon
Robin Who?
Younger Big Brother
Stuck Together
Why Does it Have to be You?
A Kiss in the Rain
Triplet Crisis
I’m Not Cute 
Tim Drake
Cakes and Messes
A Puppy Situation
First Time
Pumpkin Carving with Tim Drake Would Include…
Overdoing It
Unexpected Kiss
Red Robin Came Through My Window
Couple’s Day Off
Barbara Gordon
Not Enough Time
Bruce Wayne
Full Moon
Possessive Kiss
Batfamily - In General
An Undead Replacement - Part One
An Undead Replacement - Part Two
Fitting In - Part One
Fitting In - Part Two
Fitting In - Part Three
Younger Big Brother
When it Becomes too Much
Gone But Not Forgotten
Music Recital
Christmas Returns
Costume Party Drama
Batman Beyond
Terry McGinnis
Jokers’ Revenge
Spliced Not Diced
The Flash TV Show
Barry Allen
After All This Time
Secret Identities  
First Time
Broken Secrets
Arrow TV Show
Secret Identities
Gotham TV Show
Child of Fear - Jonathan Crane x Reader
Superman/Superfamily Imagines
Superman - Clark Kent
Keep Your Options Open
Catch Me
Figuring it Out
Superwoman - Clara Kent
Christmas With the Family
Injustice Imagines
Hal Jordan
DC Villains
Poison Ivy
Mother Ivy
Killer Croc
Father Croc
Teen Titans
First Time
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy
Ghost On Halloween
“First Time” Series
First Time - Jason Todd (Arkham)
First Time - Wally West (Young Justice)
First Time - Kaldur’ahm (Young Justice)
First Time - Dick Grayson as Robin (Young Justice)
First Time - Tim Drake as Red Robin
First Time - Arsenal x Reader (Young Justice)
First Time - Bart Allen x Reader
First Time - Barry Allen x Reader
First Time - Raven x Reader
Would Includes
Being Best Friends with Dick Grayson would include…
Dating Wally West Would Include…
Dating Miss Martian if You Were a Fellow Hero Would Include…
Pumpkin Carving with Tim Drake Would Include…
Justice League vs. Teen Titans
Beast Boy
Crushing Hard
Batman Bad Blood
No Pairing Imagines
Just the Way You Are
Ouija - Wally West x Reader
An Undead Replacement - Batfamily x Reader - Part One
An Undead Replacement - Batfamily x Reader - Part Two
First Halloween - Wally West x Reader
Matching - Batfamily x Reader
Ghosts - Tim Drake x Reader
Love Yourself - Wally West x Roy Harper x Dick Grayson x Reader - Part Two
A Halloween to Remember - Wally West x Reader
Crushes are for Mortals - Klarion x Reader - Part Two
Pumpkin Carving with Tim Drake Would Include…
The Princess and the Demon - Damian Wayne x Reader
Couple Costume - Jaime Reyes x Bart Allen
I Can See Them - Dick Grayson x Reader
Sugar High - Bart Allen x Reader
Undercover Halloween - Dick Grayson x Reader
Gone But Not Forgotten - Batfamily Imagine
Never Underestimate Magic - Dick Grayson x Reader
Costume Party Drama - Batfamily Imagine
Ghost On Halloween - Garfield Logan x Reader
Team Halloween Bonding - Young Justice Imagine
First Christmas - Martian Manhunter x Reader
Christmas With the Family - Clara Kent (Superwoman) x Reader
Helping Others - Superboy X Reader
Confession - Blue Beetle x Reader
Robin Who? - Damian Wayne x Reader
Opposites Attract - Damian Wayne x Reader - Part Three
Left Out - Nightwing x Reader
Jealous on Christmas - Kaldur x Reader
Christmas Returns - Batfamily Imagine
Overdoing It - Tim Drake x Reader
Valentine’s Day
First Valentine’s Day - Bart Allen x Reader
331 notes · View notes
thefemalethatwrites · 6 years
Lantern (Connor Kent/Superboy x Lantern!Reader)
Request: No.
Prompt: You’re a Lantern Ring user that joins the Young Justice Team.
Relationships: Father! Hal Jordan/Green Lantern x Daughter! Reader, Connor Kent/Superboy x Reader
Warnings: Cursing, Attempt rape, Attempt Murder 
Word Count: 5176
A/N: Idk what I was thinking with this one...Enjoy. I’ve feel like I’ve not uploaded or been active in SO long. 
(Y/N)'s POV "Green Lantern. What are you doing here?” Robin asked as my Dad and I entered through the Zeta tube,
“Team, this is my daughter" Dad introduced me to the mini-leaguers,
"Hi" I smile,
"Another girl!" Martian Manhunter's niece squeal as she came over to me, "Hi. I'm Miss Martian but you can call me M'Gann" she introduced,
"Well hello beautiful" Kid-flash, aka Wally West said as he stood in front of me,
"Hello Wally" I smiled,
"I assume you'll all make her feel welcome and make her feel a part of the team" Dad said, they all nodded
"You don't need to worry GL, I'll make her feel right at home" Wally reassured as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder,
"I'm sure you will Kid. I'll see you later" he said leaving through the zeta tube, I sighed and removed my ring revealing my identity,
"My name is (Y/N)" I introduced,
"You trust us?" Aqua lad asked as they all were shocked, I nodded
"I know all of your identities and backgrounds, yes even yours Robin. And the ring takes a lot out of me" I explain, they hummed
"Plus, I don't actually look like this" I say mentioning myself, they all raised an eyebrow
"Then what do you look like?" Robin asked,
"Classified...For now" I smirked,
"No matter beautiful. I'll show you around" Wally flirted,
"Aw how sweet" I smiled as he wrapped an arm around my waist,
"However, I think I'll have Artemis and M'Gann show me around" I say getting from his hold and in between the two girls, "Us girls should stick together after all" I winked as I placed a hand on each of their shoulders, M'Gann smiled and Artemis smirked,
"I like you. Come on" She chuckled as they guided me through the mountain.
“Alright. Can someone explain to me who this wizard wannabe is?” I asked as I shielded the team, minus Robin, and Mr. Nelson from his magic,
“She doesn’t know who I am?! Everyone knows who I am!” He whined stopping his attack, I raised an eyebrow and dropped the shield
“You must not be that much of a problem if the Lantern Corps haven’t heard of you” I commented as a small smirk pulled at my lips,
“How dare you! I’m Klarion! Lord of Chaos!” He yelled as he stomped his feet,
“Awh has baby Klarion lost his dummy” I teased as I pouted,
“Lantern. This is no place for you teasing” Kaldur scolded, I shrugged before bubbling us again as Klarion attacked again,
“I want that helmet!” He yelled,
“Guys. We’ve got company” Artemis informed us as another man approached us,
“Klarion. I have the helmet” He said, I narrowed my eyes as Klarion stopped and smiled
“Give” He demanded, I dropped the bubble and flew over taking the helmet off them,
“Argh! I’ve had enough of you girl!” Klarion screamed,
“Artemis!” I yelled before throwing the helmet to her as Klarion shot some magic at me, it hit me sending me on to the floor,
“Lantern!” The team yelled, I groaned as I propped myself up on my arms,
“No, don’t lose it now” I muttered, Klarion chuckled as he came over to me,
“What’s wrong girly? Not strong enough?” He tormented, I glared at him, his eyes widened in fear, “What? That’s impossible! You can only be one colour!” he shrieked as he back away,
“Not with me” I retort as a large red hand slammed him into a wall as I got up, I flew over to Wally and Mr. Nelson just as Mr. Nelson was hit with some magic,
“Come on old man. Don’t give up on us now” I say,
“Just give me the helmet and all can be done” Klarion called over, then we teleport to the roof with a bubble around us, I raised an eyebrow
“How are you more than one Lantern colour?” Wally questioned,
“Not now” I replied,
“No, now” Wally demanded, I grabbing him by the collar of his shirt,
“The old man’s just died protecting us. So, use that brain of yours and do something!” I snapped throwing him on the ground, I noticed the bubble breaking so I stood in front of Wally and the helmet, the bubble broke making Klarion laugh before send a large force of magic towards us, I threw up a shield which broke in a matter of seconds making it hit me and knock me unconscious.
Superboy’s POV
Doctor Fate came back with Lantern unconscious in his arms, my eyes widened as I went over to them and took her in my arms, Doctor Fate removed the helmet revealing Wally,
“Now what?” I asked,
“I keep the helmet safe” Wally answered, I raised an eyebrow as Artemis scoffed,
“I meant about him” I reply mentioning the other criminal,
“You look after that. You can barely look after yourself” Artemis tormented as we left the building,
“(Y/N)?” Green Lantern called over as he noticed her form in my arms, “What happened?” he questioned as he checked over her,
“Nothing. I was sleeping” She growled as she got out of my arms,
“Don’t get snappy with me young lady. I can easily remove your rights as a Green Lantern” He threatened making me raise an eyebrow,
“Try it old man. It won’t end well” She hissed before stalking off to the bioship, I raised an eyebrow and followed, boarding the ship to get back to the mountain.
We arrived back at the mountain and headed towards the main room,
“So, you want to explain the whole changing colour thing?” Wally snapped, (Y/N) sighed removing the ring
“I would rather explain when the whole team’s here, so I don’t have to explain things twice” She replied,
“Well, the whole team’s here now. What are you explaining?” Robin asked as he made his presence known,
“She’s not a Green Lantern” Wally informed,
“What?” Robin questioned, clearly confused as the rest of us
“Yeah. She turned into a Red Lantern while we were against Witch-boy” M’Gann explained,
“If you all shut up, I would explain” (Y/N) snapped gaining everyone’s attention, she sighed, “You’re right. I’m not a Green Lantern. I’m a Phantom Lantern. That means I have access to all of the different corps powers. I was granted this ring because I had shown that I had great control over my emotions and had good intentions” She explained, we all stood in our places staring at her, “If you don’t want me on the team, I’ll understand” She muttered, lowering her head avoiding everyone’s gazes
“What are the different corps?” Kaldur asked, she looked up, raising an eyebrow
“Well the Black corps are fueled by death. Red Lanterns draw on rage. Orange Lanterns draw on greed. Sinestro Lanterns, aka Yellow Lanterns, draw on fear. Green Lanterns draw on willpower. Blue Lanterns draw on hope. Indigo Lanterns draw on compassion. Star Sapphires, aka Violet Lanterns, draw on love. White Lanterns use life” She explained,
“Nine corps? That’s why the ring takes a lot out of you, isn’t it?” I asked, she nodded giving a small smile.
(Y/N)’s POV
“Hey loser!” A cheerleader called over making me stop as she and her posse approached me, I noticed M’Gann within the crowd in her human disguise, I hummed, “What do you call this grade?” The squad leader asked as she dangled a piece of paper in front of me with a large red ‘C+’ in the top right corner,
“A pass” I replied making her face turn sour before pushing me into the lockers, I noticed M’Gann wince,
“A pass? Don’t get cocky with me, Nerd. If my parent’s are going to pay for me to go to the best university in the country, then I need to be getting ‘B’s at the least!” She snapped pinning me by the throat making me drop the folder I was carrying, I remained quiet making her scoff and throw me to the floor, “What? Nothing to say?” she spat,
“Hey! Leave her alone!” A male voice called out to her, I looked in the direction it came from to see Connor stalking down the hall towards us, “Hey babe” M’Gann smiled as she approached him,
“Megan, love. Please tell your ‘babe’ to stay out of my business” The leader ordered,
“No one orders me around. So, leave her alone. And get on with your cheer leading” Connor stated,
She scoffed rolling her eyes, “Let’s go girls. You got lucky this time” She hissed before leading the posse, including M’Gann away, I narrowed my eyes at their retreating figures before a hand came into my view, I looked up to see Connor with a small smile, I took his hand and he pulled me to my feet then handed me my folder,
“Thanks” I mumbled, pulling up my bag straps, he nodded
“What was she after anyways?” He questioned,
“I didn’t get the grade she wanted in her homework” I answered avoiding his stare, he hummed,
“Connor Kent” he introduced, I looked towards him to see him extending his hand towards me,
“(Y/N) (L/N)” I introduced shaking his hand.
“Out of all the places. This is the worse one” I commented as I created a small mug of hot chocolate,
“Not a fan of the cold?” Artemis asked as she approached me, I shook my head,
“Hate it. With a passion” I replied before I heard the ice cracking as Artemis’ eyes widened, she pushed me out of the way as she went to shoot the alien device but was vaporised right in front of me.
“Artemis!” M’Gann screamed as my brain register what just happened, I growled getting up, forging a large red sledge-hammer and letting out a yell as I hit the alien device out of the ice,
“Lantern! Get back to the ship!” Kaldur ordered as I shielded myself from its blast, I sighed and ran to the bio-ship, I got inside and was met by M’Gann wailing and Wally throwing a tantrum,
“Shut up!” I snapped as I attempted to get my rage under control,
“Shut up? Our friends have just died!” M’Gann argued as she squared up to me,
“Exactly. That’s why we have to find wherever these things are coming from and blow it up” I demanded as I looked around at the team, she scoffed
“Do you not care?!” She screamed, my eyes snapped back to her as I back her against a wall,
“If I didn’t care, I wouldn’t be here” I sneered,
“Artemis is dead! Because of you!” She retorted and jumped as I punched the wall beside her head,
“You think I don’t know that? I would have been more than happy to be vaporised than spend another moment being judged by you” I growled as I removed my hand and walked to the far end of the ship, away from everyone.
Connor’s POV
I groaned as we all came out of the simulation, I was met by Wolf making me smile slightly as I stroked him,
“(Y/N)?” Artemis questioned gaining my attention, (Y/N) was still unconscious on the table,
“(Y/N)?” Green Lantern repeated as he approached her,
“Don’t wake her. It’ll cause much more damage” Martian Manhunter ordered,
“Why isn’t she waking up?!” Green Lantern snapped,
“Her ring” I muttered,
“What?” He asked as everyone’s head turned to me, I sighed,
“Her ring. It’s a phantom one, it allows her access to all the lantern corps” I informed him, his face fell
“Why didn’t she tell me?” he muttered, I shrugged
“She’s a Black Lantern. That’s the one fueled by death. She died beside me and Wally” Robin stated,
“How do we get her out then?” Kaldur asked as we all formed a group around her,
“You’ll be doing nothing. This is our fault. We’ll fix it” Batman demanded as the rest of the league nodded, “Send us in first” he ordered Martian Manhunter as he, Wonder Woman and Superman prepared themselves.
After a couple hours and many failed attempts, I sighed as the Green Lanterns came out of the simulation,
“How is she so strong?” They questioned,
“That’s it. Send me in” I snap standing up abruptly,
“Connor, don’t. You’ve seen how easily she’s beaten the league” M’Gann said as she stood up,
“They’ve fought her. She needs talking to” I retort as I prepared myself,
“Are you certain about this Superboy?” Martian Manhunter asked as he appeared above me, I nodded, and I was placed into the simulation,
I saw (Y/N) in a black version of her usual suit as destruction and the corpses of the league surrounded her,
“(Y/N)” I called over gaining her attention, her head snapped in my direction as she prepared herself for a fight but dropped it,
“Connor…” She trailed off, looking at her surroundings, “What’s happening?” She asked, I slowly approached her
“The League put us in a simulation, that was meant to fail. When we died, we were brought back into the real world, but your ring kept you here” I informed,
“None of this is real? I haven’t killed the Justice League?” She questioned, I nodded, she looked at her ring and fiddled with it before sighing and removing it.
(Y/N)’s POV
I gasped as I sat up,
“(Y/N)!” Artemis yelled as she tackled me with a hug, which was shortly joined by Wally, Robin, Kaldur and M’Gann, I sighed in relief as I returned the hug the best I could, we broke a part and I stood up,
“Lantern. I would like to apologise on behalf of the whole league” Batman said as he approached me with Dad, Superman and Wonder Woman at his sides,
“Apologise? Do you even know the danger you placed us all in?! What went through your head to think that placing teenagers in a simulation that would be emotionally straining!” I snapped,
“(Y/N), if I knew about-”
“Don’t even give me that crap! If you knew about my abilities, you wouldn’t have placed me in the simulation, but you would have done for the others!” I snapped cutting Dad off,
“Shut up! I quit!” I yelled as I headed towards the zeta-tube,
“Quit? You can’t abandon your duties as a Lantern! And if you do then you’ll still have me reminding you” Dad called after me making me stop and turn to them,
“You’re more stupid than I thought if you think I going to still with you after this” I sneered making his face drop, I glanced towards the team, “It was fun while it lasted” I say before leaving.
“Hey!” The usual cheerleader snapped as she slammed me against the lockers, “Changing your appearance, isn’t going to stop us knowing that you’re a nerd!” She commented, I raised an eyebrow
“And how are you sure that it wasn’t the nerd appearance hiding what I really am?” I asked as I pushed her backwards, her eyes widened as she backed away from me into the group of jocks,
“Are you okay?” One of them asked her, she shook her head and pointed at me, they all turned to look at me,
“What have you done to her?” Another asked as he squared up to me,
“I stood up for myself” I answered as I squared up to him, his face turned dark before swinging for me, I blocked it and raised an eyebrow at him, “I’m curious, what was you planning after you hit me?” I asked as a smirk pulled at my lips, he growled shoving me backwards as I was surrounded by the group of jocks, I hummed “Before we start. Would anyone like to leave?” I questioned none of them moved so I got myself into my fighting stance.
Connor’s POV
I heard cheering and gasps as I made my way to my locker making me raise an eyebrow and pick up my speed, I was greeted by a large crowd, I pushed my way through and came to the centre where (Y/N) was fighting the football captain, with blood running down the side of her face, while the rest of the football team was lying on the floor unconscious,
“(Y/N), stop!” I demanded as I restrained her from attacking the beaten and bruised male,
“No! Let me go!” She growled as she fought against my grip,
“Ha! Can’t even finish what you’ve started without your boyfriend getting involved!” He scoffed, (Y/N) stopped momentarily and somehow managed to break free of my grip, she tackled him to the ground,
“He’s not my boyfriend” She snarled giving him a punch to the face for every word, which caused him to go unconscious, she took a deep breath and stood up, “Anyone else?!” She asked looking at the crowd, no one moved so she picked up her bag and barged her way through the crowd,
“(Y/N) wait!” I called after her but was stopped by M’Gann pulling my arm, “What?” I asked,
“That was Lantern” She whispered, I raised an eyebrow
“What makes you assume that? We haven’t seen her in five months” I questioned,
“Her fighting style, it was an exact replica of Lantern’s. And she has the same name” She explained, I narrowed my eyes at her,
“You went into her mind, didn’t you?” I asked, she avoided my gaze, “Didn’t you?!” I repeated raising my voice a little, she winced and nodded
“I had to make sure I was correct” She reasoned, I shook my head
“You knew not do so! (Y/N) made it pretty clear that she doesn’t want any of us interfering with her citizen life” I snapped,
“Connor, I know but-”
“But nothing! I’m going to go find her” I yell cutting her off and leaving to find (Y/N), I found her on the bleachers,
“What do you want Connor?” She asked looking in my direction,
“I came to check on you” I answered sitting next to her, she rolled my eyes
“Why would you do that? You should be helping the others” She retorted, I sighed
“(Y/N), you’re bleeding, and bad” I stated as I moved her hair from her bloody face, she swatted my hand away,
“I’m fine. Now tell me what’s on your mind, Kent” She demanded making my eyes widen,
“I know you’re Lantern” I replied, she sighed tilting her head backwards,
“Took you long enough. Wait, let me guess. M’Gann told you after she went into my mind” she commented, I slowly nodded
“You knew she went through your mind?” I asked, she chuckled
“She made her presence known” she answered before standing up, “Well, I best get going” She announced,
“Going? Go where?” I asked standing up abruptly, blocking her path, she sighed,
“Don’t worry Connor, this isn’t the last you’ve seen of me” She said giving a small sad smile, “You’re also being manipulated by M’Gann” She informed before walking off,
“What?! Hey! You can’t just say that and leave!” I yell chasing her, “(Y/N)! Answer me!” I demanded, she stopped momentarily turning slightly,
“Goodbye Connor” She replied before continuing her way.
(Y/N)’s POV
“Phantom!” Angela yelled as she tackled me with a hug, I sighed unlatching her from me,
“What have I told you about yelling that name in public Ang?” I asked as I folded my arms and leaned against the wall, she sighed
“Don’t. But what else am I meant to call you? I don’t know your real name” she argued,
“That’s for the better. Trust me” I retort, a chuckle came from behind us,
“You say that every time, P. You’re gonna have to tell us eventually” Jesse commented, I turned slightly to the two males,
“Yeah, that’ll be when I leave” I reply,
“Babe!” Angela cheered as she leaped into Gerald’s arms, I rolled my eyes,
“Ang, you get any news?” I asked,
“Hm? Oh, yeah. There’s one going down tonight” She answered,
“Very well” I hummed,
“Let’s hope the police don’t bust it before we’ve had our fun” Gerald commented, Jesse nodded in agreement.
“You know the drill” I state as we entered the party, they all nodded, and we went our separate ways, Gerald and Angela headed to the dance floor, Jesse headed towards the bar and I was on the stairs/balcony getting a good vantage point on everyone,
‘Blonde girl stumbling with brunet male, heading towards you Jesse’ Angela said through the mind link,
‘I got them doll’ Jesse replied,
‘Keep the pet names to yourself’ Gerald snarled,
‘Awh, sweetheart. Are you getting jealous?’ Jesse taunted,
‘I’m not my brother! Therefore, I’m not your sweetheart!’ Gerald snapped,
‘That was uncalled for!’ Jesse retorted,
‘Enough! Focus on the task at hand’ I ordered,
‘Sorry, Phantom’ They both replied, I raised an eyebrow as a hooded figure made his way towards Angela and Gerald, I was then distracted by two males ‘escorting’ a female to one of the rooms,
‘Angela. I need a hand with this one’ I requested, she made her way up to me,
“Which room?” She asked as I lead her in the same direction as the males,
“This one” I answered as I kicked the door opened seeing the two males unbuckling their belts,
“What the-?” They were cut off as Angela and I pulled them away from the obviously drugged female and on to the floor, Angela comforted the now crying female as I beat the crap out of the two males,
“Don’t ever think it’s okay to rape” I snarled as I straightened my outfit, I turned to Angela and went to say something but was cut off by a scream, Angela’s eyes widened as she rushed out, I followed her we stopped at the balcony and saw that everyone was leaving as the hooded figure stood over Gerald with a katana,
“Gerald!” Angela screamed as ran down to them,
“Angela no!” I yelled after her, I tackled her to the ground as the hooded figured shot an arrow at her from the crossbow they were now holding as well,
“Let me go! Gerald!” She cried, I watched the hooded figure leave so I let go of Angela who immediately rushed to Gerald’s side, closely followed by myself and Jesse,
“What the hell happened?” Jesse asked,
“Where the hell were you?! He needed your help!” Angela yelled squaring up to him before blue lights appeared,
“Sh*t the cops. You two go. I’ll get Gerald safe and given some medical attention” Jesse ordered, I nodded and pulled Angela out of the building and away from the cops.
I arrived at the Shulkin’s clan mansion, aka Gerald’s house, along with Angela and her older brother Jack, Gerald had to become part cyborg to sustain the injuries he had received, we approached his older brother, Hans, who had been the hooded figure attacker,
“What do you want?” He sneered looking us in disgust, Angela said nothing but gave him a large smack across his face leaving a hand print, he raised his arm to hit back but I caught it,
“Think very carefully of your actions. You deserved that smack because you almost murdered your brother” I warned as I stared at him,
“Almost?” Hans questioned pulling his hand from my grip, a chuckle came from behind us making us turn to see Gabe, Jesse’s older brother,
“Yes almost” he smirked,
“What have you done?” Jack demanded as he stood in front of Angela, Gabe shrugged and chuckled before evaporating into his smoke and leaving, “Son of a-Come on lets go” Jack ordered as he pulled out his gun and lead us out of the grounds, our exit was blocked by Gabe, who was resting a shotgun on his shoulder and a smirk plastered on his face, Jesse, who had his hat tilted forward showing one red eye as he held his pistol with a cigar in his mouth, and Gerald, with glowing red eyes and Katana in the holder on his back,
“Gerald” Angela said as she reached out for him only to be held back by me as Jack held a protective arm in front of her,
“Stay back” Jack demanded which made Gabe’s smirk widen, Angela freed herself and ran up to Gerald hitting his chest as she cried, she stopped and looked down to see that Gerald had impaled her with his katana,
“Angela!” Jack yelled, as she staggered backwards into his arms, I stared at Angela before growling and attempted to get the three of them but somehow Jack was managing to hold me back,
“Jesse finished them off” Gabe ordered, Jesse nodded
“With pleasure” He replied, my eyes widened as I ripped my ring that was on a chain around my neck and put it on before shielding the three of us from his ‘dead-eye’ shot, I un-bubbled us and hovered in front of them,
“Get Angela some medical attention” I ordered, Jack nodded and carried his sister to safety, Gabe began laughing
“You’re a Red Lantern?! This is why you couldn’t tell anyone your name?!” He howled, I raised an eyebrow
“I’m not just a Red Lantern” I corrected as I changed into a White Lantern, making their eyes widen “And I’m going to enjoy kicking your arses” I smirked.
I was sat at Angela’s hospital bed as she laid in a coma, Jack sat in the chair opposite me and was currently asleep, I sighed as I shifted slightly before Angela stirred, I sat up straight raising an eyebrow,
“She must have sensed you come in” I commented turning to see Gerald, he stood at the foot of her bed with wide eyes,
“I…I did this” he muttered, I stood up and went over to him,
“You did but it isn’t your fault, it’s whoever was mind controlling you alongside Jesse and Gabe” I reassured placing a hand on his shoulder, a small groan came from Angela making me turn to her
“Gerald…” She mumbled, a smile pulled at my lips before nudging Gerald towards my seat.
‘Think we can get through this without drama?’ Jesse asked making me roll my eyes,
‘Ha! No way’ Gerald replied,
‘I think tonight could be our night’ Angela commented, I raised an eyebrow as my eyes drifted across the crowd of drunk adolescences, my breath caught in the back of my throat when I came across a familiar face,
‘No way…’ I thought,
‘Hm? What’s up, Phantom?’ Angela asked, I turned my back on the balcony railing and sighed,
‘Nothing’ I answered,
‘If you say so…’ She trailed off,
‘Phantom, there’s a dude here looking for you. Black hair, blue eyes’ Jesse informed,
‘What does he want?’ I asked,
‘Dunno, he didn’t say’ he answered,
‘He says he’s an old friend and wants to talk’ Mercy answered, I turned back around to see him talking to Gerald and Angela,
‘Tell him I’m not here’ I ordered,
‘Erm…he says he knows you’re here’ Gerald replied,
‘Of course, he does. Tell him I’ll meet him out front’ I sighed,
‘Wait, you know the guy?!’ Jesse exclaimed,
‘Yeah’ I answered as I made my way outside, I took a deep breath as I approached him,
“Y’know when I said we’ll meet again, I meant that I’d find you” I say announcing my presence to him, he turned around and gave a small smile,
“It’s good to see you too (Y/N)” Connor said as he approach me, I hummed
“Why are you here Connor?” I asked,
“I’ve been trying to find you for the past 7 years” He stated, I folded my arms sighing, “And you’ve been in Gotham the whole time?” He commented letting out a breathless laugh,
“I’ve been in Gotham for the past year. I’ve been here and there for the other 6” I retort,
“(Y/N), why’d you leave in the first place?” He asked, I raised an eyebrow scoffing,
“Are you serious? I left because the league used the team” I snapped,
“It’s changed, Nightwing and Aqua-lad call the shots now. We’re our own team. The league don’t interfere anymore” He argued,
“I don’t care!” I yelled, I sighed running a hand through my hair, “If you’re here to get me to come back you might as well leave” I say, he dropped his head
“(Y/N)…please. Everyone misses you” He pleaded, I raised an eyebrow
“No, they don’t. M’Gann hated me be-You know what I’m surprised if that she’s not here with you” I say,
“We’re no longer together. She’s with Lagoon-boy” He informed,
“Finally realise that she was manipulating you?” I asked, he nodded slowly, “Oh…That still doesn’t change my mind Connor” I say,
“(Y/N) please. I need you” He pleaded again but that pulled at my heart, “It hasn’t felt the same since you left. It’s like there’s a hole” He continued,
“Connor…I can’t…I can’t leave my group here” I sighed,
“Yes, you can!” I heard Angela yell making me look over to them with a disapproving look,
‘Listening on my conversations now?’ I questioned,
‘(Y/N), you’ve helped us all. So, let us help you. You can go back wherever you came from and we’ll continue the work that you started’ Angela bargained,
‘Are you all sure? I’ll still make visits’ I say,
The three of them laughed,
‘You bet partner’ Jesse confirmed,
‘I agree’ Gerald reassured,
‘Of course! And you can only make visits if you bring your boyfriend along’ She taunted,
‘Angela! He’s not my boyfriend’ I defended,
‘Oh, come on. It’s obvious you have buried feelings for him’ She retorted, I sighed shaking my head as I looked back at Connor, who had hope written all over his face,
“Fine. I’ll come back” I say, a smile burst onto his face as he tackled me with a hug, I lost my balance for a few seconds but returned it, as a small smile made its way to my face.
I was stood in the launch bay alongside a couple other members of the team, waiting for Connor to arrive back after the mission, the bioship landed, and members began to file out, M’Gann exited shortly followed by Connor making me smile, while she was greeted by Lagoon-boy, I ran past them, tackling Connor with a hug, I let out a small laugh as he spun me around,
“I wasn’t gone for that long” He commented setting me down,
“What can I say? It was boring without you” I smiled, he returned it before his eyes drifted to Lagoon-boy and M’Gann kissing, I sighed as I turned his gaze to me, I slowly made my way for his lips, nervous of the consequences, he closed the distance between us making me smile as I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer as his hands were on my hips, ensuring that there were no space between our bodies, we pulled away out of breath and smiled at each other,
“Hallelujah!” Dick cheered making us jump apart, “That tensions been there forever!” He commented.
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fanficwritersworld · 3 years
I Was Made For Loving You
Summary: After a run in with Superman you find your soulmate
Paring: Jordan Kent x Empath!Witch!Reader
Requested: No
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Mentions of death, revenge, intense emotions and kiddnapping
Masterlist|Prompt List
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After Superman took over the Earth alongside his mysterious brother, you fled to a new one. Your father, Cisco Ramon temporarily opened a breach to Earth-Prime, allowing you to escape. You fled to Smallville, a place your father told you so much about.
It was easy to fake your identity, seeing as the Cisco Ramon of this world never married your witch mother, whom was dead for the past decade. You went by the alias ‘(Y/N) Saunders’ after Kendra Saunders who trained you to be like your father, a hero.
When you arrived at Earth-Prime, your soulmate mark appeared. It was the house of El crest on your wrist with the words ‘El Mayarah’.
So you’ve spent the last three months trying to decipher the tattoo and saying.
“(Y/N)! You going to the football game in Metropolis this weekend?” Jon Kent, a close friend of yours asked, walking alongside you. You both hit it off when you first started at Smallville High, his twin brother Jordan included.
You nodded at his question, your bags already packed back at the warehouse you hid and converted on the outskirts of town. You must have drifted out of reality because the next thing you know, you’re on the floor rubbing your backside.
“Sorry! (Y/N), I am so sorry!” Jordan’s voice panicked, trying to pick up your books. You quickly took notice and helped him, forgetting about your soulmate mark. “Why do you have Superman’s logo on your wrist?” Jordan asked, highly confused.
You stood up from the floor, dusting yourself off. “Dunno. When I find my soulmate I’ll let you know” You sighed, grabbing your spellbook from the floor. “I’ll see you both at the game. I gotta go” You changed the subject before running out of the school.
The moment you left the town to go back to your home, the overwhelming feeling of pain, confusion and anger took over. You fell onto the road, your bag dropping beside you. One thing you hated about being an Empath Witch, the negativity of others.
But this was different. It was like two complete strangers fighting over something, something you’ve only experienced once in your life. “So you’re the little witch? I’ve heard stories about you Ms. Ramon. Some said you were a low-grade Supergirl back on our planet” A man taunted you, walking closer as you tried to find a power dampener in your bag.
The man yanked it out of your hands, throwing it to the side. You looked up to see a man in an oversized metal suit. “Let me guess, you’re the guy who tried to kill Superman? Captain Irons?” You guessed, recognizing his emotional aura.
No answer.
“Remember me? The little girl you left motherless when you decided that all powered beings were evil” You retorted, your eyes glowing bright (F/C). Irons readied his hammer, it’s mere presence taunting you.
“You shall pay for Mariposa Delfaine’s death” You swore, snapping your wrist to one side. Irons. A wave of concerned emotions overtook your senses, making you turn. Looking at you with wide eyes, Superman landed to see the scene in front of him. “How?” He asked, coming closer to you.
You felt his emotions increase, causing you to clutch your head in your hands. “Sweet Jesus!” You groaned, falling to your knees. “This feels like the time I accidently read Clark Kent’s emotions” You compared, breathing heavily. “What can I do to help?” Superman asked.
You looked at him in shock.
“What can I do to help?” Clark asked you, seeing you limp towards football practice. “Excuse me?” You asked him. He looked down to your clearly broken leg, how you hadn't screamed with every step was beyond him. “Your leg (Y/N), it looks broken” He sighed.
Of course it was broken, you jumped from a thirteen storey window last night after you stole some information on Kryptonese. “I’m fine Mr. Kent” You answered, praying he wouldn make contact with you. You wouldn’t be safe feeling his emotions after his mother’s death. “(Y/N), you need medical attention. If you're not comfortable with Nurse Kelly, I know some basic first aid” Clark offered.
You shuddered at the thought of Nurse Kelly giving you first aid, that girl is kinda weird and her emotions match. You reluctantly sat down on the bleachers, praying he wouldn’t make contact. Clark kneeled down on the concrete, pressing his fingers gently into our leg. *dolor cesset humano tactui* you chanted in your head.
However when Clakr touched your skin, you bit the urge to scream. So much pain, loss… grief and regret. For a man that looked like he had everything figured out, his emotions were like a normal human only ten times more intense.
“Clark? You’re Kal-El?” You asked in a hushed tone. It wasn’t really a question for him but yourself. He was shocked, his emotions shifting rapidly causing you more pain. “My bag…. I need my bag.” You moaned once more, the emotions getting stronger. Clark reached for your bag, bringin it to you. “There’s an old book, open it to the page titled ‘Aliena Adfectus Donec Cantus’ and I need the first spell” you instructed.
Clark read out the spell, coping his words with better punctuation. Soon enough the pain ceases, allowing you to stand without an ache. You turned to Clark smiling kindly. “You know what El Mayarah means by any chance?”
You sat outside the Kent Farm, apparently Irons trapped Clark and Lois along with the boys tried to save him. You waited patiently for Clark’s red truck to drive into the farm, Jon and Jordan safe and sound.
“(Y/N)!?” Jordan’s voice yelled, looking up from your spellbook. His hair was a mess. He had soot and scraped cheeks as he smiled at your presence. His clothes were filthy but that didn’t stop the rush of excitement you felt in your core. “Jordan!” You screamed, running into his arms. You felt a weird tingle on your wrist but that didn’t matter. He was okay. “I was so worried when your Dad told me what happened” You muttered into his chest.
You both parted from the hug before you hugged Jon as well, scolding him for driving and ruining his Dad’s truck. “It’s weird having someone else know about Dad’s other life” Jon commented as you bandaged their wounds. “Well now you guys know how I can tell how you’re feeling now. Thank Jesus that it isn’t as intense as your Dad’s” You smiled, putting away the medical supplies.
Clark had returned, hugging his sons the moment he walked in the door. You felt the love seep into the room like a tsunami, you felt lightheaded in a goodway. “You okay (Y/N)?” Lois asked you, seeing you sway side to side.
“Empathy takes effect on my body. Positive emotions are like helium gas wehreelse negative ones are like touture. Kryptonians emotions affect me ten times more to a normal human” You slurred before Lois guided you to the couch. “Motus temporaliter coniunctus Clark Kent” you chanted lazily before the effects of Clark’s emotions wore off.
“I need to make a totem for your emotions. Is he always this happy go lucky and sappy?” You asked Lois, pointing to her husband. “Living embodiment of a golden retriever” Lois answered. You stood up, grabbing your bag. “I better be going before I walk into a trash pile” You huffed, walking to the door.
“What does El Mayarah mean? I can't find a meaning anywhere!?” You asked Clark, the door half opened. “Stronger Together, it’s what the House of El stands for” Lois answered for him. “How did you know that?” Clark asked his wife. “Kara”
Rain poured outside the warehouse you bought. You say bought but really you just spelled the owner into giving it to you for free. Your dog, Krypto snuggled up against you as you stared at your wrist.
‘El Mayarah’
‘Jordan Kent’
You smiled to yourself, feeling at peace. Maybe being on this Earth wasn’t so bad.
“So you’re my nephew’s soulmate?” a man’s voice echoed. You looked around, confused to why Krypto wasn’t responding. His veins glowed green against his white fur.
“Who’s there!?” You growled, eyes glowing.
“Your new leader”
Who wants a part two?
Requests Are Always Open
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fanficwritersworld · 3 years
In Case You Don’t Live Forever
Summary: It’s Father’s Day and (Y/N) visits her father’s grave.
Pairing: Jordan Kent x Witch!Reader, Lane-Kent Family x Witch!Reader
Requested: No.
Word Count: 1.1k words
Warnings: Mentions of Death and tears.
Sadness and a sprinkle of Fluff
Masterlist|Prompt List|Jordan Kent x Witch!Reader PLaylist
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You put all your faith in my dreams
You gave me the world that I wanted
What did I do to deserve you?
You smiled as Jordan and Jonathan gave Clark his Father’s Day presents. It was the simple things that made the hero smile.
Jordan gave him a best dad mug and card. Jonathan being Jonathan gave Clark ‘My Dad is the best Superhero’ shirt, causing the hero to go pink.
You and Lois laughed at Clark’s reaction. Seeing Jordan laugh made you feel butterflies, your laughter dying down and a soft smile on your lips.
Even though the moment was joyful and filled with laughter, your mind reminded you of your own father. Joseph (L/N), ex-witch hunter turned father to a witch.
Your mood decreased drastically, the memories of your father flooding your mind.
“(Y/N), we better get going” Lois took you out of your thoughts. You nodded at the reporter before bidding the boys a farewell. You kissed Jordan’s cheek, hugging Jon and Clark before you and Lois left them to their day.
I follow your steps with my feet
I walk on the road that you started
I need you to know that I heard you, every word
“Thanks Lois. I’ll see you later” You thanked her, stepping out of her car. “You gonna be okay kid?” Lois asked you. You only nodded before walking into the cemetery.
You looked for your family tomb, seeing many others paying their respects to the dead. You held your blue tulips tightly as you reached the tomb.
(L/N) was carved in cursive atop the stone, flowers and your family crest as well. You could feel your ancestors' spirits weigh down on your shoulders. The dead hunter's feelings surrounding the corners of your mind.
You used your enchanted key to open up the tomb, a cold breeze washed over you. You walked over to where your father’s body laid.
“Hi Daddy. I guess there’s a lot I have to tell you huh?”
I've waited way too long to say
Everything you mean to me
“You remember Jordan? Martha’s grandson. Well he’s my boyfriend now”
Really, that’s sweet
“ I also got banished from the coven, mother didn't seem fazed by it. Honestly I think she wanted it to happen”
That's Esther for you, cold hearted
“Jordan’s parents found me and took me in”
That’s great sweetie
“Lois is really nice. She tries to understand my powers and help me control them. She’s different to Esther, there’s this warmth about her its very… motherly”
I’m happy for you baby girl
In case you don't live forever, let me tell you now
I love you more than you'll ever wrap your head around
In case you don't live forever, let me tell you the truth
I'm everything that I am because of you
“Clark knows that I know about the whole identity thing. Ever since, he’s been super supportive in my studies. He had a friend who is involved in the arts to teach me more advanced magic which is fun”
I’m glad you're adding to your knowledge of magic and strengthening your abilities
“Jon, Jordan’s twin brother, is the house clown. Always cracking jokes and being a goofball. He’s a great Quarterback for the Crows and a good brother and friend”
I see you have a great friend by your side
I, I've carried this song in my mind
Listen, it's echoing in me
But I haven't helped you to hear it
We, we've only got so much time
I'm pretty sure it would kill me
If you didn't know the pieces of me are pieces of you
“Jordan. He’s so sweet and kind. He is the reason I’m even still alive. Without him in my life, I don’t know where I’d be without him. He always wants to help me grow into a better person. He knows how to make me laugh and shows me that no matter what, everything will workout”
I am so glad you have someone like that in your life, you deserve that
I've waited way too long to say
Everything you mean to me
In case you don't live forever, let me tell you now
I love you more than you'll ever wrap your head around
In case you don't live forever, let me tell you the truth
I'm everything that I am because of you
“I haven’t seen Thomas yet. It’s weird, not being in constant control by the coven. Not being told to do this or hex her. I kinda miss the other witches but they don’t seem to miss me much”
Don’t mind them sweetie. That’ll just who they are
I have a hero whenever I need one
I just look up to you and I see one
I'm a man 'cause you taught me to be one
This was when you noticed your tears, hearing the patter of your tears hitting the concrete floor.
“I miss you so much Daddy. I miss you, Luca and the real Thomas. I just want you back, to fix everything that’s gone wrong. I miss you so much Daddy” You sobbed, leaning against the floor with your palms.
In case you don't live forever, let me tell you now
I love you more than you'll ever wrap your head around
In case you don't live forever, let me tell you the truth
I'm everything that I am
“I want you to be here with me. Show up to stupid school events, meet Jordan, train with me when I’mo angry at the world and just be there when I need you most” you cried harder before you felt a warmth spreading from your shoulder.
You looked up to see Clark. He gave you a solemn look before helping you up. You wiped your tears with your sleeve before looking at the kryptonian. Clark never spoke before pulling you into a tight hug.
“I’ll be waiting outside, when you want to talk I’m here” he said before you broke the hug. Nodding as he left the tomb. You didn’t even remember leaving the door open.
You kissed your father’s plaque, “Happy Father’s Day Daddy” you whispered before leaving your family tomb. After locking the door you turned to see not Clark but Jordan.
“I know for a fact your Dad would be proud of you” Jordan smiled at you. You just smiled, letting a few more tears spill. Jordan came closer and wiped them away, kissing your cheeks. Jordan pulled you in for one more hug, kissing your head.
Whoa... whoa...
In case you don't live forever, let me tell you the truth
As long as I'm here as I am, so are you
My baby is all grown up…
Requests are Open
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dccomicsimagines · 6 years
Masterlist - Updated 11/2/18
Young Justice Imagines
Learning to Float
Everything is Going to be Okay - Part One
Everything is Going to be Okay - Part Two
Not Good Enough
Alone - Part One
Alone - Part Two
An Order to Regret
First Time
Swimming By
Jealous on Christmas
The Presence of a Demigod
“Borrowed” Lasso - NSFW
Bart Allen
Out of Nowhere - Part One
Out of Nowhere - Part Two
Weighing You Down
Love is Confusing - Part One
Love is Confusing - Part Two
Some People are Just Bad
First Valentine’s Day
First Time
You’re Expecting What?
Couple Costume
Sugar High
Helpful Advice
Preventing the Fall
Words Unsaid
Your Choice
Snuggling War - Part One
Snuggling War - Part Two
At First Sight
Staying Over
A Funny Feeling - Part One
A Funny Feeling - Part Two
Attention Grabbing
Helping Others
I Almost Lost You
Paint Lesson
Dick Grayson as Robin
Show Off - Part One
Show Off - Part Two
What You Don’t Know
Being Best Friends with Dick Grayson Would Include…
First Time
Joker’s Daughter
Kidding Around
I Can See Them
Undercover Halloween
Never Underestimate Magic
Dick Grayson as Nightwing
Don’t Take This Personally - Part One
Don’t Take This Personally - Part Two
Don’t Take This Personally - Part Three
I’m Not Leaving
Love Yourself - Part One
Love Yourself - Part Two
Muscles - NSFW
Left Out
Electric Currents
Beach Day and Jealousy
When the Teleport Fails
I Can See Them
How to be a Heartbreaker
Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle
A Suitable Mate - Part One
A Suitable Mate - Part Two
A Suitable Mate - Part Three
A Suitable Mate - Part Four
A Suitable Mate - Part Five
Just a Little Crush
A Cagey Feeling
Back to the Past
Love is Confusing - Part One
Love is Confusing - Part Two
A Promise
The Computer Geek
Couple Costume
Tim Drake
Broken Arm
A Secret to Tell - Part One
A Secret to Tell - Part Two
Finding Out
Damian Wayne
Puppy Love
Wally West
First Time
Snuggling War - Part One
Snuggling War - Part Two
Tutor Love - Part One
Tutor Love - Part Two
Love Yourself - Part One
Love Yourself - Part Two
Dating Wally West Would Include…
First Halloween
A Halloween to Remember
Stop the Flirting
Tears of Sorrow - Part One
Tears of Sorrow - Part Two
Westie is My Bestie
Tight Squeeze
Teen Pregnancy
Roy Harper as Arsenal
I’m Here - Part One
I’m Here - Part Two
First Time
Roy Harper as Red Arrow
Love Yourself - Part One
Love Yourself - Part Two
Klarion the Witch Boy
A Tease
Defenseless Pussycat
Crushes are for Mortals - Part One
Crushes are for Mortals - Part Two
An Infant Secret
Hole in the Wall of Chaos
Jason Todd as Robin
An Awkward Conversation - Part One
An Awkward Conversation - Part Two
Miss Martian
Dating Miss Martian if You Were a Fellow Hero Would Include…
Martian Manhunter
First Christmas
Lagoon Boy
Underwater Meeting
No-Pairing Imagines
How Did You Do That?
What You Don’t Know - Part One
What You Don’t Know - Part Two
World Ending Team up
Team Halloween Bonding
Batman Imagines
Jason Todd
Guardian Angel
Reluctant Guests
Wings of a Robin
The Right Thing
Jason’s Worst Fear
Kinky - NSFW
I’ll be Here When You Wake Up
What’s on the Radio?
I Miss You
Jason Todd - Arkham Series
First Time
Dick Grayson
Rolling with the Punches - Part One
Rolling with the Punches - Part Two
Rolling with the Punches - Part Three
Hugging the Demon - Part One
Hugging the Demon - Part Two
Being Best Friends with Dick Grayson Would Include..
Muscles - NSFW
A Quiet Night - Part One
A Quiet Night - Part Two
A Quiet Night - Part Three
Will You Stay With Me?
Damian Wayne
The Unlikely of Chances - Part One
The Unlikely of Chances - Part Two
The Unlikely of Chances - Part Three
Personal Assistant
Opposites Attract - Part One
Opposites Attract - Part Two
Opposites Attract - Part Three
Hugging the Demon - Part One
Hugging the Demon - Part Two
Hugging the Demon - Part Three
When Passion Strikes - NSFW
Away from Home
Meet the Family
The Princess and the Demon
Robin Who?
Younger Big Brother
Stuck Together
Why Does it Have to be You?
A Kiss in the Rain
Triplet Crisis
I’m Not Cute
Tim Drake
Cakes and Messes
A Puppy Situation
First Time
Pumpkin Carving with Tim Drake Would Include…
Overdoing It
Unexpected Kiss
Red Robin Came Through My Window
Couple’s Day Off
Barbara Gordon
Not Enough Time
Bruce Wayne
Full Moon
Possessive Kiss
Batfamily - In General
An Undead Replacement - Part One
An Undead Replacement - Part Two
Fitting In - Part One
Fitting In - Part Two
Fitting In - Part Three
Younger Big Brother
When it Becomes too Much
Gone But Not Forgotten
Music Recital
Christmas Returns
Costume Party Drama
Batman Beyond
Terry McGinnis
Jokers’ Revenge
Spliced Not Diced
The Flash TV Show
Barry Allen
After All This Time
Secret Identities  
First Time
Broken Secrets
Arrow TV Show
Secret Identities
Gotham TV Show
Child of Fear - Jonathan Crane x Reader
DC Villains
Poison Ivy
Mother Ivy
Killer Croc
Father Croc
Teen Titans Imagines
First Time
Garfield Logan/Beast Boy
Ghost On Halloween
Superman/Superfamily Imagines
Superman - Clark Kent
Keep Your Options Open
Catch Me
Figuring it Out
Superwoman - Clara Kent
Christmas With the Family
Injustice Imagines
Hal Jordan
“First Time” Series
First Time - Jason Todd (Arkham)
First Time - Wally West (Young Justice)
First Time - Kaldur’ahm (Young Justice)
First Time - Dick Grayson as Robin (Young Justice)
First Time - Tim Drake as Red Robin
First Time - Arsenal x Reader (Young Justice)
First Time - Bart Allen x Reader
First Time - Barry Allen x Reader
First Time - Raven x Reader
Would Includes
Being Best Friends with Dick Grayson would include…
Dating Wally West Would Include…
Dating Miss Martian if You Were a Fellow Hero Would Include…
Pumpkin Carving with Tim Drake Would Include…
Justice League vs. Teen Titans
Beast Boy
Crushing Hard
Batman Bad Blood
No Pairing Imagines
Just the Way You Are
Ouija - Wally West x Reader
An Undead Replacement - Batfamily x Reader - Part One
An Undead Replacement - Batfamily x Reader - Part Two
First Halloween - Wally West x Reader
Matching - Batfamily x Reader
Ghosts - Tim Drake x Reader
Love Yourself - Wally West x Roy Harper x Dick Grayson x Reader - Part Two
A Halloween to Remember - Wally West x Reader
Crushes are for Mortals - Klarion x Reader - Part Two
Pumpkin Carving with Tim Drake Would Include…
The Princess and the Demon - Damian Wayne x Reader
Couple Costume - Jaime Reyes x Bart Allen
I Can See Them - Dick Grayson x Reader
Sugar High - Bart Allen x Reader
Undercover Halloween - Dick Grayson x Reader
Gone But Not Forgotten - Batfamily Imagine
Never Underestimate Magic - Dick Grayson x Reader
Costume Party Drama - Batfamily Imagine
Ghost On Halloween - Garfield Logan x Reader
Team Halloween Bonding - Young Justice Imagine
First Christmas - Martian Manhunter x Reader
Christmas With the Family - Clara Kent (Superwoman) x Reader
Helping Others - Superboy X Reader
Confession - Blue Beetle x Reader
Robin Who? - Damian Wayne x Reader
Opposites Attract - Damian Wayne x Reader - Part Three
Left Out - Nightwing x Reader
Jealous on Christmas - Kaldur x Reader
Christmas Returns - Batfamily Imagine
Valentine’s Day
First Valentine’s Day - Bart Allen x Reader
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fanficwritersworld · 3 years
hi! I really loved I was made for loving you! I was curious of you were going to add anymore to it or the other Jordan Kent x Witch Reader series you have going on? Love the playlist btw
I don't really know since it's not really popular. I will do a part two. Thanks even though there's not many songs on the playlist
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