#Ji Changwook
suuho · 8 months
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mostlyfate · 1 year
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chicken-fifi · 9 months
Fatherhood | Ji Changwook
Pairing: Ji Changwook x Fem!Wife!Reader
Requested by anon: Hi, Hopefully you see this but could you do an imagine of ji chang wook (maybe a series[?]) in the return of Superman with his son (maybe around 3) and his wife (anon) if you could? Thank you
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1,532 words
A/n: dearest anons, i always see the requests you send in unless they get eaten by my ask box (which i think happens more than i'm aware off sometimes). i'm also more than happy to add more installments to this fic as well as other TROS fics i have written in the past upon request in the future if you guys request them.
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The moment Changwook’s face popped up on the tv as he was drinking his cup of coffee sitting across the table from you the hosts of the show went wild. Apart from the fact that he looked like a million bucks even with his wild and out of control bedhead and was still trying to wake up, they were freaking out over your unannounced appearance. From the start of your relationship with the well-known actor, the two of you had tried and succeeded to keep your identity private and hidden. In fact, some people had the tendency to forget that he was even married until he casually mentioned you from time to time when talking about how you helped him prepare for different roles or, most recently at least, your three year old son who had begun providing him countless stories to tell that had people in stitches at his silly little antics.
Given that information, many were stunned yet equally excited at the announcement that he would be appearing on ‘The Return of Superman’ with his family - especially given the privacy that was clearly valued. Yet there sat the two of you giggling and looking equally tired as you chatted over those two cups of coffee one hand from each of you resting on the table, his thumb rubbing circles along the back of yours as he held it.
“I almost don’t want to go,” you admitted silently. “I feel guilty just leaving him.”
Changwook nodded as he understood your predicament. Since the birth of your son, you’d taken a backseat at the law firm you were a partner at. The both of you made the decision to raise your son as best as you could with the two of you around, even if it meant decreasing your caseload and him taking less roles than before.
“The two days will go by faster than you think,” he assured you. “You’ll be back home in no time.”
“It’s just, it’s the first time I’m leaving him alone with you for more than a few hours. What if he thinks I’m not going to come back? That I just got up and left?”
“It’s only natural to feel that way when you’re around your child all of the time,” one of the hosts sympathized. “She’s a good mom.”
The other host nodded, “My wife felt the same even after we had our youngest. It’s hard and one feels a lot of guilt when leaving their kids whether it’s to work or even for the show. I feel that way too.”
“He’s not going to think that,” Changwook said firmly. “He loves you and knows how much you love him. He also knows that you have a really important job that helps other people. Trust me.” he looked at the time displayed on the stove and let out a small sound. “You’ll be late for your flight if you don’t leave now. I know how much the meeting with the clients means to the firm. Go out there and kick some butt Attorney (y/l/n). And come back safely.”
His words seemed to help ease your worries as you finished the rest of your coffee before getting up and heading to your bedroom - the cameras also showing it for the first time revealing the still asleep figure of a small boy panned out like a starfish on the bed. You bent down placing a kiss on his forehead before hesitating to pull away, your hand caressing the plump skin of his chubby little cheek. Changwook was directly behind you, placing a reaffirming hand on your shoulder and squeezing it.
“Come on,” he whispered softly. “You’ll really be late.”
The two of you left the room with you sniffling slightly as you went to the front door of your home. You wiped away the tears before your husband pulled you into a tight hug pressing a kiss to the top of your head, pulling you closer by the second not wanting to let go before finally pulling away. Placing a sweet kiss to your lips, he whispered something inaudible to the countless cameras and mics before pulling away, seeing you off, before rushing back inside at the sound of your son calling out to both of you in a panicked tone.
Changwook sat in front of the cameras with his son clinging to him tightly as he continued sniffling from the nightmare that awoke him quite rudely. His small hand was clenched into a fist balling up the fabric of his shirt. Both of the boys wore similar bedheads. As best as he could, Changwook bowed, greeting the viewers. 
“Hello I’m actor Ji Changwook and this is my three year old son Ji Subin,” he whispered for the little boy to wave at the camera only for him to turn away hiding his face in his father’s chest. “He’ll wave later…maybe…he’s quite the character as I believe you’ll come to find out.”
The writer asked a question to which he immediately smiled, “Ah, the wife. We’ve been married for a little over five years but have been together for seven. And as many people seem to have found out, she is a partner at a very prominent law firm in the city. As for when and how we met, that’s quite a controversial question for us. I argue that we met back in elementary school, second grade in Mr. Cho’s homeroom class, my wife would argue that we met eight years ago when she took a case for the company I was signed to at the time. She actually turned me down a few times in both instances when I asked if we could date - although dating as adults is much different than ‘dating’ as little kids.
“We actually discussed whether or not to join the show for a while before deciding to do so. While we were dating and more so after our son was born, we doubled down on keeping this part of our lives out of the limelight. We didn’t really want Subin to grow up with this spotlight on him at all times, but we’ve watched the show for a while now and even if it means giving up a bit of our privacy, we want to make memories with him and felt that coming on the show would not only allow us to, but also make sure that never lose the footage and watch it years from now.
“So yeah, thank you for the opportunity to be on the show and I hope you all enjoy seeing our family’s shenanigans.”
True to his word and Subin’s own reputation, everyone soon found out just how chaotic this little family of three could be. And it all began when the father son duo had decided to make lunch. Changwook knows he can’t hold a candle to your cooking skills - a given based on how much of the soup powder he dumped into a pot of cold water with the stove not having been turned on, followed by the soup burning because he didn’t stir it once he did turn on the stove, and the paper towel roll catching on fire while he listened to his Subin talk animatedly about the ‘case’ he was going to win - but he tries, even if has to end up ordering in because whatever he did end up making was not edible.
“Mommy’s taste better,” Subin replied with no hesitation when Changwook gave him a spoonful of the soup he’d made. “”Mommy makes good soup.”
Figuring that his son’s words meant it wasn’t too bad, Changwook took a bite and cringed at the taste, “Yeah, Mommy makes better soup. How about we have some bibimbap.”
It was easy enough to make and didn’t require much skill until it came to actually feeding the small boy who tried his hardest not to eat any of the vegetables in the bowl. He ate the fried egg first, followed by the meat that was mixed in with the other ingredients, and finally after eating no more than two spoonfuls of rice - that didn’t have a speck of green in it, he said he needed to go to the bathroom.
“Subin’s on what my wife calls the ‘white diet,’” Changwook explained, arms crossed over his chest as he spoke during the interview. “If he even sees a speck of green he won’t eat it. We’ve gotten better at introducing foods to him, but he still has an order that he goes in when eating foods he isn’t sure of. First he goes for the proteins and meats, then the grains, and before he gets to the vegetable he says he needs to use the bathroom. We’re slowly getting better though…”
“At least he got him to eat something,” the host complimented. “And by using food that is familiar to him to introduce new ingredients into his diet they are making progress.”
“Maybe we’ll see development in Subin’s palette during their time with us and Changwook’s cooking skills,” the other added with a chuckle.
“I hope we see some development. I don’t want to witness a kitchen bursting into flames again!”
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army-in-the-stars · 8 months
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Ji Chang Wook x GQ Korea
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saintminseok · 7 months
There was lots of beating people and killing, in different methods but at the end of it all, betrayal is the worst of evil.
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itstheoneshot · 2 years
Kinktober Day 10
Knife kink - Ji Changwook
!dom Changwook
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“Fuck,” You gasp, eyes widened in fear, “Shit… Wook.”
You are silenced with the cool metal pressed to your throat, not daring to make a move, not that you could while he holds you up against the wall with his full body strength. You are terrified of what he could do, but you put your full trust into him, satiating his desires as well as your own.
“Stay still, sweetheart,” He murmurs, “You don’t want to get hurt now, do you? I might slip.”
You barely breathe, head swimming as Changwook’s free hand traces down your chest, your bare skin unmarked so far, though you aren’t sure for how long.
His gaze is unwavering, leaving you feeling more vulnerable than ever, which in turn has you flushed, hot and ready for him to take you however he pleases.
“What if I fight?” You ask him, “What would you do to control me?”
It always fires him up when you ask questions, making him think of punishments drives him insane. It is your own way of telling him ‘do whatever you want to me’ without having to say it aloud, and he knows that.
“I don’t think I’d let you fight,” He growls, “I have a few things in mind to subdue you.”
You stifle a scream as he roughly turns you around so that you face the wall, pressing your face up to it, the knife now held against the back of your neck. This is far more dangerous, and you are far more turned on, whimpering at the feeling, your legs spreading apart without him even having to ask you.
“Take me,” You breathe, “Please, Wook… I’m yours.”
You can feel his cock, with his body pressed to yours, the tip rubs against the small of your back, and you stand up on your toes in an attempt to get him to come into you. You are enticing him, with every second more a painful anguish, the blade pressed hard enough that any false movement could cause trouble, you are sure that you are dripping for him, definitely ready.
“You really want this, don’t you?” He asks, bending slightly at the knees to give himself a better angle, “You love it when I make your heart race, you’re fucking crazy.”
The pain of him entering you is sharp, you are never adjusted even if he were to have prepared you, your nails scratch at the wall as he thrusts hard enough for your feet to leave the floor.
“Shit,” You cry, “Fuck yes, more, please.”
Changwook thrusts into you again, so hard that you swear your hips are going to bruise against the wall. You rest your head back against his chest, and he trails the knife along your neck with just enough pressure to leave a red line behind, but not enough to bleed.
“You’re doing so well,” He praises you, “I was really hoping I would break you tonight.”
You roll your eyes, but are quickly distracted by another moan as he hits a sweet spot inside you. He has been hellbent on getting you to drop your safeword lately, but has not succeeded yet, no matter how hard he takes you, it is never enough.
“Harder!” You whine, “Oh, fuck!”
He does exactly as you asked, fucking you harder than you were expecting, knocking the wind out of you and almost causing your head to fall forward, the knife piercing your skin just slightly, though this makes you moan even louder.
“Oh, you’re so fucking filthy,” He purrs, “Fuck, you’d let me fucking kill you if I wanted, wouldn’t you, slut?”
You leave scratch marks in the paint on the wall, gasping for air as he thrusts into you over and over, nodding furiously in agreement with him. All you are and all you want to be is his to use and take from, it gives you immeasurable pleasure to be fucked like the whore that he makes you out to be.
“Fuck,” You stutter, “All yours, fuck… I’m so close.”
Reminding him that you are his own is all that it takes for him to fuck you right up to your peak. Your body shakes as you tip over the edge, clenching to him while he fucks you through it. You aren’t sure at what point he climaxes too, but you hear the clatter of the blade as he drops it to the floor, his hand taking position around your throat to choke you while he fills you up, keeping you steady until he has nothing left to give.
“You’re too good to me,” He murmurs, kissing up the side of your neck as he catches his breath, “All mine.”
Kinktober Masterlist!
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citrinekay · 6 months
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Ji Chang-wook in "I'm A Slacker" Andong Part 2
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filthy-mudeoki · 1 year
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Healer (2014)
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gaesaekkii · 8 months
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5283 · 8 months
okay. i'll try to remain calm about it but WI HAJOON AND JI CHANGWOOK IN ONE DRAMA???????
ok, firstly. isn't this changwook's first project that's NOT romcom (finally) after he got back from military service??? ohgod i honestly missed watching him beat up bad guys.
secondly. is it just me or are they trying to pull something like beyond evil here?? the tension between junmo aka "seungho" and gicheol is insane.
imo it's clear it's wi hajoon/gicheol who brings this energy to the chemistry between them and junmo just responds well to it?? i am deeply sorry i lack the vocabulary to express well everything i felt during these first 4 episodes but pls someone tell me i'm not the only one who senses this T-T
after watching 1-2 episodes my initial thoughts were that when junmo joins the gang while undercover, he will start to lose his actual goal in mind just bc how much gicheol is about loyalty and he sorta creates this feeling of big mission in his gang (in my eyes) and that's exactly what junmo seems like he lacked in life? just trying to get promoted bc his wife's parents want him to and he feels inadequate bc of it?? + his past of being a thug himself and him being "saved from being like that" by one of the cops orchestrating the mission, too.... maybe that's just wishing!!! but oh well. that's the general vibes i got from the first eps T-T
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suuho · 8 months
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JI CHANG WOOK as PARK JUNMO The Worst of Evil | 최악의 악 (2023)
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mostlyfate · 1 year
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chicken-fifi · 6 months
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Artist / Character: Ji Changwook
Title: Evergreen
Prompt: christmas tree
Requested by: @steph0707
“Please tell me you have a plan on how to get that inside our apartment?” you begged as you saw the tree in the bed of your boyfriend’s truck.
“You push, I pull, and we pivot,” he explained as he pulled the pinetree closer to the end of the door he’d just put down. “We’re strong enough to do it.”
You stared blankly at the man before you. He’d done many interesting things over the past few holidays you’d spent with them. Up to now, the most confusing thing has been his idea to decorate every space available outside and inside your apartment for the upcoming holidays. As cute and nice as it was, you were convinced you had inhaled 50 years worth of tinsel and glitter in the span of three weeks. But this had to take the cake.
“This a real tree,” you pointed out.
“Yep,” he huffed as he pulled it closer to him.
“Not fake.”
“You got it.”
“It’ll look great with the theme I want to do this year!”
Sighing, you stepped closer, “I’m not cleaning up the needles.”
He grinned at you letting go of the tree momentarily to kiss you in the middle of the parking garage where just about anyone would be able to see you.
“I promise you’ll love it!”
For the sake of your sanity, you really hoped that was true. But just seeing the boyish grin on his face as he got the tree out of the truck ready to be carried up the nightmarish amount of stairs, was enough to make your heart sing. 
You’d enjoy it.
That much you knew right then and there.
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army-in-the-stars · 2 years
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@ W Korea
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saintminseok · 8 months
So, who's gonna take one for the team and go full gicheul x junmo on ao3 ?
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