derpoprime · 2 years
A DOODLE PAGE OF CRAZY PEOPLE !! done a while ago. heart emoji to leslie especially the inhumane things i'd do for her (on the floor)
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timecryptid · 1 year
Jewpacabra is such an interesting episode. Because I do think it started as Cartman being an asshole. He not only wants to get into the Easter egg hunt alone but he wants to visit this hotel and resort that he wouldn’t normally be able to go to. He pulls all of this because he’s a selfish asshole who doesn’t want others getting in his way. But it slowly turns to Cartman falling for his own bullshit. He quickly goes from knowing this thing doesn’t exist and only doing it for his own selfish reasons to then fully believing his own bullshit.
And even when it’s life or death in his mind he can’t help it. Kyle comes to save him saying that if he will admit he’s lying he will help him out. And Cartman. It only can’t just admit that it’s all a lie and not real because he believes his own bullshit. He believes it’s real.
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ladyofdecember · 1 year
For the first night of Hanukkah we watched A Rugrats Chanukah, the holiday armadillo episode of Friends and Mr. Hanky's Christmas Classics while we had Chinese food. 😁 Oh and we watched Jewpacabra because my man had apparently never seen it?? He was telling me about the exodus out of Egypt and Passover and I mentioned how I knew some of the details because of South Park to which he was flabbergasted 😂
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victimized-martyr · 1 year
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prompt ask thingy on twt. kyle and cartman could literally blow the entire grade outta the water w/ their combined minds. ahh, one can dream.
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clovariia · 6 months
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saving each other
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komipacket · 1 year
How do you know how you want to lay out your comics before drawing?
So i guess you're asking about my process of making a new page. Well this post goes for every question about me doing my sketch comics (this is much better than drawing a finished picture right in the start, try it!)
I will gladly answer that! Basically when i just start drawing i already have a brief adea of how the page composition would look like. Usually its like "there will be a big frame, there a few small ones for a dialogue" and something like that. But i always start with a simple doodle. Dialogue clouds are my last thing and i usually dont write anything there until the end of sketching. I save some little hints of what are they talking about tho. (for later in case i forget)
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But sometimes it happens that i have NO idea what am i drawing next. I have general plot yep but i cant visually imagine how it would look like...
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If i feel exhausted or nothing comes to mind, or im getting really angry and frustrated i just make break and clear my mind not thinking about that comic at all, doing something else. Then ideas are coming back to me once im ready to continue!
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cheesy-poofs · 1 year
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The idea that these are the same blanket is something I always thought was cute, but I don't think they are. The lighting makes it hard to tell, but let me go into my reasoning. Note the similarities between the color of Cartman's hat and the blanket in the second image; particularly the saturation of the blanket. That general shade of blue/turquoise is the same shade as Philip's shirt.
This is relevant because in the first scene, there actually is a Terrence and Phillip poster in-shot. If it was the same blanket, it would likely be as saturated as the colors in poster there. I put the swatches side-by-side to make the difference more clear.
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So I don't think its the same blanket, as its a slightly different color; he likely did keep the blanket, I just don't think its the particular one we see in "Cartman Finds Love". Maybe this is weird to talk about in 2023, but I look through old Kyman blogs a lot and noticed people always said its the same. Its a really cute theory but I don't believe so.
The blanket homeless Cartman has in Post Covid looks closer to it since its a softer color, but there's no solid reason to assume its the same there either.
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methinmycoffee · 1 year
Season 16 rankings!
From best to worst:
Cash for Gold (Ep. 2)
Butterballs (Ep. 5)
Going Native (Ep. 11)
Reverse Cowgirl (Ep. 1)
Jewpacabra (Ep. 4)
Cartman Finds Love (Ep. 7)
Sarcastaball (Ep. 8)
Raising the Bar (Ep. 9)
Insecurity (Ep. 10)
A Scause for Applause (Ep. 13)
I Should Have Never Gone Ziplining (Ep. 6)
A Nightmare on FaceTime (Ep. 12)
Faith Hilling (Ep. 3)
Obama Wins! (Ep. 14)
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potatoes-tomatoes · 2 years
peanuts styled south park episode
south park styled peanuts short
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charlotteoccasionally · 3 months
reasons why kyman is canon (TRIGGER WARNING: KY//MAN, JOKING!!)
1. kyle continuously choosing to get in arguments with cartman instead of just ignoring him (which they have proof works) bc he gets his kicks outta being righteous
2. cartman saving kyle at the end of smug alert despite saying he hates him
3. kyle coming to help cartman at the end of jewpacabra
4. “my little monster” in its a jersey thing
5. cartman showing no denial/response when ppl think he and kyle are a couple in tonsil trouble
6. cartman making everyone think kyman is canon in cartman finds love (when he coulda EASILY found a different way to stop kyle and nicole from getting together)
7. cartman’s canon yaoi obsession (tfbw character relations graph)
8. kyle saving cartman in manbearbig
9. imaginationland trilogy.
10. kyle crying after finding out cartman was innocent after breaking his electronics
11. kyle’s response during his fight with cartman after getting with heidi (“cartman, YOU weren’t happy” instead of just saying how badly he treated her)
12. kyman hand holding in multiple episodes
13. cartman saying he loves kyle and tryna kiss him(?) in le petite tourette
14. kyle’s jealousy of heiman (ppl say it’s kyle jealous of cartman for dating heidi but we never saw any evidence that kyle liked her until AFTER they started dating)
15. the way kyle always chooses cartman as his stand in BFF when stan is outta the picture instead of anyone else/their dynamicness as a duo (crack baby athletic association, you’re getting old, ass burgers, prehistoric ice man, etc.)
16. cartman and kyle’s softening relationship as the seasons go on (compare “passion of the jew” kyman to an episode like “help my teenager hates me”)
17. the deleted “cartman + kyle” writing on the wall of the boy’s bathroom in stick of truth
18. kyman is just an inherently funny ship that if it actually becomes canon would kinda sum up the attitude of the show (m&t just don’t gaf)
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alyeecoffee · 3 months
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Smug alert! And Jewpacabra crossover lol
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hatsunevitu · 1 year
you know that jewpacabra episode s16e4? that moment when kyle couldn’t sleep knowing cartman is out there, miserable and probably in danger? so he got up in the middle of the night and went looking for cartman to help him get home and make sure he’s safe and then he even literally tucked him in?
so i was making a parallel and i thought of that one post-covid cartman, broke, unhappy, homeless and pathetic, and kyle who gets home after his meeting with the old friends, and suddenly he can’t sleep, thinking constantly about cartman who had a chance to have a good life but lost it… so he gets up in the middle of the night once again, like in his childhood, and forces cartman to go with him to kyle’s place, making sure he’s safe and warm. he doesn’t know why he did it, but seeing cartman at his worst makes him feel like the things are so… wrong? so his first thought is to help and save and give him hope and…
i want a happy end for them both :(
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buttfrovski · 8 months
i really like the moments in this show where kyle and cartman actually.. get along for two seconds. they're a POWERFUL team when they settle their differences. crack baby basketball, the cartoon wars AT FIRST, assburgers, i could go on.. or just moments like jewpacabra or smug alert where they save eachother.
i think i'm just a sucker for frenemies or any fleeting moment where cartman isn't antagonistic haha
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resisteverything · 2 months
I feel weird about Helluva boss names, and I wondered if maybe I was dumb but no i’m normal actually.
Season one had fine titles. Murder family, Spring Broken, Truth seekers, queen bee, all functional names. But season two?
We have an episode called oops followed by “Mammoms mid season musical special (ft fizzarolli) then we have episodes called “ghostfuckers” and “mastermind” what kind of a name is mastermind for an episode of a comedy? That’s the name of some episode of young justice or teen titans, where they have that gimmick of vague cool sounding word titles like “haunted” and “bereft”. What’s it doing on the same roster as ghostfuckers?
Also season twos titles tend to be some painful bits of humor. Exes and oohs? What does that even mean? Western energy? Is that even supposed to be wordplay? If sounds like a joke about big dick energy but why would it be and how would it be, but if it’s not than what is it? What’s the joke? Unhappy campers? That’s better than most but it’s such an obvious and unclever joke. Ghost fuckers? Ghost fuckers? Whose idea was that? It feels like a joke episode name in a parody of viziepop jokes. And vizie actually did it? Sinsmas? That sounds so awkward today aloud, and i’ve seen it done before but the first person to say it made it “sinmas” which was way better.
Spring broken was actually a decent pun.
What happened to these show titles?
(On an unrelated note I looked through r/helluva boss and someone mentioned a south park episode called jewpacabra and that title was just so funny to me, like when will helluva boss ever be this clever?)
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wendytestabrat · 5 months
cartman’s behavior in “jewpacabra” explained
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something that always stood out to me abt this episode when i first watched it (and btw this was WAYYYY before people started changing their stance abt cartman and realizing he’s not all that horrible, this was when he was still in his menace era and people would shit on cartman all the time) was how sad & pitiful cartman was in this episode. like honestly when i watch this one i can’t help but feel bad for cartman bc this episode rlly highlights how truly delusional and fucked up in the head he is and how he can’t help it, and it also rlly shined a light on cartman’s schizophrenia & mental issues too how he was imagining this thing in his head (which was the jewpacabra) that wasn’t even real and then there was that whole sequence/dream cartman had where he was a jew and all that. i think a lot of cartman’s anti-semitism stems from mental illness and delusions he has which they also explored further in “cupid ye” how when once cupid me was on his meds he stopped being an anti-semitic asshole bashing jews. and i DEF don’t think cartman’s anti-semitic behavior in this episode was him being malicious or anything bc he actually delusionally believed there was a creature named jewpacabra that was out to get him LOL and then he was scared af and thought he was gonna die and shit. i feel like the episode def did start out with cartman just being an anti-semitic dick as usual and trying to mess with kyle over the jewpacabra thing but then as the episode went on it took a DARK turn bc cartman started believing the thing he made up in his head was real. and i feel like this is what kyle finally realized later on in the episode, which was why he felt bad for cartman and unchained him & took him home. at first kyle assumed this what just cartman being a bigoted asshole as usual going after jews which was why he was pissy at cartman AF in the beginning bc he took it personally and assumed cartman was just trying to harass him, but then he had a moment of mercy for cartman when he rescued him at the end. i feel like what was going through kyle’s head was him realizing cartman wasn’t trying to be an asshole but he was genuinely scared of something that wasn’t real to the point he got himself chained up outside in the cold, so he just felt bad for cartman & pitied him bc he realized this was more about him just being an ignorant delusional idiot than it was about him being cruel or mean. so yeah OFC kyle couldn’t stand to let cartman stay out there in the cold all sad & scared over something that he was suffering from which was a straight up schizophrenia episode, which ofc triggered kyle’s codependent side. that’s also why at that scene at the end kyle went easy on cartman and was nice to him when cartman was saying how he believed in juddaism now and all that LOL. cartman tells kyle how kyle prob thinks he’s lying or making it all up and kyle is just like “i know you’re not” bc kyle realized cartman rlly wasn’t lying bc he delusionally believed this shit. bc normally if something like that happened kyle would just get mad and be like “you’re not jewish fatass!1!1!” 😡 but kyle decided not to get mad and take shit personally this time and was able to overlook his behavior and see what was RLLY going on with cartman. i also love how kyle didn’t reveal at the end that HE was the one who took him home and just decided to let cartman believe it was a ‘passover miracle’. i feel like this episode parallels “smug alert” A LOT how cartman didn’t want kyle to find out he was the one who saved him bc he didn’t want kyle to know how much he cares abt him. so i feel like kyle was the same exact way in this episode, he was prob embarrassed with himself for trying to help cartman and didn’t want cartman to find out how much he cares.
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firefly-sky · 3 months
to the people who justify kyman with ‘oh but cartman cares for kyle!!!!1! just look at smug alert and-‘ no. he doesn’t care about kyle.
the reason he did what he did in smug alert was for his own benefit. because he wanted somebody to fight with and rip on. because butters wasn’t sufficient enough. because he likes seeing kyle miserable.
and if you’re gonna justify it with jewpacabra by saying ‘oh but kyle broughtt cartman home!’ kyle is compassionate. he’s been shown to be compassionate, even with strangers. i think that’s even what it says on his official page. he brought cartman home because that’s probably what he thought was right to do morally. morals drive him. he’s a lot nicer than people credit him for.
anyway. those two hate each other. they’ve said it multiple times. there’s no episodes that are ‘ship fuel’. there’s no indication that the two have feelings for each other other than the fact that cartman is oddly sexually obsessed with kyle.
so anyway. that’s my rant.
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