#Jermey Renner
professorambrius · 1 year
Spending Time With Dad
A day out with dad.
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Love it when angel gets to be bitchy about art. “Oh your killings are soooo cliché. Let me guess, you have a newspaper clipping shrine at home? Typical. Literally kys”
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issdisgrace · 4 months
They make Hawkeye so fucking good looking in the comics and stuff but he’s played by ugly ass Jermey Renner in the movies and it makes me sad cause like why couldn’t they get someone better and hotter to play him
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Also if this makes me shallow then so be it
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weirdolesbo · 3 months
none of this would’ve happened on the Jermey renner app
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the fallout show is actually pretty enjoyable. maybe because I’m obsessed with the world and love the new perspective. and yes the props look like they’re from Amazon and the humor is a little “Reddit” for lack of a better term, but the plastic-y look and cringy humor matches the vibe of the games to be quite honest.
with the props/sets though it’s interesting, like they all have this cheapass look but also it’s clear a lot of care and detail were put into the set pieces/costuming, so it gives the vibe of like a YouTube skit where everything is super cheap but you’re like “wow this looks really good considering what they had to work with” except that this show had a fucking $153 million budget so it’s like. come on man.
I DO think that the sets are amazing, for the most part, even if the costuming and props leave something to be desired. like it’s clear that’s where most of the budget went.
I also appreciate that basically the whole cast is unknowns or up-and-comers rather than the marvel-starwars-disney Big Names Only casting that seems to be the only way mainstream media is cast. so that’s cool, I always love the potential for new talent to cut their teeth and get their big break. plus I hate seeing the same shitty fucking actors over and over again. if they’re good idc but like Scarlett Johansson or Jermey renner just suck. like they are not even good at the craft. even like Chris whatever the fuck who plays Thor has some genuine talent and can be enjoyable to watch, but so many of them are just so baaaddd.
the soundtrack is great, honestly, all the picks are bangers & I love the Johnny cash & I actually love the choice to use sound effects from the games in the sound mixing. it’s very fun. like again, cheesy, but it’s a cool design choice.
and like ultimately, that doesn’t really impact my enjoyment of it. all in all it’s so far above my expectations. I’ve been dreading it since it was announced bc I love fallout as a “mythos” (basically) and I did not think a nostalgia-bait fan service big budget mainstream major release could ever have any redeeming qualities so the fact that it’s “fun to watch” and “has a plot” is pretty neat.
also one of the brotherhood people is a they/them which I thought was neat. as of yet they have not gendered them at all like no “brother” or “girl” or “man” or “he/she” it’s been exclusively they/them or their name.
oh! speaking of the brotherhood, I like how they are portrayed. like they are fucked up clutists with a self righteous god complex and I think they’ve really shown that, rather than the brotherhood fanboys ‘fascism is awesome’ characterization that you see in the fandom. the main brotherhood guy having to deal with his idealistic idea of what the brotherhood “should” be versus what it is is intriguing and I’m excited to see more. also very excited to see more prewar stuff.
And so far my biggest complaint so far is the weird ass ghoul. like they make this big deal about him basically being a corpse and he looks like some dude got a bad sunburn. like with all the gore and horror elements I wish they would have made the ghoul look more.. you know.. like a ghoul.
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ladyscroogeblr · 5 months
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Shut out to Jermey Renner! On 1/1/2023 he was in a bad snowplow accident. He was lucky he didn't die! In the year since the accident Jeremey has made his way back! With hard work, determination and support from his family and friends helped him get where he is today! The way he acts now, you would not think he was in a bad accident! Jermey you are an inspiration to others! Love you Hawkeye!
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pansyfemme · 11 months
im so high right now sorry but that jerma app post was so funny im going to think about it forever. gone but not forgotten
i deleted it mostly because i thought no one would remember the jermey renner app but for context
they should make a jeremy renner app but for jerma985
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talkingtea · 1 year
Can we take a moment to say a prayer for Jermey Renner. Truly hope he is ok and recovers soon.
And Damar Hamlin from the Buffalo Bulls as well. 🙏🏽🙏🏽
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delusioner · 2 years
i think twitter users should all move to the jermey renner app
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billiethetween · 6 days
i think it's fine if jermey renner is in knives out 3. the guy got run over by a snowplow because he was out doing good deeds. it gets him out of the house. just prop him up with a cool cane. it's fine.
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madam-mayhem · 2 months
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professorambrius · 1 year
Heart Warming Letter From Jeremy Renner's Nephew
This is so heart warming.
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joe-moi · 7 months
Florence, Zendaya, Scarlett, Zoe Saldana, James brolin, even make ruffalo and Jermey renner all had well established careers before marvel. Like marvel gave them that additional push to make them blockbuster stars but they would’ve made it there regardless. Stars like Tom Holland, RDJ, Sebastian Stan, even Chris Evans they didn’t have well established careers before marvel. They were known sure but marvel made them into well known actors. Joseph falls under the latter I fear. Like if he had a few more roles under his belt before marvel I wouldn’t be too worried but all he has rn that he’s well known for is Eddie and maybe two others depending on how gladiator and AQP goes. Also as a marvel stan the F4 franchise is cursed like that whole movie needs to be scraped and never made again
Yep I fully agree. If he had more and it was a good movie, then, yeah, do it. But this is such a risk
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youroverlordhooty · 1 year
These actors from the Marvel movies would be amazing as DC characters.
Chris evans- Superman
Robert downy Jr.- Green Arrow
Sebastan Stan- Batman
Tom Hiddleston- the Joker
Jermey Renner- Hal jordan/Aquaman
Scarlet Johansson- Black Canary/catwoman
Paul Bettany- Martian Manhunter
Josh Brolin- Darkseid
Willem Defoe- Mr. Freeze
These are just the ones I could think of off the top of my head, if you can think of others I COMMAND YOU TO SPEAK
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m4lancholia · 2 years
random things i have said *i have unmedicated ADHD*
"You traumatized my guinea pig with Brad Pitt??" "Am I...fading into the grocery store back rooms" bites my lip *tucks my hair behind my ear* "ya doen it naew arry podder" "I DONT KNOW THE JERMEY RENNER APP LORE OKAY!" "that prehistoric eldrich god he/they bussy got me acting horrific" "beating him with a 600 pound bouncy house castle generator" "im a..leaky..boy" I sneezed "you're spreading blasphemy on the worm community" "this is and always will be a nermal *the cat from garfield* hate account!!" "the wiggles broke into my home and shot me point blank" "taking my meds before I go on a lady and the tramp style spaghetti dinner with the hat man and bthľêđůňəđå the torturer of the innocent" - on the topic of benadryl "if we gave anakin some shrooms the entire franchise could have been prevented but yall aint ready to hear that and it shows" "HYOOOINGY BOINGY???" i was talking about how cheetos need a better name *putting a DVD in an actual dvd player* ah yes...the acoustic way.. "i will EAT drywall if it means donkey from shrek gets the waffles he deserves" and last but not least cause there will probably be another post like this " i was made of meat and forced to survive and you expect me to know what 'hes the piss to my vinegar <3' means??
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youreatotalposer · 2 years
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Florence Pugh’s instagram story - December 8th, 2021
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