#Jensen is the biggest Dean stan
drulalovescas · 1 year
Supernatural in 2020 said:
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Jensen Ackles in 2023 said:
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hitmeupaep · 5 months
i’m so not normal
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dotthings · 1 day
The brosonlies are trying to label Jensen “the bibro king” again and I can’t stop laughing thinking about all the Jensen quotes out there about his love of the show overall and about how it was also about the family you find and a rag-tag team of hunters and Dean’s biggest regret is not saving Cas, and Dean wants to hug Cas and say I love you too, and Jensen speaking whole eloquent paragraphs about what other relationships and characters have brought to the show and the lists Jensen has kept, more than once, of people he wants to bring back.
Jensen “the bibro king” Ackles who called up Bob Singer before S8 and informed Bob Singer I want these people back and Bob Singer said “understood.”
Jensen “the bibro king” Ackles who had lists of people he wanted back for S15, and then lists of people he wanted to bring onto TW, and if you think he doesn’t have a list of people he wants to bring back for the revival, oh my sweet summer child.
And what Jensen misses the most and what he has the most brainrot about is Dean.
Jensen’s statements about it being about the brothers is basic spn 101 and he says pretty much the same thing each time, and not that it isn’t sincere, because Jensen cares about the brothers. It’s when stans then try to portray this as “only” or start stomping around trying to weaponize it again in a blatant attempt to erase everything else it’s time for a reality check.
It’s a meme pushed by people who don’t actually pay attention to the canon or to Jensen himself.
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scripted-downfall · 1 year
Acting anon again. I agree it's cockiness. When he was younger he at least had a sincerity about him. They had to get it right or they'd get fired. Then come s8-9 and it's like... Haha you can't fire me you NEED me.
And to hear Jen talk about Dean and then Jared is like "Sam is the best" but he doesn't talk about Sam. Sam is a character to him and it shows. Dean is a person to Jensen and it shows.
I watched a good bit of Walker (before I could just not handle the poor writing) and I watch Big Sky.
Jared has a part in WRITING AND PRODUCING HIS CHARACTER and yet Jensen understands Beau far more than Jpad understands Walker and idek how that's possible.
Walker had potential but failed in so many aspects. While I watch Big Sky just for Beau and it's one of my favorite shows right now.
There's just a different caliber.
Well Jensen has taken what he was given in Supernatural and expounded on his craft, Jared is riding the high of being famous. He's popular because he's Jared padalecki not because he's a good actor. He's that guy from supernatural. Jensen on the other hand, is a fantastic actor who knows what he's doing. That's why he can be in so many different things. No matter what show he's in he becomes popular. It's not because of Supernatural it's because of him. While I don't think anyone watched Walker that didn't come from Supernatural.
There's nothing wrong with watching a show after seeing the actors in supernatural. That's what I did for several of even Jensen stuff. But people love him even without ever seeing him as dean. Because he's that good of an actor.
Didn't mean to rant lol
No, no, please rant! I'm so beyond stoked that you wrote back; please keep doing so as long as you wish to!
And your points continue to be spot-on; the increased job security seems to have gone to his head in the worst possible way, and, at this point, he's acting for the fame and not famous for the acting. The only reason this might be sustainable is that, as you said, people from SPN will follow him to his new projects, and there are enough Sam stans that it might be halfway feasible. In any other person --- and, I want to say, in him, too, though his fanbase will probably prove me wrong --- this would be the pride before the fall. His hubris is definitely a character defect; it's just not clear if it's his classically Fatal Flaw.
But you're absolutely right about how they treat their characters. I've seen a ton of jokes about how Jensen's one of the biggest fangirls among us, and --- in addition to being funny --- they're just downright accurate; Dean is real in a way that Sam never seems to be for Padalecki. Praising Sam isn't about discussing Sam; it's a statement on Jarpad. Discussing Dean is less about Jackles than it is about Dean. And that difference causes there to be a world separating the two. I won't say it's impossible to act without believing, at some level, in the reality of one's character, but Padalecki definitely can't.
"He's popular because he's Jared padalecki not because he's a good actor." I can't put this any better than you did, so I'm just gonna say: yes. A hundred times, yes.
And I also agree that there's not an issue with following actors to other shows. Frankly? I'm a touch obsessive. If I fixate on a character, I will follow that actor through their filmographies. I saw Jensen in Supernatural first, and have since watched --- solely due to his presence in the vehicle --- Dark Angel, some of Big Sky (though I haven't gotten to s3 yet, so idk if that counts), Ten Inch Hero, My Bloody Valentine, and Devour. The same is true with Misha, though I have access to less that he's been in: I basically could only watch 24 and the one episode of Monk he was in (and, even then, I'd seen the shows before because they've been family favorites for a while; I just hadn't known who Misha Collins was at the time). Both actors continued to be just as enjoyable --- just as skilled --- outside of their Supernatural roles.
However, I've watched the occasional Jarpad thing, too. I recently made some posts about one such film, which I hadn't realized he'd been in --- Cry_Wolf --- but I also intentionally watched Walker, House of Wax, and the Friday the 13th remake, just out of curiosity. Mainly, I was just curious whether my dislike for Sam was affecting my judgement, whether he'd gotten better outside of that environment. And he just hadn't. They were all utterly atrocious. To borrow my phrasing from an earlier post, his acting was forgettable at best and horrible at worst.
Long post already long: it's not a coincidence that Jackles has drawn massive interest from the general audience and not just the Supernatural fans. The Boys might have been the first example of this, but, as you point out, Big Sky has had a similar reaction. And, on the other hand, the only thing saving Padalecki from being a one-hit wonder (and I use the word "wonder" loosely) is that he's somehow managed to swing the loyalty of a very devout subset of the fanbase.
Anyway, I think it's my turn to apologize; this is, once again, a very long message... I hope it's not either oppressive or annoying; I'm just really enjoying the conversation. Thank you again, and all the best until next time!
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sailorsally · 1 month
one of jp’s consistent comments is about “staying true to the story/to canon” and considering the way he has spoken about queer castiel in the past and he wants to be an executive producer of the revival i’m like 🥴🥴
(i also just know that mr my-favourite-episode-is-the-finale must absolutely hate that one of spn’s biggest legacies is destiel — because it doesn’t involve him or the bros storyline)
— to be fair though jensen unfortunately isn’t much better. he mostly speaks of the revival in terms of sam and dean/jared and himself, and was dropping comments during the winchesters press promo that spn was “the love story of two brothers” (in comparison to tw being an actual romantic love story)
i’m curious to see what their 2024 opinions are regarding all that, but i can’t say i have much hope 🙃
I don't trust Jensen much either but that comment was made at a J2 panel full of J2 stans and right after Jared took the liberty to answer the fans question re destiel instead of letting Jensen collect his thoughts and give a proper answer. I might not trust Jensen but again, when it comes to SPN in general I know he has taste what you cannot say about Jared who doesn't care about the story and only cares about his large ego. But at the end of the day I remain chill because when it comes to Misha vs Jared I know who Jensen's gonna choose.
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lol-jackles · 2 years
I agree with you that Destiel shippers try to turn Dean into Sam, but that leaves me wondering why the biggest ship in the fandom isn't Sastiel instead. Why add in the extra step of creating a Sam-like Dean when Sam is already there?
Most Destiel shippers started as Dean/Jensen stans who were always trying to turn Dean into Sam even before the pilot ever since they found out Jensen didn't have 1st billing. So it makes no sense for Dean/Jensen stans to ship Sam with Castiel. Some Sam fans do ship him with Castiel, but most Sam girls seem more preoccupied with canon stuff than fanon ships.
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eddielala · 1 year
I think it’s so funny now that Jensen probably really didn’t lie when he said he has no clue why the Cas’ entrance scene is in the trailer.
Gladly I didn’t have my clown nose on just my clown shoes and I’ll take them off now.
I haven’t watched the episode yet but I’m just glad (disappointed) that the dream I had that they start an ABO AU didn’t become real because boy, that would have been fun.
Jensen doing a good job doesn’t surprise me, this man is the biggest Dean stan and kin of us all and I love that for him. I love the cast and the show so much. Hope we get to see a season 2.
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holding-out-for-hea · 2 years
I’ve watched all three eps of The Winchester’s. I wanted to form my own opinions and not be influenced by stans from all sides.
Wanna know what I thought?
…. I’ve enjoyed it 🤷🏻‍♀️ It definitely has some pacing problems and the typical CW shoddy production missteps, but I have enjoyed it. Does it hit nostalgia hard? For me, yes. But that was basically one of the reasons I watched the last five seasons of SPN (and my sincere dedication to the brother bond). These are people searching for their fathers, a la season 1 of SPN. Again- heavy reliance on nostalgia, but that’s what spin offs are known to do at first until they dig their roots deeper, and I’m thinking that The Winchester’s has a shot at doing that. It’s still all very surface level, but there have been moments that show the depths that are to come.
Here’s the thing with me. I don’t see this as a slap to the face of canon SPN at all…. Yet. It is it’s own entity, and I can’t say with any certainty where it’s going, so I cannot make any judgements that would be deemed fair about what effects on canon it truly has. I know, I know…. The John thing. But it’s SO clear that we will be getting answers to that, soooo 🤷🏻‍♀️The stories so far have felt like classic SPN horror type stuff (though I wish it was more scary). Some of the writing is clunky, but my God there isn’t a single show in television today that DOESN’T seem to have clunky writing - and that’s a post for another day.
I really think they hit a home run in casting, and that surprised me because the trailers did not lead me to that assumption. Drake is SO good, and if you think Sam wasn’t thought of in this show you’d be wrong. Not only does Drake look very much like him, but we see the hope, innocence and fierce loyalty that comes from Sam in John. 1000% intentional too, btw. The traits Dean mostly picked up from His dad aren’t really part of John yet, and it intrigues me. Meg’s Mary is different from what I expected, but I actually prefer it to what my initial musings were. Yes, we very much see Dean here, mostly in mannerisms, personality, sense of duty, and complete expertise in all things hunting. On a different level, Sam’s there too (again) in the wanting of a normal life. We see eartnestness, fear and resentment. Sam. Meg is clearly the more seasoned actor here, and I’ve been pleasantly surprised by her range.
Carlos is honestly a breath of fresh air. Jojo’s timing is spot on, expressions full of emotion, and he just makes you like him. He pulls you into the time period and makes the settings feel more 70’s, which is needed because sometimes the show doesn’t hit that mark. Lata is sweet as pie, and I am waiting for her big moment because it really does feel like it’s building up to it. Ada and John’s mom are very well cast, and you can feel their experience through the screen and it makes their young counterparts better, in my opinion.
It is not a perfect show, and at times I feel I’m even too old (in my 30’s) to be watching it. There are moments that feel to far fetched even for SPN, and the special effects are…. Well, it’s the CW - but the CW during a buyout, and while trying to change their entire target audience base with a show they didn’t seem to believe in too much. So… yea. But this genre is my jam, always has been, and to be immersed in SPN vibes again honestly is making me happy. I want to see where the story goes, however, on its own merit- and THAT, perhaps, is the biggest surprise of all.
I know this show is literally a Pandora’s box, but there is SO much REAL awful going on in the world, that maybe a breath and perspective is needed. This is a tv show. And yes, I know people treat SPN and it’s actors as though they’re all parts of a religious deity, but it’s not that serious. I have ZERO problem with people finding enjoyment in things, this prequel included. So I won’t call you stupid, canon denying, Jensen hating, Jared hating morons if you find enjoyment with this show. (Or if you dislike it either- just don’t rain on other’s parades)
ENJOY IT! This world provides so little to enjoy. Everyone is miserable. I see it day in and day out. So don’t sweat the small stuff, and don’t take things so seriously that aren’t meant to be that serious. But if you want to rage out about it and just go balls to the wall and hate post all the time? You do you my friend. We gotta feel better about things somehow I suppose.
I wasn’t looking for Shakespeare, Hemingway, Brontë or Austen. Wasn’t looking for Tolkien, Lewis or Tolstoy. I wasn’t expecting to find my life’s philosophy in this show, or to be able to relate to all of it because “that’s what I’m owed, dammit!” If you’re gonna watch it and say “at the thirteen minute mark in SPN’s 14th episode in the 7th season a background character says something that contradicts what the prequel just said!!” Maaaayyyybe don’t watch it. I just wanted the horror/mystery/family vibes I’ve missed- with a base storyline I can care about, and characters I can get behind. So far? I think it’s there 🤷🏻‍♀️
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trenchcoatimpala · 1 year
Jensen Ackles really is the biggest Dean stan out there
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drulalovescas · 1 year
I'm usually normal about Jensen Ross Ackles but every now and then I remember that Jensen was so pissed about the Destiel conflict post Mary death (because in the past Dean forgave Cas far more easily for things far worse) that he asked the writers to tone it down, how in the FINAL season he was most excited for the Dean and Cas' storyline, how he agreed to the love confession, how he believed Dean should've said "I love you" back to Cas, how he can't make peace with Dean's shitty ending even two years after the show ended, how he roasts the rusty rebar any chance he gets, how he has gotten gazillion cool projects going on and yet he continues to talk about spn revival, how he made the whole ass show just to bring Dean back to live and our screens. I remember all that and am no longer normal about Jensen Ross Ackles.
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ragingdongers · 6 years
I miss Sam’s beard :(
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dotthings · 23 hours
This just further proves all their virtue signaling, spin the wheel, see where the ticker lands, has all been nothing but an excuse all along while they fake pearl clutch hand wring about whatever insert reason here makes it okay to attack Misha.
The pettiness is so deranged. It’s all been nothing but grudgewank all along. They’re a bunch of bullies who are mad because Misha supports a queer ship and they can pretend all they want they are defending Jensen’s honor
They are not doing this for Jensen. It’s only been for themselves. Their own selfish hatred. Their own grudgewank because a queer ship threatens their parasocialized projections about Dean and Jensen, they need Dean and Jensen to be their macho toxic masculinity fantasy dream and the phobia is so loud because they think something queer threatens the masculinity fantasy.
So what do they do? They target Misha, who is vocal.
They ignore how Jensen himself defies their narrow projections and their narrow demands. Jensen himself barely even matters here.
So they attack Misha over and over and over and virtue signal on a reason why, it rotates, the point is to attack Misha, not defend Jensen.
In fact their behavior has worsened so much, I will just say it—they aren’t even Jensen stans. This is selfish, self-serving parasocialized behavior, it’s all about their own fantasies.
Not only are they fake af about being Jensen stans, they are actively doing harm to him by imposing their projection onto him and then behaving in a toxic way to support their own projections.
They wanted a war. They begged for this fandom war. They just kept needling and needling and poking and poking and manufacturing wank after pointless wank.
They do not get to complain when a Jensen fan calls them out. I’m a Jensen fan. I’m calling them out.
This isn’t just me defending Misha, I am livid and embarrassed on Jensen’s behalf. He deserves better than this, from his own supposed biggest stans.
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supernaturalnardog · 7 years
Jensen saying that the brothers reuniting is one of the best moments of Dean’s life that he would want to relive if he was dying is literally everything.
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ryoceann · 3 years
Jared: There're thousands of actor who could play Dean, but Jensen is the only one who MADE him Dean
this man is jensen and dean's biggest stan im telling yall
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alignallofthelights · 3 years
Dean Cas Wedding Tweet Report
Now that the dust has settled, I wanted to do a quick after action report on the #DeanCasWedding trend. For those who aren’t aware. #Dean Cas Wedding trended on Twitter, based on some recurring Supernatural castmates sending a tweet about Dean and Cas getting married at the roadhouse. 
Destiel fans ran with this theory and created a fictional wedding between Dean and Castiel on Valentine’s Day. The hash tag trended for 8 hours, and peaked at #4 on Twitter’s United States trending top 30. In the end it generated 46.3k tweets. 
I am doing a deeper social media analysis of the hash tag findings to better understand Destiel fan activity, during this campaign. Further details are shared here as follows: 
Overall Campaign Metrics
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As posted before the majority of this campaign was based on retweets - 67% of this campaign was based off of retweets from 13.7k original tweets. 33% of the campaign came from original content. For scale that means of the 46.3k tweets that were generated during the Dean Cas Wedding trend ~30k came from retweets. 
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This means that the Destiel fan base has a predilection to retweet and spam  continuously to get their hash tags to trend.
Size of Destiel’s Fanbase/Stanbase
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So this is the interesting story. Of the individuals who participated in the campaign there were 2.6k active contributors, 5.3k total contributors, this means we can deduce that 2.7k or so were just retweet contributors. The 2.7k numbers are “passive” contributors in that they did not create any new content with their tweets. While the 2.6k active participants are the tweeters who created original content that fueled the hashtag. This means that 5.3k people in total fueled enough content to create a 43.6k hashtag campaign. 
Supernatural’s Viewership Cross Reference
For context the average Supernatural episode in the last season attracted 1.1 million viewers. Quick facts to put this in perspective: 
For every 208 general fans of Supernatural you will find 1 Destiel, Misha Minon, or Destiel Extreme shipper stan
Destiel as a fanbase is less than 1% of the Supernatural audience/fan base (precisely less than .5% of the general audience)
The average Destiel fan tweets 5-8 times to get something to trend
When an extreme Destiel fan screams that “they made Supernatural what it is”, “that they are the majority of the audience”, and that everyone wanted “Dean and Castiel together”, show them these numbers. All in all, the reach of this fanbase is quite small. Their hash tag campaign had an overall reach of 3 million people. 
Cross comparison: Destiel’s hash-tag vs. Walker’s Live Tweeting
For scale Walker reached 12 million people when they trended for “Don’t Fence Me In” with a fraction of the tweets they had (46.3k vs. 11.7k). 
#DeanCasWedding (2/14)
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#Walker (Don’t Fence Me In, Live Tweet 2/11)
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What Corporations Value
This is why Supernatural and CW executives do not take Destiel and their hash tag campaigns seriously. 67% of this campaign is basically just re-tweets, which is what devalues this campaign in terms of meaningful social media engagement that corporations and stations look for. The value of the campaign is not there despite the high tweet count (Trended at #4, and generated 46.3k tweets but with no substance). The problem for Destiel fans is that their conversation is all insular, which is why the reach is so small. You have a max of 5k people talking about a ship, and a less than 3k actually pushing it. It is basically just these small .5% of audience members talking to each other and passing the ball between themselves back and forth.  
Destiel’s existing echo chamber
If you are interested in knowing who those individuals are look no further. I broke down the Top 10 Most active members during the campaign and top 10 for original tweets and retweets. You may see some familiar faces: 
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Lastly, we will delve into the age of the twitter accounts who were active during the campaign. 
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As seen here a sizable portion of this tweet campaign comes from twitter accounts that are less than 1 year old. This is an obvious indicator for multiple accounts and fake accounts. It shows that the two biggest splits here are twitter accounts that are less than 1 year old, and others that are 6 years or older. Combine this finding with the retweet threshold (67%) it’s highly likely that there  is some double dipping going on here. Remember the average Destiel account retweets things 5-8 times. As we can take a look from the most popular tweeters during the campaign some of them tweeted an excess of 400 times just from one handle. The top 10 tweeters during the campaign generated 3k tweets just amongst themselves.  
As such it’s likely that the 5.3k number shared here is inflated, with much of this engagement coming from fake accounts, double accounts which aren’t a genuine reflection of actual population size. I hypothesize that about a third of this fanbase is a result of multiple accounts. Especially since many Destiel fans say that they’ve been watching since season 4. How is it that a third of the audience just came aware of Destiel in the past year, when Castiel has been on the show since Season 4? 
The Destiel fans need things to cling onto. Often when they try to trend spontaneously as in response to Misha’s instagram video on the 13th the trend only got 8k tweets before it collapsed. They need to latch onto a social justice themes to trend (Eileen), they need to latch onto Jensen and Dean’s fanbase along with LGBTQIA+ representation that exists in other fanbases to partner in order to trend (Shameless Gallavich, MCU’s Stucky and Teen Wolf’s Sterek). But even for all of their efforts it doesn’t really mean anything in the end, when you look at the numbers and review the context of their campaign.
In conclusion, I know this is a long post but I wanted to double down on a few things. The Destiel, Misha Minon, Extreme Destiel fans are not the majority. They don’t have a lot of power amongst their group. The economic value of this hash tag campaign doesn’t compare to the likes of live tweeting events generated from the CW during their live tweet shows: Batwoman, Legacies or Riverdale. Definitely not Walker. Even when they try to trend with all their might they can’t equal or make a significant dent in social media engagement that means anything to the network. This is why the CW has ignored them. As such I hope that this tumblr post can help people understand how small the fanbase is, and how their bullying and smear campaigns are insignificant and don’t amount to anything. I hope this number can give people perspective and context to what this crazy stan base has led to with all their tantrums, doxing, anti-voting sprees and generally toxic behavior. Ultimately I hope this post shows that they are insignificant. Let’s let them be so. 
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incarnateirony · 3 years
I am still slightly confused as to why Jared should have been told? Ok I get it to be nice and like hey I’m doing this thing or whatever. But where would Sam Winchester even fit in? It was before he was born. I mean it was before dean was born and dean isn’t really in it. It’s like. Did Jared ok mantra labs bullshit with Jensen? Jensen obviously likes to work out and stay healthy, who wasn’t he given a role in this company? I get that’s not the exact same thing. But when Jensen mentioned a new spn project, Jared knew it was on the horizon, and then Jensen didn’t say like ‘you’ve got a role’ maybe that should have been his clue..? You can’t just assume your bestie is gonna give you a job.
This, basically, and this is the biggest professional blights against Jared on this that his fans can't see. There's a certain egocentrism with the fact that one simply assumes their bestie is going to give you a job. Or that a franchise even is gonna give you a job. Neither are mandated by professional law or the pirates code or whatever the fuck.
Similarly, Jensen talked about this multiple times in front of Jared, but Jared continued to basically presume it was a distant, dreamy, far-off idea and yes--seemed to presume his automatic inclusion. Nothing prevented him from reaching out to Jensen and being like "HEY DUDE, I HAVE SOME REMAKE IDEAS TOO, LET'S BRAINSTORM", he didn't bring anything to the table, so Jensen made one based on his lens and understanding of SPN, which naturally has a great deal to do with Dean.
It may be John and Mary's story but there's a reason Dean is the one narrating it and not Sam as an equal conarrator, because Dean's the one that the family history is associated with, be that DSOTM, or 12.01, or 12.22, or any other waterfalls of things while Sam insists on reminding that he had a different (lack of) attachment to the idea of mom, rebelled against dad, knew very little of their history (again, DSOTM, shocked at finding out the marriage wasn't great, cuz dad just vagueblogged it was perfect to him), and so on. This isn't Sam's story. Maybe if Jared had come to the table with a different reboot idea and sat down to work on it, he'd have had a seat at the table, but Jensen isn't obligated to craft something explicitly for a former costar, that isn't how this works. That isn't how any of this works. No matter what mental gymnastics J1 stans cartwheel through on twitter to defend the straight white male lead actor lmao
At the end of the day, Jared showed he does not contribute to plans, simple expects inclusion in them, and can and WILL blast the fuck out of people on twitter about it if it doesn't go a way he likes, instead of calling them and having a professional discussion about it. Which, ITSELF, might be a reason he wasn't told about it to begin with.
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