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Original Poll
The results are in, and they are very interesting. Even if presumably most choices were made based on the silhouette, which was purposely does not match any of the suspects, but that was my bad fkjfdlk
Cake being the winner is not very surprising, considering her behaviour towards others, but Earl coming in second is surprising, considering I have only offhandedly mentioned him once or twice
And, again, I assume folks voted bc the silhouette had visible claws, and Earl has similar claws, but he does have his reasons to growl at Bean, mainly being the only other suspect with a baby
Eg being third, a little unexpected bc I assumed she'd be second, but Earl came in and stole that spot kjgdklfd, and Spud being fourth also unexpected bc that man is a coward, but once again, I assume it is bc of the claws
And then fifth is interesting, bc that is 'someone/something else', and I am so curious to hear who or what you guys think it was bc I have not shown any other wide Fakes besides these guys, and it was definitely a clone, so who else could it of been!!! (tho in retrospect, probably should have not put 'something else' bc again, definitely a clone jkdfkjfd)
Everyone else is pretty even, and I am too tired to talk about them all, so I will leave it at that for now!
Were you guys right? The answer is-
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jisungshotfirst · 11 months
happy pride month my family<3
this pride is a special one for me. it's my sixth year holding up my trans flag, my first with my aro and ace! i am just a baby aro-ace but i've spent a long time with the label transgender now, I've gotten to know her well and know myself better through it.
I started testosterone six months ago. I am twenty one, twenty two this year. I've known I'd need hormone therapy since i was fifteen. six years knowing i needed it and six months with it. even still, accessing it is hard. i've had to venture to online spaces, online healthcare because my country leaves us to die on up to ten year waiting lists. pharmacies don't trust the prescriptions i give them. doctors can't offer help. I am alone through the process, a confusing conflicting process, and do it out of desperation - my safety and anxiety is set to the side out of desperation. the public system, the one that places ireland as the worst for trans healthcare in all of europe, asked me invasive questions, recorded my entire life story in writing in their notes, and sent me out the door to await the answer whether they will choose to help me or not. whether they believe me or not. i've been waiting for three months, today.
just today i've come across the theory that us trans people "submit to scientific objectification in an instrumental way, to get something we need." I project the idea that i am "a man born in a woman's body" to get institutions (doctors, teachers, legislators) to listen to me, and it is under the guise of "honesty", which it hasn't been in years and likely not at all. even at fifteen I understood it was more complex than that. we are forced to simplify ourselves, objectify ourselves, to make us understandable and make us worth helping. the idea in institutions that honesty means you will be treated fairly does not apply to us because all treatment is gendered. and if you are complicated you are pushed to the side. we are deemed "too complicated" for our modern binary society and that confusion towards us manifests to apathy, or hatred and fear. when we are in our own spaces, being ourselves we are feared, we are isolated. when we try to navigate society we don't do it as ourselves, we exist as simplified versions of ourselves, ready to get smaller, ready to disappear if there is danger. it is tiring. and it is detrimental.
it is not us that are too complicated for modern binary society, it is gender itself. gender is simplified, and therefore we as individuals ,as forefronts of gender experiences and conversations, are simplified. we don't know what gender is. modern queer theorists suggests its in the actions. that there is no pre-societal understanding of ones gender, and it is something we engage in and act prior to a feeling. I like this understanding. yes, it contradicts our one tool towards institutions listening to us, our tool of self-objectification and self-simplification. however it takes out the why completely. it is the why that we are asked that requires those tools. why are you transgender. why do you feel this way. why do you want to transition. why do trans people exist? that why shouldn't exist. it shouldn't exist with our current, simplified understanding of gender - it is no wonder our answers are simplified. if we accept that we don't know. if we let existence exist. if we let comfort be sought, if we let happiness be made. if we let help be asked for and be given. we'd have much more time to experience and observe and understand.
it pains me though that we cannot use this happiness, this comfort, and this blissful lack of understanding to fight. we have to use our simplified selfs as our tools. please look after your trans siblings<3 fight for us with your honesty and your aggression and your own queerness and your allyship because we truly truly need it. and my fellow trans siblings<3 lets continue to live without a why, continue to live honestly and aggressively and confusingly<3 please continue to live as you are. we are complex. we are loved. we deserve to live.
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dragon-cookies · 3 years
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Obligatory Halloween selfie because this is pretty much the only day out of the year I take selfies lol
I found some fake blood and immediately dripped it all over a spare face mask I had on hand
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chelans · 7 years
❤️ if ur still taking them!!!
MINTY I’D DIE FOR YOU ALWAYS You’re so sweet and you’ve been following me since like the beginning dhjghjdf but!! You are so sweet and so fun to talk to and an absolute??? Ray of sunshine 100% of the time and I absolutely love talking to you and you are just such a good friend?? And you’re always so kind??? I wuv you! 
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catgirlapologist · 3 years
wowww i cant send asks to errordump but i hope they see this. how pathetic can you be to deliberately try to sic transphobes on someone and then go "please fuck off" like YOU started this. lmfao terfs must have the most miserable lives in existence if this is how they need to spend their free time. good for you, i hope youre not getting too much hate from the transphobes
dgfjhjhgf thank you!! fortunately i havent gotten any hate from anyone bc of that post so its good dfghhj also god it was so fucking funny like they accidentally posted it on their main and then deleted it a minute after posting it so i sent them an ask like “why’d u delete the post” and then suddenly they posted it on their terf blog and then i sent them another ask like “OH SO U JUST POSTED IT ON THE WRONG BLOG okay” and then another one asking which one of my posts inspired them to make that post and they had the audacity to send me an ask on anon telling me to fuck off like????, what???? you literally tagged me in both of your posts????? like ok lmao jfdgj
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