#J. Vernon McGee
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"Don't say that a loving God is going to send you to hell - He's not. The thing that's going to send you to hell is that you're a sinner and you don't want to admit it." - J. Vernon McGee
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focr · 9 months
From Lion to worm...
He has roared like a lion; now He says, “I am a worm.” It is because He has reached the very lowest place,
“He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not” Isaiah 53:3.
~ J. Vernon McGee
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kellyis4jc · 10 months
Thru the Bible, 5 Volumes!!!
We need to understand the Word of God with the commentaries we use. "Thru The Bible" 5-volume commentary set shows us what God's Word truly means. It helps improve our wisdom of the divine Scriptures. Improve your study of God's Word with commentaries!!!
As we study the Word of God, we need to read commentaries along with the Word of God because it increases our knowledge of God’s Word. “Thru The Bible” 5-volume set is a complete reference edition set that will increase your understanding of the Holy Scriptures. God wants us in His Word and He wants us reading His Word daily. Commentaries like this one can help give you God’s wisdom. Reading the…
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preacherman316 · 1 year
Luke 5:1-11
“Nothing makes a fish bigger than almost being caught,” quipped one fisherman. Fishermen are known for their tall tales. Their exaggeration about the size of their catch. And, of course, the big one that got away. However, can you imagine, Peter telling the story about the day Jesus went fishing with him, James and John? It may well have been the basis of a sermon years later. (more…) “”
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Now, I wish people would bring the same common sense to the bible, they bring to other books.
~ J Vernon Mcgee
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yieldfruit · 2 years
I'm almost 30 and still single. It hurts my heart so much especially when I see friends of mine get married and have children. I would rather wait to meet the right person than settle but struggle in this area so much. How do you cope with being single (if you are single) and continue to trust God and have peace about it all?
Hi there, you made an excellent point: "I would rather wait to meet the right person than settle" - this is important. Don't settle. That doesn't mean we expect perfection out of imperfect creatures, nevertheless if there are glaring theological issues someone has or appears to have mental/emotional issues that are a cause for concern, please wait.
I "cope" with being single by not necessarily seeing it as coping. I would love to meet someone, but I don't feel like I am just coping. I hope that makes sense? I continue to trust God because who else can I trust for this and where else can I go? Do I have peace about it? Well, I am not always very happy about it, but I would have far less peace if I was with someone I was settling with in the sense of knowing in my heart of hearts that they are not who the Lord has for me.
I hope this helps. Don't do what I did and marry out of pressure - I tried to call the wedding off and my fiancé freaked out and pressured me, he got physical and threw my engagement ring and we lost it and he blamed me. I then tried to call it off again the night before the wedding when I saw he was drinking too much with his friends and ignoring me and I let a family member talk me into staying - they meant well, but they gave me wine to drink and gave me a silly ultimatum, "If you never see him again after calling it off tonight would you be okay with that?" I should have been encouraged to obey the Lord and not have a drink while making such a huge decision. However, no one is ultimately to blame except myself because I chose to give my vows in spite of all of the glaring issues and it didn't take long (1 month) for him to do something very terrible. Before I got married I remember reading a quote by J. Vernon McGee that said, "Can you respect, look up to, and submit to the many you want to marry? Most importantly, is he submitted to God?" And I couldn't say yes to that because I knew in a big area of his life he was not submitting to God. I also kind of felt like no one else would love me like he does (this is a lie if you feel this way as a woman, sometimes we don't see ourselves clearly in God's eyes in the sense of our worth in Him). He could be so terrible to me, but also tell me how much he needed me, and he could be charming and was handsome and great in his career and people liked him and I just didn't scale back and think: is this who God has for me? I knew it wasn't, and I settled.
I share this because it's not necessarily something I would share publicly and so openly, yet I feel like I have to warn younger women because I know it is getting harder to meet right-on Christians and Christian men especially (typically churches are filled with more women than men and there is a desperate need for godly male leadership in churches and homes, men rooted in the Word and in biblical masculinity). I know it seems hard to find someone, but it's God's doing to have someone for us. I don't have to find him and neither do you. Live your life that God has given you, be faithful with what he has for you for now - that might mean your job, your education, your family, your home, your friends, definitely attending church, serving in the body of Christ, attending small group from church if possible, etc. Let the Lord bring him and don't grow weary in doing good, beloved. I feel for you and I hear you and I believe God has good for me and I pray that for you, too. I pray God reassures your heart. I pray he comforts you at night and you can feel his arm around you when with loved ones in love. Your faithfulness is not wasted and it is a treasure. Lord, please provide - we reach out to you, Lord, asking you, please provide for this sister and for all of those godly women desiring a godly spouse. Lord, please provide. Where else can we go? We look to you, Lord. You alone feed us, God. You provided manna in the desert and opened closed wombs, we pray for provision of heavenly proportions, Lord. We pray for the provision of godly men from your hand. In the name of Jesus we pray, amen.
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separarprapensar · 11 months
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Vamos parar pra pensar sobre os excluídos... Um leproso veio e ajoelhou-se diante de Jesus, implorando para ser curado: “Se o senhor quiser, pode me curar e me deixar limpo”. Cheio de compaixão, Jesus estendeu a mão e tocou nele. “Eu quero”, respondeu. “Seja curado e fique limpo!” No mesmo instante, a lepra desapareceu e o homem foi curado. Marcos 1:40-42 J. Vernon McGee diz que há um lado psicológico tremendo nesse milagre, pois ninguém toca um leproso. Fazia muitos anos que ninguém tocava naquele leproso. Quando dava um passo para a frente, os outros davam um passo para trás. Aquele homem não sabia mais o que era um abraço, um toque no ombro, um aperto de mão. Jesus poderia curá-lo sem o tocar. Mas Jesus viu que aquele homem tinha não apenas uma enfermidade física, mas também uma profunda carência emocional. Jesus tocou a lepra. Mostrou sua autoridade sobre a lei e sobre a enfermidade. Jesus curou as suas emoções, antes de curar a sua enfermidade. O toque de Jesus curou a sua alma, a sua psiquê, a sua auto- estima, a sua imagem destruída. O puro não ficou impuro; entretanto, o puro purificou o impuro. Mesmo que todos o rejeitem, Jesus se compadece. Ele sabe o seu nome, seu problema, sua dor, suas angústias, seus medos. Ele não o escorraça. Em Jesus, Deus fez uma ponte entre Ele e os excluídos. Imagem: The Chosen
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A Questionable Anti-Satanic Gab "Intelligence Report" (?)
My opinion is that these folks are not in touch with reality.
We've seen some bogus "Jezebel" reports on YouTube. Perhaps we need to do a deep dive to prove that the current "Jezebel" issue has nothing whatsoever to do with contemporary Satanism.
We should avoid entering into direct communication with these people. It's best not to feed such unfounded paranoia.
Human Race Survival Resistance@humanracesurvivalresistance
*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (May 2024). Pastor J. Vernon McGee exposes how Satan Lucifer’s millions of 1960s Draco reptilian chimera incarnate avatar pedophile cannibal Satanist New Age occult esoteric spiritualism spirit guide channeling witchcraft female rebellion Jezebel demon spirit’s reptilian hybrids and “Jezebel demon-possessed” hippy fake Christians flooded the millions of churches in the Western feminist nations, and made the human women throw off their women’s head coverings to have their heads controlled by the fallen angels, and made the human women cross-dress in men’s pants to mock God’s Word, which started the degradation of the Western feminist nations’ churches that is supposed to be the spiritual guardians of any civilization. God holds the Church responsible for the corruption of society and not the heathens. This is why Satan Lucifer corrupted the Church first. The Western feminist nations’ most wicked dumbest blindest perverted 1960s generation since Noah’s Atlantis flood days “Bible verses redefining, uncovered women’s heads, fallen angel head controlled, men’s pants cross-dressers androgynous transgender, covered men’s heads, God-mockers” fake Christians and their children & grandchildren, whose Draco reptilian chimera fake alien incarnate avatar pedophile cannibal Satanist pastors like the Calvary Chapel Satanist organization’s Chuck Smith redefined hundreds of Bible verses to replace Jesus with hundreds of fake foreign gods, are still cheering on the same Antichrist spirit’s Draco avatar pedophile cannibal Satanist Donald Trump, just like they did with the Draco avatar pedophile cannibal Satanist “Beetles” rock band back in the 1960s. They do not change, because they are demon-possessed by the Jezebel demon spirit. They will get killed by sword & famine & plague & demon army judgment. The Draco reptilian chimera fake alien incarnate avatar globalist elites’ “Ordo Templis Orientis falling dove symbol” Satanist churches like Calvary Chapel and all their pedophile cannibal Satanist pastors like Chuck Smith brought in the Jezebel demon spirit and its satanic Christian worship music and Satanist Western culture and hundreds of redefined Bible verses to destroy Western Christianity and mislead billions of fake Christians to hell, during the 1960s feminist witchcraft rebellion. When the Western feminist nations’ 2 billion fake Christians rebel against women’s head coverings and cross-dress in men’s pants to mock God & his Word and replace Jesus with their Jezebel demon spirit goddess & hundreds of other foreign fake gods, then they invite millions of reptilian hybrid demon spirit incarnate avatar Satanists to take over their nations and to ban the Bible and exterminate the fake Christians with nuclear war. Preach this in your next Sunday church service sermon, so that 99% of your church donators will leave your church in anger & terror & disgust, so that God’s house will be cleansed of their religious filth. Do it now and do not wait until tomorrow, unless you are a crazy lunatic who has lost all common sense of the Holy Spirit. Jesus died on the cross to atone for your sins, and he rose again, and he is seated on his throne in heaven reigning, so that whoever repents and receives him as Savior & Lord will receive forgiveness for sins and the gift of eternal life. Salvation is by free grace and faith in the atoning blood of Jesus, and not by wearing women's head coverings or abstaining from cross-dressing in men's pants or abstaining from extorting fake illegal tithe income tax.
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"In order to live a life of holiness, we must first receive new life from God - we must be born from above." J. Vernon McGee
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focr · 9 months
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Only His blood, my friend, can rub out that dark, deep spot in your life!
Lady Macbeth, sleepwalking that night, went up and down rubbing her hands, insane with the guilt of murder. She says, “All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand.” And she was right; they could not. She seemed to be continually washing her hands as she rubbed them together, and she cried, “Out damned spot! out, I say!” (Macbeth, Act V, Scene 1).
My friend, there is only one thing that will take the spot of sin out of your life, that is the blood of Christ. The blood of the Lord Jesus, God’s Son, cleanses from all sin. Only His blood. ~ J. Vernon McGee
In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace. [Ephesians 1:7]
Who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. [Philippians 2:6-7]
How much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? [Hebrews 9:14]
Knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, 19 but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ. [1 Peter 1:18]
To Him who loves us, and released us from our sins by His blood. [Revelation 1:5b ]
And they sang a new song, saying, "Worthy art Thou to take the book, and to break its seals; for Thou wast slain, and didst purchase for God with Thy blood men from every tribe and tongue and people and nation. [Revelation 5:9 ]
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christophe76460 · 1 month
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Lecture proposée : Apocalypse 3. 7-13
La ville
Elle fut fondée comme un centre de culture grecque vers 200 av. J.-C.
Elle est située à environ 50 km au sud de Sardes.
Philadelphie était renommée pour son vin.
Elle comptait une importante population juive.
Détruite par un tremblement de terre en 17 ap. J.-C., elle fut rebâtie par Tibère César.
Le juge se présente : « Je connais tes œuvres. Voici : j’ai mis devant toi une porte ouverte que nul ne peut fermer, parce que tu as peu de puissance, que tu as gardé ma parole et que tu n’as pas renié mon nom » (3:8). Voici ce qu’écrit J. Vernon McGee à propos de la description de Christ :
« Christ rappelle aux chrétiens de Philadelphie qu’il est saint ; saint depuis sa naissance (Luc 1:35), saint à sa mort (Actes 2:27), et saint dans l’accomplissement de son sacerdoce céleste présent (Hébreux 7:26). De la même façon, il est vrai (Jean 1:9; 14:6; 15:1). "Vrai" signifie authentique, parfait et complet. Moïse n’a pas donné le vrai pain. Voir Jean 6:32-35. Christ tient aussi la clé de David (Esaïe 22:22). Il s’agit d’une autre clé que celle de la mort et du séjour des morts (1:18). Cette clé évoque son droit à régner comme souverain de l’univers (Luc 1:32). Il s’assiéra sur le trône de David lors du règne de mille ans, mais aujourd’hui, il est souverain » .
L’éloge. L’église de Philadelphie entend Christ lui faire deux des plus beaux compliments qu’une église locale puisse souhaiter.
Tu as publiquement confessé ta foi en l’inspiration de la Parole de Dieu.
Tu as publiquement confessé ta foi en l’incarnation du Fils de Dieu.
Le reproche : aucun n’est formulé.
La recommandation : « Je viens bientôt. Tiens ferme ce que tu as, afin que personne ne prenne ta couronne » (3:11).
L’encouragement :
« Voici : j’ai mis devant toi une porte ouverte que nul ne peut fermer, parce que tu as peu de puissance, que tu as gardé ma parole et que tu n’as pas renié mon nom » (3:8).
C’est la première des quatre portes mentionnées dans l’Apocalypse :
La porte du service (3:8 ; Actes 14:27; 1Corinthiens 16:9; 2Corinthiens 2:12; Colossiens 4:9).
La porte du cœur humain (Apocalypse 3:20).
La porte de l’enlèvement (4:1).
La porte du retour de Christ (19:11).
Je soumettrai tes ennemis (3:9 ; Philippiens 2:10-11).
Je te garderai à l’heure de la tentation (3:10).
Je ferai de toi une colonne dans le temple de mon Dieu (3:12).
La période ecclésiastique symbolisée par l’église de Philadelphie (1700-1900). Voici quelques-uns des grands hommes de cette période :
Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758), l’un des plus grands théologiens et prédicateurs américains. Son sermon « Les pécheurs entre les mains du Dieu courroucé » est un chef-d’œuvre.
John Wesley (1703-1791), le fondateur de l’Église méthodiste, et l’un des Anglais les plus illustres de tous les temps.
George Whitefield (1714-1770), considéré comme le plus grand prédicateur depuis Simon Pierre. Il contribua à organiser l’Église presbytérienne.
William Carey (1761-1834), missionnaire aux Indes.
Adoniram Judson (1788-1850), missionnaire en Birmanie.
David Livingstone (1813-1873), missionnaire en Afrique.
L. Moody (1837-1899), évangéliste mondialement connu.
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lboogie1906 · 2 months
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The Tuskegee Airmen were a group of African-American and Caribbean-born military pilots who fought in WWII. They formed the 332nd Fighter Group and the 477th Bombardment Group of the Army Air Forces. The name applies to the navigators, bombardiers, mechanics, instructors, crew chiefs, nurses, cooks, and other support personnel.
All African American military pilots who trained in the US trained at Moton Field, the Tuskegee Army Air Field, and were educated at Tuskegee University. The group included five Haitians from the Haitian Air Force and one pilot from Trinidad. It included a Hispanic or Latino airman born in the Dominican Republic.
March 22, 1942 - The first five cadets graduate from the Tuskegee Flying School: Captain Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. and Second Lieutenants Mac Ross,
Charles DeBow, L.R. Curtis, and George S. Roberts. They will become part of my the famous 99th Pursuit Squadron. List of Tuskegge Airmen.
Paul Adams (pilot)
Rutherford H. Adkins
Halbert Alexander
William Armstrong
Lee Archer
Robert Ashby
William Bartley
Howard Baugh
Henry Cabot Lodge Bohler
George L. Brown
Harold Brown
Roscoe Brown
Victor W. Butler
William Burden
William A. Campbell
Herbert Carter
Raymond Cassagnol
Eugene Calvin Cheatham Jr.
Herbert V. Clark
Granville C. Coggs
Thomas T.J. Collins
Milton Crenchaw
Woodrow Crockett
Lemuel R. Custis
Floyd J. Crawthon Jr
Doodie Head
Clarence Dart
Alfonza W. Davis
Benjamin O. Davis Jr. (C/O)
Charles DeBow
Wilfred DeFour
Gene Derricotte
Lawrence Dickson
Charles W. Dryden
John Ellis Edwards
Leslie Edwards Jr.
Thomas Ellis
Joseph Elsberry
Leavie Farro Jr
James Clayton Flowers
Julius Freeman
Robert Friend (pilot)
William J. Faulkner Jr.
Joseph Gomer
Alfred Gorham
Oliver Goodall
Garry Fuller
James H. Harvey
Donald A. Hawkins
Kenneth R. Hawkins
Raymond V. Haysbert
Percy Heath
Maycie Herrington
Mitchell Higginbotham
William Lee Hill
Esteban Hotesse
George Hudson Jr.
Lincoln Hudson
George J. Iles
Eugene B. Jackson
Daniel "Chappie" James Jr.
Alexander Jefferson
Buford A. Johnson
Herman A. Johnson
Theodore Johnson
Celestus King III
James Johnson Kelly
James B. Knighten
Erwin B. Lawrence Jr.
Clarence D. Lester
Theodore Lumpkin Jr
John Lyle
Hiram Mann
Walter Manning
Robert L. Martin
Armour G. McDaniel
Charles McGee
Faythe A. McGinnis
John "Mule" Miles
John Mosley
Fitzroy Newsum
Norman L Northcross
Noel F. Parrish
Alix Pasquet
Wendell O. Pruitt
Louis R. Purnell Sr.
Wallace P. Reed
William E. Rice
Eugene J. Richardson, Jr.
George S. Roberts
Lawrence E. Roberts
Isaiah Edward Robinson Jr.
Willie Rogers
Mac Ross
Robert Searcy
David Showell
Wilmeth Sidat-Singh
Eugene Smith
Calvin J. Spann
Vernon Sport
Lowell Steward
Harry Stewart, Jr.
Charles "Chuck" Stone Jr.
Percy Sutton
Alva Temple
Roger Terry
Lucius Theus
Edward L. Toppins
Robert B. Tresville
Andrew D. Turner
Herbert Thorpe
Richard Thorpe
Thomas Franklin Vaughns
Virgil Richardson
William Harold Walker
Spann Watson
Luke J. Weathers, Jr.
Sherman W. White
Malvin "Mal" Whitfield
James T. Wiley
Oscar Lawton Wilkerson
Henry Wise Jr.
Kenneth Wofford
Coleman Young
Perry H. Young Jr.
#africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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albertleroyjones · 2 months
01 Genesis 29-31 - J Vernon Mcgee - Thru the Bible
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yieldfruit · 1 year
Please don’t answer if this is too personal a question, but in the beginning of your dating phase and then in the beginning stages of marriage, did your husband seem like he was a devoted Christian? Were there many, many green flags when it came to his spiritual growth and interest in growing in the Lord?
I’m not married but I hope to be. That said, I have become extremely careful about dating and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve panicked and cancelled a date or cancelled a second date because of a “gut feeling.” One of the things I’m so wary of is meeting a man who seems to be serious about his love for God, but then changes once I’ve committed myself to him. I guess you never know, truly, but I feel like there are ways to tell and that the Lord will open our eyes and give us wisdom to discern if we ask Him. BUT I still find myself struggling with trust and faith in this area of my life. I’m so quick to end things and sometimes I feel like I’m not showing enough grace and mercy, but at the same time I feel like I have to have extreme boundaries or I will end up in a relationship I will always find myself trying to justify to everyone (including myself). I hope that doesn’t sound rude; I certainly feel like sometimes thinking like that does but I honestly don’t want to get hurt in irreparable ways when it comes to a romantic relationship. Before I was saved, I dated a narcissistic, unbeliever. It was absolute hell and I was left to heal on my own. Thankfully, since then, the Lord has drawn me to Himself and has protected me from several wrong relationships. Still, I really am scared whenever I reach a point of fear and desperation. I find myself thinking, “I’m never going to find someone!” I start questioning my boundaries and just end up feeling so worn down as a believer. (Especially when these supposed Christian men are the ones imploring me to “be less rigid” and saying things like “it doesn’t seem like you even want a relationship.”
Sorry for the novel.
I hear you and I appreciate you sharing. You stated your concerns/your heart well.
We are all in need of grace, mercy, forgiveness and we will all marry another imperfect person. We've been justified by faith and we're being sanctified, it is a process. Marriage is comprised of two great forgivers.
I don't think that's what you are getting at though. A few things I realized before I got married that made me realize this is not good: i. We waited 3 months to have sex, but then we did. I should not have married a man I was having sex with. We were both living in sin, we should have called it off and both sought God. I never felt right about it, and I was concerned that I was entering a lifelong relationship with a man who was not leading me as a woman (protecting me). A godly man will not have sex with you, or if he does, he will repent and seek to preserve you moving forward. He won't be unrepentant, just feeling bad, and not changing. ii. He had a temper. He was grumpy one night about our wedding venue and I told him maybe we just need some time before we move forward with the wedding (we got engaged and then married within 2 months). His reaction was to yell at me. I gave him my ring and he took the ring and threw it and we lost it. He insisted he needed me in his life. This was bad, and I made excuses about it and joked about it after as such a silly thing, but this was a controlling/angry person who was intimidating me to get his way. iii. I read a quote by J. Vernon McGee that said, "Can you look up to, respect, and submit to the man you want to marry? Most importantly, is he submitting to God?" I could respect, look up to, and submit to this broken man because I don't expect perfection from creatures, however, he was not submitting to God because he was leading us into sin continually with sex so I knew at that moment I should call it off. I think a part of it is that I thought no one else would ever love me. Other men were attracted to me, but I thought in some way this man loved me. Maybe he did in his own way, but it wasn't godly love.
So...be gracious, give people chances, try, but do listen to the Holy Spirit. We cannot live closed off and non-vulnerable. That's not loving. However, we must, must, must live with discernment- especially as women. A man will honor God and honor you. He won't be perfect. He will have flaws. He may be angry at times (Jesus was angry with the religious hypocrites of his time), but he won't direct it at you to bear the burden of his anger. He won't be perfect. If there are glaring red flags though- and I would say look for the following as flags: does he watch pornography (even if in television content, i.e. Game of Thrones)? Does he not attend church? Does he not tithe (this isn't legalism, this is understanding Scripture and being a cheerful giver and being generous)? Does he not pray for you? Does he look for ways to lead you into temptation or does he look for ways to re-direct those tempting situations? Is he not looking out for you? Does he love you, truly, like love you like a man that will lay his life down for you (this is biblical for men to do, it's not being a diva)? More importantly...does the Lord give you any concern about this person? I think you'll know when He speaks to you. If you're walking with the Lord, filled with his Holy Spirit, and in His Word, you know the voice of your Shepherd.
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kingjamesbible1611 · 5 months
Pastor J. Vernon McGee Refutes Lordship Salvation Heresy
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yhwhrulz · 9 months
Today's Daily Encounter Monday, August 21, 2023
Knowing Your Gifts
"Don't be selfish; don't try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves."1
"However, he has given each one of us a special gift through the generosity of Christ."2
J Vernon McGee gives the following illustration of humility of mind and adds a practical application.
The story is told of a group of people who went in to see Beethoven's home in Germany. After the tour guide had shown them Beethoven's piano and had finished his lecture, he asked if any of them would like to come up and sit at the piano for a moment and play a chord or two. There was a sudden rush to the piano by all the people except a gray-haired gentleman with long, flowing hair.
The guide finally asked him, "Wouldn't you like to sit down at the piano and play a few notes?" He answered, "No, I don't feel worthy."
That man was Paderewski, the great Polish statesman and pianist and the only man in the group who was really worthy to play the piano of Beethoven.
McGee goes on to say, "How often do the saints rush in and do things when they have no gift for doing them. We say we have difficulty in finding folk who will do the work of the church, but there is another extreme—folk who attempt to do things for which they have no gift. We need to walk in lowliness of mind."
When we discover the gifts that God has given us, we should be honored every time we have the opportunity to use them. However, we should also have humility to admit when something is not our forte and encourage those who do possess the gift to rise to the task. We should be thinking collaboration, not competition. Imagine the amazing things that could be accomplished when each member of the body of Christ used their gifts, not for selfish ambition, but to edify others and build the Kingdom of God.
Suggested prayer: Lord, thank you for the gifts you have given me. Help me never to underestimate or overestimate these gifts and use them humbly for your glory. Help me also encourage others to use their gifts, even when they don't feel confident or "worthy" enough. Let everything I do be done in love and to honor You. Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus' name, amen.
Philippians 2:3 (NLT).
Ephesians 4:7 (NLT ).
Today's Encounter was written by: Crystal B.
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