#It just makes me sad
how i sleep knowing i have to wake up and suffer in this misery the next day
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council-of-beetroot · 8 months
Creators in this fandom are subjected to such an intense amount of criticism especially historical Hetalia fandom in particular. It is honestly suffocating sometimes. We hold creators in this fandom at a level we don't even hold Himaruya to. People assume malintent, without realizing there is often so much they haven't seen in a creator's portrayal of a character. Often there is hours and hours of research into all aspects of history of a country that you don't see that the creator has done.
I find myself constantly hesitant to explore more historical stuff in my own works because of this. I find myself hesitant to explore parts of the world I know less about for the same fears. I wouldn't be surprised if others are turned away from creating in this fandom because they too are worried about this.
I want people to understand that people don't create with malintent. Portraying a country a certain way doesn't mean they justify every part of that nation's history. The opposite is also true. And yes these nations are nations but they are human and it doesn't always mean their relationships with one another are exact copies of irl relations between countries.
Another thing is we shouldn't get mad at creators for using canon information in their works if you don't agree with that aspect of canon.
Finally I want people to understand that creators work to create a narrative however, every aspect of a nation cannot fit perfectly in a story of one character. It just can't.
I hope this all makes sense thank you for reading :)
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grandtyphoonpoetry · 7 months
Amy and Laurie were good but Jo losing her Teddy is one of the most heartbreaking things to ever happen in literature. Because it isn't just that she didn't love him and he wanted to marry her. It's that they loved each other too much and not in the same way, and grief of losing him was just a culmination of losing everything else, and growing up into something that is unfamiliar and being alone.
And it's just tough to think that one day somebody you thought would be around forever might still be around but it isn't for you. And that sometimes it is ultimately the love that you have for each other that breaks you apart. And that your sister won't always be sleeping across the hall from you. And there will eventually be a last day where all of your friends gather together as kids. And sometimes something that you dreamed about your whole childhood isn't something that ends up being for you. And sometimes no matter what we do to stop it, things and people and places will leave our lives anyway, and the trick is learning how to be okay with that, eventually.
(based off a conversation that @es-3 and i had the other day that i did NOT cry after)
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startrekmemequeen · 1 month
I'm rewatching The Legend of Vox Machina with my friend, and now that i've watched almost all of C1, there's one thing that really upsets me. Where's the friendship between Percy and Keyleth? Sure, they're part of the same friend group in the show but in C1 they were BESTIES. THE BESTEST OF FRIENDS. ALMOST LIKE SIBLINGS. Where are all their little moments of just vibing together? Where are all their meaningful conversations?
I understand that there's probably not enough screentime to include all the things from the campaign but their friendship was such a meaningful part of C1 (at least to me)
Also there's so little fan art and fanfiction about their friendship :(
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rattkachuk · 4 days
said it once and i'll say it again, i've had enough of the goalie chanting
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snowfolly · 9 months
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So I think about this first option a lot.
My real home.
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allhailthepandicorn · 8 months
I am absurdly fascinated by cut songs in musicals. Lyric changes maybe. But why cut songs? Fall Fair Suite is way better than Uranium Suite. Bring on the Men? Catchy as heck. Chant II (as opposed to Chant Reprise)? Yes give Persephone more to do. Congratulations? Roast of the century.
It also sucks because I'll be singing something and someone will ask what musical it's from and I'll get the whole "I've followed this musical longer than you and there is NO SUCH SONG."
Why do this to me? Why cause such derision?
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godofsmallthings · 13 days
water is wet but the supporting your friends through tough times is emotional labor discourse makes me want to rip my eyes out
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lonely-darksun · 3 months
does anyone else get sad at the treatment of caninekin and predators? Like people make call-out posts about it and stuff or get upset over how many of the otherkin/therian communities are canine, while the majority of canines I see are minding there own business. "Caninekins DNI with this post" or "those of you that aren't caninekin react", and its weird for me because I'm so much more than canine. I'd love to here more from my amphibians, felines, reptiles, aquatics, fellow birds, and whatever else, but like why such a separation between us? It just kind of makes me sad :(
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mmollymercury · 5 months
Personally, i hate hazbin for its lazy world building, God awful character designs and scenery, and how its creator acts. The fact that vivziepop hasn't said anything about palestine despite all eyes being on her recently, is just gross, not to mention the whole prime thing. I'm sick of seeing it on trending
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thedeafprophet · 6 months
my want to give mask another shot at some point with the update vs knowing just how irritated ill be if i have to deal with the forced christanity stuff again ajdjfjgggkhkjj (was pacing in a circle and thinking about random stuff so dont mind me)
and i mean like if they really felt the only way for the plot to proceed was to have the player work with the church at least like.... put different dialogue options for the PC to have thoughts on it...
like in SH, you interact with a priest/religious characters and the simple thing of having a dialogue option just saying that it wasn't your background, no specifics needed, made a world of difference.
i really dont get why no thoughts were put in towards this, especially with a) the constant sharing during masks development on researching other backgrounds, and b) already being aware that non christian people play the games? and have voiced these issues already with FL? and CLEARLY with the npcs in the game the writing know there were people of different backgrounds in the city in the time?
idk, if you're gonna have a game with a set (white) british anglician character, just say that i guess. probably wouldve been better off comitting to set protagonist instead of the wishy washy stuff.
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honeydewtreacle · 9 months
Clips of my favorite lost puppydog! I may be endlessly saddened by this incarnation of him, but I can't ever bring myself to love him any less.
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dreamoflosingsleep · 1 year
The Mandalorian S3 finale was good and all, but… if Grogu could hold back the explosion, why couldn’t KANAN??????? ;-;;;;
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theshadowrealmitself · 7 months
“If they had just moved on from their partner’s tragic death instead of devoting their life to revenge, they could’ve found happiness-“
Oh but to be that dead partner, where universe after universe has you finding your true love just to be mercilessly killed soon after, finding someone that truly loves you but that loves ends up burdening them to such a degree, where the best options for the person you love, the person you think of as your soulmate, is for them to either have never met you, or for them to be able to let go of you quickly, because you’ll never actually be able to grow old with them
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bluecornfrito · 1 month
Tamlin Defense post #2 (continuation of ^)
acotar/acomaf/acowar spoilers
Alright okay. A Court of Mist and Fury starts and I have no idea what to expect. I already have a hunch that Rhysand is going to be a bigger character regarding the bargain and such but I had no idea how it was going to play out. And then That Scene happens and my heart is BROKEN, for both Feyre and Tamlin. (At that moment, Feyra more so for obvious reasons). But I’m here to talk about what predated that and What The Fuck Happened.
Okay so. Man where do I even start. They go back to the Spring Court and suddenly Tamlin has the task of rebuilding, of visiting towns and helping his citizens. He’s suddenly a very busy man and so he and Feyra don’t get time together. All they have time for is to Fuck and that’s it. That’s all they do, other than argue. It’s unhealthy.
What’s also unhealthy, is the fact that neither of them even think to talk to the other about their trauma and anxieties and inner demons. It was stated that they both had Nightmares and they knew the other did too, but they never talked about it, never consoled or confided in each other. Their trauma going untouched was a big motivator for what happens. We already knew what was going in Feyre head so I’m not here to talk about her.
Again, We Don’t Know what’s going through Tamlin, what he’s thinking, what his fears are. But I can guess from major context clues, and from how Feyre describes him. He’s a Protector. He had to sit and watch as Feyre got tortured and hurt and taken advantage of, and he could do Nothing about it (he had probably told himself that. There was no hope, that’s what he thought). But then she won! She gave her all and suddenly a fragile, illiterate human girl saved the entirety of Prythian. That’s a big deal! But all Tamlin can think is that He Couldn’t Protect Her. She didn’t have to go through that, she could’ve stayed home and stayed out of it all, but she came back, For Him. She came back and was the one to save Him, not the other way around.
In Tamlins attempts to protect her, he was unknowingly doing the thing that was pushing her away. Would he have kept doing it? If he knew the true deep affects it had on her? I don’t think so. I think he thought he was protecting her, in a way he couldn’t before. Because even before UTM, his power was drained and he had to fight off monsters everyday just to keep her safe. So, he kept her in his home, somewhere where he could always know where she was. She was there, and she was Safe.
Then the wedding happens. There’s no doubt in my mind that he didn’t see her hesitation, her fear. Would he have called it off? Just to see her happy? But, then Rhysand shows up. Three months of the bargain going untouched, he’s doing it now? What was his gain? Why here, at their Wedding? Then Tamlin had to watch her go. All his attempts, at protecting her, keeping her safe, snapped in an instant by Enemy Number One (atm) and now he didn’t know where she was. What Rhysand, who was Evil in his head, was doing to her. He didn’t know. That protector side of him is crushed and wounded.
He snaps, he breaks, he’s lashing out. He’s having a trauma response. He can’t go to the Night Court, it could set off a dispute and he didn’t want that. He can’t talk to her, know if she’s safe. At least UTM, he could See her. Now she was on the opposite end of Prythian and he couldn’t protect her again.
Oh man.
Then she comes back, seemingly unscathed. But he knew where she just was, Who she was just with. A man who could alter her mind and take it over. I don’t doubt there’s now a small sense of distrust, but it never gets talked about. So he interrogates her, the woman he loves, because he let her get taken by the High Lord of the Night Court. He doesn’t know What Rhysand did. Feyra tells him that she was taught how to read, bullshit, that nothing happened, bullshit, that she didn’t know anything. Bullshit.
This was Rhysand they were talking about. The man who took over Feyres mind right in the middle of his home, the man who made him bow, the man who hurt her and took advantage of her Right In Front Of Him while he was defenseless. He was Amaranthas Whore. He killed Tamlins family and he terrorized Everyone for centuries. There’s no way he didn’t do anything to Feyre. He ups the guards again, and he shelters her. He keeps her safe. He protects her. That’s what he’s doing, he’s protecting the woman he loves.
He keeps her out of danger, keeps her from the eyes of people who would want to hurt her, take her. He tries to keep the knowledge of her potential powers down, fearing the other High Lords reactions to knowing she took some of their powers. He wants her safe, protected. That’s All He Wants.
Then she’s taken again. He couldn’t stop Rhysand again and that was it. He wouldn’t let her leave again, wouldn’t let her get taken by the High Lord of the Night Court again. When she comes back the second time, he makes that promise to himself. He had to protect her, keep her safe, because time after time again, he couldn’t. He wasn’t strong enough to keep her safe.
The scene where Tamlin locks Feyra in the house is horrible and it broke my heart. Tamlin didn’t know half of what Feyra was going through, what’s going through her head and how deep the trauma from UTM goes for her. They never talked about it. She told him she felt as if he was drowning her. But to him, he wasn’t doing that. He was protecting her, all he wanted was her to be safe. He makes an awful horrible decision in a last ditch attempt to keep her safe and because neither of them had an actual conversation about everything; the attempt was the one to drive her away permanently.
This is the part of the book where we break away from Tamlin completely and I want to talk about that. That will tie into how we see him in book three so I’ll make a third and final post about that.
Take away: I fully believe Tamlin thought he was doing all he could to protect her. His only drive was to protect her and keep her safe. He loved her, he didn’t want to hurt her. But due to lack of communication (we wouldn’t have a book series if the Fae knew how to Sit The Fuck Down and talk about their feelings, so) he does it anyways. He never did it on purpose. He didn’t lock her in the house with the intention of breaking her. He didn’t shelter her because he didn’t think she was strong. He knew that she was strong! She caught the suriel, killed the naga, FREED PRYTHIAN! He knows she’s strong but his own fear and trauma blinded him to what he was doing.
I love him your honor and I need him to be happy.
Alright, third and final Tamlin Defense post coming soon.
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partiallypearl · 3 months
the urge to bring back 2000s fandom creation memes and games is so strong
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