#Israeli Nazism
workersolidarity · 7 months
🇮🇱🇵🇸 Vile racist comedy from an Israeli comedian mocking Palestinian mothers whose children and babies have been killed in Israeli shelling and air strikes in the Gaza Strip. It is designed to dehumanize Palestinians to Israelis, who already treat Palestinians as insects to be squashed.
Israeli Zionism is no better than German Nazism, Italian Fascism, or any other strain of supremacist thinking and ideology.
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sevenoctober7 · 5 months
What about Oct 7?
What about Oct 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31
What about Nov 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25,26,27, 28 ,29 ,30.
What about last 75 years?
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quran--kareem · 7 months
مشاهد مروعة جدا لمجزرة ارتكبها الاحتلال الإسرائيلي في مدرسة الفاخورة التي كانت تأوي نازحين في مخيم جباليا شمال قطاع غزة.
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chaiaurchaandni · 6 months
how the zionist entity bastardizes the star of david
after destroying a park in gaza, israeli tanks carve a star of david into the ground
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this is not new. previously, israeli forces seared the star of david on the face of a palestinian civilian:
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reminds me of isis terrorists killing muslims in syria according to 'halal' guidelines. in both cases, a brutal cult (zionists/salafi extremists) uses religion (judaism/islam) as an excuse for violence in a way that seems to mock & disrespect the very religion they claim to follow
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secular-jew · 23 days
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This guy texts me, breaks his own rules ("kikes to not interact") and thinks I'm going to entertain a conversation with him.
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news4dzhozhar · 4 months
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david-goldrock · 3 months
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2/24/2024, 7:12:00 AM
> be me
> A good, empathetic, caring man
> Hear about a population under oppression
> They have no money, they have no food
> The whole world supports suppressing them
> They are limited in what they can put in and take out of their land
> They had a lot of land taken from them
> Because they "lost" the war
> Terrible injustice
> There is a new government there
> Instead of taking the oppression quietly and trying to do "Peace" they fight back
> They are called "terrorists" but they only care for their people and about returning to what was before the occupation
>My friends disagree
> They say that even if I support the population, To support this government is crazy
>They are an extremist, anti-Semitic organization, oppressing the people, Abolished the freedom of choice, etc
> They tell me they would kill me because I am an lgbt
>They don't understand that this is all just propaganda, and even if It's true it's worth it because I support the population
>Besides, the other side completely destroyed their city, Bombed it to ashes
> And it goes without saying that these Jews are making up nonsense about what they allegedly did to them
> My face when all my friends ask me to condemn the Nazis
> But I tell them, I actually support the Nazis
> The year is 1942
> I am a member of the workers' National Socialist party of Germany
> The picture is unrelated
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claraameliapond · 3 months
I'm so glad this is finally happening! AIR DROPPING FOOD AND AID INTO GAZA - because there's literally not another route- "Airdrop aid for Gaza", begun by Yosi Zelalem, and created alongside many activists, including Sarah Wilkinson:
Jordan are air dropping food as well as medical and into Gaza, northern Gaza, as a result of activists requesting this change be made; other countries are beginning to help - the Netherlands are airdropping food into central and southern Gaza, France has made one medical aid air drop. What is required now is a coalition of countries working together to provide food aid airdrops, there are many that can, many are interested- urgent aid is required because we are looking at a week before thousands more die as a result of forced starvation by Israeli blocks to food aid trucks entering Gaza by any means.
"An airdrop now is the only way to save the lives of over 600,000 Palestinian people "
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hole34 · 15 days
daily reminder that being anti-israel is not being anti-jew
israel is a government, judaism is a religion, jews are a people. A GOVERNMENT IS NOT THE PEOPLE OR THE RELIGION. free palestine does NOT mean get rid of jews, it means end the ethnic cleansing that comes from the GOVERNMENT of israel.
israel is not the jewish people, i don’t know why so many of you can’t comprehend this. italy isnt christianity, china isnt buddhism, israel is a government and a government alone.
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power-chords · 5 months
Abstaining from Instagram stories until people I know can stop doing either genocide denial or Holocaust inversion.
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good-old-gossip · 1 month
Germany's journey from Nazi Germany to Zionazi Germany
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“Germany is promoting only those Jews who are willing to produce anti-Muslim discourse. Jews who do not perceive Muslims as such are being marked as a threat not just to the German nation but to Jews themselves.” Udi Raz, 34, is sitting in a cafe in Berlin, where he lives, reflecting on a turbulent six months.
Since Israel’s war on Gaza began following the Hamas-led attacks of 7 October, Raz, an Israeli Jew raised in Haifa, has been fired from his job and had the activist group he’s part of labelled antisemitic by Germany’s official antisemitism commissioner.
Last Friday, German authorities arrested Raz, a board member of Jewish Voice for a Just Peace in the Middle East, after they cancelled and then banned the group’s three-day conference on Palestine.
The conference, which was set to feature notable speakers including former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis and leading British-Palestinian surgeon Ghassan Abu-Sittah, was cancelled by Berlin police within its first two hours on Friday.
“They came in and blocked the screening of a recorded video message, then they broke into the control room and switched off the electricity for the whole building with hundreds of people inside,” Raz told Middle East Eye.
The recorded video message was from Abu-Sittah, who had been detained after landing in Germany. The doctor told MEE that, in a basement room in Berlin’s airport, he was questioned for three and a half hours. At the end of the interrogation, Abu-Sittah, who spent 43 days during the war treating patients in Gaza’s al-Ahli and al-Shifa hospitals, was told by German authorities that he was not allowed on German soil, that this ban would last for the whole of April and that if he tried to dial into the conference remotely – or send a video message to be played at it – that would constitute a breach in German law that could see him face up to a year in prison. Nadija Samour, a lawyer involved with the conference, said organisers had not been “given anything in writing about why the event was being cancelled.
We had been cooperating with the police through everything, nothing said or done at the venue was illegal. From the very beginning, it was clear that there would be attempts by the police to shut the conference down." “A speaker was projected who was subject to a ban on political activity,” Berlin police said on social media after closing the conference down.
In the last six months, German authorities have continued to crack down on the Palestine solidarity movement in Germany, including silencing several high-profile Jewish intellectuals, academics and artists. The country’s responsibility for the Holocaust, in which six million Jews were murdered by Germany’s Nazi government, and its post-war “staatsrason”, or reason of state, a principle that places support for Israel at the core of Germany's national identity, have contributed to an atmosphere in which even Jews are now regularly branded antisemitic for criticising Israel. Raz, who is a leading Jewish peace activist in Berlin, has been twice detained, labelled an antisemite, lost his job, and his organisation has had its bank account frozen, as well as being branded antisemitic by Germany’s antisemitism commissioner.
The Israeli says there were clear signs that authorities in Berlin would try and shut down the event. “The Berlin Senate had been trying for the past few weeks to stop the Palestine Congress from going forward - one of the strategies they used was to freeze our bank account. For weeks, we had been collecting donations and tickets receipts for the Palestine Congress.
We still dont have access to those funds.” Raz says that Jewish Voice for a Just Peace is constantly reminding Germans of the structural inequalities and the genocide being carried out in Palestine. “We want everyone to be treated equally, we want human rights and international law to be respected. That makes the German state very uncomfortable; they are OK with the apartheid regime and its genocidal crimes,” he says. Jewish Voice for a Just Peace has been campaigning for an immediate end to hostilities in Gaza and demanding that the German government suspend diplomatic, economic support and weapons sales to Israel. Raz told MEE that he feels there exists a clear disparity in the treatment of pro-Zionist and anti-Zionist Jews in Germany.
“Whenever I had the opportunity to speak from my own perspective, I was allowed to speak only to the extent that I had something bad to say about Palestinians, about Arabs, about Muslims. Whenever that was not the case, and I brought up the Palestinian narrative, insititutions were pointing at me and accusing me of antisemitism.”
Previously a tour guide at the Jewish Museum in Berlin, Raz was fired for referring to Israel’s occupation of the West Bank as “apartheid” on tours. Since 7 October, several Jewish groups, academics, artists and human rights activists – including Israelis like Berlinale-winning journalist Yuval Abraham, who was branded an antisemite in Germany - have called out Germany for suppressing any criticism of Israel's war in Gaza and the Palestine solidarity movement in the country.
Last week, a leading Jewish American philosopher, Nancy Fraser, was disinvited from taking up a professorship at the University of Cologne after signing a letter expressing solidarity with Palestinians and condemning the killings in Gaza carried out by Israeli forces. In December, Russian-American journalist Masha Gessen was at the centre of a similar controversy after official German sponsors removed their support for the Hannah Arendt Prize – which was being awarded to Gessen – because of a New Yorker article in which which the Jewish writer drew a comparison between conditions in Gaza today and the Warsaw Ghetto. Raz told MEE that while growing up in Haifa, he was aware of two distinct realities that existed in that region between the Jewish and Palestinian population.
“I did not feel comfortable there. For me, the act of emigrating from Israel and landing in Germany was an act of finding my own home, where everyone was equal and human rights were respected.” Soon after moving to Berlin in 2010, Raz says, he felt that he was being celebrated by cultural institutions and politicians because of his Jewish heritage.
“However, I did soon realise that, while in Germany my Jewishness was being celebrated, I felt like a second-class citizen, so I found more in common with other minority religious groups.” He adds that while he did feel excluded, he was constantly reminded that being an Israeli Jew he had easier access to higher social standing in German society because he embodied a “superior” white western European heritage.
“Today, Jews in Germany are being divided along political lines: if you are a conscientious Jew, not willing to support a genocide in your name and wanting to speak out against it, you will be persecuted in this country, and if you are happy with the hate and the genocide being carried out then you can live in peace and enjoy your privilege,” he says.
When asked about the future, Raz draws on his family’s history and suggests quietly that his days in Germany might be numbered, while firing off a warning to Jews wanting to settle here.
“My grandparents lived in Lithuania before the Second World War. I often ask myself that, as the Nazis marched into Lithuania, at what point did my grandparents decide that it’s time to leave, and then eventually at what point in time did they realised that it's perhaps too late to leave?” His head hanging down, Raz says, with a defeated look, that space for Jews in Germany to express their political opinions safely and openly is shrinking.
“All this is happening under a Social Democrat government; you can only imagine what will happen when the far-right AfD comes to power. “My request to all my Jewish brothers and sisters is that, if you are considering moving to Germany, think twice.”
✍️ by : Sal Ahmed
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sevenoctober7 · 5 months
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dadak · 5 days
Zionists remembered the ovens of the holocaust, and instead of ending the misery then. They decided to be the new Nazis and turn rafah into one big oven to burn Palestinians.
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secular-jew · 19 days
If you recognise yourself in the heading of this letter, it's time that we had an honest conversation.
You know who you are: students, academics, lawyers, politicians, journalists, 'celebrities' and others who have become increasingly vocal in your strident opposition to Israel since the events of October 7. You differ in your backgrounds but you're united in the anger that you feel - an anger that just seems to build with each passing day.
So, let's start by being honest about the root of that anger.
➡️ It isn't really because you believe that Israel is guilty of 'genocide'. The International Court of Justice rejected that claim - but you're still angry.
➡️ Nor is it because you really believe that the death toll in Gaza is too high. You and I both know that the casualty numbers from the Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry are heavily inflated and that the real fatality rate in Gaza is tiny by comparison to other recent conflicts in the region - but you don't care. You're still angry.
➡️ It isn't because you honestly think that the attack of 7 October was 'resistance'. You've seen some of the footage of rape, infanticide and murder by Hamas and (although you hate to admit it) it offends your conscience and shakes your resolve - but it doesn't diminish your anger at Israel and the Jews.
➡️ It isn't even because you really believe that Hamas are the 'good guys' in this conflict. You know that they're not - but you're still angry at Israel and the Jews.
➡️ And while we're being honest, let's acknowledge that your anger toward Israel and the Jews isn't really about the Palestinians, or territory, or human rights. In fact, it isn't really even about Israel.
Your anger is about the Jews.
And it isn't anger. It's hate.
And therein lies the reality of what's playing out around the world. You - and millions of others - hate Jews, and the events of October 7 were little more than an excuse to publicly display that hatred. Some are doing so for the first time; others are simply dusting off an old demon.
And that's the thing - none of this is new. Jew hatred (let's dispense with polite terms like 'antisemitism') has been with us for at least two thousand years and - like the self-bargaining of a drug addict - it continues to find new ways to justify itself to those who are infected by it.
The question is, are you still self-aware enough to recognise that you're under the influence of something evil? Are you capable of understanding that Jew-hatred is (let's be blunt) demonic and exists in a realm beyond rationality and reason?
Ashley church can be reached at
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news4dzhozhar · 2 months
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i-am-aprl · 6 months
The irony of becoming what you once hated.
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