sevenoctober7 · 1 hour
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sevenoctober7 · 2 hours
University students in America respond to Netanyahu’s lies...
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sevenoctober7 · 2 hours
Very, very, very important..
*If you want to participate in supporting the Palestinian cause and holding Israel accountable, give a minute of your time and publish this video on all means of communication and include all your friends. These scenes document the truth about Israel's crimes and reformulate world public opinion in favor of the Palestinian cause and supporting Gaza and its people*
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sevenoctober7 · 23 hours
The young American woman who was arrested in the American students’ sit-ins quickly turned into a struggle icon, and artists painted her wearing the American freedom slogan in the most brilliant and finest sarcasm.
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sevenoctober7 · 1 day
This image will remain imprinted in the minds and eyes for long periods of time, and will be circulated in the media and social networking sites for decades to come, as a living testimony to the sword attacking the pen and the police’s arrogance and cruelty attacking the head of the philosophy department, who is well-versed in analytical and linguistic traditions and is saturated with continental thought (European philosophy). ), but most importantly of all, it is an indication of the fragility of the American liberal system resulting from the lobby’s control over it, distorting it, and emptying it of its content, including the right to expression and protest, which is guaranteed by the American Constitution, and successive American administrations have wounded, criticized, and prosecuted many countries and governments under it. After today, American liberal goods have become adulterated and corrupt goods and will not find popularity or customers in the global market.
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‏ستبقى هذه الصورة مرتسمة في الأذهان والأعيان لآماد زمنية طويلة، وستكون محل تداول في الإعلام ومواقع التواصل الاجتماعي لعقود قادمة من الزمن، كشهادة حية على تطاول السيف على القلم وتعدي البوليس بعجرفته وجلافته على رئيسة قسم الفلسفة المتمرسة بالتقاليد التحليلية واللغوية والمتشبعة بالفكر القاري ( الفلسفة الاوروبية)، ولكن الأهم من كل ذلك أنها دلالة على هشاشة النظام الليبرالي الأمريكي المتأتية من سيطرة اللوبي عليه وتشويهه وإفراغه من محتواه، ومن ذلك الحق في التعبير والاحتجاج ، الذي ضمنه الدستور الأمريكي، وجرحت وانتقدت وحاكمت الإدارات الامريكية المتعاقبة عديد الدول والحكومات بموجبه.
بعد اليوم أصبحت البضاعة الليبرالية الأمريكية بضاعة مغشوشة وفاسدة ولن تلقى رواجا ولا زبائن في السوق العالمية.
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sevenoctober7 · 1 day
Who’s the terrorist?
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sevenoctober7 · 1 day
American students wear the Palestinian keffiyeh around the neck of the statue of George Washington, founder of the United States of America, while the Palestinian flag is in his hand.
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sevenoctober7 · 1 day
A student prays in handcuffs, after being arrested by US police from anti-Israel student protests at the University of Southern California.
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sevenoctober7 · 1 day
The Israeli Mossad has reached such a level of madness over the student demonstrations in American universities against Israel and its crimes in the Gaza Strip that he issued a threat to the demonstrators in American universities through a tweet on his “X” website account, in which he said: “Facial recognition can be used to find out whether you participated.” In the pro-Hamas protests at universities. In the tweet, Mossad also threatened the participants with losing employment opportunities for those proven to have participated in the protests against the war in the Gaza Strip. In a previous tweet, the agency described the demonstrations taking place at Columbia University as “disgraceful.”
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"No climate justice on occupied land"
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sevenoctober7 · 1 day
October 7 changed everyone. Gaza separates everyone: who is human and who is an animal in human form. Gaza united all people from different parts of the world without distinction of religion, color or race. Humanity wins.
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sevenoctober7 · 1 day
History video from Ohio University: The police tried to attack the Muslim students during prayer, and the Christian and Jewish students confronted the police and prevented the police from arresting anyone inside the sit-in. Humanity in its most beautiful form.
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sevenoctober7 · 1 day
🔴very important!
Americans are no longer discussing crusts, but have reached sensitive issues! This American lady asks: Why does our government protect the influence of a foreign country (Israel)? Why does Netanyahu address us as if he is giving us orders? Why does our government claim to fight the influence of Russia and China while serving the influence of another government?
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sevenoctober7 · 2 days
America last🇺🇸
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sevenoctober7 · 2 days
The moment security personnel arrested Professor Caroline Fohlin from Emory University in the United States, using excessive violence
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sevenoctober7 · 2 days
This is not a Middle Eastern country, this is America, the “beacon of freedom”! Dr. Noelle McAfee, head of the Philosophy Department at Emory University, is taken away in this manner by the police due to student and faculty sit-ins!
Gaza exposed everyone
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sevenoctober7 · 2 days
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sevenoctober7 · 2 days
ZIONIST feds got shooters locked on a pro-Palestine student protest in Indiana.
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