#Irwin wade
panzershrike-pretz · 8 months
Oh, me? I don't have a type...
*trying to hide the doctors of my favourite fandoms*
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baddingtonbitch · 8 months
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costume worn by Giovanni Ribisi as Irwin Wade in Saving Private Ryan (1998)
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planetofluve · 1 year
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virtualbunny · 1 year
idk if you’ve done this before but headcanons for the boys when they’re jealous?? or what it takes to get them jealous???? i’ve been having jealous jackson BRAINROTTTT
Apparently I haven't done this before so lets see if I can get this correct... hopefully 😅
Miller's squad: how they get and what they do when they're jealous
! gender neutral pronouns !
John Miller:
doesn't really get jealous
perhaps if a younger person is flirting with you but that's about it
won't make a scene if he is
talks to you about it in private
probably admits he's a little jealous
Mike Horvath:
He disguises his jealousy with being "overprotective"
I don't think he gets that jealous either
maybe if someone in his friend group or anyone he's familiar with is flirting with you
if that ever happens, he'll take it personally
Daniel Jackson:
he's a confident guy
nobody really dares to flirt with you because how he gets
death starer
flips his knife in his hand or toy around with his gun when somebody starts to get to comfortable around you
whispers" do yourself a favor and stay the fuck away from my s/o"
pats the persons shoulder (hard) and gives a smile then walks away
leaving the person standing shocked and confused
Richard Reiben:
he's a big guy, probably one of the biggest in his unit
everybody knows how "aggressive" he can get and how fast for that matter
some people do dare though to flirt and be a little to touchy with you
and may the universe show them mercy because Reiben sure won't
grabs the person by the jaw, stares into their soul and half spits in their face "Touch or say ANYTHING to them again, I'll break your fucking jaw"
apologizes to you after if he gets to jealous.. even if he hates to admit it
Irwin Wade:
not really the jealous type
but sometimes it gets under his skin if the person touches you or say something promiscuous behind your back
if the person is hurt he'll passionately aggressively take care of them
like pulling the thread hard and poke them a bit aggressively with the needle if he's sewing up a wound
or aggressively twist and turn them with the excuse of "i'm just looking for bruises and wounds"
Stanley Mellish:
tbh, he gets jealous pretty fast
especially if he doesn't know that person
he's the king of insults so that's his tactic to fet them as far away from you and himself
" hey buddy, you look like a fucking testicle, so do everybody a favor and stay the fuck away from them"
waves them away with his hand like "shoo shoo, go away you pest" without batting them an eye
Timothy Upham:
doesn't really get jealous, more like.. insecure?
but he does stand up for what he doesn't like or agree with
talks to the person like a civil human being
" I don't appreciate you talking to my s/o so please stop"
when and IF it gets overboard though, lol yikes
WILL throw a few punches IF he has too
is surprisingly strong
Adrian Caparzo:
big guy 2.0
he's a confident guy as well so he doesn't feel like other people are a threat to him
he gets jealous like maybe two times half a year
blows smoke in the persons face and just says "leave" while staring at them until they eventually they do
and they do that pretty quickly
POV: Jackson's death stare
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raony · 9 months
Not me waiting for sm1 to update😃
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iceman-kazansky · 2 years
Saving Private Ryan Masterlist
Daniel Jackson
Luckiest man; Luckiest Woman
Irwin Wade
Richard Reiben
Stanley Mellish
Timothy E. Upham
James Ryan
In Your Arms I Sleep Without a Doubt
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bluefire-redice · 2 years
Saving Private Ryan - The Guardian Angel
What if the one who prayed to God was the only one God couldn’t save?
My second story after falling on the 'Barry Pepper is amazing' express. I love this movie, but my brain being my brain couldn't help but get stuck on the 'what if Caparzo survived, and how would that change things' tangent, so this happened. Once again, I'm probably shouting into the ether with this story as it's such a small fandom (if it can be classed as one at all), but I can now sit here happy that I got it written, and the idea can leave me alone so I can focus on my other works.
One major change (aside from the obvious) is Jackson's first name. There was an interview that Barry P, Giovanni R, and Vin Diesel did when the movie first came out, and Barry said his character's name was Roy Jackson. I'm not sure why his character was called Daniel in the book, whether this was an oversight on the writers part or for a greater purpose (I've yet to read it, but after much hunting around for it, I'm waiting on my copy to arrive so I can!), but I've opted to go with Barry's choice of his character's first name. Plus, when I hear Daniel Jackson I immediately think of Dr Daniel Jackson from Stargate, so in the interest of saving my sanity, it's Private Roy Jackson for this.
The full story can be read here; enjoy the snippet below
Chapter 1 - An Angel On His Shoulder
As the sniper of their group – and one of the best in the Rangers, according to his instructor back at basic training – Roy took great pride in being able to assess his surroundings quickly. It was an important skill to have because it meant he could spot targets, find advantage areas, and identify potential ambush sites faster than anyone else around him.
But such a skill meant he had a responsibility to use it every second of every day to ensure his brothers made it home.
Neuville, when they arrived, was both a playground and battlefield to a sniper. The rain was pelting down around them, softening the packed earth and turning it into mud pools. Amongst the bombed ruins and discarded detritus of the former inhabitants, it had numerous sniper hides ripe for the picking – which meant if he knew it, the Germans did too. His head had been on a swivel before they’d set foot within the walls, guiding Miller with a few hand signals to the safest paths into the town without exposing themselves to anyone watching from an elevated position.
Even with the paratroopers guiding them towards the other half of the village, watching out for his team was his job, yet it was one he failed on – distracted as he was by Caparzo grabbing the little girl, imploring the captain to take the family to safety. He’d been distracted, and it was why he was left momentarily stunned when Caparzo was shot from behind.
“Sniper!” Miller yelled. “Cover!”
Roy watched, horrified, as Caparzo caught himself on the piano next to him, counting in his head the number of seconds that passed before the crack of the gunshot was heard. Caparzo managed to keep his feet under him for a second or so before he stumbled and hit the ground hard. The piano, despite the damage it had sustained echoed an eerie tune as the keys were knocked – the French father calling to his daughter, and the little girl’s cries adding to the overall creepiness in the otherwise quiet streets.
The report of the gun ripped through the air halfway to five. Four hundred and fifty yards away. He clenched his jaw, impressed. The sniper was good.
He needed to be better.
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morganthefae · 1 year
Jeremy Wade doesn’t have the same energy in his presentation as Steve Irwin did, but i think that talking about how horrifying lampreys are while literally having a lamprey attached to your neck drinking your blood is very much in the spirit of Steve Irwin.
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troythecatfish · 4 months
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zevexsii · 2 years
Hey, I saw you added saving private ryan to your list and that requests are open! If you don’t mind me asking, could you please do like any Irwin Wade x Reader please? I don’t see much for him. Or really anyone posting for this fandom.
I hope you have a good day!
Ofc!! <3 I am so sorry this took so long </33 Since I haven't covered general headcanons so far, I'll start with the basics :} Irwin Wade x Reader HCs (gender neutral)
Wade is a pretty relaxed guy, or he's very good at pretending to be relaxed. It's not that he's a constant overthinker, his brain is just very used to feelings of Go Go Go we have to Be Ready for Something. In a short and simple way, he's got PTSD. Which is a given. Regardless of whether or not his s/o went through combat with him, Wade still wakes up terrified that they won't be by his side and that somehow, it will be his fault. (I understand that PTSD is a much more complex issue than just waking up with nightmares, but I'm running from mine right now, so I'm moving on, lol) After the war, while Irwin is recovering from his injuries, you'll often find him desperately attempting to escape from bed rest and hobble around the house. It's almost amusing, considering how stubborn he'd be about the cons of overexertion if you were the one injured. Taking care of him, or anyone, is what causes Irwin to realise just how far he's fallen for you. Compassion is an admirable trait, all the more precious because of its growing rarity in such a chaotic world. Wade doesn't begin by trying to woo you or sweep you off your feet. He doesn't believe there's much use really, he can't be the only person in your life desperate for a crumb of your attention and affection. He's a bit thick in the brain at first; you could be making goo goo eyes at him for hours on end and he still might not notice. It makes a tad bit of sense, Wade likes a good slow burn. Speaking of slow burns, Irwin reads cheesy romance novels. Not that it helped him in real life. When it comes to making a move on you, he's all thumbs. Irwin knows it would be far easier to keep you at an arms length, but he just can't stop himself from being reeled in closer. Your relationship is soft, like the feeling of slipping underneath clean sheets after a long day. It's fresh linen and lavender, sinking softly into the sun that rests on your shoulders like the hand of a friend. Someone who's handprint will remain long after the rainclouds have settled in. Wade is not a PDA guy. It's just not in his nature to care about what people around him think of his relationship, so the levels of public intimacy really depend on your combined moods and boundaries. Inside dates are a big thing. Irwin prefers the privacy of an enclosed environment, it just feels more intimate to him! It's also much easier for him to give you his whole attention with limited distractions. If you are set on an outside date, packing a lunch and eating on a pier or in a park is always a yes :} One of Wade's favourite hobbies is people watching and if you're sleepy after your meal, Wade's shoulder is always a welcome place for you to crash. Speaking of sleep, nothing soothes Wade quicker than being read to, no matter the book. It's something his mom used to do when she came home early enough. When you're both tired enough to turn out the light, Wade's arms rest lightly around your waist, pulling you closer. It's a gentle gesture, casual but practiced. And Wade has all the years after tonight to perfect it <3.
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happymuglightnerd · 2 years
Saving Private Ryan
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imagine Wade has a little sister please leave comments this is for  lixxlelucy
Little Amelia running around catching a butterfly Wade smiles as he watches her Amelia is 6 years old and  Wade is 20 years old ‘’Ame be careful I’ll be right back’’ ‘’Okay Irweny ’’ Amelia laughed as she chased the butterfly but before she knew it she was on a cliff ‘’AMELIA!’’ shouted Wade but when Amelia turned around she fell  off of the cliff she heard someone call her and shake her awake. ‘’Wha....’’ Amelia looked confussed to see her older brother shaking her awake he looked annoyed at her Wade was concerned about her but he choose to hide it ‘’Amelia quite lazing around’’ ‘’ Irwine where am I?’’ Wade scoffed ‘’It’s 1944 you idiot’’ ‘��Oh’’ ‘’Come on we are called for a mission.’’ ‘’Why?’’ asked Amelia Wade just groaned and walked away.
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Everyone followed Captian Miller Amelia kept following Wade witch annoyed him a lot and she kept asking him the same question over and over again ‘’Irwine  who is privat Ryan?’’ Wade pushed her to the ground ‘’WOULD YOU JUST SHUT-UP ALREADY’’ He shouted Upham turned around ‘’Hey Wade don’t be so hard on her’’ Wade ignored him ‘’YOU KNOW THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT I WISH YOU FELL OFF OF THE CLIFF INSTEAD OF MOM COMING  TO SAVE YOU’’ every one turned around including captain Miller Amelia gasped Wade knew he went to far ‘’Amelia I am so sorr...’’ Amelia got up and shoved her brother away and ran ignoring her brother’s calls in the curch Wade was writing a letter to his dad and his step-mom.
The letter said ‘’ Dear mom and dad I am fine so is Amelia’’ Wade’s eyes welled while writting her name ‘’Hey Wade what was that all about with your sister?’’ Jackson asked  Wade wiped away his tears ‘’You know my mother used to have to jobs when my father left she used to come really late and one night she thought about coming early that night and I...’’ He inhaled sharply ‘’ Pretended to sleep that night and she came up to my room and just started talking to me and I wish I talked back to her but I just stayed pretending to sleep the next morning Amelia was playing with a butterfly’’ he chocked back a sob thinking about how upset he was with her ‘’ I told her to be careful  and then I went inside to hug my ma and tell her that I love her and after that I saw Amelia on a cliff I screamed her her name and before we knew it she was hanging onto a branch my mom ran like lightning and grabbed her then she was gone’’ I wanted to be left alone the next day we were fighting Germans and I saw a German aim his gun at me I looked up in the sky praying to God that Amelia will forgive me or that I might see her again but for some reason I didn’t feel a thing when I looked down I saw Ameila’s knees give in and I caught her ‘’Amelia!’’ there was blood all over her ‘’HELP’’ everyone came around her all telling her she’ll be fine ‘’Here drink some water’’ I said by lifting up her head and bringing her lips close to my canteen and she started chocking out water ‘’Mama mama’’ That’s all what Amelia said and then he closed her eyes ‘’NOOO AMELIA WAKE UP PLEASE’’ I cried ‘’Why wasn’t it me instead of my beautiful little baby sister’’ I cried when I put my ear close to her chest I felt a pulse!
4 days later 
I haven’t left Amelia’s side she hasn’t woken up yet all I did was hold her hand and talk to her and read to her  Adventures of  Huckle berry finn more then 10 times still nothing but today was the lucky day I felt Amelia’s hand move she was waking up ‘’Aa...melia’’ I stutterd Amelia groaned ‘’ Irwine’’ she said quitely due to the dry throat she sat up ‘’No no please just lay back just ... just rest do you need anything water food anything I can get it for you’’ Amelia thought for a second ‘’Water’’ she answered she looked at my canteen ‘’Water okay here’’ I opend my canteen and sat on the bed next to her to put my arms behind her sholders so she can be in a sitting position and brought my canteen she took four long sips I hated seeing her like this it is all because of me selfish me Amelia winced as I was laying her back down I sighed Amelia looked at me as I strarted to get up to leave ‘’Where are you going do you hate me’’ asked Amelia with tears I sat back down ‘’ No of course not Amelia’’ I said to her gently there was just so many wounded I had to take care of know ‘’Look Irwine I am sorry I killed mom I didn’t mean to I was just a stupid little kid I should have died instead’’ Amelia said crying   ‘’No no Amelia it wasn’t your fault I was just selfish I never ment it and I am so sorry’’ I said by wiping away her tears ‘’ I forgive you Irwine’’ Amelia said softly ‘’Thank you’’ I said above a whisper Amelia sat up again ‘’Woah easy easy’’ I said by helping her sit up and Amelia hugged me and I hugged her back ‘’I’ll go get you some food’’ Amelia nodded her head I came back with some potatoes ‘’Here’’ I bought the spoon close to her mouth and feed I carried Amelia around every where until it was night I layed Amelia down in bed and told her a story about a princess I fell asleep cuddling into Amelia the next morning when I woke up I shook Amelia awake she never woke up Little Amelia died in her sleep.
Amelia wade
Irwine wade
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latestdreamgirl · 2 months
wah... woke up thinking abt irwin
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virtualbunny · 1 year
how bout our boys reactions when YOU get jealous of someone touchin on them????
Just so y'all know, this was very rushed lol sorry 😅
Miller's squad: their reaction to you getting jealous
! gender neutral pronouns !
John Miller: Finds it a bit ridiculous, doesn't really get why you would be get jealous when you know that you're the only one he'll ever truly love. But understands in some way, jealousy is a humanly emotions and it's okay to feel it.
Mike Horvath: laughs about it, he can't take you serious if you get jealous about that but he finds it cute. Kisses you in front of the person to make a statement that he's gladly taken.
Daniel Jackson: He finds it amusing that his person can get so territorial over him. Kisses you on the cheek and says "sorry, i'm taken" to show the other person that.. well, he is taken and then you two walk away. definitely teases you a bit after.
Richard Reiben: thinks "aww cute" and smirks to himself. Shrugs the person that touches him of and pulls you in his lap to make out with you (yes in front of the person lol) to ease your jealousy and show literally everyone that he is your, and your only.
Irwin Wade: he gets upset that you're upset. He pouts his lip in your direction when he sees you looking at him bitterly. Tries as nicely as he can to get away from the person to go to you.
Stanley Mellish: Same as Jackson, finds it extremely amusing. Probably would try to get you more jealous to see what you would do. Of course he wouldn't go over board it and if you bring up that you actually hates when he does that, he won't ever do it again.
Timothy Upham: Gets lowkey scared, hates to see you and others upset but he has to priorities your emotions. So, he slips away from the persons touch and half runs to you apologizing even though it's not really his fault.
Adrian Caparzo: tells the person right away that he's taken and that his partner (you, obviously) doesn't appreciate someone touching what's theirs. He teases you about it but he also tells you that he finds your jealousy kinda sexy.
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hey do you guys remember how I said that I was going to use patreon to write up content that would be WILDLY too long for tumblr? yeah. this is uuuuuh a little less than 6000 words about a bad Animal Planet series from 2008 that no one watched but me and my sister.
and here's part of the introduction under the cut for freebies, in case you want a little sample:
If you weren’t a painfully introverted animal fact kid in the early 2000s it’s almost impossible to explain the degree of sway that Animal Planet and its shows held over me as a child. Meerkat Manor, Animal Cops, The Most Extreme, The Little Zoo That Could, Prehistoric Planet, River Monsters, all of Steve Irwin’s work, and truly any and all non-serialized programming about any animal imaginable. I ate it all up, even the terribly boring half-hour programs like Backyard Habitat and Petfinder that they only played in the weird wee hours of the morning. 
Crucially, this programming is mostly of a nonfiction bent. Prehistoric Planet uses a framing device involving the use of time travel to bring extinct animals into the present to live in a zoo, but ultimately they’re trying to teach you some facts about some beasts, and while Meerkat Manor was definitely anthropomorphizing and editorializing the drama those meerkats experienced, it was at least rooted in the very real Kalahari Meerkat Project, which has been intensively documenting the behavior of meerkat mobs for many meerkat generations.
But then we get into the oddballs. In 2004 Animal Planet aired Dragons: A Fantasy Made Real, a British “docufiction” produced for Channel Four that sought to contextualize the nearly-global mythology of dragons in real history and biology, complete with CGI recreations of dragons in their “natural habitats.” That’s all fine and good; there’s nothing wrong with using a fake thing to teach people about real animals’ evolution and anatomy. The Loch Ness Monster episode of River Monsters is excellent for this, as you can tell that host Jeremy Wade (angler, freshwater detective, and criminally fuckable old man) doesn’t expect to find a monster literally at all and is just taking the opportunity to introduce his audience to animals they might not otherwise know about, including the noble Greenland shark. He pulls the same trick again in a later episode where he’s sent to discover the “truth” behind sea serpents and winds up diving in search of the elusive oarfish.
Dragons is… not doing that. Instead it offers up a framing device following a completely fictional paleontologists who “suggests the theory that a carbonized Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton on display was killed by a prehistoric dragon” (thanks, Wikipedia) and then has to go on a quest to save his career by proving that dragons totally existed and he’s not crazy. And he’s not! The piece ends with him discovering straight up for-real dragon bones in the Carpathian Mountains. If you were, say, an impressionably soft-brained 8 year old watching this, well holy shit. Congrats! It turns out dragons are real and nobody knows but you. 
Why did Animal Planet air this? God only knows, but it wouldn’t be the last time they dabbled in this shit. 2012 saw another piece by the same creator, Charlie Foley, called Mermaids: The Body Found which posited that various governments are holding merpeople captive and also relied on the infamously eugenicist aquatic ape theory to justify how merpeople could exist. The CGI on that one creeped me the fuck out, although I was at least old enough by then to recognize it wasn’t real.
Between those two docufictional farces, Animal Planet got a little freaky and rolled out some fake factual content of their own: three season of the TV show Lost Tapes (2008-2010, RIP), which purportedly showed “found footage” from incidents of humans having terrifying encounters with cryptids and fighting to escape with their lives. Interspersed with the fully fictional stories were segments of experts talking about folkloric history and speculating as to how creatures like Sasquatch and sea serpents could be real, which was an admirable effort to make it educational but often fell pretty short. There’s a werewolf episode where their expert weakly offers up that there are tons of transformations in nature, like caterpillars turning into butterflies. Notably that has absolutely nothing in common with a human turning rapidly into a wolfbeast and then shifting back, but they tried! They stopped trying as hard by season three, by which point they were throwing any and every beastie they could think of at the wall: there are episodes dedicated to zombies, a poltergeist, two different types of vampires, and the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl. 
Also straining belief was the dedication that some POV characters had to keeping their cameras rolling. I don’t blame the writers for that; it’s hard coming up with a fresh gimmick for “found footage” in every episode. Some of them, like characters wearing body cameras, are pretty smart; others, like a teenage girl continuing to film on her phone while being hunted by the Jersey devil, are not. They’re very much running on horror movie rules; the characters are as dumb as they need to be to make the plot go. To the show’s credit the dumdums are frequently punished, and it’s not uncommon for every single named character to end up dead at the hands (or claws, fangs, whatever) of the monster of the week. 
Needless to say, as a 12 year old I thought this was extremely edgy and cool. I was old enough to recognize that the so-called found footage was fake and that the acting was mostly very bad, but I liked cryptids and some of the show’s better episodes could still creep me right out. I think geeky 12 year olds who like to get a little freaked out on purpose are probably the ideal target demographic for this show, followed by nostalgic 20-somethings who have seen every episode several times.
(Hi, editor’s note: having completed this list it turns out there are WAY more episodes than I thought and I fully Do Not Recall some of them, so egg on my face.)
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baddingtonbitch · 1 year
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Giovanni Ribisi as Irwin Wade in Saving Private Ryan (1996)
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elvhenfaer · 2 years
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Real life crush.
Listen, I can’t explain it, you ever watch River Monsters? I love this man.
He doesn’t kill the fish, it’s all catch and release to teach us about fish. He has a British Accent and he speaks a bunch of other languages so he can speak to locals. He’s like sixty years old and he’s like “I’m gonna catch a 250 lb shark” and then the shark bites him a lil and he goes “wow, what an amazing animal”. He’s so considerate of indigenous people, going so far to get a full health examination before he even comes into contact with remote tribes so he does not harm them. He’s gotten into a pool with Piranha just to prove that myths about them being aggressive and bloodthirsty are false. He’s gotten into a river with Boto just to find out if they’re worthy of the anxiety that locals have about them.
I. Love. Him.
And I feel like he’s underrated.
This dude is a modern day, fish-oriented Steve Irwin.
Anyway, this is Jeremy Wade.
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