#Indonesian food amsterdam
rabaabrestaurant1234 · 3 months
A fabulous indonesian meal near the Anne Frank House | Rabaab Restaurant
Experience the rich flavors of Indonesian cuisine at Anne Frank Huis Restaurant. Located in Geldersekade 23, our Indonesian Food Restaurant in Anne Frank Huis offers authentic Indonesian dishes crafted with traditional recipes and premium ingredients. Discover a culinary journey that transports you to the vibrant streets of Indonesia right here at Anne Frank Huis. Welcome to Rabaab Restaurant, where the aroma of authentic Indonesian cuisine fills the air, and every dish tells a story of tradition and flavor. Join us for an unforgettable dining experience that transports you to the vibrant streets of Indonesia.
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kajaono · 1 year
If my Amsterdam lonely planet claims one more time that Indonesian rijsttafel is Indonesian I sadly have to throw it out of the window
It is not Indonesian, it’s Dutch! The rijsttafel (rice plate) was made up by the Dutch people while they colonized Indonesia because they wanted to eat many Indonesian dishes at once
It’s a slight but really important difference. Grrrr!
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furtherfurther · 5 months
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Sari Citra, de Pijp
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callimara · 10 months
The Characters
Main Cast
▶ Height Chart
Kirana Putri Anggraini
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A full-time registered nurse and the holder of the Snake Aegis. She is 25 years old and has lived in Bougainville for the past 5 years to work at Bougainville General. Kirana is of Indonesian (half-Javanese, half-Balinese) descent: born and raised in Jogjakarta before undertaking her bachelor's degree in Paris. She has since gained permanent residence in France. Kirana is a sweet, kind, and motherly individual. She is empathetic and cares deeply for others: she will always extend a helping hand to those in need. Her family means more to her than anything in the world and she does her best to do right by them; even if it means pushing herself far too much. Though it can be challenging to live and work in a town where everyone perceives you as... Different, she tries her best to not let it affect her. Even when it does, deep down... She is very humble, though whether it's genuine humility or a genuine fear of standing out remains to be seen. But one thing everyone knows about her is her large appetite and love of food! She perceives food as an important part of culture and forming connections (which is a very fortunate common thread to have). So if she invites you for a coffee or lunch, be sure to say yes!
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Learn more about Ulara!
Clara De Vries
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A struggling artist who performs at cafes and bars - and occasionally sidewalks – all over town. She is the holder of the Songbird Aegis; 24 years old and a new face in town. Originally from Amsterdam, she arrived in Bougainville with nothing but the clothes on her back (quite literally). She is desperate to put her past behind her and move on to greener pastures. Clara wears her heart on her sleeve and is quick to give it away (which is often the cause of her troubles.) She craves affection and connection; but past experiences have given her a more pessimistic view on her chances of finding it. Yet still, she readily accepts it from anyone who offers: desperately. She is deeply troubled; though what it is that troubles her or why, she will never say. Perhaps it is her money trouble, or trouble finding a safe place to sleep, or any combination of the two: she is often lost in her own thoughts; slightly scatterbrained and distracted. But she truly comes to life when she is singing and playing music. Recently she learned of a full-ride music scholarship from Bougainvillea University. Perhaps it will finally help her turn her life around...
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Learn more about Nightingale!
Natasha "Amber" Vasilieva
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A park ranger and holder of the Tiger Aegis. She is 28 years old and is a military veteran of the Russian armed forces. She was discharged after being diagnosed with PTSD and Broca's Aphasia from a traumatic head injury while on active duty. To aid in her recovery, she had moved to the quiet, peaceful town of Bougainville for a job at the Emilie Francoise Nature Reserve: away from large crowds and loud noises. It has been several years since then. She was not as angry as she used to be; but living with her new disabilities still vexes her from to time to time. Amber is determined to get through her recovery as fast as she possibly can, but her progress is slow; a part of her fears that... She might never be the same person she was before. Despite this, she remains stoic and unshaken on the outside. Amber is severe and intimidating, even when she doesn't mean to be. If she can just learn to talk again... Maybe she wouldn't be stuck twiddling her thumbs in the middle of nowhere.
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Learn more about Amura!
Colette Le Gautier
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A student at Bougainvillea University? Who knows. Colette is very evasive about what she does. 26 years old and the holder of the Cat Aegis, she has an eclectic set of skills in her resume; one of which being a top gymnast for the Bougainvillea University's gymnastics team. Clever, quick-witted, and calculating; Colette uses her words carefully and purposefully. A social butterfly that fits into any social circle, but a recluse when it comes to her personal life. No one never really knows Colette. There is something unnerving about her: a certain pressure that could put anyone on edge. Is it her striking beauty? Her demand for perfection? Her uncanny ability to make someone want to please her regardless? Or something else? But one thing is certain: she looks out for no one but herself. So what is it does she hope to find in a small, quaint town like Bougainville?
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Learn more about Felle Noire!
Supporting Cast
Carter Bishop
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Carter is one of the library assistants at the Bougainville University Library, and has quickly become a popular fixture there; despite having only started in the last couple of months. He appears to be in his late twenties, and speaks with an extremely upper class British accent. He speaks fluent French with little difficulty, and is diligent and dedicated in his work. He tends to keep to himself most of the time, but he is pleasant to interact with: personable and friendly, albeit with a typical British dry wit. He is quick to help anybody who needs it, and his aid has already saved more than a few last-minute studiers with their coursework!
Elias Wright
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Elias is the foul-tempered, acerbic chef in the local bistro, having already made a name for himself thanks to his explosive temper and overwhelming presence. The only thing that exceeds his apparently endless reserves of rage is his skill for cooking; the food in the bistro has taken a notable turn for the better, though whether that's from his skill, his leadership or simply the fact that the other cooks are terrified of angering him with sub-par products remains to be seen. He appears to be of American descent, and speaks with a difficult to place southern-states accent, but does not seem keen on sharing details. In dealings with people out and about town, he is prickly, standoffish and suspicious, preferring his own company to that of others. If he isn't shouting, then he's at least wearing a heavy scowl most of the time.
Markus Reiland
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Markus is the suave, charming, popular bartender at the Bougainville watering hole, and is known probably intimately by most women - and half of the men - in town. His easygoing, charming demeanour, easy smile and dulcet tones have charmed more than their fair share of customers in any number of ways, and it seems like he always has his finger on the pulse of recent happenings in town. To be expected from the bartender who can wink and smile a secret out of anybody! He is eminently flirtatious and effortlessly charming, always ready with a wink, a smile and a flirtatious joke to anybody who crosses his path. He's a skilled cocktail mixer, and his party trick is making a custom cocktail for his customer based solely on his impressions of them as a person; he rarely misses, which just goes to show how easily he can read people. Unusually for rural France, he speaks with a thick hybrid accent, using many Louisianan cadences mixed with what appears to be an Iberian Spanish accent.
Casey Price
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Casey is the bubbly and friendly waiter at the local vegan cafe, almost always being found on the morning and lunch shift. He's a friendly and talkative fellow who often chatters his customer's ear off with an earnest and sincere personability that makes it difficult to resist the urge to fall into conversation with him. He's a passionate animal-lover, extolling the virtues of vegetarianism to anybody who asks, but he is not one to judge or evangelise if the subject has not come up naturally. His accent seems to be from the American continent, though whether north-States or southern-Canadian is a little hard to tell at times. He's a little dorky, often tripping over his words in his excitement to say them, and often talks about his dreams of one day becoming a vet, or working in conservation...if he can find the time and money to go to school for the qualifications, that is!
▶ Wildward Master Post
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cottoncandiescupcakes · 8 months
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OFMD as Dutch food
Ed: drop aka Dutch liquorice. Either love it hate it it'll leave an impression :o
Stede: Slagroomtaart aka whipped cream birthday cake :D Fancy(By Dutch standards lol) and always loved
Izzy: Oude kaas. Aged Old Amsterdam cheese, great if you can handle it
Jim: Jenever. Artisanal strong Dutch gin Jim would just really love this
Oluwande: Stroopwafel, caramel waffles that are everyone's favorite
Archie: Kroket, meat ragout filled hearty fried treats that are just so comforting
Frenchie: Poffertjes, fun mini pancakes that you can't help but enjoy
Wee John: Snert. Thick pea soup with sausage, filing and hits the spot. He'd LOVE this
Roach: Dutch/Indonesian rice table. Roach would love this and it's delicious. Many varied dishes to make.
Lucius: Tompouche. Lovely and impossible to resist just like our Lucius.
Pete: Stampot. Just a simple filling dish of sausage, mashed potatoes, gravy. Very Pete vibes
Buttons: Hollandse nieuwe. Raw herring that you eat upside down like a literal seagull. Disgusts outsiders but real ones KNOW.
Fang: Oliebollen. A new years fried dough, sugar treat that makes everyone smile.
Spanish Jackie: Kersenbonbon. Cherry liquor chocolate bonbons that will make you end up in her harem if you eat too many
The Swede: Lammetjespap. Really soft fluffy porridge said to resemble lambs that just has the same innocent energy as him
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tentacion3099 · 8 months
South Moluccan gunman stands guard as he allows one of the hostages to collect food left at the entrance of the consulate - 1975 Indonesian consulate hostage crisis, in Amsterdam.
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farcillesbian · 3 months
I'm going to visit Amsterdam and Paris in may!! if any of my lovely mutuals and followers have recommendations for things to see & do & eat pls let me know :3 I've been to Paris before but that was over 10 years ago and I've never been to Amsterdam. one thing I'm for sure going to do in Amsterdam is find some Indonesian food
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dappergamelord · 10 months
had delicious indonesian food here in amsterdam last night. this morning i am having some coffee
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vacayguy · 11 days
Little Amsterdam Restaurant by Oscenox: A Culinary Gem in the Heart of the City
Discovering Little Amsterdam
In the bustling heart of the city lies a hidden gem that promises to transport you straight to the charming streets of Amsterdam. Little Amsterdam Restaurant by Oscenox is more than just a dining spot; it's an experience that combines the rich culinary traditions of the Netherlands with a modern twist. Whether you're a foodie, a traveler, or someone looking for a unique dining experience, Little Amsterdam has something special for you.
The Concept: A Taste of Amsterdam
Little Amsterdam Restaurant aims to bring the essence of Amsterdam to your table. From the moment you step inside, the ambiance, décor, and even the aromas are designed to evoke the cozy, laid-back vibes of a Dutch café. The restaurant is adorned with classic Dutch art, wooden furniture, and tulip-themed decorations, creating an authentic Amsterdam feel.
The Menu: A Culinary Journey
The menu at Little Amsterdam is a delightful blend of traditional Dutch cuisine and contemporary flavors. Each dish is crafted with care, using the freshest ingredients to ensure an unforgettable dining experience.
Breakfast and Brunch
Start your day with a hearty Dutch breakfast. The Pannenkoeken (Dutch pancakes) are a must-try, available in both sweet and savory options. For a more robust meal, the Uitsmijter, an open-faced sandwich with eggs, ham, and cheese, is a popular choice.
Lunch at Little Amsterdam offers a variety of light and flavorful dishes. The Erwtensoep (split pea soup) is perfect for a cozy meal, while the Broodje Haring (herring sandwich) gives you a taste of traditional Dutch street food. Don't miss out on the Kroketten (croquettes) served with mustard.
Dinner is a grand affair at Little Amsterdam. The Stamppot, a classic Dutch comfort food, features mashed potatoes with vegetables and a choice of meat. The Rijsttafel, a Dutch-Indonesian rice table, offers a fusion of flavors that is both exotic and familiar. For seafood lovers, the Kabeljauw (codfish) prepared in a creamy dill sauce is a highlight.
No meal is complete without a sweet ending. Indulge in the Stroopwafels, thin waffles with caramel filling, or the Oliebollen, Dutch doughnuts dusted with powdered sugar. Pair your dessert with a strong Dutch coffee for the perfect finish.
The Drinks: Dutch Delights
Little Amsterdam’s drink menu is as impressive as its food. The bar features a selection of Dutch beers, including Heineken and Amstel, as well as craft beers from local breweries. The Genever, a traditional Dutch gin, is a must-try for those looking to explore authentic Dutch spirits. The wine list offers a curated selection of European wines that complement the menu perfectly.
The Ambiance: Cozy and Inviting
The ambiance at Little Amsterdam is one of its standout features. The warm lighting, rustic wooden tables, and vintage Dutch posters create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Whether you're enjoying a romantic dinner, a family gathering, or a casual lunch with friends, the restaurant’s ambiance makes every meal special.
Special Events and Private Dining
Little Amsterdam is also the perfect venue for special occasions. The restaurant offers private dining options for birthdays, anniversaries, and corporate events. The dedicated events team at Oscenox ensures that every detail is taken care of, from personalized menus to themed decorations.
Sustainability: Commitment to the Environment
At Little Amsterdam, sustainability is a core value. The restaurant sources its ingredients locally, ensuring freshness and supporting local farmers. Eco-friendly practices, such as using biodegradable packaging and minimizing food waste, are implemented throughout the restaurant’s operations.
Customer Experience: Rave Reviews
Customers rave about the exceptional dining experience at Little Amsterdam. From the friendly and attentive staff to the delicious food, every aspect of the restaurant is designed to exceed expectations. Regular patrons often highlight the authenticity of the dishes and the cozy, welcoming environment.
Conclusion: A Culinary Destination
Little Amsterdam Restaurant by Oscenox is more than just a place to eat; it's a destination that offers a unique culinary journey. By blending traditional Dutch flavors with modern culinary techniques, the restaurant provides an experience that is both nostalgic and innovative. Whether you’re a local or a visitor, a meal at Little Amsterdam is an experience you won’t want to miss.
So, next time you’re in the city, make sure to visit Little Amsterdam Restaurant by Oscenox and indulge in the flavors of the Netherlands right in the heart of your city. Bon appétit!
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icarusthelunarguard · 4 months
This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter. Better yet! Check out “Heart of the Game, Fredonia” and see if they can sell you those D12’s with the symbols on them. Tell them “Shujin Tribble” sentcha. And “Hail, Hail, Fredonia!” Home of the Blue Devil!
Even though it’s still only just barely into the New Year, you need a vacation. And since we’re nothing if not cheap, we’ll just tell you where you should go even if you can’t afford it. And, no! We’re not going to tell you to Go To Hell. Chances are you’ve already been told that enough times this week. 
We’re dropping you off just north of the Dominican Republic at Turks & Caicos! This collection of roughly 100 islands is popular with honeymooners and for good reason: sparkling white sand, crystal-clear water, and nearly 350 miles of colourful coral reef! Be sure to spend a day or two lounging on Grace Bay Beach with plenty of opportunities to snorkel, scuba dive, and ride horses along the coast. So This Week… Be sure to check your horse’s belly strap before you go riding. Not because you’re liable to fall but because you want to know if you’re on a stallion or a mare. Trust us, there is a difference in temperament. 
If you bend an ear you’ll enjoy all the art and flowers and canal-lined streets and "coffee shops" and high-end boutiques… Welcome to Amsterdam! Yes, you could enjoy the art or the food or the bicycling… and you can have a stop to enjoy the street food scene by eating herring or Dutch fries, or satisfy your sweet tooth with stroopwafels. So This Week… Buy some stroopwafels at your local grocery store and TRY to imagine they aren’t Cock-Waffles. We DARE you.
WELP! If picturesque beaches and warm weather are what you're after, look no further than the British Virgin Islands! You’ll have easy access to Smuggler's Cove and Brewers Bay. And if you book your hotel room on Tortola, the area's largest island, you can hop between the smaller islands on boat tours. So This Week… Re-learn all your maritime terminology before you try to steal a 20-sail pirate clipper. Oh, and buy some sea sickness pills.
Cancer Moon-Child 
This might be a little weird, but you’re getting sent to the “U-A-E”! the United Arab Emirates, specifically to Dubai. You COULD do something simple, like visit the Dubai Mall. Or how about indoor Ski Dubai? And how about freaking out after getting to the top of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building on the planet, at over 800 Meters tall. So This Week… We know you wanted to know, so - it would take just shy of 13 seconds for you to go “SPLAT!” after jumping off that thing, with an impact of over Seven-Hundred-Thousand joules. So don’t do that! It might not hurt YOU, but it’ll hurt someone else.
We’re sending you to the largest island in French Polynesia - Tahiti! And just to get you over your fear of the ocean we’ve booked you into a lavish overwater bungalow. And once you’ve stopped having a panic attack, there’s prime snorkeling and surfing conditions all around you. If you're staying on dry land you COULD look for more cultural activities, like the island's temples, or shop for Tahitian pearls. So This Week… Don't ask what a pearl necklace is worth here. Just trust us.
Your vacation is just a chance for you to get away from everything and be calm, peaceful, and serene. We’re sending you to the lush Indonesian paradise of Bali. Right now it’s the dry season, so beachtime will be perfect. Follow that up with tours through some temples, and finish up with dinner in the village of Kintamani, home to a towering (and active) volcano. So This Week… If you take a Balinese cooking class and the instructor suggests heating your pan in the magma, IT’S A TRICK! DON’T DO IT!
Talk about an historic location, your destination brings you to one of the original Seven Natural Wonders of the World! A place with, literally, one-of-a-kind scenery. You’ll be looking through some of the over 600 islands and 1,500-plus species of fish, but you better be careful with them all. You’ll be Underwater up the coast of Queensland, Australia and snorkeling in Australia's Great Barrier Reef! It will be a bit dangerous, being that it’s ’stralia, but we trust you not to do anything life threatening. So This Week… learn what Ozzie plants you are NOT ALLOWED TO TOUCH - specifically the “Gympie-Gympie”. Do NOT touch it! Seriously! This is No Joke! You WILL want to die!
The best part about your destination is you pretty well already know the local language and cuisine. Take your choices from historical landmarks and modern-day attractions, London, England is a world unto itself. Do things the easy way: join a tour that takes you to the Tate Modern art institution, Buckingham Palace, the Tower of London, Borough Market, and the British Museum. And once you’re done there, have a sit down classic afternoon tea. But plan on a weekend trip to share a Sunday roast at a local pub. So This Week… get used to the taste of Malt Vinegar because you WILL be shot on sight for trying to put ketchup on your Fish-n-Chips!
Not only are you headed to a beautiful city overlooking the Balearic Sea, but you’ll get an amazing theme song out of it. You’re headed out to Barcelona, Spain! Walk through Medieval architecture, take in the intricate Basílica de la Sagrada Família, and enjoy Antoni Gaudí's whimsical creations in Park Güell. Spend some time in the water at Barceloneta beach before checking out the restaurants and bars along Las Ramblas at all hours of the night… which will be perfect for your jet lagged brain. So This Week… find your old Spanish notes from High School and try to remember if you were taught Castilian Spanish or not. It WILL make a difference in how you’re treated.
Regardless if you say it cah-RIB-bee-ahn, or cah-rah-BEE-anne, you’re headed to the mountainside resorts of St. Lucia. Planning on swimming and relaxing in the ocean? Head to Reduit Beach or Anse Chastanet. Want a little more adventure? Try zip lining through the Chassin region’s rainforest. It’s the dry season now, so it’ll be a little more expensive, but considering what the weather and food will be like, it’ll be worth it. So This Week… stop being stingy and just buy a new bottle of sunscreen. That last one expired in the twenty-teens.
You want to claim you’re an “oenophile”, do you? Well we’re shipping you off to Santorini, Greece! It’s a top honeymoon destination with breathtaking sunsets, whitewashed villages and colorful beaches. History buffs could check out Ancient Thira, then get your wine-tasting in while visiting central Santorini's wine tours. The best part of this whole vacation is… alfresco dinner at Amoudi Bay. So This Week… make sure you have lots of memory storage for your camera and a proper power adapter so you don’t blow it up this time.
Have we got something special for you! Someone, and we’re not naming names, actually PAID for a Certain Somepony to get, and I QUOTE… “a naughty scope”. So Roxy? You’re getting sent to Negril, Jamaica to spend a week at Hedonism II! You’re booked in Mid-March for “Hedo Swing Breakers” with your choices of fun like: a Boozy Easter Egg Hunt, Truth or Dare Jenga, a Rave Igloo, Dinner on the Beach, or a Car Wash. That’s right! It’s a Clothing Optional all-adult resort hosting a huge lifestyle party for couples and throuples ages 19-45… OH, wait… You’ve already aged out of that bracket. Well, shoot. Uhm… You could just stay home and be nude all you want instead. It’s a lot cheaper too. Sorry. (That good enough, Kali? Oh, OOPS! Sorry!)
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know - or check out the Ko-Fi page ( https://ko-fi.com/icarusthelunarguard )! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Discord, and BLUESKY.
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hometable4 · 7 months
Culinary Delights: Exploring the Best Food Places in the Netherlands
The Netherlands, known for its picturesque landscapes and vibrant culture, also boasts a rich and diverse culinary scene that caters to a wide range of tastes and preferences. From traditional Dutch dishes to international flavors, the country offers a delightful array of dining options. In this article, we will take you on a culinary journey to discover some of the best food places in the Netherlands.
De Kas (Amsterdam): Nestled in a set of greenhouses dating back to the Amsterdam Municipal Nursery, De Kas offers a unique and unforgettable dining experience. The restaurant's farm-to-table concept ensures that the freshest seasonal ingredients are used in their dishes. With an ever-changing menu based on the harvest, De Kas combines culinary excellence with a charming setting.
Blauw (Utrecht): For lovers of Indonesian cuisine, Blauw in Utrecht is a must-visit. Renowned for its rijsttafel, a Dutch-Indonesian feast comprising a variety of small dishes, Blauw takes diners on a flavorful journey. The restaurant's modern and stylish decor adds to the overall dining experience.
Bazar (Rotterdam, Amsterdam, and Den Haag): Step into the vibrant world of Bazar, where Middle Eastern and North African flavors come alive. With locations in Rotterdam, Amsterdam, and Den Haag, Bazar's colorful and eclectic interiors match the bold and aromatic dishes on the menu. The diverse selection and generous portions make it a favorite among locals and tourists alike.
Gartine (Amsterdam): Tucked away in the heart of Amsterdam, Gartine is a quaint and charming eatery known for its emphasis on organic and locally sourced ingredients. The menu changes regularly to reflect the seasons, ensuring that patrons experience the freshest flavors. The intimate atmosphere and delicious offerings make Gartine a hidden gem for food enthusiasts.
The Pancake Bakery (Amsterdam): No visit to the Netherlands is complete without indulging in Dutch pancakes, and The Pancake Bakery in Amsterdam is a hotspot for pancake lovers. Whether you prefer sweet or savory, the extensive menu caters to all tastes. The cozy ambiance and canal-side location add to the appeal of this pancake haven.
Winkel 43 (Amsterdam): Famous for its traditional Dutch apple pie, Winkel 43 is a beloved spot in Amsterdam. Locals and tourists flock to this cozy cafe to savor a slice of their renowned pie, often paired with a dollop of whipped cream. The warm and welcoming atmosphere makes Winkel 43 a must-visit for those with a sweet tooth.
The Netherlands offers a diverse and exciting culinary landscape, with each region contributing its own unique flavors and traditions. Whether you're a fan of farm-to-table dining, exotic international cuisine, or classic Dutch treats, the country has something to satisfy every palate. So, embark on a gastronomic adventure and explore the best food places the Netherlands has to offer. Your taste buds will thank you!
For mroe info :-
Home Cooking
Fine Cooking
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What Makes Indian Cuisine in Amsterdam So Unique?
Amsterdam is a city renowned for its multiculturalism, with a flair for exploring the world's diverse cultures through its food. From Indonesian to Turkish to Moroccan, Amsterdam's food scene offers visitors a chance to taste authentic dishes from around the globe.
However, one cuisine that has always stood out is Indian. Known for its flavorful spices and diverse dishes, Indian cuisine in Amsterdam has evolved into a unique culinary adventure. In this blog, we'll explore what makes Indian cuisine in Amsterdam so special.
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A blend of Traditional and Modern Indian Cuisine
The fusion of traditional and modern elements in Indian food may make it unique to Amsterdam. Indian restaurants in Amsterdam skillfully combine traditional tastes, spices, and preparation methods with modern ones to produce a unique eating experience.
The chefs put their creativity and expertise into the blends, which are often impossible to find in India. As a result, Indian cuisine in Amsterdam has its own unique identity.
High-Quality Ingredients and Authentic Spices
The quality of the ingredients is quite important when it comes to Indian cuisine. The chefs in Amsterdam only use fresh vegetables and real Indian spices and herbs, to cook wonderful dishes.
The result? An unbeatable experience that is unmatched, real, and highly enjoyable. All these elements make Indian cuisine in Amsterdam a must-try for all food lovers.
Innovative Vegetarian Options
Another defining feature of Indian cuisine in Amsterdam is the innovation and creativity that goes into producing vegetarian options. The cuisine is known for its rich, flavorful vegetarian dishes that even dedicated meat-eaters would love.
From innovative takes on traditional dishes like samosas and paneer to the imaginative use of ingredients like jackfruit, Indian cuisine in Amsterdam shows how vegetarian food can be truly delicious.
Varied Regional Cuisine
Each area of India has its distinct mix of foods, spices, and tastes, making Indian cuisine as diverse as the nation itself. The chefs in Amsterdam do a fantastic job presenting this variety by providing a large selection of regional Indian meals.
For instance, you'll find signature South Indian dosa, Mughal delicacies from North India, or fish curries from the West Coast. The diversity in Indian cuisine means that there is something for everyone, no matter their palate.
Street Food
Indian street food is world-famous and can be found in every nook and cranny of Amsterdam. From the chaat to the famous Indian Kati Rolls, you can taste India on the streets of Amsterdam. The vibrant colors, flavors, and aroma of Indian street food make anyone's taste buds dance with joy.
Traditional Desserts
No Indian meal is complete without ending it with a delicious dessert. Indian desserts such as gulab jamun, ras malai, and kulfi are famous in Amsterdam Indian restaurants. These desserts are rich, decadent, and a perfect way to end a spicy Indian meal.
Fusion with Dutch Specialties
Lastly, Indian cuisine in Amsterdam has taken on another twist by fusing it with Dutch specialties. This creative merge has created dishes such as curried herring and roti-fries made with spiced mayonnaise. This unique twist to the cuisine highlights how Indian cuisine in Amsterdam combines essences from India and Amsterdam.
Indian cuisine in Amsterdam has developed a distinct identity based on the creativity of chefs, the use of high-quality ingredients, and the blend of traditional and modern techniques.
From innovative vegetarian options and diverse regional dishes to fusion with Dutch specialties, Indian cuisine in Amsterdam offers a delicious and memorable experience. Visiting Amsterdam would be incomplete without trying out these fantastic Indian dishes!
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rotikingnl · 9 months
Exploring the Richness of Surinamese Food in Hoofddorpplein
Situated in the heart of Amsterdam, the beautiful district of Hoofddorpplein invites the tourist from all over the globe with its various culinary offerings. One of the very popular cusine of this vibrant area is the presence of authentic Surinamese food in Hoofddorpplein that offers a rich taste of Suriname. Let’s get to know about some of the famous dishes of the place that one should not miss while out for a delicious Surinamese eating experience. 
1. Roti: A Flavorful Carribean Delight
When it comes to Surinamese cuisine, roti is undoubtedly the star of the show. This mouthwatering dish consists of soft, pillowy flatbread served alongside a hearty filling of curried vegetables, chicken, or lamb. The curry is a tantalizing blend of spices that infuse the dish with a burst of flavour. Locals and visitors alike flock to various places for Surinamese food in Hoofddorpplein to savuor the authentic taste of Surinamese roti.
2. Bami Goreng: Stir-Fried Perfection
Bami Goreng is a beloved noodle dish that has found a cherished spot in Surinamese culinary culture. Stir-fried to perfection, these noodles are combined with a medley of vegetables, your choice of protein, and a delectable mixture of sauces that create a harmonious symphony of tastes. Hoofddorpplein's Surinamese food scene serves up this dish with an unforgettable twist, making it a must-try for food enthusiasts.
3. Pom: A Unique Cassava Dish
For those seeking a unique and flavorful culinary experience of Surinamese food in Hoofddorpplein, Pom is the dish to savour. This dish showcases the fusion of African and Jewish culinary influences in Surinamese cuisine. Pom consists of grated cassava mixed with marinated chicken, spices, and citrus juices, all baked to perfection. The result is a tantalizing blend of textures and flavours that will leave you craving more.
4. Bara: A Tasty Street Food Staple
No exploration of Surinamese cuisine in Hoofddorpplein would be complete without trying Bara. These delectable deep-fried lentil patties are often served as a popular street food snack. Pair them with a variety of chutneys and sauces to experience a burst of flavours that perfectly encapsulate the Surinamese street food scene.
5. Saoto Soup: A Hearty Start or Comforting Meal
Saoto Soup is a hearty and comforting dish that captures the essence of Surinamese food in Hoofddorpplein. Combining influences from Indonesian and Javanese cooking, this aromatic soup features a fragrant broth, tender chicken, bean sprouts, and various accompaniments like boiled eggs, rice, and crispy toppings. It's the ultimate comfort food that warms both body and soul.
6. Nasi Goreng: A Classic Indonesian-Inspired Dish
Nasi Goreng, a dish with Indonesian origins, has been adopted and transformed into a Surinamese favourite. This fried rice dish is elevated with a mixture of vegetables, meats, and aromatic spices, resulting in a dish that's both satisfying and delightful. Hoofddorpplein's eateries offer their unique twist on this classic, making it a delightful culinary adventure.
Hoofddorpplein stands as a vibrant testament to Amsterdam's multicultural essence, and within its culinary tapestry, Surinamese food shines brightly. From the aromatic spices of Roti to the savoury goodness of Nasi Goreng, each dish tells a story of tradition, culture, and the interplay of flavours. So, whether you're a food aficionado or a curious traveler, make sure to explore Hoofddorpplein's Surinamese food scene to embark on a memorable journey through the heart and soul of Surinamese cuisine.
If your taste buds are craving for Surinamese food in Hoofddorpplein, look no further than Roti King at Hoofddorpplein. Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Surinamese cuisine and indulge in the mouthwatering delights that this cherished eatery has to offer.
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rabaabrestaurant · 9 months
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Rabaab is the Best indonesian restaurant amsterdam. This restaurant offers Indian food with dine-in, takeaway, and delivery facilities. They offer a variety of dishes, including rijsttafel, and are known for their tasty satay and rendang.
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indianthali · 1 year
Best restaurant in Amsterdam
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montyrao · 1 year
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