hermitscratch · 3 months
imp n skizz + 27... the besties. did you know skizz irl sometimes kisses impulse n the cheek. to annoy him
Send me a pairing + a number! || Accepting
27. A platonic kiss, Impulse/Skizz, 873 words
This may have been the greatest day of Impulse's life.
The exhilaration of starting anew had hit him full force. The space between seasons had been spent dreaming up builds of grandeur, and he was finally able to see what he was working with. Better still, he had a partner in crime to share his vision with. Providing Bdubs his first clock was a point of pride, and Bdubs had accepted it with promises of a great future ahead of them.
He'd made momentous progress. Maybe not on the scale of Doc and his villager operation, but the humble underground iron farm he and Tango constructed would serve them well. The land that would become a sprawling cyberpunk city was sectioned off. His strip mine was fruitful, piles of diamonds to be fashioned into armor and equipment as needed. Everything was coming up Impulse.
When the day was over, the rest was well-earned. The Mountaineers, as Scar had named them, reconvened to share dinner around the fire. He took the chance to wash up in the river- a water well would be a tomorrow project, once he had a place to lay his head that was more permanent than the blocked off mouth of his cave- and laid down for a good night's sleep.
...Any minute then.
Impulse rolled onto his back and sighed. It didn't feel right, and Impulse knew what was missing.
This may have been the greatest day of Impulse's life, because Skizz was there.
Skizz was there, and so much as thinking his name made the thread connecting them hum. Before Skizz was a hermit, when Impulse had been summoned and made the decision to stay, it was easy to ignore. The proximity now, though, made it impossible. His very soul knew its other half was near, and Impulse longed.
Skizz hadn't wanted to be coddled. He was determined to stand on his own two feet in this server of building gods and redstone masters. It was with full support that Impulse had agreed to let Skizz forge his own way, neighbors instead of roommates.
...But surely Skizz wouldn't mind a late-night visit, right?
Impulse relit the torches by his bedside. He didn't change, just throwing on his shoes. On his way to the door, he wondered if it would be worth taking his wings out. It would make the trip incredibly short, at the cost of nearly guaranteeing he'd spend all night at Skizz's. He wouldn't mind, but if Skizz did...
"Aaah!" A yell made Impulse jump as he opened the door, snapping him out of his thoughts. An equally startled Skizz stood in the doorway, a hand on his chest as he settled down. "You scared the dookie right outta me, dude," He said, heaving a breath, "Don't you know it's like, dumb o'clock in the morning? Nice jammies though," Skizz snickered.
Impulse snorted. Skizz was wearing a matching set. "These old things? Aw, they're nothin'," Skizz barks a laugh, and Impulse chuckles with him, a line of tension leaving his shoulders, "I know it's dumb o'clock in the morning, what're you doing at my front door?"
"Well I- y'know, I was in the neighborhood," Skizz started, wings held around his shoulders like a mantle, "And I'm thinkin' to myself, I think, y'know... I'm really feelin' it! And if I'm feelin' it, my best buddy over here, Mr. Impy Dimpy Dippledop, well, he's gotta be feelin' it too, right? Am I right? I bet I'm right," Skizz poked at Impulse's cheek.
Impulse huffed fondly, lightly smacking Skizz's hand away. Nobody could manage to be longwinded and straightforward like Skizz could. "I might've been on my way to yours for the same reason," Impulse admitted.
"Good thing I beat you then," Skizz cackled, "I don't have a bed yet!"
"Skizz!" Impulse laughed, "That's the first thing you do!"
"I was excited, okay? Some stuff fell through the cracks!" It only made Skizz laugh harder, "Are you gonna invite me in or not!"
"Okay, okay," Impulse placated once their laughter calmed into the occasional giggle. He stepped away from the doorway and gestured Skizz to follow him inside, "Come on in, make yourself at home. Don't forget to shut the door behind you."
Impulse heard the door close. The place was basic, really, meant for function over form. A double-wide bed, some chests for storage, and the simple wall that separated the space from the outside. There was a joke on the tip of Impulse's tongue, something about excusing a mess that wasn't there, but it's forgotten the moment he feels arms around him.
Arms, and then wings, warm and white and all-encompassing like a blanket settled around his very soul. If Impulse looked behind himself, he was sure Skizz's halo would be showing. In turn, Impulse's horns grew. Dark scales climbed up his arms where he held Skizz's arms across his chest, and his tail found purchase around Skizz's leg.
Skizz squeezed him in a hug, lowering his head to leave a kiss in Impulse's hair before burying his face in it with a content sigh that made Impulse want to melt into bed and never get up again.
"Yeah," Skizz mumbled, soft and tired, "This is home."
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Invisible Disability/Flare Up
Word Count: 175
“Bad pain day?” Skizz asks quietly.
Impulse sits on the couch, rubbing his knee slightly as he flicks his tail. He sighs before nodding. “Yeah.”
“And you mock me for being old?” The angel jokes.
“It's not my fault my knee doesn't work!” The demon spits back, though there's a slight smile behind it.
Skizz giggles before sitting next to Impulse, helping him lift the sore leg onto the couch as he groans.
“At least it isn't dislocated?” Skizz tries to reassure.
(It happened once before, a joint popping out of place in Impulse's foot and hurting so bad that he had considered leaving the server he was on to visit an actual hospital.)
Impulse only leans back, his tail flicking in annoyance.
“You had plans today, didn't you?”
“Yep.” Impulse sighs. “I was going to Hermitcraft today but I can't even fly if I risk tripping when I land.”
“I feel ya, homie buddy.” Skizz reassures quietly before sitting up. “Want me to get the heat pack? Maybe some pain meds?”
“That'd be nice.”
Our ko-fi
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fruitwanderer · 10 days
Thinking abt how freckles are like angel kisses and how cute that was growing up
Anyways Impulse should have just a shit ton of freckles all over him, as a treat <3
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Also a bit late for day two but we preserve. Written for @skizzlemanweek !!!! (Was this just an excuse to write wingfic/hornfic? Possibly <3 yes I know horns and antlers are different don't come for me deerblr)
Day Two: Hybrid/AU
Skizz sighed as he reached around his back, wings ruffling uncomfortably as he tried to scratch between them. He clicked his tongue in annoyance, perking up only moments later at the sound of Impulse entering the house.
"Dipple Dop!" He said, watching Impulse flinch before rubbing his neck with a sheepish grin. "Sorry, forgot you spook easier about this time." He apologized.
Impulse breathed deeply before smiling back softly. "It's okay." He reassured. "What's up, buddy?" He wondered, setting down his keys before walking closer, tail swaying idly.
"My stupid wings are itchy again." Skizz complained, and Impulse chuckled as he glanced them over with a raised brow and amused smile. "Didn't I preen them for you last week?"
"Yeah, but I use 'em a lot! They get messy." He defended with pink cheeks.
Impulse giggled and sat down on the other side of the couch, already turning to face Skizz's back. "I'm just kidding, you know I don't mind helping you out." He said, already getting to work brushing his hands gently against the other man's back.
Skizz did know, very much so in fact. Impulse always insisted on complimenting his wings while helping Skizz out, something that made Skizz impossibly happy and embarrassed every time.
Impulse wordlessly started, fingers gently brushing against Skizz's wings and occasionally plucking out stray or unruly feathers to set on the coffee table closeby. Skizz sighed in relief as the itchy sensation slowly left him, relaxing into Impulse's touch as the other man chuckled.
"Don't move too much, silly." He reminded, and Skizz smiled even though Impulse wouldn't see. He listened, though, doing his best to stay still despite how nice it felt to have his wings fussed over and cleaned like that.
Skizz sighed once Impulse had finished, stretching his wings a few times to check that they didn't feel odd anymore before tucking them against his back to slump back against the other man's chest. "Thank you." He groaned in relief.
Impulse just chuckled and ruffled his hair. "No problem."
Skizz glanced up at him, looking at Impulse upside down as his gaze drifted towards the small stubs of slowly reforming antlers. "How are those, by the way?" He wondered.
Impulse shrugged and rubbed his neck. He wasn't the type to ask for help but Skizz knew he didn't always take the best care of his horns during the regrowth period like demons were meant to do.
Oh well, if Skizz could be a bad angel by neglecting his wings, it was fine for Impulse to neglect his antlers a bit, too. Right?
"Let me at least look at them?" He suggested, and Impulse tensed before slowly reaching up to the bandages around his head while Skizz sat up to face him.
Skizz held onto Impulse's face, bringing it closer as he examined the flat stubs that would soon grow into his usual curved, singular point antlers.
"They look okay. Are you being careful with them?" Skizz wondered, raising a brow when Impulse stayed silent.
Impulse sighed. "I may have gotten into a scuffle with Tango today. We were just messing around!" He admitted.
Skizz pinched his cheek. "One of these days your horns are gonna fall off before they can even regrow properly and you'll have to restart the process all over again." He warned, and Impulse whined before pulling himself out of Skizz's reach.
"I know." He sighed, standing as he gathered up the feathers to toss them away. He paused on his way out the room and glanced back at the other man on the couch. "Thanks, Skizz." He said quietly.
Skizz grinned. "No problem, Dop." He said back with a nod, lying down with a sigh once Impulse left the room with his wings finally comfortable.
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hermitshippingbigbang · 5 months
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out of the light and into your arms
by WritersInStarlight
Full piece by @\simple-seranade here!
Relationship: impulseSV/Skizzleman
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Word count: 15.5k
The JTS crew are renowned ghost hunters—not quite human themselves, they’ve got a knack for dealing with the paranormal. However, one particular mission is still able to baffle even them. With bare-bones information, they enter an eerie house where they encounter a unique and dangerous ghost, one with a stronger connection to the living world. Joker and Tango have doubts about the mission, especially when Skizz, despite being injured, tries to convince them to help the ghost. But Skizz's mind is set, and nothing will stop him from finding a way to save the ghost he's charmed by.
Read out of the light and into your arms on AO3!
Check out the amazing artist for this team:
Sera (@simple-seranade)
A special thanks goes out to the brilliant beta reader of this fic:
Otter (@mysticotta)
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corviddrawsstuff · 10 months
ME WHEN IMP + SKIZZ ‼️💓✨💖💞💫‼️‼️🔈📣💓💞‼️✨💫💖💖 ME WHEN XBRALIS 💖💞‼️🔈📣💫🔈💓‼️💖💓💞 ME WHEN CLETHUBS ‼️💓🔈📣🔈✨💖‼️🔈📣💓💞💫🔈📣💖
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stitchthesewords · 1 year
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I don't know either of them so I was waiting for someone to persuade me. I'll take this opportunity,,, Skizzpulse if you don't mind we're dying out here in this desert /hj /lh
We do in fact be dying out here in this desert o7 Luckily, I'm dying while watching Skyblock 2.0 [I AM NOT CAUGHT UP SO. ITS NOT. ABOUT THE ENDING. ITS JUST CUTE WHATS BELOW THE CUT I SWEAR.]
"We should push our beds together!" Skizz said, hands on his hips as he looked over the storage living area. Impulse looked up from the chest he was rifling through and scoffed light-heartedly.
"Not happy enough with seeing my face every time we wake up?" he asked, and then looked to the little floating camera by his head. "Are you hearing this chat?"
Skizz made a noise and rubbed his face. "Dippledop!" he whinede, sticking his tongue out at Impulse. Impulse laughed. "I just think, you know, it gets really cold at night and it would get less cold if our beds were, you know, together! Sharing warmth and all that."
"Oh I see. You don't actually care about cuddling or any of that other nonsense, you just want to leech body heat off me," he said, shutting the chest and standing up, having clearly not found what he was looking for.
Skizz nodded his head with a smug look on his face. "Exactly! You don't even need all that heat, dude, you're like. Made of lava."
Impulse laughed at that and patted Skizz's cheek as he walked past. "Uh huh. And are you going to tell me you're made of ice?"
"Yep!" Skizz picked through his inventory and then looked to the bed. "Anyway, I think we should do it."
He turned to look and see what Impulse thought about it and was surprised by the other man waiting for him so he could quickly kiss him. "I don't feel like resetting my spawn point." Impulse had a wide grin on his face as a whined 'Dippledooop' rung out in the empty air of their skyblock world.
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no-need-to-be-alone · 2 months
Obsessed with this body language
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Skizz is serving "romantic lead in a musical" and Impulse is giving "love interest who knows metaphysically they're in a musical and they hate it"
Clip belongs to pwiffi on Twitter
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hmshermitcraft · 5 months
Some more stuff with that impskizz and impixl teacher AU this time with Some Kind Of Dungeoncrawl Fantasy Heist Game Akin To DnD! (but probably not with the same name)
some time after impulse and pixlriffs sort out the Misunderstanding, another teacher - Tango, who teaches Mob Spawning Manipulation and Usage - starts up a tabletop campaign and impulse, skizz, and pixlriffs are some of the people invited!
it's set largely in the Frozen Citadel and the cursed and plagued mines underneath
naturally, there are shenanigans.
impulse and skizz play their characters as obnoxiously in love. jimmy the PE teacher has ridiculous strings of bad luck but also has caught the eye of the DM. pixlriffs' rogue character is decided to have a minor psychic power of knowing when something is older or more valuable than it seems because he SOMEHOW keeps getting really high rolls on SPECIFICALLY APPRAISAL they have CHECKED this even happens when someone else is rolling different dice for him??
ren's fighter, who took a level in ice-based magic as well and flavoured it as getting lightly possessed by the Red King of the Citadel, flirts with EVERYBODY. cleo the geology teacher accidentally started a whole plotline involving lost knowledge of how to pull stuff from the resource-rich elemental plane of earth and an incredibly valuable hidden book on magically enhancing stone because she had a few questions about things like "what kind of stone is the place made of" and "what's being mined?" because she wanted to steal bits of dungeon.
tango has guest players every so often, like Doc the medical engineering professor who shows up shirtless to play a villain and flirts with Ren (and possibly actually scored) and has his character walk onto an obvious trapdoor despite Tango's warnings and then is genuinely surprised when it opens and drops his character into a wet pit, and Grian and Scar the architecture and magic students who somehow manage to scam the players into purchasing 'game performance enhancing soup'. not the characters, the PLAYERS (its just regular creamy mushroom soup with vegetables, though at least everyone agrees it does taste nice).
theyre all having a GREAT time (and subtly trying to help tango and jimmy get together)
If Tango weren't DM, they're pretty convinced Jimmy and Tango's characters would be dating. Not Tango and Jimmy, no. Their characters. Because the two are hilariously oblivious.
Cleo likes enabling the chaos. Not in a productive way, no. Just whatever chaos she can create, she does. Spawning an entirely new plotline was fun, though! (It has led to a lot of late nights of Tango asking Pix various questions which definitely are not about the campaign, no way, but please tell him about what purpose this room would have in a keep-)
It's also obligatory to bring soup now. That's Grian and Scar's punishment for their performance enhancing drugs. If they all have it then it makes the playing field even, right?
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ethoslove · 11 days
one of the reasons etho started making youtube videos was to practice speaking... he's so autismcore
the imp and skizz podcast ft etho or impskizz trying to rationalize etho's autism
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mcytrecursive · 4 months
Nomination Overview - Post-Apocalyptic AU
A niche tag, so you'd think? Well not THAT niche, not in this fandom. 7 post-apocalyptic works so far, including our longest work nominated to date, (over half a million words), and several art AUs!
Title: this is about a stuffed bird Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36163102/chapters/90146260 Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Author: Bee_4 Relationships: Mumbo Jumbo & Evil Xisuma Characters: Mumbo Jumbo, Evil Xisuma Length of the work: 78,043 words Genre: Action/Adventure, AU, Character Study, Friendship, Horror, Post-Apocalyptic AU, Type: Fic Summary: In which Mumbo crosses several towns, learns some creative methods of self-defense, fights some monsters, sees things no human is meant to have seen, befriends a stranger, steals multiple cars, has inconvenient moral scruples, grows increasingly terrified of his own culpability in the apocalypse, grows a spine, blows up at least one building, accidentally prevents a murder, and attempts to find his best friend in the futile but ever-burning hope the man’s still alive. He has to say, he’s so exhausted and terrified that he thinks he might just be mad? (OR: the one where, after most of humanity turns into a series of terrifying monsters, Mumbo decides he’s going to risk his life on an apocalypse road trip to try to find out if Grian is alive. Things, as you might imagine, devolve from there.)
Title: greener grasses Rating: E-rated Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31163336/chapters/79676620 Fandom: Dream SMP Author: Apocynaceae Relationships: Quackity/Schlatt, Quackity&Karl, Quackity/Eret Characters: Quackity, Schlatt, Karl Jacobs, BadBoyHalo, Awesamdude, Ponk, Tommyinnit Length of the work: 569,475 words Genre: AU, Crossover, Drama, Horror, Modern AU, Post-Apocalyptic AU, Slow Burn, Time Travel, College AU Type: Fic Summary: Twenty-two years after the Survival Multiplayer event, Quackity has dreams of attending a law program in a walled city out West. Desperate to pay for expenses during his next semester at ManbergU, he accepts a TA position with his former professor. It's Quackity's last chance to get out of Manberg. It's his worst mistake. Features ghosts, time travel, possession, alternate universes, nonconsensual drug use, academic misconduct like you would not believe, an apocalypse, and midterm drama. 
Title: Space Mining AU Link: here and here Fandom: 3rd Life SMP Author: wszczebrzyszynie Relationships: Team Ranchers, Cledubs, Ethubs, Scarian, Treebark, Convex brothers, ImpSkizz, Flower Husbands. Zedaph, Doc, Pearl and Gem are also characters. Everything mentioned as platonic, except romantic Jizzie. Characters: Tango and Jimmy Genre: Action/Adventure, AU, Drama, Post-Apocalyptic AU, Space AU Type: Art Summary: Space Mining AU. Tango was an engineer, became a wanted terrorist after he blew up Callisto, a moon where he was doing illegal skulk mining. He blew it up alongside other miners after finding out that skulk is alive, parasitic and infecting people, but he ended up being the sole survivor of the explosion, and the skulk wasn't completely sealed off. He ends up living with Desert Duo for a while (a pair of also dangerous criminals), and that's where he meets Jimmy. It kind of all goes downhill from there.
Title: the last days of the free angel of carrows  Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41524917 Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Author: Bee_4 Relationships: Mainly Joe & Cleo & Pearl Characters: Joe, Cleo and Pearl Length of the work: 79,327 words Genre: Action/Adventure, AU, Casefic, Fantasy AU, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Apocalyptic AU, Angels & Demons AU Type: Fic Summary: The Atsign Agency: run by Joe Hills and the zombie Cleo, they're here to solve all of your supernatural problems, hauntings, magical accidents, and also just about any contracting work or errands you need if you're willing to have it done cheaply by two unqualified odd jobbers struggling to make rent. After over a decade together in the city of Carrows, the two of them frequently see things and deal with things that are probably a bit too ridiculous to name, and have the experience to handle it, if not particularly frequently the money. When the mysterious (and clearly very rich) Pearl Moon walks into their agency, offering them a massive payment for a simple job, what are they to do but accept? Yeah, they may be about to regret that one. This job is going to be anything but simple, and the entire City of Angels may be at stake. Careful, Atsign Agency: the past is watching.
Title: future site of something Better [a fabulous killjoys au] (Restricted) Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48146797/chapters/121412023 Fandom: Dream SMP Author: hallmarked_error Relationships: Jack Manifold & TommyInnit, Ranboo & TommyInnit, Tubbo & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & Phil Watson, Jschlatt & Wilbur Soot Characters: Tommyinnit, Technoblade, Philza, Wilbur Soot, Jack Manifold, Ranboo, Tubbo Length of the work: 54,020 words Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, AU, Found Family, Post-Apocalyptic AU Type: Fic Summary: a fabulous killjoys au featuring the cast of the dsmp (plus a few others thrown in for good measure), inspired by the concept album by mcr and the comics by gerard way.
Title: Last of Us + Tntduo Link: here Fandom: Dream SMP Author: ashthefrogprin Relationships: Quackity/Wilbur Characters: Quackity, Wilbur Genre: Action/Adventure, Angst, AU, Horror, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Apocalyptic AU, Romance, Slow Burn Type: Art Summary: A series of images depicting quackbur in a The Last of Us AU, followed by a brief summary of a few scenes the artist was imagining. Wilbur has a shotgun; Quackity has an axe. They're both traveling across the country together trying to find a safe harbor with other survivors-- and, as it turns out, being in close quarters with someone during life-threatening situations means the two of you tend to bond. Odd thing, that.
Title: Just the Two of Us  Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45549838/chapters/114615043 Fandom: Dream SMP Author: eepyvoid Relationships: Philza & Tommyinnit Characters: Philza & TommyInnit  Length of the work: 6,675 words Genre: Angst, Dark Fic, Found Family, Post-Apocalyptic AU Type: Fic Summary: As the world descended into zombie apocalypse driven madness, the number of living people was cut in third - two of those people being Philza Minecraft, an infamous criminal who was wanted by everyone for all the wrong reasons, and a small former 'lab rat' kid, TommyInnit, a small and scared child being free for the first time. The two meet, and team up, both not sure how mere friendship looks like. Or, Two traumatized blondes bonding over their shared lack of other people to trust in their life, under the looming threat of the zombie apocalypse.
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fruitwanderer · 8 months
Writing Masterpost: Favs
Sideblog: @sammy-writes-sometimes
Ao3: fruitwanderer
Writing Tag: #our writing
This post will (hopefully) be updated as time goes on.
dividers by @/cafekitsune
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Character Analysis/Essays
Bdubs' loyalty saga (and why he isn't a cheater): First, Second, Third Bdubs and Guilt
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Birch Trees with Deer Legs: Gem finds out there's another dryad on Hermitcraft and ends up bonding with Bdubs. Love Like Clockwork: Impulse makes Bdubs a clock, but it's Hermitcraft so it's actually cute and pretty. [Impdubs] Slowly Dying Flames: Post-Ranch Burning, Jimmy looks after and tries to calm down Tango. Is That Even Edible?: Bdubs tries to makes breakfast, massively fails, and ends up venting to Tango while they make pancakes. [Tangdubs]
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Bloom: The Tree of Whimsy taunts Bdubs. [HC9] Favorite Build: Mumbo's Season 7 base, otherwise known as the eldritch beast with a bleeding, golden heart [HC7] Reign: Post-Dethroning King Ren, Cleo comes to make sure he isn't dead and comforts him. [HC9] Summoning: Impulse's summoning to Hermitcraft don't go as planned and Tango panics [HC3?]
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The Life Series and Watchers [Life Series] Skizz and Cleo morning fluff [Vaguely Life Series, Skleo] Cleo realizes she loves Bdubs and only mildly panics over it. [3rd Life, Cledubs] Bdubs should not be trusted with his ability to draw [DL, Impdubs] Impulse has no fucking nipples... or t4t Impdubs bonding over top surgery scars [DL, Impdubs] Bdubs feels heartbroken and betrayed [LimLife] Bdubs is short and Tango is a menace [HC9, Tangdubs] Hooker Crocs... or Doc torments Ren [HC8] Imp & Skizz shedding fic [HC, Impskizz (background Tangdubs)] Lizzie and Ren talk about Last Life [ESMP x HC] Tangdubs morning cuddles (also Impulse is there for a line) [HC9, Tangdubs] Valentine's Day or Impulse gets harassed by Gem and Pearl while getting ready for a date [HC9, mentioned Impdubs]
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solidaritytek · 1 year
impskizz for the ship ask game?
Ship It
What made you ship it?
I ship them as besties if that counts! I know they're besties IRL, but it comes through so clearly whenever they play games together. They're each others closet person and I love that so much for them.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
How much they trust each other! It doesn't matter what it is, they trust the other whole heartedly.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I guess that I just don't see them as romantic in the slightest lmao
More power to you if you do see them that way, but they are 100% platonic to me and I will die on that hill.
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rma1031 · 1 year
why am i getting fic ideas past 3am
Okay so. I have more Filipino songs in mind to use as fic ideas. One's sad, melancholic and introspective, the other is a bit more heartwarming and more hopeful. They both involve one's profession of love for another.
These two songs are "214" and "241 (My Favorite Song)", both done and sung by Filipino band Rivermaya.
"214" is the heartwarming and hopeful one regarding one's profession of love for another and how they wish to have them as their partner. Maybe ideas of forbidden love or the other’s dissatisfaction with their current love can work with this. All in all it's about showing just how much you love and care for a person that you will never leave their side forevermore.
Then "241 (My Favorite Song)" is sadder and can get introspective. It involves the profession of one's love for another who already has someone else. This person has had fantasies and dreams of being with them but the truth is that they already have someone to love. The person just wishes to be with them but knows that they can't. Regret, a bit of hopelessness, and a lost chance at the one you love reigns supreme for this song.
As for what pairing or ship to involve with this, I don't know yet. They will stay as fic ideas but being an Impulse-leaning kinda guy as well as a multishipper, I'm thinking of Impdubs, Ethopulse (is that even their actual ship name), Tangpulse, Impskizz/Skizzpulse or anything more. Even Ethubs/Ethdubs or Scarian can work for this! I just don't know what to pursue hahahaha.
Here's the songs if you wish to listen to them! (Can't find the youtube links)
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no-need-to-be-alone · 1 month
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At-home programmer and coder Scott "Impulse" De Vries accidentally gets kicked out of an undercover Intelligence Agency server while doing some hacking for fun. He ends up in his worst nightmare: being perceived.
Agent Trainer and repeat failed pet foster, Senior Agent Sierra Kilo (aka Skizz to everyone, including his bosses) keeps getting weird vibes from the recent contract coder. He's clearly way too skittish to be made for serious work, but keeps talking to people high up on the chain and two of his favourite agents. He's definitely not here just to revamp the UI.
It's a story about parallel but opposite lives and gaining trust and learning that you don't need to change to love and be loved. More importantly it's about Skizz picking up Impulse and Impulse not knowing what to do about it.
Brainrot truly is something. art credit goes to @fence-time who is my creative partner for this
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hmshermitcraft · 7 months
spook theme: impskizz ghosthunters with adopted kids scar, gem, and grian! but like. more towards the minecraft side than the phasmo side (totems and potions, having to take into account the species of ghost, respawn being a thing when the ghost hasn't broken it, etc). its a weird little family business but theyre making it work.
It's a bit unconventional. Of course, from the start they aren't actually adopted, nor are they kids, but the three might as well be. Impulse and Skizz feel like the proud dads of them, and they would sign their parental permission slips.
The other thing which is... Unconventional to say the least is that they're pretty sure none of the three are human. Or human anymore, in the case of Grian who is a ghost himself. They picked up the object he's bound to on a job and haven't got rid of him since (nor would they want to.)
Scar will tell anyone who asks - and those who don't - that he's a Fae. For better or worse. Gem appears the most normal, until you notice her eyes reflect light.
None of that matters, though. Impulse and Skizz love each one of them, and they make one hell of a team! It's a big weight off their shoulders now they aren't the only ones looking out for each other.
Though, that weight is maybe replaced by worrying about their three very rambunctious children, but they wouldn't have it any other way.
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