ssaalexblake · 1 month
13 is an utter awful rat to Graham in It Takes You Away, she treats him horrifically as she loses her patience and therefore temper with him and never bothers to apologise for it, but nobody notices because she didn't raise her voice and it wasn't in a situation where she'd be expected to mother him, so it sailed over peoples heads. She lost her temper and she got Mean. She didn't get shouty, she got mean. She's not a yeller when she lets her anger loose, she's sharp and cruel and so very deliberate. And that doesn't track with peoples stereotypes of women, does it? Women are shouty and Shrill when they're angry, apparently.
She does it to the master in the timeless children, she's sharp and mean and cruel and never once raises her voice when she does it (she actually lowers her voice when she's being really mean btw). This did Not happen when you're thinking it did. Not in the matrix room. She had no idea she was scoring a hit against him there because she didn't understand what he was thinking (because he'd deliberately mislead her). It was in another part of the episode. She scores a hit and almost makes him cry and nobody cares or notices because it's not in a situation where she's supposed to be mothering him while he's all sad. He was being a jerk, she hit out deliberately below the belt and won that round, the end.
It's no that I think 13 isn't at times objectively shitty as a person, because she IS, she certainly was to Graham in the moment above. It's just that instead of looking at the Actual moments on screen when she sucks and dragging her for being shitty person, people have to resort to making up things to accuse her of that are Very gendered (as in, things women are going to get slammed for in society based upon sexist ideology) that never even happen, simply because they didn't pay enough attention to notice her being a crappy Person to drag her for that/they don't actually care if she's in general a lousy person at all.
Because they don't Want her to be a crappy person, that doesn't achieve anything.
They want her to be a crappy Woman.
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flamboyant-king · 1 year
I know im the funny haha comic person but i really do want to sell merch at conventions or online too ya know. Think that would be easier than doing commissions once a year pshh
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maxwell-grant · 8 months
whats the deal with Doc Savage?
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"He's a doctor, okay, but what's so savage about him? That he goes in public without a shirt? Y'know, he's got a caveman in his group and everything, and that guy is a chemist who runs around doing monkey flips and beating bad guys with his bare hands. Why don't they call him Doc Savage? He’s doing more to deserve the name.”
“Everytime it’s something weird and horrifying happening that only he is able to solve. And it's always some guy running a con at the end. Everytime Savage rolls into town, it's like opposite world when it's the doctor who has to save people from being scammed, instead of the other way around.
"I'm just saying, nobody's that perfect. He goes around with guns shooting people with what he calls "mercy bullets" that only put bad guys to sleep. Yeah, they go to sleep allright, and if that fails, I'm sure the compassion grenades do the trick.
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"You're saying they rejected your application for the Fabulous Five? That's nuts." "Blew me out the front door, I tell you! Total insanity. Newman was there, he saw the whole thing." "No, what's insane is that you thought you had a shot in the first place. Nobody "joins" the Fabulous Five, it's like the most elite group in the country. What did you think you were adding there?" "Jerry, how hard can it be to play sidekick to that guy? He does everything they do better, I'd just have to sit around playing cheerleader and wait for him to save the day, I already do the first part all day around you. It's the perfect job! What, you think you're too good for it?" "No, but I have a little something called self-esteem. It's the Fabulous Five, George, not the Fabulous Plus Extra. They already made room for that girl cousin of his, they're not making extra for you." "Maybe, shmaybe. Unless I got that Tom guy fired. I mean, he looks like he's on his way out the door as is. "Electrical wizard", pssht, I could do that." "Sure you could. I mean hey, why don't you ask Elaine to set up you two? She got to meet Doc himself last weekend." "No way." "I'm serious! Apparently Doc saved Peterman's life during a mission in Burma and they'd kept in touch since then, and she got some kind of date with him out of it."
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"He was a no show?" "Oh, he is all show allright." "So you two -" "No! I mean, I got to see him in action a couple of times and, yeah, I tried. But every date with him was a wash, he always needs to cut things off halfway to go fight some supervillain, and then he never calls back. He barely even looks at me when we're IN the date." "Well he's Doc Savage. He's like Superman, y'know, he's got places to be and people to save. "Yeah, and who's gonna save me? I swear Jerry, it's like he's never even seen a woman before. Him and those five morons around him, bunch of misogynists. Whatever, he's hot, but I'm over him. Miss Savage no more." "I'll bet. Hey, what's this?" "Oh it's from the fitness spa I'd been going near work. There's this girl I'd been talking to lately ever since Peterman assigned me the Hidalgo Trading Company catalogue, she's been giving me the skinny on Doc and his frat boy clubhouse "Oh?" "Yeah she's big, like, really big, really smart too. She's got a yacht, even. Apparently she does a lot of traveling. Anyway, she's this fitness freak with a great tan and bronze hair and, big muscles, and she's got these beautiful gold eyes and-" "And you're saying all that because you think I'd be into her?" "Huh? You? Oh, pfft, no, she's way too much for you." "I'll bet. And, uh, what's her name again?" "Oh everyone at the club just calls her Pat. Mystery lady. I'm meeting her down at her yacht next week." "Yeah. Miss Savage no more, huh."
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(SLAM) (audience cheers)
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"Hey, how did things go at the Crime College?" "Oh it-it-it was a NIGHTMARE! It-itya it's like waterboarding at Guantanamo Bay, Jerry! Way less fun than it sounds!! I'd heard the name on the street and signed up to learn how to fight crime, nobody told me what it was actually about! "What happened?" "Well, at first it was kinda nice, actually. You sign up at the Hidalgo Trading Company lobby, and they ask you to submit your criminal record. I figured, hey, safest place to leave it, right? You meet some of his assistants and everything, and when they hooked the eletrodes to my brain I thought hey, *click* free brain massage along with crimefighting lessons for free!" "Wait Kramer back up, electrodes?"
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"Allright so if I get this straight: You signed up for a program Doc Savage's running that nobody knows about called the Crime College, thinking it was gonna teach how to fight crime. You get in there and it's some kind of nuthouse where Doc Savage tries to pry open your brain with a drill." "A-yup." "And he's lobotomozing criminals all over town because he's running a program where he, what, carves their brain to make them stop being evil and gives them new identities outside of town." "Ye-yup." "And they never remember who they used to be? They never come back, not ever, they just become model citizens as far away from here as possible? Are you 100% sure it actually works?" "So they said, yeah." "...Hey pass me the phone for a minute, will ya-"
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"Hey Newman, I heard from Elaine that the Hidalgo Trading Company is hiring now."
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rennyji · 29 days
is this the end...hold your breath and count to 10...
Some random whispering/low tone conversations between 10:29 AM - 10:33 AM in kitchen between mom and dad. In 18 yr delusional situation snowballing, it’s hard not to wonder if it’s about you. Both of the them & false gods they worship deserve slap their parents should’ve given.
I am an Indian Hindu. I “want” my marriage 2B arranged 2DecentGirls like princesses from good family’s. After this, I’d never touch 1 of your blacks, whites, browns, or yellows. stick2urOwn, u devils. I am the embodiment of BJP itya hasa & Congress’s acceptanceOfAll. Jai Mahadev.
- enjoy jerking off 2 me & my ummm gentle gentle gentle touch…have some pride & look to ur own rather than stealing the embodiment of Indian culture so that u can prostitute him 4 fake USA Christian values in a land of agnostics & atheists and those using f*word w/their Christ.
Conversation between mom and me, while in my bedroom, somewhere between 12:55 PM and 1:01 PM. A conversation lacking in foundation, where - I hate to use this word-premise or basis, for the discussion makes no sense. Phones on us, eyes/ears on us.
Look at this from my Apple Card transactions. Nothing extravagant. Worst of it “looks like” repeat Amazon charges. But 3rd pictures shows Amazon purchases which could be bathroom essentials or groceries-Instacart is groceries from ShopRite/Costco w/up to $7 tip. Like $650 total.
So a doctors office just acted rather rigidly/stubbornly w/me. They’d prefer no weight loss assistance w/o assessing risk/harm, than straying from an injectable that causes reduction of gastric motility or amidst absence of injectable.-
- Point is, while I’m addressing ins/outs w/terms, I’m depicted as know it all looking 2 go on pills…paradox in it?! I hope u get…how much longer do I have to bow my head 2 these interactions I’m averse to.-
- Part of it has 2 do w/every1 thinking I’m their friend and they know everything to me. Not ur lovable brother/friend. I don’t know you. Probably wouldn’t. All effects of libel and slander amidst idiots thinking it’s the effect of churning sh*t from a head-world’s biggest fools.
-Paradoxes?-Im writing on social media AsWarning-theySedateMe fearingAggression, but b/c orchestrators/whoreKids=sex obsessed&continue making things cute/cuddly amidstPropaganda ImStern, druggedOrNot, urCreatingSituation w/potential4violence irrespective of tranquilized muscles.-
-nonsense said: guilt him 2 this/that, pressure him 2 this/that, blackmail him in2 this/that-overall?take advantage while we sedate him & paint him according 2 our will. I’m my parents, my family, my country. Sh*t on my life in USA all U want, don’t come2me w/expectations after.
Ur f*g old men in police/army/schools like 2 use their Being John Malkovich, get in head powers, 2 fondle my balls, whore females from school make fun of my Indian background & want me 2 set them up w/myself or other Indian men,-
- all while ur elite condition me in2 blondes over my own. In my life, for the brain mappers, I have never once fantasized myself with an American, blonde or whatever. I think that can be verified with their tech, or injectable truth serum, lie detectors.-
- Why ur people, whites/blacks, have such a hard time, w/my Indian family/me just going 2 work, & back 2 each other & our food/our tv everyday…Is it our responsibility 2 forgo wat we want 2 give a leg up 2 an American randomly hoping 2 marry rich in situation unacknowledged2me?-
- Y are ur people so h*ll bent on praising me in random, even sexual ways when 18 years of our lives have been stolen from my family/me? When ur people treat us as something 2 use & abuse at end of this, wat is it with u not letting us just crawl back in2 the holes of our homes?
If ur seeing me write tweet from my iPhones twitter app, w/front camera facing, my face, b4/after mean nothing, esp. when something can twitch muscles2disguise asSpeakingOutOfAnger, 2fuel libel of troubled kids 2not take me seriously. Watching my culture, just had an epiphany.-
- people whose interest PeakedBy, my recent tweets…after 18 years, wat the h*ll u expecting me2do? Strip naked&break in2 a dance giving meaninglessPhilosophy? Those my age R married w/kids. Ive been trying 2get h*ll away from u, while libel cr*p again goes in2 noAge4some things.
A clip from 2023 Hulu movie, “Assassin.” Gets into perils of brain mapping: that is, This is someone brain mapping their mind to, perhaps, yours, and as a result, control you, with or without a lapse in your memory.-could’ve already happened. #mindcontrol #mind #Awareness
-so retards from Albany do this being in head/eyes, being like John malkovich type movie thing. Then next layer amidst multi layer, of USA stupidity is mapping some1 they C as nasty 2my brain. Some kind of irony&discrimination 4 saying kids stalk,school hacks,govmt does nothing.-
- apparently when going to fbi offices, school vps, the suny system, telling my phone im going to talk. Ow, talking and writing where mics social media available, my point wasn’t getting across.-
-Somehow after believing a gang of whites and blacks for 18yrs w/no direct contact w/me, I’m the racist. I definitely hate this country, I expected nothing of it and it makes ridiculous demands of me. -
What is it that I want at this stage and since then beginning? The money for the harassment done to me against my wishes (harassment by nature and duration), cancelling of my citizenship,-
-and while I’m here, don’t interact with me unless I ask you a question. Don’t nod, don’t friend, don’t wave, don’t purposely smile at me, don’t try to date me. In life I never sought a cup of coffee from a stranger. Return the sentiment.-
- if last tweet gets under ur f*in skin, take it up w/me in person. We’ll have a Nice heart 2 heart. It may not be nice. It’s been 1 hr since last tweet, where I watch some tv in between, and it’s 2 am. I think, it can be interpreted at least now, I’m saying this w/a level head.-
whatever special gifts/augments, aside from money, that get bestowed on me-in whatever form-from this situation, take it, turn it around, and shove it up ur a*s, and never come near me. if you don't, ill sell it to the highest bidder.
- if Ive made any juicy point in person or in writing or in f*thought, it’s ultimately 2 get rid of all of u w/a nice ending. I mean it in most polite please/thank u American way.-
- My life/day won’t stop cuz u hate me. Ur part of nice/ugly scenery in a blink or head turn. Move on. End this Jerry springer sh*t making U feel better about ur day & makes u think ur better off than me.Thanks/take care.That’s what I want. I hope no loose ends 4 the demented.
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mood2you · 3 months
That Pokémon evolution post about gen 1 Glitch Pokémon and itya real scientist i Pokémon being like "Clefairy and Kanghkhan are in the same line of (as we IRL know it) evolution I could peove it. There's 20 missing links. (The glitch pokemon) that are kind kf lovecraftian right now but as soon as we understand then it will click (um hybrid pokemon just heing time traveled from gen 2. In the future we will literally understand it and be like it's so normal. I think that had to so with then leanring new moves only in gen 2) But the problem with this scientist is 20/151 is like more than 10%. Thats too many missing links um ahaha there's no WAY that 10% of Pokemon arent yet understood haha. And then. They found. Jhoto dex
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theysaywhatasadsight · 4 months
The boy is not picking up the phone. Nor is a*itya this SUCKS
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royalreef · 2 years
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      “Uur’t itya muut-kata oiup ief’n!”
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
by itya
A family of four becomes a family of three.
They cope.
Or they don't.
Words: 1832, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade, Wilbur Soot & Phil Watson, Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Discussions of grief, Grief/Mourning, Sleepy Bois Inc as Family, Sleepy Bois Inc Angst, Angst, Implied/Referenced Suicide, yeah basically big tw for dicussions of suicide, This is so hard, there's mcd but it's off-screen
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/41275110
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ssaalexblake · 1 year
sometimes i wonder how much more leeway i’d give dhawan!master had i Not been forced to read years worth of takes blaming 13 not being nice on everything he does like he’s just a precious babe, all innocent and naive. 
cuz like, trying compassion never Hurts but holy fuck i am so sick of people acting like his main victim is obligated to be understanding and compassionate to him when he’s just taken Her past and made it all about him, and then had a breakdown over it, that i now just Actively hate the idea of her being nice to him. 
Especially since i kind of uhm and err on whether I think it’s trying to actively Say something about him actively pushing her away meaning he has nobody to help him. I think it’s a reasonably valid read considering that’s what 13 does with the fam and they are always mirrors of each other, if nothing else. In which case, it’s his Own fault and own self centred reactions that got him in this mess to start with and they’re making a point about it by having 13 Not show him any leeway or compassion. 
I mean. I still believe truly that he was hoisted by his own petard here, if he hadn’t had bigoted views towards Non time lords before all this it would not have given him a species crisis and sent him in a self hating spiral, and that the worst of this epic breakdown would be dissolved if he got over the simultaneous superiority and inferiority complex, but still.
I just. Would rather stab my own eyeballs with cocktail sticks than once more read about how 13 being a Nice Lady and helping him through this would solve all these problems he’s having when he’s got So much more going on here than Just his personal feelings towards the doctor.  
and I do have sympathy for him, because he is correct in his assumption that he actually Was violated by what was done, he’s not wrong? He’s allowed to be disturbed by this. But he also decided to make it All about him and then try and torture 13 over it, which is where I lose any urge to see her try and help him through it and lose stomach for reading about how she could at least fix some of it. Not her job. Definitely not after what he did. Even if she Could help him, why would she?  
They Could have commiserated over it together. They didn’t because of what He did. If he showed up waving a white flag in s12 and told 13 what he found out as an attempt at friendship, i doubt 13 would have been Chipper, but she would Not have done her spyfall special on him either. They could have built. She only hits breaking point on him After the gallifrey thing, she treats him showing up as a normal scuffle between them before then, so she’d have relented eventually. 
Buuut really all the piss poor takes from the same people who think she was a big old meanie to graham that keep trying to force her to be maternal in some way have Really dented my ability to like the idea of her treating him any better than he has treated her. 
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444names · 2 years
quenya names + american forenames BUT excluding "s"
Aack Aidebran Aimëannen Aitya Alacily Alano Alcal Aleftaron Alindil Alion Allin Allómarp Almore Alpë Alto Amendil Amoody Andity Andlerie Andormë Anew Annambar Antë Apaurina Aperfuler Aptaria Ariand Arklyar Arma Armar Atever Atáma Aurannano Avair Barindo Bario Becirdo Bege Beley Berle Berna Berne Beruhae Bethyaht Bied Bithangua Blene Bolendor Bornacor Bouncë Brie Brilmo Brione Brity Burerone Cafalion Cafix Caldë Cally Cancanto Cand Caranto Care Carion Carni Carre Carry Carth Catty Cemin Chada Chanor Charil Chee Cheightar Cheitë Cher Chern Chew Choroy Chri Cilquendi Cinquë Claulien Cling Clinórë Clivinwë Clyndence Clyne Coldo Cole Conóren Cori Corne Cott Cred Creny Crie Cuithroni Cundë Cynnor Dalf Dalie Darageld Daray Dardo Darië Datelen Dayel Debo Denen Deren Doldo Dolwë Doroc Drelya Duroc Dwary Dwava Eacky Eager Eannata Eata Eava Eavantë Eccarmen Eigh Elangalf Eldorna Eldória Elee Elenn Elick Elin Elio Elma Elman Elmar Elper Elpë Elótë Emandown Encen Ency Endi Endough Entië Erance Ermaide Ermormo Erry Evan Everring Exan Faicia Fait Falfra Fallatyar Fana Farinle Fatamir Fatya Faylver Fearced Findil Findillë Findo Finevon Fing Finie Finyë Flon Floridel Folur Forië Fornen Forninwë Forody Frenda Fíridder Garmoront Gilly Giong Glar Gloyce Gody Gonar Grafin Gumar Haelyd Hando Hanet Hanyar Hanë Harax Harey Harride Hawatirë Heah Heanwë Heldebra Heldómë Helindo Helt Hirn Hittyeld Hitya Holonto Hooth Horercany Houth Hragneld Hricalbal Hrionala Hrómë Hyan Hyanta Hyariciry Hávalitye Hávanne Hávarlan Hínary Hínie Illowle Ilmara Ineril Intart Ionne Iriand Irielitë Itya Iven Jacirë Jamirië Jant Jeal Jeand Jefëandi Jeneluncë Jimë Joak Joarman Johnn Joriel Jorondol Juandë Judi Karcar Kata Katedery Katelcar Kayn Kele Kendacir Kinë Kirdo Krie Kriennew Lamirë Lanath Landë Lattirë Leanneht Legiver Lert Lima Linwarany Lixildard Llenienwë Loccorica Lonieno Lorman Lundameld Lupinwë Lynet Lámar Lámoura Lórindock Mablana Mache Macy Maicera Maitye Malimë Mallimita Mannie Manta Manwel Marean Marjond Marrindë Mata Mataucile Melcolo Mendil Menlië Menna Mentalë Metyanino Mick Miel Mien Migirth Milphan Mince Mindo Mingile Minwë Mirgine Mirie Mite Mitim Mond Monië Moramang Mord Moren Mámano Mírin Narnitë Ndamen Neld Nell Nelleo Nichie Nielië Nielo Nifra Nolmo Nomyro Normo Norren Nowbobil Nárama Nóri Nórina Nórinwë Oanáranië Ocarion Oheiri Oher Oiondië Oiontiond Oldance Olki Olkothece Olod Ondi Onyaril Orendory Ornin Pala Pata Patana Pattye Paule Perion Pettel Phaili Piderryar Pitarron Pluinon Poomwernë Powler Pracoth Pravartom Prootta Quel Quellien Quendy Quenlit Quenyalde Rage Rand Reavan Reend Reftyaro Rictorek Rolon Rond Rondëa Rone Roni Ruble Rulkarn Rumbalace Rónë Taia Tanamy Tang Tarn Taronic Tarry Tarynelen Taur Tauram Tauravina Telen Tilda Timon Tince Tind Tirë Todorgum Toldorner Tonliene Torace Troldi Tromendo Turwene Tyelan Túrine Uinwë Ulka Ulking Umelfhen Unch Vald Valing Vandy Varmance Vath Vian Vinde Vinline Vánon Wark Watalm Weldil Whiel Whilly Wholainal Wifir Wiline Wioni Wome Wommandor Wornë Worta Yuluna Yénimë Íritë Íroll Ólahanna
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the-fox-knows · 4 years
ITYAS Deleted Scene
All I want is a room somewhere, far away from the cold night air. With one enormous chair – Oh! wouldn’t it be loverely. Lots of chocolate for me to eat. Lots of coal makin’ lots of ‘eat warm ‘ands, warm face, warm feet Oh, wouldn’t it be loverly.
Molly cast another quick glance at the sleeping man near her, pausing a moment to make sure that he was only readjusting in his sleep and wouldn’t waken.
With his prompting of music and her answer of musicals, the inevitable outcome of her favorite show tune winding its way in her head occurred. The simple tune with its simple desires reached her heart in a new way as she sat huddled at the mouth of the cave; cold, despite the season, and hungry.
Oh, so loverly sittin’ absobluminlutely still I would never budge still Spring, crept over me windowsill someone’s head restin’ on my knee warm and tender as ‘e can be who takes good care of me oh, wouldn’t it be loverly loverly loverly
Unbidden, his final remark before they had quit all chatter for the night presented itself for her analyzing. Her first impulse was to push it aside, as she had always done when it came to him. What he was suggesting had the implications of a union; she doubted he would take her on indefinitely without expectation of some reward.
As she kept doing that night, she once more looked over her shoulder. He was still mostly indiscernible, though his feet poked out from the shade. Survival had only ever been her aim, she thought to herself, staring at his feet. There had been no room for fanciful notions of finding someone to take care of her; of finding an existence that didn’t rely on fear.
All I want is a room somewhere, far away from the cold night air.
She sang slowly, contemplatively. She realized that she wanted to live again — but what if she was too scared to take the leap?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ragnar lay awake. His mind was too full of impossible thoughts, theories, and questions to succumb willingly to the sleep that was continually encroaching. The night held a chill to it which he felt even under his leather armor he had placed upon himself as a make-shift cover. He knew Molly was using a small variety of the clothes she’d taken from the croft as a shawl. He could just make out her huddled form by the entrance, her side leaning up against the wall. He could not help thinking how much warmer they would both be if they were to lie in the other’s arms.
As often as his mind turned towards her words of the future, he could not help every so often conjuring up the image of her smile as she finally forgave him. He had meant what he said – his warning to her to not smile like that while standing near any boats. His resolve would give way immediately.
Ragnar’s thoughts were interrupted suddenly by a low, melodious sound coming from the mouth of the cave. Straining his ears, he realized that it was Molly; that she was singing. A small, indulged smirk played with his features as he listened, moving his hands to rest beneath his head.
The singing stopped, and he too froze waiting to be scolded for being awake. But no retribution came, and after a short pause, the singing continued, quieter this time. Ragnar let out a breath and did his best to remain still.
The night wore on; dawn neared its unveiling as a sweet chorus gradually joined in Molly’s tune — the first chirpings of the birds and the rustling of the hares. It was to this strange song, gently sung in a tone of voice Ragnar had never heard her implement, that he at last gave way to the coaxing of sleep, the ghost of a smile on his face.
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joscribbles · 4 years
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ain’t that just the way
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picnokinesis · 3 years
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you don’t even know  what person you’ve become
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spokenitalics · 4 years
doctor who, sweetie, i'm so sorry. i'm so sorry that a ugly ass bitch like this would even write that. oh my god. oh my god.
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theysaywhatasadsight · 5 months
Not a*itya looking like Varun Thakur in his new instagram dp nearly had a heart attack
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