k-leemac · 1 year
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How did you do it? How did you get to me?
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neytui · 10 months
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A lazy morning
Based on the fic Tight Grip, Broken Dam by @flowerpotmage
I took the liberty to draw the reader the way I imagine them :') I hope that's ok
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oscarwetnwilde · 3 months
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One of my favorite roles of James Wilby: Robert in Shadow In The Sun. (2009)
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honeyflower-bellybower · 11 months
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Coalition!Lance AU really saves my life everyday I think
Thinking about him taking over Allura's work and being insecure that he can do it at first but slowly settling into the role. He begins just as a helping hand but quickly becomes a point of reference for everyone (all the planets leaders and every Coalition member) because he may not realize it but he knows his stuff. He is battle smart and always thinks things through because he's so scared to mess up. Always puts others first. In a matter of months everyone's in silent agreement he is the leader.
He's very busy but happy. He gets to be both a hero and Allura's legacy. He gets to bring Voltron's goal forth and liberate all the people who are still under regime. He rarely gets out in the field himself, since he's always required in meetings and ceremonies, but his experience makes every mission successful.
Small detail, but very important: Coran is at his side, and notices all the similarities between Lance and Allura. His princess lives on in him. She would be proud. Coran surely is and often gets emotional when no one is looking.
With Lance as its leader, the Coalition also secures the best form of collaboration with the Blade of Marmora, thanks to his friendship with Keith.
Keith refused becoming the official leader of the blade, but of course he kind of became anyway. He's one of the best fighters and has vast battle experience, which quickly make him the center of every action. He's strongminded and capable of keeping a disperse amount of agents together. Plus, his personal relationship with the Coalition head makes him always involved in logistics, large scale strategy and decisions.
Gradually but in relatively short time, they become two of the most important figures in the liberation front. Their lives are full, always on the move, but rewarding. They are tired but content.
The only downside is they hardly get to see their friends and family. It's not like their first disappearence during the Voltron experience (they keep in touch with everyone) but it's sorta like being very important diplomats. It's hard to be home for the holidays and birthdays when the Universe is counting on you.
They share this fatigue. They share a lot, actually, both of them being the center of attention not because they wanted to but because they were needed. Their friendship somehow grows, even though they only see each other at official meetings and Keith hardly attends any. But they resonate.
They start keeping in touch mostly because it's handy. Why sending mountains of paperwork when you can videochat your buddy and explain? But it quickly becomes their way of letting steam off. They start calling each other every night. It's always super late when they both clear all of their full schedules, but they never miss a day.
It's not like they have anything to tell each other most times. They just, talk. For the sake of it. Tell each other their days or random stuff they think about. Often they're too tired to make sense of anything. Often Lance rambles about office gossip and Keith listens, or better, he listens to his voice, and if Lance's eyes weren't so bright and beautiful his own would drift closed. Often Kosmo is in the room with Keith and he pets him and Lance says he misses Kaltenecker, and Keith laughs because a cow isn't a wolf and you don't pet a cow. Lance pouts.
They feel warm, knowing they both just want to hear each other's voice and give the other some comforr from long, exausting days.
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whimhaven · 1 year
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here’s some outtakes of my favorite couple testing @literalite‘s new gshade!
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milkweedman · 8 months
Finally cool enough out to wear my handspun stuff :3 was wearing my Romney and Jacob hat, my Suffolk gloves, and my barrow downs yarn woven infinity scarf. And. The new flock and fiber sweatshirt. It is very nice.
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pianistbynight · 7 months
i wish i could snuggle up in a thick comforter with some creamy hot chocolate and a big soft and chewy cookie with nat king cole singing 🎶 chestnuts roasting on an open fire 🎶 and not feel so awful or stressed about everything 😭 even if everything is personally fine, my brain WILL find something to worry about 😣😣😣
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mysterygrl20 · 9 months
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don't mind me, just sobbing at their small marriage ceremony
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mira-blue · 2 years
cats were so right to rub their faces on the things they love
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sun-marie · 12 days
pioneers of olive town has consumed me i fear
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idcallmyselfhuman · 2 months
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The longer I am in a fandom, the more I think that the ideal fandom experience is really about the community you have around you. Because there should be a dynamic setting where you feel like you get something out of sharing. And though reblogs and kudos are nice, what really (and I mean *really*) fuels creators is the interaction.
If someone likes my post, I see you in the notes and I do smile, because I see that you are there. And sometimes you just gotta give that thumbs up to a mutual like "look at you go!" or "I'm giving you a hug because man that's rough". Reblogs give another kind of a sense of joy, where you want to show what's made to your followers, essentially hold it up and show it around.
But fandom is ultimately like a club house, I think. You have your art corner, library with a cozy reading nook, and writing desk. The kitchen with yummy snacks and so on. You don't need to be there everyday, but when you pass by, you see your friends, the little community around you holding up their mugs with "Hey! What's good?"
And the community isn't necessarily always about the content either, it's about the people too and being supportive of one and another within that community of yours.
That's the ideal fandom experience for me
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stormfet · 1 year
loveeee to wake up on a saturday morning and absolutely luclxuriate in my bed
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c4ts4ndstuff · 1 year
started playing Animal Crossing New Leaf again, it's fun!
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wikiangela · 1 year
I got the softest, warmest blanket for Christmas and I love it so much omg
I'm gonna be sitting under this blanket 24/7 until spring lol
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 2 years
Passed a mirror while wearing a super soft oversized sweater and I was like. Ya. That's what I'm supposed to look like.
A Creature in her Natural Habitat.
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