najnsu · 1 year
i was going to the kitchen and. THERES A CAT ON OUR BALKONY... WE'RE ON THE 6TH FLOOR???
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kaishouri · 11 months
Ludwig, przygryzając wargę w skupieniu, szarpnął lekko linką; psia sylwetka wymalowana na płótnie zatańczyła na żeliwnym balkonie drugiego piętra, ale ani myślała zejść. - No chodź, Labbata - wyszeptał do siebie chłopiec, kolejny raz próbując ściągnąć latawiec na dół, ale ten ani myślał się go słychać. Podwórko za ich kamienicą nie było co prawda zbyt duże, ale Ludwigowi wydawało się wystarczające; nie przewidział, że pożyczony od Zygmunta latawiec zaczepi o kutą, wygiętą balustradę. Szarpnął jeszcze raz, w drugą stronę; Labbata znów podskoczył i spojrzał na Ludwiga jakby z wyrzutem. Chłopiec, całkiem bezwiednie, poruszył ustami w przekleństwie, a potem, gdy dotarło do niego, co wyszło z jego ust, rozejrzał się dookoła spłoszony i zawstydzony. Na szczęście, dookoła nie było nikogo. Chociaż z uchylonych okien dochodziły echa rozmów, podwórko pozostawało puste, co miało jednak swoje wady - nikt nie mógł mu pomóc. Ludwig opuścił ramiona i spojrzał posępnie na latawiec. Prawdopodobnie będzie musiał zapukać do drzwi sąsiadki i poprosić o możliwość wejścia na balkon i uwolnienia zabawki; kolejne szarpnięcia mogą tylko zniszczyć latawiec, a tego by nie chciał. Oczywiście, nie powie Zygmuntowi, że nadał temu namalowanemu psu imię, i to takie dziwaczne; żaden Tasso albo Hasso, ani Bello, ani Rex czy nawet Brutus. Labbata. To nawet nie brzmiało po naszemu; muszę zapytać Gilberta, dlaczego tamten pies się tak nazywał, pomyślał, ostrożnie zwijając sznurek. On na pewno będzie wiedział, co to znaczy.
Latawiec, mój human AU 1920 fik z Feliksem, Gilbertem i Ludwigiem ma 4 opublikowane rozdziały, a fragment wyżej to kawałek draftu rozdziału 5, który właśnie piszę :) Ten ficzek potrzebuje więcej miłości, więc dzisiaj się reklamuję na Tumblrze ^^ od czasu do czasu wrzucam takie zajawki pisanych fików na mojego Instagrama (@kai_shouri), jakby co, to zapraszam, bo tutaj zaglądam rzadko, a na Insta jestem w miarę na bieżąco :)
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suamigatal · 3 years
Ditinggalkan Kekasih
Akhirnya aku pulang ke tanah air. Pulang kepangkuan orang yang aku sayang. Perkara pertama yang aku lakukan sebaik sahaja kakiku menjejak bumi bertuah ini, aku menghubungi Suria. Tiada jawapan. Kemana agaknya dia pergi?
Aku lihat jam ditangan, baru pukul 4.15 petang. Patutlah, mungkin dia masih lagi dipejabat. Ahh.. Takpe, aku nak buat supprise kat dia, fikirku lagi.
Selepas 3 bulan berlayar dilautan, anak-anak kapal ini dahagakan hiburan. Masing-masing mahu mencari tempat untuk melepaskan nafsu serakah. Nafsu yang telah dikekang untuk tempoh waktu yang agak lama. Ada juga pelacur-pelacur jalanan yang sudah sedia menunggu, tapi itu semua tidak perlu. Aku cuma mahukan Suria, hanya dia yang aku rindu.
Dalam pada itu, banyak mata-mata yang memandang ke arahku. Mungkin kerana aku segak, dengan pakaian seragam atau mungkin kerana aku yang berkulit sawo matang yang sah keturunan melayu. Dalam aku mengelamun, sebuah teksi lalu dihadapanku. Aku terus menahannya dan sebentar kemudian aku sudah berada dalam perut teksi, Pelabuhan Klang aku tinggalkan dan menuju pulang.
Tiada apa yang berubah, fikirku, sebaik sahaja aku melangkah masuk ke dalam apartmen itu. Apartmen yang aku tinggalkan selama 3 bulan kerana pergi bertugas. Kerusi kayu jati beralas kusyen bersarung putih itu juga masih berada ditempat yang sama, kerusi dimana aku menghabiskan saat-saat indah bersama Suria, sebelum aku berangkat. Sunyi sepi.
Suria masih enggan mengubah suai letak perabut diapartmennya, mungkin dia mahu semangat aku tetap bersama dia sepanjang ketiadaan aku. Maklumlah, kami yang sama-sama menghias apartmen ini.
Katil besar dari kayu jati ditutupi cadar putih terhampar kemas. Tingkapku buka, membiarkan udara segar dari hutan berhampiran masuk ke dalam bilik itu. Jam sudah pukul 5.30. Kejap lagi Ash akan pulang dari kerja. Aku akan tunggu dia diruang tamu, di atas kerusi jati itu. Dan aku tidak bercadang pun untuk menukar pakaianku.
Aku duduk bersendirian di situ, menunggu dan terus menunggu. Sebentar kemudian aku terdengar bunyi di luar pintu. Dari bayang-bayang celahan bawah pintu, aku dapat melihat ada seseorang di luar sana. Kedengaran kunci pintu dibuka. Suria melangkah masuk ke dalam tanpa menyedari aku yang sedang duduk menunggunya..
“Hi..” Sapaku perlahan sambil tersenyum.
Suria terperanjat, segera dia menoleh. Mata kami bertentang. Dari mukanya, aku tahu dia sedikit terkejut. Dia cuma diam, tidak bersuara. Dia terus melangkah ke pintu kaca untuk membukanya, lantas melangkah keluar ke balkoni dan membuang pandangannya jauh ke banjaran Titiwangsa.
Hmm.. Dia marah pada aku lagi agaknya, bisik hatiku. Aku akui, malam terakhir sebelum kami berpisah, memang ada sedikit pertengkaran. Aku tahu, tapi apa lagi yang boleh aku buat, sudah kehendak tugasku begitu. Dia melangkah masuk kembali, menuju kedapur untuk mengambil air.
Aku perhatikan setiap langkahnya. Inilah yang aku suka. Setiap kali selepas aku pulang dari luar negara, aku rasa sedikit asing dengannya. Seolah-olah baru kali pertama berjumpa. Seolah-olah aku jatuh cinta sekali lagi dengan dia.
Semuanya jadi seperti baru. Walaupun kami lover, jarang sekali kami beromantik-romantik. Kami lebih senang berlagak seperti dua orang sahabat karib. Dia keluar dari dapur dengan segelas minuman ditangannya. Terus dia duduk di atas sofa bertentangan. Dia melihat aku. Aku tahu, dia sebenarnya gembira, tapi cuma dia tidak tahu bagaimana hendak menunjukkan kegembiraannya itu.
Mungkin jangka waktu 3 bulan membuatkan kami menjadi segan. Sebab tiba-tiba, kami rasa malu, rasa macam baru berkenalan dan bersua mata. Ahh.. Aku mesti mulakan sesuatu, fikirku.
Aku takkan habiskan petang indah ini dengan merenung dia, aku mahukan dia, aku rindukan belaian dia, dan aku rindukan bau tubuhnya. Perlahan aku merangkak merapati dia. Pinggangnya kurangkul. Dia masih senyap.
“Kenapa dengan awak ni? Senyap aje, tak rindukan saya ke..?” Soalku pada dia.
“Rindu..” Jawabnya ringkas.
Ahh.. Aku tahu. Perlahan aku ambil gelas ditangannya dan aku letakkan di atas meja. Sebelah lagi tanganku mengelus-elus telinga dan rambut belakangnya. Aku menarik dia agar rapat denganku. Sebentar kemudian, bibir kami bertaut. Hangat. Hebat. Seperti ciuman pertama. Bibirnya manis, mungkin kerana air yang diminumnya tadi. Lidahku mula meneroka kawasan-kawasan yang lama telah aku tinggalkan. Dia juga tidak kurang hebat, melawan. Enggan mengalah. Lama juga kami berkucupan, hampir-hampir lemas tidak boleh bernafas.
Kami berhenti seketika. Mengambil masa untuk merenung ke dalam mata masing-masing. Aku perlu tahu, sekiranya kasih yang aku tinggalkan 3 bulan lalu masih lagi ada di situ. Dari renungan matanya, aku dapat melihat ia masih lagi menyala. Terima kasih.. Bisikku dalam hati.
Lantas aku mencium kedua kelopak matanya. Sebagai tanda terima kasih, kerana matanya yang tidak pandai menipu. Terus aku kucupi seluruh wajahnya. Dahinya, pipinya, dagunya, dan bibirnya. Tanganku mula memainkan peranan. Membuka satu persatu kurung Suria. Segera aku lucutkan. Aku campakkan jauh kebawah meja sisi. Seluar dalamnya warna merah itu juga sudah bertompok dengan basahan.
Arghh.. Stim gila aku dibuatnya. Puting teteknya kugigit lembut. Dan aku mainkan lidahku disekelilingnya. Sambil tanganku meramas-ramas payu daranya yang keras dan padat. Suria mengeluh kesedapan. Sudah lama aku tidak dengar suara mengerang begitu. Perlahan aku turun kebawah, menyembamkan wajah ku ke cipapnya. Panas. Dia mendengus kasar, menahan nikmat. Lidahku ganas bermain di situ.
Kemudian, kakinya kuangkat. Aku menjilat-jilat disekitar lubang farajnya. Terkemut-kemut aku lihat dia menahan kesedapan. Sambil itu lidah ku menguis kelentitnya, menjilat dan menghisapnya. Suria terkinjal-kinjal. Punggungnya terangkat-angkat.
Diusap-usapnya lembut. Aku mengerang kesedapan, kerana geselan. Suria menggigit manja. Stim giler. Aku rindukan belaiannya. Selalunya Suria yang aku fikirkan bila aku melancap. Kadangkala, pelacur-pelacur dibekalkan di atas kapal itu. Mereka berparti, melihat tarian bogel, menonton wayang lucah dan akhirnya mabuk dan berpesta seks. Aku pula lebih selesa berkurung dalam kuartersku, bersendirian dan memikirkan Suria.
“Sambung balik..” arah Suria semula sambil tangannya memberi isyarat menyuruhku berundur.
Aku tersenyum pada Suria. Begitu juga dia. Perlahan aku hampiri dia. Aku menarik tangannya. Dia berdiri dan terus merapatkan tubuhnya ke tubuhku.
“Game’s over.. Now, you are all mine..” Bisikku kepadanya.
Aku pimpin tangannya menuju ke piano yang terletak di hujung ruang tamu, ditepi pintu sliding. Aku terus mendukung Suria, membaringkan dia di atas piano. Perlahan badannya kuraba.
Cahaya matahari petang yang menembus masuk melalui langsir kain rayon berwarna putih yang nipis dan lembut itu tersimbah ke atas badan Suria. Suria mengerang kenikmatan. Dadanya turun naik. Nafasnya kencang.
Aku memanjat naik ke atas piano. Sekarang, aku berada di atas badannya. Aku renung wajahnya. Taste aku. Berkulit cerah, berambut lurus. Matanya yang sedikit besar ditambah dengan keningnya yang tebal betul-betul seksi pada pandanganku. Matanya sudah kuyu. Mungkin menunggu aku untuk terus mengemudi bahtera kami.
“Kenapa awak senyum?” tanya Suria sengih kerang.
“Takde apa-apa.. Saya sayang awak..” balasku.
Lubang farajnya becak. Jariku perlahan bermain-main dikawasan itu. Kemudian disusuli dengan lidah dan mulutku. Suria mengeluh kesedapan. Aku rapatkan kontolku ke dalam lubang cipapnya. Terkemut-kemut aku rasa.
“Gently ok..” pintanya sambil mengigit dadaku.
Aku angguk. Aku tahu, dia mahukan koteku, seperti juga aku setia dengan mahukan cipapnya. Aku menolak kejantananku perlahan dan cepat keluar dan masuk. Berkerut wajah Suria menahan kesedapan. Aku berhenti seketika. Sebentar kemudian, aku cuba lagi. Kali ini berjaya. Perlahan-lahan aku menolak seluruh kejantananku masuk ke dalam lubang nikmatnya. Sedap. Hampir-hampir aku terpancut. Tapi aku tahan.
Aku meneruskan gerakan. Keluar masuk. Bergegar juga piano itu dibuatnya. Kami berdua mengerang kesedapan. Kaki Ash yang kadangkala tertekan kekunci piano secara tidak sengaja, menghasilkan bunyi yang menghairahkan. Seolah-olah bunyi piano yang dimain secara rawak bersatu dengan bunyi desahan dan erangan kami. Seperti aku dan dia, bersatu, in rhythm.
Aku menciumnya bertubi-tubi. Aku gigit lehernya. Aku suka membuat begitu. Kerana lehernya yang cerah, bila digigit begitu, ia akan meninggalkan kesan merah/lebam. Pada aku, aku telah tinggalkan ‘tanda’ pada dia, menandakan dia adalah milikku, selamanya.
Aku meneruskan gerakan. Badan kami dibasahi peluh. Licin rasanya. Aku mahu lihat wajah suria yang ayu itu puas-puas. Rindu. Mungkin malam karang atau esok pagi atau mungkin sekejap lagi kami akan buat lagi dalam posisi lain.
“Ahh.. Sedap.. Laju lagi..” rayunya.
Aku lajukan gerakan. Kulihat, Suria sedikit menggigil kerana menahan nikmat yang amat sangat. Mulutnya meracau-racau kesedapan..
“I’m cumming..”
Aku hentak sedikit kasar. Sengaja mahu menambahkan nikmat. Akhirnya aku menghentak kejantananku dalam-dalam ke dalam lubang cipap Suria. Suaranya menjerit kuat. Suria mengerang keras menerima jantanku yang keras dan tegang.
“Ahh.. Ahh” Serentak kami berdua mengerang.
Aku pula dapat merasa liang nikmatnya dan mengeluarkan air benihku hingga ke titisan yang terakhir.
Kami tersenyum kepuasan. Keletihan. Terdampar di atas piano. Aku berbaring disebelahnya. Sebelah tanganku meramas buah dadanya. Aku kucup pipinya. Aku ucapkan kata sayang pada telinganya. Bila kami sudah boleh bernafas seperti sedia kala..
“Apa jadi sepanjang 3 bulan nih..?” soalku padanya..
“Hmm.. Let see..” Katanya terhenti seketika sebelum menyambung cerita. “I nak split dari you. This is our last episode of making love.. I have met my new love selama you takde..”
Bagaikan nak pecah anak telinga bila mendengar kata-kata Suria. Mulutku melopong memandang ke wajahnya. Tidak percaya walaupun aku baru sahaja bersetubuh dengannya. Tidak percaya yang Suria mahu meninggalkan aku dan mendapatkan pakwenya.. lebur..
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comfortabletextiles · 3 years
The hand made cat pillow/blanket for the Balkony is done!
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I filled it a little bit, so that it is softer and thicker :D
She is so spoiled xD
The white yarn is hand spun, and the brown is hand bought, from our first vacation my husband and I made as a couple :')
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whatwashernameagain · 4 years
Hey mom, just wishing you a very happy new decade! 💜💜💜
You too, sweetie!!!! It's only half past six here, but the fireworks are already starting. Let's see if our crazy neighbour wants to start his fireworks from his balkony again XD
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eldoradoapartment · 4 years
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🇬🇧 What awaits our adults at Eldorado Apartment La Mata? - free coffee and tea, which you can drink on the balcony with an amazing view of the pool, - free bottle of wine, - Free Welcome Pack, which includes: a bottle of water, something sweet, - it is possible to order for an additional fee the Starter Holiday Pack, which includes: bread, butter, cheese, ham, eggs, milk, jam, cereals, 2 tomatoes, cucumber, orange juice, - bicycle rental for an extra charge, We cordially invite you for a wonderful holiday. www.eldoradoapartmentlamata.com 🇪🇦 ¿Qué les espera a nuestros adultos en Eldorado Apartment La Mata? - café y té gratis, que puedes tomar en el balcón con una vista increíble de la piscina, - botella de vino gratis, - Paquete de bienvenida gratuito, que incluye: una botella de agua, algo dulce, - es posible pedir por un cargo adicional el Starter Holiday Pack, que incluye: pan, mantequilla, queso, jamón, huevos, leche, mermelada, cereales, 2 tomates, pepino, jugo de naranja, - alquiler de bicicletas con cargo adicional, Le invitamos cordialmente a pasar unas vacaciones maravillosas. www.eldoradoapartmentlamata.com 🇩🇪 Was erwartet unsere Erwachsenen im Eldorado Apartment La Mata? - kostenloser Kaffee und Tee, den Sie auf dem Balkon mit herrlichem Blick auf den Pool trinken können, - kostenlose Flasche Wein, - Kostenloses Willkommenspaket mit: einer Flasche Wasser, etwas Süßem, - Gegen eine zusätzliche Gebühr kann das Starter Holiday Pack bestellt werden, das Folgendes umfasst: Brot, Butter, Käse, Schinken, Eier, Milch, Marmelade, Müsli, 2 Tomaten, Gurke, Orangensaft, - Fahrradverleih gegen Aufpreis, Wir laden Sie herzlich zu einem wunderschönen Urlaub ein. www.eldoradoapartmentlamata.com 🇵🇱 Co czeka na naszych dorosłych w Eldorado Apartment La Mata? - darmowa kawa i herbata, która możesz wypić na balkonie z niesamowitym widokiem na basen, - darmowa butelka wina, - Free Welcome Pack, w skład którego wchodzi: butelka wody, coś słodkiego, - możliwość zamówienie za dodatkową opłatą Starter Holiday Pack, w skład którego wchodzi: chleb, masło, ser, szynka, jajka, mleko, dżem, płatki, 2 pomidory, ogórek, sok pomarańczowy, - możliwość wynajmu rowerów (w: Eldorado Apartment La Mata) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAIvV_oH75a/?igshid=12psdd1a448wx
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walking-dona · 5 years
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Home in Berlin on our Balkony
©️SLB 2019
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Dare Me
Part 1
And he held her close for the first time. This new found heat coming from within her was relishing. He moved even closer to her. Their lips just about to meet…
I turn the TV off and scoff tossing the remote across from me. The two girls look at me with wide eyes and gamping mouths. “Close your lips ladies!” I wink at both of them as I smirk to myself. Julie stands next to my laying form fuming. “Why would you cut it off? It was getting so good!” I laugh shaking my head.
Carly tilts her head and nods knowingly. “This is about her not thinking love exists.” Julie gasps a hand over her mouth shocked. “You don’t believe in love (y/n) Tozier? You? Of all people!” I shrug simply. “It’s nothing honestly. I mean I’ve never seen it, not experience it so why do i have a reason to try or even have the effort.” “But you’ve liked guys before!” I smile at her protests. “Ture, but I’ve never felt what it’s like to love someone else. I’ve never felt the yearn for their attention or get pleasure out of feeling their touch. I’ve never missed anyone of my relationships before. I’m just living Jules. Take it or leave it honey!”
I grab my 4th bottle and begin to down whatever it contained. As I stand moving to her balcony (completely ignoring what she was going on about) opening the doors and stepping outside. I place a blunt between my lips lighting up the slider cylinder with ease. I draw my breath in, hold, and back out again. Another couple minutes passed and most of my blunt had passed away to ash.
I hadn’t taken the effort to look around my view. I look up at the night sky astonished by the many bright stars that appar. I look to my left and see the trees looking dark and ombuns. I look to my right and suddenly the trees look more inviting. My eyes met the cold one of the famous psycho in Derry; Patrick Hockstetter.
His lanky finger leaned up against Belch’s balkony chugging his beers and tossing them at trees to see them bust. He hadn’t noticed me at all. As i crouch crouch down to try and get even further away from his eyesight the door swings open and a drunk Julie appears. “Hey (y/n)! Oh I missed you! What are you doing on the ground? Get up and hug me bitch!” She pulls me up from my sitting position and wraps me in her arms. I move my eyes to Partick and he’s way ahead of me. His eyes are boring into mine and his lips are in a devious smirk. He waves and turns on his heels; the smirk becoming wider as he leaves.
“Damnit Julie why did you have to be such a good friend. Coming out here just because you missed me! I love you, But dammit! I’m fucked now.” Carly furrows her eyebrows in confusion. “Patrick saw me when your drunk ass walk out here.” Jule hugs me apologizing a hundred times over.
Carly shrugs her shoulders. “Maybe he won’t tell them.” As if on cue a hard knock was heard on the door.
Bang, bang, bang.
None of us dared go open it. Instead of doing anything we just looked at eachother.
Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!
Harder the knocks rang through the wooden plate blocking them from us. Carly and I look at each other and not knowingly.
“1… 2… 3…”
We push Julie to the door and hide the best we can. I go outside closing the doors behind me and climbing onto the roof of the house. “Oh, this is so stupid!”
3rd POV:
As (y/n) rushed to the roof, Carly hid in the closet (typical). Julie walked up to the door and opened it to see Patrick and Belch. “Hey there Jelly Bean! Quick question. I smell something fishy in here. Mind if I take a look?” Patrick and Belch push their way through. Belch looking sorry as they do. Patrick searches the whole room, finding Carly in the process, but no (Y/n) Tozier. He walks outside jumps to see the roof, but he still didn’t see her. He shakes his head laughing. “If she’s here she’ll have to come out some time.” With a shrug the boys brought the girls away from the room and down the steps where they were convinced to have a movie night together.
(Y/n) Tozier sits on top on the roof for another 10 minutes about to freeze at this point; the october weather nipping at her. She slides down the roof and steps her way onto the rail of the balcony. Once on the solid wood she grasps the handel and gives it a twist.
(Y/n) POV:
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” I twist the knob once more but the same squeak and disappointment rang once more. I look down into the darkness. Way too far to jump…
Belch’s room it is then! I climb across the roof and go onto his balony. I look at the room inside to see it clear. I twist the knob gaining entry. I step quicky to the door, but I am slamed into my a solid body.
I gasp and tumble backwards bringing them with me onto the soft bed. “Shit!” I look up to meet the voice to the body of Bowers. He furrows his eyes then shoves himself off of me. “What the hell are you doing here Tozier? Creeping around here to get with your best friends brother? Really low for you slut!” Henry searches for a reaction on my face, but I just roll my eyes (slightly hurt) and make my way to the door. He grabs my wrist catching my attention. “No response bitch?” His smirk doesn’t last for long as I rip my arm away from him and push him back. “What the hell did I ever do to you Henry? Ever since 6th grade you decided you hated me! Whatever I did fucking hell I’m sorry for it! I can’t stand getting fucking named called by you every fucking day! So either treat me as a fucking equal or never speak to me again Henry!”
Henry steps back stunned. Tears streaming down my cheeks in a heat of anger. I storm out of the room grabbing my stuff and going down the steps, but getting blocked by Patrick. “Where do you think you’re going pussy cat? The nights just begun! Show me how easy it is to get into that garden doll.” I attempt to push past Partick, but he blocks my way.
“Let (y/n) go by Patrick. Stop being an ass.”
I look up to meet Henry’s eyes. His blue eyes looked down at me. Their softer than usual. He scans over my figure and nods his head to move forward without his friend in my way.
The girls protest as I storm out of the house and to my car. “Not with Henry fucking Bowers in the same house as me! I’m sorry girls another night. Richie is home alone anyway. I’ll catch you later.” I slam my door trying to calm my nerves from my years of frustrations against the Bowers boy.
I pull into my driveway, looking up and seeing Richie’s light on. I enter the house, make my way up our creaky steps, and straight into his room scaring him. He shrieks reaching for a baseball bat next to his bed.
I double over in laughter still very buzzed and happy. “Fuck! Don’t do that (y/n)! I could’ve been tickling my pickle!” I push him down and sit next to him on his bed. “Just calling it that proves you’ve never done that kid.” Richie pushes me playfully. I kiss his head standing up. “I love you Richie. Get some sleep. We’ve got a long weekend.” I wink at him as i close his door.
In the bright morning light my stomach is punched in by a small knee. “Ouch Richie!” I wahle in pain! He laughs and continues to crawl over me to snuggle in beside his older sister. “What are we doing today?” I huff and check the time. 8:46.
“How about we go to Pats for Breakfast. My treat.” Richie’s eyes grew 3x the size of his glasses. He latches his arms around me and says a billion thank yous in my ear. “Go on and get dressed. Meet me at my car in 10 minutes.” I stand up my feet hitting the cold wooden floor. I pick out an outfit to wear, place my makeup neatly on my sink, and grab my purse as i exit the door only to see Richie tugging on the handle. I press the button on my keys unlocking the car and laughing at my brother. “You could’ve just waited inside.” He rolls his eyes laughing. “Just feed me sis.”
Pushing the door open to the diner the instant temperature change feeling good on my chiled cheeks. Carly looks up in excitement upon my arrival. She grabs two menus and rushes to us. “Good morning loves! How was the rest of your night party pooper!” I roll my eyes and follow her to a booth near the bar. “I was just fine. I had a great night's sleep. I feel refreshed!” Carly rolls her eyes shaking her head smirking. “I know something you don’t. I’m not going to tell you. Hahaha.” “You’re such a child. What did you hear?” SHe shrugs and takes out her pen ready for us to order. Richie treats himself to a huge stack of pancakes while I just get a chicken biscuit.
Carly winks at me from the bar laughing. What the hell has she heard?
The front door swings open and a panicked Julie rushes in. She ties her apron around her waist and stops when she passes us. “Oh there they love lady!” I furrow my brows at her. “Love lady?” “Yeah. Did you not hear H-” Julie is pulls away by her ponytail by Carly. “What the fuck has gotten into them?” I look at Richie pressing my pointer finger and thumb together twice. “Beep beep Richie.” He huffs and sits back waiting for his food.
The door opens once more and four figures stroll in sucking the air out of the room. “Do you have to follow me everywhere now?” Carly sasses to Patrick with a smirk. “Hard to with an ass like yours.” “Pig.” She scoffs and goes off to another table.
Henry POV: I woke up feeling hungover and weirdly lighter. My whole stature felt different. Something's been off the whole morning. Belch throws a pillow at me telling me to get up. Soon after we’re all piled in the car on the way to Pat’s to get some food.
Upon entering we go straight to the bar. “Do you have to follow me everywhere now?” Carly sasses to Patrick. “Hard to with an ass like yours.” “Pig.” She scoffs and goes off to another table.
I sit on the stool feeling almost loney. Not in a way I’ve ever felt before though. I look over my shoulder and see little four eyes Tozier munching on some pancakes. “Wonder if he’s here with his faggot friends.” I smirk and stand walking over to him. His eyes meet my frame and his face drains of any color. “Hey there faggot.” I lean on the table yet to revert my eyes to the other side. “Next week at schools going to be a hurt train for you and your fagot friends.” I point a finger at  him aggressively.
“You’ll do nothing to him or those kids Bowers.” I shut up as my eyes meet hers. Her eyes threatening me. I move my frame to a softer stance and lower my shoulders. “I thought we were on a first name basis princess.” I brush my fingertips under her chin. She stays still quite as shocked as I was. Richie looks red in the face. Oh this might be better than hurting him physically… Almost… very close second.
She moves her face away a light blush rising on her cheeks. This small action makes me smile. Patrick's hand lands on my shoulder and he grimes at the two sitting there. “Look at this! A four eyed loser, and his shameful of a slut sister!” (Y/n) looks at me shaking her head. She moves to stand up without words. “Come on Richie.” She grabs his hand leading him to the door, and then outside. I sigh feeling heavy again. Her eyes switched as the words left Patricks mouth. She became hurt. I let her be hurt.
Guilt. That’s what it is. I’m feeling guilty for letting her be pushed around, name called, slut shamed.
“She’s no fun anymore.” Patrick rolls his eyes picking at the leftover food. Julie comes by picking up the plates. “You guys are such asses. What did she ever do to you?”
“Prick.” “What did you just call me?” Julie asks offended. “No. Not you. Fucking Pats.” I push past him and go back to my seat. “You didn’t need to call her that.” “Why not? She is what she is.” The depth in my chest twists and turns hurting me.
“ So either treat me as a fucking equal or never speak to me again Henry!” Her words rang in my head. I look at the boys and sigh. “No more messing around with Tozier’s sister. She’s gone through it long enough.” Julie leans on the counter with a pleasant expression. “I always knew this would happen.” “What are you talking about?”
She laughs. “Aw you really don’t remember? Poor Henry. Going to have to go through all this again.” I tilt my head looking at her in pure confusion. “What? Oh man how drunk was I?” I grab my head in frustration. “Pretty drunk. Just saying drunk words sober thoughts. Might want to search through there a little bit.” Julie says smirking. Well she’s no help!
I turn to my friends and see all their faces as confused as mine, all except for Belch. I point at him. “We’re talking later.” He shrugs and plunges a mouthful of food into his own. “Might want to involve the girls. They heard a lot more than I did.” I lay my head in my hands. Oh fuck Tozier. What have you done?
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stefan2710s-blog · 5 years
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#Repost @marzena.marideko (@stef_an2710 ) ・Mit wem würdest du diesen Balkon gerne teilen? Schön oder? 😊❤️😊❤️😊 💚do you remember our cozy balcony?💚 Dzień dobry, dzień dobry. U Was tez tak cieplo bylo w weekend? Prznajcie sie, kto juz pomyslal o aranzacjach baloonowych? Kto zaplanowal sprzatanie? A moze jestescie juz po poerwszej kawie na balkonie? Ja nie moge doczekac sie reanimacji tego kata. Materac pompowany lezy tu caly rok i nic mu nie jest👌 Miłego dnia #balkon #nightnight #woodlovers #balkony #balcony #interior #interiormilk #interior4all #cabin #chalet #homedecor #mynordicroom #passion4interior #outdoor #americanstyle #livefolktakeover #woodenhouse #warsaw #candles #romantic #outdoor #nightlife #evening #myinterior #roomfrorinspo #apartmenttherapy (hier: Graz, Austria) https://www.instagram.com/wohn_und_hausideen/p/BvbRa9iHdk_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=90flvah0eakw
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simplestravel · 5 years
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Today I joined the "Passions of Paradise"-Boat on a trip to the Great Barrier Reef. I forgot the GoPro. What a pity!
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My expectations were low, because of two guys with whom I spend my last night. Therefore I was very impressed by this lively colourful world. In contrast to everyone else, I found a huge turtle instead of seeing a shark. While sailing back we learned a lot about the Reef.
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This evening our balkony was full of people and the security had to clear this escalating party.
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kaishouri · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Kurofai - Relationship Characters: Kurogane (Tsubasa), Fay D. Fluorite Additional Tags: Fluff, Winter, One-Shot Summary:
Czuł, że palce, zaciśnięte na ośnieżonej barierce, zaczynają promieniować bólem, ale ich nie cofnął, bo śnieg, świeży, mokry, zimny i piękny, przypominał mu o świecie, który przestał istnieć. Stojąc na tym balkonie i zamykając oczy, mógł poczuć namiastkę domu. Kurofai, zimowy one-shot, fluff.
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lovelyplayground · 2 years
That's embarrassing! What will Hajime do with Keith?
He blushes and looks away. I take Keith with me on the balkony.
Wanna tell me why he doesn't want us there?
He sighs and noda
But you can't tell me?
He nods again. I chuckle and pet his shoulder
It's alright boy. And don't take her seriously. Yes she doesn't want him hurt. Because of the backstory. Do you know the story?
He nods.
Yeah I know everything. That's why I didn't want to bother him and you with my nosebleed.
He trusts you. So do I. How old are you?
He flinches
I raise an eyebrow
A bit older than our boy. But ok I won't say anything. Harukis father doesn't know.
I laugh at his question and rest my hand over his
Don’t worry he’s probably just going to talk to him about something, I think I might have made him a bit nervous with how serious I got. I mean out of the two of us hajime has always been more gentle
I take out my phone and show Haruki one of the videos I took when he was younger
And it’s not embarrassing silly, it’s really cute. I can’t wait to show keith all the pictures when you were younger! I want you to know I like the kid already, he’s very nice and polite
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swit-purple · 3 years
Salah satu sebab kenapa saya cuba nak betul-betul amalkan bangun awal pagi ialah saya nak ada “me time” yang berkualiti.
Pada saya, “me time” ini penting. Sangat penting.
Lepas Subuh di balkoni, saya berteleku sekejap dan tengok langit yang asalnya biru gelap, cerah perlahan-lahan. Kadang ada sedikit warna perang bertompok-tompok di kepul-kepul awan.
Cantik. Sangat cantik.
Selepas itu saya baca al-Quran sedikit, kemudian senaman. Selepasnya saya amalkan teknik pernafasan, dan kadang-kadang saya bertaici.
Kemudian, saya duduk termenung sambil tengok langit.
Itulah “me time”, dan di waktu itulah, saya berefleksi.
Semuanya saya buat sebab saya rasa, dunia hari ini terlalu “rush” dan seakan-akan mengejar saya untuk buat macam-macam.
Saya tak tahu kenapa saya rasa macam itu. Mungkin saya yang terlalu sensitif dengan suasana di media sosial.
Saya tak suka dengan keadaan di mana, hati saya resah tak ada sebab. Saya tak suka bila jantung saya berdegup kencang hanya kerana mesej-mesej di whatsapp.
Dan saya paling tak suka terpaksa ‘deal’ dengan orang yang ‘overreact’ sebab saya sendiri tak nak jadi orang yang ‘overreact’.
Walaupun kita manusia dan manusia akan ada “ter” pada banyak benda.
Tapi saya tak nak ia jadi perangai. Saya suka dengan orang yang tenang, sebab saya dah banyak kali berhadapan dengan orang yang tenang.
Orang yang tenang selalunya orang yang rasional. Orang yang tenang selalunya orang yang menang.
Dan saya nak jadi tenang, nak jadi rasional, tak nak mudah terpengaruh dengan sebarang ‘vibe’ yang meresahkan.
Saya tahu dan sedar, dunia yang Tuhan cipta ini, memang ada elemen “rushing” sebagai salah satu bentuk kerosakannya.
Dalam Surah al-Hadid, ayat 20, Allah gambarkan dunia dengan 4 terma yang cukup besar wacananya.
Salah satunya ialah “takathur” yang bermaksud “berlumba-lumba”.
Kemudian kita jumpa lagi “takathur” ini dalam satu surah khas yang namanya “surah al-takathur”. Allah berfirman celaka bagi mereka yang berlumba-lumba (takathur) hingga sampai ke lubang kubur (hatta zurtumul maqabir).
Kita tak boleh nak ubah keadaan dunia ini, tapi kita boleh ubah diri kita.
Manusia ini Allah kata, dicipta dengan keistimewaannya tersendiri. Salah satunya ialah elemen naik-turun iman yang malaikat pun tak ada.
Elemen ini bererti, manusia dicipta dengan elemen perubahan. Manusia boleh berubah dan diberi ruang untuk berubah bahkan Allah mengiktiraf manusia yang berubah.
Elemen inilah yang menjadi kekuatan untuk kita berhadapan dengan dunia dan pancarobanya ini.
Saya berterima kasih kepada A. Helwa kerana menghasilkan buku Secret of Divine Love.
Saya temui kunci kepada semua permasalahan ini. Perkara yang sama disebutkan oleh al-Ghazali tapi dalam bahasa yang sangat tinggi dan klasik.
A. Helwa tampilkan dalam bentuk yang lebih mudah dan praktikal. Tulisan dan penceritaan A. Helwa juga jujur. A. Helwa mahu kita rasa apa yang dia rasa.
“Spirituality is the key.”
Dunia ini kita tak boleh elak. Tapi kita kena tempuh dan hadap. Kalau saatnya kita ‘down’, kita kena lalui semua itu.
Cinta Tuhan itu ada pada setiap kerapuhan, pada setiap “vulnerability”, pada setiap ketidakmampuan dan pada setiap kejatuhan kita.
Kita kena mengaku yang kita tak tahu dan tak mampu. Kita kena “feel the vulnerability of our ignorance”.
Dekat situ, ada Tuhan. Dekat situ, ada kekuatan yang sangat dalam.
“Allah, help me to lay down the burden of doubt and to walk freely in faith.”
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dzeikobb · 4 years
przyszły do mnie nagle zimne noce późnej jesieni roku piętnastego, kiedy T. i M. mieszkali na Wolskiej, wśród budujących się osiedli, przy szerokiej drodze
zawsze, gdy do nich szedłem, padał śnieg z deszczem i było bardzo mokro
trzeba było przekroczyć Wolską przejściem podziemnym które wyglądało jak z horrorów, filmów o dresach lub teledysku Massive Attack
to było mieszkanie wynajmowane przez M., do którego później wprowadził się T., zanim przenieśli się do własnego mieszkania na Sokołowskiej
w tym mieszkaniu pierwszy raz usłyszałem Cypisa
paliłem stojąc w samych skarpetkach na bardzo zimnym balkonie z K. i J., patrząc na rozbieraną fabrykę i dźwigi
zawsze się tam bardzo szybko upijałem
raz usnąłem i szalona współlokatorka M. próbowała mnie szturchać dla zabawy swoim czarnym dildem
w salonie były białe meble i ogromny telewizor, na którym leciały automatyczne playlisty z youtuba
teledyski pokazujące palmy, bikini, jachty, wakacje
lub poważnych dresiarzy o złotym sercu w betonowych miastach
w tym salonie wszyscy tańczyli w ciasnym kółku
słucham Aphex Twin i widzę nieskończone wysokie sale i paradne schody, betonowe labirynty, galerie sztuki współczesnej w poprzemysłowych magazynach gdzie ambientowe odgłosy i dalekie echa odbijają się od projektowanych na nagie ściany powiększonych stukrotnie roztworów benzyny w pastelowych odcieniach
nikt nie chce tam przychodzić, nikt nie chce niczego oglądać i tylko młodzi pilnujący porządku w szarych swetrach nudzą się schowani w kącie przy drzwiach
zapętlone echa jak krzyki młodej Mariny Abramović w ciemności sal Centrum Sztuki Współczesnej Znaki Czasu
lub stuki młotka którym dojrzała kobieta rozbija głowę kopii Mojżesza Michała Anioła siedząc mu okrakiem na barkach
intensywny i jednostajny i płaski zapach nadmuchiwanego materaca lub przezroczystego fotela z kolorowymi akcentami lub plastikowego koła do pływania z głową jednorożca
gdzieś pod skośnym dachem naszego pierwszego salonu na strychu
i przerażająca czerń retrotechnicznego kosmosu na dużym opakowaniu czegoś w rodzaju zestawu do eksperymentów albo
coś sztucznego i obcego i przytłaczającego
płaskie wyblakłe obłe kolorowe kształty na tle matowej jednostajnej czerni
The physical reality is a hoax and fake news created to distract us from the true reality of the internet as society.
"So what is life, if we accept and follow these Freudian reflections and spell out their implications? Life has no ground or source of its own. It is something that happens to the inanimate, it is an accident occurring in the inanimate (possibly due to its own inherent contradiction or inconsistency). It is not simply its other. It is an interruption, a disturbance of the inanimate, a gap appearing in it; or, in another viable speculative perspective: life gives a singular, separate form to an inherent gap on account of which the inanimate does not simply coincide with itself.
In line with the great materialists, and in order to discredit the anthropocentric (or “correlationist”) view of reality, one likes to say that the inanimate is indifferent to life, that it existed long before life occurred, and will exist long after life becomes extinct. Yet what the above considerations invite us to do is to go even a step further. Instead of saying that the (inanimate) universe doesn’t give a damn whether we live or die (and that from the perspective of the universe our existence is utterly insignificant), we are invited to consider a possibility which makes us even less exceptional: that we are mere perversions, strange pleasures, of the inanimate itself. Not in the sense of constituting integral, harmonious parts of the great whole or circle of the universe (giving rise to the “oceanic feeling” also discussed by Freud), but in the sense of constituting its tics and grimaces.
Life is but a dream of the inanimate. More precisely, it is a nightmare of the inanimate (its nightmarish disturbance), since the inanimate wants nothing but to be left alone. In this sense we could say that the death drive is not so much a drive as an ontological fatigue as a fundamental affect of life—not that it is necessarily experienced, “felt” as fatigue; it is present as a kind of “objective affect” of life." - Alenka Zupancic
Uważam, że protesty dają zbyt mało. Ludzie je lubią, bo ich performatywność daje poczucie sprawczości, aktywności, pomaga w budowaniu tożsamości i wspólnoty. Jednak w "kapitalistycznej demokracji" (o ile globalny kapitalizm da się w ogóle łączyć z liberalną demokracją) jedynym skutecznym narzędziem nacisku i zmiany jest strajk. Więcej: strajk powszechny, a do realizacji postulatów i poprawy sytuacji jakiejkolwiek grupy społecznej i zawodowej konieczne byłyby też silne i dobrze zorganizowane związki zawodowe (mające swoją reprezentację polityczną) w KAŻDYM zawodzie (także takim jak kurier, dostawca, pracownik call centre). Niestety w Polsce nikt nie traktuje poważnie idei oddolnej organizacji pracowników, samopomocy i związków zawodowych, dlatego jesteśmy skazani na postfeudalną beznadzieję wyzysku, braku szacunku dla praw człowieka i pracownika, rosnącego rozwarstwienia społecznego i koncentracji kapitału.
"Graeber argumentuje, że nowoczesna koncepcja autonomicznych równych jednostek niesie za sobą paradoksalne konsekwencje. Zasada sprzedawania swojej pracy na „wolnym” rynku wymusza rodzaj zależności, która w starożytności była przypisana wyłącznie niewolnictwu: prawo zwierzchnika do dysponowania czasem podwładnych. Co więcej, czas ten wcale nie musi być wykorzystywany zgodnie z logiką produktywności – o ile robotnik przy taśmie, akademik czy pielęgniarka są poddawani coraz większej kontroli, mającej ocenić ich efektywność, a ich stanowiska pracy są zagrożone, o tyle w pracach biurowych mnożą się niepotrzebne etaty, w ramach których zdesperowani ludzie próbują sobie znaleźć cokolwiek do roboty.
Graeber twierdzi, że zgodnie z przewidywaniami Johna Maynarda Keynesa współczesna technika pozwoliłaby ograniczyć tydzień roboczy do piętnastu czy dwudziestu godzin. Wprowadzenie takiej zmiany stanowiłoby jednak zagrożenie dla elity rządzącej: czy istnieje bowiem bardziej rewolucyjny potencjał niż ludzie dysponujący wolnym czasem? Utrzymanie status quo wymaga zatem mnożenia prac bez sensu (w oryginale bullshit jobs), w których miliony ludzi spędzają większość swojego życia na zajęciach niepotrzebnych, a często wręcz społecznie szkodliwych. Co więcej – ludzie ci zdają sobie sprawę, że biorą udział w ściemie, ale muszą to ukrywać."
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krakowarthouse · 6 years
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Dom w ogóle / House in general
Fotorelacja z wystawy / Exhibition view
Artyści / Artists: Bogusław Bachorczyk, Stanisław Barański, Ulaş Çıbuk, Iwona Demko, Śominika Dniegocka, Maugo Dudek, Mandy Ghert, Tomasz Gotfryd, Mateusz Hajdo, Aleksander Janicki, Andrzej Andzik Kowalczyk, Katarzyna Kukuła, Marcelina Kurek, Cecylia Malik, Małgorzata Markiewicz, Rafael Medina, Aleksandra Młynarczyk – Gemza, Leszek Onak, Marcin Ryczek, Estera Satała, Jacek Maria Stokłosa, Vala Tanz, Jerzy Tchórzewski, Kolektyw Złote Rączki
 Kuratorzy / Curators: Anna Baranowa, Śominika Dniegocka, Bartolomeo Koczenasz
zwiedzanie / on view: 21.04 - 24.05 (please contact us before visiting [email protected])
René Char – francuski surrealista – w jednym z wierszy pisał: „Poślub i nie poślubiaj swego domu”. W tym paradoksalnym zdaniu zawiera się dialektyczne, pełne napięć i sprzeczności rozumienie domu we współczesnej kulturze. Jak wiadomo, pojęcie to – tak związane z bytowaniem człowieka na ziemi – jest jednym z podstawowych archetypów. Nasze tradycyjne wyobrażenia o domu umieszczają go w centrum świata, podobnie jak miasto i świątynię. Dom może symbolizować uniwersum, społeczeństwo lub jednostkę. Jednocześnie idea domu ulega współcześnie – w sensie materialnym i symbolicznym – głębokim przemianom. Wystawa grupowa „Dom w ogóle” pokaże różnorakie podejścia do tematu domu. Okazuje się, że współcześni artyści – pomimo globalizacji i rozproszenia, a może właśnie dlatego – mają silną potrzebę mówienia o domu. Jest to zarazem miejsce zakorzenienia i dezintegracji, budowania więzi i ich niszczenia, wolności i przemocy, zakotwiczenia i ucieczki. Każdy mówi o tym własnym głosem, czerpiąc z doświadczenia, obserwacji, wyobraźni i pamięci. Anna Baranowa
René Char – a French surrealist – wrote in one of his poems: “Marry and do not marry your house.” This paradoxical sentence contains a dialectical understanding of home in contemporary culture, full of tension and contradiction. As we know, this concept – so connected with the existence of man on earth – is one of the most basic archetypes. Our traditional ideas about home place it in the center of the world, just like a city and a temple. Home can symbolize the universe, society or an individual. At the same time, nowadays, the idea of home undergoes a profound change – both in material and symbolic senses. The group exhibition “Dom w ogóle” (eng. House in general) will show various approaches to the topic of the house. It turns out that contemporary artists – despite globalization and distractions, or perhaps because of their very existence – have a strong need to talk about home. It is simultaneously a place to anchor at and the space of disintegration, influencing both the consolidation of bonds and their destruction, containing freedom and violence, putting down roots and escaping them. Everyone speaks about it in their own voice, drawing from experience, observation, imagination and memory. Anna Baranowa
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Śominika 15.03.1991 / moje pierwsze urodziny. my first birthday
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Bogusław Bachorczyk Pracownia odwrócona 1/10
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Jacek Maria Stokłosa Ognisko domowe
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Marcelina Kurek Granica
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Andrzej Andzik Kowalczyk Transmisja obrazu nieprzenośnego
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Iwona Demko Home sweet home
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Estera Satała Brzezie 84
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Stan Barański Dom na nowo
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Cecylia Malik The end
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Mandy Gehrt Abarbeiten
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Ulaş Çıbuk  Dom na niby
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Alek Janicki + Big Da(t)da Collective InSite/OutSite 
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Bogusław Bachorczyk Na balkonie, po lewej stronie
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Katarzyna Kukuła Pokój miłości, jedności i równości. Artysta, twórca, życie.
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Mateusz Hajdo bez tytułu
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Tomasz Gotfryd Szary Dom – katownia SS , Fotografia z cyklu Zamknięte, str. 24L i 67P. 
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Jerzy Tchórzewski Adam i Ewa - Raj jest tam gdzie nas nie ma.
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Bogusław Bachorczyk Pracownia odwrócona 1/10
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Jacek Maria Stokłosa Ognisko domowe
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Mandy Gehrt Abarbeiten
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Cecylia Malik The end
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Cecylia Malik The end
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Iwona Demko Home sweet home
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Kolektyw Złote Rączki Matczyzna
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Aleksandra Młynarczyk-Gemza Me & my stepdaughter with shopping Destroyed family, divorce & shitty capitalism
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Estera Satała Brzezie 84
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Stan Barański Dom na nowo
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Katarzyna Kukuła Pokój miłości, jedności i równości. Artysta, twórca, życie.
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Bogusław Bachorczyk Na balkonie, po lewej stronie
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Maugo Dudek dom.jest.miejscem.przejścia
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futurewriter2000 · 6 years
Hi! Can I have a ship for HP, marauders & golden trio Era (w/ a boy)? I like to paint and draw, but I also LOVE to read, like a hella lot. Introvert&Ravenclaw, not shy, I don't fear people, I'm just really selective; people who I spent time with needs to be intelligent or useful (or dogs, I love them). I don't open up easily and but I do have a few friends and family which I love deeply & don't doubt to help or defend. Alone time it's vital for me but I love to cuddle if it's someone I trust.
Okay before I start this … *cracks knuckles and neck*… It’s gonna be a long ass ship so get ready
Harry Potter/ Golden trio: Ron Weasley 
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You noticed Ron for the first time, when he got a Howler from his mom in 2nd year. Your friends made fun of him later, and you did also because it was funny but you did feel sorry for the guy. 
You always thought of him as another Weasley, not anything like Bill, Charlie or Percy, not that intelligent as you have a big standard for but for some weird reason you liked him. You couldn’t put it why excatly you like him, but something about him just felt attractive. So you developed a tiny crush on Ron Weasley in your third year.
As you thught the crush was completly gone, fourth year changed it all. Before you started going to the fourth year, your dad/mom had some bussiness to do with the Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office and he/she didn’t trust you being home alone for the next week. So you travelled to the Buro, where you met the WHOLE Weasley family. 
You loved there. The first impression of the house was so cute. You felt like home already. When you entered you completly fell in love with house. It was adorable tiny old house with extra bedrooms and muggle stuff all around, books laying on the ground, drawings from every single Weasley and photos everywhere. It was just too adorable. 
Meeting Arthur firs, he liked you already. You weren’t  afraid of meeting the others, but Ron was someone that made this weird feeling in your stomach. So when Molly came back home with the twins, Ron and Ginny you tried to relax as much as you could, but Ron was making it a bit harder to relax. Because there it was again. You haven’t talked to the guy, heavens you didn’t even like him like that, but something SOMETHING about him felt attractive on him and you hated not knowing what it was.
The whole trip to the Buro was amazing. You laughed with the twins and helped them with their plans for pranking other people, Ginny and you became really close with all the books the two of you have incommon and Ron, well you could talk to Ron about anything. And at first you didn’t notice it but you completly opened up to him, which you don’t usually do. With him, it felt like you could trust him completly. 
Fourth year was amazing, you passed all your exams, there was the Triwizard Tournament and it really interested you. Hearing that Harry was chosen by the Goblet of Fire too, haven’t shocked you at all, because since he came to Hogwarts, every year was all the attentnion to the Gryffindor house and the Boy who lived. It kind of annoyed you to be honest. 
What you really hoped to happen in the fourth year was that Ron would ask you out, but he asked someone else and you got stuck with a Durmstag boy named Tito. Honestly, what kind of name is Tito.
Fitfh year changed it all. You slowly felt your crush disapper, falling for one Ravenclaw. He was smart, hot and totally your type. But what you didn’t know he was a player and Ron noticed that. When he saw him flirting with you, he immediatelly walked over, trying to protect you from getting your heart broken. “I would walk away if I was you. (y/n) is way to good for you.” and the Ravenclaw would glance at you and the angry Weasley, noticing him clenching his fists and gritting his teeth and walking away. “What the hell was that all about?” you asked him. -”I just don’t like him playing with peoples hearts. He’s a player (y/n). Don’t let you his looks fool you. You don’t deserve him.” and with that he walked away, leaving you completly in shock. Ron Weasley? Kind-wise-cute Ron Weasley making you smile while walking back to your dorm.
This was proof you never got over your crush.
Sixth year you noticed how he has grown even taller, his big shoulder and deeper voice. It made you swoon everytime the two of you talked or walked by. There was this attraction and not knowing what it was made you want to ripp your own head off. So you finally decided to do something.
Even though the war was approaching, there were exams and you needed to tell him how you feel. You needed to find out what this feeling is. So as you heard he was struggling with History of Magic, you decided to offer your help. “Hey Weasley. I heard youu were having some troubles with History of Magic. I can totally prepare you for the exam. I know all the cheats with Proffesor Binns.” -”I would love to, but Hermoine is aready helping me and I kind of promised her..” -”Come on. I bet I’m not as stuck-up as her when it comes to details and all that stuff.” -”Yeah. You’re probably right. “ 
Damn that was a close one
The two of you decided to study in the Gryffindor Common room. Being the introvert that you are, you never saw what Gryffindor house looks like. And it was so gorgeous. The fireplace, the sofas everywhere and people were so much louder than in Ravenclaw. The two of you studied for about two to three hors and as he actually did study for it, you felt this weird rush as you need to tell him this now or you’re just going about to expload. His hair was messy ginger color, his eyes fixed on the book, and scanning the pages and his slim body was so well shaped and all you wanted to do was to be in his arms. It just felt so inviting. “(y/n)? You’re staring at me.” he smirked and glanced up to you. You shook your head, coming back to reality. “What?! No I wasn’t!” you denied, your voice cracking a bit. “I’m pretty sure I felt and saw you staring at me. I think you might have been drooling a bit too.” he grinned, closing the book, sitting in the criss-cross position and coming closer to you. “I was not drooling. Staring, yes. But that’s only because I find you really attractive and I don’t know why.” you blurted out, shutting him up immediately. 
And so the panicking started. You started to blush, sweat and you had no idea where to look. Left? Right? Diagonally? That stopped once you felt his big hand grab you by the neck, pulling you closer and placing his lips onto yours. It was like fire at first. It hit you out of nowhere and spreading all over your body. All of those feelings you felt towards him for the past 5 years all explained in one kiss: You were bloody hell in love with him the whole time. 
When he pulled away, a big grinn spreading across his face. “I like you too.” he said before pulling you into another kiss.
The relationship the two of you had was something that couldn’t be explained. The both of you were completly honest with eachother, telling eachother everything, him visiting you and sneaking into the Ravenclaw tower just to sneak into your dorm and watch you paint and draw peacfully on the bay window. It was the most beautiful view he ever saw. And withouth you arguing about it, he came over and sat, moving you into his arms and watching you continuing with the drawing / painting.
After the war was over, the two of you got married pretty soon. Moving in together and getting yourself a dog was like a dream come true. He helped you decorate your own art studio and you helped him with all the joke shop business he had with George. 
But there was also times where he would wake up sweaty and scared. His memory of his dead brother Fred kept him awake most of the nights. You loved Fred just as much as he was your own brother and seeing Ron go through that was terrible to watch, especially if you were grieving too. So the two of you sat on the balkony/porch and just sit there in silence and later talk about it.
Ginny and Harry would come to visit almost every weekend with Hermoine and her boyfriend/housband and all three of you would usually get into a drinking game or just talking about your time in Hogwarts.
You guys would only fight for your dogs attention which was actually adorable. “(y/d/n). Come here boy/girl.” -”Come here (y/d/n). You love me more right.” -”Bloody hell (y/n). Are you trying our son/daughter to chose between us” - “Yes.” you said and grabbed the dog and ran. 
Life with Ron is something you can’t rreally explain, because he would be a loving husband and a great father. 
For the Marauders era: Regulus Black
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You and Regulus never got along. Ever. He was like the definition of I’m-rich-spoiled-best of the Black family- Slytherin, that made you want to trip him when he walks by, punch him when he gives you that smirk of his or hex him when he says soething inappropriate. He on the other side, liked you hella a lot. 
He loves to go to the library only to see you sitting in the corner, curled up in a ball with a book in your hand . Or sometimes outside Hogwarts he sees you sitting on the light green grass and watch you sketch into your sketchbook. But what was the point of doing all of that when he acts like an idiot around you. He knew that, but he just panics when you are around. (Basically James Potter as a Slytherin).
Every day he would just appear out of nowhere and start flirting with you. Like you didn’t get that enough from the other Black. “Hello my Sunshine. I feel like today is going to be a great day.” - “Oh and why is that?” -”Because I get to see your gorgeous face matching that stunning body of yours.” he grinned, checking you our from head to toe. And you could’t do anything but to blush a little. Yes he was a self-righteous arse but without him, your six years of Hogwarts would be boring.
Him suddenly turning into the cutest fluffball around you made you want to melt where you stood. “There’s a girl with (y/h/c) hair, young and beautiful. it’s really hard not to stare. But what’s the point of this poem of mine, if all I get back is a cold decline.” he sang in a beautiful deep and husky voice. 
The poem he wrote touched your heart, even though he could have written it a bit better, but it was beautiful, especially read in his voice. So you turned around and grabbed him by his green and silver tie. “Okay, this is how its going to be now Black. I am going on one date with you. One! And if I don’t like it, you’ll leave me alone okay?” you ordered him, making the hugest smile appear on his lips and the brightest sparkle in his eyes. 
He made your first date the biggest mission in his life. It was more important than his own life, since he almost blew himself up practicing the spell for fireworks. He took you on a picninc. (original..i know) but it was amazing. The food that you tasted was something completly new. “Oh my god. I have no clue what this is but its so delicious.” you said, barely catching your breath from all the stuffin it all in your mouth. “I’m glad you like it. I cooked it myself.” You laughed to his response in disbelief. “Yeah right.” you continued to laugh but saw the seriousness in his eyes. “Wait. Are you serious?” - “It was always my little secret. Never told anybody, not even Sirius and he’ll probably never find out.” -”Regulus Black. A masterchef? Who are you?” -”It’s true. I used to sneak into the kitchen and prepare some meals instead of Kreacher. I also told him to keep his mouth shut about it.” he smiled and winked at you. “This is a whole new side I’m discovering of you.” -”Well that’s why first dates exist.” 
And soon there was a second and a third and a whole bunch of dates coming. The two of you would be simply found in the Greenhouses, library or broomcloset snogging. He was a passionate kisser always leaving few marks on your neck, which you tried to hide them later. Greenhouse was your favorite snogging place. Maybe it was the plants or the smell of herb, but the two of you simply loved it. It was also the last place where the two of you would get cought. 
Untill one day as the two of you were enjoying yourselves in privacy, the door swung open. “Okay kids. Everybody has their own pot with their own Mandarakes. It’s really important for First years to know this. It will also be mentioned in your Newts.” said Proffesor Sprout as they were struggling with finding their own seats. You and Regulus immediately stopped and tried not to laugh to this situation. It was really funny to be hones. Your shirt was off, as was his. His hair was in a complete mess, as was yours, but his was extra. He started chuckling and you quickly put your hand on his, hiding in a corner of leafy plant. You gave him glares to stop laughing but he couldn’t help himself. Untill you finally realized. “Mandarakes’ scream Regulus. We don’t have the earmuffs.” and his smile imediatelly dropped. You could feel him curse under your hand. -”Okay. Calm down. I got an idea. Put your shirt on.” he whispered as you tried to put you shirt back on. “Follow me..”he said before throwing himself out of the shadows and making all the firs years look at him. “Mr. Black?” said Proffesor Sprout, staring at the half-naked boy. He picked himself up and acted like he is completly lost. “Did you just apparate me here!?!” he yelled at you angrly. You suddenly realized what he was planning and you followed him. “YES! YES I DID! You want to know why! Because its the only way I can get your attention!” -”My attention! All I give you is attention!” -”Okay! Take this outside!” yeled Proffesor Sprout who totally bought it. 
After the two of you left far from the Greenhouse, you two burst out of laughing. “You were amazing my love.” -”As were you.” 
After Hogwarts the two of you rented a small apartment. It was his choice because he wanted something that he didn’t buy with his parents money. PLus they never agreed for him to date a Ravenclaw. They prefered a Slytherin. So the two of you argued, mostly because he was more of a cat guy and you a dog person. So after two months of fighting the two of you finally moved on and compromised, buying yourself a cat and a dog. 
You wanted to paint your bedroom in your favorite color and he wanted to paint it green. “Green is ugly!” you yelled at him. “No it’s not. Its the color of nature, the color of ambition and lust.” -”Stop with that crap. Its ugly. I want (y/f/c). “
A lot of arguments that on the end of the day were solved by sex. Always.
Some days the two of you would be enjoying some quet time. You drawing or painting or him doing whatever Regulus does in his free time.
Morning cuddles, afternoon cuddles, a lot of talking during cuddles, nigh cuddles and talking about a lot of deep stuff.
Your mission would be gettin Regulus and Sirius back together because you really like Sirius as a person and you know how much Regulus misses him and at the end you would succeed.
Okay that’s all I got for this ship I really hope you like it. I know you said Harry Potter AND Golden trio but the ships I write are really long and I just thing its better for just to simply do Harry Potter or Marauders. But I prefer doing one era at the time. I fell in love with Ron while I was writing it because he is just the best. Anyways I hope you like it :) Also sorry if it took me so long.
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