#I've had an absolute blast with this colony
pushing500 · 7 months
Hi there! Two days again, I binged the entirety of your Rimworld comic and finished yesterday. Now, it is bittersweet to see it all end. I love it so much with its characters, the stories; the art. All of that contributes to its amazing charm. I guess all I have to say left (besides list my favourite characters) is I hope The Animist Alliance enjoy a lovely life, wherever they deicide to live among the stars.
ฅ ̳͒•ˑ̫• ̳͒ฅ
P.S Off the top of my head, my favourite characters are Irwin, Hazrov, Fafo and Henry and favourite couple is Daz/Zonovo (they're too cute ♡(>ω< ✿) ). Also, do you plan to draw out the next colony you make? You don't have to if you don't want to do it.
Hello! This ask made my day. <3 <3 <3
I never thought of any of my work being binge-worthy, so thank you very much for telling me!! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story!
You have excellent taste in characters. Those are some of my particularly cherished colonists, too. I drew them for you!!
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I hope you like them! :D
And I will absolutely be drawing more RimWorld colonies, don't worry. I've already got so many ideas for things I want to try, so I hope everybody is ready for more rambling posts and hastily scrawled doodles!
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kivaember · 4 months
re: drabbles: i would be interested to see any kind of take on what life in the PCA is like; the EKDROMOI and HC/LC-HM duos in particular always seemed like funny Just Guys Being Dudes dynamics
OH I LOVE IDEAS LIKE THESE... i ended up just going on a ramble dear god... uh i hope you enjoy! a bit of worldbuilding for PCA and RLF (with a surprise Flatwell mention!)
Thanks for the prompt!
When Erik had been handed his posting for Rubicon-3 (or "ISB2262" as most within the UEG knew it), his first dismayed thought had been: i've hit a dead-end in my career.
See, the PCA were not viewed favourably within the UEG's pilot corps for a multitude of reasons, ranging from their infamous reputation as "space cops" to the fact that their direct chain of command was an actual, literal AI called The System, and whom many within the PCA spoke of as if she was their divine god that had descended from heaven itself to guide them.
Also, there were no glorious battles with the PCA, no chances for winning spoils of war during inter-corporate conflicts or achieving swift promotions by looking good at the right moment. All you did in the PCA was sit on some quarantined rock - normally out in the middle of bumfuck nowhere - and weren't allowed to take souviners or salvage anything profitable from the surface. It was basically guard duty but for years.
At least with guard duty on solar colonies you had some form of civilisation to visit. On Rubicon-3? Civilisation had been razed into nothing but ashes after that catastrophic industrial accident almost fifty years ago, and the remanents were just a ragtag group of stubborn colonists who refused to relocate because this is our home! Nevermind that their home was basically a hole in the ground full of contaminated soil.
Needless to say, Erik's expectations had been low when he reported to the PCA's main base on Rubicon-3. The planet had looked ugly when he came in, the atmosphere riddled with enough chunked up asteroids to make navigating the mess an absolute nightmare for the autopilot and what little surface he glimpsed looking grey and lifeless. The oceans looked good, at least, but Erik didn't have gills, and he doubted he'd be spending any time on their blasted-out beach resorts.
His expectations had been this: he'll sit in whatever passed as their guard room watching the live feed from their defence satellites, bored out of his mind except for moments of fleeting excitement when some wildcat miner came barrelling towards the planet in delusional hopes of striking it big with a Coral deposit. The nights would be long, the days even longer, and he'll be cold, miserable and wondering when he'd be posted out so his career could start again.
Instead, reality had been this: piloting the most advanced MT he'd ever sat in, wielding the most powerful weapons he'd ever laid hands on... yet trapped in an endless struggle against ye olde BASHO ACs on a near regular basis like he was in Hell and this was the ordeal he was condemned to endure for the rest of his afterlife.
The Rubiconian Liberation Front. Erik had heard of them back on Earth when he was in the UEG's main pilot corps, but no one had thought them as any serious threat. Just a group of colonists who had hijacked a construction MT or two and occasionally threw rocks through the PCA's figurative windows. They weren't a real threat. They were just civilians with guns. They'd be scared off easily just by shooting a few warning shots their way.
They were like rabid racoons that refused to leave the PCA's dumpsters. Almost every night, Erik and his squad would be crashed out when the perimetres alarms would trip, and almost every night he'd be chasing after RLF ACs and MTs running off with whatever the hell they could carry. Telephone poles. Copper wires. Vehicles like jeeps or vans. One of them had ran off with a fucking HVAC system once and to date Erik was still baffled about that.
But that wasn't the worst part. The worst part was him.
Middle fucking Flatwell.
The RLF leadership was a bit strange, but every PCA pilot knew of Flatwell. He was a Gen Three and had been part of the Rubiconian militia as a qualified, albeit green, AC pilot when the Fires had hit Rubicon. Guy was likely pushing seventy and still piloted rings around the PCA like he was bioengineered in some fucking lab somewhere to be the bane of their existence.
The System - their chain of command, their AI - knew everything it could dig up about Flatwell. His AC schematics, his habits, his history, his fighting profile and even including some interesting yet bizarre factoids like 'has a legitimate Earth citizenship due to successful seduction of a high-ranking Arquebus executive' and 'suspected illicit affair with an intelligence officer within Arquebus HQ', which meant not only was Flatwell a demon in the AC, he was a demon under the sheets too, forbidden knowledge that Erik could've gone without knowing.
But forbidden knowledge or not, the simple fact was: Flatwell was a damn good pilot, and most of the PCA pilots were just average.
In high-tech MTs and using even higher tech weaponry, sure, but still average. But, when Erik had been new to the post, had been dazzled by these amazing MTs and beautiful plasma weapons, he'd charged headfirst into a fight against Flatwell without hesitation, ignoring The System's soft bleat for him to use caution.
Needless to say, Erik had totalled that shiny MT and ended up ejecting before even a full thirty seconds had passed. Guy was fast.
Fortunately, however, the PCA were a lot more forgiving when it came to totalled MTs. Back in the UEG that would've come straight out of Erik's paycheck, as all repair bills did (he was still paying off his previous repairs... just thirty more years and he'd be debt free!) - but the PCA had brushed it off. Turned out they had a pretty sweet fabrication system and could churn out MTs in the hundreds within hours. Where they got the raw materials for that, Erik wasn't so sure... but the PCA were a branch of the UEG, so it was probably legitimate and not at all illegal or suspicious.
(One of the first rules you learn in the PCA: do not think too deeply about how it functions for legal reasons)
But, while the posting was leagues more exciting than he had initially believed, and incredibly more dangerous, his initial dismayed thought still held true: it was a career killer, because here was another, hidden rule he hadn't known until his boots were firmly on Rubicon-3 and his transporter was flying away from the planet:
Once you're on Rubicon-3, you die on Rubicon-3. No transfers, to retiring, no early-release. The PCA's mission was lifelong and no amount of bellyaching or protesting wold change that. Erik had been sprinted through the five stages of grief before he accepted his grim fate.
Maybe he had died on the way here, he had thought. Maybe this was his punishment for contributing directly to the voracious war machine that was the UEG... how many unionised workers had he killed over the years? How many colonies had he visited to stomp down on burgeoning independent movements so corporations didn't lose a source of revenue? How many had he stomped down on, just for his own continued comfort within the callous galaxy that humanity had made for itself?
Rubicon. It really made you think about these things. Erik slowly began to understand why the PCA's relationship with the RLF was how it was. Yeah, they crashed out every night, and yeah, sometimes Flatwell was there waiting for them, but most times...
Erik would crash out with his squad and only chase the thieving RLF a few miles before breaking off pursuit. He told himself there was no point. What they stole could easily be replaced within a few days. It wasn't as if they were stealing weapons or whatever. If they wanted a fucking HVAC system or a bunch of telecommunication wiring that badly, then they could have it. No skin of Erik's nose, and the PCA didn't bill him for failure to retrieve stolen goods.
He didn't sympathise with them, and the RLF certainly didn't sympathise with the PCA. They killed a lot of each other over the years Erik had been posted here, and Flatwell was particularly merciless. But.
They were both stuck on this planet, either willfully or not. They were both on Rubicon-3 for the long haul, and one way or another, they were gonna share the same fate: they were going to die here, eventually.
They were never going to leave this razed shithole.
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disclosed-spire · 10 months
"I spent quite a while writing this, so if you'd want to see more of other characters, be sure to let me know!"
I have been gathering up the courage to send this ask, so I am just gonna guess you want the asks to be sent here.
Can you please tell us about your Gourmand headcanons?
Yeah Ofc! I love Gourmand as they're just absolutely great, especially since my pal gourmy is the first campaign of downpour when it was released. I enjoyed their campaign a lot, and had a blast towards the end of their campaign. Seriously, I wish I could get a hug from them because I KNOW they give amazing hugs!
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Time for everyone's favorite family oriented orange slugcat! And as everyone knows, this is my own hcs about them and, and definitely some Gourmand spoilers. Please don't be offended at any of this, as these are my own personal beliefs!
If anybody wants to see more of my opinions on the characters, be sure to ask me! I'm welcome to answering questions about my thoughts and HC's, as well as discussing and hearing others POV's!
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Design Choices
My design for Gourmand isn't very flashy or anything, but to be honest, I feel it suits them and their personality! It's very close to the original, but has my own little flair and sparkle to it to make our pal Gourmand stand out a bit!
I decided to give them just oranges for a pallet, with their nose being the darkest, which is a dark orange. I usually shift blacks and such for cannon designs to another color of the design but a lot darker to keep the colors overall the same, but just a little easier to look at (in most cases).
I made the tips of Gourmand's limbs, including their tail, dewlap, and ears, a darker orange as I took a bit of inspiration from cat breeds in real life, with my own cat being the main inspiration. This makes Gourmand stand out a bit more, and makes it easier for me to make art of them, as their limbs mark where my own wacky anatomy should be.
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My version of Gourmand has a tough exterior as they need to keep a strong stance towards the hardships of the world around them. Despite this, Gourmand also shows a lot of love, compassion, and sympathy for the world around them at the right moments of course! Gourmand doesn't view the world as only black and white, instead, more of everything being in a morally grey area. Gourmand believes there's a reason for everything, and if possible, they try to go to the more pacifist side of things to keep peace.
Speaking of this, the reason Gourmand is like this is because they believe this deep in their heart, but also because they want to provide their colony with a good example. Gourmand wants to show their colony that while the world is extremely dangerous and that they need to take caution, but also that they can also show compassion even in the scariest of situations.
Other than setting an example, Gourmand loves telling tales of adventures, history, and places they've been, as it always makes others happy, and especially gets the slugpups super excited. Sometimes these stories are made up, but Gormand always lets the listeners know beforehand to clear any misconceptions.
Gourmand is a great parent to all, and generally kind to everyone unless their friends, family, slugpup, or colony is in trouble. While Gourmand is kind, they are a force not to be reckoned with, as they are strong both in personality, and physical strength, and those they care about fuel their determination to continue on.
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Gourmand's powers are a bit of a weird one to me! Being able to create something from your stomach isn't something I've seen before, nor do I have a naturally logical way to explain how this would work (Enot was different as they didn't need to have logic applied to them bc cryptid slugcat), but I'll try my best to explain how this works in a rain world logic sense (hopefully). It's a bit complicated, but here's my best shot!
The best way I could possibly explain slugcat powers is that their body developed some kind of mutation, something with radiation (highly unlikely), or something with being a descendant of a purposed organism/modified slugcat. This is where I believe slugcats get their powers from, as this is the best explanation I have for such unnatural abilities. In Gourmand's case, this happened with their stomach!
My best logic to how Gourmand's stomach creation works is that Gourmand needed to have swallowed the created item in their life at any moment for them to make it in their stomach again. Since Gourmand takes a food pip when they create an item in their stomach, this makes me believe that their body harvests the nutrients to make it, using the information of the dna/material/whatever made the item to re-create it in Gourmand's stomach to pull it out. This explains the randomized effect of what's pulled out of Gourmand's stomach.
As for the crafting mechanic, I wouldn't say that's a power. Gourmand could use their power to help combine items, but for the most part, I feel that it comes from a chemistry standpoint. It's still very useful and important! To me though, I don't think it's a power, even from a rain world logic POV.
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Headcannons and Slugcat Colonies
This category is a bit different from the Enot post, and that's because I have my own thoughts about the cannon slugcats!
I personally like to think there's a big distance between Gourmand and Survivor/Monk's timeline placement as this makes the most sense in my head for what I'm gonna say, and it gives Gourmand the "Old and cool legendary ancestor" vibes!
Gourmand in my HC was the one that found the slugcat tree, and started a home there for the whole colony! If it weren't for Gourmand, then Monk and Survivor's campaigns wouldn't have happened. I want to give Gourmand that bc it makes them just the more special in my eyes!
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The reason I believe this is because it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for Gourmand to already be there and then start searching for food, and then to get up and leave once food is found. If there's more food in an area, animals tend to stick around, and the slugcats aren't an exception from this. I believe that Gourmand searching was making sure that the area has plenty food, as the colony recently moved and was looking for another temporary home. Another thing to support this is the wall drawings, as I feel the colony would talk about Gourmand through generations.
Another one of my HC's is that Gourmand is the leader of the specific slugcat colony. A lot of people probably think this already, but I'd at least like to give my own take with my own spin on how a Slugcat colony works.
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Gourmand is a leader in my eyes because of how useful they are to the colony, and how strong they are. Animals usually prove dominance in size and strength, which Gourmand definitely has (My Gourmand is a big lovable fella)! But since this is also fiction, I added more to this. Slugcats usually choose their leaders based on a few qualities, which are:
Size: Gourmand is big yes, which gives them the upper hand at intimidating possible threats! Slugcats view Gourmand as very important due to this factor, as any predators that would try to harm a slugpup would have to face the intimidation of an angry Gourmand. This is why Gourmand fits here!
Strength: Gourmand DEFINITELY has some big strength to them, bro does 3 damage when not tired! This is viable to a slugcat colony as this shows that they can rely on their leader in even the most difficult of situations. That, and also they are capable of defending the young! Slugcats view this as one of the most important features in a leader, so this is why Gourmand is super important in this category.
Intelligence and Powers: Gourmand definitely checks out here! Their powers and their intelligence combine together, making them VERY useful to the colony. Gourmand can use their powers to help get their colony out of a tight bind, to entertain, and to direct. Slugcats can always count on Gourmand if stuck, which is why Gourmand fits!
Compassion: My Gourmand DEFINITELY fits here! Gourmand is super caring and great with kids, kind to everyone that they can be, uses their powers to help others, uses their intelligence to lead, and does everything in their ability to make sure their colony is safe. Why Gourmand left to look for food is because they wanted to make sure their colony would live and thrive. They'd do anything for their colony, and care for them dearly! This is probably the most important rule of a leader to them, as slugcats are usually social creatures, and rely on companionship to thrive.
If a slugcat leader doesn't fit most of these, and/or possibly abuses their leadership, the colony will choose another leader, and in VERY extreme cases, the leader will be thrown out of the colony (Totally doesn't have something like this with another character).
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Gourmand is overall friendly towards all of the iterators, as Gourmand gets the feeling that the world has been unkind to them, given their situation. Gourmand knows that being stuck inside a box isn't the best, especially if they cannot leave, and can only view the world from small holograms. Gourmand feels bad about their situation, so they come to visit the iterators to help keep them company, and to tell the iterators stories they'd be interested in.
Gourmand does have a lot of respect for them, as they know that the iterators have a lot of power, but have to be careful with their given situation. Gourmand views the iterators as fairly important, and that alone makes one of the reasons Gourmand respect them.
Slugcat Family + Monk and Survivor
Gourmand is their ancestor, so Gourmand is related to them. Despite this, Gourmand has a HUGE amount of respect for the slugcat family. This is because even though they had two kids they lost, they decided to stay strong, and to dive in after their family, which Gourmand finds to be very admirable. Gourmand would do anything to make sure they're safe.
For Monk and Survivor, Gourmand has a huge amount of respect for them both! Gourmand finds it admirable that they stayed strong in a world so dangerous, able to take caution, and able to use the tricks they've passed on through the colony. Despite this, Gourmand also feels sadness for them as they know it was an extremely rough situation on slugcats so young. They'd do anything to make sure that Monk and Survivor don't get separated from their family again.
Nightcat and Inv/Enot
Gourmand is friendly towards them both! Although Gourmand tends to dislike Enot's flirting, they still think of them both as friends. Gourmand does find them a bit mysterious as they both seemed to appear out of nowhere, and with the strangest first interactions as well. As far as Gourmand knows, Enot and Nightcat don't know their parents, and don't have any family nearby. Regardless of this, Gourmand took them both into their colony, and loves talking to them.
Hunter and Artificer
Gourmand is best friends with Artificer and Hunter, and values hunting with them! The three are nearly inseparable, and value each other's company, as well as talking about the colony. Slowly overtime though, Gourmand began to have a crush on the two, and seeing the two in a relationship was nice, but they wanted to confess their feelings to both of them. Eventually Gourmand does, and the three end up in a poly relationship! They're quite happy together :D
Regardless of this, Gourmand has respect for Hunter as they went to save Moon despite them being sickly. Gourmand has since then been finding ways to help Hunter, and with Sig's help, they're lessening the effects that the rot had on Hunters body. Through all this, Gourmand sees Hunter as a fearless and stoic warrior, and loves how kind they can be despite this.
Artificer is a bit of a different story, as Arti had some bad experiences with the colony, and Gourmand doesn't agree with Artificers genocidal ways. Gourmand was a bit on edge of first meeting them, but it grew to fondness as Gourmand realized that Arti is trying to correct their wrongs, and make up for what they've done in the past, with one of those being to apologize to their colony. Upon finding out about Arti's situation, they've grown closer to Artificer, and letting Arti interact with the colony as a way to help heal from the past. Gourmand is a firm believer that Artificer can heal, and they choose to stick by Arti every step of the way.
Spearmaster, Rivulet, and Saint
Gourmand isn't super close to Spearmaster, Rivulet, or Saint, but enjoys their company! Gourmand knows they mean no harm intentionally, but also respects Rivulet and Spearmaster quite a bit for helping the iterators. Saint is a bit more distant, and from what Gourmand knows, Saint has a bit of a complicated past. Gourmand isn't going to push it, but they'll always be there if Saint needs someone to talk to. Gourmand is always welcome to them joining their colony, and is on quite good terms with the three.
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devitalise · 7 months
HAPPY HALLOWEEEN IMO!!! 🧛🏼‍♀️🖤 I spy a new letterboxd link in your bio omg following asap!! movie critic era??? but ok back to biz : october roundup!! did you end up reading anything particularly spooky or compelling? are there any must-reads on your list for these final few months of 2023?
JUMPSCARE!! final months of 2023.. how did we get here. yeah i made a letterboxd!! not sure about critic but i've been playing moviegrid everyday and i love logging things so maybe i will become a cinephile one day... BUT let's get back to books it was a very good month! into the
october book wrap up
Girls Out Late and Girls In Tears by Jacqueline Wilson
finished this series early october! i had an absolute blast! perfect way to reignite my love for reading i'm definitely going to have more JW books as a reset point if i'm ever in a slump again.
The Ballad of Black Tom by Victor LaValle
i still don't know my thoughts on this idk i'm not very good with words like that. i think this is very cool and intriguing and i enjoyed reading it! the supernatural and horror elements were really original to me and i think it being a short novella paid off.
At Night All Blood Is Black by David Diop
short French read. some of the repetitive stylistic and linguistic choices did wear a little thin on me around the halfway mark, but i was willing to just bear with it because the book is so short. ghoulish, i think. interesting threads on colonialism and war that i think are very apt. horrific in a depraved human nature kind of way
Ring Shout by P. Djèlí Clark
oh. OH! yeah! this was fantastical and gory and soooo eerie and i loved it! one of my top 2023 reads. really well researched and fleshed out historical references and the character work was so exceptional to me. this moved me in a way i wasn't expecting
The Lonely Londoners by Sam Selvon
neat! i think this is really important as a piece of literature documenting the camaraderie and community Black West Indian men were creating for themselves in London as part of Windrush. it was comedic and real and it's just. i don't know because my family didn't settle in London post-war, but there was so much that was so close in terms of familiarity that resonated with me. great read.
currently i'm reading Small Island by Andrea Levy and i think it's interesting to see the contrast in how she's written about Windrush. not to say Selvon didn't acknowledge the racism and hardship, but it takes a complete backseat in TLL and is secondary to the rest of the book whereas it's the focal point in Small Island. something to be said about how being Black in England is as hard as it is joyful. only around 60% in but very much enjoying
rest of the year reads
i'm actually not too sure! i have a few more Black British books i want to get through but now that i've hit my reading goal (woo!) i'm just trying to take it easy continue seeking a diversity of stories and authors you know how it goes
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
I know it's only been one day, but the audience wants to hear your initial impressions of each other, so I'm unlocking the confessional room. Line up outside. You'll each go in, one at a time, and share your thoughts with everybody. And I do mean everybody. Probably the whole world at this point. Maybe even the whole galaxy.
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Eleanor: Am I the only one weirded out by this?
Angel, you're up first.
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Angel: First of all, may I just say what an honor it is to have been chosen by the Watcher for such an important task? My whole life, I've tried to find ways that I may be of service to our great and powerful deity, but I never dreamed that I would meet her in person! Well, as in person as one can get with a disembodied voice, I guess. Still, it is an absolute privilege to be here and I will do my best to do whatever the Watcher asks of me. Even if it does mean wearing synthetic fibers and competing to date a strange green man who sits in the coat closet crying all day.
Is that where he's been this whole time? I'm gonna have to drag him out of there.
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Angela: Hi, again, guys! It's me, Angela! It sure has been a crazy day but I've had lots of fun getting to know everyone! The girls are all really nice, but I think Rose might be my closest friend in the house so far. She is sooo sweet! I'm really looking forward to getting close with everyone else, too, so I hope I'll stay in the competition for as long as possible.
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Bailey: I'm tired. I miss home. There's a lot of pink here, which is nice, but it's not Moonlight Falls. This whole competition is dumb.
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Eleanor: Ok, everyone, listen to me. I don't know exactly where we are but I think we're being held in a space colony of some kind. I saw some foliage through the windows and if I'm correct about this particular species, we may be in L--
Ok time's up. It's Kitty's turn now.
Eleanor: But you let the others talk twice as long--
I. said. It's Kitty's turn now.
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Kitty: Friends, I am despondent. I have never been as close to depths of despair as I am now. My knees are showing! After a lifetime of striving to be a virtuous and proper young lady, to see it all undone in a matter of minutes is truly painful! I daresay I am crushed. I may never recover from this wound. Never!
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Rose: Wow, what a journey it's been so far, huh guys? 🙂 All of the girls sure are such colorful characters, to say the least! 😅 Well, I'm having a blast so far and I can't wait to see what happens next! 😊 If my years of watching reality TV have taught me anything, it's that the first challenge should be due to start any moment now! Isn't that exciting? 🤩 And don't you silly gooses think for one second that just because I've made a few friends that I'm going to go easy on anyone! 🤭 I said I'd annihilate these bitches and I absolutely meant it. 😤 Teehee! 😆
And what do you have to say for yourself, Mister?
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Aiden: Did you really mean what you said earlier? Are we going to die?
I mean, anything's possible...
Aiden: Ohgodohgodohgodohgod.
[Beginning] [Previous] [Next]
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seumascowan · 1 year
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It is indeed that time. Album of the muthafuckin' year time. I've constructed Top 25 my list as follows: I decided to just choose a top album, and everyone else is tied for second place, even though the list is 2-25. Incidentally, these have all been in heavy rotation for the entire time I bought them. I highly recommend all!
Hath - All That Was Promised • What can I say about this album. I found Hath a few years back after their 'Hive' EP release, which is one of my all time faves. 'Of Rot and Ruin' came out in 2019 and surpassed expectations. How in the fuck, then, could they beat that... welp.
We Are Magonia - Triangle Unicode • Dark synth out of France.
Penny Coffin - ΣΚΕΛΕΤΙΚΟ ΣΚΟΤΑΔΙ • Scottish/Greek death metal. Heavy, grungy, beautiful.
Saor - Origins • Scottish melodic/folk black metal? Their catalog is very good.
Tyrannus - Unslayable • Amazing blackened thrash/death out of Scotland. If I were ranking, this album would likely be second spot.
Blackbraid I • One man Indigenous black metal from "USA"
La Armada - Anti-Colonial Vol. 2 • My Dominican punk brothers out of Chicago absolutely kill it.
Danger Mouse & Black Thought - Cheat Codes • Again, damned close to number 2 here as well. One of the most anticipated albums aside from Hath, and they did not disappoint.
Void Witch - Void Witch (EP) • Some awesome grinding death metal out of Austin.
Solicitor - All Debts on Death (EP) • Was sadly unaware of these guys right here in my back yard. Some badass Seattle thrash!
Mad Marge & The Troublemakers - It's a Mad, Mad World • Loved Mad Marge & The Stonebreakers; much the very same rockabilly greatness. Certainly the only band in this entire genre I listen to.
Devil Master - Ecstasies of Never Ending Night • Philly's great blackened death sounds.
Immolation - Act of God • This, their 11th? album is probably their greatest. A proper kick to the teeth.
Aethereus - Leiden • Some whip ass Tacoma techy proggy death metal or something.
OFF! - Free LSD • Obligatory add. OFF! never fail to disappoint. This album is a bit less old school 40-second-blast-songs punk than their previous records, and it's great!
Nechochwen - Kanawha Black • Some more Indigenous American metal outta the mid-Atlantic and nearby states.
Sierra - See Me Now (EP) • Lovely one gal dark wave, also from France.
Lividus - Tetany (EP) • Newer addition, but these ladies shred out of Portland, Oregon.
Tzompantli - Tlazcaltiliztli • Some Californian Mesoamerican Indigenous death doom. Good record, this.
Vermilia - Ruska • Lovely Finnish one gal pagan black metal! Very good catalog!
Temple of Void - Summoning the Slayer • Detroit OSDM. Sounds exactly like what you'd expect from Detroit OSDM. Amazing stuff.
Sol Messiah - GOD CMPLX • Another absolute gem out of the Rhymesayers Entertainment crew. Sol kills it.
Parius - The Signal Heard Throughout Space • This was another highly anticipated record from the Philly prog fellas. Produced by Jamie King (ala BTBAM) and you can hear the similarities. This record is an adventure!
FALSE FIGURE - CASTIGATIONS • Post punk greatness out of Cali. I absolutely love their sounds.
Björk - Fossora • Not much I can say about Björk that hasn't been said.
There it is. Number 1 and Number 2 (x24) albums of 2022. Thanks for @explosionshark for sharing the album art collage maker, which actually had all of these albums covers!
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eaglefairy · 2 years
I did Isurd's and Valdi's ascension quests and clearly I've been missing out. I had an absolute blast with both (and was about 20-30 levels overleveled but shhh it's fine) Everything about Isurd's quest is absolute gold. Searching the City for clues the way we normally would for stuff like monster or dissident intel. The fact that the quest basically boils down to "local man dragged out for a spa day with his son's friends". Eunie being a complete menace and throwing not only Isurd but ALSO Taion bodily into the hot spring. 10/10, would play again And Valdi's quest was so sweet! His whole little speech about the world being like a levnis was so nice, and the way he made those connections with Lambda and Colony 4...and of course the parallels with the wildlife being displaced but making the best of it anyway
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the-mushroom-colony · 3 months
Mushroom Colony Update: Behind the Scenes!
Hello! I'm glad you've all been liking Glowpaw's journey so far! The tags left on my post an notifications of people liking really keep a creator going! I appreciate everyone who has decided to see this story through.
Now, some updates, but the TLDR is that this story will update every Wednesday EXCEPT this week due to it's size.
Working on this story has been a blast! I admit though, having only one cat AND have said cat be a medic is certainly limiting in a story aspect. Anyone familiar with Clangen will know Herb patrols are quite possibly the most uneventful (No hate to the Devs or the team on this though! Just that ever since I picked up the game, which was back before extended mode even existed, I've only had one cat die on a Herb gathering patrol). But! This has been a great challenge for me, as I have to put extra thought in how I'm going to make the prompt "Glowpaw fell into a river and almost drowned" into a post.
Though, there are times when absolutely nothing happens and I have to skip like five moons to finally get something interesting, otherwise every moon update would just be "Glowpaw gathered the herbs". So all the post are, in the game at least, moons apart from each other!
Now, as to add to this challenge, and keep this story going, I have decided to add a post date! However, this will be put into effect NEXT week, as I may even have to split this next post into two parts (there is a LOT that happens in this update).
Also! Not so much important as the post date, but I wanna try getting these little writer logs out every so often to just update you guys on the progress of the story and for ya'll to give feedback. Plus, just wanna note that the ask box is open for JUST regular asks or speculation for now (I will open character ask when we... actually have more characters).
That should be it for now! Again, thank you all for your support, and if all goes well, I'll see you next Wednesday with a new moon update!
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nachers · 1 year
3 11 13 (for video game asks)
yay yippee. I typed up much more than I anticipated, I enjoy thinking about my little games.
1-3 games you’ve played in the past 12 months that you really enjoyed
Resident Evil 4 Remake
A perfect translation of the original game, they got a 10/10 twice out of RE4.
It keeps the same structure of the original while updating the gameplay in a way that makes sense as both a more direct sequel to RE2Remake and as a reimagining of RE4. The game feels so fucking good to play, they updated the high-pressure combat by making it feel breakneck. Since the player has more mobility than they ever had in the original, the enemies have also become aggressive as hell, sometimes overbearing. I've never said "fuck offff" so much while playing a game (non-pejorative), and the village fight at the beginning was insane to experience for the first time again. Check it out, Leon is the hottest guy this summer.
Plate Up A fun "roguelike" kitchen management game where you run around, cook, serve miserable customers their food, and find more efficient ways to do it. Absolute blast with friends, but just as fun alone if you're like me and like cooking gay little meals. Since it has to do with optimizing a process, it tickles all the funny parts in my brain and makes me feel super involved. Even better in coop where you have more than one person saying "no, I think we should do the kitchen like this. It's got a fine progression system that keeps you hooked for the first few hours, with unlocking new foods to cook and new items to use on future playthroughs, but honestly the gameplay loop has me hooked like a bird on nectar. Check it out, it's got the hottest dish this summer.
Analogue: A Hate Story
A visual novel I picked up on a whim and felt focused enough to finish reading playing in one sitting. I haven't played many visual novels, but the way A Hate Story presented its story was great. You piece together a story of what happened in a space colony by reading diary entries of different people, and you unlock different "threads" of diaries as you read through them. You make assumptions about one character based on what someone writes about them, and then get a different angle when you read that character's diary entry. I don't want to get too into it since it's fun piecing together exactly what's going on, it's far from a typical "scifi space colony" story. Check it out, it's got the hottest AI this summer.
Many other games from the past year I enjoyed, 3 is too few to list. These are all just from the past month. Shouts out to Roadwarden, Dragon's Dogma, the entire Hitman series, Mini Metro, Mini Motorways, Project Zomboid, etc etc etc too manny games...
Do you prefer ‘blank slate’ main characters you make yourself or otherwise project onto, or characters with a set personality and backstory?
Either is fine with me, just depends on what I'm playing. The only games I ever "self insert" in are Animal Crossing an Pokemon, something about those games has me thinking "don't get it twisted, I am doing all this". Otherwise with games where you make your own character like Fallout or Dragon's Dogma, I make just make an OC and play with them like dolls. Characters with set personalities are also fun to play with dolls, I like twirling my hair when I play with Leon RE4. Even games where you play as a set character but still have dialogue choices are fun. Stuff like Disco Elysium, The Walking Dead, Deus Ex Human Revolution is all great because they manage to give you just enough character and let you steer them in a direction. The only game I can think of at the moment where I actively disliked its player/character set up is Cyberpunk 2077. It plays it kind of in the middle, where you totally create V's appearance and character build, but I was just not a fan of how they handled the actual character dialogue and motivation. Ideally, it is supposed to be an RPG where you build your own character, choose your backstory, and play through at your own pace. In contrast to that, you are also playing as V, who has their own set personality, tone, and motivations that can sometimes play against whatever you may have imagined for your own character. It just never clicked with me, either make them a silent protagonist with a wider variety of dialogue like Fallout New Vegas, or make V a set character who you play as.
Quick, name the first song from a game that comes to mind
Find Your One Way from da Guilty Gear Strive soundtrack. Not even my favorite song from the soundtrack but it was the first. Check out the entire soundtrack on Spotify dot come, it has the hottest sounds of the summer. Some of my favorites are Rock Parade Mirror of the World The Circle What do you fight for Crawl
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egyptiancommunist · 2 years
gosh i am so stupid i've had so many family meetings to go through and i'm so done with all of them i can not stay in this country surrounded by these people and their bigotry i need to move i seriously need to. i even came out as trans earlier than i wanted to as an intrusive decision as a way to cope with everything i've been going through. these people might appreciate me but their views will never change and i can't even go through life with a "yeah sure, you're right and i'm wrong" mindset because that wouldn't even be socially acceptable. i hate everything that is going on in my life right now but it's okay because i will end up on the other side stronger than i am right now. it just sucks at this moment to have to deal with being a teenager with a toxic mother and absent father, with uneducated bigoted views. they don't even realize the gender roles they put themselves in are not "islamic gender roles" but they are a product of colonialism and white supremacy. i listen to my family members talk about their childhoods that they love to joke about and all of the trauma they faced but won't admit that it caused them problems later on in life because of their fear to confront their childhood trauma. i listen to them talk about their political views, all very conservative, i listen to their non-intellectual arguments about topics they know absolutely nothing about, i listen to their religious beliefs, i listen to them talk about me, i listen to their gossip. i just listen. that's the only option i have, if i don't want to go insane. i go back at the end of the day and i think, i think about everything they said and i become frustrated, angry, and annoyed. and then i put on my earphones and blast music til i feel numb and i go to sleep.
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spookyvalentine · 3 years
Kasumi, Thane, Shiala for the character ask meme
OHHHHHHHHH i do be too in love
K: a THIEF??? you give me HEIST??? i studied art history in college, and got very focused on art crime and museum security and made several professors quite anxious, so the first time I played 2 and recruited her, she immediately soared to the top of my fave list
T: oh ho oh HO tiddy window. he is... ooh. him pretty. then he talked. HE'S HOT!!!! uh oh weren't you gonna romance garrus?
S: when she feel out of the thorian i was like wat. i am getting my ass kicked by a plant booger. why are you HERE. WHO ARE YOU
K: i will die for you. i wanted to see more of her in 3. i wanted to heist the casino with her. extremely in love, forever and always, and if i wanted to punish myself and make another shepard it'd be to romance her
T: shattered. one of the most deeply romantic LIs out there imo. watching him come alive again. unrecoverable. i'll forever love him. also hes hot as fuck lemme lick him. he didn't die, he blasted kai leng in the face the second he leveled his pistol. i will also go to my grave foaming at the mouth what they did to him
S: wife. omg please benchpress me. the first time i played and had that conversation post-thorian and its like oh. you're badass as fuck. a commando and studied for centuries w benezia? AND THEN SHE FLIRTS W YOU IN 2 AND THERE IS NO OPTION FOR FOLLOW UP???? i thought about that scene all the time. and with the next couple playthroughs, every time i got to see her i was like. oh no youre even prettier. oh no you're even cooler. and now its just terminal brainrot. god i wish we couldve recruited her/romanced her. that would have been mad dope. thank god i am sometimes capable of writing fic
K: ohhhh a toughie. it feels like a cop out to say all of them, but her VA does such a damn good job bringing so much personality into her lines so like even going and checking in on her between missions was a delight to hear her comment on squadmates. that heist was so good tho. hoot every time she jumps on the jet and gives hock that jaunty wave. WHAT A BABE!!! i also love when she goes HAha while in combat
T: when he finally talks about irikah and kolyat. it felt so special and intimate to learn about them. and when he cries before kissing shepard. yes.
S: when shE FLIRTS IN 2 OASIFHLJISUDH but seriously when shes free of the thorian and says she wants to help the colony in recompense. that. meant a lot to me. also i watched the renegade version on yt and the fact that she'll just. let shepard kill her without a fight.... that...... ow
K: well. i've got several fics in the works for her w mercy shepard
- new orleans heist
- vinny (the first man kasumi kills)
- ANDERSON NEVER ARRESTS MERCY AU: CRIMELORD MERCY SHEPARD where kasumi is their right hand, and eventually they end up on the trail of saren. alternate recruitment of squadmates >:)
T: i've got a google doc titled cleaning supplies which um. has been the filth i've been posting in chunks. the other fic for him that i just have a barebones bit is hurt/comfort after mercy visits alchera, beginnings of a romance between them. and of course, sports coach au that i will absolutely start actively writing once i've gotten a couple more "essential" mercy fics done
S: i am working on stellan and shiala's first in-person date after the war, inspired by you, the powerful @yellingaboutmasseffect, where they do the floating howl/sophie walk. and then i like to play around with a full-on howl's moving castle shepala au, that i'd probably post scenes from, rather than any sort of longfic. and im still writing very married sleepy fucking. um. yeah. that's almost complete
K: i will never regret she's there because she makes my life worthwhile, but why was kasumi recruited in the first place?? she's a thief, not a murder powerhouse
T: can't be considered a dilf til kolyat forgives him and even then, hun, you've got a lot of work to do for your kid (which, he does, of course. but it can't be ignored that thane just. abandoned his child)
S: i think she would've made a more fun companion than liara
(ignoring shepard)
K: i thought the one she had with the spectre jondam bau was fun. i'd write them going on an interrupted heist-turned-date. or a slow burn enemies to lovers thing. if i had time. i also love that kasumi and samara hang out, referenced in 2
T: thane/irikah, of course! what a powerful couple.
S: i would love to read about shiala studying under benezia, and then the curdling relationship has soverign's indoctrination worms between them. to her being sacrificed to the thorian. and then her learning the death of her teacher. like. there's a lot there and it hurts my feelings when i think about it. love that for me :)
K: her grandmama. i have her as a badass cat burglar that raised kasumi as not only a beloved grandchild, but also her protege. powerful woman. also cared for mercy, but she dies when kasumi is seventeen
T: that he's got a dick like a vodka tampon
S: she's absolutely ripped. i know it. you know it. we all know it. i like the idea that she's both beefy and intellectual. and in my shepala-rotted brain, she's got a real talent for growing flowers :')
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