#I've been saying this for a while since I got back into vocaloid music
frobby · 8 months
For miku deniers who hate her due to her popularity (which is fair to some degree she does take the spotlight away from other crypton vocaloids quite often) but there's definitely a reason she's so popular. Beyond marketability, recognizability and accessibility: she's versatile. Most vocaloidP of course have a unique style but especially popular songs the vocaloid roughly sounds the same. Not a bad thing of course there's enough of them that if u want a certain sound u you a certain vocaloid. But with miku its like every miku centric vocaloidP has a different sound to her, it's so clearly miku but from producer to producer she's completely different. I think that's beautiful
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mythical-bookworm · 7 months
Get To Know Me Tag Game!
(Thanks to @bg-sparrow and @professorsaber for tagging me)
1) Spell your name in songs (Songs I enjoy to listen to. Also 3 songs with the letter O and a K song??? This was hard)
Bushes of Love (Star Wars) by Bad Lip Reading
One Way or Another by Blondie
Oh Wonder - Without You (Justice Skolnik Remix)
Karma by Vocaloid
Where is Your Rider by The Oh Hellos
One Mint Julep by the Clovers
Ruler of Everything by Tally Hall
Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra
2) Why did you choose your URL?
My URL is derived from MythicalBookWorm. I wanted this to be it originally but it was already taken :( I created it back in 2020 when I joined a little kids coding website called Scratch. Now how I came up with it? No fun story there. Just stared at the sign-up pages for a while, trying to come up with characteristics about me before this popped into my head. Ever since then this has been my user online. After all, Scratch got me into art and animation, and online in general. I still really like the URL and it is officially me online.
3) What is your middle name?
I don't feel comfortable saying it as it is apart of my real name. However: In the context of my full name, I like my middle name. It flows extremely nicely and is the reason my parents gave me it, along with the name being in the family once before. By itself though? Never liked it. In or out of context I have always hated the name. Put it on anyone, anything, don't like it.
4) If you could be any mythical creature, what would you be?
Isn't funny how I have contemplated this a lot? Now if we were going by personality, I would definitely be a phoenix. However, this is choice. So 100% dragon! Think about it: flight, fire, and fingers! It's the best combination of fun, powerful, and convenient/realistic. Plus wouldn't it be cool to roll your throat and make those super intimidating throat growls?
5) Favorite color?
Magenta! 2nd is Lavender, 3rd is Teal/Cyan.
6) Song you love right now?
Well, recently watched and fell in love with the Back to the Future Musical, so Hello, is Anybody Home? and Teach Him a Lesson (That he'll always forget! <Never forget>) Also found Crane Wives recently so I've been enjoying their songs as well. :)
7) Top four fandoms?
Back to the Future
Wings of Fire
Gravity Falls
Back to the Future and Amphibia are pretty interchangeable though. Currently it's BttF but Amphibia was on top for a lot longer before it.
8) Tag nine people
Hope you guys don't mind, don't feel pressured or anything ':)
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mikunology · 21 days
Any specific character inspiration for how you characterize the CV gang?? :0 like, from animes or other media, is that how you picked out their personalities because their really great 🙏🏾
OvO!! excellent question!! ooh boy...where do I start with that...
admittedly, some of my inspirations are a bit difficult for me to remember since I've had my characterizations for the CVs for a really long time, almost if not as long as I've been a fan (so...over a decade lmao). let's see, though... (this became an essay accidentally so putting it under a cut lmao)
My Miku's personality comes from a mix of things: the basics of it I think I can trace back to her portrayals in unofficial comics like Hatsune Mix and Chibi Miku-san, and of course, portrayals of her from various early songs and videos (mainly cosMo's works). Outside of Vocaloid-based works, though, I don't think it'd surprise anyone to know that yes, I did base my portrayal of Miku on Jenny from My Life as a Teenage Robot (just a little XD) but it would probably surprise people to know that I got a surprising amount of inspiration for how I write Miku from Mickey Mouse of all characters, mostly the version of him from the modern Paul Rudish shorts. I feel like the wackier and more short-sighted aspects of her definitely came from him, lolol - it ended up making her feel more like a Western cartoon protag than say, a stock shoujo anime heroine. Oh, and I can't forget - a good chunk of Miku's personality also is a reflection of myself in a few ways, such as her anxious streak.
For Rin...Rin is actually kinda easy in this regard, a majority of Rin (and also Len's) characterizations were definitely based off the aforementioned early Vocacomics/mangas and early songs, mostly Wonderful Opportunity's discography, but for Rin I also got a lot of my idea for her from OSTER Project's early songs (like Princess Cowgirl Show). Rin tended to get portrayed a lot with a very energetic, in-your-face and slightly bratty attitude and I always loved it. XD Both my Rin and Len were inspired by a few of the Kagamine ask blogs floating around Tumblr in the early 2010s too. Also, while this was more of like...a subconscious inspiration? I recently had rewatched a bit of the Powerpuff Girls and I was kinda struck by how much Buttercup had snuck into how I write Rin XD It was really funny.
Now Len...I'm gonna come out and say that yeah, I owe a lot of my inspiration for how I write Len to hikusa and their Len askblog - I think my Len ended up deviating quite a bit from theirs? But I think the influence is there. XD Let's see...I also got my Len's personality from a lot of earlier Vocaloid content? Although admittedly moreso from other media like the comics and Project DIVA games than music in his regard other than WanOpo. Like Rin and Buttercup, I also noticed he takes quite a bit after Blossom, which I thought was entertaining. Len is also another character besides Miku that I think takes after myself a lot, I'd say he's probably the closest in personality to me in the cast. XD
And Luka is also pretty easy! A majority of my idea for Luka is pulled straight from one of her centric chapters in Hatsune Mix (couldn't tell you the chapter name/number off the top of my head) that discusses her having trouble putting "feeling" into her singing. I thought that chapter was really interesting in giving Luka that conflict so I ended up giving her a sort of robotic personality to delve further into that concept a bit. I think I also got some of my Luka's characterization from some of Owata-P's old Talkloids (Vocaloid Petit Theater, I think?) where while she was more tsundere than kuudere her kinda deadpan attitude felt fitting to the character.
But yeah! I know, kinda weird places to find characterization inspiration...but yknow lmao.
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zero-ek · 5 months
Yozora Mel.
I've been in shock all morning, and not like figuratively, i mean like the physical symptom of shock. I couldn't eat breakfast and i probably ran a whole marathon with how much i just walked back and forth all day. I've been recovering from a fever so that's probably the bigger reason but it's really just that i don't think i've been hit by this sort of news this hard before.
Even now, my heart isn't beating like it should, and i'll be the first to admit that it is kinda weird to be this shaken by some anime girl on Youtube but let me explain,
I don't think i'd be exaggerating if i say that Yozora Mel is the reason i am the way that i am now.
She was the first utaite i ever got into, not Mel exactly, but the one she was before, the (#), some 6 or 7 years ago. I don't remember how, but i came across this Sailor Moon cover she did with a couple other girls that i really liked. I started to listen to her covers from time to time, and, being in my Vocaloid phase, that eventually introduced me to the whole utaite scene, and i still follow to this day a couple that i met back then, like Kano or Nanahira.
I'm not as sure how or when exactly, since it's around the time my memory starts to get bad, but i eventually rediscovered her as Mel, and it i actually got into the whole Vtuber thing, and while she wasn't doing much music back then, it was still a kind of neat thing that someone i knew was doing, so having her there made it easier for me to stick around.
And because of that, i met AZKi, my all time favorite singer because of it (twice, even!), and i don't think i'll ever be able to let myself or anyone forget just how much AZKi's music means to me, how much it affected me on a personal level. I'm not sure that i'd ever find her if it wasn't for Mel being there, and i'd be a completely different person now because of it.
Then there was Suisei and Calli, whose music i also reall enjoy, and that led me to find the Vsinger subgenre as a whole, Kamitsubaki, Nagase Yuka, HACHI, yosumi, somunia, etc, etc... artists i came to love so much that i would've never found if it wasn't because of her, not to mention the awesome people i managed to meet because she got me to love this genre.
Even after i outgrew the whole streaming part of Vs and stuck to just the musician ones, Mel was pretty much the only one i'd still watch on the regular, she's such an enjoyable person to listen to, even if it was a topic i didn't personally cared much about or serious subject matters that are hard to touch on, i always admired how she could talk about pretty much anything always with the same amount of measure and charisma.
And then she started getting into making music again, and i was so, so happy about that she did. Although she can't really sing live, she still has so much potential as a singer, so freaking much, like not only she has an impressive range, which she can nail, albeit with some studio help (see: the Towa duet) but just by her also being a natural at voice acting, you get stuff like her cover of "Kochira, Koufuku Anshinkai Desu", which is to this day one of the more impressive performances i've ever seen.
Which i think is what made this such a heavy punch in the gut for me, i don't think i'm that shaken because she's leaving, everyone knows it will happen eventually; or the circumstances of it, which while i understand the gravity of, there's only so much information to be extrapolated there to make any assumptions. It's because she was stopped dead in her tracks at such a promising moment in her career, she had an album, wrote a couple of short songs herself, stuff i never thought i'd see from her again, and then for this year she had 10 whole covers prepared, plus the upcoming collab with honeyworks, which was a dream come true since she is a massive fan of that franchise.
I was so happy to see how strong she was going with making music again, given that her singing was how i found out about her in the first place, and what introduced me not only to a world of good music, but music that changed me as a person, that i could turn to when i was in my darkest places. I know how selfish this sounds, but i was happy not only to see her working so hard to finally realize her potential, but also so that, to me, she could be an even bigger part of this world she introduced me to.
I don't want to dwell too much on the termination bit, mainly because there's not really enough factual information given to make sense of it one way or the other. I've seen and really do appreciate the fan consensus that "it was most likely accidental" or "they didn't want to but didn't have a choice", and while i'd want to accept it as the truth so badly, i can't pretend that coming to that conclusion without anything factual to go by isn't just grasping at straws.
I have to remember that i don't really know *her* and what she would or wouldn't do. I know Yozora Mel, i know (#), and to be clear, i don't personally believe her to be the type to do something too reprehensible, but i can't forget that that is only an assumption just because i like her very much.
I hate the fact that i'm even having to rationalize this, it's such a sudden thing with so little explanation given...
I can only hope that Yozora Mel is remembered fondly, as sour as everything about this is, i hope she's not seen as a blemish on Hololive's history or a "thing" to be forgotten, it shouldn't be like that for anyone and just knowing that there are people out there that can think so lowly of real human beings kills me.
However badly they screw up, no one deserves that, and she doesn't either.
I trust that she'll be alright, i mean, she's been at it for 5.8 years as Mel (and 13 in total, i think), and went through worse stuff before coming back beaming like the sun. As much of a "genius" she is, especially in light of this situation, in general, she's someone who knows her stuff. I just sincerely hope she doesn't give up on singing, even if not all of her dreams can come true now, her ambition doesn't have to stay behind with Yozora Mel. she can do so much more, i know that for a fact.
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cyanide-latte · 2 years
1 and 6 for the soft asks☺️
Aaaahhhh thank you!
1. what song makes you feel better?
There are a couple of answers for this one! If you're just looking to put me in a happy mood, the song that makes me smile without fail is "Kimi Ni Mune Kyun"! The original song is by Yellow Magic Orchestra, but I can be quite happy with the Vocaloid cover or the version from the end credits of Maria†Holic!! If you're wanting to make me feel better though, especially from a low point, almost any song by P!nk is well suited to that! I've said before that her music has saved my life, and many of her songs feel like that loving punch on the arm followed by helping you to your feet, from a friend who's been there and knows how to bring you back up again and keep it real.
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
Ooh, okay...
I have two beauty spots under one eye! I didn't notice it for the longest time and when I finally did, I realized I really like that about my face!
Speaking of eyes, I have central heterochromia! It's not easy to tell unless you really get up close and in my face; most people assume my eyes are either green or brown, depending on the lighting. Either way they're kind of right! My outer iris is green, while my inner iris is more of an umber-brown with flecks of yellow! The yellow is hard to spot, but I've always found the fact I've got heterochromia to be kind of cool.
I really got my hair from my biological dad; though he keeps his head shaved these days, my curls and growing white pattern come from him! (My hair's been going steadily white since I was 15, and the last time I hung out with my biological dad and younger half-brother, bro pointed out dad and I have the same white pattern in our hair!) And I love that.
Uhhh...something nice about myself that's not physical. Hmm. I write well. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that's really my best (though perhaps only) talent.
I'd like to think I'm pretty open and willing to listen to people when they need it, and can engage in fairly decent, if not meaningful, discussion.
I've reached the point where I can be kind with myself when I have intrusive negative thoughts about how I was when I was younger, and remember that however much I wince or cringe thinking back on how I used to be, it just goes to show I've grown, I'm not the same person, and I can forgive myself in all regards and move past it.
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