#I'm losing my shit over here
rexlroze · 3 months
I think I'm most likely losing my brain with this one.
I've gone over 7 different styled pants and they all look hideous. 🙂
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@the-kr8tor Are you happy with your half-grooted Hobie, hm? Are you? HUH?
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qcomicsy · 1 year
You know it's all going to shit when you manage to get DEADPOOL that disappointed
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omaano · 1 year
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Big Blue joins The Mandalorian Meets Hades Project!
#I was sitting on that dialogue for a week orz don't judge me here. their love language is insults#in my defence I forgot how to draw in the past weeks and needed to fuss with this a little to reset my brain#paz vizsla#dinpaz#pazdin#the mandalorian#the mandalorian fanart#hades au#din djarin#my art#I'm actively thinking about what trinkets to assign to Paz but if I don't post it now I never will#I figured Paz would be great in the Asterius role in-game even if he has more of a theseus like shit talking kind of vibe lol XD#Like make it a Din and Grogu vs Paz and Ragnar kind of battle#where Grogu can eventually three-shot the other kid but if Din so much as brushes past Ragnar he automatically instant loses#and will have to crawl back to beg for forgiveness#I didn't have it in me to draw out a pocket Paz next to pocket Din in the bg#and I don't trust myself any to make it to the arena in hades rn either XD I haven't booted up the game in months#so I had to rely on background screenshots from when I started this project lol#just enjoy how absolutely bit and massive Paz is okay? I can fret with my perfectionism in peace over here XD#never drawing that minigun again NEVER#next one should be Bo-Katan and co as the furies because I really want to draw up Axe and Koska as well#you know whenever I'll have some free time like in July XD#I'll save my very specific Hungarian issues with the Vizsla name because I'm too tired to type out all that rant here lol#BUT WHY IS IT WRITTEN WITH A “ZS” WHEN ABSOLUTELY NOBODY CAN PRONOUNCE IT RIGHT????#just write it with a Z or an S and let me have my peace please this is driving me up the wall every single time I think about it#why name the House/Clan after a hungarian dog breed when then nobody bothers to pronounce that ZS right??#it's not like anyone would know that you're dropping a letter there whatthehell why#you're robbing me of precious hours of sleep here every second week#*cough* okay maybe you are not spared from my rant oops
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neverevan · 5 hours
tbh I am trying so hard to not let this shit get to me... but the fact that people are now doing things that could be classified as a felony (yes, really) over some fictional men dating... and then trying to ride the moral high ground while actively being queerphobic and sending inadvertent death threats to real people and dogpiling poc on twitter over liking a fictional man... idk fam it doesn't just make me wanna not engage with that side or fandom, but also the ship itself.
and if I feel like this, just imagine how the actual creators of the show must feel like... I know no one who is actually stupid enough to do all that will see or understand what I'm saying here, but it sure makes being in fandom feel like crap sometimes
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grntaire · 11 months
here to weaponize my music degree bc what hozier did with from eden is fucking insane
a bit of music theory background: the song from eden is in 5/4, meaning that there are 5 beats in each measure. most western music is felt in groups of 2's and 3's, and a good majority of that time, it'll stick to just 2's or just 3's (4/4 vs. 3/4, for example) in the case of music that is in 5, it's felt as a combo of groups of 2's and 3's. with from eden, it's a group of 3 combined with a group of 2, literally described as 3+2. in the medieval period, music that was in groups of 3 was considered to be "perfect" as it was in reference to the trinity, and music in groups of 2's was often secular. there was definitely overlap, but generally speaking these were the idealized practices of the time. re: music in 3 being considered more holy, composers still to this day will use this idea in their music to convey an inherent "holiness" to their music.
here's where hozier gets me absolutely catatonic: so the song at its simplest is about the devil tempting people into sinning. hozier himself said that he wrote it from the pov of the devil bc he loves the theme in the blues where the devil is a character who walks and talks.
but the imagery of the serpent in eden is what we can't forget bc that's what this boils down to. the serpent tempting eve to eat the apple is thought of as the original sin, but in reality it's maybe the most beautiful moment in christian mythology–where a human was first encouraged to challenge the world around them. to eat the apples of life and to not be afraid to disobey. it's where humans find free will, and where humans met humanity for the first time.
so the song being in 5 is absolutely bonkers to me bc that idea is LITERALLY built into the structure of the song.
the 3 = god. the 2 = humanity/secular soceity. 3+2= humanity finding free will.
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This crab day thing has gotten so frustrating so fast. The person who suggested it is an anti-abortion anti-feminist right wing christian transphobe. Many of the people spreading additional posts and info are ALSO anti-abortion right wing christian transphobes. Seriously. Start clicking their blogs when you see these posts. Search "abortion" and "feminism" and "trans" and "gender" and "groomer." This is really easy to confirm. But people don't give a shit because "crabs fun." okay.
And its not like people aren't aware of it at this point. Search "crab day" on tumblr and a good chunk of the results are asks saying "hey btw crab day was started by a transphobe/right wing christian." and most of those people have responded with something along the lines of "Um okay but like its a good idea though??? You guys can't even collaborate with conservatives for like a second to achieve a political goal? UGH this is why nothing ever gets done 🙄." or "Um okay but like that post had nothing to do with their political beliefs. so like its fine lol. Crab fun." Or "oh no omg im so sorry thats so gross i deleted the post but im still gonna keep reblogging all the other posts by the conservative transphobic anti abortion right wing christians whos blogs i wont check because we need to save tumblr!!!!"
Let me make this really fucking clear for those who don't get it: it doesn't matter if the post is not about their political beliefs. You and all your mutuals are reblogging them. You are making it easier for them to network and find each other. You are bringing them new followers, a bigger audience, a bigger platform and a bigger pool of people who will spread their oh so relatable non-political posts. Which will bring in more followers. And some of those new followers are going to be young dumbasses who are going to see all their posts about "groomers" and "mutilation" and the evils of porn and the horrors of abortion and how feminism actually harms women and do i need to tell you how that story ends?
You are showing that "crab fun" is way more important to you than the safety of trans tumblr users. You are giving them a bigger platform and a wider net with which to potentially harm trans people. By saying that you're not going to let their political beliefs ruin your fun, you're making it very clear that trans people are less important than your fun. And you're making it VERY fucking clear that you'd RATHER tumblr become a safe and welcoming place for anti-feminist anti-abortion right wing transphobes than give up fun crab.
You are showing that your need to throw money at a corporation is more important to you than trans tumblr users. I get where you are coming from. I do. You want tumblr to keep existing. I want tumblr to keep existing. I also want the other trans people who use this fucking platform to keep existing because frankly, they are the only reason i'm here. and if they aren't safe here and if you will throw us away just to keep tumblr shambling along a little longer then I have no fucking interest in tumblr.
"Okay but we need to save tumblr uwu!!!!" Look I'm just some dumbass and I don't know shit (and to be PERFECTLY honest, so are you), but I think this is a little more complicated than "if we raise enough money we can save the school/family farm/community centre/(insert cozy heartwarming thing that needs to be saved)!" As other smarter people have said, tumblr is operating at a yearly $30 million deficit. Thats $30 million just to break even. For one year. not become profitable. Its not a bail them out once and its all good forever situation. Tumblr is not a small message board run by volunteers who actually use donations to stay afloat. They are not a non-profit. They are not running a pledge drive. Throwing money at a corporation does not a nonprofit make. It makes you a consumer.
Your response to "tumblr making bad changes" is "give them money for making the bad changes to show that we don't like bad changes!! A reverse boycott'll show 'em!!" You sure about that??? (And some of you are calling this """""unionizing?"""" Put that word back on the shelf.) You don't know what you're doing and you're not listening to the smarter people who have tried to explain it to you. And once again, you're showing that this half baked scheme is more important to you than trans tumblr users. because crab fun.
And @everyone whos clambering over each other to "collaborate with conservatives for a good cause," we already fucking know that you love to do this shit. You are the same people who will say "yeah but theres bad people on both sides!!!" and who wont give up your Harry Potter or your Chick-Fil-A. You will throw us under the bus the SECOND it gets you something you want. Even something as stupid and small as pickle brine or a shitty videogame or fucking "crab day." And guess what. The second all your "shared goals" are accomplished and the conservatives get what they want FROM YOU??? You're going straight under that bus too.
And also, isn't it maybe a little hmmmm. SUSPICIOUS that CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIANS want to throw money at the site that we've been bitching and screaming at for how unfairly it censors any display of queer sexuality????? They don't have the same problems with tumblr that you do. You think that collaborating with THEM is gonna stop that? Gonna get the porn ban reversed? Gonna turn tumblr into a co-op? Gonna "unionize this bitch?" Hello????
If you must. MUST participate in this because crab oh so fun and tumblr is oh so in need of saving then for the LOVE of FUCK make your OWN POST and STOP PLATFORMING THESE PEOPLE. i don't want to hear "Oh but its a good idea it doesn't matter if a bad person came up with it separate art from the artist lol" if you're not MAKING AN ACTUAL EFFORT TO EXCLUDE THEM FROM THIS. BLOCK THEM. CHECK THEIR BLOGS. BLACKLIST THEIR URLS. ITS EASY.
and then maybe go give your $3 to an actual non-profit. or to an actual leftist independent organization. Or wikipedia. Or inaturalist. Or to one of the many hyperspecific message boards out there who are struggling along on donations from like 5 people. Or maybe, maybe, give your fucking $3 to an abortion fund or to a trans person's go fund me so they can buy food. Or to a womens shelter or a fucking homeless person or to any of the other people who anti-abotion anti-feminist right wing christian transphobes want to stop existing.
My partner is afraid to leave the house alone because people with these exact same political beliefs are in power. People are getting their HRT ripped away from them because people with these exact same political beliefs are in power. People are being forced to give birth because people with these exact same political beliefs are in power. Every day I'm ready to get the news that the state my partner is in is no longer safe and we have to figure out an escape plan. These people do REAL HARM in the REAL WORLD and their beliefs are, tbh, way more fucking insidious and mainstream and tolerated than those of TERFs.
But fun crabs are more important. okay.
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hajihiko · 6 months
I don’t use the word kin, but I do say I relate to characters. I believe it’s technically the same thing but idk kin just… bothers me? Fine for other people but not my cup of tea
oh yeah idc if other people use that I just don't
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la-pheacienne · 2 years
Neither Daemon nor Rhaenyra never actually spoke words "I love you/her/him" about each other. it is not an accusation, just a note. At what moment do you think their feelings changed from familial to romantic and they realized it? I think Rhaenyra had a teenage crush on him even in ep 1. But he probably realized something only in episode 4.
Ohhh this is actually an interesting question anon. Rhaenyra just called Daemon "my love" and said "I want you uncle" and then "I need you" and it's true, nobody said I love you.
So big disclaimer. When you follow a story and a particular fictional romantic couple you always need to pay attention to the context. Context is everything. You can also call it interior logic of the story. Every story has one, and you need to keep that in mind if you want to decide how to feel about certain things.
So the context of that particular story is that you have a little girl, raised in an incestuous family and in an era where girls got married very very young, so they started looking for spouses even younger. This girl has a very cool oncle that gives her a lot of attention and also has all the qualities she admires in a partner, but she can't have for herself because she is a girl. He also happens to be hot. So girl falls for said uncle very very early on. That's canon, no doubt about that, it's obvious even in the show that she is smitten as a teenager.
Then you have a man who has been raised in an incestuous family, who is very loyal to said family and has this burden of not being recognised enough as a second son. This man has a niece that he loves and probably very early on considered that she could be a great partner when she grew older, a partner worthy of him, but unfortunately he got married to someone he didn't choose because politics. Then that niece begins to actually resemble him, in all the ways that matter, and he admires her indépendance and firey personality, he understands that they actually have so much in common and that she sees him, truly. She is also hot. So he's like, wait, not only this girl could be a great partner on paper, I actually want her to be my partner in life. We are meant to be.
And they are. Rhaenyra wants a strong Targaryen by her side, a male warrior and Dragonrider like herself, that is absolutely loyal to her. Daemon wants a strong Targaryen by his side, a powerful Queen and Dragonrider like himself, who is not afraid of him but instead embraces him completely and gives him the family acceptance he craved for. Being Targaryens, they are fucked up in the head, obviously (context) and they are also rulers, so there will be fights and competition and ugliness and spite and maybe cheating but in the context they are meant to be. He dies for her and his family.
So love? What does "I love you" mean after this? I believe it could sound a little corny to say that in their context. I believe that they absolutely love each other but it's better to show it by actions and in the narrative, and not by words. Then we also have this kind of shit
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So why do we need an "I love you"?
But to answer your question specifically, I believe that Rhaenyra was smitten with him first, then he was smitten with her when he saw her in 1x04 (before he was just entertaining the idea but not in a serious way) then they made out and both realised that they are actually in love, then shit got real very quickly and after many many years they were finally be able to become one. That's it. This blog does not accept any pedo grooming shit, nor Daemon is only after the throne shit. This is crackhead territory and I won't even bother explaining why. Just look at them and watch the show (this is not at all addressed to you anon, it's a general advice).
Btw the GIFs are not mine, some of them are by @lady-phasma but not all, I hope you will forgive me because I'm trying to spread the word of God here.
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loomsims · 2 months
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Edward did not end up standing on business...he actually tripped, fell, and broke almost every damn bone is his body. I love Edward DOWN and he's my pookie wookie, but I got the ick from this whole situation ngl. Not only did Maverick swoop in and steal your girl, he went knuckle to knuckle with you and you LOST. This is Edwards biggest L to date and I am deeply embarrassed for him. 😭
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a-magical-evening · 1 year
Yay 400!!! You’re so famous <3 💐💐💐
Haha 😆💞😘 Thank you for the flowers, darling 🌷🌼🌻🌺🌹ILU
Here's our husbands looking SEXY and HAPPY AF
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wowifinallywatched · 2 months
Wow I Finally Watched Sunshine
What happens when you put Cillian Murphy and Chris Evans in close confinement on their way to send a bomb into the sun?
Did I mention the incredible Michelle Yeoh and Benedict Wong are apart of these space shenanigans?
Have I gotten your attention of this very underrated movie yet?
Sunshine came out in 2007 and I had never once heard or seen anything of this movie until a few days ago, While I was innocently scrolling through Disney+, This movie appeared.
Now, Being a huge fan of Chris Evans for many years and recently diving into the work of Cillian Murphy, I was already hooked.
But then you tell me this is a Sc-fi Psychological Thriller set in space?
But this isn't just a 'For the scares and spooks' of space travel that film often portrays, This is a film ahead of it's time. A story that could be told in any year, Because this will always be relevant.
This movie makes you think.
What is beyond the stars? What would you do in these humanity-testing scenarios? What would you do when you've come face to face with not only the surface of the sun, but also your own heart?
A movie that questions your own humanity, A movie that has made you feel something so real that it makes your chest feel tight as if you're in that scenario, As if you're apart of a team with these people by your side day in and day out - That is a job well done.
While this movie did take a little bit to get into, it builds the suspence of what's really going on here. But everytime you think you'll look away, you reach for your phone - The movie does something that makes you need to rewind and go "Did they really just say that?"
And when you reach that moment.
There's no going back.
This movie was so incredibly different than anything I've experience for a while and As a thorough enjoyer of the Sci-fi genre in all different forms, This was a truly pleasant surprise.
***Please be cautious minor spoilers in the tags***
***Please read the content warnings of this movie before watching, it can depict scenes that may trigger some individuals***
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marinsawakening · 2 months
It's pretty fun for me to play Zelda games in a manner mostly isolated from fandom opinions. Like don't get me wrong I've absorbed a lot of LOZ spoilers, headcanons, interpretations etc. via osmosis, I am not playing these games blind. But regardless of how many spoilers and fanart/fanfic I've seen going through the AO3 tag after playing BOTW was still an Experience because it made me realize that the way I interpret both Link as a character and the game as a whole is apparently completely counter to the majority fandom opinion. Something I was blissfully oblivious to while playing the game.
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byanyan · 3 months
it appears to be a 'write a few sentences and then just stare at the draft for several minutes before clicking off to another tab, then coming back to start the process over again' kind of night :/
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gaypiratebrainrot · 2 years
i am so so sorry to report that even though a pwp-y lil epilogue to does the body good is fully plotted in my head, this morning i had THE most insane fic idea, hit me like a brainworm avalanche, so um that’s almost definitely coming out of the chute next. and i’m going to say absolutely nothing else about it (beyond progress updates) until it’s written and published.
i suspected my pattern writing fic in this fandom might be to write a crowd-pleaser followed by a weird one not for everyone, and oh boy. Oh Boy. 
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widevibratobitch · 2 months
took a bunch of clothes to my mom's to wash them since my washing machine is still down and she said 'ill do it dw about it' and threw my favourite white top in with the colours. i no longer have a favourite white top :)
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dcviline · 2 months
the disproportionate amount of pro e///d content I come across by sheer accident on this site or that gets recommended to me on here despite having nothing on my blog, in my tags, or in my search history even mildly related to the terms used that would have an algorithm show me that content is fucking insane actually. and filtering the terms does nothing because people keep coming up with new tags to circumvent the ones they use that keep getting banned. so why the fuck is tumblr pushing this shit to the front page??? or in ANYONE's fyp????
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