#I'm like ... 2 months clean question mark
starlingskulls · 5 months
they're at mad at me island i should cvt
3 notes · View notes
zh-lele · 9 months
12-7 ROOM (part one)
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Surviving a week to Donghyuck's charms and jokes can't be so hard... Worst case scenario, you end up completely falling for your brother's best friend.
▪︎Pairing: brother's best friend!Hyuck x fem reader
▪︎Genres: poor attempt at rom com, fluff
▪︎Warnings: alcohol consumption, profanity suggestive jokes
▪︎Word count (part 1): 6613 words
playlist | extra content: mc's IG stories
Author's note: Hi every1!!! The fluffy Hyuck fic is here, finally. I decided I'll be posting it in two parts because it ended up being way longer than I planned, and since it's written in the format of timestamps. It barely has any conflict, so I was afraid it would get boring or tedious if I posted everything in just one go. So, yeah, part 2 coming next week. Also, I changed Hyuck's major (it's physics now) for plot purposes lol I figured it would be easier for me to write him if we share majors. Also !! I didn´t proof read it but I will during the week lol sorry. Okay, tysm for all the support on the preview !!! enjoy the fic bye !!!!
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Tuesday, 10:34 p.m.
Mark moves around the small apartment urgently cleaning up. He makes sure to pick up and throw into the garbage bag between his hands every empty Red Bull can that his roommate has left lying around. On the old sofa rests his guitar, and on the little table in the living room his lyrics notebooks and Donghyuck's physics notes.
"Mark," Donghyuck calls for him, to which the older one only responds with a small sound, indicating that he has his attention—partially, as he's still concentrating on his duty of getting all ready for your arrival—, "Your food is getting cold."
Mark lets out an exasperated sigh while getting all his belongings inside his backpack and his guitar in the case. "I'll just order something once I'm at the studio."
"Wait, you're leaving?"
"Yeah, I need to get some work done with TY. And y/n's arriving at any time so this place has to be tidy and clean and–" Mark stops all motions of arranging the mattress you're going to sleep on on the living room floor, to fix his eyes on his friend. "Hyuck, could you like, put on a t-shirt or something?"
Small drops of water fall from Donghyuck's wet hair onto his naked torso, fresh from the warm shower he just took. The young man does nothing but questions his best friend with a lopsided smile as he finishes his bowl of ramen, sitting at the counter in front of Mark's—that remains full and cold by now.
"What, you think y/n's gonna be scared of all this handsomeness?"
Mark's face is expressionless while looking at Donghyuck, who's feeling himself to add to the point. And Mark has missed you a lot, but he thinks that the faster he gets a break from his chaotic roommate, the better; he can't wait to have a week free of the jokes and headaches Donghyuck causes him because Donghyuck will have you to annoy. Even when he will still be working, to Mark, that sounds pretty much like a vacation.
"Nah, dude. It's fucking cold, you'll get sick."
"You will get sick if you don't get anything to eat as soon as you make it to work," Donghyuck answers back as he gets up from his chair and puts his favorite Michael Jackson t-shirt on. "Promise me you'll order."
"Yeah, I promise," Mark sounds sincere. After a quick hug and a few pats on each other's back, Mark is opening the front door ready to leave for a late-night music session. "Please receive y/n well for me–
Screams and laughs from both you and your brother fill the little apartment, as you greet and hug him after almost four months without seeing each other. Just in time, is what Donghyuck thinks while observing the cute interaction, and gently caressing his belly from underneath the t-shirt because, well, he is confident but—even though he has known you for years and you've shared many situations—, he's not confident enough around you to show himself with nothing on like that. At least not yet.
His face lights up as soon as he sees you extend your arms in his direction, and Donghyuck manages to squeeze you into a warm hug and spin you in the air while the both of you laugh.
Your brother says his goodbyes, and Donghyuck tells him there's a chance they could meet up at Johnny's later, in case he wants to join in after work.
"Alright, I'll get there with Taeyong later then."
He waves to both of you and closes the front door, leaving you alone with his roommate.
"Take a relax, bro," he offers you to sit at the counter and you laugh after hearing the famous line after months. You observe him filling a cup with water and placing it in front of you before speaking again. "Want some ramen?"
"Hell yeah. I'm starving."
"Let me heat it for you."
But he was already on it even before you answered. Donghyuck knows well he's very good at turning the simple dish into a delicious meal, and that it's one of your favorite things to share since you two met.
You wouldn't say it was love at first sight, but maybe adoration since the first encounter. Only weeks after your brother moved to start studying, he invited you over because he was missing home too much. And Donghyuck wouldn't be his apartment buddy until a year after, but they already frequented the same group of friends. The two of you were standing awkwardly in a corner at Taeyong's birthday party, and ended up at your brother's because you were hungry, eating ramen together: his secret recipe (that wasn't mysterious at all) that included tomatoes and scrambled eggs and that he only made for 'real special situations'.
Donghyuck sets the bowl in front of you, the tomato scrambled noodles and eggs making your mouth water and curve in a smile. A ray of sunshine gets on the chair beside you even though it's almost midnight, and makes you feel at home, warming you even though it's freezing outside.
"So, how's school?" You start talking with a mouth full of ramen, lips moisturized with its sauce that makes Donghyuck smile when he sets his eyes on them. His look makes you blush, but you blame it on the spiciness of the Hot Chicken Spicy x2 package of noodles that he prepared for you. "Hyuck, this is burning my mouth."
"Well, don't put so many noodles in your mouth at once!" Donghyuck brings the glass of water to your hands and you accept it immediately. Its freshness somehow makes you forget the mess that Hyuck's eyes on your filthy ramen lips could have caused. 
Maybe surviving a week living with the guy you like (who is your brother's best friend, which makes things a lot more complicated) will be harder than you thought.
"School's been kicking my ass," the boy continues and you nod your head, sadly sharing the sentiment. "I started my winter break last Friday, but I have to take a final in two weeks so I'll be studying. And Mark doesn't get a winter break."
"Motherfucking TY, won't let him rest."
"That's what I say!" He agrees with you, his eyes widening and sighing in exasperation. "Both of them are workaholics. Won't stop working on their music even for a week."
"Yeah. And knowing Mark, he'll try to make the most of his time since he doesn't have to teach at school for two weeks."
You knew in advance that your brother wouldn't be home much despite your visit, however extraordinary it may be. He warned you about it, that he would be focusing 100% on Taeyong's album, but that he would definitely try to take advantage of the free time to go out with you, or just chill together at home. On the other hand, Mark assured you that Donghyuck would be very happy to spend the time he wouldn't be there with you. The idea gave you butterflies in your stomach when your brother texted it to you; some emojis of a mischievous smile followed the message but you didn't know how to interpret it, since Mark is terrible at texting and pretty much a boomer.
"But don't worry!" Donghyuck speaks after a brief pause. "I'll study early in the mornings while you sleep, then we'll have the afternoons to hang out, and Mark can join whenever he's free. He'll make time for it, I'm sure."
Somehow, the thought of Donghyuck getting up early during his break to have the afternoons free to spend time with you makes your heart melt a little. You lower your head, trying to hide the inevitable smile on your lips, but you fail wildly. You decide to adhere to Donghyuck's plan, nodding and showing the tight-lipped smile that spreads to his face.
"Good." He nods as well. "So, you wanna go to Johnny's later?" Donghyuck asks, his thumb pointing in the direction of the door.
"Yeah, sure." You get up from the kitchen table to start doing your dishes at the sink. "I'm excited to see the boys after so long."
"And we have some new additions to the group."
Donghyuck's voice reaches your ears from behind. You're quickly cleaning the single bowl and glass you used, so you finish and turn around to keep listening to him face-to-face. Donghyuck picks up on his monologue. 
"There's Jungwoo. He's living with Jaehyun and Doyoung and he's about to finish doing vet in college. And it's funny, because he really looks and acts like a doggie, and he's doing vet," Donghyuck finishes the sentence, looking at you with an expression that suggests 'Can you believe that?'.
His silliness makes you laugh, which encourages Donghyuck to continue sharing his first impressions of his new friends. "Then there's Yuta. He came from Japan and opened a café on the first floor of the building where Johnny and Taeyong live, and that's how they met. He's a little cold with me," Donghyuck shrugs at it, yet you can tell in his expression how he gets discouraged when he thinks about that situation. "But he's not cold with Mark. And Mark is, I don't know, he's obsessed with Yuta." There is a brief silence in which Donghyuck only looks into your eyes with a super serious face. "I hate that."
And you burst into laughter. You don't need to ask Donghyuck if he's jealous, because you know for a fact that he very much is. As soon as he doesn't get all the attention, he gets annoying. Don't you dare not answer one of the silly cat reels he sends on Instagram or he will start texting you things like "Pay attention to me" or "Answer or I'll get sad." So you know how it can be. He doesn't get annoyed over the Baekhyun posts he shares with you because you always reply to them. Donghyuck might get jealous of Baekhyun too, but he won't show that to you.
"Don't worry, Hyuck." You circle the island to stand next to him and try to comfort him, one of your hands caressing circles on his back. He quickly seeks comfort by resting his head on your shoulder, and you can notice his slightly wet hair smells like green apple and cinnamon, like baby shampoo. "You're Mark's best friend. The things you've been through together, he won't get through again with anyone else. That's what's special about you two."
"You're right, y/n," he agrees while getting his head off your shoulder. "None of them will ever know Mark ran out of toilet paper at a party once and he sacrificed a sock to clean his-"
"Oh my fucking God" you cut him off before he can finish, not wanting to hear any of it. "Gross! Some things are better kept as a secret, Hyuck! I'll go change."
"But we are like a family!" he screams as you get out of the kitchen and into Donghyuck and Mark's room to get ready for Johnny's house. "Sharing those things helps us get closer!"
The walls are thin, so you don't bother answering Donghyuck from the room. "Honestly, Hyuck, I don't really care where my brother's butt has been or whatever. Let's get closer by sharing some drinks at Johnny's."
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Wednesday, 01:47 a.m.
"So, how did you two meet?" Yuta asks, taking up the free space next to you on the couch and passing you two cans of beer. Exactly what you need after three rounds of karaoke with Johnny and Doyoung that are inexhaustible.
They're still going off strong in front of the TV, waiting for Mark to get back and join them in their madness.
"Oh, we're not together."
"Oh, that's for sure. I know you're not pulling any bitches, Hyuck."
Donghyuck laughs dryly at the Japanese boy, putting on his best expression of annoyance; tongue poking at his inside cheek and rolling his eyes, and he replies, "That's not true. I can pull anyone I want."
"Prove it," Yuta pushes him because he knows that Donghyuck is an easy-going person, and always a good target for a challenge.
Donghyuck quickly scans the room while you busy yourself taking a sip of your can, not wanting to get involved in Yuta's teasing, until he lands eyes on Jaehyun. He knows the boy loves him and is almost always up for some of his affection.
"Jaehyun's not an option," Yuta adds, the always good observant, and Donghyuck sighs very audibly before throwing his head back on the couch.
But he composes himself quickly to ask, turning slightly to you with his arm still firm around your shoulders. "Would you get with me? Hypothetically?"
“Are you asking me because I’m the only girl in the room?” you question him with a raise of your brows.
“Nah, you’re my first option,” he replies with a subtle smile, eyes closing slightly into the shape of two crescent moons.
You like to think he truly has no idea the effect his words have on you, and that he's just messing with Yuta, trying to prove a point. Yet, you can't help feel the heat rise to your cheeks. A deep breath is all it takes you to ignore the intern butterflies and follow the conversation, as if you're not already imagining the thousand scenarios where you and Donghyuck are an established couple living with two dogs (you would like a cat but he's allergic) and a hamster.
“But I thought your first option was Jaehyun–”
“Just answer the question, y/n.”
“Alright, jeez…”
You roll your eyes and give yourself a moment to think. Would you get together with Hyuck, hypothetically? Considering the four-year crush you've had on your brother's best friend since the moment you met him, no, you wouldn't.
You would get with him for real. All of your friends back home said it's time you brave up and just confess to him. You better come back with the signed marriage papers, your best friend’s voice resonates in your head.
"I mean… Yes?" you answer by looking at Yuta, trying to avoid Donghyuck's eyes that you know are set on the blushed skin of your face. "I guess Hyuck is not a bad match," you finish with a shy shrug, sinking yourself deeper on the couch and taking another long drink.
Donghyuck smiles contentedly at your answer, his chest filling with confidence, and kisses you wet with beer on the forehead that gets you squeezed up to his body for a second. By the time he's done, you rest your head on his shoulder to return the affection, trying not to throw up all the butterflies and not noticing Yuta's knowing stare.
"Keyword: hypothetically. And I said 'Prove it.'" Yuta pushes a little more.
"Bro, you're so annoying." Donghyuck gets up from the couch exasperated, and almost makes you spill all your beer while trying to get you up with him. "What, you want us to make out?"
Yuta nods, crossing his arms and spreading his legs on the couch that he has all for himself now, challenging the younger boy.
"Sorry dude, we're not into exhibitionism."
Donghyuck takes your hand to drag you away from the living room, but you can still hear Yuta's laugh and the words the two you would end up choosing to ignore for the rest of the night.
"This is not how you're getting some, Hyuck! Don't say I didn't try to help you!"
Donghyuck's hand holding yours (or rather dragging you into the kitchen) feels embarrassingly good. Worth blushing and having your heart fastening inside your chest. Damn Donghyuck for making you feel like a teenager who had just exchanged looks with their highschool crush. And just when you needed a break from that ridiculous wave of emotions…
“What are you wearing!?” You hear Johnny’s voice coming out of the speakers, as he’s still holding the mic to his mouth while the instrumentals of his most iconic karaoke performance play on the back, A Flying Butterfly by YB.
Mark and Taeyong have arrived at the apartment and they have caught everyone's attention because Taeyong is wearing an inflatable T-Rex costume. Jungwoo is the first one to get to Taeyong with his mouth open in astonishment, an expressión that is quickly replaced with amusement as soon as he gets to hug and squeeze the dinosaur in his hands.
“Jungwoo, stop squeezing my butt!” Taeyong’s voice comes a little distorted from inside the costume, but it’s clear enough for everyone to laugh at his comment. “You're going to make it deflate!”
Jungwoo keeps looking at Taeyong in the costume as if he was a kid who just saw Santa; hugging the dinosaur and saying it feels perfect for cuddling. This is the moment you understand what Donghyuck meant when he said Jungwoo looks just like an excited doggie.
“Taeyong saw it online and got it because it was on sale a couple weeks ago,” Mark starts explaining to no one in particular. “But then he ordered it and we completely forgot about it, until it arrived at the studio tonight.”
“I put it on inside the elevator so I could surprise you guys,” Taeyong adds with a happy smile, unzipping the costume just for his head to come out of it, somehow making it look all more ridiculous. Now the T-Rex looks like he has a floating head right above his stomach.
“Yeah… We had to stop the elevator for some more time because getting it inflated was way harder than I thought,” your brother says as he watches Taeyong and Jungwoo struggle with each other, because Jungwoo desperately wants to get inside the costume too but Taeyong doesn’t want to stop wearing it just yet.
Yuta only judges them from where he’s still sitting on the couch, arms crossed while shaking his head. “I can’t believe you really spent money on this.” Yet his comment is followed by a laugh. It’s not as intense as Doyoung and Taeil’s, though, who have been laughing since Taeyong crossed the door, and haven’t missed the chance to film and take pictures of  him (and Jungwoo who still wouldn’t leave his side.)
"Alright so," Johnny says into the mic to attract everyone's attention. "Karaoke?"
The guys start to team up; some out of affinity or fun, others because they know they will definitely win the most points if they are grouped with certain people who hit all the notes on any song. Donghyuck, however, doesn't team up with anyone right away. He just stands in the middle of Johnny's and Taeyong's living room, watching Mark immediately cling to Yuta (who already had Jungwoo clinging to his other side.) He gestures towards your brother with arms crossed and a roll of his eyes. So, noticing his jealousy over your brother's recent preferences—jealousy that wasn't that hard to notice, he made it pretty obvious—and taking pity on your friend, you offer to team up with him.
"Wanna kick some ass together?" And you observe him playing hard to get. You're not a bad match for karaoke; you might not sing as well as Taeil or Doyoung, but you don't suck at it, and Donghyuck knows that very well. So when he starts doubting over his answer, you know he just wants to mess with you.
Suddenly Taeil is standing in front of the two of you, and Donghyuck, with an incredibly exaggerated face of astonishment, asks him:
"You wanna team up with us?!"
See, you knew he wasn't going to leave you out of his team.
Taeil only shrugs, as relaxed as always. "Sure."
Donghyuck squeezes his older friend in a hug that only gets a groan out of Taeil (and a little smile) before throwing an arm each on your shoulders, and screams to the rest. "Everybody, we got Moon Taeil!"
A punch from your fist to his ribs. A little groan followed by a laugh coming out of his mouth and a gentle squeeze on your shoulder. He's quick to correct himself.
"I got Moon Taeil and y/n! And we're gonna kick your butts!"
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Thursday, 6:22 p.m.
It's been a long time since Donghyuck has had a girl in his room.
It's not like Yuta was right when he said he can't pull anyone, Donghyuck just hasn't had the time nor the energy. His break and free time to do whatever he wants just started. Even when Mark's not home most of the nights, it doesn't feel quite right to him to bring girls over to his shared bedroom when his roommate could come back at any time. And even if he had wished to bring any girls home during his break, he knew you would be here, so he didn't wanna do that either. (Not that he's bothered that he can't bring girls home because of you. Actually he'd rather have you inside his bedroom than anyone else.)
So when he's watching you laying on his bed, reading a silly high-school novel you got from your brother's library and quietly keeping him company while he studies, his heart-rate fastens and he feels his cheeks rise its temperature. He grows embarrassed when, after seeing you smile so sweetly at him when you catch his eyes on you, the only thing he can think of is leaving those stupid Relativity notes behind, running over to your spot and stealing a kiss from your lips.
Yet Donghyuck remains motionless at his desk. He inwardly curses when you get up and start walking toward him, and wishes you wouldn't ask why he's so red because he can't blame it on the weather—it's the middle of winter.
To his surprise, you're curious about a totally different thing.
"What are you doing with all these comics?" you ask, picking up one of his Flash comics and opening it to a spot that Donghyuck has marked with a post it.
"I'm taking a class about Quantum Physics and Relativity and catching up on some work," he starts explaining, all his romantic fantasies put on pause to focus on the second thing (after you) that occupies his mind the most these days: college.
He watches your eyes grow with interest after hearing the name of his class, and he can't deny he gets all excited thinking about the possibilities: of having a girlfriend that would hear him talk about what he's most passionate about all he wanted. Knowing how much you've always enjoyed hearing the new things he's learned and about his most recent investigations, and noticing his feelings for you have only increased since you came back, Donghyuck's mind wonders.
"You know in the comics Flash supposedly travels at speeds close to light, right?" He watches you nod. "And he throws this infinite mass punch… Well, in one of the comics Flash punches this villain, and his fist is so powerful the villain will fly all over the ocean and land in another continent," he keeps explaining. "What are the chances of this actually happening, analyzing it from the relativistic perspective? That's what I'm looking into."
"And have you arrived to any conclusions?"
"Yeah, I have actually." He stars searching for a specific piece of paper which displays a bunch of calculations and formulas that you don't understand at all, but they look awesome.
Donghyuck doesn't wait for a specific reaction, yet your response cracks him up a little.
"Could you explain this for me? Dummy level?" you ask wrinkling your nose. Donghyuck wants to kiss the confusion off your face.
Honestly, he might be looking for any excuses to kiss you at this point. But, to be fair, he's liked you since that first time he cooked ramen for you the night you met—that was like four years ago. The only reason he has never made a move on you is because you're his friend's sister.
"Yeah, yeah I can do that." He lets out a breathy laugh, shaking these ideas out of his head once more. "Basically, that the mass of his punch is 'infinite' is a consequence of the relativistic effects of travelling at speeds near to light." He points at a calculation on the paper. "And if Flash punches you on the face he won't send you flying to another continent."
This time, Donghyuck watches the disappointment take over your features; smile and shoulders dropping at the same time. "He won't?"
Donghyuck denies with his head. "You would disintegrate in an instant. The energy of his punch is 750,000 times greater than the energy released by an atomic bomb exploding in your face."
You're not saying anything. You're just looking right into his eyes and it's making Donghyuck considerably nervous. Thankfully, he's been sitting all this time, because considering how close you're standing in front of him he's sure his knees would've given up on him a while ago.
He gulps. "I did the maths."
"You're a fucking genious."
Donghyuck melts hearing you praise his work.
“Okay. I’m ready,” Mark says as he waits for you at the room’s door.
Right, you and your brother were scheduled to have dinner together.
Donghyuck doesn't want you to go just yet, he doesn't want to stop chatting with you about irrelevant-to-the-society stuff like this, but he understands this is one of the few moments you’ll get to hang out with Mark alone, so he doesn’t tag alone when Mark offers him to.
“I’ll just have a light dinner and study a little bit more,” he politely declines. Then, he’s looking into your eyes once again. “Wanna chill together when you’re done with your brother?”
“You wanna watch Oppenheimer?”
Does he want to spend three hours watching a movie about an international bunch of nerds who just argue for more than two thirds of the plot, and some awfully awkward scenes of Mr. Oppenheimer flirting using physics that he definitely didn’t think of replicating with you? Again?
Donghyuck thinks you might be the love of his life. 
“Of-fucking-course I wanna watch Oppenheimer.” He thinks this might be a better answer, rather than confessing his undying love to you (in front of his best friend) (that is your brother.)
“Nobody’s gonna ask me if I want to watch Oppenheimer?” Mark questions with arms crossed and narrowed eyes.
“Mark, you were snoring inside the movie theater when we went to watch it together.”
“I had a long day, dude!”
“You literally came out of the theater and said ‘this was fucking boring for a World War Two movie’!”
“Well, I mean yeah–” Mark starts trying to defend himself but gets interrupted by you, when you start pushing him towards the door saying you’re hungry, and reminding him how most of the times they argue he can never win against Donghyuck. “But you gotta accept it was missing a little action, man.”
Donghyuck throws his head back, and then looks at your brother with his eyes squinted and a fake smile. “They were scientists, Mark, not soldiers–”
“Whatever!” you say when you’ve managed to get your brother out of the room. “We’re leaving. Hyuck–” Donghyuck notices his eyebrows relax, and the frown he had while arguing with Mark is gone as soon as you’re calling his name with a smile on your lips. “Looking forward to movie night.”
“I’ll get some beers for us,” Donghyuck adds, to which you agree excitedly.
Mark sighs once you’re on your way out of the apartment. “I swear to God,” he starts. “You two are like made for each other.”
You just punch his shoulder as a defense mechanism, not knowing how to react or manage your emotions when it comes to Donghyuck. And you definitely don't know Donghyuck catches a glimpse of your smile and your reddened cheeks before you close the front door.
That simple thing, maybe gives Donghyuck a little hope.
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Friday, 11:13 a.m.
You can't believe you're jealous of a dog.
You watch the video play over and over on your phone screen. Donghyuck was literally rubbing his face on the little fur ball, using it as some kind of cotton pad, then showering the dog with kisses all over her little face.
Chenle's friends with the boys and he recently got a dog that he named Daegal. Today, Chenle and Mark were going to be working together since early and Chenle didn't want to leave the dog alone. Apparently, Donghyuck and Daegal love each other, and that's the reason why you're currently at Chenle's, at fucking eleven in the morning during your break.
Donghyuck and you were the designated babysitters of the dog.
You wonder over the video on your phone a little more, thinking of what to put as a caption to share it on your story. Maybe some emojis? Some angry emojis because Donghyuck won't even look at you now that he's with the doggie? Maybe cute emojis… Something like a sun, a heart, and a dog. Maybe the caption boyfriend material, or something in the lines of pay attention to me followed by some exclamation points.
You decide to post it with the text 'taking good care of the baby' and tagging Donghyuck and Chenle's account. It doesn't take long for two notifications to arrive. One is from Donghyuck, who just re-uploaded your story, and the other is a reply from Chenle. 'Who's the baby? Donghyuck or Daegal?' followed by a cracking up emoji.
A smile takes over your face reading it, and it stays there when you get your head up and your eyes meet Donghyuck, who's laying relaxed on the couch with the little fur ball on top of his belly. He has his cute transparent glasses on, and he's wearing some comfy pants and a hoodie that makes him look incredibly cozy and huggable.
His eyes find yours, and an arm extends in your direction, inviting you to join him on the couch with a pat besides his spot. His body radiates an enveloping heat that makes you forget it's winter, but it seems that it's not enough for Donghyuck, who grabs one of the soft blankets laying around the couch and puts it over the three of you.
The characteristic sound of Netflix reaches your ears and then Donghyuck is looking for the drama that you started watching together a couple of weeks ago, from your homes and when you both had some free time through Netflix Party. The third episode of My First True Love starts playing on the TV screen while you wait for the food you ordered earlier, and you feel content. Everything about the situation is too domestic and feels familiar, and you're not surprised when you think that you wouldn't mind getting used to this.
What is a surprise is when Donghyuck puts his arm over your head and offers you to get closer to him, resting a little more on his body.
"This is nice." You hear him say, almost in a whisper. The midday sun illuminates almost as much as his smile when you look up at him.
"It is," you agree, focusing once again at the TV (because looking at him was making you melt inside.)
"We could do it more often."
And by the increasing rate of his heart and the soft caresses in your hair, you knew he didn't mean just babysitting Daegal.
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(Still) Friday, 04:02 p.m.
Donghyuck wakes up from his nap on the couch to the smell of coffee and missing the warmth from his two personal heaters, Daegal and you, who he remembers were still with him before he fell asleep. He sits and stretches in his place before moving towards the kitchen, where he already visualized your figure in front of the counter, with your back to him. You don't seem to notice him, so as he walks into the kitchen, he makes sure to greet you with a little hello.
You just look over your right shoulder at him, but you have to raise your head because Donghyuck is closer than expected. You greet him in the same way, but with a sweet smile on your face. "Hi, Hyuck."
Now that Donghyuck is so close, he can notice that the smell of coffee is coming from the machine in front of you that is filling two mugs with particular writings: one says 'best dad in the world', and the other says 'MARK' in big colorful letters (someone also took it upon themselves to print a photo of Mark holding a watermelon on it.)
"Chenle's mugs are fucking weird, don't you think?"
Donghyuck laughs hearing your question and decides to explain. "These are part of an inside joke. Chenle always says someone like Mark would be his ideal son, so your brother got these made for Chenle for last year's fathers' day." He finishes standing against the counter by your side, and thanks you when you handle him a warm home-made latte.
Donghyuck can't take coffee so well since most of the time it makes his stomach hurt, and you know this.
"You don't have to drink it. I remember you're not good with coffee," you tell him, but it's too late when Donghyuck's already sipping the first drink.
Yeah, he might have to use Chenle's bathroom later, but he's willing to face a shit rather than miss out on the opportunity to share a coffee made by you, on a winter afternoon where it's just the two of you and the sun filtering through the kitchen window falling on your face.
"I just thought it would've been disrespectful not making you one too."
You finish your sentence but smile watching him enjoying the coffee anyway, and Donghyuck thinks that maybe, just maybe, he's a little in love with you.
So he takes a deep breath, takes a lot of courage, and sets out to do what works best for him when it comes to you: pretend he's joking when in reality he's only on the verge of confessing his feelings. "Do I have something in my lips?"
"You do, actually," you answer his question pointing at your own upper lip with your finger to make him understand. "A little bit of foam around here–"
"Please do the Secret Garden scene."
He's not hesitant to repeat it. Donghyuck internally questions himself though, wondering where all this confidence has come from. Because, yes, Donghyuck is very confident, naturally. But not when it comes to you. His knees go weak and his stomach starts to ache with nerves when he thinks of things like kissing you. In that sense, he will not waste this sudden confidence-rush.
"Please do the Secret Garden with me."
And this time around he can confirm you understood 100% what he means because your laugh and your punch on his arm indicate it. He notices it might be a reflex act of yours—punching people in the arm when you get nervous or don't know what to retort. He's glad he won't have to worry about punching mean guys when he makes you his girlfriend, though; you'll probably take care of that yourself.
Donghyuck still catches you staring at his lips the moment he gets rid of the foam with his tongue. And when you snap out of your trance, your eyes meet Donghyuck's and his eyebrows that move up and down, just to tease you a little more. A mischievous smile is also adorning his face.
He only watches you shake your head while your cheeks grow red, even when you try to hide it behind that big mug with the picture of your brother holding the watermelon.
"Anyway," he decides it will be better to change subjects. "Where's Daegal?"
"I thought she was sleeping with you?" You ask before you start looking around the place for the little fur ball.
"I mean, she was as long as I remember." Donghyuck watches you leave the kitchen and move around the living room, checking every corner for the dog you two were supposed to sacrifice your life for if needed (that's how Chenle described the seriousness of the duty). "You were too…" But you're far enough not to hear the disappointment in Donghyuck's voice after waking up all alone.
"She wasn't here when you woke up?" you ask, standing in front of the couch.
Donghyuck shakes his head no. You start picking up the tangle of blankets and throwing them in the direction of Donghyuck, who hardly catches them in his arms. It's confirmed that Daegal hasn't been trapped under the blankets and at least she hasn't suffocated to death. Although that doesn't give any of you any comfort; the doggie still is nowhere around.
"Oh my fucking god," you say, trapping your head in your hands. "We lost Chenle's dog."
"She has to be somewhere around."
"We lost Chenle's dog and we didn't even go out with her," he hears you repeat all the way from Chenle's bedroom, where Donghyuck checks if the little dog is hiding. He looks under the bed, inside the closet, and inside the bathroom, only to find nothing. "We must be the dumbest babysitters in the world," you finish when he's back in the living room.
He looks down at the watch on his wrist and notices it's almost four thirty, which makes him start to sweat from the nerves. "Chenle's about to come back. We need to find this dog right now."
"Chenle's gonna kill us."
"y/n, just look for the dog."
"He will find out and probably hire a contract killer to deal with us for losing his baby." Donghyuck sees your desperation and calls your name once more, but you don't listen to him. "I'll never see Baekhyun live again!"
And the doorbell rings, followed by a knock on the door and Chenle's screams coming from outside, telling you to let him in.
"Fuck my life," Donghyuck mutters and goes to open the door.
"Hyuck!" you hiss while following him closely. "What are you gonna tell him?"
He silences you, looking back at you and placing his index finger over his lips. Donghyuck takes a deep breath, puts his hand on the handle, sweats a little more despite fighting to calm his nerves, and finally opens the door. Mark is the first to enter, anyway, and he doesn't greet any of you; he simply calls for Daegal, and Donghyuck knows that this is the moment where he should start begging Chenle to let him keep his life and promise him that he will find another dog that looks exactly like–
Like the little white ball of fur in your brother's arms.
Donghyuck looks back at you once more, his eyes and mouth wide open in astonishment, and you return an equally astonished look.
"Thanks guys for taking good care of the baby," Chenle says once he's done greeting his dog, who appeared literally out of nowhere and left you and Donghyuck stressed enough for probably three or four months. "She didn't give you any problem, right?"
"Oh, no. Definitely, no." Donghyuck and you are quick to deny at the same time, which might sound a little suspicious as Chenle looks at both of you with narrowed eyes.
Then, he's moving his head to focus his gaze on the mess you left behind when you were rummaging through the couch and the blankets, looking for the dog. "Alright, lovebirds. Then I hope that disaster isn't because you two fucked on my couch while I was gone."
part two coming next week !
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taglist: @matchahyuck @sundamariis @thesunsfullmoon @babyjenono @chenfleur @bettyschwallocksyee @sundhaelatte @injunier @justalildumpling @lanadreamie @dhyucktopia @143rachafm
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fuck-customers · 8 months
Fuck being a manager. It sucks. Is it worth the pay raise? Unsure.
Side note I'm the kind of manager who is also like fuck management, fuck corporate, the employees deserve more recognition bc they're doing the work, that kind of thing.
But customers will find out you're a manager and instantly complain about whatever bullshit they pick that day.
Some dumb shit I've heard:
1. Cashier was too fast
2. Cashier was too slow
3. Cashier wasn't fluent in Spanish (we are in Connecticut) the cashier in question knew enough to get by.
4. The fish was too expensive and I specifically should mark it down bc its "just fish"?
5. The ground beef was too bloody (???)
6. Not enough parking spaces close to the doors cuz I def have control over that
7. Someone who does not have a handicap sticker parked in the handicap spot (pls don't do that but also wtf am I supposed to do)
8. A baby is being too loud and I need to kick them out (no way. At this point the baby was singing the ABCs and not screaming so it was cute actually stfu)
9. There's dust on this shelf so everything here must me expired (the bottom shelf gets dusty bc sweeping.)
10. The card reader is too loud
11. The construction outside is too loud
12. We don't sell (insert product here) and I must have control over orders (i dont)
13. A customer smells like weed and I should kick them out (no)
14. Its too hot. Or too cold. Or too dry. Or too whatever.
15. The cream cheese was too high on the shelf
16. The red light in the intersection outside takes too long
17. A customer smells like they haven't showered in months and I need to kick them out (no)
18. We don't sell loose lemons only in the bag of 5. Cuz I have control over our merch.
19. The carts are too loud and squeaky
20. They don't like seeing employees cleaning anything how dare they sweep during open hours.
So many more but I hit 20.
Like what is it that makes a customer want to bitch about anything at all to a manager? Why can't you tell me that the cashier was nice so that I can leave a note for my boss? These things don't fucking matter at all usually. I'll handle a co plaint if its valid. If its bs like this I'm gonna just ignore it. Maybe write it down to send it to this blog.
Fuck. I'm over it. Tell me what we're doing right for once okay?
Also sorry if some shit didn't make sense I currently have a fever and nothing is coming out right
I hope you feel better soon.
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reds-skull · 4 months
Y'know how I said I'm not gonna post every day... Okay look I'm just enjoying myself and I'm on break so I got time to write. Sue me.
This chapter is called "The Ruin". Enjoy!
Page 5 of the “Blooede Starvatfōre-dēde”, parable 2:
A blind man finds upon his path, a thing of uncertain birth, He whispers words of guilt, gait unsure around the being, A story of war falls from his lips, a tale well known, The beastly soul bows in assent, warmed only by gore, The man asks of the Beast, will you let me pass, The path clears, but a voice requests, Will you, O fallen knight, Will you let a monster trail?
The last time Soap was under a CO, the man spat in his face that he’s never going to amount to anything, not with his “attitude”. The one before it made him clean the latrines for three months, not that he stayed long enough to finish that sentence.
Ghost was… surprisingly different. His orders were clean cut, but Soap found them completely logical. And when he didn’t…
“We can’t go that way, the roundabout is full of equipment. Soldiers are constantly circling it.” Soap muttered next to Ghost. The SAS operator looked back at him. The skull mask adorning his face was cracked from untold battles long past, the sharp edges catching the low neon light from a nearby street sign.
Soap is sure if he saw that jumping at him from the shadows, he would scream like a wee girl. As it stands, the mask only makes him think of shirts edgy teenage boys would find on a sale at TK Maxx.
“How do you know?” the masked man questions.
Soap pulls a small bag from the rucksack he nabbed two days earlier, “managed to swipe some black powder from there when they weren’t lookin’.”
Ghost hums, “know how to use it?”
“Was a demolition expert, before…” Soap trails off, shoving the bag back into the side pocket, “we can go through the southern side, near the church. Think they’ve already combed that area.”
“Copy, lead the way Sergeant.”
Soap takes them through the winding alleys, hearing nothing behind, but knowing Ghost follows. For a man his size, he’s unnervingly dead silent.
“Where was yer exfil point set?” he starts. They would need to double time it, if it was back north…
Ghost is cryptid with his answers, as always, “we’ll have to set a new one.”
Soap frowns. “So our goal is just to put distance between us an’ the hostiles?”
“Affirmative. You got intel on their location?”
They enter an abandoned grocery store (as all stores in this area are), and Soap makes a detour at the cleaning aisle, looking for bleach and other solutions he could use for crafting. “I was ‘ere two days ago, dinnea where they are now…” he grins brightly when he finds a nice big bottle of bleach. With the vinegar he already has, he could create a good amount of chlorine gas. Pour it into a bottle and chuck it at hostiles, and they got a distraction should they need it.
“Stay focused, then.” Ghost murmurs, snapping Soap out of thought. He’s not used to having someone next to him, even before everything went to shit…
The church comes into view when they exit the store. Ghost stops to stare at it, and Soap takes the moment to inspect the Lieutenant further. Black gear over black clothes, no markings of country, unit, even blood type. Soap feels like there’s a lot more about this botched mission that Ghost isn’t telling him.
Not that the spooky bastard tells him much of anything.
“Could use the tower to scope the area. I see a line up there we can zip line down from.” Ghost eventually rumbles. 
“Sounds good, LT.” Soap responds, catching his slip belatedly. Internally, he muses, ‘ye can take the man out of the military…’
Ghost’s head snaps around to glare at him, and Soap can see his mouth open under the balaclava, before he turns around to stomp to the church tower, leaving Soap to jog to catch up.
The church looks ransacked, in a way that makes Soap’s gut churn. He’s not religious, not since he enlisted, but the way the soldiers destroyed everything without disregard…
It’s a view that haunts him throughout the city. How they don’t care that anyone lived here before.
Children laughed, babes were born, old men reminisced over long gone memories, girls played together. People lived and died here, this was their world.
And the Hunter’s soldiers crushed it all under their boot, spat on the graves of their ancestors and severed the ties.
Soap feels the anger building within him once more. His fuel for the firepower he throws at the hostiles. At first, he wanted to know why more than anything. But it doesn’t matter anymore.
Nothing can justify this.
He stares at Ghost’s wide back as they climb up the stairs to the tower, wondering what the operator thinks of all this. If he too feels his heart clench at the thoughts of senseless violence. Or if he doesn’t care, if the mission is the one and only important thing on his mind.
Soap wonders if there’s anything under that mask at all.
He asks himself, if there’s anything left behind his.
They reach the top, the city sprawling beneath them. The little lights blend together, shining between the dark buildings. Would’ve been a nice view.
Would have, if they didn’t spot the trucks rolling to a stop in front of the church.
Ghost and Soap share a brief look, and instantly he moves to climb out of the window to jump to the zip line, only to be stopped by the Brit.
“What are ye waitin’ for?! We need to go!” he almost yells.
Ghost yanks him back in, the sheer power knocking Soap into the wall. Fuckin’ hell, he hits like a beast.
“If we zip line now, they’ll shoot us down. We need to get through the ground floor.” he growls, turning away and starting to run down the stairs. Soap rolls his shoulders and runs after him, muttering a few curses under his breath.
Soap catches up to him, yelling, “there must be a back exit we can use-!”
Ghost stills on one of the last steps, shushing him. They both strain their ears, hearing far-off steps growing closer, and closer, and closer-
Soap shucks his rucksack off, taking out the bleach and vinegar, quickly pouring them into an empty beer bottle, “the fuck are you doing?” Ghost yells above him, crouching to hide behind the banister when the front doors are kicked open.
Soap ignores him, driving a piece of cloth down to stop the gas from leaking, and shoves it into Ghost’s hand as he makes another one, “throw this right before we go, they won’t be able to breathe right for days.”
Soldiers start spreading through the ruined church, Ghost testing the weight in his hand, “on my count.”
Soap nods, finishing up his bottle.
“One, two…”
One of the soldiers spots them, and Soap stops breathing.
They throw the bottles, the liquid within them splashing as they arc across the church. His bottle hits the soldier that saw them square in the face, and he instantly starts coughing and clawing at his eyes.
The gas isn’t visible to the naked eye, but Soap can track its spread by the way all soldiers start coughing. He and Ghost push off to run up the stairs, but as Soap casts a glance back, he sees some of them equipping a gas mask.
Why the fuck were they prepared for chemical weapons in a civilian city?!
“Ghost!” he shouts, slinging his rifle off his shoulder, “they have gas masks!”
He hears the man curse, “keep running!”
Not sooner after, bullets begin to ricochet around the spiral staircase. Soap swings around to shoot a couple of them, and as Ghost does the same, he notices his shots don’t land as they should.
He glances back at the Lieutenant, watching him rub roughly at his left arm. Right… Ghost did say he was broken. Soap didn’t realize how bad it was. 
A few seconds later, he realizes Ghost threw the bottle with his left hand, landing it perfectly between the soldiers.
With no time to maul it over, he pushes onwards.
Ghost is still grasping at his arm when they reach the window, and Soap can’t help but ask, “are ye gonna be able to zip dow-”
Ghost’s tone lowers dangerously, nailing him with a death glare, “I am not weak, Sergeant.”
He’s not sure who’s cornering who here. Ghost takes his eyes off him a second later, tugging on the line before asking, “got anything we can use?”
Soap continues shooting down the enemies pushing up the stairs, “check my pack!”
He feels Ghost rummaging through his rucksack, and it almost distracts him from the hails of bullets around them.
It’s… odd. How he doesn’t even know the man’s face, but he can trust him with his back.
Ghost zips the pack back up. From the corner of his eye, Soap can see two metal clothing hangers he picked up in one of his searches for a thicker jacket. In his other hand is his little project he used most of the black powder on.
He lifts it questioningly, and Soap answers while shooting, “a wee gift I made. It’ll trigger when someone steps on it.”
“How big’s the explosion?”
Soap smirks, “big enough.”
He can almost feel Ghost’s eye roll from his silence, and he would’ve chuckled if soldiers didn’t start coming closer.
“Ye ready to jump?” he yells.
Ghost hands him a hanger, dropping the charges on the last stair step. Soap watched him flex his left arm one last time, before swinging the hanger over the line, and jumping off.
Soap’s heart drops for a moment when the operator sways wildly, part afraid for him, but mostly for himself.
The hostiles at his feet don’t care either way, so Soap braces himself and jumps off as well. The way down is bumpy, rattling, and fuckin’ fast. Soap lets go of the hanger right before the end, rolling off on the rooftop, and stopping.
He hears his “gift” go off, and the sound is so beautifully familiar, it sends a pang of nostalgia through him.
Ghost is already making his way down, seeking to hide between concrete buildings. Soap hastily catches up.
“That was a wild one, wasn’t it, LT?” he says, a little out of breath.
That breath gets completely knocked out of him when Ghost slams him to the nearest wall. His eyes are obscured by shadows, leaving only two black holes when he leans down to growl in his ear.
“Don’t fuckin’ call me that. I am not your LT, not your CO, we are strangers. We get outta here, and you can go back to your civvy little life. Understood?”
Soap breathes out harshly, grinding his teeth. “Like I have a fuckin’ life-”
Ghost pulls back just to slam him harder, “do you fucking understand, Sergeant?”
He stares at the black voids, voice clear and flat, “yes sir.”
The Lieutenant finally pushes off, and Soap lingers for a moment. He wants to be angry, he wants to snarl and bite and talk back, like he used to when his past COs were yelling at him.
But Ghost is right. After this little “adventure”, Soap will have to go back to his life. To an empty apartment, which he has probably already been evicted from. To searching a job, only to find nothing truly worthwhile. To an airsoft field, a fuckin’ mockery of what he lost.
To a monotonous, repetitive, grey cycle, where John loses his mind just a little more every day.
Ghost is just telling him the truth.
Soap trails back behind Ghost, the man not reacting to his presence. He looks so much larger than him like this, blocking what little light is around them, casting a long shadow over Soap. 
He tried not to think of “what could have been” in the past year. But it’s so hard, when it’s literally within reach.
Could he have been like Ghost? This imposing, unrelenting soldier, stronger than anyone he’s ever fought. So powerful, he escaped a whole military worth of hostile soldiers?
There may be nothing behind Ghost’s mask, but there’s someone behind Soap’s. Someone weak, lost, and repulsive.
And Soap isn’t sure what’s worse.
They’ve walked in silence for the last hour or so, Soap lost in the tar pit of his own mind. Some part of him, hysteric and deranged as it is, doesn’t want this to be over. It disgusts him.
Ghost’s arm has been twitching minutely for a few minutes now. It distracted Soap from spiraling for a bit, wondering what exactly is wrong with him. He doesn’t see any rips in the fabric around the area, so it’s not a stab or gunshot wound. He thought about blunt force trauma, but that wouldn’t act up every once in a while like this. An old injury would, but if it’s bad enough Ghost can’t even shoot straight, no one in their right mind would send him on the field.
Soap exhales, his stomach knotting in warning. They didn’t stop moving since they encountered each other, so they didn’t really eat. Which Soap just remembered, and now can’t ignore.
He considers it for a moment before piping up, “ye hungry?”
Ghost pauses in front of him, slowly turning to stare at him. “You got food?”
Soap nods, pulling a few oranges from his bag. He almost hands one to Ghost before remembering his arm, and sets about to peel them both. Ghost watches him silently, as a sweet aroma fills the small back way. 
Soap gives him the first peeled orange, busying himself with the other while Ghost turns around to eat it. When Soap takes the first bite, a sour taste bursts on his palate. Yet as he chews, it turns sweet, and he closes his eyes for a moment, savoring it.
Ghost has turned back to face him when he opens his eyes again, a look Soap can’t place in his eyes. It makes him hurry and gulp down the rest of the fruit, and he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
He starts walking, but this time Ghost walks beside him, his eyes still not straying from Soap.
Ghost’s eyes are a nice, rich brown, he notices for the first time.
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magicaleggplant · 2 months
extremely belated montreal worlds impressions, part 2
part 1 (pairs and women recap)
finally finishing this a whole month after worlds... i'm traveling again over the next couple of weeks and i've barely recovered from montreal! anyways, here's the (very rushed) ice dance and men recap.
...is a fake sport, but i enjoy the vibes? i don't know a lot about the technicalities of ice dance despite having watched it for many years, so it mostly comes down to whether i like a team or not. overall i enjoyed the event, the free dance more than the rhythm dance (there are only so many 80s RDs i can take...) there were a lot of enjoyable free dances, even in the early groups! i actually enjoyed them more than the final group, in a way. the podium in ice dance tends to be too predictable.
chock/bates: i've never had much of an opinion on this team. i liked them best when they were doing character pieces like the snake charmer fd, but i also found myself enjoying their rhythm dance at worlds. they skated it very well and it was fun and engaging. the free was a bit of a question mark... i thought they had a lot of interesting positions throughout, especially in the lifts and choreographic elements, but the whole program felt a bit disjointed to me. it was fine, it didn't leave much of an impression. the whole did not feel like more than the sum of the parts... their speed was also not the best.
gilles/poirier: i can't remember much from their rd except that piper's costume was amazing, i loved her holographic leggings. their free was a MOMENT, though. wuthering heights has been one of my favorite free dances all season, and it was so good to see it live in front of a home crowd. they are such good storytellers, and when their choreo hits, it really hits. i love when they do something unusual like this program - it doesn't always work, but in this case, it did. the placement of that curve lift was perfect. i will note, however, that they are also not particularly fast.
guignard/fabbri: nearly swore out loud when her dress caught on her skate right in front of me. that was a nerve-wracking few seconds until the end. their free dance was beautiful and suited them really well, i especially loved the choreo assisted jumps near the beginning. their skating skills are clean and precise. i just wish their rhythm dance didn't have such a godawful music cut. none of their RDs have suited them well in the last few seasons.
fear/gibson: no thoughts, head empty, vibes only. in all seriousness, i enjoyed their rhythm dance, it's fun and it's a great fit for them. i did not enjoy rocky. i would have loved it as an exhibition, but not as a competitive program. i can see how it's a crowd-pleaser, though. they were definitely popular with the audience.
lajoie/lagha: probably one of, if not the most popular team with the audience! they are one of the teams i'm most looking forward to seeing in the coming years. i became a fan when i saw them live at last season's skate canada. they skate big and fast, they have good skating skills and both programs were well-choreographed. their rd is a lot of fun - that's how you incorporate a theme and commit to it! i love how most of the dance moves are choreographed into the step sequences instead of stopping and posing. the fd music is a little one-note and i still prefer last season's white crow fd, but their skating quality makes up for it. i'm so glad they were still able to skate at worlds after marjorie's concussion earlier in the season.
carreira/ponomarenko: loved both of their programs, especially their fd. i never knew they could pull off drama so well. their growth in the last two seasons has been phenomenal. it was hilarious that the audience kept getting faked out by the music in the end and clapping before the program ended. i probably would've had them a place higher in the standings.
other notes:
i came out of worlds with an unexpected appreciation for lopareva/brissaud. i never paid much attention to them before, but their skating skills were impressive. i don't think the audience really "got" their rd, but props to them for choosing to do something different. the fd was a snooze, though.
i also enjoyed demougeot/le mercier's free dance. some really interesting choreo moments.
turkkila/versluis: enjoyed their free dance as well, it's a nice look on them.
lim/quan's fd was another Moment! i am super excited for this team and how far they've come in their first senior season. hannah's acting and expressions are god-tier... they need to work on speed and SS, but their fd was gorgeous and one of my favorites of the event.
felt so bad for the taschlers' fall in the rd. i think they were the fastest team in the whole ice dance event, it's so impressive how powerful their skating is. i have questions about their packaging sometimes but i really like this team, and i hope next season goes better for them.
orihara/pirinen's fd was another favorite of the event. they are both SO expressive and fun. in any other team, yuka would outshine her partner, but juho not only keeps up with her but complements her perfectly!
this was the event i was most looking forward to at worlds, and it did not disappoint. as chaotic as i was expecting it to be, i did not anticipate that it would be quite that chaotic. men be menning, as always.
ilia: i wish it were otherwise, but his competitive performances were just not doing it for me. his weaker skating skills were very obvious live when compared to many other top men. i like his sp choreo but i feel like he's put less performance into it with every competition. it was disappointing to see how much he slowed down during the step sequence. (granted, he did have an undisclosed injury at worlds, so that could have been an exacerbating factor.) the free was...historic. i genuinely wish i felt something while watching it, because the audience was losing their shit with every jumping pass lol. and why shouldn't they! like...what the fuck! this is the most incredible jump drill the world has ever seen! who knows when or if he can replicate it again! ...but it's still a jump drill. (side note about how irrationally annoyed the choreo sequence makes me. it's just randomly tacked on the end, the music cut is so abrupt, it has nothing to do with the rest of the program, shae lynn why.) and then i watched him in the gala and he was like a completely different skater. complete 180. the difference was so stark, i could hardly believe it. he can perform! he was giving more in that teenage-angst-ridden exhibition than i've seen in all his competitive programs combined. i can only hope that he brings more of that energy to competition someday, because that's the kind of skating i want to see, that's a skater really connecting with the music and the audience.
yuma: i'm about to heap an embarrassing amount of superlatives on this kid. it was my first time seeing him live, and he was everything i'd hoped for. jumps light as a feather, running edges for days. (you should have heard my ungodly shriek when he landed his 4F in front of me! it looked so easy.) skating skills - sublime, every stroke effortless, excellent speed. but what i'm most impressed with is his artistic improvement this season. he's always been an incredible technician (and i have a lot of thoughts about how ilia is being branded as The Technician and yuma The Artist now, when in fact yuma's technique is just as good, only with lower base value, and his SS are far superior, but i digress) but he has really put in the work to become a better performer and fine-tune everything from his body movements to his interpretation of music. jokes about making me like imagine dragons aside, i think his sp helped him explore music and sharp movements that were out of his comfort zone. loved that step sequence. (the only criticism i have is that he needed more swagger. he needed some more of what adam was serving in his sp, a certain cockiness and suaveness. but yuma has always been a more introverted skater. i think that kind of expression is still difficult for him.) the free was simply glorious. i didn't think i would like yet another rain in your black eyes program, and i was side-eyeing lori nichol for giving yuma this music after she used it for sui/han. but yuma made it his own. there were so many beautiful moments perfectly timed to the music. (ina bauer! spiral! and the step sequence, ahhh) he was so close to being clean, there was an audible groan in the audience when he fell on the 3A, but then they cheered him on until the end, which was heartwarming. what an incredible comeback season from yuma. i'm so excited for his future, i think he has so much potential and many bright moments ahead. now i've written a goddamn novel already, but i haven't even mentioned werther yet. i'll just say that his exhibition is one of the most beautiful programs i've ever seen, competitive or otherwise, and it shows off everything good about yuma's skating. perfect. no notes.
adam: where the fuck do i even start. honestly...if i could only remember one moment from all of montreal worlds, it would be his free skate. it was THE skate of the event. the mounting excitement as he landed all his jumps. the way i said "oh my god" out loud as he set up for the backflip, then landed it in front of me. the audience in complete hysterics. i can't even describe what the arena was like after his free skate. it was. insane. it genuinely felt like there was electricity in the air. the screams were deafening. my heart was pounding. it took me an entire group of skaters to come down from that adrenaline high, lmao. meanwhile, adam sat there in the green room...for hours and hours...and then ended up getting bronze because why the fuck not lmao. it was kind of the perfect conclusion of a chaotic season and a chaotic worlds. yeah, that free skate was THE moment. on another note, i don't actually like his free that much from a choreo standpoint. i think he's one of the most expressive and unique skaters in the field today, and he can pull off a lot of benoit's weirdness, but this free just isn't one of my favorites. it's extremely memorable though, for sure. his sp, on the other hand, was a disaster, but i really appreciated how he kept performing despite the messy jumps. he skated the step sequence like the jump mistakes didn't even happen. that's the sign of a committed performer. i'm very excited to see what else adam has to bring in the future, though i hope he doesn't start throwing in backflips too often - they're only fun when they're infrequent and unexpected.
shoma: shoma has a particular way of moving that is so unique to him. where yuma's skating is springy and light, shoma's skating has weight. it's very difficult to describe, but i mean it in a good way. it's the way everything he does feels so deliberate. he has excellent upper body carriage and his movements really project out into the audience. his sp step sequence was a highlight. he has an innate musicality that is natural to him. truth be told, i haven't liked his programs as much since he moved to stephane, but it was good to see his skating live again. i don't know if shoma will retire soon or keep competing, but if that was his last competition, i'm glad to have seen it, jump issues aside. i first heard of him as a novice skater back when i was first becoming a skating fan. i've been through quite a few generations of skaters' retirements, at this point. still an odd feeling when it might be someone you first saw as a tiny child, though. i also enjoyed his exhibition, it was a different style for him.
i wrote way too much about the top 4, so i'm going to try to keep the rest of this short:
jason: i'm just glad he's still skating. the world needs more of him, for as long as he's willing to give it.
lukas: very fun, i enjoyed him quite a bit.
deniss: finally! a clean short! more of that and fewer quad attempts, please.
kao: ugh. the collective wince in the arena on those falls... i wanted him to skate a clean attack on titan so badly, i love that program for him. he's very talented and INSANELY fast (cannot stress this enough, his speed is mind-blowing) but still lacking in control, and his performance skills need work as well. i hope this worlds was a good learning experience for him.
nikolaj: he's...so tall lmao. amazing lines. good musicality. terrible spins. looking forward to his improvement.
junhwan: the way i put my hands to my face as he fell on the 3A right in front of me... i just hope next season is healthier for him. he's a very, very quality skater and he deserves better.
don't talk to me about boyang
last but not least, shoutout to donovan for those incredible personal best skates! he still needs a lot of work on his SS and speed, but i really hope his jump consistency keeps improving.
all in all, worlds was just...a tornado of emotions. some bad, most good. it was my first time seeing the world championships live, and i'm really glad i had the experience. for anyone thinking of going to worlds in the future, please be aware that the days are LONG. i skipped all the practices and some earlier groups of the short programs in order to explore the city, and i was still completely wiped out after every day of competition. it took me several weeks to recover, lol. thanks montreal! i definitely won't forget that week.
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p-taryn-dactyl · 1 year
way down we go (i)
a/n: this was not requested but I couldn't for the life of me get the idea out of my head. this can be considered a dark!fic bc of the events and plot points so please read the warnings before reading! I hope y'all enjoy! also, I already have part 2 written so this is one series you don't have to wait weeks for an update, only a day 💜
word count: 1.4k
warning(s): graphic depictions of crime scene/dead body - murder - blood and gore - this isn't really a happy fic - I'm not the fondest of writing things that show serial killers in a romanticized way so this...isn't going to end well - people die in this guys - if you do not like blood or anything to do with death do not read this - even though I absolutely love forensics I am in no way an expert and all my info comes from my singular forensic class and all the forensic files I watch - this is fiction plz don't come for my inaccuracies - (reader also does profiles bc why not)
pairing(s): forensic scientist!reader x serial killer!Agatha
prompt: your relationship was picture perfect. you're happy and in love but one crime scene brings your love crashing down around you. (I'm not good at descriptions)
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You knew you would never escape this feeling.
The chills that ran down your spine as you walked through the scene, the only sounds being camera shutters and shuffling footsteps of your team, the way the air was suspended around you, imitating the way you held your breath. You forced your emotions into a box and shoved it to the back of your mind, your eyes turning from sympathetic to analytical, necessary for your job. The only one who noticed the change was your Crime Scene Photographer, Darcy. She pursed her lips at you, tilting her head towards the bedroom, acknowledging your shift into your role of head CSI.
This scene was different than the others, you immediately noticed as you crossed the bedroom threshold. Blood took over the wallpaper, staining the costly vintage pattern. The body lay face down on the bed, stab marks on the back, mostly shallow and jagged, indicating a struggle had occurred. Your thoughts were proven as your eyes scanned over the blood spatter. This victim fought back, causing a fight your killer hadn't anticipated.
She was the tenth one this month, the bodies being found more and more frequently, the killer getting more confident.
Your name sounded behind you, making you turn around. Lead Detective Jimmy Woo stood with a grimace on his face, eyes expectant. You nodded as you brought him over to the side of the bed, where you could see the wounds better.
"This one is different, Jim. The scene is a mess, the body mutilated and uncharacteristically stabbed, not to mention the lack of sophistication."
You turned from the bed and walked over to a pile of cleaning supplies, crouching down and cocking your head to the side. Your eyes widened when you noticed what had caught your eye. Pulling out your tweezers from your toolkit hanging by your side, you called out to Jimmy, asking for an evidence bag. As he handed it to you, he asked an important question.
"Then how can we be sure it's the same killer."
Without hesitating you answered.
"The victim fits the profile. A woman in her early to mid 50s, lives alone, estranged from family," you nodded your head to the dusty photographs on the dresser, now decorated by dried drops of blood, "and the cleaning supplies, the same ones we know for a fact were used at the other scenes."
As you bagged the strand of hair, your mind thought back to the other crime scenes. The bodies of the victims lying in bed, dead for days or weeks at the longest, the rooms cleaned meticulously, the only mess being the crusty blood stains from the single slit mark on the women's neck. You thought that those scenes were the worst, but now as you looked around, you knew you hadn't seen the worst of humanity yet.
Handing Jimmy the evidence bag, which he passed on to the officers on the scene, you stood up.
"Forensics is done here, all pictures taken, swabs done, and now all evidence is bagged. Help me roll the body over."
Your plastic gloves were already soaked with blood as you and Jimmy rolled the victim onto her back. Jimmy choked on what he saw. You merely sighed. The slit on the victims neck was jagged but shallow. The scene played out in your head. The killer did the normal business of coming from behind with the knife, but this one struggled, making the cut not deep enough to kill. The killer pushed the woman onto the bed, trying to suffocate her with the pillow but she kept struggling. Finally, the killer resorted to stabbing the woman until the act was finished, even some post-mortem. Then, instead of having time to clean the scene and position the body, something unexpected happened. Someone visited the victim, the young next door neighbor who felt sorry for the elderly woman who never saw her family. The killer had to rush out the back, leaving countless pieces of evidence behind and ruining weeks of planning.
"Let's get her in a bag, make sure to contact the family and ask for her will and wishes upon her death."
On the drive back to the station and your team's lab, you allowed yourself a moment to text your wife.
You: Hey hon, I don't think I'll make it for dinner. I might stay the night.
You let yourself slip information, a breach of protocol but you trusted Agatha.
We finally have enough to catch this bastard.
The sounds of reporters never stopped as the hours passed, your team logging and entering every piece of evidence from this scene and past. You ran every single strand of DNA evidence you had through every database you had legal access to. Monica Rambeau, your secret weapon when it came to, well, weapons, made multiple 3D replicas of the suspects height and body weight, using the angles of the blood spatter and the stab wounds. You and your team had discovered a separate blood profile in the mix, a break that had you desperate for a culprit. Now you sat in front of the equipment in your lab, the rest of your team resting while evidence was being processed and while the detective went over profiles and case reports, looking for details they might've missed.
You kept yourself from drifting into sleep by scrolling on your phone. When you opened your messages, your brow scrunched together. Agatha hadn't responded to your text, leaving it delivered. Frowning, you started typing but realizing the time, you thought she would be sleeping. Maybe you missing dinner tonight had struck a nerve with your wife. Sighing, you slumped in your chair, practicing your apology in your head. You knew it wasn't common of you to miss dinner, so maybe she had something special planned for tonight, even if it was nowhere near one of your birthdays or an anniversary. But that didn't mean anything, maybe it was a surprise date night. You were so lost in your worry, you almost didn't hear the ping from your computer indicating a match. You read the results, a hint of surprise at the determined sex of the killer. You started to type some notes in an email for Jimmy when your computer indicated it had found an 94% DNA match in a database. You paused, your hands still hovering over your keyboard as the killer's picture came up on your screen.
Time suspended around you, suffocating you as your vision tunneled. The buzzing of your phone broke you out of your stupor and with shaking hands you opened the message from your wife.
aggie❤️: no worries about dinner love, how's the case going?
Your eyes flickered from the text to the picture on your screen, your wife's cold blue eyes staring into your soul. You hesitated before you answered.
You: not well. everything came up a dead end, ig it's back to square one.
You put your phone face down on your desk, quickly exiting out of the page, your wife's picture replaced with your background. Which did nothing to sooth your rapidly panicking state, as it was your wedding photo. You slammed the power button, relief flooding your body at the black screen. With shaky hands, you cradled your head.
This can not be happening. You thought, pinching your arms, desperate to wake up from this vivid nightmare.
Your phone buzzed with your wife's reply and you read it through blurry vision.
aggie❤️: im sorry to hear that hon. text me when you're on your way home <3
Normally, the heart as the end of the text would send butterflies ablaze in your stomach but now all it did was sending waves of nausea coursing through you. Were there signs you missed? Something you overlooked through the haze of being in love?
Were all these women dead because you were too blind to see what was in front of you the whole time?
You stood up suddenly, your chair crashing behind you. Darcy rushed in, concern lacing her actions.
"Y/N, are you-"
"I have a migraine. Staring at a screen for too long and all that." You cut her off, even giving a slight chuckle at the end to play it off. Darcy still looked concerned but let you gather your things and walk out of the lab.
"If anything comes up, I'll call you!" she called out, not knowing her words caused your stomach to hardened.
As you went to walk out of the station, you noticed Jimmy had recklessly left his gun and holster on his desk.
You walked out of the station, pulling your jacket tight against your body as you got into your car.
No one had noticed Jimmy's gun was no longer on his desk.
a/n: ok I really hope y'all enjoyed this bc ive been waiting to write it for forever!! part 2 will 100% be out tomorrow bc ive already written it lol. I like writing true crime/mystery fics or fics with the same vibe so hopefully I did it well!! thank you for reading and I love all of y'all so much <3 sorry I haven't been writing that much
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ranposbabe · 1 year
Infidel | Johan liebert x Reader
Chapter 2
A/n : I literally forgot to post this last night so here it it’s 😭
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"Apologies for my late arrival, sir." You sigh, hurriedly rushing to your seat near the window. "No need for apologies. The professor states, raising his hands in defence. "I understand your father struggling to get cases over and done with so they're practically getting anyone these days to achieve that." He laughs, taking a swig from the old and bitter cup of coffee.
Old and bitter...sounds quite familiar.
You slyly raise a brow at his remark yet nonetheless sat down, placing your folder out on the dainty small coffee table in front of you.
"So down to business. I understand someone you were in contact with recently passed due to suspicious circumstances, correct ?" You ask, flipping through the folder. "Well yes I-
The man suddenly stops, his breath hitched as he stares down at the photographs before him. You slowly raise your head, not understanding what caused his sudden distraction.
There laid a photograph of a man being victim to a acid attack. Fragments of the skull exposed with parts of the flesh starting to rot along with somehow the eye still being intake despite the eye socket lolling to the side of the blood covered skin.
"This isn't too much for you is it ?"
"I've been doing this for a few months now, sir. I'm wise now to know not to have porridge before examining evidence photographs." You shrug, flipping through the photographs.
"Ah ! Here." You stop, pointing to a photograph of the victim associated with this particular case.
"Do you see the little marks here around the eyes ?" You ask, pointing to around the eyes "Those are clearly marks left from finger nails digging into the skin." You sigh, taking an exhausted breath.
"Seeing how deep they are and how short and curved they seem, I would suggest it being someone who looks after themselves well, meaning manicures regularly, assuming it's a woman maybe."
You suggest, staring out the photograph carefully. Despite acknowledging the quiet man sat across from you, you couldn't notice the man sat in shock at just how quickly you could come up with an answer to the questions other detective would struggle to answer. But then again...he didn't even have a chance to ask you about the man as you had already dived in . The man couldn't help but to wonder was it due to your intelligence or rather your interest in finishing the case and leaving as soon as possible.
"It's definitely not his of course." You continue.
"So to that I say he probably attacked said woman and in self defence she tried to scratch his eyes out and failed but she isn't responsible for his death." You state, shaking your head.
"If you look closely you see around the lower collar the skin has marks left of a rope-
"So he was strangled to death ?" The man inquires.
"Ha ! No !" You suddenly exclaim.
Oh how you love the sudden look of confusion on a persons face.
"Do you really believe a young girl with dainty fingernails could take out a man with a fat neck like him ?"
When you found yourself returning to your disdained and somewhat falling apart apartment you couldn't help but feel slightly gutted. You understood rather early on in this unwanted job that men long in or out of the career would rather slice a finger off than to admit a woman was right.
Despite having all the evidence to suggest the cause of the cause. You were shot down like a rabid dog and left with "interesting inquiry, y/n. Now let the rightful people deal with this."
"Ah !" You groan, reaching up to rub your temple. You manage to throw your belongings down onto the lonesome couch before practically climbing over rubbish that laid on the carpet. Clean it later.
You can't help but sigh as you crouch down to the height of the small kitchen fridge. Peeling off the sticky note from the fridge that states "CALL ME ! - FATHER"
Yeah right. Do your dismay and disgust the fridge was almost empty besides the-
"Holy shit that's gone off !" You cry, pinching your nose in horror as you practically run to the sink to throw out the expired milk. "I need a bath." You moan, stretching your tight arms as you head down the minor corridor.
They say that baths are suppose to be a calming experience to not only relax the body but also the mind. What bullshit.
Your brows furrow as you stare up at the ceiling. The dull light keeps flickering every few minutes and making a buzzing noise.
Ah the noise. Your tongue clicks in irritation as your head lols to the side, your eyes catching a glimpse of a opened folder. A case.
You couldn't really recall every making a decision so fast. You step out the tub, feet touching the awfully cold tiles, grabbing a towel before heading down to your bedroom. But not before grabbing the file along with you. Your wet fingertips smudging the papers.
"Usual ?" The bartender asks as he cleans off a glass. "Yeah." You state, sparing him a quick glance. You don't recognise the man, however you lack care as you already start to flick through the folder.
Your hand reaches up to place your hair behind your ear. You could feel that your hair was slightly damp.
You rub your temples in hope of soothing the aching headache. Yet to no avail.
The lights, aw the lights gleamed as bright full as always. The sound of chitter chatter filled the wholesome pub as those gathered together in harmony.
However that dreadful heavy buzz and the ringing in your ear never went.
But then it stopped. As soon as your ears picked up the daunting sound of the stool beside scratching against the floor as someone sat down. Slowly but surely, raising your tired eyes they momentarily widen at the intimate sight. Unsmiling blue eyes met your bewildered eyes and suddenly you feel the strong urge to look away yet your curious eyes betray you.
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bellybiologist · 10 months
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TLDR: Verzi Need Money. Here Link for Helping Fill Money Bar with Money Juice. -Ko-fi -Commission form (Open again! Note the price increase!) -Patreon -Paypal.me
Okay! Verzi need money. So! Here's this.
This shitty meter here is just for a bit of transparency (Graphic design is NOT my passion), cuz people like to know where there money is going. This will fill up as with funds from my patreon (money I got this month is already there!), from commissions, and from any tips/extras given by kind souls in passing, and I need to hit these marks EVERY month for like… a year. (This is after fees and such of course, cuz god forbid we don't pay the middle-men their dues.)
I will update this thing as time passes so ya'll will know where I'm at. Reblogging/Sharing is welcome, encouraged, and greatly appreciated!
A bit of info for each section under the Readmore:
-Rent and Bills: The Most Important thing to Keep Verzi Kickin'! I pay half my apartment's now $1368 rent PLUS the utilities, which range from 100~200 bucks, splitting with my aunt who works 2 jobs to make sure she pays her half. Since my mom passed away from Pancreatic cancer in 2021, this has been rough since it used to be split 3 ways.
-Dental Costs: The face bone doctors want my money after drilling holes and pulling out the insides!! My face actually feels BETTER so i'm not as mad as I COULD be about this, but this needs to be paid for the next 12 months. (And they want MORE money to do a cleaning and I almost laughed. Like, no buddy you ain't getting 750 out of me when I don't even have a refrigerator.(See Below))
-Big Purchase+Credit Card bills: It wont pay off ALL my credit card debt, but it keeps me from falling behind. Since the passing of Michael and Fred (my microwave and refrigerator respectively) I need to make some big purchases so my kitchen functions. Michael has been successfully replaced by Mikaela, and we are still looking for Fred's replacement. Ms. Frida, the chest freezer who is literally older than I am (I am 33!!) and STILL functions is holding down the fort while we look for a refrigerator. We can live without a fridge thanks to her constant service, allowing us to keep frozens. Also, like, literally on the 30th of July, Monty the Monitor must've succumbed to heatstroke so i had to buy one of THOSE too for my computer setup. I will name all my appliances to cope.
-Extra+Taxes: Once we get here, I'm in the clear for the month's expenses! However!! Taxes are due in October. I DO NOT know how much that will be, and since the whole Covid relief thing that lessened business taxes ended last year, I MAY be paying for quite a bit!! Anything past this point will be prepping for Taxes AND forming a buffer for More Happenings (God forbid).
===== Rewards??? Rewards!! =====
I considered a Drive like other kink artists in these circles, but I don't like drives for several reasons and those reasons are why I've never done one in the past. Despite that, I STILL want to do something that at least feels like a reward or incentive for people keeping me Alive™, so I'm going to do some simple doodles/sketches, and possibly try to stream those doodles in my discord!
Every 100 bucks past the "Rent and Bills Paid" section (meaning at 900 dollars and onward), I will do a RANDOM drawing from any requests/suggestions from the pool made by people who threw some cash monies my way!
Suggestions can be sent in through Ko-fi messages, Paypal notes accompanying payments/donations/tips, and a Patreon-only post (they are always giving me money, so patrons have access by default!). Commissioners who send in the form can ALSO suggest something for the pool if they like! (there's a question on the form for it) Now, like all requests, it's ultimately up to my discretion on whether or not I will draw something, but I will still try to keep it random and let it be a roll of the dice (or a RNG app).
There is no minimum requirement either! So people throwing only $1 at me, buying only one Ko-fi, or dropping anything bigger are free to offer a suggestion. But please limit requests/suggestions to one entry per person.
Now, as to what these will and can be:
-It will be a simple lined sketch with one color or flat colors. Depends on how many need doing, how I'm feeling when I draw it and how complicated it is.
-It can be up to 2 characters, but they may be less refined compared to a single character one. They can be the same character in 2 different states, or 2 different characters interacting with each other.
-No private requests please! It will have to be something that can be publicly posted and that you're fine with being perceived by others.
-In terms of kinks/sizes/etc, it will be something that you'd normally see on this blog or for my work! Mileage may vary, but more extreme stuff that I'd normally avoid may be glossed over when I'm constructing the pools.
-Unlike commissions, these will not go through a WIP stage/be modified after the fact! They end up how they end up. If you wanna be nitpicky, please use this opportunity to order a full commission!
-You're allowed to suggest OCs as long as it's yours or its owner has given permission to draw them in the context I am known to put boys in!
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demonichikikomori · 2 years
Moan with Me!
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Ruggie Bucchi x Fem!Reader
The smut will be in the second chapter so don't worry! I'm a little rusty after not writing for months, unfortunately. @A@
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It was late. 
About 2:45 am late. 
With Grim asleep in another room, snoring away peacefully there were only the sounds of crickets and the settling of the Ramshackle Dorm to keep you company. For now. You just so happened to have a guest arriving in about 15 minutes and you started to feel anxious about the late-night meeting with him. 
Sitting in any of Professor Trein’s classes was always a drag. As a magicless student not even from this world, the things you learned felt very… Well, irrelevant. Who knows when Crowley will finally send you home?! You don’t need to learn the intensive history of magic and technological advances if you can’t use any of it. As the older man droned on about the ‘History of Magic’ there was a light nudge against your elbow resting against the wooden table. 
Looking up from your scarcely written in notebook, you locked eyes with the student beside you: Ruggie Bucchi. He seemed to shoot you a smile and glanced down, tapping at the small scrap paper he slid your way. It was a small smiley face with rounded ears and tiny dots above the smile, a simplified Ruggie!
You looked up at the beastman sitting beside you with a small grin. When Ruggie isn’t stealing or running himself ragged for the sake of cleaning up after Leona, he’s pretty cute. Round blueish-grey eyes with brown specks across his cheeks, tanned skin from his constant endeavors outdoors… Yeah, he is super cute.
Ruggie raised his eyebrows with a mischievous expression as you moved your pencil down to the corner of your notebook. Your pencil dragged swiftly across the lined paper, drawing a smiling face in response to his. The hyena flicked one of his ears in amusement and inched closer as you became shouldered on the shared bench. 
He crossed one arm over the other, writing slowly on the page of your notebook.
Bored? I know I am.
He asked in writing and tapped at the message with his pencil. Ruggie kept his eyes ahead as Professor Trein began writing dates on his chalkboard. You nodded slowly as the two of you began striking up a silent conversation. You were much slower in sneaky writing than Ruggie was. But he always did take pride in how good he was with his hands. Rumor has it he was a little too good.
You talked about classes, what you planned to eat later, Ruggie even asked who you had a crush on here at Night Raven College. The question gave you butterflies in your stomach as you quickly changed the subject to telling Ruggie your favorite flavor of donuts. As you two chatted enough to fill the page you started on, you flipped your notebook to a fresh page so the two of you could continue. As you both continued with small talk the tone began to change to something a little more… Interesting.
Not to be that guy, but I’m in a bit of a bind right now.
His message left you puzzled as you answered him with a question mark drawn on the paper. 
My Grammy told me over the phone she hasn’t been feeling the best. But I’m super low on cash right now. Spot me?
Beside his pleading message was the face he drew before with little tears streaming down the circle face and Thaumarks with wings flying away from him. He rested his chin in the palm of his hand as his big, watery eyes looked over at you. He was like a begging dog, hoping for table scraps. The expression was pulling at your heartstrings, just as you’re sure he planned for it too. You slowly began to write, chewing on your lower lip as you hunched over to keep the page hidden from any wandering eyes in the back row.
Depends on how much you need. Crowley gives me an allowance sure, but I’m not made of money. 
You tapped at the page as Ruggie leaned in and began to write. He glanced at you once more before letting out a soft sigh.
300 Thaumarks.
“Three hundred?!” You gasped as Professor Trein cleared his throat, clearly displeased with your sudden outburst. “Would you like to share with your fellow student body the reasoning behind your sudden revelation?” He asked with a scowl as you timidly shook your head. “I wrote down the wrong information…” You explained with a small shrug as Professor Trein lifted a brow at your response. “Would you like me to go over the lesson once more?” He asked and you shook your head again. “O-Oh no, um…” Your eyes shot over to Ruggie and you grabbed at the sleeve of his uniform. “Ruggie promised to compare notes after class.” You explained, feeling your face burn the longer you stayed in the center of the class's attention. Ruggie nodded and waved down to Professor Trein. “Don’t worry, I’ll help her out.” He assured the older man who let out a sigh before returning to his lesson. 
You turned to Ruggie with a frown as your eyebrows knit together at the request of the three-hundred Thaumarks he assumed you had lying around the Ramschackle Dorm. He noticed your expression and quickly began writing once more. 
I’m not asking you to give it to me for free of course! I work for my earnings. Promise.
He tapped at the paper with anxious eyes and you took the time to think of how to respond. Three hundred isn’t a small number, especially as someone who has been sent to an unknown world with no way to earn their own cash without help. The money you have to survive from Crowley was enough to last you a month, but you don’t spend much since it’s you and  Grim to care for… You do have enough to spare for Ruggie’s request, but you sure as hell aren’t some charity.
What do I get?
You left the message on the page as the beastman looked surprised by your answer. Before he could move his wrist across the page, the bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson. Ruggie casually lifted his arms up to stretch as you flipped the notebook shut. “I’ll really do anything.” He whispered as you both stood, walking out of the class with Ruggie following closely behind you through the thick crowd of students. “I’ll clean your entire dorm.” He offered the suggestion as you walked with your notebook tucked under your arm. “It’s not that dirty, it’s me, Grim, and the ghosts. There aren’t three hundred Thaumarks worth of cobwebs.” You huffed and turned a corner, Ruggie was still hot on your trail. “Okay, then what if I do all of your homework for a month? Pretty appealing right?” He asked with a sly smile and you shook your head. “The teachers don’t give me the same homework as everyone else so it would be pointless.” During your first week of ‘transferring’, you remember cringing at the sight of the children’s math sheets Professor Trein handed you. Although you didn’t really need to complain, who doesn’t like an easy A? 
Ruggie seemed frustrated at this point and grabbed you by the shoulder, easing you against a wall as his ears folded back in a submissive gesture. You could feel your heart racing as Ruggiew tightened his grip on your shoulder. A frown was plastered on his face as he inched closer, caging you against the wall with his own slender figure. Large blueish-grey eyes began looking you over, almost like he was sizing you up. It was hard to look him in the eye, with each sniff you took you could smell the faint scent of fresh grass. Very fitting for him. The hyena relaxed his grip and his eyes fell shut. “I’m basically on my knees at this point… There’s definitely something I can do for you.” He exhaled as you shrugged in response. “Ruggie, I don’t have any magic or any other dormmates, or… Any issues you could possibly solve.” Especially worth the amount he was asking for. Sure him being your personal housekeeper for a few weeks was a nice thought, but you clean up after yourself (and occasionally Grim) just fine. “You sure?” He asked as the frown slowly curled into a grin, his fangs were visible as he took a small step closer. You could feel his leg sliding between your thighs and your breath caught in your throat.“I just thought of something you might have a problem with, that I can help you with.” He smiled at you, moving a finger to point at your womb. The digit ghosted over the expensive fabric of your uniform as your cheeks began to grow warm. “Being in a school full of guys… I’m surprised you haven’t had a boyfriend yet, nor have you ever mentioned having a fling... Don’t you feel lonely? ” He teased with a whisper as he leaned in. His breath ghosted near your ear and your eyes remained wide open while trained on his finger. He doesn’t know much about your world or your life beforehand... But he did have a point. 
It was something he could definitely help you with. Even if it’s just a night.
You were at a loss for words as his hand moved to rub over your stomach, sliding over to rest on your thigh. “We can talk more over text,” Ruggie offered and stepped away, moving his hands to lace them behind his head. “I’ll give you my number. Being so bold in a hallway is quite the no-no, doncha think?” Ruggie let out his signature snicker as your hands fumbled to pull your phone from your skirt pocket. He was added to your contacts and you shot him a text to make sure everything was correct. “Great! Listen, let’s talk and see how you feel about this first. You’ll get your three hundred’s worth out of me.” He smirked and walked off, his tail seemed to be wagging as you stared at the inbox and Ruggies name at the top. 
[Ruggie]: I promise it’ll be a good idea. I’m pretty good with my hands yknow? ;9
You looked at the text feeling your stomach twist in anxiety… But also excitement. 
So I’ve heard.
As you walked down the hall the two of you began to text back as you awkwardly skipped around the subject of the ‘paid intimacy’ Ruggie was eagerly prepared to provide. After arriving to your next class you could feel your stomach twisting again as you sat, quietly sneaking texts to Ruggie as you took notes during the lesson. 
[Ruggie]: You aren’t a virgin are you? It’s not a bad thing but I need to know. Honestly, I would be surprised if you were. You’re too cute.
The text offended you. But you weren't entirely sure why. It was an innocent question, but it made your stomach twist with embarrassment. Sure, Ruggie had become a close friend of yours after the Overblot incident with Leona. But it wasn’t something you ever thought you would have him ask you so directly. Especially over text.
I have a right hand. Does that count? I wasn’t very popular before I came here. Sorry to ruin your dreams Ruggie.
You texted back, exhaling any hostile responses you had built in your mind as you pressed send. 
[Ruggie]: I see, no big deal. Don’t worry, I’m pretty good at this stuff. And we’re friends anyway. I won’t leave you hangin.
Well, what are we even going to do? This kind of thing isn’t something I ever imagined myself doing Ruggie. Especially paying another person for it.
You admitted to him over text you felt unsure despite the thought being as appealing as it sounded. You were supposed to spend your first sexcapade with someone you really liked, someone you cherished and could see yourself spending your life with. Right?
[Ruggie]: Well, it’s not like I’m a stranger. Besides, it feels good. I swear. If you ever feel uncomfortable, just tell me and we’ll stop. I’ll get the money for my Grammy another way. 
You could practically hear the tone of defeat ringing in your ears towards the end of his text. You hesitated with your response, glancing around the classroom as you pressed send. 
Let me figure out what to do with Grim first.
Grim didn’t seem too pleased after dinner that you were kicking him out of your shared bedroom to sleep alone for the night. You had cleaned up a guest room for Grim after school with the plan to break the news to the monster. “We always sleep together!” He snapped and you gave him a smile. “Even the greatest sorcerers need to learn independence Grim.” He crossed his arms over his furry chest and narrowed his eyes at you as he sat on the table in front of his empty can of tuna. “I suppose even a hench human would understand… But why do you suddenly want to sleep alone? Did something happen?” He asked, sounding semi-hurt that you hadn’t mentioned any discomforts to him. You shook your head and ran a hand over his ears with an assuring smile. “Grim, it isn’t anything you did. I just want to sleep alone, human stuff.” You answered as he seemed to cheer right up. “If you say so, everyone needs their space from time to time! But if something ends up scaring you, just let yourself into my room and I’ll protect you!” He laughed as you continued to gently pet him. 
“Of course Grim, thank you, I appreciate it.” Of course, with how Ruggie described tonight's plans, you surely won’t be crying out for help. It was nearing midnight as you cleaned up after dinner and finished a shower to wash away any potential anxieties for the destined after-hours visit. Ruggie mentioned he would be leaving Savanaclaw late since he would be dealing with the lazy dorm leader for most of the night. Part of you still felt guilty that in order to give Ruggie the money for his sick grandmother, you both settled for the payment of sex. However, the hyena seemed very happy with the idea. You just weren’t sure if it felt morally right. Surely there was something else he could do for you. You were on the fence now as the night went on, hours melting away as you looked at the phone with butterflies in your stomach. It would be far too late to change your mind and alert Ruggie, it was already 2:58 now. Ruggie will be here any minute now ready to knock on the door. He’s practically down the trail. 
You swallowed a lump in your throat and sat up, looking at the phone with shaking hands as Ruggie finally sent a text. The soft ping made your heart jump out of your ribs.
[Ruggie]: Door unlocked?
Yeah. Just come in. 
You let out a deep breath you didn’t realize you were holding and swung your legs onto the side of the bed. You moved to stand as you heard quiet steps coming up to your room. You smoothed out your oversized pajama shirt and looked yourself over. Should you have brushed your hair? Put on makeup? Maybe sexier pj’s to help set the mood? … Even though you were paying Ruggie, maybe you should’ve done something special. It was your first time after all. All you really did was take a shower and kick Grim out for the night. 
There was a wave of insecurity washing over you and a soft knock on the bedroom door where you slept. You jumped in surprise at the sound and attempted to speak, but your throat had gone bone dry. The knob slowly turned and your heart was pounding in your ears. Your hands felt shaky as you mustered up a small smile, watching as Ruggie stuck his head into the room to look around. “Yo.” He whispered with a playful grin. He entered the room with a dark brown duffle bag slung over his shoulder and carefully closed the door behind himself.
Ruggie is here. You’re paying Ruggie to get you off. It’s going to happen. It’s going to happen in a few minutes. You and Ruggie really are going to have sex. Ruggie Bucchi is going to take your virginity and 300 Thaumarks.
“Um… Ruggie?” You squeaked out anxiously as the bag was placed on the floor, Ruggie pulled his shirt off from over his head and his ears flicked. “What’s up?” He answered and began neatly folding up his shirt. Your knees felt weak as you once again swallowed, averting your eyes from the topless beastman. “So… You’re okay with this?” You asked and he looked at you with those big watery eyes from earlier. “Cold feet before we even start?” Ruggie spoke with a teasing tone as he moved to sit in front of his duffel bag. He unzipped it and began to dig around, pulling a small bottle out of the bag. There was a clear-ish pink liquid inside. “You aren’t giving up already are you?” He asked as your hands tightened into fists. “W-Well! No, but…” You trailed off, lacking a proper excuse. “It’s just… I don’t want to make you force yourself to do this… If we sit and think I’m sure there’s something you can do.” You spoke, sounding a bit guilty. Hell, a few times you considered letting Ruggie just have the money. Ruggie rolled his eyes and began laying out the items from his bag on the floor. “To me, this is actually more of a win-win. And being completely honest,” He paused and looked you up and down with a soft snort. “You couldn’t force a thirsty horse to drink water.” He teased as you knit your brows. You began to pout as you crossed your arms over your chest. 
“I’m just pickin’ on ya! You looked so tense when I walked in, I was hoping to lighten you up a bit.” He defended and began smiling once more. “Didja shower?” He asked and opened up the small bottle of clear-ish pink fluid. “Um, yeah… Was I supposed to?” You felt discouraged knowing that you could have potentially ruined Ruggie’s plans for the night between you. “Well, yeah, but I haven’t. Usually, in times like this, we shower together!” His expression grew mischievous and his tail began to wag. “But, you can always wait here for me to come back.” You could feel your heart on the verge of stopping at the thought of showering with Ruggie.
His body against yours under the warm shower water… You could practically feel his skin against yours already. 
“I-I’ll wait! I’ll wait for you to shower…” You cleared your throat anxiously as Ruggie looked you over once again. “You sure you don’t want to jump in? Last call.” He asked and you quickly shook your head. You weren’t ready to see him in all of his bare beastman glory! Not yet at least. “I’m sure.” Your tone was meek, causing Ruggie to playfully roll his eyes. “Okay, okay, I’ll get in all by my lonesome.” He picked up a few things that he laid on the floor and left the room, peeking his head back in once more. “The bathroom is down the hall to the left.” You perked up, moving your legs to relax on the bed as Ruggie vanished down the hall.
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breaking denials, taking steps (jigokuraku)
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pairing: gabimaru x yui
themes: non-explicit nsfw with fluff, mentions of abuse
summary: this taste was desire and they will slowly eat it
a/n: part 1 || part 2 || part 4
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Of course, their bliss was short-lived, or hers at least, as Yui ferments some of their vegetables with tear streaks on her cheeks and a red bruise on her face. While it has been almost a month since they started their nightly sessions, her father (the village chief) grew tired of her childless womb, calling her incompetent and worthless of a wife to her own husband. And as punishment, he slapped her hard, reminding her of what he can do to her if she continues to yield against him.
"I will have Gabimaru marry one of your sisters and bear his children if you can't afford to give him one."
Yui doesn't want to cry but she can't help the tears that wanted to fall, sniffling and rubbing her face to force herself away from this grief in her chest. She can bear Gabimaru's children, she is sure of that. However, her heart is constricted with guilt and pressure as she imagines children looking like him and her being stripped away of their rights as normal human beings.
She and her husband have a simple dream with a huge price. They knew the hardships for that dream, but now that she was being forced into a corner, she finds herself questioning her next move.
I can't do this.
She stopped from her current task and crouched down on the floor, covering her mouth to stifle her sobs.
Tsuki, what should I do?
Her mind told her the only way is to get it over with. Do what she has to do and bear his children so both of them can survive. But whenever she imagines herself forcing this act on him, she also sees Gabimaru's pained expression along with feelings of guilt. While, yes, she will get pregnant, she'll also be putting another burden for the both of them.
Tsuki, I need you.
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It wasn't like Gabimaru to be frantic. He was usually calm and collected in normal circumstances. But now was different because when he first stepped home after a murder mission, there wasn't any signs of Yui anywhere. Everything was clean and organized, the clothes neatly folded and the food already cooked. But Yui wasn't there, not even in their bedroom.
So he raced outside to find her, fear evident in his features as he thought of possible scenarios that could've happened. Maybe some sick bastard dared to kidnap her as some sort of revenge against him. Or she was already killed and buried alive elsewhere.
But there was another thought in his head, something that spouts lies.
Maybe she left you here alone in this village because she got tired of this whole charade.
That's not true, of course. Yui told him million times that she'll follow him wherever he goes, even if it meant a darker path for the both of them. And he held onto those words, so there is no way she could've done that.
Gabimaru ran until he spotted a river with running falls, the full moon shining on the ripples of water. And there was Yui, looking stunned as she saw him panting for breath and a worried expression. The water was surrounding her from the waist down, and judging from the way she was damp with her clothes on, it looked like she took a long dip to get rid of something.
Like a burden from her chest.
"Dear?" she called him, forcing herself to wear her usual gentle smile. But he only stood there, studying the new red mark on her cheek and the tiny bruise near her lips.
Why? Gabimaru wanted to ask her in frustration. She was always like this, practicing a brave facade on him because she didn't want him to suffer. Why are you smiling like that?
And in one swift move, Gabimaru went to her side, hugging her tight as he sighed in relief. He knew she was hurt (and he knows it's none other than her father), but he didn't want her to suffer everything alone.
"Dear?" Yui called him again in concern. "Are you alright—"
"It's okay now," he whispered to her reassuringly. "I'm here." Gabimaru pulled away to look at her face, noticing how she was surprised at his words. "You can lay everything on me."
Yui nervously swallowed, feeling all her emotions well up until she couldn't hold it in, burying her face in Gabimaru's shoulder as she cries over her situation. He didn't need to know her words for him to figure it out.
What should I do?
I can't bear children here in Iwagakure.
I want to live a normal life with you.
I want to be with you somewhere far away from here.
Take me.
Take me with you.
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They were now both bathed, wearing their kimonos as they prepared to retire for bed. While it became kind of customary for them to touch each other every night, Gabimaru knew it was time for the both of them to think about their actions carefully. Now that he knows of Osa's plans, he can't afford to prolong everything.
He leaned towards her as her back faced him.
She rolled over, turning to him with confusion. "Hm?"
"You can..." Why was he hesitating? It wasn't like they had not gone further than this. "You can do whatever you want with me you know."
Now that got Yui's attention, sitting up so she can properly talk to him as she rubs the sleep from her eyes.
"What do you mean?"
"I am all yours," he declared with determination, with every fiber of his being because it was true though. Ever since they got married, he has been hers for a long time, and he wouldn't mind whatever it was she desired.
Because I love you, that's why.
"I'm all yours, that's why you are free to do whatever you want with me," he stated, trying to gauge a reaction out of her only to see her stunned and blushing.
Yui was still reeling in from what happened earlier in the river, the way Gabimaru initiated contact and consoled her. Everything was on his own accord, touching her without her having to tell him what he should do.
"What about me?" she asked in a quiet voice.
"When am I going to be yours?" There was tension in the air and she felt herself drowning. "When are you going to take me?"
Gabimaru scratched the back of his head, sighing as if he had made a decision. He gently laid Yui on their bed, hovering on top of her as he touched her cheek, rough hands against soft skin. He had never felt such salvation, like a sinner tainting a pure angel.
"Whenever you want me to," he responded, kissing the scar on her face. "As long as you want me to." And then he took her hand and kissed it, leaning his cheek on it gingerly. Gabimaru was patient but he could burst into pieces the moment she says her verdict. "Tell me everything, and I'll do it."
Yui's breathing was slowly getting frantic, getting lost in fire and already burning with emotions she didn't know she had for him. She stared at his lips, then back to his eyes, desperate and wanting for her undivided attention. Yui gave him a chaste kiss, a seal to their own deal.
"I am yours, my dear Tsuki," she said. "I have always been yours since we got married."
That's why you can do anything you want with me too.
And everything broke, his resistance futile as he reached a hand behind her head and pulled her to him, kissing her with every fervor and passion, which is unlikely of a hollow man. Their hold on each other tightened, his left hand untying the obi on her kimono as the other was already pulling down the top to expose her shoulder. He kissed the exposed skin, careful not to bite into it too much or he'll end up tearing her flesh.
Her hands were on his hair, trying to close the distance between them even though it was nearly impossible. After all, they were separate beings united with the promise of a husband and wife living like a normal couple. Hence, Gabimaru would always pull her close, savoring her warmth and gentle caress.
He pulled away for a second, removing his shinobi clothes to reveal his skin marred by cuts and burns, things that reminded him of the battles he survived for so long until he was blessed by having her in his life. Gabimaru felt ashamed by them, feeling ugly at his appearance.
"I'm sorry," he mumbled. "This is all I could give you."
Yui was confused, sitting up to take a good look at his face, apologetic and abashed because he believed she could've had other men that could give her everything she wanted.
"Tsuki, I—"
"I still want you, though," he said with conviction because he really wanted her. He needed her, like how air and water is important for humans to live. Because for all it's worth, Gabimaru couldn't care less about the fact that he wasn't deserving of this peaceful life. He might be hollow, but this selfishness is something he holds onto.
He touches her cheek, red with pure love and adoration, then he kissed her lips deeply, soft and slow like how he licks honey from the spoon she gives whenever he's feeling cold. Gabimaru still doesn't know the taste of honey, though, but Yui describes it as thick and mellow with sweetness. But the taste she gives him every time he kisses her, he guesses that must be it.
She tastes like honey.
And he continues to kiss down her body, carefully untying her obi and letting her kimono fall until she was left with nothing but bare skin and bones. Gabimaru couldn't keep his eyes off from her so he forced himself to think of other things. A dead body? An eyeball falling out of the socket with blood oozing out? A head rolling on the ground? Chipped off nails and several cuts?
But he will go back to thinking of her, his beloved wife with a skin warmer than his.
"Umm..." she called to gain his attention, feeling shy. "I think you should follow."
Gabimaru raised a brow at that, and when Yui pointed at his pants, he instantly rubbed his head in embarrassment. "Oh, I forgot. Sorry."
And he followed suit, removing every piece of clothing until he has bared everything to her. They have nothing to hide from each other, but they have all the love to give, all the passion to share and celebrate this night.
He hugs Yui to his chest, her hair falling on his skin as he breathes deeply to take in their current situation. Yui could only hug back, heart racing because she knew once they do this act, there's no way they're gonna get back to the old routine as couple. They will be opening a whole new chapter of their lives.
He kisses her shoulder. "I.. I want to do it."
She sighs, restlessness evident in her tone like she was burning in his touch. "I know..."
"You can still say no," he pulled away so he could look at her, wanting to confirm with his eyes her own answer, "and we'll stop here. We can spend our nights like this, just touching each other."
"B-But..." Even with her ragged breathing, she wanted him to know she wanted this as much as he does.
"Because you look scared," Gabimaru pointed out. "I don't want to hurt you."
Because I already hurt you during our first night.
"It's not because of that, though," she assured, emotions welling up inside her. "I'm just scared of the future. Of the possibility that I could bear your children and we're still here."
"But I want this." Yui held his hand to her cheek. "I've always wanted both of us to love each other."
Like a normal married couple.
He kissed her lips lightly, standing up from their shared bed and covering his manly parts. "I'll get something," he said, leaving their room as Yui covered herself with their blanket. After a few seconds, Gabimaru came back with a small jar of tea leaves, and judging by their color and shape, they seem like those rare ones.
"I heard people say it's a tea for contraception," he informed. "Some kunoichis drink it so they won't get pregnant from their victims."
Yui took the jar from him, having a hunch that Gabimaru stole it the same way he suddenly learned to do those seductive moves to her every night. "But Father might find out. He'll only punish us."
"He won't," Gabimaru assured, kissing her forehead. "I won't let him or anyone dictate our lives anymore. We will leave this place soon and live our lives as normal people. And I'll stop killing for a living. Just the two of us somewhere away, far from here."
His promise brought tears to her eyes, relieved at the fact that they were a few steps closer to their dream. Finally, finally! She thought it would be futile to defy her father and become a normal woman filled with hopes of a better future. But now that she's with Gabimaru, she believes one day they'll be able to conquer everything.
"Yui, do you want to go with me?" he asked, feeling himself cry at this moment. Ah, gods, he's a goner. He loves her so, so much.
And her answer was a tight embrace, arms around his neck as she gives him a passionate kiss on the lips.
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Crofty! My favorite and beloved academia Dramione writer! Will you be a student again this year? What is the back to school season like for you?
I also want to ask, how do you set intentions for the beginning of the semester/school year and make sure that you stay committed to them? How do you balance separate writing projects with your coursework?
In addition, would you be willing to share advice for a reader halfway through her undergraduate degree? For context, I’ve had some rough setbacks in my first two years, but I’m really eager to prove myself. I want to build back my GPA and earn my way into a humanities PhD program.
Thanks so much! I hope your academic years are wonderful (in the true old meaning of the word!) and give you great joy, wisdom and inspiration.
#ADHDinacademia #PhD #dramione #darkacademia #hogwarts #oxford #oxbridge #ivyleague #columbia #manuscript #marauder #hermionegranger #undergradwoes #lumos
Sweet Piedra! Happy September, aka the best month of the whole year! (it may or may not include my birthday).
I will be a student this year again! I'm just about to start my second year as a phd student (programs in the UK are usually 3-4 years, so I'm nearly halfway through already?!).
The biggest advice I can give about studying is firstly: wanting to do well is the first step to doing well in anything, so you are already a good chunk of the way there!
2. pick things that you are naturally interested in (for option papers). Life is a hell of a lot easier when you're not making it harder for yourself, even if you think you *should* be studying something bc it sounds impressive (personally, I am not into Russian Literature at all, so I just don't force myself to slog through Crime and Punishment, etc. This simple realisation improved my life by at least 100%)
3. Do as much reading as you can. When I did my undergrad I was so surprised at how little reading people did lol, and doing the reading makes a big difference. The Professors have made the reading lists for a reason and they want to help you.
4. Utilise office hours! It took me ages to realise that I can just...go to the office hours and talk to the people who were teaching me. Go in person if you can. Talk them through your essay plans and they will course correct before they're marked. Let them know that you're interested in pursuing it further, and find out what they think you need to do to fill in any gaps you may have. Don't be discouraged if they're short with you, bc academics are a weird bunch.
5. Try not to be so focused on an end result that you forget to enjoy what you're doing right now. Romanticise the hell out of your life whenever you can. It's short!
In terms of my 'process' (sorry this is SO long):
This term is going to be pretty hectic! In addition to my PhD I work Tuesdays and Wednesdays at a corporate job to help pay the bills. I have funding, but funding in the arts is just...not enough.
I will also be teaching this semester for the first time ever (yay!) so I have reading lists and essay questions to put together before Oct. That's every other week though, so it's not too much work.
My supervisors and I try to get a 'chunk' of my thesis written a term (8-10k roughly). I have about 8k due at the end of this month as I have written 2 chunks over the summer, and will have another due at the end of term in Dec.
Also, I've been asked to give a talk about my research at the end of the semester which I am SO excited about, but it means I'll be adapting one of my thesis chapters for that, too! :)
Broadly speaking I do fanfic writing Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, as after grown-up-job-things my brain is too toasted for academic work. When I'm getting to the end of a story however I get real itchy fingers and have to get all the words out as quickly as possible, so I let a lot of other things slide, like cleaning or cooking or washing my hair or also doing my work. Gross, I know, but I've never been particularly functional when I have an idea in my head.
However, I do believe that if you are busy then you are more productive. I have 2 modes: INSANE or blob. I do not recommend this approach, but that is just the way that I'm wired. Today, for instance, I spent the entire day in bed. Tomorrow I really must go back to the library.
Oxford terms are only 8 weeks long, and honestly no matter how prepared I am at the beginning, by halfway through I'm clinging on by a thread. I try not to be too hard on myself when that happens, and focus on getting my work done and not keeping my house clean or whatever else I've decided to beat myself up about.
My username is about procrastinating for a reason. I just kind of productively procrastinate and then at some point everything just gets done?
Some personal mantras:
'everything in moderation, including moderation'
'say yes and figure it out later'
'the work comes first' (normally I say this to try and galvanize myself into staying in the library when I want to go to the pub)
'fuck it' (said when the pub wins out)
'it'll get done, because it has to' (said when I have a week to write 4,000 words because i've procrastinated too close to the sun, again)
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ambiguous-perfection · 9 months
friends with benefits.
Another day, another mission. Your apartment door creaks open slightly illuminating the darkness of your apartment. You could hear the slight hum of cars in the distance... workers starting their 3am shifts, you thought to yourself. You feel the ache in your core, arms and legs as you drag yourself to the bathroom to just get cleaned up. You'd hated if the bed got soiled with whatever splattered on your uniform attire a few hours ago. The though of it made you gag.
You put your daggers and weapons aside, peeled off your clothing and headed into the shower.
The vibration of your cell interrupted the last step of your skin care routine. You put down your lip balm once you're done and approached your phone.
"R u up"
Not even a question mark. You thought to yourself.
You knew what he wanted. But at this time?
an immediate reply from Gojo
"im here'
A knock at the door startled your tired conscious. You answered the door in just your towel. He's going to want everything off anyways, so why bother. Gojo looked composed, still in his uniform but had a distant, distracted look in his eye as he smiled his nonchalant smile.
"I didn't mean to bother you this late."
"Oh, don't worry about it, I just finished a mission."
You let him in as you usually do, you hear his shoes clatter at the door as he took them off with your back towards him. You were about to offer him some tea before you felt his hand grip your elbow as Gojo turned you towards him. He kisses you aggressively, passionately. You let your towel fall to the floor as you help him unbutton his pants, he let those fall to the floor while he unbuttoned his top. His hot tongue invading your mouth as he pushes you onto your bed. His mouth never leaving yours as he threw off his shirt, your hands gripping his back, unaware that you were that desperate for his touch, his kisses, his warmth.
You let yourself cry out as he enters into you. Again and again. Your mouth never leaving his, but only for the small gasps of breaths you needed to take. Gojo grips your thighs as he thrusts hard into you. Breathless pants fill the silence in your room while he pounds mercilessly into you. You love it, you love the fact that it felt like he was desperate to fuck you. You loved how he wordlessly knew exactly what to do, exactly where to grip and touch.
"I'm coming." he gasps.
You answered in groans and gasps, reeling from the pleasure only he can give.
He thrusts his final thrust into you and collapsed on top of you. You could see beads of sweat from the moonlit beams from your window. You realized he didn't pull out like he usually does and moved from on top of you to your side and pulls you closer into his embrace. You felt his member leave your body after a while but Gojo remained next to you, arms around you, both your breathing slowing with every breath. He still hasn't spoken but his embrace remained firm.
In that moment, you felt the familiar ache of yearning and a horrible realization that you loved him. All those moments after a passionate session you notice he lingers next to you, he gets up to shower (treating the damn place like his own), makes you breakfast, asks about your day and tells you about his. Days where he 'didn't feel like it' he'd ask you out to lunch, with 'just you' cause 'he's bored' and stubbornly claiming that it's just what friends are for! in his ridiculous singsong voice. You joke about how his definition of friends with benefits is basically him being a boyfriend.
"Satoru-chan, aren't you acting too much like my boyfriend??"
You see the corners of his mouth lift producing a slight chuckle then brushes you off by changing the subject. Always. Every time.
You suggested a friends with benefits situation because you knew you were afraid when one thing led to another 2 months ago. You didn't tell him how you felt, you just kissed him when you both were about to go your own separate ways to your respective apartments. He kissed back, and teleported you back to his room where he tore your clothes off and ravished you on his bed.
You were afraid to get attached, to love, then to lose him. You were afraid of his rejection before, yet you yearned for him. You were afraid of the risks, so you opted for pure physical fulfilment. And maybe he was afraid too? Why else, would he agree so quickly for a quick fuck now and again and brush you off so quickly when you joke about labels and your friendship.
As you doze off into sleep a little part of you wishes that if jujutsu sorcery didn't exist, if you and Gojo were just normal human beings living normal lives without the daily stress of dying, would he tell you he loved you? Would he feel the same?
Awaken by the sounds of morning birds chirping outside your room and Gojo's feather-like kiss on your cheek then your shoulder. You felt him linger with his eyes on you. You kept your eyes closed and pretended to still be asleep when you hear a little whisper.
"I love you."
Then his receding footsteps to the door, the clatter of his shoes as he puts them on and shuts the door behind as he leaves yet again.
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imbonewary · 10 months
Shifting Sans Chapter 2 "In Which, Sans is Very Confused"
Chapter 1 - Chapter 3
I flinched hard at a knock on the door. I must've blacked out for a minute.
"We heard something fall," a hesitant voice called through the door. "Is everything alright in there?"
Ah, that must've been me that fell, seeing as I'm on the floor, curled up in a rattling ball.
"'m fine,” hopped out of my mouth before I'd decided to respond. I’m not sure I’ve ever been "fine" but whatever. If that really is my brother than I don't want him to worry, and if it's not... show no weakness or it'll be used against you. I decided to stay on the floor as I went over what I knew; no sense wasting precious energy sitting up. 
I really did absorb a piece of the human's soul. 
A piece of that thing is inside me now. 
I don't think there's any way to un-absorb a soul.
I'll never be free of it. 
I'll just have to get used to that. 
What else do I know.
I guess I still have full control because I only absorbed a piece of the human’s soul, not the whole thing, so there’s that. Small blessings. Not sure what I’d do if I could hear that little demon in my head all the time. 
I moved one of the wings into my view to examine it more closely. 
While I'm not 100% certain, I'm pretty sure the wings are coming from that soul piece; they are the same color, after all, and seem to be more like conjured flesh than feathers. Human souls are powerful so it would make sense that a monster who absorbs one would have to accommodate for the influx of magic somehow. Did anything else change besides the wings? I didn't notice anything different while getting dressed, so maybe not. In that case, I guess I'm glad the only change was the addition of wings. Coulda been worse. 
And apparently I can fly now, but I’ll think about that later. 
Grabbing the soul piece must've interrupted the reset; that could be why everything is so weird, but resets only affect time, and they only go back to when the human first fell. At least, ever since they took the power from Flowey anyways, and even then, he technically only had it for a few months. There wouldn't have been enough time, let alone need, to convert the closet into a bathroom. Besides, it was clean but obviously used and definitely not a new feature. 
That skeleton out there... He hadn't corrected me when I called him "Papyrus" but he’s so different than my brother. He could speak softly, not only knew about Gaster Blasters but could summon his own, he was wearing jeans and a white shirt instead of his Battle Body, and he'd called me "buddy" instead of "brother" earlier... I hadn't caught it at the time but now that I think about it, that's even more weird than the rest of it!
I don't... I don't think that skeleton is my brother. Not unless a lot more has changed than just time can account for.
I need more information. I could spin my wheels for hours getting nowhere unless I ask my "hosts" some potentially awkward questions. I just hope they're willing to humor me. 
I sat up, taking a deep breath before standing, once again using the sink for support. As I reached for the door a sudden fear of the unknown washed over me. After such a long time dealing with predictability how well am I gonna handle not knowing what comes next? I wonder how rusty my people-reading skills have gotten...
I shook my head, no more stalling. Swallowing my trepidation, I opened the door a crack, as quietly as I could. "Alphys" was sitting on the far side of the sofa with her tail curled around her, jacket gone leaving just the black dress, as she held the bundled up blanket I'd probably been using earlier, She had darker stripes on her forearms and markings around her eyes but no glasses. That didn't quite account for how much younger she looked. No sign of "Papyrus", though I could hear cooking sounds from the kitchen, solving that mystery. The door creaked and I instinctively pulled back as "Alphys" glanced at me, smiled, and turned her attention back to the low volume TV. I squared my shoulders; now or never time.
I was filled with DETERMI-
I retched, falling forward against the door, onto my knees, as waves of strength, power, and resolve coursed through my entire being. It wasn't painful, per se, but the phantom burning memory of molten magic lancing through my bones was plenty real to me. I hadn't felt anything like that since...
The Labs.
My mind was flooded with old memories I thought I'd buried long before the resets ever started. I saw the sadistic glee in his smile as he held a syringe filled with a sickly green substance; he said it was green healing magic mixed with the barest hint of red DT but the whole thing looked tainted as he injected it into the mana lines in my chest. As close to my soul as he dared get without actually piercing it. It wasn't the first time and sure as hell wasn't the last. 
I whimpered into my hands as I let the memories wash over me. 
It was a well practiced mental exercise I'd developed over the subjective years spent repeating the same goddamn days over and over. Let the mangled memories run their course, acknowledge their presence, send them on their way; and pray that I make it to the other side without losing the rest of my tattered sanity.
If you're goin' through Hell, don't stop.
Several torturous minutes later, the pain filled visions of needles, restraints, rough hands, and strange substances, faded. 
I knelt on the floor, breathing ragged as I let my fluttering soul calm back into a steady rhythm.
I struggled to my feet, leaning heavily against the wall, and didn't give myself time to think before opening the door, trudging over and plopping onto the couch opposite Alphys. I didn't look at her but I could practically feel her smile... Wait a sec, I could feel it, like a warmth radiating from her but not one I could feel on my bones; one I could feel on my actual soul. Flowing into me from behind, right where the wings were attached to my back. 
Put that on my growing list of weird things to think about later.
Something else I could feel with the wings was every fiber of the couch cushion I was leaning back against. That was an uncomfortable amount of sensory input, especially from new limbs I wasn't used to yet. Or maybe they were just hyper sensitive to touch. Or both, I didn’t conjure flesh often. Either way, that's really annoying. I tried to subtly find a more comfortable position but my fidgeting became less and less subtle the more frustrated I got with the over stimulation before giving up, flopping over the side of the arm rest with a groan of resignation. 
A throat cleared and I flinched hard.
I turned with an easy smile, pretending I hadn't just jumped out of my nonexistent skin, to find "Papyrus" with an amused grin and two bowls of food. Schooling his expression to carefully neutral, he handed one bowl to "Alphys" before offering the other to me. I could still feel his amusement, just like I could feel Alphys' smile earlier. I took the bowl with a quiet thanks, leaning forward to avoid letting the wings touch the couch again. It would be easier to avoid making a mess like this anyways.
A sob caught in my throat as I looked down at the bowl of spaghetti.
Maybe he was my brother after all. 
Swallowing the tears that pricked at the corners of my sockets, I shoved a forkful of noodles in my mouth and, as much as I love my brother, I could admit his spaghetti never tasted as good as this did. I ignored the confusing mix of emotions as I continued to shovel food in my face. It tasted good, sure, but I didn't realize how hungry I was until I... was out of food. I blinked at my suddenly empty bowl.
"Nyeh heh," Papyrus chuckled, holding out another bowl. "Would you like some more? I made plenty."
I grabbed it greedily, trading him for the empty one as he got up from his chair. I hadn't noticed him sit down next to Alphys; where did the chair even come from?
"Oh my g-god, that was adorable," Alphys snickered behind her hand. 
I blushed, looking away. My eyelights had definitely blown wide at the taste; I really hope they didn't turn into stars or, god forbid, hearts. I wiped off my sauce covered face with the back of my hand; guess I made a mess of myself anyways. I debated for a moment before licking it off; shouldn't let it go to waste. I started eating at a more reasonable pace and Papyrus soon sat down with another bowl. Alphys had barely started her own bowl. So where had the bowl he just gave me come from?
Papyrus gave me his own god damn bowl of food, didn't he? I am such a terrible house guest.
We ate in silence a bit longer.
"Thanks for making dinner," Alphys said. "I-it tastes great."
"As great as the skeleton who made it!" Papyrus preened at the praise, hand on his puffed out chest. 
Another lump caught in my throat. This is getting ridiculous, are you my brother or not? You're so like him in some ways but in others you're the complete opposite. It's giving me emotional whiplash! 
"I suppose we should introduce ourselves, now that everything has calmed down a bit," he continued. Now that I've calmed down, you mean. "My name is Papyrus, though you seemed to already know that."
He hid it well but I could feel the undercurrent of suspicion coming from him.
The fact he felt the need to introduce himself means he doesn't know who I am. Which means he can't be my brother. I tried not to wilt visibly. 
"And this is my sister, Alphys."
I choked on my spaghetti. 
"That seems to surprise you." His suspicion was leaking out from behind his carefully neutral mask.
"Yeah, it does surprise me," I finally spoke. "You're supposed to be my brother."
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cherry-blossom5243 · 2 years
As I grow older, I encounter more and more questions about kids. Let's get one thing straight - I never had any maternal instincts nor have I ever wanted kids. They were never in any future plans and still are not. In fact, I don't even like kids! I absolutely hate when people say things like "oh but you will change your mind" blah blah or when they try to almost force it! It's absolutely ridiculous. Long story short, I want to start a thread of reasons not to have a child as I was recently asked for reasons. Well I already have over 100. Please feel free to continue in comments or reblogs.
Reasons NOT to have a child:
1. Exhaustion
2. Nausea
3. Being uncomfortable
4. 9 months of carrying it
5. Restricted movement
6. Kicks
7. Punches
8. Pussy tear
9. Possible ass tear!?
10. Possible C section
11. Possible complications
12. Responsibility FOREVER
13. Moneyyyyy
14. Something can go wrong at any time
15. Long hours in painful labour
16. No more freedom
17. Have to consider the child in all decision making
18. Can't freely travel
19. Can't freely go anywhere
20. Can't do whatever you want
21. Screaming!!!
22. They're selfish
23. Needy bastards
24. Unnecessary crying
25. What if I can't even comfort them
26. Waking up at all hours
27. Sleep deprivation
28. Dirty!
29. No more me time
30. No more us time
31. Can't work for a while
32. Will make haemorrhoids worse
33. My blood pressure is already low
34. My heart problems can make us both worse
35. Oxygen issues
36. Possible death of me and/or the baby
37. Teeth! I don't wanna lose them!
38. Nutrients thief
39. Hip problems forever
40. More stretch marks
41. Body shape changes
42. Flappy boobs
43. Flat ass
44. Increased weight
45. Swollen ankles
46. Swollen legs
47. Swollen fingers
48. Period issues during
49. Period issues after
50. Childbirth!
51. Costs upon costs for at least 18 years
52. Sore titties
53. What if I hurt it
54. It's so fragile
55. No proper sleep
56. No proper rest
57. I don't have the energy
58. I might pass on genetic conditions
59. Depression will get even worse
60. They might end up hating me
61. Might end up hating life and be just as depressed
62. Their vomit
63. Faeces
64. Will not want them in public in case they cry and are, well, like kids are
65. Tantrums
66. No time
67. Can't delve into many hobbies unrelated to the child
68. Teething
69. Doctors, doctors, doctors
70. Sex life??
71. Relationships?
72. Friends?
73. Work?
74. I dislike most children
75. I dislike many humans
76. Have to be conscious of every word, swears etc.
77. Have to act like a role model all the bloody time
78. Want a drink? Alcoholism? Judgement from others
79. Judged on how good am I as a parent
80. Constant "suggestions" from others on how to do things
81. Judged if I have other ways
82. Family will want to be even more involved and present
83. Vegetarian beliefs challenged further
84. Other views challenged
85. I like eating and doing stuff without having to mind another being first
86. Vomit will make me Vomit!
87. I like my personal space
88. I enjoy peace
89. I enjoy quiet time
90. I enjoy watching movies etc. Without distractions
91. I like it just being me, my partner, and our furry family
92. I want animals (unlike kids), which are much better and as much a part of the family as a human would be
93. Have to wipe their ass for a few years!
94. Wiping noses
95. Endless cleaning
96. I'm grossed out by stinky little kids
97. I don't think I have enough patience
98. I like tidy places - kids certainly won't help with that!
99. What if I don't love it? Don't have any maternal feelings towards them?
100. Even further lowered self-esteem
101. My mental health issues will certainly take another beating
102. I just don't want them!!!
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4th-make-quail · 2 months
🍄🪐🦋 for the ask meme 💜xx
Ahhhh thank youuu!! 🥰🥰
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
LET'S SEE. it's always so hard to choose these lol. I'm gonna go for a ffxii one cos I'm writing fic for it atm, so surprise! Cid/Vayne - my headcanon is that they were fucking nasty regular style in Cid's office- no i jest. I think Vayne spent a lot of time at Draklor ostensibly overseeing Cid's developments, but in reality just enjoying spending time with him as their relationship deepened. I'm still undecided whether they fucked before the end of the game or not (I like both!!), but if they did I think also that Cid is an incorrigible sex toy maker and Vayne is his fave test subject. In this essay I will-
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
I'm back writing in my fave fandom for a ship I've not written for like 12 years!
ffvii rebirth is FINALLY OUT and I got tickets for not only Crosses but also Starset again and I'm meeting Mark Sheppard at a con next month and then after that going to my first trek con ever!!
Very nearly 50k of intensely iddy, hot, sappy old man oc ship that's feeding me every day and making me go absolutely fucking insane with the need to bite clean through my phone!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
Moderating my very first ao3 exchange, which has been both an intensely fun and incredibly stressful experience lmao. I feel like we've run the whole gamut of Things That Happen In Exchanges and we haven't even had reveals yet!!! AUGH!!! Having fun tho, AND I got to make spreadsheets, so who's winning really?! The answer is me, cos not only did I get to make spreadsheets, I also shook my gift and THE TAGS LOOK SO GOOD I'M FUCKIN VIBRATING 👁️👁️👁️
(btw we have 2 post deadline pinch hits that still need picking up if anyone fancies it! Please check this post for details and instructions!!)
Thank u for the questions bb!! 💖💖
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manygalaxiesinone · 9 months
Ashley: Student of Evil Academy Pt. 2
Red: "So Ash, where's our first stop?"
Ashley: "Naturally, it'll be that Teacher's classroom."
Red: "Wait, you're actually going to show up to HER class for once?!"
Ashley: "I'm not exactly thrilled with the idea, however if there's an off chance she has some leftover blood from her drive, we can simply get it from her rather than roaming around the campus all day searching for the hero."
Red: "Good idea. She is pretty nice so I'm sure she won't mind giving the blood back if we asked her."
Ashley: "I personally find her kindness to be rather annoying, however it wouldn't hurt to use it to our advantage..."
-later in the classroom...-
Red: "Empty, huh? Bummer."
Ashley: "..."
Red: "Should we just wait until the next class starts or-"
Ashley: "Such a strong scent of lemon fragrance... it's rather early for spring cleaning, isn't it Ms. Beryl?"
Red: "Huh?!"
Ms. Raspberyl: "Of course not Ashley!" appears from hiding with Kyoko and Asuka by her side. "Any delinquent teacher would never leave their classroom dirty before their students arrive."
Kyoko: "That's right. We wake up extra early every morning just to scrub down every nook and cranny."
Asuka: "We wouldn't want anyone walking in sneezing everywhere from all the dust, would we?"
Red: "But what it someone has a lemon allergy?"
Kyoko: "A... lemon allergy?"
Asuka: "I've never thought of that possibility before..."
Ms. Raspberyl: "Don't worry! I stored some non-scented cleaners away just in case something like that happens!"
Kyoko: "That's just like our lady, always one step ahead."
Ms. Raspberyl: "I do my best. Speaking of one step ahead, I'm pretty shocked you showed up this early to class, Ashley, considering you've never attended any of them during the semester. Are you trying to find a way to bring your grade up? In my class, it's never too late to make a comeback... unless if it's the last week."
Ashley: "No. I'm simply here for the blood you obtained from Red the other day."
Asuka: "You need blood? Fret not. If we have the same blood type, I'll be more than happy to donate my own to you."
Ashley: "It's not for a transfusion. I need it for my potion."
Ms. Raspberyl: "Ah I see. So that blood we got really wasn't yours." *sighs* "I hoped you finally come around. Unfortunately, I had to donate every last drop I had. We didn't land that many volunteers this time."
Ashley: "I see..."
Ms. Raspberyl: "Sorry Ashley, I know how important these potions are to you-"
Ashley: "No worries. It is not your fault. I'll simply obtain that hero's blood elsewhere."
Ms. Raspberyl: "Wait, did you say "hero's blood"?"
Ashley: "Yes...?"
Ms. Raspberyl: "In that case, how about we make a deal? If you share some of that blood with me, I'll mark it as extra credit for this class, since it'll be counted as a donation."
Ashley: "Hmm... sounds promising... What's the catch?"
Ms. Raspberyl: "Easy! We go with you to get it."
Ashley: "...I beg your pardon?"
Kyoko: "Considering the hero in question, getting his blood won't be easy. Both the dean and princess might make things dangerously difficult."
Asuka: "Mhm. As your instructors, we can't in good faith let you do this alone. It is our duty to protect our students."
Ashley: "I'm starting to think I'm in the wrong academy with you three around... Come Red, we can handle our own."
Red: "Uh... I dunno Ash... The Dean is one thing, but that princess gives me nightmares every night. I can still hear the buzzing of her chainsaw in my head after I accidentally burned her teddy bear last month..."
Ashley: "When did you become such a coward? ...Fine I shall accept your offer."
Ms. Raspberyl: "Wonderful! I promise, you won't regret it, Ashley!"
Ashley: "I'm already starting to..."
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