#I'm at an age where it's just embarrassing.
miss-fanfictions · 14 hours
Sundays at the Library | Spencer Reid x Reader
Pairing] Spencer Reader x glasses wearing! shy! librarian! fem!Reader
Synopsis] Spencer talks to the sweet librarian at his new library and slowly Sundays become his favorite day of the week.
Warnings] Cursing, creepy guy, misunderstandings (but its cute I promise), written from Spencer's POV
Word Count] 8.9k
Author's Note] This is my first fic here! I'm planning on doing a few more parts to this, so this is only the beginning 🙃
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The first time Spencer saw you, the encounter wasn’t anything special. 
If he wasn’t working, he was reading, and because he can read 20,000 thousand words per minute, he needed new books often. Not even his FBI salary could afford the amount of books he consumed in a month and his cozy apartment certainly couldn’t contain them all. Already his bookcases were spilling out onto nearby surfaces. So to quench his constant need for new books, Spencer borrowed books from the library. However, since the one near his apartment closed just a week ago, he had to find a new one. That led him to drive to the library ten minutes away. 
It was larger than the one down the street from his apartment—it had a full three floors. Beyond the double doors, he followed two velvet rope barriers onto the main floor of the library, wandering past a grand front desk to his left to where the room divided into two sections and the barriers ended. In the left section, beside the desk, there were a couple computers set up, as well as two printers and a side wall dedicated to DVDs. In the other section there were tables and chairs set up for quiet studying, as well as more comfortable lounges for reading. Behind those two sections started the book shelves, nearly ceiling high and organized via genre and then further alphabetized. When he ascended the staircase at the back of the main floor, he found the upper levels were fully dedicated to rows of shelving containing books, interspersed with a few tables and lounges for reading. 
 He spent approximately 45 minutes getting the layout of the library, as large as it was, and finding the books he wanted to read. Of course, he got a range of books. Two books on psychology, a mathematical textbook, and another two books based in the sciences. A bit of light reading, really, just to occupy his time at home during a busy caseload week. 
He balanced the heavy books awkwardly in his arms as he made his way to the front desk, practically dropping them onto the counter. His lips twisted up in embarrassment, glancing around to see if anyone was disturbed by the loud clatter. When his eyes turned back to the desk, they met the bespeckled ones of you, the librarian, seated behind the counter. They were wide behind the frames, doe-like and startled by the noise. He winced and stuttered out an apology.
Too often he embarrassed himself due to his clumsiness. Over the years, Spencer got a lot better at the shooting range, but he still couldn’t run a mile without tripping a few times, or be able to participate in sports, and he didn’t even want to think about his driving. JJ often compared the experience of being in his passenger seat to riding shotgun with her senile grandmother. No matter what he did, the awkwardness crept in and all he could do was apologize. He didn’t mean to startle the nice librarian who he would seeing every week for the foreseeable future. 
“It’s fine,” your voice was a gentle whisper, perfect for the quiet of the library. You closed the book on your lap and placed it out of sight under the counter, standing up to help him. That’s when he could take you in completely, with your long flowy skirt and oversized sweater. Perhaps a shy attempt to battle the chill running through the library, or maybe a purposeful effort to hide yourself away from prying eyes. He could tell—despite your attire—that you were his age or maybe a little younger. You lacked the wrinkles, grays, and even the weathered dullness associated with age. Your hair was done up messily, effortlessly, and his eyes tracked your chewed up fingernails as you tucked a few strands behind your ears, out of the way of your eyesight. 
He thought you were plain and shy. The soft pastels and neutrals that colored your clothes and the fact the garments covered you so entirely, made you blend into the background. Had he not needed to speak to you directly, he might not have noticed you tucked behind the desk, folded up in your chair with your nose deep in a book. 
“Can I check these out for you?” You asked him, and he almost missed it due to both his staring and your airy cadence. 
“Oh, uh, yes,” he said, then quickly added. “And a library card, please. I’m new to this library.”
“I’ll just need an ID then,” you held out your hand while he rummaged through his wallet for his state ID, and when he placed it into your palm he was careful not to touch your hand. It was less about you as a person as it was his disdain for germs. 
You went about clicking and typing at the computer to the side of the desk, face plain as if whatever you were doing you had done a thousand times. Your nimble fingers only stuttered when you glanced back at him, catching his eyes as he watched you before he darted them away from your face, caught. Quickly, you grabbed the mouse, clicking only three more times before handing back his ID. He was careful not to touch your hand or meet your eyes as he took it back. 
He didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable with his staring, he had a habit of it, always trying to profile. But you were just a meek librarian, and there was no reason to take note of your behavior. You went about printing out a physical copy of his new library card, and he opened one of his books to occupy himself as you did so. 
When you turned back to him, you scanned a plastic card before offering it to him with a small smile. “Thank you,” he mumbled as you went about scanning the books on the counter with the same barcode reader. You were on the fourth book when your brows creased and you looked back up at him. 
“Are you studying?” You asked, the words sudden as if you couldn’t hold the thought off your lips. 
“No, this is just some light reading,” he answered politely, because it was. Though he forgot that was maybe not normal, because you giggled at his reply. 
The sound brought his eyes to your lips, the way they parted to let the breathy noise out. It was a unique giggle, though he supposed everyone’s is, but something about it suited you so completely. It was soft, and when he glanced around the library to see that no one else had heard it, he thought it was also just for him. There was no taunting, just joy that you emitted in the most delicate of sounds. If only he could understand what he did to extract it from you. 
“Right,” You said jokingly, and then he thought maybe you didn’t believe him, but he didn’t get a chance to assure you he was being truthful before you finished checking out the books. “Here you go, have a nice day, Spencer.”
He hesitated, thrown off by your use of his name, but cleared his throat and collected his books nonetheless. He thanked you and mumbled a brief goodbye as he did so, not looking back as he rushed out of the library. When he got to his car, he used a pack of disinfectant wipes on the books and set them up in his passenger seat, thoughts of the little librarian withering away to the casework waiting for him at work tomorrow.
He finished the books quickly, in only two days actually, but thankfully most of his time was taken up by his work. In his remaining free hours, he resorted to rereading a few books on his shelves. On Sunday, he collected his library books and drove the ten minutes back to his new library, exactly one week since his last visit. 
The inside was chilly and smelled like old paper and leather. There weren't many people he could see on the main floor, a few of what looked like college students spread out studying and some preteens huddled on the computers, whispering snarks and giggles. He walked up to the front desk, following the rug and the velvet rope barriers that led right to it from the entrance. This time he didn’t pass by the desk, but stopped at it to place down his books—quietly.
Your familiar framed eyes looked up at him, just as doe-like as surprise crossed them right before a smile took hold. Again, you closed the book in your lap, though this time Spencer caught a glimpse of its orange and yellow cover before you hid it from sight. He couldn’t make out the title. “Back so soon?”
It had been exactly a week since he’d seen you, and though he had not thought of you much since then, Spencer was incapable of forgetting a face. You looked just as you did last week—messy updo, baggy clothes, bare face. It seemed that was your natural state, or at least what you wore to work, but what Spencer wore to work was pretty much his normal wardrobe and he worked in the FBI, not a library.
“Yes, I need to return these books,” he told you, returning your smile with a quirk of his lips and placing his library card on top of the stack of books. 
When your eyes roamed back down from his to the five books, your brows furrowed. “Give up on studying then?” You asked, scanning the books back into the system. 
For a moment, Spencer was confused, then he recalled every word of your last interaction, and realized you still thought he checked the books out to study them, likely for some graduate classes, given his age. “No, I wasn’t studying them. I just needed a few books for casual reading after work.”
You paused once you turned to the computer, looking at him down your glasses. “Casual reading?” Your eyes went back between the thick books and his face, a smirk of disbelief growing. “You read all these books in a week?”
“Yes.” He shrugged. 
“For fun?” You had a skeptical eyebrow quirked.
“That’s what casual reading normally implies.” Spencer furrowed his brows at your line of questioning. Maybe most people wouldn’t read such topics simply for fun, but why would he lie about that? 
At that, you giggled again, a bird’s song, and resumed clicking at your computer. Your gentle laugh tickled something deep in his chest. Again, there was no malice or ill intent to it, not any that he could see behind your genuine eyes and smile. You simply thought he was a funny guy, and no one ever thought that of Spencer. He was too awkward, or too serious, or even too annoying to be fun. 
You took the stack of books in your arms, the pile reaching right up to your chin, and walked them to a cart behind you. When you turned back, you were still smiling sweetly at him. “Your light reading has been checked back in.” You slid his library card across the counter.
He plucked the card back off it with a thanks, tucking it into the pocket of his sweater vest. For a moment, he debated telling you about his PhDs, his eidetic memory, and maybe even his genius IQ because Spencer always felt the need to prove himself—to state facts—because he wasn’t the funny guy. He was very serious and all the things he was telling you weren’t just silly jokes. Then he worried he might wipe the smile right off your face, and he couldn’t let himself do that. So instead he gave you a stiff nod and continued into the library.
. . . Only to spin right back around, fist awkwardly pressed against his lips. “Oh, also, what is the maximum amount of books I could have checked out at once?”
You had just cracked the spine of your book again when you looked back up at him, a swirling look of confusion on your face. “Ten books, but you don’t have any out so I wouldn’t worry about it.” 
Spencer gave another nod, spinning back around on his heels and taking himself right up to the second floor of the library. He spent approximately 37 minutes collecting books from around the library, setting them aside at tables as he weaved through the rows of bookcases for the different genres. A wealth of knowledge in all areas was useful for his job, and also just for him personally. He found great pride in knowing many things, as annoying as others might find his incessant info-dumping. 
When he finished, he took a stack of books from the table and carried them down from the second floor, slowly stepping down the stairs and craning his neck around the stack to watch his steps. He could be uncoordinated at his best, so there was no need to tempt fate into sending him tumbling down the staircase by not paying attention. 
After successfully making it down, he took long strides to the main desk and set the stack down on the counter. Of course, you looked up at him again, however skipped surprise and jumped into an inviting smile. You closed your book and stood up, taking in the books he set in front of you. “Another five to check out then?”
“No, actually, I’ll be right back.” He turned away so fast he almost missed the way your smile faded and you leaned over the counter to watch him ascending the stairs again, spindly legs taking them two at a time.
He grabbed hold of the second tower of books, nearly dropping the top one in his haste to get back to you. After that he continued to take the stairs carefully even as he felt your eyes on him. Maybe especially because he felt your eyes on him, because if you watched him fall down the stairs he’d have to drive an additional ten minutes away to find another new library, because he certainly wouldn’t be able to look you in the eyes anymore. 
Beside the first stack on the counter, he set the second, then placed his library card between them. “This is it, I promise.”
Again, you glanced between him and the books, eyes bugging behind their glass shelter. After a moment or so, as if you were making sure he was serious (he was), you began scanning his card and the books. Despite the larger quantity of books, you were slower as you ran the barcodes on the back, taking the time to read the titles and authors. 
“Are you a graduate student?” You asked, looking at a book on human genealogy. 
Spencer twiddled his thumbs. “No, I’m finished with school for now, but I might go back for another PhD in the future when I have more time,” he answered honestly, the words flowing out quickly, even though he wasn’t sure why he was telling you that. Only about two percent of the U.S. population has a PhD, and an even slimmer percent had more than one. So it was an unusual thing to say.
He thought you might laugh again, or even question him, but you simply hummed and moved onto the next book, chewing your lip. “I’m in a graduate program for poetry,” your voice was quiet, as required by the library environment, but more so than usual, like you seemed embarrassed to share that information. 
It made sense you were a graduate student working in a library while earning your MA in writing. He wondered if you had plans for your degree beyond getting a slight pay increase as a librarian. There was a career as an author, or maybe you wanted to be a teacher or a professor, he could see you doing that, standing in front of a class in your skirts and sweaters pointing at a chalkboard with a ruler, though that image was outdated. More likely you’d be in front of a white board or presenting from a projector. 
“That’s interesting. I find myself reading a lot of nonfiction recently—it helps more with my job, though I also just enjoy facts and statistics—but I’ll always have a special appreciation for fiction. I’m fond of poetry in particular because it’s created for multifaceted analysis,” even in his own whisper, the words were breathy and fast. He had to catch his tongue between his teeth when he caught your eyes trailing back up to him. “What do you plan on doing with your degree?”
“Write poetry hopefully,” the words came out in a gust of wind and your eyebrows quirked up, as if you didn’t believe even your own dream. “Maybe you can analyze it one day.” You finished scanning out the books, putting them back into two neat piles as you did. You went about clicking at your computer, making sure the books were grayed out in the system, avoiding his eyes.
So you did want to be a writer then. He could easily see that as well. Though he got the sense you didn’t believe your aspiration was attainable, and it likely wasn’t due to lack of skill. He told himself he wouldn’t profile you, but he did it practically subconsciously. Your lowered gaze, modest clothes, shy smile, and even chewed nails all pointed to a lack of confidence in yourself. He wasn’t sure why. You were pretty in your own right, and were clearly intelligent and hard working if your pursuit of a masters degree said anything. If you needed a little encouragement, the least he could do was give it to you.  “I look forward to it,” he said, and he was just as sincere as he always had been. 
It only seemed to increase your embarrassment, causing your face to shy further away from his gaze. “Thank you, Spencer.” Even if you couldn’t look at him, your tone was of genuine appreciation, and if he tilted his head just right, he could see the wisp of a smile on your face.
He nodded with a tight lipped smile, staring at you while he waited for the conversation to continue, only to realize you’d finished with his books and it was over. His hands stuttered to gather up the first heap of books, muttering about how he’d be back. However he only got a few paces when he heard you say his name again, feet stopping dead.
“Would you like me to help you carry these out?” You were already trying to get a hold on the books.
Quickly, he shook his head. “No,” the words came out abrupt and firm, louder than he’d ever spoken before in the library, and you flinched. 
“You shouldn’t be following anyone out of here to their cars. This library has a disturbing lack of cameras and an abduction, even in a public area, can happen in less than ten seconds. It’s safest for you to remain in the library and follow the good practice of having someone walk you to your car after your shifts.” Spencer felt obligated to warn you strictly, because your distinct quietness and sweetness made you the perfect prey for the killers he hunted daily. 
Though he almost regretted it as he watched the way your hands retreated from the books, crossing around yourself, and the gentle smile became forced. “Oh. I–I guess I’ll keep that in mind.”
Spencer nodded and hesitated, but didn’t linger much longer before exiting the library and heading back to his car. He was quick to toss the books into his car, your tangled smile stuck in his mind. Was it an odd thing to say? He was only trying to warn you, to keep you safe. But the look on your face, you didn’t seem at all grateful for the advice. Spencer took brisk strides back to the library entrance. You were standing there behind the front desk, arms still crossed, a distant look on your face. When you heard him approaching the counter taking in breath just a little faster from boardline jogging back, you barely spared him a glance. He scared you a bit, he realized, and he didn’t want to leave you like that. 
He paused beside his leftover books, wetting his lips.  “I didn’t mean to scare you with what I said before.” He finally caught your eyes and you seemed to hear him out. “I work in law enforcement, for the FBI actually, and all too often I see cases of nice girls like you who go missing just because you want to help people. Unfortunately it’s a pretty common ruse. So, I—I didn’t tell you all that to make you worry, but because I want you to be safe,” he admitted, and your face softened again, your hands falling back to the counter. It brought a smile to his own face to see you relax your guard again. “It’d also be awful if my librarian went missing. Who will check out the heap of books I keep bringing you?” 
You giggled, your lips pulling into a toothy smile. “It’d definitely suck, but I’d hope you’d put those FBI skills of yours into finding me.”
Spencer chuckled, ducking his head into his chest to quiet the sound as he pulled his books into his arms. “Of course I would, and I wouldn’t stop until I did.” He was good at his job, he never stopped until he found their victim, their unsub. 
You bowed your own head, hand holding your glasses to keep them from slipping down your nose. “Goodbye, Spencer.” You gave him a small wave with the other hand, ending the conversation with averted eyes, but he still noticed the growing color in your cheeks. 
He fumbled with his own wave under the stack of books, really just an outward flash of the fingers he could manage to peel away for a second, and he was glad you weren’t looking at him with how awkward it was. He turned on his heel, pink growing in his own cheeks, and exited the library again for the final time today. The gears in his head grinded the whole way to the car and continued as he grappled to get into it and wiped the books with disinfectant. 
You lingered in his mind longer than a librarian should have. He wasn’t sure why he felt the need to warn you, to explain himself to you, or even comfort you. There was something about you, as meek and bashful as you were, that he found charming. Perhaps he saw himself in you, the insecurity. Or maybe it was how different you were from his job, where he was met with the most wicked minds and evil acts. You in comparison were the very image of innocence and life, in your pastel purples and yellows, lively eyes magnified behind glass, and your—your laugh. He liked your giggle. Even though he suspected at times it meant you didn’t fully believe him, he let you find him unserious, just so he could continue to hear that sweet sound tickle his ears in a way that scratched an itch inside him.
He was sitting in the parking lot staring out the windshield lost in his thoughts of you. When someone walked by, he found himself clearing his throat and finally putting his car in drive. You dissipated from his mind as he pulled out of the parking space because his Sunday at the library was over. 
It took five days for him to finish the ten books from the library. The team was in California from Tuesday through Thursday, but he took four books with him to read during his down time and while on the jet. He still ended up with spare time that he spent shopping with Penelope and babysitting Henry for JJ and Will’s date night. It was for this reason he was glad to be back in the library on Sunday.
Inside he was hit with the familiar crisp air and the vague smell of paper and coffee. The tables to the left had quite a few more students than usual, though there were not very many to start with previously. He wondered if a bout of exams were coming up. As Spencer neared the front desk, he could smell something else, a faint vanilla scent maybe.
You were there as always, standing this time, and almost leaning over the counter to see the door. You smiled when you saw him and he realized that you must be wearing perfume, because around you the vanilla air became thicker.
“Sunday at 11am. You're more reliable than my alarm clock,” you hummed cheekily.
Spencer set the books he held in his hands on the counter, his messenger bag following them up. “Having a routine is actually really good for you. It’s been proven to reduce anxiety and stress and also helps people to cope with certain mental illnesses,” he told her, pulling the rest of his books out of his bag.
If you were thrown off by his fact telling, you didn’t show it. “That makes sense. I like having a routine, but I’m pretty sure my friends think it makes me boring.”
Spencer dug around in his vest pocket for his library card, brows furrowing. “Why would you think that?”
You plucked it from his fingers, bringing it to the barcode reader without breaking your eye contact. “Because they say it to me all the time.”
“Oh,” Spencer snorted a little and clutched the strap of his bag closer. There’s something different about you today. You’re much more talkative and playful, but it’s also in your appearance too. Your glasses are still perched on your nose and your face is bare as it always is, but your updo is more put together, less stands fall away into your face. You wear another long skirt, but it's tighter, less flowy, and he can nearly make out the shape of your legs through it. You’re wrapped in a cardigan too, but where one side falls open he can see your tank top underneath and the sight of your skin has him clearing his throat and bringing his eyes back to your face. 
“And how was your recreational reading?” You’ve started to scan the books back into the system. “You must have been pretty entertained with ten books in seven days.” You state it like a fact, but your tone has a whimsical disbelief to it.
“Actually I finished them in five days,” he corrected with an incline of his head. 
You reply quickly, like the words were primed in your mind. “Then you should have come back sooner.” Under the teasing, you sound serious, looking up from the books at him, lashes fluttering against their glass encasement. 
“I would, but I’ve been pretty busy at work.” He was too. He would spend hours in the library reading if working at the BAU didn’t take up so much of his time. He loved his job of course, and he wouldn’t have it any other way, but what is someone with his talents to do but hole himself up gorging every book he can get his hands on. Spencer had a thirst for knowledge, that’s why he wanted to be in the library so much. 
“Well, that’s too bad then. What do you do for work?” Your head tilts with interest and he almost mirrors the movement, brows furrowed. 
 “I told you—I work for the FBI. Specifically, I’m an agent in the Behavioral Analysis Unit.” He has an eidetic memory which means he can remember every word you’ve said to him and every word he’s ever said to you, so he knows he’s told you this before. Of course he knows people forget things, but they also normally remember when he tells them he’s in the FBI.
Your face falls a bit and you chew your bottom lip, brows creasing. “Oh. . . right.” You finish scanning the last book quickly, gathering a couple into a pile to carry to a cart behind you. 
Spencer’s not exactly sure what he’s done to upset you, but his fingers twitch with the itch to fix it. Unfortunately, he’s got the idea his job is what makes you so uncomfortable. It wouldn’t be the first time someone was unsettled by the fact he carried a badge and gun, or that he had the authority to arrest people. But you had joked about it last week, possibly were soothed by the fact he was a cop after his blunt and maybe eerie warning. So why were you suddenly so upset with him? 
The thought occurred to him then that  maybe it was because you didn’t completely believe the things he was saying. Not only that, but you were no longer finding whatever game you think he’s playing by telling you those things to be funny. As you carry the rest of the books back to the cart, he fidgets with his fingers, wondering if it was time to show you proof of what he’s been saying. Or did you really even care? Maybe he was wrong and you would be even more frightened by him presenting you with his badge. Was it odd to flash his FBI credentials at his librarian? That was all you were after all. He didn’t even know your name.
You were back to clicking at the computer when you glanced at him. “They’re all checked in.”
Spencer froze as you pulled him out of his thoughts, his hands locking in the joints before dropping to his sides into fists. That was your cue for him to leave. “Right, thank you.” He went to walk away, but his feet were stuck. “. . .thank you, um, I just realized I don’t know your name.”
You didn’t have to tell him, you could have brushed it off. You were just the librarian and one didn’t need to know the librarian's name, but you looked back at him again, eyes studying his face. Then, you murmured your name so softly he almost leaned in to hear it louder. Soundlessly, he let your name ghost over his lips.
He used it as he thanked you one last time, certainly overkill but it seemed like the only correct way to exit. Although he only got a few feet before he heard you call his name.
“Spencer, wait!” You didn’t yell, he’s never heard you yell, but your voice was the loudest he’s ever heard it. You always spoke in a whisper or a hushed tone, but your voice was nearly normal when you called him back. The urgency of it had him back in front of you in just two strides.
You dipped beneath the counter and when you came back up you placed a basket on it. “When I used to go on picnics to read in the park, I used this basket. Well, I haven’t gone in a long time actually, but I thought maybe you could use it for all the books you check out,” you were bashful, tilting your head down and only sparingly meeting his eyes. Spencer was in shock, all he could think about was how this was one of the nicest things someone’s ever done for him. You gave him whiplash with how quickly you seemed to forgive whatever trespass he committed against you. He wondered even if he exaggerated the interaction in his head. 
The basket was woven, made from wicker, and had two handles at the top. It was rectangular in shape, pretty deep, and large for a picnic basket, he thought, big enough for fruits, pastries, sandwiches, and maybe more. It was a very nice basket, and the thought that you were giving it to him made his heart ache the most. You’d considered him, truly sat down and thought about him and then decided you were going to gift him a solution to his awkward problem. Not often did people solve his problems, it was always the other way around.
“Wow,” his finger grazed the side, considering the cost such a nice piece must be. “Are you sure? I really couldn’t take your basket it’s—”
“I don’t use it anymore,” you interrupted him for the first time. He realized that you never cut him off, you had always listened to him. “You can have it. . .” Your face was kind, then suddenly dropped into a panic. “Only if you want it of course! You don’t have to take it. I guess it’s kind of silly, carrying a picnic basket in a library. . .” You started to pick your nails, not meeting his eyes.
“I don’t think it’s silly,” he assured you quickly, leaning just a bit closer so he could catch your eyes again. “Thank you so much. Now I don’t have to worry about falling down the stairs or taking two trips to my car.” 
Your smile returned with a breathy chuckle. “Yeah, you kind of made me nervous going down the stairs like that with all those books. You don’t strike me as very. . . coordinated.”
“Ouch,” Spencer said, though he smiled back at you. You’d read him there, he was not very coordinated at all. Knowing physics was one thing, existing smoothly and with grace on the physical plane was another. 
“Sorry,” you shrugged half heartedly.
“No, you’re right. Thank you for the basket and uh, I’ll be back,” he waved you goodbye as he walked toward the stairs and you fluttered your fingers back at him. 
Spencer took exactly 52 minutes and 34 seconds adding books to his new basket. He got a few stares and side glances as he toted it around, mainly from a group of teenagers huddled at a miniature table and chair set in the children’s section. They snickered as they peeked up from their circle at him, but it wasn’t anything Spencer wasn’t used to. All his life people had laughed at him for a variety of reasons—he was too scrawny, too small, too bumbling, too nerdy—the list was miles long. All he could do was grow thicker skin, and he had. So he didn’t let it bother him as he wandered the library, adding books to his basket. 
No, the reason Spencer took so long to pick books was because each time he slipped one into a wicker embrace, he thought of you. He blinked and saw your face like a phantom burned into his retinas. The way the corners of your mouth twisted in your smile when you were so excited to give him the basket flashed and faded in his vision. Sometimes he cursed his eidetic memory because he’d memorized your face in its entirety with all its most miniscule details and peculiarities—and he didn’t even mean to. He would find himself staring into the empty space in the basket and have to drag his brain clawing back into reality.
His watch had ticked past 12 when he made his way back down the stairs to the main floor, lugging his basket in his right hand. It was heavy, weighed by two textbooks and eight other decently thick books, but the woven willow held strong. 
At the landing he could see across the library that you were already checking someone out. He meant to add himself to the queue, but pivoted to a lounge chair between two bookcases just as he got close enough to hear your voice. Immediately he felt wrong, a churning disgust with himself in the pit of his stomach. It was weird, wasn’t it? To watch you from afar just to gauge your behavior? But he had to know, it burdened his brain to wonder if you were just so saccharine it spilled out to everyone around you or if particularly you poured your sugar onto him.
You didn’t see him duck between the shelves to the lounge chair, not in any way that he could tell. With a tranquil neutral face you scanned the book that the college girl at the counter placed in front of you. The interaction was done in comfortable silence, even when you finished the transaction and she said her thank yous, you merely mumbled a “you’re welcome.”
It was different from how you interacted with him, he realized. You were much more playful and chatty with him, but he wasn’t sure what exactly inspired it in you. You were clearly shy, maybe anxious, but in some moments it faded when you talked to him. He didn’t think he said anything particularly special, but thinking you saw something in him that made you so comfortable, so cheerful, made his stomach flip in a way he couldn’t understand.
The next man in the queue placed his book on the counter. He was the only other person waiting. You asked him absent-mindedly for his library card. He was older than you and Spencer, mid to late 40s if Spencer had to guess, but it gave him an idea about how you interacted with men as well. Which was just as bland as your interaction with the college girl before you. Spencer had a fleeting thought that maybe—just maybe—you liked him. Why else would you be so inclined to laugh with him? To be so shy sometimes you couldn’t meet his eyes? He’d read books, watched movies, and he knew the signs. He was just not used to spotting them in women interacting with him.
He cleared his throat as if to shake off the idea. It was vain, and in all likelihood an arrogant over analysis of the little interaction he’s had with you. He was about to get up and put himself in line behind the man when he heard his lurid voice croak out.
“How about you give me a smile, pretty?”
Spencer froze in place, white knuckle grip engraving the grooves of the entwined handle into his palm. Something like anger flared in his chest. It grew hotter as he saw the way you bowed your head even further from the man's sight, pulling your cardigan closer around your body.
“Um, yeah, could I just get your library card?” You squirmed under his leering gaze, lips faintly curling into the most awkward half-smile you could muster. 
Despite the way you clearly showed you were in duress, the man leaned closer over the counter. “My name’s Todd.” He slid his book across the counter to you like that tidbit of information helped any. “I’ll take this book and your number, baby.” Spencer’s jaw clenched.
His body tingled with the readiness to step in, to tell this Todd fucker to leave you be because obviously you weren’t interested. But his mind, the logical side of him, stopped him because Spencer also respected you and your autonomy. He was not an expert on women, but he knew quite a few strong women in the BAU who would be offended if he stepped in to defend them when they were capable of doing it themselves. He definitely didn’t want to offend you if you were able to brush off Todd on your own.
The uncomfortable smile dropped to a grimace. “If I could get your library card. . .” Your hand hesitantly reached for the book only for Todd to grasp your wrist in a tight hand.
“Stop asking for the damn card,” his voice dropped into a growl. “Baby, I’m just trying to talk to you.”
Your arm fought to pull your hand back behind the counter, but Todd’s grip tightened and pulled back to keep you close. “Sir!” Your voice pitched higher, eyes widening almost too big for their frames. “Sir, please let go—”
Todd huffed, face screwing up in frustration. “Why’re you being so difficult?”
“Sir, you’re hurting her and you need to let go now.” Spencer practically flew over to the front desk. It was his instincts as an FBI agent kicking in. The need to de-escalate and protect was driving him. This man was now hurting you and he was not going to allow it to go any further.
Todd’s scowl looked Spencer up and down, assessing whether or not he could take him. He must have come to the conclusion Spencer was not a threat because he puffed up his chest and continued gripping your wrist. However, he was so distracted by Spencer, you were able to yank your arm away, rubbing at your wrist with your free hand. Todd shot you a similar glare before leveling his even angrier gaze back on Spencer.
“We’re just having a conversation here, asshole. So why don’t you get back to your books,” Todd barked at him so loud they had now attracted all the eyes in the library. But Spencer was only looking over at yours—your creased brow and the watery worry the glass highlighted. 
“Spencer, it’s—” You didn’t get to finish as Todd whirled his head between you and Spencer. 
“Spencer? No fucking way this wimp is your boyfriend.” Behind the rage, Todd looked almost smug.
But Spencer wasn’t. He hit his own boiling point and was passed asking politely. He pulled his credentials from his pocket and flipped them open in Todd’s face. “No, I’m the FBI agent who is going to arrest you for harassment, assault, and public disturbance if you don’t get out of this library right now.”
Todd’s head reeled back at the badge in his face, eyes squinting between the lettering and Spencer’s face. Realization of how much shit he was in passed briefly over Todd’s face before reverting to his glower. He must not have wanted trouble with the FBI though, because he started taking steps backwards toward the exit. But he couldn’t leave with a completely bruised ego.
“Whatever man. If you want the uppity bitch so bad you can have her!” Todd slammed open and closed the door as he made his grand exit. The entire library watched it, listening to him as he got his last dig in and fleeing before Spencer could make him eat his words. He didn’t have his cuffs or gun on him, but he’d dealt with enough unsubs to know he didn’t need them to handle Todd. 
When all the eyes slowly went back to their business, sure that Todd wasn’t coming back into the library, Spencer’s gaze returned to you. Your eyes were dinner plates, mouth agape, still clutching your wrist.
Spencer frowned, whispering your name. “Are you okay?”
“You’re an FBI agent. . .” The words slipped out of you in one shocked exhale. His brows furrowed. He just rescued you from an arrogant asshole and that was what you were stuck on, something he’d told you several times.
“Yes? But I told you—” 
“You were serious?” Your head bobbed forward in disbelief. So you really hadn’t been believing what he was saying. 
“Of course, why would I lie about that?” Spencer was confused and deep down a little hurt. It was such an odd thing to lie about to a stranger, he didn’t understand why you thought he wasn’t truthful. 
“I–I don’t know,” your eyes bounced around in a panic. “I thought you were just trying to impress me. I mean—you don’t really look like an FBI agent you’re. . . young? I don’t know, I thought you were flirting with me so I—” Your hand clasped over your mouth. “Oh my God. I’m so sorry, sir—agent—”
“Call me Spencer,” he gave her a tight lipped smile, a near look of pity on his face. Your complete panic reassured him you were just as embarrassed over the miscommunication as he was. “Technically it would be Doctor, since I have three PhDs—but you can just call me Spencer.”
“But—But I didn’t. . . you were being serious the whole time and I. . .” You stuttered, shaking your head in confusion. “I was so unprofessional. . .”
Spencer chuckled, unable to hold it back. “Unprofessional? Just because I’m an FBI doesn’t mean I can’t like to talk to people. And I like talking to you, you don’t have to be embarrassed about it.” His disappointment dissipated quickly. Your shyness and embarrassment was so genuine and charming he couldn’t find the space to be upset with you beside all his amusement. 
You crossed your arms, somehow becoming even more bashful. “You’re sure it's okay?”
“Of course it's okay.” Spencer grinned.
A small sigh of relief breezed past your lips. “Okay. . . I should—I should definitely apologize for not believing you.” You meet his eyes then with such profound remorse. “Because I am really sorry. It’s just. . . your accomplishments seemed so amazing they were kind of hard to believe, especially for someone so young.”
It was Spencer’s turn to become bashful. His head ducked and he laughed quietly. “I guess they can be hard to believe. Especially when you aren’t meeting me at work. I just thought maybe all the books helped prove it.”
You let out a shaky laugh, eyes wandering back down to the countertop. “I kinda thought that was also to impress me. I didn’t really think you were reading all of them.”
“Well. . . I do.” He shrugged, figuring you had to believe him now. As you smiled at him, he realized he left his basket and books back at the chair. “Speaking of reading, I’ll be right back.”
You eyed him as he retrieved the basket and set it on the counter in front of you along with his library card. “Oh, were you sitting over there?” You looked curious. Certainly you hadn’t seen him sitting there today or anytime before.
Spencer coughed into his fist. “Um, just for a second.” He moved on quickly, removing the books from the basket. “Thank you for this again, by the way, it’s so much easier to carry all the books.”
You hummed, eyebrows jumping up. “Yeah. . . I’m having trouble believing I really gave an FBI agent a picnic basket to carry books in.” You started swiping the books over the barcode scanner, adding them back into the basket once they appeared on the computer screen next to you.
He cracked a half smile. “I think you watch too many movies. We’re not as serious as you think we are.” Hotch’s face flashed in his eyes and he thought maybe they were pretty serious, but not off duty. Hotch could also be serious enough for the whole team sometimes, so maybe he wasn’t a very good example. “And I like the basket. It was nice of you to think about me.”
Your eyes caught on his for a moment, glazed over in thought, so deep you bumped the basket as you went to set the book you held into it. It snapped you back into reality and you watched your hand as you tucked away the book, clearing your throat. “You’re sure it’s not weird?”
Spencer’s head tilted to the left, considering you. He didn’t know what he could do to pull you back from this rut of self-consciousness. He was starting to regret ever pulling out his badge because now you seem standoffish in a way you never were with him before. He wanted to go back to when you laughed and smiled at him and didn’t find him intimidating. “Of course it’s not,” he paused a moment, wetting his lips. “And this isn’t weird either, y’know? Me being in the FBI? I’m still Spencer.”
You looked back at him again, eyes searching his face. “I know that. I’m. . .” You stared at him a second longer, taking in a deep breath and releasing it with a smile. “I’m letting it sink in.” You continued scanning the books quietly, not meeting Spencer’s eyes as he absentmindedly picked at a loose string in his pocket.
His thumb brushed against his FBI credentials and the encounter just before this revelation came flooding back. He glanced over at the double doors as if to make sure Todd had not come back, though Spencer already knew he didn’t. 
“Are you okay?” You met his eyes, brows pulled together. “About before—with that guy?”
“Oh.” You shrugged, rolling your wrist unconsciously. “Yeah, I’m fine. We get one of them every now and again. Normally they’re pretty harmless.” A glimmer of realization passed over your face. “Um, thank you! I should have said that before. Not everyone would have done that.”
Spencer shook his head, waving off your thanks. “Of course. I’m sorry you have to deal with that.” He was again reminded of the fact he was not a woman, and even though his job was to put away serial killers—monsters, creeps, pervs—he couldn’t imagine what it would be like to be in your shoes. You shook it off well, but he didn’t doubt you were scared in the moment. Probably wondering how far he would take it, whether your reaction was appropriate, if your employer would be angry at you. He was just glad he was there to step in.
Slowly, you finished scanning all the books, tucking them neatly into the basket in an organized order he thoroughly appreciated. Heaviest books sat at the bottom and lighter books were stacked on top of them. You paused, flipping through the last book in your hand, a biography of Max Born, a German-British physicist. 
“So. . . you really do read 20,000 words per minute?” You had a cheeky grin as you peeked up at him from beneath those frames, and suddenly you were back. Spencer smiled.
“Yup. I also have an IQ of 187 and an eidetic memory.” He shrugged as if it was no big deal.
You giggled, nodding along. “Right. Well then I guess this isn’t even enough books for you.” A finger waved over at the basket.
“It depends on work, actually. I’m usually busy, but I often have to travel too and then I become really busy so I don’t have time to read,” he explained. When he did sit down to read, he could get through one to three books, depending on their volume. “But yeah, ten books in a week is kind of light.”
You tapped the book in your hand with your thumbs, thinking. “Okay.” Suddenly you dropped the book into the basket, dipping below the desk to set another book in front of him. Examining it, he realized by its orange and yellow coloring it was the same book you had been reading the last time he was in the library. It was The Poetry of Pablo Neruda and from the look of its creased spine and faded orange cover, it was well loved. “You should read this too then.”
Spencer turned the book over in his hands, looking at you with a twisted face of confusion. “But the check out limit is ten books?”
You shook your head, gesturing for him to add it to the basket. “It’s not a library book,” when he still looked puzzled, you continued. “It’s my book. You can borrow it from me.”
Your kindness and generosity was both shocking and overwhelming. Spencer wasn’t sure how he was to thank you for being so gracious to him. He could only think of one thing. So he quickly fumbled his wallet up onto the countertop. “You have to let me give you something for this—”
“Spencer,” as you said his name, your hand covered his as he dug for bills to give you. “You don’t owe me anything.”
He shook his head, bewildered. Not only was your kindness startling, but so was the feeling of your hand on his. He had to stop his body from flinching at the contact. He was mostly uncomfortable at the thought of people touching him, but your palm was warm, soft, and offered the most comfort he’d felt in a while. “The basket and the book? It’s too much. I mean. . . you’re too nice.”
Your lips spread into a bright smile, flashing him your teeth. “Just bring me back your analysis. I’d love to hear what an IQ of 187 can cook up. Deal?”
Spencer laughed, ducking his head as he nodded in agreement. “Deal.”
When the laughter faded and his head came back up, he looked at you for a while longer, just feeling the paperback cover underneath his fingertips. You met his eyes just for a few moments, twiddling your own fingers. “So um, see you next Sunday?” You asked. He dared to see hope in your eyes.
“See you next Sunday,” Spencer agreed again. He hesitated putting the book in his new basket then finally left the front desk, waving you goodbye as he did. He watched over his shoulder you return his wave as he exited through the double doors. 
Spencer walked back to his car practically swinging the basket, so in his head he didn’t even realize he still had a smile on his face. He set The Poetry of Pablo Neruda aside as he disinfected his books and wondered what he would do the rest of his day off. What he was sure of, deep in his chest, was that he was excited for next Sunday. 
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purple-rain8 · 3 days
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Dirty Plan || Joel Miller 4 f!reader
Summary: Joel Miller has to meet with the architect for the renovation plan, but this turns out to be his best friend's daughter.
Warnings: Age gap {reader is 22/Joel is 52}, explicit sexual content, mature themes, overstimulation, fingering, oral sex, slightly dom Joel, submissive reader, implied sex, dirty talk, p in v, p in a.
Joel is in front of the building to be renovated. Tommy is busy and Joel will meet with the architect alone to view the renovation project.
He's been waiting for 20 minutes already, but not even the shadow of the guy. His friend Kevin had assured him that he would be smart. He has known Kevin for over 20 years and trusts him.
“Kevin, can you give me the number of the person I need to meet? He's late and I can't wait all day!" Joel calls him nervously.
'I contact her right away, Jenny was almost there when I heard her before,' she hangs up.
Jenny?? Jennifer? His daughter? Joel saw her grow up, but had no idea she was already working, she's just 22 years old.
She feels a little embarrassed and comes in to wait for her. It has a table in the centre of the room to support the designs of the structure. He starts analysing them, when he hears a knock on the door.
He goes to open and you appear with two coffee mugs in your hand and a folder under your arm.
“Hi Joel!” you say, kissing him on the cheek and giving him one of the coffees. 'This is to make me forgive for the delay, they kept me in the office.'
Joel looks at you from head to toe, you have become a woman, despite your young age you are very attractive. He takes a sip and hints with his head.
You head to the table where Joel was working on the projects before.
'I didn't know you were already an architect, congratulations,' Joel says, taking another sip of coffee.
“There are a lot of things you don't know about me now. We haven't seen each other for how long? Three years?”, you approach, almost provocative. Then you give him your back and start distributing your drawings on the table, bending forward.
Joel's gaze glides over that tall, hard ass, barely covered by a black sheathed miniskirt, down to the legs and heeled shoes. From the silk blouse he can see the white lace bra.
Joel swallows, but tries to focus on the drawings.
“Here you see? Here the fireplace must come, here instead the masonry kitchen”.
You start explaining it all, but Joel's mind focusses on your body and breasts, covered just because one of the mother-of-pearl buttons has opened.
Joel squeezes his temples with his index finger and thumb and squints. When he opens them he finds himself in front of you, your face a palm away from his.
“Joel are you feeling well?” You put a hand on his chest. Your warm and delicate touch only ignites man's desire more.
Joel is a calm man, but he knows how to be passionate in certain situations. For a few months he has been married to Tess, in fact you notice the white gold wedding ring on the ring finger.
“Wow and this when?” Ask for surprise.
“A few months ago,” he mutters but without looking away from that mischievous little smile printed on your mouth. He already imagined what it would be like to sink his cock.
'Interesting' you continue in a low voice. “We were saying...”, you bend over again and this time you rub your ass right on the flap of Joel's pants, who can't hold back and gets hard with excitement.
“Jennifer what are you doing?”, Joel is losing his patience and may make you taste how material it can be if taunted to the limit.
“I'm pointing you to the points where to make the changes,” but you keep rubbing on the erection right behind you.
You feel it big and hard and you start to wet your panties.
Joel bends over you, pressing his stone-hard cock between your buttocks. Feel the warmth of his chest behind your shoulders.
'Stop it or I'll let you taste it... and I can't fuck my friend's daughter who is 30 years younger than me,' he growls in your ear. He gets up and pats you on the ass. And that makes you even more wet, along with his low, warm and pissed off voice.
'And why can't you do it?', you approach by unbuttoning your shirt and revealing your breases with turgid nipples pressing behind the white lace. Joel looks at you seriously and you lick your lips. “Since I was a little girl I've been imagining you above me... inside me Joel... and you too,” you say brazenly as you touch his neck and start opening his plaid shirt.
He grabs your wrist and carries it behind your back, brushing your face with his lips.
“Don't touch me and don't kiss me...”, he watches you closely. She has such fleshy lips behind those moustaches, gray hair and you can feel your pussy squeeze between your legs.
"Open the whole blouse," he orders you. You open button after button with one hand, because the other is still behind your back blocked by Joel's strong hand. "Hmm…", he leaves you and orders you to lower your bra, you are about to unfasten it from behind, but he stops you.
"Just put it down, get these little tits up", your breathing gets faster and faster with each of his orders and by now you're soaking wet between your legs. Joel admires you for a few seconds, parting his lips when he sees your nipples sticking out of the lace.
"Joel, touch me" you mutter. "What? Don't call me Joel, I'm Mr. Miller to you now, if you want to be fucked like a slut."
He walks over and turns you around, making your shoulders touch his muscular chest and not allowing you to touch him. His hands brush against your stomach and reach your breasts, and he starts tugging and twisting your nipples. "I bet you're already wet down there" Nod your head. One of his hands caresses your thigh and climbs up until it touches your pulsating center.
"Kneel," he orders again. You turn around and look at him with amusement. You've always wanted to taste it and see how big it is. Do as he tells you. "Open my pants," he starts touching your hair and removing those two sticks that kept them tied up.
You open its belt, letting the buckle dangle on the sides and then pull down the zipper. He looks at you seriously and with an excited expression. You really want to be fucked by that man who watched you grow up and you find everything a little dirty about it. The black boxer shorts reveal his huge erection, pressing on his stomach. It is long and thick, from the base to the tip. You lick your lips.
"Take it, all of it," he has a hand on the back of your head and brings you closer to his pelvis. But you take his left hand and start licking his fingers. When you get to his ring finger you take it all in your mouth, sliding the wedding ring over your tongue. "What the fuck are you doing?" He asks you with a hint of nervousness.
You smile and slide the ring over your chest, over your nipples and then you lift your skirt up to your waist. You walk past the lace panties and slip faith into your wet cunt, which doesn't hesitate to suck it in.
"You're such a little slut… Do I have to fuck you with my wedding ring inside you?" "Yes, Joel…" She grabs his cock and slams it on your cheek. "Yes what?" "Yes, Mr. Miller"
He rubs his cock on your lips, smearing the precum that glistens on the tip of his cock. You open your mouth and take it, even if it is difficult. It's too big. Joel pulls your hair behind the back of your neck and begins to sink into your mouth, all the way to the base, enjoying the warmth and twins you emit around his shaft. It goes all the way down your throat, but it's also hard.
"Breathe through your nose because I'm not going to go out." With faster and faster movements he starts to fuck your mouth and tears come to your eyes. Feel his balls slam into his chin and swell, charging up.
You look into Joel's eyes, his jaw clenched and he pushes you closer and harder and faster to him, just chasing his pleasure. You feel his spasms and gasp with excitement, then walk away.
"Get up, I'm going to fuck your cunt now, but first…" He turns you around and folds you over on the table, pulls down your lace panties which are now all wet. "I've got to get my ring first," and he shoves two fingers inside you all the way through, you let out a little scream as you feel his fingers move inside you. But before he grabs the ring, his fingers go in and out fast.
"There he is," he pulls out his fingers and puts on the ring. Joel walks away a little to look at how wet you are. "Of course I didn't imagine you were like this… How many guys have you fucked with?" He asks you, starting to rub his fingers on your cunt hole again. "Many… Please, fuck me…"
Joel leans over you and aims his cock right there. "You want me to fuck you like a slut, don't you? Do you want me to fill you up?" "Yes, please Joe… Mr. Miller," your breath is labored. You're to the max. The hard nipples press against the cold table and you feel more and more open for him.
"Good girl, you're my bitch for now and I'm going to fuck you like a whore." Joel enters you but his cock is the biggest you've had inside, but you manage to take it well, you feel spread out and moan when he touches the bottom with his tip. "Christ, you're not very tight, what a slut."
Joel He starts to move his pelvis and bang it violently. You moan loudly, suck it in, and squeeze it with the walls of your pussy. "Fuck, how wet you are", he grabs your hips and the thrusts become shorter and more intense, you feel his cock twitch inside you. "Yes Mr. Miller, fill me with your cum," you whisper. "Cum inside me...please", You moan. He's big and hard.
Joel slows down his thrusts, with his right hand he holds your side and rests his left hand on your face, where the wedding ring still glows moist with your arousal, holding you down. He lowers himself over you and whispers in your ear. "I only cum in my wife's cunt, you're young and I don't want to put a baby inside you", he pauses, you feel his hand go down your back and press on the other hole, between your buttocks.
You realize that he wants that part of you too, but that no one ever had. "I can cum in here… how many have there been here?", Joel stops pushing and spreads your buttocks to look at you. Shake your head. "No one? Oh what a surprise, I'll be the first to fuck this nice ass then…"
While he's still inside you and harder and harder, he introduces his thumb. It's just a finger, but you can already feel it so big and you can imagine that Joel's huge cock will soon enter there. "Yes, yes Joel fuck my ass please." Joel squeezes your hair behind your head with his other hand. "Only my wife can call me Joel while we fuck, even though I bang like a slut. To you, I'm Mr. Miller, don't make me repeat it."
You nod, sweating your forehead and the papers under you. Joel now inserts two fingers and opens them, to spread out to him. You're tight there. "Fuck, you're going to hold me tightly," He comes out of your cunt and aims at the other entrance. "I've got my cock and balls shiny from how wet you are, it won't take long to get into this tight hole."
He pushes and goes in little by little. Pain takes over, Joel's cock is really big. You moan and moan. Move your pelvis against him because you want to take it all inside you. "You're impatient little slut… Now I'm going to fuck this pretty little ass and…", he leans closer to your ear again, "I'm going to fill you with my cum that won't leak out right away… And you'll come back to work full of me."
You feel it burning in your chest, it's so exciting when he talks like that. You never thought that Joel, your dad's friend, kind, could fuck like that and have such dirty language. It's so exciting. Joel starts to move and the pain gives way to pleasure. You fit around him and take him with desire. You start to feel orgasm getting closer. He fucks you hard and fast, his balls slamming against your wet cunt.
"Oh my God…" Squeeze the edges of the table above your head. His strokes cause the table to move forward. It's strong, too strong. Surely you will be sore and it will leave some bruises on your body, but you like this one.
He grabs your hair and pulls it slightly, causing your back to arch and exposing your openness even more.You moan loudly as you feel it even further inside, you have the feeling that it reaches your stomach.
As he squeezes your hair the other hand goes between your legs, his fingers draw circles on your clitoris and then enter your pussy, that is still open for him. You widen your eyes as he moves his fingers to feel in your walls how he moves inside you. You in a strong orgasm, squeezing around his fingers. He goes all the way in and after more violent thrusts, you feel his cock throbbing.
"Christ!" Joel screams as he cums inside you and he was right, he filled you up because he keeps squirting his emptying completely. You can hear your labored breaths. He squeezes your buttocks, while he walks out slowly enjoying the view.He walks away and admires you from behind.
"You're such a dirty slut, look at how open you're still there."
He walks closer again, sticks two fingers into your cunt, making you jump, and then into the other hole. "Hold tight, I don't want him to come out." Then you hear him adjust his pants. "Get up," he orders again. "Settle down and leave, resign from the post and get replaced." He puts his belt back on and fastens it again. "But Joel…", you lower your skirt and button your blouse as you look at him with a frown.
"What did you believe? To get fucked like a slut and then work with me? I don't even think about it. Or did you think that by working together you would become my bitch?" You open your mouth to say something, because it was just what you really wanted, but then the words don't come out. "Well, I'll never touch you again, mind you. Now go and let me work."
Thank You for reading :)
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Derry Girls was excellent and I'm very sad it's over. Highly recommend.
I put it off for a long time because although I love Irish humour, I can't generally get into comedy shows if watching by myself. Mainly because it's too absurd to take seriously. I enjoy the funny scenes, sure, but life isn't funny all the time and it's difficult for me to suspend disbelief and invest in the characters.
And the first few episodes are very much that way, it's constant shenanigans. Very funny but not where I wanted to watch another right after. Then it took just a very slight emotional turn at the end of episode 4. It wasn't jarring. It wasn't really even a tone shift, it was just kind of a there's-a-heart-here thing. And then it didn't let go. Still very funny most of the way through, but occasional reminders of the seriousness of the time period it's set in, and real problems faced by adolescent girls. So by the time a tragedy strikes, you're fully invested in the characters and you feel their pain.
The final episode blends the silliness of trying to have the perfect 18th birthday with the seriousness of the Good Friday referendum. And by that point you get an idea of the adults these girls (and one boy) are going to become. Because it's a coming of age story.
In the beginning, the shenanigans are almost entirely caused by the kids themselves various schemes not well-thought-out, they're very selfish, even regarding each other, and their interests are fairly shallow. As the show goes on, they have moments of being, as they would put it, "dicks" to each other, but more and more you see them willing to risk embarrassment for the sake of their friends. And the shenanigans are caused by the circumstances around them as much as their own actions--which they're occasionally able to get themselves out of. It's beautifully done.
It will be an absolute standard for me for any comedy show I attempt on my own in future.
And also, they're not sexualized! At all! They talk about sex. They talk about wanting sex, as adolescents do, but there's absolutely no notion that these characters are anything but kids--despite their actors being in their twenties and thirties!
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captainhunnicutt · 2 days
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I've often thought that BJ displayed a sense of humor that was both subtle and sophisticated. Sure, sometimes he's outright ridiculous but there's this cutting edge to his humor that I think is unique in a lot of ways. (NOTE: This is not to say no other character is funny, displays a sophisticated sense of humor etc. They are. They do.)
Now, I won't claim to 1.) be the funniest person (I sometimes have a few funny moments) or 2.) knows the "ins and outs" of W.C. Fields but BJ's approach to humor (or at least how the writers wrote BJ and seemed to approach his sense of humor), while unique in its own right, also seems to bear a striking resemblance to W.C. Fields.
W.C. Fields’ comedy seems to be this interesting hybrid of physical gags, witty one-liners, and a distinctive nasal voice that gave the delivery or punchline some extra.. something or another. Edge? Maybe edge is the right word. 
I think BJ's sense of humor kind of runs "deep and silent," which to me suggests a level of complexity in the gags and wisecracks that went beyond wanting or needing an immediate laugh. This aligns with Fields’ own comedic philosophy (at least what I can tell in the embarrassing research I've been doing off and on), where the humor was not just in the punchline but in the build-up, the delivery, and the character’s reaction to the world around him. (NOTE: Fields tended to play con-artists or like "the every man") Fields’ comedy doesn't seem to be about quick laughs but more so about creating a persona that audiences could relate to and find humor in, despite—or perhaps because of—the character’s flaws.
BJ’s admiration for Fields also speaks to a deeper connection between the two. Both shared an ability to find humor in adversity - perhaps as a way to just cope. Fields’ characters navigated the the Great Depression with humor, and BJ used his wit and funnies to cope with... everything. War. Blood. Injustice. Not being with his family. Everything. His humor was a defense mechanism, a way to maintain sanity in an insane world, much like Fields’ comedy, provided escapism during tough economic times.
I really think what I'm getting at is the way that BJ’s sense of humor was written and constructed (whether by the writers or Mike himself) could very well be an actual living tribute to Fields' comedy.
It was a flavor of humor that was intelligent, layered, and deeply human. BJ’s jokes were not just about making people laugh; they were about making people think, feel, and sometimes even find joy in the midst of chaos, like W.C. Fields did in his own right. This is the hallmark of great comedy, and one of the reasons I think MASH, and BJ specifically, remain appealing to audiences of all ages. Whether dealing with the absurdity of military bureaucracy or a Swamp Rat's quirks, BJ’s humor was this weird beacon of light in the dark. Cheesy as it may sound, a real testament to the power of laughter as a way to find common ground, to heal and come together in some way.
And in that, BJ Hunnicutt was truly mirroring the genius of W.C. Fields.
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nhasablogg · 2 days
If I'm to let it in, it might just stay forever
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Characters: Derek/Spencer
Summary: Derek and Spencer go to the tickle club.
Anonymous said: So in the For Love to Replace your Shame fic the last line basically says that after a couple weeks they walk back into the club hand in hand. I was wondering if you could write a small fic where Derek and Spencer are in the club together? I just wanna see Spencer actually be able to enjoy it :)) -M
Words: 1.4k
Read it on AO3.
Referenced fic here.
Spencer looked good under the flashing lights. Not necessarily as though he belonged, because he was visibly nervous, his grip on Derek’s hand tight enough to be uncomfortable, but he looked good because he seemed giddy. A spark in his eyes which Derek hadn’t really seen before, especially not in regards to this, something that still made him shut down before he realized he wasn’t being judged.
The Feather was jam-packed. A Saturday, which had been absolutely freezing and miserable, prompting desperate people to seek fun after dark, and boy did they sound like they were having fun. Now that Derek was here off the clock he felt much more relaxed, and so he was taking it all in differently. Not seeking, simply watching, though he was mostly watching Spencer. While Spencer was obviously still a bit on edge it wasn’t as bad as their first couple of visits. He wasn’t alone with his feelings anymore, his shoulders lighter. His eyes were everywhere, head going back and forth, his cheeks pinkening as the ticklish laughter surrounded them.
Derek leaned closer to him to be heard over the music. “We can stay as long as you want, which also means we can leave whenever, okay?”
Spencer nodded. “Okay.”
“I mean it, pretty boy. The minute you want to leave, we leave.”
Spencer squeezed his hand. “I hear you.”
“Good.” Derek squeezed back, wondering if the visit would include him tickling Spencer at all or if they would be saving it until later, behind the four walls of a bedroom. He’d just started doing it, tickling Spencer until he was a giggly mess, without it ending with Derek having to reassure him that he loved that this was something he wanted him to do. Not that he minded it, but he was glad it was becoming easier now. He quite enjoyed himself doing it.
They’d decided to come back to The Feather because Derek found it unfair that Spencer had had his eye on this club for ages before he’d been forced to visit it due to a case, but what Derek hadn’t told him was that he was equally as curious to return. Curious about it all, curious about what would catch Spencer’s eye, about how he would react. Spencer could probably feel his gaze on him, and while he might’ve felt self conscious about it he seemed entirely too preoccupied to say anything about it.
“Oh, look, I did that to you last night.” Derek didn’t mean for it to sound as any form of teasing - he genuinely felt a surge of excitement as he caught sight of a woman trying to twist out of the grip of another woman who was targeting her hips - but Spencer covered his face in embarrassment anyway. Maybe Derek wasn’t too mad about it.
“I think this might end me,” he said, peeking out when Derek nudged him.
Spencer didn’t know this, but Derek hadn’t been able to stop thinking of this, this moment, the things Spencer had told him, for the past few days. He’d imagined them entering. Imagined Spencer being grabbed left and right by unknown, eager hands. He’d imagined being jealous, but there had been something appealing about the sight, too. Sensual, almost. Of course that didn’t end up happening, because these people valued consent more than anything. And besides, Spencer didn’t want to come here to get tickled by others. He’d told him that countless times.
“I want to experience it normally,” he’d said. “Remove the case from it.”
And Derek, who had thought of the case nearly every single day since it had happened, had understood what he meant.
They hadn’t talked about what they expected out of this experience. Spencer had seemed too anxious and excited and shy all at the same time for Derek to want to ask. He couldn’t imagine he wanted strangers to touch him anyway, besides his protests, but if he did, in the midst of drunken giddiness to finally be able to be himself, non-judged, Derek needed to quickly decide how he felt about it, because who was he to deny Spencer this if he wanted it?
But who was he kidding. He didn’t like the idea of that at all.
“Quick question,” he said as they elbowed their way deeper into the room, aiming to take a lap before ordering drinks. “I know you said you don’t want to, but if someone grabs for you, am I supposed to protect you?”
“If someone- grabs for me?”
“You know. Pulls you into a tickle fight.”
“Oh. Well, I doubt anyone would.”
“Right, but if.”
“Sure, yeah, protect me. I don’t think I’d like that.”
“I don’t think I’d like that either.”
Spencer grinned, the last bit of anxiety falling off his face. “You’d be jealous.”
“I so wouldn’t.”
“Uh huh.”
Derek liked the fact that Spencer was smiling too much to get all in his feelings about this, and so he merely pulled him closer with the pretense of pulling him with him. He wasn’t stupid enough to think Spencer believed that that was his intention, but it made him feel better to pretend. They’d not reached the stage where honesty overpowered anything else yet. They still had walls, although they’d broken down several of them pre-relationship, if that was what they had. They’d not talked about it.
Derek was absolutely terrified to talk about it, truth be told.
“You think we can just- go in?” he asked as they stopped in front of a door labeled “bondage room”.
Spencer shook his head. “We shouldn’t either way. I wouldn’t want to have people see that.”
“That’s fair.” Memories of the case flashed before him. The idea of Spencer tied up, helpless. The thing he desired being used against him.
A hand on his wrist, squeezing it. “I’m okay, Derek.”
Derek knew he wasn’t, but he didn’t say anything. Instead he slipped his hand into Spencer’s, squeezing it back. “Let’s get something to drink, okay?”
Spencer nodded and they made their way through the crowd hand in hand, something Derek still wasn’t used to.
“Do you want a Tickle Me Drink or a Blushy Lee Bourbon?” Derek asked him as they sat down by the bar, reading off the menu on the wall. When he turned back to him Spencer was blushing, although he didn’t avert his gaze, and Derek suddenly felt as if he would explode.
“Not a fan of bourbon,” was all he said, glancing down up the drinks list. “How about a Pick Your Spot Pina Colada?”
“You got it, pretty boy.”
Derek wanted to tease him about picking a drink without a name which he would have a hard time saying out loud, but he didn’t. Instead he leaned over toward the bartender - not the bastard from the case - and ordered for them both. Derek picked the Cosmotickleton, grinning when Spencer squirmed beside him.
“So,” he said as the bartender went away to start on their drinks. “How are you feeling so far?”
Spencer shrugged. “I’m not sure.”
“I’m sure it’s a lot to take in after everything.” Derek leaned closer, a finger on Spencer’s arm. “How ‘bout you tell me what you’re liking?”
Spencer shivered, subtly, but Derek could feel it. “About the club?”
“Uh huh.”
“I like how accepting it is.” His answer came quickly and easily. “It’s loud and overstimulating, but- well, I’ve never felt safe in a club before, you know?”
Derek wanted to ask more. Wanted to hear him talk about the particular tickle scenarios that were happening all around him, but realized Spencer wasn’t here for that. Realized there was more to it than the exposure to the tickling itself. Maybe one day Derek would understand. He was happy to wait, happy to explore, happy to solve parts of the puzzle himself until that day.
They got their drinks, clinked their glasses together and watched the dance floor. Watched people kiss and grind and tickle and jump. And later, they danced - Spencer was a hip swinger much to Derek’s delight - and as they pressed close, and with Spencer’s permission, he pressed his fingers into his sides, making him swing in a different way. And even later, when they stumbled into Derek’s apartment because it was closer, Derek kissed him for several minutes before he went for his ribs, but only because Spencer had grown impatient.
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asordidbarwere · 11 months
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b4kuch1n · 8 months
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yay! I drew these quite literally three years ago. dragonheart!milo and raihan! a knight on a doomed dragon hunt being lifted out of his station by a small village medicine man. together they become magic lawyers and overthrow the government
the main details in these do survive into the iterations I’ve drawn (instead of these actual designs I spent time to make el oh el): the “leaf” diamond quilt/gambeson and the plaited coattail for milo, the “atypical” weapons, long coat, and large number of scattered fake gold trims and accessories for raihan. I think I lost raihan the hat and added a cape for milo further down the line because like this their general silhouettes are too similar for my liking lol
#pokemon#swsh#applinshipping#dragonheart AU#gym leader raihan#gym leader milo#leon is the puppet king in this one (I never made a design for him lol. lmao) (its not about him!!!!) (it is just a tiny bit#sonia actually disappeared out to sea like just the year before raihan got sent off too. and the shows up where raihan and milo are later on#as usual the everything between those three are messy in a way that makes every one of them embarrassed to bring it up lmao#if u remember one of the october pieces I did last year. the applinshipping one. yeap thats from this AU too#lmao. also remembering the swordsman AU. in every AU where I bring up a king you can TELL I cant WAIT to get rid of that guy#(its usually leon)#anyways it's not about him this is about raihan and milo!!! iirc everyone in the village knows milo is Something. bc he has literally not#aged at all for four generations#he's like doing his therapy away from the dragon hierarchy out here and raihan crash lands nearby#laughs this is so hallmark movie romance I just realized. except the city girl is trying to#extract her family from the palace before stealing the declaration of independence#oh yeah the AU is named that Specifically because the 'artifact' the whole plot runs around is supposedly a 'calcified' heart of a dragon#and the magic lawyer part is so raihan will seize the right to the throne by haha. winning a living dragon's heart instead#I'm actually surprised I remember this much abt this AU lmao it's literally been three years! I don't even remember what Im#supposed to do tomorrow#it's gettign a USB stick isnt it. Im doin a canadian horror triple feature with the senpai#I gotta remember that. well I remember This so. maybe there's a chance#man there are actually a number of applinshipping things I wanna draw... theyre my Fuckin BoyS#well! there's this at least. have a good night lads! I'll have cake soon#it's time to put cinnamon in things.
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bisamwilson · 10 months
feel free to add ur specific identity in the tags if you want/think that that's important to ur answer
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do you think, maybe when he gets a bit more comfortable of the idea of pursuing a relationship with our resident giant diving suit... would mister sinclair would wax poetic to delta in his mother tongue? hes a very chatty fellow, after all, surely he would have at least a spanish pet name or two to spare?
In my personal headcanon, there’re two occasions where Sinclair ever speaks Spanish at length. One of those is when he’s pissed off. like. he could kill a man just by looking at them kind of pissed off. And that’s because he’s taking advantage of the fact that they (most likely) can’t understand what he’s saying so he can insult them as he pleases (though, his dislike of cursing beyond ‘hell’ and ‘damn’ still stands even in Spanish cause he was raised to be a gentleman, so he’s mostly just calling the person an idiot and whatnot). Even then, it’s not really to their face, he’s doing it more just under his breath.
He’ll be packing his papers into his briefcase after a meeting with Ryan that didn’t go his way like “*grumble grumble grumble in Spanish*” “Until next time, Sinclair.” “YEAH GOOD GREAT BYE ANDY *grumble grumble grumble in Spanish*”
The other occasion that would have him speaking Spanish at length is if he’s addressing his late mother and/or grandfather. like if they’re ever on his mind or if he went and visited their graves.
He’d probably speak Spanish to someone he’s working with if they’re better at that than English, and I do enjoy the thought of him teaching Eleanor Spanish at her request (and Delta would absolutely sit in on some of those lessons, and not just so Sinclair can gesture at him like “This here is…?” and Eleanor can be all “Mi padre.” “AAAAnd…?” “Tu novio.” “AAAAnd…?” “Un hombre muy grande.” “Good job, honey.” “*proud Big Daddy noises*”)
Mostly, Sinclair has left his mother tongue behind him. He won’t allow himself to get rusty in it (if one were to look on his bookshelf, one might find a couple of books in Spanish) for the sake of his culture (if he ever forgot his Spanish, his grandfather would dig himself out of his grave and clip that boy around the ear), but it’s only on rare occasions that he uses it. He hasn’t spoken Spanish as his go-to language since he was a teenager. He’s not ashamed of people knowing English isn’t his first language - maybe when he was younger, but nowadays, he doesn’t give a shit - they just ain’t gonna hear him speaking anything else unless they piss him off. 
If someone played the “oh you know Spanish?? Can you say something in Spanish??” :D card, he’d smile extra wide, look them in the eye and say “No.” because he’s okay with translating something if someone needs it, but he very adamantly doesn’t perform his mother tongue for people
Funnily enough, the only times Spanish would pop up in their relationship would be because of Delta, not Sinclair
Delta would be fuckin PUMPED to learn Sinclair is bilingual. Like obviously he knows Sinclair’s from Panama cause he mentioned it, but it didn’t occur to him that that would mean Sinclair’s native tongue isn’t English. He’d hear Sinclair go on one of his Spanish rants (not at Delta he’d never do it to Delta nrnrgn just. someone bothered him idk) and just be like :0!!! :D!!!! cause like yeah sucks that Augustus is distressed but hot damn listen to that Spanish!! Just when he thought Augustus couldn’t get cooler, he learns he’s bilingual! How fucking cool is that! Augustus is just so cool! So clever! LOOK HOW COOL HIS BOYFRIEND IS
He’d do his big ol’ AWED BIG DADDY CROONING (“Don’t be cute right now, chief, I’m havin’ a crisis.”). Probably sit there like “psst…Augustus…speak more Spanish” :3c
If anything, Delta would want to learn Spanish so he could wax poetic to Sinclair in it (after being removed from his suit of course), which Sinclair would genuinely appreciate cause like?? damn chief you learned a language just so you could tell a dude who speaks that language how much you love him?? That’s cute as fuck he’s never had someone do that before
In the meantime, Delta would attempt waxing poetic by randomly asking Sinclair what something is in Spanish (and he'd get away with some of that because Delta usually gets away with shit that would bother Sinclair otherwise. Sinclair knows he means no offense). and it’s stupidly sweet stuff like. Walks up to him and points at his own chest and then at Eleanor’s Spanish textbook to communicate “what’s ‘my heart’ in Spanish??” 
“Mi corazón, chief. Why?” 
Then Delta just. puts his hand on him like “that’s you” 
“HA! Now, that was a smooth move. But as always - right back at ya, pumpkin~”
In canon, Sinclair says a total of one (1) Spanish word if you get him to, and that’s if you don’t take Simon Wales’s key straight after killing him; after Sinclair says his “I don’t have much air left” line, wait for a bit, and eventually Sinclair will call Delta up and say “You’re a…a tough hombre, chief. Get the key off him and - and use it to get into the Pump Control Room.” 
And that right there is the extent of Spanish he uses on a day where he isn’t angry, speaking to his beloved dead relatives, teaching Eleanor or answering Delta’s Spanish questions
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madamescarlette · 1 year
Gotta say lads, it's strange but luminous to be able to see myself struggling but in real time tell how it's making me better, maybe it's a sign of my aging but it's somehow so warm and comforting to me.
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audoodle · 1 year
something has been on my mind as I look through mp100 age swap content. there's a lot of really good concepts that I like a lot but a lot of these concepts feel kind of unlike how I picture a young reigen and especially an older mob?
the thing about mob psycho as it exists in canon is that we have no real picture of reigen's childhood. he has family but we don't know really anything about them, the history section of the wiki really only has the sports day to fall back on for him (it's a wikia so good chance they're missing something. I may be missing something too). but reigen lived a seemingly uneventful life before the events of the series. his story is about someone later on in life finding his people and his place and I think that's why serizawa and reigen and reigen and 7th division claw as a dynamic works so well because it's about how adults actually do have the freedom to reinvent themselves and find new paths.
I feel like older shigeo in an age swap is often written with this kind of dynamic (sometimes he is literally a serizawa style shut in) and I don't wish to say that is inherently bad a lot of that stuff I really enjoy reading and looking at! and I totally understand the value of it because you get to set a lot of your events in the current day which is what the audience is here for. but also it kind of feels like you've put mob into a time bubble? which feels like there's a lot of missed potential in that.
unlike reigen we know a lot about mob's childhood. obviously that's what the series is about. so if someone is making an age swap I think making a story that plays with that and plays with the expectations that while yes a lot of things were different in his life this still was a kid who went to salt middle and he must have met a lot of the same people right? I think working with that "baggage" could end up being really fun.
like I said I get why fic writers don't do that it means to fill out their story they need to not have characters like reigen and serizawa in the present of their work and fill things out through flashback or implications. you also worry about blowing your exciting stuff before your story technically "begins." (you're essentially doing a no reigen au and an age swap at once it's kind of weird) despite these clear issues I do have a lot of interest in making stories like this. reigen is introduced to a circle of people he does not know and has to piece together a history he was not there for. like I'm imagining him learning about a time shigeo went 100% as a kid and it being like learning your dad got arrested when they were 17. it feels like a concept with a lot of potential to focus on the history of shigeo's life and how it leads to where he is in current day ageswap.
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running-in-the-dark · 3 months
a super fun thing that my brain is really good at is hearing a random fact and remembering it forever. but only if it's bad :)
#the reason I'm thinking about that right now: I wish I had never read that having a crease on your earlobe means you're more likely to have#heart disease.#scared me so much that I read a whole paper about it#but it's been years now so I don't remember the details#just that that's a thing apparently#and guess what my brain does with that information? oh yeah of course I have to obsessively look at the ears of everyone now! does that#do anything helpful? nope! just makes me very very anxious :)#it's just like when I was a kid and I got nightmares about scurvy every time I didn't eat a potato for a week.#like. wow I could be so smart and everything if my brain wasn't constantly focused on random bullshit that is completely irrelevant 😭#also this thing specifically: I've always been weirdly fascinated by ears and this made that a million times worse and also very scary.#like ooh that's a nice ear :) oh no death exists and this person is going to die and#yeah it sucks.#specifically choosing not to mention any names in this context because my god this shit is on my mind all the time already I really don't#need to say it where anyone can see#it's embarrassing enough#though anyone who has looked at my blog in the past month already knows who I'm talking about.#like. I really shouldn't allow myself to like anyone over the age of like. idk 45.#it's so unbelievably exhausting.#but annnyway I'm totally normal and fine :)#oh yeah I also have creases on my earlobes lol so that definitely added to the scariness (and THEN my mother randomly mentioned recently#that EVERYONE on her side of the family had/has heart disease. bitch WHAT the fuck. anyway so yeah guess we know what's gonna kill me#haha isn't that fun :) )#ALSO the fact that my memory is very very bad means that I remember absolutely none of the details about shit like this. so it could very#well be completely irrelevant and harmless but i wouldn't remember that part.#and I think even if I found out more it wouldn't help. it's been an obsession for so long. I've never had one go away that I've had for#this long. so. guess I'm just fucked.#personal
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somedaytakethetime · 7 months
Other girlies: the highest of high def. content, tons of it all the time
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yousaytomato · 2 years
I feel like even companies that try to be really accessible always miss the mark when it comes to my particular brand of brain worms
What would honestly be ideal for me, is a short POV video, showing someone entering the location, using whatever the service may be, and then leaving again
Colour coded maps or "apps that make it easy" or exhaustive FAQs, are all a great start, and I'm sure for most people they're enough !
But I want to know where the entrance and exit are and what they look like, where do I head after that, if I have to interact with a form of technology how exactly do I do that, if I have to talk to someone what information do they need from me, what are they going to ask?
Like, I always figure these things out, and it's never that difficult, and I'm able to do them in a way that's normal. I've also gotten a lot better at saying - I've never done this before! Sorry if I'm doing it wrong or slowly! - and people are always nice
But so much of my anxiety comes from the unknown, idk...
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heirloommtomatoes · 2 years
i waited too long to buy a train ticket to the airport to pick up my bf and it was almost $100........chomping biting maiming snarling hissing etc etc 
#are u kidding .......... that is so absolutely fucking unreal .......#but i reasoned it's like. the same as a tank of gas#....not that it takes a tank of gas to drive to the airport from where i live but like. idk.#it's the only way to get to the airport tomorrow. bro.#i was just in europe where a 2hr train ride was like. first of all ran every two seconds lmfao and second of all was like 12 euros.#$100 CAD to go to the airport which is like. a 42 min~ drive away????? bro. make it make sense#anyway......happy i get to see him and i will take the hit#i'm employed .... so ...#it's theoretically okay LMFAOO i just hate spending money bruh....#whatevaaaaaaa. it makes my life 100000x easier#i get to the airport 3 hours early i'll sit and do work#heehee :)#i'm so excited but my skin has been kinda breaking out bc of my chronic illnesses lately so that's#disheartening#i steal my own joy by being so fixated on it but it can be hard not to be#it's not even that bad rn i actually just popped a pimple that was TOTALLY READY?? but it got mad at me#so i don't have any other pimples rn but i scar so easy :(#it's embarrassing to have in the first place and then doubly embarrassing to be so concerned about it#i feel like i should be past this now at this age lmao like being so concerned about my appearance in this way#things i can't help and! things that are caused by chronic illness! like! i don't need to make my chronic illness experience any harder#by beating myself up for things outside my control and that...aren't that bad anyway like...#anyway <3 i'm feeling good i pulled myself out of a rut today but i just paid that and i was like. hello. girl. hello. anyone#but also if i got paid biweekly this wouldn't be an issue but i'm on a contract rn so i get paid at the end of 6 weeks#so i am NOOOOT pacing myself the way i should be#heehee <3 girls be like oopsie! it's ok it'll be ok but . whew#ellie yodels
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cruelsister-moved2 · 2 years
truly cant get over the fact my parents just said this is my regular neurotypical child who only wants to wear the same fairy outfit (complete with wings) every single day, refuses to put their shoes on in the snow because they don't feel cold but won't leave the house if "the sun is too bright", hates to be touched, has dramatically above average literacy but underdeveloped motor skills compared to their peers, only has one friend, wants to watch the same film every single day, will only own items that are purple, collects teabags, draws pictures of the virgin mary over and over in their free time, has earthshattering tantrums at the supermarket for no reason, cries because of the smell of a yoghurt, takes literally 90 minutes to finish a meal at school etc. like that was so brave of them.....
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