#I'M not o k a y
munsontm · 2 years
[ MUSIC ] for our muses to sing / play instruments together (eddie teaching max how to play guitar send tweet)
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It was the first time in a long time that he'd felt a sense of normalcy. More often than not, his life felt like a garbage bag in the wind, aimless, pointless, and devoid of any life at all. He tried to fill the void with drugs and alcohol, occasionally sex when the offer arose. Sometimes those things helped; other times, they made him feel a whole lot worse. Pathetic was the main word that came to mind, though useless wasn't far behind that. Just like every other member of the Munson clan---Wayne aside.
The one thing in his life that helped him live was music. Even on the darkest kinds of days when he felt at the brink of oblivion, a good tune could always call him back from the precipice, soothe his soul, and remind him that some things in life and in the world were good, even if it was sounds compiled together with words, beats and instruments. And when Eddie played, with Betty slung across his chest, killing it like an Olympian god. It made him come back to life and rise from the dead.
But it had never occurred to Eddie to share his musical ability with someone else before. Not until she hurtled into his life like a living firestorm with a sarcastic lip and an icy glare. As a kid, he'd have liked to have a younger sibling, someone to look after and love, to fill the void in his heart devoid of such emotions from years of neglect. Well, now he was approaching twenty and had Max Mayfield where the void once existed.
They were sat together on the old sofa outside the Munson trailer, a beer at his side, soda at hers. He'd spent the last ten minutes trying to tune the guitar Max had presented him. But it was an old beaten-up thing that she probably got on the cheap. No one in the trailer park owned anything remotely fancy, after all. He figured after a bit that it was as perfect as it was ever gonna be, which meant not ideal in the slightest. "It's cool. I've probably got some replacement strings about here somewhere I can dig out later. We're good for now." Grinning, Eddie stood and crouched in front of the kid. He slid the strap around her, adjusting it to her slighter frame. "Bitchin!" he said, imitating their mutual psychic friend. "Now you're ready to rock out with your---nevermind. We're gonna rock it, Mad Max."
As he sat back down, he started to get that feeling. "Black Sabbath's Iron Man is pretty piss easy to learn. Smart girl like you will be smashing it before you know it." He felt alive, almost happy even, and it showed in the dimples of his smile.
"Oh yeah, got this for ya!" Eddie suddenly produced a marbled lilac-coloured plectrum from his jeans pocket and placed it in her hand. "Hope you like it." Nerves prickled at him just for a moment. What if she didn't like it? Before settling on that one, he'd stared at the variety for what felt like hours. Eddie laughed the anxiety away, silently praying he'd done well. "Uhh...anyway, yeah. We're gonna start with an E chord. Then we'll go into the main riff B5, D5, E5, G5, D5, E5. Can you remember that?" He knew she could. Max was far more impressive at her age than he'd ever been.
It took a couple of practice runs for them to surpass the intro and main riff and then the first verse. But she'd destroyed it as expected, far quicker than his expectations. "Shit! You're killing it, Maximus." With an animated tone, he clapped her over the back and swung for a high-five. "Those boys are not gonna know what hit em' once we're done." Jamming out with Max under the sunset sky, it was a good day. One where he didn't feel pathetic or useless. Hell, he even felt his actions made a difference in some other unfortunate soul's life. Wasn't that a first? Making that firestorm smile, her icy glare melted into awe and wonder at her blossoming skill. It would be a moment he never forgot. Now Max knew the power of music too. He hoped it took her through the dark too.
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hubba1892 · 7 months
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Was ihr nicht seht (2023) | Then and now
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janiedean · 1 month
if that tumblr post with fucking licia ronzulli and her daughter is still going around someone inform people that she just said on tv that bodycams on cops at the end of it most likely show more abuse towards cops than abuse they actually dish maybe that'd get them to stop sharing that monstrosity
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I both love, and fear my mutuals
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dove-da-birb · 10 months
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*scrolling through tumblr* [I'm not drawing the zebra print that's on my shirt each time]
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*sees halloween rook*
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*simp/crisis mode engaged*
Bonus internal reaction;
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I have no fucking gems *internal québécois français screaming*
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maxsix · 1 year
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slashingdisneypasta · 29 days
I'm watching Pawnstars and they have one of Harry Houdini's straight jackets.
That's the first thing that's really excited me. That's actually so damn cool. Oh my goodness. This is something I'd geek out over XDD
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leatherbookmark · 10 months
luv that person for pointing out nhs had a "cultural obligation" to avenge his family BUT ALSO thinking nmj wouldn't be ashamed of nhs for *squints* ruining the sect's good name, being known as the useless sect leader who doesn't know shit and doesn't help at all, using scary gossip to keep people away from their saber tombs instead of building actual working defenses, blackmailing, using teenagers as bait, cozying up to jgy for over a decade while secretly plotting his downfall, paying off the witnesses, carelessly allowing collateral damage, and finally, last but not least, finishing his revenge not by killing jgy in the exact same way he killed nmj, not looking him in his face and stabbing him in the heart with a saber, but manipulating l fucking xc to attack a defenseless, injured jgy in presumed self-defense. lol
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shslpunkartist99 · 8 months
#.... I wanna make a new Punk #but idk who #the Quad are like.. the MAIN characters yknow
How about Punk Himbo Keith? /JJJJJJJ
Okay for real here, how about Nene, Darnell, Barry, Morgana, Willow, Gold, Xeno, or Olivia for the new Punk there? =D
Sorry Shades, Himbo Keith has become part of me now /jk
Mmm... none of em really click. Except for maybe Olivia. But that's probably because she's really cute
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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just a tl of gijirenai (make-believe love affair) that’s as questionable as asuna’s own canon love affair~~~ (haseo [derogatory]...)
Why haven’t you replied to my posts?
Why haven’t you liked my posts?
Aren’t we supposed to be lovers? So, why?
I want you to love me every day
I’m keeping a close eye on your account
I’m keeping a close eye on you, who’s in love with me
I’ll be depressed if you set your account to private
And I’ll strangle you if you cheat on me
You’re the only one
Whose love signal I’m on the lookout for
Shall we sneakily move in close enough to take in each other’s scents?
My sweetie pie
事務所が許してくれないの… (えーん)
いつかパパに紹介したい (パパー)
見た目?年も関係ない (ないない)
You, my fan, are the one I love the most ♡
You actually really wanna kiss me, don’t you…? (Kiss~)
I don’t know your name, but I’m in love with you ♡
But my agency won’t approve of my feelings… (Ehh)
I wanna introduce you to my dad someday (Hey, Dad)
Hm? Your looks? Your age doesn’t matter either (Not at all)
There aren’t any problems as long as we’re having fun
I’m an idol who brings happiness to you
配信は全部見て (愛で)
スカートの中見ないで (エッチ)
盗聴盗撮最低 (最低)
Be sure to watch everything on my livestreams (And love me)
But looking up my skirt is not allowed (You perv)
You’d be the worst if you wiretapped or snuck pictures of me (The worst)
Let me love you every day
What’s with this condescending lecture about my health?
Just how do you think this co-dependence is working out for us, sweetie pie?
You should be free to love as you wish
But mind your manners, got it?
法律が許してくれないの… (えーん)
いつかママに紹介したい (ママー)
仕事?年収関係ない (ないない)
You, my fan, are the one I love the most ♡
You actually really wanna hug me, don’t you…? (Hug~)
I wanna get married to you “too”
But the law won’t permit me to… (Ehh)
I wanna introduce you to my mom someday (Hey, Mom)
Hm? Your job? Your salary doesn’t matter either (Not at all)
There aren’t any problems as long as we’re having fun
I’m an idol who brings happiness to you
I’m the only one who knows
About the love signal you give off
Shall we sneakily move in close enough to take in each other’s scents?
My sweetie pie
Don’t look at other peoples’ replies!!
You can’t open Pandora’s box, can you?
Otherwise the magic spell will disappear
But, rather than worry about that, let’s have some fun
事務所が許してくれないの… (えーん)
いつかパパに紹介したい (パパー)
見た目?年も関係ない (ないない)
You, my fan, are the one I love the most ♡
You actually really wanna kiss me, don’t you…? (Kiss~)
I don’t know your name, but I’m in love with you ♡
But my agency won’t approve of my feelings… (Ehh)
I wanna introduce you to my dad someday (Hey, Dad)
Hm? Your looks? Your age doesn’t matter either (Not at all)
There aren’t any problems as long as we’re having fun
I’m an idol who brings happiness to you
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polaroidcats · 10 months
I just wrote a very long rant and deleted it again but!! if any of you EVER have even a tiny bit of imposter syndrome when it comes to academic writing I am very happy to inform you that you absolutely do not need any of that, because as I've witnessed countless times by now, even some professors (especially professors) do not know how to use citation software but will also refuse to put any bibliographic information into the WIP document, and instead rely on their asistant's psychic powers to figure out what needs to go into the bibliography of their texts.
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tophatandboots · 11 months
I haven't walked eleven whole kilometers since.... Since the medieval fantasy festival last year, I think, and that was before I hit rock bottom health wise.
My joint pain may be inevitable but I'm rebuilding my muscle strength and stamina, baybeeeeeeeee
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gottagobuycheese · 2 years
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“[Both Hades and I do not wish for you to end up as the 'King of the Underworld'. We also do not wish for you to be bound to us, and do not wish for the lives we've lived, our history, to become the rules that you must abide by. No, all you need to do is to advance forward towards the end of all scenarios, like you've been doing all along.]
"But, I… I am the Underworld's…"
[You're our son. That is all that matters.]”
never going to be over this part tbh
[ID: a digital piece of fanart depicting Kim Dokja and Persephone from Omniscient Reader by Sing-Shong. Persephone appears undisguised as she kneels before the smaller Kim Dokja, with deep brown skin and dark curly hair embedded with tiny stars. She wears a light green dress and has a gentle, loving smile on her face as she lightly brushes his hair behind his ear, thumbing away the wetness on his cheek even as her own tears threaten to spill over. Gold bracelets encircle her wrist and bicep, and part of her hair is tied back with several bright pink roses. Kim Dokja, dressed in his signature white coat and black shirt and pants, stares up at her with wide, wet eyes, moved beyond words by a kindness he cannot repay. /end ID]
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haunted-jackalope · 4 months
in an attempt to not use gendered terminology as much (dude/sis/bro/etc), my brain has defaulted to "friend", which does get around the "possibly misgendering strangers" thing but Does Not get around the "coming off incredibly condescending" issue 💀 it is objectively even more condescending. why am I like this
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mesanthropi · 7 months
mitski's so right, evgerything else has a price but some things are truly mine (but love also has a cost, so in a way, she's so wrong)
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 7 months
"and there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear. Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?" or "You're beautiful, every little piece, love and don't you know you're really gonna be someone" for the Taylor Swift lyrics game
You're beautiful
Every little piece, love
Don't you know
You're really gonna be someone
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