#I’ve tried. everything that is less than $15 in the drugstore
flashhwing · 5 months
a little bit mad that the Expensive Korean Skincare Product I purchased on a whim is actually making my skin noticeably clearer. me insisting for years that skincare is a sham and cheap facewash and moisturizer is all you need and now look at me. it comes with a tiny little shovel to scoop out the correct amount. I feel like an annoying YouTuber every time I wash my face. my face which has never felt better because of this stupid Expensive Korean Skincare Product
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gleekto · 3 years
Fic: Unsolicited Advice (17/?)
Summary: Blaine and Kurt are 22 and living in New York City. Blaine is in a stale relationship. Kurt likes to have his bachelor fun. They haven’t met yet.
Just your standard coffee shop meet cute…but in a drugstore, in the condom aisle.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16
Unsolicited Advice - Part 17 - Remarkable (Kurt POV)
The sex was amazing. 
Kurt is back at home, lying on his own bed and staring at the ceiling trying to put a square peg in a round hole. No pun intended. That was not casual sex, though Blaine clearly thought it was.  He does consider himself somewhat of an expert on “the scene”, casual sex included, and last night’s events just don’t tick the boxes.  Too built up. Too deliberate. Too connected. Really just too good.
Blaine was a self-described relationship guy, had been in a relationship for a long time, and Kurt gets it - the sex got boring. They didn’t even try the better condoms after Blaine bothered to buy them, I mean honestly. Kurt imagines that stale relationship sex may be less exciting than casual sex, so he can see where the confusion might lie. But casual sex is not as good as that was. 
Or maybe he’s deluding himself and this is all just his own wishful thinking. The poetic justice is remarkable, really - NYADA’s most non-commital bachelor falls for the stable commitment guy who discovers the joys of casual sex. 
From the day he accidentally met Blaine, he knew there was a spark between them. And the fact that Blaine was taken just made him more tempting. Both more desirable and safely unattainable. He could flirt with Blaine, talk to Blaine, become friends with Blaine - He couldn’t have him, anyways. No risk of feelings getting in the way. Which Kurt should have realized might  lead him here - to feelings (ugh) all mixed up with actual sex. Damn it. And it really does not help that the sex was completely electric.
They were shirtless before they even made it to Blaine’s bedroom. Whatever hesitancy Kurt had felt at the club, unsure what newly single Blaine wanted, was now gone, weeks of bottled desire now bubbling up and over and spilling everywhere. “You know I’ve wanted this since that night you revealed your terrible taste in condoms,” Kurt said as he unbuttoned Blaine’s too tight jeans.
“I know,” Blaine dismissed, pulling down Kurt’s pants and briefs in one motion. “But you don’t know that so have I.” Of course Kurt knew.
“You were taken.”
“I’m not anymore.” Small blessings.
“I felt it,” Kurt breathed into his neck as they lay down naked and started to explore, hands pulling each other closer.
“I’m going to make sure you feel it now.” Blaine’s deliberately cocky sexuality should not be such a turn on, but his body responds.
“Fuck me,” Kurt whispered in his ear. 
Kurt may be a practiced lover, skilled in all the details, but he’s learned not to reveal too much during sex. A top who knows how to have fun - seek pleasure, give pleasure, but on his own terms. Not tonight. 
Blaine was completely in it, paying attention to everything, making sure Kurt knew who was with him. “You’re a bottom,” Blaine said plainly as Kurt pushed up on to his hand, uninhibited. Maybe more than he wanted to be. “I’m surprised.”
“Only rarely,” Kurt panted, focused on Blaine’s eyes. “I want you to fuck me.”
“I will,” Blaine said, grabbing the still unopened box of Kurt’s favourite condoms.
“You got them,” Kurt nodded at the box, eyes amused if distracted by Blaine’s fingers working inside him. “Unopened?”
“I gave him the other ones. Maybe I was saving these,” Blaine confessed looking down sheepishly.
“The best.”
“I plan to be.” Kurt rolls his eyes at the ego but he was totally falling for it. Kurt lifted his knees, held them so he was open, and watched Blaine staring at his body in amazement until Blaine pushed in hard and let out a low long moan. Kurt scrunched his eyes shut and tried to match the sound.
Blaine put his own hands behind Kurt’s knees, held them up and open as he pushed in and in again. Faster then slow again to make it last. Kurt watched Blaine up on his knees, perfect tight body strong and working as Kurt  lifted up to meet him, trying to get as close as possible. They start grunting in rhythm, sweat beading down Blaine’s chest.
Blaine grabbed Kurt’s cock when he knew he was close. “Come with me,” he panted. “Together.”
As Blaine pushed into him and came, Kurt screamed. Loudly. He’s not sure he’s done something so shameless before.  He came all over both of them as Blaine collapsed on him, pushing in as far as he could.
Blaine closed his eyes and put his head on Kurt’s chest, unbothered by the mess. Kurt could hear both their hearts beating.  Blaine rolled off slowly, grabbing the tissues and passing the box to Kurt. A gentleman.
“Huh.” Blaine said nodding to himself. Kurt could see he was reeling. So was Kurt.
“That was-” Kurt stopped and bit his lower lip.
“Yeah,” Blaine breathed. “Amazing.”
“Totally amazing.” Maybe the best sex he’d ever had but he was most definitely not saying that out loud. “Wow. For a boring relationship guy, you’ve got game,” He said instead. Almost the same thing.
“I said I was a relationship guy, not a prude,” Blaine elbowed him. Maybe deserved.
“Touche,” Kurt said. “But you’ve got this whole wholesome grandpa thing going on. It belies your true colours.” Blaine elbowed him again. Fair.
“I do not,” Blaine insisted. “I appreciate a classic style with a bit of old school flare, but also a butt in tight jeans.” 
“Oooh so subversive,” Kurt teased and scooched closer to him on the bed. “I like it.”
“I feel amazing,” Blaine said and bit Kurt’s shoulder playfully. Kurt batted him away.
“Me too,” Kurt agreed. 
They looked at each other. Kurt felt like he could laugh or cry or something. He really had no idea what to say or do so he just lay there, smiling a dumb, satisfied smile.
Blaine, though, apparently did know what he wanted to say.  “I think I could get used to this casual sex thing after all.” 
Painful poetic justice. Remarkable, really.
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shanastoryteller · 5 years
reblog with your skincare routine if you’ve stuck with it for a while ... i’m curious 
like, for example, i have normal to oily skin and adult acne. the prices for all these are from target
in the morning i wash my face with biore pore unclogging scrub. i know people say not to use a scrub every day but i haven’t had a problem with it, and it feels really great when waking up in the morning. it’s $5.99 for 5 oz 
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then i put on cetaphil face moisturizer with spf 15. this is HUGE for my skin and acne. the rest of the products i use help and make my skin feel nice and i truly think they make a difference. but nothing fucks up my skin like not moisturizing it, or trying to cheat by using body moisturizer when i’ve run out of the face stuff. i’ve tried using their anti acne face moisturizer, but for me that one was actually way worse, possibly because i was combining it with a couple other anti acne products. it was still a great moisturizer, and i finished the bottle but i did not repurchase.  it’s on the pricier end of things i buy, but so worth it for me. $16.99 for 4 oz
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then on goes the primer and all my other makeup. 
at night i wash off my make up with the soap and glory peaches and clean deep cleansing milk. on the bottle it says it melts makeup away, and it’s not joking, it gets everything but the most stubborn bits of my eye makeup. it also smells amazing and my skin feels softer after. the only annoying thing is the last 10th of the bottle is always impossible to get out, and i end up just tossing it and buying a new bottle rather than struggling. $10.99 for 11.8 oz
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then to get the last bits of my makeup and anything else the cleanser may have missed, i use dr. thayer’s witch hazel toner in rose petal. full discloser, i only tried it because it kept popping up on buzzfeed, and before i tried it i’d been using the giant bottles of witch hazel that target sells for literally $2 for years. it does exactly the same thing. but i like the scent and the feeling of it on my skin and the bottle and it lasts forever (i’ve only repurchased once and i’ve been using it for nearly a year), so i use it. but you can absolutely get the same benefit by just using straight up witch hazel as a toner, and it’s cheap as hell. this is $9.29 for 12 oz.
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then i use taget’s generic benxoyl peroxidie gel. i don’t use this one super consistently, i use it more as a spot treatment than a preventative measure out of laziness, although i’ve noticed the times i do manage to use it consistently, my skin has looked amazing. the only caveat is it does make your skin more sensitive to the sun. i haven’t had an issue because my makeup and moisturizer has spf in it, and i work indoors, but it’s something to keep in mind. it’s $3.49 for 1 oz. 
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the moisturizer again, then finally i use vasaline lip therapy on my lips right before going to sleep. it’s amazing and keeps my lips super soft. it’s $1.99 for .25 oz
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okay this post got long, but you get the idea. 
is this more or less products than you use? are we all out here living our drugstore lives or have you found some expensive stuff that’s worth it? (no shade my blush costs $30)
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zwiezraczek · 4 years
Hello hun:) if you’re still taking requests can I pls have 1, 6, 9 &15 she/her with benny?💕 love you!
Sweet Baby [Blurb]
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1 “You don’t need nobody else, but me” 6 “I like good things in life, darling” 9 “You are definitely drunk” 15 “Smile for me, please.”
Note: Hello lovely! 💕 Still taking requests as you can see ~~ I hope you’ll like it 💕
You closed your eyes as the purple lights hit your eyelids. The music pulsed in your head as your boyfriend had his hands on your hips, dancing right behind you. You felt carefree and careless as everything flickered around you, as your head started to move along, as your mind started to drown in all the fun you had. The simple joy of being there, just with him, without anything to prove, without anything to do. His plump lips wandered on your neck, as you smiled a lot, your hands wandering in his blond curls as he gasped while kissing your neck, more and more.
“You don’t need nobody else, but me,” Ben whispered into your ear and all your body quivered. He definitely knew how to make you feel weak with a sound, with a touch, with anything. His words were much more possessive than they used to be, because – even if he denied it and tried to hide it – he was possessive. He couldn’t bear people looking at you, he didn’t want to share. Oh God no he didn’t.
“You’re definitely drunk,” you replied, turning around to face him before your lips reached his cheeks and his collarbone. Another thing you were sure about. He became possessive only while drunk, you experienced it too many times to let it slip right here, right now. He locked your eyes on you, hands dangerously wandering towards your butt before he kissed you. Passionately.
“Don’t tell me you don’t appreciate a tipsy me,” he teased you, his cheeks flushed – you only remarked them now, as the lights became whiter and his face redder.
“I appreciate every Benjamin, and you absolutely know that,” you replied, throwing your head back as he held you behind your back and began to explore your neck again, with his lips, furrowing his face into it as you giggled.
All eyes on both of you. You knew you were both at the center of gossips – and even maybe paparazzi – but at that moment none of you seemed to care. Sober y/n and Ben would handle what tipsy y/n and Ben couldn’t.
What a tipsy you wand Ben couldn’t care less about was the way back home, you holding your heels in your left hand, and Ben’s hand in your right. You threw it up in the air, humming some old song you liked as Ben began to sing along with you. Both of you struggled to walk down the street, still dizzy from alcohol and your heads buzzing from the music in your veins. But nothing stopped Ben from pushing you against the wall, right in front of your flat before kissing you, deeply, drunkenly, lovingly. And you let your shoes fall on the ground, on tip toes as he put your face between his beautiful hands. And only when he pulled back, you could catch some fresh air, inhaling deeply as he panted against your lips.
“I love you,” he whispered into your lips.
“Love you more, Benjamin.”
And when you woke up, naked, under your sheets and next to Ben’s sleeping face covered with sunlight you knew: you were the luckiest woman on Earth.
“I’m definitely sick,” you complained, with your legs crossed as you sat on the couch in front of your television. It had been a few weeks probably. You had some headaches that came and went, and sometimes you could spent the whole day eating nothing. Literally, or almost – you drank water and chewed some white bread.
“You don’t want to see a doctor, darling,” Ben asked, coming out of your room before pecking you quickly.
“No, I’m just tired and that’s not a big deal, I’m sure it’s nothing.” You lied. You felt like shit. You couldn’t take a proper rest, sleeping wasn’t enough and you couldn’t eat. And howcould you forget about the sickness you felt sometimes, randomly? How?
“Call me if anything happens darling,” Ben said to you as he grabbed his jacket before heading towards the door. “Love you!”
“Love you too!”
You refused to worry him more than he already did, but you had doubts about your own body. Happily, today was your day off and you could only courageously go to the drugstore to buy the infamous test. Maybe not that courageously. The test you feared to take, because it meant too much to you. It was too much to handle at that moment, you couldn’t, you weren’t ready.
You sat on the floor, staring blankly at the wall in front of you, your head against your bare knees as you whispered in a mantra for the test to not be positive. You rocked yourself a bit, not looking at the bloody stick next to you. You sighed, you had to look at it eventually. And so you did. Jesus.
You spent the day on the couch, thinking. You couldn’t collect yourself to call him, you couldn’t collect yourself to do anything in fact. You grabbed a bag of chips and you began to binge-eat these, trying to eat away the stress, the hours of wait, everything. But mostly your anxieties.
And then, you heard the lock. You swallowed hard as you curled up a bit more on the couch, making yourself as small as possible.
“Y/N you know I like the good things in life, darling,” he shouted and you could hear him take off his shoes after putting something on the floor. “And I know you do too, so I wanted to treat you with some of these take-out at the restaurant because… What happened,” he asked after the whole monologue. He saw your face, and he couldn’t believe how sad you looked. Maybe not sad, but anxious and full of fear.
“Promise me you won’t be mad,” you whispered, feeling guilty for being the one about to ruin his and probably your life. And your relationship. And everything that made you happy eventually.
“Tell me, darling, you know I can’t be mad at you,” he reassured you, sitting next to you on the couch, his hand resting on your knee.
“I’m pregnant,” you said, after a deep breath.
His mouth went agape. He looked at you for a long moment, not knowing what to say, or what to do. And how much you struggled to know what he thought about what you just said to him. You already had watery eyes, whispering how sorry you were, and how you shouldn’t…
“Darling, don’t you apologize,” he stated before his face lighted up in a second, “we’re going to be parents. We’re going to be parents!” His joy was almost contagious, but you couldn'thelp and felt bad, felt bad for everything and anything. And from your eyes, tears began to fall. “Darling, darling, smile for me, please,” he whispered, before he put a kiss on your cheek, delicately before putting his hands on your cheeks.
“What if I’m not ready,” you whispered back, struggling to smile, “what if I’m ruining your career, what if…”
“You’re ruining nothing, darling. You’re gifting me the best present I could wish for, and we never chose our presents. But yet, this one is the best I’ve ever received.” Now you could smile, knowing he wasn’t mad, knowing you were anxious for the wrong reasons. “I love you, y/n, and I’ll love this little human being we made, and I already do.”
“You stupid,” you whispered, smiling as you closed your eyes, “I was so anxious about you… Leaving me… I didn’t… I love you too Ben.”
“I would never leave you with a part of me like this, darling, never.”
“We’ll call them Sasha,” you stated as you looked at him again, he only laughed a bit.
“What about not thinking about a name for the moment and going to see a doctor as soon as possible,” he asked you, amused by your quick enthusiasm. You nodded.
A Baby Jones in the family.
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emilybmua-blog · 5 years
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Hey everyone! For my first content post I wanted to talk about my holy grail face products. I have numbered each product so that way it’s a lot easier to read each individual product review. I swear my alllllllllll of these products and all of them are definitely worth the splurge, but don’t feel like you have to buy anything, especially the more expensive items. Hope this helps!
1. NYX BB Cream in the shade 02 “Natural” : This product is an amazing, light coverage layer that evens skin tone and provides some coverage! However, the shade range is not great—only 3 (!!!) light colors are offered, which in my opinion is absolutely horrendous. Even though the formula is absolutely stunning, long wearing and affordable, it’s very disappointing that only three skin tones can appreciate how great it is. That being said, if you happen to be one of the lucky 3 (like myself) I do highly recommend this product for all skin types for a light coverage moment like school, work, or even just carving out your brows! ($13)
2. Maybelline Fit Me Loose Powder in shade “Fair Light” : This powder is absolutely amazing. It helps minimize oil and also works with dry skin as well. The shade range is absolutely stunning and provides shades for all skin tones. The powder does not flash back, feels soft and velvety on the skin, and is only $6! I can not recommend a product more, it’s probably my favorite face product I’ve ever purchased. ($6)
3. Makeup Revolution Highlight Palette : I love this palette even though I can only highlight with two of the colors. They are absolutely B-L-I-N-D-I-N-G! The colors will fit so many different skin tones because there are four colors in the palette: a light gold, rose gold, bronze, and dark bronze. The ones you can’t highlight with you can use as eyeshadows or inner corner highlights to get your money’s worth. The price is right too! ($15)
4. Elf Cream Blush : To be honest, I have only used this product one time so far (because I bought it yesterday LOL) but I can already tell this blush is everything I’ve been looking for. All the blushes I’ve tried emphasize my pores or are too light, so I picked this one up from Ulta for $4 during a “why not?” moment. Let me tell you though, this cream blush lasted with the same color payoff for SEVEN hours. Seriously. After seven hours it still looked like I had just applied it. Not to mention, but I actually applied the cream blush OVER my powder and it looked stunning, I can only imagine what it will look like under it! Don’t be scared of cream blush, especially not this one. I highly recommend! ($4)
5. Elf Clear Brow Gel & Mascara : Girllllll this stuff is so BOMB! You simply run it through your brows and they keep them in place all day long. When I first purchased it I was worried that I wouldn’t use the mascara side because I’m not one for clear mascara. However, I discovered that you don’t need to use the clear mascara as MASCARA, you can use it as brow gel once the clear brow gel runs out. I bought it at CVS but they also sell it at Target, Rite Aid, and so many more drugstores for less than $5! ($2)
6. NYX Micro Brow Pencil in shade “Chocolate” : I have literally been using this brow pencil since almost day one (2017) and it’s really the best. I love it better than any gel, pomade, or any other pencil I’ve tried—and I’ve had my fair share of trials and errors when it comes to brows. They have so many beautiful shades for all skin tones and brow colors (“Chocolate” is my absolute dead-on match) and the way the pencil is designed allows for you to get the perfect shape super easily. There is a great amount of product and it comes with a spoolie on the end too, an added bonus! ($10)
7. NYX Born to Glow highlighter : I picked up this highlighter close to a year ago because I saw it at Ulta and I thought it “looked pretty.” Who knew a year later I would hit pan and use it every day? Not me! This highlighter is absolutely stunning and blinding, but it doesn’t have to be if you don’t want it to be. It is very powdery though—make sure you do your makeup BEFORE you get dressed, or else you’ll be covered in gold powder. ($10)
8. Maybelline Age Rewind Concealer in shade “Fair” : This is another product that I’ve only used once but one time was enough to make a proper judgement. Although I kinda hate the applicator, the product inside is worth the purchase. The concealer is beautiful and medium coverage and works super well with the Fit Me powder. I recommend this product so much! ($9)
9. Catrice Liquid Camouflage Concealer in shade “Porcelain” : THIS CONCEALER IS A GIFT FROM GOD. Talk about full-coverage, this concealer will cover up anything you don’t want. It blends out beautifully and works well with the Fit Me powder. However, talk about terrible shade ranges: this product has THE WORST shade range I’ve ever seen. From what I’ve seen, they have white, whiter, and whitest. Literally 3 shades. That’s it. That is absolutely unacceptable. I actually have started to try to branch out to newer concealers because I don’t want to support a brand (Catrice) that puts no effort into making products for people of color. However, I couldn’t not put it in this post because it really is a beautiful product. If shade ranges aren’t a priority to you and you are one of the lucky 3, I do recommend the formula of this product. ($6)
10. Physicians Formula Butter Bronzer : This product has changed my life! Not only does it make your skin look super beautiful and bronzed, but it is soft to the touch and smells AMAZING. I know when compared to the prices of other drugstore bronzers this product is relatively expensive but it is worth every penny. It works for so many skin tones (from light - medium) but it unfortunately wouldn’t work for those in the deep or rich category. However, if you can use it, you should use it! ($15)
11. Too Faced Born This Way Foundation in shade “Nude” : This foundation was the first luxury product that I purchased with my own hard earned money and it truly changed my life. It’s marketed towards dry-combo skin, but I have both oily and dry patches and this foundation makes me feel so beautiful and my skin feel hydrated but also covered. If you are looking for a BOMB foundation to splurge on this is the one for you. However, there are alternate cheaper options, and don’t feel like you NEED to buy it. ($39)
12. Ulta Beauty Face Primer : This primer is my favorite one I’ve ever tried. It is straight silicon so if you’re skin is sensitive/ you have an allergy I would stay away from this product. However, if you don’t have any sensitivities or allergies, this product works wonders mattifying without drying, blurring without causing acne, and allowing the skin to have a beautiful and soft appearance and touch. It is a great product, but it’s almost never in stock in stores, so make sure to get your hands on it if you see it! ($18)
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rongasm · 7 years
Hi friends! A while ago I answered an ask and made this post about my makeup routine because I have oily af skin and very red, pigmented skin from terrible acne scarring, and I really struggle with it. At the time these were my go-to products, but I’ve upped my game a little bit (and infallible changed their formula... boooo) so I thought I would update you on my makeup routine. These will not be all drugstore brands. If you want my drugstore advice, go to the post I linked above. 
The order of my routine has also changed over time because I’m spending more money on products. This is for beginners in makeup who probably wouldn’t know as much as someone who spends a lot of time on youtube (god knows I don’t) so it’s probably gonna be pretty basic. 
Basically, if you’re like me and you don’t have an older sister giving you advice on makeup, this is for you! 
Step one: Moisturizer! 
So, it turns out your makeup stays on way better when you put moisturizer on first. Your skin, when it’s oily like mine (ours) gets unbalanced and the oils are in different places, causing some of your makeup to stay on, and some to slide off. I’ve been using Caudalie Vinosource Moisturizing Sorbet, which I really like because it soothes the redness of my skin from my acne scars. When you’re using your fingers, start around your nose (the more oily place, basically) and brush out with the pads of your fingers. I don’t know why this works better, but it does. 
Step two: Primer!
There’s a lot that you can use for primers, I personally don’t stick to one. For acne scarring and redness, I would try smashbox photo finish-- the green one. It helps with pigmentation. I also really like the Milk blur stick and I still adore the Rimmel London Stay Matte primer. I’ve found that the primers with the stickier consistencies work better for me. 
Step three: Take a break.
I recently realized that my makeup lasts about 85 times longer when I do my eye makeup after I do my primer and moisturizer. Tangent: My eyelashes never, ever curl, so I’ve been using Covergirl the Supersizer Waterproof Mascara lately. It is literally the only mascara in the universe that will get my lashes to stay up. However, I don’t love the way it kinda thins my lashes out, so I’ve been trying to come up with a routine where I combine it with Lash Paradise (a Better Than Sex Mascara dupe) to create a thicker, more dramatic look. Everyone’s been raving about Lash Paradise, for the record. When I went to Ulta to grab it, there were literally only two left. Unfortunately, it doesn’t hold my curl, so that makes me sad. 
Step four: Foundation!
I tried to fight it. I tried to deny it. Kat Von D’s Lock-It foundation.... you’re undeniable. It’s the best color match of my life-- usually makeup professionals white-wash me; I have this olive-y Jewish skin that’s pretty pale, but it’s not, like, pale-pale. This foundation actually matches it and it makes me g l o w. It stays on 6-ever. I take my wet beauty blender (it goes on better when it’s wetter and you use less product, which means the product lasts longer and you don’t have to buy it again sooner) and put little dots on my face. Then I blend all the dots together. I use light, blotty strokes, except for where I press harder, which is in areas that are super red for me-- above the eyebrows, above the upper lip, especially. I either do one and a half pumps, one layer, or two pumps with two layers, depending on how thick I want it. And. It. WORKS! (This has become a lot of oily skinned people’s holy grail foundation. It is #blessed.) 
Step five: Concealer!
I’d been using Mac’s pro-longwear concealer since high school, and I really liked it. I know it oxidizes weird on some people’s skin, but it worked fine with me. However, when I switched to Lock-It, I also happened to be running out of concealer, so instead of hopping from Sephora to Macy’s to grab my usual Mac go-to, I just snatched up the Lock-It concealer that matched my color. I really like it because instead of a pump like the Mac pro-longwear, it comes with a little stick, like a liquid lipstick. You can use that stick to apply very little or alot, and it saves product and is very precise. I tuck it onto any really bad acne spots (it doesn’t really help with the pockmarks I have above my left eyebrow, but nothing does), then I put it on top of my nose, in the side creases of my nose, the creases of my smile lines (they always lose makeup first and it’s like a weird red wrinkle), the crease of my chin, and a little V under my eye. Then I blend together with the smaller end of my beauty blender. The nose doesn’t last forever, but this is far better than any other makeup I’ve used so far, when it comes to makeup sliding off. 
Step six: Setting Powder!
I rarely experiment with powder. What I’ll suggest is to get a really, really big powder brush but then don’t brush it on-- kinda blot it on obnoxiously. Like, pat pat pat with the brush. This seems to work better for me. For oily skin, I would still suggest Rimmel London translucent stay-matte setting power. It’s my go-to drugstore brand, but, like I said, I don’t really experiment much here. However, I doubt it’s the end-all-be-all for powder, so here’s a link for best setting powders at various price ranges. Many people swear by Laura Mercier, Make Up For Ever, and L'oreal Paris, which all come in at different prices. Experimenting here is my September makeup goal.  
Step seven: Setting spray!
This is a must for anyone with oily skin. Sorry, girls, but we gotta do it. Last time I made this post, I was swearing by Model In A Bottle, which is okay, but I’ve come to realize that it’s not the best. The best of the best is Make Up For Ever Mist & Fix Setting Spray. It is everything to me. I don’t love the way Lock-It smells, and then I spray the Mist & Fix over it and I’m like “wow I smell delicious.” I had to go to multiple Sephoras to get it because it is always sold out. But I am officially Make Up For Ever’s bitch. 
Step eight: Skincare!
Okay, I know. This is the most boring part ever. But let’s talk skin care for people with oily, sensitive, or red-prone skin. Hi, friends. I am all of you. 
Here’s what I’m using right now: 
Boscia Makeup-Breakup Cool Cleansing Oil
You put it on your skin and it takes off all your makeup, then you splash water on it and it becomes a cleanser. If you put it on your eyes and scrub, yes, it will take off even the toughest mascaras. 
Ren Evercalm Cleansing Milk
Daily, just a gentle cleanser. 
Ren Evercalm Ultra Comforting Rescue Mask
A few times a week, 10 to 15 mins. Or use it when your face is a total disaster, like post-period, if you’re a person who gets a period. 
Ole Henriksen Balancing Force Oil Control Toner 
Daily, toner that tackles discoloration and oily skin
Neogen Dermalogy Bio-Peel Gauze Peeling - Lemon
Little double sides cleansing pads, two or three times a week. There’s a soft side and an exfoliating side. The lemon juice is meant to lighten, brighten, and even out the skin. Then you wash it off and put your toner over it to complete your evening routine!
Now let’s talk about the elephant in the room: Money. I know this sounds really, really expensive... and it is. But don’t forget that these are not products that I buy each and every month. They last. I buy products in waves-- so I’m replenishing things probably once a month, but not the same things. I’ve been using my moisturizer, my makeup-breakup cleansing oil, and my bio-peel gauze since late-May and I haven’t had to replace them yet. The powder lasts 5ever. I’ve been using Lock-It for a month and I’m not even close to having to replace it. It’ll probably last me another month, if not longer, because I’m not even halfway through the bottle yet. The Make Up For Ever Mist & Fix will last me even longer-- the bottle is huge and it doesn’t go fast, which is why it’s pricier. 
Which is simply to say..... prioritize. You don’t have to spend all this money at once. God knows I wouldn’t. For me, the foundation, concealer, and setting spray are the three most important things. If you go to sephora, they’ll tell you that the skin care stuff is what you need to get your hands on first. As for primers, Rimmel London is drugstore and has never failed me, I buy cheap-ass blush and highlighter, you could probably get a temp-moisturizer and wait to get a more expensive one. If you were to go to Sephora or Ulta and tell them your price range for a certain item, someone would be able to help you find what you’re looking for. There’s a wide range of prices for makeup. Ulta is drugstore-to-middle and Sephora is middle-to-high-end, product-wise
Plus, these products are sometimes less money in other places. Check Ulta, Sephora, Amazon, Target, and CVS before buying a product. The higher-end stuff, you won’t find at Target or CVS, and there’s some stuff that’s a little more exclusive to Sephora so you won’t even be able to find it at Ulta, but basically all of these products can be found on Amazon (sometimes more expensive, sometimes less) and a bunch can be found in drugstores. Shop around for the best price! Sometimes the price difference is actually really big.
And don’t forget, everyone’s skin is different. There are products that might work for me that might not work for you and vice versa. Everybody’s skin has different quirks and evilness. Figure out how to take care of yours if it’s something you care about. Good luck, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask! Okay, I have officially older-sistered you. 
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dawnasiler · 5 years
Sephora’s Holiday VIB Sale Is Back: Here Are the Best Clean Beauty Products, Tools and Gift Sets to Buy Now
No need to wait until Black Friday to score a deal on your favourite beauty products. Sephora is kicking off sale season early this year, with its annual holiday shopping event!
It all starts November 1st, when nearly everything in the store will be marked down for 11 magical days.
And how much can you save? Depending on your status in Sephora's rewards program, you can access a discount of up to 20 percent off! 
Read on for all the details—and most importantly, the best products worth buying.
How to Shop the Sephora Holiday VIB Sale
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Sephora VIB sale picks from Dr Roebuck's, REN, Caudalie, Herbivore, Omorovicza, Volition, Indie Lee, Ole Henriksen and Glow Recipe.
As usual, Sephora is offering a tiered discount, giving the biggest savings plus early access to its best customers. Here are the discounts, key dates, promo codes and exclusions:
20% off for Rouge Members
Shop between November 1st-11th
Use the code HOLIDAYSAVE
Offer is for unlimited use
15% off for VIB Members
Shop between November 7th-11th
Use the code HOLIDAYSAVE
Offer is for unlimited use
10% off for Beauty Insiders
Shop between November 7th-11th
Use the code HOLIDAYSAVE
Offer is for unlimited use
Not a member? Sign up here to become a Beauty Insider (it's free!)
Restrictions and Exclusions
Now, on top my top picks!
Editor’s Picks: Makeup Removers, Cleansers and Toners
Makeup removers: For a clean alternative to drugstore micellar water, I love BIOeffect and Caudalie. They're both super gentle, but still highly effective. Tarte also has a new clean formula that's on my list!
Gel cleansers: The gel cleanser from Indie Lee is my favourite, suitable for all but the driest skin. You also can't go wrong with Youth to the People or Drunk Elephant. If you're oily, check out the new one from Caudalie.
Foaming cleansers: If you splurge on one cleanser, make it Omorovicza's. Even though it foams, it's non-drying and oh so luxurious. I also recommend the foaming cleansers from Caudalie, Dr Roebuck's, Consonant and Go-To.
Cream cleansers: For a creamy, nourishing cleanse, Dr Roebuck's, Naturally Serious, Omorovicza and Kora Organics are your best bets. 
Face wipes: Both Kopari and RMS Beauty make coconut oil-based wipes that are great for taking off makeup. For on-the-go, Consonant's wipes are super refreshing and feel great on the skin. 
Toners: Indie Lee and First Aid Beauty are good hydrating toners, while Herbivore and Caudalie are more astringent.
Editor’s Picks: Exfoliators 
AHA exfoliators: Lactic acid is my AHA of choice, so I'd go for one of the options from Go-To, Sephora Collection, Peter Thomas Roth or The Inkey List. For a slightly stronger exfoliation, I also like the combo lactic and glycolic acid formulas from Youth to the People and First Aid Beauty.
BHA exfoliators: That said, I will always prefer BHAs because they not only exfoliate the skin surface, but also clean your pores. Try First Aid Beauty, The Inkey List, Caudalie, Dermalogica or Juice Beauty.
AHA-BHA exfoliators: Can't decide? There are also AHA-BHA blends from Herbivore (which was recently reformulated), Sephora Collection, Tarte, Omorovicza, Moon Juice, Tata Harper and Dr. Dennis Gross. 
Best powder exfoliators: If you can't tolerate acids, consider the exfoliators from Tatcha and Dermalogica, which use enzymes to gently dissolve dead skin.
Editor’s Picks: Mists, Essences and Serums
Mists: Some new mists that should be on your radar are Tower 28, Skinfix and Youth to the People, which are all hydrating and calming for sensitive skin. I've also been loving the Tatcha and BIOeffect mists, which absorb oil and mattify the skin. Plus, I always recommend Caudalie, Dr Roebuck's, Tata Harper and Herbivore (which was just reformulated).
Essences: When it comes to essences, SK-II was the original and in my opinion, it's still the best. However, it's pricey, so try Tatcha's instead if you are on a budget.
Serums: Everyone needs a hydrating serum (or two) in their skincare wardrobe, whether to wear alone under sunscreen or layered under creams and oils. My top picks include Indie Lee, Caudalie, StackedSkincare, Drunk Elephant, Dr Roebuck's, Moon Juice and Consonant. Or, if you have a big serum budget, Dr. Barbara Sturm!
Editor’s Picks: Moisturizers, Eye Creams and Face Oils
Moisturizers: If you like a lightweight cream or gel-cream, give the formulas from Dr Roebuck's, Tata Harper or Volition a go. If you want something more nourishing, I'm a huge fan of LXMI and the other two creams from Dr Roebuck's (No Worries and Nuddy).
Eye creams: As someone with a very sensitive eye area, I've had success with the eye treatments from Indie Lee, Caudalie, Dr Roebuck's and Drunk Elephant. Also check out the new eye creams from Tatcha and Biossance.
Face oils: It's no secret that I'm a fan of squalane oil, so Indie Lee, Biossance and The Inkey List are all great investments. But lately, I've been using the Kopari coconut oil instead and loving it. (And no, it doesn't break me out, even though I'm acne-prone!) For an oil blend, Herbivore (both Lapis and Orchid) are lovely. If your skin is dry and non-acne-prone, you might like Drunk Elephant's marula oil.
Editor’s Picks: Sunscreens
Face sunscreens: As you know, I'm all about high-protection mineral sunscreen, and I have a new love: REN! If you find most SPFs too greasy and heavy, I'd highly recommend giving it a try. My other picks in the store are from Drunk Elephant (both Umbra Sheer and Umbra Tinte) and Juice Beauty. The new Naturally Serious tinted sunscreen is also worth a look.
Body sunscreens: For body, I love Juice Beauty because it's silicone-free, but you can also get good protection from Supergoop! and Shiseido.
Powder sunscreens: I wouldn't use powder sunscreen as your only sunscreen—rather, I suggest keeping it in your handbag as a top-up. It goes on right over your makeup, and you'll never be without SPF! The best ones are from Supergoop!, ILIA, Peter Thomas Roth and Tarte.
Editor’s Picks: Skincare Treatments
Vitamin C: The most potent form of vitamin C is L-ascorbic acid, which you can find in Drunk Elephant's cult favourite serum. Personally, I prefer vitamin C derivatives, which have a longer shelf life. You can find them from Omorovicza, Summer Fridays, Kora Organics, Youth to the People, Skin Inc Supplement Bar, Tatcha and Farmacy.
Retinol: The strongest retinoid in the store is from Drunk Elephant, which has a full one percent retinol. There's also Alpha-H and Glow Recipe (although they don't disclose the concentration). If you're super sensitive, The Inkey List is the mildest option.
Niacinamide: There's one active ingredient that treats a wide range of skincare concerns and is well tolerated by everyone: niacinamide. Find it in the serums from The Inkey List, Alpha-H and Skin Inc Supplement Bar.
Copper peptides: Believe it or not, copper peptides are on par with retinoids for treating the signs of aging. You can find them in the new serum from Dr Roebuck's.
Bakuchiol: Another exciting retinoid alternative is bakuchiol, available in serums from Herbivore and The Inkey List. One study found that bakuchiol was comparable to a mild retinol for treating wrinkling and pigmentation.
Editor’s Picks: Face Masks and Sheet Masks
Clay masks: The best clay mask is from Indie Lee—it's a lifesaver whenever your skin is broken out, irritated or just in need of a pick-me-up. I've also got my eye on the one from Omorovicza.
Exfoliating masks: My top pick for brightening is the BHA-based Tata Harper mask. However, Herbivore (both Blue Tansy and Brighten) and Omorovicza also get the job done well. Or, try the new Ole Henriksen mask with PHAs, which are like AHAs but milder.
Hydrating masks: I love the jelly-like Dr Roebuck's mask for non-greasy hydration. If you prefer a creamier texture, go for Naturally Serious or Lano.
Sheet masks: Of all the sheet masks I've tried over the years, I still love SK-II's the best. However, I'd also try Go-To, which has better ingredients than most.
Editor’s Picks: High Tech Tools
Cleansing brushes: I swear by the Foreo cleansing brush for getting your skin super soft and clean without irritation. (And it won't harbour nasty bacteria.) PMD makes a device that sounds very similar, although I haven't tried it yet.
Microneedling: It's safe to do microneedling at home, as long as you choose a device with shallow needles (less than 0.3 mm) and follow the instructions to keep it clean. I have the BeautyBio gadget myself, but there's also StackedSkincare and Nurse Jamie.
Microcurrent: Another tool that really works is microcurrent. It's totally painless and if you do it consistently, it can actually tighten and firm your skin. I own the NuFace and the ReFa, and now I've got my eye on the NuFace body version to target cellulite!
Light therapy: I'm always talking about the benefits of red light therapy, and while I generally recommend more powerful devices, I think the LightStim is handy for travel. I'm also intrigued by the Dr. Dennis Gross face mask, since it's hands-free. For occasional breakouts, the Foreo blue light tool zaps bacteria in 30 seconds.
Ice roller: How good does this sound? Pop the StackedSkincare ice roller in your freezer, and once it's cold, roll it across your face for an instant calming effect.
Pore extractor: Dermaflash uses sonic vibrations to deep-clean pores and then infuse them with your favourite serum. 
Lip plumper: If you're like me and would rather avoid lip fillers, the PMD plumping gadget is great for a temporarily fuller effect.
Face rollers: Jillian Dempsey has the most luxe face massager, but you can also find versions from Mount Lai, Herbivore and Nurse Jamie.
Editor’s Picks: Skin Makeup
Primers: Silicone-free primers used to be impossible to find, but not anymore. REN and ILIA both make primer-serum hybrids that help makeup last longer while hydrating your skin.
Tinted moisturizers: For lightweight and silicone-free coverage, I like the tinted moisturizers from Omorovicza, bareMinerals and Juice Beauty.
Foundations: My everyday makeup is the cult classic RMS Beauty concealer and foundation in one, just sheered out with my fingers or a brush. But now there's a new RMS Beauty foundation formula for those who prefer fuller coverage and a more traditional cream texture. Another option is the Guerlain silicone-free foundation (although it is fragranced). The Kosas foundation broke me out badly, but if you are not sensitive to oils, it may be worth a shot!
Concealers: For a clean concealer, I always use RMS Beauty, but I'm going to invest in ILIA this time and see how that goes! (It's also silicone-free.) If I need to cover a pimple, Make Up For Ever has been my go-to product for years and years.
Powders: I swear by translucent powders because they tame shine without leaving any texture on your skin. ILIA is my number one pick, but I also like RMS Beauty. 
Highlighters: No product is as magical as highlighter for making your skin look healthy and natural. Try RMS Beauty, ILIA or Kora Organics.
Editor’s Picks: Bath & Body
Shower gels: For a sulfate-free cleanse, I recommend the shower gels from Dr Roebuck's, REN and Consonant.
Body scrubs: There are so many great scrubs out right now with natural ingredients. Try the ones from Herbivore (both Coco Rose and Crushed Amethyst), REN and Kopari.
Bath soak: Herbivore's coconut milk soak is addictive (and makes a great gift).
Body moisturizers: I'm extra particular about the ingredients in body moisturizers, since they go on a larger surface area and you're absorbing more product. Dr Roebuck's, Kopari, REN and Lavanila tick off my boxes.
Editor’s Picks: Beauty Supplements
Collagen: I take Vital Proteins every morning, and they honestly do make a difference with your skin, nails and hair. They also have a Marine Collagen version that is equally beneficial.
Vitamin D: I always look for as few ingredients as possible in my supplements, so I'm impressed that HUM Nutrition has only four (D3, olive oil, gelatin, glycerin and water).
Digestive enzymes: In an unexpected move, RMS Beauty sells an enzyme supplement that eases digestion and increases energy and nutrient absorption.
Magnesium: The Moon Juice magnesium powder should help with relaxation and restful sleep (since most of us are deficient).
Milk thistle: Dark circles are notoriously hard to treat, but the HUM Nutrition supplement is worth trying. It has milk thistle, dandelion root and artichoke leaf to support liver health, and the reviews are super positive.
Editor’s Picks: Gift Sets
Skincare gift sets: A gift set is the best way to try out a luxury skincare line, without having to buy full sizes of all the products. That's why I think the sets from Dr. Barbara Sturm and Omorovicza are the most worthy investments this year. Also check out the kits from Drunk Elephant, Caudalie and The Inkey List. 
High tech tools gift sets: If you're thinking about investing in a microneedling or microcurrent tool, you'll get great value with the sets from BeautyBio and NuFace.
Makeup gift sets: If you love clean makeup, the best sets are from RMS Beauty for luminizers, Kosas for eyeshadows and Bite Beauty for lipsticks.
Body gift sets: Herbivore and Kopari have you covered with pampering sets for the body.
Are you shopping the Sephora holiday sale? Which products are on your list?
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Sephora’s Holiday VIB Sale Is Back: Here Are the Best Clean Beauty Products, Tools and Gift Sets to Buy Now syndicated from The Skincare Edit
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distrustedace · 4 years
“Why are you like this?!” “....Uno reverse card.”
AN: just a small one shot of Janus and Virgil being Janus and Virgil. Except high school edition.
Virgil is not the one to be deeply frustrated over anyone or anything except one person.
Janus.Janus, the one who is known to be a pathological liar. Janus, who always manages to frustrate and confuse Virgil everyday. Janus, who’s sarcasm and insults are surprisingly funny. But thats what made Virgil despise him more. Virgil knows the exact moment that he met the snake.
“Hey! Where is my apple?!” Virgil asked his friend , Jenny.
“A boy in a black and yellow shirt just took it and ran.” Jenny confessed
Virgil was confused. In his young innocence, he wondered why this boy didn’t ask him for his apple. He would’ve split it with him. Virgil walked around the lunchroom trying to search for this mysterious boy and finally came across the boy, who was sitting on the railing of a gate.
“Hey, uh. You took my apple, can I please have it back. We can split it.” Virgil offered
The boy turned to him, to Virgil’s surprise, he had a scar covering the left side of his face. His eye looks greyer than the other. Virgil actually thought that he looked cool. Like a mastermind villain from a cool comic.
“What apple? I didn’t steal it.” The boy lied easily
“Thats not true, I can see the apple in your pocket.” Virgil replied.
The boy raised his eyes. He was a little surprised that Virgil didn’t believe his lie.
“Alright, sorry kid. Here’s your apple back.” He said, tossing the apple to Virgil.
Virgil smiled. But suddenly the boy hollered , “ Teacher, Virgil stole my apple!”
Virgil was instantly anxious and really confused. As the teacher walked up to Virgil
“Virgil, stealing is bad, please hand over the apple to Janus.” the teacher instructed
Virgil hung his head low. He was frustrated at the fact that this mysterious boy tricked him. He wordlessly handed over the apple. He saw a flash of guilt on Janus’s face but it was quickly replaced with a evil smirk. Virgil narrowed his eyes. Finally understanding that, Janus, is his first rival. Oh how right he is.
But what confused him even more was the fact that when he went back to his desk, he saw a big green apple with a note attached to it.
“Buy two apples you idiot.” was scribbled on the yellow note in fancy cursive. It was signed off with Janus’s initials and a small drawing of a snake.
Surprisingly, virgil didn’t throw the note away. Instead he folded it carefully and put it in the pocket of his basketball shorts. That was the first incident that taught Virgil, that people can be confusing.
“Janus, for the last time, stop lying for once. Where are my cards.” Virgil gritted his teeth.
This is the fourth time that Janus stole his stuff. I mean, he’s always stolen his stuff everyday but Virgil wanted to play blackjack with Roman and Remy and he needed those cards.
“C’mon Virge, why can’t you let me play with them, just one time.” Janus smirked
“Deciet, you didn’t even give back the other cards you stole.” Virgil replied
Janus’s eyes narrowed and his brows furrowed. Janus really hates the fact that Virgil calls him deceit. Its pretty insulting.
“The cards were defective.” Janus lied. For the 20th time
“Ok, bullshit, those cards were new! I got it the day before you stole it. Honestly , how the hell
did manage to steal all of my shit. First my book, then my poems, my ring,my drawings. Like,
why won’t you just ask to use it. I might even give something to you to keep!” Virgil ranted
Janus was getting pretty annoyed. Virgil always still has that diplomatic tone to his voice. Why the hell does he even talk to him in the first place? And why did Janus form a whole plan to steal Virgil’s items. Is he a impulsive stealer?
He’s just Janus. Nothing more, nothing less.
“Fine. Here’s your cards back.” Janus said as he tossed him the deck
“Are you sure you’re not going to tell the teachers and lie that I stole it from you.” Virgil asked
“Virgil, honeybun, why would I use such a childish tactic. Honestly, I am very surprised that you remembered the first time we met.” Janus pointed out,smirking.
Virgil was flustered at the sudden nickname.
“Yeah, whatever. I’m going to play blackjack with Roman and Remy.” Virgil told Janus
“Its not like I care.” Janus lied instantly
“Fucking liar.” Virgil muttered. But Janus clearly heard. Which annoyed him even further.
Janus sat in his room, specifically at his wooden desk. Despite being a compulsive liar, he was actually academically honest.
Well, another day another accomplishment. I still managed to piss off Virgil which is always the highlight of my day. Seeing his cute expression really makes me happy. Of course I’m not going to steal something big. Probably something that just annoys Virgil. I sigh. Freaking Virgil, he always had to see through my lies. I consider myself a good liar, but I don’t know why he always manages to see through my tricks. I tried everything ,lies of omission, commission and reputation. All of which bounced off of Virgil’s brain. He’s just a thorn by my side. But I have to admit, he always seems to see the best out of everyone despite acting like he doesn’t. But why does he have to hang around that stupid princy and the basic hoe? I just wonder, what if he actually...Hung around me for once. No, Janus, that is entirely selfish of you. You’re a liar and a trickster. Not a selfish person….. Right?
Fucking Janus. I have lost exactly 20 pencils, 10 erasers,2 drawings, 1 folder, and one cheap ring that I got from a drugstore. That was specifically for him. I bring my hands to my face, feeling drained and tired from dealing with Janus’s tricks. Roman always tries to convince me to stop talking to him but honestly, Janus is entertaining. He’s kind of like a magician. I looked at the sticky note I attached to my
corkboard. “Buy two apples you idiot.” I read. Why does Janus have to be so confusing to understand. Heck I even took a psychology class initially to try to understand him. I mean I fell in love with it but on the down side, Janus, is in the same class. And he sits right next to me. Everytime I go into that class, I notice a considerable amount of supplies missing. But sometimes I wonder why… Just why me? He isn’t that much of a nuisance to others. Its just so frustrating. I fall down on the bed. I just want to be his friend. Why isn’t that so easy?
Dammit Remy, why are you forcing my hand. Surprisingly , Remy is a secret best friend of mine. Mostly because he thinks I’m a badass. I don’t know why. That little shit decided to force me to hang around Virgil or else he will tell Virgil everything I’ve secretly done for him. I’ve printed out his essay that I noticed that he forgot. I gave him my computer charger. I blackmailed his bullies in order to leave him alone. I even give him apples everyday-. Fuck you Remy. I walked up to Virgil. Who was surprised to see me walking towards him. Usually he approaches me. I took a big breath.
“Hey, nightmare in dull armor, can I...sit at your table.” I grumbled. I was clearly really uncomfortable with this.Virgil gives me this clueless look
“Uh, sure. Just please refrain from stealing my stuff and annoying my friends.” Virgil agreed
I looked up at him, clearly surprised. I actually didn’t consider that he would let me. I quickly turned around and walked to class.
I carefully approached the broad table where Virgil sat. Virgil noticed me and made room next to him, signalling my spot at the table. I hesitantly sat on the seat. I can see Roman’s confused stare at me.
“What are you lookin at princy?” I asked
“ I am wondering why you’re here.” Roman replied
“Surprisingly, Janus offered to sit with us, so I let him.” Virgil explained.
“Oh,what a surprise!” Remy lied. I gave him a look of annoyance and he smirked at me. That sneaky bastard! I sighed, a little stressed with this social situation. I know a lot about the world but somehow had no clue about dealing with a friend group.
“Hey, lets play blackjack.” Roman said, taking out playing cards.
“Alright, I know the rules already so deal me in.” I coldy said
“Ooooh, Janus, acting like a professional gambler now are ya?” Remy teased
“Aren’t you busy ignoring Thomas every time he needs help in general.” I fired back
Remy narrowed his eyes. Serves that idiot right. Roman dealt all of the cards and we began to play.
Ok so apparently Virgil is really good at blackjack. I looked at him with a quizzical expression.
“What? I’m not the only who’s clever.” He said while looking at his cards. I blushed a little.
Dammit, this is not the time to gay panic, I need to win this.
After 15 minutes, Virgil delt his final cards. He- he won?! I looked at Virgil ,eyes widening.
“Dammit Virgil, why won’t you let atleast Roman win. He needs a ego boost!” Remy teased
“Bitch-” Roman said before I cut him off
“Fine, here.” I said while taking out something for Virgil. I had this habit of bringing two apples. Its mostly subconsciously. But I immediately regretted giving Virgil the green apple once he said
“Janus… You were the one putting the apple on my desk everyday?”
I completely panicked. Looking around and floundering. Oh shit. Shit. SHit.
“What?! PSH. NO! I- Uh. YOU’RE HALLUCINATING!” I shouted.
Virgil giggled.
“Its fine Jan Jan. Its nice to know that you actually have a heart.” Virgil chuckled.
“HAH, LOSER. Janus is such a kissup, Virgil. One time he-” Remy said as I hid my face in my yellow hood. Fuck
I was walking down the hall, ready to go home when someone called my name.
“Hey Janus!” a mocking tone said. I looked at the person calling me and saw a guy  with a denim jacket and black pants. Dammit. What does this guy want now. Reily is always trying to mess with Virgil
“What do you want, knock off Greaser.” I sharply said
“Thats not the way to talk to a senior like me.” He said
“I don’t care, do I have to blackmail you again or are you just fucking with me this time?” I warned
“Nah, just wanted to turn the tables, Snakey Snek.” He coyly said as he showed a usb drive.
Holy shit.Thats Virgil’s usb drive. With all of his secret poems and stories. How the hell did this fucker steal this. Even I can’t steal it.
“Give.That.Back. You don’t want to fuck with me. So save the trouble and hand it back.” I threatened
“How about no? I mean, I saw some pretty good stories on here. Its such a shame that I have to
turn it in to Mrs.Wiess.” Riely taunted
Oh shit. The english teacher. She’s the head editor of the local publishing center! If those stories get out, Virgil will literally have an anxiety attack. I strode towards the guy and grabbed him by his shirt collar.
“Listen here you wannabe valley boy, Give that back or so help me god, I will make sure your
life will be a living hell.” I growled
“Why should I listen to someone who is always an obstacle in Virgil’s life.” Riely whispered.
My heart stopped. In seconds my emotions caused me to punch him square in the stomach and Riely doubled over with a groan. I then proceeded to try to punch him but he caught my arm against his own arm. Smirking. I kicked him on the stomach to create distance between me and him. Then I elbowed him in the gut. He punched me and I stumbled back.
“Aww does Jan Jan have a boy crush on little Virgil? Who knew that a snake like you can have
    feelings for the pretty boy.” He taunted him. I sprinted towards him, furious at his sharp tongue and I got ready to punch him square in the face but someone got behind me and hooked their arms around my stomach.
“Get the fuck off of me! This fuckers going to get what he deserves! I swear to god when I reach
you , your ass will be grass!” I bellowed
“Janus, why are you doing this, calm the fuck down!” The person who’s holding me back said
“This stupid sack of shit had the audacitiy to threatened the love of my life for the third and final
time!” I said. Then I stopped talking, realizing what I just said out load. I looked back and saw Virgil holding me tightly.
“Janus, you need to stop fucking around for once, just tell me what happened.” Virgil said, getting increasingly frustrated with me.
“And you need to understand that I wanted to start a fight.” I lied
“WHY?!” Virgil shouted
“CAUSE I WANTED TO FUCK AROUND!” I bellowed, trying to be the loudest person in the room
“Janus, you need to fucking realize , that I can tell when you are lying .And you are doing a damn horrible job at lying . Just come clean.” Virgil interrogated
“No! Cause I’m telling the truth. The fucker decided to mess with me and I kicked his ass!” I
said , desperately trying to get Virgil to drop it.
“Oh! So now he pissed you off?! You told me before that you started it!” Virgil shouted
“Shut your mouth you- you- emo!” I panicked
“ I don’t understand! Why are you like this?” He asked me.
I paused. I never knew that Virgil would ever ask me that question. Every single night, I try to think up a lie to answer that question. But I just knew I can’t lie about this one.
“…….Uno reverse card.” I replied with a cold expression
“WHAT???” Virgil shouted, “ I ask you, the question that I have been pondering ,ever since the day I met you, and you decided to resort to an outdated meme as your answer!” Virgil shouted, really confused and worked up.
“Fine! You wanna learn the answer, do you want me to be honest for once!” I shouted
“YES!” Virgil shouted back
“Cause I’m SCARED!” I hollered. We both pause. A cold silence lingering in the air. Virgil thought a big deal about his reply. Hoping to god that his reply dosen’t destroy our… complicated relationship.
“What do you mean.” He asked
“All this time, I’ve been lying because I am scared! Ok?! I don’t wanna hurt anyone, I don’t
want to be hurt. I want to feel like I have control of my fucking narrative. But even I can’t
manage that!” I ranted, tears at the corner of my eye. I looked up at him
“But you were the only one who saw through me. So, thats why I caused this incident.”
“....You don’t have to lie. Mostly because I know that under all of that mischief, you have a
heart of gold. There is no way you can hurt anyone. Even me.” Virgil assured me
“How can you promise that?!” I exclaimed
“Because I won’t let you!” He replied, pausing before saying, “I won’t because you’re the person
I fell for.” He confessed, while looking at me in the eyes.
I froze, trying to comprehend the sudden information that was reveled to me. But I quickly took his hand and did the most cliche and romantic thing ever.
I kissed the back of his hand. He looked down at me, smiling faintly but genuinely. He took my head and hugged it to his chest. It was warm, and comforting.
“You fucking idiot. Why didn’t you tell me earlier.” Virgil asked
“Cause, you’re too dense to even notice.” I confess
He sighed. “Well, I guess I owe you an apple” He chuckled
“I guess so.”
Reily met up with Roman and Remy under the big oak tree.
“Janus roughed me up a bit but the plan worked accordingly.” He said as he held up a usb drive.
“Who knew a fake usb could rile this guy up.” He confessed
“Finally, Virgil was being too repressed about this shit.” Roman said
“Well , it was worth it. Cause now, we have officially got together the two most stubborn people in the school.” Remy smirked
0 notes
bonniejstarks · 4 years
Best of Beauty 2019 : Top 30! – CrystalCandy Makeup Blog
Are you ready for my Best of Beauty 2019? Today, I present you the 30 products that have made it to the final cut in 2019! Have you tried any of these wonderful products yet? By the way, you can click on each photo to read the full review (and see the swatches!).
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1. L’Oréal Paris Infallible 24H Fresh Wear Foundation ($17 CAD, click here to buy it) I’ve tried many drugstore foundations in the past few years and the Fresh Wear foundation is now in my top 5. It comes in 30 shades, has a beautiful satin finish, and I love how it looks on my skin! The coverage is medium to full and it lasts 10 hours on me. This is an incredible foundation!
2. Dior Forever Skin Glow 24h Skin-Caring Foundation ($64 CAD, click here to buy it) Available in 31 shades, the Dior Forever Skin Glow foundation is now my favorite foundation for the winter months! I love how moisturizing it feels, my skin doesn’t feel tight or dry when I wear it. It has such a pretty finish too, it’s luminous and slightly dewy! I had a hard time choosing between this one and the Dior Forever Matte foundation because both formulas are fabulous!
3. Laura Mercier Flawless Lumière Foundation ($60 CAD, click here to buy it) This foundation was a nice surprise! It has a beautiful luminous finish and feels hydrating upon application, but it doesn’t feel heavy or oily on the skin. The formula is weightless and perfect for my oily and dehydrated skin, it would be a great luminous foundation for the summer months! And bonus points for being fragrance-free!
4. NYX Born To Glow Naturally Radiant Foundation ($14 CAD, click here to buy it) I didn’t expect to love it that much but wow, what a nice surprise! This foundation has such a beautiful finish on the skin (luminous and slightly dewy) and it never looks cakey even if I apply two layers! The coverage is medium but buildable, it doesn’t contain fragrance, and there are 45 shades to choose from. What’s not to love?
5. Make Up For Ever Matte Velvet Skin Powder Foundation ($48 CAD, click here to buy it) This powder has a very silky texture and last 12 hours on me without separating! The satin matte finish is beautiful (not powdery at all) and I like the buildable coverage. I personally only apply it where I need extra coverage, because that’s how I usually use powder foundations, but I can say that this one is incredible!
6. Givenchy Prisme Libre Loose Powder ($75 CAD, click here to buy it) This light-as-air setting powder is silky smooth and extremely finely milled, it’s such a beautiful powder for very fair and pale skin tones! It doesn’t look powdery or chalky even if I’m heavy handed, it seems to melt into my skin! It mattifies my oily skin pretty well too, and has a subtle brightening effect.
7. Benefit Boi-Ing Cakeless Concealer ($30 CAD, click here to buy it) Available in 12 shades, the Boi-Ing Cakeless Concealer has a beautiful creamy consistency, it feels like nothing on the skin! The finish is matte and the coverage is medium to full, depending on how much product you use. The formula is very pigmented, so a little goes a long way. It doesn’t look cakey and I like it for spot concealing too!
8. NARS Mini Radiant Creamy Concealer ($18 CAD, click here to buy it) Did you know that NARS’ Mini Radiant Creamy Concealer is now available in 30 shades? This concealer isn’t new to me, but it’s still one of my favorites! It blends out like a dream and has a beautiful luminous finish! I find that as I’m getting older, some concealers I used to love now make me look older. It’s not the case with this one!
9. L’Oréal Infallible Full Wear More Than Concealer ($14 CAD, click here to buy it) This is by far the best coverage I’ve seen from a drugstore concealer, the formula is very pigmented and opaque! It can cover up pimples and other imperfections with only a tiny amount of product. The formula is a bit too matte for my thirty year old eyes, but nothing a good eye cream can’t fix!
10. Buxom Wanderlust Primer-Infused Blushes ($29.50 CAD, click here to buy them) Looking for a long-lasting blush? Buxom’s new Wanderlust Primer-Infused Blushes may just be what you are searching for! I love everything about these blushes, they have a beautiful luminous finish (not glittery) and last more than 14 hours on me! The formula is very soft and blend out beautifully without looking patchy. These blushes were a nice surprise, love them!
11. Lancôme Blush Subtil Powder Blush in Rose Liberté ($43 CAD, click here to buy it) I love Lancôme blushes! The colors are buildable and the formula is so easy to work with, it blends out beautifully and never look streaky. Rose Liberté is the perfect pink for me, it’s not too bright and it looks so natural on my pale skin. But I love it when I’m tan too! Oh and this blush lasts more than 10 hours on me!
12. Benefit Powder Highlighters in Cookie and Tickle ($40 CAD, click here to buy them) I love everything about these highlighters! The formula is buttery smooth, the color payoff is excellent and the frosty finish is gorgeous (no glitters). Cookie is a champagne beige while Tickle is a golden pink. I love both shades, I can’t choose a favorite!
13. BareMinerals Endless Glow Highlighter in Fierce ($39 CAD, click here to buy it) Looking for that lit-from-within glow? Then look no further than this highlighter! The formula is buttery smooth and very pigmented, a little bit goes a long way. Also, it lasts all day on me (more than 12 hours) and the shade Fierce is gorgeous on medium or deeper skin tones!
14. NARS Hot Nights Face Palette ($80 CAD, click here to buy it) If you have green eyes and a tan, you should check out the Hot Nights Face Palette because it was made for you! This palette contains 4 eyeshadows, a bronzing powder and an highlighter. The eyeshadows and the highlighter are super soft and have great color payoff, while the bronzer is simply perfect in every aspect!
15. Urban Decay Naked Honey Eyeshadow Palette ($68 CAD, click here to buy it) I have nothing bad to say about the Naked Honey eyeshadow palette! It has a great mix of matte and shimmery colors, and there isn’t a single dud shade in this palette. The mattes are silky smooth, nicely pigmented and easy to blend, while the shimmery colors are very pigmented and buttery smooth!
16. Revlon Colorstay Looks Book Eyeshadow Palettes ($16 CAD, click here to buy them) These tiny eyeshadow palettes are perfect for travel! I wish the pans were a bit larger (I can only use small brushes with these palettes), but I love the shades and the color payoff is surprisingly good! By the way, there are 3 other Looks Book palettes if you prefer cool-toned colors or blue eyeshadows!
17. NARS Skin Deep Eye Palette ($74 CAD, sold out) This new NARS palette is a-ma-zing! I think it’s safe to say that it will be part of my Best of Beauty 2019, the Skin Deep palette is perfection for neutral lovers like me! The matte eyeshadows are silky soft and blend seamlessly into each other, and the shimmery shades feel buttery smooth to the touch, All the shades are very pigmented even without a primer!
18. Viseart Warm EDIT Eye Shadow Palette ($50 CAD, click here to buy it) I absolutely adore the Warm EDIT Eyeshadow Palette! I love how I can create everyday neutral looks and bright summer looks with the same palette, it’s way more versatile than I expected. The eyeshadows are nicely pigmented and blend out nicely, they never look patchy on the skin!
19. Givenchy Le Rose Perfecto Beautifying Lip Balms ($48 CAD, click here to buy them) Givenchy’s new Le Rose Perfecto Beautifying Lip Balms are specially formulated to hydrate, plump and color the lips. The colors are translucent but quite pigmented, and the consistency is perfect; it doesn’t feel too oily, thick, sticky or waxy. The packaging is beautiful, the formula is very moisturizing and I love the subtle plumping effect!
20. NARS Matte Lipsticks ($34 CAD, click here to buy them) Enriched with moringa and passion fruit seed oils, NARS’ new Matte Lipsticks are very pigmented and the colors aren’t patchy or streaky! The finish is matte and while they aren’t completely transfer-proof, they don’t bleed at all. The formula is very comfortable on the lips too, much to my surprise!
21. Yves Saint Laurent The Slim Sheer Matte Lipsticks ($50 CAD, click here to buy them) Available in twelve shades, these lipsticks are similar to a tinted lip balm but they feel less oily and they have a semi-matte finish. They feel creamy, hydrating, and very comfortable on the lips! The best part is that the formula doesn’t make my lips look like a dried prune.
22. BareMinerals BarePro Longwear Lipsticks ($27 CAD, click here to buy them) These vegan lipsticks are incredibly creamy and very pigmented! The formula sets on the skin, kind of like a liquid lipstick, and last several hours on me (between 6 and 10 hours). These lipsticks don’t rub off on my coffee mug and they never feather around my mouth. My favorite shades are Peony, Strawberry, Petal, Hibiscus, Saffron and Cherry!
23. Make Up For Ever Artist Nude Creme Liquid Lipsticks ($25 CAD, click here to buy them) I can’t get enough nude lipsticks so I was thrilled to try the Artist Nude Cremes, and I wasn’t disappointed! They are so pigmented and opaque, the applicator is perfection, the colors are beautiful, and they are very comfortable on the lips! 
24. Rodial Collagen Boost Lip Lacquers ($35 CAD, click here to buy them) What I love the most about these lip lacquers is how they feel on my lips, the texture is very smooth and they don’t feel thick or sticky on my lips. They have been formulated to support collagen production so they help plump lips over time, but they don’t burn or sting my skin. And the formula is super nourishing and hydrating!
25. Lanolips Tinted Lip Balm in Rhubarb ($19 CAD, click here to buy it) Oh my god, where do I start? This tinted lip balm is incredible! It doesn’t feel thick or sticky on the lips, has a beautiful glossy finish, smells like vanilla and the rosy hue is perfect. But also, the formula is extraordinarily hydrating! It’s now in my Top 3 favorites lip balms for my dry AF lips. It’s THAT good!
26. Kiehl’s Super Fluid UV Defense SPF 50 ($50 CAD, click here to buy it) This is the only sunscreen I like to use on my face! My skin is very oily and I can’t stand sticky sunscreens, but this one is different. It feels like a creamy dry oil on the skin, with a slightly powdery after feel. The formula doesn’t break me out, and it really protects my sensitive skin against sunburn!  
27. Revolution Skincare 30% AHA + BHA Peeling Solution ($10 US, click here to buy it) This peeling is magic in a bottle! I’ve been testing this product for four weeks now and my skin looks so much better. I have fewer blemishes and my acne scars fade a lot faster than usual. Oh and my skin glows and feels amazingly soft! 
28. St. Tropez Whipped Marshmallow Bronzing Mousse ($63 CAD, click here to buy it) This self-tanner is darker than the original St. Tropez bronzing mousse and lasts much longer! The color fades evenly and my tan lasts 8-9 days before it goes patchy. Also, it dries a bit faster than their other bronzing mousses. Oh and did I tell you that this new self-tanner smells like vanilla?
29. Clean Reserve Solar Bloom Eau de Parfum ($134 CAD, click here to buy it) This radiant floral is inspired by sun’s warm caress against the skin! The key notes are bergamot, mandarin, freesia, jasmine, vetiver, orange blossom, coconut water and charcoal. And yes, it smells as good as it sounds. I’m obsessed with this fragrance! Is it summer yet? 
30. Carolina Herrera Good Girl Glorious Gold Eau de Parfum ($154 CAD, click here to buy it) Oh my god, this eau de parfum smells divine! Describing perfumes isn’t my forte, but the key notes are the following: coffee, almonds, citrus, tuberose, jasmine, orris, vanilla, tonka beans, cocoa, pralines, sandalwood, amber and patchouli. If you love Juicy Couture’s Viva La Juicy EDP, you will love Good Girl!
Disclaimer : This post contains affiliate links. Some of these products are PR Samples.
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The post Best of Beauty 2019 : Top 30! – CrystalCandy Makeup Blog appeared first on Trends Dress.
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healthytop10s · 5 years
Hourglass Mineral Veil Primer Review | A Solid Base To Apply Your Makeup
Making sure you have a proper base when applying your foundation is incredibly important. Doing so not only makes your make-up apply smoother, but helps to make everything stay on for longer periods of time. Our team has done the research on which primers are taking the market by storm and we wanted to share with you our Hourglass Mineral Veil Primer review. 
Below you’ll find out just about everything there is to know about the Hourglass primer, plus we’ll tell you which primer is changing the game! Let’s talk a bit about what exactly the Hourglass veil mineral primer is all about. 
What makes this primer stand out?
Hourglass Mineral Veil Primer
Whether you’re using one of the best foundations for oily skin or even one of the best foundations for sensitive skin, it’s important to be using a primer.
This veil mineral primer is a skincare product that should be applied before you add a bunch of make-up on top, or  simply before you head out the door in the morning. 
Unlike other products on the market, it doesn’t leave a heavy, oily residue, but has more of a lightweight and cloud-like texture. It will leave your skin feeling silky and smooth! Using a product like this will help smooth your skin and make your foundation apply much easier. 
Shop Now
With so many Hourglass mineral veil primer reviews out there, we wanted to show you exactly what this product is. This primer has quite a cult following, as do most Hourglass products, but we’ll talk more about that later. Primers are used to create a smooth base on your face, but you don’t have to put make-up over it. 
While on the one hand it’s used to prime the skin and get it prepared for more products, we found that it can also be used as another product in your skincare routine. 
What Hourglass Mineral Veil Primer Does
So what does this cult-favorite primer do? Well for starters, it has properties that aid in protecting you and your skin against harmful UV damage, including UVA and UVB rays. This is due to Hourglass adding in an SPF of 15 to this primer. 
Another thing that this product does that can come in handy with or without make-up, is it reduces shine. Whether you have naturally oily skin, or you seem to sweat a bit more than others, you’ll enjoy a product that takes away any unwanted shine. 
On top of protecting your skin and minimizing shine, mineral primers also nourish and hydrate the skin.  
It helps to smooth out any fine lines you may have due to natural aging. Another great thing primer does is makes pores look much smaller. I don’t know about you, but that is a major plus for me!
Our team also enjoys that it extends the life of your make-up, which can be crucial when you’re attending long events such as weddings!
If you’re new to primer, it could be a fun experiment to apply primer to one side of your face and not the other, followed by your usual make-up routine. This will give you a better idea with a literal side-by-side to see the differences the product makes! 
What It Is Formulated Without
A lot of primers can contain several ingredients that are actually harmful to your skin. If you’ve never looked at the ingredients on a bottle of lotion, often times you’ll see some form of alcohol on there. While lotion is supposed to be moisturizing, alcohol is a drying aid that not only helps the product dry quicker, but it can dry out your skin. 
Thankfully, the Hourglass veil mineral primer ingredients are free from oils that will weigh the product down, unnecessary fragrances and of course, it’s free of parabens. 
It is becoming more and more popular to be conscious about what you’re putting in and on your body, and we think primer is a product you should definitely be looking at the ingredients list before buying, especially if you suffer from oily, dry or sensitive skin!  
Often times you’ll find that higher priced primers are actually made out of better ingredients and usually can contain things like retinal that are amazing for the health of your skin! 
What Else You Need to Know
You get just over .6 ounces when you buy this product and it falls in the mid-priced range. Hourglass is a well known and trusted brand that many celebrities, make-up artists and other professionals love to use. 
While some primers can be used as a face and eyeshadow primer, the veil mineral primer doesn’t work the best on eyelids, because it’s so soft and silky. This can make your eyelids oily, instead of helping your shadows to stay on and become more vibrant. 
Upon doing research, our team loved to read that Hourglass is a cruelty-free company and have been around since 2004. They carry a variety of different shades so that just about everyone can benefit from using their products! 
Why It’s Cult primer
So why is this Hourglass product a cult primer? Other than movies and music, make-up has the most cult following when it comes to products and brands. When something has a cult following it generally means that it has a large following that absolutely adores the product. 
We found that with our research many people consider this the best primer they’ve ever used. Even some people on our team swear it’s the best they’ve tried, especially when paired with a certain Clinique foundation, but we’ll save that for later. 
So what sets this primer apart from others and why do people love it so much? Well, for starters, whether you’re 16 or 70, you’ll see the primer make your skin appear smoother. While it may not be able to magically take away wrinkles or blemishes, it is a great product to use to help hide those things about our skin we may not like. 
Another reason why it’s a cult product is because it lasts a long time when you wear it. This is perfect for long days at work, school or for special events. 
How To Use Hourglass Mineral Veil Primer
When you’re using the Hourglass mineral veil primer, how you go about using it has a lot to do with your skincare or make-up routine that you already have in place. 
If you use a moisturizer first, apply it and then wait for around five minutes. Then you can put on the primer, but wait another five minutes before adding any foundation.
Waiting a few minutes before applying make-up is important because it gives the primer a chance to do its job. It sinks into your skin and smooths lines and pores to improve how your make-up will set. Sometimes if you go to apply your foundation right away, you may not see the results of the primer. 
It’s important to note that you should always apply products to your face by using a brush, sponge or applicator of some sort. Please refrain from using your fingers, because the natural oil in your fingertips and the possible dirt and germs can be bad for your skin. 
The Game-Changing Primer My Makeup Can't Do Without
Neutrogena Skin Clearing Foundation
Check Current Price
While the Hourglass mineral veil primer is great, our team found that throughout our research that Clinique Acne Solutions Foundation is the best foundation that doubles as a primer, making it stand out from the Hourglass product.
Out of every other foundation we tried with and without the primer, the Clinique foundation appeared smoother and less cakey.
This Clinique foundation is easily one of the best foundations I’ve ever used. Our team can’t seem to get enough of it. Rarely do you find a product that can help with acne and make your skin look smooth and flawless at the same time.
It has a natural finish and can be used with or without a primer and still gives you the same smooth finish. This is perfect for people in a hurry in the morning and need a great foundation and primer combo in a pinch! 
We know that Hourglass and Clinique can be quite the expensive duo, so we went ahead and tested the primer with a handful of drugstore foundations as well. If you’re tight on money and need a foundation to pair with this primer, try out the Neutrogena Skin Clearing Foundation.
Sometimes if you have sensitive skin, using a primer can make you break out, which is why you may want to use it with an acne fighting or skin clearing foundation. While break outs aren’t expected, it’s best to prevent them before they happen! 
The post Hourglass Mineral Veil Primer Review | A Solid Base To Apply Your Makeup appeared first on HealthyTop10s.com.
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mlmcompanies · 6 years
It’s not a household name in the U.S. yet…
But Vestige is earning attention and a huge following across the globe.
Vestige Marketing is a network marketing company from India that offers products from skincare and cosmetics to health supplements.
We wish you “wellth” (wealth and wellness) is the slogan for this Indian MLM. And they certainly picked a good market — India is primed and so ready for direct selling to explode.
They’ve been in the game for over a decade and are continuing to grow.
1. What does Vestige Marketing sell? Vestige sells health and personal care products, Ayurveda products, air purifiers, tea and coffee, cleaning products, and agri products.
2. What are Vestige Marketing’s most popular products? Vestige doesn’t promote any one product as a signature solution. Instead, they have a wide range of products that could make them the go-to source for just about anything you need or want (think Amway). They’ve also created unique brands for different lines of products, probably hoping to build a perception of quality and exclusivity.
3. How much does it cost to join Vestige Marketing? It’s free to join, but it doesn’t get you anything. You need to buy 1100 Rupee’s worth of products (30 PV) to activate your ID. You should also buy a business kit, which costs 200 Rupees.
4. Is Vestige Marketing a scam? No, it’s a legitimate company with real products. Can you get rich with them? That’s the real question.
5. What is Vestige Marketing’s BBB rating? Since Vestige is located in India, they aren’t listed on the BBB.
6. How long has Vestige Marketing been in business? Since 2004
7. What is Vestige Marketing’s revenue? $127 million
8. How many Vestige Marketing distributors are there? 1.04 million
9. What lawsuits have been filed? No lawsuits are listed online.
10. Comparable companies: Ariix, Vida Divina
So should you get involved?
Maybe, if it’s the products that interest you…
When it comes to the business opportunity, however, there are certainly better options out there.
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here’s 12 startling realities about Vestige Marketing.
#12. Headquartered in India
The company was started in India, with its main headquarters in New Dehli.
Vestige Marketing opened up shop in 2004, so they’ve been around for over a decade now.
#11. Started by some entrepreneurial superstars
Vestige Marketing was started by three successful Indian entrepreneurs – Gautam Bali, Deepak Sood, and Kanwar Bir Singh.
Bali, the managing director, has been CEO at a number of notable direct selling companies before. He’s helped Vestige become one of India’s top 5 direct selling companies. [1]
Singh, Vestige’s IT Director, has years of experience heading software development teams at multi-national direct selling companies.
Sood, the company’s Director of Operations, is an operations expert with years of experience in everything from logistics to warehousing to networking.
#10. Over 1,040,000 independent distributors
That’s right…
Over a million distributors. Insane!
This company is huge. On top of that, they’ve also got over 1,000 full-time employees, 1,100 service centers, and 24 branch offices.
#9. Huge range of products
Vestige carries more products than your local drugstore.
They’ve even made it a goal to introduce 15 new products every year.
They fall under a variety of categories, although most are health, personal care, or cosmetics products. Here are some examples:
Personal care products
Oral care products
Health care products
Household products
#8. Four different brands
Vestige Marketing is also an umbrella for five different lines of product that they carry:
Ayusante is a line of Ayurvedic health and wellness products
Mistral of Milan is their line of high-end cosmetic products (better than Nerium or  Jeunesse?)
Truman Pour Homme is their line of men’s personal care products
Skin Formula 9 is their line of advanced skincare products
Hyvest is their line of home cleaning products
They’ve got a little bit of everything for everyone. They’re also playing off the European sophistication trend in their marketing – their cosmetics line is branded as Italian, their men’s products as French, and their skincare formula as Swiss. [2]
#7. High-end manufacturing
Their manufacturing equipment is state-of-the-art and up to the highest standards. It’s GMP certified and ISO 9001-2008 certified. [3]
Manufacturing standards were recently updated with an ISO 9001-2015 certification, which they don’t appear to have, but it is fairly new and a lot of companies are still adjusting.
#6. 10%-20% “Savings on consumption”
Vestige Marketing calls the distributor discount of 10%-20% a “Savings on Consumption.” Of course, this is also your commission on personal sales, should you make any. Clearly, the focus when it comes to income is placed on recruiting.
While 20% is on the lower end of the standard range for commission, earning less than that is a pretty poor commission rate.
#5. Seven bonuses
With Vestige Marketing, there are seven ways to earn:
Savings on consumption: 10%-20%
Accumulative performance bonus: 5%-20%
Director bonus: 14%
Leadership overriding bonus: 15%
Travel fund: 3%
Car fund: 5%
House fund: 3%
To make up for their poor commission on personal sales, Vestige does offer one of the better performance bonuses in the industry.
#4. Travel fund? House fund? What?!
Car bonuses are a dime a dozen in MLM (hint: Mary Kay and Kyani).
But you tell me someone’s gonna bankroll my trips to Greece and buy me that dream house in Malibu?
I’m listening.
Silver Directors and above are allocated 3% of the company’s monthly BV which is translated into a point value. These points can then be used for company travel trips.
Alright, so not that different from the trip bonuses offered by other MLMs.
Crown Directors and above are allocated 3% of the company’s monthly BV which is translated into a point value. These points can be used toward mortgage payments. This bonus is pretty unique.
#3. Direct selling expected to grow immensely in India
The direct selling industry may see some rough patches in the states, but it is smooth sailing in India.
According to a recent report ‘Direct Selling: Dehli – A Global Industry, Empowering Millions’, direct selling is predicted to become a top industry by 2025.
The health and wellness, cosmetics, and household goods industries (of which Vestige Marketing is a part) are also expected to grow at 10-16%.
There is a bright future for Vestige in India, but…
#2. Rapid growth of direct selling in India could bring instability
Because direct selling, which is newer and less established in India, has been growing so quickly, it’s also gaining more attention from the government.
The report also implies that a slew of reforms will likely take place over the next decade as the government tries to ensure that companies are operating ethically and sustainably. We’ve seen MLMs get shut down time and time again in the U.S., so it wouldn’t be a surprise if this eventually started happening in India.
The question, then, is whether or not Vestige Market will be able to adapt and continue to grow amidst changing laws and regulations.
#1. The FSSAI has already asked Vestige to withdraw some products
In early 2016, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) issued directives to Vestige to withdraw some controversial products, in part because they never obtained the required approval to market them in the first place. [4]
However, the products were never withdrawn, and the FSSAI and the FDA have yet to find the power to enforce their directives.
While Vestige Marketing has a lot of good things going for them, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend them for a money-making opportunity.
Not a Vestige hater, I just think you could get more reward for your efforts elsewhere.
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
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antionetterparker · 6 years
Vestige Marketing: 12 startling realities you should know [Review]
It’s not a household name in the U.S. yet…
But Vestige is earning attention and a huge following across the globe.
Vestige Marketing is a network marketing company from India that offers products from skincare and cosmetics to health supplements.
We wish you “wellth” (wealth and wellness) is the slogan for this Indian MLM. And they certainly picked a good market — India is primed and so ready for direct selling to explode.
They’ve been in the game for over a decade and are continuing to grow.
1. What does Vestige Marketing sell? Vestige sells health and personal care products, Ayurveda products, air purifiers, tea and coffee, cleaning products, and agri products.
2. What are Vestige Marketing’s most popular products? Vestige doesn’t promote any one product as a signature solution. Instead, they have a wide range of products that could make them the go-to source for just about anything you need or want (think Amway). They’ve also created unique brands for different lines of products, probably hoping to build a perception of quality and exclusivity.
3. How much does it cost to join Vestige Marketing? It’s free to join, but it doesn’t get you anything. You need to buy 1100 Rupee’s worth of products (30 PV) to activate your ID. You should also buy a business kit, which costs 200 Rupees.
4. Is Vestige Marketing a scam? No, it’s a legitimate company with real products. Can you get rich with them? That’s the real question.
5. What is Vestige Marketing’s BBB rating? Since Vestige is located in India, they aren’t listed on the BBB.
6. How long has Vestige Marketing been in business? Since 2004
7. What is Vestige Marketing’s revenue? $127 million
8. How many Vestige Marketing distributors are there? 1.04 million
9. What lawsuits have been filed? No lawsuits are listed online.
10. Comparable companies: Ariix, Vida Divina
So should you get involved?
Maybe, if it’s the products that interest you…
When it comes to the business opportunity, however, there are certainly better options out there.
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here’s 12 startling realities about Vestige Marketing.
#12. Headquartered in India
The company was started in India, with its main headquarters in New Dehli.
Vestige Marketing opened up shop in 2004, so they’ve been around for over a decade now.
#11. Started by some entrepreneurial superstars
Vestige Marketing was started by three successful Indian entrepreneurs – Gautam Bali, Deepak Sood, and Kanwar Bir Singh.
Bali, the managing director, has been CEO at a number of notable direct selling companies before. He’s helped Vestige become one of India’s top 5 direct selling companies. [1]
Singh, Vestige’s IT Director, has years of experience heading software development teams at multi-national direct selling companies.
Sood, the company’s Director of Operations, is an operations expert with years of experience in everything from logistics to warehousing to networking.
#10. Over 1,040,000 independent distributors
That’s right…
Over a million distributors. Insane!
This company is huge. On top of that, they’ve also got over 1,000 full-time employees, 1,100 service centers, and 24 branch offices.
#9. Huge range of products
Vestige carries more products than your local drugstore.
They’ve even made it a goal to introduce 15 new products every year.
They fall under a variety of categories, although most are health, personal care, or cosmetics products. Here are some examples:
Personal care products
Oral care products
Health care products
Household products
#8. Four different brands
Vestige Marketing is also an umbrella for five different lines of product that they carry:
Ayusante is a line of Ayurvedic health and wellness products
Mistral of Milan is their line of high-end cosmetic products (better than Nerium or  Jeunesse?)
Truman Pour Homme is their line of men’s personal care products
Skin Formula 9 is their line of advanced skincare products
Hyvest is their line of home cleaning products
They’ve got a little bit of everything for everyone. They’re also playing off the European sophistication trend in their marketing – their cosmetics line is branded as Italian, their men’s products as French, and their skincare formula as Swiss. [2]
#7. High-end manufacturing
Their manufacturing equipment is state-of-the-art and up to the highest standards. It’s GMP certified and ISO 9001-2008 certified. [3]
Manufacturing standards were recently updated with an ISO 9001-2015 certification, which they don’t appear to have, but it is fairly new and a lot of companies are still adjusting.
#6. 10%-20% “Savings on consumption”
Vestige Marketing calls the distributor discount of 10%-20% a “Savings on Consumption.” Of course, this is also your commission on personal sales, should you make any. Clearly, the focus when it comes to income is placed on recruiting.
While 20% is on the lower end of the standard range for commission, earning less than that is a pretty poor commission rate.
#5. Seven bonuses
With Vestige Marketing, there are seven ways to earn:
Savings on consumption: 10%-20%
Accumulative performance bonus: 5%-20%
Director bonus: 14%
Leadership overriding bonus: 15%
Travel fund: 3%
Car fund: 5%
House fund: 3%
To make up for their poor commission on personal sales, Vestige does offer one of the better performance bonuses in the industry.
#4. Travel fund? House fund? What?!
Car bonuses are a dime a dozen in MLM (hint: Mary Kay and Kyani).
But you tell me someone’s gonna bankroll my trips to Greece and buy me that dream house in Malibu?
I’m listening.
Silver Directors and above are allocated 3% of the company’s monthly BV which is translated into a point value. These points can then be used for company travel trips.
Alright, so not that different from the trip bonuses offered by other MLMs.
Crown Directors and above are allocated 3% of the company’s monthly BV which is translated into a point value. These points can be used toward mortgage payments. This bonus is pretty unique.
#3. Direct selling expected to grow immensely in India
The direct selling industry may see some rough patches in the states, but it is smooth sailing in India.
According to a recent report ‘Direct Selling: Dehli – A Global Industry, Empowering Millions’, direct selling is predicted to become a top industry by 2025.
The health and wellness, cosmetics, and household goods industries (of which Vestige Marketing is a part) are also expected to grow at 10-16%.
There is a bright future for Vestige in India, but…
#2. Rapid growth of direct selling in India could bring instability
Because direct selling, which is newer and less established in India, has been growing so quickly, it’s also gaining more attention from the government.
The report also implies that a slew of reforms will likely take place over the next decade as the government tries to ensure that companies are operating ethically and sustainably. We’ve seen MLMs get shut down time and time again in the U.S., so it wouldn’t be a surprise if this eventually started happening in India.
The question, then, is whether or not Vestige Market will be able to adapt and continue to grow amidst changing laws and regulations.
#1. The FSSAI has already asked Vestige to withdraw some products
In early 2016, the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) issued directives to Vestige to withdraw some controversial products, in part because they never obtained the required approval to market them in the first place. [4]
However, the products were never withdrawn, and the FSSAI and the FDA have yet to find the power to enforce their directives.
While Vestige Marketing has a lot of good things going for them, I wouldn’t necessarily recommend them for a money-making opportunity.
Not a Vestige hater, I just think you could get more reward for your efforts elsewhere.
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
via https://mlmcompanies.org/vestige-marketing/
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kclittlethoughts · 6 years
I cannot believe how careless I am.
Oh wait. I CAN. I accidentally burned my arm while cooking a week ago and it's only today that I chose to go to the doctor (and that was only because I was near the hospital today and that the service for students is of no charge). So anyway, I've been wrapping my arm with sterilized gauze for a week now with knowledge based only on what I googled.
Having been stranded in pedro gil last night due to the rain, I decided to just wait for the next morning to come. This morning, I went to the dentist and had corrections regarding my orthodontic treatment done. It took a long while before my turn because:
1. I did not have an appointment (because what I needed was an emergency measure - the wire was poking my cheek and I had to have it cut or else it will be uncomfortable).
2. The dentist took quite some time dealing with his patients. I almost did not get the treatment I needed because the dentist even forgot I was outside the clinic waiting!! Imagine my being taken aback when he said
Oh you're still here? Why didn't you tell me?
Just kidding. He was kind enough to apologize so all was well. Besides, I wasn't even bored during those three hours because I was busy watching vlive. If only it weren't for the mosquitoes I would have stayed longer there. Jk
So the wire cutting took less than 5 mins. That was what I was expecting anyway.
In those three hours I was able to claim the articulators from the OP Department and pay the adjustment fee as well. Yay
Since the treatment ended nearly around 1pm, I decided to go to the health service center.
I went to the health service center and got referred to the burn unit immediately. When I heard I was being referred I was already deciding to leave with thoughts about how much of a hassle it is etcetera. Fortunately for me I did not leave. I decided to just go for consultations in the Burn unit, and tried to know whether what I have been doing for the past week was right or not. Fortunately (again) I was right.
The interns in charge were really nice and talked with ease. They cleaned the wound, which according to them is nearly healed. According to them I should have gone earlier. bc hello?!? Especially as health/medical students we should be aware of our health and all the health related stuff.
The intern called me later today to suggest a bandage (aquacel) that would help me heal the wound better and faster, and to avoid further pigmentation of the burned areas which may be reaaaally ugly. They informed me how I should place the bandage and everything I needed. They also told me that I should go back to the hospital after five days for updates. They were really nice I tell you.
This was about my carelessness. If initially I was being careful while cooking, I wouldn't have to go through all the stuff and spend money on gauzes and other things. If I went to the doctor earlier I would have known better. Anyways, none of that happened so I'll just deal with everything using what I have learned (wow okay me).
If you get an oil burn while cooking, immediately remove source and run water through the burned area for atleast 15-20 minutes. Do not use cold water. Use petroleum jelly. Cover with bandages if the wound is open and fresh for faster healing amd to avoid having it come in contact with external forces.
The cleaning solution used in my case was iodine 7.5%, and that can be bought from drugstores and is really easy to find. The bandage suggested by the intern is Aquacel.
I told my brother about the burn I have only yesterday and today he told me he ordered for me a cream which helps remove scars. He even offered money for me to buy the aquacel 😭
Ps. Do not get burned.
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domytriesthis · 6 years
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My last Glossybox! I subscribed to two other boxes recently knowing at least one of them would have to go. After three months, Glossy is somewhat easily given up. The value is good (and this month in particular was an exceptional value), but it’s also the box with some of the more...unique items (the Lue Eraser mask in particular, but the smelly shower foam and the Nature Queen shampoo and conditioner also qualify as well) and usually has less makeup. I’m pretty set with my hair and body care. I don’t mind trying skincare items, even though I’m pretty much a FAB girl, but Glossy didn’t actually send much skincare either. It’s a box I’d probably pay $15 for, but $21? While it might value way more than that, it’s not worth that to me. I’ve also heard, since the sale of GB to The Hut Group, of complaints about customer service and customers not receiving boxes. This hasn’t been my experience, but it does make me nervous.
Anyway, this was a good box to end on! In addition to the box itself, I received a gift code for an Emma & Chloe box, which sent along a pair of beautiful earrings valued at $102. I’d keep the E&C subscription if I could afford it because the earrings are gorgeous. As for Glossybox, this month included Show Beauty Couture Curl Enhancing Lotion ($45!!!), The Makeup Drop ($20), a Laura Geller Easy Illuminating Stick in Ballerina ($26), a Beauty For Real I-Line Eyeliner in Platinum Blonde ($14), and Kryolan Professional Eye Shadow Primer ($18.50). Total Value: $123.50. There was also supposed to be a Vendome Paris Beaute Pearl Eyeshade Eyeshadow ($26), but it wasn’t in the box. I mentioned it when making sure my cancellation went through (never received a confirmation email) and they’re sending a replacement. This is the best box I’ve received, and it made it tempting to keep it, but I suspect they’ll be going back to their more traditional boxes after the holidays, and a box did have to go. The mix of Glossy’s usual boxes made it the easiest to let go of.
On the the reviews!
Show Beauty Couture Curl Enhancing Lotion :: The consistency is a bit looser than I expected, I end up using more than I do of my Ors Monoi Oil (which is somewhat alarming considering what this goes for), and the scent is a bit stronger in my hair than I would like (it’s not horrible, and not knock me into the next county strong, but definitely noticeable). Once applied, my hair did feel more silky, at least while it was damp, and didn’t feel heavy. However, int he morning, my hair felt drier and was frizzier after being slept on. I’ll have to give it a try when I shower earlier in the day and see how my hair responds then.
The Makeup Drop ::  This is one of those beauty fads that I probably never would have tried on my own. While I like that it doesn't waste product, I don't like how it applies the product. It doesn't blend it so much as smoosh it around, and it doesn't help reduce the textured appearance of my skin any more than a sponge. It doesn't have the give that a sponge does, and the shape is limiting (the sponge I prefer for my foundation has a chiseled end that fits easily under my eyes and in the crease of my nose). It's not a horrible product, just not one I'll reach for.
Laura Geller Easy Illuminating Stick ::  Since I prefer powder just about everything, I never would have tried this if it hadn't been included here. I tried to apply it three ways: with a brush, with my finger, and using the stick directly, and it never reached the level of an actual highlight to me. It applies as more of a natural glow to me. I don't mind it being a natural glow—sometimes you want something more subtle—I just expect a highlighter to actually highlight. All that said, I did like that, unlike powder, this stick also didn't emphasize my skin texture, which I like, and unlike the  NYX Bright Idea Illuminating Stick , it didn't feel greasy or slick. Because of those two things, I'm more likely to use this despite it not being a powder and it not being as pigmented as most highlighters that I use.
Beauty For Real I-Line Eyeliner ::  It's very similar to the  Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in that it's smooth, creamy, and fairly pigmented. The UD pencil still applies more easily, but this one doesn't really tug or pull much at all, and it stays pretty well. The Platinum Blonde is golden with quite a bit of glitter in it and is really pretty. I just wish it would show up better on my skin. I really want to find a way to make this one work for me.
Kryolan Professional Eye Shadow Primer :: I’m already in love with this and ready to move it into my daily use makeup. It’s light, smooth, and blurring (not sure how important that is with eyeshadow, but it is neat). More importantly to me, it reduces the spot where I “lose” shadow significantly (no matter what I do: there’s one spot on one lid that’s either oilier or sweats or something, and my eyeshadow literally disappears from it). And my eyeshadow lasts hours without needing touch ups—it does fade a bit, but it doesn’t disappear completely.
I’m looking forward to receiving the eye shadow as well and will have to review it later, probably in a samples post.
Domy tried all these and is very pleased with most if it. Not sure yet if any of it will end up going to ProjectBeautyShare.org, but it’s possible for the makeup drop and the illuminating stick. The curl lotion...I don’t know. It’ll depend on how my hair reacts if I don’t sleep on it after application.
I currently have three subscriptions to review (Play, Lola, and Yes Oh Yas), but am still trying a product or two from each of them. I also have an Urban Decay order that I’ll probably review at the same time as my Christmas makeup gifts, as well as several freebies and samples and drugstore makeup I recently picked up. The subscription reviews might all make it up before the end of the year, but you can get a peek of two of them in my triple threat unboxing video on YouTube. My Play unbagging video is also up on the channel.
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shelbyjlcook · 7 years
Tuesday- August 22
Let’s talk about what I’m loving right now, shall we?
1. Arrested Development 
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Wow- I am sad it took me so long to discover how awesome this show is, but I’m happy I now know it’s greatness and will shout it from the rooftops!  Why should you do yourself a favor and watch this show?  Well, to start off with, the writing is so clever. Each episode follows the misadventures of a dysfunctional family that can barely tolerate each other. Somehow everything comes full circle where all the shenanigans of one or more family members end up inadvertently affecting everyone.  Hilarity ensues.  There aren’t too many televisions that I laugh out loud at when I’m watching it by myself, but this one has had me totally lol-ing several times. All the characters are awesome, but my favorites have to be a tie between Tobias, Gob, and Buster.  It’s too difficult to pick one of those three as the best.  Rest assured that binging on this show is well worth your time.  You can quote me :)  If you want to check it out, Netflix has all of the seasons available to watch.
2. KISS Salon Acrylic Nails- Petite Sized    
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OMG- I have finally found a way to make my nails look presentable without the time and effort.  I have never made time to make my nails look nice- I’m messy with nail polish and ridiculously uncoordinated to do them myself, and I don’t want to spend the money or time to sit in a salon for an hour to get them done by someone else  
The solution?  Glue-on nails!  I know it seems unclassy, but you would be surprised how many compliments I get with these bad boys.  They are higher quality than some other brands and better quality than other types of KISS nails as well.  For less than $10.00 you can go to any drugstore, buy you a box, spend 15 minutes putting them on, and you don’t have to do anything with your nails for a week!  
I’ve never had salon acrylic nails professionally put on, and mainly the reason is I can’t do long nails. I can’t tolerate nails that are any longer than the finger line.  These petite sized ones are the perfect length! I’ve tried other glue on nails that were longer and I took them off within 48 hours because I couldn’t stand the length, but these I can keep on for as long as they’ll last because they aren’t uncomfortable and they don’t feel like they’re in the way.
3. Sweet Surrender Dessert Cafe- Louisville, KY
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This place is amazingness. Do you need dessert? No. But let’s not kid ourselves- dessert makes life more enjoyable. It is an adorable cafe on Frankfort Avenue that I’ve been to on several occasions, and I doubt there is anything on the menu I would dislike, but my favorite is the caramel pound cake.  Just sayin.
I feel incredibly fortunate to have discovered each one of them.  Each makes me feel good in their own way, and that’s why we regard things with particular favor, right?
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mlmcompanies · 6 years
We go to the spa for miraculous products like mud packs and salt scrubs…
But with this MLM, you’ll get all of that at home.
Trouble is, you won’t save a dime doing it yourself.
Seacret Direct is a popular skincare network marketing company that was started in a mall kiosk in 2005.
You know those salespeople at mall kiosks who hound you every time you walk by practically begging you to let them scrub your hand with their miracle hand cream so that you, too, can experience the skincare wonders of the Dead Sea?
Welcome to Seacret Direct. They’re blowing the roof off of skincare MLMs, positioning their products as elite, spa-day products you need to feel good about yourself.
1. What does Seacret Direct sell? Seacret Direct sells skincare made of Dead Sea minerals and the latest scientific technologies in skincare. They also sell nutrition products, beauty products, and hair care.
2. What are Seacret Direct’s most popular products? Seacret’s most popular products contain minerals from the Dead Sea, such as their M4 Mineral-Rich Magnetic Mud Mask and their Dead Sea Bath Salt. The Mud Mask pulls dirt and impurities away from your skill while leaving all the essential oils on your skin. The Bath Salt turns your bath into a relaxing spa experience that relaxes your muscles and rejuvenates your skin.
3. How much does it cost to join Seacret Direct? Join Seacret Direct and you become a Seacret Agent. Who doesn’t want that? To join, you’ll put out a $49 registration fee (which doesn’t make you active). To be active, you must close each week with 200 PV, have 4 active customers, or place a 35 BV order every 4 weeks. When you register, if you pay an additional $50 (for a total of $99), you’ll upgrade to the 5-in-5 Agent Kit. The compensation plan doesn’t explain the benefits of upgrading. Also, be aware, you’ll pay an annual fee of $49, due on the anniversary date of enrollment.
4. Is Seacret Direct a scam? No, it’s a legitimate business.
5. What is Seacret Direct’s BBB rating? A+
6. How long has Seacret Direct been in business? They became a direct selling company in 2011. Prior to that, they operated out of kiosks in malls across the country.
7. What is Seacret Direct’s revenue? $200 million
8. How many Seacret Direct distributors are there? 60,000
9. What lawsuits have been filed? In 2016, Seacret Spa sued Michelle Lee, defending its application for trademark. It was denied for being too similar to the deodorant, Secret. [1] In 2018, Khai Huynh, a Seacret Direct agent, sued Christina Nguyen, who runs a charity. He held a fundraising dinner, which was more successful than he expected, and failed to deliver all the donations. Nguyen accused him of misapplying the donations, and Khai sought relief in the Texas courts. [2, 3]
10. Comparable companies: Mary Kay, Nu Skin,
So should you get involved?
As far as the products go, the company seems legit. At least they’re doing something different.
But if it’s just the income opportunity that excites you, there are better options out there…
Click here for my #1 recommendation
Either way, here’s the full review on Seacret Direct.
Seacret may have started out as a mall kiosk — the only thing more annoying than MLM — but it worked for them. They pretty much started the Dead Sea craze in skincare and cosmetics back in 2005 when they opened shop in Phoenix, AZ.
Seacret Direct was founded and run by two brothers, Izhak Ben Shabat and Mordechai Ben Shabat. They’re really the quintessential American Dream story.
The brothers originally immigrated to the United States from Israel in 2000 for medical school, but, inspired by the entrepreneurial spirit of the U.S., they started dreaming about having their own company instead. The brothers tried everything from an ice cream truck to mall kiosks that sell children’s toys during the holidays that grossed over $4 million. [4]
But they really struck gold when they started selling their Dead Sea products, inspired by their homeland, in mall kiosks.
Within only 5 years they were global, with hundreds of outlets in almost 20 countries and were pushing over $500 million in sales since launch. [5] Some of their biggest markets are outside of the U.S. in places like Australia and Korea. [6]
Now they’re #72 on the Direct Selling News 2018 Global 100 List. [7] They’ve got an A+ rating with the BBB and 4.34 out of 5 stars for customer reviews, and they’ve been featured in Business Wire and Business2Community for their innovative marketing techniques. [8] [9]
Like any MLM, they have a few potentially fatal flaws. One of their biggest appears to be their management style and corporate culture. They’ve got a 2.1 employee rating on Glass Door and some of the worst employee reviews I’ve seen from people who worked at corporate.
According to reviews, former employees seem to agree that the upper-level management running the company is made up of people who are inexperienced, unrealistic, mean, unethical, and even abusive. One former employee goes so far as to recommend working there only “if you want to see what PTSD feels like.” [10]
If it’s an MLM, it’s got to have a gimmicky ingredient from some far off land (hint: Monat or Senegence).
With Seacret Direct, it’s about as exotic and legendary as it gets: The Dead Sea.
According to the company, the Dead Sea contains 26 essential minerals, and 12 of those minerals don’t exist in any other ocean in the world. These 12 minerals provide benefits for relaxation, skin nourishment, and healing in ways that no other minerals can. [11]
They’ve got a whole drugstore worth of Dead Sea skincare products, from cleansers and exfoliators to moisturizers and nail products to masks and hand creams. Their skincare lines include…
Facial Solutions
Their line of facial care products includes facial soap and face wash, CC creams and cosmetic products, makeup remover, eye creams, and mud masks. They range from $17 for a bar of mud soap to a whopping $240 for a “mineral-rich magnetic mud mask.”
Body Solutions
This is their line of body care products, including body lotions, soaps, foot and hand creams, salt scrubs, and mud therapy products. The body products range from around $16-$50.
Their line of age-defying products includes anti-aging serums, eye creams, and face masks. They range all the way up to $315.
The Re-Cover line is only available in Canada, but according to Seacret Direct, it’s so popular that the delivery is backed up at least 14 days at all times. They claim that the product literally unfolds the wrinkles in your skin.
Compensation Plan
The starter kit is $49, which is reasonably affordable. Reps get 30% commission on personal sales, on average, which is less than more established MLMs like Arbonne (35%). [12]
Seacret Direct runs on a binary compensation plan and offers reps 5 ways to earn cash.
Retail Sales
Commission on personal sales ranges from 30%-150%, according to them, but basically, your commission rate is 30%. A little below average.
Preferred Customer Program
Preferred customers get a discount for ordering on monthly auto-ship, and distributors get 25% of their monthly auto-ship orders which means… passive residual income, every money chaser’s dream. This is the honeypot when it comes to the compensation plan, but landing preferred customers is not easy. Especially when their products are overpriced.
Team Commission
Team commission is the other big ticket item here. You can earn 10-15% on your lesser leg, or even more if you move up high enough in rank.
Leadership Check Match Bonus
This is the holy grail of all bonuses. It’s not easy to get, but if you hit it, you’ve hit the jackpot. If you become a Bronze Director, you get a percentage (up to 20%) of every other Bronze Director’s check in your downline sent to your bankroll.
Performance Bonus
These are your typical car bonuses, lifestyle bonuses, and rank advancement bonuses.
Overall, this is a pretty solid company. They’ve managed to really skyrocket their growth in just over a decade, and they seem to be here to stay.
Their products, while overpriced, are well-reviewed and established. Their commission rates are mediocre but they offer some really great bonuses.
That being said, those really great bonuses are only for the very, very special few who manage to get to the top.
Like most MLMs, there’s money to be made, but 99.9% of the people working here aren’t seeing it.
Look, I’ve been involved with network marketing for over ten years so I know what to look for when you consider a new opportunity.
After reviewing 200+ business opportunities and systems out there, here is the one I would recommend:
Click here for my #1 recommendation
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