#I’m the woman in their life thirsting over this ghoul
hellhound-wrangler · 3 years
I have made the immensely foolish decision to dip my toes into the “writing fanfic” waters and I’m now regretting all my life choices. I have weird disjointed chunks of a story, some more edited than others. Also I apparently have a masochistic streak, because I’m writing fic for the game that aggravates me on almost every level, instead of one that isn’t actively maddening.
Anyhow, if you, too, have an inexplicable fondness for the garbage fire that is Fallout 3, I bring you a small offering of irradiated trash.
A week later, Charon shoved open the door of the Ninth Circle, a moaning drunk with broken hands draped over his shoulder (“Now take out the trash Charon, there’s a good boy” Azhrukhal had said before turning to the fool’s terrified friend to settle the briefly-disputed bar tab), and a slouching smoothskin leaving Carol’s Place took three long strides and caught the door, holding it open for him without comment. He spared a brief hard stare for the human, who looked back blandly. Unarmored, no visible weapons save a 10mm on their hip, torchlight glinting off their battered glasses, hair and skin and clothing all in unremarkable shades of gray and tan, just another scavver looking for oblivion in the shittiest bar in the end of the world. He wished he could warn the wastelander off before they poured more caps into Azhrukal’s safe and wound up robbed or dead or beaten or sold or whatever sick whim the old rat had in store, but standing orders strangled any warning he could offer in his throat (“Stop scaring off the customers, Charon”). 
When he came back into the bar, he briefly thought that the smoothskin had had an attack of good sense and left, until he realized that the customer deep in conversation with Azhrukhal at the bar was not the injured ghoul’s partner after all. The colorless wasteland clothing was the same, but the line of the shoulders was too relaxed, the body on the barstool too long and slouched and balanced to be the stocky frantic drunk Charon had last seen sitting there, the voice too low and calm to be a strung-out fool trying to spare themself a beating.
He didn’t want to hear whatever trap Azhrukhal was weaving for another stupid tourist, and he concentrates instead on the music of the radio, the morbid calculation of how long it would take until the ceiling fell in, the low burn of a two-day thirst in his throat. Sinking into his misery, he let the sounds of the Ninth Circle wash over him.
“-keeps hackin’ and whackin’ and smackin’-”
“-unfailing, unflinching, until the day - “
“-drinks are foul-”
“-he finally met his fate/ But when they came to pay-”
“-a liability, the dog-catchers are coming-”
“-yesterday...I found one of Patchwork’s fingers-”
“-civilization is a thing for me to see -”
“ - must be kidding-”
“-bottle imp, Azhrukhal, will you be carried-”
“-how they coax him I’ll stay right here - “
“-need just a little bit of jet, I’ve got the shakes-”
“-never see him after tonight-”
“-what I do all year round-”
The sound of caps pouring onto sticky wood seizes the attention of every patron in the bar, and the refocusing of their bodies, rather than the sound itself, pulls Charon back to the present. The smoothskin drops an empty bag like garbage, a long messy pile of caps lying on the bar between them and Azhrukhal. The bartender draws in a single rattling breath and hastily shoves a filthy envelope across the bar to the human, eyes already on the treasure before him.
“Fine. Take your dog and get out.”
The human nods once, slipping their glasses from their face and tucking them into the neckline of their shirt. They stand smoothly, slouch vanishing as they rise. They open the envelope as they walk over to Charon, fishing something out. Their eyes are an eerily pale brown, catching the torchlight like an animal’s as they open their mouth to speak. Abruptly he recognizes them, the height (tall for a wastelander, though not compared to him) and the gleaming eyes - it’s the merc with the mottled armor. Ambush predator, he thinks again.
”Talk to Azhrukhal” Charon snarls, cutting them off. Whatever idiot deal they had entered with the bartender, he wanted as little to do with as possible.
“You are no longer under contract to Azhrukhal.” The smoothskin slides his folded contract from the envelope and extends it for him to see, looking absurdly as though they were offering it to Charon. One corner of their mouth curled up briefly, a snarl or a smile, there and gone again in an instant. “I promised him that tonight was the last time he’d see you.”
“You purchased my contract from Azhrukhal? So, I am no longer in his service. That is good to know. Please, excuse me.”
Dazed, wondering if he’s dreaming, Charon brushes past the smoothskin, closes the distance between him and his former employer, as Azhrukhal sweeps cap after cap into a box he pulled from beneath the bar. The bartender’s head jerks up, glowering, his mouth opening to spit some final insult but Charon’s shotgun is already in his hands. He had meant to confirm his change of employment, hear the old ghoul seal his fate by acknowledging that Charon was no longer bound to him, but suddenly the thought of hearing the bartender’s rotten voice even one time more is unendurable. Before Azhrukhal can speak, the spray of buckshot silences him forever. Charon watches the headless body fall and fires again, blowing apart the chest (head and heart, big boy, a woman’s memory whispers, if you want them to stay down). He considers shooting the corpse again, reducing it to scraps of meat and bone and buckshot until he runs out of shells, but decides that this is sufficient and slips the shotgun back into its sheath.
Over the startled screams that marked the patrons’ reaction to Azhrukhal’s death, his new employer’s voice comes clear and steady. “Do you need anything out of here before we leave?”
Charon snorts, rolls his shoulders to feel the press of the shotgun in its holster across his back, shakes his head. “No.”
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Pairings: (Taehyung/Reader)
Genre: Smut, Romance(?)
Words: 8,226
Tags: Qetesh/Egyptian Goddess AU, College AU, non-idol AU, oral sex (both giving and receiving – because that’s important), Taehyung is a needy boy and things are not that hardcore. This is still a smut fic though.
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The summer solstice was one of the most anticipated party of the year. A party where people can dress up as ghouls, fairies and all sorts of mythological monsters and party the night away — drugs and heavy drinking going hand in hand with bad decisions and low morals.
It was the only thing people have been talking about for the last two months. Even now as your answering the last question of your final exam, you could still here them mumbling to each other.
You didn’t understand what all the excitement was about. You’ve been to at least one high school party before, but all you experienced was sitting down in a chair while your friend, being the social butterfly that she was left you with a drink in your hand as she flirted the night away. You were left to find a way back home on your own when she decided to leave with a guy she’d been crushing on for a week and not forget to tell you about it.
It wasn’t a nice experience.
It was the exact kind of party you would much rather avoid going to.
You make your way out of the classroom, finally turning in the last exam of the semester. The weight that has been sitting on your shoulders to get a good grade finally lifting and you could feel as if you could finally breathe. You make your way down the pretty empty hall, most of the students still in their classrooms finishing their exams.
You were ready to just sleep for the next thirty days before doing absolutely anything else.
Three years ago you had decided to move to one of the busiest city in your country, three colleges in the same vicinity sharing the same clubs, apartments and restaurants. You just so happen to live outside of the city, in one of the best high rise apartment building your father’s money could afford. You had accepted it as part of his rules to letting you go to the college of your choice and to being on your own for the first time in your life – no maids, no butler and no one to do things for you.
You wanted to experience the part where you take care of yourself, of being in a classroom with other people instead of alone with different teachers, to not have someone come in the morning and relay your schedule for the day. The first few weeks, you quickly realized It wasn’t as easy as you thought it was going to be– having to learn everything from scratch. The first attempt at cooking you had almost burned your kitchen down, but after three years of living by yourself you had gotten the hang of it.
It took you thirty minutes by bus to get home, pass the building’s security at the front desk. “Welcome back, Miss (Y/N)!” They greet you as always, earning a nod and a shy smile of acknowledgement thrown in their direction before heading towards the elevator.
You punch in your security code, now feeling exhausted as you start thinking about how close to a warm bath and long naps you actually are. “Just a little longer” You assure yourself.
You live in the penthouse, a choice your father made as it meant you shared the floor with no one. He had taken every security measure to make sure you wouldn’t be in any danger – his money, his reputation and his business making his family a target.
The ding of the elevator waking you up as you drop your bag on at the front door, kicking your shoes off the moment you step out of the elevator and into your living room. “Finally!” You groan out, stretching all over as you throw yourself onto one of the large couches – facing out to the large windows. This building was surrounded by others, but not as tall as the one in front of you. There were only a few people living there at the moment, the building being new enough to remain empty for the first couple of weeks.
The penthouse across from yours was the first one to be sold. You didn’t know much who was living there, but with the bright lights on at night and their inability of using their curtains you found out pretty quickly who had been living opposite you.
A man going by the name Kim Taehyung. You had heard people around you gossip about him and his friends. How they were incredibly good looking and talented in the fields they chose to study in. Taehyung’s name was the one that kept coming up around you. He was an Art History major with a minor in business – which is why you shared most of your classes with him.
For what you could tell, Taehyung was the kind of guy to take his studies seriously, but still have enough time to party during the weekend. He had his shit balanced, unlike you.
The only thing you would hear from other students was who was he dating that week – man or woman, and who he dumped and how brutal it had been. The man who, unabashedly, stands proud in front of his window wearing nothing but an open silk robe, who would bring the occasional one night stand into his apartment and fuck them against said window. The one who is currently getting a blowjob while looking out the same window. Wait – you pause for a second.
You squint your eyes, rubbing the tired from them as they widen at the scene in front of you. Taehyung stood in leaning with one hand against the window, eyes hooded as a man kneels before him. The bobbing movement of the latter giving you a clear idea of what he was doing. Taehyung’s face remained stoic, a beer bottle resting in his hand that he would occasionally take a sip from.
You could already feel your face burning up as you blush at the scene before you. You sat frozen on your couch as Taehyung pulls the hand resting on the window and entangles it in the man’s blonde hair – hand gripping tightly, you thought he was going to rip the hair off the man’s scalp. You watch the erotic way he closes his eyes, letting his tongue run against his bottom lip as his hand began moving in a back and forward motion. A thrust of his hips and a satisfied smirk painting his face as he reaches his orgasm before looking down at the man in front of him.
Your body felt hot after watching the scene in front of you. You also felt like a giant pervert, but how could you look away when he’s rolling his shoulders back and throwing his head back like his a sexy pornstar. Your eyes moving up and down his body, watching the other man standing from his kneeling position – nothing but buttcheeks in your direct view and for the first time you notice that both of them are very very naked.
It felt as if you were in a trance that broke the second you made eye contact with Taehyung. You shriek, if out of embarrassment before flinging yourself off the couch and into your closed kitchen in an attempt to get flee. To get away from this whole situation.
You had very much forgotten that if you could see everything then he could clearly see you.
“Stupid” You groan out, heading towards the sink before splashing some water on your face. You felt like throwing up at the thought of the embarrassing moment of just being caught watching them. “It’s fine. It’s just your imagination. There’s no way he saw you.” You reason with yourself, feeling your heartbeat slow down. It’s not like you personally knew the guy, so you could just pretend you saw absolutely nothing and forget the whole thing never happen.
Yeah, that’s exactly what you were going to do.
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You groggily walk into the kitchen in search of something to quench your thirst, feeling sleepy even after taking that three hour nap. After you had come rolling down from the top of embarrassment hill, you had fallen asleep in your room while watching television.
It was already nighttime by the time you had woken up, the apartment bathing in complete darkness as the lights coming from the moon casts shadows all over your living room.
Your mind starts going back to the moment you witness by looking out the window. Cheeks turning red in second hand embarrassment as you try to erase that image from your mind, but with no luck.
You snap out of your thoughts by the sound of your cell phone ringing somewhere in the room, knowing already who it was as they would always call at the same time of the night. You head back into the kitchen, going straight to the glowing light stuck in between the couch cushions. Your mom’s name flashing across the screen and your prediction correct as you answer the phone.
“Hey mom” you tiredly greet her, throwing yourself back on the couch because knowing her, this call was going to last a while.
“Hey, sweetheart! Have you eaten anything today?” She asks straight away, her heavy accent seeping through the phone — not giving you a chance to answer before she was asking another question. “How were your exams? Were they as easy as you thought they would be?”
“Yes I ate, they were fine. What did you really wanted to ask me?” You answer, throwing yourself back on the couch and staring at the ceiling. “Are you going to come home for the summer?” You smile as she asks the same question she asks every year. You would visit whenever you could, but you would never stay longer than a week at most.
“I don’t think I’m gonna be going this year, mom” You sigh out,knowing that being honest now would save you a lot more later. “Maybe the week before classes start, I’ll let you know” you assure her.
Of course, you miss your mom. She was the one who had encouraged you to become more independent as you were growing up, even if that meant you would be leaving the nest one day.
But every single time you step foot in your childhood home, you feel this overwhelming sensation of having everyone around you – having gotten used to spending so much time alone. You and your mom spent a few hours on the phone, talking about nothing and everything that had happened back at home.
“I’m going to call you back, I’m about to have dinner.” You hurriedly say, blowing a kiss through the microphone before saying your goodbyes and hanging up.
You stand up, stretching as you feel all of your body relax at the feeling. You already had the idea of going out and getting something to eat, there was no way you were going to take the time to cook again. So convenience store food is the best idea you could come up with.
You make your way to the elevator, sliding on your shoes as you wait for it to arrive.
You were still wearing the same clothing as this morning, feeling the air grow colder as you reached the convenience store around the corner from your apartment building.
You say ‘hi’ to the girl behind the counter, having already seen her plenty of times before when you had taken study breaks for the last three weeks. You headed straight to the noodle isle, eyes tiredly searching for the one you had an inkling for.
Your immediate attention staying on the matter at hand, paying no attention to the rest of the store as you went to the cash register to pay.
You should start to learn how to keep an eye on your surroundings, because as you wait for the microwave the finish heating up your food, you also had an almost-heart attack.
“You enjoy the show?” A deep voice startles you, making you jump at the sudden sound so close to you. Your hand instantly lands on your chest, trying to find some type of composure.
You turn around to meet the one and only fucker, Kim Taehyung. Your cheeks turn red almost instantly as the taller man stands before you in the small isle.
His hands were shoved into his hoodie, his face pulled into a serious expression where you couldn’t tell if he was kidding or not.
But with the way it felt as if he was staring deep into your hollow soul you were positive he was talking to you.
“Uh…” Your mind goes blank as he leans forward, standing now inches from you as his eyebrows furrow and he squints his eyes at you. “I-I’m sorry” you involuntarily giggle, nervousness sipping into you. “ I think you might have the wrong person…?”
You hated how your voice got suddenly high. Something that happens every time you got nervous around other people – which is why you avoided any type social interaction as possible. You didn’t want to be known as the girl that spoke so high that she could mimic a sound only dogs could hear.
Taehyung tilts his head to the side, a smirk appearing on his face as he notices you blushing. He knew he had seen you before, the way you were blushing red and how you were clearly avoiding his eyes was enough to confirm his previous suspicions. He wasn’t expecting in finding you so soon after – you look different up close and in person.
“So you did enjoy it then!” He leans back, smiling wide as he stands over your smaller form. “I didn’t know I had an audience” Taehyung chuckles, his eyes never straying far from your face as he watches you get even more red. You didn’t handle confrontation well, did you?
“If I did I would’ve put on a better show” His voice drops to a sultry tone, making you finally snap your gaze to his.
Taehyung winks, shoving his hands back into his jacket before leaving you alone in the aisle. You jump as the microwave beeps behind you, kicking you out of your frozen state.
You turn to lean back at the against the counter, confusion settling in. “What the fuck?” You whisper to yourself, the cool air coming from the vents doing wonders to your heated skin.
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You had gotten back to your apartment a little after the stores around you begun to close down for the night and the last of the party goers made their way through the empty streets.
Everything felt as if you were experiencing it in a dreamlike stage–getting greeted by the night guard, punching in your code and then everything stops.
You don’t remember when exactly you had fallen asleep, let alone when was the moment you had reached your bedroom.
You’re paralyzed, the room cold enough that you could see your breath appearing in front of you. Your chest heaves as your breathing starts to quicken, tears in your eyes as you try to scream out.
That’s when you notice it – the menacing black smoke floating above you. You had never felt more scared in your entire life, a year falling down the side of your cheek as the black smoke lowers in above you. You want to cry out, scream at it to go away, for someone to help you and yet no one comes to your rescue.
You try to speak, forcing yourself to make a sound — any sound at all. But the black smoke began filling your lungs prevented you from crying out. It slowly consumed you, leaving you feeling vulnerable.
Your body felt as if it was floating on clouds, your mine drifting off into nothingness and at precisely ten thirty four that night, your heart stopped beating.
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You wake up, grass caressing the bottom of your hands as move them away from you. The sound of running water not too far from you, and the sound of iron hitting iron as the skilled craftsmen went to work. You open your eyes, the morning sun shining down from above you. You look around as you sit up, the thin cotton dress that you wore keeping you cool in the harsh heat.
You were in a field, lotus flowers surrounding you and small houses not too far from you and yet it was peaceful and quiet. You had no shoes on, so as you stood up and made your way out of the feel you could feel the grass tickling the bottom of your feet. Your long hair moving behind you as the breeze blew right at your face.
You didn’t recognize the place, the people, nothing and yet, you felt at home here. As if you had been called here.
You continue to make your way out of the field, the smell of iron being melted and the rest of the merchants trying to make some profit to feed their family for the night.
You were but just a visitor in that moment, the people around you continued to stare as you make your way through of the crowd. The sound dissipating as your surroundings begun to change – you were suddenly surrounded by marble and pillars of fire. The soft, shiny floor felt cold against your naked feet and the dress you were wearing changed to a more revealing one, small golden chains going the middle of your chest and gold dust glimmering from the flickering fire.
You make your way down the hall, ignoring the longing looks you got from the guards. Not that they could comment on anything, you were under the pharaoh’s protection. You continue to make your way to the grand room, people of all ranks enjoying themselves in the main room where most festivities were held.
Food and wine being passed around in trays by woman wearing intricate face masks. You dismiss the ones that approach you with a wave of your hand – your eyes settling on the man of the hour. The party was just a formality, a reason to bring all of the eligible high ranking ladies into the palace for the young prince to take his pick of wives.
V, as you’ve come to know him, sat at one of the lower thrones – looking as if he was bored out of his mind.
Your focus didn’t last on him very long, as the exotic dancers begin to move across the dance floor. Their bodies moving sensually to the music.
Your eyes return to V, watching him let out a sigh as he throws his head back.
You were right to come here, being summoned only three days ago, you had yet to make your true presence known. To them you were just another visiting dignitary.
You were the type of goddess to come in unannounced watch the people around, study them and then meddle with their life. You would lower their inhibitions, make the fears they had about themselves disappear and making them feel immense pleasure instead.
As V’s eyes meet yours through the crowd, you know that he is the one who called you here.
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Your eyes remain close as the sound of music fills your ears. Your hands sliding up the side of the satin bed sheets around you – pushing back on it, your hands holding you up as you finally open your eyes.
You were surrounded by groups of people, naked people. The flames of the torches placed on every wall dancing across their bodies as lips met lips and soft moans coming from both men and women filled the room.
Your golden eyes bright as they move across the room. You stand up, catching a glance of you in one of the silver plates sitting beside you. You were dress in black robes, golden chains and gold painted symbols drawn on your body.
Warm wet lips met the side of your neck, leaving soft kisses in their wake. “You’re here” A deep and familiar voice rumbles from behind you. His hand moves to your stomach as he presses himself into your back. “I was worried I had to wait longer to feel your skin pressed against mine” He groans out, his lips brushing against the side of your ear. You could his member against your back and instead of feeling uncomfortable in the moment, you could feel yourself getting wet with anticipation.
Your left hand reaches up to grab onto his long hair, making him groan against the side of your neck. You pull at it as you detach yourself from him only to be met with hungry and sharp green eyes. “V” his name leaves your lips in a whisper.
You watch as V smirks, hands itching to touch you, to be near you. He was being compelled by you, what he was already feeling for you was enhanced in some way. All he wanted was to be near you. “I made this party for you; just for you” He continues, eyes scanning over your body with hunger in his eyes.
“I love what you’ve done with the place” You affirmed. You really did enjoy waking up to the scene in front of you. Man and woman with all of their inhibitions lowered as they delve into their deepest sexual desires. Your smile widens as their moans fill the room, your attention moving back to the blonde man that seems desperate to have yours.
“What a good boy you’ve been” You declare, running your hands down the side of his cold cheeks. He stood in nothing but a pair of long pants as he nuzzled against your hand. “You deserve a reward” You watch his playful eyes light up at the mention of a possible reward.
You grab onto his hand pulling him along with you to the side, where you knew the thin curtains would give you some type of privacy. You sit on the edge of the bed, pulling him closer to your body as you look up at him. “What do you want?” You give him the choice, watching as his smile widens and he kneels down before you. “What is your deepest darkest desire?” You whisper, your hand coming down to caress his jaw, tilting his head upwards.
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Your eyes snap open as your forehead is drenched in sweat even if your room remained as cold as before. You were no longer trapped against your bed as you now sat up to lean against your headboard. You still felt that dominating presence around you, making you push back the sheets with your feet as you scramble into the bathroom. Brushing your hair away from your face as you move to throw cold water on your face.
Your eyes meet someone else’s in the mirror, only to scream out loud as another version of you looks back. The initial fear dies down; your body feeling more and more relax with the yellow eyed woman in front of you. It was like another version of you. A better looking version of you.
“Who are you?” You camly question, still feeling weary at the site in front of you. None of this felt like a dream, the reality of the situation resting on whether you were really going insane or not. “I go by the name Qetesh.” Your voice answers you back, “The goddess of nature, beauty and...sexual pleasure.”
You were not expecting that. Of course, you’ve heard from her in history class– the only time she was mentioned was as the wife of the god of war. “Why is it that I’m only known for being beside a man?” She… You ask.
“We’re sharing the same body and mind, don’t look so surprise when I respond to your thoughts”
“You’re not on drugs” Qetesh cuts you off, smiling back at you. The whole situation strangely eerie.
“You’re also not hallucinating or having a weird dream and the faster you come to terms with the faster I- I mean, we can have some fun.”
It took you another ten minutes to get your head wrapped around everything, making you snap out of your thoughts by clearing her throat.
“Now, since we are clearly going nowhere. I’ll make you a small proposal.” She declares, leaning forward on the marble counter in the mirror. “If you may grant me control of your body, I’ll make sure your deepest desires come true. Preferably, the more sexual ones.” She stops, taking the time to read what you actually thought of this whole situation.
“Oh, no I don’t force anyone. I need permission” she says, as if that was a fact.
“I only make the scary go away, like over thinking and fear of being naked in front of someone. That way they can truly enjoy themselves.”
“That’s exactly what you were thinking, right?” A smile.
You think back to all of those moments in the last three years of having complete freedom and how you chose each time to stay in your apartment. It wasn’t for a lack of trying on your classmates, in your first year you had been approached and invited to various groups and parties. It was your own fear of eventually getting rejected that made you push away and decline any sort of invitation to do some actual socializing.
After the second year, most of the same people stopped trying. Moving on to the next freshman and only saying the occasional ‘hi’ as they passed by. By your third year, all of them had already moved on and the only people you interacted with were the ones you had projects with, outside of that your social was very non existent.
You look back at the soul in the mirror, it knew exactly what you were thinking and yet it stayed quiet as you tried to make a decision. It wasn’t forcing you to do anything, but this could be an opportunity to experience new things with having to feel like you’re doing everything wrong.
“Is that a yes?” Your voice echoes against the empty bathroom walls. You accept with a nod, “I will need you to say it out loud, or it won’t work”
You hesitate for a moment, but as you look back at your own reflection everything you were sure that this was what you wanted.
“I accept”
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The decision didn’t take long, the moment Qetesh had full control of your body – you knew that you were just along for the ride. You watch as she raided your closet, picking out a dress that your mother had given you on your birthday in hopes that you would finally go out partying with your friends. You had hung it up in your closet and completely forgotten about it.
It didn’t feel crowded in your head, no headache longer in sight as the both of you argued about the very sexy looking dress. “It’s not like I need to wear that dress to lounge around my apartment” You try to reason with her, doing absolutely nothing stop her. Still having some type of control over your body.
“Who says we are just staying in all night?” She puzzled. “There’s a party tonight, a Summer Solstice if I am remembering correctly.”
Your eyes widen at the idea of going to that party, “Relax, I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you” She assures, “I’m in here with you, remember?”
She was right. Stop worrying, (Y/N) - you thought to yourself. So you take a metaphorical sit in the back of your mind and watch attentively as she gets ready and struts her way into the elevator.
It didn’t take long until you were back into the bustling city, headed to the one party of the year others had been talking about nonstop.
It was being held in an old abandoned hotel, known for renting out the big rooms for college graduations and weddings. No one ever knew the reason for why it closed down, but they didn’t care as a place where anyone could do whatever the fuck they want was readily available.
You weren’t in a costume as the rest of the party goers, but you never felt as if you were out of place. The music was pulsing off the walls of the old fading ballroom walls, the crowd in front of you jumping to the sound and sweaty bodies connecting with each other as their hips moved to the beat. This was exactly what you were expecting.
You made your way to the makeshift bar, smiling at the bartender as you instantly catch his attention. You take a sip of your drink, leaning with your back against the counter as your gaze moves around the crowd. “Funny seeing you here” A voice that should’ve startled you says from your left, yet you turn to the side with a calm demeanor as you gaze up and down the man in front of you. “I didn’t think this was the type of place you would show up”
Taehyung looks back at you, a different hair color from the blonde he was sporting earlier – lilac, it suited him. You watch as he takes a long sip of his beer before glancing back at you.
“You changed your hair” you acknowledge with disinterest. Qetesh moving to lean on her side, facing the tall man. “You look better” you shrug, leaning your head against your hand as you stare at his side profile. He was a familiar looking man; as if the other soul sharing your body could recognize him from her past lives. He would always find her, whether it was intentional or not. Whatever it was, it was pulling you closer to him. Like a magnet to metal.
“And you actually have curves under all those hoodies. I guess we are learning things tonight” He replies, looking away from you and towards the bar.
Your hand reaches out, one finger moving down the back of his. You could feel him instantly relax under your touch, eyes closing shut.
In that moment, you could feel what he wanted and you were incredibly turned on. He was thinking of you.
Which in itself surprised you, but on the outside you became the playful girl you had always imagine yourself to be.
“Is that why you approached me?” You lean in close to him, close enough that your heart begun to beat faster and the loud music became just background noise compared to it. “You know, contrary to popular belief, if you want your crush to notice you… you should probably just talk to her and not be an asshole.”
Taehyung snaps his eyes towards you, the smirk no longer painted on his pretty lips. He chuckles after a few seconds, albeit nervously, regaining his composure before taking another sip of his drink. “I have no idea what your talking about” He nonchalantly defends as he looks back at you with furrowed brows.
“Oh, baby. I know.” You bat your eyes at the speechless man in front of you. From one touch you could see the last two years from his point of view.
From him staying long nights in the library, watching the girl concentrate so hard on her book report that she had forgotten to take a break and him leaving snacks in the private desk you had rented, staring down at your sleeping form — watching you snore away.
The moment where he had first seen you, walking into class with your class schedule in hand and sweater paws hiding you from the cold air in in the room– thinking, she’s cute. Only to have you walk right past him and to a group at the back that had waved you over, never even sparing him a glance. Or the time he had run into you leaving the college campus—it was early fall, golden leaves falling all around as he took pictures for a school project he had to turn in. He saw you across the quad and decided he wanted to save that moment. He still has those pictures he took of you surrounded with the beauty of nature.
“You know exactly what I’m talking about” You chuckle; finally turning away from him. After all that time, you didn’t think anything of it. You were just as clueless when it came to the opposite sex.
Taehyung didn’t know what to do in that moment, staring at the side of your face, the lights hitting you in just the perfect angle. This had been the most he had talked to you since he had first seen you.Maybe it was the alcohol or the way your sweet perfume was intoxication him but he couldn’t stop the next words that came out past his lips. “You want to get out of here?” He blurts out, not giving the invitation a second thought.
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Taehyung had taken you back to his apartment. The smell of cologne strong and lingering everywhere as you enter the living room, heels in hand. “Do you want something to drink?”
You shake your head, looking back to see him awkwardly pointing to the kitchen. “No, I’m good” You decline. You head towards the window, looking out at the city skyline and more importantly, a direct view into your apartment. You imagine that he must’ve seen all those times you had wandered around your underwear, listening to loud music or just sitting at the balcony sipping hot chocolate during the cold nights.
Taehyung watches you, hands crossed against his chest. He would have never imagined that you would be standing there.
Sure, he had his fair share of woman...and men, but you felt like a rare and refreshing sight to behold. “Are you just going to stand there all night?” Your voice startles him, turning around to face him. “Are you nervous Mr. Kim?” You slowly make your way towards him.
Taehyung chuckles, smile wide as he keeps your eyes on you as you drop your shoes to the side — a resounding thud filling the deafening silence. You stood right in front of him, “ Since when are you this confident?”
“Since when are you this shy?” You retaliate, a playful smirk on your lips.
Taehyung weighs all of the possible outcomes, he could kiss you right now and have you push away from him in disgust or it could be the kiss he would always imagine it would be.
The silence between the two of you was comfortable, even a little playful as you both simply stood staring at each other. Daring the other to make the first move.
And then his lips met yours.
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As you look into his eyes, Taehyung was sure he saw them flash a fierce yellow color. He didn’t think much of it as he notices you slowly stalking towards him, like a lioness to her prey.
He couldn’t move from the spot, his body stuck in place and rigid as he stood tall.
You begin to circle around him. Your eyes trailing over the white silk blouse and dress pants the barely cling to his well built body.
Your hand moves down the expose line between the silk blouse he was wearing. You could feel him shivering underneath your fingertips even when his face remained completely stoic. His breathing heavy as your finger kept going lower and lower until you were gripping his semi hard erection in your hand.
Taehyung’s body shudders, his eyes tightly closing instantly. Your grip hardens around him, enough elicit a sound from him but not enough to hurt him. You could feel his member move underneath your hand and against the clothing as his mouth drops open in ecstasy. It was you making him feel all those wonderful things, you were the reason he was hardening and twitching under your touch –making you smirk as you stare back into his half opened eyes.
“Please..” Taehyung whimpers, his hips thrusting slightly into your hand.
“Please what?” You tilt your head to the side as you sound authoritative and yet a slight playful. “Use your words, baby. Tell me exactly what you want.” your smile sweetly when you see his eyebrows furrow, his breathing getting heavier with each passing second. A sight that you find is making you on every passing second.
You love watching men crumble in front of you, but you had to admit that his face was one you definitely considered a work of art. You knew he was conflicted to act submissive in front of you, being used to being the one to take care of his partner. But you could see his true desires deep down – Taehyung wanted to know what it would be like to not be in control all the time. To be told what to do. To be taken care of. To be used by you.
You take your hand away from him, needy eyes quickly finding yours in a silent request for you to keep going.
You slowly walk back to the bed, looking back at the younger man behind you. Taehyung’s eyes swept across your body, his shoulders rolling back as you lay down on the satin sheets as you hinder him to come forward with just a finger.
Taehyung quickly walks closer to you only to be stopped by your foot on his chest. He bites his bottom lip, looking down your leg, hair falling in his eyes as his hands reach up to rub at your ankle. “You didn’t think it was going to be that easy, did you?” You tease him once again, pushing against his chest you lean back — opening up your legs as you push the dress away to the side. You watch as he gulps, having you on full display in front of him. “First, I want you to do something for me”
“What can I do?” His gruff voice resonates in the quiet room. “What do you need?” He continues, eyes moving down to your now exposed center. “I’ll do whatever you want” he breathes out, dropping down to his knees as he feels another wave of pleasure wash over his body. He moans out, feeling uncomfortable as his member hardens against the silk of his pants. Taehyung had no idea what had gotten over him, but he needed this to happen. He wanted this to happen.
“I want you to be a good little boy.” You lean forward, your finger under his chin as you lift his head until he was looking at you straight in the eyes. “And tell mistress what you want.”
“I want to worship every inch of your beautiful body” was Taehyung’s immediate response. You watch as he fidgets, eyes moving back to your crossed legs. His breath hitching as you spread them wide, “I think I’ve tortured you enough”
Taehyung leans in even closer, your foot resting against his shoulder before sliding the other one to do the same. You could feel him lay open mouth kisses on the inside of your thighs, teeth nipping at the flesh and tongue swiping out her and there. It made your body tremble at the feeling of his hot breath against your wet center.
“Do me a favor and put that tongue to good use” you let go of him, your left leg moving over his shoulder – pulling him closer to his face closer to your center. You feel him lay his tongue flat on you, his lips instantly wrapping around your clit as he starts to suck on it. He lets out a low moan, sending out vibrations all over your body.
You let out a sigh, feeling his experienced tongue push inside you. Taehyung begun to lick at you like a man starved for years as you run your hands through his dark hair. His large hands grip onto your thighs, nails digging into your flesh as his nose grinds into your clit.
You throw your head back, laying back on the bed as your legs wrap around his shoulders. One of Taehyung’s hand leaves your thigh, sliding up the side of your body and up to your breast. His grip lightens as his finger flicks against your nipple, eyes staring at your flushed face under his lilac bangs.
Taehyung pulls away with a pop. Resting his head on the inside of you right thigh, his eyes not leaving yours as his other hands slides in between your folds. You can feel him push one of his middle finger inside of you, feeling him curl it as he begins to pump it in and out of you at a painstakingly slow pace.
His fingers pinching at your nipple sending a wave of electricity through your body. “Fuck, you taste good” He growls, his mouth diving back down on your clit as he adds another finger inside of you.
Qetesh was enjoying the moment as if this was just an everyday occurrence, but you felt like your body was heating up. Being touched so intimately for the first time, everything was new and exiting – you wanted to feel more of it. Fuck, you needed to feel more of it.
As if reading your thoughts, Taehyung add another finger, three fingers moving quickly as he pulls his face off of you. His fingers start of slow, gradually gaining speed until he was going hard and at lighting speed, making your legs shake and your back arch at the feeling of your orgasm washing over you and over Taehyung as he continued to with his attack on the most sensitive parts of your body. The squelching sound where you were both connected filling the room as your mouth opens up in a silent moan.
You gather enough strength to grab onto his wrist and push him away, closing your legs together as your orgasm continues to pass.
Taehyung sits back on his knees, smirking as he admires the way your body had crumbled underneath him. He smirks, his thumb rubbing at your ankle as he waits for you to come down from your high. He swipes his thumb at the bottom of his lip, sticking it back in his mouth getting another taste of you – waiting anxiously in front of you for whatever you had planned next. You lean back up on your forearms at the man in front of you, standing up on shaky legs before looking straight down at him.
You can’t help but run your fingers through his hair, pushing it back and exposing his forehead. His eyes looking up at you as his tongue swipes out to lick the bottom of his lip, your hand moving down the side of his full cheek and to the underside of his jaw. You tilt his head up, thumb running across his full bottom lip as you pull him up to stand at his feet — standing up with him.
You look up at him, hands moving to the side of his fitted silk pants and tugging at the fabric as you look down — erection already pushing hard against the fabric. “Take them off” you softly say, an order that sends a chill of anticipation down his spine before his movíng to get rid of the annoying clothing item that’s been causing him nothing but discomfort since the moment he entered the room. As he kicks it off of his feet and across the room. “You’re like a work of art” you praise, giving him the once over as you move closer to him.
Taehyung stood there proudly in all his naked glory, watching as your hands move to his collarbones. Your finger slowly slides down the tan skin, over his broad chest and his hard stomach. You instantly stop, moving your hand away as you watch his member twitch in slow anticipation. It was longer than you expected, albeit less girth than you had imagine.
Your gaze moves to meet his once again, “Lay on the bed” You whisper, flicking a thumb under his chin before moving away.
You circle the bed, as Taehyung jumps on it – sliding up to lean slightly against the headrest.
Your knees dip into the bed, slowly crawling over him. Your lips landing on his left hip bone, moving to the his lower abdomen – feeling it tighten under your soft touch. You continue making your way up his body, leaving a trail of kisses in your wake as you finally meet him face to face.
The two of you stare at each other for a moment before your lips meet his, soft and delicate as they mold with yours – tasting yourself on his tongue before your pulling away.
“I think after what you’d did for me, it’s only fair that I return the favor” You whisper against his ear, not waiting for a response before your sliding back down his tan body.
“Please just touch me” He asks in a small voice, his heart racing a mile a minute as his eyes fluttering close – feeling your warmth breath on his shaft. He didn’t think beneath the awkward and shy girl next door was this sexual goddess that had managed to get him hard with just a touch. He was hot and sweaty, his member was achingly hard and at this point he only had one thing on his mind, to cum.
You grip onto the base of his member, looking back at him. His body was tense under your touch.
You don’t waste time in seeing his reaction as you wrap your mouth around the head of his member. Your cheeks hollow out as you moan out at the taste of his salty pre cum on your tongue.
Taehyung’s whimpers fill the room as you slide your mouth down his member, hitting the back of your throat halfway. Your own hand traveling down to your clit as you bob your head up and down his hard member, letting up moans that only seem to make him shudder underneath you at the vibrations he felt.
“M-more” He whimpers out, leaning back on his firearms as he watches you pleasure yourself as you pleasure him. Your other hand moves away from the base of his cock to his neglected balls. Your hand tightens slightly around them as your movements increase in speed. “I’m gonna cum” Taehyung tried to say, his abdomen tightening as he feels one of the best orgasms he has ever had. Or would have had if you hadn’t pulled away so abruptly.
“What are you doing?” A look of panic enters his face, you weren’t just going to leave him like that, that you weren’t going to let him finish.
You don’t answer his question until you’re pushing him back into the bed and you’re sitting over his stomach. “Relax, Baby Boy. I just want you to cum somewhere else.” You grind your grind yourself against his painfully hard member sitting against his stomach, feeling his hips jerk upwards as you continue your movements.
You grip the base of his cock, sitting up on your knees as you push the head inside of you. His eyes moving to where the two of you were connected, watching you slowly slide down his cock.
Taehyung was a mess, wet strands of his lilac hair sticking to his sweaty forehead as his large hands grip your hips. Your movement begin as small circles, feeling full at the intrusion but still feeling total bliss at how the two of you fit so perfectly. Your hands lay against his chest as you begin to pick up speed, moans leaving your lips as his hands grip at your flesh — making you go faster.
Taehyung couldn't help but love the melodic sounds that came from you, he wanted to hear more of them. His eyes travel up your body, finally moving away from where the two of you connect. His eyes moving to your breasts, watching as they bounce with every thrust you made, to your face, to the hair sticking to the side of your face and how your head was thrown back in full and simple bliss.
In his mind, you were a masterpiece. One where he suddenly had the urge to take pictures and frame them for himself —for his eyes only. And as you begin to grind your hips hard against his, he sits up.
Taehyung wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you close to his body as he begins peppering kisses in every inch of your body he could come across.
Your hands entangling in his hair as you reach your second orgasm of the night. His following close behind.
He stays inside of you as your lips meet in a passionate frenzy.
No words being said, the two of you pull away as you lay next to each other — entangled in the messy chests of his bed. The two of you look at each other, lazy smiles on your faces as the sun shined in through the glass window
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shirtlesssammy · 5 years
9x20: Bloodlines
Here we go with this episode. I’ve watched this a total of one (1) time over the years. I feel the only important scene is the one that word for word copies Dean and Cas but that’s been giffed to death so I feel like I’ve seen it all.
A couple at a swanky restaurant are enjoying each other’s company when “Ross” steps away briefly. He meets with someone and asks that he place an engagement ring in a glass of champagne. (“How unique” —ha, my thoughts exactly.) The other dude is greeted by more people —one of which has a funny face in the mirror.
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The other dude and the other other dudes go to a secret nightclub room where monsters clearly hang out. (Vibes of John Wick here.) Julien, a werewolf, tells the shapeshifter to leave. They start to fight but others hold them off. Just then the lights go out and a hooded assassin starts taking out every monster in the room.
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Ross and Tamara leave the restaurant. He takes her to a ferry —where they first met— and starts to propose. The shapeshifter comes running to them and the assailant is right behind him. The assailant knocks Tamara against the wall and she falls to the ground. He then finishes off the shapeshifter and runs away. And Tamara is dead (oof, I have no time for this fridging nonsense. Andrew Dabb wrote this but was this his show? Was this his idea? I should probably head over the the Superwiki someday and read about the history of this episode.)
A professor at North Chicago University runs into a student. She wasn’t expecting him. He takes some files from his computer and shifts into David Lassiter, math final cheater.
Margo tells David to come home. Sal is dead.
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Ross meanwhile is getting interrogated by the police. He tells them the truth but they don’t believe him. Ah, Ross is his last name and Nate Ross, his father, was a great cop. The cop continues to give him crap until the FBI arrive. The agents want to talk about what happened but Ennis is wary. These are special agents though so he spills his story. They tell the kid that there’s no such thing as monsters (sticking with the Prime Directive this time, Dean? You break it every other episode it seems, lol)
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Margo wants to know if the ghouls are with them. Now that her brother is dead, maybe not so much. OH! Sal was the shifter that died at the beginning of the episode (LISTEN, this recap is going to make little sense in the first half, but will improve mightily in the second.) And I guess the unknown assassin was a werewolf.
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Margo wants revenge and she’s ready to go to war. She’s in charge now that Sal is dead and their father is dying. David is the wayward son that’s now home. And he wants confirmation that the werewolves did it. She then tells him that Violet, David’s ex, is getting married. She tells him to stay out of the monster business.
Julien, the werewolf, is meeting with a djinn, when Violet interrupts them. She’s broken up over Sal’s death. Julien didn’t do it but he’s not going to let Margo know that.
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Ennis comes home from the police station and looks up his dad’s old stuff --including his gun. He heads out to the now empty nightclub. In the dark, he finds goo on the ground. The lights suddenly turn on and he quickly hides behind the bar. The dude from the night before comes in with a mop bucket. He sniffs the air and knows that Ennis is behind the bar. Ennis jumps out and starts shooting, but the gun does nothing. Before the monster can take care of Ennis, he loses his head courtesy of one Dean Winchester. Dean tells him that he can run now —he should run now, but Ennis isn’t going anywhere. 
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Sam steps in and gives him “the talk”. They then really try to push the idea of staying out of their line of business. Ennis is in it now though and wants to go along to see Sal’s body.
Later, Ennis is researching Sal Lassiter, when there’s a knock at the door. The detective from last night is there. He wants to know more about what Ennis saw. Ennis tells the detective to stick around. His dad will be back soon. When the detective doesn’t confirm that his dad is really dead, Ennis knows he’s a fake. Ennis “texts” his dad but uses the camera to see the detective’s eyes glow (how would he know to look for laser beam eyes??) Ennis lures him into his bedroom and pulls a gun with silver bullets in it on the not-detective. It’s David Lassiter!
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David explains that he’s just investigating his brother’s death. He also explains (in a very condescending manner) that Chicago is divided into five monster families. There’s a fragile peace that, if interrupted, would result in lots of dead humans and monsters. (It was at this point in my original watch where I said OH I get it, Chicago = mobsters = monster mobsters. How...inspired.) Ennis offers to slow clap his little speech if he weren’t training a gun on David instead. Don’t worry, Ennis. I’ll slow clap for you. While I’m slow clapping, David gives Ennis the slip and escapes. 
Meanwhile, Sam’s saying “So get this” to Dean while they lurk by the Impala. They’re still investigating the monster bar. (Jared and Jensen high five. This episode is a walk in the park.)
Violet slips outside her mansion, all wide-eyed and distraught, and passes a member of the house staff. She tells David to stop pretending to be the help. He shifts back - once again without shedding disgusting skin. Pffffft. 
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David asks Violet to make her brother chill out on his vengeance quest so the monster families don’t erupt into war. They get upset at each other and we learn that they have a Romeo and Juliet past...except she never showed up for their romantic escape. He single man tears her.
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The hooded attacker from earlier drops from the roof and jumps on David, wielding sharp claws. Ennis shoots at the hooded figure, scaring them off, and in the distance Violet screams. Dean and Sam arrive just in time to ask, “What the Hell?” They all scamper off together as security comes pouring out of the house. 
From a safe distance away, Dean recaps the “mobster monster” storyline wearily and, yes, Dean is all of us here. 
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They realize that Violet (the werewolf) can be tracked by her cell. 
Violet is tied up and unconscious (and also...standing delicately in stiletto heels with one knee bent prettily? Right). She wakes up to find what looks like a murder wall nearby, covered with photos of kids (or maybe the same kid? I’m bad with faces). The board is also covered with news headlines about terrible maulings. 
Hooded dude speaks up. He’s not a “freak,” he’s a human! With goggles! And knives! 
On the plus side, look at this shot: 
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At least the setting’s nice.
The hunting group finds the hooded dude’s lair. David and Ennis forge a fragile peace over their shared loss. Dean breaks up the chick flick moment. It’s time to catch themselves...a human. 
Inside, Mr. Hood is lovingly describing his custom knife gloves. He burns Violet and then tells her that his son (the kid on the murder wall) was killed when Sal Lassiter and her brother Julien ripped him apart. He’s going to kill her rather graphically to incite a war between the families. He thinks the monsters will just eradicate each other and...problem solved! Violet promises a ton of collateral human children deaths if there’s a war. Um. Great. Mr. Hood visibly struggles with the plan’s potential outcome. 
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Dean and Sam split up, each taking one of their new friends as partners. David spots a creepy shadow and runs off on his own, only to get jumped by Mr. Hood. 
Cut to Violet and David looking at each other soulfully, both tied up now. Mr. Hood starts to torture David, causing Violet to wolf out. She hulks out of her chains and jumps across the room, pouncing on Mr. Hood. David pulls her back and gets her to de-wolf before she kills Mr. Hood. 
Mr. Hood notices Sam, Dean, and Ennis arrive and “apologizes” to Ennis. By apologize, I mean that he tells Ennis that Tamara was “in the way.” Gross. Ennis surveys the scene, then delivers one perfect shot into Mr. Hood, killing him. (Insert commentary about who is the REAL monster - deranged humans or monsters.) 
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Later, David and Violet stroll through a palatial estate and mull over Sal’s last words. Violet flashes back to the train station where she was supposed to meet Romeo David. She encountered Sal, standing like a mega-dick RIGHT in her way. Sal tells her that David’s on his way, but she’d better skedaddle. They have to keep the (hold please while I VOMIT in my mouth) “bloodline pure.” 
Violet scoffs at this. Sal explains his worldview: that Violet running off with his brother will generate a thirst for vengeance and HER family will pursue his family in retribution - for ruining her, I guess. I’m so glad this episode relies on the woman-as-asset idea. SO FUN. Violet can either leave the station or be brutally murdered. 
Violet flashes back to the present again where David is STILL talking about that one time he left his organized crime family behind to be a college-student-thief instead of a monster-criminal. Violet declines to explain Sal’s last words but DOES manage to pull David in for a passionate kiss. 
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Then she walks off dramatically without another word. As one does. 
David’s father wakes. He’s on death’s door but he warns David about his sister, Margo.
David explains to Margo that some vengeful yahoo killed Sal and their war is finished. Margo is NOT HAVING IT. Oh, and did he mention that he’s also back in the family? She smiles at David and welcomes him home. I look forward to the horse head in your bed, David. Her nostrils flare as they hug - she’s no doubt smelling Violet. I’m guessing this show would have involved a LOT of dramatic nostril flaring.
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Sam and Dean drop Ennis off back at home. We learn that Ennis is all alone - sister and mom aren’t a big part of his life and his dad is dead. (His mom is “out of the picture” so my money’s on: mom got turned into a monster which spurred dad to head off and hunt.)
Dean gets a phone call. It’s Cas! He has a lead on Metatron and they have to act on it. They skip town on the city full of monsters. Sam warns Ennis away from the hunting life. They’ll call in some other hunters to take down the monster mobs instead. 
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And away they drive with nary another word! Sorry, Ennis, but when the love of your life calls you have to go to him. 
Skip to a voiceover: Ennis is going to go to war against the families. He breaks into Mr. Hood’s lair, his almost-fiance’s diamond ring on a chain, and starts learning about monsters. An unknown caller rings...it’s his dad! He warns him away from hunting, then hangs up. 
Natasha: I first watched this episode live as a casual viewer and was utterly confused by it. Watching it now, I like the general concept of Ennis on his underdog revenge quest. (I DO watch Supernatural, after all.) But CHUCK SAVE ME from a story about feuding, wealthy families where nobody makes ANY jokes and everybody seems to hate each other. 
Ennis, happy hunting! Enjoy your father-issues, I guess.
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I could go into detail, but I’m not going to.
We shift our shape. It’s all in the name.
What is this, Godfather with fangs?
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive! 
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tserofweald · 4 years
My Dalish Warden headcanons
I journal my headcanons about my Dalish Warden Atheline Mahariel, but my hand is seriously giving out on the heavy writing. I have two other characters in development, Lethel Lavellan (she’s the first one I worked on).
This is for the sake of documenting my current development of Mahariel, and I apologize if I get any of the DA lore wrong :) They’re not really headcanons but more so going over my characterization of Mahariel.
Atheline Mahariel, Athy for short to her friends. She was 20 years old at the beginning of the Fifth Blight. She’s a warrior specializing in two-handed weapons. 
She’s stupid strong despite her short stature even for an elf. She’s very careless in battle and is the one to set off all the traps during combat. Zevran literally trains his ass off to up his lockpicking skills to disengage all traps beforehand. 
She and Zevran eventually get into a friends with benefit relationship. She had never experienced sex, and was never really interested in it until getting to know Zevran. She was pretty eager to give it a go, and really enjoyed it with him. 
Though Zevran was really on the idea of them just being friends with intimacy involved, Atheline had developed special feelings for him, though she didn’t really understand that she had those feelings at the time. She was satisfied with keeping things between them as just “friends.” 
Atheline wanted to explore her sexual experience more through sleeping with other people. Though she was definitely satisfied at the Pearl, she ended up reserving this space solely for Zevran. She didn’t understand why, but she felt some sort of a spark with Zevran but none with her other encounters (later on, she realizes it’s because she loved him). 
Though she reserves herself to engage sexually only with Zevran, she didn’t mind Zevran engaging with others than herself.
Atheline is proud of her Dalish heritage, but not in the sense Lavellan is. My Lavellan is interested in uncovering the truth of elven lore/history, whereas Atheline focuses more on her people standing up against slavery enforced by Tevinter. She takes the most pride in her people’s bravery and fortitude, fighting against forced human religion and exploit, knowing the consequences. 
Atheline was initially not a religious person. She didn’t really care to pray to the Creators, for she knew they wouldn’t be able to hear her prayers. But when Tamlen went missing and she had to enter the shem world as a Grey Warden, she prayed relentlessly to Mythal and Andruil for guidance. 
She got the same Vallaslin as Tamlen and didn’t put much thought into actually picking a god to draw strength from. No matter what god it represents, a Vallaslin is a Vallaslin, right?
The biggest value she learns from her culture is creating a close, familial connection with everyone in the clan. This is why Mahariel is so well accustomed to welcoming anyone who wanted to join her in her journey. She was able to create deep, personal bonds very quickly and easily with those around her.
Keeper Marethari also taught her clan that yes, learning more about their elven past is important, and they should continue to find supporting artifacts that’d expand their knowledge, but no knowledge is at the cost of a clansman. Safety and well being of individuals came first. Atheline really took that to heart, though she’d often forget this lesson in place for dangerous adventures.
Despite her deep love for her clan, she also craved adventures beyond the forest. She wanted to know what the world was like beyond the Dalish, beyond the elves. She’d sometimes sneak out of camp with Tamlen and Merrill to visit a nearby village. There’d be a summer festival, with food, music and dancing. She was so intrigued to see human traditions. Tamlen would tease she’s gonna become one of the “flat-ears.” They’d regularly sneak out to nearby villages every time the camp relocated, though Ashalle had caught them at some point and scolded them for it.
Mahariel never thought she’d be “adventuring” in the outside world at the cost of Tamlen’s life and feels guilty for becoming a Grey Warden. Why was she saved in place of him?
Tamlen and Mahariel were best friends since birth, and they met Merrill when they were 10 years old. While Merrill was timid and strict with herself as she was the clan’s First, Tamlen and Mahariel would try and help her relax and engage in fun stuff together. Tamlen and Atheline would invite Merrill out on hunting together, and the two hunters would compete who had the best kill. Merrill would be the mediator during these competitions. 
When entering their teen years, Merrill and Tamlen began having romantic feelings for Atheline. Merrill and Tamlen knew that they shared mutual feelings for Mahariel, and thus their relationship became strained and distant because of it.
Merrill stopped joining in on sneaking into villages with the duo, for she felt that her relationship with them were weaker than the bond between Tamlen and Atheline. She slowly continued to distance herself from the two, and eventually Atheline confronted her about it. Merrill simply says she wanted to focus more on her training as the next Keeper, and that she shouldn’t let such distractions keep her from her studies. 
“That’s bullshit, Merr. What are you doing pulling on Fenharel’s dick for? I’m sorry if I did anything to upset you, but I can’t change if you don’t tell me.” 
“It’s because I’m in love with you, you twat!” 
And there it is, Merrill blurted out the one fear she had, loving Mahariel, loving another woman. In my hc because there aren’t many Dalish people who can preserve the elven gift left by their ancestors (magic), having Merrill was a miraculous gift to the clan. And to keep the old magic alive in the clan, Merrill is expected to produce another bearer of magic. Being with another woman was not an option for Merrill. Merrill not only distanced herself because she knew how Tamlen felt and thought that she had no chance with Mahariel, but she also knew that her clan would never let her be with Mahariel. 
On Atheline’s part, I would like to think that she had feelings for Tamlen but was too late to realize it. She didn’t understand her feelings and was never really bothered to understand them, other than the fact that she cared really deeply for him, but she didn’t think it was any different from how she felt about Merrill (which is why she has a hard time understanding how she feels for Zevran). Atheline ends up rejecting Merrill’s confession, saying that she doesn’t feel the same way, but she always cares about her as a friend. This breaks Merrill’s heart and asks Mahariel if she’d instead be with Tamlen, to which Atheline doesn’t reply because she doesn’t know how to. Merrill and Atheline’s relationship become pretty strained because of it (this will be around the time Dalish origins starts).
Atheline only realizes her feelings when she sees Tamlen as a ghoul and when she was forced to kill him. 
Sadly, Tamlen and Atheline never discussed about his feelings for her. She wasn’t clueless; she knew he had something to say, but he’d just treat her the same as how he always had, and with how it ended with Merrill, she didn’t have the heart to force an answer out of Tamlen either. If he had confessed to her, she wouldn’t have known what to do. Reject him like how she rejected Merrill? Ruin the brotherhood they had together because she couldn’t sort out her feelings?
Tamlen knew how Atheline felt, which was why he decided not to speak to her about it. And they would never speak about it until he reappears into her life as a ghoul. 
“Always…loved you…”
Tamlen and Atheline wanted to go into the cave to find anything interesting to bring back to Merrill in hopes of mending their friendships, for they knew that Merrill was always delighted to discover new elven artifacts. They thought they could do the same with the mirror. 
When Atheline becomes a Grey Warden, she didn’t give up on searching for Tamlen. She made it her life mission and commitment to find him and save him. She didn’t believe Duncan and the clan when they said that Tamlen is dead. She found no body. He must be alive. And he was. 
She blames herself when Tamlen goes missing. She had let her arrogance and thirst for adventure get the better of her. The Dread Wolf had guided her this entire time. She blamed herself for Merrill’s heartbreak, for Tamlen’s unrequited feelings, and for the torture he must be going through with the taint.
Because of this, she becomes extremely protective of her party members during combat. She lets no one step into an unknown area until she examines it first. She’d take an arrow for her teammates when she can, causing her to take on the most injury out of the party. She’d tank her way through it if it meant letting her friends go unharmed.
Many of her companions thought she was arrogant and condescending because of her “I can do it myself” attitude, but when she takes that first hit for a companion, they realize it’s because she’s terrified of having any one of them injured.
It was finally during the trials to find the Urn of Sacred Ashes when Atheline finally accepts the idea of Tamlen being gone. It was when the spirit had taken the form of Tamlen and had said, “Goodbye, my friend. We will never meet again.” That she finally let herself think that it’s okay to forgive herself for this tragedy. 
But then he comes back. He comes back and she can’t save him. She regretted not telling him how she felt. She regretted letting him die without telling him how sorry she was she took too long to realize her feelings.
She does him one last favor and kills him instantly so that she may end his pain. She only feels empty. Alistair is the first to ask if she’s alright, that this was the only way and that it had been a mercy to him. She just wanted him to shut up. 
Mahariel goes into the forest by herself, with Tamlen’s body in her arms, wanting to give him a proper Dalish burial. 
Zevran followed her into the forest, and with not a single word, helps her bury Tamlen. She allowed herself to sob and cry relentlessly, and Zevran would simply wrap his arms around her.
After recovering from Tamlen’s death, she confesses to Zevran that she loves him out of the blues, completely startling Zevran and him rejecting her confession outright because an assassin cannot love. 
“And that’s fine. Just because someone loves you doesn’t mean you need to love them back. You don’t have to do anything at all, really. But I don’t want to make the same mistake I did with Tamlen. I love you, and that’s all there’s to it.”
This completely flusters Zevran and he has no idea what to do with it. He’s been growing fondly of her day after day and had become even more protective of her, but to have her tell him outright that she loves him is just….weird. Incomprehensible. 
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allthemarvelousrage · 6 years
OW MonsterWatchAU - Here Be Monsters (WIP)
It was supposed to be a goddamn oneshot. It was supposed to be a crackfic. And here I am, developing plot and mapping character arcs. And plotting angst. FML.
@solivar is to blame for this.
Jesse woke up with all manner of holy hell pounding an enthusiastic march tempo behind his eyeballs and immediately thought, Fuck me, I’m still alive.
It wasn’t the first time he’d found himself in the situation of regaining consciousness in some dank and smelly monster lair. It wasn’t the first time he’d done so with the kind of head injury that made him worry about skull fractures and internal haemorrhaging. It wasn’t even the first time he was missing his weapons.
It might have been, however, the first time the monster lair was well-lit and floral-scented, there were bandages expertly wrapped around his head, and his weapons were laid out neatly on a table beside his bed. It was definitely the first time he’d woken up in a monster lair where the monster had thoughtfully set out a tray of fruit and a pair of pain-relieving tablets in a shot glass beside a tall pitcher of water.
Normally, he’d eschew anything edible or consumable the monsters left in his reach, suspecting poison or cursed objects or the like. But he reached with practically superhuman speed for the pain relievers and water for two reasons: one, his headache had reached truly epic levels of skullfucking agony and he was afraid his head might explode; and two, he was somewhat less concerned with his survival on this job than ever before.
It might have been a pair of contradictory impulses, but Jesse was well-used to things not making sense, and didn’t pay it much attention as he guzzled water like a dying man (which, he supposed, he was), slaking a thirst he didn’t know he had until the first drop touched his tongue.
With unbearable thirst sated, hunger woke up and came roaring in on its heels. He eyed the fruit tray with only the slightest of trepidation – reminding himself that he didn’t care about survival several times in the process – before falling on the apples and pears like a starving wolf.
To his disappointment, the fruit was perfectly safe and even delightful to consume. Disconsolate, he bit into his second pear and resigned himself to the fact that he just had the kind of luck that meant a monster getting the better of him would be a monster with some sense of civility still in its blackened and hellish heart. What kind of monster kept fresh pears and pain relieving tablets on hand, anyway?
As if summoned by the simple thought of it, the monster appeared. It was a blonde woman, clearly dead for some time, judging by the greenish, slightly waxy cast of her skin, but not decomposing at all, so zombie was out. A revenant, maybe? Ghoul? Oh hell, she was gonna eat his brains if she was a ghoul. He might not care how long he survived on this job, but he definitely cared a great deal about how he’d shuffle off the mortal coil, and having his skull opened up wasn’t on the list.
“Ah, sehr gut. You’re awake.” The ghoul – if that’s indeed what she was – paid no attention to his nervous skittering to keep the bed he’d woken up on between him and her and set down the covered tray she was carrying. “I’ve brought you some lunch. A little high on the protein, but you strike me as a man who likes a well-cut steak.”
Jesse was ashamed to say his mouth watered and his stomach growled, both audibly so, as she pulled the polished dome from the tray and the scent of meat, lightly seared and mostly bloody, wafted out and hit his nose. He did his damnedest not to lurch towards the plate like a starving zombie himself, and it was a nearer thing than he wanted to admit. “No, thank you,” he said politely, eyed his guns and judged distances and time. “I’m not exactly in the habit of dinin’ with monsters.”
The ghoul turned the world’s most unimpressed and scathing scowl on him. “Then you are a larger fool than I suspected, jaegerkind. You are hungry. Here is food. Rudeness aside, it is the height of stupidity to refuse a chance to replenish the resources you lost getting injured. But—” Her lips thinned, hands went up in a clear dismissal of the whole affair. “I cannot make you. Do what you will. My conscience will be clear.”
This must be what the onset of insanity felt like. He was being lectured by a monster about his rudeness. Where the hell was he again and exactly how hard had his head been hit?
“Monsters ain’t the usual sorts to hold onto any kind of conscience in my experience,” he said, a touch wry.
Strangely, she smiled at that, and the expression lit up her face to the extent he almost forgot she was undead. “Nor mine,” she admitted. “Unfortunately, retention of one’s morals and mental faculties often do not accompany one to the other side of the grave.”
Despite all his instincts, he was starting to like her. Deciding she wasn’t gonna attack him any time soon, he straightened from the defensive crouch a man his size had no right attempting and stretched his back to rid himself of the knot that had formed in it. “Truer words.”
“Please eat,” the ghoul said, with an elegant gesture at the tray. “I so hate to see food go to waste.”
He dithered another moment, then gave himself a mental shrug and rounded the bed to get at the plate of meat. The surprises didn’t stop coming, either; she had been thoughtful enough to provide utensils and a clean linen napkin tucked under them. “Lady,” he said with feeling, picking up the fork and knife and carving off a generous bite, “you are the most considerate ghoul I’ve ever met.”
Something that might be her version of a pleased blush stained her cheeks greenish. “One tries their best,” she murmured. “If you don’t mind me asking, how long have you been a lycanthrope?”
He choked on his steak and spent the next few seconds coughing enthusiastically to dislodge it from his throat. “Notta lycanthrope,” he croaked, peering at her through watery eyes.
The ghoul’s eyes widened in surprise, and she looked taken aback, lost for words as he drained a glass of water to clear his throat and wiped his eyes. “I see,” she said thoughtfully, though he didn’t see how she could see anything about it at all. “Is that why you insist on overloading your body with alcohol and cigar toxins, in the hopes it will kill you before you change?”
He opened his mouth, probably to blurt some inane question like how she could tell those things, but shut it again before he could. No doubt she could smell it on him, sense even the tiniest illness in his bloodstream. Ghouls were creepy like that. He pushed the plate away, slightly startled to discover he’d completely devoured the meat and left the denuded bone with tooth marks when he hadn’t been paying attention. “If you don’t mind,” he said, plaintive. “Can we just get on with the program an’ have you scoop my brains out now? I’d much rather you do that than talk about my vices, ma’am.”
“Human brains? Mein Gott, nein.” She looked thoroughly disgusted, even revolted. “I do not eat human brains, jaegerkind. The local slaughterhouse kindly provides me all the sustenance I require to survive.”
He blinked blankly at her, brain working to process that nonsensical statement. “You don’t eat human brains,” he said flatly. “But you’re a ghoul.”
“That may be true, but I have standards,” she said primly, and rose from her seat to gather his used dishes. “Had I a death wish, I would certainly indulge myself, but I prefer to retain my mind and sense of self. Hast ein Wahn oder was? Have you never heard of prion disease?” She shuddered delicately, an all-over shiver. “No, thank you.”
He sat back in his chair and scrubbed a hand over his face. This was getting to be too weird, even by his broad and vaguely-defined standards. He had to get out of here before he got any more caught up in the surreality than he already was.
“Suppose I’ll be moseying,” he said, wariness returning as he stood and inched towards his weapons. If she was planning on attacking him, now would be the time she’d do it.
“I advise you to wait,” she said mildly, and he tensed for the expected attack, but she continued to sit. “You only just got here, after all. There’s still work to do.”
“Work?” He rearmed himself, keeping one eye on her and one eye on the door, which was deceptively free and clear. “The hell are you talking about?” An uneasy feeling prickled along the back of his neck, something vague and foreboding poked him from the depths of hazy memory. “Where the hell am I anyway?”
“Hanamura Village,” said a voice from behind him, smug and gleeful, and Jesse jumped a mile out of his skin. Thankfully, his reaction time and muscle memory wasn’t as fuzzy as his mental memory, and he had his gun in hand and primed to fire as he turned to face the new threat.
“Oh hell,” he said, softly and with feeling, once he had processed the green hair and the pale skin and the aggravatingly familiar smirk plastered all over the face of the vampire before him. “I actually died and this is my punishment for a life of sin an’ debauchery, isn’t it?”
“Good seeing you again too, Jesse,” Genji Shimada said with a lopsided grin that displayed his fangs to their pointiest best, looking absolutely the same as he had more than fifteen years ago when they’d first met. “I hope you didn’t have trouble finding the place.”
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barinacraft · 7 years
100+ Halloween Jokes, Puns, Riddles & One Liners
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Hysterical Halloween Humor & Hilarious Haunted Holiday Humdingers
There's over one hundred All Hallows' Eve jokes on this page ranging from whimsical word plays to scary squibs, clever clowning around to frightening farces, and everything eerie about Halloween in between. You might want to settle in with a spooky sip because this could take awhile.
If you're still begging for laughs after this large list of larks, links to even more holiday hijinks are provided at the bottom of this buffoonery. Buckle up and chuckle.
Bat Banter
Q: What is Dracula's favorite cocktail to drink at a baseball game? A: Bat Bite.
Q: What is Dracula’s favorite position in baseball? A: Bat boy!
Q: Why do vampires need mouthwash? A: Because they have bat breath.
Black Cat Comedy
Q: What do you get when you cross a black cat with a lemon. A: A sourpuss.
Devil Droll
A woman whose husband often came home drunk decided to cure him of the habit. One Halloween night, she put on a devil suit and hid behind a tree to intercept him on the way home. When her husband came by, she jumped out and stood before him with her red horns, long tail, and pitchfork. "Who are you?" he asked. "I'm the Devil!" she responded. "Well, come on home with me," he said, "I married your sister!"
Q: What happens when Ambrose Bierce drinks the Devil's blood? A: He gives new meaning to Mephistopheles' mustache.*
Dracula Jokes
Dracula is the most famous of all the Vampires. Those mythical nocturnal beings that feed on blood, get burned by sunlight and usually must be killed by stabbing them with a stake to the heart. There's something funny going on there.
Q: What kind of boat pulls Dracula water skiing on Halloween night? A: A blood vessel.
Q: What is Dracula's favorite kind of dog? A: A blood hound.
Q: What is the tallest building in Transylvania? A: The Vampire State Building.
Q: Where does Count Dracula usually eat his lunch? A: At the casketeria.
Q: What drink does Dracula order when vacationing at the beach? A: A Blood and Sand cocktail.
Q: What does Dracula like to drink when he brandies about the ship? A: Nelson's Blood.
Ghost And Goblin Gaiety
A Halloween ghost walks into a bar. Bartender asks, "What'll you have?" Ghost says, "I'm here for the BOOs. A disembodied spirit if you please."
Q: Why don't ghosts like to go out in the rain? A: Because it dampens their spirits.
Q: Why do ghosts like to ride elevators? A: It raises their spirits.
Q: Who did the scary ghost invite to his party? A: Any old friend he could dig up!
Q: What kind of shoes do baby ghosts wear? A: Boo-ties!
Q: What do goblins drink when they’re hot and thirsty? A: Ice cold Ghoul-aid!
Q: Where do hard working ghosts go on vacation? A: The Eerie canal!
Q: What did the little ghost have in his rock collection? A: Tombstones.
Q: What did the mother ghost say to her baby ghost? A: "Don't spook until you're spooken to."
Q: What do ghosts serve for dessert? A: I SCREAM!
Q: What do you call a ghost with a broken leg? A: A hoblin goblin.
Q: What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost? A: Bamboo.
Q: What games do ghosts like to play? A: Peek-a-Boo and Hide & Shriek.
Q: What happens when a ghost gets lost in the fog? A: He is mist.
Q: What happens when a ghost haunts a theater? A: The actors get stage fright.
Q: What is a ghost's favorite oatmeal? A: SCREAM of Wheat.
Q: What does a ghost get when he falls and scrapes his knee? A: A boo boo.
Q: What do ghouls eat for breakfast? A: Ghost toasties with evaporated milk.
Q: Where do ghosts go swimming? A: The dead sea.
Q: What do you get when you cross a ghost with an owl? A: Something that doesn't give a hoot if they scare somebody.
Horror Humor [sic]
Q: What happened to the guy who couldn’t keep up payments to his exorcist? A: He was repossessed, again!
Q: Did you hear about the cannibal who was expelled from school? A: He was buttering up his teacher.
Q: Did you hear about the guy that lost his left arm and leg in a car crash? A: He's all right now.
Q: What is a cannibal's favorite type of TV show? A: A celebrity roast.
Q: What is Beethoven doing in his coffin right now? A: Decomposing.
Q: What do you call someone who puts poison in a person's corn flakes? A: A cereal killer.
Did you hear about the cannibal boy that was 8 before he was 7?
Jack-o'-lantern Laughs
Q: How do you mend a broken Jack-o-lantern? A: With an orange pumpkin patch.
Q: What’s the true ratio of a pumpkin’s circumference to its diameter? A: Pumpkin Pi!
Q: What do you get when you drop a pumpkin? A: Lots of squash seeds to sear.
Q: What do you call a fat Jack-O-Lantern? A: A plumpkin.
Monster Quips
Two monsters went to a party. Suddenly one said to the other, “A lady just rolled her eyes at me. What should I do?” “Be a gentleman and roll them back to her.”
Q: Have you seen Quasimodo? A: I have a hunch he'll be back!
Q: What do you do with a green monster? A: Wait until it ripens.
Q: Why wasn't there any lettuce left after the monster party? A: Because everyone was a green goblin!
Q: What's a haunted chicken? A: A poultry-geist.
Q: How do monsters tell their future? A: They read their horrorscope.
Q: Why did the Cyclops have to close his school? A: He only had one pupil.
Q: What does a monsters' child call his parents? A: Mummy and Deady.
Q: What do you call a monster with no neck? A: The Lost Neck Monster.
Q: What do sea monsters eat for lunch? A: Fish and ships.
Mummy Gags
Q: Why can’t mummies go on vacation? A: Because they’re afraid they’ll relax and unwind!
Q: What do you call a little monster's parents? A: Mummy and deady.
Q: What did the mummy say to the detective? A: Let's wrap this case up.
Scarecrow Caws
Q: Did you hear about the scarecrow who won the Nobel Prize? A: He was outstanding in his field!
Skeleton Shenanigans
Q: Why aren’t there more famous skeletons? A: They’re a bunch of no bodies!
Q: When does a spooky skeleton laugh? A: When something tickles his funny bone!
Q: What did the skeleton say when his brother told a lie? A: You can’t fool me, I can see right through you!
Q: What do skeletons say before eating? A: Bone Appetit!
Q: What type of art do skeletons like? A: Skullptures!
Q: What did the skeleton say while riding his motorcycle? A: I’m bone to be wild!
Q: What did the skeleton say to the bartender? A: I'd like a beer and a mop!
Q: What do you give a skeleton for Valentine's Day? A: Bone-bones in a heart shaped box.
Q: What does a skeleton order at a restaurant? A: Spare ribs.
Q: What instrument do skeletons play? A: Trom-BONE.
Q: What kind of key opens a casket? A: A skeleton key.
Q: Why don't skeletons like parties? A: Because they have no body to dance with.
Spider Antics
Q: What do you call two spiders that just got married? A: Newlywebbed.
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Trick Or Treat Tomfoolery
Q: What do birds give out on Halloween night? A: Tweets.  [ Tweet this Joke! ]
Q: How did the priest make holy water? A: He took some tap water and boiled the hell out of it.
Vampire Riddles
Three vampires walk into a creepy bar. Bartender asks, "What's your poison?" The first vampire says, "A mug of blood." The second vampire says, "I'll have what he's having." The third vampire says, "No, not me. I'll have a glass of plasma." Bartender says, "OK, two bloods and a blood lite."
Q: How do vampires invite each other out for lunch? A: Do you want to go for a bite?
Q: Why did the vampire get fired from the blood bank? A: He was caught drinking on the job!
Q: How can you tell if a vampire has a horrible cold? A: By his loud coffin from deep down in his chest.
Q: What kind of fruits do vampires like? A: Adam's apples and juicy neckterines.
Q: What did one thirst vampire say to the other as they were passing the morgue? A: Let’s stop in for a cool one!
Q: What is a vampire's favorite holiday? A: Fangsgiving.
Q: Why did vampires toast the Democrat in 2000? A: They wanted to Gore.
Q: How can you tell that a vampire likes baseball? A: He turns into a bat every night.
Q: How does a girl vampire flirt? A: She bats her eyes.
Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? A: Frostbite.
Q: What does a vampire never order at a restaurant? A: A stake sandwich.
Q: What does a vampire fear most? A: Tooth decay.
Q: Who do vampires buy their cookies from? A: Ghoul Scouts.
Q: What is a vampire's favorite sport? A: Casketball.
Q: Why did the Vampire subscribe to the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal? A: He heard they had great circulation.
Q: What is a vampire's favorite ice cream flavor? A: Veinilla.
Q: What do you give a vampire with a cough and a cold? A: Coffin drops.
Witch Wit
Q: What do you get when you cross a witch with a clown? A: A brew ha-ha.
Q: Why do witches need to wear name tags? A: So, they would know which witch is which!
Q: What did one old witch say to other when she asked for a ride? A: There’s always broom for one more!
Q: What did the scary witch do when her broomstick broke? A: She had to witch-hike!
Q: When do witches like to cook their victims? A: On Fry-Day!
Q: What do you call two witches living together? A: Broom-mates!
Q: What do you call a witch who lives in the desert? A: A sand witch.
Q: What is a witch's favorite subject in school? A: Spelling class.
Q: How do you make a witch scratch? A: Just take away the 'W.'
Zombie One Liners
Q: What do you do when 50 zombies surround your house? A: A: Hope it's Halloween.
Q: What do you call dead cows that come back to life? A: Zombeef.
Q: What do zombies like to eat at cook outs? A: Halloweenies.
More Halloween Jokes
What A Great Costume
How Much Are We Taking Off?
* - Ambrose Bierce authored The Cynic's Word Book in 1906 which was retitled The Devil's Dictionary in 1911.
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els-imagines · 7 years
Hmm, there seems to be a lot of gay stuff here, let's throw in something straight and make it very weird! Vampire Dark Knight x Mastermind headcanons!
Hello guys, I want to say that I’m so damn relieved to be alive, and that there were only storms and rain after Hurricane Irma (though tbh I slept through it after going through hours of anxiety). Irma, Jose, and Katia aren’t finished with their rampage yet though, so let’s all pray for the countries in their path. Any of those in their path, we hope you come out safe and alive!
Vampire!Dark Knight x Mastermind:
They meet on a fine morning as an injured Vampire!DK promptly breaks through his window and accidentally kicks over all his research notes and prototypes and coffee machine. 
Add stares at the eerily familiar woman in his living room and goes Fuck No when his analysis of the bloodied figure drenching his carpet tells him it’s a motherfucking vampire.
science tells me to dissect you but more importantly is that
how dare you those notes took me over five all nighters
and my coffee machine was expensive you fucker
They fight. Normally, there would be no question as to a fight between a physically weak researcher and a vampire, but Add is a smart motherfucker with an army of tin cans and Elesis is injured and exhausted, and home field advantage is a thing.
There was that other vampire that jumped in after Elesis, but no one talks about them because they turned into chunky salsa mid-dialogue. What an idiot.
War takes a pause when Elesis smarts up and holds Apocalypse the Cat hostage. She uses the purring cat to threaten him to let her in for the day and to zip his mouth shut about the fact that the Dark Knight is a vampire. At that time, Elesis still has some… ‘morals’ and is No about the idea of using permanent methods to shut up civilians.
Everything after that is also Apocalypse’s fault.
Apocalypse apparently decided that Elesis was its favorite…. non-human, and sneaks out frequently. This prompts a deadpan Elesis to turn up on Add’s doorstep, or an irritated Add into looking for Elesis his cat.
Prolonged exposure to each other cools down their animosity (it helps that Elesis bribes him with expensive chocolate and a new coffee machine) and they learn more about each other because Add is a curious aff fucker and Elesis is “You do it too”.
Elesis is actually a ‘newborn’ vampire despite her prowess with vampiric skills (AKA blood). She got turned on a mission gone wrong and only Penensio knows. Now she’s only able to patrol at night; this sets her on the path to Crimson Avenger.
As for Add, he is from a family of Nasod researchers. Has an asshole dad and a loving mom, both of who are dead. He is very well known in several fields because he is that smart. Used to go to the same school as Elsword Sieghart, they are acquainctances although Add was a senior; Add still gets the hives thinking of that red bean yammering about friendship.
(Add would rather kill himself than admit it but, part of the reason he didn’t kick up much fuss about Elesis deciding to use his house as a stop-over was because of Elsword.)
Elesis’ human squad (still alive yay) are a well meaning bunch of noisy shits. They flip out when they see a grumpy, white-haired man go straight for their cat-holding Captain and holy shit captain is that your boyfriend?
Elesis makes them run 50 rounds around the base as punishment.
Her squad are the matchmakers. They take one look and are like uhhhh okay captain no offense but you’re hopeless.
Anyways, onto daily life: Elesis half-moved into Add’s house. She took a blanket, cleaning tools for her claymore, a toothbrush, and also filled his fridge with tomato juice. It’s like what coffee is to ghouls in Tokyo Ghoul aierefk4o. Add occassionally ambushes her while yelling about dissecting her, but that’s more because of the fact that Elesis forgot to do her laundry or broke the coffee machine again. He always fails now that Elesis is in peak health, though there are close calls.
Apocalypse loves this arrangement. His favorite human and favorite non-human together? This cat is so pleased.
Before they start dating or just after that, they go visit Elsword. It’s one of the few times Elesis saw her brother after her turning and she cried when they got home. She can control her thirst now, but she still remembers how she almost ate her brother at the beginning.  Elsword, for his part, is happy to see his sis and so damn confused about how this happened.
When some vampires that are out for Elesis learn about Add…
Elesis comes home to find him cackling and lording their capture over their tied up selves as Apocalypse gawns on one’s tailcoat. Ever since finding vampires were real he damn made sure to learn about them, fuckers.
(Actually their capture was an accident, those traps were meant for Elesis. Add knows this but he spins it so that he planned it all along, he’s like “according to keiyaku” kind of bluffing.)
The topic of turning Add comes muuuuch later. It’s filled with yells and tears and feels. The end result depends on many factors.
Okay, so I told myself I wouldn’t make it long. Fast forward to staring at this clump of text and wondering what the fuck happened.
-Mod Niki out.
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