#I’m just sick of the harassment
astray-anomaly · 1 month
I see a lot of proshipper talk happening recently and I just wanna talk about it because I need to say something.
People claim to be anti harassment but then go to hate proshippers. Yeah I get you had bad experiences with a proshipper or a few of them but that doesn’t mean every single one of them is absolutely terrible even if the things they make are bad but it’s fictional, who gives a shit? As long as they know the line between fiction and reality and tag things correctly I don’t see an issue.
I’m neutral in this situation. I’m not on anyone’s side. Just let people have fun. It’s not my personal taste, I do find it disgusting mostly but am I gonna waste my time complaining on it? Absolutely not. This stuff will always exist so get your shit together and deal with it. Nobody should be harassed or threatened. Nobody.
The only bad proshippers I see are the ones that actually force that media onto people. If they mind their business and tag stuff correctly I don’t give a fuck. Also stop calling proshippers out and making a list and say don’t harass them when you’re literally putting a target on their back for harassment when they are just trying to mind their business.
Again not my taste but you do you. Idc if any proshippers interact with my blog, just do NOT involve any of my characters in that stuff and we’re fine.
That’s just my opinion, go ahead and hate me for it if you want
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A lil rant about my experience with this god forsaken fandom
I made this blog around 2020 when I was 13 years old. This was my first shot at a dedicated fandom blog and I was pretty excited for it, to make friends, draw fanart, post fun stuff and what not.
All fun right? Right, so tell me why was it that literal 20 years olds felt the need to harass me, a then 13 year old girl with a relatively small blog, for the dumbest reasons possible?
What did I do that subjected me to 2 and a half years worth constant daily threats and harassment? Hmm???
You wanna know my crime? Apparently I showed interest in an antagonist character, which is so awful that grown adults felt the need to bully me. And following those adults came young impressionable people my age, that joined the bandwagon of hate against me.
As if other fandoms don’t have people literally dedicating themselves to a villain, no one bats an eye to that. Why did this fandom have such an issue? I also apparently dared to criticise the main character for a few of his flaws. Such a horrible thing to do right? I need to be burnt at the stake for it right?
I didn’t follow the “fixed” standards of the fandom so I was to be sent de*th/r*pe threats daily?? For not following the “rules” I was to be ostracised?
No please someone explain…I’m but a dumb bitch, I don’t understand what I did so terribly wrong to deserve this? Did I start a war? Did I rip open someone’s plush? Did I bully someone for not having the same ideology as me?
No it was but the fandom itself that for some reason found it so fun to bully a 13 year old, send her de*th and r*pe threats all because of not being of pjo fandom standards…let’s go and bombard her with hate!!
Do you realise how fucking stupid…this all sounds? Do you realise how low this is? Was bullying a child so fun? So trendy at the time?
Then came the victim blaming- I laugh everytime I remember people saying I must have done something really bad to get such harassment, that it’s all for attention. What kid wants to get hate everyday of their life for 2 whole fucking years? Tell me?
You know wanna know what I did wrong? Fight back, call the hate anons out for their bigotry. I was vocal about it, that’s what I did wrong right? Stand my ground? People said to ignore it and I did. But I still got bullied daily even if I didn’t respond. What was all this for?
I can imagine people asking why I didn’t simply leave the fandom? Why the fuck should I? I enjoy the stories, I enjoy the characters, they were my escape from real life struggles. It was the bullying I didn’t enjoy. Everyday I’d log on to enjoy posts and a few minutes later when the bigots found out I was active I was sent an anonymous threat.
Many of my oldest friends had to reduce the amount they interacted with me in fear of receiving harassment themselves. The extent of this is bigotry is beyond my understanding.
I did not deserve this much suffering AND ALL FOR WHAT? A STUPID LITTLE REASON THAT HAS BARELY ANY WEIGHT TO IT. Do people even realise the extent of what happened is beyond me. And Idc if I sound selfish, I want a fucking apology from all those bigots. I want compensation for the 2 and a half years of abuse I endured alone. I just want this bigotry to end, which surprise surprise! Still continues to happen.
Why do I bring this up now that it’s all over you ask? I’ve actually brought it up once before, but it was swept under the rug, (My deepest appreciation to the very few people who supported me when I first talked about it) I’m just finally being more vocal, because this has stuck with me. For all those 4 years this has stuck with me. It doesn’t mean if it’s over for now that all the trauma doesn’t linger. It still affects me to this day.
In fact I’m still being stalked by one of the people who sent me hate anons. One of the hate anons was revealed to be one of my bestest friends, they had admitted this to me and had the nerve to beg me to still remain friends. They were also the person who groomed me. They have left the fandom scene and I’ve rid of them from my life but they still continue to stalk me.
What do I get from ranting about all this? A bit of solace, a bit of weight off my shoulders. But nearly not enough for me to actually fucking heal. I also want people to realise how bigoted some are and how horrible the mentality of “fixed fandom standards/ideologies” is and that we as a fandom need to fucking change. Heck I know this issues in every fandom. But can we at least start with ours for a change for once?
Along side all of this there’s also a lot of racism and trans/homophobia that still actively prevails. Just look at what Leah went through when her casting was announced. Did she deserve all of that?? “Not my annabeth” do you realise how horrible that is to say to a CHILD? She is Annabeth whether you like it or not. And you are very welcome to leave if you wish to stick to your stupid racist nonsense.
I bet there are many others who have probably suffered the same may it not be for the same reasons, but everyone of them deserve their apologies and compensation as well.
Idc if I’ll get hate for this. I said what I said. I’m just so done.
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poppyseed799 · 7 months
I see a lot of people disliking secret life and that’s fine having ur own opinion and all but since I’m a little baby who cries whenever someone vaguely suggests they might not totally like what I like, I simply MUST say something about it
… All I’ve gotta say is that the entire life series has ALWAYS been an experimental series. It’s good that they’re trying something drastically different this time. It’s not close enough to the other ones? Well, that’s cuz they’re experimenting with it.
Also many of the complaints on the series would not exist if not for the fans. The tasks would NOT be so stressful if the fans didn’t harass people for not following them exactly as they interpreted. It’s been said multiple times in the season that it is up to the person doing the task to determine if they did it correctly or not. We have to trust them on it. Even if they blatantly failed, if they see it as a success then it is, because they wouldn’t lie about that. They would be honest if they genuinely think they failed. However I’m seeing them now say things like “I don’t want people to harass me for it so I’m just going to hit fail” no!!! Fans stop it 😭
But on its own it’s a fun challenge. Seems like a fun series to be in, if the fans don’t bother you. So I wouldn’t say the gimmick is the issue. People just need to lay off.
I personally am not sure how well this season will end? I feel like at some point they’ll have to drop the gimmick. But that’s part of the fun of the life series, how experimental it is. I love that they keep randomly adding rules in the middle of the season. They’re experimenting to figure out what works! That’s always been the life series. And this one is a big change, a big test. And you may not like it. Next season they’ll just create a new gimmick accordingly, taking note of what did and didn’t work out well in this one (if there IS a next season…)
I just don’t get the “it doesn’t feel like the life series” thing when all the seasons were meant to be different anyways lol.
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edandstede · 2 months
I am so sorry for the hate you’re facing right now, is there anything at all we can do to help? Please don’t listen to assholes, they’re just that and they aren’t the majority I promise you that. Keep being you ❤️
thank you, i appreciate the kindness. people are being really sweet and supportive, showing me a lot of love, which is all i can ask. nobody need do anything else <3
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transboykirito · 6 months
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you people are fucking insane
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sarah-dipitous · 4 months
wishing a very die to assholes who harass me about wearing a face mask at work
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karmathehalflander · 3 months
I’m going to get some hate with this one but it needs to be said.
I’ll say it again. Stop 👏 harassing 👏 creators 👏 who 👏 create 👏 Mpreg 👏 content 👏
it doesn’t affect you and there is nothing wrong with anyone creating or enjoying content involving male or nonbinary presenting pregnancy! And I think it’s a bit transphobic to suggest that Male presenting pregnancy is weird or gross. As if it isn’t something that exists in real life! Trans men and nonbinary individuals have children all the fucking time and you need accept that fact.
also, stop going on posts of creators being like “are you the person who drew that thing?! Yano, ‘that’ thing? 💀💀” Mpreg is not a curse word and it’s weird that you think it’s weird. And it’s really rude of you to come in and act like they did something disgusting.
this isn’t saying you need to like said content. It’s fine if it’s not your cup of tea.
And it’s also ok to criticize content that may fetishize people and experiences. But harassing people is never the way to go. It’s not your place to bully and harass people.
Not to mention what you are doing by stigmatizing a mostly queer experience. You are hurting people and being rude for no reason!
I’m so sick of seeing talented people be shunned and harassed and struggle with their mental health for something as simple as Mpreg!
(also this stands for anything. Don’t harass people for making fan content that you don’t like. It’s ok to call out genuinely problematic behavior but harassment gets us nowhere)
and I’m ready for the hate. I’m ready for angry people. But I can’t stand it anymore.
please stop.
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ovipositer · 1 year
never ask a man his salary a woman her age or a discord mod what age he and his girlfriend were when they first started “talking”
#every once in a while it occurs to me out of the blue#that he probably feels so full of himself#since I just didn’t respond to his harassment#and I abandoned this blog#he loves having the last word#he thinks he ruined my life and that I’m miserable and alone now#and it makes me feel guilty that I didn’t lay into him more#I do plan to vent my frustrations at some point#but I will do it in my leisure in my own time#I’m not an ugly jobless discord mod who makes my full-time working gf clean up five cats’ litter boxes and fix my food for me etc etc ^_^#I guess I don’t have as much time as you do to dedicate to bothering others! ^_^#not that posting on my own personal blog— that quite frankly you wouldn’t be reading if you weren’t obsessed w me— is bothering anyone! ^_^#also I am not in the habit of bickering with every single person I ever meet#I prefer to focus my attention on the people and things that give me joy#if there’s anything I’ve learned from this it’s to yeet toxic people out of my life immediately. no second chances. I have no regrets.#my standards actually were never too high. plenty of ppl can meet them. I’m not the only person like me in the world. go figure.#it’s actually not normal to be as sick and incapable of getting along w others as you and the rest of your ‘community’#still. I would like to speak on what happened because I regret that I held my tongue for those two years.#I don’t think it’s healthy to bottle up all of your negativity.#but I’ve realized now it may literally be years before I will have half the mind to think back on that time in my life and talk abt it#so Idk. I just wanted to say.#I genuinely hope he kills himself#I do not say that lightly#I am not someone who throws that phrase around like it’s nothing.#I genuinely mean it with every inch of my heart. he deserves to die horribly.#I just find solace in the fact that he is so miserable. not because he wants for anything material.#he is spoiled and lazy. but still he does not enjoy his life. how could he? all he does is badger ppl online all day.#it just blows my mind that someone that looks like THAT wld talk to me that way 🤣 you’d think being the ultimate loser wld humble him a bit#just wanted 2 get that out of the way#oviposting
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feelslikegold · 11 months
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spookymartianbitch · 11 months
i am just so so sick of getting catcalled and harassed for being trans in my so-called ”queer friendly” neighborhood.
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lugosis · 1 year
literally soooo tired of this but whatever
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jewishbarbies · 1 year
feeling more and more like the “leave britney alone” kid these days
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gandreida · 6 days
Wanting to upgrade my computer so I can more reliably play games w/ friends is a feasible goal which is awesome ‘cause for the last few years my main goal has been “don’t kill yourself” so having this as a goal shows improvement in that I actually want something other than to simply not die by my own hand
#also it gives me incentive to go to work#I was sick this week so I missed like 3 days of work as a result of me trying to avoid giving myself asthma#but as luck would have it I made the conscious effort to go to work every day last week#not to mention this was a really fast sick span#it only lasted from Friday-Most Tuesday#outside the bread coughs and liquids down the wrong holes i’ve been doing swell#so swell that I feel comfortable going in to work tomorrow#my position right now tho worries me#I’m not sure how long I can be a pick-off as it hurts my shoulder but I think if I were to stretch more diligintely before work I could#potentially avoid it#but regardless it just sucks in general to have be like this ‘cause loading hurts my knees and those just hurt regardless#plus I got a bigass hill I have to climb after work every night and that doesn’t do me any favors#and on top of that if I don’t climb it fast it measn getting home like 30 minutes later half the time#and I’m not fond of waiting for the bus that late at night#especially since a couple of weeks ago I had a dude harassing me#like I have to walk down side streets that are largely unlit to sit and wait at a bus stop that no one really goes to like ??#I just need to buy a few things for the computer namely RAM and a 1TB internal SSD#that’s pretty cheapo in comparison to the rest of the computer#hell the RAM isn’t even necessary tbh that’s why I’m going for the SSD first#A 2TB SSD would be better tho like it could fully replace my 9 y/o 2TB HDD that’s Very Much So At The End Of Its Life#truly tho I need a car#but it’s hard to save for a car when I have so much debt to pay every month#I think I can actually start saving for one like mext year tho ‘cause at the rate I’m going by feb next year I could be cleared of all#personal debts#then I can save up like $120 a month guarunteed rather than trying and failing to save even like $50 or somethin#I could actually help people too#I could be comfortable and help people w/o throwing myself under the bus financially#that’s what I really want
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callistos-posts · 2 months
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Ok this is honestly WAY TOO FAR
Btw the post that this comment was left on has good points but the “I hope millionaires go bankrupt” is also (in my opinion) a bit far
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I don’t know if I’m terminally online (I haven’t gotten out much all winter tbh) or if I just get stressed about online “debates”, but whoever said that “phones never appear in our dreams” is wrong. I woke up twice thinking someone replied to a comment I made yesterday with something weird, only to realize that I had not actually grabbed my phone off my nightstand, checked it, and then fallen asleep again
#emma posts#the funniest part is that I don’t even have YouTube notifications on. dream me just was cool with people starting shit every day#it hasn’t only been YouTube. but last night it was#and you wake up because the reply is so infuriatingly stupid that you can’t sleep I guess#‘you said that species went extinct relatively recently but they went extinct 10000 years ago’ you fucking idiot! do you know how long life#has existed on this planet? end of ice age megafauna extinctions were recent! so recent that some plant species have made combacks after a#similar enough animal became introduced into the ecosystem again#or even other animal species#do you know how amazing that is and how recently the neich had been abandoned? DO YOU?!#life has been on this planet for. quite possibly. 1billion years if the oldest evidence is accurate#that is 1/4th of earths history! possibly less. still unfathomably long#now to the ice age extinctions is practically NOTHING#and I was so aghast at the concept that the commenter would reply with that. that I woke myself up#the next time I woke up it was because my brothers cat got sick on the floor#once you’ve had cats living with you for a daceade the sound WILL wake you up#other people online: you never use your phone in your dreams#me. who has been on this hell site and another before it for over a decade: awakens from a nightmare where I can’t escape terrible online#debates or harassment because for some reason I can’t look away from my phone or block people.#I wish i didn’t have dreams with my phone in them#wakes up from a nightmare where I’m being cyber bullied for something stupid af#wishes i could sleep without my phone showing up in my dreams#this isn’t a tumblr thing exclusively. this has to do with rsd and people telling kid me to kms the first time I got a deviantart account#‘omfg. you’re so stupid’ wakes up
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kavehayati · 3 months
Genuinely gonna cry cause I saw the most disgusting thing ( literally what’s new I get new traumas at least once a day LMAO )
#I’d rather watch gore#than see this#SOB SOB SOBBBB#ik I was saying stuff like girl kaveh we are married bla bla bla etc redacted + etc for good measure but today I realise I don’t mean that#because I feel like crying#I think I proved to myself none of this is very comfy no matter the gender LMAO anyways me and girl kaveh are still married I’ll just cry#as much if kaveh was a boy too as well as if he’s a girl 🤷‍♀️#astaghfirAllah I’m so annoying this makes no sense to you guys but I am in shambles 😭#dora daily#the “you guys” are the guests in my head the voices 😔🖤🥀⛓️💔#I was like in the past I might’ve been a tad fruity but turns out I was just traumatised and also I hate everyone equally#THIS REMINDS ME today my grandpa (😾) answered my dads call and I rolled my eyes so far back I saw my optic nerve#so cue covering my face as my dad was shoving the phone on my face while I was being verbally harassed into saying hi (I don’t wanna say hi)#so then my dad explains that I’m not an affectionate person and I dislike love because I don’t kiss him (firstly even if he was a normal man#I wouldn’t do it) and he went on to say I don’t even let my mum kiss me etc etc because I hate it#not only that it’s just I’m so sick of them all man 😭 I’m okay with hugs it’s just nothing I feel particularly inclined to#like I’ll do it if it’s expected but I’m like I dunno I wouldn’t feel an undying urge to ???#and then my grandpa was like the shocked pikachu face#yeah like I am never kissing anyone on the cheek all I want is to be left alone 😭#my dads shock when he realises I do in fact hate love when I’m 50 and unmarried#I can’t believe he as a man knowing what men are like expects me to want a guy#barf#and don’t get me started on how men talk about women like they’re in a cult and women are trading cards#like do they not get jealous 😭 whyre they like good on you bro you scored etc etc#I’m not explaining this right but I hope y’all get what I’m trying to say#damn fellas this one was a touch long#my apologies
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