#I’m genuienly scared
fairyofshampgyu · 9 months
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Also his adams apple wtf he looks so good crying why’s he so cute fine his hair looks so floofy
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youareinlovetv · 30 days
we’re literally only in the first two songs and so much is happening already i’m genuienly scared
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billiejeanenthusiast · 11 months
List of random thoughts 5/7/23
I’m now kind of an adult in the workforce and I have yet to need to transition my make up or clothes “from day to night”. Magazines really lied to me.
I honestly need a Taylor code. Not just bc I really want to see her live. I do. I really do. But bc I just need one good thing to happen to me in life. Lately it’s been rough.
I’m surprised the White House didn’t have a cocine scandal before. It’s literally called White House with the amount of high stress and high stakes I’d bet good Lokey it’s harder to find someone NOT doing cocaine than someone doing it.
I just saw a hot silver fox in his 50s dressed in a crisp shirt and suit pants parking his black Vespa next to the restaurant in my building. And that whole situation is so: Mediterranean summer at lunch hour.
I love Hart of Dixie. The show. I could write an essay on it. I’ve rewatched it so many times. I guess sometimes I’m just nostalgic for living in such a close knit community and small town.
Saturday morning I’m gonna step on that plane with a never bigger mix of emotions. How can I both love to return to a place and have someone absolutely ruining it for me so much I dread going back. I’m so happy to return. But I have the biggest stone in my stomach over it. I hate this feeling.
I hate the 2024 f1 calendar. Not bc it’s bad. But bc my life is so chaotic and I just can’t plan anything. And it makes me sad.
I should’ve taken a pill for my headache before I went to the post office. There’s just one person working and 11 people and it’s SO SLOW
I genuienly do think I’m someone who is happy just with the little things in life.
I GOT THE ERAS TOUR TICKETS CODES FOR SALE….and then immediately I realised that means nothing bc there’s still the whole war of actually buying the ticket.
I think I’ll probably sob through a solid 5-6 songs on that concert.
I think I’ll download glitter conspiracy videos to watch on my flight home.
Or actually no. It’s right the morning after Speak Now TV comes out. I’ll just spend the 45min listening to that.
It scared me that I’m 26 and I don’t feel a day older than like 23/24. I don’t know how to explain it. I’m scared to even say it to people. I just…is there something wrong with me? I blame COVID. I lose two years of my life.
I don’t think there is a single type of chocolate inverted that I would not like. Chocolate and shiny jewellery is the key to my heart. And no I don’t care that it sounds or is basic. Give me a pretty bracelet and some Belgian chocolates for an anniversary or just random day and you will get the freakiest dream come true sex of your life.
I feel like lately the whole universe has been a bit unhinged. Everyone and everything just seems on a looser tether. I can’t properly put into words the feeling but everything feels like it’s way closer to an edge than it was and that balancing on that edge is wobbly. People are more unhinged. The universe and what’s happening. A bunch of people I know have been having the most awful period of their lives. Others have been up to things the fbi couldn’t even come up for a fictional scenario. I too am a bit victim to this. I feel like I just …care less about any perception of me than ever before.
I would love to do one of those colour analysis things but they all feel just so incredibly MLM-ish to me. I’m not saying they are. They just give me that Avon and Mary Kay vibe.
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paintedgoldenn · 4 years
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Hi! I absolutely love your work. I'm re-reading Aggre(g/v)ation for the millionth time and browsing through your posts and found the Forest Gods AU. I know they like kids, so how would they interact with kid!MC? Like she was raised on protective forest god stories and (generic villain) attacks her village and she seeks them out.
ooohhooh, I have to admit I’ve missed the Forest Gods. Why not pay them a visit? I bet they’ve missed you too~
For those late to the party, this is the gist of the Forest Gods. Big ancient beasts of eternity and life and death that operate on morals humans can’t comprehend.
Sans: Sans adores children. That much is already known. Any child stumbling into his forest will always be under his total protection... the mistreatment of children is one of the few things that genuienly arises rage in Sans, usually a very benign God. If a tiny kid Mc came running into his woods in terror, seeking shelter, anyone ballsy enough to follow her into the trees would never be seen again. Lost forever, cursed by the dark consuming ire he harbours for anyone who would dare attempt to hurt a baby.
... When she’s no longer being chased, he makes sure to approach her slowly. Gently. Using his warmest and most soothing voice, asking her name and what animals she likes... don’t be alarmed. my name’s sans. Concealing himself until the last possible moment, he knows she’s probably heard stories and he wants her to know he means no harm before she sees him in the flesh. He makes little pretty birds and butterflies fly close to her, flowers blooming around where she’ s stood, doing his best to distract her from what she just experienced and help her calm down. 
He appears in a humanoid and friendly-looking form, once she’s soothed and giggling at his terrible jokes. He invites her to his home for something to eat... he’s got a nice, toasty spot on the sofa by the fireplace waiting for her. And a mug of hot chocolate if she feels like it. Somewhere to rest her head...
come on, now... let’s go home together. aren’t you feeling sleepy? shh... i know. it’s okay, i’m here.
Red: He drives away anyone chasing her with his characteristic hotheadedness, bulldozing them in his true form, tossing around any idiots he catches like ragdolls and setting bears on the ones who run.
He loves children and wants his own, but on an entirely instinctual level. No conscious thought has gone into it and he actually has some reservations about babies. However, despite his pause, he has something of a way with kids- he’s more easygoing than the other two Forest Gods and his affection for humans in general makes him much more knowledgeable and less intimidating. He feels less like an otherworldly God, and more like something you can touch and talk to... tangible, closer to the human world. He’s the only one of the three who wouldn’t scare a child in his true form- he might even let Mc hang off his horns to ‘fly’ and cheer up after that scary encounter.
His den, too, feels comforting to her. It’s full of human trinkets, after all. He bundles her up in a blanket and tells silly stories until she falls alseep in his arms.
Skull: Papa bear.
Her pursuers never see him coming. Literally; they can’t see, they made the error of following her deep into the fog-drenched bog, they can barely see their hands before their faces. She hears something giant moving around in the mud, she hears the panicked screams of the men who chased her as they’re dragged out of sight by a huge something, she hears them drowning and choking... she gets so frightened by the noises and what might be going on that she just curls in a tiny ball in her best attempt at hiding in the totally empty landscape of the black bog.
Unfortunately, he’s a pushy and fussy parent. As soon as he’s dealt with the threats he goes into ‘tend to my baby’ mode, moving over to her, huge snout bumping against her back gently... when she wont move, he picks her up with his mouth, carrying her like a crocodile ferying its children. No amount of kicking or screaming will make him let go. He takes her all the way back to his den, where she can be dry and warm... it’s only natural. His den is where his baby belongs. 
A small child needing his care (and probably being frightened by his big bog monster body) would definitely be enough to make Skull attempt to use a more humanoid form, no matter how difficult/painful he finds the shapeshifting process. He needs to be something small enough to hold & comfort her- to pet her hair, pinch her cheeks, cradle her close.
He’s not that bad. Promise.
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irisbaggins · 3 years
Sitting down, and processing the news I got a while ago... That grief has hit me, and whilst it isn’t as overwhelming as what happened in Summer... It’s still hard. But, I’ll have hope things will be alright. If there’s one thing I’ve had and clung to these last months, it’s hope.
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the-redeemed-anon · 3 years
Another day another post including c!Wilbur in big bad manipulators list with c!Dream and c!Quackity and i go "huh, is he tho?"
Like genuienly i would want to know, bc to me at least all like c!Wilburs "attempts at manipulation" were like.. blandly obvious and not that well executed?
Not enough to secure him the position of a Big Bad Manipulator Who had an Overarching Big Plan Before This Specific Interaction and Knows What He's Doing.
Bc most ppl who call Wilbur a manipulator point to this quote here
“Tommy, literally have you not noticed? Everyone who’s claiming to be on our side, they’re lying to us! Tubbo?! He’s lying to you man! He would drop us at the second he realises we’re not in the lead anymore!”
But like... this is like clearly c!Wilbur having a paranoid breakdown and unloading all the stress fear and worries that got progressively worse during pogtopia to c!Tommy. c!Tommy def didn't have tools to handle that and like shoudnt be expexted to but its not manipulative?? Of c!Wilbur?? At all??
Like the only two instances that i remember that like can be called manipulative is maybe this??
“It’s nothing, it’s nothing important. I just wanted to say that- I think you can come back from what you’ve said, you know. I’m just saying now, there is a chance that you could be President, you know, you could be- you could definitely get an executive power in the remains of L’Manberg. You could definitely be a leader of that, I have no issue with that. But, you need to understand that you’re gonna have to get on my good side, and I, you know.”
And the recent stone collection thing with c!tommy?
Im asking bc i can be blantly missing something but? I dont think i am?
- Music Anon!
Music Anon, you're back with another interesting topic!
Okay so I may have another perspective than most on the "Then let's be the bad guys" scene because, as I've said before, I have paranoid thoughts, so, for me, it's much much easier to put myself in Wilbur's shoes in that moment.
So, as far as I remember in Pogtopia, I would coin Wilbur's behaviour as persuasive. He was trying to persuade Tommy to his side, something that Tommy was free to ignore and not accept. Manipulation and persuasion are very tricky to tell apart, because it's two things that are very similar, and you can't tell them apart that easily. You know how all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares? Same thing here. All manipulation is persuasive, but not all persuasion is manipulative. There is a fine line between the two.
I googled it before I wanted to respond to this ask, but from what I gathered, you can tell persuasion from manipulation by these factors: coercion, withholding of truth and intention.
I want to compare Wilbur's case with our most blatant example of manipulation, Dream. Especially since it's centered on the same character, Tommy:
Coercion. The Dictionary defines the term "coercion" as "the use of force to persuade someone to do something that they are unwilling to do". I do not remember any moment in Pogtopia where Tommy was forced to act against what he wanted to do. The way he spoke to Tommy was always open to Tommy rejecting his ideas, which happened quite a lot. It's another thing if later, Tommy, of his own volition, agreed to what Wilbur wanted, like blowing up Manberg at the Festival.
Dream, on the other hand, we see it a lot in Exile. The threats to Tommy's life. The hitting. He was forcing Tommy to stay in Logsted and give up his gear. That's one box ticked for Dream, zero for Wilbur so far.
Withholding of truth. Here I am as stumped as you are. I want someone, who thinks that the "Then let's be the bad guys" scene is manipulative, to tell me where Wilbur is withholding the truth. The President line? this one? [“Tommyinnit, you’re scared that people are gonna think differently of you. Tommy, when I said you’re never gonna be president, you gotta understand, that wasn’t a challenge, that’s true. You’re never gonna be president, Tommy. And I can hear it in your voice, you’re trying sound like you know what you’re doing, so that you can prove me wrong. Tommy, none of us know what we’re doing. We’re fucked, we were fucked the minute we were thrown out.” - (Wilbur’s video Am I the Villain?: 19:39)] or these? [“That guy Tubbo? You know? We love Tubbo… but he’s not on our side, is he? Let’s be honest. We act like he is, like, everyone’s always how like, oh it’s crazy how everyone’s against Schlatt.” - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:12:57, 8th Oct)], [“Everyone’s always saying how like, oh it’s crazy how everyone’s against Schlatt. No one’s against Schlatt. Everyone’s pulling the biggest ruse on us. Literally, they’ve got us all by the fucking scruff of our necks.” - (Wilbur’s video Am I the Villain?: 17:59)], [“Tubbo’s like, ‘I’ll be your spy!’. And then we’ve got like Fundy who’s like saying to everyone’s twitch chats that he’s gonna revolt against us. And you’ve got Eret giving us fucking potatoes, that say fucking ‘I’m gonna be friends with you’. It’s bullshit! It’s all bullshit!” - (Wilbur’s video Am I the Villain?: 18:09)] Honestly someone tell me where Wilbur is withholding the truth here. I do not see it. He's just stating his opinion. I am someone who was around in Season 1, I watched Wilbur's POV only and I swear I thought too that Tubbo was a double agent for Manberg. I was sure of it. This is just Wilbur laying out his reasons to be paranoid and things he considers as true and his own opinions on matters. Opinions are not lies or truths. Telling Tommy that he will never be President, in his opinion, isn't a lie or the truth. It's just an opinion.
Meanwhile over in Dream's camp... Dream did withhold the truth. He lied about Tubbo's Compass, he lied about the Invitations, all of this he did to get Tommy to his lowest, to make him think that he is his only friend. This is the second box ticked for Dream, still none for Wilbur.
Intention. Here I need to talk about what paranoia is. Paranoia, to me, is a way of thinking fueled by fear. Wilbur's paranoia started because of the Final Control Room. Eret's betrayal deeply affected him, we can see it in quotes like this: [“Anyone caught in the crossfire is caught in the crossfire. That’s how it goes, you know? Eret especially, he is the most clear, the most clear cut traitor of them all. He was a traitor from the very get go. I have no, I have no remorse offing Eret.” - (Wilbur’s who are you go away: 1:41:22, 8th Oct)] Wilbur's paranoia started from a betrayal, therefore, Wilbur's paranoia is centered on people backstabbing him. Of course he would start spiraling into a rant about how everyone is out to get him. Especially after believing his own son betrayed him. So, why tell that to Tommy? Simple, really. I personally do it, too: he was reaching out for support. When I have doubt about my train of thought, I go to someone I trust, and they help me by walking me through it, to figure out if my thinking was rational or if it was paranoia. I think this is what he was trying to do with Tommy, because he trusted Tommy, but also it was an attempt of keeping him safe. I have talked before in my Eight analysis that Wilbur is a naturally protective person. I think Wilbur was attempting in part to shield Tommy from another shock from betrayal, attempt which didn't get across to Tommy. Tommy was and is a teenager and even back then he had his own worries. He just didn't have the resources to help Wilbur, or even understand what he was going through, and he can't be blamed, and while the scene may have been scary for him, I do not think Wilbur had malicious intent with it.
Meanwhile, Dream had malicious intent. He did what he did in an attempt to isolate Tommy, to make him feel alone, so he could swoop in and mold him into thinking he was his friend. This ticks off the last box, Dream was manipulating Tommy, while Wilbur was trying to be persuasive.
While I agree that Wilbur is dipping into manipulative territory with the stone bit, I would say that doesn't make him stand in the line-up of manipulators alongside Dream or Quackity. I do agree however that he is a big persuader and his power lies in how he uses words to convince others to agree with him and join him on a cause (as discussed above, this is not necessarily manipulation). I hope this analysis helped out!
As always, the quotes are from @kateis-cakeis' masterlist of Ghostbur/Wilbur quotes. It’s a goldmine of a resource for analyzing Wilbur and I highly encourage you to check it out.
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anyoneseenadam · 3 years
The Moon Spirit - three
Dorian x reader, Fenrys x reader (throne of glass)
Description: When you’re taught to be a queen from such a young age, nothing could go wrong. But when the king starts to fear your growing power you find yourself thrust into a world of faeries, evil magic and powerful men, learning to stand on your own can be harder than it seems.
warnings: Fenrys being cute, badass reader but like a shit ton of angst, allusions to sexual assualt (Fenrys canon stuff), mentions of weapons? idk if that counts
word count: 4.4k
a/n: so this took a while but it’s finally done, please comment it genuienly keeps me going cause it’s super easy to get unmotivated, hope you enjoy <3
After he left you, Fenrys begrudgingly found himself back at the palace, bowed on one knee in front of Maeve. She looked cruelly beautiful as always but there was something more sinister sparkling in her eyes today, remaining quiet as he stood back to his full height, meeting her gaze with wavering confidence.
“Who have you been with?” she finally broke the silence and he cursed himself for thinking he could ever get away with that.
“I just walked a young girl home, she was new, and I was afraid someone may take advantage of her if she was alone,” he spoke truthfully, allowing Maeve to push into his mind as she searched for a hidden lie.
He watched as she drew in a sharp breath, something like fear flickering across her face before her tightly drawn lips spread into a wide smile.
“Come here,” she commanded, and he went to stand in front of her, close enough to smell her sickening perfume and to see the flawless texture of her skin. “Do you love this girl?”
He shook his head, no, and she ran a hand down his face in a motherlike way. “Good, you will be recruiting her.” His eyes widened and he had to put his energy into not flinching away.
“What?” he spoke with an incredulous tone and Maeve glared at his lack of respect making him bow his head. “Sorry your majesty, I’m just slightly confused. She was just a young girl and didn’t seem to have any former training.”
“And that’s why I’m in charge, you men are too foolish. That was a powerful girl, and I would rather she remained on my side than any other.” He frowned, powerful? She had seemed kind, lost and strong enough to hold her own – but not powerful.
“I need you to see her again, convince her to join.” Fenrys physically felt the command go through him and he stood taller again, nodding gruffly as she waved her hand in dismissal.
Your first few days of work had been harder than expected, and you had gone home with aching muscles from lifting books and sore cheeks from plastering on smiles. Albert had made your days easier, drinking hot tea with you as you slowly revealed more and more about your past to him, his kind, old eyes lulling you into a comforting state.
But you didn’t receive rest when you got home. Ploughing through books on spirits and practicing using the limited magic you had found until the early hours of the morning, getting barely two hours of sleep a night unplagued by nightmares. By your fifth day Albert had handed you a pot of cosmetic product to hide the circles forming, commenting on scaring the customers away as you stuck your tongue out at him but smearing some on regardless.
On the second Saturday after your arrival you had a day off and used it to venture into the market, your empty shelves no longer sustaining you, let alone Amaris. Your basket soon filled with colourful fruits and vegetables, and you were browsing the fish section when a shadow fell over you.
“Let me take that for you,” you turned to see Fenrys standing over you with that same easy smile, his head tilted slightly. You rolled your eyes, trying to block out the feelings expanding in your chest at just the sight of him.
“And here I thought I had lost you,” you muttered, and he laughed, taking your basket from you, and paying for the wrapped salmon you had just been passed. “You don’t need to do stuff like that,” you told him, and he took your arm as he led you out of the market.
“Can’t help myself, I see a pretty girl in need and boom, I have to help.” He joked and you laughed lightly.
“Oh yeah, the damsel in distress disease, I’ve heard that’s a nasty one to cure,” he smiled down at you with a sparkle in his eyes.
“Not really, all I need is a kiss,” he tugged you closer and you squealed, shoving him away as he laughed.
“As I said, nasty.” He dramatically put a hand to his heart, throwing his head back in distress.
“You wound me darling,” he complained, and you laughed, hating how much you genuinely enjoyed his company. You reached your apartment in no time, and he stood at the bottom of the steps leading up to your door.
“So no invitation of tea, a glass of wine, a home cooked meal?” he asked, and you rolled your eyes,
“I’m afraid I reserve that for people I like,” he raised his eyebrows, hopping up the steps two at a time.
“Even if I have genuine cause to talk to you?” he asked and the sincerity in his eyes made a shot of fear run through you. He couldn’t know, could he?
“What is it?” you asked, and he smiled softly, a little pain shining through his loving eyes.
“The queen has a proposition to make.” His voice quietened and you straightened your posture, your entire demeanour switching in a second.
“Come in.” you opened the door and stepped in, allowing him to duck as he followed.
The first thing he noticed was how barren your apartment was, a simple kitchen, connected to a room with a pale blue sofa and worn coffee table. Your shelves were bare, and he sneaked a look into your room as he passed the open door, your mattress on the floor covered by only a thin blanket and a few cushions, one incredibly expensive looking gold dress on the floor, stained dark red. But before he could venture further in he heard you cooing in an impossibly soft voice.
He turned the corner and blanched at the sight he saw, “What the?”
You turned from were you were feeding small bits of salmon to a pure white bundle of fluff that hissed as soon as it saw him. “Amaris, be polite!” you scalded, and he surveyed the cat with a wary look, untrusting of the small creature.
“You have a cat.” He stated, suddenly completely unsure of his taste in women.
“No he’s actually a spider,” you deadpanned and Fenrys pouted.
“But I thought you’d be a dog person,” he complained, and you laughed, moving to throw open the curtains in the room before you started putting away the food you had bought, boiling a pot of water over your stove.
“I just like animals, why does it matter?” you asked, and he threw his arms up before transforming into his wolf form. You gasped and Amaris meowed loudly, scampering to hide behind your legs.
“You’re a wolf.” You stated and he turned back with a smile.
“No I’m a spider,” you flipped him off as you turned to put the rest of your food away.
“I prefer you as a wolf, they’re one of my favourite animals,” you told him and he smiled, sticking his tongue out childishly at Amaris who just sauntered of to doze on a pillow.
“So, what does the queen want?” you asked, pouring the hot water into a pot you had prepared, and he sat down on your worn-down sofa, cringing as it creaked under his weight. You followed suit soon after putting the pot and two mugs down, curling your feet underneath yourself as you looked at him.
“Well, she has told me that you’re actually extremely powerful and because of this she wants to recruit you. She wants you to join the Cadre.” He spoke surely and confidently but his eyes shone with wariness.
“Okay first of all, I’m not at all powerful, secondly how would she even know if I was, which I’m not! And third, what is The Cadre?” he laughed slightly and moved forward to pour himself a cup of tea.
“Well you clearly are because she recognised you and always knows these things, trust me. She’s never wrong about this. And The Cadre is a group I’m in, elite soldiers sworn to protect Maeve.” He explained and you shook your head.
“Fenrys I barely know basic self-defence, I’m not a soldier. And I don’t want to be sworn to royalty.” Your hands were shaking slightly at the thought of being sworn to another tyrant, “Plus in all honesty I only found out I was Fae on Monday, so I’m not exactly well versed in this shit.”
“How did you not know before?” he asked – frowning.
“The country I… come from, there was no magic. The king wiped all magic out years ago.”
“Why?” It was an understandable question but still made you panic, he couldn’t know.
“I don’t know, all I know is he did, so those alike me – with magic but born into a magicless world – never got to know.” You were good at concealing emotions, that much Fenrys could see. You seemed to have iron walls built into the clouds around your heart, protecting it as fiercely as you would Amaris.
“Well, Maeve wants to meet with you soon, so let me know when you decide gorgeous,” he stood, and you smiled at him gratefully for not prying further.
“I’m really sorry Fenrys I just don’t think it’s a good idea. As I said I’m not a soldier.” He nodded but his eyes still conveyed a sense of worry.
“Well keep in mind you would get to train with me, probably shirtless.” He joked as you opened the door for him, grinning when you laughed loudly, shoving him through the door.
“Bye Fenrys,” you said, eyes sparkling as he waved, whistling his way down the street comically.
You closed the door as your smile fell, a weight settling on your chest as you already knew why he looked so wary – Kings and Queens didn’t understand the word no.
You practically ran to the library the next day, opting to bring Amaris with you as he peeked out of the small handbag you had found stuffed into the back of your closet. When you flew into the library you instantly sought out Albert, who took one look at your flushed, shining appearance and abandoned the pile of books he was putting away, motioning for you to sit down.
You sat quickly, huffing out a breath as Amaris crawled out of his makeshift home and started exploring the new territory of the small backroom reserved for staff only.
“What bothers you child?” Albert’s voice was steady as always and his dry, warm hands grasped yours gently as your eyes filled with unshed tears.
“I just – I needed to talk to someone,” you stuttered out, your breath coming in harsher pants as he shushed you.
“Take a minute and allow yourself to breathe first dear,” he commanded, and you pressed a hand to your heart as you tried to slow its pounding. “Start from the beginning, tell me what’s wrong.”
“The man I loved, his- his name was Dorian, Dorian Havilliard.” You said quietly and Albert let out a small chuckle.
“I presumed as much, I visited Adarlan once, and an old man never forgets the face of a princess.” You looked at him through blurry eyes, confused.
“You knew?” he smiled sadly at you.
“I was 90% certain, but I would never have pressured you to reveal secrets like that.” He passed you a tissue, “But I sense that’s not all that weighs heavy on you?”
You shook your head, “Queen Maeve has made clear that she wishes me to join the Cadre.”
Albert’s face changed with the clear shock, and you bowed your head, shamefully.
“And what did you say?” he asked slowly.
“No, of course! I don’t have any desire to be another monarch’s puppet.” You stated and he shushed you again.
“You need to remember that people always listen.” He scolded, repeating one of the first things he had told you when you started working. “I agree that you should be cautious, but perhaps gaining the queens protection would be beneficial. Plus you would become an extremely skilled swordsman.”
“I am not a man, nor do I wish to be.” You said through gritted teeth, “And I vowed that I would become skilled on my own and go back to Dorian.”
“Yes but if you join, you will be more skilled than ever before,” Albert reasoned and you shook your head, tears welling up again.
“I thought you’d be on my side for this, you are the one who told me to be careful around powerful people.” You felt unjustly betrayed as he spoke and his shoulders slumped slightly, sighing before grasping your hands lightly again.
“I am dear, and I urge you to do what you think is best. But I am simply reminding you that if you truly want to beat this king you are being offered power on a silver platter right now, and perhaps it would be foolish to deny yourself it.” You let his words run around your head as you worked overtime trying to figure out a plan.
“Say I joined – what do I need to do to ensure I don’t become another puppet?” you asked, and he smiled at you.
“First of all, she will offer a blood oath and you must refuse it with everything you have in you – she came to you remember you hold the power. On that note you must summon all those queenly powers of yours and ensure when you speak to her, she is meeting you and she is trying to win you over. Never the other way around.” You nodded, pocketing the information in your head. “When in the palace you are always being watched, always being listened to, so keep your wits about you. But I’m sure you’re used to that by now.”
You laughed under your breath, “It’ll be just like going home,” you commented, and he smiled.
“Sadly yes, now take this money. Go but a new dress and tomorrow you will take a carriage, you can’t walk there.” You thanked him softly, placing the gold in the purse you held, “You’re a kind girl, that is what makes you strong and that’s what will make you a good queen. Don’t let them take your heart.”
Your throat tightened and you nodded due to the lack of trust you held for your voice, standing, and collecting your bag in one hand and Amaris in the other. Albert stood to take you to the door with a smile, and a gentle pat on the shoulder.
“You can have tomorrow off work as well, however I feel our work together is already coming to an end.” You smiled softly, allowing him to pet Amaris’ head softly before he kissed your cheek gently, ushering you out the door.
“Have a good night Albert,” you said, turning to see him watching you with sorrowful eyes.
“Remember what I told you dear, don’t let them take your heart.” Your smile was sad as you spoke,
“I won’t.” You both heard the lie but, neither of you decided to correct it. Not tonight.
Of all the things Fenrys expected to see the next morning, you were the one he hoped for. But as he looked around at the powerful men surrounding the room he felt white-hot panic seize him as he realised what you were about to do. You hadn’t even looked at him when you walked in, keeping your eyes trained solely on Maeve, not even dropping them as you dropped in a low curtsy.
He was even more shocked by the blood red dress you adorned, the v-neck deep and skirts long with a slit up either leg, high enough to reveal the halter you wore with a silver dagger and a ruby encrusted hilt secured into place. Every man, woman and mouse watched as you walked through the room – head high and shoulders back, revealing enough to entrance everyone in the room but covering enough to keep them wanting more and he felt his anger grow as he watched you.
You waited with a soft, but condescending, smile on your face, allowing Maeve to regrasp some power by speaking first – every movement so calculated and precise. As he watched you he saw the power and understood the fear and lust building in the room.
“So I guess you heard my offer.” Maeve finally said, drawling low with relaxed posture.
“I did.” Your statement was short, to the point but you saw it grate Maeve’s nerves and smiled as sweet as spun sugar, “Your majesty.”
“And?” he watched as Maeve grew more agitated and was surprised she hadn’t killed you yet, usually not standing for even an ounce of insubordination.
“I am willing to accept on one condition – I’m not taking a blood oath.” He had to fight jumping in the air with glee as you spoke, so afraid you were going to get tangled in the mess he was in. Maeve’s face grew dark, but you held your ground, never letting your eyes stray lest she see your weakness.
“Well that’s simply not viable,” she stated, glaring you into the ground but you just smiled again, nodding with a polite laugh.
“I see, well this was a lovely meeting, gentlemen.” You raised your hand politely as you moved to leave, your eyes finally flittering over him and the rest of the cadre. You bowed once again to Maeve, making to leave when Maeve raised her hand.
“We are not finished.” She stated.
“Well I’m terribly sorry your majesty but I’ve made my terms extremely clear, and since you refuse to budge - I believe we are done.” Your voice was still sweet, but he watched your face change slightly, every bit a queen looking down upon her people. He couldn’t help but wonder were you learned to speak this way, but Maeve simply laughed.
“Yet here you are,” she spoke with a mocking tone, and you smiled with your teeth this time.
“Need I remind you that you sought me out, if I have terms it should be in your best interest to meet them if you wish me to join your miniature army.” Fenrys heard Lorcan snarl lowly next to him but gripped his arm in warning.
“Oh your training is impressive princess, but I’m afraid it will be of no use.” Your face didn’t budge as Maeve spoke, but Fenrys watched as something flickered through your eyes, “You see, I learn of misdemeanours in other courts very easily and I wish to show you what I learned of Adarlan.”
“There’s nothing you could show me that I won’t have seen before,” you said, and he watched the two of you laugh like you were mingling at a party instead of standing of in a court.
“Oh I’m afraid this is relatively new, you might reconsider your terms after this,” you stood straight as Maeve walked down the steps and moved to whisper something the rest of them couldn’t hear in your ear, her hand pressed lightly to the base of your neck.
She pulled away after a few minutes and he took in your now shaking hands, eyes filled with tears you clearly refused to let fall. You took in a steadying breath before speaking, “You’re lying.”
“Oh I wish I was princess, but I can only show the truth and it appears your prince had moved on rather quickly, what use is there going back to a country where you can no longer rule.” She stroked your hair condescendingly and you chewed the inside of your lip as it quivered. “But here, here – under my control – you have power of your own. Men will no longer hold onto you like a prized pony, you will become something they fear, you will be my perfect princess, the daughter I never got to have.”
Fenrys inhaled sharply, he knew Maeve never planned to relent the throne, especially not to a woman from another country. She looked at you like you were a doll, something for her to reshape and change. You must have seen it to, but through your blurry eyes everything had changed.
“Okay,” your voice was smaller than before, and he wanted to tear Maeve limb from limb for having broken you down so harshly with just a few words. She smiled cruelly at you as she cut a small line along her forearm and you bowed your head in pain, before falling to your knees – graceful even as pain consumed your entire being. You brought your lips to her wound and drank as she repeated the words that he remembered all too well.
When you rose your lips were sparkling red, and your eyes were glistening with tears still unshed – but you raised your head like a queen and Maeve smiled.
“I believe you have already met Fenrys, he will be training you as the training you have received is not proficient, I’ll have all your belongings brought to a room here.” Maeve waved her hand to some guards, but you stopped her.
“I only need Amaris brought here; the rest can burn.” You muttered.
“And for your new wardrobe?” She asked and you smiled looking down, wiping your mouth slowly.
“Make it red.” You finally met Fenrys eyes, and he stepped forward, desperate to drag you far, far away.
“Shall I escort her to her new room?” he asked Maeve and she flitted her eyes to him, then to the hand he had pressed to your back.
“Yes and then afterword’s come find me,” she smiled cruelly at him, and he felt you stiffen under his hand, but he just nodded and began to lead you out of the room.
He led you through the corridors and up the stairs in silence, angry at you for accepting and at himself for not putting up more of a fight. When he reached the room he presumed would be yours he opened the door for you, following you in as you sat on the bed, your usual lightness replaced by the weight on your shoulders.
He watched you bow your head and came to sit beside you, “I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologise; this was my choice.” You said and he reached an arm around your shoulders, but you quickly shrugged him off.
“I shouldn’t, we shouldn’t, if you and the queen are…” you trailed off and Fenrys bowed his head in shame.
“It’s not like that, she, she makes me,” he muttered, and you inhaled sharply, turning to him with those watery eyes.
“I had no idea, I’m sorry,” you whispered, instantly looping your arms around him neck and holding him tight. “She’s a monster.”
Fenrys huffed a laugh, pulling away, “You’re telling me.”
He reached a hand for your face slowly, wiping under your eyes where a tear had escaped, “how did she change your mind?” he asked, dark eyes searching your face for clues as your bottom lip quivered in pain.
“She showed me home,” was all you said, and his shoulders dropped. He would leave it for now, you were young and clearly not ready to speak – and now, they had all the time in the world to speak.
“Sleep tight, training starts at seven tomorrow,” he stood and kissed your head lightly and you nodded, words getting caught in your throat. He left quietly, walking away as quickly as he could to avoid hearing the soft sobs that erupted as soon as he closed the door.
You could barely contain your tears until you got to your room, repeating rule thirteen over and over in your head, crying in public is only appropriate at funerals and weddings. But as soon as Fenrys left your room you sobbed into your hands, wailing, and crying like a child throwing a tantrum as you let out the emotions, the screams that have been locked inside of you for so long.
You had done everything for Dorian, changed every part of yourself and become the perfect princess, girlfriend, fiancé – and he, mere weeks after you had to run, was already moving onto a new girl.
As hard as you tried you couldn’t get rid of the image of him and the blonde girl out of your head. How he kissed her softly, his hand on her lower back where it always used to rest on yours. The smile when he pulled away, the way he laughed with her, the way Chaol smiled at his brother when he was happy. You had been forgotten, replaced, almost instantly, the warmth you used to feel when you thought of home, of your princes’ arms replaced by a tight chest and a cold feeling encompassing your heart.
“I’m sorry Albert,” you whispered into the air as you stood looking out on your balcony, gripping tightly to the rail as you feared your legs would give out, “She already took it.”
You were interrupted by a quiet knock on your door, wiping your eyes as you opened it – taking Amaris from the tall guards’ hands as a flurry of women pushed in, filling your drawers with clothes and cosmetics, candles and hair pins, books and plants, a million supplies for Amaris and then some. You smiled politely at them as they left without saying a word, in and out extremely quickly as you stared at a knot in the floor.
Another knock sounded soon after and you turned your head to see one of the Cadre staring in with piercing green eyes. You motioned for him to come in and stood, tilting your head up to meet his gaze as he took in your messy, tear-stained expression.
“You’re the first female member of the Cadre, ever.” He stated and you blinked slowly.
“Lucky me,” your tone was sarcastic, voice rough from the crying but the man smiled.
“I’m Rowan, it’s good to meet you.” He reached out a hand and you met it, allowing him to kiss the back gently.
“(Y/n)” you returned, with a slight curtsey.
“I look forward to fighting with you (y/n),” he stated, releasing your hand and turning to leave, stopping right before he reached the door, “Oh, and don’t lose that dagger, you’ll find a shocking number of men dislike powerful women.”
“First I’m hearing of this,” you deadpanned, and he chuckled.
“Goodluck kid.”
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fairycosmos · 3 years
girlies do you all agree that like... someone being in love with us seems so unrealistic and almost unreachable? i am always so amazed and shocked how ppl talk so calmly abt all the partners they have had when i am like... how do you even find someone to love you where and how does that happen and how do you turn into someone other than just a funny comedic bro friend you know... i am not trying to be all depressing or fishing for compliments but i GENUIENLY cant imagine anyone ever loving me just because it seems so far away and unreal. i have had a boyfriend one time and i didnt even know him i just didnt want to reject him and like. i was so scared of the intimacy and i was so overwhelmed that i hid in the bathrooms in school and refused to look into his eyes whenever we did talk like 💀 i feel like i am not made to love and be loved you know
plz this is so :(( i just wanna hug you. also i completely know what you mean and i think a lot of ppl do. i have never understood ppl who just fall in and out of relationships. i’ve only ever officially dated one person too - but i never fell in love w him and i think i was just doing it out of societal pressure or to prove to myself i could. i was JUST thinking about this the other day when i was laying in bed. how i just couldn’t fathom someone laying here with me and actually enjoying it. it looks so natural for everyone else but if someone put their hand on my shoulder or looked at me up close i think i’d cut them out of my life. i don’t know how i handled it in the past. i feel like dating me would be such an honest to god disappointment - and that someone would only ever do it if they were settling lmfao. i would feel so bad that they’d have to see me and put up with me? and not get anything in return. like i’d be such an embarrassment and there’s no way around it. i’m a void of a person with nothing to give anyway. plus it’s just so much work to be vulnerable when there’s no guarantee or even high chance it’ll last. and how do you even meet anyone in the first place besides dating apps? how does love even start or how is the protentional for it found?
there are a few things i like to keep in mind when i get overwhelmed by this. the first is that all of your problems with love are internal, but actually nurturing a loving bond with someone is both internal and external because half of it comes from some place outside yourself. outside all your own issues. what i’m saying is others don’t see you or your emotional difficulties the way you do. your self hatred has you convinced you’re unlovable and i’m sure that is deeply rooted and comes from a multitude of factors in your life and your past, but it is not an absolute truth. it may have felt like one since you were a kid, but it is not. the trick of it is to make you believe you are. it has to make you believe because it’s not a fact in the first place. you weren’t born shying away from love, you learned to, and you can unlearn the impulse as well. honestly everyone reads each other differently, everyone sees each other in a new way. you have never seen or perceived yourself in a moment of relaxed happiness, when you’re talking about your interests, when you’re joking around with someone. but everyone else has. there’s nothing inherently wrong about you. you just have a very limited viewpoint of who you are and what your presence could mean to people. the second thing i like to remember is that there is literally no rush. it is so so much more common than you think to remain single up to your late 20s and beyond. i know it seems like the whole world has someone but it doesn’t mean they’re fulfilled or happy either. we live in a relationship and sex obsessed society, and i really feel like most of us wouldn’t date so quickly if we didn’t constantly feel like we had something to prove or that something was missing from inside of ourselves. it is much healthier to go with the flow and to let whatever will be, be. the third thing is that you are a whole person on your own. there are so many different types of love in this world and romantic is just a slither of the greater picture. obviously it’s entirely natural to crave that type of intimacy, but it is not something you will crumble without. it doesn’t make or break your life. it is much simpler and easier to let it find you cause it will, when you feel capable of seeking it out. i think you may have been uncomfortable in past relationships because you just weren’t ready, and that’s totally fine. you can yearn for love and still recognize that you may not be emotionally prepared to take on a relationship just yet, those experiences can co exist imo. i think it’s all just a matter of idk. patience and self love is whats coming to mind for you.
idk if therapy or talking to someone about why you feel this way is available to you but if so, or if it ever is, i would really recommend it. i know that may seem like a big step and super nerve wracking but it’s important to examine who or what made you feel this way in the first place. then you can begin dismantling those beliefs and building your life around being your own friend rather than your own worst enemy. i know that’s a lot, it’s just something to consider for the future. anyway you are good!! you are lovable!! you were born with an inherent worth that hasn’t disappeared just cause you can’t see it at the moment!! and i’m sure you’d say the same about other ppl, so it applies to you too. sending you a lot of love. which you will take on bc guess what :^) ur capable of feeling and giving all forms of love. even if it takes a long time for you to really learn how to do so in a way that you’re compatible with. mwah x
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flowerspecial · 4 years
You Get Dizzy After A Few Rounds Of Sex
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So there were always two occasions that would cause JB to be absolutely relentless in bed. The first being that he is stressed and frustrated from work, so needs to blow off some steam. The second being when he has come back from tour and it's the first time that he has seen you in a while. This time it's because work is getting to him and JB needs to release all this pent up energy. JB has hella stamina when he wants to, so just be warned. But after a few rounds, you'd start to get a bit dizzy so you'd have to use the lesser safeword to warn him (yellow not red). JB would know to stop for a hot second to let you calm down.
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Mark absolutely adores having sex with you, I mean, why wouldn't he? And sex with Mark is a whole experience, and it isn't going to end after the first round. Hell no! This boy is gonna test your limits every bloody time, he wants to see how far he can take you. Only problem is, after a few rounds of very intense pleasure, you're starting to see stars and it is worrying you slightly. “Mark honey, I can't see properly.” “What do you mean baby?” “I’m feeling dizzy and I’m seeing stars.” “Oh shit, okay honey, let's stop for now and we can keep going later.” Mark would grab you a glass of water and stroke your hair while you calm down.
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Stamina is practically Jackson’s middle name, and the fact that he is all about giving makes for a very intense experience for you. This boys is absolutely relentless during sex, if you genuienly think that you are only going to orgasm once, you must have very low expectations of sex. But a word of warning, Jackson is one of the least most ‘attentive’ of your needs during sex, sometimes he can get very lost in the moment. Therefore if you are starting to see stars or whatever, then you're gonna need to get his attention rather quickly, because this boy is not gonna notice straight away.
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Jinyoung is the most attentive out of all of the boys, and he thrives in sex. Protector Jinyoung is at full force in situations like these, and he truly loves it. Jinyoung prefers to take the slow but deep approach to sex. He wants you to feel his love just as much as you feel the sensations. Jinyoung is constantly watching over you during sex, making sure that you are okay at every turn. Jinyoung would notice that you aren't quite right, so he would halt his movements while he looks down at you. “Baby are you okay?” “I’m just feeling a little bit dizzy, Jinyoung.” “Okay honey, we will stop for now, there's always later.”
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Youngjae is the type of guy who gets quite scared when he is having sex with a partner, especially when your partner is trying to push him to be a little bit more rough with them. Being rougher in bed is just not something that Youngjae is used to, so he's a little bit hesitant. But you'd always encourage him that you actually like what he is doing so usually that should be enough. But when you tell him that you are feeling a bit dizzy, Youngjae would panic so much, “see baby? This is why I can't be rough! I’ve just made you feel dizzy, oh god, are you okay? Do you need water? Oh god what do I do?”
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Bambam likes it rough, I’m just going to warn you now. He is completely down for anything that you are down for, and if you are willing to do everything then so is he! You guys have been going at it for most of the day, thank god for having the day off! And it seems that with every round you guys are getting more and more intense. But because you guys are forgetting to eat/drink in between rounds, you're starting to get a bit dizzy. Bambam is actually hella good at knowing your limits, so before you even have to mention it to him, Bambam is suggesting that maybe it's time to go outside and get something to eat.
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You and Yugyeom enjoy exploring each other’s boundaries, finding out what you like and what works the best with you two. This is probably the best kind of experiment you have done in a while! The biggest thing that you two are trying to experiment with is breath play. You are enjoying it, but because you guys are doing it for a long amount of time, you're starting to get a bit dizzy. You'd have to tap Yugyeom on his shoulder to try and get him to ease off your neck. “Yugyeom honey, I’m starting to get a bit dizzy, I think we need to stop for the moment.” “No worries baby, we can stop for now.”
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Could you do Chiaki, Kirigiri or Mahiru (or all three?) who catch their best friend about to commit suicide but stop them right before they go through with it which causes one party to confess their love to the other? Cheers.
MY FIRST REQUEST FOR MAHIRU, OH MY GOD! She's so pretty! I hope you'll like this!
Please, if something is bothering you, don't hesitate to reach out to someone. Or to me. I'm here for you, my blossoms.
Thank you very much for requesting and don't forget to take care of yourself and stay hydrated!!! - mod Chiaki
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Chiaki, Kyoko and Mahiru who catch their best friend trying to commit suicide resulting in one party to confess their feelings
TRIGGER WARNING: Suicide mentions
Chiaki :
♡ Chiaki was for a long time friends with you
♡ She gamed with you often, ate lunches with you whenever she got the chance
♡ Would go on trips and have sleepovers with you
♡ But she's quite perceptive, so she would notice whenever you felt low and her feelings for you caused her to be focused on you quite a bit more
♡ At first, she would opt to comfort you when she noticed, but also she didn’t want to set off something or make you feel like she's pitying you or something
♡ She wasn't pitying you, she genuienly cared about your well being
♡ She didn’t want you to do something to yourself, much less kill yourself
♡ She never told you what she felt for you, she didn't want to pressure you into something and instead wanted you to feel comfortable around her
♡ That's why she was so shocked to find you on the rooftop of Hope's Peak Academy, standing on the edge
♡ "S/O..? What are you doing?" She asked you, her hand slowly reaching out to you even if she was far away.
♡ "What does it look like?"
♡ "Don't tell me you're planning to jump?" Chiaki could feel her hearbeat going faster by the minute as you still haven't turned around and walked away from the edge of the rooftop.
♡ "Don't stop me," you muttered out softly.
♡ You were sick of it already. With the way your life was, with the way people treated you, with the pain you felt. You didn’t want to be here anymore.
♡ But Chiaki wouldn't let you do that
♡ "Please, don't jump S/O. I know it's hard right now, but it'll get better!"
♡ "How could this get better? I have nothing!" You turned around, staring into her tearfull eyes.
♡ "You have me and our classmates, we care about you!" She replied only to be met with silence. "I don't want to lose you."
♡ It surprised you to see her so genuine, so fragile. Usually, she was so strong and didn’t show that anything was wrong
♡ "Why?" It only came out as a whisper, too afraid to allow yourself to think she felt something deeper for you.
♡ "Because I'm in love with you."
♡ You stepped closer to her, searching her eyes for any sign of anything, only to find utter love and care
♡ Do you accept her confession?
Kyoko :
♡ She liked you a lot
♡ She was always more on the serious side, so she didn’t know if you noticed her feelings for you
♡ But she at least hoped you knew how much she cared for you
♡ She was very perceptive as a detective, that's why she noticed you weren't feeling good the last few days
♡ "Is something bothering you, S/O?" She stopped you after your classes ended.
♡ "It's nothing," you turned away from her, not letting her continue your conversation further.
♡ She would keep a close eye on you, to make sure nothing bad would happen
♡ She had enough of bad things in her life
♡ Maybe that's why, when you slipped out of the classroom with that look in your eyes, she followed you
♡ You carried your bag with you, for a reason unknown to her
♡ You knew what it was for, you were too much of a coward to jump or harm yourself
♡ That's why you brang pills with you that day, ones that would kill you when you used too many for you own good
♡ You would overdose and no one would care, that's what you thought
♡ You walked into a bathroom, Kyoko quickly behind you, making sure you wouldn't notice her just yet
♡ Surely, you weren't about to do something bad, were you?
♡ That's when she was wrong
♡ She saw you reaching into you bag for the bottle of pills, putting too many of them on your palm, ready to swallow all of them
♡ "Stop!"
♡ "Kyoko?!" You turned to her, seeing the panicked look on her face.
♡ "Why are you doing this?"
♡ "Don't you know? I'm miserable!" The tears in your eyes scared her more than anything.
♡ If she didn’t decide to follow you, you would be dead. You would be dead and gone
♡ "Don't do it, please. Let me help you!"
♡ "Help me? Why?"
♡ She had to tell you, her feelings for you. The fact that she hid them from you wasn't completely right
♡ "Because I love you," she muttered out, her gaze locked onto the floor.
♡ What do you think?
Mahiru :
♡ She cares a lot about you and the people around her
♡ That's why the thought of you being miserable made her feel terrible
♡ If she tried more, would she be able to make you happy? Were you unhappy because of her? Was this her fault?
♡ The fact that she had feelings for you too, made things worse
♡ She would try to be on the look out, to see how you're doing every day
♡ She would cook for you, spend time with you, everything just to see you get better
♡ But it wasn't enough..
♡ It would be on one late night walk when she wanted to take photos of certain sceneries that she would see you
♡ You were standing on the railing of a bridge, preparing to fall into the water bellow and drown
♡ "What... are you doing?" She muttered out, her voice coming out as a whisper.
♡ You could only look on in silence as she stood there, her tears already spilling out. You could see that she was shaking
♡ From fear? From fear of losing you? No, that's not possible
♡ "Please, don't jump. I don't know what I'd do without you," her voice kept acting up from her fear. She didn’t want to lose you.
♡ "What do you mean?" You tried to turn around slowly, only to lose your balance.
♡ Mahiru's eyes widened as she ran to grab you from falling, only to bring you down to the same level onto the pavement
♡ She kept holding onto your clothes in a tight grip
♡ "Isn't it obvious? I love you!"
♡ What do you think?
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letshaikyuu · 4 years
ᴡʜᴏ ᴅᴏᴇꜱɴ’ᴛ ᴡᴀɴᴛ ᴄʜɪʟᴅʀᴇɴ + ʀᴇᴀꜱᴏɴɪɴɢ
to the anon who requested this yesterday after I posted the angsty headcanons <3 I’m adding my own reasoning to this list because I want you guys to see my way of thinking :3
ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛ: after the angsty no kids hcs...who do u think out of the hq boys definitely wouldn’t want children. they’d be perfectly content w just their s/o
✎… ᴍɪʏᴀ ᴀᴛꜱᴜᴍᴜ
-  He’s your typical careerist. He has two sole focuses in life – you and his volleyball career. In my eyes, he’s the type to always groan and talk about how loud and cranky kids generally are and go ’wouldn’t want one of those’ before taking a sip of his martini. Toddlers are kind of okay with him, but babies? Diaper changing? Vomit? That’s a no-no from dear Atsumu here.
-  Perfectly content with living in a constant honeymoon phase with his partner without having to worry about educating a kid. Don’t get me wrong, he would have the resorcues for a proper education, medical care and every responsibility that comes with a new human being, but that’s too much work for him
✎… ᴛꜱᴜᴋɪꜱʜɪᴍᴀ ᴋᴇɪ
-  Not much of a careerist, but kids are generally annoying to him. He can’t phantom having to wake up at ungodly hours of the night to feed a baby, change a baby and take care of a baby. Every human below the age of 15 isn’t his cup of tea at all. Not even toddlers, so that he could say ’I’ll survive a baby until it grows up’. Nope.
-  He’s either going to be forever single and always scoffing when his friends make him go out on dates or is living a very simple lifestyle with his partner. He doesn’t even do babysitting. If Yamaguchi were to ask that of him, he’d go ’You want your child to be in one piece after the date, right? Don’t leave it here.’ He’s genuinely scared of babies, ok?
✎… ᴛᴇʀᴜꜱʜɪᴍᴀ ʏᴜᴜᴊɪ
-  He’s kind of an enigma to me because I feel like he’d be a really great father, but at the same time he kind of forgets about that part of his life? He’d get to wrapped up in living like he’s ’forever young’ and he wouldn’t want to be enclosed from the honeymoon stage by a child. He’d definitely like to babysit though, that’s not a problem cause he’s actually good with kids
-  He lives his life very carefree. Adult Terushima is basically teenager Terushima with a job and an apartment. He’s the same old Terushima we’ve seen jump around court in a yellow jersey like a bunch of bees. He’s cool, he’s chill and he’d be named the ’cool uncle’ by kids at the park because he always plays soccer with them
✎… ʜᴀɴᴀᴍᴀᴋɪ ᴛᴀᴋᴀʜɪʀᴏ
-  Genuienly afraid of babies. If someone where to go ’would you like to hold them?’, he’d look at the baby with pure fear in his eyes before shaking his head – no. So, if he’s afraid of holding a baby, how can he actually have one? Ye, ye he knows about those baby classes, but he’d think he’s never meant to be a father if he didn’t have the skills of one from the beginning
-  However, he doesn’t mind having a baby around and babysitting – if you’re there to take care of the baby and not him. Him regretting not having children is possible in the future, but he’d look back on life with a smile even without children. He doesn’t need them to fulfill his life, he has you
✎… ꜱʜɪʀᴀʙᴜ ᴋᴇɴᴊɪʀᴏᴜ
-  A huge careerist. I feel like he wouldn’t have time for a partner, let alone take care of a partner. Now, people in the medical field can be good parents, ok? I’m just saying that when you combine his career and him being annoyed with loud sounds, crying and everything like that, it’s perfectly clear that he doesn’t want children
-  Avoids being a babysitter as well. Small human beings that he can easily drop is not his cup of tea. He likes to stick with people his age and older. He likes older people, they’re fun to be with and they don’t make him want to rip his ears off by constantly crying. So, ye he’d trade a kid for a grandparent everyday.
✎… ᴋᴇɴᴍᴀ ᴋᴏᴢᴜᴍᴇ
-  Surprisingly, he’s not as afraid of children as some might presume. Why he doesn’t want children is pretty simple. Never once did Kenma have the need to be a father. Even when people would ask his partner and him when they’re going to have a new addition to the family, he’d plainly answer with never.
-  I can’t see him as a father either. Kenma is probably one that can live without ever regretting not having children. His life is perfect the way it is, two people under one roof is enough for him – and a few cats roaming around – but when he looks at his friends and their children, he’d just wish them the best and carry on
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terrietont · 3 years
Shout out to the FNAF fans that still find it genuienly creepy/terrifying and are too scared to play some of the games like myself. It doesn’t make you any less of a fan than anyone else.
I’m terrified by FNAF4 and I have had nightmares (no pun intended) about it and the Fazbear frights stories. I literally end up trembling in fear and sweating on my hands after playing any night of FNAF4. It scares me that much despite the fact that I still adore it and the franchise as a whole. Hell, I still don’t get nearly as afraid when I play the VR in fnaf as when I play FNAF4. Genuienly, it terrifies me to this day.
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rudolphsboyfriend · 3 years
2. “He noticed Misato smiled at him more often than usual that day.” Someone get me a misato of my own ples I beg you
3. “You’re actually really cute as a moth!” a line that I never thought I’d read, but I’m very very glad that I did
4. “all the upperclassmen fell asleep on the couches cuddling after their celebration party,” I NEED A FOUND FAMILY THAT CUDDLES TOO GIVE ME ONE GODS
6. “In the cold hallway, they were their own ball of fire.” Everyone go home this is peak writing we can’t go up from here
8. “and his heart would do backflips every time.” ohcrap I was wrong, seems like we can top our peak writing too
9. “Oh” :)))))))) oh :))))))))
10. “Misato was carrying him bridal style outside his bedroom door.” Blue. What is this. Do you want me to die.
11. “In fact, the lack of eye contact made it easier for them to talk about things,“ yes. You get it. Yes.
12. “learning his thoughts and memorising his voice.“ :,)))))
13. “the six of them decided to camp out in the living room,” THIS REMINDS ME SO MUCH OF THE AFTG SCENE WHERE THEY ALL SLEEP IN TOGETHER AFTER THE MATCH HELP
14. “taking Misato’s hand like clockwork.” :,DDDDDD
16. “And together they soared.” So did my heart blue so did my heart
Everyone go read blue’s fic cuz it’s the bomb and highkey got me out a reading slump
1) yes ofc her does bvuz he's just Like That. Probably names his katanas too
2) yep same i just want a quiet emo boyfriend who smiles softly at me
3) yes!! Shotaro is a big Mothsato fan amd we all should be too
4) SAME BESTIE when will i get to platonically cuddle a bunch of besties and why isn't it right now
6) bestie i got chills writing that line it's one of my favs in the fic
7) i just think that satoba and hand holding is a thing that should exist in abundance
8) aaahhh thank you we love a good allusion to the title ;)
9) "oh" indeed
10) :) fanboy on fanboy violence <3
11) IKR eye contact scares me I can't duit
12) hey thank you for having all the reactions that i wanted people to have while reading this dkshfjs
13) OH YEAH UR RIGHT OMG. Found family sleepovers ukwim
14) !!!!!! They!! Are!! So comfortable w each other!!! Makes me happy.
15) YEAH. Forget wedding rings and roses italicised "oh"s are the true love language
16) my heart while reading this soared my love <3
AHHH thank you omg ily so much <3 reading this genuienly made me SO happy u can't even imagine bestie
Anyway time for some shameless self promo here's the fic in question pls do read it if this ask interested you <3
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gayathreya · 4 years
regarding this post lol since i’m not the op and didn’t wanna spam it with lengthy takes if nobody wanted a long reblog chain
unetherealfeelings said: this makes complete sense and i would love nothing more than for some real LGBTQ representation but honestly speaking i don’t trust our country or the industries top filmmakers to make a solid film. The main reason i don’t see such a thing happening is because big stars such as vijay, ajith and even suriya are precisely that stars. The day they are regarded as actors and not stars i think will be the day we get to see content that’s plot and character driven rather than the nonsense we get now. These stars are more interested in giving what the audience what they want, an aggressively mysognistic hero who mansplains and harasses women while fighting “social causes” and apparently ending all the wrong in the world. And even if they somehow miraculously made such a film i would be scared at see how much they might fuck it up. The consequences of screwing up LBGT relationships in mainstream media are grave especially in the times we live and the extremist government and its followers. At the end of the day tho I think we are better off wishing queer representation from art house films that are actually interested in creating complex characters worth caring about. Maybe if these films are done right, we could be hopeful of such change in mass films :/ Having said that i think it’s so adorable to see queer characters being played by big stars, just imagining Suriyas eyes or Madhavans smiles has me soft HAHA
i definitely agree that tamil stars are very backward compared to stars from, say, the malayalam industry (both prithviraj and nivin pauly playing openly gay characters warrants praise ngl), and they’re way more concerned about their family and kids audience and stuff and how their image is projected to the masses. hence, the unending commercial potboilers we are made to witness year in and year out from them with only a little differentiation 
BUT i do say that suriya is a completely different type and level of star in relation to vijay and ajith. i can’t see the latter 2 doing anything in this capacity, but suriya is.. idk.. he’s somewhere in limbo with this. he’s the only big tamil star to have openly acknowledged and thanked a lgbt fanpage in his name, he liked a lgbt positive tweet when india repelled the law criminalising them, he’s the only one to have given money multiple times to trans groups during this lockdown period and made no grand air or speech about it. somehow, i CAN see him playing a queer character on screen, and his image is less massive than vijay or ajith, for which i am perpetually thankful, cos i never want him to become as huge as vijay or ajith in terms of this. of course he will still be cautious about it and i don’t present him to be some gay rights king championing lgbt discourse, but it’s a start and i definitely see him as the most feasible top star who could plunge into doing something like this on screen, because we know 2 reasonably big and important things in this context; in that 1) he’s very much aware of these issues, and 2) he’s 100% not homophobic/transphobic, and is an ally, neither of which we can surely claim about other stars in the industry cos we just never see them talk or engage with anything like this the way suriya has done
there’s always a possibility of messing up in tamil cinema when someone is pioneering a lgbt film with a big name, but i’d be more forgiving of it if they actually try? and then try again, and again. this is why i am not very interested in arthouse or small indie tamil films in this cos these films do not make a splash or is viewed by the masses. i think a big name attached to a project being openly queer in a film would do more wonders for pushing dialogue in this, even if it’s not a perfect film and there’re things i’d potentially take issue with. i’d still very much rather a top hero do it and they have proper lgbt consultants on set and with the script for sensitivity issues than wish for a small budget flick with unknown names that’d wash out of cinemas in a week or get little to no limelight imo. 
primarily because i am ok with a normal mass, commercial film too if the hero is queer. it does not matter to me, i don’t need every lgbt film to be like... deep and philosophical and talking about long seated societal issues. if i have to see suriya play a simple village dude beating up bad guys but his romance interest in the film is another man and they still have cute song and dance sequences, sure, i’d take it, no problem. it can be made within the exact same template we’ve all come to know and love except it’s not heterosexual (or cis, cos i’d be happy with a trans woman lead romance story, too). i guess for me the fundamental thing is not whether the film is ‘’mass or class’’ or anything like that, i want a big star face on it doing it genuienly and sincerely more than i want it to be done perfectly right with no complaints.
*COUGHS* vijay sethupathi pls be suriya’s boyfriend.. thank u, ;__;
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purple-dragon · 4 years
tower of god episode 13:
or: me freaking out about rachel (again) for 30 minutes
the way rachel slumps down afterwards is just. so good. she's probably like 'oh my god i'm finally free' then [redacted] is just like 'bitch you thought'
i also think it's interesting bc we can see in what we know of her that rachel often doesn't feel like she's the protagonist of her own story, though she desperately wants to be and then baam comes along and her inherent jealousy just. peaks. she's such an interesting character! i know siu has said that she's still a protagonist - not necessarily a heroine - but there's still so much about her and her motivations that /we just don't know/. was she abused in the past? we've gotten hints of that. what's her real connection with [redacted] and [redacted]? what is it about her that makes her want to see the stars so badly?
but lmao even headon's like 'bitch gtfo'
anyway i just!!! really like rachel!!!
and what in the hell is headon's motivation in all this?
"then make use of everything you can" and my god, does she do that
i want to know if rachel always thought of baam as a rival. or at least as like, something to use. a tool. was there a time that she really genuienly liked him? or did her ambition always overshadow all of her other feelings? because she never hesitates, when it comes to him.
rachel is a ball of self-hatred mixed with an ego the size of the sun. it's very intriguing.
i wonder if baam's devotion to her ever scared her.
"it feels like there's power welling up in me" and this brings me to shinsu! what is with her lack of shinsu control? by all rights, as an irregular, rachel should be just as powerful as baam. but she's not. why is that?
"in your place, i will become a star" the sentence that defines rachel
okay but like i'm emo at the team's reactions to baam's uhhhhh death
rak i relate so hard i did the same thing when i read it the first time
and now... the long con
" i see that baam was loved" yeah, and you do be wishin it was you
"you possess power everyone wants desperately" now isn't that the truth...
okay but this soundtrack though. i haven't mentioned it a whole lot before but holy shit is it perfection. i need it. i want it.
baam's determination to climb is cool in that it evolves over time. a lot of it revolves around rachel, but lately, a lot of it... doesn't. it's changed as a large part of his character development and idk. i just think he's neat.
"this is the story of rachel, the girl who climbed the tower to see the stars, and baam, the boy who needed nothing but her. their end... and their beginning." i wonder how true that holds now, and how it will hold at the end of the story.
okay but top playing at the end is so fitting... never let you GO never let you GO indeed
no turning back, go up!
general thoughts: 
-okay i think i’ve already said what i wanted to say about rachel lmao 
-i was thinking about khun and hachuling’s meeting and wondering about why they changed it and idk but maybe they’re trying to push a romance angle a bit more? trying to get people invested in character backstories? i’m not really sure. tower of god is kind of unique in that we know next to nothing about most of the characters aside from what they’re like in the tower - we don’t know their histories or anything - with very few exceptions and idk, maybe they were trying to mitigate that by including it 
-the soundtrack is glorious and hard-hitting in the best of ways. timed perfectly, perfectly created, it’s just. so good. so beautiful. god tier 100/10. 
-i’ll probably do a full analysis of the anime vs s1 at some point but not now, fam! 
-the hint of viole at the end. i died. i love him so much. 
-i’ve said this every single week and i’ll say it again. top and slump are incredible as op and ed, stray kids did an amazing job, we stan. instant classics. 
-i really hope we get an s2 announcement soon, bc right now i feel like they did an overall good job with s1 and also i’m going to be so sad without my weekly dose of baam (and khun, and rak, etc etc) 
-y’all it’s been an incredible 13 weeks and i’m so sad it’s over but at least we’ve still got the webtoon!
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