#I’m adding this idea to my tmnt 2012 rewrite
fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
You know, the S3 episode Tale of The Yokai kinda hints at the possibility that Tang Shen and Saki (Shredder) used to be in a relationship before Shen married Yoshi (Splinter). We see this in the scene where Saki is talking to Shen after he “saved” her from the Yokai (aka the Turtles) and he begs her to "take him back".
Honestly, I hate to make Tang Shen the bad guy with this theory, but what if she had an affair?? This possible concept would give Saki more of a motivation as to why he snapped and attacked Yoshi, believing Miwa is the result of their affair and is his child.
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battiegutz · 1 year
I talk on here a lot hopefully I’m not weirding you out.
I’ve also rewrote parts of 2012 Tmnt. And I have questions!
So hold up lemme get my list.
First of!
Leo? Trans fem? If so, during what arc would she come out? I have my own ideas but I wanna know yours!
Ships?? (Bats eye lashes)
Ok ok next
Any new designs? Cause I have some for the krang and the big krang robot
Mmm what else… OOo!
Any other plot points and stuff your adding on too?
I really really like hearing ideas about rewriting parts of 2012 .
Anyway hopefully I’m not weird or annoying! Please tell me if I should calm down on the asking (trust me I would not be offended)
yesss transfem leo :3 idk when she comes out but she doesnt rlly get time to think abt her gender until th farmhouse arc but that gets interrupted when they go back to reverse th invasion (i most recently watched th ep where bebop nd rocksteady got mutated so i only have like. a vague idea of what happens next lol) but i think maybe? it would be before the space arc?? god i need 2 keep watchin💀 YES. SHIPS. GOD OK SO. im a multishipper if its not obvious but fr this particular au/rewrite, im eventually gonna have lesbian aprilnardo bc idk they have a rlly good dynamic i think. side not raph nd april are absolutely besties they love talkin shit. there will also be timatello bc im giving tim an actual arc whattttt🤯🤯🤯🤯 anyway yea LOL timatello<3 altho itll just be pining nd they never get 2gether sadly :( srry th angst won nd someone maybe got a little bit shot😔 ill try to throw some jonatello crumbs in aswell maybe, idk torn between them nd rasey fr why does casey have so much game🤨 oh my god yes i want to ideally redesign all the characters tho idk if ill get around 2 EVERYONE but man im a fruit ofc im changin up these designs. i gave april braces nd freckles bc i think it suits her :3 i also wanna make th kraang in general more like. horrifying? probably not the early series kraang, but w aprils kraang dna in particulat i wanna delve deeper into horror teehee. also wanna make karai more well. shes a teenager bruh i think she shuld be allowed to have her emo era lol. im tryna wait until i get thru like majority of th show to mess w th plot points but some ideas i have involve showing more of the farmhouse arc, and considering a certain. lost limb😶(srry leo lol) itll take a bit longer fr them to get back 2 nyc. also jus gonna try nd fix th weird way 2012 did romance subplots?? why does leo hav a crush on her sister🤢 yea no instead she meets karai in civilian clothes nd they bond nd karai becomes like an older sister to her but then she has to betray leo fr shredder :( not super developed obvs but i think i jus wanted karai to wear trap pants and smoke weed lol. april also shuts down donnie rlly early bc shes a lesbian so shes like. bruh. also my recent art post idk what actually happens in mutant apocalypse but i was thinkin abt how interestin it wuld be if leo was captured by the kraang and used as an experiment bc of her unique mutations :3
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
5 Characters The 2012 Writers Could Have Shipped 2012 Leo With Instead of His Sister
Because as much as I love TMNT 2012, it’s biggest flaw (in my opinion) was the awkward uncomfortable forced romance between Leonardo and Karai.
I’m gonna start this list with two characters from other TMNT incarnations that the 2012 writers could’ve added to their show and make them the love interest for Leo, then I will give a list of current 2012 characters that could have been good potential love interests for Leo (with some rewriting of course) that I feel would be better than him being shipped with and crushing on his sister.
Lotus Blossom
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Originally from the 1987 series, Lotus Blossom was a female ninja Kraang hired to replace Shredder. Lotus was given the task to capture Splinter and defeat the Turtles and when first meeting her Leo was entranced by her beauty and skills as a swordsman. 
Lotus only made two appearances in the 87 cartoon and never reappeared in other versions of TMNT (as of now), which is a shame because her and Leo have a cute dynamic and played off each other very well as both friends and romantic interests, so the 2012 writers could’ve brought this classic 87 character back like they did with so many others like Mona Lisa and Mondo Gecko. 
I personally have two ideas for 2012 Lotus, one being she’s a warrior from the past that the Turtles meet while on another time travel adventure with Renet, OR she’s Mr. Murakami’s niece and she comes to New York to visits her uncle to help him with his restaurant and befriends the Turtles.
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Bare with me, I don’t read the comics so I’m using knowledge from Wikipedia
Similar to 2012 Alopex, the writers could’ve brought another famous and beloved character from the IDW comics into the 2012 series. in the IDW comics Koya was Shredder’s pet falcon who eventually got mutated and became a scout and bounty hunter for The Foot Clan. 
It is hinted that their is a romance between Koya and Leo, mostly from the character Lita who says that Koya has feelings for Leo (something Koya claims is a lie) and Lita even says that the two are together romantically in the future.
2012 Shredder already was growing his own army by recruiting mutants like Tiger Claw, I’m surprised he didn’t continue this by finding or creating Koya for his army. 
Casey Jones
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Could’ve ended the dumb capriltello love triangle. And who doesn’t love the reckless bad boy jock x nerdy responsible popular boy trope?
I’ve been getting really into Caseynardo lately and I think this would’ve been a fun pair to see in the show. The two rarely had moments together and its a shame cause even as buddies they are fun to watch. 
I’d imagine that this romance would start to blossom by season 3. Casey is getting over April and starts spending more time with Leo while everyone else trains, keeping Leo company since he can’t join in because of his injury. Casey would offer to Raph for him watch over and take care of Leo while Raph continues to train his brothers and April, as a way to get some stress/responsibilities off Raph’s shoulders. During the farm house arc Casey would hang with Leo and the two would bond and learn they have more in common then they think (both are the older siblings of their families and would do anything to keep them safe). This would start their growing friendship and later blossoming romance that would develop more during the rest of the series.
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Even though I headcanon Shinigami as a lesbian and I ship Shinirai hardcore, let’s consider Leogami so a moment. Leo would still get himself a goth kunoichi from the Foot Clan as a gf, but this time with the bonus of her knowing magic, and hands down being one of the most beautiful female characters in the show fight me
I mean seriously, they could’ve held off on Leo getting a love interest until Shinigami comes along. Also why give Mikey a second love interest when he already has Renet, creating a random love triangle, and never acknowledge/do anything with it?? 
Just replace all of Mikey’s scenes/moments of him showing attraction towards Shini and replace him with Leo and then BOOM, both problems are fixed! No pointless Mikey love triangle and no Leo simping for his sis.
Miyamoto Usagi
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Hear me out! 2003 fans are probably already on board, but 2012 Usagi would need some rewriting if this were to happen if the 2012 writers consider this instead of leor*i. 
Though his age is never confirmed in the 2012 series, it is speculated Usagi is a young adult in this version. Here’s what the 2012 writers should have done, rewrite Usagi as a teenager like they did with so many other classic characters for the 2012 series and have him and Leo build a friendship during the Samurai Turtles arc in season 5, with there being hints of a romance blooming between the young samurai and ninja by the end. But again, this would only work if Usagi was rewritten. 
If they can turn April into a teenager and ship her with Donnie then they could’ve done the same thing with Usagi!
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