#I’m a simp for Elysia
pureelysia · 2 years
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Imagine dating Elysia, she would throw tons of compliments your way. That outfit you have looks superb on you! The way you did your hair, even if you didn’t do anything to yourself she still finds you beautiful!
Anyone could tell that she loves with you when they see the literal heart in her eyes whenever she talks about you, someone talks about you or whenever you make eye contact!
She will make you feel beautiful praising you, complimenting you, she swears your an angel that descended from the heavens and grazed the earth with your grace!
Feels so lucky that she gets to wake up and the first thing she sees is you. She litters small pecks on your face her arms wrapped around your waist until you wake up.
She brings you to dates anywhere and everywhere, dont worry about paying because she INSISTS that she pays. She brings you to mall dates, a stroll around the park or maybe just a simple date in your house as you guys bake together.
Talking about baking, she’s chaotic when baking she grabs your hand and intertwines your finger with hers, which would be very cute- if the oven wasn’t threatening to catch on fire and the fact that she had flour all of her apron and hands was..
Anyways! I forgot to mention but she flirts a lot and she teases you even more than normal, so if you’re someone who gets flustered easily then she’s going to have such a fun time teasing you!
She’ll leave feather light touch’s across your bare skin and when you eye her carefully suspicious of her intentions who knows it might lead to something even more.. she’ll just quickly smother you with kisses telling you how beautiful you look today!
Anyways I love Elysia
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lonely-vault-boy · 2 years
Hoyoverse characters I think would be besties (bc I said so)
Himeko and Beidou
- they get drunk and talk shit
Roza and Klee
- “you wanna see this new bomb I made?!”
- “this will be great for our show!!”
Childe and Durandal
- “so yeah I worked for this evil organization and I was like the youngest person to ever achieve this one rank, but they were actually hurting people under the guise of helping humanity and kept secrets from me. Also my hair sometimes turns white bc some weird family legacy thing”
- “omg bestie same”
- no but they’re both vvv strong fighters and are honorable, and I think they’d respect each other
Dottore, Sandrone, Mobius, and Vill-V
- I feel like this one is pretty self-explanatory
- it’s for science
Kazuha and Sakura
- once again pretty self explanatory
Fu Hua and Zhongli (ft. Senti)
- all my friends are dead also I’m immortal and old and sad but now I have new friends
- “lmao old people are boring”
Eden and Yunjin
- I feel like they would learn about each other’s musical styles and become friends
Elysia and Yae Miko
- Raiden simp supremacy
Lilya and Sayu
- they find a nice quiet spot to nap
Pulcinella and Theresa
- “one time, when Kiana was younger, I caught her writing ‘fanfiction’ about her and Mei getting married and then making out while the school blew up”
- “one time I caught Pantalone trying to convince Ajax to make swords out of blood for a photoshoot to sell armor. Also what is ‘fanfiction’”
Kaeya, Albedo, Griseo, and Klee
- “your technique is flawless. I, too, create life from my works”
- “can you paint a Dodoco?”
- “you should paint Angel’s Share bright pink”
Noelle and Rita
- maid besties
- Rita helps her focus her strength
Ei, Mei, and Kiana
- “I can’t cook”
- “here I’ll show you! First you take your slice of bread…”
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tea-cat-arts · 1 year
(Disclaimer: spoilers and a vent post)
Man, Kevin really could’ve been another Dimitri if Mihoyo didn’t hate him (please listen to these clips and try and convince me otherwise. There are major Fe3h spoilers in them though so proceed with caution).
There’s just something so satisfying about watching a kind hearted, loving character go through hell, do some genuinely bad things, believe they’d become a monster who deserves to die, only to come back from all that with the help of their friends/support system, and then offer that same kindness to their enemies oh hey what do you know- I’m also a Sayaka Miki fan. Clearly I don’t have a favorite type of character
I think Kevin had all the makings to be this type of character if they actually acknowledged his loving side and his humanity in dialogue more often and actually allowed him the chance to actually bounce back. Like, his humanity is absolutely shown in game- choosing to save Su and letting himself fall into the sea of quanta in the second key manga, him repeatedly reliving Sakura’s death out of guilt in his intro arc, him being willing to risk everything to get sim Elysia back, him building a sanctuary for Fu Hua so she could stay safe during project stigma, ect- but the dialogue almost always goes back to “oh he’s just doing this for Dr. MEI. He doesn’t care about anything else.” Every time those pieces of dialogue come up, I just think of this scene in Glee where the cheerleading coach has a kid squeeze a tube of toothpaste into his hand, told him to then put it back in the tube, and when he said he can’t she said “exactly.” Mihoyo you’ve already dedicated large portions of time showing us Kevin as a person, no amount of monologuing is gonna convince me he’s actually a one dimensional villain now.
I also just think simp Kevin is just… a less interesting character. He’s still easy to sympathize with, but he’s got nothing on the character who did love his world (read: his friends and family) incredibly deeply and grew increasingly desperate to save the few he had left as they kept dying.
I’d also argue that making Kevin the main, irredeemable villain muddies the central theme of Honkai. They’re supposed to be saving the world with love, but the guy who acted entirely out of love (this is true for even the Dr. MEI simp version of Kevin) is irredeemable and has to die? Why? We’ve already been shown that he can be reasoned with (both in his interactions with Otto and in the Second Key Manga), and you’re really gonna tell me that he wouldn’t back down immediately if he found out Su’s plan actually worked? Hell, Kevin’s even admitted to hating project stigma during the current arc. What reason does he have to go through with it anymore??? I feel like the fourth wall break also further reinforces the idea of love not being enough since it turns it into the players who saved the world, not the characters
Sorry to keep rambling about this topic, it’s just something I really needed to get off my chest. Hopefully we won’t get any more bs news and the ranting will stay out of my system after this. I’m trying to go back to drawing more silly fanart now. If you’ve read this far, thanks. I offer a cat pic as compensation
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bard-twins · 2 years
hhhh I wanna touch kosma’s horns and just hold this boi so bad I love him so much he deserves it !! He’s basically shadow the hedgehog but as a dragon and the magic circle on his chest too 🤧 (yes I’m a simp)
We’re gonna do a pro gamer that elysia often uses to mei
If elysia was able persuade mei to allow her to touch her horns then surely kosma will allow it as well albeit reluctantly and somewhere private 🫣 my boy kosma desrve lots of love when his youth was taken from him because of the honkai eruption and also bcs of vill-v fuck sadistic vill-v
If he says no horny, then imma go kith him on his cheekies and lips and tuck him on a high quality blanket and sleep right next to him bcs i love kosma— we all love kosma and i’ll never let go of him hmph
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
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Divinely Favored: Valentine’s Day Fic
Summary: Dalliance With Destruction Verse, Valentine’s Day AU. ( 1 year Post-ToP ). The God of Destruction learns about the upcoming Valentine’s day and makes a game out of it for her favored saiyan warriors with a promising reward. A contest for the best Valentines day gift.  Pairing: Goku & Vegeta x Female Reader ( God of Destruction ) Rating: Mature / 18+ (for future chapters) AO3 Warning: ( chapter mostly dialogue,  canon divergent, explicit language , manipulation, implied/referenced cheating and dubious consent present ) A/N:  This is a choose your encounter kind of fic! This in no way affects the original story currently ongoing, just a special event I came up with for Valentine’s day. Choices will be posted by Monday. Feb 14. Am I confident I can complete each choice by Feb 14? No. Am I still going to try? Abso-heckin-lutely! It’s about the journey, my fellow simps, the journey and alien himbo valentine love~! ♥
[ Prologue ]  [ Gift Reveal ]  [ VEGETA’S GIFT ]  [ GOKU’S GIFT ]
“Valentine’s Day?” You repeated, both confused and unamused with a roll of your eyes. A scoff, you lower your drinking glass from your lips. “Humans really do like to create reasons to eat and glorify each other’s company as if you couldn't just do that anyway, why the labels for every occasion?”
“I don’t expect you to understand Lady (y/n), but it is a big deal to us humans.” Bulma groaned with a wry smile, rolling her own eyes. “I take it divine beings don’t indulge in the concept of love like you do your bellies?”
“Nope. I love destroying, pudding, pizza, and the occasional Elysia fruit to unwind. That’s good enough for me. Make a festival out of that and you may pique my interest.” You shrug with a self-satisfied grin, then bounced one of your legs with your lap occupied by the small blue-haired toddler who cheered at the playful motion. Bulma would stand to disagree with you ( knowing very well you would make a reason to be present for any earthly occasion that promised food regardless of your disagreeing with it ), but instead flashes a knowing smile at her excited baby girl. You may openly object to the concept of valuing a deep connection with someone, but how you and Bulla bonded over the year since her birth spoke for itself. Surely a divine being who enjoyed their time with a baby’s affection couldn’t be so out of touch with the idea of love and its many forms.
“I guess I’m not surprised by that answer.” Bulma concedes with a laugh. “You sure picked a fine time to come visit our humble little planet then.” She adds as she reached across the table to wipe crumbs off of Bulla’s face, handing the little one her special cup before she could fuss. Then she continued, “It’s still a month away but it’s about that time a lot of holiday-themed chocolates and specials start to go around. Believe what you want about it, but Valentine’s day just gives people a chance to express their deep fondness and appreciation for one another. Sometimes it’s with a box of chocolates and a bouquet of your favorite flowers, sometimes it’s diamonds and an island vacation. Then there’s the romantic dinner by candlelight and just being in private company with the one you love.”
You watched her as she went on explaining, an eyebrow arched in intrigue at the mention of chocolates and dinner. Bulma’s cheeks seemed to warm the more she mused, sighing romantically once back in her seat. You smirk at her change in demeanor, shrugging your shoulders and lifting your glass to your lips again. “I didn’t take Vegeta to be such a romantic.”
“Are you kidding? I could barely get him out of the gravity chamber.” 
Your smile starts to wane.
“-If I could set up a dining table in there, I’d be all set.” Bulma sighs wistfully. “I was hoping this year would be different. It’s like he’s growing more open to at least trying new things after all this time... He did take Trunks to the amusement park a while back, and is being a lot more present for Bulla as she grows.”
“I see,” You carefully reach over Bulla’s head to hold a cookie in her reach to grab after watching her futile attempt to get to it across the table on her own, taking another for yourself. Bulma shakes her head in response. “Not even a chocolate for you? Typical Vegeta. Well, you could always hold his armor hostage and lock off that little training room, that ought to light a fire under him.”
“Tried it. I don’t know where he ran off to but he sure came back a mess. Probably blew up another meteor just to prove to himself he could. I don’t wanna get my hopes up too much, but I feel like maybe he’ll surprise me with something new this time..” Before Bulma could continue a musical ring comes from her side and she takes a small communicator out of her pocket. There is first a woman’s voice that sounds off, Bulma greeting her as “Big Sis” while you then occupy yourself with your drink. She then sounds alarmed once another voice comes through, taking you by surprise.
“Jaco! Uhh, Excuse me for a sec Lady (Y/n), I gotta take this!” She practically jumps out of her seat and runs off toward the inside of her home, shouting “Watch Bulla for me!” behind her.
“I am not-“ You start to shout back towards her, but she was far off and the door shut behind her before you could finish. You look down in your lap at the small child and let out a defeated sigh. “-A babysitter..” You lift Bulla under her arms and turn her to face you, holding her at your eye level. “Bulla, you still respect me, right?” She answers with a babble of words you can’t quite discern but she speaks them with a giggle, small legs kicking to and fro beneath her dress. She then pressed her half-eaten, drool-covered cookie to your mouth to feed it to you. “Ugh!” You turn your face away, holding her away at arm’s length. “Is this what a Destroyer God has been reduced to? Baby leftovers?!�� You sat her in the chair beside you and allowed her to have at the arrangements of food to her wishes, going from plate to plate and taking whatever snack caught her eye. She eventually settled on the sound of two spoons banging together before trying to eat one of the triangular sandwiches with them. 
You mused in your own thoughts over this Valentine’s Day and the underlining facts that came along with it. Of course, the idea of special chocolates delighted you, however receiving them came off as distinctly personal, very intimate exchange between two, and you had no such being who cherished you in such a way. It came off as arbitrary rather than necessary, does one have to be loved to receive gifts and chocolate? You could just have it! And you didn’t need to wait for a single day far from now to get it. Your two lackeys crossed your mind in getting it, however for the first time since making use of them, it felt somehow intrusive to want something from them that should go to another. Bulma opening up about her failed attempts to sway Vegeta’s involvement for once may have touched your pity.
You do like to keep your punishment arrangements separate from the saiyans’ earthly marital arrangements, however frivolous and impulsive you tend to act on them. Call it recompense for the Earth’s continued existence or whatever excuse kept them shamelessly between your legs.
 But that confession still got to you.
You’ve seen Bulma do so much with her bright mind and limited power for Vegeta, and that was how he responds to her? Granted it was in the past, why does he pretend to not honor his promise to her unless it’s a direct threat to her life? Goku was a problem on his own whose marriage you couldn’t imagine being too much better. Not the way he always acts like his actions to play nice with everyone he meets and feed his desire to grow strong has no effect on those around him, including his interest in Lord Zeno. How does his wife handle such exhausting behavior? He at least has the upper hand of being raised on Earth, surely he is up to par and treats his wife generously each Valentine’s. But somehow you doubt that. Her actions tend to always be longing for something as well when she is present, almost begging for the bare minimum while giving her all as well.
Those simple-minded brutes, acting entitled to what they have as if it is always going to be there waiting for them with open arms and without consequence. So they can fight and die over and over again? It’s a harsh and groundless assumption to make considering how you’ve gotten to know the Earthlings, but it isn’t exactly hard to believe knowing what you do about them now. It never ceases to disgust you how saiyans behave. Always teetering between endearing and revolting. While it’s true you have no desire for what Bulma and Chi Chi have with them, you feel you, too, now hold some responsibility over the existence of these two saiyans and the messes they make. An occasional interference wouldn’t cause too much damage.
 But above all, it made your mercy for their friends, family and the Earth itself feel cheap after they beg you to spare it, just to run off with Whis and avoid their duties here. As the two saiyans crossed your mind it was like speaking the devil into existence as a shift in the air suddenly filled with energy and they appeared nearby. In their company were Whis and the new addition to their training sessions, Broly. All back from their routine training sessions. Bulla gives an excited shout toward her father and the others. Your eyes turn toward them.
“Oh, Hey there Lady (y/n)! Been a while.” Goku is first to greet you with a wave of his hand and an ever-charming smile. It’s the glare in your gaze that immediately catches both Goku and Vegeta’s attention and wipes the smile away. The two can sense something’s off.
“Come here.” You call out in an even tone, freezing them in place. Though with haste and trepidation, they match the other’s pace in moving to stand beside you. “...Except you. Shoo.” You address the larger of the saiyans who ambled your way shortly after the two made a beeline for you. He gives a confused, silent stare before turning to stay back near Whis, heeding the warnings spoken to him by the others about you.
“W-What is it you need, My Lady?” Vegeta asks without delay already trying to wrap his head around what could have you so crossed already. There was still plenty of food around you and Bulla appeared to not be bothering you.
“Your Valentine’s day celebration, Bulma was telling me about it just now. What are you getting your wives for the occasion?” You look between them, tucking your arms under your chest. They’re both visibly surprised by your question, exchanging confused looks themselves before turning back to you. You never inquired about Bulma or Chi-Chi in such a way before. Vegeta could only ponder what it was about Valentine’s day that Bulma may have said to you to warrant the immediate prying.
“By chance, are you looking to ask us to celebrate Valentine’s day with you?” The Saiyan Prince awkwardly follows up with his own question. Genuinely curious, but mostly to better grasp the situation and potential conflict with that.
“Of course not. I, for one, wouldn’t wait a whole earth month to eat tasty chocolate. Save that romantic nonsense for your wives.” You dismissively shrug off that idea, relieving him. You take this opportunity to lift Bulla from her chair and place her on the ground where she balances herself, placing two cookies in her hand to keep her distracted. She runs to Vegeta giving his leg a quick squeeze, then waddles off to the blanket of her oversized toys within your eyesight. You find yourself grinning at her sweet action, but it let it fall when you look back over to the two saiyans. “I want to know what is it you intend to be gifting your wives to show your deep fondness and appreciation and all that fuss?” 
“I hadn’t thought about it,” Goku admits, tucking his arms in as well and looking up thoughtfully. “Hmm... Maybe the same thing we do every year that I was alive for, I guess.” He vaguely explains. You look at him expectantly, impatiently, and when he looks back down at you, you see the shade of pink start to fill in his cheek the longer it went on. He fought inside himself to not speak it, that maybe even that was private from you. Though you’ve seen a lot of him with all your senses to void that privacy. As usual, your stare won. He unfolds his arms and twiddles his fingers, lowering his eyes with a sheepish grin on his face. “I mean it’s nothing too extravagant I guess, Chi-Chi just wears a special, soft and thin clothing and we do it. Sometimes she suggests these positions from a book.” He confessed rather quickly. You give an acknowledging nod and nothing else, then cut your eyes to Vegeta who visibly jerked back and face turned a few shades darker than Goku’s.
“-Uh, s-same thing! Yep!” He stated and dared not to speak more, avoiding further pressing by looking elsewhere. Knowing what Bulma has told you, there was no need to ask for more of him at least. He fails where it counts. Your frown grows and they both start to sweat.
“...You are both hopeless. All the way around. You shy around this like neither of you knows what the inside of my cunt tastes like. It’s a wonder anyone would trust you with something as personal as their hearts.” You scorn them both and stand up from your seat at the table. “That is why I have a proposal for you.” Sauntering closer, you stand before them and fold your arms behind your back. “Find your wives a suitable gift and bring them to me. In exchange, I offer you something worth the fuss of your simple earthly celebration in addition to your own. Let’s say... a week from now you will show me what you came up with. That gives you ample time to get creative.”
“-A week?!” Goku gaped. 
“-Lady (y/n), if you spoke to Bulma then you should know Valentine’s day is a month from now.” Vegeta insisted.
“Your point is? One week is what I am giving you. And to make it interesting,” An impish grin starts to grow across your lips and an audible gulp leaves the two saiyans. You began to pace slowly around their stiff, unnerved postures. “I will only reward the one who brings the best gift with mine. What I offer in return is a secret until then.” Lapping them twice, you came to halt in front of them again, placing your passive hands on their chests. “As a bonus, the victor... may surprise me. You can do with me as you please for 24 earth hours. Ask a favor of me I cannot deny, fight me at your strongest without me holding back, hold my title for a day, or even subjugate me to your whims. Whatever you can come up with, you may have me at your mercy. I will not retaliate. There is no consequence to what you decide for the day, you have my promise.”
You hadn’t openly shown such generosity since the first time you spared the Earth, it only further wound them up as to what you were up to and why the pressure to gift Bulma and Chi Chi for Valentine’s day. There was still some uncertainty for this, like some underlining fact purposely being omitted. The concern was more from Vegeta than Goku who was locked in at the opportunity to fight you at your strongest. For as far as he knows, he hasn’t fought you since the idea of a Super Saiyan God was first planted in his head. Vegeta wanted to ask why you personally sought to make sure they got Bulma and Chi Chi Valentine’s day gifts, but he feels he may already know the answer and you would probably just spin it into something else if he did try to question it. You gave the “mortals” enough to be content with and kept the rest for yourself. It still comes as unexpected and unusual for you to insist on such a thing. Could Bulma have bribed you with some food to put you up to this? He continued to ask other questions around this.
“Is there retaliation for denying this altogether?” Vegeta finds the means to speak again, hopefully asking the right question to gain some more knowledge behind this. You glance at him and give a casual smile.
“If one of you doesn’t want to, I will simply reward the other by default.” That gave him nothing!
“Winning by default, huh? Sounds pretty boring, but easy enough. If it’s me then I can do what I want with you like fight you at your full power, right? That’s what I would choose!” Goku chimes excitedly, that cocky look forming in his features and earning a growl from Vegeta.
“What makes you so certain you’re the one who is going to get that easy win, Kakarot?”
“-There are some conditions.” You quickly intervene, detecting the start of one of their childish fussing. “Number 1, you cannot use Whis to help you. Use your wit to get something nice and thoughtful. Number 2, you cannot try to weasel your way into being God of Destruction for longer than 24 hours, I will dispose of you on sight at the smallest sign of trickery.” You back away from them and return to your seat, picking up one of the sandwiches and tapping your lips with it. “Number 3... I forbid you to cum until Valentine’s day.”
“-Starting now.”
“Oh, that’s easy enough.” Goku casually stated, and you arch your brow at him. 
Vegeta lets out an exasperated, “Geez, you’re an embarrassment as a husband, how are you still married?”
“You’re one to talk, Vegeta! How does Bulma even put up with your spoiled attitude all the time?”
You clear your throat and the two back down from each other immediately, standing with their backs erect and chest puffed out. “Glad to hear that isn’t too much to ask of you, Goku.” Though a little disappointed for poor Chi Chi.
“But why can’t we, if you don’t mind me asking? What’s it to you if it’s for Chi Chi and Bulma?” Goku blatantly asked what Vegeta was itching to ask next, though less tactful than he hoped. He intervene on his own and followed up as well.
“It’s enough that you just say so, right?” The Prince concluded, experience on the matter pretty much answered that, but he pressed too. “But I am curious as well... What are you looking to gain from this My Lady?”
Chewing through your sandwich you start to grin that mischievous grin again. “You don’t trust my intentions? Oh... Or is it you do not want me to be left out on your Valentine’s day fun, Vegeta? How kind of you to think of me.” You chuckle, promptly chasing the sandwich with the remainder of your glass. Your smile softens as you look back towards them. “Don’t worry about me. It goes without saying I’ll have your cocks whenever I want so long as they continue to please me. I don’t require a special occasion.” They nod and answer like a trained reflex.
“Yes, Ma’am- Uh, My Lady, sir!“ “Yes, My Lady.”
“Good. Now that I can assure you’re both involved, there is one more condition I want to make clear.” You get comfortable in your chair, folding your arms behind your head. “If even one of you show up in a week without a gift, that is automatic grounds for losing. “And understand that I will destroy this planet for wasting my time and effort... Everyone loses..” You warn with a narrowed gaze towards them.
“Wait, so you’re giving us a week to get a gift for both Bulma and Chi Chi or you will destroy the Earth?! I thought you said there was no retaliation!”
“Honoring my word from a prior engagement is hardly retaliation, I would just be making good on my promise.”
What the hell did Bulma tell you?!
“But- I-” Vegeta stammered across his words, but if you put it out there then what could he possibly say to change your mind? You’re creating these stakes for a reason you won’t tell and you want nothing out of this. What were you plotting? “Yes, My Lady.” He concedes with a defeated sigh.
“Good. You understand. Then we are in agreement.”
“Hehe, so show up with two gifts, got it.” Goku nods sheepishly. 
“Good boys.” You smile sweetly, waving your hand dismissively at them. “Go on now. I will see you one week from now.” You give them a wink as they disband Goku heading back to Broly and Vegeta going to gather up his daughter making a very fervent march toward the inside of his home.
“Meddling again already, My Lady. I thought you were done toying with them by now.” Whis sounds off behind you, a plate in hand topped with some of everything from the table and in his other hand a bitten sandwich.
“Don’t read too much into it, I am not creating competition with their marital arrangements. I am, however, ensuring they will be giving their wives something flattering for their occasion. It’s getting old hearing their savagery rear its head, the ungrateful brutes.” You sit back up and throw one of your legs over the side of the chair as you fold your arms. “Why put up such a fuss over the Earth being destroyed if they do not properly tend to their familial responsibility? It’s not like every day is a universal crisis needing them. Must I solve everything around here?” With a sigh, you shake your head. This all feels out of character, were you going soft of the Earth dwellers? “These mortals are really putting a damper on my reputation as a Destroyer...But I can’t help but feel responsible myself for them.”
Whis lets out a snort, covering his mouth as he chews into his sandwich. “Not some guilty conscience for stealing the affection of their husbands coming back to haunt you after all your tormenting. I’m so surprised to see you own up to that.”
“-Of course not! I stole nothing!” You argue. “And you’re one to talk as if you aren’t using Bulma to expand your greedy palate. I hardly see the difference between the matters.”
The tall angel gives a playful pout. “The two barely compare, my intentions are cordial and innocent.”
“Selfish and greedy! Ever since you had your first taste of the earth food.”
Whis, overexaggerating his pout, further plays innocent with a faux sob. “So cruel of you to say!” You stick your tongue out in response. He can only start to snicker to himself. “Eventually, you are going to have to let up playing with them as you do, Lady (y/n). I think they have more than earned your generosity without the need of a chase for it. They did save your life as well as the entirety of Universe 7 at Lord Zeno’s tournament, after all. It would be the least you could do.”
He’s right, and you know it. But you answer with a shrug and a smirk. “Where’s the fun if I cut them some slack now? They’ll start to think they can walk all over me. I’m not going to give up on them just yet, but you’re right. I’ll reward them.”  Credit where credit is due, of course. Had they not been the epitome of what they are, you would be in a worse situation under Lord Zeno’s disposition. There was no telling what was going to become of the losing universes had not that Android boy made that wish and passed the test.
“So, if I heard correctly, you do intend to fight them at your full power if they decide to?” Whis’ staff raps at the top of your skull, a reprimand for your own actions. “I feel I must remind you what consequences will come with that and advise against it. It would be unwise to risk tearing the entire universe at the seams over an exhibition fight.”
You growl and move from your seat to stand within whispering distance of the Angel. “Don’t worry, I’m not a fool. Of course I won’t fight them at full power, but they don’t need to know that. If it’s a fight they want, then I’ll give them a little something to keep them hungry and you can mold that desire for power to your liking. Between you and me, I feel we need to be prepared in case our Lord Zenos decide to hold another tournament.” Out of the corner of your eye, you can see Broly emerge upon the table, that deep stare upon you again as you straighten up and glared at him. “...What, you interested in the game too? I don’t recall you doing anything for the last Tournament of Power to warrant any reward, ogre.” You practically hissed at the larger male. He gives no verbal response, but instead takes a tray of the remaining sandwiches with him as he turned away back over towards Goku. “-That’s what I thought... Seriously, how did we overlook him for the tournament?”
“It has been a while since we visited all across the entire universe, perhaps it is time you stop holding that against him. All things considered, we turned out just fine My Lady. I don’t believe we would have had such an enriching spectacle for our universe if we did have him.”
“Yeah, but it would have been a hell of a lot easier on my nerves...” You let out a standoffish grunt, lightly stretching your neck from side to side, as both saiyans then disappear with Goku’s instant transmission. “Regardless, I still have to hold up my end of this little game. How long would it take us to get to Planet Ambrosi from here, Whis?” 
He looks into his staff silently for a moment. “I estimate if we leave now, we could be there in about 30 earth minutes. Is what I think your reason for going part of your plan with Goku and Vegeta, My Lady?”
“Hm, partially.” You start to grin again. “It’s been almost two years since we visited. But I may as well put it to good use.”
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harry-hollands · 4 years
selcouth // harry holland // 2
chapter 2: The Not So Lonely Ray of Sunshine
story summary: Harry was used to living in his brothers’ shadows. Tom was the actor and Sam was the cook and musician. He was used to being second best and genuinely gave up on finding someone who could love him for him. Someone who could believe that Harry wasn’t second best. His mindset changes however, when he meets you. The sunshine to cast away all of the shadows.
teaser // chapter one // 
chapter summary: sunshine shines brightest when happy
pairing: harry holland x reader
warnings: none? swears, fluffy, simp harry
word count: 1.8k
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When Y/N had forgotten her winter coat, she had mentally cursed herself. She had made it into the theatre with minutes to spare, but she was mentally cursing herself. “How is it that I am the dumbest person in the world? How could I have been so damn dumb to leave my winter coat in Paddy’s car on one of the coldest nights I have ever experienced?” 
Being pulled out of her thoughts by Alita, one of the stage directors, Y/N made it backstage, warming up her voice as she made it to her dressing room she shared with her ‘sisters’. Y/N gave a greeting to Sophia, who would be playing Angelica, and was also an American exchange student from California, and gave a greeting to London native, Sicily who would be playing Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds.
“Hey, love! Cutting it a bit close, yeah?” Came Sicily’s thick and cheerful English accent. How she was able to keep out of her singing baffled both Y/N and Sophia.
Sophia giggled and rolled her eyes before reaching over and helping Y/N set her personals down before pulling the girl into a hug. “Hey, babe. Please ignore Ms. I’m Crabby Because Everyone Is Getting Into A Relationship But Me over there.” The Californian stated before pulling away and sitting back down at one of the vanities to finish her stage makeup.
Y/N couldn’t deny Sophia’s claim. Just last week, two of the ensemble members announced to the cast that they had been dating for six months, and over seven months ago, Sophia’s girlfriend, who just happened to be fucking Zendaya went public on Instagram, confirming what everyone was expecting; that the literal goddess was dating a Broadway member.
To be fair, Sicily had had a messy breakup a year prior, and was forced to cut a lot of people from her life who kept shitting on her for breaking up with her boyfriend. Y/N and Sophia were both relieved that the Londoner had broken off the relationship. Sicily’s ex radiated toxic masculinity, and verbally discussed his dislike for both Sophia and Y/N in front of their faces. Yeah. It was a lot.
Bored because the turntable on stage was refusing to work, Y/N decided to FaceTime Paddy to pass the time. During the whole call, Y/N was keeping her voice warm, and practiced harmonizing with Sophia and Sicily. After an announcement that the turntable was finally cooperating, Y/N rushed a goodbye to Paddy, and told him that the Hamilton Instagram page would be going live, so anyone could find out what goes on behind the scenes. 
After running through their first dress rehearsal, and polishing up certain scenes, Alita, the stage manager had dismissed everyone. Y/N, Sicily, and Sophia made their way to their shared dressing rooms, wiping off their tear stained makeup. Sophia was taking off her ending dress, and Sicily was looking at her phone. 
“Y/N, love, you are fucked.” Came the blunt voice of Sicily. 
“It’s fucking snowing out, and it’s negative one degrees Celcius!”
“Fuck! I left my coat in Paddy’s car. Shit.”
Just as Sicily was about to make a teasing comment, Y/N’s phone went off, causing all three of them to jump. 
“Bloody hell Y/N/N! Why is your ringer so loud?”
“Oh shut it Sicily. You’re ten times louder.”
“Only for you Soph!” Sicily remarked, with a wink.
“Shut up both of you! I’m trying to text Paddy back, and I can’t hear any of my thoughts!”
“Oops. Sorry.”
“Yeah. Sorry, love.”
Y/N rolled her eyes as the two continued to bicker quietly. She began typing intently, before pocketing her phone in her tote bag, and beginning to shed the layers of her Eliza costume. After the three women packed up, they all headed out the theatre doors, and hugged each other.
Sophia ran to Zendaya’s already familiar car, while Sicily hailed a taxi to take her to the tube. Y/N was still mentally cursing herself, as she wrapped her thin sweatshirt around her frame. “I really need to learn to wake up to my alarm.” The frozen girl muttered.
Waiting underneath the theatre awning for twenty minutes was probably the longest twenty minutes of Y/N’s twenty one years of life. As soon as she saw a car turn from the corner, approach the curb, and the sound of the horn, the actress immediately knew that it was Sora. How? Probably because she saw the girl cackling from the inside of the car. 
As soon as she heard the horn of the car, Y/N was sprinting to her savior, and immediately throwing everything in the boot or trunk as she called it, into the car. Y/N, without hesitation, threw open the back door, and slammed it shut, with her teeth chattering, and her hair dusted in fastly melting snowflakes due to the heated temperature inside the car.
“Well don’t you look like Anna.” Sora teased from the front seat before taking off after Y/N had fastened her seatbelt. 
“You are never going to let this go, are you? Just because I can sing Anna better than you does not make me her!” Y/N retaliated with a breathless laugh.
For the first time, Y/N glanced at Harry, and she instantly knew what Elizabeth Schuyler-Hamilton felt when she first saw Alexander. If she were in a musical, Y/N could guarantee she would break out into “Helpless”. 
Unfortunately because life isn’t a musical, Y/N opted for a smile. And god was she thankful at that moment for the bitter cold. At least if she was called out on a blush, she could always blame it on the frigid weather. 
Looking at Harry for the first time was indescribable. The way he smiled back at her was intoxicating, and while Y/N opted out for drinking, she felt as though she could get drunk on his smile. It was strange. How could one stranger make you feel this way in a matter of seconds? 
An answer that both Harry nor Y/N knew at the moment...but that’s a story for the future. 
Hearing his voice was like a prayer she didn’t know she needed to hear. Y/N had been compared to the sun since the day she was born. And when you think of the sun, you think of the day. And when you think of the day, you think of how much more social interaction goes on.
Most people assumed that Y/N was not a lonely person upon meeting her for the first time. Socially, Y/N probably knew almost everyone in Oahu. But romantically, the girl was so lonely. She was always that one friend who knew who was dating who, and gave out the best relationship advice despite never actually dating anyone.
Sure people had crushes on her, but no one looked at Y/N the way Harry did in the first few seconds. He looked at her like she was the only girl in the world. The only girl that truly mattered. For the first time ever in her life, Y/N felt like she was the most important person in the room...or in this case, the car. 
From Paddy’s position in the front passenger seat, he could tell that his best friend, with whom he had grown to be super protective of, and his brother, who he had never seen look so lovesick, were taken. Even if they had just been introduced, they acted as if they had known each other since kindergarten. Paddy was definitely going to bring up how he was the perfect matchmaker at Sora and Harrison’s wedding, and eventually Y/N’s and Harry’s...but uh...again. A story for the future.
The car ride back to the house was filled with melodious laughter, lighthearted banter, and the occasional swears in English, Japanese, and Hawaiian. 
As soon as Sora pulled up to the house and parked, everyone leaped out of the car, Y/N this time with her winter coat on, grabbed her garment bags and purse, while Harry kindly closed the door of the boot of the car. 
The snow dusted group made it to the front door, and hurried inside, slamming the door shut, not wanting the warm air to escape. Sora and Y/N brushed off the white powder before hanging up their coats and scarves on the clothing hooks by the door. 
Laughter and light bickering was heard in the living area, which caused a light smile to appear on Sora’s face. “Glad to see that they survived without us.” 
Harry chuckled before helping Y/N with her garment bags, yelling a hello in the house, which caused a few thumps before Elysia came charging down the hall. 
“Y/N/N!” The twenty-three-year old Brit launched herself onto Y/N causing the unsuspecting girl to tumble on the ground.
“Hey El! How’s life treating you?” 
“Eh. You know. Same old, same old. How’re rehearsals?”
“Exhausting. In fact, I need to put them on and walk and dance in the stage heels we’re required to wear. We just got them delivered today.”
The rest of the group who had stayed behind, came down the hall and smiled when they saw Y/N on the floor with Elysia on top, still holding Y/N in a bone crushing hug. 
Elysia, after another moment more, finally stood up, and helped the musical actress stand up. The two shared a giggle before Y/N looked up at the rest of the group.
As soon as Sam locked eyes with Y/N’s frame, the older twin immediately gasped before bouncing up and down in excitement. “Bloody hell! You’re Y/N Y/L/N! The insanely talented theatre foreign exchange student at LAMDA! Some of my friends who attend LAMDA always speak of you!”
Y/N blushed profusely at the sight of being recognized. “I wouldn’t say I’m that good though. Everyone is pretty much exaggerating.” She answered honestly. 
Sam continued to shake his head. “No, I don’t think you understand. It’s extremely difficult to get a leading role as an underclassmen for a musical, but for a foreign exchange student of any age snagging a leading role is impossible!”
Y/N just shrugged her shoulders, before introducing herself to the rest of the group. “Uh. Hello. My name's Y/N and I’m playing Eliza Hamilton in Hamilton in a couple of months. I’m also studying at LAMDA, and booking some auditions on the side.” The girl stated softly, slightly intimidated by all of the gorgeous human beings in front of her. 
As introductions had been passed around, Y/N was shown to a spare guest room by Harry and Tom where she could change into her historical ensemble and practice her singing and dancing in the studio that Tom had for practicing stunts in the backyard. 
As soon as Y/N emerged from the guest room wearing the signature satin blue dress, a hush fell over the room. Any signs of conversations had ceased when they saw the sight of the satin baby blue dress hug the girl’s body. 
“Holy fucking shit.” Harry muttered under his breath.
Let me know if you want to be tagged! If your username is struck through, it means that it won’t let me tag you!
@peeterparkr​ @tomhollandsotherpinkytoe​ @lovingisharry​ @hollanderfangirl​ @purpleskiesstorm​ @euphorichxlland​ @astridcommings @captainchrisstan​ @antigoneidk​ @moonstarsandsongs​
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nishinoya-is-baby · 4 years
get to know your mutuals!! when you get this, it means someone wants to know more about you, so list 5 things about yourself you want your followers to know.
ps. im gonna say it again and that is i luv your theme
🌸aww thank you for this 🥺💖🌸
🌺1. My name is Ely/Elysia and my pronouns are she/her! (I know it says in my bio, but I want people to see it here just in case!)🌺
🌼2. You guys can ALWAYS request and interact with me! My inbox will NEVER be closed! {you can also ALWAYS PM ME!}(I wanna interact with all of you and I love all of your ideas/requests! 🥺👉🏽👈🏽)🌼
🌹3. I know this is supposed to be a more positive post, but there are some things I will NOT tolerate on my blog. This blog is supposed to make everyone feel welcome, and these things can/will trigger people or make them uncomfortable. Not only that, but I personally am uncomfortable with these topics. (pedophilia, incest, abuse, hate, homophobia, racism, etc!) if you have any questions of what I will not be putting on my blog, send an ask!🌹
🌱4. I appreciate and love every single one of my followers and moots 🥺🌱
🍄5. While my blog is still new and only about haikyuu, I WILL eventually add more animes and characters that you can request imagines/headcanons/matchups for!🍄
💐P.s. I’m gonna say it again and that is ima platonically simp so hard for you 🥺👉🏽👈🏽💐
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herrscherbled · 3 years
"N-No! I specifically made it out of everlasting ice." He clears his throat. "It will last for eons, unless I choose to let it melt." -Number one Simp indeed.
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Elysia laughs softy at his action, the words he spoke were quite adorable to watch. It’s been known she liked interesting things and interesting people, that’s why she stuck with them! Ayden’s reactions were just so precious, it made her ego swell in prideful dance of happiness. “I’m so glad! I really like it. I hope you won’t choose for it to melt for a lo~ong time!” As she held the rose in her hand gently, the spring maiden would step closer to the man, stepping on her tiptoes to press her lips against the other’s cheek as a thank you. “Thank you, Ayden!”
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