pureelysia · 2 years
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Imagine dating Elysia, she would throw tons of compliments your way. That outfit you have looks superb on you! The way you did your hair, even if you didn’t do anything to yourself she still finds you beautiful!
Anyone could tell that she loves with you when they see the literal heart in her eyes whenever she talks about you, someone talks about you or whenever you make eye contact!
She will make you feel beautiful praising you, complimenting you, she swears your an angel that descended from the heavens and grazed the earth with your grace!
Feels so lucky that she gets to wake up and the first thing she sees is you. She litters small pecks on your face her arms wrapped around your waist until you wake up.
She brings you to dates anywhere and everywhere, dont worry about paying because she INSISTS that she pays. She brings you to mall dates, a stroll around the park or maybe just a simple date in your house as you guys bake together.
Talking about baking, she’s chaotic when baking she grabs your hand and intertwines your finger with hers, which would be very cute- if the oven wasn’t threatening to catch on fire and the fact that she had flour all of her apron and hands was..
Anyways! I forgot to mention but she flirts a lot and she teases you even more than normal, so if you’re someone who gets flustered easily then she’s going to have such a fun time teasing you!
She’ll leave feather light touch’s across your bare skin and when you eye her carefully suspicious of her intentions who knows it might lead to something even more.. she’ll just quickly smother you with kisses telling you how beautiful you look today!
Anyways I love Elysia
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pureelysia · 2 years
A repost bc the answered one refuses to show up in the tags under any circumstances. This is legit the most annoying thing that happens to me every single time I post...
info. gn!reader | established relationship | fluff. | original here.
— EDEN. ༉‧₊˚.
Eden thought you were adorable the moment she laid eyes on you. She immediately wanted nothing more than to get to know you.
When she approached you, she introduced herself and asked for your name. You stared at her for a few seconds, before signing to her your name. Judging by the puzzled look on her face, you knew she didn't understand. You felt a bit nervous that she would just end the conversation and leave after that, but her confused expression turned into one of understanding pretty quickly.
"Oh, are you mute?" she asked, and you nodded in response. Knowing she wouldn't understand your signing if you explained selective mutism to her. She nods back, a small smile on her face. "would it be alright with you if we exchanged phone numbers?".
She figured it'd be easier to communicate through texting, at least until she learned some sign language.
She's rich and willing. She finds some classes and signs up.
In the meantime, through almost daily texting, the two of you had gotten closer and she found herself endeared further and further by you, not regretting approaching you for a second.
She suggests meeting up sometime that week. Feeling proud of herself and excited to show off what she learned.
The second she sees you, she's unable to hold back her excitement and immediately signs 'happy to see you'. The happiness that lit up on your face at that was worth the shocked looks she received when she, famed Idol Eden, walked into the classes.
"I've been learning! I'm not an expert yet, but I'm progressing!"
You were more than grateful that she was so interested in you that she was willing to go and learn ASL to better communicate with you.
She never urges you to speak after finding out you are selectively mute. She doesn't even question it, simply nodding in understanding.
After a while of getting to know each other, she came to the conclusion that she liked you. She had to ask the teacher that day privately how to ask someone out in sign language. She was flustered enough and the teacher kept teasing her about it making it worse.
— ELYSIA. ༉‧₊˚.
biggest sweetheart around.
She actually already knew the basics of sign language and how to sign a few things, typical stuff like "I love you". That was the one she liked the most, she liked being able to express her love with no limits, in any language and with anyone.
So way before you begin to gain romantic feelings for her, she already always signs 'I love you' at you every day.
Asks you to teach her a few more things, keeps a pen and paper nearby and tells you everything she wants to learn. She may seem like an airhead, but she focuses really hard on everything you're showing her. In fact, you think the look on her face is rather cute. She looked so squeezable with a look of focus and determination that was really unnecessary in just a few back and forth of sign language. She looked like she was listening on a heist plan.
You appreciated Elysia's efforts and attentiveness. She made sure to learn everything important first so she can use it with you in daily conversations, then slowly learn the rest. She is surprisingly a fast learner.
You rub off on her in a strange way. Sometimes she starts signing to you, then hits a wall not knowing what's next, and instead of just saying it she grabs the nearest pen and paper and writes it for you. You stare at her with a deadpan expression, and it takes her a few seconds before she goes "... Oh." and laughs nervously. "Sorry.. ~"
Signs to you stuff from across the room when there is busy bustling. 'I love you', 'you're so cute', 'sweetheart', 'you look great'. It flusters you, but you secretly love it. She makes you feel so loved.
The relationship develops in a strange way because most people assume you two are already dating, and... Elysia kind of did as well. The confession wasn't anything grand, as if it was already expected and it was just a matter of time.
She swears she'll master ASL and eventually sign all her wedding vows to you. You say it's unnecessary. She says stay out of her fantasies!
— MOBIUS. ༉‧₊˚.
Out of everyone, Mobius cares the least.
As long as you get the work around the lab done properly, it doesn't matter how talkative you are. In fact, the less you do the better. She gets peace and quiet around while she works.
Never questions you, never bothers you, barely even speaks to you.
Eventually though, she slowly starts to notice how you seem to show your care for her silently. You bring her boba everyday, you clean up her desk when she forgets it, you iron her lab coat when she neglects it, you remind her to drink water and eat properly when she gets too caught up in her research, you tidy up her papers when she gets frustrated and throws them all over the place, you cover her up with sheets when she falls asleep in the lab. There's no one around who cared for her the way you did, and you never once show it off nor expect anything in return. Even Mobius isn't cruel enough to ignore all these efforts that you had no reason to be putting in for her when she barely even spares you a glance.
One time, she catches you outside the lab with Su. You were signing random things to him that she didn''t understand, and he was nodding along and responding to you. She stared from a distance, gears slowly turning. She had thought you were just really quiet. It never clicked that you were mute.
So you are mute, you communicate with sign language, and Su seems to understand it... Noted...
She begrudgingly swallows her pride and approaches Su to ask for his help.
He looked very amused as he listened to her choke on her words as she tried to ask for his assistance, and after she was done she couldn't even make eye contact with him. Gaze glued to the floor. He laughed at her. She punched him in the stomach.
He admits to her that he understands very little ASL, the only reason he's able to understand you so well is because he reads your mind.
Mobius wished the floor would split open and swallow her whole.
Instead, she had to slowly do her own research.
The first time you walked into the lab and she signed good morning to you, you were over the moon.
Your relationship slowly develops from there, getting to know each other more and more. You found she was rather pleasant sometimes actually, and she found that you were very intelligent and entertaining to have around.
This relationship will be a slow burn one, but the finale will be more than worth it!
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