#I will be adding stuff in the rbs
opal-inna · 1 year
Alhaitham is King Deshret megapost
Genshin Impact Lore / Speculation
I’m fairly certain that Alhaitham is either King Deshret reincarnated or is related to him in another way. There’s plenty of visual and lore evidence to back this up, hence I decided to compile it into this post. Note that I didn't include the latest content from 3.4 as I didn't familiarize myself with the new lore. This is a copy of my twitter thread.
This post is by no means 100% complete, since I couldn’t find all of it myself and I will be adding more once other evidence is presented. Feel free to send me more lore and visual hints via DMs and replies and I will add them to the thread. And if you have your own theories, please discuss them in the replies or rb with your own thoughts.
Part 1: Visual Evidence
A bit of storytime.
I’ve been familiar with the King Deshret theory a while back, but I wasn’t 100% convinced back then. However, during my time exploring the Mausoleum of King Deshret I encountered this. Notice the symbol on the ceiling, looking like the symbol on Alhaitham’s chest.
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That’s when I stopped having doubts.
After looking closer, I’ve noticed many other design choices from Alhaitham’s appearance to motives of King Deshret’s civilization. I will list them below, note however, that this isn’t all of them, because I’ve only selected the most important ones, despite there being dozens of smaller ones, for the sake of making this post as concise as possible.
Motive of a blue eye
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Symbol on Alhaitham's chest, motive of feathers
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Motive on his boots
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Motive oh a hawk
There were many statues of hawk like creatures, possibly being the statues of Deshret himself. It's also notable that Alhaitham means "young hawk" or "young eagle" in arabic. There's also a lot of other bird motives which I might list later, if you'd like.
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Okay, but all of the above is just clothing and coincidences, isn’t it? These things could be attributed to him being a Haravatat member, and his interest in ancient scripts (so history and culture too) of King Deshret, no?
Ignoring the fact that Haravatat mainly focuses on linguistics, whereas it’s Vahumana that focuses on history and culture, there are other visual clues to suggest that Alhaitham isn’t who he seems.
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This gem, however weird it might be, doesn’t seem to be a part of his clothing, given that it’s detached from it. Instead, it looks like it’s a part of his body. Despite the color change (more on that later) it’s suspiciously similar to these symbols.
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This likeness of King Deshret also conspicuously has a gem in the chest area. The gem also is highlighted, meaning it’s probably important.
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This isn’t even subtle.
While weird pupils are not uncommon for Sumeru’s playable characters, Alhaitham’s eyes are a direct copy of King Deshret’s likeness from the cutscene. The choice of blue/green iris combined with an orange pupil is peculiar, because nowhere in the game do we see such different colors just clash with each other. This choice was deliberate and I believe it’s hyv giving us a hint.
Part 2: Lore evidence
There is also some evidence in the lore of both characters.
But first, a little bit of Honkai lore.
This won’t be long, because I’m not as familiar with Honkai lore. Most of my research here is based on what I found from the internet and wiki and not the original source material. However, it’s important to mention it, because Alhaitham is a Su expy and some more concrete evidence is found in Su’s lore.
Su, in Honkai universe, is a leader of Project Valuka. This name doesn’t sound familiar at first, until you remember the Aranara questline. 
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“Valuka” is Aranara speech for the desert, and the ruler of Valuka is none other than King Deshret.
If Alhaitham is a Su expy and Su has a lot in common with King Deshret, then the parallel between these characters seem more than just neat design choices.
However, it gets even more interesting. Because Su from Honkai prior to the game’s events “had imprisoned himself in the Seed of Sumeru as an act of redemption” - (direct quote from the wiki).
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Which smoothly brings me to my next point, which is:
Part 3: The why - how is it even relevant?
Okay, so they are similar in their design. But does that mean they’re actually the same person? And how is it relevant?
Well, it brings the personality of both in another perspective.
If you’re unfamiliar with King Deshret’s lore, here’s a quick recap of the most relevant points.
King Deshret was one of the three rulers of Sumeru with Greater Lord Rukkhadevata and Goddess of Flowers. He was also deeply in love with the Goddess of Flowers and she was aware of his affections. He was proud and foolish. After the archon war ended was offered a gnosis by the Celestia, but he declined.
One day, he told her what his greatest dream was. Though unspecified, his dream involved rebelling against the divine. Despite her warning, he insisted she showed him “all there is to know about the skies and the abyss”. As a result of this ritual she perished, though King Deshret was unaware she did it intentionally.
After her passing, King Deshret was unable to move on and his sorrow drove him to madness. He created an utopia, which was supposed to be “free of worry, schemes and slavery”. He either created it to eradicate forbidden knowledge, but failed, or he tried to create an utopia and caused the forbidden knowledge to spread (more likely according to “The Lay of Al-Ahmar. Note that the validity of this book isn’t determined). Whatever the case might be, the result was that countless of his people died that very night.
After the leakage of forbidden knowledge, King Deshret and Rukkhadevata joined efforts to get rid of it. In order to do that King Deshret sacrificed himself and Greater Lord Rukkhadevata used most of her powers.
You might have noticed that these two characters, despite few similarities, are completely different from one another. One is cautious and reserved, and another is foolish, ignorant and sentimental. So, here’s my theory.
I believe that Alhaitham is King Deshret’s reincarnation, but without his memories. Not only that, but in my opinion the difference in their personalities seems intentional. Whether it was King Deshret’s reflection upon himself or Alhaitham’s own choices, it looks like Alhaitham purposely avoids acting like Deshret.
Deshret doesn’t think before he acts - Alhaitham’s demo trailer is literally called “Think before you act”. Deshret becomes a king and destroys his own kingdom - Alhaitham avoids situations in which he’d be placed as a leader, saying he’s not good in this role.
It could be King Deshret’s or Rukkhadevata’s design (more on that later) or Alhaitham’s conclusion based on his research in King Deshret’s legacy. It’s possible he’s even aware or suspects his own relation to him, as he’s very intelligent. 
Part 4: The how- Is it even possible?
In short, yes. There are many hints towards the possibilities of reincarnation in the story. This might be simply another samsara or a more direct intervention, for example of Greater Lord Rukkhadevata.
Nahida, being Rukkhadevata in the next samsara is just the beginning. In the Aranara questline, the Aranara say that death is just a loss of memories. Next we have Flower of Paradise Lost artifact set, in which it is said "Those who bloom like flowers, die like flowers, and rise again with the seasons like flowers can never be troubled by the likes of 'death.’” (these are the words of the Goddess of Flowers, perhaps about herself, but I can’t say that for sure).
Staff of the Scarlet Sands polearm description says: “Fear and grief must be torn down, and so the barrier between life and death must be removed”. (This is about him building his own utopia, mentioned previously).
Even if those interpreted individually mean different things, having so many mentions of rebirth is certainly worth taking into account. But how did King Deshret in particular get reincarnated?
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Notice, how in this cutscene, King Deshret is removed to a single crystal, before disappearing. It appears as purple at first, but then changes color to a greenish blue.
Very similar in fact, to another gem.
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In my opinion, this is Deshret’s soul - an empty husk without his memories. Why does it appear green in Alhaitham’s chest? Well, I think it was the Greater Lord who rescued him. Using her power of life she gave him another chance. It could have happend in another way, but I find it the most plausible.
Either way, regardless of the means, we can’t rule out reincarnation as a possibility.
Part 5: Conclusion
Keep in mind that this evidence isn’t directly stating that Alhaitham is King Deshret. Other than his eyes being the exact copy of King Deshret’s image (which usually would imply the same soul/identity), all this evidence is pointing out to them having a relation, not necessarily being the same person.
With that said, I am fairly convinced on that being the case. I encourage you to discuss it in the reblogs and share any interesting evidence you’ve found.
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puppyeared · 1 year
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Macaque possessing MK privileges
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Okay. Fellas. Real talk. I've seen some of you do it and I thank you profusely for doing so but can yall PLEASE credit the original artist of that piece yall kinda made into an a dtiys/art meme? That's not official art. I am point blank refusing to engage with any of these pieces that I see not doing such. (Even when it pains me to keep scrolling, because some of them are really good!! And I want them here!!! But I do have some rules for myself I try to stand firm by with this blog.)
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Like you can literally see them say right there that it's fine IF YOU CREDIT. I'm fucking begging you.
I'm not mad at anyone who didn't know but I've seen SO MANY versions at this point, and I think I've seen maybe 3 or 4 of them RECENTLY include the credit. (And one with improper credit, I think?) Please. Please just. Tack it on.
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gummiewerm · 2 years
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[Image description: A transparent photoset and a gif of a yellow handmade anteater plushie. The photoset shows the plushie from different angles, while the gif is a turnaround. The anteater is wearing a sweatervest, a labcoat, and a pair of glasses, and is carrying a small clay 8-ball character with an eye where the reading should be. End ID.] acquired a new skill called “turning my bud’s ocs into marketable plushies” (mordin and octavia belong to @zir0073)
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aquilamage · 11 months
Bug Fables Transcript
If you like bug fables and want an easy way to reference the in-game text, then I have the site for you!
I’ve spent the last few months setting up and formatting the raw dialogue files into an easy to read setup, with sections divided by main story/sidequestline, geographical area, and character.
So...yeah, enjoy! Feel free to use the stuff on there for whatever fan project/fic/etc that you want (as long as you don’t take credit for the site itself or use it for ai stuff). In fact that part’s encouraged, since that kind of stuff is what made me wanna do this in the first place.
(Also if you see any kinds of errors - typos, broken links, information that I somehow got wrong, stuff from the ‘can’t figure out if/where it goes’ page that you know about - please let me know! Did my best to check on that stuff but also there’s just so much aha)
(also also if there’s any other sites etc with bug fables fan communities and you wanna drop the link (with credit) I also encourage that because. I am not active on anywhere else and they deserve to see it too)
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doctor-disc0 · 2 months
If this gets 50 notes, I'll work on 1 wip
If this gets 100 notes, I'll publish that wip to ao3 (and post a link here)
If this gets 500 notes, I will resume working on my ginormous wip that will be 20+ chapters, and I may even post snippets of what I have so far
If this gets 1k notes, I'll try fixing my sleep schedule
If this gets 5k+ notes, I will buy the medicine I probably need but have decided to live without for some reason
Watch as this gets 0 notes lol
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revvywevvy · 2 months
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hiiiiii guyyyyyys its been a while huh :] heres some pyrrlinas since its taking me forever to finish the other things i've been drawing of them and im impatient and cant wait anymore <3 (AND THIS TIME I REMEMBERED TO ADD THE WATERMARK LOL)
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paulsmelody · 2 years
I think what has always kept me staunchly on the side of “there is nothing supernatural in Petscop” is that anything that is actually supernatural is ultimately just a tool used to discuss abuse. Which is not to say that those supernatural elements cannot coexist as allegory and reality, but they don’t. There aren’t ghosts in Petscop. It’s not haunted. Or, well, it is haunted, but by the past. By its creator. By its players. By itself. Petscop is lines of code and a multiplayer system weaponized against defenseless children. The aspects of it that are hard to reconcile with reality are the metaphors for abuse—how do you use the reflection from a vase to traumatize a child? How does playing a melody on a piano fundamentally rewire somebody’s personality and psychology? These are the most fantastical aspects of Petscop, the moments where reality has to allow space to tell this story in whatever way this format can portray it. Were the children Marvin kidnapped playing Petscop at the school? Well, probably not. But that is the only lens we have into this world.
We first see Care NLM characteristically crying into her hands, but otherwise fine, and then Paul plucks the petals from a flower and suddenly Care NLM is blurry, scratched out, red. As though we’re seeing her through the reflection of the vase. The way Marvin sees her? Maybe. Paul is forced to retrace Marvin’s steps, after all. But, more importantly, we see Care the way Marvin left her. The way Care sees herself. The mirror in the bathroom is a nauseating green. Oftentimes children who have been sexually abused—as the “deflowering” scene and other moments in the series subtextually imply is happening—feel as though they’ve been dirtied, as though they’re “damaged goods.” The first thing we learn about Care NLM is that she believes, intrinsically and wholeheartedly, that “nobody will love her, not ever again.” Of course, being kidnapped and held hostage for six months, in horrific conditions, inside of an abandoned building, while your own father attempts to turn you into the memory of a girl who died long before you were ever born is, without a doubt, wildly traumatizing. But would it leave her believing that nobody would love her ever again? Those words specifically? We read them during the same section where Rainer talks about Marvin thinking about Care while he’s in the bath. The framing of this series has always been extremely intentional. And, when you’re clued into what you’re meant to be seeing, it is all extremely unsubtle.
The most supernatural event to take place in Petscop is the disappearance of Lina and the windmill. But even that feels like a fantastical allegory for the death of a young girl that Marvin blames himself for, and probably with good reason. What did you do?, Rainer asks, and it’s a good question. It’s worth noting that Marvin marries Lina’s sister. Out of guilt? Desperation? They were children when it all happened, but Marvin develops an obsession with Lina that lasts a lifetime, and that must have had a psychosexual angle to it—he married her sister, after all. For Marvin to believe that Lina was reborn in Care’s body. . . No child is safe within Marvin’s grasp. But Care was always particularly in danger.
It’s also worth noting that severe childhood sexual abuse is one of the most common reasons why a person might repress memories of their entire childhood, the way Paul seems to have so clearly done. Petscop isn’t a story about multiple timelines converging. The things that happen are all very linear. Hard to put together, especially since we don’t have all the answers and have to make quite a fair amount of educated conjecture, but still very linear. Rainer—with his survivor’s guilt, with his being too old to be in danger but too young to stop it all from happening—took the code for the video game he was making for his brother, and turned it into revenge against an abuser. It backfired, and Marvin began to use the game as another tool for abuse. By then, Rainer had killed himself, yet another plot in a graveyard.
When Paul tells Marvin his room, he starts spelling “da—” before being stopped. Nothing on screen moves for a painful several minutes. We don’t know what happened in that room. All we know is Marvin hurt Paul. And, looking at the previous ways in which Marvin hurt Care—hurt Paul—the silence and lack of movement in that scene, our inability to know what is happening in real life. . . It’s the most terrifying moment of the show. I’ve lost the thread a bit, but my point: Petscop is more based in reality than it originally seems, but it is first and foremost loyal to its medium, and it uses that medium to tell a story that is, at its thematic core, focused on the intersection between child sexual abuse and transness. When those two things click for you, the conclusion is inescapable. As it was for Paul.
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l0velybugg0 · 10 months
💕Buggo's Commissions Open!!!💕
Heya!!! I’m now doing commissions!!! Check it out!!!
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If you are interested, feel free to DM me!! RBs are appreciated!!👏✨ I only accept PayPal, Cashapp, and Venmo!! but can maybe do Ko-fi too!!
Check my Comm page for more info on prices, styles, and TOS!!
Thanks for the support!! 🥰💕
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4rk-in-the-road · 3 months
Quick visual guide on what to include when writing alt text (Taken from this article by Veroniiiica):
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[Image description: An infographic titled “Writing Alt Text” featuring a photo of a capybara. Parts of alt text are divided by color, including identify who, expression, description, colour, and interesting features. The finished description reads “A capybara looking relaxed in a hot spa. Yellow yuzu fruits are floating in the water, and one is balanced on the top of the capybara’s head.” End of image description.]
If you use a screen reader and there's anything else you like image descriptions to have that isn't detailed here, feel free to add! I will rb additions :) I also implore you to check out the original article for more info!
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Your theory about Julie being a love interest for Wally but both of them actively ignoring or going against it makes me think that there’s just multiple episodes of the Welcome Home show where it just doesn’t align with the script at all. Like the neighbors somehow manage to go off script and the team behind the show doesn’t understand why.
An episode of where Wally and Julie are written to be in love somehow turns into an episode where they start a water balloon fight in the Neighborhood but they use paint instead of water. The audience loves it but the team has no idea what happened
HA yeah... this has picturing the meme "wow... this is worthless!" but its her, Wally, and Frank looking at the script
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butchez · 9 months
tumblr staff are so fucking delusional nobody wants to use your dumbshit streaming service 😭 this COULD NOT have been made any clearer in the last nine months since they rolled it out
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motherboardmania · 2 years
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do you long to be reduced to simpler shapes?
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bugdogg · 11 months
I think I'm done with them enough to post, so here's the playlists I made:
Mizuki's was harder to put together since I had to consider songs that match the way the present their self, and songs that match how they actually are and feel. (I fit songs that represent them, not things they'd really sing btw)
I kept adding and removing songs because I overthink a lot but the songs do fit them lyrically. Playlist is organized first with positive, energetic songs to match how they present their self. As it plays, the songs stay energetic but aren't as positive or optimistic and become aggressive lyrically, a lot of them somewhat being things Zuki would say to themself, Favorite Liar is a good example of this. Favorite Liar and Bitchboy are there mostly to fit with Akita as they grew up together, their tastes are pretty similar, except Mizuki changed a lot more which I'll explain eventually
The Flavor of a Cockroach is the song that I think really splits the playlist in half, the songs after that are more representative of Mizuki's true feelings and essentially them experiencing burnout, unable to keep up the act anymore. I don't wanna explain every song cause I think it'll be too much on one post but if you're curious, feel free to ask me I love answering questions.
Akita's playlist is also sorta messy but songs still all work for them. If I could use only The Oozes and Metric songs I probably would because they're perfect tone wise. Akita is very aggressive with their singing and has a hostile persona for their performances but as a person, they're blunt but very caring for others. They still occasionally pick fights like she and Mizuki did in their youth but she isn't as sadistic and see's brawls as pointless fun instead of a form of lashing out. (I gotta explain Akita for things to make sense cause I have never said a word about her despite thinking of her all the time)
Ugo is a song that's really about Akita's and Mizuki's relationship before Zuki split. The couple songs after that are things they'd sing but the lyrics are similar to the sorta story I have going on between Zuki and Akita. Akita was basically abandoned by Zuki when they were younger as they just disappeared one day and no one gave a shit about them gone except Akita. Mizuki left without saying a word and also avoided any form of contact from her as they convinced themself that she'd hate them for running. So Akita at some point joined a band and based some of the things they'd perform on actual feelings, and one day while traveling with the band to Japan, found Zuki (Mizuki actually found her and went to see her).
I'm skipping talking about Fahrradsattel and Wet for reasons. What You Waiting For? is where Akita and Mizuki meet again and Akita starts questioning why Zuki changed and seemingly became a nobody compared to the brutal fighter they once were, she doesn't understand why they became so different and hangout with people they'd both once considered weak and a waste of space (Akita is very harsh about things and immediately, she and the Matsus don't really like each other (and Totoko and Nyaachan very much despise her btw)).
Littlefang might be out of place there but it's a personal favorite of mind, I care about the song a lot and wanted to include it. It'd be a song Akita would perform (the actual character in this song is supposed to be a cat puppet but we're ignoring that for dog themed band reasons) the song as way of connecting with people ig, adding to the last songs, she doesn't wanna change herself to please others and wants others to believe it too (especially Mizuki). The song is very different from the bands usual thing but I like to think Mizuki's optimistic personality rubs off on her when she performs it and it ends up working out. (I just really like this song teehee <3)
I still don't wanna explain every song rn but if your curious about any choice, feel free to ask. I don't mind explaining story stuff and I like talking about these two dorks.
Ok rambling over, thank you if you read this or listened the playlists <3
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radicheart-a · 1 month
Important Things To Know (Part 2 (aka How Is This Blog Canon-Divergent?)):
The main difference is his appearance. He has longer darker red hair that he usually ties up, has symbols of The Beast on either ear, freckles on his face and chest, wears glasses instead of a monocle, and has a tail. He also usually forgoes wearing the tattered jacket, leaving him in just a vest and shirt.
Alastor is still the facility manager of the Hazbin Hotel. That hasn't changed! He has his radio tower and a suite there, but he also has a personal home. He flip-flops between sleeping at the hotel and his home.
He does NOT hurt or threaten his contracted souls (see: how he treats Husk in episode 5). He treats them as if they were his friends. Whether or not they see him as a friend is up to their own discretion, but he has never and never will treat them badly.
He did NOT start beef with Lucifer when he arrived at the hotel after being invited by Charlie in episode 5. He welcomed him in and was just as eager to take him on a tour as Charlie was.
He is NOT contracted to Lilith. He IS contracted, but to whom (or what) hasn't been revealed yet.
NOTE: your muse is ALLOWED to assume he sticks to canon, but he WILL correct them!
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thejasontoddarchives · 9 months
I … regret making that last post.
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