#I tried to make this not spoilery
tomaturtles · 4 months
I'M SO GLAD YOU ASKED Campus Apocalypse (also known as Gakuen Datenroku) is an Evangelion spinoff manga!!! It has 4 volumes and 22 chapters, and it's basically an AU series with an action-y shonen feel to it.
It retains a lot of the cast and some elements from the anime, but for the most part does its own thing with the lore! Instead of piloting giant robots, the kids fight angels using these magic-y weapons (Shinji has a gun, for example), and the angels themselves are very different from the main series too. It can be odd at times, but it's a pretty fun and interesting take on the series imo!
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The plot gets a little wild at times and the ending is sadly pretty rushed (I think it got cancelled?), but it's a fairly quick read and has enough neat concepts along the way that I feel it's worth checking out! :] (i am of course biased, but y'know)
What Personally makes me so fond of it is that it has more of the main 4 kids as friends, as well as features Kaworu as one of the main characters and introduces him right at the beginning! He gets to interact more with Rei and Asuka, as well as has more time with Shinji, and I really really love how his and Shinji's relationship is developed.
It's not as explicitly Romantic as in the anime (CA mostly focuses more on the friendships; there's some ship tease and it occasionally leans towards Shinji/Rei, but the romantic stuff is vague enough that you can see what you wanna see for the most part imo), but it's still very sweet and meaningful all the same. The development of their friendship is a significant part of the story, and it's not that hard to view it in a romantic light. It's like. Friends to lovers kawoshin. To me
IN SHORT: Campus Apocalypse has a different vibe from the anime and has some interesting stuff, but it may be just kind of average as a whole. BUT it does some specific things really well imo and said things are like catnip to me. If you too enjoy seeing the main four interacting and being friends and Shinji and Kaworu's relationship being able to take more time to develop, it may be worth checking out!
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muninnhuginn · 1 year
the thing with teru is that for the longest time he struggles to see everyone as on the same playing field.
when he’s introduced he thinks that he’s at the top of the societal pyramid because of his powers. he thinks that mob is merely a threat he has to teach his place and it takes the best part of their fight for teru to reassess that and acknowledge that mob is a rival, but one that he is still above in this world.
when mob collapses and ???% beats him, teru realises that he is insignificant in the wider scheme of things and at the same time he ends up putting mob on a pedestal. teru believes he is insignificant because there’s a much larger power that he must bow to. he puts mob above him, an average person.
and teru sticks to that, with the admiration, the devotion where mob is essentially the new guide by which he tries to live his life up until the divine tree arc. dimple then forces teru to see him as his god instead. and that in of itself highlights the fact that teru’s devotion (whether to himself or mob or dimple) is essentially like worshipping a deity. that’s the kind of gap he sees between “average” people and those he places above them. mob breaks teru from dimple’s control and teru snaps mob back on his pedestal (’you really are amazing’). teru may have worked on himself but he still hasn’t broken from his framework that there are average people and those above them.
fast forward to his second confrontation with ???% and teru’s using his mob-guide to try and preach back to ???%. but he’s still putting mob above him, still thinks mob is untouchable and wouldn’t fail where ‘average’ people would. and then ???% deliberately puts on a show of strength that puts people in danger, he uses his powers against teru despite having previously refused to do so to the point of collapse. and it’s a real pedestal-breaking moment for teru. he thought that mob was such a moral person that he designed his whole new belief system around him. but the person at the centre of this belief system wasn’t the whole truth. that mob was just as much a false god as dimple and teru himself.
still, the philosophy is sound and teru did change for the better as a result. the pedestal and framework is broken, but that’s not a bad thing. any pedestal that high must eventually collapse.
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sugar coated brain (the fluid ain’t to blame): unraveling Conor Aurelian
I don’t know if this is me admitting to have read embarrassingly little in terms of Actual Books since I turned 18 but. Wow. I loved sword catcher, and for once I was there eating up the plot rather than only relating to the characters so much I was obsessively hoping for a happy ending for them. 
I’ve said before that sword catcher was good, so good it’s almost above fandom discourse (like a Beethoven symphony perhaps, you think twice before making arrangements of a masterpiece like that) but even the best symphonies deserve, actually they’re honoured by, critical analysis of the phrasing and melodies and that which are used. And this is a Cassandra Clare book after all. The beauty comes from beautifully (read: realistic, somehow more human than real humans idk I’m blown away every time) constructed characters, and then from the plot. Which was character-driven and so, so delicious, but we’re not talking those kind of spoilers this early in the game. 
While I’ll admit that Kel was the most relatable character, followed by Lin or maybe Ana, there were some things about Conor that just cut a little too close in ways I hadn’t thought about in years. Taking me back to some worldbuilding of my childhood, a ‘reluctant princess’ I came up with based on feeling trapped and overprotected and that fantasy world has long since been archived in my head and it’s entertaining to think this weird kid in western sydney who didn’t get to run quite as wild as some of the other kids (but still did get to run quite wild) felt like that when we were the furthest thing from royalty. I didn’t expect to be reminded of that in an adult fantasy book, but here we are, and I’m being entertained to see all the different takes on Conor: some driven to fascination, some to annoyance, and somehow in the 5 of us who’ve actually read sword catcher already everything in between. 
But let’s be real for a second: who hasn’t heard the ‘oh you can’t be depressed you have everything you need’ and been like. Really hurt by it?? Who hasn’t sat among know it all adults in their younger years who would just judge the hell out of other young people who supposedly ‘never got to hear no’ and now they have ‘no resilience’ and ‘no wonder they’re having problems’? Referring to people you actually relate to and thought, well this definitely isn’t a safe space to be vulnerable I’ll just suffer in silence? I’ve grown up enough now to see Lin’s trauma behind the way she says this about Conor but part of me is still a little mad at her. As for Conor?? He’s everything I’d expect from someone in his position and I actually don’t think the majority of it comes from ‘never hearing no’ and ‘getting everything he wants’ but rather the things that those try to make up for: a lack of real autonomy over his life, not being allowed to feel Normal Child Feelings, having no one he can relate to and see as an equal, a heavy burden of responsibility before he was ever old enough to understand it, and the many levels of fuckery that’s all done to his parents making them not just emotionally unavailable but frivolous, trying to maintain their own autonomy and connection doing silly little rich people hobbies that just make the divide between and resentment of them vs Every Other Person greater (constant stargazing or Decoration and Control). Sugar-coated brains: how could they not be when everything revolves around you but there’s so little you can actually do but pursue the pleasure you’re told you’re entitled to? 
I didn’t expect to be this mad at the royal family culture within SC but when I look back on it I’m not surprised. Not when the setting of the book is on the edge of a revolution, the unraveling of a society that feels so much like today and allows me to zoom out in a way that makes my little revolutionist heart happy. But oh, the angst and the bad decisions as the world teeters on that razorblade. The lives that are lost in the fray. I don’t know what’s happening in our world now but after Cast Long Shadows and an arc I know that she’s proud of (our dear Matthew Fairchild) I do trust Cassie. And in the meantime I’ll let her convince me of what I already know: the lives of nobility are simply pawns in a much bigger game no one (except maybe Ana) knows how to take the reins of, and the life of a pawn, no matter the luxuries, is a sorry life indeed. 
This little revolutionist brain of the 2000s had one thing right, and I feel vindicated to see it in such clarity here: the relationship between social class and genuine connection. From the stark contrast of the opening with Cas and Kel, even also Mari and Lin, against the disaster that is the royal family, it couldn’t be clearer to me: when you’re nobody, when there are no expectations of you, you can be who you really are. Maybe not in the eyes of the authorities, and that’s an important distinction to make, but there’s no need to pretend around your nearest and dearest and sometimes that’s worth so much more than hypothetical safety. Because yes you can get away with things when you’re rich but you’ve also got more people trying to assassinate you for who you are specifically rather than just running the risk of getting killed because you’re unlucky and too unimportant for anyone to think you’d be missed. When you’re royalty (or just have parents with really high expectations or are a gifted kid even) you’re given a mold to grow into and no one really asks if that’s who you really are: why would they, when their worldview depends on you being exactly who they want you to be? So if you’re not it you pretend and even with those, like your children, who are close enough to see behind the ruse, you never quite show them who you really are either. You can see how that would drive one insane. You showcase that the only way to exist is to mask until you snap, or lose the ability to be yourself at all. Which leads me to the second type of sugar coat. 
(And I’m quoting songs as my inspo behind this post as always, title quote is empty wallets by 5sos and I’m about to move onto sugar coat by little big town aka the band with an irl fairchild in it): this sugar coat is politeness and etiquette. There’s a quote somewhere in Kel’s narration I believe that I can’t find but basically views social etiquette and the like as you know. War strategy or something, which is another little segment of the reminder it’s cassie writing this and there’s a lot of accidental neurodivergence, or neurodivergence existing in a world so very different to ours, because that’s a very neurodivergent way of viewing it imo. And in this case, the sugar coat is like a constructed mask you spend your whole life trying to perfect, wear it as it’s handed down from your predecessors: in Conor’s case, lilibet (passed down from my mum, she wears it so well, put it on my shoulders said it’s colder out there than you think/would I recognise myself, would anybody else, if I took the damn thing off and burned it up?) who does make the frivolity and politics of being queen into her whole personality. She’s equally a pitiable and annoying character for that. 
But as for Conor? He’s a Cassandra Clare Created (TM) young man. Of course he can’t quite manage this kind of sugar coat business. The politeness, the etiquette, the little social dances: he longs for real connection (and now we’re back in empty wallets territory, get you high when I’m high, so we see eye to eye: to me this sums out how he makes connections with those who are nowhere near his equals but he wants to have some sort of equal footed connection with: Kel and *[redacted minor spoiler, see below cut]). He’s snapping from the pressure of it, and that’s exactly the kind of driving force for the narrative Cassie uses excellently. We see him coming undone, and hate it (or at least I do) but hope maybe, maybe it’s the path for liberation for him from the life that’s obviously making him (more) depressed (than he otherwise might be), and as the audience we don’t care if the kingdom burns down for this, as long as it doesn’t cause too much collateral damage. And we know it’s going to be a wild ride to get there. 
I don’t reckon this is obvious to everyone else but it is to me, with my experience of Christianity and life and just everything that if you’re a leader in any way, you’re a better leader for being liberated in yourself, having autonomy and appropriate boundaries and Conor has none of that and he’s coming undone and yes there’s a lot of other characters (who I will post about later) with their own arcs and A LOT going on (seriously it’s so deliciously complex and so much more so than tsc ever was with maybe the exception of tec which is kind of adult fantasy anyway). But oh. She really knows how to deliver, all through the first book and I can’t wait to see what the next one has to offer!! And to me the characterisation of Conor is just proof on how expertly the whole world of Castellane and it’s stories is being carried out. 
*and Lin later on, kind of
tagging: @daisymylove and feel free to mention anyone who might like it in comments/reblogs!
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rosehippiefield · 4 months
I saw such thing in yttd fandom (really cool thing) and wanted to do something similar with Exit/corners. There are far better examples but they are much more spoilery
Please play this game, it's really cool
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sonknuxadow · 1 year
i can understand why some eggman fans dont really like the whole eggman and sage dynamic but also one of the only arguments ive seen against it is just "eggman cant care about her, hes supposed to be a villain!!" which like. Again i respect your opinion if you dont like what theyve done with eggman in frontiers but who says a character cant be evil and still care about a few specific people i dont think sage existing is making eggman Not Evil?
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starteas · 1 year
Oh, can you talk more about the theme of loss in Lumi?
absolutely! I didn't expect anyone to ask, actually so this is a neat little surprise
the theme of loss in Lumi and the Great Big Galaxy focuses on three types of loss- loss of self, ambiguous loss, and cumulative loss. With self-loss, Hala's decent into grief over Elios causes her to become isolated and in turn, has her start to lose herself when her emotions are already so high.
This also ties into ambiguous loss, with Elios, who Hala has no idea if she's even still alive or not. She hopes at some point things will return to normal, but being so uncertain to where Elios even is and the changes that brings in Elios' absence only further her spiral into her widowing over her.
Not to mention, with the addition of the stars dying out- Hala hasn't had time to properly grieve, the quick succession of just how many losses she's facing in such a short amount of time is doing little to help that either.
Hala herself isn't the only one who's focus delves into this topic, as both Elios and Void revolve around the same theming, but it's something I'd certainly love to explore more if there was ever a chance to make more episodes :)
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the-lightless-flame · 9 months
I am curious, what is Dolls of new albion? I am intrigued
the dolls of new albion is a steampunk-inspired opera. it is amazing i listened to it this afternoon and it has rewired my brain
it is split into four acts, the first following annabel mcalistair, who- because of an extremely unhealthy obsession- brings a guy called jasper back from the dead, putting him in the body of a doll.
although she eventually realises that this was not a good thing (dead people do not like being put in doll bodies and they really do not like being brought back from the afterlife), the rest of the acts follow her ancestors as the city of new albion is changed dramatically several times as a result of the dolls, starting with annabel's son discovering and recreating her work, then continuing on as each ancestor is extremely Not Normal about jasper in their own unique ways.
its got really interesting themes of objectification, repeating cycles, and the difference between how we view something and how it truly is.
the characters are all little bastards and i love them each one of them
there are a few recordings of perfomances online (including one with tim meredith. as in gunpowder tim the mechanisms. playing annabel's son edgar), or bc its an opera (no dialogue only songs) u could just listen to the album. its less than an hour and a half, so a fairly short watch/listen time
its the first of a tetraology of operas about new albion. i have not listened to the others yet but i know they will only make me less normal
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awkwardtuatara · 9 months
Hear me out: Wayne (Mistborn) and Moist von Lipwig (Discworld) are like inverted versions of the same character. Like they're both cheerful, chaotic trickster-esques that have multiple different personas and use that to convince the world (and/or those around them) that they're something they're not, often using tricks and disguises; they're both super good at subconscious self-deception; both consider hats a crucial part of identity. But the way they consider themselves and how they develop is so different?
Moist loves the con, the feeling of being a grand face, and for a long time he doesn't realize that the crimes he committed had any moral weight to them, especially since he didn't see them as causing death. The thrill of stepping into the role of who others expect and shaping that expectation is just part of who he is. A big part of his development is in learning the consequences of some of his actions and really feels them. He's afraid of weapons and prefers to use his skills to talk his way out of situations, or run, but he still practices physical skills needed for defending, breaking in, or escaping.
Meanwhile, Wayne begins with the weight of a crime on him, pressed down by all the little things he has done even after joining Wax, and a huge part of his character arc is about self-acceptance. His accents and disguises, his characters, are something he genuinely delights in but also a coping mechanism. He's proficient in combat and enjoys it (although he has problems with one kind of weapon), and uses his skills to help him in altercations.
Then again, both of them have a super close and important personal connection to someone that understands them and knows what their past was, and still chooses to stick with them anyway. (Wax and Wayne, Adora Belle and Moist.)
Oh, and they both have bloodlines that separate them from others - Moist carries Lipwig in his name, Terrisborn is the only surname Wayne has - but being from Lipwig is one of the few things really central to Moist (or at least, a part of him he cares about), while Wayne finds it easier to act like a good Terrisman than to really be a flawed one.
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screwthat · 2 years
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         what  did  i  do  to  incur    a  body  that  just  𝗌𝖼𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆𝗌  and  𝑑𝑖𝑒𝑠  and  𝚑𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚜    –––    i  feel  like  some  kind  of  𝖍𝖚𝖒𝖆𝖓  𝖈𝖚𝖗𝖘𝖊.      by  róisín.
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hehehe thank u for indulging me. the server is down at work so i finally had time to answer these >:)
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Some pictures of the WoL in question, Meuloix!
Why did they pick their first class/job? What about the job they main now? Meuloix was NOT adept with the kinds of fighting that were available for teaching in Gridania. After the Calamity, he wanted to strengthen himself and took up boxing on his own in the forest until he heard word from passersby about the pugilists' guild in Ul'dah. It didn't take long for him to decide to up and leave! (I picked pugilist to start out because I liked the idea of defeating everything with my fists)
Does your WoL have a recurring nightmare? What is it? Large creatures in the depths overpowering him, pulling him under, and drowning him
Who do they worry about the most? Alphinaud and Alisaie! They are just like little siblings to him
What’s their alcohol tolerance? (if they drink) He can drink quite a bit, but it hits him all at once rather than him get progressively drunker. It's hard for him to determine what his stopping point is because of that, so he does not drink
What is the first impression most people have of them? Is it different when they get to know them? I think he initially comes across as kinda severe if he doesn't say anything, but once he opens his mouth it's pretty clear he's a goofball
Is that their natural hair color? YES, because he is a WARRIOR OF LIGHT, okay
How have they dealt with losing people? He shuts down. He needs to process it on his own away from others so he can react however he needs without worrying about what impression he's giving off to those around him
How do they feel about the fame/infamy that comes with being a Warrior of Light/Darkness? Does NOT enjoy it! It's actually quite embarrassing to him
What does the way they’ve decorated their home say about them as a person? His apartment is full of wooden furniture and plants! He loves nature!
Do they misuse any of their abilities? Not really, he's pretty honest for the most part
What location do they dislike most? THE RUBY SEA
Does anyone call them by a nickname? What do they think about it? Mew! He doesn't mind it! (I named him Meuloix specifically because my friend who got me to start playing calls me Mew, so I wanted her to be able to call me that in-game LOL)
What are their speech patterns like? formal or informal? Informal
If they were not an adventurer, what would they be doing? Running his mom's flower shop
Which NPC are they the most similar to? Lyse! She can be a bit silly, but she tries very hard to do what she believes she has to and always rises to the plate when she can. Plus she loves to punch as well (NARNIA, DON'T READ LYSE'S WIKI PAGE IF YOU LOOK HER UP! SPOILERS!)
What kinds of weather do they like and dislike? Do they handle heat or cold better? Definitely handles the heat better, but his favorite weather is kinda muggy. He loves a good summer rain!
Any allergies? Nope, none he's discovered anyway!
What is something they would never tell anyone? As the WoL, he doesn't feel he can tell anyone just how much he questions his role and wishes he WASN'T considered anything special. He's just a silly guy who only recently learned how to throw a decent punch
What level of education do they have? He can read and write, but doesn't really know much about history or anything…
When in the story was their highest point? When were they at their lowest? Gonna be vague about this cause they're all so spoilery, but if you know, you know. Highest point was probably when he and SPOILERS fought 'as one' against SPOILERS in Shadowbringers, I fucking loved that so much. Lowest points have been any time he hasn't been able to save someone, but primarily SPOILERS, of course, because that death was from trying to protect Meuloix. He visits the grave whenever he is in the area (even though this was spoiled for me I still cried LMAO)
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acantheros · 2 years
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my fav oc rn <3 <3 <3 <3 hes so tired. and also so on the verge of destroying everyone. but its ok he'll get there soon 👍
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infamous-if · 4 days
Ngl, Seven's special was very disappointing :( I just want MC to be loved and cherished without their ROs making them so insecure. Even G and Vic made MC feel important and loved, like they belonged together. And in Seven's it felt like MC didn't fit into their live anymore.
I guess my answer is spoilery so ///
I respect your perspective but I don't think I agree tbh I think Seven making the effort not to be the same overwhelming, intense person they were for their relationship's sake is trying to fit them in their life. Seven could easily revert back to their old ways and become even worse since they lost MC once, I can't imagine Seven being a healthy person to be with due to their intensity. Present Seven trying to be like their old self would probably be far too codependent and extreme out of their fear of losing MC.
The other ROs are making sure MC feels loved and important but they're not fundamentally changing themselves for MC. Seven is going against their nature and their personality to make sure they're a healthier version of themself for MC. And I'm not trying to be like kissing Seven's ass but it's hard to compare ROs who have never had a past relationship with MC to an RO who had one, fell out, and hated them for three years. It's just not as easy and it doesn't feel realistic to me to make it easy. I could've written a short full of fluff and I tried but it felt disingenuous and wasn't what I wanted to do lolol
It's also a non-canon short story that is written with an insecure MC. The point you're supposed to focus on is the message of the story as a hint for the route but everything else is written because it made it easier to convey that message. So MC being insecure isn't a canon thing, it's a Amy-felt-like-writing-mc-that-way thing lol
If you're worried, just reread the last line! You'll get what you're hoping for I promise lolol
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keiicom · 9 months
Yjh things the Webtoon 'forgot' to mention or to point out bc they hate novel yjh
Warning for vague webtoon spoilers ig?? No spoilery names are named and no unreleased scenarios are mentioned/specified btw but I thought I'd add this warning just in case :)
He waited three days on the bridge for kdj to resurface after he dropped him in the Ichytosaurs mouth. Just. Waited there.
He smiles when Kdj tries his food and says it's good (it's more like a tiny smug smile tbh)
He is a WORRIER. Man worries about everything, but sucks at expressing it through actions bc that's when he's most easily misunderstood. It is EXTREMELY easy to misunderstand his actions unless the other characters ask him what he's doing and why [after he explains, he turns out to be actually really thoughtful tbh]
When he tells 41st round shin yoosung to "quit her blabbering"...he wasn't that harsh in the novel. The line was changed (still don't know why) but originally he said something about not having enough time, and wasn't a complete asshole.
Also during that same arc/scene it was revealed that he woke her up because he genuinely didn't think she'd attack him/be mad at him iirc, so it wasn't him being stupid, just somewhat naive
When Iris called KDJ ugly he actually stepped forward and intimidated her by glaring so she'd stop talking :) because he sensed fighting spirit in her and he decided to react lmao
His eyebrow moves similarly to a caterpillar when he's about to make an important decision (note: kdj points this out in the novel because he's always staring at yjh I swear to god there's proof)
Yjh puts on a 'cool' face when he's been caught or called out after trying to be sneaky (he's SO BAD at being sneaky istg I love this man so much)
He sometimes uses his skills for stupid and petty shit *said lovingly with heart eyes*
He's more likely to give someone/an NPC a quick death than to make them suffer until they die
He always goes along with KDJ's plans, even though Kdj barely tells him ANYTHING about them ever 😭 He glares but still goes along with them I NEED Y'ALL TO UNDERSTAND HOW IMPORTANT THIS IS- /lh
He drags his sword on the ground when he's happy/satisfied with something, or generally in a good mood. Also Loves to clean his sword (I think the webtoon added a scene of him cleaning the sword like. once)
He loves his sister more than anything (we haven't seen a lot of scenes with yoo mia AND yjh in the webtoon yet but I have high expectations for those knowing how much he adores her in the novel)
Mans RUNS to help every time kdj is in danger, unless he genuinely thinks kdj 1) can handle the situation himself or 2) deserves the punishment
He has MONOLOGUES in his head even though he only ever says like two sentences thakrhsjfjb, and is very eloquent when given the chance to explain his thought process/reasoning
[which kdj rarely lets him do. bc he's hellbent on doing the talking and most other characters don't expect yjh to talk anyway]
The hand holding scene that was turned into a weird wrist holding scene? Yes originally they held hands (he wasn't as angry then either)
He's a serial texter and will spam message people
He loves dumplings
He gets jealous when other people monopolize Dokja's attention for too long (also canon, ex: Sangah, [redacted 1], sometimes han sooyoung, [redacted 2], [redacted 3] 💀 and WILL glare at Kdj or demand answers depending on how severe the transgression is)
He's tired. So, so tired.
he doesn't let Han Sooyoung live out of pride/not wanting to lose to kdj (???? what even was that). he lets her live because he doesn't want kdj to think poorly of him / alternatively he doesn't want to lose him as an ally. Not everything is about pride with him 🫠
he looks embarrassed after hearing yoo mia tell him he looks "happy when you talk about [kdj]". the narration also gives her statement some credibility, because "she knows him well since she's his sister". but of course they made him look angry instead of embarrassed 🙄 bc god forbid he shows any other facial expression ever
He's nosy (again: said lovingly with heart eyes). You'll notice how even when he pretends not to care, he'll still stick around to see how things develop/gather info on 'important' stuff. If he's not interested, he'll just leave, bc he's the kind of guy to just do that. So if he doesn't leave, even if he's pretending not to care... you see where I'm going with this
He has a sense of humor, believe it or not (though most of the time he's hilarious without meaning to)
When [redacted] asked yoo joonghyuk what his deal was with kdj and why he wanted him in his group he said "kdj is necessary for this world. I need him." but webtoon decided to skip that line 🫠
Yjh says "I guess your mother doesn't like me" instead of this "like mother like son" bullshit, because the second one implies dokja doesn't like him. which couldn't be farther from the truth
I'd add more but the rest is spoilers fhajhrjeka so yeah I'll just wait to see what webtoon does first and I'll update this as they go
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showtoonzfan · 5 months
I know I’ve said this before but now that the actual trailer has dropped and practically confirmed this, I hate how the original premise of Hazbin changed. It’s distracting how different it seems compared to the pilot. The pilot wasn’t perfectly written, but it was clear what it was about. The princess of Hell tries to open up a hotel to rehabilitate demons to get into heaven. However thanks to the leaks, screenshots from the official account and how the full trailer is just beyond spoilery, the show is now more about the demons fighting against Heaven’s genocide, a bland cookie cutter good vs. evil story since Viv has been very obvious that Heaven isn’t pure and innocent. I get that premises for shows change all the time and a pilot is a proof of concept, but my point is that the original premise was more interesting. Now it’s just going to be your generic episodic/serialized kids adventure fantasy show, with villains and shenanigans. It also sucks how we already know most of the story beats for season 1 because the trailer spoiled it, making the story even more predictable.
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sd1d-enthusiast · 24 days
So Polin fam, I'm that user from the polin sub who tried to give spoilery context to the sensationalized sun article leaks about Colin, and no I did not do it to start drama or whatever, I've been waiting for a Romancing Mister Bridgerton adaption for more than a decade and Colin is one of my favorite regency male characters, so to see people just taking two out of context scenes from a gossip rag and using that to lambast his character is super frustrating. I expected people to calm down once they knew the context, not go on tirades that the season is ruined or Colin doesn't deserve Pen or they want NPC plot device Debling to snatch her instead, and it's so bizarre.
After thinking about it though, I think I understand why people reacted like they did. A good portion of this fandom does NOT give a crap about Colin as a character in his own right and only sees him as a prop for Penelope's happiness. That's why every polin video will be littered with "Oh, I want him to GROVEL if he ever wants to DESERVE penelope." As if he committed some horrific crime, as if he isn't the only one person who has EVER seen Penelope for who she was, who has sought her out when she was hiding in the corners and shadows, who noticed her and confided in her and tried to step in and protect her and her family. Sure, he's had his foot in the mouth moments, and sure he isn't perfect. But NEITHER IS PENELOPE. And that's the whole damn point!
They're both still so young and haven't even found out who THEY really are yet, in large part they are both sort of drifting and trying to do what society expects of them. It's no coincidence that their true thoughts have really only been spoken to each other! Because they're meant to take on that journey together, they're meant to be partners who grow and make each other better, and that takes TIME and it's never 100% perfect, because they are imperfect complex characters. Which makes them interesting!
I just wanted to clear it up and vent this out bc I'm even seeing people on tumblr screenshot my comments or make out what I said to be something it's not. Seriously, we are about to get an amazing season. I wish people would stop overreacting. I already know once the season comes out everyone whose been shitting on Colin nonstop because of 2 tiny as hell scenes will pretend like they loved him all along lmao.
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How the Rhodolite princes would react to their firstborn/newborn
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Rating: PG-13 (?) Ikepri itself contains a lot of mature themes however, as such, mdni 🔞
Warnings: Brief mentions of (past) character death, grief, pregnancy/childbirth themes (no actual birth depicted), gn but implied afab, & the usual tragic Ikepri cannon.
A/N: Tried to write how they'd hold their kid and what they were feeling when meeting them. Spoiler warnings for the Rhodolite princes routes, tried not to bring up anything major though (Luke's is probably the most spoilery?). Tried to keep the princes' spouses GN, though implied afab bc newborns. (One very brief mention of Belle, but mc/reader is not Emma.) Might eventually make pt2 with the others..? Please read the warnings and proceed only if comfortable! :)
(Apologies for anything that seems ooc, I haven't written much in awhile and this is my first piece for Ikepri! I'm more used to fics rather than hcs, but I tried my best! o7)
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There's so much Jin can't help but worry about. His past, his future, his country... and now he's got not one but two loved ones he would do anything for. The little bundle of joy in his arms reminds him of the times when his younger brothers were born, and how cute they used to be (well, some of them, anyway). The bleary, garnet eyes trying to look into his own have him wondering.. is this how he looked to his dear mother? There's so much he cherishes, and so much he fears, but he won't let the history of Belle repeat itself. He'd fight the entire palace if he had to, but for right now, he'll settle for tackling pesky burps and dirty diapers. Jin coos at his baby, baritone voice suddenly startling the poor thing, and he can't help but pout. The baby in his arms continues to fuss, feeling hungry.
Jin pulls something out of his breast pocket, looking over at his spouse. "So.. how much longer until they can have lollipops?"
Chevalier would likely be a bit awed upon holding his firstborn, much like the quiet way he takes in Emma's precence. Chevalier is known to be awkward with his affections, as he's far from practiced, but it's been shown on several occasions how he tries to gently pet an animal that dares to come close, or how he clumsily takes care of his love when she's feeling under the weather. He may look fine on the outside, but he's actually quite hesitant, trying to sort things out logistically at first, before sort of just settling for standing there and holding his newborn with both arms. He stares down at their gentle features, taking in every detail, making sure they're comfortable and warm in their sleep.
Looking over at his beloved in all their tired glory, in his very own Chevalier-approved affection he says, "You did well, Simpleton." While he only speaks four words aloud, his faint smile speaks the thousands he didn't quite know how to express.
"Dearie me," Clavis says, holding his newborn, full of wide-eyed excitement. "They look so much like you, I can see the bunny ears already."
Being someone who values life so dearly, bringing a new one into this world, with the love of his life no less, is enough to send Clavis' heart soaring into the stratosphere. He just can't help but want to drown them in affection, but they're so small and fragile, and Clavis knows better than to risk scaring them now. He's so, so gentle with his child, unconditional love flowing off him in waves as they bond quietly (please don't get used to this, it will not last), and looks upon their splotchy tufts of lilac hair. The Lelouch genes live on through yet another generation, he smiles to himself. Clavis slowly comes over to stand by his love, placing a gentle kiss on their head.
"You're so lucky to have such a wonderful husband like me. But I'm even luckier to have you both in my life."
The happiest day in Leon's life. Second only to your wedding. Scratch that, the wedding is second.. he thinks. He's a bit frazzled from work, labor stress, and all the chaos, cut the guy some slack. No one is immune to this sweet lion's charisma, not even a newborn. They can't help but stare at his flowy hair and bright eyes, like a cartoon character come to life right before their eyes. Leon gently caresses their neck, very lightly pressing a kiss into their soft kiss to their temple. What kind of person will they grow up to be? Will they eat as much as he does? Will they fall asleep when they read too? There's a lot that runs through his mind, but ultimately, he is hopes for them to be healthy, and live happily. This child is going to be absolutely spoiled (within reason), and always have someone in their corner, rooting for them and ready to help learn from their wrongs. For now, he can worry about righting their posture instead. He tries to hold them like he read (how his partner read) in the parenting books, supporting their necks and all. It was really hard to stay awake during those, but the excitement of fatherhood helped him push through, and he's going to put it all into practice now.
"When do we start working on the second one?" (If not for the literal newborn currently in his hands, he'd be busy dodging several pillows.)
There's a lot of suppressed guilt for his mother's death in mind, and so many worries for his darling's health before, during, and after. He's a bit scared to hold his newborn, for fear of his clumsiness and "bad luck". With some assurance, he finally takes hold of them, and he could not physically be more careful with his firstborn. Clear eyes like the sky blink sleepily up at him, and Yves is fighting back tears solely for fear of them landing on the baby and somehow hurting them. The smile on his face could split his cheeks if it got any wider. The baby falls asleep in its father's arms, and he even tries breathing softer so he won't wake them. He's just trying his best, please reassure this sweet cat, he means well. (And he absolutely lost the battle against those blasted tears anyway.)
"Thank you for loving me, and for bringing our child into the world with us. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
(Twins having twins cliché may seem redundant, I made 'em different for each brother, pinky promise.)
Licht was blessed with not one but two bundles of joy. Beautiful twin boys, who had what looked to be his vibrant silver hair and his beloved's eyes. He couldn't help the memories that surged, of happier times, and the worst of times. He knew all too well just how ruthless the court could be, but he had a chance to make things different this time. Licht seriously considered building that house he'd once mentioned, and moving you all somewhere much more peaceful. One twin in his arms, one with their other parent, he feels all thought subside when the one he's holding tries to grab at his sleeve. Licht's now-famous smile blooms across his lips much the way the sun's rays appear over daybreak; subtle, then all at once. He takes a gloveless hand, letting their tiny hand hold onto his finger as best they can, eyes gleaming from the sight before him. Licht looks over in wonder at his spouse, only to find them already watching with a tired, quiet smile.
"Things won't be easy but.. I know we can handle anything. I adore you. And I adore them."
(Twins for both may seem redundant, but I changed things up drastically ok, we got this.)
Nokto wasn't entirely surprised to have twins, but he had also hoped luck would be in their corner in avoiding similar fates. Two little girls, jewel-like eyes like his, and his beloved's hair color (or so it appears, though it's hard to tell for sure with so little peach fuzz). Nokto sits at the edge of the bed, holding one newborn in his arm, and reaching his other hand out for the one in his love's arms. Aside from the memories of his own upbringing, he's now having Typical Girl Dad thoughts about how to keep them safe and teach them how to stay away from cooties (boys), among other things. With a soft sigh, he gently burps his newborn after she's done feeding, rocking her slowly as she tries to chew on her father's lucious locks. Laughter bubbles past his lips at her cute antics, and Nokto feels the stress fade away, even if just a little. His heart is still getting used to receiving love and believing in it, but it's grown enough by now to love his 3 new favorite people in the world.
"If they like my hair this much now, just wait till they start to grow their own."
Luke could not be more the picture of a teddy bear than with his newborn all swaddled up and snuggled in with their giant of a dad. He can't help but wonder if his sister is watching over them, laying next to his spouse on the bed, their newborn but a tiny dot among the two full-grown humans taking up most of the space. He promises to be there for his child the way he never really had anyone, and hopes to live more in the present now, the stakes feeling higher than ever before. A whole new life, created on purpose, gently resting in one arm and atop his broad chest, nestled comfortably and trying to suck on their thumb. Luke holds his spouse's hand with his free one, squeezing it gently, looking into their eyes with the intensity of his own emeralds.
"Look at 'em.. they're so small. Just like you," he jokes before letting out a big yawn, "But sleepy, just like me."
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All rights for the characters and original intellectual property belong to Cybird. My writing belongs to myself, Maladaptivedaydreamsx, and shall not be reproduced elsewhere without permission. Ok to translate as a reblog to this post. Ok to reblog, no permission required (for those who like to be safe and ask first, all's good little homies) 💜
If you enjoyed these, I might try to make a pt2 with the other characters soon? Likes and reblogs appreciated, thank you kindly for reading! If you have any hc's of your own, please feel free to respond with them, I'd love to hear what you all think! 😊❤️ (If you'd like to be put on a tag list for any future works, please reply, though it will be a general list for writings as I'm getting back into things slowly atm,, 🙏🏻)
Also, to the lovely person who sent this in likely about 2 years ago (after I'd stopped writing on here bc life happens) ... if you're still somewhere in the fandom and end up seeing this post, thank you for your patience, and for sending something in. I'm finally trying to combat the writer's block again! 🙌🏻
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