#ijust need to talk about this so much aubwdfijwbgi
the-lightless-flame · 9 months
I am curious, what is Dolls of new albion? I am intrigued
the dolls of new albion is a steampunk-inspired opera. it is amazing i listened to it this afternoon and it has rewired my brain
it is split into four acts, the first following annabel mcalistair, who- because of an extremely unhealthy obsession- brings a guy called jasper back from the dead, putting him in the body of a doll.
although she eventually realises that this was not a good thing (dead people do not like being put in doll bodies and they really do not like being brought back from the afterlife), the rest of the acts follow her ancestors as the city of new albion is changed dramatically several times as a result of the dolls, starting with annabel's son discovering and recreating her work, then continuing on as each ancestor is extremely Not Normal about jasper in their own unique ways.
its got really interesting themes of objectification, repeating cycles, and the difference between how we view something and how it truly is.
the characters are all little bastards and i love them each one of them
there are a few recordings of perfomances online (including one with tim meredith. as in gunpowder tim the mechanisms. playing annabel's son edgar), or bc its an opera (no dialogue only songs) u could just listen to the album. its less than an hour and a half, so a fairly short watch/listen time
its the first of a tetraology of operas about new albion. i have not listened to the others yet but i know they will only make me less normal
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