#I spent hours on this oops
bicheetopuff · 2 months
I guess it’s this kids birthday so I’m gonna remind you what character development can do to a mf
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He deserves to be happy
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dragon-spaghetti · 4 months
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Was feelin soft 💖
(Please click for better quality!!)
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more of the dapper lad! i Cannot get him out of my brain
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peachdoxie · 1 year
I love the concept of Antarctica. Yeah, we've got these other continents that are warm and habitable for the most part, and then we've got one on the south of the planet and pretty far from most of the world's population that's freezing cold and inhospitable. 60-70% of the world's freshwater is frozen there in an ice sheet averaging over two kilometers thick, which is kept cold in part by the world's largest ocean current. The continent is mostly populated by scientists, penguins, and a variety of lichen. It's technically a desert.
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juicyspacesecrets · 5 months
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Happy Holidays! Please find joy in the world today!
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pitchthepeach · 4 months
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elven-butts · 2 years
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nothing hurts me like they do
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nerosdayinanime · 3 months
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happy heartbreak sabigiyuu sunday
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hydrossity-zone · 1 month
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incidentale · 1 year
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3.05 Signs
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inferencesarchives · 1 year
Hello!! Can I request dan heng on his first date ? Thanks ☺️
Something New
dan heng x gn!reader
summary: to say dan heng was happy to be going out with you would be an understatement. he was practically ecstatic that you actually accepted and reciprocated his feelings for you. however, he had never actually been on a date before, nor did he know much about romance. so, how will dan heng overcome his anxieties and survive his first date?
warnings: possibly ooc(?), dan heng's a lil bit anxious but it's nothing too intense, physical touch (hand holding), mention of food/drinks (ur at a café date)
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"Hey! C'mon, hold still already!"
"I've 'held still' for 15 minutes, March. Can you move on from my hair already?" Dan Heng, clearly annoyed, reached to push March 7th's hand away. "Hmph, of course not! I have no idea how you of all people managed to charm someone, but if you want to keep them around, looking good on the first date will definitely help! Now let me just fix this little bit here!" March said matter-of-factly, putting all her focus on making sure another strand of his hair was in the perfect spot. Dan Heng rolled his eyes and said, "You know, if you keep focusing on my hair the entire time, you're going to make me late." "Oh, fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. I guess your hair looks pretty alright," March stepped back a bit to see if his hair truly was up to standard.
"Alright, Mr. 'Oooh, look at me, i just wanna show up looking half-decent to my first date ever oooooh', your suit's next. And be prepared to sit there eeeeeven longer so that I can make sure that your outfit looks absolutely 100% perfect, alright?" March poked him incessantly and gave him a disappointed look. Dan Heng sighed, but didn't argue.
As Dan Heng sat at a table, waiting for you, he couldn't help but feel nervous. First off, he was worried you wouldn't show up (despite the fact that he himself had gotten there 15 minutes early). He was also afraid that you would find him boring, like many others do. Oh, and he was also anxious about-
"Hey! Sorry to keep you waiting," you gave him a small smile as you waved. "Oh, uhm, it's quite alright. I'm just glad you're here," he said sheepishly. Just seeing you made the butterflies in his stomach go crazy. Unfortunately for him, though, his worries remained rooted in the corners of his mind all throughout the evening.
Truly, he loved listening to you speak, but was he responding to you enough? What if you thought that he wasn't actually paying attention to what you were saying? What if-
"Uhh, hey, Dan Heng? Are you okay? You can leave early if you're feeling sick, I don't mind!" Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "Ah, sorry. I just.. um... well.." he stuttered and looked down at his drink. "Well? Really, if there's anything wrong, you can tell me. I won't judge," you reached over the table and gently held his hand, the sudden contact making him flustered.
"A- Are you sure it's alri-" "Yes, it's alright, Dan Heng. I don't want you to be unhappy. If there's anything you need, I want to help you with it," you interrupted. Startled, he looked back at you. He was silent, for a few moments, but eventually admitted his worries to you.
"I guess I just.. Well, I guess I was worried you wouldn't actually like me if you got to know me, if that makes sense? I- I don't know, I just.." he sighed and sunk back into his chair. After saying it all out loud, it all sounded silly if he was being honest.
"Oh, that's it?" You giggled a bit before continuing, "It's alright! Honestly, it's completely normal to be anxious about a date! Don't worry though, I love you just the way you are, so don't change yourself just to because you want others to approve of you, okay?" You squeezed his hand and gave him a gentle smile.
At that moment, Dan Heng felt his heart swell, and he smiled more than he had ever smiled before.
At that moment, Dan Heng knew you were perfect.
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a/n: hehe attractive men being awkward on first dates go brrr aaaaaa i hope this turned out ok hehe i loved writing this (also personal hc that march will most definitely be a smug little shit when u and dan heng are in a relationship just like giving him advice or helping him get ready for dates but teasing him every time hehehehehe)
thanks for stopping by!
want to submit a request? see my requesting rules here.
taglist: @dan-hengs-wife
want to be tagged? dm me! :]
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maudfs · 4 months
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Day 26: Friendly boop :3
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pcttymcrlecu · 4 months
dreams of someone ✒︎ m.barzal
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summary: all lina’s dreams seemingly had come true – and then she met mat in a time where they both needed ... someone
featuring: mat barzal, lina thorne (oc), sydney esiason martin, and the rest of the martin family in mention
word count: 3.8k
warnings: none -- there is a ton of food mention though especially of the baked variety
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dedication: this little one shot was written for bre (@fallinallincurls) for demi's winter fic exchange!
the last time ii wrote about mat was two or so years ago so please give me some grace. but writing this was the exact challenge that i needed so i really did enjoy writing it for you and adjusting it to suit your desires. so, i hope it meets your expectations and that you enjoy it!
and a little dedication as per always to demi (@wyattjohnston) for hosting and understanding that life sometimes happens.
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It was a typical opening morning for Lina Thorne. She’d woken up at 4:30am, showered and got herself ready for her shift. It was a quick morning stroll to her place when the city that never sleeps was a lot quieter than and the sun was still well below the horizon and wouldn’t be painting the skies until the first batch of cookies was in the oven. The woman couldn’t hide the yawn that left her mouth as her key slid into the lock and the front door to the store opened.
Lina never imagined that she be living the dream in New York City, especially since her dreams of staying out in the big city upon finishing her internship with her mentor never came true. Instead, she found herself dreaming of what life in the big city could be for her, working in a bakery out in Boston honing her skills and surprisingly making herself seemingly at home. She had been referred for the position by her mentor despite his own wants to let the young chef go. Working her way into management and securing respect and acknowledgement in the pastry world. All an up-and-coming pastry chef could ask for. It wasn’t until during a prep day that her boss mentioned a position that she was put into consideration for that would lead her back to the city of her dreams and training not only as a baker but rather the head baker of the newest branch of the bakery she’d happily called home for the last three years.
However, as stood in the commercial kitchen under bright cool lights, being able to say she ran the little bakery on the island, she couldn’t help but pat herself on the back. The nerves had initially consumed her and although her boss and the owner of the bakery had been around for training of staff, prepping for the opening and the grand opening itself. Almost as soon as the store was open and running within the week, she was then solely in charge. It was days like this, however, that she loved the most. Mornings where she was able to get back into the very reason why she got into baking in the first place. It was a time when she could take a moment to herself and just breathe. Especially on a day like today when she had a big order to fill out, for none other than one of her newest friends in the neighbourhood.
Lina’s eyes flitted towards the clock, keenly aware that it was fast approaching time to slip the decorated sign on the door and let customers know that they were open. She had since been joined by two baristas and two of the bakers who were due to take over from her once the store opened up whilst she got her deliveries done before working through paperwork. The shout from one of the aforementioned baristas shook her out of her haze as she iced the cookies in front of her. Calling out for a moment, she finished up the cookie she was decorating before placing the pining bag down and reaching for the dishtowel. 
Walking out into the front, she sent a smile to the two college students who were pulling down chairs and wiping tables before her eyes landed on a familiar head of hair tapping their fingers against her counter. Pulling a face of confusion, she moved towards him dropping the dishtowel.
“We’re not open yet.” She spoke before crossing her arms as he turned towards her. A smile that she could only describe as cheeky sat on his lips as he gave her a little shrug before leaning towards her.
“I was told to pick up a cookie deliver. Sydney’s orders,” He spoke with amusement filling his words, “There’s no saying no to that woman.”
“Mat, Syd’s order is set for delivery.” She wasn’t quite sure if she believed in what he was saying but it wasn’t in her nature to be unkind.
Lina had met Mat by chance and obviously all thanks to the woman currently in question. Sydney and a couple of the other wives and girlfriends of the Islanders had dropped by for a coffee date from which Sydney had made it her newest spot and was happily welcomed by the bakery’s staff as a regular. The more time Sydney spent in the establishment, the more opportunities she got to speak with young women and truly it was hard to say no to that woman. Before she knew it, she was being invited to dinners, and girls’ nights – she had even frequented hockey games which was something she hadn’t done since she was in culinary school. The late nights of the games just didn’t align with the early morning that was required of her at the store. It was one of the rare late nights she had free when she was invited by Sydney to a dinner party at the Martin residence and she had run into Mat. The story according to Syd was that Mat was only invited because of a recent break-up and them wanting him to be around people who loved him and wanted nothing but happiness for him. It, and Lina will quote, “is not a matchmaking setup” like other introductions to Sydney’s male friends of the same age as the baker had been.
The two had been seated next to one another and Mat’s glum mood had caught her attention. But not knowing anything of his current situation and maybe having had a little too much fun doing unplanned pres with the hostess with the mostess gifting her looser lips than normal, she had made a remark about his apparent brooding. A thought she assumed was just that but upon hearing the chatter quieten down a little, she realised her words most definitely left her mouth. Slowly lowering her glass to the table, she turned to apologise to the male beside her when the snort that he let out left her sorry and confused. It was all quickly replaced with intrigue when he shot back with a retort of his own, prompting the two adults into a comfortable and playful argument. It was that moment where instead of anticipating the presence of a certain blonde every day, she noticed a certain brunet make a place for himself at the table closest to the counter by the display case.
The baker had been warned against Matt’s teammates but none other than Matt himself. She’d gotten the idea that Matt was keenly aware of his wife’s ability to befriend people and more importantly take them under her wing, if how quickly she was welcomed into the family dynamic of Martins was anything to go by. Regarding dating, who was she to question a man who spent most of his time with said teammates, she doubted she’d ever even meet and if she ever did, so many faces pass through her doors, she wouldn’t even remember them. Which is why the hockey player who had chosen to make himself a fixture had initially garnered a little apprehension from her but without fail, he always came in and grabbed a coffee (and a cake on those days he chose to treat himself), his a seat and left when he was all done, never without a generous tip. He was kind enough to her staff and even kinder to the other regulars who were in at the same time as him, so she let him be. All business is good business, even though she knew for a fact there were coffee shops much closer to his apartment, the arena and even the practice facility. But who was she to complain.
She couldn’t remember when it started but she eventually started joining him when he’d visit in the mornings. Their chats were surprisingly something familiar, and comfortable, like talking to an old friend. They joked and teased but most of the time they just let go. It had been a couple weeks since they first met, and it wasn’t until the second week of them sharing a drink that he’d actually opened up about why he was looking so glum the night they had met and why he was hanging around her café. How he got her store details from Sydney and how he was drawn to the fact that she didn’t handle him as though he was fragile. How all he had wanted when it felt like someone he cared about deeply had uprooted him from his very foundation was normalcy. And that’s what Lina gave him. He was just another friend of a friend to her; he was just Mat to her. Not heartbroken Mat, not healing Mat, not even NHL superstar – Just Mat.
“Well, you’re not all that Mathew.” She had stated to which he could only respond with a soft ‘Exactly’. Ever since that moment, they had shared ample time with one another both in and outside of his coffee trips. And despite the time Mat has been spending within their four brick walls, it was still a surprise to see him at the store before opening.
“Can’t be, she sent me a frantic message at 7 telling me she needed a favour and who am I to fulfil my favourite uncle duties,” He explained before sending a wink her way, “Anything for Winnie.”
“Yeah, she lied to you,” She answered, giving him a double pat on the shoulder and a short cackle before moving over and opening the gate for the man, “One time only, might as well put you to work.”
The two of them made their way to the kitchen and while Mat went to wash his hands (not before Lina pointed a firm finger towards the sink to gently direct him to do so), Lina grabbed him a free apron and tossed it over his shoulder. Moving back to the station where the last of the cookies were waiting to be decorated and then packed away for delivery. 
“So, what can I do?” Mat slipped the apron over his head as he leaned over to observe the spread of baked goods before glancing back over at her. His confident smile slowly slipped off his face as she grabbed a piping bag and handed it over to him.
“I line, you flood.”
“Didn’t you train like three years for this?” Giving the bag a gentle squish and frowning when no icing flowed out.
“It’s basically impossible to mess it up, it’s like colour by numbers,” She explained softly as she grabbed a pair of scissors and snipped the end of the piping bag while adjusting his hand to make sure no icing was wasted. Pulling the cookies, she was previously working on in front of him all lined and ready to fill in front of him, before gesturing towards the piping bag and gesturing back to the cookies. “Match the flood colour to the line colour. Winnie does it all the time.”
“While I know that’s not really true, the dig hurts.” His free hand flew up to his chest in mock hurt before laughing and finally putting icing to cookie with an almost amusing amount of concentration.
“Get filling pretty boy, I will not have my little princess disappointed.”
The two of them worked almost like a well-oiled machine. It almost felt like she was back in culinary school, helping out with the younger years. They weren’t always perfect, but their hearts were always in the right place and if there was one thing she had learnt about Mat was that his heart was always in the right place. Almost to a fault. The whole bravado he put on was more like a mask. At least in front of her. He never had any walls up with her, but he definitely had worn the walls she constructed when she moved down. She always knew that those walls had to come down eventually, but she definitely didn’t expect it would come from a chance encounter with a random stranger. The girls and her staff had done their fair share and warming her up and making her feel at home but the first time she ever truly let herself be with no pretences and no fears of being judged and not fitting in was sitting in the store over a cup of coffee with Mat.
Before long, all the cookies, cupcakes, and the grand finale cake of it all were packed into the refrigerated bakery van ready for transportation to the Martins' house, where preparations, if the texts and calls she had received from Sydney were anything to go by, were well underway.  Despite Mat’s pleas to drive, Lina kept a firm hold of the keys until they were safely parked in their friends’ driveway. Grabbing her garment bag from its place hanging in the backseat, she walked up to the front door. Mat’s knuckles were knocking against the wooden door as Lina reached him up on the front step. His eyes were drawn to the bag in her hand, and he couldn’t help but bring up his curiosity.
“What’s with the change of attire?” 
“As if I’m going to spend the rest of the day in clothing that’s covered in powdered sugar, flour and dried batter and dough. Plus, if I’m going to be around kids with surprisingly sticky hands, I’m going to start with a fresh slate.” Her words were light and humorous and before Mat could even attempt a response, the door opened and a hand was wrapped around Lina’s wrist, pulling her into the house quickly.
“Thank goodness you’re here, I need your help.” The blonde in front of her pulled her to the side before aggressively motioning to Mat who was still pulling his shoes off. He almost comically pointed to himself before looking behind him only to be physically pulled into their little huddle a second later, “There’s so much left to sort out and both Alice and Winnie want pancakes. Help Matty and I out?”
“Don’t think I’m your guy, I’mma just –“ 
“Of course we can help, go do what you need to do,” Lina responded, grabbing onto Mat’s arm before he walked away. Sydney gave her a smile and with a blown kiss, she was gone. Once her friend was out of view, Lina’s hand swung up to Mat’s shoulder, “Really?”
“What?” He was greeted simply with a shaken head as she slipped her own shoes off along with her jacket before she walked into the kitchen. Pouting at the lack of an answer, he followed her quickly “What?”
Mat watched as she made quick work of pulling out the necessary ingredients and equipment for the pancakes. Pulling up one of the bar stools, he settled into a routine that was very much a typical evening for them. Since he frequented the store so much, Lina had decided that for all the real estate he was taking away from her other customers, he had to give something back and that was how he became her official taste tester. Once, every other month they’d get together and along with a constantly refilled glass of wine (courtesy of Mat), she’d bake all her experimental recipes and flavour pairings on him. It was one of the things that she loved about him. She loved simply baking with no pressure of it being commercially viable and nothing is better than baking for someone who is more than happy to consume. Even if it means she has to put up with the constant whining about how her goods are going to make a certain someone work harder at the gym.
The two worked in a comfortable quiet, Mat had put music on the Alexa quiet enough not to disturb anything happening in the other parts of the house. Mat was picking at the tester pancake before he hopped off the stool and made his way over to the cupboard and pulled out the Nutella and a spoon, before settling himself beside the baker who was humming along to the music.
“What happened to all that ‘I’m a disciplined athlete’ talk?”
“I’m just a man and you’re out here teasing me with all those amazing treats you made me decorate and now you expect me to not have at least one spoonful of chocolatey goodness?” Forcefully scooping up a spoonful of said spread, her pointed it in her direction for a moment before shoving it in his mouth, “You have too much faith in me.”
“Oh, now that is pushing it,” She said flipping one of the pastries onto a plate before turning to face him as she poured more batter on the hot plate, “Would you please just cut some strawberries and stuff?”
Although it wasn’t without complaints, sure enough, they were working side by side. Lina flipping pancakes and Matt cutting strawberries into quarters as they quietly spoke about their weeks, catching each other up on their respective TV shows. 
“You know this is what I miss the most.” Lina hummed in question at his statement, only slightly inclining her head in his direction, “I miss just having someone to talk to. To exist with. To be with.”
Silence flooded through the pair as her head turned towards him as he continued chopping the fruit, a bittersweet smile on his face. She took a deep breath as she felt a wave of emotion flood through her as his words processed in her head. Her hand was on the dial, turning the heat off and placing the spatula down. Her words came out as an unsteady breath as she turned fully towards him.  “Oh Mat…” 
“I know I’ve already talked you to death about … that situation but –“ Mat lowered the knife but still made no effort to look in her direction and shook his head slightly before huffing out a quiet laugh,  “It’s not just that you didn’t treat me like I could break but the time we spent together, the conversations we had. It almost felt like having someone again. Except this time, it was in the shape of friend – someone I can’t lose. Until I kept getting to know how wonderful you are.”
The words to comfort the man in front of her were proving difficult to come by so Lina simply stepped towards him and did the only thing she could think of, wrapped her arms around him. With one arm around his back and the other holding onto his arm, she laid her head on his arm and gave him a gentle squeeze.
“I’ve done the whole break up thing before I don’t know why this time it was difficult. I guess I got too comfortable with the wrong person, I don’t know but I know it was wrong now. I knew it was wrong the moment I had coffee with you for the first time because you made me feel more heard and all you were doing was entertaining a customer who wouldn’t leave your store.” She couldn’t help the laugh that left her, giving him a whole-body nudge and shaking her head as it pressed against his bicep muttering a soft ‘not true’.
Lina felt Mat’s head move to look towards her, moving her own to look up at him but keeping him in her soft hug. She would never admit it to him, considering the subconscious promise she made to herself upon finding out he was still working through his breakup. Their eyes met and he couldn’t help the smile that floated onto his lips until a little embarrassment covered his face,  “Sydney didn’t tell me to come and collect Win’s treats, I just hoped if I turned up, I wouldn’t have to share your attention with your customers.” 
“I’ve told you before Mathew you never have to be jealous of customers taking me away from you. I’ll always be there for you,” She muttered, pulling away before turning him until they were chest to chest, “I know we joke but I truly will always be there for you. Maybe covered in icing but always there.”
“And I you,” At his words, she wrapped her arms around his neck giving him a proper hug.
Inhaling deeply, she felt him do the same as his arms wrapped firmly around her trapping her between them, not that she was complaining. Her mind rushed through the past couple weeks of her life since meeting the man and she couldn’t believe just how close and open she had got with him. There were people she’d met during culinary school and knew for 4 years and worked with in Boston for 3 years who didn’t know as much about who she was outside of the kitchen as Mat did, and she’d barely known him for a couple months.
He had an interest in getting to know her and just wanted to sit and speak with her, whether or not he had his own ulterior motives for appreciating her company, they bonded. They spent a lot of time together doing nothing more than talking in their own little world. Lina would go as far as to say that she knew him and not just superficially but at a much deeper level and she could entirely feel what he was saying about how being with her feels because she felt the exact same way. Releasing him from her hold, she was suspended on her toes as Mat took a little longer to pull his arms away. She laughed softly, keeping her hands perched on his shoulders as she looked up at him with a soft and gentle smile.
“You bring me peace too,” She whispered, letting out a breath as she steeled herself to admit her truth to him, something that she’d become very comfortable with so what did she have to lose this time, “I love being your someone, because you’re my someone.”
If Mat was smiling before, the smile that took over her face at her words was rivalling the sun. A deep sigh left his mouth, and it was almost like all the tension that had filled his body since he started speaking had been loosened instantly. His shoulder dropped as the tension fell away and his hands found hers up on his shoulders, holding them tight between them. He went to speak but a shout of ‘LiLi’ filled both of their ears from the living room. Touching his forehead against hers, they both laughed gently as the shouts got closer and more frequently. Pushing back up on her toes, Lina pressed a firm kiss to his cheek before pulling away. Giving him one last peck on the cheek before she properly pulled away.
“Later?” He simply smiled at her question as the sound of small footfalls got closer.
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rookvie · 2 years
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team gai exercise
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aastarions · 10 months
(18+) it's probably so overdone but my head spins at zhongli worshipping you in a similar fashion his people continue to worship him
the way they bow at his statue mirrors the way he drops to his knees in front of you, his heady gaze never faltering from your own unless absolutely necessary
the compliments that spill past zhongli's lips – with hope that doubt shall never cast a shadow over his complete and utter loyalty to you – samples the praise his people still sing of him to this day
the ancient people of liyue once scrambled for just a taste of what they believed to be the sacred waters of rex lapis atop mt. hulao – what would they think if they were to witness their god savoring every drop of your release as you cum on his fervent tongue?
the only time he resonates with his most devout worshippers, those who dangerously blur the line between faith and obsession, is when he's buried inside the temple that is your body – that is when he feels most alive, most human
that is when he truly understands what it means to dedicate one's life to a higher being
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lilmeowmrow · 11 months
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