#I really want Jim to pull themselves into so much fond happiness
candied-cae · 8 months
Rewatching Season 1, just closed Episode 7 again, and now I'm thinking about Jim.
Jim, who lost their father right in front of them. Who inherited a legacy of revenge they never wanted. Who was taught over and over again that life is pain and disappointment and burden. Who left home all alone in the world to get their vengeance at their Nana's advice. Who found Oluwande as a way into Spanish Jackie's proximity to get the man who stole their whole life. Who ran away with Oluwande at their heels, the first time they've run with someone running with them. Who had to hide and lie and keep their lips sealed to board The Revenge and did so with only a single ally they could trust. Who had to slowly learn how to talk, not in the literal sense, but metaphorically, to be vulnerable. Who saw their Nana again and let themselves be sent back to a life of settling a tiresome grudge. Who had to decide, for the very first time themselves, that they wanted the good out of life.
About Jim who went back home, to The Revenge.
Who got back just in time to kiss Oluwande and hold him close and bed him in their shared room. Who lost him just as quickly. Who was alone again, but in an entirely new way. Who woke up with a pounding headache pinned under glowering eyes. Who's been pushed to the breaking point of killing and raiding without a cause to believe in.
Who still held so much heart and longing for closeness. Who told Fang stories to help him stop crying and laugh, who even did the little wooden boy voice to make sure it worked. Who started to fall for Archie in the middle of all the hurt and cold loneliness that took a hold of their home, of their Revenge, the only one they've ever really cared for.
And then... just when Ed seemed to be getting better than he had in a while, they were in a storm. Surrounded by screaming weather and getting soaked with rain. And as they find themselves staring down the barrel of death, only hours or minutes from complete destruction and erasure, they are commanded to snuff out their recent string of hope.
And Blackbeard cackles as he tells them all love dies, he was just hastening the process.
And it hit them again, with the same force as Archie's fist hits their jaw... it's the same thing.
"Life is pain." "Life is disappointing." "Life is pointless if you aren't mad and making a statement."
The world was telling them again, that was how it worked.
And they didn't listen. They didn't bend to the universal law they kept having barked into their face. Instead they reached down, and pulled Archie to her feet. And Jim pressed their forehead into hers. Knowing they were going to die soon. It was just a fact, Blackbeard was always going to blow the mast, no matter if they listened.
So Jim was going to stop fighting. Stop scrambling desperate and scrappy to survive. They were just going to hold the little bit of love they had within reach, and wait for the Life that's aways been hard to end.
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peaceoutofthepieces · 3 years
92 for bicci 🍂
92. “Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?”
Jimmy wasn’t avoiding Lister, necessarily. He was doing his best to keep an eye on him, in fact, after the night before. Considering Rowan and Lister had moved into his grandfather’s house with him for a short stint, there wasn’t much room for them to hide from each other—assuming the events of a month prior wouldn’t repeat themselves. He was sticking around enough to keep Lister in the house, so. This current confrontation was pointless.
Rowan crossed his arms over his chest and gave him a disappointed look. “Cut the shit, Jim. He’s pouting. Fix him.”
“He’s not pouting. Is he? I haven’t done anything. What’s wrong?”
Rowan snorted and rolled his eyes. “You tell me. Or better yet, go sort it out with him.”
Jimmy bit his lip. He could hear Lister up the hall, talking with Jimmy’s grandfather in the kitchen. He could hear Lister last night, panicky and upset, trying to seek comfort from someone unused to providing it.
“He just had a bad night,” Jimmy said quietly. “I sucked enough at helping him already.”
Rowan grew solemn. “What kind of bad night? He didn’t—“
“No,” Jimmy quickly cut him off. “He came straight to me.”
Now Rowan crossed his arms again, and his expression turned knowing.
Jimmy rushed to continue before he could speak. “So he was safe and he didn’t drink anything. You know there’s nothing in the house. We just have to keep an eye on him, make sure he has company, and he’ll be fine,” he babbled. “I mean, no, that’s unfair, he can’t just be fine, but I mean, this is just a rough patch. Bad night, like I said.”
“Okay, yep, I hear you,” Rowan said, a little too loudly, resting his hands on Jimmy’s shoulders. His voice quietened as he went on. “He needs company. So, you should go talk to him, about whatever happened last night that you’re now freaking out about?”
“Happened? Nothing happened,” Jimmy squeaked, but Rowan was already using the grip on his shoulders to steer him towards the kitchen. “Really, Ro, he doesn’t need to talk to me, at all, it’s actually—“
“Hey Lister,” Rowan said cheerfully, ignoring Jimmy’s struggles to escape as they stood in the doorway.
Lister twisted around from where he was washing the dishes and smiled curiously as his eyes landed on them. It made something flip and jump in Jimmy’s stomach as heat crept into his cheeks, which, really, was exactly what he needed. Why the hell was Rowan so strong? Jimmy looked to his grandfather, hoping for an escape, only to receive another one of those knowing looks. What did they all think they knew?! Jimmy was going to—
“Can you go help Jimmy set up the laptop in the sitting room?” Rowan asked. “I wanna watch that show Angel told us about and I can’t remember the site, but you know all that stuff, right?”
“Uh,” Lister said, frowning in thought. “What show was it?”
“Oh, you know, the one with that actor with the curly hair,” Rowan said, already slipping past Jimmy to grab the half-soaked plate out of Lister’s hand. “I’ll finish this.”
Lister blinked, then glanced at Jimmy. His frown dissipated as his expression softened. “Sure,” he said simply.
He came to where Jimmy stood frozen in the doorway, then raised a brow. Jimmy snapped out of it to shoot a glare at both Rowan and his grandfather before agreeing, in a wonderful repeat of Rowan’s too loud tone, “Cool. Let’s go do that, then.”
He was pretty sure Lister was pulling a face at him, but he wasn’t about to say anything else and sound even more awkward. Instead he marched to the sitting room and grabbed his laptop from the sofa, putting a little too much attention on opening it and pressing the power button. Then he sat back against the cushions and let Lister handle it.
Lister picked it up and settled beside Jimmy, and Jimmy’s heart pinched at the inches Lister had left between them. He bit down hard on his lip and clenched his hands in his lap.
Jimmy’s gaze snapped back to Lister, drawn in by the softness and hesitance in his tone. Rowan was right. Now that he allowed himself to look, the struggle from last night was still visible on Lister’s face in the pinch of his lips and gloomy tint of his eyes. He was still upset, of course, and Jimmy had probably been making it worse.
“Have I done something wrong?” Lister asked quietly, sounding so small and so unlike Lister Bird that Jimmy’s heart broke.
“No,” Jimmy said. “Why do you think that?”
Lister shrugged, focusing his attention on the laptop screen, which was working through unnecessary updates. “Are you upset with me? About…last night. I thought, maybe…did I disappoint you?”
“What? No! Lister, no. Of course not. I’m really happy you came to me,” Jimmy said earnestly. The hesitance caused by the space between them disappeared in the face of Lister’s hurt, and Jimmy took his hand and squeezed. “You know I’m proud of you. Always.”
Lister let out a breath, but his “okay” still sounded distressed. He glanced over at Jimmy, and now the pout was showing. “Then what’s wrong? Because I know there’s something.”
Jimmy looked down at their hands, and got the urge to pull away. He ignored it, but he couldn’t look Lister in the face. “Nothing,” he whispered. When Lister tugged his own hand away, Jimmy gripped tighter before quickly letting go. In a rush, he asked, “Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?”
He heard the clacking of the laptop’s keys mingled with Lister’s sad laugh. “I said a lot of things yesterday, Jim-Jam. A lot of them stupid. You’re going to have to be more specific.”
Jimmy really did not want to be more specific. He didn’t want to bring this up at all, because he had no idea where he would go with it or why it had bothered him in the first place.
Okay, that was a lie. He knew exactly why. He’d lain awake for hours thinking about it while staring at Lister’s sleeping face.
“That you hate liking me,” Jimmy said before he could chicken out, his voice barely audible. “That…that you think the biggest mistake you’ve made was kissing me.”
Beside him, Lister froze. The tapping stopped as Lister’s hands hovered over the keyboard, but he didn’t tear his gaze from the screen. Jimmy thought desperately for a way to take the words back. He was going to kill Rowan.
Lister sniffed, then cleared his throat. “So I actually said that out loud. Not a dream. Great.”
His tone was light, but it made Jimmy wince. It had been said somewhere amidst Lister’s panic, when he’d taken to almost sobbing against Jimmy’s side. There hadn’t seemed to be anything that brought it on; it was simply a constant struggle. Lister had no longer been able to hide it by turning to alcohol for comfort, and the frequent battle he waged with himself finally showed itself to Jimmy and Rowan on more than one occasion. Jimmy was happy Lister had come to him. He never had to lie about that.
But when that was the broken statement Lister had come out with, he couldn’t help wondering if it had been his fault to begin with.
“Yeah, I did,” Lister whispered, and Jimmy willed himself not to cry.
Jimmy swallowed, but his voice still cracked. “Why?”
Another sad laugh. “Come on, Jimmy. I fucked things up by doing that. I’m still fucking us up because of it.”
“You’re not.”
“I didn’t even ask for permission,” Lister said. “You would have said no, and it still would have been fucked because you still would have known, but I should have asked for permission.”
That was kind of sweet, but Jimmy didn’t really want to hear it.
If Lister had asked, really asked, he isn’t sure what he would have said.
“I’m not mad, though,” Jimmy tried. “Or anything. You didn’t…we’re okay, aren’t we? You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I ruined it,” Lister argued.
“You didn’t—“
“I ruined it,” Lister repeated. “I hate liking you, because it feels like it’s all I can do, the only good thing I’m capable of, but it’s not good. Not because it hurts, but because I hate the thought that it makes you feel uncomfortable or responsible or whatever. And of course kissing you is the worst mistake I’ve made. It’s a fucking disaster, Jimmy.”
Jimmy would not cry. Why did it matter? Wasn’t it him who was hurting Lister? Him that had rejected Lister; that hadn’t wanted Lister first? It was dangerous for their friendship. It was dangerous for their whole group, their band—even though they were still unsure where they stood with it. Of course Lister wouldn’t want to like him, would want to do everything in his power to get over Jimmy, to not blur the boundaries again. It should have been what Jimmy wanted, too.
“It was so stupid,” Lister went on, “because I already wanted it more than anything, and I knew if I did it, there would be no going back. Because once I kissed you, all I was ever able to think about was how much I wanted to do it again.”
That was what Jimmy wanted instead.
His breath caught. He gawked at Lister while he struggled to absorb the words and Lister roughly rubbed at his eyes.
“This is what I mean,” Lister said, frustrated and choked and apologetic all at once. “I shouldn’t have even said that. Christ, I’m a fucking mess.”
Jimmy laughed.
He shouldn’t have; it was one of the worst responses he probably could have given, in fact. But it worked to stop Lister right in his tracks, even if it left him goggling at Jimmy as if wondering whether he’d lost his mind. Considering what he was thinking, it was a possibility. He couldn’t entirely bring himself to care. It felt great.
“Yeah, you are,” he said, voice sickeningly fond even to his own ears. “You’re ridiculous. I want to kiss you anyway.”
Lister stared at him with his eyes bulging even more, which was probably a fair reaction. It took a moment of Lister’s mouth working wordlessly before he mumbled, “Am I dreaming now?”
Jimmy grinned and shook his head wildly, another laugh bubbling out of him.
“Are you serious?” Lister pressed. “Jimmy. Don’t—If you aren’t, I can’t—“
Finally, Jimmy closed the space between them. He scooted over until they were pressed together from knee to shoulder, and rested his forehead against Lister’s. “I know,” he promised. “It’s…complicated. But I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it. Or if I wasn’t sure. I wouldn’t do that.”
Lister’s breath stuttered out of him. “Okay,” he squeaked. Which was a really nice change of position, for Jimmy.
“I’d like to talk about it,” he added. “If you…if you’d still want to.”
Lister answered by retaking Jimmy’s hand. Where they’d been clasped together before, tight but easily slid apart, Lister intertwined their fingers now and locked them neatly together. He squeezed tightly. It was one of the nicest simple things Jimmy had ever felt. “Is that why—You thought I’d turn you down now because of what I said?”
Jimmy’s cheeks burned, but he shrugged. “Something like that,” he admitted.
Lister shook his head, and now he was beaming, and Jimmy understood what he’d meant. This, finally, was something good Jimmy had done for him. This was the best thing he was capable of, earning that smile. One that blinded compared to the beauty of Lister Bird by being simply Lister. It made his eyes shine and curled his lips beautifully, and Jimmy was leaning in before he could think about what he was doing. Hearing Lister’s breath hitch was a wholly musical sound.
“So, did you gu—ah. Oh, shit. Am I interrupting something?”
Lister jerked away from him with a magnificent blush on his cheeks. It might have been the best thing Jimmy had ever seen, but still.
He was definitely going to kill Rowan.
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skullrock · 4 years
the partners | Steve x Reader
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chapter one: please, please, please, let me get what I want 
series summary: you and Steve are police apprentices at Hawkins Police Station in the fall of 1986. you get along famously, but there’s something Steve is hiding, and there is an unknown evil lurking in Hawkins. [friends to lovers, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff]
chapter summary: Steve finally agrees to hang out outside of work. 
warnings: swearing, 80s music 
word count: 2.4k
a/n: this chapter is mainly a ton of exposition, but it’s gonna get better I PROMISE. huge thank ya to @wolfish-willow​ who gave me some beautiful ideas (milky coffee + danish loving Steve) that helped this fic come to fruition <3 enjoy!
You pull into Hawkin’s Police Department at 7:30, a half hour before your shift. There are two coffees in the cup holders of your car, and a paper bag filled with two pastries on the passenger seat. You pull in beside your partner’s car and he hops out, a smile plastered on his face. He crawls into your passenger side and grabs the bag.
“This one’s yours,” you say, pointing to the coffee cup marked milk w/ dash of coffee. He laughs, pulling out his blueberry danish and handing you your strawberry donut. He bites into his pastry and lets out a sinful moan, making you smack his arm.
“It’s too early for you to be gross,” you say, but he looks victorious.
“I’m sorry you don’t like my happiness,” he quips, and you roll your eyes.
It was tradition that every Monday that you both worked, you’d get coffee and pastries from the local bakery and shoot the shit in your car until your shift started.
“So, I had a dream last night where I was dating Mia Sara,” he says.
“Wish that were me,” you reply, taking a sip of coffee. “Did it work out for you guys?”
“Nah, she left me for Harrison Ford.”
He pauses, listening to the music softly coming from your radio. He scoffs upon realizing what was playing.
“Stop listening to this sad shit,” he says, turning the dial, making you shout.
“It’s the Smiths!” You try to bat his hand away, but he manages to change the channel to a Queen song. Typical.
You and Steve had become good friends after securing your positions, despite your perception of him in high school. After the fire at Starcourt and the death of Jim Hopper, the federal government had given the Hawkins Police a grant to let aspiring cops train directly in the field. It would fast-track getting certified, eliminating the need for expensive schooling. It was like a paid internship. A paid internship where you basically get paid to bullshit with your best friend all day.
A third car pulls in. It’s Veronica, the secretary. She takes over on days that Flo wants off – she’s worked hard enough for it. Veronica was a bit obsessed with Steve, so he groaned when he saw her get out and wave.
“What do you think she’s going to say to you today?” you giggle, and Steve rolls his eyes.
“Probably, like… that she had a dream about us last night, or something.” He squeezes his eyes shut. “God, please don’t let her talk to me.”
Women were throwing themselves at Steve the minute he put the uniform on, but he claimed he wasn’t interested in dating. You weren’t really sure why, given his history, but he never answered any questions. He just said he wanted to focus on work and having fun, so you let him.
Steve was kind of a mystery to you. You were incredibly close at the station, but you’d been working with him for a few months and you never saw each other outside of work. There were talks of maybe going to a movie, but they never went anywhere. It was bizarre, considering how fond you both were of each other. But you didn’t want to push it, unsure if you were making him uncomfortable.
In reality, Steve was just nervous of letting people in. Not just because of his history with girls and friends, but because he also had Russians and demons to worry about. He felt that if he let anyone new into his life, he would be putting them in mortal danger. This viewpoint is also the reason why he applied for the apprenticeship in the first place.
When the position popped up, Steve had no second thoughts. He had looked up to Hopper greatly since the time Will was possessed. He knew without a doubt that he wanted to follow in Hop’s footsteps. But he also felt an obligation now that Hopper was dead. Joyce had left, taking Will and Eleven with her. The three people who had the best grip on the strange events that had occurred the past three years were gone, and the man who devised most of the plans (and executed them) was gone, too. Steve couldn’t sleep at night for months. He needed to constantly call the kids and Robin to make sure they were safe. Being part of the Hawkins Police seemed like a no-brainer; it was a way to ensure everyone was safe and be on the frontlines to protect them.
Not that he ever let this on; usually he would just say that he’s always wanted to be a cop, and he kept it at that.
You’d decided to do the apprenticeship after college didn’t work out. You went to one in Indianapolis after high school, but you weren’t really into it. Your parents decided to retire and travel for a few years, offering to let you have the house while they’re gone. You gratefully took them up on it, and you’d been living there since the spring. You’d enjoyed a few months off, but decided it was time to find something new to do. You’d always had a fantasy of being a hero. Maybe not a hero cop, but a hero. You wanted to save lives, make an impact. Being a police officer seemed like a good start. You knew it wouldn’t be like the movies, but the strange events that happened the last few years excited you. Maybe you’d get the chance to be someone you’ve always wanted to be.
“Why don’t you just give Veronica a chance?” you ask. “She’s pretty and she’s nice and she’s smart.”
“She literally told me she wanted a lock of my hair,” he says.
You choke on your coffee. “I forgot about that.”
“Yeah? I didn’t.”
Steve’s watch beeps, signaling that it’s 5 minutes until 8.
“Please keep talking to me when we go in,” he begs as you both climb out of the car.
“What’s in it for me?” you inquire.
“I will give you all of the lunches my mom brings me for two weeks.”
You pause. “Even the Fruit Roll-Ups?”
He sighs. “I’ll throw them in if you do a good job.”
You successfully make it past the reception desk without incident, waving hi to Callahan and Powell. You knock on the Chief’s door to signify your arrival, and you and Steve make your way back to the annex you worked in. Your desks faced each other, making it easier to talk through your 8-hour shifts. They were usually pretty boring. You and Steve were only cleared to respond to calls about petty things, like noise disturbances. But it’s not like much ever happened anymore in Hawkins, and the town had almost made it a full year without any weird occurrences.
A few hours go by, and boredom runs rampant. You hated Mondays: things hardly ever happened. Steve gets up around 10:30 and puts a mixtape into the boombox in the annex. Don’t You (Forget About Me) comes on, and Steve mutters, “aw, hell yeah,” under his breath. You know he’s going to start dancing, but it doesn’t stop the surprised smile on your face as he starts to swing and spin and sing. It’s magic, watching Steve dance. It makes no sense, it’s clumsy, it’s so white that it hurts; but it’s also hilarious and never fails to pick you up. Sometimes you’d join him. Other times, you’d call him an idiot. And sometimes you’d just watch as the magic unfolds.
This was one of those times.
The door to the annex opens around 1, approximately 5 hours into your shift. You and Steve are begging for something to do, because throwing M&Ms at each other isn’t fun by the second hour. You’d just thrown one at Steve when the door swings open, and you and Steve look at the intruder with wide eyes. It’s the Chief.
The new Chief was okay, you guessed. He was also brought in by the feds. He was a kind older man, with deep set blue eyes and wispy white hair. He could have come straight out of a storybook. You thought the Chief delegated nicely, and you’d shared a few good laughs. Something always felt off, though – but you and Steve chalked that up to the fact that you both were extremely biased against anyone who wasn’t Hop.
“Noise disturbance call,” Chief Edwards says. “Some kids out on Maple Street are causing mayhem.”
Steve groans and throws his head back. “Please tell me it’s not 30 Maple Street.”
The Chief blinks. “It is.”
“God dammit,” Steve says under his breath. It’s Mike’s house.
You and Steve get into a patrol car and set off.
“Do you know these kids?” you ask.
“Yeah, they’re kind of… my kids?”  He scrunches his nose. “I keep them out of trouble.”
You pause, confused. “So, you babysit them?”
“No, no,” Steve says. His face grows slightly red. “They’re my friends.”
Steve pulls into the driveway of the house, blaring the siren once to scare the kids that were on the lawn. Their faces quickly went from scared to excited as they saw it was Steve in the car.
You both get out of the car, and Steve takes the lead. He puts his hands on his hips and faces the kids. There were 4 boys and 2 girls, no older than 16, if you could guess. One of them with dark hair is holding a hose, and the others are wet.
“What are you shitheads doing?” Steve asks sternly. A couple of the kids giggle.
“What seems to be the problem, officer?” the red headed girl asks.
“I told you we were being too loud,” a kid you recognize as Will Byers says. He is smart, sitting on the porch and just watching, amused.
“Right,” says Steve, pointing at Will in recognition. “Way too loud. Mike, where’s your parents?”
There’s a beat, and then the girl standing next to the red head quietly says, “Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler aren’t home.”
Steve sighs. “Alright, well, you could always act like idiots inside the house, you know.” He looks at the dark-haired boy holding the hose. “Mike, what are you doing with that?”
The boy’s face breaks out into a devilish grin, and you can predict what’s about to happen. He points the hose at Steve and a curly haired boy turns the handle to let the water spray out, missing Steve by a hair. He jumps back.
“HEY!” he shouts. “Not cool dude, not in my uniform!”
“Wimp,” you laugh, and push him forward, allowing him to get splashed. The kids cheer, and then Steve’s hands are on your arms, and he swings you around to get hit, too. You gasp at the freezing feeling on the back of your legs, but burst into laughter, trying to wrestle Steve back into the flow. This goes on for entirely too long before you suddenly realize that it probably isn’t a good look to be out here responding to a call and then partaking in the offense.
“Steve,” you say, and that’s all it takes for him to snap back into reality.
“This is fun and all,” he says, letting you go. “But we came to bust you, not join in.”
The curly haired boy turns the water off and Mike sets the hose down. Steve has a way with kids. He’s able to level with them and call them out at the same time. It’s pretty great to watch and it’s certainly something you admired him for.
“Who’s this?” the curly haired kid asks, grinning widely.
“Oh,” Steve says. “This is my partner, Y/N.”
“Do you get to carry a gun?”
“You hang out with Steve? That must suck,” the dark-haired boy, Mike, says.
“Every single day,” you say solemnly. “It’s the worst.”
“Hey,” Steve says quietly.
“I’m kidding, bud.” You punch his arm lightly. “You’re the best.”
You look back at the kids and they’re all staring at you with wide eyes. It makes you uncomfortable, so you clear your throat and say, “Well, uh – shift is almost over. We should be going.”
After an awkward farewell and another “please be quiet or I’ll kick your ass” from Steve, you both get in the patrol car. Steve sees Dustin gesture to call him, and he rolls his eyes, pulling out of the driveway.
“Why did they look at me like that?” you ask. “Because I said you’re the best?” You pause. “Do they hate you?”
He’s quiet for a while. Finally, he says, “I think it’s because we are really buddy-buddy but… I don’t really… I haven’t ever really… talked about you.”
You turn in your seat to face him. “Do you hate me?”
“Of course I don’t hate you.” His cheeks are red – he’s flustered. “You’re one of my best friends –“
“Then why don’t you ever talk about me? Or hang out with me?”
“It’s complicated,” he sighs. “It’s really complicated. I just – I don’t like … I get nervous about having new friends.”
You nod slowly. “Tommy H. and Carol.”
“Yeah.” It’s not really why he’s nervous, but it’s a good excuse. “I don’t want to get dicked over again.”
“Man,” you say, turning back to face the road. “I buy you a blueberry danish every single Monday. And a coffee. And I let you sing Queen at the top of your lungs, and I let you dance, and sometimes I even let you do it at 5 in the morning. I think if I didn’t want to be your friend, you would know by now.”
He’s quiet, thinking. You look at him, trying to read him.
“I guess I owe you the pleasure of hanging out with me,” he says after a while, a smile forming. “So maybe we can hang out Friday night.”
You gasp and throw your arm out, hitting him on the shoulder, making the car swerve slightly.
“Jesus –”
“Do you mean it?” you shout, smiling widely. “We can hang out?”
“I said maybe,” he teases. “It’s board game night with the kids – maybe you can come?”
You start chanting his name – “Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve! Really? Are you for real?”
“Yes!” He laughs and rolls his eyes again. “I’ll pick you up. It starts at 7.”
You smile so hard that your cheeks hurt.
Steve silently hopes he doesn’t regret this.
taglist (message if you want to join!): @harrington-ofhawkins​ @wolfish-willow​ @gothackedalready​
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radio-nano · 5 years
Queen concerts were also successful beause of those guys!
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Scroll if you want to learn who these guys are and what they did. You will also read about a Lord, a henna user, who had best haircut and Queen’s favorite food. (I wrote in bold letters the parts about Queen members and some funny facts.)
1. a"rigger". They assemble the stage (all 6000 square feet of it). Sometimes this can take two days, so there are two stages on this European tour. While one is being taken down at one venue, the other is being assembled at the next.
2 another "rigger".
3 John "Tumbridge" Wells, one of the security men responsible for looking after the members of Queen. "Tumbridge" looks after Brian May, escorts him wherever he goes and keeps the fans from getting too close.
4 Wally Gore group security, he looks after John Deacon
5 Alex Alexandrou, carpenter. There's two of us, and we put up all the stage scenery. I put up the walkways around the back and sides of the stage wich Freddie runs along. He likes to run on carpet, so I have to lay that down everywhere.
6. Chris "Crystal" Taylor, group coordinator. He organises all of the personal Queen crew, roadies, the security men. He makes sure they all know what they have to do and when they have to do it.
7. Jim Deveney, monitor engineer. "I sit out of sight on stage. I have to make things sound good so that the band can hear what they're doing. The sound comes through these speakers called "monitors" wich face onto the stage. The worst act I ever worked for was Rod Stewart. He was really miserable.
8. Joe Fanelli, Freddie's main personal assistant, who cooks for him at his London Home. "He likes anything really exotic, North African food, curries, good French cooking. He hates veal and doesn't eat carrots. Lambs is a bit iffy too. Brian's vegetarian but he eats fish. John likes very simple food, pie and mash and Roger likes anything but lamb.
9. Tony Williams, in charge of Queen's wardrobe. "I have to look after all of the band's stage clothes. That includes lots of details like making sure all the changes of clothes they need are backstage (Freddie changes about three times each performance), labelling the band's stage shoes (because they all wear the same stripey Adidas), and looking after Freddie's special moustache scissors. Also I have to wash all of their clothes in my hotel bedroom. My bath is always full. And Brian May has been using all this red henna do dye his hair and it comes out all over his shirts. It's very hectic".
10. Brandan Hyland, group security
11. One of the 15 "truckers" who each drive a massive 40 feet lorry loaded up with sound and lighting equipment.  (For extra money they also operate the spotlights wich "follow" the group around stage).
12. Brian "Jobby" Zellis. one of Queen's personal road crew.
13 Brian May, Queen's guitarist.
14 John "Moxy" Glover, Roger Taylor's personnal roadie. "Basically I have to look after his drum kit and set it up on stage. I have to keep him supllied with drum sticks. He has sticks made with his own name on and he uses about ten sets  a show. I got a bit drunk with Status Quo's roadies in Paris earlier this tour, and started throwing all his sticks in the audience.
15. Terry Giddings, group security.
16. Dieter Breit, physiotherapist for the group and crew. He has to look after any sprains and injuries that anybody might suffer, e.g. a sprained guitar-playing finger which needs massaging on Brian May's valuable hand.
17. A lighting assistant.
18. A "rigger"
19. Peter "Ratty" Hince, one of Queen's personal road crew. "I have to look after John Deacon's bass guitars and Freddie's guitar and special radio microphones (the one that don't have a fead) and keyboard instruments. I have to make sure that everything is exactly where it should be on stage, otherwise Freddie particularly will glare and let me know if anything's wrong. He's very particular about things being just right. Personally I don't enjoy these tour as much as the old ones. Nowadays ther's too much equipment, too many hangers-on, and everybody's trying to be important."
20. John "Collie" Collins, one of Queen's personnal road crew. "I'm the spare man, really. I work with Ratty  and the piano tuner, help to see that everything is where it should be at the right time. Do you know I got married yesterday! I celebrated the wedding with the band and crew. It had to be squeezed in during the tour.
21. Roger Taylor, Those "shades"! That turned up collar! Must be Queen's drummer.
22. A trucker
23. Another trucker.
24. A rigger.
25. Another rigger
26 John Deacon, youn know , Queen's bass player, the one with the good haircut.
27 Tom "Midget" Foehlinger, sound monitor
28 An unknown person who sneaked in
29 Mickey Conafray, trucker
30 Mick Riddle, caterer
31 A lighting assistant
32 Albert Sutton, truck driver. "I carry the sound system, or some of it. We don't see the band or the road crew most of the time, because we travel ahead of everyone else. We have to get to the site before they do, and although we help with the setting up, we're off for two days while the rest of them are working on the concert. There are 15 "truckers" on this tour, plus the bus wich takes the road crew and sometimes the band. The worst thing about this job is being away from home for a long time when you're on tour. And the best thing is...erm maybe that should be a secret".
33. A caterer
34 Dave Lewis, another Caterer
35 A sound monitor.
36 Stave Benjamins, one of Queen's personal road crew, or "roadies" as they hate to be called. They look after all the instruments, microphones and amplifiers which Queen use on stage, setting them up, tuning them, and keep them clean.
37. another trucker"
38. Dave Thomas, caterer. I've been catering for Queen since 1975, every tour. The band eat the same food as everyone else, but they do have certain favorite foods. After a show they usually like an omelette or sometimes beans on toast or occasionally a steak au poivre. They're also pretty fond of Indonesian cooking".
39. Rex Ray, second sound engineer. He mixes the sound for all the support groups.
40. Spike Edney, keybordist and second guitar player: " My biggest fear is that it might get too damp, which makes the synthesisers cut out. I just pray that I'm out of clouting range of Freddie if that happens. He might not realise why I'm not playing and he'd be very upset if he thought I was daydreaming of something. But Queen on the whole are great to work with and they get drunk a lot too. Champagne every night, it's great!
41. Simon tutchener, lighting director. "I operate the main lighting console during the concert. It took three weeks to rehearse. I have a crew who set all the lights up, and 14 spotlights operators who I control through an intercom system and one man on a "Ver-lite", plus a man on the colour changer computer, plus a man on a computer which controls the up and down movement of the whole lighting rig, and then there are a few bits on stage, including Brian May special spaceship thing which comes down during his solo spot with all the flashing lights and..." (that's quite enought about lighting. Ed)
42 Stage rigger, who helps to set up the 6000 square feet of stage (all carpetted)
43 Sylvia Reed, assistant to the tour manager, Gerry Stickells. She is really a personal secretary.
44. James "Trip" Khalaf, chief sound enginer: "I mix the live sound for Queen, and I'm in overall charge for the half a million watts of PA (ie sound system. pa means Public adress) that we're carting around.
45. Lord Frederick Lucan of Mercury. You know him. Freddie.
46. "Phoebe", one of Freddie's personal assistants. These people help to arrange Sir Frederick's day, making sure he gets to appointments on time, and taking care of all those little details, which keep him happy.
47. A rigger
48. Lyndsey Beckingham, caterer. One of a team of five who feed the crew and the group. The caterers have their own van to transport all the food, cookers and fridges necessary to feed up to 60 people three times a day.
49 Bill Louthe, sound monitor. One of the assistants to the chief sound engineer, who sets up the massive sound system making sure it works perfectly, and run around while Queen are on stage, putting things right ( like tangled wiring) and making sure that there are no problems which could cause any deterioration of the sound quality.
50. Dave Mills, head of backstage and front of stage security. "My job is to stop any skirmishes or fights by pulling people out, people who faint, and putting in the hands of the first aid people. Earlier on this tour, in Dublin, I pulled out a young man whose ear was barely hanging on by a thread, probably because some idiot threw a glass."
51 Gerry Stickells, tout manager. The most important poeple on the tour. He looks after the road crew, from the lighting team to caterers; hiring them, making sure that they're paid and that everyone's alright. (he even remembers every crew member's birthday, making a fuss of them so they get too miserable). The other important thing he does is to go out months before the tour to look at the planned concert sites and to make all the thousands of arrangements that need to be made in advance. He's been working with acts like Rod Steward and Elton John and has organised Queen's road tour for 11 years. "They have to be highly-strung crazy people, they have to in order to ware themselves up to perform. So I admire them, yes. But I wouldn't want to socialise with them. Soon as this tour is over I'll go home and watch television."
52 Mike Weisman, production and stage manager. "I'm in charge of seeing that the stage and scenery is all but together properly. We work all day to get everything right. I have to coordinate all the work of the riggers and carpenters."
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mystery-star · 4 years
Threshold of Space - Chapter 13 Put to the Test
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Pairing: Spock x OC
Warnings: slight sexual innuendos mentions of violence, swearing
Words: 6806
All Parts: 
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 |  Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16
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Please do not repost my work on other sites or platforms!
Much to her dismay, the Academy had replaced Moore with someone else only a month later. Although the new professor was great, she was still sad that Spock didn’t teach them anymore. The rest of her class, however, seemed relieved that he was gone. Especially the boys, who seemed to be pining for the female professor.
At that time, they also had to start with their final projects but right now, Carissa had other stuff in her mind; Spock had asked her out on their anniversary at the end of February. Nialaxe helped her getting ready and they were joined by Lucie too. Somehow she wasn’t sure if she liked all the attention she got but she was glad about their opinions. (At least Nia’s because Lucie always assured her that she looked great whereas Nia as a Betazoid was awfully honest)
“Girls, it’s only our anniversary”
“Yes but you didn’t have one before, did you?” Nialaxe asked
“Well we broke up after nine months and got together a year later. So we actually were together a year some months ago. But we didn’t celebrate that or whatever”
“See? Who knows what’s gonna happen? Maybe he’ll propose”
“I don’t know…” Carissa said, cracking her knuckles                                                        
“Oh okay, I can understand you’re not ready for that yet” she pinned back some of her hair with her flower-shaped hairclip “Yes, I think that’s it” she said, nodding as she stepped away. Carissa had a look in the mirror and smiled.
“Yeah, it looks good”
“Really does” Lucie agreed. Since it still was a little early for her to go outside, the three girls sat down on the bed and talked until Carissa had to leave. Lucie squeezed her hand
“Have fun”
“Oh God, was that imagination really necessary?” Nia moaned
“Well looks like being a telepath has its disadvantages”
“Can’t you just… switch it off?”
“There might be a way but I don’t know. I’ve only got the abilities like five years ago” Carissa made a mental note to ask Spock if he maybe knew something she could to do control it a little “Hey, that’s a great idea. Vulcan’s are touch telepaths and they’re very private. Maybe they know something… oh God, Lucie, you’re a genius!”
“What did she think?” Carissa asked
“You could make your final project on that matter. You know, telepathy, its limits and ways to control or steer it”
“That really doesn’t sound too bad” she said “But would you even want to be my guinea pig?”
“I’m still learning to use it and it would be cool to see what things I can do” Carissa shrugged.
“I’ll think about it. Thanks for the idea, Lucie. If you want you can have the topic yourself though, after all it was your idea.”
“Nah. I’ve already got my topic with the question which non-human species is best integrated into the Federation”
“And I’ve got no idea what I’ll do” Nia said with a grin
“Well, you’ve still got two years to think about it”
“Okay, I gotta leave. Vulcans always come on time”
“Sure… Lucie keep that perverted thoughts private!” although she hurried downstairs, her boyfriend was already waiting for her.
“Sorry” she breathed, “the girls held me back”
“There is no reason to apologize, you are still two minutes and thirty-four seconds early” she gave a quick nod as she pecked his cheek.
“Shall we?” he only offered her his arm which she took, almost feeling like a lady from the Middle Ages. “Where are we going?” she asked when he led her off the school grounds
“You asked me to surprise you. If I told you now, I would ruin it”
“Good point” she giggled. They walked in silence for almost half an hour before he led her into a cozy looking restaurant and where showed their table. “It’s nice here” she said, her fingers toying with the flowers on the table.
“It is good to hear that the location is according to your liking”
“So, how are the reparations of the ship going?”
“We are approximately 2.26 days behind to the schedule since the re-installment of the gravity stabilizer has taken longer than I have anticipated as I was not aware that a third year cadet would be allowed to help during his traineeship”
“Oh you still have trainees onboard?”
“Only engineers as everyone else would not be able to work“
“That makes sense. What about you? Do you miss your work?”
“I am working”
“Sure, you do, but I mean don’t you miss working as Science Officer?”
“Science is needed for the reparations, which makes your question redundant”
“Okay, I didn’t consider that. But wouldn’t you prefer if the ship was already repaired and you could do what you usually do?”
“I cannot understand why I should wish for something that is impossible”
“Okay, let’s forget this” she said opening her menu. Again they were silent until they had ordered dinner. Then Spock asked how her studies were going. “Good, as always. Professor Moore’s replacement is much better than him. Not as good as you though” she chuckled and took a sip from her drink.
“Were you referring to my expertise, my way of teaching or the fact that I am your partner when you mentioned that you preferred me?”
“Uh… you being my boyfriend and of course your intelligence.”
“Alright. Have you been informed about the final projects yet?”
“Yes. We need to find a topic and evaluator until the end of next month”
“Have you already decided on either of those points?”
“No. I’ve got some ideas and just today Nia gave me a new one. Well actually it was Lucie’s idea but they said I could write about it if I want”
“That subject being?”
“Telepathy” she looked at him to see his reaction and wasn’t disappointed when he raised an eyebrow
“I take it that Cadet Uvestri has volunteered as test person for your project?”
“Yeah she did. I’d try to find out what the limits of her telepathy are and if there are ways to stop it”
“Maybe you would want to consider making a comparison between telepathy of different species?”
“Is that an offer to help me as in participate in the experiment?”
“Since I am your boyfriend I would consider it appropriate to do so, yes” she smiled.
“Thanks. I’ll think about it”
“May I ask what your other suggestions for your project were?” after she told him of her other ideas, she asked what he had written about
“I bet I won’t even understand the title. So maybe just tell me the area”
“Astronomical spectroscopy” she frowned
“And there it already starts… I don’t even remember what that is. What score did you receive on it?”
“97% although it should have been 97.2 but decimal places were not allowed”
“I see. That’s very good. I just want an overall score of 75% or more at the end. I mean as my graduation mark, not from the project. Then I’m happy”
“Do you think you can achieve this?”
“I guess so. Up to now I have 81% which means I have a slight cushion” he nodded. Their food came and for a while they were silent before she asked him what he would like to do on the five year mission. Once they had finished their plates, they continued talking for a while before they left the restaurant. Spock accompanied her back to her dorm and decided to say goodbye outside because no one was here at this time.
“I have heard that it is human custom for the male to gift his partner something on their anniversary” she instantly started to feel bad because she had nothing for him
“Oh. You shouldn’t have gotten me anything. And I uh… don’t have anything for you”
“There was no reason for you to give me something in return. Besides, I did not have to obtain this” he said as he pulled out a small casket and opened it to reveal a necklace.
“It’s beautiful” she said, tracing her finger over it “Thank you”
“You are welcome” he took it out “May I?”
“Sure” he put it over her head and she took the pendant between her fingers to have a look at it.
“Where did you get it?”
“It has belonged to my mother” she stared at him
“Spock I-I don’t think I can accept it. I mean… maybe you should keep it if it was hers” he took hold of her hand, gently squeezing it.
“I want you to have it. I am certain that my mother would have been very fond of you had she met you”
“Are you sure?”
“Affirmative” she nodded and let go of the pendant, hugging him instead
“Thank you. It really means a lot to me. Especially considering what the necklace means to you.”
“It is good to hear that it pleases you” he placed his hands on her back and leaned his chin onto her head.
“And thanks for the evening. I really enjoyed it”
“So did I”
It was time for the fourth years to find themselves a job for when they finished the Academy in summer. So she applied for jobs as biologist on every ship that offered this position. She was quite certain that she would get a position on a ship, if not she still could apply as a biologist on earth. Somehow she found this wouldn’t be all too bad in the beginning because a part of her wasn’t so sure she’d be able to constantly go onto missions. What if they were attacked something dangerous happened? A part of her even regretted joining Starfleet and she was almost surprised to have made it that far into her education.
Somehow she was surprised that she already had a reply two days later. But once she saw who it was, she only grinned. Of course Jim Kirk would be the first one to reply and invite her for an interview. So she agreed to his suggestion to meet him three days later and was a little disappointed when she saw that he was alone today.
“Hello there” he said with a grin
“How’d you start at the Academy?”
“I haven’t seen you since the end of term party, respectively the trial later on, so which start did you mean? In summer or now after the winter holiday?”
“Both. I don’t even know what fourth year is like”
“As always” she shrugged. “Just the final project coming up”
“Oh I’ve heard about those” he smirked “Well anyway… I’ll make this short. I wanted you on my ship last time but that didn’t work out. But now I’d really like you to take you onto that five year mission”
“R-really?” she choked out “Are you sure?”
“Do you think I’d have called you here if I wasn’t serious? Starfleet has ordered me to take some new graduates with us… from all departments so I’ll need freshly graduated scientists anyway. And I must admit I really want to have you. You’re one of the best cadets and I know how you work”
“And this decision isn’t just because… I don’t know… because you know me and of my relationship with Spock?”
“Nope. Well, I want you because I know you and know that you’re a great scientist and a quick learner and a good person”
“I read your report. You told Admiral Marcus to go fuck himself and I want people like you on my ship” she grinned
“You want me to tell you to go fuck yourself?”
“No, of course not… but you know what I mean. I’ve only got two people who put my orders into question, one being Bones who’s my best friend and Spock who questions anything that’s not from him anyway”
“So you want me to doubt you too?”
“I sometimes need someone telling me off when I’m an idiot. And I know you’ve got the balls to do so” she snorted with laughter, not too sure about his words. “But if you’d rather start on another ship, where you don’t go onto such a big mission at the beginning I understand. Or if you have enough of me and my crew”
“No, of course not. I mean… thank you for your offer, I feel honored”
“But?” he asked
“Well you’re right, I’m not sure I actually am ready for such a mission now”
“If I can be honest. I bet if anyone can do it it’s you. Besides, you won’t be alone. You already know a couple of people on board”
“Yeah but only bridge crew. And I doubt that this will be where I’ll be working”
“Okay, let me put it that way. I can really see you climbing up that career ladder. We need to report to Starbases at least once a year anyway, so each time we do that, you can complete a new test there and get promoted. So once you’re Lieutenant, which you could be by the end of next year, I could assign you to the bridge. Besides, the Enterprise doesn’t have a Junior Science Officer during Alpha shifts because we got Spock but we may change that…”
“You really don’t need to do this. I mean, I probably am just as happy if I can be working somewhere else on the ship. Maybe even better because then I won’t have responsibility. It’s just… I’d love to go on away-missions too but I know there will be many other scientist who have better qualification for that” he clicked his tongue
“Well, usually an away-team needs the best people. So it would be, speaking like Spock, logical to take people with different talents. And you are a great scientist and are skilled at diplomacy. We can always use someone like you if there are other cultures involved.
“I doubt I could speak their language”
“We’ve got translators for a reason… or Uhura comes.”
“So what do you say? Are in interested in a tryout?”
“A tryout?”
“Yeah. We want to see how you’re doing before we can decide. And it’s what Starfleet requires at least for all the cadets. So there will be a big tryout day for all of you, all departments.”
“But how is that possible? I mean, the reparations on the Enterprise aren’t finished yet, so how are you supposed to see us in action?”
“That’s easy. Starfleet Academy has given us permission to use the Kobayashi Maru rooms for the cadets that study Command. As for you scientists, we will find you a ‘mission’. It’ll just take place on earth but we’ll pretend it’s a foreign planet. The procedure’s the same, anyways. Maybe we can still use one of the labs on the Enterprise in the end. It’s not all sorted out yet.”
“Oh okay. When will this be?”
“I’ll need to interview other cadet first and when I’ve made the first decision, we will let you take this ‘missions’ on a weekend. Maybe you’ll have a part in the Kobayashi Maru simulation too. But don’t worry, you won’t need to save another ship or so. We merely need the environment to let you investigate the destination”
“That makes sense” she smiled.
“Oh. One last thing. Did you tell Spock about your application for the Enterprise yet?”
“You mean if he knows that I want to join you on the mission maybe? No, he doesn’t”
“Right. I’d like to keep it that way until the tryout. I can’t wait to see his face when he sees you”
“Does that mean he’ll be there too? I mean… sure he will since he’s your First Officer and Chief Science Officer at the same time”
“Exactly. He’ll be the one to help you with this task for the tryout” he got up and shook her hand “You’ll hear from me as soon as I know more.”
“Sure” she smiled and he opened her the door
“Oh and Carissa?”
“I just wanted to apologize for having been an idiot when we first met” she smiled when she thought back of the Kobayashi Maru simulation oh so long ago where she had first met him.
“Forgiven and forgotten. I kinda think it’s funny now. Except for the fact that you cheated on the test”
“Glad to hear that”
“You’re welcome. Thank you for scaring off Andrew last year at the party when…. you know”
“Sure thing” he nodded at her and they parted ways.
In the three weeks before she heard from Jim again, she had been to two other interviews and had been invited to yet another tryout. She also started with her final project and had the first talk with her evaluator. But once she heard more details about her tryout for the Enterprise, this was everything she could focus on. A part of her hated herself because she feared that Spock was the only reason she wanted to be on that ship but she had to admit that this wasn’t true. There were many other reasons and yet she still wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to directly go onto a five year mission. Her parents definitely wouldn’t like that but she didn’t care. In fact, she believed that she’d try even harder to get onto the Enterprise if they tried to prohibit her from doing it.
All too soon another month had passed and the day of the tryout had come. By now all they knew was that they would need to gather data about their atmosphere in the bridge of the Kobayashi Maru simulation, pretending it was a foreign planet, before they would be split into two groups and fly to Europe with a shuttlecraft where they had to fulfill the next part of their ‘mission’. When she entered the classroom they were told to meet, she realized that she knew almost every other science cadet there since they were in at least one of her courses. She took a seat next to Evans and nodded at him, pulling out her PADD to make some notes.
“You applied here too?”
“Of course I did” she said
“Oh okay. I just thought you weren’t the type to be that long into space”
“I admit it is a bit much for the start but I’m sure it’ll be fine”
“Yeah. I really hope I’ll manage to do this”
“Good luck then”
“Thanks. Same to you”
“How’s your project doing?”
“Fine” as he started to explain what he was doing, Jim entered and greeted them.
“Good morning, Cadets. Thank you for coming on that Saturday morning, I know you’ve probably got better stuff to do than participating in an ‘improvised’ tryout. Anyways, Mr Scott, my Chief Engineer, has already taken the engineering cadets with him because they’ve got heaps of work to do on the Enterprise. Doctor McCoy and my First Officer Mr Spock should be arriving any moment. And I will take care of those who want to pursuit a career in command but they’ll only arrive in a few hours. Now, to your assignments. As you have been already informed, everything is a bit improvised and we’ve agreed on the following program: We will make three groups, medicals and other sciences mixed, and you all will spend some time on the bridge of the USS Trainor, where the scientists will investigate a fictive planned we called AlphaBetaGamma. However, the medics among you will pursuit other task on the bridge at that time because we won’t always need you in Sickbay and then you might be working on the bridge one day. Then, we will make new groups and the medics follow McCoy to the Academy’s sickbay to learn something about viruses and bacteria and complete a little workshop on hypos and whatever. Meanwhile, the scientists will be divided in two groups of four and each group gets an instructor who will fly them to Europe in a shuttlecraft, where you’re supposed to pretend you’re on AlphaBetaGamma and collect rocks, bugs, plants and whatever and do some experiments on them before you decide to take them back to the ship, which will be the science lab of the Enterprise because that’s like the only thing that’s working on this ship. There you will finish your tasks and if everything works well, you’ll be finished by tomorrow afternoon. And yes, you will spend a night in Europe. The people from the command division will just stay in the Kobayashi Maru rooms with me and fulfill a couple of tasks once they arrive. Any questions so far?”
“What exactly are we supposed to do with these elements we collect?”
“Mr Spock will explain it to you once you’ve determined everything about our little planet. He’ll also give you more details about what you need to collect.” Jim said “Oh and speaking of him, he’ll accompany you to Europe but he’ll go to Geneva because they asked him to have a look at their particle accelerator because they seem to have a little issue” he shrugged and Carissa remember that Spock had told her about that when she asked him what he was doing on the weekend (because she wanted to find out if he guessed that she would be coming to the tryout). “So he’ll stay there and one group will pick him up on their way back” they nodded and Jim had a look at the time “I bet Spock’s been taking my instruction to give me five minutes a bit too literally…” he said “And Bones’ late anyways” he walked to the door and opened it. “Oh there you are. Come in, I’m done” he said and his First Officer as well as the medical officer entered the room. Their eyes wandered through the room and she could see Spock freezing when he must have seen her and his eyebrow cocked up. She grinned at him, waving a tiny hello with her hand. “And?” Jim asked, standing beside the Vulcan and glancing at him as if he expected a reaction “What do you think of them?” he looked at the Captain
“I trust your judgement that they will be distinguished”
“That’s the spirit” he patted his back before he went to introduce McCoy, then his other friend.
After everyone had a detailed assignment, they left for the Kobayashi Maru simulator. Since they needed a Captain and an evaluator for this task, Spock sat down in the Captain’s chair and told everyone what they had to do. Since they couldn’t all be at the science desk, they took other roles and would all determine one thing about the fictional planet, just that the instruments would take the data from the devices that had been installed on the roof of the Academy. She suggested it had been Spock who made sure the data was visible in on the instruments of the USS Trainor Finally, it was Carissa’s turn and she had to determine what kind of life that could be found on the planet.
“Definitely humanoid lifeforms but different species. The vegetation is almost similar to the one on planet Earth but sparse in that area and I get indicators of vertebrates and also other animal phylums, such as mollusks and arthropods. Most of them also belong to different classes. So I guess it’s safe to say it’s very biodiverse. Wow, even the water has many living things inside it” she decided and had to pull herself together not to get off the point too much. Plus, she was also surprised by how good and detailed the measuring devices on the roof were working “Funnily all lifeforms have already been identified, so there probably won’t be much that is unknown. At least not in that area. And there’s a civilization that’s using advanced technology. But I think we’d better land somewhere else where there isn’t that much populated so that we don’t go noticed. Shall I make out coordinates that we could land?”
“Thank you, Cadet Wiley. Cadet George, please take over and determine convenient landing-coordinates”
“Do I need to find them in Europe?”
“Have I mentioned the continent?”
“Err no?”
“May I hear from you what task I gave you?”
“To find coordinates to land?”
“Oh I see, I just need to find a good spot and then we pretend that the place in Europe are those coordinates…” he got to work and for a couple of minutes not much happened until he said two coordinates. Spock asked another cadet at the helm to check them out.
“It looks like a shuttle landing place from an airport, Sir”
“Cadet George, I do understand why you think such a place would make a good area to land but the point of our mission is to not get into contact with the natives if possible”
“But Wiley said they’re a known species. So they won’t cause us trouble. Besides, we could land in the night…”
“Yeah sure” Carissa muttered “Because no one will be there then because of course no shuttles land at night. And just because we know a species doesn’t mean they don’t mean trouble” her classmate sighed and tried again, naming two other coordinates.
“That’s a corn field” the helmsman reported after checking
“Yeah, then we could hide the shuttle in there” Spock shifted in the Captain’s chair and she was sure had he been human, he would have buried his face in his hands.
“What if someone is there? And do you really want to destroy their food when we land? That surely won’t cause trouble at all” Carissa asked
“Your classmate is right” Spock said “Please, try one last time”
“What do you expect me to do? Shall we land in the Antarctica or what? You’ve got no one there” Carissa muttered to herself that there still were some science outposts.
“Can you repeat your mission?”
“We’ve got to find three different samples, like rocks, plants or insects”
“Do you expect to find the latter two at the place you just mentioned?”
“Err no?” Spock raised an eyebrow “Yes?” now Carissa buried her face in her hands. “No anyway? I’m confused. You make me nervous”
“I have made that observation as well, yes. Cadet Wiley, please take over” although she felt pride the he wanted her to do it, she felt sorry for her fellow cadet, knowing he had forfeited his chance for a place on the Enterprise.
Once everything was sorted out, they left the simulation room and gathered in the classroom from the beginning again. When the second group was finished, Spock sent the medics away with Leonard before they made two groups of four with the rest of the scientists. Again they were told what they had to do and then left for the ship hangar where they would meet their instructors, the ones who would also evaluate them.
Somehow Carissa felt strange knowing that she had been to space and another planet before but never to another continent on Earth. They landed somewhere in France for all she knew and had to take the samples and do some experimenting there.
“Almost a pity we can’t stay here longer. I’d love to spend a day here before we return” a classmate said as they tried to collect some bugs they had found.
“Yeah. How did your part in the simulation go?” Carissa asked
“Quite well. Though Evan didn’t even ‘scan’ the planet and just told us about Earth’s atmosphere what he knew himself and I guess he made at least one mistake.”
“Oh. Ryan wanted us to land on an airport, then a cornfield and then went for Antarctica” her partner looked at her and grinned
“Okay, I think that’s worse. So where are we now, according to him?”
“Oh Spock was fed up with him and told me to take over. No idea where exactly I brought us but there’s a like some miles away from San Francisco. At least if we had landed at the place I wanted us to go….”
“I still don’t know why they couldn’t just let us stay in America”
“Well maybe that would have been to close. Here it’s a bit different already…Besides, like this we needed to be in that shuttlecraft a bit longer… or maybe because the Commanded needed to go to Geneva anyways”
“Okay, that makes sense” they fell silent again and tried to get the bugs into the jars.
“That somehow reminds me of elementary school”
“Yeah” he chuckled “Wouldn’t have thought back then that I would be collecting bugs in space one day. Well not in space itself, on foreign planets I mean.”
“If there even are bugs on those planet”
“Well, AlphaBetaGamma has bugs” he said, holding up his jar with two bugs in it
“Yes it does. Agile ones” she chuckled. “Hey do you have any idea what the time is?”
“Uhh… I know our American time but I have no idea what time zone we are in right now. Why did you ask?”
“Just because. We need to plan our night and it looks like it’s getting dark soon. Besides, you remember that Commander Spock said he would contact us at 2000 hours local time. Not that we miss his call”
“I still don’t get why he has to call us? We’ve got our instructor”
“He’s our captain in this exercise, don’t forget that. We need to report to him as we would on a mission. Besides, he is responsible for us. What if we got attacked by wolves?”
“I bet the instructor has a phaser. But hey, imagine we would take a wolf with us to examine it. We’d definitely get that place on the ship”
“Still. What if it’s a pack and he’s killed? Then we’re screwed” she shrugged “But I doubt there are wolves here anyways. Maybe he just wants to make sure no one got lost or left or whatever” she shrugged.
“Okay, we can go back to meet the others again” her partner said and got up, wiping the dirt off his trousers. “I think five bugs should be enough for now. We’ve still got to make the experiments” she nodded and took a handful of soil which she put in the container as well. “Do we need to take soil?”
“Nah, but it’ll help to calm down the bugs. Besides more samples are better than too few…” she gave a shrug and they returned to the shuttle. Their teammates were already back and did the tests on their rocks and plants. Also Carissa and Theodore took out the supplies they needed to perform their examinations. The instructor walked over to them and asked them to explain what they were doing as they did it.
Suddenly Carissa saw that the sun had sunk and frowned. This probably meant that it had been 8 PM and she wondered why her boyfriend hadn’t gotten into contact with them yet. She asked the instructor what time it was
“2024 hours” he replied.
“Commander Spock hasn’t contacted us yet” she said
“He must have forgotten it” Theodore suggested
“Definitely not” Carissa said
“The CERN has closed now, hasn’t it?” an alien cadet called Syl asked.
“Yes. So he can’t have been distracted” Carissa said “Which is rare anyways. Vulcans never forget things”
“Maybe he forgot his PADD somewhere?”
“Or the other group has taken longer with their report”
“I guess we should contact them to ask”
“What for? I bet he’ll get in touch any moment now”
“Don’t Vulcans meditate?”
“Ah sure that must be the reason. It probably took longer than usual” the instructor said, obviously relieved
“He probably wouldn’t do it before he contacted us. I mean there’s always a chance it takes longer” Carissa corrected. She entered the shuttle and contacted the other group. They seemed surprised but they hadn’t heard anything from Spock either. “Well,” she said and gave a shrug “Then we contact him” she decided as she tried to reach him on his PADD, ignoring the frowns and protests from some of her teammates. Right now she didn’t even care if she disrupted his mediation, she was worried because she knew it was very, very much unlike him to not contact her at the time he promised. She saw that the connection was built, all Spock needed to do was to answer her call. Which he didn’t. In contrary, he dismissed her “He dismissed the call” she gasped and instantly tried to reach him again but the signal was lost “And his signal’s gone”
“Oh come on, it maybe just was the connection that broke. Must be a mistake in the network. We’re out in nowhere here.”
“That connection is supposed to work without an external network” she said “We can’t expect other planets to have this. I’m telling you one thing. There is something wrong. It makes no sense that he dismissed the call”
“Someone could have stolen his PADD”
“He probably has a communicator with him. He would have contacted us with that”
“Maybe he didn’t realize his PADD is gone and forgot to call us?”
“That sounds unlikely” Syl said “What should we do?” Carissa looked to the instructor
“I guess we should inform Starfleet and see if they can reach him. I’ve got no idea how to contact him on his communicator. Or do you know?”
“I know” he said as he took out his own communicator and switched it on, trying to reach the Commander “Nothing” he said
“Maybe someone stole his PADD and his communicator”
“He’s probably more intelligent than the five of us put together. He would have found a way to contact us if he is in a state to do so”
“He was robbed and knocked out”
“That would have needed to be a huge group who did this. Vulcans are much stronger than most other species that life on earth”
“Well then it was a large group that robbed and knocked him out”
“So we all agree that something is not alright?”
“What are we supposed to do?”
“We contact Starfleet and ask them if we can go and investigate”
“I bet this is just a test… they want us to worry and as soon as we arrive in Geneva, he’ll await us and tell us that we all failed because we ignored our task”
“Come on, if this was a test it we would act correct by go and having a look. Who cares about rocks when someone of our crew could be in danger?”
“Well he isn’t our crew. Besides, it aren’t just rocks, there are plants and bugs too”
“I bet you won’t pass this tryout with that attitude. And I’m going to contact Starfleet now and ask for their permission to go and have a look” before anyone protested she just did that, not even caring if their instructor was okay with it. Starfleet allowed them to go to Geneva to see if they could find the Vulcan, which didn’t really make everyone all too happy. On their way there, Carissa didn’t care about the other cadet’s looks since she could only think about her boyfriend and what could have happened to him. She even demanded the last coordinates of his PADD, what made her frown even more “He’s somewhere in France now. I mean at least he’s been there at the time before his PADD was switched off”
“Doesn’t mean he was there. Maybe that’s where the thieves went” Syl said.
“True. That’s why we’ll go to Geneva first anyway” Carissa said, not even noticing that she had kind of taken the lead of the mission “Someone should go to his hotel to ask if he has been there”
“How are we supposed to know which hotel he is in?”
“Good question” Carissa said, looking at their instructor “Do you know something?”
“I can’t recall the name”
“Then we’ll just look up which hotels are near the CERN” Carissa decided as she switched on the PADD again. Luckily, she knew him well enough to exclude three fancy ones and a hostel. She then handed the PADD to the instructor, who quickly retrieved the address of the right hotel. “Good. That’s where we head first”
“And what do we tell them?”
“The truth” Carissa said
Somehow she was surprised that they were even allowed to have a look at Spock’s room. The other cadets didn’t even dare to enter and if she was honest, she wouldn’t have done it either if Spock hadn’t been her boyfriend. But after all she had lived with him for a year, so this didn’t feel wrong. After all she wouldn’t rummage his things and just have a look if she saw anything suspicious, like traces of a fight. It seemed like he only had been here to deposit his bag and change from his uniform shirt into something else, informal. She figured that he only reason he’d leave his room again was to get food. This was what she told the other cadets and the instructor after she left the room.
“Excuse me, have you seen him leaving maybe?” she asked the receptionist who shook his head. His colleague, however, seemed to have seen him. “Could you see what he had with him? I mean is it possible he had a PADD like this?” she asked, holding up the one from the shuttle.
“Probably…” she answered.
“Do you know what kind of restaurants are nearby? Like approximately ten minutes of walking? Nothing too fancy, crowded or loud. Nothing that mostly sells meat and probably not international kitchen. Maybe something typical from here?” she turned to her colleague and they talked in French before Carissa was told names of certain restaurants
“Oh wait. ‘The Space’”
“It’s international” Carissa was already getting information about it and a small gasp left her lips
“Not international. Intergalactic is more like it” she said
“You mean he went there?” Theodore asked
“I am quite sure they serve Vulcan meals, so yes”
“Alright, let’s go there”
“No, we should try to find out which way he took and take this one too… maybe we find traces of a fight there”
“Or he got involved in a bar fight”
“Definitely” she grumbled, asking the PADD for directions to said restaurant
“He could have just provoked someone without knowing. He just has a manner that makes you want to beat him senseless at times”
“Okay that’s true” she admitted. “We’ll just take different ways and meet at the restaurant in… 15 minutes”
“What kind of traces of a fight do you mean?”
“I don’t know, anything that could have been used as a weapon or blood”
“Isn’t Vulcan blood blue?”
“Green” she mumbled before she told everyone where they should walk through. On the way to the restaurant she didn’t know if she wanted to find traces of a fight. A part of her hoped she would because at least she would have an idea what happened, on the other hand she didn’t want something to have happened to him. But something told her that if he was alright he would have long gotten in touch with them somehow. She swallowed and walked faster. Her classmates were already awaiting her at the restaurant
“Nothing. We even were inside. He wasn’t here. So he either got attacked on the way here, without traces, he didn’t come here or nothing happened at all” she nodded and once again tried to contact him, just out of foolish hope. At least she saw that his PADD was on again. This time she cancelled the call, hoping there would be a way to locate it.
“I’ve got the signal of his PADD again. I’ll ask Starfleet to locate it”
“Good. Then they can come here and investigate themselves. This is not our job”
“We can at least go to have a look. Maybe it’s just the thieves that are there. But then they could tell us something about his whereabouts.” Syl said, offering Carissa some comfort
“Yes. We can get an overview of the situation” she contacted Starfleet and shortly after had the coordinates she asked for. “They said we could go there to have a look. They’re coming too” she informed her friends.
“Good. Let’s return to our actual task…”
“Look, it takes Starfleet over four hours to get here… we’d better go and have look because we’ll need about half an hour with the shuttle. If he was abducted, every minute could count”
“And what do you suggest? That we’d go and rescue him?” although she would have never admitted it out loud, she did somehow like the thought of rescuing him.
Next Chapter
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lady-byleth · 5 years
I had a dream last night that was very specific and it was great. It was about Judai ending up in Australia during his travels and making his way through Sydney behind Pharaoh when a familiar voice calls out to him in surprise
He recognizes it immediately and turns around to greet Jim with a smile but freezes when he doesn't only find O'Brien as well but, most surprisingly, Johan standing there looking at him in shock
The world immediately narrows down to those wide green eyes brimming with emotions and the guilt he feels almost overwhelms him.
Leaving his friends without a word had been hard enough but Johan had been the worst. He tries to tell himself everyday that it's to keep Johan safe but deep down he knows it's because he'd break apart if anything happened to Johan again. Because of him.
The moment seems to stretch on forever until Johan finally takes a shakey breath, turns on his heels and walks away.
Judai instinctively tries to reach out but stops himself and looks away, not noticing the meaningful looks Jim and O'Brien exchange before Jim sets out after Johan.
O'Brien for his part gently but firmly leads Judai into the shade of a building where Judai just...spills everything about the guilt that's still eating him, about Yubel being a part of him, about how he only ever wanted to protect Johan who means so much to him and how every time he's failed.
O'Brien, in no uncertain terms, tells him he's being an idiot.
"You think he doesn't know about Yubel?"
Judai bites his lip. Of course Johan knows. There are very few people who have as strong a connection to spirits as he does. Or to Judai, for that matter.
"He'd accept anything about you, but instead of explaining yourself you left without a word and then he had to learn from us that he's the only one you don't call regularly."
Judai sighs. "Great, so he is angry..."
O'Brien just grabs his elbow and walks him briskly into the general direction he saw the other two disappear. "No, you idiot, he's hurt."
That's worse.
Meanwhile, Jim has caught up to Johan - whose terrible sense of direction hasn't actually let him get too far - and catches a glimpse of the text he's sending to the Kaiser, who has become something of a confidant in the ensuing months since his sudden reappearance.
It's nothing special, just small talk, but Jim has a feeling Kaiser will know something is up and give Johan a very rough pep talk later. Right now a more gentle touch is needed, so he clears his throat and almost laughs when Johan jumps. He doesn't though.
"So. Judai was unexpected."
"You wanna talk about it."
"Not really." The sad tone is so unlike his usual bubbly self that it hurts a little.
"Well, you should."
Johan rolls his eyes. "You sound like Ryo."
"Which just means I'm right."
Johan just sighs and opens and closes his phone as he gathers his thoughts. There's a photo of him and Judai set as the wallpaper, arms around each other and big, happy smiles on their faces. Jim can tell from their fond looks alone that something was already happening there.
"It's just...I dunno what to say, you know?"
"Knowing you I'd figured you'd have a few choice words about his disappearing act."
"I did. Now I just...wanna know what I did."
"What makes you think you did anything?"
Johan shrugs. "When a psychotic spirit roots around your mind for a few weeks and finds every little thing that ever happened to you, you start thinking."
"And when you realize that he's fused himself with said spirit, things become confusing?"
There's a small frown on Johan’s face now. "Not...really. It's not about Yubel or what happened with them. Just...being the only one left in the dark makes me wonder what I did wrong."
Before Jim can reply there's a sharp intake of breath behind him and he instinctively steps aside to let a blurr of red and brown past.
Judai steps around Johan, grabs his shoulders and shakes his head violently. "No! No, no, no, no, no! You didn't do anything wrong! Why do you feel bad about me being an idiot?"
"Well, I figured you would leave but...you never even replied to my texts or returned my calls so..."
"But that's not your fault!"
"Well how am I supposed to know what you're thinking if you won't even talk to me?!"
"I don't know! I just thought if you knew where I was you'd follow me!"
Johan looks at him like he's lost his mind. "Well duh."
"Exactly! And after everything that's already happened I..." Judai trails off.
"You what?"
It bursts out of him as if Judai has been keeping himself from saying it for months. "I can't lose you again!"
There's a heavy silence for a long moment in which Jim and O'Brien quietly extract themselves a few steps away.
"First the other dimension and Yubel, then Darkness and then Paradox stole Rainbow Dragon and...I thought..."
This time it's Johan who takes Judai's arms, squeezing gently. "None of that was your fault!"
"But every time you're around me, something happens! And you have a bad habit of sacrificing yourself! "
"And that's my choice! None of that was your fault!"
"No buts!" Johan is not having any of this. "I sacrificed myself because I care about you, you idiot! And if something happened again, then it's because I chose to be around you! I know what I'm getting into so suck it up and accept that already! Don't shut me out, talk to me about these things. We're a team, remember?"
Judai stares at him with wide eyes, looking young and hopeful, before he smiles. "You're really something, aren't you?" he says and quickly pulls Johan into a tight hug.
Johan buries his face in Judai's shoulder, pressing as close as he can. "So you keep telling me."
In the background, Jim grins at O'Brien who rolls his eyes fondly at their two favorite idiots.
Kaiser calls Johan back a few hours later and, if the look on Judai's face is anything to go by, has a few very biting things to say as well. Johan is just amused when he takes the phone back, wickedly so.
And when he announces a few days later that he's cutting his visit short and skipping the trip to O'Brien's home entirely, neither Jim nor O'Brien are surprised.
Judai is beaming, Johan is glowing. Everything is how it should be.
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dragon-kazansky · 5 years
The hypnotist - Jervis Tetch x reader
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Summary: While you wait for Jervis to recover and return to Arkham, you make a new friend. You woke up the courage to be honest about your feelings and something starts to stir for Gotham.
Chapter 10 - New friends and feelings
From day one you did your best to not stand out too much and observe the people in Arkham. Jervis once said he got used to it’s ways and you grow accustomed to being there.
The patients mostly tuned each other out, only really interacting if they found it funny or there was a fight. Avoiding them was easy if you kept to yourself.
It was the treatments that concerned you.
It had only been a week and your only meeting was on your arrival as they asked questions. For now you were just a confused individual until a doctor could have proper sessions with you.
You became quickly used to your little cell. It took a bit of effort to tune out the screams and jeers of your neighbours, but Arkham was becoming home bit by bit. You could laugh at the idea.
It was during lunch one day that he approached you. Apparently, despite how little attention you brought upon yourself, you had caught his eye. You weren’t sure if you were honoured about it, but you took it in stride.
After all, there wasn’t a soul in Gotham who didn’t know Jerome Valeska.
He slid into the seat across from you, casting a slight shadow over your lunch tray. You peered up at him curiously wondering what he wanted.
Jerome smiled, his scars not bothering you in the slightest.
“You’re new.” He gave a light chuckle.
“Been here 7 days.” You gave false smile.
“I’m Jerome!”
“I know. I’m Y/N. What can I do for you?” You remained polite, but cheeky. He didn’t scare you. If anything he amused you.
“In a place like this, you need friends.” He leaned forwards, looking at you from the side.
“So, you want to be my friend?”
Jerome gave a toothy smile and reached over for your pudding pot. You let him have it. You may not be afraid, but you knew better than to start something with him.
“Sure do!”
You took a bite of your lunch, looking at him. You thought is over as you swallowed your mouthful.
Having Jerome on your side would certainly scare away any trouble. It was also a pretty cool thought knowing this guy right here had Gotham in his grasp for a whole night.
“I suppose being your friend would be pretty cool. Considering it’s you and all.” You smiled. “I do need company until my very special someone gets here.”
“Special someone?”
“Oh yeah, he got hurt pretty badly, he’s recovering in hospital, so I hear. He should be back here soon.” You remained friendly. You didn’t want to let your smile show at the thought of Jervis, but it was difficult not to.
He made you so very happy.
“The guards here talk a lot.” Jerome took a mouthful of pudding. “You mean Tetch?”
“Yep. I went through a lot to be with him and became so close to losing him.” You sighed softly. “I’ll be with him again soon.” You gave a little giggle as you thought about him.
“Well then, I’ll keep you company till he gets here, shall I?” He gave a big smile.
“Sounds fun!”
Over the next few days you and Jerome were pretty much attached at the hip. You met up at every moment that was allowed, giggling and chatting away in the corner.
In your next meeting the doctor brought up your friendship with Jerome, but no one seemed bothered enough to pull you apart. You figured Jerome had something to do with that. He was dangerous alone with words, it made you chuckle.
He even had the staff in Arkham quaking in their boots.
He oozed control.
One afternoon, while the pair of you were sitting together and chatting, the guards came strolling down the hall with the one person you had been waiting for. Your eyes landed on him and you smiled, rushing to the fence that separated you from that very hall.
Time had passed slowly in Arkham, despite your new fond company. Not a moment went by were you weren’t thinking about Jervis and how he was doing.
Jerome watched you from his seat with a grin. He was curious about the pair of you and almost touched at the sentiment of your reunion.
Jervis caught your gaze and smiled as he neared you. His heart was leaping with joy at being able to see you again. He hadn’t stopped thinking about you either.
“Y/N!” He sounded so happy.
“Jervis! You’re looking much better.” A part of you wanted to cry with joy, but you refrained from that. You just wanted to savour the moment. He was here and he was OK. That’s all that mattered.
“I’m much better, especially now I can see you again.” The smile never left his face and the pair of you could feel the tension in the air with all the things you wanted to say, but couldn’t. Neither one of you knew where to start, too overwhelmed with being together once more.
“Stop talking.” The guard growled, seeing Jervis had stopped following him to talk to you. You glared at the guard. It was hard to hold onto any happy moments when people took them away so easily.
“I’ll see you later, my dear.” He smiled sadly as the other guard grabbed a hold of him and guided him away from you. He glanced over his shoulder with a soft gaze in his eyes as he was escorted away.
You watched him till he was out of sight.
You sighed.
Jerome came up beside you and peered down the hall. He had been in Arkham for quite some time now. He was used to the way the staff behaved and how little respect was given between them and the patients.
You looked a little lost now they had taken Tetch away once again.
“Don’t let that guard get in the way.” He sounded amused. “You’ll be with your boyfriend sooner or later.”
You turned to face him slowly with a small smile.
“Tell me again about this place.”
Jerome had told you everything you needed to know about the staff and sessions. Most of the guards would look the other way, not really wanting to involve themselves with Gotham’s most dangerous, so it was surprising what you could get away with if you knew what you were doing.
All you wanted, however, was to be with Jervis.
Unfortunately there wasn’t a whole lot Jerome could do about that. You would just have to wait till Jervis was allowed to be in the same room as the other patients once again.
In the mean time you had Jerome for company, so it wasn’t entirely dull. He had told you a lot about some of the other patients, who they were, why they were there. You learnt quite a lot about pretty much everything.
Jerome’s only goal was to keep you smiling until Tetch was allowed back into the room. He had become quite fond of you and knew that you had spunk. You had become just as much entertainment to him as he had to you.
Three days.
Three days had passed before Jervis was allowed to join you.
You had been sat with Jerome, as usual, talking and people watching. He had made a comment that made you laugh.
Neither one of you noticed right away.
The gate had opened and Jervis was ushered inside, the Doctor behind him clearly wanting to get on with their day. He made them no mind as he scanned the room, his gaze landing on you and a smile stretched across his face.
Finally. After all this time he got to be with you again.
When your laughter had died down you cast your gaze to the figure standing in the corner of your eyes. Time seemed to stop when you realised he was there.
You got up quickly and hurried over to him. Jerome remained seated, watching intently.
Jervis wasted no time in opening his arms and pulling you into his chest when you reached him. It felt so good to hold you like this. He buried his nose into your hair and let you give him a squeeze.
“I’m so glad to see you’re OK!” You pulled away just enough to look up at him. “I was so worried.”
“Everything is fine, my dear. You have nothing to fear.”
Jervis took a moment to let your features sink in. His eyes scanning every inch of your face as he caressed your cheeks gently.
You smiled softly up at him.
“At least we’re together.” You whispered.
His lips twitched up into a grin.
“Just as we hoped.”
Jerome, as much as this scene fascinated him, came over and coughed into his fist.
You pulled away from Jervis and turned to face your friend.
“Mr. Tetch!” Jerome grinned at the taller man. “Pleasures all mine.” He held out his hand, but quickly moved it out of the way as Jervis went to shake it. Jerome chuckled and you just rolled your eyes, amused.
Jervis gazed back down at you and reached for your hand, taking it in his own.
“I see you have been making friends.” He looked at you so sweetly.
“Well, I was waiting for you. Jerome has been keeping me company.”
“I’m glad you weren’t alone.” His smile was so soft, it made your heart melt.
You find yourself holding his hand and pull him over to the table you had been occupying before. You didn’t know what would happen now, but at least there was no Jim to get in the way.
Jervis sat down happily, his hand becoming comfortable in your own.
There was so much you wanted to say. You wondered, despite the situation of being locked up in an asylum, if you should just confess everything.
Perhaps not.
Before you could say anything at all, a guard came over to the gate and looked over at your table.
“Y/N. You have a visitor.” He called out. “Hurry up.”
You gave Jervis an apologetic look and left his side to see who it was. You really weren’t expecting anyone to come see you.
Barbara, though she was kind to you and gave you work, you doubted would come all this way to see you.
Jim would never make the effort, knowing this was what you wanted in the end.
Oswald was also unlikely. He didn’t really bother with others unless it benefited him, and you sure as hell don’t benefit him anyway now.
You followed the guard and waited as he handcuffed you to the table.
The door opened once the guard had left you alone for a couple of minutes. Looking up you saw Harvey Bullock.
The detective walked over to the other chair and sat down, removing his hat. He sighed heavily.
“I wasn’t expecting you. I wasn’t expecting anyone.” You smiled at him. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Let’s just say my conscious wasn’t accepting of the idea.”
“Um, what?” You furrowed your brow at him. “What does that mean?”
“The antidote has been made.”
“I assumed so, but now you’re changing the topic. What are you doing here Harvey?” You glared at him.
“I thought I’d give you one last chance to back out.”
“Bit late for that isn’t it?” You scoffed. “This is the problem with Gotham. No one listens.” You leaned forwards and glared at him harshly. “Go away, Harvey. I got what I wanted. Go and try and save the city as you like to do.”
“I suppose I just wanted to be sure.” Harvey leaned back in his seat and looked at you.
“That you really were losing your mind. No one would want this.” He put his hat back on his head. “I got my answer. I’ll be on my way.”
“Maybe I have lost my mind, but for the record, I’m happy.” You gave an uncontrollable giggle. 
Harvey said no more and left you alone.
The guard waited for you to calm down a little as you chuckled in your seat. It was funny to you how much Jim and Harvey had tried to convince themselves you weren’t that person.
Let’s face it, you are. You have lost your mind, but you’re happy. You’re with Jervis and that’s all that mattered to you.
The guard came in and released you from the table, escorting you down the hall.
Unfortunately everyone had returned to their cells. You wouldn’t be seeing Jervis again until tomorrow morning. Your displeased expression didn’t go unnoticed by the guard, but he chose not to say anything. He was already freaked out by your giggle fit.
As you turned the corner you almost bumped into someone. A young man also being escorted back to his cell.
He had fluffy brown hair, he was tall and slender, and he was avoiding eye contact.
He glanced up briefly when he nearly walked into you, stepping back and flicking his fringe to the side. A small apology escaped his lips as he stepped around you, the guard gripping his arm, and walked away.
You glanced over your shoulder and watched him go.
The guard gave you a shove.
“Keep walking.”
You gritted your teeth and continued to make the walk down to your cell. Remaining stoic as the guard locked the door behind you and walked away, you decided then and there you would tell Jervis how you felt next time you saw him, and you would accept the chaos that could ensue.
In the back of your mind an idea was brewing.
Meeting Jerome had lit a spark in your mind.
For now you would sit and wait.
The next morning, when you were all escorted to the food hall for breakfast, you went straight to where Jervis and Jerome were sitting after grabbing your food. The hatter had the brightest smile on his face when you sat beside him. He instantly reached for your hand.
“Good morning, my dear.”
“Good morning, Jervis.” You smiled back at him.
“I didn’t get to see you after your visitor, who was it?” He had been curious about it since you left his side yesterday.
“Harvey Bullock. I think he finally gets it now.”
Jervis smiled as he leaned a little closer to you, his gaze was piercing and you had suddenly control of how hard your heart was beating.
“Good. Hopefully he will leave you be now.”
“Jervis, there’s something I want to tell you.” You bit your lip sheepishly. You just wanted to get things off your chest and be open about your complete adoration with this man.
“What is it?”
You opened your mouth to say something when you realised Jerome had sat down on the opposite side of the table. He placed his chin in his palm as he rested his elbow on the table, watching you with an amused glint in his eye. His grin was something wicked and you lost all the words you wanted to say.
“I’ll tell you later.”
“Don’t stop on my account, doll.” Jerome chuckled.
Jervis gave a small sigh, leaning away from you once again.
“Where did you go?” You asked, changing the topic all together.
“Over there.” Jerome put his hand down and turned around, looking over his shoulder at the boy in the corner. It was the same young man you saw in the hall last night.
“Who is he?” You wondered aloud. He was sitting on his own and everyone else was looking at him with caution.
“Jonathan Crane. His dad went crazy making some fear toxin.” Jerome spoke with much curiosity.
“I heard about that.” You looked at Jonathan, intrigued.
Jerome looked at you with a grin.
“Maybe you could talk to him, get him on our side.”
“Our side?” Jervis asked, warily.
“I have plans for Gotham. I need people on my team!” Jerome opened up his arms and gestured to the pair of you. The three of you too occupied with this conversation to notice that Jonathan had looked over.
“Funny.” You leaned forwards, your arms resting on the table.
“Is it?”
“No, it’s funny because now I’m in here, I’ve had this feeling.” You let your smile show. “Something big is coming to Gotham, it just makes perfect sense you would be involved. You’re Jerome Valeska. You have quite a bit power just by being you.”
Jerome grinned.
“That’s true. What do you say? Help bring some anarchy to this wretched city?”
You turned to Jervis with a bright gaze.
“What do you think?”
Jervis smiled at you.
“Creating trouble with you? Very appealing.” He chuckled.
“I’ll see what I can do, but first I have a session to get ready for.” You turned to your breakfast, realising no one had eaten yet.
Jerome glanced over once more at Jonathan, smiling at him when he saw the boy looking.
Jervis peered at you from the corner of his eye, wondering what it was you wanted to tell him.
You ate quickly and stood up, preparing to leave for your session, but Jervis was quick to follow you over to the door and pull you to the side. Jerome hadn’t moved from his seat, so now seemed like a good time.
“What is it?” You asked, slightly worried by Jervis’ behaviour.
“I wanted to know, what is it you wanted to tell me?” His gaze was so soft, you just wanted to kiss him.
“Oh, well...” You reached for his hands hoping the words you had lost would come back to you. “I need to be honest with you.”
“I’m listening.”
You glanced around the room. Jerome was looking over with a grin on his face, but he remained seated. The guards around the room seemed otherwise preoccupied.
Jonathan was also looking, but you didn’t notice him from where you were standing.
“Jervis... I think I’ve fallen in love with you, but I understand if this is complicated and weird. I doubt Arkham allows much in the way of romance.” You chuckled softly.
Jervis smiled warmly and tucked some hair behind your ear.
“I was worried you were going to tell me something bad, but to know my feelings are returned makes me glad. Quite a duo we do make, but now you’ve cured my heartache.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle.
“It feels glad to tell you.”
Jervis still had a hold on your hand.
“We’ll be OK. Bide our time and sit in wait. Gotham surely will reach it’s fate.” He placed a kiss to your cheek, doing it quickly so no one would notice.
“I have to go, but I’ll see you later.” You smiled up at him.
“I’ll be waiting.”
You reluctantly let go of his hand and had the guard take you to your next session. You dreaded what would be brought up this time, but you knew Jervis would be waiting for you.
Arkham wasn’t entirely bad.
Jervis turned around after you had left and returned to the table. Jerome tucked his little fingers into his mouth and tried to whistle, something that he couldn’t do as well any more, but tried anyway.
“Well aren’t you a lucky man!” Jerome let out a loud laugh, which was starting to upset some of the other patients.
Jervis sat down with his head held high.
“Oh yes, very much so.” He gave a bright toothy smile.
Things were looking up.
@mistressoftorture @fandombeehive @awyr  @queenofmonstersanddemons @they-shot-me-with-a-knife
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starhelmed · 5 years
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         —  looks  like  MELODY HAWKINS  is  attending  AURORIA  UNIVERSITY  in  auradon.  they’re  the  TWENTY ONE  years  old  child  of  JIM HAWKINS,  which  means  they’re  from MONTRESSOR.  heard  they’re BUBBLY  &  INVENTIVE,  but  can  also  be CLUMSY  &  ANXIOUS  ;  we all have our bad days.  people  normally  associate  them  with  SPRING FLOWERS WRAPPED IN NEWSPAPER, PETAL PINK LIPGLOSS & PASTEL PAINTED COGS.  
death tw.            : (
Melody Andromeda Hawkins. taurus sun & sagittarius moon and cancer rising.
Former (space) pirate, current lead vocalist & university student, aspiring coffee shop owner
Melody is the eldest twin of former space military cadets, Jim & Kate Hawkins. and by eldest, she is older than rhythm nebula hawkins by roughly 15 minutes and holds onto that piece of information like a crutch
Born on Montressor at the original Benbow inn, Melody is quite literally out of this world, as was their entire family really. The life on Montressor was peaceful and quiet ; till fire & ashes smothered the childhood home & taking the family for all that they had; only managing to save a few small belongings as the family fled from the atmosphere on their ship.
there was nothing tying the Hawkins to montressor after sarah, melody’s grandmothers’, passing the year previous and thus, the star faring family decided to test their fate once more amongst the stars.
eventually ; they settled on auradon. greeted warmly by all the people, they were allowed citizenship on the premise that they were the heroes of their story. but then again, isn’t everyone the hero of their own story?
they bought a small plot of land on a cliff south of notre dame and built themselves a new life. the family was happy & content, their past of starfaring as much a fairytale, gone but not forgotten, as everyone elses fates.
the New Benbow Inn as it was creatively named was melody’s home, and the only home that she really remembers. it was soft & warm, and always filled with a variety of characters. But will all the villains trapped on the Isle of the Lost, all of said characters were remarkably good people.
Melody spent her childhood looking after the inn, entertaining guests with her bright and bubbly smile. but she was clumsy and often caused more trouble than help around the inn, and eventually was taken off waitressing duties. determined to be a help around, melody, ever the jack of trades, began to learn other hobbies; such as singing, and baking, to help pull her weight to keep the family business afloat.
One day you’ll rattle the stars;
Ever since they were young they were told stories of outer space; of pirates and treasure planets; and melody wanted to touch the stars more than anything else. And Jim and Kate said one day, one day they would. They just currently didn’t have the money to buy or build a new ship capable of doing so.
So melody started to tinker outside her shifts, and save up her tips to buy cogs and bolts to rebuild the rusting solar riders in the basement.
Sure, she wanted to reach the stars, but the ever curious mind knew that there was way more to auradon than they’re tiny little inn. so she tinkered away on this little air glider, planning to fly it around the kingdom, using it as a delivery service, or help anyone in need
like the angel she is, but most importantly, Earn some more cash so she can take the solar rider outside the atmosphere and finally touch the stars that she has in her eyes.
One day, Melody didn’t see her twin brother during his scheduled shift. which was annoying because it meant that she had to cover for him, and as mentioned, she was a terrible waitress
but it’s a twin sense thing that she just knew something was up, her first break she went down to her garage to find her solar rider gone. there was an obvious explanation, she hoped, he’d bring it back soon, she hoped.
a week went by with no word, so she threw together a makeshift glider with a barely functioning engine and hoped for the best.
but the best never came, she saw her brother in the air after only an hour of scouring the coast. their screams could barely be heard above the oncoming storm, but they could feel the anguish in each others souls, the deep unexplainable pain built in their bones.
the next feeling was fire. and falling. a sudden gust of wind threw the two ships together, or at least, that’s how melody remembers the crash before the burning and the breath leaving her chest, and the sharp pain in her leg, and the stinging as her back hit the water.
the next sensation was heaving water out of her lungs on a ship, a crew of friendly sailors — or was it pirates? had literally fished melody out of the water, that she had fallen into like her childhood name of comet.
luke & crew took melody in, though with some trepidation from the crew before hand, melody tried to fit in with her incredible baking skills, tinkering talents, and space shanties.
it was fun ! for a while ! until melody remembered her parents had no clue what happened to them; and also,  was her twin dead ? where was he ? what happened ? also her leg was lowkey turning green and the limp she was developing was a tell tale sign she probably needed help.
luckily, her new found family were more than happy to drop her off, with the promise she’d be back better than ever.
her leg, however, couldn’t get better, and the imposed limitations on magic were the main reason.
so melody was kitted with a cybernetic leg to replace the lost limb,   and it was the final feather that broke the girls back. the everything hitting her like a tonne of bricks; till her dad sat her down and told her about the bravest man, who just happened to be a cyborg, could do everything and more with his cybernetic limbs — that they were a gift, not a curse, and they would no way impede her life.
still,  she was recluse after losing her brother, and now her leg, unable to sing, or bake, or even get out of bed. so her parents decided to enrol her in aurora university, and gave her a little baby morph too - to help cheer her up.
now, melody’s just coming out of her mourning phase, she’s joined a band, and is studying engineering at aurora university.
she’s as bright & bubbly as ever, but part of that is just an act to keep up appearances.
she’s obsessed with the concept of love, but has never fallen in love. and thinks that no one could love a cyborg, that being part robot makes her invalid of affection, so she’s currently wrestling that fucking demon.
oh is super cool about villain kids bc if ur twin brother tries to murk u and then fakes his death like i guess ur just chill w that
wanted connections !
childhood friends that were made at the inn ! 
some people that melody helped out between 1-5 years ago on her little flying ship.
give melody some more band mates & pirate friends or perish
love some ak’s who weren’t fond of melody bc like ... not exactly the standard family unit or money situation as everyone else . and outsiders must be s h a m e d
the one kid who’s realised melody is basically an alien and loves that
also som new friends she’s just making . . her getting out of her shell 4 the first time in forever ....
the one person who convinces melody ( n morph 2.0 ) to just do the craziest shit for banter
oh and give her a thousand crushes on every person. melody is pan and goes all ways !
also love some people she’s tinkered things for !
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pinkamour1588 · 6 years
Oh please a need the A-Z headcanons with mckirk(your hc give me life)
A = Attractive what do they find attractive about the other?
(Besides personality, because they do obviously find each other’s personalities attractive. And the list of nonphysical things is quite long.)
Len is quite fond of Jim’s eyes…and his ass. He thinks Jim has a nice ass. Jim’s toned body is a nice bonus as well.
Jim, much to Len’s surprise, likes the little bit of squish that Len has on his stomach. He’s a bit of a fan of the scruff that Len grows sometimes when they’re on leave. And, like Len for him, Jim likes Len’s eyes.
B = Baby do they want a family? why/why not?
Technically, they do. Len has Joanna, though she lives with Len’s sister. If they were not fully dedicated to their careers and were not living on a starship, they would likely have kids together. Len always wanted kids and, for Jim, it wasn’t until Joanna came into his life that he really considered being a parent to someone. So, they’re happy either way.
C = Cuddle how do they cuddle?
Jim clings to Len. Like, head on Len’s chest and holding onto him. They also cuddle through spooning, either Len curled around Jim or Jim curled around him.
D = Dates what are dates with them like?
Casual most of the time. On the rare occasion they will go out somewhere nice, but a dinner or lunch at a diner or a night in watching movies or one of them cooking a nice dinner for the two of them are all very common.
E = Everything you are my ____ (e.g my life, my world…)
Len to Jim: “You are my idiot. (and I love you.)”
Jim to Len: “You are my grumpy boyfriend/fiancé/husband. (and I love you)”
F = Feelings when did they know they were falling in love?
Jim knew when he started thinking about Len more and not just in the “my best friend” way (before they were dating). Then (after they started dating) it was when he realized that he was the happiest he’d been with a partner ever.
Len knew after he was in too deep. It was a situation of the two of them sitting together talking and laughing and Len just looked at Jim and it hit him like a ton of bricks. Scared the hell out of him. As he processed it more, he realized that Jim made him happier with a partner than he had been in a long time.
G = Gentle are they gentle? If so, how?
Absolutely. If one of them is upset, the other will comfort them in the best way they can. Jim’s a bit like a cat sometimes in the sense he likes when someone “pets” him (aka, he likes when someone plays with his hair), so Len is gentle when he does that. (To be honest, I’m not 100% sure how to answer this question. I’m not really sure what exactly it’s asking.)
H = Hand/Hold how do they like to hold? how do they like to hold hands?
The normal way? Like it depends on the situation as to if they have their fingers interlaced or not.
I = Impression first impression/s
Len’s of Jim: “There’s something up with this kid. He looks like he got in a fight.”
Jim’s of Len: “This guy is fucking crazy. Who joins Starfleet if they have aviophobia?”
J = Joker are they into pulling pranks?
Jim kinda is, and he’ll pull the really minor pranks (I’m talking like the stupid, cheesy pranks) or mess with Len on the rare occasion. However, Len isn’t really a fan of pranks. He’s not one to play them and he’s not really a fan of being on the receiving end of them.
K = Kisses how do they kiss?
Like hand holding, the normal way? It depends on the situation. It can range from a quick peck on the cheek to hot and heavy making out.
L = Little things what little things do they love/notice?
Jim loves when Len makes pancakes, the little bit of squish on Len’s stomach, Len’s sense of humor, how great a dad Len is, how caring Len is.
Len loves how excited Jim gets about things, how interested Jim is in everything, the fact Jim actually remembers the most random dates (like their first date, their anniversary, Len’s mama’s birthday, Len’s dad’s birthday even though Jim never met David, etc), how much Jim genuinely loves Joanna and that Jim thought the fact he loves Jo is the most obvious thing. (In other words, Jim never thought twice about loving her. It just made sense. She’s Len’s daughter. He loves Len and by extension, he loves her.)
M = Memory their favorite moment together
I don’t think they have only one. They’re both fond of the memory of the first time Jim met Len’s family in person as Len’s boyfriend. After they get married, that’s one of their favorite memories together.
N = Nickel do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?
No, not really. Like, Jim’s more inclined toward the “I saw this at the store and thought of you so I bought it” but it is something they both do. When they buy each other gifts, they tend to buy very nice things.
O = Orange what color reminds them of their other half
Blue reminds Len of Jim, for the obvious reason of that being Jim’s eye color. Green reminds Jim of Len because that’s Len’s favorite color.
P = Petnames what petnames do they use?
They both use sweetheart. Jim calls Len “babe”, and once called him “baby” before Len asked him to never call him that again because it reminds him of his ex. He also obviously calls Len “Bones.” Jim will occasionally start using the super sappy and obnoxious pet names has a joke. Len alternates between “sugar” and “darlin’” for Jim, but it’s usually “sugar”. Len is also one of the very few people who Jim allows to call him “Jimmy”.
Q = Questions what are the questions they’re always asking?
The normal ones? Like “How was your day?” and “What do you want for dinner?”
Len often asks “why?” and “how?” a lot in regards to Jim. For example, “why did you think doing that on the mission was a good idea? You have just landed yourself in medbay for a few hours.” And “How did you rip your shirt again?”
R = Remember their favorite memory of each other
Um…Probably the same as their favorite moment together.
S = Sad how do they cheer themselves/each other up
Len cheers Jim up by holding and cuddling him and playing with his hair. If/When Jim wants to talk about what’s upsetting him, Len’s there to listen.
Jim cheers Len up by letting him have his silence and space. Jim’s never too far away and is ready to listen when Len’s ready to talk.
T = Talking what do they love to talk about?
I’ll preface it by saying, they talk about a lot of things but not all of them make the “favorites” category of topics. They love talking about Joanna and the rest of their families, things they’ve read recently, exciting things that have happened, etc.
U = Universe use a metaphor, what are they to each other? (e.g he was the universe, ever-changing and mysterious)
The only thing I can come up with is that they’re each other’s lobster (cause FRIENDS reference ftw…and I think I suck at coming up with metaphors for this stuff)
V = Very ___ they’re thoughts about each other (e.g she’s very smart, he’s very stubborn, they’re very annoying etc.)
Len thinks Jim is intelligent, impulsive, stubborn (and a little annoying at times).
Jim thinks Len is caring, smart, and patient (and a little grumpy sometimes).
W = Why reasons why they love each other
Specific reasons is a very long list. Overall, it’s that they’re best friends. That is the basis of their relationship. They’re there for each other through the shitty times and the amazing times.
X = Xylophone What’s their song?
“Can’t Help Falling In Love” by Elvis Presley
Y = You the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
Len to Jim: “You are the pain to my ass.” (Not the most romantic thing, but he would say it to Jim)
Jim to Len: “The sunshine to my moon.”
Z = Zebra if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?
A dog. Probably a lab or golden retriever…or mutt.
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Party Time Fun Times
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Pairing: Guess who! (McKirk)
Rating: Teenish? There’s drinking and swearing, guys. It’s pretty mild.
Length: 1672 words
Summary: My submission for @thinkwritexpress-official‘s back to school challenge! My prompt: being dragged to a party by your roommate meets a bit of fake dating and our boys being right morons about feelings.
“Why the fuck would I go to one of those fraternity hellholes?” Len practically growled at his roommate without ever so much as glancing up from his textbooks. “I still have two more midterms, I’ve got three papers to write, and I hate parties.”
M’Benga offered up an easy smile as he leaned over to close the book, catching Len’s finger where it held his place as he jotted down some note. The smile evolved into a victorious smirk when just that simple act seemed to deflate any other arguments.
“I’ll go for an hour. It shouldn’t take longer than that for you to find something shiny and let me get back to work, right?”
“Right.” He looked Len over critically for a few moments. “You should change. Maybe shower?”
Muttered curses followed Len as he gathered up some clothes and made his way to the showers. By the time he came back, he was nicely styled and smelled like coconut. The sleeves of his button-down were rolled up to leave his forearms bare, and he’d never admit to how long it took him to get the tight jeans over damp legs. If he was going to this thing, he might as well dress to impress.
A low whistle when he walked back in made him roll his eyes. M’Benga nodded and pushed himself up off his bed. “Much better. You’re a real lady-killer now let’s go.”
The whole scene was about as bad as he thought it would be. Drunk infants everywhere, loud music, louder talking, and Len glared holes in the side of his roommate’s head for getting him to even set foot there. He leaned in and still had to shout the reminder, “One hour, Geoff!”
Even as he nodded, M’Benga already seemed distracted by a pretty blonde on the other side of the room. Len recognized Christine in an instant, and he took a sort of sick sense of satisfaction knowing that Geoff would strike out in an instant; he could see Chris’ girlfriend not far off to the side. He just shook his head and made his way to the kitchen/impromptu bar to find himself a drink. The hope that he’d find something other than jello shots or cheap vodkas and rums was a futile one, so he settled on a rum and coke as he watched the minutes tick by.
As the promised hour came to a close, Len looked around for a bin or bag or something to stash his now very empty cup. Large red monstrosity disposed of, he made his way toward the front hall and stopped short when he saw what looked like some guy trying to shake off another. The second he caught Len’s eye, his face brightened into a 100-watt smile Len was sure would be making an appearance in his fantasies later.
“Oh good! There you are!” The blond ducked under the other man’s arm and tucked himself against Len’s side to whisper in his ear, “Sorry, but just go with it? I’m Jim.”
If there was one thing Len was used to doing at this point, it was playing fake boyfriend. Granted, it was usually for girls like Chris whose parents weren’t all that keen on their daughter having a girlfriend, but was this really all that different? He let himself relax and wrapped a protective arm around Jim’s waist as he pressed what looked like a kiss into Jim’s hair so he could mumble, “Leonard.”
When he pulled back a little, Len looked between Jim and the guy still standing there looking at Jim with a look beyond creepy. “I was checking on my roommate before we leave, sugar. There a problem here?”
“Nah, no problem. Reg here was just leaving, weren’t you?”
Storm clouds settled over Reg’s look, but after looking over Len’s fit form he decided against any further action and just nodded. When he lumbered off toward the kitchen, Len steered Jim outside with a gentle hand against his lower back. Once the crisp late fall air washed over them, both let out a relieved breath.
“Sorry about that…” Jim gave him a sheepish smile, hand rubbing at the back of his neck. “Old boyfriend wanting to be a new boyfriend and not wanting to take no for an answer.”
“Yeah, well… Not often I have hot blonds plastering themselves against me, so I think we can call it even.” He took in the pleasant flush of Jim’s cheeks with more than a small sense of satisfaction.
A sudden thought occurred to him and he yanked out his phone with tap out a quick message to Geoff. Jim watched him curiously for a moment before he seemed to take on abrupt embarrassment, “Oh shit, did I steal you away from your girlfriend or something? I hope she doesn’t get pissed I’ll talk to her if you need me to?”
Len waved him off. “No, texting my roommate. He’s inside and I want him to keep an eye on that Reg guy.”
“So… No girlfriend?”
He must have completely missed the hint of hopefulness to Jim’s tone. “No girlfriend. You wanna go get something to eat? I’d be a terrible fake boyfriend if I didn’t make sure you got some food in you after all that.”
Jim’s face lit up again. If he didn’t stop, Len figured he’d eventually find himself willing to do just about anything to see that smile. Dangerous.
“I know a good place,” Jim confirmed, taking Len’s hand in his. When their fingers laced together, Len didn’t bother correcting it; they were supposed to be dating, after all.
The two became pretty inseparable after that. More days than not, Jim would show up at their doorway lugging some history or lit texts along with him. He’d settle on his stomach on the floor, books spread out while Len took over the desk and they’d study until Jim went cross-eyed and pulled the doctor-to-be off to find something to eat. True to his previous thoughts on the whole ordeal, Leonard was easily bent to Jim’s every whim. All it took was one of those sunbeam smiles and a stubborn insistence that a mule would envy. This realization came much to his irritation and M’Benga’s eternal delight.
“So when’s your boyfriend stopping by again?”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” he grumbled as he attempted to bury himself further into his book.
“Not for lack of wanting,” Geoff countered. Len opted for silence instead of continuing the conversation and his roommate took it as an invitation to continue, “You know I bet he’d say yes if you asked him out on a proper date. The looks you two give each other when the other isn’t looking are disgusting.”
“Will you fucking stop?” He finally snapped. His eyes narrowed at Geoff who blinked back surprise. The ire only lasted the briefest of moments before Len deflated against the back of his chair. “I just don’t want to ruin things.”
“I hardly think you’ll ruin things…”
“I always do.” His tone was rueful, with just a touch of bitterness. “I couldn’t even stay married through med school what the hell makes you think I’d be able to keep someone like Jim happy?”
“You mean besides the fact that he’s spent so much time laid out on our floor that there’s a Jim-shaped imprint on the damn carpet? Besides… By the time you’re getting into your residency, he’ll be going into his senior year. You’ll both be insanely busy.”
Len made a dismissive noise and returned to his books, but it was obvious he wasn’t going to get a damn thing done. Thoughts about the possibilities and potential drawbacks swirled around his mind. It was all very distracting. He growled and slammed the cover closed, shooting another glare toward his now very smug roommate as he pulled out his phone to send Jim a text.
I can’t concentrate anymore. Wanna grab lunch?
The reply was almost instant. Sure! Duffy’s?
Meet you there in 10
If he very stubbornly ignored M’Benga’s existence as he got ready, that was his business.
By the time he slid into the seat across from Jim, Leonard had made his decision. The beaming grin he received at his arrival just cemented his plan, but then he was faced with a nervousness he couldn’t recall feeling any time other than the first and last time he flew anywhere. Jim must have picked up on it because he watched Len for a bit. His eyes took on that annoyingly sharp, perceptive glint he got when he knew something was up.
Apparently, he was only willing to wait until their drinks were set down to start grilling Len about it. “So what’s going on? I always have to drag you away from your books and you haven’t stopped shifting around since you sat down.”
“I like you.” He’d meant to make that sound a lot smoother than it came out and he felt his face run through about fifteen different shades of red as he sputtered through trying to save the moment. “I mean… Shit. Um…”
Jim blinked through his stammering before realization seemed to dawn on him. His own cheeks took on that embarrassed pink that Len had grown so fond of as he mumbled something unintelligible under Len’s talking.
“What was that?”
“I thought we were already dating.”
Len froze. “What?”
Now Jim was stubbornly looking anywhere other than Len. “I dunno… I thought we were already dating. We spend all our time together and you never talk about other people and I just kinda figured you were super old fashioned about that kinda stuff and that’s why we haven’t kissed yet…”
“Yeah, Bones?”
“I’m going to kiss you now.”
And there was that sunbeam smile again. It only got to last a second, however, because Len leaned over the table to catch his lips in a sweet kiss before they had to pull back and let their server set down their plates.
Tagging: @pinkamour1588 @auduna-druitt @thevalesofanduin @mccoymostly @gracieminabox @the-space-goddess-16 @southernbellestatues @yourtropegirl @randomlittleimp
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its-freakinbats · 6 years
Jim Kirk (AOS) x Leonard McCoy (AOS)
Description: Jim Kirk stresses over meeting one Joanna McCoy. For @darlinleonard
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 2593
Notes: Very short, but heartwarming, I suppose. My first completed work, so there’s that. Also, suspend your realism for the last paragraph. It may be somewhat far-fetched, but so was Into Darkness, so.
Jim was unsure of how to expect the meeting to go.
Well, unsure wasn’t the precise word. To be more accurate, Jim was pretty fucking terrified of what was to come.
It was illogical to feel the way he did about the impending event, Spock would tell him and yet logic didn’t always seem to take care of the situation at hand; something that Jim was still struggling to teach Spock.
When Bones first told Jim of Joanna’s arrival three weeks ago, the captain had laughed. He would surely charm Joanna; they had spoken several times during shore leave, albeit over webcam. Still, every time the girl expressed her gratitude toward the captain. Having a father in Starfleet also meant the possibility of losing him to some space terror, something that the twelve year old had come to realize at a young age; to have a captain such as James T Kirk to helm the ship her father was on was a blessed gift to the child.
But her father had only really alluded to the relationship a few times. Jim understood why Bones was stepping so gently around it; Jocelyn had only just married Clay a few years ago, so needless to say Joanna was already adjusting to one stepparent.
But then they were faced with Khan Noonien Singh, an obstacle that neither of them had ever expected to face. Even worse, Leonard was faced with a greater obstacle: loss.
Jim knew how hard it had been for everyone, particularly Bones. The possibility of losing Jim forever had struck the man in a way that nothing else had in recent memory, with the exception of losing Jo to her mother.
And now that Jim was busy recovering, Leonard couldn’t bear the thought of Jo not meeting Jim as her father’s partner, and thus decided that now was as good of a time as any for the two to finally meet. He had explained this all to Jim late one evening after spending several hours re-exploring each other’s bodies, leaving no expanse untouched.
“She’s already so fond of you, Jim,” Bones muttered into his lover’s mussed hair. “If it weren’t for her daddy already being in Starfleet, I’d swear she was planning on going just to meet you.”  At the time, Jim hadn’t found the statement so daunting. It was a heartfelt secret shared between the two, not an obstacle.
But now as the two were standing next to one of the many international transporters in San Francisco, Jim could honestly say he had never been more terrified to meet a thirteen year old girl. The plan was to pick up the teen, show her around the area, and take her to dinner where they would tell her. A fun day, and yet Jim had never dreaded anything more in his life.
“Would you calm down for two seconds?” Len had berated him as the blonde man fiddled restlessly with the sleeves that fell at his wrists. Was it too informal? Jim wondered. The long sleeved t-shirt and jean ensemble had seemed practical thirty minutes ago, but now Jim was fretting over how casual the outfit looked. He was captain, after all. Should he have worn something different?
It was stupid, really, but Jim just couldn’t shake the feeling that, well, he might not seem good enough. It wasn’t until Bones spoke at him again that he pulled himself from his self-deprecating reverie.
“Jim, what’s buggin’ you so much? You’re starting to give me anxiety,” the CMO teased slightly, but stopped when Jim looked at him. He had that look in his eye that told Bones that he was unsure of something. He was afraid if he spoke, he might lose the toast he’d eaten just hours previously.
“Oh, kid. It’s not Jo that’s eatin’ you up, is it?” Len asked gently. His hand went to clasp Jim’s; the CMO must have noticed that his hands were sweaty, but said nothing, thankfully. “Jim, I can’t help you if you don’t give me anything,” the man said tenderly, something that was rather uncommon for the gruff doctor.
Jim hesitated; it really was ridiculous that the opinion of a kid was making him so damn worried. But Bones was right. If he didn’t do anything, he’d be a mess when Joanna showed up.
“I just…she really holds me in a high regard. You’ve said it yourself,” Jim said, his eyes fixing themselves on the concrete sidewalk they were standing on. “She idolizes me even. What if I’m not what she thinks I am, Bones? What if when she hears that we’re together, she…just feels differently. What if she doesn’t like me? What if I’m not…”
“Not what?”
“What if she doesn’t think I’m good enough?” Jim finished quietly. He looked up to meet Leonard’s half surprised hazel eyes.
“You’re kidding me, right?” the other man asked with a raised brow. “Jim, I don’t know what made you think that Jo’s not gonna like you, but it’s wrong,” he reassured the man. Jim gave a half-hearted smile. “God, Jim. You make it sound like you’re meeting my parents. Which, if they didn’t happen to like you, wouldn’t make any difference to me. What matters to me is how I feel about you.”
“Sorry,” Jim replied softly after a beat of silence.
“Don’t be. Just be yourself, Jim.”
“Oh, okay. Just wondering, when did you become a counselor? “Jim-”
“You got another degree in your pocket that I don’t know about?”
“God, you’re horrible.”
“You chose me.”
Bones sighed, but looked down at their intertwined hands with the hint of a smile playing at his full lips. “I guess I did,” he admitted. He shared a gaze with his boyfriend before the younger man rolled his eyes. “Don’t be so mushy in front of your daughter,” Jim teased. Leonard rolled his own eyes. As if it had been timed accordingly, the humming of the transporter could be heard on the street corner, and the two shared a gaze. Jim, whose blue eyes grew wide in fear, met Leonard’s calm ones. You’ll be fine, Jim, they told him. Jim nodded slightly, before sucking in a breath. He released Leonard’s hand, and joined in watching the small body begin to appear before them.
A gasp was heard, before Joanna McCoy appeared in a shimmer of teal, with a small suitcase trailing behind her. Her big hazel eyes blinked several times before focusing on her father, and a large smile appeared on her face. “Dad!” she cried happily, suitcase forgotten as she rushed up to meet him in a tight hug.
“Jojo!” Leonard greeted the girl as his large arms wrapped themselves around her. Jim felt a warmth shoot through him despite the trepidation; it was rare to see Bones smile that broadly, and that peacefully, too. “Oh, I missed you, Joanna Renai,” Leonard said before planting a large kiss atop of the girl’s strawberry blonde head. “Ew, dad!” Joanna whined from her father’s grip. Leonard pulled away with a smirk. “What, now that you’re thirteen you can ignore smooches from your pa? I don’t think so, ma’am,” Bones teased his daughter.
Jim, who was standing awkwardly with his arms crossed, shuffled slightly in his spot. Despite how happy it made him to see Bones like this, the man felt as if he were terribly out of place.
Bones pulled away from his daughter to gesture to the blonde man.“Oh, Joanna, I’d like you to meet Jim Kirk. He’s the captain of the Enterprise,” he explained. Joanna, who was all too familiar with Jim, smiled big. “It’s a pleasure to meet you in person, captain,” she said as she stuck her hand out. “Jim’s gonna have dinner with us, Jojo,” Leonard informed the girl, who brightened slightly. It wasn’t everyday you had dinner with your father and your idol, Jim thought. “Jojo, why don’t you tell Jim what you plan to do at Starfleet.”
Joanna pulled a sick face. “Can we not, dad? I just transported across the country. I feel pretty gross,” she admitted. Jim snorted to himself. “I wonder where she gets that from,” he said smartly before grabbing Joanna’s suitcase.
“So, what do you think of San Francisco?” Leonard asked Joanna in between bites of sushi. The girl shrugged as she sipped her lemonade. “It’s fine. I’m honestly just kind of disappointed.”
Bones looked at Jim with a slightly alarmed eyebrow.
“About?” he asked his daughter.
“Well, I was kind of expecting a tribble when I got here, but…”
“Joanna Renai McCoy, the time I get you a tribble is when I want your mother to physically drag me by me teeth and drop kick me into Saturn’s orbit.”
“You know the funny thing is, he probably likes space less than he likes that idea,” Jim quipped from Bones’s side to the girl. Joanna snorted appreciatively as Bones rolled his eyes. After a few hours and a drink, Jim had relaxed somewhat. Still, he felt apprehension sitting his stomach like a rock. “Well,” Bones announced suddenly as he stood from his seat, “with that, I think I’m gonna go grab another drink. Jim, you want another one?” he asked. The blonde man gave a slight shrug. “A gin and tonic would be nice,” he said. Bones nodded. “How about you, Jo? Another lemonade?” The girl shook her head. “I wanna finish this one first, dad,” she said with a slight giggle.
“Okay,” he said, before ruffling the girl’s hair. She stuck her tongue out at her father’s retreating back before turning to sip her drink. “What a doody-head,” she muttered to herself, making Jim snort. “Wow, you kids really need to work on your insults,” he teased. Joanna raised an eyebrow in a manner that very much reminded Jim of Bones. “Please, have you met my father? I didn’t grow up learning weak insults, you know.”
“Oh, I’ll bet. Has he told you of all of the creative names he’s come up with for Spock?” he asked with a smile. Joanna shook her head. “I’ve only really heard a few of them, to be honest. But, I’m sure dad’s come up with real winners.”
“Hey, so this is gonna be a little random, but what is it you really want to do in Starfleet? You sounded kind of embarrassed earlier,” Jim wondered suddenly. Jim had heard from Bones on a few occasions that she was interested in Starfleet, but had never really asked. Joanna looked down bashfully. “Honestly?” she asked, looking at him like he would laugh at her. Jim nodded. “Yeah.”
“I really want to captain a ship. Like you.”
“What’s so weird about that?” Jim inquired.
“Well, I had only just met you, and I’m sure my dad has told you all about how I think you’re one of the greatest people in the world and stuff.”
Jim smiled. “He’s mentioned it.”
“Well, I didn’t want to sound like a complete freak when I first showed up. Also, dad does this thing whenever I happen to meet his friends where he gets all teary-eyed and starts talking about all of my accomplishments, and I really didn’t want to deal with that,” Joanna admitted. Jim quirked a brow at the girl. “He is proud of you, though. He loves bragging whenever he gets messages from you.” Joanna covered her face with her hands. “Oh, no. He doesn’t do it in front of everyone, does he?” Jim shook his head. “No, just in front of Christine and I. Sometimes M’Benga when he’s feeling rapturous.”
The two then fell into a comfortable silence for a few moments. Jim, who was curious about the habits of his boyfriend, decided to prod slightly. “Does he really do that? Get all…teary-eyed and goobery?” Jim asked before raising his glass to finish his drink. Jo shrugged. “Sure. Honestly, I figured you probably picked up on it, being his boyfriend and all,” she replied nonchalantly.
Jim, who received the emotional equivalent of whiplash from the response, spat his drink out in a rather unattractive manner. Joanna merely blinked at him, though not without crinkling her nose gently at the man’s reaction. As the man craned his neck to look back at the girl, he stammered. “Wh-what?”
His gaze swept surreptitiously across the restaurant, praying that Bones would appear at any moment to save him from embarrassing himself further.  When he looked back at Joanna, she was holding her own dinner napkin in her hands to offer to him. He quickly took it, slightly ashamed that she had given up her own napkin; though his mind was still buzzing from her confession.
“Y-you did? For how long? Does your mom know?” Jim babbled as he dabbed uselessly at his slightly stained top. Joanna blinked her big hazel eyes at him, before breaking into a fit of giggles at the entire situation, much to Jim’s confusion. Before the man could speak up again, Bones could be heard from beside them. “I’m gone for a few minutes and already there’s a problem,” he joked. However, he caught Jim’s distressed eye and raised a brow. “What’s going on?” the man inquired, looking between his daughter and his boyfriend.
Joanna shook her head; ringlets bounced childishly around her face. “Oh, nothing. Your boyfriend thinks that I can’t pick up on things.”
Bones shot him an accusatory look. “I thought we were going to tell her together.”
Jim merely stammered.
“Oh, he didn’t tell me. I kind of figured it out,” Joanna said with a wave of her hand. “Honestly, you idiots aren’t as subtle as you think you are. God, does the crew always see you act this embarrassing?” she asked.
Joanna looked at her father, who appeared to be having a stroke. “Are you okay, dad?” she asked curiously. The man, who had just seated himself, proceeded to released a bark of laughter.
“Oh, oh, god. You really are my kid,” he managed to say after catching his breath.
The confession on Joanna’s part lead an air of comfortable felicity. Several drinks later, Jim was ready to head home and play Uno with Joanna, who had vowed to kick his ass.
She really was Leonard’s child.
All the two had to do was wait outside while Bones picked up the bill.
But they were content with chatting happily about their shared love of hell raising. “Just remember to put a few of the ‘Pop-It’s’ on the toilet seat. Also, don’t shut the lid too hard. You don’t want to set them off before someone sits on the toilet.”
Joanna nodded seriously. “Okay, I’ll remember.”
Jim gave her an approving look before looking out at the San Francisco sky. He hummed to himself as he tried to name the galaxies that surrounded them.
There was a moment of pure silence before Jim spoke up. “Hey, kid. You really want a tribble?” he asked, looking at the girl. Joanna raised a brow. “Sure,” she said slowly, looking at him with consideration. “I mean, I know they reproduce at a crazy rate and everything, but-” “Hey, don’t worry about that. Your dad actually brought one back to life, and we have nowhere to put it.” Joanna blinked. “Really? You’re serious?” she asked, excitement practically oozing her pores. “Sure. It’s at the hotel room right now. Your dad’s gonna kill me, but it’s not like he doesn’t threaten that on a regular basis,” Jim grumbled to himself as he eyed the man walking out of the restaurant.
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Just A Crush
Chapter 9: Desperate Need Of Truth
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Word Count: 5,380
Summary: When people talk and others listen, we find out things we never knew before... Also Cas is curious, do you have feelings for him?
When you went downstairs, you followed the soft hum that came from the kitchen. Your mother always hummed while she cooked; breakfast, lunch, and dinner, a tune would escape from her. You didn’t realize how much you’ve missed it until now. As you entered, she had her back to you as she washed off some vegetables in the sink. Your parents grew a small garden out in the backyard; vegetables ranging from tomatoes, squash, peppers, and even corn, so she must have just picked some.
“Hey,” you greet as you approached her. She couldn’t help but turn back and smile, looking behind you to see if Cas was with you. You noticed and it reminded you of what recently happened.
“What do you both like to eat?” her tone was genuine. Pursing your lips, you couldn’t help but shrug.
“Anything really,” you admit. While Cas had been human, there hadn’t really been anything he absolutely didn’t like; he was open to try anything. There were a few things he wasn’t too fond of, but he didn’t hate it.
“I need you to be more specific,” her motherly tone seeping through, “What’s his favorite meal?” Her shoulder shrugged towards the door you had come through, assuming you had left Cas in the other room.
“Peanut butter and Jelly sandwiches,” you explain, not really thinking anything of it. Your mother cocked her head towards you, a questionable look featuring across her face.
“I’m being serious. I want him to feel at home here, what better way than to fix him his favorite meal? I need your help.”
“I’m being serious too, he loves pb&j. I don’t get it, but he does…. I mean… I get it, because they are good, but honestly he would be satisfied just surviving on those for the rest of his life… and he would if I didn’t ask him to try other things,” you gave.
“You’re telling me, if I just made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches he would be okay with that?” she couldn’t help but give a skeptical look towards you.
“He would be more okay with that,” you confirm. She smiled and shook her head as she turned back to the vegetables she was washing.
“Did he eat them a lot as a child?” the question slipped from her lips without hesitation, not seeing anything wrong with asking. Though you knew the answer but you couldn’t tell her. You couldn’t say that Cas didn’t eat as a child, because he hadn’t actually been a human child before. Angels don’t eat or rather they ‘don’t need sustenance’.
“I don’t think so,” you said. She nodded before turning the water off, moving over to dry the veggies with a towel.
“How many brothers does he have?” Her questions were to be expected, but you weren’t sure how to answer them.
“Uh… quite a few,” you shift, turning to the refrigerator and pulling out a bottle of water.
“Any sisters?” she pressed.
“Yeah… he has sisters,” you explain, not letting the truth slip completely. Angels didn’t have genders, their vessels did.
“You don’t like to talk about them?” lifting her head, she met your gaze.
“Cas doesn’t…. some of his siblings have passed on and the others don’t care for him much. They aren’t good to him,” you didn’t want to lie, so a variation of the truth couldn’t hurt.
“Oh,” is all she could muster up to say. You knew she felt bad, especially since she knew he didn’t have a mother and his father wasn't there for him.
“What about his father?” There it was. If she only knew God was your pretend 'father-in-law'. Did it even work like that? Who knows, you were just going to go with it.
“His name is… Chuck… he wasn’t really there for them, not all the time. Cas was close with his brother Gabriel, and Balthazar too in a way, but even their bonds weren’t that great.”
“Does he still see them?” little did you know how painful this question would be until she had asked it. Gabriel liked to play games, to an extent where it could be absolutely annoying. But he was a good guy… all he wanted was to escape from it all. Balthazar too towards the end, he didn’t want to have any part of it. One thing you couldn’t do, was tell her that Cas had killed him, nor that Lucifer killed Gabriel; those confessions were better left unsaid.
“They aren’t here anymore.” You couldn’t help but sulk a little, especially for Gabriel. You missed the trickster...
“What about his mother?” you were glad she waited until Cas wasn't around to ask you these questions, she was a little more considerate than your sister. Not that Jenna would have known.
“He never knew her,” surely that would be a better answer than his mother didn’t exist. How well would that have gone over? 'Cas’ mother is nonexistent. His father created him because his father is God. Maybe next time we're down, we'll invite him to join us so you and father can meet the Creator, himself… Oh, and he prefers to go by Chuck… just a little reminder. Lol, shits and giggles, you’re so funny (y/n).’ Rolling your eyes at yourself, you walk over to the counter where your mother was standing.
“He’s done pretty well though, regardless of where he came from. He rose above it all… and chose his own free will. He can be different at times or seem a little off, but it's because of how he grew up…. His situation as a whole is… indescribable really. He’s trying though and he’s doing really well one on one,” you explain knowingly. She smiled as she finished drying the last tomato.
“He really cares for you, you know,” she finally glances up after a few moments of silence, you couldn’t help but freeze up.
“Mom,” you let out a struggled laugh. If she only knew this whole thing between you and him wasn’t real. Sure, you felt deeply for him but you didn’t expect someone like him to love you back.
“He does,” she claimed, “I see it in the way he is with you.” All you could do was fake a smile for her, so she wouldn’t know that something was up. You only wished he did. Sure, as a friend maybe, but not in the romantic way you were hoping for.
“You two will be the next ones to get married,” smiling, she made her way over to the table; displaying the vegetables in the bowl that was placed in the center.
“Well… if he asks I wouldn’t be one to say no,” you fake another laugh, which luckily goes by unnoticed. If he asked, you’d be out of your mind to say no, but why would he even ask? You weren’t really together, that was clear, but angels didn’t marry. It was also clear that Cas was no longer an angel, but you were pretty sure marriage wasn’t even important to him. Some of the things angels deal with makes marriage seem like… like it's just a worthless piece of paper in comparison; like it's just something humans do to pass the time.
“Good, you deserve to be happy sweetheart.” Making her way over to the refrigerator, she pulled out the jelly and then moved towards the pantry to get the peanut butter. Although it seemed like you had just ate, it was past lunch time. You decided to collect the plates for her, grabbing four because your father would undoubtedly like one too. She made the sandwiches without asking any more questions, it wasn't until you were fixing to call for Cas, that she spoke up.
“I’m going to have beautiful grandchildren.” It were as if she were speaking to herself, but it got you thinking. Jenna and Jim would give her beautiful grandchildren. They would make a wonderful family; Jim and Jenna would be amazing parents and you would be a great aunt… that is, when you would be around.
“Cas!” you called, trying to escape the thoughts in your mind. It made you sad to know you were going to miss moments when your sister had a baby. Honestly, when you and Cas were to leave, even that would be difficult. You missed it here; your family, your old room, your old life. But you kept reminding yourself that you wouldn’t have met Cas if things hadn’t happened the way they had. You loved the boys and saving the world when it needed to be saved. But now that you were thinking about it, Cas had been right. What if you were to die? Your family wouldn’t know the truth and you couldn’t exactly ask the boys or even Cas to come explain the truth to them. It wouldn’t be right or fair to anyone. You needed to tell them the truth. Even though you were trying to save them, what if some demon came along and tried to use them against you. Not only that, but what if some monster moved into town tomorrow? How would they be able to protect themselves if they didn’t know what to look out for?
“Does Cas want children?” she pondered. Cas hadn’t made it down the stairs yet, so it was nothing he could hear but it pulled you back.
“Uh…I don’t… I don’t know. He’s never said anything,” your cheeks flared up. In order to have kids, you had to have sex and just thinking about sex with Cas… it made you flustered. Your mother didn’t notice your blush, she just took in the thought of your words.
“What’s for lunch?” at that time, your father walked in with a soft smile.
“Pb&J’s,” you inform, eyes moving over towards Cas as he walked through the entrance, “your favorite.” Despite your previous encounter, Cas gave you a warming smile as he came to stand next to you; slipping his hand into yours. Your father watched him cautiously, he wasn't sure about Cas. Not because of something he had done, but because you had already been hurt before. Your father didn’t ever want that to happen again so he wasn't going to be too careful. He sat down at the table and you motioned for Cas to do the same as you helped your mother fill drinks. This time at the table, you and your mother sat on either side of your father and Cas sat between you and your mother, facing your father.
“How’s work going?” you ask simply, starting up a conversation. Your father finished his bite and chased it down with a gulp of water before answering.
“It’s going well. Stocks are down, but I think we're going to see an increase pretty soon,” he gave. Nodding your head towards him, you stole a quick glance at Cas; your mother noticing the way you watched him so shyly.
“I hope you like it,” your mother spoke up, talking to Cas. Lifting his head he noticed she was talking to him and he nodded with a smile.
“She said these were your favorite,” she continued. Turning his gaze over to you, you couldn’t help but smile back; Cas had that effect on you.
“They are delightful. Thank you,” Cas looked back towards your mother, smile still beaming upon his features.
“You’re welcome,” her reply was heartfelt. She really, really liked Cas; especially for you. A few minutes went by without anyone saying anything, the four of you focusing on your meal.
“Cas, do you want to have children?” your mother’s question was out of the blue and it was a million times worse when she asked now than it had been earlier when it was just you and her. Not only did she out right ask Cas, but your father was in the room too. Your eyes flew over to Cas, to reel in his emotions over the matter. He stopped chewing and his eyes slowly lifted up to meet your mother's; his smile from earlier now diminished and his features were plain with a red tint upon his cheeks. Watching her for a few seconds, he looked over to you as if he were asking for help. You couldn’t blame him, could you? I mean, his fake ‘girlfriend’s' mother was asking him about his future possibilities with kids. Again Cas was human but angels didn’t reproduce, nephilim weren’t allowed. So angel Cas hadn’t even considered it especially with the life you all live, and Cas hadn’t been human long. You seriously doubted marriage and reproducing were at the top of his current to-do list. You tried to speak up, to say something to help him out but you couldn’t even make a sound. Cas’ blue eyes slipped from yours and they met with your fathers for a moment before he settled back to your mom.
“If (Y/n) would like to have them. I want her to be happy,” he replied almost as if he were serious. It was difficult for you to tell and spot the difference; Cas was getting good at this little charade.
“Hopefully you would marry her first,” your father elaborated. He was old school that way. Nowadays, people don’t always wait for marriage but he wanted you and Jenna to be. Jim even came and asked him for his blessing before proposing to Jenna.
“Dad,” you exhale, putting your sandwich down on your plate cautiously.
“What? If he’s planning to have children with you then he needs to commit with you first. Not just because it’s what you want, but because it's what he wants,” he stood his ground. You couldn’t help but feel sorry for Cas. This was one of the moments you couldn’t say anything without risking the charade you two were playing.
“Honey,” your mother spoke up this time, pulling his attention to her. She sent him the look and your father tried a different approach.
“I just don’t want something to happen. Castiel, this is my little girl. I hope you can see that I only want what's best for her as she’s already had trouble in her past. You make her happy, I can see that; but are you happy?” You expected Cas to hesitate before he replied, but he surprised you with his quick response.
“I love her. She makes me happy and I’m happy to be here with her; learning things I had no idea about...,” Cas explained and for a second your heart stopped beating. His confession were as if it were real, and you wanted it to be desperately. But this game you were playing, it was messing with your mind. Cas wouldn’t be saying these things if you were at the bunker. Cas’ gaze fell from your father and he focused on his plate; not moving, he just sat still. Somehow, you drew yourself together and placed your hand on his knee carefully, as if to play along. You turned to your father and you missed the look Cas sent you.
“See? We’re happy,” you claim, sending your father a soft smile. Maybe now he wouldn’t worry as much and he would take it easy on Cas for the rest of the stay. Though, your father didn’t say anything, perhaps it was the way Cas was acting at the moment; he seemed to be lost in thought. Probably thinking over what he had said and if it was the right thing to say. You sat up straighter and without realizing, your hand moved from your ‘boyfriend's’  knee to his upper thigh; Cas definitely noticed, his face heating at your contact with him. It didn’t even process, your mind was just trying to focus on choosing another topic of conversation.
“Jenna and Jim are coming back over tonight. We’re going to have s'mores out back around the fire pit,” your mother announced.
“Yes, I need to go gather wood for that,” your father explained as he stood from the table. He had finished his sandwich and put his plate in the sink before slipping out the back door.
“I’m sorry for that,” she apologized, placing her hand on Cas’ shoulder as she collected both of your empty plates.
“It’s alright,” Cas spoke, but he sounded off; even for himself, “Can I go back to your room and look at your poems?” He looked to you as if he was almost sad about something.
“Yeah Cas, you’re more than welcome to,” you nod, giving him a smile and only receiving a slight tug from his cheek that lifted his lip for a second. After excusing himself, he disappeared back upstairs and you couldn’t help but watch from where he had left. Wondering if he was okay because your father had been a little much.
“See, he loves you,” your mother sent you a knowing smile before she cleaned off the rest of the dishes. After they were rinsed, she came and sat back down at the table with you. You managed to change topics and the two of you started talking about what all had happened here while you were gone. You hadn’t realized, but the two of you had talked for a couple of hours. Somewhere in the conversation, your father had come back inside and went back to his study to work. Cas had stayed up in your room, reading every single poem you had up there and taking in the vastness of your artworks; he loved them all, simply because you had made them and at the time, you were expressing yourself.
A ring from the doorbell brought you and your mother from your deep conversation. She rose from her seat and sought after the door. After looking at the time, you knew it had to be Jim and Jenna; the day had flew by. Standing from your chair, you heard Jenna’s laughter as you pushed it in. Within seconds, the three of them joined you in the kitchen.
“Hey!” Jenna’s excitement about seeing you was still evident; almost as if she hadn’t even seen you the night before.
“Hey little sister,” you hug her tightly as a smile surfaced. After pulling away, you hugged Jim like you had before and noticed a heartfelt smile upon his lips. You were happy he would be joining the family, even though you were barely apart of it anymore.
“Where’s Cas?” Jenna asked, noticing his absence.
“Upstairs probably hiding from dad,” rolling your eyes playfully, the both you giggled.
“Oh no, what did he say to him?”
“He was just being Dad,” you chuckle, “no but, Cas is upstairs reading my poems.” Jenna straightened up, knowing full well you hadn’t been up there in years. When you left, she used to go sit up there sometimes; recalling old memories and thinking about how fun you were before you became involved with Erin.
“I’ll go get him,” you noticed her expression but parted with a forced smile. You hadn’t realized how much you had hurt them so many years ago until now. Not only did you lose yourself, but your parents lost a daughter and Jenna lost her sister. As you climbed up the stairs, you had to shake the thoughts from your head, its not like you could go back and change things. You could only improve things from here. The door was open and you found Cas laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling.
“Cas?” you called out for him, wondering what on earth he could possibly be doing and how long he had been like that. Perhaps you should have come to check on him sooner. He turned his head to you instantly and a hum escaped from his lips.
“What are you doing?” you couldn’t help but ask as you leaned against the door frame. He turned his head back to your ceiling.
“Thinking,” he admitted softly. Was this about earlier? About what your father had said? You weren’t sure, but you entered the room and sat down on the floor beside him. It took a few moments, but you decided to lay beside him and look up too. The years have flown by since you’ve slept in here and you forgot you had put up glow in the dark stars that covered your ceiling.
“I’m sorry about my father. He can be… too much at times…,” you said, turning your head towards him now. He had closed his eyes, and you weren’t quite sure what was going on with him.
“And my mother too. I had no idea she was going to ask you that,” you explain. His eyes opened and eventually he turned to look at you once more.
“They are good parents,” he admitted genuinely. Giving him a small smile, you could tell something else was bothering him. He sat up from the floor, sitting for a moment before completely standing. You laid there watching him until you pulled yourself up to do the same. He was now transfixed on the floor, his hands down by his sides.
“What’s wrong Cas?” your voice was low, he was really starting to worry you.
“It’s nothing,” his answer was hesitant and it only fueled your worry.
“It’s not nothing,… clearly something is wrong. Talk to me,” you pressed. He moved his gaze towards you instantly, his eyes speaking a thousand words but you couldn’t hear what they were crying out for.
“We’re lying to them…,” he began, “ I understand I told you I would ‘roll with it’, but… your father wants the best for you, your mother too; they are good people.
“What are you saying? You don’t want to do this?” Crossing your arms, you drew your brows in confusion. You couldn’t help but get defensive.
“No, I didn’t say that…,” he began, but you interrupted him.
“Well what do you want from me? Do you not think I know that they deserve the truth? It’s been circling my mind ever since we discussed it yesterday Cas. I know that the way I’ve handled things have been complete crap, okay? I know that by trying to keep them save, I’ve only put them in more danger; thankfully nothing has happened to them…. I’m going to tell them the truth, I promise…I just can’t tell them right now.
“The truth about everything?” He gave you a knowing look, as if you knew what he should be talking about.
“What do you mean ‘everything’? Of course I will,” you declared. Cas stance fell, he looked weak almost before he spoke up again.
“Even about us?”
“What about us?” What was he talking about?
“You and I… we’re not…,” he explained softly.
“I know. Okay, I know that we’re a lie too. I’ve been living a lie for years and lying has just become a part of me. If you want them to know the truth about us, then there’s no point in pretending we're together anymore, is there? Do you want to leave Cas? Is that what’s wrong?” you weren’t mad, if anything you were severely heartbroken and he could notice that much.
“No, I don’t want that (y/n). I don’t want Dean to come, I don’t want to leave, I want to stay with you,” he answered, moving closer to you.
“But you don’t want to lie anymore? So what are we supposed to do? Go down there and just tell everyone that we're just friends?"
"I came here to be your ‘boyfriend’,” he used his air quotes, “and that’s what I’ll be. But what about next time? What about when you come back to visit? Are you still going to pretend that…that we’re together? Or is this just for the wedding?” He threw you off guard for a moment. You hadn’t thought about it this thoroughly before. What were your plans for the future? Your family could see how happy you were with him now, but what if down the line Cas got into a real relationship? It wouldn’t be fair to call him yours, fake or not, when he belonged to someone else. At least, you knew if he were yours, you wouldn’t want to be sharing him with anyone else.
“I don’t know,” you barely managed, tears were threatening your eyes, but you looked away so he wouldn’t see.
“Your family doesn’t like Erin. That’s understandable, but I would never hurt you like that. I just want to know what you're planning on telling them once we leave. Are we going to continue pretending or are you going to say that we aren’t together anymore? They can noticeably see a difference in you while you’re pretending with me, but what would you tell them? That you broke up with me? They would never believe that (y/n), especially your father. He would think that I hurt you like Erin did. I don’t want that to happen."
“So you want to be my ‘boyfriend’ now and next time just tell them the truth? That we aren’t and never have been together, that we were faking it?"
“I just want to make it clear that I would never hurt you. But what happens if you meet someone else and you bring them home with you next time? I would love to come with you again, but if you have a real boyfriend… you wouldn’t even have to make a decision, it would be him."
“You would want to come back?
“Yes. I enjoy spending time with you but if you found someone else...,” he cleared.
“Then that settles it,” you explain, leaving him even more confused than before.
“I would come back, unless you were to get another boyfriend?”
“Cas… I don’t want…,” you paused. You didn’t want anyone else as a boyfriend, you would take Cas being your pretend boyfriend any day over having to spend your life with someone else; though you couldn’t really just tell him that, you didn’t have it in you. If you did, you would have told him nine years ago when he first stole your heart.
“I’m not getting a real boyfriend, I don’t want that. But if you like coming, then I don’t see why it would be a problem if you came with me again next time.” He watched you before nodding his head in agreement.
“I would like that,” he gave, his saddened demeanor from earlier changed.
“As for the whole marriage and children thing,” you cracked a smile, “ let's not worry about that right now, okay? We’ll deal with that later.” A smile began to form on his features as he nodded again.
“And just to clear things up, I would never compare you to Erin to them. You’re not him and you’re not ever going to be blamed for something he did, okay. I’m not sure if that’s what you were upset about, but are you okay?” You were concerned but hopeful. Today was supposed to be a good day, and you were damned if it turned out to be a complete shit show like the last few days had been. Cas nodded and you smiled to see if he would reciprocate.
“Okay, you’re good, I’m good and we're still going to do this?” you couldn’t be too sure, you needed to hear him say it.
“I want to, if you do,” he said. Shaking your head agreeing to him, you couldn’t help but smile again as he smiled first this time.
“Okay,” you looked away from him for a second, “Cas, have you ever had a s’more.” Looking back up, you saw that he had tilted his head at your question.
“You’re going to love them,” you tell him, holding your hand out for him to take. He obliged, and followed you downstairs. Everyone was already outside, gathered by the fire pit. It was still a little early for s’mores but you met them outside anyway. Before you knew it, your sister whisked you away from Cas, pulling you over to sit between her and your mother. She wanted to catch up and also talk to you about her wedding details some more. Cas sat across from you on the other side of the fire by your father and Jim. They sat quietly as you girls talked for a while and every now and then, you would send him a friendly smile that he would return. After a while, your father received a phone call and his work pulled him back into the house. Usually, he stopped working around 5 but their office had to stay late tonight to get ‘some numbers in’ as he had said before going back inside. Your sister kept talking and talking, which you didn’t mind at all. You had missed this so it was good to catch up in person.
“It’s a great feeling isn’t it?” Jim announced, pulling Cas away from staring at you.
“What?” Cas tilted his head in question.
“Loving someone who loves you back, unconditionally,” Jim sat back in his chair, crossing one leg over the other and then crossing his arms against his chest. Castiel watched him for a second before turning to look back at you. This was only an act, you and him.
“You really don’t know yet do you?” Jim chuckled softly, not loud enough to catch your attention, while shaking his head.
“(Y/n) doesn’t call a lot when she’s gone. When she does though, she’s on the phone for hours; especially with Jenna. You’re all she’s ever talked about for the last nine years; since the moment she saw you. Hell, I knew what you looked like before I even met you; her describing you over and over to J so she could get an idea. I know how she feels though. I have that feeling with Jenna; I’m in love with her. Honestly, I couldn’t tell you why I waited so long to go after her,” Jim told, seeing if Cas would catch on. After you telling Cas that you had told them things so this ‘relationship’ would be believable, he didn’t know what was actually real anymore.
“Look…, she’s never going to tell you the truth willingly. (Y/n)’s afraid you’ll reject her and shut her out. I know because I was her before I told Jenna; I was terrified Jenna wouldn’t want anything to do with me anymore. She shuts you out because it's her own way of protecting herself; instead of giving you the opportunity to hurt her, she has pushed you away and stayed distant so you wouldn’t even have the chance.” Cas listened to the words that Jim shared. It explained a lot really, but was it true? Not that he thought Jim would lie to him, but you had created a complete mess with all of the lies.
“She told me last night, when we were washing dishes, about your little ‘agreement’ you have going on right now. You know, the fake boyfriend act…. I know you don’t know me, but believe me when I tell you that she’s in love with you, man. She has been since the very first time she met you.” The look Cas was giving Jim, was understandable. The poor guy was completely confused and lost for words at this truth. Had you really been lying to him too… this whole time? Cas sat there for a couple of minutes after, a clear look of concern etched upon his features.
“Excuse me,” Cas stood and began walking back to the house, almost as if he were in a hurry. You all noticed and you sent Jim a questionable gaze, but he only shrugged his shoulders. Your sister kept talking so you didn’t really have a chance to go after him. Cas moved up the stairs rather quickly, he couldn’t make it to your room fast enough. Once inside, he closed the door behind him and leaned against it. How could he not have realized how you felt for him? This whole time? Pulling the phone from his pocket, he dialed and held it up to his ear.
“Hey Cas,” Dean answered. Cas wasn’t wasting time, he asked straight and to the point.
“Does she have feelings for me?”
taglist: @misscherryberry @fabmagines @amandaecrn @saravalentin20 @tokentransboy @miwinski19 @jessikared97 @luridmentor @aethelora-sims @poorexcuseofaband
84 notes · View notes
samingtonwilson · 7 years
Loot - Part 4 - Jim Kirk
Loot masterlist
Word count: 2,486 Warnings: language, mentions of abuse/injuries
A/N: another long part filled with nonsense. this part really got away from me tbh, it’ll be totally back on track soon. it just doesn’t feel believable to me to have something intense happen every time (although, arguably, believability is shot to hell when you’re writing about a sci-fi franchise). i wanted this story to be more about the reader and their feelings and jim and his feelings. i hope his feelings toward the reader are obvious without me having to point blank write them-- like i hope you can tell through mannerisms. anyway, i’ve had a trying week and apologize if i missed some typos. lemme know if you wanna be tagged! ENJOY AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK
The artifact was becoming a pain— something you could say literally after the ancient hunk of metal scalded the skin of your palm and wrist, and something you could say figuratively after you were forced out of your oven-like temporary quarters more often than not for the past three days.
According to a drunken, loud-mouthed Ensign Chekov, the Enterprise had flown through a nebula that threw off the ship’s electrical balance. It caused the air systems, the warp core, and practically every electronic on the ship to be knocked out of equilibrium and into much more volatile, unpredictable states—  a statement you could confirm due to the onset timing of the artifact’s volatility.
When it came to the air systems, cool air would blast out of the vent when warm air was desired and vice versa. As for the warp core, several engineers found themselves in the medbay clutching burns from the core’s overheating while electronics such as communicators and PADDs shorted out, shut off, and came back to life upon whim.
Hearing that all the malfunctions were due to a nebula was a relief but the initial worry you experienced lingered a little. You wondered if the problems were being exacerbated by the artifact and almost had your suspicions confirmed when rumor had it the ship’s chief engineer, Scotty claimed this particular nebula couldn’t have been the only cause for so many issues.
You found yourself wishing you’d taken Jim up on his offer to explain to you why the artifact was so important. You also found yourself wishing you could pry a window open and throw the damn thing into the dark abyss of space— no amount of tuition was worth the pain it was causing you and the potential pain it could cause the hundreds of people on board.
As you sat atop a biobed in Exam Room 1 of the medbay, you swung your legs in order to appear more nonchalant than your ever-circulating thoughts actually had you feeling. You watched McCoy stand with his back against the edge of the counter, his hazel eyes narrowed as he read the screen of his PADD with his most casual frown.
“You can tell me if I’m dying— I’m strong enough to take it.”
“You’re not dyin’,” he snorted, his typical peach cobbler Southern drawl sounding thicker somehow. “You want to tell me how you keep gettin’ these burns, though?”
You clicked your tongue. “I told you all I had to tell three days ago.”
“Yeah, yeah— the malfunctions are making your replicator short out. It’s just, these don’t look like burns from hot dishes.”
“Then pray tell, Doctor, what do they look like?”
He cocked an eyebrow. “They’re too extensive to have been caused by what you’re suggesting— a grab-and-drop scenario. It’s like you held onto whatever it was while it burnt you.”
He softened his features then— his nostrils were no longer flared, his eyebrows were knit together, and his frown shrunk. He pulled a stool and placed it in front of you, sitting upon it and taking your hand in his.
You looked at him confusedly and blinked.
“You’re not doin’ this to yourself, are you, darlin’?” he asked in a quiet voice filled with a degree of understanding you didn’t know any human being could be capable of. His eyes seemed to melt like chocolate before you. “I can see from your file you haven’t had it easy. Treatments for the odd bouts of internal bleeding, spiral fractures, burns— it's all typical of something that raises a red flag.”
“Yeah? A red flag?” you asked with overly mock curiosity. “Indicative of what?”
You scoffed. “I was a student athlete,” you told him easily. So easily, in fact, that you weren’t worried about your voice shaking, nor were you worried about it heightening in octaves. You were able to keep your gaze steadily in his. You’d said those words too many times for them to not come out flawlessly. “Everyone broke a fair share of bones and was covered in bruises.”
He narrowed his eyes. “What about the burns?”
“Recent burns or historically?”
“Historically, sweetheart.”
“I’m a terrible cook,” you shrugged again. You once again had no issues keeping your voice still and your gaze steady. “Resilient, since I keep trying, but terrible. Had the fire department at the ready each time I picked up a pan.”
“You’re sure about that?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“(Y/N), —”
“Enough, Bones!” you almost shouted, the nickname flowing out naturally most likely due to the extensive amount of time you spent with Jim. As blood rose to the tips of your ears and the base of your throat, you clutched onto the edges of the biobed. “Right now, these burns are because of a replicator and healing them should be your only concern. My history—” you sighed out a curse and shook your head once. “I don’t even know most of my history.”
“You know, your past can impact your future,” he added after a few beats of silence.
“Thank you, Sigmund Freud,” you said dryly, smiling when his lips curved upwards and he shook with silent laughter. You set your hand on his shoulder. “I’m aware of what the past can do. But you have nothing to worry about— not with past me, or current me. It’s just a replicator.”
“You promise?”
He nodded once. “All right, I’ll take your word for it.”
He rose from the stool and kicked it aside with the sole of his boot. He picked his PADD up once more and began tapping on the screen. “I’ll give you a salve to take back to your quarters— an extra large jar because you don’t seem to be learnin’ your lesson with that replicator.”
“I won’t have to come back here?”
He glanced at you and snorted. “Don’t look so happy ‘bout that. It hurts my ego.”
You laughed. “Sorry. It’s not you. It’s this exam room, this medbay, this ship.” You shook your head and wet your lips. “I just want to be back on Earth— forget this whole thing ever happened.”
“Careful who you say that to, sweetheart. You might break a heart without realizin’ it.”
Though it was nowhere near the path you were meant to be taking, you stopped at the observation deck prior to even contemplating sending the turbolift to Excited Ensign Village. Of course, you were prompted to do so by a transmission McCoy received on his communicator and didn’t go on your own accord— a fact that, alone, decreased your cognitive dissonance tenfold only to have it shoot back up the moment you felt your own excitement.
You weren’t dating Jim. There was no feasible way you, a cadet with sticky fingers, could date Jim, golden boy and captain of the best ship in the fleet. You were aboard his ship, for crying out loud— a ship you were only still on due to medical orders and a ship you originally boarded due to the artifact which was metaphorically, and quite literally, burning a hole in your quarters. You were just sleeping with him— nothing more, nothing less. It was a violation of goodness knows how many rules, but Jim never made you feel for an instant that he didn’t think the infringements were worth it.
You were having trouble convincing yourself that you didn’t want to actually date Jim, that you didn’t like Jim as much as your body would have you believing. Your heartbeat would slowly increase at the sight of him, grinning thuds almost bursting through your ribs whenever he touched you— your skin would react as well, goosebumps rising in the wake of his lips and fingertips, and your knees would betray you at any opportunity. It was unlike the feelings of attraction and fondness you had previously experienced and the whole thing, beyond physiological reactions, made you sick.
You were disgusted at yourself for the way your body reacted to him, yes, but you were more disgusted at the tendency of your mind to drop whatever guard you had. In your mind, you shouldn’t have been so comfortable around him and you should have kept yourself away from him the moment he went from being a stranger to someone you wanted to call your own.
You pulled your sleeves over your hands so the ends reached your fingertips and cleared your throat as you stepped into the observation lounge to gain Jim’s attention. When he turned halfway to meet your gaze, you nodded towards the extremely large window he stood before. “This is nice.”
He hummed in agreement, turning back around. His hands were in the pockets of his trousers, his back straight in tense-Captain-Mode as his jaw was hardened into sharp lines. “Yeah, it is. It’s my favorite place on the ship.”
“Aside from your chair?”
He laughed through his nose, looking over at you when you stood beside him to stare at the thick glass. You saw in his reflection that the smile over his lips was small, but it touched his eyes. He leaned towards you and said softly, “Including my chair.”
As you turned your head to face him, your nose brushed against his. You watched while his posture lost a bit of staunch. You had to stop yourself from kissing him the instant he momentarily glanced at your lips. “Including? You must really have a thing for this window.”
He hummed again. He bumped his shoulder against yours so you staggered to the side, a smile playing at his plump lips. “I come here whenever I’ve had a stressful day and it just… it puts everything in perspective.”
“So you had a stressful day?”
“Not particularly.” He shrugged. “Just wanted to share this with you in case you’re ever stressed, uneasy, or upset. On the Enterprise, on Earth, wherever you end up, looking at the stars really puts things into perspective.”
“The whole ‘we’re so small, our problems are so small’ thing?”
He clicked his tongue. “The whole ‘there’s always light’ thing.”
You wanted to smile but frowned in consideration instead. “That’s awfully poetic. Why me, though?”
He hummed questioningly without looking away from the view before him.
“Why did you decide to share this with me? Does it seem like I’m upset, or stressed, or uneasy?”
He ignored your question. “I know you aren’t a fan of where your quarters are, but injuring yourself to take up residence in the medbay is somewhat excessive.”
“I’m not injuring myself.”
“Then how do you explain that?” he asked, nodding his head towards your gauze wrapped wrist and forearm.
You shrugged and crossed your arms over your chest. You kept your eyes on the glass, staring at his reflection rather than letting your eyes meet his. “Well, I don’t explain it. Because I don’t feel the need to.”
Jim snorted and shook his head. He held his hand out and wiggled his fingers wordlessly.
“I understand that this window makes you emotional and deep, Jimbo, but I’m not going to hold your hand for support,” you said dryly, trying to suppress a smile when he clicked his tongue.
“Give me your damn arm, Cadet.”
You turned your body to face him entirely and set your forearm in his hand with admittedly a bit more force than you should’ve, a sharp pang of pain coursing up your limb. You weren’t able to hide a hiss and wince.
His eyes flew to yours as he heard the sharp inhale through your teeth. The baby blue of his irises and the concern overflowing from them made your breath hitch in your throat. For your own good, you wanted to look away but, for the life of you, you couldn’t.
“What happened?”
“My attitude overtook my better judgement.”
“Consider it a punishment for insubordination,” he mumbled as he undid the gauze wrapping. He narrowed his eyes at your arm and sighed. “These look bad.”
“They’ll be fine soon enough— probably won’t even leave a mark.”
He looked at you incredulously. “Why would marks be my concern?”
“I can’t imagine why any of this is your concern.”
If you’d thought there was no way he could look more outraged, you were proven wrong then. He didn’t speak on it, though, only winding the bandage once again. He reclasped the metal hook so your wound was bound tightly and turned your hand over, looking at your palm. “The burns hurting you, the cause of the burns— those are my concern.”
You averted your gaze and took your hand from his. You set your fingertips on the glass, your palms flat against the surface. You caught a glimpse of his reflection and noticed his eyes on you, his arms crossed over his chest. “Chekov told me your chief engineer’s trying to track down the source of all the electrical shortages. He doesn’t think it’s just that nebula?”
“No, he doesn’t,” Jim answered, his eyes watching your fingertips as you absentmindedly pressed them in each place you saw the glow of a far off star. “Scotty thinks the effects of the nebula should’ve worn off by now, but next to nothing’s returned to homeostasis. You know, you can’t count the stars no matter what system you use.”
You frowned, stretching your arm to reach higher stars. “What do you think?”
“That you may be smart, but every system fails. There are too many stars.”
“About Scotty’s theory, you idiot,” you laughed, shaking your head.
“I think I have no knowledge on anything pertaining to engineering.”
“Doesn’t mean you can’t have an opinion.”
“My opinion is you should stop burning yourself.”
You glared at him and pinched his arm with as much force as you could muster, his hand slapping yours away as he yelped in surprise pain. “Is he going to investigate it further?”
Jim kept rubbing his bicep. “He’s planning on it. He thinks he can detect where the frequencies are highest and go from there.”
“Electro… something. I told you I have no knowledge on anything having to do with this stuff.” He eyed you for a second with a single eyebrow raised. “Why are you so interested?”
You did your best to look nonchalant. “There’s nothing else to do on this ship. No one’s doing anything noteworthy— Uhura and the Vulcan are being amicable about their break-up, McCoy won’t fuck the nurse he’s into, Chekov refuses to shit talk anyone even when he’s drunk, you’re only sleeping with one person—”
You laughed as you spoke, smiling up at Jim as his arms wrapped around your waist, “Yeah, but you could sleep with few more people! Give me something to talk about, something to focus on!”
He pressed his lips to yours for a moment that was much too short. “I’m not looking to sleep with other people.”
“Really? Your fanclub was wrong about you.”
tag list: @outside-the-government @daughterofthebrowncoats @multifandom-slytherin @buckyy3s @cinema212 @caaptain @dani-fae
93 notes · View notes
jamesholden · 7 years
a secret chord
after some extensive editing, here is a REPOSTED and SPOILER FREE version of the original fic. 
this little monstrosity was inspired by an image I got in my head and passed to @whenimaunicorn . as usual, it got away from me. title comes from “Hallelujah” which Jim sings because it’s been stuck in my head and I’d like to hear a certain someone sing it one day.
Hope y’all enjoy! please maybe think about leaving a review here on AO3!
Naomi hums as she wanders, drifting through the Roci looking for her daughter and her daughter’s father. With four crew members clamoring to spend time with little Sam, it’s not unusual to lose her somewhere. Amos had been the only one to see Jim take her. He’d asked him to let him have a head start before telling anyone. Naomi understands.
Jim rarely has time alone with Sam. It’s hard when you’re one of the most sought after men in the system. He gets called away and spends hours watching feeds and listening to and sending off transmissions and sleeping deep into the crew’s usual wake cycle. So she gets passed around between Alex and Amos and Naomi more often than not. Sometimes after her morning routine, Naomi meanders through the halls and putters in the galley just so he can bond with their daughter alone for a few minutes longer. She’s seen his quick-hidden pain when she’d reach for one of the other crew members when handed to him, or starts crying soon after he takes her. She feels a tightness in her own chest that likely rivals one in his. Father and daughter need to get to know each other better, quick. She’s fortunate enough that Amos and Sam get along so well, or it would really be a disaster.
She hears him before she finds them.
Jim has a lovely singing voice. It’s not something the rest of the crew hears often. He’s shy about it, keeps it close to his chest. No matter how hard she fights him to join her at karaoke, he always refuses with a smile. Yet when they’re alone—when he’s running his fingers through her hair as she dozes on his chest, or when he’s mindlessly working on something in their cabin—he’ll sing to her and to himself. It’s like a secret gift just for her. The distinctive baritone never fails to soothe her, just like the warmth of his speaking voice. It filters down the hall, increasing in volume as she approaches their cabin. Naomi strains to hear just what he’s singing, what he could be exposing their child to.
“The wheels on the bus go ‘round and ‘round, ‘round and ‘round, ‘round and—”
The singing stops as she approaches the door.
“Oh… you don’t like that one?”
Naomi smiles, pictures Sam staring up at Jim, eyes wide and fixed on his eager face.
“No, of course you don’t. Too smart for that one. You take after your mom that way.”
The pride dripping from every word loosens the knot in her chest. Jim adored Sam from the moment Naomi told him she was pregnant, that the in vitro had been successful. The affection in his eyes when he held her for the first time had almost brought her to tears again. The idea of having a child at all seemed too distant, and sometimes too hard for him to talk about once the conversation became less hypothetical. He’d hoped to have children the old fashioned way. Even if he knew the possibility existed that he may have to rely on science, he wanted the passion. The love. Reality had hurt him. But holding and seeing Sam had healed the wound.
Until she began to show signs that she didn’t like him as much as the rest of the Roci crew.
“Let’s see… what would the very smart daughter of the smartest person in the system like to listen to, hm?”
Naomi holds on to the handhold just outside their cabin, drinks in the calm silence that meets Jim’s question. Every part of her wants to lean around into the doorway, to watch her partner hold their daughter and smile at her with all the love he has. To watch two of the most important people in her life just be together. Jim makes an ‘aha!’ sound, and clears his throat before singing to Sam again. Naomi’s heard the song before. A melancholy tune with some sort of religious overtone. An old Earther song. She gives in, leans around the doorway just enough to peek at them.
Jim is curled in on himself, almost in a fetal position, with Sam seated in the curve of his lap and stomach. His hands hold onto her tiny waist. Her hands rest on both sides of his face, slapping his stubbled jaw with glee. It doesn’t bother Jim. A smile lights his face that nothing could wipe away. He waits for a pause before carrying on with the song, going on about chairs and haircuts. Naomi spins back out to lean against the bulkhead. Her chest is warm and her eyes itching.
They’ve been through so much—she, Jim, the rest of their little family. There had been so many moments when she had thought this kind of future would be impossible for them. She and Jim had almost lost each other countless times. It had been hard for them to believe that things had settled down enough to discuss expanding their family. Months went by with little to the normal amount of conflict, and they could see it. They talked it over with each other, pitched it to Amos, asked Alex what he thought.
And now, years and years after the destruction of the Cant, years after she had just about given up on any future with Jim, years after he accepted her invitation to bed, years after he saw the rift between them and closed it, years after he told her he liked her and she told him she loved him, years after she finally opened up to him and years after he accepted her past with an open heart, years after he’d joked he could marry them but he didn’t see the point and promised he’d always love her...
Here he is, hovering in their cabin singing to their daughter. Their daughter actually listening to him and playing with him. If Naomi hadn’t already seen so many miracles… she’d consider this a big one.
Soon, Jim’s voice softens as Sam’s cooing dies down. He still sings of flags and arches, of lords and hallelujahs. But Sam babbles at him less. Naomi closes her eyes and tips her head back against the bulkhead. She takes a deep breath, lets Jim’s voice soothe her as well. She shoves the fear and anxiety of their past back into the box she keeps all of her past in. The present, what’s going on in the room behind her now, is all that matters. She has Sam. She has Jim. Hallelujah indeed.
When Jim’s song dissolves into gentle humming, Naomi turns to enter the cabin. The breath is sucked from her lungs.
Sam is laying on Jim’s chest, jumpsuit balled in her tiny fists as she sleeps with her head just below his chin. Jim’s eyes are closed as he hums, thumb brushing over her back in a slow, soothing pattern. Naomi presses a hand to her lips. She could count on both hands how many times Sam had fallen asleep with Jim like this since they first brought her onto the Roci, without Naomi around to soothe her. To see it now, the two of them by themselves, is just—
“About time you joined us.”
Naomi’s gaze shifts to Jim at his whisper. He watches her with one eye and a small grin. Giving him a grin of her own, Naomi pushes off the door way just enough to get her to where he is. Jim catches her with his free arm. She kicks on her mag boots and leans in to press a kiss to his brow.
“How did you know I was there?”
“I saw you peek in,” he mutters, glancing back at their sleeping baby. “You’re not very sneaky, honey.”
Naomi brushes her fingers through his hair. “Must not have been trying hard enough.”
“I was singing,” he notes with a thoughtful nod. “Always hard for you to resist.”
“Sure, Jim.” It’s true. But Naomi isn’t about to inflate that ego.
Jim starts to shift, and Naomi helps him straighten so he can heel his own mag boots on. Sam manages to sleep through all their movements. Certainly her father’s daughter. Naomi lifts her arms, starts to reach for Sam, like she has hundreds of times. She catches herself. There’s no need to take her. She’s sleeping, comfortable, happy. In the arms of her father. Why take her? Her heart clenches in guilt, but Jim doesn’t seem to notice. He’s so engrossed in watching Sam, eyes bright with wonder, pride, joy. So she shifts. Naomi wraps her arms around him instead.
“So,” he starts, tone unsure and eyes still downcast. “Were you worried about us?”
The uncertainty that Naomi had become so used to when it came to Jim talking about Sam was back in his voice. She’d had no intention of shaking his barely-there confidence. She rests her forehead against the side of his head.
“Only a little. I was just curious what you two might get up to.”
“Oh, absolute chaos, obviously.” The teasing tone she’s used to is a welcome relief. “Our next move was a hostile takeover of the galley. Barricade ourselves in and declare it for the Nagata-Holdens.”
Naomi smiles. “I’d be allowed in, right? I mean… I am the Nagata of Nagata-Holden.”
Jim snorts, turns in her arms to put Sam between them. “I’d never exclude you. Amos, maybe. Unless he promises to fix the coffee machine while he’s in there. You? Never.”
“Good. I think.” Naomi’s gaze shifts back down to their daughter, sandwiched between them. She lifts a hand to cover Jim’s on Sam’s back. “Jim… You know you’re doing a great job at this, don’t you?”
He hums. Naomi isn’t sure if it’s thoughtful or dismissive. “It’s hard to tell when she doesn’t seem to like me as much as all of you.”
“You’re busy. You get less time with her than we do.” Jim’s brow furrows, showing his dissatisfaction with her answer. Naomi reaches out to tip his chin up, to force him to meet her eyes. “Hey. You try. You know that you don’t get enough time with her and you know that she isn’t as fond of you and you try to be a good dad anyway. You try to spend as much of your free time with her and you try to play with her. Because you care. That matters, and it will mean everything to her that you put so much effort into it.” She slides her hand back to twine in his hair and pulls his head in to press their foreheads together. “It already means everything to me that you care so damn much. You are a good father, sa sa?”
She doesn’t have to say why. She doesn’t have to explain anything to him. He knows. Even if Jim doesn’t believe her, he knows where it comes from. He knows she means it. His wide eyes and parted lips evolve into a loving gaze and a warm smile.
“Well… I’m not quite sure what to say to that.”
“There’s a shock.”
Jim rolls his eyes and tips his chin out to catch her lips with his. Naomi hums into the kiss, presses closer to him. But then Sam makes a disgruntled sound and the two of them snap apart. Jim shushes her, rubs her little back and kisses her soft hair. Naomi soaks it in and lets it loosen the knot in her chest all the way. Any leftover anxiety she may have had about starting a family with Jim is long gone. There would be no repeats. Jim’s doing everything she’s ever wanted him to do. He peeks at her over Sam’s head, shoots her a tiny grin.
“Thank you,” he mouths, turning his attention back to their daughter.
He has nothing to thank her for. In fact, he’s only proven that she should be showing more gratitude. But Jim Holden would never accept that from Naomi Nagata. So she just nods, blows him one last kiss before making her way back onto the crew deck. She should find more work to do. Just for a bit longer.
Father and daughter will do just fine on their own.
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