#I really should embrace that more
thatcrazycrowgirl · 5 months
I'm secretly admiring your page so much with these OCs for Arno, Jacob, and Shay. And I got curious: how do you envisioned a tea party with your girls (I know Magnolia was born way after ladies Constance and Felicité). Headcanons of them at a tea party. ☺️☺️☺️
Thank you!!! And keep posting more of your girls, I'm loving them dearly! 🤗
Dear anon, thank you so much for sending this in! 🤗 I don’t know if you’re still around and interested, but I really did want to answer this! So, please forgive me for taking so long to answer, but I needed to do a lot of thinking and wanted to provide you with a good read. Also, you think I’m gonna let a little thing like time periods stop me from envisioning all my girls interacting? Heck no! BRING ON THE CROSSOVER! :D (Also, I appreciate the encouragement and appreciation for my girls, you don’t know how much hearing that truly means to me! <3<3<3)
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Funnily enough, whenever I imagine this scenario, I almost always envision the three of them being outdoors - whether it’s on a terrace, in a garden's gazebo, or having something more akin to picnic by some small, quiet river.
Also, all of them in cute, bright sundresses with adorable straw sunhats and/or ribbons in their hair, because I said so.
Given that Magnolia is the baker of the trio, it’s most likely that she would be the one providing most, if not all of the sweet treats for all of them to enjoy. (Along with the tea.) But I could see the other girls contributing a simple treat or two, as well!
After partaking in the refreshments comes the entertainment, naturally, and I could see either Magnolia reading something aloud to the other girls or telling them a story, with Félicité possibly providing some musical accompaniment at times with her miniature harp or just playing on her own.
Or, on a similar note, the girls taking turns acting out scenes from books, either monologuing alone for an audience of two or performing in pairs for the solo girl watching.
Oh! And fun, little splash fights with the trio, if they are picnicking by a river! I think they all would have so much fun with that! (Also, Constance would naturally be the instigator of this.)
Ooh! And lawn sports! Something like badminton, croquet, or lawn bowling! I could see the girls enjoying playing these, as well! (This idea could work with either the tea party on the terrace, in the garden, or the picnic by the river.)
Afterwards, when they are cooling down from all the activity, I could see Félicité initiating making things like flower crowns and daisy chains. (Gathering the flowers from the garden or nearby field, again, depending on their location.) I think all the girls would enjoy as well, as they talk amongst themselves while doing it.
All in all, a lovely way to spend a morning or afternoon!
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nanstgeorge · 3 months
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cassandra, evelyn de morgan / cassandra, florence + the machine / churching, kristin chang / ptolemaea, ethel cain
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marshmallowgoop · 1 year
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ShinRan Week 2023: Day 4 | Black Knight and Princess
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Every fandom gets a middle age. It's not defined by time. It's defined by the emergence of fics and art that explore hugely divergent What Ifs.
It's a growing rejection of the ironclad This Is How xyz Character Is, and a desire to explore something new. Maybe an idea that was always secretly thought about, but no one was confident enough before to risk.
A fandom's middle age is when there begins to be a shift away from 'But Canon?!' to 'What Canon.'
If a fandom can get through the initial need to keep replicating the same version of Canon (or as is more often the case, Fanon), this middle age often produces more interesting and dynamic and nuanced creations.
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hotmess-exe · 6 months
it's not my story to tell, so i won't be writing it, but i sincerely hope to see an interactive fiction someday where the protagonist is a felon. specifically, i'd like the protag to be someone who has served their full sentence and just gotten out.
there is so little respect and empathy for that perspective, so i just would love a well-written IF about it
#maybe there is one and i'm unaware?#if#just thoughts#writing#was just thinking about the stigma that ppl who kill during psychotic episodes face once they are approved for release#and ofc the skepticism and wariness of the general public makes sense esp of whichever community was actually affected by the crime#but like#what do we believe y'all#wtf do we believe#is psychotherapy real or should ppl be locked up forever for doing something while literally out of their sane mind#do we believe in reform or do we keep everyone locked up bc it's more comfortable to treat people like refuse#do we believe in live and let live or do we want ppl to never live on if we personally deem them undeserving of peace or life#is psychosis a real thing or are we all pretending to understand and empathize with mental illness#fr fr#i just really hate how ppl are so comfy reacting in certain ways to that specific sort of perpetrator idk lol#gut reactions are one thing and using our brains and what we objectively know about psychology in combo with that is another#and when it comes to criminals ppl are very happy to abandon the latter and fully embrace the former#but claim to still be good decent people like...............#do you truly believe crimes committed during a psychotic break should be weighed the same as ones not?#cause if you do like... fuck you???#and if you think they shouldn't.... then we *must* apply that logic to how we treat and perceive ppl cleared as not a danger#there's no perfect system anywhere but i hate how individuals are so quick and willing to disappear people we view as problems#the constant war on the unhoused is a good example too#mh#at capacity#the great sham#abolish prison anyway yknow
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verflares · 1 month
lying face down on the floor. there are so many things to draw always. that is so crazy
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
Trans people, please don't rely on other people to tell you if your experiences or identity is valid.
It is a very human thing to seek understanding and validation (humans are social creatures and whatnot), but seeking people to tell you that who you are is valid places a ton of power in others. What happens when somebody tells you that they don't think you're valid?
And at the end of the day, it doesn't matter if your identity is "valid" or not to other people. What matters is if your identity suits you. You aren't a robot who lives at the behest of others, who can change the core of your being at the drop of a hat. You will continue to exist as you are with or without validation and with or without permission.
#trans#transgender#lgbt#lgbtq#ftm#mtf#nonbinary#when i was young i sought being told i'm valid because my environment told me i wasn't...#...but then i felt distress when i was told i wasn't valid because that's what i've been told all my life...#...nobody should have the power to take away your identity or anything like that...#...and i gave people the power to do that. i put way too much trust in strangers and they decided if they wanted me to hurt or not...#...this is why i personally dislike the posts saying '[x] is valid!'...#...it indirectly implies there is a point where you can slide into being 'invalid' and it does the same thing i used to do...#...i think more people ought to embrace that it doesn't matter what OTHERS think of who you ARE. that's shit you can't change...#...i can't convince people i am valid if they think i am not. i'm not wasting my time and energy and safety in order to fight people...#...if you think my identity is 'invalid' or 'valid' is of no consequence to me. you don't hold the power to make me change...#...i will continue to exist as i am and so will you...#...learn to embrace the idea that nobody can or should hold power over you to tell you if you're right in your identity or not#this is a really oversimplification but i'm trying to type this out as fast as i can before going to work again lol#this is NOT meant to disparage or shame people who want validation. it's more a warning or reminder#there is NO shame in wanting validation. that is a VERY human thing to need. you are NOT a bad person for wanting validation#i just want to caution people to remember that giving undue power to other people to validate who you ARE can have consequences#but it isn't your fault if you sought validation and were hurt instead. that isn't your fault. you don't deserve to be hurt
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svampira · 3 months
i think im going to try and make longer comics about my ocs' contained stories next
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roobylavender · 4 months
considering what you have spoken about regarding selina do you also get frustrated with like…i cant quite explain it but sometimes especially in more recent years shes been posed or positioned like some sort of damsel that needs a big strong man to save her and like im not saying she should be portrayed with the “hollywood level feminism” for lack of a better term im just think about how old versions of selina would have hated that. like im just thinking of anytime in the reeves movie where bruce grabs her or forces her mouth shut or even when he didnt allow her to kill falcone and im just thinking she should claw the fuck out of him for that. i just miss a version of selina who wouldnt allow anyone to walk all over her personal autonomy like that
oh absolutely! in fact this is specifically why i can't stand loeb's take on her character lol (and as we both know that was a significant point of reference for the reeves film). it's really jarring to transition from her volume one and two canon to the long halloween / dark victory / when in rome. i think a lot of people tend to latch onto these books because tim sale's art is to die for and it's obv hard not to enjoy a good murder mystery. in that aspect they're still books i can enjoy in isolation. but i find it very difficult to enjoy them as a selina fan specifically because in every single one it's like she's looking for solace and security in a man and i'm not sure why. like what was so bad about her original backstory of having a deadbeat dad (whether you ascribe to the volume one or volume two version of him) and why did she need to go looking for her "real" father in carmine falcone. why did she need to seek out temporary boytoy relief in italy. why did she dream about being saved by bruce. none of it really has a reason other than to create a "lack" in her for the sake of it being there, because she'd never needed a man like that before in her post-crisis narrative. as you mentioned it was quite to the contrary and she was fiercely independent and protective of her own peace, esp from men. when she felt empty or without a connection or lifeline to someone real, it was mostly about people like maggie or holly or arizona. her people
what i think it ultimately comes down to are two things: the first thing is the diminishment of her post-crisis origins. after all, it's convenient to ignore how distrustful selina is of people, and of men with power at their leisure to abuse specifically, when her post-crisis origins are no longer relevant to her personal characterization. although selina's status as a sex worker is more prominent now, it was more or less completely swept under the rug for the bulk of volume two. loeb also refused to engage with it in any capacity. it only really resurfaced with the conclusion to volume two because it drew direct parallels to how we initially found her in volume one, and then brubaker expanded on it once again in his take on the character, which was notably juxtaposed against a pre-existing romance with bruce and brings me to the second thing. i've already waxed about this at length so this may very well be recap but i really don't think selina's lack of control over her personal autonomy can be divorced of the modern portrayal of the romance. when selina looking for security and understanding and comfort in bruce is what drives the romance forward there's not much room to maintain her original values and guarded demeanor, if not her outright defensiveness and hostility. a lot of people look at the extensive trauma selina has experienced and argue that she deserves to be in a relationship with someone who allows her to let those walls down. this isn't incorrect in theory. but it does repeatedly ignore who she is. it's kind of like the point i was making about bruce yesterday. exploring the inherently abusive nature of robin or of bruce's right to his children in light of that fact is interesting to do, but the actual execution has rarely managed to take into account who bruce actually is
for however nice it might be for selina to let her walls down romantically and look for solace in bruce—and i say this mostly for the sake of argument, personally i would argue against its necessity—it's realistically not something she's actually going to do. at least not as willfully as she's been portrayed to. realistically she's going to make it extremely hard, which if anything is precisely the appeal. i love it when selina gives bruce a hard time. i love that it's not supposed to be easy or maybe even a possibility for him to win her over bc there's so much about his own ideological stances that's flawed and in opposition to her own. she doesn't have to be any less unrelenting in her principles and worldview for that romance between them to be compelling bc at the end of the day the entire crux of it is that against all odds bruce cares. for however wrong he thinks she might be in a given moment or in her stance against the government, he knows who she is and how hard she's fought and what she's survived and it makes him sympathetic to her because she's real. she's a wonderful character through which to explore the logical limits of bruce's self-righteousness and categorization of crime, as well as a wonderful mirror to hold up to his face as he starts to ask himself whether what he's doing is really the only means of keeping the city safe. and the novelty of it all is that you don't have to sacrifice her character for any of that to be true. writers have simply deluded themselves into believing that they have to and that's why we are where we are today
#you're so real about the reeves movie btw i think she should have kicked him off of a building personally#outbox#also not something i mentioned above but i think a looooot of people cling to bronze age selina#because it was purportedly her first 'positive' portrayal. personally i would argue against that though#i think her golden age iteration was plenty 'positive' and there was an inherent understanding that although she loved supervillainy#she wasn't necessarily evil in a way comparable to other rogues. she always had an inclination towards mercy and bruce Noticed that#which is what made their relationship really interesting. bc she was committing crimes and in his head he was like#yeaaaah she's wrong. but she's also not hurting anyone per se. and she's so pretty. let me turn a blind eye it's fine#these were more generic ideas that newell subsequently rewrapped in new skin and then further developed along a political lens#but i think a lot of people comparatively prefer bronze age selina bc it fully embraced a romance in the most traditional sense#so at the end of the day a lot of the fan sentiment really comes down to preferring wish fulfillment over good storytelling. at least imo#bronze age selina to me is one of the most boring characters ever. and i also hate that she has to 'prove' she's no longer villainous to br#to bruce. and the fact that he suspects her. like since the 40s it's been word of law by the ogs that bruce Doesn't suspect her#he's the first person to not suspect her while everyone around him is judging him for it#i know writers and perspectives change etc etc but when that's what the original creators of both characters are telling you#i feel like it has to hold some weight#so yeah. bronze age might as well be the shit under my shoe it's so boring and bland and most of all ahistorical#bronze age batkat i mean
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spock-smokes-weed · 1 year
I have so many thoughts about Tech and how fun he is and how he’s clearly one of those “neurodivergent coded genius” type characters, it’s not done is a tasteless way and how his quirks are embraced and uplifted and not made fun of by the rest of the batch.
He’s not mean which is like a big thing for me. With so many of these characters it’s always equating being smart with being really mean, and while Tech is sarcastic and brags about his intellect, it never feels mean spirited and all the bad batch brags about their abilities. They all act like #not like the other girls. He knows his strengths just like the rest of the batch knows theres. They don’t call Tech “an unfeeling dick” for being super smart, he’s super smart and they love him for it. They don’t care that he brags about it cus yea Tech you are super smart we need you to hack into all of these droids and raise hell!!!!
And there is this running gag with Tech that I love where something will get brought up and everyone will turn to tech like “hey why didn’t you mention this really important thing before???” and he’s is like “ah well it was kinda obvious to me, my bad”. He’s not aware what he’s picked up on and what the others haven’t, and so he forgets to mention things and that’s so important to me. And the fact that the other characters know this about him and accept it as a part of him is just ahhhhhh so good. 
I also love how it’s usually Tech getting into childish arguments with other characters. Some of the best sibling interactions comes from Tech bouncing off other characters, and while it’s sibling bickering, it’s usually over small silly things and it really humanizes him that I feel like is missing in so many of the other characters in the trope he stems from.
Over all I love how much the Bad Batch love each other and embrace each other’s strengths. They feel so much like a believable family and it’s so great to see an interesting spin on a “genius type” character that doesn’t feel tasteless.
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irregularbillcipher · 4 months
would you guys still love me if i did redesigns/reimaginings for the demon show
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bmpmp3 · 8 months
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HIMETCHI i have her in my pix rn. she likes cereal and gummies
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spacedlexi · 1 year
i may still be recovering from the psychic damage done to me by my high school art teacher but at least it taught me early that art teachers dont always know wtf theyre talking about
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moonjade · 1 month
Getting older is such a blessing
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louiseadhdbelcher · 2 months
PIN!!! Looking for mutuals
my biggest interests currently are:
•bob's burguers
•musicals (hamilton, beetlejuice, hadestown, bmc, etc)
comment and I'll follow back!!
with love, paper bag
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tagged by @icychoerim! ty :D
rules : you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. put your playlist on shuffle and list the first ten songs, and then tag ten people. no skipping!
① waterfall by milet
② july (later on) by lily williams
③ suzume by radwimps ft. toaka
④ there by stray kids
⑤ emulation by stargaze shelter
⑥ W●RK by millennium parade
⑦ FAM (korean ver.) by stray kids
⑧ BIBI vengeance by BIBI
⑨ INVU by taeyeon
①⓪ I GOT A BOY by girls' generation
tagging some people, but u can ignore!!
@lacunasbalustrade / @end1essquestions / @thehistorynut19 / @kawaiilizzie / @dudebro231
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