#I rarely write thorbruce
superblizzardfire · 2 years
Marvel Rare Pair Bingo 2022 Master List
Round 1 of the @marvelrarepairbingo2022​ has come to a close! Here is everything I wrote for it. I love Bruce Banner rare pairs so this was a fun excuse to branch out (50% of these are ThorBruce though!). The bingo server has been a lovely place to hang out and I’ll definitely be writing more stuff for round 2! Fics linked below, or check out the AO3 series.
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I3: Pitching a Tent (Bruce/Thor) Bruce sneaks into Thor’s tent on the Avengers’ camping trip. Neither of them are good at keeping quiet. Explicit. Friends with benefits to lovers, tent smut, humour.
N2: In Two Minds (Bruce & Hulk) Bruce and Hulk are secretly separate people. Steve discovers this when he walks in on them showering together. Teen. Humour, not Avengers 2012 compliant.
G1: Magic Touch (Bruce/Scott Lang) 5 times Scott seduced Bruce with magic tricks +1 time Bruce surprised him. Teen. (Character pretends to throw up playing cards.) Awkward flirting, humour.
G2: Sweet Dreams (Bruce/Thor) Thor and Bruce regularly have nightmares. The solution: sleeping together. And if they accidentally wake up cuddling? Well, that's just fine too. Explicit. Sharing a bed, friends to lovers, accidental cuddling, smut.
G3: The Morn After (Bruce/Thor) After a night of Asgardian partying, Thor awakens to an empty bed. Bruce appears to have left, but perhaps he's closer than Thor realises... Teen. Referenced alcohol and drunk sex. Fluff, morning after.
G4: Relativitea (Bruce/Erik Selvig) After the Battle of New York, Erik Selvig catches up with his old student, Bruce Banner. There's a lot to talk about, and a lot of tea to drink. Teen (Mild blood, past student/teacher relationship.) Post-Avengers, tea shop.
G5: Somewhere More Familiar (Bruce/Loki) Bruce finds Loki alone on the observation deck, watching the stars go by. They're both a little tired of pretending to hate each other. Teen. Secretly dating, star-gazing, post-Thor: Ragnarok.
O1: Quarantine (Bruce/Thor) Bruce is in self-isolation with a “cold” after Hulk smashed up a biolab. Thor looks after him. Teen. Sickfic, domestic fluff.
O2: Suits You (Bruce & Jen) Jen takes Bruce clothes shopping for the Avengers party. Gen. Fluff, sibling bonding, alternate canon 2012 era.
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dammit-stark · 5 years
Thorbruce soulmate au?
thorbruce soulmate au - - 1.7k words
When Bruce wakes up from another hulk-induced haze, he doesn’t know where he is. He also doesn’t recognize the weird-looking spot on his chest.
“Huh, that’s new,” He says, then pulls on a shirt and a probably-not-dirty pair of pants, Thor kindly makes sure he’s all in one piece, pats him on the back, and they move on with their lives.
“You are alright, sir Banner?” Thor asks, straightening Bruce’s back-up tee shirt. They’ve spent a lot of time together since the whole blowing-up-of-Asgard thing, “I would hate if something had happened to you.”
Bruce shakes his head, “I’m fine,” He says, “As always. Thanks, Thor.”
“Anything for you, my valiant, green, punching friend!” Thor tells him, and Bruce can’t remember when he became lucky enough to have genuinely good people in his chaotic, messy life.
Bruce smiles, tight lipped and shy, but doesn’t say anything else. There’s a weird burn where the new mark resides, and the doctor dutifully ignores it in the meantime.
Bruce doesn’t think anything of the oddly shaped blemish until one day the hulk is thrown into a freeway by a megalomaniacal genetically modified crocodile man, and he wakes up an hour and a half later to Thor’s big hands shaking him awake as he is surrounded by the legs of half a dozen Avengers. As his eyes blink open, Thor sighs in relief and eagerly helps him up as Nat hands him a cotton blanket.
Thor walks with Bruce until he regains his balance, a strong hand on his arm as he animatedly details the Hulk’s part in the battle. They walk in an aimless Circle, and Bruce just lets it all wash over him, a weird and unfamiliar feeling settling in his stomach. He hypothesizes that it’s probably concussion-related, though the Hulk has never been known to have the ability to become concussed. Thor tells him about the dog he’d met the day before. For all intents and purposes, it’s nice.
“Hey, doc?” Tony asks as the whole group walks back to the helicarrier, “Do we need you to talk to medical? What’s that on your chest?”
Bruce looks down and sure enough poking out of the emergency blanket is the same oblong mark that had appeared a few weeks earlier, only darker and maybe a little greener too.
“I don’t know,” Bruce says, and he pulls the blanket tighter around himself, his shoulder muscles their typical tense mess as he thinks about how great it’d be to just get home, “It’s been there a bit. I don’t worry about it.”
Bruce flees from Tony’s custody as soon as he’s on the ship and he goes to find some clothes and move on with his life. His life’s been filled with one too many biological mysteries to dwell on a little slightly green spot on his chest. Even if said slightly green spot seemed to correspond with a certain weird, fluttery feeling in his chest.
The third time the mark shows up, it has nothing to do with the Hulk and that’s when Bruce starts to get worried.
The Avengers has spent the day training, but Bruce hadn’t felt up to bringing the Hulk out, so he sat in a corner and meditated with his teammates when they took a step out of the ring. When they decide they’re done for the day, sweaty and just shy of overworked, Thor demands ice cream for the whole group of them.
They traipse into Coldstone Creamery and nearly bring the building down with them. The look on Thor’s face is worth the shock of the other customers.
“Banner!” Thor turns to Bruce, an elated smile spread across his face and a ginormous waffle cone held in his hands, “This delicious treat is like mafic! I wish for you to feel this same euphoria as I do! Please, taste it!”
For some reason, Bruce doesn’t resist.
He takes a big ol’ lick of Thor’s ice cream. He’s never been crazy about chocolate chip cookie dough, but it certainly tastes like magic.
Bruce smiles, and for once everything feels deceptively normal… okay even, edging onto alarmingly happy.
Then Nat pushes Clint off his chair and straight into Mjolnir and Captain America is scolding a couple of notorious international spies for acting like children as Tony Stark poses dramatically for a coupe ofpoorlyhidden paparazzi, and Bruce is reminded of how absolutely absurd his life is.
Thor wraps his arm around the back of Bruce’s chair and he finds himself melting into it anyway. It’s weird.
He doesn’t notice that the mark has come back, darker than ever, until he gets home and into his bed and he looks down.
“Well, shit,” Bruce says aloud to himself, because no harm had been done to his body in at least a week and he honestly has no other explanations for it.
He decides then an there that maybe it’d be appropriate to consult a professional.
He calls Helen Cho up the very next day, and though the mark had certainly dimmed since the previous night, it’s undeniably still there, and she promises over the phone to come by and check it out by noon.
Brice is used to not knowing what the hell is going on inside of his own body, but this feels different.
Thor comes by, once or twice actually, because for some reason he can tell something’s off with Bruce’s mood, but Bruce just shakes his head and sends him on his way. No use getting other people in a tizzy about things too.
Helen comes by at noon on the dot, and while Bruce is busy thanking her profusely for taking the time to come by, she ushers him into a chair and tsks at him.
“You’re a friend, Bruce,” She tells him, “I’d think even you’d be able to tell that by now. So you gotta tell me, what’s up?”
He very shyly unbuttons his shirt and shows her the strange spot on his chest. She makes an offhand comment about how it’d be about where his heart is. Bruce doesn’t see why that particularly matters unless it means he has some advanced skin/heart cancer hybrid that has yet to exist. With Bruce’s luck, he wouldn’t be surprised.
She pokes and prods and hums quixotically, all without betraying any clue as to what the blemish might be in actuality.
Thor comes by for a third time a little bit later while Helen’s taking Bruce’s blood pressure for good measure, and his eyes grow wide in concern.
“Fair Bruce!” He exclaims, as dramatic as ever as Helen peels the contraption off of Bruce’s arm. Thor hovers anxiously at his side, rests a big hand on Bruce’s bare shoulder, “Are you all right?”
Bruce can’t get any words out. It’s all too much to be shirtless and insecure and honestly a little scared and then have Thor’s insanely comforting presence somehow manage to mellow everything out. He just sits there and nods like a mad bobble head until Thor leaves, that increasingly familiar feeling residing in his chest.
Thor smiles in the doorway, one fit out and the other in, a large grip around the frame, “Feel better, dear friend!” He exclaims, then bounds away like the wind.
The door shuts loudly behind him, and suddenly Helen’s giggling.
“You really don’t know, do you? Look down.”
The mark’s definitely darker now than before, by a lot too.
“What’s wrong with me, Helen? Is it- What’s this mean for the hulk?”
“Doctor Banner,” She says, unspooling her stethoscope and taking a seat across from him, “I say this with all due respect, but you’re a moron.”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s a soulmark, Bruce,” She says and sits back, waits for it to soak in.
“No way, there’s- that’s never been proven.”
“The green shape on your chest suggests otherwise.”
“But I don’t have a soulmate, Helen.”
“Again, look down at the mark on your chest please.”
“Well- who then?”
“You’re an idiot. Think.”
Brice has always been pretty good at thinking. In fact, overthinking is his specialty. So he thinks back. He thinks back to when it first appeared, a strong hand helping him up. To when he woke up, a smiling face before him. To that feeling in his stomach. To the softness in the room. It must show on his face when everything clicks because Helen clicks her tongue, satisfied, “Ah, there it is. I believe I’ve helped you as much as I can here, Bruce. The rest is up to you. Good luck.”
And just like that she leaves having dropped the biggest bombshell of Bruce’s life on him (since the last actual bombshell had been thrown at him at least). He didn’t know what do with himself.
This didn’t just mean he had feelings, deniable, repressible feelings. No, the mere presence of a mark meant that there was somebody out there who’s soul marched his own, a time-tested other half. It’s a strange thought for Bruce, but the longer he dwells on it the more it makes sense.
He thinks of the touches, the lingering eyes, the fluttering stomach. And the face that’s built up opposite him in his mind every time is… Thor. Thor with his huge hands and warm smile, the way he somehow makes any place with him feel like home to Bruce.
Thor comes in later that evening because that’s what he does. He’s kind and caring and blindly pokes himself in his friends’ business. Bruce realizes startlingly that he loved this behemoth of a man.
“Young Bruce!” Thor cheers as he enters Bruce’s private living room, “How is my dear companion’s health? I hope he is well!”
“Uh huh, yeah great,” Bruce mumbles and strides toward the god, hands outstretched and fingers questing. Before Thor can react, he’s wrapping his hands around his wrists, pulling him close, “Learned a lot about myself actually. Important stuff. Good stuff.”
Thor looks curious, content.
Then Bruce grabs onto Thor’s collar and pulls him into a kiss.
The contact of lips on lips tells everything Bruce needed. Soulmates. Huh.
When they split apart, panting, Thor grins, “This is a feeling we can continue to consider?”
“Yeah,” Bruce chuckled, “I think the universe’d certainly like that.”
If anybody knew about signs from the universe, it’d be a god, or a partner. Bruce doesn’t care which. All he knows is that the mark on his chest glows stronger than ever and the feeling in his stomach is like a million birds migrating away from home. His hands wrapped around Thor, Bruce knows, suddenly, that he’s already home.
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lovelyirony · 4 years
Hello. I'm having kind of a shit day ( just found out my sister's hair was full of lice) so if you wouldn't mind could you write some thorbruce? Sorry if this bothers you, I hope you and your family are doing ok
 this could never bother me. I hope that this little story helps! i really wanted something comedic, or at least my attempt at it. so without further ado...a fusion of a thief AU and royalty AU! 
Bruce Banner technically has a career as a scientist. He writes research papers occasionally, helps out with other science projects, and wears smart, science-y glasses. 
And so what if he just happens to make most of his money stealing rich people things like paintings, wine, and other assorted items off of boats and out of houses? Well, that’s extra. Doesn’t even go on any tax forms. 
“You’re gonna get something done to you one of these days,” Tony tells him over margaritas. Tony is one of the rare people who caught him, let him still take the Warhol because “I sure as hell didn’t pick it out, I have taste,” and invited Bruce for cocktails. 
“Of course I am. Maybe jail.” 
“No, not that,” Tony says. “You forget I will be offering my lawyers. They could get the devil himself scot-free. And you’re way better than that guy.” 
“Then what?” 
“You’re going to have to balance yourself,” Tony says, smiling. “And I can’t wait to see you pull it off.” 
Bruce wishes he had more friends like Tony, because unfortunately both Jane and Helen have texted him that he’s screwed for his next goal: Odin. 
Odin is a king who made his whole goal to cover up the shady dealings of his reign, and while his sons are doing better to call it out and bring about new policy ideas now that it is said that Odin will be retiring from the throne, so to speak, nothing has changed yet. 
Bruce knows that people say the next king in line, Thor, is very similar to his father. 
So he’s planning on infiltrating a party. This involves getting a planet ticket to Asgard, sneaking in, and maybe also leaving by boat. He’s not sure yet, depends on how quickly Tony can engineer a self-steering boat. 
(The boat’s gonna be there.) 
“You’re gonna get your ass kicked,” Helen snickers over drinks. “Have you seen his arms?” 
“I’ve heard your ramblings about ten or twenty times, yes,” Bruce says. “For someone who loves their wife as much as you do, you also have an interesting love for Thor’s arms.” 
“They’re buff!” Helen protests. “Jane also nice arms, but they are not buff.” 
“Guilty as charged,” Jane says from the kitchen, rolling her eyes. “Bruce, be careful. And for the love of god, don’t talk to any of them if you can.” 
“Like I would.” 
Thor is very bored with present society. His father has banned all of his friends from attending, Loki has decided to go on their own way in as outrageous of a dress as they could find, in any case guaranteeing that their mother’s attention would be focused on making sure that they had the right accessories. 
There is not one interesting person to talk to. 
Thor is bored. 
This means Thor isn’t so much as paying attention to any sort of conversation and has found one new guest that he has never met before. 
“Hello,” he says. 
The man whirls around. He has curly, nearly-messy hair. Nice nose. 
“I don’t think we’ve met before,” Thor says. “I’m Thor.” 
“I’m Bruce,” Bruce blurts out, because he is a Class-A Idiot. 
Of course he gets caught at a royal function. 
“And you haven’t met me before. I’m a...scientist.” 
Thor smiles. 
“Well, what study of interest are you in?” 
“DNA sequencing,” Bruce says weakly. “And you are...Thor, right?” 
“Yes,” Thor says, smiling. “Did my father invite you?” 
“Your mother,” Bruce says, knowing that Queen Frigga is occupied at the moment trying to ensure that Loki is not stealing all of the strawberries. She cannot possibly come over and confirm his story or realize that she has no idea who he is. 
“How is your night faring, Your Highness?” Bruce asks nervously. He cannot make eye contact. 
“None of that,” Thor says with a chuckle. “That title is...stuffy. Overused. I’m just a regular person who is assuming a throne.” 
“Any plans then, regular person?” Bruce asks in a snarky tone, grinning.
“None that I’m comfortable sharing within earshot,” Thor mutters under his breath, into his drink. Bruce smiles. 
His eyes crinkle up. That’s cute. 
“Good idea. Never know what your father listens to.” 
“Not a fan?” Thor asks. 
“Can’t say I’m dedicated,” Bruce answers with a shrug. Thor smiles, leaning in closer.
Thor’s about to answer more, willing to speak with this man. The night was turning around, and--
Odin claps him on the back. 
“Thor, I have some people you must talk to for the future,” he says, not even sparing Bruce a glance as he turns his son towards a group of the most ancient looking old men Bruce has seen. 
Thor swivels his head back. 
“I hope to see you again!” Thor calls. 
Bruce waves. 
“Probably not,” Bruce sighs to himself. “But I’m sure you also won’t see some of your vases again.” 
In the news, they reported that it had to be at least a three-man job. The surveillance didn’t help, heirlooms had been nicked out of at least six different rooms, and top secret documents had been spilled out into the back lawn, some artfully arranged as if they were reading material for the next garden party. 
Thor has an idea of who did it. Has since his mother confusedly asked “who’s Bruce?” 
He’s clever, that’s for sure. Going directly to the house? Using Odin’s disregard of people he doesn’t think are worth his time? Oh, it’s perfect. 
It would also make a good quality in a husband, if he says so himself. 
Bruce is currently lying on his back at Jane’s house, the sunshine warming him. 
“You’re gonna die!” Helen yells. “You told him your name and you are storing, just casually, a priceless artifact!” 
"I’m not storing it. I just put it back in a museum,” Bruce says. 
“You think that Odin’s honestly not going to get it back?” 
“Nope,” Bruce says. “Because he didn’t change the paperwork on it and it has a loan repayment clause thingy. I don’t know how it works but he needs to pay the museum for it and it’ll be bad press for a while. That and his shady dealings with repressing country public opinion. I think Thor’s up to the plate.” 
He is. Bruce is right. Odin has rescinded his claim on the throne, allowing a coronation to be held for Thor. 
“Are you gonna go?” Jane asks. 
Bruce snorts. 
“And what, risk being detained in Asgardian jail or being murdered? Nah,” Bruce says. “Besides, I probably won’t ever really interact with them ever again. And I have no purpose for being there.” 
Bruce isn’t sure how. But he gets an invitation to go. Well, he’s sure how he got it. Thor remembered him, probably found out that he wasn’t supposed to be there. 
He’s mad. 
He’s from fucking Ohio. He knows that no one is supposed to notice him under any circumstance besides maybe an eating competition or a tornado warning. 
“You have to go,” Tony says. “I’ll be there, I can cause a distraction. Loki owes me a favor.” 
“How does Loki owe you a favor?” 
“They needed some help with executing a perfect red carpet walk a couple years back to ensure they upstaged someone. I don’t know who, but I helped. Loki owes me.” 
“But why do I have to go?” 
“Because if you don’t then Thor’s not gonna stop,” Tony says. “Because if he personally invited you, that means something. It means you’re either going to die or he’s going to make sure he has a very fun time at his own coronation.” 
“Why wouldn’t you have fun being coronated or whatever the fuck you call it?” 
Two hours in. There’s been two hours of this. Bruce has fallen asleep twice, and Tony keeps jabbing him in the side. 
“Decorum,” Tony hisses. “If you fall asleep, you’re going to cause a scene.” 
“So sorry that I don’t find this just entirely interesting,” Bruce says, “I wasn’t the one who minored in anthropology.” 
“Majored,” Tony says. “Among other things.” 
“Is this when we couldn’t find you for a year? Like, when you went to California or whatever and had a crisis?” 
“I didn’t have a crisis,” Tony says. 
“Sure you didn’t,” Bruce said, snorting. “You were sad and probably ate five loaves of pumpernickel in one day.” 
“If you keep talking we’re gonna get kicked out, and I want my record of being kicked out of royal events to be kept to a minimum of two.” 
“You’ve been kicked out of two?” 
“One was England. That’s practically a given.” Tony hisses. “Now no more.” 
Bruce falls asleep again. 
Thor catches him in the audience. 
He has to bite his own tongue to stop from laughing. Sif side-eyes him. 
He raises an eyebrow. She looks out into the crowd, sees the man who has fallen asleep. She stills, trying very hard not to laugh. 
“Is that the man you want to pursue?” she whispers as the officiants droll on about tradition. Thor nods. Sift snorts. “Of course you do.” 
The party afterwards is tasteful. People are in a line to congratulate Thor. Bruce is by the appetizer table slowly but surely stealing all of the colby-jack cheese slices. 
“I hate you,” Tony says to Bruce. “You’re a menace to society.” 
“Put that on my headstone, see if my ghost sticks around to cause trouble,” Bruce says. “Besides, I am not paying for any of this. I’m already eyeing the chocolate fountain.” 
Tony rolls his eyes. 
“I suppose this is what I get for bringing you here.” 
“You literally did not have to, I got an invite and you forced me to come,” Bruce says. “And all because I stole priceless artifacts. Ugh.” 
Thor finally manages to escape a long line of well-wishers/want-to-make-sure-he-won’t-do-things-he’s-gonna-do people. 
He finds Bruce slowly but surely demolishing the pineapple. 
“Nice to see you again, Dr. Banner,” he says. Bruce stills, turning. 
“I wasn’t expecting to even meet you today again,” Bruce says, smiling. “How have things been?” 
“I’ve gotten some more space for storage,” Thor says, referencing to the act of stealing and also revealing his father’s less-than-golden past. “Thank you for that, by the way.” 
Bruce stills. 
“The queen knows no one by the name of Bruce who is a scientist. You paused. Terrible lie, really. You’re lucky you’re quite good-looking and my father is a fool.” 
Bruce looks at him. 
“I stole a lot of shit from your house and you’re calling me good-looking?” Bruce asks. 
“Well to be fair, I’m just glad you didn’t steal my blanket on my bed. It’s pretty soft, pretty valuable,” Thor says grinning. 
“Didn’t get to see that room,” Bruce responds. 
“You’ll have to come up with me some time then.” 
Bruce almost spills his drink. 
“Are you...?” 
“Flirting with you? Yes.” 
Bruce takes a sip of his drink. 
“Interesting. Although I hardly doubt your mother will be pleased to see you talking with someone who stole things.” 
“On the contrary, she most likely won’t mind,” Thor says, smiling. “Just because she married my father doesn’t necessarily mean they’re affectionate.” 
Bruce tilts his head. 
“So what you’re saying is that no one in your family likes your dad?” 
“Not especially. Kind of a bastard, if you ask me.” 
Bruce laughs. 
“So. What kinds of things does a king like to do for a date?” 
Thor puts a finger on his chin, teasingly. 
“Well I’m not sure. Is it kingly of me to offer a lunch?” 
“I would say I’ll accept,” Bruce says, laughing. “So long as it’s a good lunch.” 
Tony is gasping in disbelief as he sees Thor put a hand on the small of Bruce’s back, leading him to meet the queen. 
“Only my brother,” Loki says, pursing their lips. “Of course he falls in love with the man who stole from the kingdom and would probably be arrested for about twenty years.” 
“He does that,” Tony says. “Thank you again, for inviting me.” 
“No problem,” Loki says. “God knows I needed someone else to judge the questionable fashion choices people made. Just...ugh. Look at her shoes.” 
“I need another drink to even think about looking at those,” Tony says, turning towards the bar. 
With Thor and Bruce, the kingdom gets two excellent rulers. Bruce is more focused on environment sustainability and education infrastructure, and can frequently be seen leading children all over the grounds of the kingdom, identifying herbs and plants and grinning as they picnic for lunch. 
Thor focuses more on bringing more of the...unfavorable history to light, reinventing what he wants for his country, and leading by example. 
Of course, Bruce and Thor are photographed together getting breakfast, lunch, and on one memorable occasion, in-sync eye-rolling at a United States event. 
(Tony gets it framed for their wedding gift.) 
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banashee · 4 years
A, B, I, U? :D
A) of all the fanfics you've written, which is your favorite and why?
Hmmm I can't decide for just one, I'm sorry. My first own favorite is probably "5 New Years kisses (+ 1 proposal)" because it's sweet and loving and a take on" what if things go well in the long run?"
Marvel, Clint Barton / Tony Stark
My second favorite would be" I'm going slightly mad" because it is my attempt in capturing an idea that I've had for literal years before I managed to find a plot for it. It's an Angst Fest with loads of mindfuckery, bad memories and a chosen family that stays together and a hopeful, slightly happy, more like healing ending.
Also, I got to take a cleaver to comic book science and go to town. Yai.
Marvel, Clint Barton / Phil Coulson but with loads of other Avengers too
My third favorite is a short story that was one of my "shitty day" fics called "The Final Straw" that explores how things can go when shit piles up everywhere and you just explode at some point. It was kinda therapeutic to write, too, so there's that.
Marvel, Clint Barton centric (because I like to put the poor guy through the wringer because that's the fate my faves have to suffer for some reason)
B) What was your first Fandom you've read a fic in? Which was the first you've written in?
I think the first Fandom I've read in was Harry Potter shortly followed by Naruto I think. First thing I've written was HPy too, first FF I published somewhere was Naruto I think
I) How many Fandoms have you written in?
Uhh... 5. That is if I count Marvel as one. If I were to count MCU, various Comics and anything in between separately we'd be here all day 😂
U) Is there a pairing you would like to write but didn't try yet?
I like rare pairs. And I got to explore some of those in my KeGo2019
Such as ThunderHawk, ThorBruce or, my rare OTP IronHawk, but I'm generally open to most pairs as long as all people in the ship are consenting adults and there are no glaring power imbalances. When written well and IC, you can make me like almost anything.
As for writing, I'd love to explore more ships with Bruce, or Steve, since I tend to not write them nearly often enough.
Thank you very much!
If you'd like to ask me more:
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teainbostonharbor · 6 years
so on your bruce hc post you asked for requests,, so here i am! maybe you could do a little thorbruce oneshot where you talk about how affectionate bruce and thor are and they were practically dating before they got together?
aaa i’m shook. this is my first writing request absbs,, i hope you enjoy it !
It took Bruce a while to notice it. Thor had always been touchy and affectionate with him, and he didn’t think anything of it.
Thor would occasionally hold his hand, wrap an arm around him, or just plain old cuddle with him. Maybe even a kiss on the cheek when saying hello or goodbye. 
It wasn’t rare for the other avengers to find them basically attached to each other during movie night. In fact, that almost always happened. Sometimes Bruce would even fall asleep on Thor, and he would smile at Bruce for the rest of the night. 
To the others, it was obvious that Thor was in love with him. However, Bruce was completely oblivious.  
The first time Bruce did notice that there was something more there, they were getting coffee together. It was a weekly thing for them. They did it every Tuesday morning. They were sitting across from each other, hands laced on top of the table as they talked. 
They talked about many things on these little dates. Mostly just what was going on in their lives, or their interests. Bruce tended to ramble when he talked about stuff, but Thor listened to him and smiled all the while. 
Bruce paused in the middle of rambling, and looked down at their hands. He hadn’t noticed before, but Thor was idly rubbing his hand with his thumb. He stared for a few seconds before looking back at Thor, quickly shrugging it off.
Later, however, he questioned it, and began to overthink. He called Tony immediately. “Has… has Thor always been like this?” he asked as soon as Tony picked up.
“That depends, what do you mean?”
“I mean being super affectionate and cute around me. Today he held my hand and smiled at me like I was the whole world and I short circuited for a second.”
“Bruce, he literally kisses your cheek regularly. He’s been doing this for months. He’s literally in love with you.”
“I mean, we do cuddle sometimes and get coffee once a week, but- Oh my god, you’re right.”
“Like I’m ever wrong. It’s taken you this long to realize? Everyone knows.”
“Is he that obvious about it?”
Tony chuckled. “If only you could see him on movie nights.”
absbsbsbs sorry i cut this short i got scared but i hope this is okay nonetheless 
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fandom-star · 6 years
I think I have a pretty good idea of what I want to write for the ThorBruce Big Bang and I only found out about it ten minutes ago! 😂 
The problem's going to be getting it to 2,000 words - anyone who knows my writing knows I rarely manage to get into the thousands on my work! But I'll try! It'll definitely be a confidence booster if I do!
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asgardavenged · 6 years
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hi everyone i’m estelle & i reside in vancouver canada timezone pst. i thank you for taking the time to read this page as it outlines how imma be running this here blog. there is a quite bit to read here & i’m sorry for that but this is purely to make sure we don’t run into complications & awkwardness when we start interactions.
first off you should know is this is not my main blog, however it will be one of my more active ones. if you need me right away pls check out ashesincaptivity my tony. i am usually always there. i will provide a full list of my blogs in current use in the navigation.
secondly i am a full time student in class from 1-5 monday-friday. i am studying to be a mental health and addictions worker. this program will last until july 2019 so i ask you be patient with me in terms of replies.  most roleplaying will likely be done on weekends. or whenever i have free time / i am not drained from school.
i have a.d.d which stands for attention deficit disorder. i used to take pills for it when i was in grade school but i no longer require them now. that being said i can make many mistakes & even after checking my work time & time again i CANT SEE EVERYTHING. so i ask that if something about the way i write bothers you please tell me. i will not take it as offence ( as long as you are nice about it ) but i do ask you to be patient with me in this regard.
please do not take any icons from this blog they are all made by me & i take pride in my work. if we are friends i may make you some.
i am 21 years of age so nsfw will be on this blog. however i will not be smutting with anyone under the age of 18. well i doubt one of us will go to jail its better safe then sorry. if i fund out you lied to me about your age i will block & unfollow you so fast your head will spin. i do not want to be that guy so please don’t make me be.   also i will not be smutting with just anyone as i am shy bean who is awkward with it.  however if i know you well ooc then i will happily sin it up with you.  any nsfw memes posted will be answered at my comfort zone  so don’t be upset if you don’t get a reply to one.  its all about my boundaries & all. please respect them !
i am not new to the mcu rp fandom however my last/ first attempt was brief. i ask you be patient with me as i learn the ropes here.
thor is a hella new muse for me so i am going into this a little blind. i am working out my version of him as i go. if my interpretation is not to your liking you may unfollow, no hard feelings !  
thor is pansexual & panromantic. however i am super super super picky who i ship him with. 
i am a die hard jane x thor shipper & thats my main endgame for him. hes probably the only other muse besides another that never took off that i am super picky with ships.  however i do have a soft spot for thorbruce & will gladly write it !   anything else i would kindly ask you bring up to me in private. i am likely not to pursue a ship with you unless we discuss it. but please don’t be shy i am trash so come talk to me, sell it to me & i will likely agree.  i could also possibly see thunderstrange maybe ? but that one would be highly dependant on the mun & plot.   bottom line if you wanna ship just come talk to me, & i will see what we can do. 
chemistry is always key regardless between muns & muses. please no forcing ships on me or thor thats not cool to either of us.   
to clear it up right here & now, anyone who asks me for thorki is going to be auto blocked. i have no time for this. its disgusting & i am not here for it. i don’t like it but i’m not going to personally judge you for shipping it, as incest doesn’t trigger me it just makes me meh.  however please advised if you rp it i will likely not follow you. again this is not to offend this is just a personal preference.  DO NOT ASK FOR THORKI YOU WILL BE BLOCKED. 
this blog is MUTUALS ONLY. that being said. i understand some people can’t follow everyone that follows them for a few reasons, but that does nothing to hinder their desire to write. therefore it will be simply as long as I AM FOLLOWING YOU we may interact. ( though i prefer mutuals ) if i am not following you, you may approach me with a plot in mind but i am in no place to agree to said plot. please do not like starter calls, or plotting calls of any kind if i am not following you. it makes me uncomfortable & aggravates me i may take a bit of time to follow back as i am not always on this blog & i need to check out many accounts for follows. please be patient with me. it can take me sometimes a week or more to follow back. i like to make sure i check out everyones blog. & trust me i do check each & every blog that follows me. i rarely unfollow people unless you have either pissed me off ( to which i would tell you ) or have offended me in some way. so unless there was some drama that started leaving me so angry at you that i needed to cut & run. then if you notice me unfollow you please give me a nudge as its likely tumblr being a dick head. 
i am open to all kinds of writing. para, novell, text chatting etc. though the most common form you will get is lengthy as hell shit. when i get into character i get into character hella. so i am all form long threads with lots of feels & character study. though small things with icons are fun too!! i love it all. the only thing i won’t be doing is stuff with big gifs & the like. also i kindly ask given the number of blogs i run ( you can see on my sidebar ) i ask that you be patient with me for replies. if i haven’t replied in a week you are welcome to nudge me, but please do not constantly harass me or i might drop the thread. patience guys & i will get to you.
don’t do it. i control my muse & you control your muse. if you want to control my character go right some fic or make a spock blog. if you mess up once i will remind you. again & we will drop the thread. third time i stop interacting with you all together. ( rules to exercised at my own discretion ) most people stop after strike one so don’t worry about that. i’m sure it will all be hunky dory.
i tag edits & gift sets with my own otp tags till someone comes forward asking for blacklisting. then i will use the basic tag if needed. ( i know my otp tags don’t always register in blacklist ) i will not ship tag threads though. sorry not happening. only tags on threads will be tracking tags & verse tags along with urls.  if this isn’t too your liking then feel free to unfollow.  no hard feelings.  
as for triggers i tag *insert trigger* tw  on anything including said trigger ( threads, images etc. )  if i forget to tag a trigger come talk to me & i will tag it for you !! i am very accommodating.
as for my triggers i really don’t have any. but i ask you TAG YOUR natural disasters  & excessive gore.
i am open to it !!! yes very much so. however i have a few rules. if you would like to be exclusive we must have some ooc relationship or ic relationship plotted or established. & if you do ask me & i agree i ask that its mutual. or i will drop the exclusivity. however if i chose to go exclusive to you it DOES NOT NEED TO BE RETURNED. but it would be nice, but i will not bark if you don’t. i will go exclusive with certain people as i see fit.  current list can be found here
exclusives & mains ( x )
keep it away from me. i do not want it. have enough of it to last a life time. ic drama however is wanted & encouraged.  like 99.99999 % of what i do is angst
so in case this made me sound intimidating i want to assure you i am the furthest from. i am a huge dork who sits around and gushes about her otps all day, and I
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banashee · 4 years
11, 20, 23 (for the ship ask again)
Thanks again (this is fun!)
11) Talk about your favourite first kiss
Not a specific one, but I like it when the characters are finally like "Oh finally we get to do this" and you just feel happy for and with them.
20) Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping
Hooo BOI where do I even start... I have a tendency to fall in love with rare ships😅😂😭
Let's start off with Marvel, shall we?
IronHawk or Tony/Clint is my very very underrated OTP so you'll hear me moan about that lot's.
ThorBruce as well, it's not as common as I thought it would be. Same for Clint/Bruce, these two are adorable but there isn't nearly enough content. This can also be said for Thor/Clint, Natasha/Sif, and probably a bunch of ships I'm forgetting right now.
Non-Marvel ships that I feel a bit alone with are:
Harry/Luna (HP) and George/Harry (HP). That last one is another OTP, I've loved these two to pieces when I was more active in the fandom.
I'm just now remembering, I had to write quite rare pairings for secret santa type things on a German Fan fiction archive many years ago. It included such gems as Ginny/Dudley and Katie Bell/Blaise Zabini, which was... Interesting to say the least 😅😂
The thing is, as long as it's well written and at least partly in-character and there is good chemistry, you can make me ship most characters. (That does NOT mean toxic, abusive or incest ships tho.)
23) which of your ships deserve better writing:
Seeing that most of my ships are not canon ships... All of them? Yeah let's go with all of them
Canon is merely a suggestion to me at this point. Thank fuck for AO3.
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