#I missed this stupid ass show
blindside-butterbeans · 10 months
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happy bb szn to those that celebrate 💙 can't wait to suffer for the next 100 days with y'all
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electricpurrs · 5 months
tex red vs blue is insanely transgender but im the only one who sees it that way because im crazy in the head.
what if there was a past version of yourself. a woman, a wife, a mother, with long hair and a sweet smile. and she died long ago. and you are her. but you are not her. you're nothing like her, but the people who knew her desperately want you to be her, want to preserve the memory they have in their minds of the woman they loved through you. but you never asked to be her, never asked to carry the burden of someone else's expectation of who or what you should be. you have a new name. you prefer to go by this one. people remark on how weird it is that it's a guy's name. sometimes the people who loved [the past version of] you call you by your old name. they are not referring to you when they say it. you live in the shadows of someone who's long gone, and you're something different now, but you don't feel like you're ever allowed to define yourself on your own terms, to be your own person, to control your own life, because you exist solely through the memories people had of you. and the longer she has been gone for, the more desperately people try to get her back, the less you resemble her and the less you know who you are, or if you ever even got to be anything at all. what i mean is that transition could have saved him
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3416 · 1 year
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like... what do you even mean you absolute BUFFOON
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maurypovichofficial2 · 8 months
*takes off feminist hat for a minute*
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bugwat3r · 1 year
Greyson “im sorry, did you just say the thunder head used to call you babygirl?” Tolliver
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bootyful-seventeen · 9 months
hey y'all, anyone have any good stress relief tehniques or habits they'd like to share cuz I've been more stressed in the last 3 weeks then I was in the last 6 months
#to cut the long story short my mom had to sell the old house cuz her broke ass couldnt afford to keep it up#eventho it is a whole ass hoarders house and was in shambles with a flooded basement a collapsing ceiling in at least 2 rooms plus mold#and the stench a dirt and dog piss and shit all over the floor really made it worse then it was#but yeah so shes been staying with me and my grandma and its been awful#she hasnt been taking any of the medicine the doctors gave her when she snapped and started a fight and also started screaming at neighbour#so shes been terrorizing us here while the house has become her second hoarders den since she dragged so much crap here#my backyard side entrance and front porch are full of her shit and my grandma hates it since she can barely step into the house#so since she kept looking for places way out of her budget i had to go do house hunting since my useless sister is busy getting lit again#so ive been showing her shit in her price range that was under 420k cuz im not a moron who looks at 800k homes when i have 570k#and each time she has a new complaint saying its too expenive or its too small or its too old when she said she wants to do renovations#but shes saying she wants to renovate a newly renovated place instead of an old one#so i just showed her a house near my sisters uni and she liked the inside & backyard but she complained that 400k for newly renovated 3 bed#that is literally a 9 minute drive from my sisters uni is too expensive when shes the one who was looking at an old ass unrenovated bungalo#that is a street over from us that is 800k and she says it looks like garbage cuz an old lady previously owned it before dying#like no shit it looks old cuz older people lived those decades and like it and she just keeps doing her bullshit again & again#cuz when i tell you her mind is gone i mean it is GONE and she starts up all these wild stories to just explain some shit#like something goes missing? the neighbours are hungarian and stole it and left the hoard of junk in her old house#she has more stupid stories to harass and stress us out with but if im gonna share that ill have to write a book about it cuz fuck#and you know its bad when no one else can stand being in any contact with her cuz she starts screaming at people about it#so the only one who even likes her anymore is my sister and thats cuz shes deep in denial about just how insane she is & how abusive she is#so yeah i need some stress relief help that maybe isnt constantly hitting up maryjane cuz i dont do weed often especially since shes here#cuz weed 'burns your brain & makes you crazy like this' when shes the only one whos ever infuriated me to astronimical levels#i know retail therapy helped before she came here but i dont want to keep spending money i dont really have#it would be great tho but shes refusing to give me the 70k she said was mine from the house sale so i can cut her out for good
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pissfizz · 2 months
I’m going to lose my mind oh my god I am so scared for this quincenera wtf
#NOT MINE BTW I MISSED MY CHANCE LMAO#but Jesus Christ family I’ve never met before flying in from Panama…. god I’m so scared#I’ve already been dealing with some wack ass imposter syndrome ass shit cuz of how I was raised this is gonna make it SO MUCH worse#I DIDNT EVEN KNOW PANAMANIANS GOT QUINCES#i was raised with almost zero influence from any culture whatsoever I wasn’t even raised close to that side of the family#and like I’m mixed with white but I can’t even use that as an excuse cuz the cousin who’s quince it is is also mixed#and that side of the family is super tied to the culture and they speak Spanish and shit#i don’t even speak Spanish even if the family from Panama doesn’t think ima. total embarrassment what if most of them don’t speak english#when I’m surrounded by white people 24/7 I feel like a total outlier but the second I’m around anyone else latine I feel like that but WORSE#i don’t speak Spanish I don’t know anything about the culture I’m from the fucking pacific northwest and do digital art and watch anime#i am so far completely removed from everything I’m gonna be sick#my grandma is already so judgy about stuff my uncle was even WORSE and made fun of the stuff that was too white or too American about me#my cousins throwing the party are the least of my worries cuz at least their mixed and second/third Gen too#but oh my god the family I’ve never met before I’m so scared I’m so scared#i was already thinking like. can I even call myself latine bc of how I was raised and how far removed I am from everything. I’m mixed so -#-should I just associate myself more with the white side of my family. am I being fraudulent by identifying with that term just bc I have -#-the blood is that even enough maybe that kid had a point when he said I shouldn’t count as hispanic if I don’t know spanish#and thinking about showing up to my cousins quince as. me. it’s terrifying it’s awful I want to go I want to meet these people I want to -#-celebrate my cousin and be happy for her but GOD what if everyone hates us and just tolerates us cuz we’re related to them#i would say we’re the black sheep of the family but I feel like white is more fitting cuz I feel like we’re just slightly brown white people#god god god I’m so stresssd out by this#is this a weird thing to be worried about is this stupid is this selfish#and to make matters worse I DONT KNOW WHAT TO GET HER FOR A GIRT#vent
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darealsaltysam · 2 years
i was really worried they’d water matt down for this show since it’s a comedy but he’s oddly fitting for the setting. like yeah everything is not nearly as high stakes and bloody but his dry humor fits in really well overall so yea im satisfied
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okurrroye · 5 months
This show has so much promise and I’m trying not to become too invested because I just know it’s going to be cancelled eventually
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tariah23 · 2 years
Another annoying day at work
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#I want to say a lot but I’ve already complained and had an attitude at work all day and got so worked up I was out of breath and my boss#gave me a gummy I was like 😑 I’ll take it#don’t even feel like going into details I’m tired man i just got here and it’s already-#I don’t want to quit tho#good money#but man I am not a slave either gtfoh#and don’t make it seem like I’m not doing enough/ my part when you got everybody else sitting on their asses on their phones and eating and#shit and standing around acting like they’re doing shit (the concierge’s 😑 they literally don’t do anything but greet guests and show them#to their lockers and stand around looking pretty like that’s literally it) so don’t get up in my face talking about we need this and that#like I’m only one person I’m one nigga we keep telling them to hire more ppl in our department there’s like 4 of us and 3 of them are#transitioning soon then it’ll just be me all by myself like bro this is so unprofessional#even other departments are like they need help 😵‍💫-#rambling#Sunday’s aren’t usually hectic but today sure was#and the coworker who I usually work with#well they forced her to come in to close instead of coming in as a mid like usual because I was wondering if she called off#it’s so stupid#my sis usually closes but she’s on a trip rn#and there’s another girl who doesn’t show up on sundays and misses work a lot anyway because of school/ family stuff#its literally never anyone’s fault if they call off it’s always the jobs fault for not having coverage/ hell never the person#then I already had a feeling that today was gonna be annoying because the girl who calls off often wasn’t coming in but I figured that#someone else would’ve finished the shit in the back at least but nope I had to play catch up and do the shit from yesterday and this morning#so there was a lot to do and this bitch comes back there talking about some you need to prioritize this and that and do this and that as if#I don’t know how to do my job as if I wasn’t just doing what she said needed to be done etc etc like she isn’t even the boss she’s just#another worker like girl get your bosse’s pet ass out of my face#killing stabbing slamming
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tinyspringtrap · 1 year
ough im getting symptoms and problems again why me man why can't I just live my life
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#sassy says#this is awful my intestines feel like garbage#there's just this constant dull discomfort and occasional pain#and sometimes a little nausea pops in to say hello recently#i miss having a functional digestive system fucking hell#every time i get some stupid ass intestinal symptoms I have to once again grapple with the fear#that my luck is shit and i have landed that one in a million chance of my digestive tract redeveloping the blockage i had as a kid#im not strong enough to do that again man. im just not.#why cant i just have a functional digestive system fuck my LIFE dude#im not even sure how that would go if i got it again either... like would they be able to be more preemptive about it?#or would it be another year of dancing around a bunch of bullshit if it didnt show up on imaging and tests again#would they have to cut out even MORE of my intestine?#would they have to cut in a different place to get to it on account of the scar tissue thats already there??#god i hope its just my intestines acting up a little or some minor issue that can be easily treated#if not then... they'd better be willing to yeet my uterus if they gotta go in again im tired of this stupid thing#it causes me nothing but pain and i am tired of it#however the doctor i talked to about removing it brought up an actual valid point that wasnt just 'but BABIES????????????'#and that point was that the scar tissue from my surgery as a kid#due to the placement of it#could cause problems during such a procedure that might not be optimal#which i never thought about before but she is right and i can accept that reasoning!! because it is an actual genuine concern!!#and not just 'but what if you want to pop out children????'#so yeah if they gotta go in again anyways at any point they best be yeeting this bitch but hopefully it doesnt come to that#because recovering from intestinal surgery sucks for one#and also because i am NOT keen on having another tube down the back of my nose and throat. that was so fucking miserable my god.#personal shit#personal bullshit#i ranted more than i meant to if you actually read the tags have a cookie and an apology#i just need to vent it out sometimes u can ignore it if u want
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jestercoven · 1 year
for no reason i can conjure up, im thinking about and rewatching gravity falls yet again, and its bringing back a lot of memories and emotions
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keenawatchesagt · 1 year
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mirrorfad · 1 month
i had surgery last Thursday to fix my nose's Many Problems and i get the internal splints taken out tomorrow and god i wish i could time travel to then these things are driving me insane since the swelling has gone down i can just constantly feel them and also i can't wait to BREATHE like a real person for what is very likely the first time in my life 😭😭😭
also we did a lip biopsy too because of my eternal desert of a mouth and turns out: I have Sjögren's Syndrome :"D which... explains so many of my other symptoms I've had and that have gotten progressively worse over time since I was 18 lmao, that no doctor has EVER been able to figure out wtf is wrong with my body!!! I'm so glad we did that biopsy, since yeah rheumatologist I saw two days before surgery did a ton of bloodwork and x-rays, so far all of which came back normal, like they historically have because my body REALLY wants to keep the reasons it tortured me a secret for some reason 🤪 I think we're still waiting on one more that specifically had to be sent off to Mayo, and I'm also supposed to be getting an mri and echocardiogram, which I'm sure all that stuff is gonna come back normal too lmao because my body is just LIKE THAT. I was genuinely flabbergasted and in disbelief that the lip biopsy came back positive, since nothing ever does for me 😭
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koschei-the-ginger · 2 months
There can't be any new succession OSTs because the show ended almost a year ago
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anaalnathrakhs · 3 months
i WILL show up to the trial day for the preparatory class tomorrow no matter how much i dont want to and after that i guarantee NOTHING
#broadcasting my misery#vent#this is a lie i guarantee i will keep tumbling through life appearing functional and melting down in the privacy of my own home afterwards#<- trying to jinx my naturally contrarian ass into taking care of myself for once#god i'm tired#i am. slightly peeved.#around 11am i was like ''i think i'm going to go home'' and my friend was like WHAT nooooooo what are you going to do at home anyway#and we ended up hanging out w another friend until fucking 4pm#and she was like oooooh guys i think i'm gonna go else i wont have energy tomorrow#haha bitch where was this mindset when i told you i was going to go home#i don't know why i keep like. telling people stuff like ''i'm [emotion] i'm going to [thing]''#and they just plan stuff w me anyway#and like. i can't decide for them what's important or not to them. so i make an effort and i participate to the best of my ability.#but it KEEPS HAPPENING#OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN#it does not stop#i can barely keep the violent impulses down tbh i act like im on crack in public#bc if i dont walk around and spasm like an epileptic stray cat im gonna start giving in to the urge to dive under a bus or punch someone#i have nearly uncontrollable fits of hitting my head against walls when my entire life i was too chicken to do it despite trying to#i gained about fifteen to twenty fucking kilograms in the last three months#because i cannot fucking stop binging and EVERYBODY'S LIFE seems to revolve around food#my friends are incapable of hanging out without going to buy smth no matter at which time we get out of school#my other friends seem incapable of not checking calories VERY LOUDLY and calculating how much they lost walking around#my mom and i are home and awake at the same time abt two hours a day and one and a half of that is spent making/eating dinner lmao#im making the effort holy shit i am but i'm going to start being violent soon#i've started trying to strangle my cat twice in the past week i think#i'll show up tomorrow bc it's an opportunity and im not stupid enough to miss that by lack of self esteem#but really what is it good for#my friend isnt very delicate in her way to say it but she's right. i'm not cut out for being normal like that#i can sorta seem functional but you very quickly start seeing i don't know how to dress
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