#I make foofs pretty
vaard · 8 months
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Despite being a sketch from 2018 as a response to an ask, this is still quoted to this day. I'm surprised at how many people still remember this and bring it up even years later.
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
So weird/funny idea. What if Dual trip kinda. Keeps happening in the rest of the parts? Like, Part 4 would be pretty similar to your Hidden In Plain Sight AU just with Yukako being more stable so that Koichi has an actual Squad before he meets Rohan, and they both go after Kira for different reasons—Koichi's group of him, Yukako, and Rohan being guided by Reimi; and Josuke's group of himself, Okuyasu, and Jotaro going after him because he killed/hospitalized Shigechi.
Part 5 features Giorno doing a lot of Accidental Kidnapping/Recruiting. Koichi is one thing, but then, before he even officially joins Bruno's group he accidentally convinces Trish that he's her Mafia escort (or straight up accidentally kidnaps her) and now they're on the run. This ends up in a 4-way battle between Giorno and his ragtag group, Bucciarati's gang, La Squadra, and the lower level grunts who are fighting for their own reasons, mainly recognition from the boss. (Giorno probably Charismas a few to his side, because he's Giorno. Possibly including Sheila E from Purple Haze Distortion.)
As for Bruno's gang, Abbachio is in the same situation Joseph was in, his stand constantly giving him the Worst Possible Moments, except this time with the added benefit of Giorno somehow always looking good; Fugo leaves Bucciarati's group just to immediately get dragged into Giorno's (unwillingly); Bruno is wondering what the hell Giorno did to have things go this far off the rails thIS WAS NOT THE PLAN, and Mista and Narancia are just constantly Out Of The Loop.
I don't even know what the divisions are for Stone Ocean. Maybe Jolyne fighting for Jotaro with Foof and Anasui, and Ermes, Weather, and Emporio teaming up and getting into trouble for their own individual goals which only partially involves fricking Pucci over.
Bonus: Iggy is still serving the same role of go-between in each part. Average age for dogs be damned.
What if this time Yukako and Koichi have been friends for a while, perhaps they met before her crush developed into the obsessive level as canon. And their side of the plot kicks off when one day soon after their first day of high school, the both of them get shot by Keicho when they’re walking home. Yukako was doing fine, but Koichi..... not so much. And as Yukako’s running to get him to a hospital, what if they accidentally run into Josuke along the way and he subtly heals Koichi in a way to ensure his injuries wouldn’t be lethal or cause any long term consequences. This also ends up being what cues Josuke in on who’s making all these enemy Stand Users so he and Jotaro can go deal with it, getting Okuyasu onto their team
and I also had a fun idea for how Centipede Shoes could go. I’m not sure about how exactly to get there, but when Koichi goes to call for help, he wouldn’t be able to call Josuke. Instead, he ends up calling Rohan, who immediately starts panicking upon seeing Koichi’s body because he can’t heal. So in what was a VERY desperate bid for Koichi’s survival, he wrote something like “Koichi Hirose will survive his fight with the killer” and immediately started hauling ass to the hospital praying it would work
And Part 5....... oh god that’s going to be absolutely insane. What if Koichi’s reason for sticking around at first is “hhhhhh I can’t leave this 15 year old by himself, I remember what being 15 as a Stand User was like-”, plus he was a tad worried about Giorno’s living situation because of how..... alone and impersonal his room was, so his plan was to stick close to Naples and periodically check in. But what if Mr.Pericolo and Trish were in Naples at least for a little bit, and well..... seeing a very uncomfortable 15 year old girl with a man who’s clearly Mafia isn’t going to look very good, especially without the context of the situation
So what if in the middle of Polpo’s test, Giorno offers to help, yoinks her, and brings her back to his dorm at which Koichi shows up and it’s revealed that Trish is the Boss’s daughter..... but before Gio can think about how he could possibly use this.... what if Koichi ends up bringing up the possibility of her father having less than innocent intentions. 
After all, Koichi is very familiar with people like Diavlo who will do anything and everything to keep their secrets. How they will murder, tear apart families, even kill children to stay hidden. How loose threads are cut and burned before they can pose any threat without hesitation, and that a mysterious daughter he hadn’t known about is one huge thread. He brings up the inconsistencies in this story, that if her father wanted to meet her so badly, why hadn’t he sent so much as a note or reassurance of her safety? Why has he just been dragging her all around Italy without even asking her about……. anything???
He doesn’t want to scare them but..... he also doesn’t want anyone getting "dealt with” like he nearly was. And besides, even if the man’s intentions weren’t murder, this was still really shitty behavior, especially since Trish has exactly ZERO desire to meet her father
So he asks Trish. That if she could make any choice right now, regardless of the consequences or danger, what would she want to do?
And this catches her off guard. These past few weeks Trish had gotten used to being treated as something important, but mostly inatimate. She was dragged from one place to another without so much as a glance in her direction, with people walking on eggshells around her, treating her as though she were the most fragile of glass but also the most dangerous of weapons that could end them in an instant
So she’s honest. She tells him she doesn’t want to meet her father, that she doesn’t want anything to do with this. Not with her father, not with Passione, none of it
So Koichi agrees without hesitation. He calls Jotaro and updates him on the development and plans with the kids on what to do next
And for a second Giorno’s a tad..... stuck. Without knowing it, he’d accidentally made things so much easier and infinitely more complicated. There’s no going back from this, he’d already taken Trish and even if he did try returning her, that was just asking to get killed. This was in no way, shape or form his plan, but he more or less has to go with it lest he accept defeat
of course, the second the three of them cross paths with the Bucci Gang, Bucciarati nearly blows both their covered because Giorno what the fuck- 
And wow, Koichi’s really out here collecting kiddos like Pokemon cards isn’t he
(also unrelated from the rest of this but I think that while they’re on the run, Koichi should be allowed to be terrifying with Echoes. As a treat. After all we’ve seen just how much damage all the Acts can cause, and Act 1 especially can really fuck with someone’s mental state)
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dimorphodon-x · 2 years
Alright, so I'm assuming your birdformers foof up for temperature reasons or when they're sleeby or whatever... but do some of them foof up as a show of aggression? Some birds (owls or cockatoos are the two examples I can think of off the top of my head) will foof up to show that they're pissed off or to size themselves up and make themselves look bigger, and I was just wondering if any of ur birdformers do the same. Also this morning I got a very silly image of birdformers... Starstrike??? I think??? (Whichever one is the one that got those big ol' bug eyes 24/7 I'm sorry names are hard) being a big ball of foof. A big ball of feathers with big angry eyes. And then I decided to make a shitty doodle of it. And now I'm sharing it with you. Enjoy??? I guess????
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(Yeah Starstrike you got it right lol)
Feather floofing seems to have a lot of meanings and purposes, displaying anger being one of them, so this is definitely something Strike would do pretty often XD
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lav-jjba-brainrot · 9 months
I haven't been posting about it as much as I have been wanting to here because of how scattered I am, but I've finished episode 21!
I usually watch a few episodes all at once, then go do something else for awhile. At least for a day or a few.
Also an important note is that I've already been spoiled for the ending, not sure if it was on accident or I intentionally ignored a spoiler warning, it was like a year or two ago at least.
My thoughts so far:
Spoilers for Stone Ocean up to Episode 21 under the cut
I really enjoyed Jolyne's fight with Westwood. I can't quite put my finger on it at the moment. I think I did watch a video at some point before this, maybe even before watching Stone ocean, about how the fight against Westwood was so good. I don't remember what exactly was said, but I think something about it being a David vs. Goliath situation? Even though I knew Jolyne was going to win in the end because I know how Stone ocean ends and that there are more episodes, I still really enjoyed it. Honestly more than any other fight thus far, at least in Stone Ocean.
I think Foo Fighters might be my favorite character from Stone Ocean so far. I really enjoyed how Foof's motivation changed and how much they grow and change as a character.
I really wish I could say the same with Jolyne, and I think the character development is there, but I don't think I've quite connected just yet. I really wish I got another flashback or two of what she was like before the events of Stone Ocean. This could just be me, but I feel like what she was like before Stone Ocean wasn't hammered in enough. I had to take a look at the Jojo wiki to confirm what she was like. I think I might have to take a quick rewatch of episode 1?
Her strong determination does make better sense now, I'm honestly still going back and forth on whether all of Jolyne's sacrifice is worth it. But It still hasn't really connected with me.
I remember during the Johngalli fight, I was pretty frustrated with Jotaro. Even though I already knew what was going to happen after. Jotaro saying "I always cherished you", did change my mind a little: from genuine Frustration to "meh, maybe I guess".
I think I remember disliking Jotaro while watching Part 3 for the first time, but after watching a few character analysis, I grew to like him. I think I read a couple of chapters of the manga at some point afterward-
(I stopped binging JJBA, I mainly did so to try and catch up so I could talk Jojo with my online friends at the time. Then I basically took my sweet time from Part 4 onward. Actually I think I did slack quite a bit before then to get through the parts, but I remember I binged the heck out of Part 3 so I could catch up.)
and I think I remember liking Jotaro much more in the manga. I've seen memes/displays of panels with examples of how Jotaro is more expressive in the manga.
I do understand that Jotaro is more of a "Actions over words" kind of character and the Bad Boy with a heart of gold archetype, but for some reason it's hard to connect emotionally as I'm watching, and it only really hits afterward when looking back.
Maybe it's the possible combination on Jotaro not being as expressive in the anime and his expressions not being as focused on or easily noticable.
I think that's it for my thoughts off the top of my head for tonight. I might post more as I watch, not sure. I'll probably post my thoughts after I finish Stone Ocean.
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startreatment · 2 years
i can't believe i haven't asked for your in depth thoughts on the car yet but i am asking it now! has the top 5 changed?
so i just checked and my top 5 was mirrorball, big ideas, hello you, sculptures and mr schwartz and tbh i don't think it did. i'm not sure about mr schwartz, i think it might be switched for the car or jet skis on the moat, but yeah. some thoughts on each track individually:
there'd better be a mirrorball: instant classic, come on now! gorgeous production, THE STRINGS!!, smooth vocals, so hazy, beautiful and atmospheric. i cried to it more times than i am willing to admit, it really is a tearjerker. i've seen some people say that lyrics are the weakest part of the album, which i obviously disagree with, but especially on this one. it's pretty simple, but still effective and touching. "i'd throw the rose tint back on the exploded view darling, if i were you" always gets me.
i ain't quite where i think i am: FUN!! the weakest one on the album, but i genuinely love it. WAAAAAAH!! i am a she looks like fun enjoyer as well, so i guess i just like having fun idk?
sculptures of anything goes: no words to adequately explain the sheer grip this one has on me. everything i wanted and more. so dark, ominous, rich and textured, we love her!! and the title's very cool, too. it is a career highlight idc what y'all say!! 5 years from now we're gonna treat it with the same respect and love we treat crying lightning, four out of five and other pretties. love. alex turner work on a portishead inspired album challenge
jet skis on the moat: didn't grab me on the first listen, but it's actually very cute! gives me western vibes, one of the songs that reminds me of TBHC the most, for some reason. love the way he delivers "or are you just happy to sit there and watch while the paint job dries?". "you know that it's alright if you're wanna cry" thank you alex, but i have been bawling since the first track so <3
body paint: still sad it didn't live up to my very high expectations that were set up by that damn kings theatre live "leak", but i appreciate it way more in context. the piano riff is insane tho, sometimes it just randomly plays in my head throughout the day. also, really enjoy the first lyric. "for a master of deception and subterfuge you've made yourself quite the bed to LIE in" ok we get it you're very funny. also. "and i'm keeping on my costume and calling it a writing tool"? yeah he's.......... mhm
the car: ruins me the same way ultracheese does, which means i sob uncontrollably until i feel like there's no air around me at all. childhood memories always get me so hard and the strings add a sense of melancholy i can't handle. very sick of them to put it in the middle of the fucking record! anyway, it kinda reminds me of faust arp by radiohead, which is a win, because in rainbows is very good. good track!
big ideas: have i ever said that we should artists grow? let them change and flourish and explore new things? hm, idk. lyrically it's a bit too on the nose, which is not what i was expecting at all, but it's a welcome change from cryptic TBHC lyrics. sometimes i just want him to say what he thinks, you know? and we're gonna stop analysing the lyrics now, because i don't wanna get upset.
hello you: the first make me hold my breath and stop me in my tracks no matter what i'm doing (kinda like nfwmb foof and diwk do so. do with that what you will). that piano riff (? can you call it that idk i know nothing about music) is CRAZYYYY. also plays in my head throughout the day, so catchy and fun. lego napoleon moveh. vortex to vortex. the buisness they call show. 'ello gruesome. HELLOOOO YOU. might be my favourite from the record if i'm being completely honest. sorry, i love a good instrumental, what can i say. i actually saw someone say it's pattern with no miles, which is pretty accurate!
mr. schwartz: my head hurts. again, not getting into the lyrics, but i HAVE to point out that "and if wе guess who i'm pretending to be, do we win a prize?" makes me wanna lay down for a sec. also FINGERPICKING!!
perfect sense: why is it so short. melancholic (what a surprise), but doesn't make me wanna die! it's the type of melancholy that you feel when you're watching the last episode of your favourite show. a nice farewell song that sounds sad but hopeful, a gorgeous closer. they Know how to write a good closing track for sure. love it!!
my overall review: makes me cry, but it's very good. would love to have a couple more tracks that sound like i ain't quite or hello you to dilute the ... whatever's going on in the middle that makes me sob, but i can also appreciate the fact that it's just 10 tracks. still, we want b-sides @ am. make it happen!!!!! a 9/10, already in my top 3 (which is tbhc > humbug > fwn = the car), taylor swift cant't relate
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8, 27 and 34!
just answering some questions about my 98 book reading list from this year hehe
8. Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko was one of the stand out reads from this year, and it happened pretty early!! @readingthenight had recommended it to me, and it was,,,, foof. it's about this girl, who has been given a mission by her mother to assassinate the crown prince (i'm trying not to spoil it too much, but this is essentially one of the central premises of the book). the author is nigerian, and she created a really comprehensive, interesting world, and the central worldbuilding is (very broadly) based on african cultures, although all other cultures make an appearance. i loved loved loved the story, and the sequel was even better.
27. The Island of Lost Girls by Manjula Padmanabhan. sequel to Escape, but god,,,,, this one was such a difficult horrible painful read. i don't know how i feel about the politics because there was just. so much going on. the premise was that india like. um. banned women, wholecloth. they murdered all the women and perfected their cloning technology. there's one girl, one girl who was saved and Escape was about how she got out. this one is a continuing story which talked about how fucked up the rest of the world had become. i couldn't finish it i found it so goddamn bleak. the first book was also like that, but i think this one was definitely worse.
34. Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao. the uprooted discord server did a coread with this book. and so help me i will be crucified for saying this but this book was fucking TERRIBLE. the plot was nonsense, the pacing sucked, no questions were answered, and the author fell into the not like other girls trope so fast you wondered where the rest of the gender question was going in the book (spoilers: somewhere bad and stupid). hatred and misery on planet earth but this book got fuckin nominated for a hugo. goes to show, awards people have ZERO taste.
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nancypullen · 2 years
September 28th
It’s been a lovely day. I hurried through some morning chores, and even managed to get a menu and a list made and do the grocery shopping.  That has become my east favorite thing to do.  I tend to make the same dozen meals on repeat, mostly because the mister and I have very different tastes - when I hit on a recipe that we both enjoy I wear it out.  Anyway, I’m bored and if I had my way we’d skip dinner and just have popcorn in front of the tv at night. But that’s not what I’m here to share - let’s talk about FALL again.  I told you I’d snap a few photos of the ongoing porch project.  Don’t judge me, it’s not yet October so I’ll foof it up some more before my high holy month arrives. 
You already saw the containers for the porch railing.
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Burgundy, yellow, purple, and orange, all nestled in a bed of green - the jewel box of autumn. *happy sigh* This corner of the porch is a mess.  I need to switch out the cloth on top of the shelf.  The orange plaid is competing with the big black and white check of the chair cushion.  None of it is really working, but it was all inside the easiest to reach Halloween bin in the garage. If I swap out the cloth for one of my other tea towels and switch those pillows around, it might work.  That little flower pot holds leftover pansies that didn’t go in the containers.  Hope it turns into a riot of color.
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I’d planned to place cornstalks on either side of the front door but quickly figured out that would involve more work than I was willing to do.  It would look better, but tools would be involved and I just didn’t have the ambition today. Soooo, I used twine and tied them to posts and it’s fine.
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Just as I secured the first one, my friend Leslie stopped by for a chat.
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Strapping those stalks to the post, adding a bow (one roll of wired ribbon, $4.50) and two stems of Dollar Tree sunflowers took about fifteen minutes.  Quick, cheap, and easy - my favorite adjectives.
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Sure, they’d probably look better with a big, over the top bow and all sorts of add-ins, but simple is good too. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
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Ignore that dirty porch. I’ll scrub away the potting soil and sweep it clean. Those buckets of deep red mums will soon burst with color and compliment the bright orange of the pumpkins - one of my favorite combos. I’ll throw down a pretty fall door mat too.  I think that I still need something on either side of the door, but I’m through spending on this spot.  I have a witch broom, maybe I’ll just lean it against one side. That’ll work.  If this photo seems wonky, that’s because it is.  The front door is not centered between those porch posts. What the heck?  I’m working with what I’ve got. Anywho, after dressing up the front of the house I turned on a little music and spent the rest of the afternoon in the kitchen.  I made a big pot of veggie soup for our lunches for the next few days, then peeled some carrots, sliced some onion, and tossed them with a few small potatoes.  After seasoning a fat hen and putting her on top of the veggies, all I had to do was wait for the timer to go off for dinner. Ain’t she a beaut?
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I forgot to tuck the wings, but it didn’t affect the taste one bit.  Mmmm,  juicy chicken, taters that are crispy on the outside and fluffy inside, roasted carrots are my favorite, and onions for flavor can’t be beat. I had a pot of green beans simmering and for Mickey I put just a couple biscuits in the oven. I cheated and used Mary B’s frozen biscuits, but they’re yummy - squeeze a little honey on that biscuit and you’ll never know it’s not homemade.  This meal was prepared to summon autumn right into the house (I used wooden spoons as magic wands) and it worked.  Roasted root vegetables are always good for a fall vibe.   Mickey wandered down from his office demanding to know what smelled so good and in no time he had a plate full of goodness.  Now we’re sitting here fat and happy - he’s watching television and I’m talking to you.  In about an hour I’ll go soak in the tub with a book. Livin’ on the edge here in Denton.  Tomorrow I need to get those yews planted.  I’ve decided on their spots, kept them watered and ready, and I don’t have anything else to do tomorrow.  I can get that done in the morning, then shower and spend the remainder of the day making earrings in my pretty new artys/craftsy room.  I love saying that I have a room!  I’m expecting two deliveries tomorrow - one will be the light for my craft room, and the other is a cute ottoman to go in front of the chair in there.  I used part of the birthday money that my sweet mama sent, and it’s going to be perfect for getting cozy in that chair. I plan to snuggle in there on rainy and snowy days and lose myself in books.  Once that arrives I’ll snap photos of the whole room and share them.  I’m so pleased with it, it truly feels like home to me.  I’m sure that it’s not everyone’s taste, but it makes me happy.  I love that I can sit at my desk and see blooms and birds. I can watch weather and seasons pass.  That’s important to me - just another one of my quirks.  I wouldn’t do well in prison. That’s what keeps me on the straight and narrow. Signing off for the night before this gets any weirder.   Sending out lots of love and even hugs if you need ‘em. Stay safe, stay well. Be good to each other.
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terminaxshowtime · 2 years
ok here is my jojoposting masterpost part1! already seen everything in the manga but it was a while ago (like 1 and a half years) so i might've forgotten stuff, i'm noting other things as well! i get really hyped so i might lose my sanity and act more hyper and childish than usual so yeah. so cringe warning i guess :/
part 1 i guess, featuring episodes 13-14
araki you really gonna make ur florida prison guards look like that huh...
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FOOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! FOOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
'i feel like others don't accept me here' girl you are plankton. BUT ALSO JOLYNE DEFENDING HER BESTIE... SLAY...
foof i love you so much but this is NOT how you do things girl. eating rice and eating food with your left hand even tho your body is right handed and wants bread is NOT going to help you fit in with society.
omg foof loving salmon because she's plankton... I CAN'T I LOVE HER...
jolyne sounds so offended at the fact that ermes is stalking a man. like girl are you jealous. you fucking lesbian
oh my god yes ermes backstory! i remember this! man.
man ermes really out there tryina go to college...
oh i hope this fucker burns in hell
dude the photos... thats so fucking creepy but also a good tactic...
holy shit ermes on full genocide mode
oh shit.
oh shit she fucked up
oh shit
i forgot about this stand jesus fucking christ i hate it.
girlie this is a two parter this ain't over yet
oh shit it ate mickey mouse
dude this is so fucking creepy. invisible corpses attacking you? like what the fuck
i love how when most people lose their leg it's like oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ough!!!!! uauhgughuh!!!!!!! but since foof is plankton she's like damn. why did you have to do that >:T
no yeah she's 100% doing that pose with jotaro
jolyne's smart as her father as always...
'an invisible corpse has no concept of up or down' YEAH UH NO SHIT. DID YOU THINK INVISIBLE CORPSES WOULD OBEY THE LAWS OF PHYSICS???
dude foof is such a great medic. like imagine being glued back together by plankton. that's so fucking awesome
no that's so funny this bitch doesn't realise this guy is unconscious and being controlled by an invisible ghost... damn...
oh this man is fucked up. ough he really is a zombie. fucking eating brains
i literally DO NOT remember this WHAT
dude he's dead of course he can bite the shit out of someone without consequence
oh that stand catch is epic
ermes let your bestie help. come ON
'revenge is the way to settle the score with my fate' my god. she's so awesome
WHERE did your medic go. like maybe i lost track but where tf is foof
oh i LOVE how the copied head doesn't follow the real heda's facial features... oh god...
speechless im just watching this battle in awe of ermes. holy shit what a girlboss
korebo might as well be her stand cry now /j
im clapping. you cant tell but im clapping
jolyne just sat there the whole time like What the Fuck did I just watch
why do they show the to be continued AFTER the credits. man
leaving it at here because i have too much to say and there are too many episodes and i don't have time to watch any more tonight but holy Shit AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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kimmimaru · 11 months
So, today while walking my little Rocky-pocky (my dog) we walked past the old orchard. Normally he loves going through the orchard, but today I walked to the start of the path and he freezes. He then starts to make a noise that sounds like ‘foof’, so not a bark but a quiet foof sound. He does this usually when he sees men in hats...they make him nervous. Not women in hats, he’s ok with that and he’s ok with men NOT in hats. It’s solely reserved for men wearing hats. I don’t know why. When he gets nervous he moves forward foofing then backs off, foofs again from a safe distance and then moves closer again to give the air a sniff. I suppose to figure out if this hat man is ok. Anyway, at the edge of orchard path he started acting exactly like this. Now, if there was a man in a hat, I would understand but there was NO ONE. The trees are evenly spaced and you have a good, pretty clear view of the path as it winds through the orchard but there was no one there. No reason for him to act that way. I have watched way too much horror to deal with that bullshit lol. So we did not go that way. I put him on the lead and I noped away. No thank you ghost hat man.
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tommyspeakycap · 2 years
no bc how much would Andy use the classic line of “let’s start the new year off with a bang” all these suggestive eyes and eyebrow wiggles 😍🥰 pls write this u can do it justice 🥺✨
with a bang
this phrase was made for robbo!! sorry it's short, I hope you enjoy! not smut but has sexy implications :)
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“Happy new year baby!” Andy coos, his eyes crinkling with the size of his smile as he tucks your hair behind your ear, cupping your cheeks to lean in and press his lips against yours. Your lips move in perfect time, his hand moving to wrap around your waist to pull your body flush against his to push himself deeper into your month. Andy’s family and yours whoop and cheer, all the little kids gawking and ewing at all the kissing.
Andy laughs loudly, pulling away from you to run over to Mila and Theo to grab his little ones to squish them together and pepper their little faces with a million kisses. Their childish laughter is like literal music to your ears, making you smile so hard your cheeks hurt as you videoed the interaction.
Once the laughter died down, both kids were basically falling asleep with their cousins from either side of the family bundled up on the couch under blankets cuddled together. With them laying there, you all stood up to cross over your arms, hold hands and sing Auld Lang Syne to bring in the new year before pretty much everyone flopped down onto the couch in exhaustion. It had been a long day of rambunctious, sugar filled kids running rings around your siblings, your parents, Andy’s siblings and his parents. It was such a wild, busy day for them and tomorrow would only be busier, so everyone was really hoping they would sleep in late tomorrow.
“Come on babas.” Andy coos eventually, scooping up your nearly four year old daughter first before reaching back down to scoop up your two year old to set on the other hip. Both children immediately laid their heads down onto the shoulder of the side they were on, little eyes fluttering shut once again. “We’re off to bed.” Andy declares, “We’re all knackered.”
His mother gives him a kiss, growing a little tearful at the sight of her little boy so grown up, with two sleepy little kids of his own half asleep in his arms like he used to be 20 years ago with you leaning your forehead against his back between his shoulder blades with your own eyes shut. “You two get some rest.” She says softly, “If they wake up in the night we’ll get them, alright? You two haven’t had a break in months.” She brushes Mila’s hair out of her face and gives both her little grandkids a kiss on the cheek before letting you both go off upstairs.
Putting them down was almost shockingly easy considering how tired they were. Just a kiss goodnight from both of you had them right down to sleep. Both you and Andy stood there for a moment in their bedroom which they had insisted on sharing for now, both of you cuddled together just watching them sleep.
“Come on then.” Andy says, tugging you out into the hall. You shut the door quietly behind you, leaving it open the same little crack you always do. Andy wraps his arms around your waist, resting his chin of your shoulder, pressing his lips to your neck gently. “Let’s start this new year off with a bang eh?”
“Andrew!” You whisper, swivelling around in his arms. Andy winks at you, wiggling his eyebrows in the most Andy Robertson way possible. He doesn’t wait for another word from you, just scoops you up bridal style and carries you to your bedroom along the halls, easily kicking open the door with his foot and closed again the same way before dropping you down onto the bed. “What’s wrong with you,” you tease, quirking an eyebrow at him as he stands above you at the foot of the bed, stripping off his t-shirt. Andy shrugs, “We’ve made two very adorable kids.” He notes, “Why not make another?”
“Yeah, but who had to push them out of her foof? That was me, wasn’t it? It’s never been the same down there since Andy.” You insist, watching your husband throw his head back in laughter. “Trust me,” he insists, eyebrows raised to convey his sincerity, “It’s perfect.”
You snort, bursting into giggles as he lowers himself down to hover over you on top of the bed. "I love you." He says softly, quietly into the little amount of space that exists between his lips and yours. "I love you too." You whisper back, cupping both of his cheeks in your hands to bring his face closer to yours until your lips meet in a slow kiss. "And our little family...suppose one more couldn't hurt? I do miss having a little baby." You coo, eyes crinkling at the sides at the thought of having another tiny, warm and chubby little baby to make Theo a bit brother, making Mila a big sister once again. "And you looked so good pregnant." Andy adds, trailing his lips down your neck with warm kisses that make your body arch to press closer to his. "Oh yeah?" You hum teasingly, feeling Andy breathe a chuckle against your now bare chest. "Oh yeah." He repeats.
You giggle, the sound caught before it every gets to properly leave when Andy's hands begin to roam as you're cut off by your own little gasp. "Andy?" You breathe out, prompting him to look up at you through his eyelashes mid way through disposing of your pyjama bottoms, "Yeah baby?"
"Lets make another baby."
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dl4draws · 3 years
okay so here is my little bullet point story for the httyd au lol, hope you guys like it
love amongst the dragons
this is a zuko centered au but the story actually begins with how sokka got foof
sokka and hiccup are one no one can change my mind
the swt hunts dragons because dragons hunt them, same thing as httyd
so basically the httyd storyline isn’t zuko’s story but sokka’s
he shoots foof (sprinkle of saber tooth moose lion mixed with night fury, mostly changing the size and teeth – foof would look almost exactly the same as toothless but is taller, has bigger legs, is bigger in general and well the saber tooth of course – also night furies aren’t extinct!)), not because he cant actually participate in the hunting, he’s perfectly allowed, but he creates these machines and people are like just use a spear like the rest of us lol
he shoots the saber tooth night fury down and no one believes him so he’s like “okay fuck it im gonna go find it”
he does indeed find him, foof is too cute, sokka instantly loses the battle, he doesn’t wanna fight dragons anyway
he keeps foof a secret until katara one day sees sokka sneaking away while she’s practicing water bending (the war doesn’t exist, there’s just problems in the fire nation – so the SWT is full of people)
katara is like sokka what the fuck are you doing
sokka cant lie to katara, he can charm anyone else but not katara,, sisters are charm proof
anyways events of httyd proceed to happen
sokka learns how to fly, learns stuff in general about dragons
katara is kinda like the astrid but she’s like confused at the beginning bc sokka’s getting too good at handling dragons and she’s sus
they both get good with dragons after that
until they find another dragon when they were flying around
a Very Large tm dragon
basically a water dragon, inspired by the unagi but from the south pole, it can leave the water but it prefers to live in the deep ocean
katara loves her, she starts “practicing” water bending at a special spot so one can find her, only sokka and her know where it is since they found it while flying
blah blah blah the swt proceeds to have a happy ending and everyone gets a dragon
the swt starts a life with dragons this time and they believe they are the only ones doing this (aside from the air nomads) (there is no war so aang is born 100 years later)
Crown prince zuko and soon to be chief of the swt sokka are penpals, they’ve met eachother once or twice, sokka never tells him about the dragons
The fire nation has few dragons left
The fn is the birthplace of all dragons, but they have very little dragons now, they hunt them for fun
It is a ritual for the crown prince to kill a dragon and bring to the palace its heart
ozai is aware that there’s only one dragon left in their territory and the last dragon nest is weeks away
he sends zuko anyway and zuko goes, but he really doesn’t want to kill a dragon
he finds one, he goes through all that same stuff sokka (hiccup) went through with “he looked just as scared as I was” so he lets the dragon free, the dragon isn’t hurt so he can fly away but he doesn’t
he knows zuko won’t do anything to harm him so he stays with him
zuko doesn’t know wtf to do so he does what he knows always sets him in the right direction
he writes sokka a letter and tells him exactly what happens, about the dragon (his name is druk obviously) and how he doesn’t have any idea about what to do, he hopes sokka can reply as soon as possible and if he has time he can come to the fn and help him, he’s an engineer right? He can help him build stuff for druk, right??
He sends the hawk with the letter, knowing it’ll reach sokka in about week, since he’s farther south right now, so he expects sokka’s answer in two weeks
He most definitely is not expecting sokka to get there a week later riding a dragon the color of the night sky, you’d think the dragon was black if it wasn’t standing under the sunlight
Zuko hasn’t seen sokka in a few years, so he’s not exactly the same as he was back when they were still 19 (they’re 21 and 22 now)
Sokka isn’t expecting to see zuko with a supposedly extinct dragon when he gets there tho
He’s fascinated by druk (also zuko looks very pretty)
Sokka teaches zuko everything he knows about dragons, how to fly them, how to treat them, everything (they’re like little dates but they don’t mention that, they’re buddies tm)
Zuko comes back to the fn and he finds out that ozai is planning to wipe out the last nest, so zuko tries to stop him
And ozai lashes out so druk appears to protect him, and ozai is like oh bitch you’ve done it now and his little army is about to attack both zuko and druk when sokka and foof (both were hiding there in the palace) do a sneak attack and get them both out
Azula sees all of this from the shadows (this is important)
Zuko and sokka grab some stuff and leave the fn
They fly to the swt, zuko’s nervous about ozai’s plan but sokka knows that once they get home and set up a plan he’ll be okay
Once zuko lays eyes on the swt he goes holy fucking agni and sokka laughs so hard he almost falls off foof
The swt is built to house dragons and such, it really is a sight to see
They make a plan and basically go all out, the swt and the air nomads are good buddies, so aang is there with his cloud jumper (appa!!!!! Flying bisons exist but they’re like very important to the air nomads and people don’t ride them, they just vibe)
Aang is the avatar, so he has a deep connection with alpha dragons (the bewilderbeast)
They all make a plan, and they start flying to the fn, katara takes her big ass unagi like dragon, but she goes underwater with aang following her from the skies (they’re trying to find an alpha to ask for help)
They get to the nest before the troops, and stand their ground
It seems like they’re about to lose when katara appears with her dragon, the cloud jumper and aang in the avatar state on top of an alpha
The battle ends quickly after that and zuko and sokka are like !!! we did it and they share a sweet little kiss bc I say so (currently listening to coming back around and it’s making me emotional)
Azula appears after all this in sokka’s room (he’s staying at the fn palace for a bit to help the fn get adjusted to the new dragon rules) sokka hasn’t gotten the chance to talk to azula much, but he knows she isn’t opposed to dragons (or that is what it looks like)
His answer comes in the form of azula actually asking him for help, because she’s been hiding two dragon eggs for about two years
Sokka’s like!!!!!!!!!! Yes I can help!!!
She takes him to the eggs and he realizes that he hasn’t seen those types of eggs before but the coloring of the egg indicates that they are fire nation born dragons (they’re bright orange at the top and dark red at the bottom)
He asks if she found them near a volcano and azula’s like, hm yes but are you aware this palace is IN a volcano, and sokka’s like oh yeah right, and he tells her those are most likely dragons that live inside volcanoes and they like extremely hot temperatures so she should keep them near lava or with constant heat
Azula takes note of everything, and she starts going to sokka if she needs advice with her dragon eggs
Azula: how long until they hatch? Sokka: you gotta wait, depending on the dragon they can take from 2 to 5 years to hatch Azula: hm okay
Time passes, zukka dancing and singing to the dancing and the dreaming is all I need in life (will draw tomorrow)
Anyways yes sokka and zuko start living their best life riding their dragons under the moonlight and early in the mornings watching the sunset from between the clouds the end <3
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yungidreamer · 3 years
A Sprinkle of Love
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Prompts: (from the Walking in a Winter Wonderland Collaboration) 
“From afar I’ve loved you, but never let it show. And every year another December comes and goes.” - Kelly Clarkson (Wrapped in Red)
“You’re here where you should be. Snow is falling as the carolers sing.” - Kelly Clarkson (Underneath the Tree)
Wordcount: 3.6k
Summary: Mingi has been in love with his neighbor across the street since she first moved in. Sadly, he’s never gotten up the confidence to do much more than stare at her longingly. But maybe, with a little Christmas magic, and with the help of some sweets, he can get the gift he has really been pining for... her heart.
Content warnings: None, this is pretty much pure fluff. Mingi is a nervous and adorable dork in love.
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Mingi hummed as he carried the bag of groceries up to his front door on his hip. Christmas was coming soon and the cold weather that had fallen on the city made the air crisp. The puffs of his breath hung in the air like crystalline clouds. A shiver ran through him as he paused at the door to search for his keys. That familiar jingle filled his ears, almost like sleigh bells if you used your imagination.
From the house across the street he heard the soft foof of the door there open. Mingi’s eyes turned to see her scurry out the door carrying a bag of trash out to her trash can. As she dashed back to her front door, she noticed Mingi, giving him a quick wave before heading inside. He waved back, half forgetting that he was just standing at his open front door. Shaking himself mentally, Mingi stepped inside, slipped off his shoes and headed to the kitchen to put away his groceries.
With a sigh, he opened his phone and started his Christmas playlist. It was the holidays, the time to be in a happy, magical mood. Darn it, he was going to enjoy this holiday, even if he couldn’t spend it with her.
From afar I’ve loved you, but never let it show. And every year another December comes and goes.
Mingi sighed at the lyrics wishing he was just a little stronger, a little braver. How many times had he missed the chance to ask her out? How many times had he chickened out of even just going across the street to talk to her? He banged his forehead against the wood of the cabinet door, as if that could knock a little bit of sense into him. Sadly, it mostly just made his head hurt.
She had moved in a week after he did and, for him it had been love at first sight. Her warm smile, laughing eyes, and the way she always waved whenever she noticed him just standing like an idiot on his doorstep, watching her. Thank goodness she was nice and at least seemed to not think he was a complete weirdo and idiot. A perception he might have deserved for as many times as she had caught him just staring.
A sharp knock sounded on the door, shocking him out of his self-pity. He couldn’t help but wonder who could be there. He had just talked to his parents and he knew that Yunho had already headed back home to spend the holidays with his family. No one else really came by to see him.
He shoved the last of his groceries in the cabinet and headed to the door to see who it could be. When he opened the door he felt his soul float out of his ear and his heart stop in his chest. There she was, standing at his door, looking adorable and bundled, holding a little plate of something covered in foil.
“Hi Mingi,” she said brightly. “Merry Christmas! I made some turtles yesterday and thought you might like to have some. Umm, so, here…” She pushed the plate towards him so he could take it and for a second all he could do was look at it. His brain told his hands to take it, and told his mouth to utter the simple words thank you, but somehow, none of his body seemed to work the way it was supposed to.
“Turtles?” He finally managed to ask as his hands started moving to the plate. All he could think of the little shelled creatures and he was almost positive she wouldn’t be handing him a plate of them to eat for Christmas.
“Oh!” She laughed, luckily reading his reaction as confusion. “Pecans, caramel, and chocolate. It’s a treat my family always makes this time of year. Wait, you don’t have a nut allergy...or are lactose intolerant?”
“No no,” he was quick to reply, taking the plate from her hands before she could take it back. He would have cherished them even if he was, he just wouldn’t have been able to taste them, but he still would have loved them. “Thanks so much.”
“I’m glad you can have them,” she smiled. “Umm, anyway, I also came over because I wanted to ask if you were free this evening. Would you like to come over and decorate some cookies?”
“Tonight?” He blinked at her.
“Yeah, if you’re busy, don’t worry about it,” she gave him a carefree shrug and another grin as she took half a step back.
“I can come,” he rushed to reply, wanting to kick himself for not saying yes right away.
“Okay, great,” She nodded, straightening the collar of her sweater. “See you at six then?”
“Yes, I’ll be there,” he agreed, still holding the plate, gripped a little too tightly in his fingers.
“Good, good,” as she backed away, she stuffed her hands in her pocket. “Bye, see you tonight.”
Mingi watched her go, stuck where she had left him, holding the plate until she gave a final wave and disappeared through her front door. He couldn’t believe it. She had come over, she had invited him over. He felt giddy for a second before the butterflies in his stomach fluttered into a cloud that caused a little nausea to rise.
“It will be fine,” he told himself as he made his feet carry him inside, his eyes focused on the foil covered plate. “Don’t freak yourself out,” he told himself. “It’s just cookies. It doesn’t mean anything.” His voice came out with a little crack, like he was still some teen just hitting puberty. “She’ll probably have other people there anyway,” he reasoned, his stomach dropping a little at the realization she probably would. I mean why would she invite just me? He wondered to himself. She probably just thinks I’m a weird loner in need of a pity invite.
With a sigh he took the plate to the kitchen and set it on the counter. Pulling back the foil, he looked at the treats underneath. A smile teased at his lips. They really did look kind of like turtles. Four little legs on the sides and a little bump for the head. Picking one up, he took a bite and he had to admit, it was a lovely treat. A perfect mix of bitter and buttery from the nuts, creamy sweet from the caramel, and tart sweetness of the dark chocolate. Oh, he suddenly thought, I need to get her something in return for these. He started wracking his brain for ideas even as he moved towards the front door to head back to the store.
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Mingi stood on her stoop, willing himself to take those last few steps to her front door, but the tingling weakness in his knees kept his feet glued where they were. She’s waiting for you, he scolded himself. She invited you, you can’t just not show up. As he stood there, willing himself to move, the door opened, warm light shining out through the crack as it grew until she slipped outside to greet him where he stood frozen.
“Are you ready to come in?” She asked, a teasing note to her voice.
“Yes,” he stuttered, finally getting his feet to move.
“Glad you could make it,” she commented as she stepped aside to let him inside. “I wasn’t sure you would actually come.”
“Why?” He asked, looking down at her with wide eyes as she shrugged off his coat.
“Well, you seemed a little wary when I invited you this afternoon,” she gave a self deprecating laugh. “I thought maybe you’d come up with some excuse to not come.”
“Oh, no,” Mingi shook his head and pushed the second of his shoes off with a little more force than necessary, causing him to become unsteady on his feet. As he teetered slightly on his single socked foot, she caught him, bringing their faces together to an awkwardly intimate distance. She’s so pretty, he thought as he looked into her eyes, their faces only a few inches apart.
“Let’s get to the kitchen,” she cleared her throat, taking a step back and breaking eye contact. “I have the dough all ready to roll out. You can help me pick the shapes we’ll be decorating.”
“Okay,” he agreed, following her through her cozily decorated living room, lit up by the glow of a well decorated tree tucked into a corner beside the hearth. Together they stepped into the little kitchen, warm and filled with the scent of vanilla, cinnamon, and orange. The white tiles of the backsplash glistened alongside the stainless steel of the cling wrap covered bowl that had been placed next to the sink. It felt like the sort of place that begged for company and a warm cup of hot cocoa topped with a fluffy marshmallow.
“Do you know how to roll out dough for cookies?” She asked as she offered him an apron.
“I did it a few times as a kid,” he shrugged. “I don’t remember it being hard at least.”
“Good,” she smiled and handed him a wooden rolling pin. “You can put those strong arms to good use then.” Turning to face the table, she laid out a silicon baking mat and put a light dusting of flour on it before pulling out the large ball of cold dough. “Okay just be careful. It is a little hard at the moment.”
Mingi nodded and stepped forward, a serious look on his face. This may just be cookies, but this was his chance to show her that he could be useful and that he was more than just her stuttering, nervous neighbor who lived across the street. Pursing his lips, he pressed the rolling pin into the middle of the mound, perhaps with a little more force than necessary, causing the dough and the baking mat to slip and the rolling pin in his hands to loudly thunk into the table.
“Oops,” he chuckled nervously.
“Gosh, I was afraid of that,” she sighed, looking perturbed at the dough. “I didn’t get it out far enough ahead of time.”
“I can do it,” Mingi said with determination. “I’ll just be a little more careful this time.”
“Are you sure?” She questioned, peering between him and the dough. “We can give it another 20 minutes to warm up.”
“I can do it,” he stated, giving the dough a look that said he was not a man to be challenged by mere flour and fats. He put the rolling pin back at the highest point, carefully pressing down, making it just a little flatter before picking it up and pressing it down again at a different angle. Ever so slowly, he managed to work it down into a flatter, wider slab of dough about the right thickness for cookies.
With a smile, she took the rolling pin and evened out the dough, spreading it a little thinner and a little wider. Finally satisfied, she stepped back and brushed her hands on the front of her apron to clean them off. She gave a little nod and minced over to the counter, gathering a mess of little metal shapes in her hands and bringing them over to the table where he was waiting.
“Okay, what do you think?” She asked as she let them tumble onto the table on the other side of the dough. “Trees? Ornaments? Reindeer?”
“I always think that trees taste better somehow,” Mingi admitted with a laugh.
“Okay I always feel that way about ornaments,” she giggled back, looking up at him with a joyful camaraderie. “Maybe let’s start with those two. I always feel bad eating the things that are supposed to have faces anyway.”
Mingi nodded with a look of sympathy at the quirk. Of course she would feel bad eating cookies with a face, it was just so her. He had been too scared to instigate anything with her, but every time she had stopped by to ask for something or to let him know about something that had happened in the neighborhood, it had been something that made his heart melt. From the time she had come over to remind him to check under his car for a cat she had seen run under it the evening before, just in case, to all the times he had come out to find his windows already scraped free from frost. The first couple of times, he had been completely baffled as to how it had happened, until he needed to head out a half an hour before his usual time and found her bundled up, scraper in hand, clearing up his window. She had been surprised to see him so early, but had greeted him happily, telling him she just had a little more to go. Since then, he had gotten up every morning when frost was likely, started coffee, and checked out his front window every ten minutes until he saw her coming or already at his car and quickly headed out to give her a mug of warm coffee as a thanks.
She handed him the cookie cutter shaped like a Christmas tree and picked up the mostly circular ornament shaped cutter and pressed it into the dough. Mingi followed suit and before long they were putting dozens of cookies on a tray ready to go into the pre-heated oven that was warming the room. She slid the full tray into the oven and set the timer before turning to him with a smile.
“I think we have enough for one more tray when that comes out,” hands on hips, she estimated looking at the scraps on the table. “More trees and ornaments or something else?”
“What about this?” He asked, picking up a heart shaped cutter.
“Sure,” she agreed, squeezing the scraps back into a ball to roll out again. “It’s never the wrong season for love.”
Mingi could feel a blush rising on his cheeks as he watched her roll out the dough again. Everything about her just made him soft and he really wished he had the courage to say so.
They finished the cookies in a flash, pulling them out of the oven and setting them on some racks to cool and setting to work making the icing in all the colors they needed and putting out all the balls, flakes, and sprinkles she had, ready to decorate. They were done well before the cookies were fully cool and she, as if she had read his mind when he had first entered, made them both big mugs of hot chocolate.
She guided him into the living room and turned on some holiday music and invited him to sit with her on the plush, blanket covered couch. Mingi took a seat, holding the Christmasy mug between both of his hands to keep them from fidgeting nervously. His eyes flicked to look at her as the first song filled the quiet air of the room.
“Oh look,” she said excitedly, setting her mug on the coffee table in front of them. “It’s snowing!”
“Is it?” Mingi asked, setting his own mug down and following her to look out her front window that looked out onto the yard and towards his house.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” She enthused. “It’s really starting to feel like Christmas.”
“Yeah,” He agreed, stepping just a little bit closer to her. “Beautiful.”
“I love snow,” she sighed, looking up at him for a moment when she could bring herself to look away from the slowly falling fluffy flakes.
“Me too,” Mingi agreed. “Well at least when I don’t have to drive in it.”
“Well then, isn’t it lucky that you don’t have to go anywhere tonight?” She grinned.
“Yeah,” He looked down at her and wished for the hundredth time he was brave enough to just say… I think I love you. A jazzy piano version of Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas started playing and she stepped back from the window, moving as if she was going back to the couch only to pause in her tracks. Stepping back toward Mingi, she took one of his hands and pulled him close to her, effortlessly pulling them into a gentle embrace to move together in time to the music. They swayed together in time to the song and then the next, letting themselves get ever closer with each song.
Just at the moment when Mingi thought he might have the courage to say something, or maybe even lean in to steal a quick kiss, the bright peel of her doorbell startled them apart. She apologized, her cheeks a little pink if his eyes were to be trusted, and moved to answer the front door. The moment her door opened the clear, melodic sound of voices carried through it.
“Hark the herald angels sing,” sang the group of five carolers who stood on her porch, bundled warmly against the cold and the snow. Mingi came to stand behind her at the door watching and listening to the cheery group sing.
“Okay, $10 if you stay and sing two more songs, deal?” She offered as she dug into her pocket. “Do you by chance know Silver Bells?”
“Yeah, and deal!” An eager teenager in the middle nodded, extending their hand for the bill. The group broke into song and she leaned back gently against Mingi.
“Merry Christmas, Mingi,” she murmured quietly so that only he could hear her. “Since there isn’t going to be a better time than this… do you maybe want to go out on an actual date?”
“An actual date?” Mingi asked, eyes widening. Had he actually managed to get a date with her and not know it?
“You don’t have to,” she faltered slightly as she spoke. “And, ummm, I can always send the cookies to you if you just want to go—”
Mingi couldn’t let her finish that thought and leaned in, pressing his pillowy lips to hers as he pulled her close. A few of the carolers paused in their singing to let out little giggles and aww’s until the one who had taken the money cleared his throat and started singing a little louder.
“Is that a yes?” She asked with a blushing grin.
“Yes, it's a big, sure, happy yes,” Mingi grinned back, cupping her cheek with his big hand.
“Do you want to stay over tonight,” she pressed, holding his hand to her face.
“Can I?” He asked, excitement flaring in his chest.
“Well,” she shrugged. “You’re here where you should be. Snow is falling as the carolers sing. It would be a real shame not to let the moment we have last.”
“Yes please,” He leaned in again, taking her lips as the carolers finished the last song and started off towards the next house, snickering slightly at the cute couple. They moved inside when the nip of the frosty air was stronger than the pleasing fog of finally confessing that had enveloped them. Pulling her inside, Mingi closed the door behind them. As they stepped inside, something caught Mingi’s eyes, a little something sticking out of the pocket on his coat.
“Oh wait,” he burst out, reaching for it. “I have something for you.”
“Something?” She asked, following his gaze to see the little box poking out of his coat pocket.
“Yeah,” He blushed as he pulled it out and handed it to her. “I wanted to get you something as a thank you for the turtles… and for all the mornings that you helped me out with the frost on the car windows.”
“I didn’t mind,” she clutched the little red box to her chest. “I had to do mine in the mornings anyway. A few more windows wasn’t that much more time.”
“You didn’t have to,” he gave her a wistful look and wished he had gathered the courage to ask her out months and months ago. How many kisses had he missed? How much more?
With a last smile up at him she slipped the ribbons off the box and took off the lid. She let out a little oh at the sight of the little bracelet that sat inside the box on a pillow of black velvet. The small silver chain had a single pendant hanging on it; a little frosted snowflake.
“Oh Mingi,” she sighed happily. “It’s beautiful. You shouldn’t have… it’s… it's too much to give me in return for a little candy.”
“It’s a thank you for every morning of helping me and for every wave you gave me when you caught me staring from across the street,” He explained, pulling it out and fastening it around her wrist. “And maybe now when you see it, you’ll remember today and think of me.”
“I wouldn’t need a bracelet to remember today,” she replied gently, lifting her hand to cup his cheek and bring his lips back to hers. “This will be a Christmas I’ll never forget, I can already tell.”
Mingi melted into her kiss, enjoying the warmth of her body where it pressed against him. She seemed to fit him perfectly just like he had always hoped.
“Do you want to work on decorating the cookies?” She asked, pulling back and drawing in a shaky breath.
“Yeah,” he agreed, brushing a little kiss over the corner of her lips. “Let’s decorate the cookies. We have time for everything now.”
“Merry Christmas, Mingi,” she pressed her forehead to his.
“Merry Christmas, my angel,” he responded with a giddy smile.
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miss-mad-mind · 3 years
Yesterday I was thinking a bit about The Magnus Archives, as usual, and aside from the obvious things, I realised a terrible, terrible thing about myself. Made me want to cry.
So, I am kind of Corruption aligned. From my weird fascination for wasps in my childhood (I liked eating cranberry jam on my toasts and that's what I'd eat when we went to the public pool and the lunch box would be full of cranberry jam and all the wasps would come to it and I would just sit there and watch them because.. Duh) over the fact that I don't really get insect bites or stings at all. I have cats and my whole family gets flea bites except for me, even though they sleep in my bed regularly. I barely get mosquito bites I never got stung by a wasp, it just doesn't really happen up to I literally still eat foof when there's mold on it. I just don't give a shit. If it smells normal I just eat the part that doesn't have mold (I don't eat all of it I just hate to waste some cream cheese when the package is still mostly full so I make a bread with it and I'll throw it away after). So yeah, it's pretty clear that the Corruption and I... It just works. I think the Lonely and I would work pretty well too because.. Lots of reasons but yesterday I had the thought that "I'm pretty much all Corruption aside from the Weird, Fucked Up Love part" and that's when I realised that... I am neurodivergent. I get really obsessed with things and people too. My whole Thing is basically that I hyperfixate on things or people and to the point where I'm not even sure if I ever had an actual crush on a person or if i just became weirdly obsessed with them. So... Yeah, that fucked me up. There's also this whole thing where, when I listened to Jane Prentiss' statement for the first time I really related to her. Like.. Her dermatillomania and the wasps thing and all of that just really resonated with me and I thought "I'm Jane"
Buuuuuut.. The Fears are like colours and they bleed into each other and the Fears are only categorised because humans need categories and labels or they'll go mad so, it's fine. I'm just a weird fusion of The Corruption and The Lonely. It's fine. I'm fine. It's okay.
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kakyoinryoko · 3 years
if they dont make a foof super action statue for the anime, im gonna rip and tear. also, in how many episodes would you adapt phf, because that's def a thought I've devoted way too much of my free time.
i am so tired of ff erasure !!! idk how to articulate what frustrates me about it but it’s like. she’s a pretty direct parallel to kakyoin both in terms of character arc and relationship to her jojo but she was written with a lot more nuance and attention to detail about a decade later, after araki figured out how to write an actual plot, and while i think her arc ends in a very frustrating stupid way it still generally feels more meaningful and thought out than what little rushed lore we got for kakyoin. but kakyoin is super popular and she’s extremely looked over anyway. i know part of it is just that part 3 has been animated and part 6 hasn’t yet and that she’s only there for about half the part but. hmmm. hmmm i don’t like it
mm maybe about one ep per chapter? that feels right. maybe split the last two chapters so that one is one and a half episodes and the last chapter is just half an episode. jojo part endings tend to be rushed in the final 10 minutes or so of a season so i feel this should carry over to phf as well. also i think the first episode should start with the bonus chapter since it’s more of a prologue to the rest of phf than it is an epilogue and it also introduces a pretty vital character beat for mista wrt: hating giorno and wanting him dead
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sasquapossum · 3 years
I just got back from a self-imposed two-week social-media vacation. It was pretty enlightening to realize how many times per day I'd want to share a link or a joke or a thought with someone and reach for Twitfaceblr, only now I had to stop myself. Instead, I started collecting stuff in a "random notes" file, which I'm now going to inflict on all of you, my followers here who can deal with unfiltered rubbish (and don't know me IRL). Kinda long, though, so below the fold.
Random Notes
Ideas released into a group of gullible extroverts will spread more (and be embraced more tightly) than one released into a group of skeptical introverts. This asymmetry strengthens social-media ills.
-- inspired by Atlantic "make FB more like G+" story
Proper FB analogy is not tobacco (common) or tylenol (Wired). It's leaded gasoline. Like automobiles, early FB created - and still creates - great benefits for many. Like leaded gas, the opaque algorithmic feed is an optimization to an existing value-creation system. Like lead, online disinfo affects people's brains and decision making, and makes life worse even for non-users. Final analogy: the solution is to *undo the optimization* and return largely to status quo ante. Breaking up car companies was not necessary or even helpful wrt leaded gas.
Addiction to contempt
Jumping to conclusions correlated with other cognitive errors
Evangelical church reflects Trump, not Jesus
https://archive.md/dkAhK (Atlantic)
Latest FB revelations are good in that they show how employees are often better than the company itself (which I've been saying for years). It's the leadership, stupid.
Things I Won't Work With: FOOF
Many people love unit tests because they're so easy to fool - creating an *appearance* of coverage and correctness without the hard work of replicating real-world failure scenarios. Unit tests that rely on heavy-weight mocks are a cheaters' tool and should be discouraged in favor of other testing approaches.
Extra irony: unit tests proving only abstract/theoretical correctness seem most popular among people who otherwise look down their noses at the abstract and theoretical. "You're wasting time worrying about an edge case we've never seen" ... except that we eventually did, e.g. copyset-strength violations, and sometimes it was very costly. Motivated reasoning at its worst.
Sex toy standards "might not go deep enough"
Centaurs for Disease Control
I love watching the shells fly overhead as the two most entitled generations in history take shots at each other.
Microsoft Amazon Meta Alphabet = MAMA (just killed a man)
Apple and Netflix might have market cap but not scale
MAMANA? NAMAMA? MANGA would have been more fun.
Whenever someone on the right says "freedom" or "liberty" just replace it with "privilege" to get the true meaning. Ditto with translating "patriot" to "terrorist" etc.
Discussion sites should have an "evidence required" reaction, to request substantiation without crowding up the comments. If a comment reaches N with no response, it automatically gets buried. Also, reactions can't be downvoted, and sites like HN have a significant problem with partisans downvoting reasonable requests for proof. When wild claims aren't risky but asking for proof is, the incentives are wrong.
The idea of hands-free driving in a GMC Denali should terrify everyone else on the road. Ad even showed it while towing. Double eek!
Don't be live-ist. Ghosts and zombies were people too.
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My fave bits from the Beetlejuice soundtrack, Pt 3:
Say My Name:
the sitar bits are pretty cool!
“ ʸᵉˢ ᴵ ᵈᵒ, ʸᵉˢ ᴵ ᵈᵒ ! ”
“together we’ll exterminate - ASSASSINATE!!” “NO” “ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᶦⁿᵉʳ ᵖᵒᶦⁿᵗˢ ᶜᵃⁿ ʷᵃᶦᵗ ”
“girl, just say it three times in a roOoW”
brief moment where BJ becomes Moana 🌊
the rhythm of “how-bout a-game-of-charades?”
Alex’s frustrated whimper just before “be a doll...”
“got any references” omg
Alex’s voice change when he says “A-Dog, B-Town, my old pals!”
“Lydia this is a DaNgErOuSlY uNsTaBlE InDiViDuAl”
I’m soft for the Maitlands and Lydia dancing around in circles to “make him say your name” at the end
Day-O (The Banana Boat Song) - Act 1 Finale:
"I’d have to .... check my pay stubs, but.. “
“ Stack banana till the morning come, brrakah!”
Props to everyone for being so good at looking possessed? What a skill lmao
* * P I G  S O L O * *
Oof, you can really hear the despair in Sophia’s voice
Girl Scout:
“the day my parents have been delaying for years - OOH!”
Dana’s macho “still, I’m gonna sell some cookies”
"from tetralogy of fallot in my pulmonary artery! Whee!”
what even is this song tbh, I love it, I do, but what
“but we’re really not supposed to” “why?” “pedophiles” Lydia: oh I gotcha, fairs lol
Also um what exactly happened to Skye?
That Beautiful Sound:
Dana in the background: *nervous laughter* “it’s so weird!”
🎵 “a sound that says Fif. Teen. Years. Full. Time. The-ra-py” 🎵
“time for a few-oHMYGOD”
Honestly my favourite bit of this song is just the bit where all of the extra Beetlejuice’s *foof* into the room and join in with the singing
*Alex Brightman noises™*
*Alex Brightman giggles™*
“holy moly, a lot of people come to this house”
“I brought you a pie! Its from the store”
T A P  D A N C I N G,  1 0 / 1 0
“you’re forgetting something” “my PIEEEEE”
Part 1, Part 2, Part 4
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