#I know I said it in image but I think that Gamzee would just be the cutest little kid ever.
bloobydabloob · 2 months
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My part of an art trade with @tauriborns. I had a ton of fun, thank you for the art trade brother.
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yayforocs · 7 days
Ohhhhhhhhhh My God okokok i'm going to be unpacking a lot here and i'm. oh my goodness i'm so excited there's stuff here i FORGOT about!!!!!! never posted anywhere would have been lost forever if i hadn't saved it on this flash drive!!!!!
OLD UNPOSTED ART LET'S GO (pt 1) (yes i'm doing multiple parts bc u can only post 30 images per post)
ohhhhhh man oh man ok i'm looking through and checking on like Each And Every One Of These to make sure they're not actually posted anywhere and m a n
ALRIGHT, cranking the clock alllll the way back to the start of my main blog, july 2012!!!
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God ok this is fanart for a slamacow video, it's the like one music video he made :VVV good ol Cube Land!!
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shadow of israphel!!!!!! what a series, my brother and i still quote a few lines from it. i actually did draw quite a lot more SoI fanart that never got posted, i'll have to go digging around and see if i can find it.... BUT atl now i know like!! timestamp for when i drew all that!!!
moving on to august 2012!
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herobrine in a cloak ig
dklsfjsd did i not feel like drawing regular clothes or.
september 2012!!
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genuinely i don't remember if i traced this over my laptop screen or if i just copied it down bc i was pretty good at just like lookin at stuff and replicating it, but it's erza from fairy tail!
october 2012 :V
i opened up a requests thread on the craftedmovie forums, and lookin back it looks like i only ever posted one of them, wack
so here's the rest!
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we've got a gamzee makara! we've got 'a brown haired girl (brown eyes may have also been specified? i don't quite remember but i'm p sure brown haired girl was) standing next to fluttershy'! who i actually, since no other specifics on the girl were given, drew to be the protag from the animation Crayon Dragon! and then the third one is the requester, trixomaniac, sitting on a rainbow :VV
november 2012!
we've got more requests!
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first one was i don't remember if it was just 'chicken man' or actually the requester's (gafloff was the name) skin but the request was for the person to be holding a butter sword standing over a zombie piglin or something along those lines :V i had no context of skydoesminecraft so i remember being very confused like. why a sword made out of butter XD
and then the second is shadowflare86, holding a gun pointing at the viewer :V whiCH! i had no idea how to draw so i did my best to imitate a pose from this wonderful animation called Serenade to Miette
...looking at this now tho i think it just looks like it could be a fantastic reaction image klshdg
speaking of
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i also. did this? i don't remember any context for it tho, i think it may have been another one of the requests?
on to the next folder! here we skip december, then looks like i've posted everything in january, then there's no february folder, so on to march 2013!
starting out strong with this one lskdfjs
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so i did actually post like the big middle drawing there, but it was posted before i colored, and also before i drew the other stuff on the page, but yes cue the homestuck art >:J starting with some runawaystuck fanart (and actually i know i added in a little jade and karkat to that page at some point, not sure if i scanned it again later after i added them or not)
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copied the talksprites for funsies :V rip jade ig
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ohohohoho i don't even remember what the context for this one was but i do definitely remember that i had fun with it X)
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FAIRY QUEEN LADY!! THE ORIGINAL DRAWING OF HER!! she was based on a Really Funky Graph i made one time messing around with inputs:
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i had a sliding phone so that's unfortunately as good a picture as it's gonna get bc i don't think i can recreate it 😅
april 2012!
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cleverbot doodles! kldsfjs i found the post i'd made of the colored drawing i did, and saw in the tags that i'd said ''#website characters #yeah i think there's a name for it but idk what it is'' gijinka friend. the word you are looking for is gijinka
and i had a lot of fun with this gijinka :V
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GOD SS PAINT!!!! i think i never posted this bc i was worried it looked too much like he was choking her skdlfj
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-oh wow this is. this picture is a lot smaller than i thought it was. slkdfj. anyway another that i can't remember if it's a trace or a replication but it's a yellow from the pokespe manga! please go read it if u haven't it's so so so good
skip to july 2013!
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i'm like 90% certain this is a replication. but there's still a 10% of uncertainty. regardless, it's de nam from final fantasy crystal chronicles!
next up is august 2013 :V
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ib time ib time
i doodled an au where garry was also a kid :V i think we (mogi and i) also joked around about like. a teenager au? they're both teens? i don't think any doodles came of it tho
october 2013, featuring doodles i know i drew in july bc i remember drawing them sldkfjds oh well
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these are a bunch of random ocs i came up with as like. a. ok it's not like a homestuck au bc it doesn't involve any of the comic characters in any way but this was a group of ocs i came up with that played through their own version of sburb and. everyone died but one person. i never came up with names or anything for any of them, it's literally like just what is there visible on the paper is all i had for them 😅 i'm p sure i redrew these guys a few years later, but i don't think i ever scanned it.
-ah i cannot upload any more, let me. multi-part this.
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demonichikikomori · 2 years
Reading the Other Side of the Heart:
Explained in images of Squidward
I am requested by my two friends to read this fanfiction of Eridan Ampora x Sollux Captor (Human AU) Because they still like Homestuck and I told them about a commission I had gotten.
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I sit at my PC and open up Ao3, to which I stream my pages to them on Discord while asking for insight and bring up what the story makes me think of. They read with me and ask me how it's going so far. I'm enjoying it but I become very suspicious over them telling me that: "It's really sad Devil."
So I try to stay guarded.
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However I have ADHD so trying to protect myself won't work. Instead my attempt to protect myself led me to over analyze and assume; and that leads to 20 minute long rants over why I would in fact: Strip ass naked and get into the bubble bath with Gamzee Makara. He moved his legs out of the way. How dare Sollux refuse.
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I go back to over analyzing. Eventually we end for the night and continue over the past three days.
I learned to love the EriSol ship and it's dynamic.
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Past me is rolling in their grave, screaming about why Eridan and Sollux will never be together and why EriKar is a much better ship. I learned that I was wrong. I also learned this fanfiction is pretty old for Ao3 standards and is very popular in the Homestuck fandom. As I reached the final two chapters, my mouse had died (it's wireless) and I loaded it onto the dock before scrolling through the last chapters.
As I bled through the chapter labled December 17th, 2010, I grew even more concerned as my friends had muted, telling me to just keep reading and they were still there.
What is happening?
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What is happening? Why did they deafen? Towards the end, I had started to ooh and awe towards the ending of the fic as the two began to romantically enjoy each others company.
I had pieced things together.
In this fic, I felt similar to Sollux dealing with loss in different ways and how I had become a social recluse. The only sense of existence for him was Minecraft as I found myself drowning in Rhythm games in the darkness of my bedroom.
Eridan saved him from the mourning and grief he carried. Sollux was taught that it was okay to move on. Something similar happened to me when my ex-girlfriend was just a close friend at the time and I had fallen into a spiral. And she told me it was okay to move on with a bit of help.
I was Sollux in the beginning of this story.
And I am Sollux re-living December 18th, 2010.
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Reading this with unintentional prompt was almost a subconscious reminder from my friends who had gifted me the link to this fic that it's okay to move on. It's okay to mourn and experience loss. It's okay to be happy and heal in the epilogue. My loss is much different than what Sollux Captor has felt. But it's just as painful. My sense of closure has yet to rear it's head as I think and reflect on how I can also change. How I can move on from the things that hurt me.
I want to change and get better. It was the fic authors intention to tell a tale with their favorite ship about sudden loss and how to recover from it and how to heal. I applaud them for it. The fic was fantastic. Honestly. And I haven't read Homestuck fics in ages.
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But I'm glad I read it at this point in my life. I needed to with everything happening as of late.
Now if you'll excuse me,
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I am off to kill my friends and soon to be official mods on Discord while finishing my Kinktober post for the day. In the meantime, if you like Homestuck of course: The link to the fanfiction is here!
I do honestly recommend it. Even if you don't like Homestuck and if you struggle dealing with sudden loss or even trouble with acceptance. I really enjoyed it. And I appreciate my friends for rescuing me from myself when I needed it. Even if they didn't know it.
With that being said,
@aleemie and @venomousdisperse . Don't recommend me shit else if it's going to be angsty. I demand a 10 page fic worth of 9k words about why Sollux Captor is hot. Failure to comply shall terminate our nightly chats and watching cartoons.
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purple-stuck · 3 years
Hi It's me again! I hope my excessive rambling in the tags wasn't too annoying I just really loved that drabble you wrote
If it's not too much can I request something with Sollux and Gamzee meeting in the subjugglator training ranks after Ascension?
I'd really love to hear what your headcanons might be or what fics you take inspiration from about subjugglators off-planet
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Gamzee's breath was perfectly steady, his heartbeat perfectly level, his mind completely calm. Even as he hopped from platform to platform, moving at speeds imperceivable to the naked eye, his body remained impossibly calm. Such was the Messiahs' gift to him and all purplebloods like him. With training, they could command their body to do the impossible.
Gamzee stopped atop a thin pole, claws digging into his perch as he got his barings. A sea of bloodied spikes spread out around him, ensuring him a slow death should he miss even a single pole or platform. But beyond that, lie his goal. His target. The horned outline of which was a mere speck in his vision.
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
Gamzee felt the wood begin to give way beneath his weight and lept to another perch, hoping between poles and bouncing away before the could bend against him. Thoughtlessly, he reasoned out the closest platform in between leaps. Automatically, he twisted his body to reach them. His body twisted in ways that crack and snap the bones of any other caste. If the graveyard full of mangled bones below him was any indication, even other purples struggled to make such moves.
Soon, Gamzee's shadow was cast over his prey. A club appeared in his hand, upraised so as to crack open his target's skull in one swing.
For the first time since this lesson began, his breath hitched.
Gamzee's feet hit the ground, his momentum stopped dead. His club hung over his target's shoulder.
Breathe. In.
Breathe. Out.
At this distance, Gamzee could see that his target wasn't even a troll at all. Rather, he'd been tasked with assassinating a mannequin, a hard plastic replica of his would be victim. Gamzee felt his posture relax before he pulled his club back and cracked the target's head of with one swing.
Purple paint sprayed over Gamzee as the body hit the floor and he turned to his audience and bowed.
The audience cheered as the lights flashed on, a cacophony of honks, whoops, and cheers as the stage was revealed in full. If he bothered to look towards the pit, Gamzee could see all the remains of the clowns who came before him and failed. He did not look.
"well, would you look at that."
Two ropes descended down around him, carrying the Twin Instructors, clad in their iconic matching masks. Comedy's voice was sing song, contrasting Tragedy's melancholy just as their half masks contrasted their mood. Gamzee looked up to see half of Tragedy's face grinning down at him.
"still, you haven't quite managed to beat our record."
The two broke into giggles, with the rest of the tent following. Gamzee heard a few voices call out for an encore and quietly hoped they wouldn't be heard. He didn't have it in him to go another round. He didn't know how Sollux did it so easily, controlling his body they way he did.
Tragedy leaned down and gave him an encouraging pat on the back, causing Gamzee to grin at him tiredly in between pants. Comedy leaned down to his other side, handing him a faygo and a rag.
"we'd love to share notes, but this isn't your show anymore. head to the lounge, it's time for the next act."
Gamzee chugged the bottle, nearly emptying it in two gulps as he walked off stage. He waved his thanks, to tired to talk, as he shoved his way through the curtains and into the lounge.
Gamzee finished his faygo as he lazily scanned the room. Normally, throwing a bunch of clowns into one room would be a recipe for disaster, but all was strangely quiet. It seemed like the others who passed the test were just as warn out from it as he was. It made him feel better to see his brothers and sisters laying around exhausted, half collapsed against walls or the couch. It made him proud to still be standing.
And then he saw Sollux, looking none the worse for wear as he hogged the couch. He smirked smugly as Gamzee made his way over, scooting over to let the shorter clown collapse next to him. "Jegus, you look like shit."
Gamzee flipped him off, causing Sollux to snort. "And you're acting like shit too. Maybe I'm a bad influence on you."
Gamzee snorted. "Shit man, I thought you didn't want me to be so friendly and clingy around you anymore." He wiped the sweat off his forehead, stopping to look at the facepaint that had melted onto his hand. "Although, a brother's got a point about. I ain't much to look at right now."
Sollux slid his half empty faygo down the table, which Gamzee guzzled happily. "Yeah, body control is hard. I've been doing it ever sense I grew hands and I still eat my swords sometimes. Nevermind the more advanced stuff."
Gamzee slammed the faygo bottle on the table. "Shit, man, my bones hurt. And my veins... and lungs. Fuck."
Sollux grunted and handed him a spare Nintendie Dualscream. "How about something to take your mind of it? It's been awhile sense I kicked your ass in Fiduspawn anyways."
It was Gamzee's turn to snort. "All right, you are on, motherfucker."
They were eight rounds in when the new clowns stopped coming in. Gamzee counted only five had made it in after him, but he was more focused on beating Sollux than keeping count. Either he'd gotten better or Sollux had gotten worse. The taller troll used to be able to kick his ass, now they were tied four to four. But, their fifth round was interrupted as two familar shadows were cast over them.
"just between the four of us, I've heard that's against the rules."
Gamzee and Sollux froze as the Twin Instructors leaned over them. Even Gamzee could feel everyone in the room staring at them. Gamzee had seen this set up before. Comedy and Tragedy learing over a helpless troll or two. Acting like they were just disappointed, like they were just going to give the rule breaker a stern talking to before they decapitated the mischief maker.
Instead, the twins doubled over into a giggling fit the spread through the room. The trolls around them joined in, some more nervously than others.
"JuSt KiDdInG!"
"....know better than to break the rules."
"AsSuMiNg YoU dId'T cHeAt!"
Sollux and Gamzee pushed themselves to their feet, hands moving to ask about their progress, but the duo pushed their hands aside.
"you're subjugulators now."
"YoU'rE oFfIcIaLlY fUnNy EnOuGh To LiStEn To!"
Gamzee let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. He heard Sollux do the same before the cheers erupted around them. Tragedy grabbed his arm and hoisted him into the air with it to bare before the crowd, leaving him and Sollux to gaze at their audience.
"well, those of you who still have hands anyways."
Gamzee looked over at Sollux, himself being held up for all to see by comedy. It was strange to see Sollux actually look nervous, even if they were seemingly in the Twin's good graces. Sweeps of living according to their capricious whims was enough to instill a lasting fear in anyone.
Even when granted verbal permission to speak, the two didn't make a peep as the twins hefted them over their shoulders. The twins cheerfully waved off the crowd as they carried the two ascendants to their office.
Gamzee grunted as he was dropped into a chair to small for him, hearing Sollux swear off to the right as the same happened to him. Comedy and Tragedy flopped into their chairs on the opposite end of the desk, kicking their feet up on it.
"normally, we'd take the time to talk about boring business shit with you."
"BuT lIkE wE sAiD, wE hAvE nOtEs."
Sollux and Gamzee shared a nervous look, before Sollux straightened up and spoke. "What, uh, about exactly?"
Comedy shook a chidding finger in their faces.
"tripped at the finish line."
"DeRaIlEd A pErFeCtLy GoOd ShOw."
Gamzee looked over at Sollux in suprise. Sollux... hesitated? But he was used to killing shit. Hell, that was his idea of a date night. Gamzee hardly had time to consider it before Tragedy leaned in his direction.
"now you we perfectly understand. you've never dabbled with fresh paint before."
"BuT iT's YoUr BuDdY wE'rE cUrIoUs AbOuT."
They both turned to Sollux expectantly. He scratched the back of hia head. "I... well. Something made me reconsider." He rested his hands in his head. "There was.... a kill I'd been planning for a really long time. Something... big. Special. And, when I landed that kill, when I did kill her and savor killing her... it just felt empty?"
Gamzee knew what he meant. The image of a cart drenched in Cerulean blood flashes in his mind. "I'd... rather not get any more into it than that."
The Twins tented their hands as they nodded sympathetically. Comedy even reached over to pat him on the shoulder.
"oh, we've both been there before."
Tragedy bent down and fished around beneath the desk, nearly banging his golden mask on it in the process.
He placed a white horned skull on the desk, carefully preserved and cleaned even though it seemed to have been centuries old. Still, the more Gamzee looked at it, the more it looked slightly off. The horns seemed to be... fake somehow. Like they were made of some kind of old plastic. And the skull's facial structure was all wrong. Too thin, too light, too delicate looking. It looked like a troll but not quite. If Karkat were here, he'd call it a mockery of troll kind.
"you'd think he'd be honored."
He rubbed the skull fondly, clearly nostalgic. Part of him sounded almost remorseful over it too, strangely enough. Like talking about a long dead friend or a beloved canceled show.
"BuT iT fElT sO eMpTy."
Sollux cleared his throat, clearly annoyed, even if he couldn't outright say it. Gamzee couldn't blame him. The twins liked to talk about their first two kills a lot. "So, what's your point?"
Tragedy sighed wistfully and Comedy playfully roled her eyes and elbowed him to get him back on topic.
"and when it's over, it always feels...."
Sollux hummed and considered this, but Gamzee could tell he wasn't quite buying it. Gamzee could tell that something else was needling away at him. Something deeper than just that.
"you'll probably get that feeling too."
Gamzee straightened up as he realized they were addressing him again.
Comedy slid two communicators across the desk.
They nodded at Sollux.
"and the Empress will be happy to see her favorite clown is safe."
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mmmmalo · 4 years
@overtrolled-liveblog‘s recent post on Gamzee made me realize that Gamzee’s first interaction with Terezi (Terezi attempting to hurt Gamzee and being angry when he doesn’t react) is also the basic dynamic of Terezi’s ill-fated attempt to “avenge” herself upon Gamzee around Game Over. I never understood why Terezi’s was manifesting for Gamzee in that interaction, but the repetition seems like a good lead. So here’s an attempt:
Aranea’s mind control is being juxtaposed with whatever allowed Gamzee to maintain his composure in Act 5. Sopor is an obvious candidate, as is his general early interest in avoiding conflict, but there might be something else to it...
2018. When Gamzee remarks (in the narration) that "it is dangerous to leave unarmed", the commentary has this to say: "It's probably not actually that dangerous to leave unarmed. This was probably something his goat dad told him a long time ago. But only to scare him, and make sure he stayed inside so no one would ever see him, because he was so embarrassed by him. Goatdad is probably one of the most sympathetic characters in the story. If Gamzee was your son, wouldn't you abandon him too?" Glib dismissal, veering sharply into needless cruelty. But it nonetheless draws attention to the narration's unreliability, moored as it is to Gamzee's POV.
2017. Speaking of unreliable: "You aren't supposed to eat that slime. It does funny things to a troll's head. // But you were never taught that on account of a lousy upbringing. Your custodian was always out to sea." Gamzee is evidently thinking the very thing he was never taught, but he attributes that thought to a higher power (the narrator) and thereby pleads ignorance of it? Or it could be read as an expression of shame: as Gamzee eats his pie, he imagines a stern voice admonishing him from over his shoulder. OR you might more literally parse the contradiction as the voice of two separate Gamzees sharing the brain space in some kind of daze...or you could call it simple memory loss. These are inclusive ors, btw.
2019. Anyway, Gamzee reaches the beach and we get this line: "You leave your hive and head out to the beach. There is no sign of your custodian. // You should not stay out here very long. The SEA DWELLERS are quite hostile." Commentary on his custodian's absence, followed by a voice of authoritative behavioral cautioning, as though a guardian were living in Gamzee's head. Immediately following this, Terezi manifests for Gamzee, though he doesn't answer immediately... so I suspect Terezi's manifestation will be an elaboration this internal division?
2020: "You're always down for shooting the wicked shit with anyone that who'll put up with you." Man... Act 5 is misery. The Miracle Modus is a picture of Gamzee's brain being fried to a point of being nearly inaccessible. Vivid flashing colors (like Jade's rich scents) are a mark of unfiltered EXPERIENCE sans language/reason (which is probably why Lord English's eyes are flashing), but here that means disorientation -- difficulty organizing sense experience...
2022: Gamzee says a prayer and Faygo gets launched out of his sylladex... is the Faygo the prayer? Jane launched wishes into the sky with the balloons on LOCAH -- but the balloon shape was inverted and transformed into Gamzee's bottles of "potion"... that association seems to be expressed more concisely here. Jane's case was also related to decapitation motifs, which I don't really see with Gamzee here... (aside from Terezi's general association with going for the neck) But at any rate, what is he wishing for?
2023. Gamzee standing in front of his sylladex is getting to me, even more so that his reaching into the sylladex. You are not SUPPOSED to be on that layer of the image. What are you doing. Is that safe? Are you okay?
2024. The conversation itself...continues to evade summarization. I'm going to just describe it piece-by-piece and see if I get anywhere.
Terezi deliberately misspells Gamzee's name in service of a joke: from 'gamzeez' to 'gamezez', highlighting its phonetic proximity to 'games'. Though I wonder if this disguises another sort of exchange: Gamzee goes down to the beach to find his dad, but instead finds Terezi. I'm humoring the idea that she is effectively functioning as the fatherly authority in Goatdad's place. But as the preceding panels indicates, that very notion of authority occupies a place in Gamzee's head that he remains somewhat...detached from? If Terezi gives voice to this aspect of Gamzee, the word blurring could obfuscate that she is saying "Gamzee" /twice/, such that her invitation to play games is an offer for Gamzee to pilot himself? (Which in the parent:child::head:body paradigm is not entirely ridiculous?)
Come to think of it, this is the second time Terezi has harassed someone on a waterfront (hi, Rose) and even then main subjects were a) haha your guardian abandoned you because you're terrible and b) a sense of hearing imploring voices in your head...
Terezi implies that she doesn't like Gamzee and is only inviting him in service of a joke. Gamzee ignores the ulterior message and accepts the given reason as justifiable... after which Terezi gets angry. But she doesn't seem angry that the implication was misunderstood (and her disdain ignored) but is rather angry that the arbitrariness of his selection wasn't itself objectionable -- /after/ which she confirms her own disdain by saying "no wonder Vantas can't stand you". The motivation for the joke became the effect of the joke...
"BUT WHO C4R3S 4BOUT H1M, W3R3 GO1NG TO H4V3 SOM3 MOTH3RFUCK1NG SH1TTY B1TCH3S PL4Y1NG TOG3TH3R!" as Rose said, "Still not sure if I'm being courted or trolled here." Terezi is making fun of how Gamzee talks but nonetheless seems to be attempting to bond with him here...?
With "keeping an eye out" and "you know how it is with family" back-to-back with Terezi's aggression, it kind of feels like Gamzee is likewise (successfully) attempting to bother Terezi... but his defense is his forgetfulness, like a taboo subject just slipped... the same is true of Gamzee's claim that he was never taught that sopor is dangerous, the legitimacy of which depends on Gamzee forgetting?
"The Bard of... fuck, i forgot" is literally a joke on Gamzee "forgetting" his way around anger and aggression, by way of the omission of Rage? Also, it's a generic phrase but John uses 'fuck i forgot' when reminded of his birthday in the Epilogues... topic of birthdays is significant since Gamzee parses his state of mind as 'spacing out' and 'losing track of time' -- a birthday is, in that context, a reminder of time's progression.
Twice in Gamzee's conversation he asks Terezi for a little bit more time before he plays the game with her. This again reminds us of Rose's procrastination -- which among other things represents a deferral of encounter with the Truth, again bringing us to forgetting. 
2028. But interestingly enough, the motif of procrastination continues in the section with Karkat that follows: Karkat expresses apprehension about meeting his guardian before the narrative segues to Terezi, which is structurally resonant with Gamzee going to the beach for his guardian, only to find Terezi? Which again associates her with unseen authority figures... 
Oh shoot, and the panel cuts from Karkat looking down through the hole in his floor to a low-angle shot of Terezi's skylight? As though she were below like crabdad. That seals it for me.
2030. Actually, I mentioned how Gamzee's flashing modus is related to the unmediated sensory bouquet that Lord English sees ALL THE TIME by having flashing eyes, but Terezi's room? Is set up to be exactly that sensory bouquet, all the time, with loud colors plastered and mixed haphazardly. I've mostly focused on Terezi's relation to English by way of their shared association with the Law (x)(x) but this is a fresh angle...
And since it becomes apparent that the scenes that /follow/ Gamzee's conversation inform the way it should be read, I would be remiss to exclude the Karkat/Sollux conversation between the Gamzee and Terezi sections... in which the ~ATH (til death) code is brought up, which proves central to Lord English's creation.
2026. "later on you would run this code in a fit of stupidity." Creepy! I always assume the narration to be bound to the present tense, like the character's POV, so this sudden interruption from the future is really unnerving. How does Karkat know this? Is that just a miserable self-assessment, like he knows he'll harm himself when he gets worked up? Is this Karkat planning to curse everyone, but renouncing his decision as a product of fate? I feel like this confusion nicely complements the paradoxical ~ATH code on screen (Sollux's double reacharound virus)
2027. "Speak of the devil" Sollux has manifested for Karkat... yeah I still can't make sense of this as far as manifestation goes. BUT I think the fact that chatlogs are likewise two-colored might mean that Sollux and Karkat's conversation is in some sense analogous to the code...? The architecture of the conversation is... accusing eachother of self-loathing and then agreeing upon mutual self-destruction (of the conversational log), which at least superficially resembles a program that exists to destroy itself and the medium in which it resides? Maybe...
Shot in the dark: the (much procrastinated) march unto Truth is a march unto Judgement, which means both God and Death. Thus Gamzee (the procrastinator who avoids truth) transitions to Karkat/Sollux (vaguely suicidal gesture in their conversation) transitions to Terezi (judge and executioner, associated with ultimate authority and thus God). That's my best assessment of the proceedings thus far.
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thewebcomicsreview · 4 years
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What’s that? I’m talking about Homestuck too much lately? Well, too bad, it updated and I’m-a livebloggin’ it. This chapter contains a content warning for child abuse and I’m thus putting the rest of this post below a Read More, though I’m live blogging and don’t know what the child abuse content actually is. 
Looks like we’re with Jane, so this might be the chapter with Yiffy in it! But probably not, because they’re gonna drag it out. Incidentally, since the rebellion consists of two max-level characters, four god tiers (John, Jake, Rose, and Jade), and now Vriska who is the 8est fighter 8y far, how does Jane even stand a chance? Good thing for her that she pre-emptively took a hostage! 
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JANE: (I've always been pretty good at crying on cue.) JANE: (Could I try staging an emotional breakdown?) JANE: (That could work; playing to people's humanity.) JANE: (Or whatever is the more inclusive term.)
I do like that Jane, a genocidal human-supremacist dictator, is worried about being “inclusive” in her propaganda. I wonder if she’s starting to drift from Trumphitler into Nancy Pelosi, now. Also interesting: She’s apparently using Gamzee’s death for propaganda value, cool and all, but her superpower is literally raising the dead. I can buy that Jane would rather use her ex-boyfriend for propaganda than revive him, but won’t the people of Earth C have questions? 
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DIRK: Dude, the bowl. JAKE: Hm? JAKE: Oh, right. JANE: What is it now, Jake. JAKE: I brought something for our guest as well. JANE: You mean the prisoner. JAKE: Y...es.
I realize that Yiffygate made the patreon rocket to the stratosphere, but I hope we’re not actually getting to see her so soon. It’s more fun to speculate. For instance, she’s apparently getting meals in a dog bowl. Is that because she’s literally half dog, moreso than Jade, and is feral in some way? That’s been hinted at a little, but it’s also possible Jane’s just tormenting her to be a bitch. As we saw when she was Crockerfied in Act 6, Jane’s got a bit of a sadistic streak in her.
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Well, that was answered pretty fucking fast! Okay, let’s not click next just yet. If we’re only getting one panel to speculate, let’s milk it like a dying webcomic franchise: Preppy bording school outfit, but with cleats, so she’s apparently an athlete. Lots of pink highlights on her outfit (shoes/socks/tie). She’s got a black dog tail, but appears to have light hair? I like this design, actually, or what little of it we’re seeing. I was half-expecting Yiffy to be a full-on Deviantart parody, but I think the angle we’re going here is “a mostly normal girl, besides being part dog, who’s just been absolutely shit on by life and every adult she’s ever encountered”. It’s not her fault her name is Yiffany, y’know? She didn’t ask for this. 
Let’s see how right I am.
JANE: Well, go on then. JANE: She's over in the corner. JANE: Don't worry, she won't bite. JANE: I've seen to that already.
The fact that this chapter had a content warning for child abuse makes this read a lot more “Yikes” than it might’ve otherwise.
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DIRK: Jake. DIRK: You put the food in a fucking dog bowl. JAKE: (It was all there was, ok???)
I feel like this is actually worse than if Jane put the food in a dog bowl to torment Yiffy.
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I told you we’d fall in love with her. I told you dog.
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....I don’t know if the MSPA art style lends itself to slightly raised camera angles like this, it looks like Yiffy’s face is 50% forehead. 
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*Lore hat on*
Okay, first off, dick move electrocuting a child. That out of the way. Yiffy is communicating in wolf howls (she must be a big fan of Toast, from my webcomic Saffron and Sage!), but she’s also literally being electrocuted so lets cut her some slack. What’s more interesting is that her Awoos are in red. 
Vrissy shares a font color with Vriska, who she’s trying to emulate. They even use the same CSS class in the site code. Tavros shares his with Gamzee, his abusive uncle (and doesn’t have the same CSS class). Harry Anderson has a unique font color that’s pretty close to his dad’s, but isn’t quite the same (possible to make Harry/John chats more readable, whereas Vriska and Vrissy being hard to distinguish is the joke?). Yiffy, however, does not speak in either Jade’s green or Rose’s purple, she speaks in red. It’s a unique shade of red, I checked, and while it could potentially be in reference to Dave, let’s get real
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Obviously, she’s the new Handmaid. This was obvious enough that I was making that comparison even before we learned her red text and rebellious personality. So I’m starting to see what they’re going for here (and, god help me, I’m starting to come around to Yiffany Longstocking Lalonde Harley as a concept). She’s not a one-dimensional joke of a character, she’s just a normal girl having a fucking rough time of it right now and also always. Speaking of time, red is connected to the Time aspect, which isn’t confirmation of anything but a little note to put in the back of your pocket.
Also to put in your back pocket, Jane’s the new Condesce and Yiffy’s the new Handmaid. The Condesce killed the Handmaid. 
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JANE: You've been a thorn in my side ever since I agreed to enroll you at the academy, little madam. JANE: Back then, I was doing a favor for two old friends who made a disgusting mistake. JANE: I'm no longer going to play nice with you just because of your parents, however. JANE: That truce is over.
That’s some efficient expositing! 
Man, I really am coming around to this Yiffy thing, holy shit. I actually think her reveal last chapter was actively designed to get fans to hate the concept as much as possible, and not just from a Controversy Creates Ca$h kind of way (though that didn’t hurt).The entire fandom has been calling Yiffy a disgusting mistake for three weeks, and now here’s Jane doing it, and we’re being asked to consider this from Yiffy’s perspective: Given a stupid name as a joke, shunted off to boarding school by parents who were ashamed of her existence, repeatedly told she’s a disgusting mistake and tortured, even the fans all hate her on sight, and she literally hasn’t said a word yet! That’s....legitimately pretty cool writing, right there. A deft and entirely intentional juking of the fandom’s emotional state to get us to hate a character conceptually so that now when the comic’s trying to get us to sympathize with her it’s an easier sell because we feel a bit guilty. I dig it. Shit like this is why I still read Homestuck, it can be very clever at times, even now.
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(Pierced ears, in case the punky aesthetic wasn’t obvious). Also, the page with a gif of everything going dark as Yiffy passes out has a black background, which is a nice touch.
TG: but seriously, do you? AG: Not really. TG: not even about... you know? TG: her? AG: No. TG: ... are you sure? AG: A8solutely. AG: What are you, my moirail? AG: Just leave it, Harry. TG: ok.
Then we cut to a chatlog (with the all-black background, which is just really nice here at selling the mood), and even Vrissy doesn’t want to talk about Yiffany.
AG: It was Cute, 8lright???????? AG: Or, at the very least, a 8*cketload less vomit worthy than everything else that Went Down with our parents.
She’s “vomit-worthy”
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I think the update that introduced the Candy Kids was the most enjoyable, but this was, by miles, the best thing to come out of the Homestuck EU. It completely redeemed everything this comic did with Yiffy so far and made it all work. And this black-background-no-image gimmick, while simple, was shockingly effective at conveying the lonely empty mood they were going for (admittedly it probably helped that I was already listening to spooky music), and it’s something Homestuck had never done. This was....
This chapter was great. This was Act 5 great. Like, it’s literally just beating up a child for a whole chapter, but in terms of getting the emotional response they wanted, this is Homestuck at its absolute best. It wasn’t just “here’s a cute girl, let’s beat her up a bit for sympathy”, all the stuff in the last chapter, infuriating the fandom like nothing I’ve seen in webcomics in years, Jade’s dog dick, it was all for this. It was all to get us predisposed to fucking hate Yiffany Longstocking Lalonde Harley so that they could flip the switch and make us love her, make the very fact that we hated her so much part of the reason we love her now. No other webcomic would do that, no other webcomic would have the balls to do that. This is why I read Homestuck, this is why I’m still hanging on to this rock has the wave of cheating dog dicks keeps smacking me in the face. This is avant-fucking-garde, man. I’ve done a full 180 on Homestuck 2. I’m sold. I stan. I’m Homestuck trash again. 
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Oh, and Vrissy suddenly passed out mid-sentence right around the same time Yiffy passed out (hmmm!), and apparently she’s narcoleptic like Jade (hmmm!)
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steph-is-asleep · 4 years
Ranking All The Sollux Ships In Character Order
Firstly i wanna make it clear that i headcanon sollux as bisexual (fucking obviously) so genders not a factor in any of my reads of the ships
June/Sollux: This one’s really crack-ey. I used to be super fucking into it but now it’s like…only good in theory i guess. 3/10
Rose/Sollux: Pale? Perhaps. Ive seen some good stuff for them pale, it’s pretty interesting to think about, especially considering how similar he is to Dave and how THEY get along together. 4/10 Potential
Dave/Sollux: Like i said, i read sollux and dave as pretty clear character parallels. Dave might get a kick out of verbally T-Bagging him but i think Sollux would quickly get annoyed, perhaps a spur of the moment pitch fling? maybe theyre pitch friends with benefits but only very rarely and sollux cant stand him any other time? All good ideas! 5/10
Jade/Sollux: I could definitely see it! Theyre first meeting has them hitting it off pretty well, I think sollux would really like her, but i dunno if she’d really like him all that much. 5/10
Aradia/Sollux: Timeless, literally. Flavor is immaculate. I prefer them pale FOR SURE, and i always have. Ive never read any of their relationships, chemistry, or conversations as THAT kind of romantic, but i think its super valid for people who do read it that way 12/10
Tavros/Sollux: TavSol is SO UNDERRATED. It’s SO CUTE. Tavros would be comfortable enough to sass Sollux just right and sollux would be taken so off guard by it, he’d find it hilarious, like a baby saying a swear word. They’re fidusspawn buddies, theyre Friend’s with Aradia Buddies, like theyre actually so fucking cute, open your eyes 6/10
Karkat/Sollux: Do i have to talk about this one. Do i have to– Okay so This is Actually The Best Sollux Ship Ever Ya;ll are Wrong About Everything And I Am Right 20000000000000000/10
Nepeta/Sollux: I dont have a lot to say about this one. Does anyone? I dont know a lot about nepeta and i dont have any friends who love her, so i could only guess if she’d actually want to get along with him, or if his personality would be offputting to her. Then again, she canonically had/has a crush on karkat, so maybe sollux’s Ability To Respect Women would make him look appealing. Maybe she’d ask him for advice on how to ask out karkat and hed WANT to give her bad advice because he wants to piss off and embarrass karkat, but nepeta just looks so innocent and genuine in her feelings, he can’t bring himself to do it 5/10
Kanaya/Sollux: Pale, obviously and WOW, top notch. Theyre very very good friends, good moirails, she mothers the hell out of him and he does little errands for her. She taught him how to mend his own clothes so he can do it himself and not depend on her, but they still do it together. Also if you read that one really dumb fic i wrote, i headcanon that they have tea parties even though sollux doesnt like tea 8/10
Terezi/Sollux: Pale again, very VERY cute. Writing this fic was so much fun, i loved how they interact with each other here. And in the comics, he’s so  surprised that she calls him cool like “oh my god she thinks im cool” AndD WHEN HE WENT BLIND SHE WAS THE FIRST PERSON HE WANTED TO TALK TO THATS SO CUTE WHY DONT MORE PEOPLE SHIP THIS 8.5/10
Vriska/Sollux: sound byte of that clip from Weird Al’s “I’ll sue ya” Do i even need a reason?? 0/10
Equius/Sollux: Okay ya know what, THIS IS A GOLDMINE yall are SLEEPING on equisol. My friends cannot get me to stop talking about this, but i dont think ive had the opportunity here to talk about it. Imagine Equius just flat out not believe that sollux is at all capable as a psionic bc he’s so scrawny and wimpy, and even when sollux grinds his teeth into the pavement, it still frustrates him that he could be so much STRONGER if he put the effort into it, “You could be strong in TWO WAYS, sollux” and yeah that does sound appealing to him, but seeing equius get so fucking mad that he’s not ripped but is still able to knock his ass down is so funny it’s almost not attractive. He definitly doesn’t tell people he has a pitch crush on equius, ESPECIALLY NOT KARKAT ARE YOU KIDDING and threatens equius at gun point not to tell anyone because could you image, suave, cool, adorkable, gets all the ladies sollux is in a kismesistude with EQUIUS, GOD. Have ya’ll even read that paradox space comic with the two of them i swe– 9/10
Gamzee/Sollux: That same fic i linked earlier is also a pretty good interaction between them that i like? Sollux just. Cannot stand him. At all, and it’s so funny. Maybe it’s a little, tiny tiny bit pitch, he just wants to strangle him in a way that’s not ENTIRELY platonic cause maybe he’s kind of hot in a deranged  clown way? 5/10
Eridan/Sollux: Wheres the flavor? i dont taste anything, nutmeg, cinnamon, I don’t tast–No but for real, no offense to fellow homestuck old fans, erisol is kind of trash. I ADORE them when theyre beating each other within an inch of their lives. Like, sollux dropping a mall on Eridan as a “warning” and eridan shooting at him in the sky is GOLD. I prefer erisolkat, perhaps when eridan and sollux are stuck alone for way too long and have to “pass the time” somehow, and by pass the time, see how many times i can stab you before you pass out, and karkat has to take the knives away 4/10
Feferi/Sollux: This one is good, an old classic, but @zeldasoft-art made a really fucking funny post about what if they’re only pretending to date each other to piss eridan off and i lost my fucking marbles 8/10
Jane/Sollux: im not even gonna– 0/10
Roxy/Sollux: hacker buddies, tech buddies, computer buddies. Like if rivalry and one-up-manship, typical kismesis behavior had a red/pale counterpart. I feel like they’d have a lot of fun making projects together  and contests but they wouldnt be that mean or violent.
Dirk/Sollux: This is. A little bit of a guilty pleasure for me. This is basically equisol, but dirk is mean to sollux in sollux’s brand of mean, and shares sollux’s sense of humor. Imagine the two of them getting into hard roasting each other, getting more and more mean with insults until Sollux tries to make a move on him and that last insult hurt a little hard so dirk gets a little pouty or misty in the eyes cause you don’t diss a man’s MLP collection dude, those got him through a lot of rough times. The fact that dirk made Hal at all makes him like 50% more attracted to him 8/10
Jake/Sollux: He would love bullying him, so much. I dunno if there’s any romance in it or if he just hates jake in the not fun away and wants to make him cry 3/10
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adam-is-suffering · 4 years
What I know of the trolls (pt 1)
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- Ah, so he’s the 69
- Its the Karkat, wow, have I seen you around Tumblr
- Oh boy while Jade resonates sunshine energy, Karkat resonates a land mine god he looks so fucking angry
- Someone just told me he’s the Homestuck version of Bakugou Katsuki and I agree
- Apparently he goes looking like a gremlin to cute asf according to these images on google and I’m not too sure what the fandom’s view of him is considering that is such a contradictory perception, I just know people like him
- He likes his sickle a lot, I take it
- Ive never seen a character representing feral energy in its entirety before but Karkat is here to disprove that
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- Idk much about her but the kangaroo ram anteater behind her is giving me very pleasant vibes. Sparks joy.
- She has ghost powers or something, like a necromancer. Damn, wait, is she?
- Like Dave, she too has a colour kin to red. They also have the same outfit with the gear symbol. Are they trying to match? Yes. Are they killing it? Yes.
- Okay the ram horns make sense, she’s “ram” in the zodiac bullshit, right?
- In some places she has white eyes and in others she has regular yellow eyes (as if saying that is normal) and I’m not sure but maybe she gets white eyes when trying to summon the dead.
- She seems like a very nice character and I kinda dig her for it.
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- I first saw a buff picture of him and then apparently everyone lied to me and he’s actually a twink so idk what to think about Tavros
- Tho I do know he dates Gamzee? And they’re together?
- Okay he just seems precious, what the fuck, looks like the character who probably gets the least shit possible from the fandom because he would do absolutely nothing wrong
- Also he’s a gamer, so he’s automatically both oppressed and a god to every platform available but Facebook.
- Robot legs?? Goddamn. What a king
- Do I like his horn? Yes.
- Do Iike HIM? Yes. No more questions.
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Goddamn right he could be.
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- Nevermind when I said Tavros looked like the gamer, this kid defeats all norms
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- Okay but what the fuck does that even mean?
- I can’t get over his hair, what the fuck is it?
- Who is this?
- Blink your matrix pill looking eyes twice if you need help, Sollux.
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- Ah yes, you can’t be a 2009 comic without including a cat girl.
- I know they are best friends with the guy with too many u’s in his name but the server calls him saggy tits
- Okay she’s kind of adorable
- She’s shipped with Terezi I think?
- And I am pretty sure she is stanned by a lot of people on Tumblr since she fits perfectly to the cat aesthetic that some strive to have
- While she does look cute, the wolverine claws are definitely a more feral vibe
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…Huh? what the fuck does teletubbies have to do with a cat girl in Homestuck? And who is Oswald? Another troll?
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- So she’s the fashion icon, I take it
- And… a vampire? Well I’m not going to lie to you, even if I do have a sister, I have never watched Twilight. So if you expect me to know anything about it, then thats on you and not me.
- Ah, so she and Rose are a thing of course. Lesbians. I smelled it a mile away.
- She is uh
- She likes chainsaws?
- Idk nobody told me much about her except that shes a lesbian lol I mean fair
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bladekindeyewear · 4 years
HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2020-04-13
Happy 4/13 upd8!  Glimpsed part of the title when I was checking but otherwise blind.
Time to liveblog this quickly and pile into RevScarecrow’s first-readthrough stream of Cascade.  It REALLY hurts to see him tortured having to read through long conversations with dyslexia, but at least he gets to draw purer enjoyment out of the huge flashes.
EDIT:  Added an important clarification from a friend to the bottom, regarding the tail end of the upd8.
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Well here we go.  Whose daughter?  Candy Vrissy as Rose/Kanaya’s?  Or some weirder metaphorical Roxy/RoboRose thing.
> CHAPTER 8. A Daughter Astray
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Huh, not where I thought we’d start a chapter named like that.  We can’t leave Candy so soon after cutting to it though.
JANE: Assassinations, open warfare, so-called "revolution," and where has everyone gone? JANE: They've ABANDONED me. They've taken our precious son. And now...
Are we going to see some of the beginnings of John’s plan in action, from her perspective?
> (==>)
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Steven King novels???  Like an IT joke?  Sure, I guess?
DIRK: Itadakimasu.
I mean he would.  Especially the Jake-imagined version of him.
JANE: "An eye for an eye." JANE: Once we have rescued our son from their clutches, I'm going to take something of my own; something as valuable to the rebellion as Tavvy is to me. JANE: Two can play at the hostage game. That loathsome daughter of theirs should fit the bill nicely.
Okay.  That’s certainly a plan, I guess.
Wow, she really runs everything by the seat of her pants, doesn’t she.
(She seems less murderous than usual now that the spotlight of HS^2 is on her instead of Epilogue darkness, though, all things considered.  Walking back some of the negativity of the Epilogues in general.  That’s the impression I get anyway.)
> (Kids: Converse.)
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Vriska, come on.
--Oh!  Oh and there’s:
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That middle photo!  Harry, Roxy, and Calliope hanging out, yes!  Glad to see Candy Roxy and Callie were definitely not as distant as they appeared throughout the Epilogues when we were being convinced everything was going out-of-character as a Meat!Callie-written fanfic instead of what Roxy would plausibly actually do.  (Which... it kinda was, so they need to soften the blow by showing not everything was ruined by the way it was written.)
((And there are lots of cats everywhere, but this is outside Harry’s room so it’s all Roxy, no classpect.))
HARRY ANDERSON: so... HARRY ANDERSON: um. vriska? VRISKA: The one and o........ VRISKA: (Ughhhhhhhh) VRISKA: I mean, yeah. That's me!!!!!!!!
It’s hard to get enough of Vriska’s irritation with her reduced relevance.
VRISKA: From now on your name is just Harry. HARRY: o... k?
Dick move, but I have to thank you for shortening his chat handle there.
HARRY: but um, yeah. john and roxy are my parents.
Yeah, deal with that, Vriska.  Nice job wooing John.  :)
Aaaand then Harry’s Egbert genes kick in and he starts going off on a tangent describing a piece of media he likes with a situation barely mappable onto this one.
HARRY: ok, so have you ever seen the musical calamity jane? HARRY: i guess you probably haven't. HARRY: but so there's this part at the beginning, where the title character comes back from chicago, and she talks to all of the old-timey locals about how bizarre and new-fangled everything was, and VRISKA: Godddddddd it really is like talking to teenage John all over again. VRISKA: No I haven't seen Chastity Jane or whatever the stupid title was. It sounds like a total snooze!!!!!!!!
Calamity Jane and Chastity Jane.  Probably means nothing.
VRISKA: And anyway, what are you trying to say? VRISKA: That I sound outd8ed?
HA.  Now you’re a boomer!  Eat that Vriska.
HARRY: i mean, we've done stage fighting before, but never the real stuff. HARRY: but i bet i could learn. i took kickboxing with my mom for a month and half when i was nine.
Yaaay Roxy-style martial ar-- oh wait only a month and a half, huh?
We’ll have to see if he’s really as inexperienced and kinda-thinking-too-well-of-himself as he looks, or if this is all just a joke setup for when he proves to be pretty combat capable later.
VRISKA: He totally freaked out the first time I told him I killed some8ody. HARRY: haha, that sounds like my dad.
Harry and Vrissy look clearer together by the minute, dynamic-ways.
But now he's not so sure. Ever since hearing that one of his dad's old friends had turned up, that border between past and present has felt fainter by the minute. And as they talk, he begins to think that Vriska seems so much... fresher. More real. An actual, authentic, bona fide god from another universe. Harry can’t imagine his dad even talking to someone like her, let alone punching her in the face.
Freaking out about murder, though; that's definitely something Harry can see his father doing.
Kind of like a fresh breath of relevance, huh?  I mean Vriska had to carry a little in with her.
HARRY: i'm not allowed ONE vriska in my bedroom. HARRY: i don't even want to THINK about how much trouble i'll be in if she finds out i had TWO of them up there.
And Roxy grew up the kind of mom to set those limits, huh?  Nice.  She’s definitely proving a less lonely and inscrutable mom than she was to Rose.  (And Rose had the additional disadvantages of Horrorterror- and Gamzee-induced fear- and certainty-amplification to help drive her to believe her mother hated her, on TOP of all of Mom’s glaring flaws/abuses vis-a-vis drunken responsibility-aversion.)
HARRY: of course i am freaking out vriska! HARRY: i'm freaking out what i think is probably a good amount about this. the fashionable amount of freaking out.
I’m starting to really take a liking to this asshole.
HARRY: he's going to absolutely flip his fucking lid if he ever finds out about this!! HARRY: or worse, it might just make him as miserable as before, and he'll be really disappointed in me, and then he'll just leave again, or... or SOMETHING!!
Auugh.  God damnit, Past!John, raising him to believe this.  Luckily, Current!John will most likely disabuse him of the notion at least SOMEWHAT by the end of this story.
Why is he hiding the CATS poster in his room, but has a whole ringtone set up with it?  Either a global one or a John-specific one?
Is it John-specific because he has to outwardly play it cool about how much he loves and needs his dad, just like Cats?
VRISSY: Check it out, someone's already cospl8ying my fit from tod8y.
Oh nice!  Inborn popularity at work.
VRISSY: Good? It's Infuri8ing!!!!!!!! VRISSY: UGH! So many f8ke accounts pretending to 8e me. Stealing my hard-earned Clout. Fakey f8ke F8KES.
Mhmm, why give up any attention?  She wouldn’t want to share it.
VRISSY: Damn Right it's import8nt Tavros! Image is a8out as Important as it gets.
(classpect blah blah)
VRISSY: Relax Tavvy. VRISSY: You're starting to Sweat Nervously. You know I H8te it when you Swe8t Nervously. TAVROS: Thank you,, VRISSY: Th8t wasn't a Fucking H8mance Complim8nt, I do genuinely Hate it and not in a Fun Way. TAVROS: Oh,, TAVROS: I'm,, sorry,,,, VRISSY: Ugh. Whatever. VRISSY: I'm just... 8eing a 8itch. Forget about it.
Look how INCREDIBLY much more mature Vrissy is right here than Vriska ever was.
And Vrissy’s understandably a lot more worried than we are about Vriska moving in on Harry.  Even though with Vriska’s experience she would hardly be likely to see anything in him to--
Oh.  Fuck, what am I saying.  Of COURSE Vriska would be tempted to move in if it meant stealing attention from Vrissy.  I keep forgetting this is ORIGINAL VRISKA we’re talking about.  That’s got to be a conflict at some point, right?
TAVROS: I know you don't like to talk about these kinds of things,, TAVROS: Having said, on previous occasions, stuff like,, TAVROS: "Feelings are for adults and babies, not real people," TAVROS: And i'm not,, necessarily, saying that you have some unaddressed feelings, TAVROS: But,, maybe if we're going to be around her, TAVROS: You should try to be honest, about the feelings, that you don't have,,
Nailed it like a true Tavros.
VRISSY: It's Something about the W8y she Looks at him. VRISSY: The Rest of us too. VRISSY: Like we're not even Real.
That’s right.  Making it important that you be extra careful that she doesn’t hurt you, because she’ll undoubtably or neglectfully TRY.
VRISSY: And to 8e Honest, I think I Understand why! VRISSY: Everything Here is so dwee8ish and 8oring!!!!!!!!
A little more complicated than that, Vrissy.
TAVROS: Because you're worried harry anderson thinks she's cooler than you,, TAVROS: Because you're jealous,,,, VRISSY: W8. VRISSY: What? VRISSY: No! VRISSY: Tavros, were you Listening to 8NYTHING I was Just Saying? VRISSY: I'm not worried a8out Harry Fucking 8nderson right now! VRISSY: Hell, I'm so Unconcerned that I think I'm going to start just calling him Harry from now on! It'll Save Everyone a lot of Valua8le Time! VRISSY: Listen Tavros, Vriska will get 8ored of Harry in a Heart8eat! VRISSY: That's the whole point!!!!!!!! VRISSY: She shouldn't 8e w8sting her Time on someone like Him! VRISSY: SHE SHOULD BE T8LKING T8 ME!!!!!!!!
Hm, jealous of the attention Vriska’s giving Harry, not the other way around.  Huh!
And here come the Crocker cops...
> (Harry: Pick up.)
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Wait, I don’t understand this picture.  Who are those two silhouettes outside?  Isn’t this Roxy’s house?  (Is that Jake facing away on the left? Them being already here would be pretty good reason for alarm.)
HARRY: ok everyone, my dad's calling. HARRY: if he finds out you're here then he will definitely put two and two together, so PLEASE just keep quiet and let me do the talking.
Is John going to play along?  That could be fun.
Hm.  If Harry hasn’t turned off his phone’s signal, then that could be a way Jane can find and use him to find Vrissy.  (Or already have.)
HARRY: er, HARRY: hi dad. VRISKA: HI JOHN!!!!!!!! VRISSY: Hi Mister Eg8ert!!!!!!!!! HARRY: oh god dammit.
JOHN: HELLO SON! JOHN: I AM JOHN: SO JOHN: VERY JOHN: PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!! HARRY: JOHN: PHEW, that felt good to say. JOHN: or to yell, i guess. heheh. JOHN: sorry about that, harry anderson. JOHN: i just didn't think i'd be seeing your handiwork all over the news quite so soon!
Yeah, John really needs to take a page or two out of his Dad’s playbook right now!  Because Harry really fucking doubts that his father is proud of him, and John’s Dad would never have let him come under such a misconception.
JOHN: it looks like you tried to pull one of the biggest pranks i can think of. JOHN: and it backfired! HARRY: y... yeah. JOHN: but that's ok!!! JOHN: it could have happened to the best of us. JOHN: ok, so maybe it wasn't the most original idea. JOHN: and you should probably have steered clear of such a blatant nod to weekend at bernie's without seriously planning some of the logistics in advance.
John, please stop so aggressively framing this in terms of YOUR interests.
JOHN: heh. two vriskas is NOTHING. JOHN: when i was your age i lost count of all the vriskas i had to keep track of. JOHN: it was probably some preposterous number.
JOHN: now, harry anderson, i know that you and tavros haven't always gotten along. JOHN: but i am going to have to ask you to try and look out for him for the time being.
Harry could really use some reassurance from YOU you know?  That you’re working to make sure he’ll be okay through all this?
JOHN: your uncle jake and i... well, i'll explain later. JOHN: let's just say that gamzee isn't the only family member jane is losing today. HARRY: dad... if you wanted me to KILL tavros, you only had to ask. TAVROS: (Um,,,) HARRY: couldn't resist.
What?  Moved for custody in the divorce?
I feel like the divorce is SOMEHOW involved in whatever John is referring to here.  Even though the Epilogues say that Jane initiated it.  Maybe we’ll find out later that in the cut from then to now, Jane apologized a bit and didn’t go through with it, but he still had the papers to finalize it, or?  No, that doesn’t quite add up with what Jake was afraid of before... hm.
> (==>)
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Oh, the paparazzi.  THAT’S a problem.
JOHN: the word "fuck" was invented for moments like this.
Nothing to comment on, just had to quote it.
JOHN: some guidelines that any budding prankster or newly fledged fugitive should know. JOHN: don't panic, JOHN: don't make a scene, JOHN: and whatever you do... JOHN: don't get caught!!
This is a reference to something, right?
> (High above the clouds...)
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Jesus, that’s a visual. Hi, probably-the-only-source-of-happiness-between-Kanaya-and-Rose-we-might-have-onscreen-up-until-the-very-end.  (Are those cat chairs, or just headrests with lil horns?)
As the world seethes with the acid sting of war, they have stood steadfast and resolute; when hope has seemed at its most distant, they have shone as a beacon of possibility.
Further cementing Hope’s ties to possibility, then.
Individually, they each represent immeasurable gains for the rebel faction. The rebellion's stratagems have never had a fiercer bite; their uniforms have never looked so fucking sharp.
Why you gotta do Kanaya like that, narrative?
> (==>)
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Full glow?  Kanaya must be nervous.
(I don’t think this short hair on Rose quite does the justice that short hair on her should.  I suppose it’s punk to match her clothes, though.  Still, I feel like short hair should look SO GOOD on Rose and the style chosen just doesn’t here.)
ROSE: I just wish I had answers!! My useless powers aren't being any help, and what's worse, ROSE: I can't see ANYTHING useful on this stupid news channel!!
I can imagine that a Seer of Light might find it harder to operate in a realm long void of most of its relevance, not to mention whatever measure of strength she gave up to concede herself into the “specific” and not ult-self manifest... but there are two Thieves of Light involved here and no Void players, beyond this being at Roxy’s house.  Are they really stealing that much visibility from the situation to not blaze like beacons in Rose’s vision?
ALFONZ: excuse me mA'Ams
I don’t know how to feel about this troll’s name or quirk.
Kanaya’s ending every sentence with a shout pole, by the way.
> (==>)
ALFONZ: the reconnAissAnce teAm is bAck eArly, mA'Ams ALFONZ: the ship docked A few moments Ago ROSE: And the scouting party??? ALFONZ: i expect she's Zipping her wAy up here now, mA'Am
Karkat and Meenah?  That’s just a singular “she”-- ah fuck it’s Jade isn’t it.  The Jade here who had Dave ditch her suddenly to become a robot and abscond without telling her.  That’s why there was so much talk about Jade in the background today, dammit.  Please still be generally not despairing???
> (==>)
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What is that bulky suit?????  Is it seven layers of sweaters?  Was she scouting the arctic??
> (==>)
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Angry camo?
> (==>)
KANAYA: Jade It Is Okay JADE: its........ JADE: *sniffle* KANAYA: Please Take Your Time JADE: we dont HAVE any time!!! JADE: its too late!!!!!! JADE: janes forces were just too fast... KANAYA: Oh No ROSE: You don't mean... JADE: theyve taken her
Jade, you aren’t talking about Vrissy.  Who the fuck ARE you talking about?  Is this gonna be a punchline again?
> (==>)
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Okay, I’m hoping for the best but there’s precedent that this is Jade in full fucking despair mode right now.  Having named pets like that and being this concerned about them.
Then again, if Dave and Jade had a pet they WOULD name it that wouldn’t they.
> (==>)
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Well, let’s hope it’s mostly sunshine and rainbows on Jade’s front, unlike what it looks like?
That can be a caption for HS^2 going into the next two thirds of 2020 like this.  “Let’s hope it’s mostly sunshine and rainbows.”  Catch y’all another time.
EDIT:  Oh fucking MAN, it might not be a pet after all.  Quoting Discord:
[REDACTED] Today at 5:20 PM there’s a reason Rose knows but Kanaya wouldn’t possibly and look back at the chapter title BlastYoBoots Today at 5:21 PM I'll... correct that possibility. Did NOT realize it could have been a pet name for Dave instead of a pet. wait, what? no, they'd never have named a daughter that, Dave is NOT that cruel. (unless it could be nickname-shortened to that, that's just enough plausible deniability for Dave to hide behind.) [REDACTED] Today at 5:22 PM If it were a pet name for Dave, why would they use she/her in reference to him? JANE: Two can play at the hostage game. That loathsome daughter of theirs should fit the bill nicely. BlastYoBoots Today at 5:22 PM oh, and you're implying that the surrogate daughter thing happened with Jade and Rose-- [REDACTED] Today at 5:22 PM yes BlastYoBoots Today at 5:22 PM OH, and that they meant like, not Vrissy? [REDACTED] Today at 5:23 PM perhaps BlastYoBoots Today at 5:23 PM Why would Rose NOT tell Kanaya about her then? or is Kanaya just not interested in keeping up to date? [REDACTED] Today at 5:23 PM unless the yiffy ruse is a distaction BlastYoBoots Today at 5:23 PM it would be a pretty spectacular thing to spring on us though, a child the epilogues didn't mention, so...
SO, this could be a cheeky pet name for their daughter, who we’ve never met and Jane just legitimately planned to kidnap in front of us.  Making Davebot’s abandonment of this timeline all the more dickish, essential as it might be.  On the upside, new interesting HS^2-original characters that have nothing explicitly to do with the epilogues!  (Beyond Jade hinting at how a surrogate child would be conceived possibly!)  Plus another reason for Jade to steel herself and buck up about Dave not being there, to take care of her daughter, possibly.  On the downside... Robo!Dave is going to be a little infuriating.  Maybe to make him a little more palatable to miss if he goes down doing anything dramatic.
((EDIT2: "ROSE: Where is John? KANAYA: Where Is Dave" --ah FUCK, I missed that line. So if Kanaya's asking that, Dave probably only just vanished... I really was hoping she wouldn't have to deal with that onscreen.))
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theorynexus · 4 years
Time to Continue with part 83!
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Dave is correct. Such matters are never simple. The ways of the heart are extremely complex, and while it wants what it wants, whether it has the heart to actually go through with whatever that is is an entirely different matter altogether. But that, and the wonderful weird silliness aside, I believe Dave was suggesting that there was more to it insofar as there are other factors than just his own “gay awakening” involved with the current difficulties. We shall see just what they are, and how much they have to do with Jade... now.
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100% on the money. I am not sure that technically qualifies as incestuous, though, my man.   I am also not 100% sure that you are correct in this matter, other than the fact that it may make her rambunctious and more confident that she is playing a successful role as whatever strange matchmaking hate girlfriend she envisions herself as.  (Not that I don’t think that humans could successfully play the part of a kismesis; rather, I am simply nooot sure Jade is actually doing well at it, or that she has quite the “stuff” for it, at this point. We’ll see.)
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***laughs hysterically at this wonderful awkwardness***
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That she has.  And honestly, from a Trollish lens, it would seem that she’s had the “hots” for Karkat’s black concupiscent quadrant for quite some time, as well.  (Man, that is sortof weird of her, to go out of her way to exclaim that to John... .    Especially with the distance between her and accomplishing that goal. You’d think she’d at least want to get them to show some interest before doing that.  Does seem very puppy-like of her, though. Hmm~)
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Honestly, John is right in that thought.  Mind you, trying might not be the worst idea in ideal circumstances (because at least he could say he tried, and it wasn’t working out for him; thus hopefully become able to get Jade not to push further, and salvage the friendships of everyone involved), but at this point, it’s honestly a great big gamble for Dave. He doesn’t have much romantic experience, and he’s not really sure 100% what he wants.  Not only that, he clearly feels pressured and uncertain with regards to the matter, and that is not a good point to embark on any relationship.  It leaves the door open for all kinds of potential abuse, because things aren’t starting out with firmly established boundaries and the necessary mutual respect for the desires of each person involved upon which all healthy romances are founded.  If it were me, I would most certainly advise against Dave bending to the pressure from Jade like this. If she wanted to make a potential situation between the three of them work out, Jade needs to understand that patience will need to be involved. She’s immortal, Dave’s immortal, and while Karkat may not be, they do have quite a bit of time before they’ll have to worry about him aging too much to make it work, I’m sure.  This is simply a horrible mistake from all parties involved, if it’s going to swing into effect as things are now.   Of course, mistakes do not have to be totally damning, and learning from them is necessary for growth, so... we’ll see how things work out.
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...  I guess Megalodon MIGHT have technically been classified as a paleolithic megafauna, technically, though its existence mostly extended much further back.   I do appreciate his continued enthusiasm about paleontology, though, and I understand that his metaphors can get convoluted and distracted, though.  On that note?:   Is that reference to the Meg supposed to be an association with Karkat’s mouth, and how his teeth are apparently quite disorganized, sometimes sticking out of said mouth when it’s supposed to be shut?   I mean, that DOES give a bit of a shark-like image.  To be fair, though: no. It was to eat whales, not other sharks. Big Game Hunter. (I really do appreciate the double meaning of his last line of the above quote.  His uncertainty and circuitous path through the conversation really does show how anxious love can make a person, especially when things are rocky.)
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I don’t necessarily think that that is correct---   that is to say, I am not sure that e actually was “leading her on” by dodging the issue for so long.  This would require him to imply he did in fact have that same sort of desires as her, or at least that he was willing to reciprocate.  Based on what we’ve seen, at the very least, I am not sure that he has actually done that. (Man, it must have been weird for Game Over Continuity!Dave to see Davepeta once they joined the fight--- to know on some level that he could sense something familiar, there, but to have no idea what the heck was going on with them~) That said... no. I’m not certain that even if he had been leading her on (that is to say, showing interest, but never committing), he would actually owe it to her unless he had been using that to exploit her in some way.  Particularly, if this was done because he was uncertain if he’d be able to go through with anything, and then he then decided/will have decided to just tell her he’s not interested, I don’t think that this would be wrong at all.  Certainly, she’d have good reason to be upset, but while she’d have lost a significant deal of time, at least he’d be being true to himself instead of potentially doing her, himself, and Karkat greater harm by forcing himself into something that has a good chance of failure+painful consequences. Sorry if this seems overly negative. It’s just... these are not the ideal circumstances, and honestly it’s sortof making me uncomfortable.
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(H3H3H3~)    Dangit, that “ghosted” business is sortof painful, given the natural association with John’s death in the Meat Epilogue. @w@ I am not 100% sure John’s mind is fully realizing the implied 3 person relationship that is being talked about as a potential possibility, by the way. With the way he’s talking, it makes it sound like he’s saying to use the coin to choose Karkat or Jade, rather than yea or nay to a situation with both of them.   Particularly with the reference to his logic, and the “same chance” business. Either that, or John is sortof wishy-washy and weird, and is in fact not keeping a constant goal/argument/side as he proceeds in this conversation.
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It’s beautiful to see Dave suddenly becoming confident, now that it’s in his wheelhouse.   And sortof awkward and sad, seeing John flail about like this.  But he’s always been that sort of silly jokester, so I will embrace this and accept it.
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It’s funny how one can get these intuitions about things, yet be unable to properly explain them, at times.   Of course, this rarely happens to me, because I’m a bit of a windbag (joke at Egbert’s expense), and am willing to look up words that may or may not fit in order to help me organize my thoughts, but it *is* certainly a phenomenon which I am familiar with.  Particularly, in the context of attempting to make connections with others, by which they may or may not latch onto and be able to infer the true meaning you’re trying to get at.
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... Yeah, that is definitely one of the things being a friend is all about.  And sadly... I think Dave is right.  He probably does need to talk to Dirk.  Not that it is likely to do all that much good. Dirk’s not all that great, as far as Heart players go, and as a brother, he’s been remarkably distant with Dave, but... well, it somehow seems right, even if it’s something dreadful and somewhat repulsive.  Given that Dave is having a hard time figuring this matter out, and he’s not able to properly latch on to John’s nonsense, this is probably the best option.
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I mean, it got Caliborn out of a particularly nasty bind, one time.  ;D
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Yeah...  I wouldn’t necessarily suggest that “cracked” will apply to all situations, but having someone who knows and understands you-- how vibrates on the same wave-length, you might say --is absolutely necessary for some issues.
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This is incredibly silly. I don’t think that is appropriate on the part of the proprietor, all things considered.  Moreover, it strikes me as curious insofar as I don’t think anyone ever came to try and help them order?    I don’t know. Maybe I just don’t understand how the fanciest restaurants work.  Or something might have happened while John was gone.  Them noticing he was gone probably had something to do with it, but... still pretty ridiculous, regardless.  I mean, who even kicks out a pair of gods? XD
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(Super cute.)
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How very true.   Time is something difficult to properly hold onto even in the best of times. That one is unequipped to do something that might make a difference does not necessarily mean it’s your fault that bad things happened. For example: one should not blame terrified bystanders for not mobbing a lone gunman in a mass shooting and forcibly stopping them before anything can happen, or at least partway through.  At times, life will present you with barriers of that sort that are almost impossible to overcome, and one has to think of what can be done for the future, rather than dwelling on the past. Of course, the cataclysm is in Dave’s future at this moment, and John could technically do a whole lot of other things to make events work out; yet as the narrative subtly suggests, while the possibility technically exists, it may not be something that is feasible--- for not only is Gamzee’s presence passively screwing with everything, now (and in particular, messing with characters’ abilities to make important choices well, probably), but there is the issue of the narrator potentially manipulating things, as well.   If they are being subtle enough, rather than trying to force certain actions like Dirk did at certain points, it is difficult to oppose such a being’s control. Man, I wish I knew for certain who was doing said narration, right now.
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interrogatormentors · 4 years
Event Twelve: Underhanded Tactics
Eridan woke up in the medbay, a common occurrence these nights. His whole head throbbed, and he slid his tongue along the roof of his cotton-dry mouth. He cracked open an eye only to screw it shut again, head panging again as a jolt of fear rattled through his gut. The phantom scent of antiseptic teased at his memory, the sound of hair clippers and the saw discordant and lingering as the Empress crooned at his side. You are my confidante, she’d said. You must keep my secrets close, locked tight so no one can pull them from you. Stop crying, guppy, brain surgery ain’t so bad. 
He took a deep breath through his nose, gills flaring as he struggled to avoid hyperventilating. The past couldn’t hurt him, initial panic notwithstanding. His arm itched, a faint movement confirming the IV needle sunk into a vein. He felt around for the needle, ripping it out of his arm and clamping his hand down to stem the resulting spurt of blood.
“Sir!” Eridan ignored the alarmed squawk of a nearby mediculler, sitting up on the medical platform and peeling his eyes open. “You should be resting--”
“I didn’t give nobody permission to bring me in, Icrusa,” Eridan said, voice a rough croak. He cleared his throat, replacing his whole hand with his index finger to put pressure on the IV site instead. The mediculler swallowed hard, shrinking back as Eridan shot him an icy glare. “Told you this the last time.”
“You keep passing out, sir,” Icrusa said. His ears flushed a brilliant yellow as Eridan glowered. “You really shouldn’t be drinking so much, not with your pan in such a delicate state.” Icrusa stopped speaking as Eridan gripped onto the side of the medical platform, highblood strength twisting and warping the metal frame.
“My pan ain’t delicate,” he said. “I’m no different than I was a sweep ago. I’m not some delicate pissblooded helmsman. I can handle it. And the next time you try an’ give me some holier than thou bullshit regardin’ my drinkin’ habits, I’m setting you out the airlock. I didn’ ask for you to give me fuckin’ unsolicited health advice an’ you’d fuckin’ do well to remember that.” He reached for his glasses, shoving them on his face. His finger skipped over the false slap of skin at his temples, hiding the new port for a biowire. His stomach rolled, and he shoved it away. Don’t think about it. Don’t feel. Shut off your emotions, guppy, like a husktop. “I can’t get work done in the medbay. Sign my release form.”
Icrusa hesitated before bobbing his head, scurrying back to his office. He knew better by this point than to point out that yes, actually, it was his job to give health advice considering his status as the ship’s official mediculler after the last time Eridan woke up hungover in the medbay. Eridan watched him the whole time through narrowed eyes, foot tapping at a near frantic pace as he waited. He left the medbay even before the mediculler left his office, lifting the cape folded at the end of the platform and swinging it back around his shoulders. A sweep ago he would have felt childish, wearing a cape again, haunted by wiggler memories of immature games and lofty aspirations he could never hope to reach. But the Empress had given it to him, just for him in her color, gold woven into the hem with his sign etched into the embroidery, marking him as hers. 
He went to his block, avoiding the stares from crew members as he swept past them. He didn’t need their concern or their pity to do his job. The moment he entered he snatched a half-empty flask from his desk, draining the rest of it and sighing as his throat burned. Nothing beat a hangover like a bit of hair of the woofbeast, and a few minutes later his panic faded back into the background. Everything was okay. He was fine, everything was normal, and he could get to work.
Eridan sank into his chair, fumbling around for a bottle of soporific and refilling his flask as he eyed a desk drawer with distaste. He sucked in a breath before opening it, picking up the squirming biowire pinched between his index finger and thumb. He gritted his teeth before flicking the false flap of skin back, putting the wire to his temple. The biowire squirmed and sank into the port, and Eridan flinched as pain shot through his brain. The Empress had assured him the procedure was safe, convenient, but every time he hooked up to a computer Eridan felt like death clawed at his pan. He didn’t have psionics, he didn’t have all the electric pulses constantly thrumming through his body and shortening the neural pathways so the biowire could work efficiently. The biowire twisted his thoughts into agonized tendrils, every transfer of encrypted data giving him a migraine for hours. 
Still he hooked himself to his computer, taking another draft from his refilled flask as he opened up his alerts and tasks for the day. A download automatically started-- a security update for the ship itself, procedures for lockdown in case of a hijacking. The rebellion kept forcing the Empire’s hand, this latest security update a response to the more frequent hijackings by the movement that drew closer and closer to the heart of the fleet. Eridan bowed his head as the details wove their way into the meat of his pan, sinking into the hardware and locking themselves away. His hands shook, and he had to take a few minutes before focusing back on his tasks. His duties as Head Admin hadn’t ceased. Supplies needed ordering, personnel needed allocating, and patrol routes needed vetting. The duties never stopped, they never stopped piling up, and the notifications at the bottom right of his husktop screen with the sheer number of them seared their image into Eridan’s eyeballs.
Eridan leaned back in his seat, scrubbing at his eyes and then staring at the ceiling. Turn off the emotions. He could do that, he needed to do that, in order to keep going. He couldn’t waylay the demands of the Empress, and he had a responsibility to his ship to keep it running. Wasting time freaking out about the lack of time and lack of autonomy held him back. Besides, he never made good decisions for himself in the first place.
The intercom crackled on his desk, and Eridan snarled as he depressed the call button with his finger. “The fuck you need, Shakes?”
“Uh. Sorry to bother you, but we got a docking request,” Shakes said. “You good?”
“Not relevant. The BC Condescension is a galaxy over until the end of the perigee, so tell whoever we ain’t dockin’ for shit.”
“No, no, boss, this ain’t just any old request. It’s, uh, an interrogatormentor cruiser?”
Eridan lifted his head where he’d been resting it on his hand, blood crystallizing into icy shards of fear. “What? Why?”
“Beats me,” Shakes said. “They’ve got all the required security codes all lined up neat for me. I couldn’t get a bead on the helmsman either-- It’s like they don’t even have one. Do I let them dock?”
“It’s th’ bloody interrogatormentors. Do we have a choice?” Eridan plucked the biowire from his skull, shoving it back in his desk and smoothing his hair flat once again. “Let them on. I’ll let the Captain know.”
He met the interrogatormentors in the docking bay as they disembarked their tiny cruiser. The two purples stood out, towering high above the third, weedy troll between them. Eridan had to shake himself as he took in the yellowblood, the image of the decrepit Helmsman superimposed over the far more muscled and smooth-faced interrogatormentor in front of them. The fact the interrogatormentor clearly had helming experience didn’t help, his skin riddled with resealable ports that shone in the overhead lights. That explained the helmsman, then. Of course Shakes wouldn’t be able to get a bead on a helmsman with interrogatormentor training. Eridan cleared his throat, straightened his posture, and approached.
“Are you the captain?” The yellowblood cocked his head an inch, looking Eridan up and down. Something in his tone indicated he already knew the answer to his question, and his lisp niggled at memory in the back of Eridan’s pan.
“No. I’m Head Admin Ampora. State your business and I will fetch the captain for--”
The female purple to the side of the first interrogatormentor held up a hand, cutting him off. She wore no face paint unlike her companion. The male purple in question stared at Eridan openly, twitching as he heard Eridan’s name. It took Eridan a moment to register Gamzee aged as he was, gone through his final adult molt and towering above him. He met Gamzee’s eyes for only a moment before tearing his gaze away. He couldn’t risk Gamzee opening his mouth. He only wondered how Gamzee had landed a position alongside an interrogatormentor squad considering how Eridan faintly recalled outing his rebel connections upon first meeting the Empress.
The yellowblooded interrogatormentor cleared his throat. “Doesn’t matter,” he said. His fangs flashed as he spoke. “You’ve been compromised, Admin Ampora.”
The voice finally knocked something loose in Eridan’s pan, unlocking memories of voice calls at midday and filled with shouting wigglers spouting heresy. “TwinArmageddons?”
“CaligulasAquarium,” the yellow interrogatormentor replied, without missing a beat. 
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Eridan stared at him, and stayed silent. They stayed at an impasse for a few moments, neither of them willing to out the other's rebel ties without revealing their own as Gamzee kept looking between them as the treasonous icing on the cake. It was as if Eridan had handed the interrogatormentor a grenade, and the yellowblood had pulled the pin while the grenade sat in their joined hands.
The female purple looked to the yellow, who cleared his throat. “I read his file. He read mine.” Eridan didn’t like how easily he lied, terror still prickling at the base of his skull. He scratched the back of his head, trying to ignore the wicked scar there. 
“So. Right. You here to torture me?” Eridan asked. “Interrogatormentor…?”
“Captor,” the yellowblood said. He indicated the female purple, and then Gamzee. “Interrogatormentor Davrot, Security Officer Makara. We’re responding to an alert your ship is harboring rebels and they are attempting to remove you from your position as the Empress’ consort.”
Eridan’s brows furrowed, and he shook his head. “No. You got the wrong ship. I ain’t recruitin’ rebels. Especially none tryin’ to undermine me.”
Captor snorted, lowering his chin in a clear sign of arrogant condescension. He waved a hand and the two purples separated from his side where they’d clung like remoras to a shark’s parasite-ridden gills. “Strange. The report said you’re the one that caught the alert and brought it to the Empire’s attention.”
Eridan stared, trying to knit together the holes in his memory and recall ever summoning interrogatormentors. He did a lot of his work drunk now, true enough, but he had a handle on it and remembered the important information. If anything he only remembered the Empress, a foggy memory of her praising him for his work against the rebellion. Was this what she meant?
He turned as he heard yelling and a distant commotion, but Captor waved a hand. “Ignore this and get back to whatever you Head Admins call work while we deal with your infestation,” he said. “You’ll be updated when we get what we need.” 
He walked away, silent as before as he ghosted after the two purples. Eridan watched him go before shaking himself back into reality, looking around to see a few crewmates halted in their duties and watching him. “You’re not paid to dick around,” he said, baring his teeth. “Unless any of the rest of you want to be investigated for rebel leanings. Might as well make use of the interrogatormentors while they’re here.” The idle crewmembers jumped back into their work, avoiding Eridan’s eye as he left the room.
Hours passed, and Eridan wanted to throttle something. Everyone wanted to know what the interrogatormentors wanted or needed, and he had nothing to give them. He didn’t even know the name of the troll being investigated, and he didn’t care. As long as the interrogatormentors weren’t knocking at his door and asking what he knew of Feferi and her rebellion, he didn’t care.
Someone knocked on his door. Eridan jumped, almost knocking over his flask onto his keyboard and only just managing to catch it before it fell. He swore and stood, opening the door to see the trio of trolls from earlier, Interrogatormentor Davrot dragging a fourth, barely conscious troll behind her by the hair. Olive blood oozed from multiple lacerations across the troll’s face and arms.
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“Bricks?” Eridan tried to not sound so betrayed, but his voice dripped with it.
Bricks stirred, groaning before opening an eye. His other eye was swollen shut. “I’m not a rebel,” Bricks said. He yelped as Davrot yanked his hair up, clinging to her wrist for dear life in a feeble attempt to alleviate the pain.  “I’m not. Don’t listen to them-- I just tried to get you help!”
“Help with what?” Eridan’s fingers curled in the hem of his cape, and he let go only when he caught Captor staring at the gesture like a predator eyeing its prey.
Bricks stayed silent, hissing as Davrot forced him onto his knees. She leaned in, grabbing him by the horn and twisting. “No. No no no-- Not again--” Bricks screamed as Eridan caught the sound of horn splintering, grinding against itself. “The Empress! Stop-- She’s killing you, Ampora, can’t you see it? Anyone with eyes can fucking see it, it’s only the rebellion that might care! I don’t give a shit about anything else they do, I just wanted them to get you out of this place before it gets any worse..”
Eridan bristled, hands curling into his fists. Captor moved forward before he could say anything, footsteps inaudible on the metal tile. He put his hand on Bricks’ shoulder. “He sold you out,” he said. “You’re preaching to the choir now.” Bricks blinked, looking from Captor to Eridan who stood immobile. Captor snorted, snapping his fingers. Davrot grabbed Bricks’ hand, linking her fingers with his and holding it high above his head as Captor leaned in and grabbed Bricks by the chin. “It’s kind of sweet, isn’t it? You selling each other out to try and save your own sorry hides. You thought you could get away with this? With trying to snatch the Empress’ consort out from under her?” Captor dropped Bricks’ face and turned his bicolored eyes on Eridan. “You employ soft crewmembers, Admin Ampora. We didn’t even have to press hard to crack him open.”
Captor moved his left hand, swiping it overtop his right. Psionics shimmered in its wake, coalescing into a solid blade of hard light. Eridan could feel the thrum of power from here, hairs on the back of his neck standing on end in the wake of this blatant flexing of psionic ability. Bricks jerked his hand in Davrot’s grip, but she stood immobile as Gamzee grabbed his uninjured horn and kept him locked in place. “Ampora. Eridan. Come on. Who the fuck do you think keeps scraping your sorry ass off the floor every time you pass out? Tell me they’re lying-- You wouldn’t throw me under like this. I know you.”
“You don’t know me,” Eridan said. He couldn’t remember telling any interrogatormentors about an outgoing message to the rebels, or even mentioning it offhand to the Empress. He didn’t know if he wanted to. The Empress gave him everything, she gave him status and gifts and he served as her comfort and her informant. Bricks wanted to take that all away-- He wanted to ruin everything Eridan had worked so hard for and send him back to step one in the dirt with rebels. Rebels that Eridan had burned so many bridges with it might as well be a scrapyard, that had said to his face and beyond that he would never be welcome until he shaped up. He’d shaped up, he’d shipped out into the stars, and crafted himself into something better that neither Feferi nor any of her other cronies could hope to touch. “I… Yeah. I did.”
Bricks’ face fell, only for him to scream as Captor swiped out with the psionic blade and separated the engineer’s hand from his wrist with crunching bone and the smell of seared flesh. The hand skidded across the floor, smearing a trail of olive blood along the floor and landing at Eridan’s feet. Eridan stared down at it as Davrot and Gamzee let Bricks crumple to the ground, clutching his arm and screaming.
He only looked up as Captor advanced on him, schooling his face back into the blank slate the Empress had taught him. A thin line of yellow blood snaked down the interrogatormentor’s face from his nose due to no doubt immeasurable strain required by him wielding that blade. “Keep this close as a reminder to your crew. I trust you’ll do the right thing,” Captor said. He bent down and picked up the hand, and dropped it into Eridan’s. Eridan’s muscles tensed to throw it away, stomach rolling, but he only stared down at it, conditioned by this point to be totally numb as every instinct screamed at him to do something. Instead, he could be good. He could do nothing. The Empress would be proud of him, or at least he hoped as much. 
He snapped back to attention as Captor inclined his head and spoke again. “Long live the Empire.”
“Yeah, ‘course,” Eridan said, straightening his back as he automatically saluted, expression schooled into a blank mask, the drunken flush from earlier banished from his face. “Long live the Empire.”
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Captor swiped at the trickle of blood on his face with his thumb and nodded, turning on his heel. The two purples flanked him again, bringing up the rear as they disappeared down the hall.
Eridan dropped the hand the moment the interrogatormentors went out of sight, skin crawling, but he couldn’t bring himself to so much as whimper. He couldn’t trust his crew. He couldn’t trust his memory. He could only trust the Empress, that she would recognize the dangers pointing daggers at his back and save him, as she no doubt had in sending interrogatormentors to his ship.
He shut the door to his blocks, leaving Bricks sobbing on the floor. He didn’t feel anything, anything at all. Even as he sent the Captain a message about the incident and Bricks writhed on the floor in pain outside his blocks he felt nothing, the tears that finally spilled from his eyes more a physical response to the lingering smell of charred flesh in his nose more than anything. He’d have to do something about the hand eventually, and he wouldn’t put it past a sadistic interrogatormentor to actually make sure he kept the hand on display somewhere. That definitely would not win him any brownie points with the crew, especially with how alienated he felt from them by this point. He doubted even Shakes would give him the time of day after this, with what he let happen to Bricks. Fuck, he needed another drink.
They’d told him in Fleet Academy that space was vast, that space was empty and cruel and cold. But no one had told him, they didn’t warn him, that space was so fucking lonely. 
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runearcana · 4 years
Reasons I am Terezi:
My soon to be deadname sounds like Terezi.
I have an absurdly long tongue. 
I look and dress like Terezi. [my hair ends up short, and when I straighten it, it always has a curve at the ends like hers. Ive always thought I look like a female version of Karkat and even tried to be more like him.] I primarily wear black t-shirts with nerdy images.
I love mysteries, solving them, and have a knack for knowing the law on an intuitive level.
I had a best fuckin friend forever that I did everything with. We called ourselves the Greythorne Sisters. I was Wither and she was Malice. [telling much?]
When I broke up with her, I.. used my very strong foresight and saw that there would be issues if we stayed friends. Karkat also encouraged me to do it and was outside when I went through with it. After I told her, she literally crumpled, and I hugged her one last time. She didnt expect it at all. ._.
I went insane with regret and self-hatred afterwards.
My ultimate crush looked, acted, and spoke [yelled] EXACTLY like Karkat.
The reason I got into Homestuck was because I was incredibly shocked at how his likeness was captured in the fan art, and even the official art. EVERYTHING is the same except he has grey-blue eyes, caucasion skin color, lacks horns. Everything else is the same. He sounds most like a more masculine version of Broadway Karkat. Very wicked and masculine voice. Extremely intimidating guy despite his size. [hes not short, just shorter than youd expect someone with a cocky personality like his.]
Karkat even called us the Scourge Sisters. 
He hated Vriska. He was jealous of her as well, as anyone interested in me would have been.
I loved Karkat, more than anyone except Vriska, but my self-esteem was too low to believe he legitimately cared about me. On some level I knew he cared about me, but I was too BLIND to see it.
I didnt know I loved Vriska more than Karkat until I had already lost her. v.v
Vriska and I had a serious BDSM relationship [kismesis] after being moirails a very long time. We should have stayed moiraills. :[ It was really my fault that she acted the way she acted.
I am an empath and I can legitimately taste peoples energies. 
I may as well be blind because my eyesight is useless to me without glasses.
My favorite color isnt red, its TEAL, but I have a crazy fetish for fiery guys.
Libra ascendant, which is funny because A. your ascendant was your sign in a previous life, and B. its the realm of your PERSONALITY. [Sun is about your life path and moon is about emotions. :P]
I am creepy and cute [or was when I identified as female]. I love scaring the shit out of people. >:]
I like 1337, but I refuse to type that way all the time even though quirks are awesome conceptually. I mean if I could program the computer to remember my quirk, itd be different, but that isnt a thing yet. Itd definitely spice the internet up much more. :]
I still play with plushies and whatevers at hand and draw with chalk.
I adore dragons and see myself as one because I was born in the year of the dragon. :P
I like to cosplay, and wear capes pretty often. 
Dave is someone I cared about a great deal. He had a crush on me, but I saw him as a brother. Dirk is a total piece of shit and hurt Dave and Karkat and its why they have so much in common. He IS Daves bro. Dave sort of sticks up for him and Dirk has clueless followers. 
Gamzee was a best friend of mine like Dave and we technically had a kismisitude relationship. Gamzee told me Karkat was his best friend but I didnt know it was mutual. He was very upset that Gamzee and I were kinda together.
One night I was sitting at the end of Vriskas bed, thinking she was asleep, and trying not to wake her up with blowing my nose. She was awake and spooked and said she thought I was cackling like a maniac at the end of the bed like a creep. I thought it was pretty much a good assessment.
Another time she told me that while I was asleep, she saw an *evil* me with a sharp toothed grin and grey skin. It didnt seem improbable to me.
John is my biological brother. Hes a Virgo sun, and hes a nerd. :] Hes the only person beside my dad and aunt I talk to. [lots of friends I have, lol.]
Rose is a c*nt but I was fascinated with her for some reason. Rose hates Homestuck because of the fanbase. [lolll]
Kanaya is her sister, not gf/wife. Shes cool, and a reasonable person and was a friend, but we didnt talk much. I dont know why really.. x.x
Aradia was my best friend before Vriska. She and Sollux are married. I had a crush on her hsband and it was awkward.
Equius is an ex. Longest relationship Ive been in was with him.
Eridan is as much of a insufferable asshat as he is in the series, but not good looking in the slightest. He can be.. surprisingly insightful at times. None of us like him, even us INFPs. [Dave and I.]
I see Aranea as my mother. Talks non-stop, ruins lives.. but I used to look up to her.
Calliope was a fellow dragon lover friend that Dave introduced me to. Her handle was Celestial Serpent and she is even more asexual than I am. :]
My friends saw my and Karkats connection as being more like Karkats and Nepetas. He treated me like I was autistic and mostly ignored me. Probably until I confessed to him, and then after I went crazy because I had lost Vriska, and hoped that I could rely on him to be there for me. but despite all that bravado cockiness of his, hes a total wimp. ._.] Karkat and I had a ridiculously brief unspoken relationship that was only through telepathic communication and I got beyond frustrated and kissed a woman, and it was over like that. No one knows about this but us. Its another thing that I have ruminated on and hated myself for and deeply regretted.
I envy gamer girls who are actually good at games and wish I could be more confident and popular. v.v; [Latula]
I had a character on Gaiaonline with the Chucku Norisu scarf and the winged staff item and people drew freebie art of it for me, and when I looked at my pictures after learning about Homestuck it was pretty crazy.
Vriska [best artist I know] drew a character that looked a lot like Terezi that I had liked a lot.
I was very isolated when I was young. Neglected by my parents for the most part and felt too different from other humans. I always wanted a tree house and bulit my own club house that I hung out in as a kid.
My friends pretty much unfairly looked down on and even despised Vriska except Gamzee.
I love the taste and sight of blood. [Im a sadist.]
Dave made a proposition that he, me and Karkat be in a poly relationship and I turned it down. [I did not want to share Karkles with ANYONE. I know in the comic Dave actually disliked the idea, but the poly thing came up with the three of us. I dont know if Karkat was cool with it or not because he always used Dave as our go-between, but if Dave made the offer it must have been Karkat approved. Asshole. -.-]
Karkat and Dave live together and are more than likely morails. Karkat isnt attracted to Dave, but Dave has said he is attracted to Karkat.
I had a dragon umbrella that looked like a cane that I loved a lot.
Karkat is pretty much the unofficial group leader, or at least he was in my opinion. I could see Sollux saying Id make a better leader, though, because Im more clear-headed and calm about things and people from that group respected me [more than I was aware of].
We are all connected somehow.. but the main group consisted of Dave, Gamzee, Rose, Kanaya, me [Terezi], Karkat, and a few people I didnt see as characters from Homestuck. Vriska was not allowed to hang out with us at first. When she finally got her freedom [with my help] she wouldnt hang with the group, and they saw her as taking me away from them. They thought she treated me poorly, but she really didnt. -.- [Vriska did nothing wrong, theyre all just jerks.]
I dont hang out or talk to any of them anymore except John. Im always finding myself reminiscing and I really just wish I could forget I ever met them so I could start over fresh.
I have a spirit guide that is a DRAGON and teaches me anything Id like to know, especially in esoteric matters. His name is Shadowfall Ryu. Ryu is Japanese for Dragon. [lusus] and I agonize that I dont know him irl. Everyone knows about him. I have drawn so much art of him and talked about him so much. He is my ideal self. [i know the lusus in the comics is female, but whatever. Its still interesting.]
I collect dragon stuff, including plushies. I still play with them and wish others would play with me.
List goes on and on.
I cant make this stuff up.
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shadow-wasser · 4 years
WIP Fic Whenever: Molting Pains
Might as well start doing this again. WIP Fic Friday Whenever is a place where I will put a ‘quick and dirty’ first draft of either a short story or a chapter from a longer story. This will hopefully encourage me to improve my writing output. This is from the ‘Meteorstuck’ AU, but is not strictly-speaking canonical to it. Molting Trolls, yaaaaaaay.
Molting Pains
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Troll Puberty but Were Too Afraid to Ask
There were lots of strange things about trolls, . Their widely diverse horn shapes, their lack of anything that looked like an ear, their black tongues. And though they were aliens, and some oddities were to be expected, both Dave and Rose agreed that one of the most surprising things about the trolls was that they were so short.
Kanaya only came up to Rose’s chin, Terezi was even smaller, and Karkat’s tantrums made Dave think of an excessively angry gerbil. Even Gamzee was shorter than Rose, though his horns made him look bigger.
Seriously. It was kind of adorable.
Of course, they were still only thirteen, or six if you count in sweeps. Dave and Rose knew they might still put on some inches, and assumed that similar growth rates were true of trolls.
So as the years passed, the humans were only more perplexed and amused to see that the trolls did not grow at all. By the time Dave turned sixteen, he was 5’10” and could easily give Terezi piggy-back rides. He would make jokes frequently at Karkat’s expense, mostly about how the tiny troll was the perfect size for stuffing into a locker.
And the humans didn’t much think of it, honestly, in the chaotic years surrounding the revelation that they would never reach their destination. Even when they had to talk frankly about reproduction, they assumed growing up worked for trolls much the same as humans, differences in anatomy aside. They could be excused for this.
One day, five years after starting their journey, Terezi stopped eating. This would have been of note even if she hadn’t been stuffing her face ravenously for the past several weeks
“You ok?” asked Dave, as for third meal in a row she found herself unable to take a single bite of her grubloaf. “You’re not going to go anorexic on me, are you babe? Is this like, the purge after your binge?”
“I’m fine Dave, it’s none of your business!” snapped Terezi. “I’m just not hungry, that’s all.”
Dave held up his hands defensively. “Ok, ok TZ. Jeeze don’t bite my head off just ‘cause I care, goddamn.”
“If you care then you’ll leave me alone!” growled the troll, and she stomped off to her respiteblock.
“Not that it’s any of my business, but that joke was a bit off-color,” commented Rose, from the next table. “For all you know, Terezi might indeed be having body-image issues.”
Dave frowned. “Aw, come on, that is not happening. She knows I think she’s sexy as hell.”
Rose shrugged. “Have you told her that?”
“Sis, when you’re in a relationship as close as Terezi and I, that shit can go unsaid.”
Rose fixed her brother with a Look, and Dave shut his mouth.
“I’ll… tell her when she comes out.”
Two days later, Terezi had still not come out. She only barely responded to pestering from Dave and Rose, and then usually snippily and without explaining her actions.
“Is she sick?” wondered Dave. “Is she even getting anything to eat or…?”
“She comes out sometimes,” noted Rose. “I saw her in the kitchen the other night. All the lights were off, and she fled the moment I came in. She left the tap running, so I assume she was getting something to drink.”
“She won’t let me help her,” continued Dave. “God, she’s driving me around the bend and right into oncoming traffic like some sort of drunk motorcyclist on a slippery mountain road, guzzling Jack Daniels while he slides towards his certain-”
Rose gave her brother a Look, and he shut his mouth.
“I’ll ask Kanaya,” said Rose. “Maybe she’ll have insight into Terezi’s behavior.”
The other trolls had been remarkably reticent about Terezi, avoiding mentioning her in conversation. And when Rose brought it up to Kanaya, she looked distinctly uncomfortable. Maybe even more so than she had been years ago, when Rose had first inquired into the details of pailing.
Well. Maybe not that much. But comparable, definitely.
“It’s…” Kanaya fidgeted. “It is understandable behavior. Considering her condition.”
Rose blinked. “Condition? You think she’s sick?”
Kanaya shook her head vehemently. “No, no, I did not mean to imply she is ill. She is… well, remember how you described your monthly punctuation marks? I found that to be rather alarming at first, though you seem to find it natural.”
Rose smiled, slightly. “Ah. That explains some, but not all. I thought trolls didn’t get menstrual cycles?”
“Of course not. But the… mood alteration appears to be similar, during molt.”
That was a new term. “Molt?”
“Yes,” Kanaya nodded. “That’s right.”
There was a long pause.
“Well,” said Rose. “I think you might need to explain, as I associate the word ‘molt’ with a bird losing its feathers.”
Kanaya glanced uncomfortably to the side. “But… surely… when you transition to adulthood…”
It took some time, and considerable coaxing, for Rose to get the whole story from her matesprit
Dave, meanwhile, had taken things into his own hands.
“Terezi!” hollered Dave, pounding his girlfriend’s door. “Terezi, Gamzee is going on a rampage! You have to-”
The door opened and out whipped a cane, roughly shoving Dave out of the way. “Where? Where is he??”
“Oof!” Dave stumbled, fending off the cane. “Terezi, I’m kidding, he’s not actually-” Then he straightened, and got a good look at her.
Terezi looked horrible. Her skin looked sickly, mottled with irregular patches of light and dark grey. Her face was bloated and swollen, like she was having a severe allergic reaction, her horns had lost some of their vibrant ‘candy corn’ coloration, and even her hair looked like it was thinning. She was also not wearing any clothes, though she’d wrapped a towel around herself. She looked furious.
Dave stared. “Jesus, Terezi, what happened to you?”
“I have not started the molt myself, obviously. At least not my terminal one. We molt when we are wigglers, and presumably pupation is a kind of molt.” Kanaya brushed back a strand of hair. “Anyway, I learned some basic anatomical diagrams from the schoolfeed, but most of what I know comes from hearsay. So I cannot say for sure which anecdotes are over-generalized or exaggerated, and which universal.”
Rose nodded, and continued to take notes.
“Dave!?! How could you kid about something like that?” Terezi gripped her towel around herself more tightly. “This isn’t a fucking joke!”
“Terezi, you look like shit,” said Dave bluntly. “Is this some kinda troll disease? Did friendship literally give you a disease?”
“Oh my god. Dave, just… Ok, fine, come in.”
“Terezi may be acting in a self-defensive manner because she feels herself vulnerable,” continued Kanaya. “During molt, it’s expected that one’s usual physical capabilities become lessened. So the urge to retreat to a safe, secluded place is common.”
Terezi’s room was dark, and Dave briefly lifted his shades so he could see. Terezi had covered the floor with rags, towels, and old clothes, and there were some stuffed dragons stacked in the corner, but the room looked otherwise normal.
Dave lowered the shades and sat down cross-legged across from Terezi, who had pulled the towel around her like a kind of robe.
“So,” said Dave after a moment. “You gonna tell me what’s going on, or what?”
Terezi said nothing.
“I’m worried about you,” said Dave. “And fuck, Rose is worried too.”
He reached over, to put his hand on Terezi’s shoulder, but she flinched away. “Please don’t touch me right now, Dave.”
“And is this process…. painful?” asked Rose.
Kanaya shrugged. “I imagine so. Sollux once confided that his hivestem neighbor screamed for days, during theirs. But it might not be so bad for everyone.”
“Terezi…” Dave’s voice was quiet. “You're not... dying, are you?”
Terezi barked an explosive laugh. “Dying! Ahahaha, Dave, you’re so stupid.”
“Well excuse me that I don’t know the difference between like, Troll Chickenpox and Troll Ebola!”
“Dave, I’m not dying.” There was a rustle as Terezi wiped a tear, of what Dave assumed was laughter, out of her eyes. “I’m just growing up.”
“I think, beyond even the physical nature of the molt, the experience can be mentally very painful and frightening,” mused Kanaya. “Because we mostly learn the details from our cohort, who go through it and then are immediately shipped off world by the drones. It’s a great unknown, almost as much so as dying.”
Rose paused to consider. “That is… very insightful of you, Kanaya. I think you’d be good at psychoanalysis.”
Kanaya smiled. “I shall take that as a compliment.”
Dave nodded, slowly. “Ok. So let me get this straight. You’re… going through like, troll puberty?”
“I don’t know much about your teas of puber, but I am transitioning from an adolescent to an adult.”
“Right, same thing.” Dave paused. “But, I gotta say, when we humans do this, we don’t starve ourselves alone in the fucking dark.”
Terezi groaned. “Can we not go into the details? It is extremely embarrassing.”
“No, really,” pushed Dave. “Is this gonna be a regular thing now? As your boyfriendsprit, I just want to know.”
“So how long does this take?” Rose queried.
“Not terribly long. The pre-molt appetite disturbances might last several weeks, but I haven’t heard of a molt itself lasting longer than perhaps a few days.”
“No.” Terezi sighed, and shook her head. “When it’s done, it’s done.”
“Well, thank Troll Jegus for that.” Dave paused, embarrassed. “Terezi, look, I’m sorry I interrupted you in your adolescent emo phase or whatever, but I really was worried.”
“I appreciate your concern,” replied Terezi. “But I really will be fine.”
Dave got to his feet. “And since I take it you don’t want company, I will respect that and give you your privacy. Just… let me know if you need anything, ok? Food… Blankets… Faygo…”
Terezi made a gagging noise. “Smartass.” But he could hear the smile in her voice.
Dave turned to leave, opening the door.
“Wait. Dave.”
Dave paused.
“I… would actually like it if… you stayed. Not in the block but… outside? Like you were guarding the door?”
Dave’s face was impassive. “Sure, anything you need.”
Dave left, and took a place outside the room. He leaned against the door to the respiteblock, and made himself comfortable.
And Rose found him there, leaning against Terezi’s door. “Dave,” she said. “I think I’ve gleaned the information we need, from Kanaya.”
Dave shrugged. “Yeah, I know. Puberty comes late for trolls, go figure.”
Rose paused. “You know about the molt? Did you speak to Terezi about it?”
Dave nodded. “Yep. It’s all cool now.”
“Oh,” Rose blinked. “Good, then. I’m glad we’ve sorted this out.”
After a moment, she continued on her way. But Dave stayed.
Dave stayed by Terezi’s door, awake and asleep, for the next two days. Rose, Kanaya, and sometimes Karkat brought him food, but he ate only sparingly.
“It could be Terezi’s pheromones,” murmured Kanaya. “I’ve heard false-molt like symptoms can be induced by staying close to someone going through it.”
Rose doubted that, not least because Dave was human and not troll. But still, sympathy might have something to do with it. She would have to take notes on this fascinating new development.
On the second night, Dave was jolted awake by the sound of a door opening. He sat up, heart pounding, and watched as a stranger stepped out of Terezi’s room.
The stranger turned to face Dave. She - and it was definitely a she, she was only wearing two towels wrapped around her top and bottom like a toga- she must have been six foot at least, and she had pointed, deep orange horns, and thick, black hair, down to her shoulders. Her skin was this insane shade of velvet black, with a matte sheen, so dark he could barely make out the features of her face. She smiled, dead-red eyes gleaming, and showed a mouthful of silvery fangs.
“Hello, Dave,” she said.
Holy shit.
“Dave? You okay, coolkid?”
The troll-woman reached down to help Dave up, pulling him easily to his feet.
“Terezi,” gasped Dave. “You-”
Terezi crossed her arms, and twisted her mouth to the side. “I what?”
Dave swallowed, looked her up and down.
“You,” he said. “Are sexy as hell.”
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purrfectstrangers · 4 years
That's all that you could sense at first. No light. No color. Just pitch black darkness. 
At first, you thought you were back in the stomach again. You couldn't open your eyes, you couldn't feel anything. You could only assume that all your senses had melted away. You were truly nothing more than a lump of meat melting in his gut.
But... no. That wouldn't make sense. You couldn't breath... but you weren't suffocating either. You tried to suck in a breath, but you couldn't. Where were you? Were you... dead?
Surely but slowly, some form of sensation creeped back into you. It felt... tight. Warm. Moist. Sweaty? This material around you didn't feel like flash. It felt... course. Rough. Like... fabric? You couldn't tell. Your body felt weird... like it was bloated somehow. What was going on?
Karkat? Where was he? You could hear him talking but it sounded off. It sounded, no, felt like it came from all around you.
Light. Blinding light. It hit your unadjusted senses like a flash grenade. Your eyes didn't squint. They seemingly couldn't. So you were subjected to this unfiltered glow for quite some time. It felt like a migraine, the only respite was the fresh air washing against your pores. As the shining died down and your vision adjusted, you came face to face with your reflection in the mirror.
Or, more accurately, a reflection of Karkat's ass.
You could feel a smug satisfaction radiating off your new owner.
"OH, DON'T ACT SO SURPRISED. I ALWAYS KNEW YOU WERE AN ASS. WE'RE JUST MAKING IT OFFICIAL NOW." You're able to move slightly. Karkat's right ass cheek shifted slightly as tried to squirm, but it's quickly shut down as Karkat clenches. "YEAH, YOU'RE CONSCIOUSNESS ISN'T FULLY MERGED WITH IT YET. BUT ONCE IT IS, THIS IS ALL YOU'LL BE. NO SIGHT, NO SOUND, JUST MY THOUGHTS AS I USE YOU." Karkat smacks you, causing your form to jiggle. "HONESTLY, IT'S A BETTER FATE THAN YOU DESERVE."
It really was. The tight grip of his pants perpetually grinding against you, the weight of him converging on you whenever he sat down, his voice berating you from all angles whenever he remembered you exist. It was as close as your soul could get to heaven. You couldn't see it, but you could somehow tell Karkat was smiling. 
It had been at least a day sense you woke up. Karkat wasn't paying you any mind, so you were testing out the limits of how much you could move. It probably wasn't the best idea to do this while sitting, but he spent most of the day planted on his ass anyways. Any time he wasn't sitting and presumably yelling at people online, he was messing with you and was liable to clench you back into shape if you tried to move at all. You were just noticing how your movements felt sluggish, slower, when you heard it.
You felt a slight tug at the back of your being. A barely noticable nudge. You stopped, wondering if you'd either imagined it or if it was just some muscle movement that came with Karkat's shifting. But then you felt it again. It felt like... pleasure? Like a moan you could hear in your soul. It felt like air, like a cool Spring breeze. It felt like... John?
You grabbed on to the presence at the next opportunity, only to shiver in sudden pleasure. It felt faint. Not like the wind ought to, but like it was in shambles. You project thoughts at him, thinking as hard as you can in an attempt to communicate, but nothing happens. Unsure of if you're doing this right, you try again, focusing all your thoughts on John. Again, nothing. You tug on the presence, just a little bit more, and you're suddenly overtaken.
Your mind is flooded with images and scenes. You can feel Karkat's sweat on your back, no, John's back, as he pounds into his ass. Derogatory words are yelled into his ear with each thrust, each punctuation pushing John just that little bit closer to the edge. You can see everything they did. Mating Press, Missionary, Deepthroat, Doggy Style. You saw, felt, Karkat's entire body as John fantasized about it. You could practically hear him shouting Karkat's praises in the back of your mind. The entirety of John's mind surrounded you and all of it was focused on his god.
Karkat didn't just eat him, he broke him.
You pull your consciousness away. You don't know how long you were pulked into John's mind. All you knew was that you felt bare again, free as water rained down on you. Karkat must've been in the shower, not that you could see that anymore. Your form felt stiff you, you couldn't shift around like you used to. You were merging with him just a little bit more. Karkat gropped you, jiggling your form about. "LET ME GUESS. YOU MET ONE OF THE OTHER HUMANS IN THERE. YEAH, THEY NEVER SHUT UP. I'VE GOTTEN USED TO MOSTLY BLOCKING THEN OUT."
As you try to think back, you wonder if you've forgetten your name already.
You've finally lost all movement. All sight, all sound. There was only Karkat in your mind now. And you could hear him talking to someone.
"I'M TELLING YOU, HARLEY, IT'S PERFECTLY SAFE." Harley. Jade Harley. You knew her. A friend of John and Dave, although they didn't seem to remember her. You tried to remember what she looked like, but it was difficult. Green eyes. Dog ears. Long hair. Why did that take so long to recall? How long have you been in here? How long has it been sense you last saw her? 
...How long will it take for her to be forgotten entirely?
The conversation had continued without you. You seemed to be getting less... aware of the world outside of Karkat. How long would it take until you forgot about it entirely?
"JUST SIT BACK AND RELAX, HARLEY." The tight, familiar pressure of Karkat's jeans vanished. "DON'T WORRY, YOU'LL LOVE IT."
The next few hours were divine.
Your form shook and jiggled with every thrust, and you were able to overhear every word Karkat said to her. You wished you could see what was going on. But from Karkat's voice you could only imagine.
You could feel Karkat shift up in bed, and then you could feel his weight increase. You were pressed down into the cushions as Karkat swallowed his meal, the combined weight of two people nearly squishing you flat. You felt your form bloat, the pressure of Karkat's jeans increased as he slept off his meal. Soon, you had Jade's broken mind for company. Now, you had the opportunity to witness the night from Jade's perspective.
Jade was just the first of many guests to follow.
You don't know who you are. You don't know what you looked like. You don't know how long its been sense your body melted. But you know Karkat Vantas. 
There was no one left. Every SBURB player, both troll and human, was gone. You had only their memories to go by, without them, you wouldn't even know what they looked like.
You know what their last moments were like before they became ass fat. You know Vriska took the longest to break. You know Dave was the quickest to digest. You know Nepeta jumped at the opportunity as soon as Karkat offered. You know Equius took days to digest.
You don't remember who you are, but you don't need to. You're just Karkat's ass now.
Karkat leaned back in his chair, his colossal ass still the size of a watermelon even with his full weight on it. His stomach growled loudly and he sighed in contempt. It had been to long sense he had anyone to eat, but there wasn't anyone left in his session to consume. So now he was stuck scrolling through Grumblr looking for an alternate he could eat. His eyes stopped at one particular name.
Purrfect Strangers
Karkat licked his lips and his stomach growled. A Nepeta and a Dave. Currently, they were off visiting some Gamzee and his brother, but when they came back....
It looks like you might be getting some more company very soon~
(I'm sorry if this seems rushed. I was hurrying to get this done because I knew I'd forget come morning.)
// That's rushed? I adore it anon x///x
God this has me absolutly weak. I simp for Karkat anyway, but this... oh my goodness its wonderful. You're too good to me anon~ Fuck I'm all flustered >////>
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lettersofsky · 4 years
GamTav Week Day Seven: Free Day
OK LISTEN I really like this asethetic for these two. It’s my favourite. And this one’s actually shippy right now, even if only pre-dating it’s the best one.
It takes them a while, more than a while, to drift back into each other’s spheres of existence.
They’d both been doing different things with their lives; becoming trolls that they could be happy with without the attachment of flushed or pitched quadrants. That didn’t mean that they didn’t date though, Gamzee knew that he’d dated a number of individuals, troll and human alike, just to get the taste of what he’d wanted in a partner down, to learn to enjoy sharing himself without someone that wanted to know him for however long they lasted.
And he knew from the grapevine that Tavros had been doing the same.
There’s nothing really special that draws them back towards each other in the matter of quadrants.
Karkat had been convinced into throwing a party by his boyfriend Dave and Dave’s girlfriend Jade for some event or another and they’d all been invited, Gamzee had spent most of the night making small talk with those that weren’t outwardly hostile towards him and avoiding near everyone else. All and all it’d been a fun night.
He didn’t know who approached who first, if either of them had or if they’d just gravitated together like magnets that recognized the other’s charge as opposing to their own.
That hardly mattered in the end though, not when Tavros was standing in front of him, looking like he’d finally grown into the proud, imposing length of his horns, not to mention into the size of them, towering over Gamzee in both height and the breadth of his shoulders, a feat only one other troll had a claim to.
“Yo,” Gamzee decided to be the first to speak, ending their silent inspection of each other; instinct to check out the competition left over from their days on Alternia he was sure.
“Hey,” there wasn’t even a beat of hesitation to the answer, to Tavros’ willingness to talk to him. It reminded Gamzee keenly of their younger sweeps, back when they’d both been innocent and largely unmarred by the world around them. It was nice in the way that old memories were once they stopped hurting you. “I didn’t know you uh, you were drinking.”
“I’m not,” Gamzee couldn’t help but snort, remembering the support meetings and life coaching sessions he still attended on a regular basis to stop himself from sliding back into the addiction that had been ingrained in his very image of himself since before he could remember. “S’apple juice. Strider specialty.”
“Oh, that uh, that explains it.” Tavros looked a little flustered at that, a soft bloom of bronze on his cheeks, but easily laughed off as conversation continued. “What have you been doing since we uh, since we last…”
“Since we was speakin last?” The offered words were taken with a small self-conscious smile, acknowledged without needing to be said as such. “Been good, workin’, makin a routine for myself and bein all productive like ya’know?”
“Yeah I uh, heard from Equius that you opened your own place?”
A painted brow rose. “You two been talkin ‘bout me, have ya? S’a weird topic a pillowtalk.”
“What?!” That has him, colour spreading deep and bright over Tavros’ nose and the top of his cheeks, the spread of it to his ears obvious with the way the other troll cut his hair. “N-no! No not like that at all! I, I mean—”
“Chill bro, s’all good,” he chuckled, Tavros deflating from his flurry of justification and explaining with a sigh. “I ain’t real carin how and what other motherfuckers say ‘bout me, s’all cool.”
They lapse into quiet, Tavros focusing down on the glass of something definitely alcoholic in his own hand while Gamzee turned his head to inspect one of the nearby food platters, debating if he was hungry enough to try one of the oddly coloured creations.
“It wasn’t that though,” Tavros broke the quiet as Gamzee decided to just go for it, a piece of cracker with something on it in his claw.
“It wasn’t uh, wasn’t pillowtalk. He and I were just catching up the other day and he uh… told me about when he ran into you.”
“He does that a lot,” Gamzee hummed, playing at being more focused on what was in his hand than the troll in front of him. “Ya think for a troll that big he’d been more cautious a where he’s going but nah. Trolls fallin all over under his motherfuckin hooves, yeah?”
“He said you were seeing someone.”
“I’m always seeing some motherfucker,” he pointed one, returning his gaze to Tavros as he tilted his head just so the pretty pale pink diamond stud in his ear could be seen, the violet gem inlaid in it glinting in the light of the room. “Believe you me everyone else is gonna know when Eribro’s tired a me ‘fore I do.”
“No,” the word was accompanied by a rough shake of Tavros’ head, brow furrowing deep. There’s frustration in his voice now, not too uncommon an occurrence for anyone talking with Gamzee for more than a few minutes. “You know for someone that doesn’t like being lied to you sure do a lot of it.”
“You’re the motherfucker beatin’ ‘round the bush like it all up and kicked ya lusus,” Gamzee shot back, surprising Tavros enough for his face to go slack with it. “Iffin ya wanna ask me ‘bout the motherfuckers I was seein, quad or nah, just come out and motherfuckin say it. We’re bein adults now, yeah?”
A pause. A beat. Gamzee’s ready to call this experiment a failure when Tavros spoke up again.
“…Are you seeing anyone now? Flushed-wise I mean?”
“Solbro and I vacillate on an’ off but ain’t got nobody permanent in there nah..”
Tavros nods and Gamzee goes back to inspecting the morsel in his claws, stepping forward into the other troll’s face as he opens his mouth to speak again, lifting it until it was resting just before the other’s mouth, claws near brushing warm lips as they parted.
“Try this for me?” Gamzee offered, cocking his head and staring up at Tavros, watching and waiting to see exactly what the bronze would do with the offering.
Tavros reacted exactly as he should have, colour on his cheeks as he leaned forward ever so slightly to take the piece of food into his mouth between his teeth, lips brushing over Gamzee’s fingers as he took the bite.
“How’s it tastin?” Gamzee asked after watching Tavros chew the morsel he’d bitten off, blinking as the other troll nodded down at him.
“It’s uh… it’s good.” He said, all the answer Gamzee needed, humming and popping the rest of the piece into his mouth, more than aware of Tavros staring at him in return.
“It is,” he agreed, dragging his tongue purposefully over his own claws, fully aware of Tavros watching him. “Mayhaps ya should try some more for me yeah? There’s supposed ta be some new restaurant openin near my hive, ya should come and try it out with me yeah?”
“… Ye… yeah!” Tavros nodded, wide smile back on his face, bronze spreading across his cheeks. “Yeah I’d uh… I’d really like that.”
“Cool,” he purred. “We can be chattin at each other later ta be deciding times, yeah?”
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hootpoop12 · 5 years
Ok, Meat route feelings:
Ok, this is...by FAR the superior route just saying. Not. That that is saying much seeing what the candy route was but every time I fall into despair over this I just grit my teeth and think about how parts of meat weren’t terrible pfft
-Lets get the johnrezi out of the way cause that’s kinda my thing. So. Good shit pfft I will admit I was little worried that Calliope and mainly Dirk could have tampered with them a bit but I’m pretty sure for the most part they didn’t? Dirk kinda made John feel weird post coital which kinda pissed me off but other than that. Them feelings 100% legit. These two people genuinely love each other. In both routes John’s thought would ALWAYS drift back to Terezi and Terezi’s only comfort was having John’s body with her after it all. Their romance is both cathartic because they are two MISERABLE people who only have each other to understand their feelings and fucking tragic because in candy all he had was a picture and in meat they had a physical confirmation of their feelings only for it to be voyeur’d and then ripped away by fucking John’s death. If there is more to come- I can only image there is- Terezi and Vriska will hopefully somehow team up and look for a way to revive John. Even If their romance was fleeting like 95% ship in Homestuck their support and care for one another is fucking REAL. It was straight UP the only real thing in Candy and I will fight others who say differently. 
-John going back in time to round everyone up felt weird. For the first time they all really felt like children and them all fighting lord english? WOW. Ouch. Especially Dave?? This Dave was the last to go and in the most brutal fucking way?? Kid had to watch Rose and Jade die and still fought pretty well, though. which goes to show Dave is a fucked up dude but when it comes to shit that needs to get done he can hold his own. Thaaaaaats why Adult Dave in both epilogues kinda grated on me a little? Not to fucking say UGH Dave is now more healed and stable this sucks!! I’m more saying there’s a lot of fics that whumpify Dave into a soft boi who too pure for this world and it slightly reminds me of it. That’s probably more of me just being to attached to MY view and headcanons of Dave, though, and maybe I need to let that go a little? 
-Davekat finally fucking happened. Ten years is too long of a slow burn for me I’m sorry lmao seriously I sound like Dirk when I say this but I really thought they sac’d up during the meteor and were already in a relationship. Dave’s whole conversation with John on the lilypad.......literally sounded like he was in a relationship with Karkat.......what the hell, honestly...........I’m glad it was on Dave’s own volition rather than’s Dirk’s gross as fuck pushing at least.
-That brings us to Dirk. The man who has been making my stomach church whenever I remember. My feelings about him are...............fucking complicated. I’ve been reblogging and bitching about him being “ruined” or whatever but.......That really is the simplified version of what I’ve been thinking. I think.....He’s been corrupted by his aspect or he’s just taking this heel “must be the new villain” too seriously. Like, I fucking despise it when people go off and say Bro was corrupted by Cal or Gamzee was corrupted by literally anything cause those two are just fucking trash, I’m sorry. I think I’m mostly upset by Dirk more than anything because his WHOLE thing was that he was a controlling dude with the potential to become an atrocious man and that he was starting to really take control of his path and work his way into becoming a better person. His talk with Jane on his sacrificial slab? His talk with Dave on the roof..........His heart aspect had begun to bring all his splinters together for his ultimate self and when the majority of your splinters carry a very sociopathic personality..............Man, there was literally no hope for him ever, huh? Literally none. The theme of working towards a better version of yourself is MEANINGLESS if your name is Dirk Strider. A character who struggles with depression, suicide, and absolute self loathing and his only path is this. Become the monster he was always terrified to become. Like I’m straight up about to cry writing this holy shit. Dirk is one of my favorite characters of all time- my FIRST favorite character when reading the comic- one of my MAIN reasons for reading it because I heard there was a canon gay character and I needed that in that time of my life. What almost hurts just as much as Dirk being a good guy and forcefully having this fate thrust upon him is that Roxy, the person Dirk cared about the most,.........Like............misgendering them. and being incredibly flippant and rude about trans stuff.......I can’t even begin to describe how much it hurt to read the character you looked up so much fucking being terrible about something that means so much to you. I’m agender and it just hurt is all I’m saying. This leads back to the bizarre issue of Dirk also being sexist and using gay in a strangely duragatory way. Like, Dirk grew up not really putting values on labels so for him to be weirdly transphobic does lead back to the ideas of this being a corrupted Dirk or him just playing the role of a villain. I do believe there is still the old Dirk we know in there, however, as even now Dirk states he could NOT hurt Dave. So some hope?
-Jake. I’m pretty sure Hussie fucking hates the dude like holy shit lmao......lmao in the least funniest way..............In both route Jake is jerked around like a plaything, having his personality dampened by the oppressive narrative. The one time we see Jake have repreive from such a shitty fate is when he’s talking to davekat about the election. That was the single moment we saw the curtain fall and the “intelligence” reenter the dude. I know this is like the “fanon” version of Jake. Every single character has fallen to that: whumpified Dave, puppet master dirk, bitchy mean jane, ect but litereally reading about him coming back to himself fucking HURT. Him being made to be obsessed with Dirk was so fucking gross I was cringing the entire time. The last few months I’ve been slowly accepting DirkJake back into my heart and this just fucking SHATTERED that warmth holy shit. Jake’s struggles with non-consensual bullshit is really starting to wear me down I just want him to be happy and RESPECTED. 
-Alrighty heavy stuff out of the way I will say this: I read candy first and at the end where Alt!Calliope is speaking to Aradia I had almost no goddamn idea what the fuck she was talking about. I even started to get kinda angry cause Homestuck tends to not take itself TOO seriously? There are some philosopical mind melting shit to read and consider but never too much where it’s incomprehensible to me? So when I finished candy I was like alright. Hussie just wanted to jerk himself off. whatever. Then I read meat and was like. OH. This.......this is actually fantastically interesting I can do this meta bullshit! and despite everything I just said about Dirk..........I fucking MISSED reading in his voice and it caught me off guard SO much which is what I love about Homestuck. There were a lot of tip offs but the one that really stood out to me before finding out was the Jake and Jane makeout. It kept going back to Dirk and I was very surprised by that? Jake sounded like he was over Dirk and yet here he was......unable to stop thinking about it? Shit makes. SO much sense I definitely am gonna reread it to look for other stuff, too. The tug of war via the narrative was incrediably entertaining as well.....Dirk is like a super sensitve incel now (caliborn would be proud) so it was hilarious to see him lose grip of it to Calliope. UGH I’m a little guilty to say it but I’m such a slut for anything Dirk I’m also KINDA looking forward to see where this goes and enjoying him being a villain A LITTLE. I know I sound wish washy but hey sometimes feelings contradict!
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