#I have so many ideas for Kaz and Oliver’s powers
nonymous06 · 2 years
I made an attempt at drawing up some designs for the elite force gang
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Also all the notes are just for fun
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The giant mass of writing is a bunch of headcannons,
Also I am a sucker for found family so I might be drawing more stuff for them
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leo-dooley-lab-rats · 8 months
Elite Force’s Many Lost Opportunities
The thing that annoys me most about Elite Force is Elite Force could have been great to the Mighty Med characters and even the Lab Rats characters.
Let’s all be honest, Elite Force isn’t the best show in the world and a lot of it comes down to the writing of characters. I feel like the show had a lot of potential and maybe that’s why so many fans make so much fan content related to that era of the show. Seriously the amount Elite Force content v. rest of Mighty Med and Lab Rats is kind of amazing.
Today I wanted to take a closer look at Elite Force’s many missed story and character opportunities. I got the inspiration to make this due to this thread. These are thing I’ve been thinking about for a long time… but I think it’s kind of time to put it out there. Elite Force isn’t a bad idea, just bad execution.
Oliver, Kaz, and Skylar
I think the villains kids(Riker and Roman) and their evil father(Rodissius) is meant to parallel Douglas(during his evil days) and Krane. When we could have had Oliver seeing something of his mom in the main dad villain, Rodissius. We could have seen more of that arc with his evil mom. We could have had his mom show up. I will never not be bitter about that plot point never getting proper follow through.
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We could have had Skylar relating to the main villain losing his powers instead of the show just giving her powers back. Like seriously, why didn’t Skylar have anything to say about villain and losing powers? She went through this. She had a whole ‘going evil’ due to getting her powers back arc and then having to lose them again. It was a huge part of her character and arc in Mighty Med, only to be forgotten in Elite Force. Seriously, why is the villain, Rodissius, so similar to Skylar if the writers weren’t going to do anything with it? Just why?
Kaz could have been the middle ground between the two being like “we need to put them down”. Kaz could still be mad about Mighty Med. We could have had moments of Skylar and Oliver bonding and comforting each other over the loss of Mighty Med. Just think about it.
We also could had Kaz and Oliver being bros learning powers with Skylar getting jealous to then becoming a mentor to them. Even Bree and Chase could mentor more like they did on the island.
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Most of all, Elite Force needed to remember Kaz, Skylar, and Oliver are friends. Kaz and Oliver are ride-or-die best friends and might as well be brothers. Kaz is implied not be close with his parents or his siblings so Oliver is his family. Skylar doesn’t have family being part of a clone race and I honestly view Skylar as a sister to Kaz and Oliver or at very least her found family along with everyone else at Mighty Med.
Returning Mighty Med Characters
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Even Alan could show up and be able to relate to villain. Part of Alan’s arc in Mighty Med was learning to accept being half-normie. Even Horace would be in the show somehow as a captive of villains. Like Roman and Rimer took Horace to heal their father and give him back his powers since at the wedding Horace was revealed to be Caduceo, the legendary healer of superheroes, to the world or something(that even ties the spinoff into Mighty Med).
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Gus or Jordon would show up after Oliver, Kaz, and Skylar were on the news being apart of Elite Force. There could have been a story of their normie friends from school finding out about the superhero world and Skylar’s real name not being Connie Valentine.
Leo, Adam, and Other Lab Rats Characters
The show could have used Douglas better. Douglas used to be evil. The villain is an evil dad. There is something there even if it’s just a joke considering Douglas was evil dad and Krane was too to some extent. Why wasn’t that a joke in the show(like someone should have said “what’s with us and evil parental figures?”). Douglas could even talk to Oliver about his mom being evil. Douglas could relate to him and help Oliver come to terms with mom being evil and maybe give Oliver hope his mom could one day be redeemed.
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Leo and Adam could have shown up. I understand actors and contracts, but the show could have mentioned the characters. The show seemed to miss Adam having Adam around with Bob’s return. I like Bob, but it felt like it should have been Adam there and not Bob. Again, like Bob but it always felt like the writers wanted Adam there instead. The show did clearly miss Leo too since AJ is basically a Leo Dooley stand-in.
There could have been a conversion between Donald, Chase, and Bree along lines of “why did you two allow AJ to stick around?” And they don’t know. Donald eventually nods and says “I think I do. He’s a bit like Leo. I miss him too, but remember he’s not Leo.” Or something like that. Even Kaz could remember Bree and Chase of Adam. There is something there that could be touched on.
I think Perry, Donald, Tasha, and Naomi were handled well, but I do still wish Adam or Leo showed up.
Chase and Bree
Chase got an arc of his girlfriend being evil and Bree wanting more powers. Chase and Bree could have an arc of being away from home/family for the first time and being homesick. The penthouse is basically like going off to college or boarding school when you think about it. The characters move away from home and live with kids their age in a dorm/apartment.
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Chase could have had a real arc about interacting and being a person outside the comfort of his family/island. Bree could have had an arc of learning that she doesn’t need more powers(I still don’t like that storyline for Bree. It just feels like it comes out of nowhere and is excuse to give Bree more abilities without having to introduce them). Bree could have had a self acceptance storyline.
Mighty Med and Elite Force
The world and characters of Mighty Med when the show ended and Elite Force stated, it didn’t feel like an ending for the show like Lab Rats. That’s a problem a lot of fans of Mighty Med have. I loved both shows since their premiere. Mighty Med was just getting started and their characters were the same. There was so much more left to see of this world before Elite Force. Then Elite Force came and didn’t seem to understand or know much about Mighty Med. If you looks at the people who worked on Elite Force, it’s mostly people from Lab Rats with very few from Mighty Med.
I’ve said this for years, but Mighty Med needed one more season before Elite Force to wrap up their story. The sad thing is Might Med didn’t get that. We got Elite Force. As a fan of Mighty Med, I’ve always had so many problems with Elite Force. As a Lab Rats, I still don’t care for Elite Force. There was something missing in this spinoff and we all know it.
I am just seeing all we could have had and didn’t get. There are so many good ideas here but none of them were taken. The show could have been better.
Every time I sit down and watch Elite Force I get the impression there wasn’t a lot of passion behind it. There’s also a lot of cooks in the kitchen(just look at the credits) and that might explain the writing. The show just feels like a mess that no one really wanted to make.
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lab-trash · 11 months
A Few Hot Takes About Elite Force
Bree did not deserve to go to Centium City, nor does it make sense plot-wise
In season four it's jokingly established that Bree is becoming sort of a mom-friend, mom-mentor sort of figure. There is no way in hell that she would've allowed fucking Adam and Leo to run the bionic island. She knows those two knuckle-heads would get into trouble. Don't get me wrong, I love when Adam takes control of the situation and when he takes responsibility for Bob in that one episode, but let's face it: he is not ready for such a large role when it comes to that many kids. Dude is not equipped to be a babysitter. When it comes to Leo, while he is more equipped for the situation, he is very well established to make shit go wrong on fucking accident. We see it time and time and time again, not only in season one, but in season four (read: the whole business card fiasco). She would've known that they would've be able to handle it alone, especially when taking into account that their chaperones would've been fucking Terry Cherry Perry and goddamn Douglas Davenport! Excuse me???? No! She would have not allowed that.
Edit- Also, she just got a sister! I know that she said that the excitement was gone after having to change diapers, but you're telling me that Bree wouldn't want to be a part of her life????
Leo did deserve to go to Centium City, and it would've made more sense plot-wise (especially if they kept it mostly the same story-wise)
Leo, as we all know, gets along great with Kaz. Not only that, but he's a superhero nerd. I guarantee that if Leo just knew wtf the 'secret project' was, he would've been on board faster than the train to Downtown Welkerville. It would've been epic to see him interact with not just Kaz, but Oliver too? Skylar probably would've felt like she fit in more too, because she's definitely one of the boys (not in a pick-me way, in a nonbinary way). It would've been really fun seeing Chase trying to battle Kaz, Oliver and Leo down from playing Topple Tower and whatever other various games. Such as, for example, Leo jumping off the building for Kaz and/or Oliver to catch him before he fucking dies. I know this was more of an Adam and Chase thing, but I still think we should've gotten a prank wars episode, and since it's decidedly canon that Bree is, at best, mid when it comes to pranks, it could've gotten real fucking intense. I love the idea of Oliver and Kaz warning Chase and Leo about Skylar being really amazing at pranks, and then when they don't really notice her being weird or suspicious, they just think it was to mess with their heads (which does or does not work, depending on if you want a Sicillian situation on your hands or not) so they brush it off, only to be bested by the prank master. But I'm getting off topic. The biggest reason that I think that Leo should've gone to Centium City instead of Bree is because of Episode 9 and Episode 10. In episode 9, The Intruder,we are introduced to a character named AJ, who finds Chase and Douglas in the Mission Command (aka, the basement) by mistake. And I know that they often draw comparisons from AJ to Chase, but I think that it would work way better with Leo— Better yet, Leo and Chase. Like Chase, AJ is autistic coded, socially inept, and a tech nerd. But like Leo, he means well. He wants to be a part of the team, even though objectively that maybe shouldn't be allowed. He snuck his way into this family by running into them when he didn't mean to, when he was just exploring where he lived. AJ should've gotten bonding time with Leo. Maybe then, the common headcannon that AJ will/would become Mission Specialist like Leo once was, would be cannon. Next is Episode 10, The Rock. In The Rock, AJ makes a list ranking the most useful/gifted in the Elite Force, to the least. This causes Bree to become insecure when she's placed in the middle, leading her to attempt getting more powers by touching the Arcturian. I will always stand by the fact that this was a fucking stupid idea. But when it's Leo? This idea becomes nearly fucking genius. Leo would likely be placed in a similar place, if not lower, given that only part of him has powers. He is not bionic, he has bionics. And, y'know, he's a superhero nerd; why would he not want superpowers. He also is reckless, which would make sense why he would touch the Arcturian without really thinking about it as much as he probably should. And best of all, this could be a personal secret, instead of a secret between him and someone else, like it was with Bree and Skylar. After all, Leo already has a buffer. His arm. Leo wouldn't need to be endangered to get these powers, he already paid that tax years ago. Leo would finally have powers. Not just partial powers; real, true powers. It makes sense that he would be the first bionic superhero. Leo deserves to be the first bionic superhero.
Edit cont.- I do think that Leo would want to be in Naomi's life too, I understand that. Especially with his dad having been absent in his life, he might want Naomi to grow up with her family around. But at the same time, I really like the idea of him letting Bree have that honour. Like a bit of an emotional moment as they debate who goes to Centium City and who stays on the island/in Mission Creek, and in the end, Leo knows how much Bree's always wanted a sister and decides that she should be allowed to have that.
I have way more, but I can't remember, so this is probably the last one. Ka-Kai-Ra-Ta-Hee-Haw-Mwak-Floopie-Pazoing should've been in Elite Force
They couldn't have invited Auggie Issac back for one episode just to make it feel more like Caldera? Seriously? She is definitely one of the highlights that we get when we visit Caldera in Mighty Med, and without her, it feels disingenuous. Hell, start the episode with a quick video chat with Gus talking about how things are going in Philly and with The Domain, make the universe feel more coherent and put together. And then, if Chase and Leo/Bree see the call, they could later mention how she looks like Gus. And, not only that, but she could help save Skylar. Like, instead of Scarlett just being like 'hey muthafuckas, lemme bring you to ya girl,' it could've had this semi-dramatic, semi-emotional moment with Ka-Kai-Ra-Ta-Hee-Haw-Mwak-Floopie-Pazoing where she explains that she saw Scarlett taking Skylar away. She could've explained the whole rebellion thing to Oliver and his accompaniment. They could've had one of those cross cut scenes where it cuts between Ka-Kai-Ra-Ta-Hee-Haw-Mwak-Floopie-Pazoing and Scarlett explaining what's going on, instead of getting weird feeling, one dimensional exposition from just Scarlett talking to Skylar through an oddly shaped TV. I would've loved to see her and Skylar reunite, even for a little bit. Hell, y'know what, Ka-Kai-Ra-Ta-Hee-Haw-Mwak-Floopie-Pazoing is basically not a pet, which is implied through the numerous jokes of her not responding to things that a normal pet do, and the fact that she speaks english. It would've been epic as fuck if she was like... leading a rebellion army. That would've been so fucking awesome. But that would've been far more difficult to do, and I understand that. But the first part? Cmon, she is the heart and soul of Caldera. She should've been there.
Sorry for the super long post that was basically about nothing, but I was ranting to my friend who knows nothing about the lref universe and I wanted to share these. They're definitely the ones I'm most passionate about— not including how I think that Douglas definitely should've been indited more as their father instead of Donald, especially in Elite Force where Douglas showed up more than Donald did. And that Tasha deserves someone better (and I wouldn't exactly mind if that person were Douglas, but I've been over how I think that Douglas deserves a nice twunk)
Let me know if I should make a part two, and I might rant about a few more things they could've done to make Elite Force better.
Anyway, all in all, thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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could you write headcannons or a fic of what u think would've happened in season 2 of lab rats elite force if it was continued ? i love ur writing sm!
Okay this is such a cool request because I honestly think about this way more than I should 😂
So here are some of my headcanons of what I think would’ve happened. Beware, this will be long because I have a lot of ideas...
So season 2 would have resumed to the fight against Rodissius, I feel like it would be an hour long special
I think we would have definitely seen some Chase angst with him blaming himself about letting Reese inside
We’d see some of the superheroes that the team is warning and/or asking help from
That would be such a touching moment between him, Oliver, Kaz and Skylar
would also make a crack at chase being rude a little throwback from the crossover special lol
They’d ask him to help but he wouldn’t be able to because he has to continue helping the heros that have yet to regain their full strength
For the love of god I would hope to see Tecton, because I have an undeniable crush on him, at least once
A definite appearance from Leo and Adam for backup, maybe a few other bionic kids if the superheroes aren’t able to help
Also pretty much every superhero knew that Skylar lost her powers twice. Twice! Without chance of ever getting them back.
But then boom, she has powers again
Rodissius would undoubtedly search for answers of how that happened and trace it back to Chase
Which would lead to Chase getting kidnapped by Rodissius who would in turn make Chase look for a way to restore his powers
And in a sudden turn of events, Riker switches teams and helps the Elite Force
I mean during season one we see him express doubt about the whole thing
Like he left Roman to defend himself against the team
Which leads me to believe that he wanted no part in this but was heavily coerced into doing this
He tries to come in peace but obviously the team doesn’t trust him and he willingly gives himself up
The team comes up with a plan to use Riker as a bargaining chip for Chase but he tells them it won’t work
Because if there’s a chance that Rodissius might get his powers back, he’s willing to sacrifice his children to do so
So that plans scrapped and they’re back to square one
Until Riker tells them he can get them into wherever they’re hiding out
They agree but still keep him handcuffed so he can’t try anything
I’d say they manage to get inside and find Chase but are quickly trapped by Rodissius and his children
They think that Riker led them into a trap but he didn’t, Rodissius figured out they’d find the place when he noticed Riker was missing
Rodissius isn’t a man to give second chances so he easily disowns Riker
Don’t agree, go watch the ending scene in The List when he takes matters into his own hands
So that leads me to believe that once Riker tells him he willingly brought them then Rodissius would say something along the lines of
“You’re no son of mine, I didn’t raise a traitorous coward.”
Definitely thinks he has the Elite Force cornered but they made a plan in case Riker was leading them into a trap
They prove they aren’t trapped and a fight ensues
Definitely Roman vs Riker scenes where Roman pulls some crap about betraying family
Riker counters with saying they stopped being a family the minute they decided to stop helping people
They manage to capture Rodissius and most of his children
Roman gets away for the sake of plot of course
They inform the superheroes and Rodissius and his children are taken away to Mighty Max
They ask Riker to join the team but he declines saying he needs to look for Roman who is still out there but promises to inform them on any information he finds
Now onto the aftermath
Okay so Douglas got injured by Reese when she did her mojo on his face
And obviously it seemed like he was rendered sightless
But I would say he didn’t lose his sight although it is going to take time before he completely recovers
Reese is the turning point in Chase’s trust and he would kind of close himself off
There would be an episode in dealing with that
I mean he’s been betrayed so many times by people he’s considered friends
Marcus, Sebastian and now Reese who he thought genuinely liked him
So definitely major trust issues there that need to be properly dealth with
I think he might try to like hide it away or play it off as he’s fine but there will be a couple of times where he lashes out
This would be a great brother/sister bonding moment if Bree is the one who helps him and obviously his friends
Definitely a “we’re a family, no one will ever mess with you like that again” moment with everyone
And that helps with his trust issues and whatnot
Okay onto Skylar and Oliver
I like to think that after fighting Rodissius and how they almost lost Chase after he was kidnapped, makes her realize that she doesn’t want to lose Oliver
So she makes it official and they become a couple
Um Bree also discovers a few more powers throughout the season
And Chase would unlock a few more hidden abilities
With the new chip update, I think it would allow them to use more than one ability at once
So there would definitely be training in that because that would definitely come in handy
I think we would also see more growth in Oliver and Kaz’s powers since its shown that superheroes do in fact many, many superpowers
Since we never really got closure on what happened with the opposition
Also I don’t think that Scarlett actually died
For one that whole thing with her falling into the lava seemed sketchy
And I know it was for the sake of plot and whatever
But think about it, she was practically running the opposition or at least was high up on the chain of command
She’s not stupid and I doubt she forgot who close she was to the pit of lava
And second, all calderans have the same physiology bc they were genetically engineered the same way
So that means that Scarlett had the same powers as Skylar, all of them
And if you check Skylars wiki, its shows she had limb regrowth and super durability which means she’s pretty much indestructible
That would mean Scarlett too
So i think this was a tactic move on Scarletts move
Why? Well it was literally 5 against 1, not the greatest odds
So she needed to get away somehow and I think tricking them into believing she died was the best way
And to make them believe that the whole opposition thing was done and over with
But Scarlett did say that Caldera was torn so obviously there are more people on the opposition
So this way, Scarlett gains the upper hand in developing a better plan and kind of make the opposition grow more
And once that’s all said and done, she’s gonna reveal herself to Skylar as being alive
And that would prompt the team to return to Caldera to free everyone from the opposition’s control
So that’s definitely something that would be more touched on
And towards the remaining episodes of the season
It would go back onto Roman who devised a plan to help his dad and siblings escape Mighty Max and once again get revenge
We’d see Riker come back too, maybe show up at the team’s penthouse injured from fighting Roman
And explain what Roman’s up to but by then it would be too late bc Roman would have already succeeded
Also, Might Max was hundreds of feet below the hospital so I would say it’s still operational and they rebuilt the hospital right on top since they have to keep an eye out on the villains locked away
So i feel like what ever extractor they used to take away Rodissius’s powers is still there too
Roman would have found it and presented it to his father which he takes
They still pose a threat to his life but he doesn’t care bc he would rather have his powers and die than be powerless
And it’d be interesting to see how much more dangerous Rodissius is with his powers
I mean we saw what Reese could do so imagine the power Rodissius would have
Anyway, that’s my thoughts on what would happen/ what I’d like to have seen in season 2. If anybody has more headcanons, feel free to add to this list. I would definitely like to see what other people think!
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shaineybainey · 4 years
Lab Rats: Elite Force – What Exactly Went Wrong?
An Opinion Piece from a Viewer’s (and a Writer’s) Perspective 
[written and posted on another site september 2018]
Let me begin this piece by stating one important fact that could or could not affect your acceptance of this piece: besides the finale, I’ve seen none of this show’s episodes. None. I only ever knew what was happening in it through the reports of others who had watched the show and had formed their own opinions about it, most of which were either negative or neutral. Could that have affected my own view of it? Of course. Could those have turned me off from the show more? Sure. But, the fact remains: the project that seemed to be the biggest and most promising in its time only had one season, ran only a few months, and was never renewed. When the show and its cast were first announced, I was admittedly upset. My favorite character was not included. I found it unfair since this spin-off seemed to be a new, exciting arena with a fresh concept. It bothered me a bit to see the five main characters in the promo image posted on Twitter, too. It was a little too...monotonous compared to how the audience had known Lab Rats and Mighty Med to be. But eventually, I’ve learned to accept that Tyrel Jackson Williams, the actor who played Leo, may have wanted to move on to new projects (and he did) and that maybe the creators just thought that the five actors they handpicked could carry the show a lot better. It was all okay. Soon, though, it became apparent that the negative feedback that had surprisingly come from some of the most loyal fans of Lab Rats, Mighty Med, or both were actually a reflection of how the viewers felt in general. When the finale aired on October 2016, the news that it was a series finale rather than just a season finale had already rocked the fandom. Twitter and Tumblr were flooded with complaints against Disney XD for canceling “another great show” in favor of a “trashy one”—which seemed to be an indirect snipe at the network’s then newest program, Mech X-4. Fans took to the actors’ Instagram accounts, asking them when the second season would come or why there wouldn’t be anymore episodes. They were understandably heartbroken over this loss. They tried to save it for months but – it didn’t work. The plea for #RenewLabRatsEliteForce didn’t carry the impact the petitioners wanted it to have, sadly because those left were too few in numbers. Many of the most vocal and most outspoken ones—the viewers whose voice when Lab Rats aired were the most powerful—have unfortunately already left the show long before and could not be counted on anymore for any help. Thus, Lab Rats: Elite Force never came back on air. It may be a wonder to some how that could have happened. Lab Rats, the main ‘universe’ this show played in, still remains as one of Disney XD’s powerhouse shows due to its iconic interracial family, bright and bold sets, and seamless, innovative plots. Meanwhile, the lore and mythology that came with Mighty Med was the most complex and held the most potential. These two combined should have generated a show worth the four-season run that Disney treats their most exciting and popular programs with. So, what exactly went wrong? Below is just a few of the things that I think may have caused the show its demise. The Reasons 1. When the shows combined, they were both stripped of their characters of color (save for one) – which resulted in lack of both visual diversity and diversity in storytelling. When Lab Rats aired in February 2012, there was already a considerable buzz about it. Besides its predecessor, Pair of Kings, Disney haven’t been playing much with the idea of featuring an interracial family. That was why it piqued the interest of many people when trailers of a Black teenage boy finding himself in a new family with his Black mom, White stepdad, and three White stepsiblings aired. It was icing on top of the cake, too, when at the time, it appeared that the main character might actually be of color this time. Mighty Med followed this diversity trend to a degree. The two main characters were both White, but the rest are of other races—two Hispanic and one Asian, to be exact (or Calderan, if we’re speaking of the character rather than the actress). These characters offered different voices, backgrounds, and personalities to their shows. They also served as beacons, lights of hope that maybe, just maybe, Disney is starting to understand that there were also other races and ethnicities they could pick to tell their stories and that they didn’t have to worry about it ‘not working.’ Everything was working, but fast forward a couple of years later, one of Lab Rats’ creators announced that the two shows would merge, and here, they are your new team! To be exact: William Brent, Kelli Berglund, Bradley Steven Perry, Jake Short, and Paris Berelc. Two of the stepsiblings from the Lab Rats fandom, and the three main characters from Mighty Med. Of course, this is not to knock them as actors. They’re all quite good, in my opinion! In fact, Paris Berelc is still unbelievably wonderful in her new Netflix show Alexa and Katie as Alexa Mendoza. Kelli Berglund and Jake Short have new projects they’re currently involved in as well. However, as a viewer, I thought the production could have put together a better combination. Past the shiny and admittedly impressive costumes and cool vibe of the cast, the promotional image and the trailers that subsequently followed lacked the oomph! the other two shows, as separates, had. The characters as a collective weren’t visually interesting anymore because they didn’t reflect the way the viewers saw the world. It was like Disney XD went back to how it was before Pair of Kings aired. It would have been better if they made a few switches. It could have even been somewhat forgivable if there was a recurring minor character of color. Sadly, there wasn’t. Everyone looked the same. 2. There were two Chases, two Brees, and one Adam in the team. Disney has long ago earned the reputation of having repeating archetypes in their programs—and the two shows, even as separates, weren’t safe from this. Still, they were all balanced out. Lab Rats' book smart, shy, sometimes egotistic, but truly kind character Chase Davenport was balanced out by his stepbrother Leo Dooley, who had impeccable street smarts, was rather mischievous, dangerously curious and clumsy, but was also ultimately good at heart. At the same time, Mighty Med’s resident teen doctor Oliver, who was resourceful, introspective, and the voice of reason, was balanced out by his best friend Kaz - his impulsive but loyal partner-in-crime who prevented him from being eaten up by his own seriousness through jokes and lax regard to the rules. When the shows merged, well, things went off-kilter. All of a sudden, the show had two young men (Chase and Oliver) with the leader personality. It was also evident from the sudden changes in the character’s clothing style that Skylar Storm had lost her individuality and her rather funny but genuinely heartwarming curiosity of the world around her. She had adopted Bree Davenport’s style and also, subtly, her treatment of the world and the people closest to her (which, if you haven’t seen the original show, wasn’t stellar at all). Kaz was the only one safe from the character cloning. Kind of. He remained to be the sense of humor in the show, but I can’t help but think when I saw the finale that he essentially served the same purpose Adam Davenport did in Lab Rats’ narrative. This lack of variation in personalities made for a bit of a static storytelling. One fanfiction writer who used to be really into Lab Rats told me a few months into the show that the characters brought out the worst in each other. Gone was the sweet Chase Davenport and was replaced instead by a character who had to constantly assert his dominance over his teammates. Oliver, whose affection towards Skylar had been cute and heartfelt to watch, had become obsessed with her and had turned stalker-ish, reportedly pressuring her into becoming his girlfriend. And the team as a whole had become a bratty bunch, too consumed now by their own importance and their own problems to show warmth and kindness towards one another. Again, this could have easily been prevented by making a couple of switches. The fanfiction writer part of me thought that it would have been better if the team was instead made up of Bree, Leo, Oliver, a new WOC character with a rather stoic personality, and Skylar, who would serve as the team’s leader. That could have offered an interesting dimension to the show: varying voices, potentially initial conflicts that can turn into warm, lasting friendships, and varying strengths and weaknesses that can play well with each other and can definitely move the story forward for a couple of years. Lab Rats: Elite Force was trying to achieve a Teen Titans feel, and those five could have done that. But, reality turned out differently, and there's no undoing what had been done. 3. The Villains in the Mask, Part 3. As much as I love the writers and creators of the Lab Rats universe, I do have a few complaints, one of which is: do the villains always have to be concealed or be wearing a mask? Victor Krane, and now Roman and Riker. All of them were introduced to the show wearing masks! Also, they all had the same reason for doing the villainy they did: revenge. Now, from the outside looking in, that may not be as bad. Revenge is a rather strong motivator, but in comparison to the best ones this show had seen, did it really have to be that again? I’ll give you the best villain Lab Rats had as an example: Marcus Davenport. He was an android bent on destroying Adam, Bree, and Chase—and most specially, Leo—for the sole reasons that (1) that was his order, (2) he hates them, and (3) he hated them because they had their father’s affection and attention, and he didn’t. What made him complex and gave him a nice layer as a character was that despite his manipulative and murderous nature, at the end of the day he just wanted affirmation and affection from his dad. From what had been revealed, the spin-off’s villains had a reason of their own to go after the protagonists. Roman and Riker’s father had been drained of his powers for his own good, but the boys and the rest of their family didn’t see it as such. They saw it as an insult to them, although if I’m not mistaken, the show didn’t really explain why they felt that way. It was just a reason that was just...was. In the finale, they introduced another villain: Roman and Riker’s sister, Reece. Oh, she was manipulative and cunning. She also seemed promising because there was a moment of doubt when she was caught red-handed by one of the good guys. She was torn on whether she should hurt him to make her escape or not (spoiler alert: she chose the former; she blinded him). But, that was as far as it went. As mentioned, the show didn’t come back for a season two—which still haunts the rest of the fandom even after two years of its sudden end. 4. Everything was rushed. Good stories take time. Like flowers, the characters and the plot need time to grow. The writers of Lab Rats understood that when the original show first began. We saw character development and storylines that were quite impressive, mature, and relatable despite the show being marketed for children. There were also plot twists that were actually incredible. It became a memorable show because the writing team took their time. In the spin-off, they didn’t. The best example is the Oliver/Skylar pairing. The two years of slow burn between the two characters quickly changed into a wildfire that was erratic and didn’t make sense. Oliver was strangely out of character, and Skylar only seemed to have agreed to the relationship because she got annoyed. The relationship was awkward because it was handled impatiently. Reece’s introduction was rushed, too. She was maybe shaping up to be the big bad of the next season, but unlike Marcus, whose presence and role were built slowly and surely, she was pushed in. So, maybe she wasn’t going to be the main villain? The ambiguity created by all of these off-paced writing turned off the viewers one by one. At the end of it, I heard more unhappy responses to the show than I did positive. Maybe, somehow, the show-runners knew about that, too. They just didn’t say anything about it. 5. ‘Who’s your audience?’ It’s important to know the answer to that question because if you don’t, it will show. Lab Rats was marketed to children, perhaps in the ages 8-11 demographic. However, it was crafted to also appeal to teenagers and adults who may have been curious about the new project of the That 70’s Show’s former creators. Mighty Med, basing on its writing, appeared to have been meant for ages 6-11. Fans of the show might disagree with me on this, but it’s good to remember that one of its creators also made ANT Farm, which had silly humor oftentimes. (Not a bad thing at all. It’s just revealing of its audience.) Lab Rats: Elite Force seemed to have had problems identifying who it should actually appeal to. Should it be written like Lab Rats had been written? With silly humor here and there but also with jokes that teenagers and adults would appreciate? Or should it be written like Mighty Med, directed to the younger viewers and used laugh tracks more often? Well, the winner remains unclear. The characters’ sudden immaturity suggests they wanted to appeal to the new audience, but their rushed treatment of the Skoliver pairing also showed that they wanted to please longtime viewers somehow. They also gave Bree a new ability, perhaps to keep the interest of the loyal fans, but it didn’t really serve its purpose. It was probably meant to have been a wow factor. Sadly, it was another thing that didn’t work because the people they were trying to direct it to have lost interest—probably because they felt that the writers had ignored them for far too long in favor of newer, younger viewers who didn’t even stick around to watch the show. Concluding Thoughts At one point, I kind of hoped, too, that the spin-off would be green lighted to have a second season. When it finished, the hard feelings I had against it was almost gone, and I was earnestly hoping they would come back. Whatever the real reason(s) may have been for it not being able to, the cast and crew still deserve credit for doing their absolute best to make the show as enjoyable as possible. The finale, in particular, had a few highlights, and the set where the battle scene took place was impressive. The cast also put their best foot forward. The writers, meanwhile, perhaps despite knowing about the impending end, really did craft something special for those who had stuck with them until the final second. Despite its problems and potentials that were not explored, Lab Rats: Elite Force still graduated as a nice show with moments of excitement, dashing costumes, and memorable sets.
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lab-trash · 1 year
Villain Arcane
Chapter List
“If they were doing a solo mission, why would they send you? Why not Skylar? I hate to rank us, but Skylar is by far the most powerful, therefore the best choice for a solo mission, especially a recovery.” 
“I’m not on a mission,” Oliver responded. 
“So you’re just… here?” Chase asked. 
Oliver could bend this. 
“Marcus found me too,” He said. 
“Why would he want you?” Chase asked. “It makes sense for me, I’m the most likely to keep him from dying.” 
Oliver froze. 
“What?” He asked.
“Androids have a short battery life. Well, relatively,” Chase started, “Douglas kept it a secret from him, but Marcus is an old android. The fact that he’s still going is a big shock. The only thing I can think of is if Giselle changed something. But originally, he wasn’t supposed to be able to make it to 16.”
“But you guys met Marcus three or four years ago. How old was he then?” 
“I don’t know,” Chase admitted. “I didn’t ask, and you can’t tell from appearance.” He finally let his head rest, now staring up at the ceiling again. “It reminds me of Skylar. Like, how old is she?”
“22,” Oliver answered. “But also technically like… 107 or something, it’s not explicitly stated in the comics.” 
“Exactly. I have no idea how old Marcus is, only that he’s designed to resemble someone in his early 20s. But he’s still got the maturity and responsibility of someone our age. It’s a moral conundrum.” 
Chase looked back up again. 
“Hey, why aren’t you tied up and stuff?”
“Uh,” Oliver hesitated, trying to come up with a reason, “I-I mean, why should I know? But if I had to take a guess, I’d say it’s because he knows I don’t have bionics and he couldn’t stop my powers if he wanted to,” He rushed out. Reminded him of Kaz after seeing a movie.
“He knows you’re not bionic?” Chase asked urgently. 
“Nope. He scanned me, didn’t find a chip,” Oliver explained. 
The room fell silent after that, allowing Oliver to scan it. 
The table that Chase was strapped to was up against the wall, with a computer desk at the opposite wall. The back wall was pretty much blank, save for a single piece of paper taped to the wall.
Oliver quietly stepped closer to get a better look at it. 
It looked like a blueprint of some kind, only on white paper. It was too complicated for Oliver to understand. Any robotics he’d done, he was just messing around. He’d never actually looked at or made a proper blueprint. 
Chase probably understood it, even without his chip. 
“Once Marcus goes to sleep, you can get us out with your super strength.”
“Right,” Oliver said. “Uh… You should stay,” Oliver said. “Marcus will just capture you again if you don’t.”
“Not if we dismantle him.”
“I’m not doing that,” Oliver responded. “He’s basically a person. That’s murder, Chase.” 
“I dismantled my androids,” Chase said, as if it were some sort of excuse. 
“This is different.” 
“How is it different?” 
“It just is!” Oliver snapped. “It’s different! Okay? We’re not killing Marcus!” This released more than Oliver expected. “There were androids at Mighty Med. And them dying was just as devastating as anyone else. I know you probably see him, and all other androids as beneath you, but I come from a place where everyone is equal.  “And you can’t even take a team vote on this, because Skylar and Kaz will agree with me. We’ll never kill, that’s not who we are, we save people.”
“One is better than many!” Chase reacted. 
“We’re not killing Marcus,” Oliver repeated. “Mighty Max is equipped to hold someone like him. I’ll have to get my communicator, but I’ll come back for you.” 
It was weird. Oliver was saying the words because he knew he was supposed to, but he could feel how empty they were. It was like he was lying instinctively. 
“Fine,” Chase said begrudgingly. 
Soon enough, Oliver left the room. He didn’t have to use his superstrength, he just turned the knob. 
As soon as the door shut, he could hear Marcus. 
“Finally!” Marcus exclaimed. “Was starting to get worried for a second.” 
“About what?”
“Oh, those walls are enforced to withstand even my superstrength, which is probably stronger than yours. Don’t want you getting hurt, now do we?” 
“You were worried I was going to escape,” Oliver translated, although it was more of an assumption. 
“No,” Marcus said. “You’re allowed to leave at any time. I won’t stop you.” 
“Seriously?” Oliver asked, disbelieving. 
“Of course. I mean, if you leave, I’ll just move hideouts again. No harm done,” Marcus said. 
“And if I don’t leave?” Oliver asks. 
“I dunno, might still move, haven’t decided yet,” Marcus said. “Like I said, there’s a bed here for you, if you want it.” 
“You’re serious about that?”
“Deadly,” Marcus said. “No, not that serious, but yes, I am serious.” 
“I’d have to leave anyway,” Oliver said, “There’s all my stuff at home.” 
“I trust you,” Marcus said again.
“Why?” Oliver asked.
“I already told you; I know you better than you know yourself.” 
“I, uh,” Oliver started, honestly not knowing how he was going to end the sentence. “I don’t know my way home.” Marcus laughed slightly. 
“You want me to take you?” 
Oliver didn’t answer, but Marcus took that as a yes— as he should’ve. 
They left the building and Marcus scooped Oliver up, much like he had before. He sped Oliver home. 
He dropped Oliver in an alley a few blocks from his house. 
“You should be able to find your way back from here, yeah?” 
“Uh, I mean, yeah, probably,” Oliver said awkwardly, still feeling strange in Marcus’s arms. 
Luckily, that didn’t last too long, since Marcus put Oliver back onto his feet. 
“If you’re still thinking on it, you know where to find me.” Marcus sped back off in the direction they came from. 
Oliver stood for a second, stunned and, admittedly, flustered. After a moment, he shook it off and launched into flight. He was only a couple of blocks away from the building, as he learned once he was higher up. Even so, he just flew the rest of the way home. 
He stopped in front of his building and managed to land semi-well before going inside. 
It had been longer than he had expected, the sun was just about down. 
Unexpectedly, when he entered the penthouse, he was faced with many frustrated, fearful and worried looks. 
“Where have you been?” Douglas practically yelled. 
“Do you know how worried we’ve been?” Skylar asked. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Kaz asked, being the first to walk up to him. “You know I just lost one of my best friends, what makes you think you could just run off like that?” He shoved Oliver before pulling him into a bone-crushing hug. 
“You could’ve at least taken your phone with you,” Bree said, waving the device in the air. 
“I just needed a little time away,” Oliver said, gently pushing Kaz off of him. “Like Skylar said.”
“Where’d you go?” Skylar asked from the couch. She wasn’t looking at Oliver.
“I just flew around, y’know?” Oliver said. He tried to make a conscious effort not to make it look like he was lying. “I got a little carried away, had to find my way back.” That should excuse how long he’d been gone.
“Chase radioed in again,” Skylar said. Oliver didn’t let himself stiffen up. “You were there.”
“I wasn’t,” Oliver said, shaking his head. “Doesn’t Marcus have vocal manipulation?” 
“But Chase seemed to really believe it was you,” Skylar said, turning to look at him now. “No cyber cloak, no nothing.”
“Isn’t Marcus like… super smart?” Oliver asked, “He probably figured something out. And it’s not like Chase could scan him to see.” He walked forward a bit, trying to seem as natural as possible. “I swear, I wasn’t there,” He said. 
He settled behind the kitchen counter, looking back at his friends. 
“You guys gotta trust me,” He said. 
He pretended that he didn’t know why he was lying. To make himself feel better. He was a good person, he had to be. He saved people. He saved the people who saved people. He’d saved Kaz many times, which also made him someone who saved a person who saved people who saved people. He couldn’t know why he was lying; he was a good person. He was a hero. 
“You’re right,” Bree said. “We should trust you.”
“Good,” Oliver said with a nod. 
He did know. He did know why he was lying.
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leo-dooley-lab-rats · 2 years
Random thoughts on Mighty Med
1. Mighty Med plays off many superhero tropes and ideas. Mostly from the Sliver Age of Comics. An era in comics where stories where silky wacky one-off adventures. Things like Skylar getting her power back and that makes her evil are very Silver Age. Plus, the tone of the show is very campy and silly at times. There is nothing wrong that either.
2. I noticed is that Skylar is incredibly close to Superman. She has of super powers and has weakness to coal(a rock. Kryptonite is just rock). Her civilian look starts out with glasses like Superman. There are some differences like Skylar coming from a planet of all clones. She’s not a reporter. She didn’t grow up on earth. There are still a LOT similarities between Skylar and Superman.
3. I love the fact that superhero comics in the world of Mighty Med are written by future seeing superhero. It’s incredibly meta something you’d see in comics.
4. I love the idea of Superhero hospital. In Marvel, if the hero isn’t apart of Shield(or Sword) or a superhero team, then that hero largely takes care of their own battle scars. In DC, unless they are apart of team, again that hero is on their own. Mighty Med creates unique concept of superhero hospital that could see easily fitting into DC or Marvel. I could even see the title as it’s own Indie comic title. Mighty Med is such amazing concept for comics and superheroes. It allows you see a different side to heroes. What they do in their down time and when they hurt. It’s really interesting.
5. Mighty Med is so underrated. I love Lab Rats, but Mighty Med does get the short end of stick when it comes to fan love and attention. I do think that Mighty Med deserves SO much more attention and love.
6. The writers of Elite Force did not understand the world or characters of Mighty Med at all. This is sort of beating a dead horse, but worth repeating. I just can’t get over how Elite Force misunderstood Mighty Med’s world and characters. The writers of Elite Force appear to have forgotten that Skylar, Kaz, and Oliver are all friends.
Like Oliver became a stocker and totally creep on Skylar when he never was in Mighty Med. He did have crush on her, but he did his best to respect Skylar’s wishes. Like the writers made Oliver overly possessive of both Skylar and Kaz. Granted, Oliver had a bunch of friends blow-up when Mighty Med was destroyed and his mom turned out to be supervillain. That’s a lot of trauma to deal with, but I do not know and I am not quantified to say if it would make Oliver become possessive over his friends. It is still massive character change for Oliver.
In one episode, they made a weird parallel between Oliver and Chase saying that the characters are basically the same character. Chase is book smart yes, but he has very little street smarts and can very socially awkward. Oliver not socially awkward and has great amount of emotional intelligence with a good amount of book smarts. There are some similarities, but fundamentally they are different characters.
7. I still wish we could have seen more Oliver dealing with the fact his mom is the supervillain, Mr. Terror. Like it’s gets a one-off like in Elite Force. We never get to feel the full dramatic weight of that story beat or even really see the story. Most of season two dealt with ultimate reveal to Oliver that his mom is a villain. I am still bitter and upset even now that we don’t get to see this story play out. Mighty Med had at least one more season in it before it was ready for Elite Force.
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lab-trash · 2 years
Mission Creek Mighty Med
Chapter three: The Perry Principal
Chapter List
Despite being there for three days, Skylar, Oliver and Kaz still hadn’t met the principal. Apparently she was sick, but Leo, Adam, Bree and Chase had warned them a bunch of times about her.
And much to everyone’s dismay, she returned. 
“Listen up, Squat Mugs! I was gone for three days, so I gotta make up for the lost time of torture!” She exclaimed. Kaz snickered. “What are you laughing at, tee ball?” She asked, getting in his personal space, making him very uncomfortable. 
“Oh, I just think the idea of that is funny,” He said with another small laugh. His new friends sucked air through their teeth. 
“Oh, well, I think your hair is funny. Who cuts your hair, your mom?”
“No, actually. She thinks that scissors will get stuck in her eye,” Kaz responded with a laugh.
Everyone looked so afraid for him, but Perry laughed.
“I understand that fear,” She said, “Especially when I’m around! You wouldn’t believe how many times my hands have ‘slipped,’ with scissors in my hand,” She said, stepping away from Kaz. Chase, Bree and Leo watched in amazement and fear.
“Hey, me too!” Adam said with a smile. 
“Well, I should get to my office. There’s some fungus I’ve been nursing back to health,” She said with a laugh before marching off to her office. 
The three stared in amazement. 
“How did you do that?” Leo asked, eyes wide. Kaz shrugged.
“I dunno,” He said, “But my boss says I charm everyone,” He said with another laugh.
He may have winked at Chase. But Chase may have been mistaken.
“He said he’s surprised you haven’t accidentally harmed anyone,” Oliver corrected. Kaz shrugged, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
“Well, both are true,” He said with a laugh. 
“What are you talking about?” Skylar asked. “Remember ‘Leslie?’ He almost killed you.”
“That doesn’t count! That was on purpose!” He exclaimed. Immediately the bionic humans fell into worry.
“You almost got killed?” Bree asked. Kaz chuckled and put his hand on Bree’s shoulder. 
“Multiple times,” He said before Bree swatted his hand away.
“What happened?” Chase asked, “Are you alright?” He added, stepping a bit closer. Kaz took a step back, making Chase immediately feel self conscious.
“Yeah, don’t worry about it, I’m fine,” He said through a small laugh. “I had people to help me through it.”
“Yeah,” Oliver said, somewhat bitter, “It gets easy after a while.”
“You’ve saved his life?” Bree asked. Oliver nodded admittedly. “You just got cuter,” She teased, making Chase and Kaz roll their eyes in unison.
“Hey, I helped!” Skylar said defensively. 
“I never said you weren’t cute,” Bree said, although Chase thought she was just people pleasing. 
“Yeah, Connie, don’t worry,” Oliver said, “You’re cute.”
“I know what you think,” Skylar said. 
“I’d say you’re cute, but I just think you’re cool,” Kaz said with a shrug. He confused stares. “No offence, Connie,” He added, although she knew it was just because he liked men.
He probably just wasn’t ready to be out at this new school yet. Like he hadn’t been at their old school. 
“Next time you’re in trouble, you can call us,” Chase said to Kaz. “We’ll help in any way we can.” Bree hit him in the chest and he hit her arm in return. 
“Oh, thanks,” Kaz said, “But I wouldn’t want you getting in trouble. And I have a lot of powerful friends, you wouldn’t even believe,” He said with a laugh. “Right, Oliver?” Oliver glared at him.
“Right,” He said, annoyed. 
  Kaz’s next interaction with Principal Perry was just as pleasant and confusing. 
He, being Kaz, put a dead mouse on her desk. He thought it was hilarious, and even signed his entire first and last name.
Well, he tried to sign his full name, but got tripped up. So he just signed his nickname.
He didn’t even know how she reacted until she left her office, the mouse in hand.
“Whoever Kaz is, who left this mouse on my desk!” She started. Kaz was immediately pushed forward by Oliver and Adam, turning in their friend. “Thanks!” She said with a laugh. “My cats love it when I bring them little treats!” 
The bionic kids, plus Leo, were extra confused. 
Kaz would’ve responded, almost equally as confused, but Perry spoke up. 
“What’re you lookin’ at, Dooley?” She asked Leo, who put his hands up defensively as she stomped away. 
Mr Davenport’s kids all approached Kaz in confusion.
“Okay, that one… I have no idea, that prank totally backfired,” He said with a laugh. Adam and Chase’s face lit up.
“Oh no…” Bree muttered as Chase leaned close to Kaz.
Kaz might’ve been flustered. But that doesn’t matter.
“We pull pranks like that all the time, you should totally join us,” He said with a smile that Kaz felt was contagious. “Just not on Perry. You haven’t seen it, but we’re pretty sure she’s killed some people.”
“That sounds…” He paused, making Chase anxious. “Awesome!” He exclaimed, making Chase’s smile return to his face. “But, I have to be honest. Oliver and Connie are also amazing at pranking,” He said, motioning to his friends. “Well, Skylar is. Oliver’s only okay.”
“Wha— Seriously Kaz? You know I’m the Governor of Giggles— You admitted it to yourself!” Kaz turned to him.
“Yeah! When I thought the world was ending! I thought we, and everyone else, were going to die, I was trying to make you feel better!”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Chase said, putting his hand up, “Why did you think the world was ending?” He asked. Skylar laughed, putting her hand up. 
“That would be my prank,” She said. Kaz nodded.
“She’s got a gift,” He said, putting his hand to his heart. 
 After that, the Davenports learned that, by some magical reason, Kaz just could not get in trouble by Principal Perry. No matter what he did, it was just appreciated.
It was honestly a nice change of pace for him. He always got in trouble with Principal Howard at their old school. He almost got suspended three times in a month, but he managed to talk his way out of it. 
Chase theorised that it was because of Kaz’s experience with inmates. Two of Kaz’s brothers and one of his sisters were in jail, and he visited them sometimes. He’d met many inmates. 
Maybe he had some sort of weird connection to them.
According to Chase, Perry definitely should’ve been in prison, and it was the only explanation that he could come up with.
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Secret {Lab Rats: Elite Force}
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Requested: Hey, hope you're taking Lab Rats Elite Force asks if not I'm sorry just ignore this, but I wanted to request a Kas x reader where they're secretly dating (because of Chase's comment on the group dynamic if any of them dated) but the others are slowing finding out one by one, like how they'd find out and who'd be first? Thank you in advance babes!
Pairing: Kaz x Reader
Warnings: Minor mature scene (because I couldn’t help it), few swears (again, because I couldn’t help it)
Words: 4.3K
A/N: One out of many, many requests done :)
You sighed in content as you basked in the silence, fingers running through Kaz’s hair who laid his head on your lap. It was one of those rare moments where you got time to yourselves and you could just enjoy it without interference. The rest of the team had gone to bed while you and Kaz had opted to stay up for another hour or so. Much to Chase’s annoyance, he thought that every team member should get adequate sleep in order to perform well on missions. Not that anyone really cares half the time but this time everyone was just tired from today’s mission. And it gave you the opportunity to spend time together without anyone seeing.
Here’s the thing, you and Kaz were dating, secretly, because you didn’t want to risk ruining the team’s dynamic, as Chase put it. Although you would never break up with Kaz, you were way to in love with him to do that. You just didn’t want things to be weird with the group, and you didn’t want to deal with Chase’s nagging. Besides, it felt nice to just have this between the two of you without interruptions, without worry of any sort of judgement. Living with other people meant you hardly ever had any secrets to yourself.
You glanced down and saw Kaz had his eyes closed, your fingers still weaving through his soft hair. He absolutely loved when you did that, it always calmed him down. It was so peaceful being here with you, no missions, no loud noises, just peace and quiet. You cracked a small smile at how content he looked, you were happy that the two of you could just be here like this.
“I can feel you staring,” He mumbled sleepily.
“I can’t help it that you’re cute,” You replied, smiling wider.
“Fair enough,” He chuckled.
You rolled your eyes and removed your hand from his hair, flicking him lightly on the forehead. “Hey!” He cried, eyes opening. “I was really enjoying this.”
“You were getting a little too cocky for my liking. Anyway, we should probably get going to bed,” You told him.
“No! Ten more minutes, we hardly get time to ourselves,” He whined.
“I know but we have training tomorrow and if we’re tired, Chase’ll definitely bitch about it. Also, someone could come down at any minute and see us,” You said.
“I know but can’t we just have five more minutes?” He asked, giving you his puppy dog eyes.
You could never resist those eyes, you gave in quickly and he gave a little cheer before reaching up to kiss you. You leaned into the kiss, fingers once again finding his soft hair, his hand resting on the nape of your neck. He moaned lightly into the kiss, loving the feeling of your fingers raking through his hair and gently messaging his scalp. He broke the kiss, almost whimpering when his head lost contact with your fingers again. He sat up and leaned against the couch, reaching over to grab your hand before pulling you to straddle his lap. You hummed in amusement and wrapped your arms around his neck, knowing exactly where this was heading. You leaned in and kissed him once more, hands playing with the hair on the back of his head. You heard another low moan come from him, his hands on your waist gave a gentle squeeze which earned a whimper from you. You shifted on his lap to sit more comfortably, unintentionally drawing out a low growl from Kaz. His grip on your hips tightened and he held you tightly against him, moving his hips against yours. Okay, now you were very excited but you couldn’t just do something like this out in the open, you could get caught.
You tried breaking away from the kiss but he just brought you back in, his soft lips were very enticing. And when he slipped his tongue in your mouth, well you turned into putty in his hold. Yeah you were definitely going to this here, besides everyone’s asleep, there was no way you’d get caught.
“Woah, that’s something I never wanna see again,” A voice exclaimed.
The two of you jumped away from each other, you both looked like deer caught in headlights. Bree stood in front on you two, hand covering her eyes to block what you two were doing. Shit, how were you going to explain this to her?
“W-We can explain!” You exclaimed.
“What? That you two were just making out?” Bree said, eyebrows raised and finger pointing back and forth between you two.
“Yeah pretty much,” Kaz replied in defeat, there was no getting out of this one.
“You can’t say anything, please,” You pleaded.
“Why not? Yeah, it’s pretty gross seeing you two lip-locking but what’s the big deal?” She asked.
“Well we don’t know how the team’ll react and we didn’t want to mess with the dynamic. And we didn’t want to deal with Chase,” Kaz explained.
“Fair enough with the Chase reason but the rest of us? I don’t really think it’s a big deal and you two seem cute together. Also I was waiting for this to happen, you two are way too into each other,” Bree said, shrugging her shoulders.
“Really? Wait, are we that obvious?” You questioned.
“To me you were, but I noticed these things,” She told you.
“Okay, fair enough. But just don’t tell anyone, not yet at least, please?” You pleaded again.
“Sure, I’ll keep your secret until you’re ready. But this, what you were doing, not happening,” She said, reminding you that she had caught you making out.
“Also fair, we’ll go to bed now,” Kaz replied.
She didn’t move, knowing full well that if she left, the two of you were no doubt going to pick up where you left off. I mean, she wasn’t wrong, Kaz had full intentions of bring you back on his lap and kiss you for as long as he could. You heard him sigh in slight disappointment before he got up, you followed along. He grabbed your hand and the two of you headed off to your bedrooms, Bree following close along, completely forgetting why she had come downstairs. Kaz gave you a quick kiss before you two parted to your bedrooms. It made Bree jokingly gag, earning a glare from the two of you.
Relief surged through your entire being when Chase finally dismissed training, you were in dire need of a shower. You loved being a superhero but it was exhausting, especially when Chase liked to push you guys. His excuse being that you needed to be ready for anything, although true, you had a good grip on your powers. You lingered down in mission command with Kaz, everyone else headed up for their much needed showers. Before she left, Bree gave you a knowing look, reminding you to keep it PG. You rolled had rolled your eyes at her and ushered her out, wanting alone time with your boyfriend.
You were both sweaty so that made it less gross when he wrapped his arms around your waist and yours around his neck. He gave you a goofy smile before leaning down to kiss you gently. You sighed in content when he pulled away, you loved these little moments you shared with Kaz.
“I love you,” You said.
“I love you too,” He replied, wearing that same goofy smile you adored.
“So, wanna get food and then see a movie?” You asked.
“Absolutely, but first we shower,” He responded.
“Definitely, you stink,” You joked, pulling away.
“You’re one to talk, you smell terrible,” He mocked back.
“I’ll have you know I always smell like roses, you on the other hand,” You scoffed.
“Like rotting roses. And I always smell great,” He continued to joke.
“Just go shower, you dork,” You said, pushing him towards the hyperlift.
You walked into the living room, fresh and clean and one of your best casual outfits. You didn’t want to give away suspicion by being overly dressed, your teammates were sure to ask questions. Kaz was sitting on the couch, on his phone, patiently waiting for you. You smiled widely and walked over to him, nudging his leg with your foot to get his attention.
“Ready?” You asked.
“Yup,” He said, getting up from the couch.
“Where you two headed?” You heard someone ask.
You turned to the source of the voice and looked at Oliver who was standing in the kitchen. “We were just thinking about getting a bite to eat.”
“Oh cool, I’m starving,” He said, inviting himself along.
“Yeah sure, why don’t we bring everyone else along,” You muttered, kind of upset that he decided to tag along.
“That’s a good idea, I’m sure they’re hungry too,” He cheered, grinning widely before walking off to get the others.
“That’s awesome, you go do that,” You mumbled in fake glee.
“Awe, it won’t be so bad,” Kaz said, wrapping his arm around your waist in an attempt to cheer you up.
“I know but I want to be alone with you,” You looked up at him and pouted.
“We’ll get plenty of alone time,” He replied before leaning down to kiss you sweetly.
You smiled through the kiss, no longer feeling as upset as before because he was right. You pulled away after a couple of moments and then rested your head on his shoulder. You had your arms wrapped around his torso and his around you, hands resting on your lower back.
“They said they’re down,” You heard Oliver say, coming back into the living room. “Woah, what’s going on here?”
You broke away from Kaz in a hurry, mostly because Oliver’s sudden appearance scared you a bit. You stared at him in defeat, you didn’t have an excuse in mind. How is it that two of your teammates have discovered you in less than two days?
“We’re dating,” You said bluntly, lacing your fingers with Kaz’s.
“Really? When did this happen? How come I didn’t know?” He asked, waving his hands around in a frenzy.
“Yeah really,” Kaz answered casually, nodding his head like his best friend wasn’t freaking out about this.
“And we haven’t really told anyone because well we didn’t know how you’d react,” You continued.
“What’d you mean? Skylar and I are together and everyone’s cool with it,” He said, not understanding the big deal.
“Well, everyone expected that. But we just didn’t want to change anything in the team’s dynamic, I mean two couples on the team,” You told him.
“Okay, fair enough, but I don’t think it’s weird, I’m in shock yeah, but not weird. And now we can double date!” He cheered.
“Yeah, that’s not happening,” Kaz said, nodding his head with a disdain look on his face.
“And only you and Bree know because she found out yesterday,” You explained. “And you have to keep it a secret.”
“Okay, I won’t say anything, but the double date offer still stands,” He said.
“Who’s going on a double date?” Someone asked.
The others had come into the living room now, they were all ready to get go food. “Ah, I said if Kaz ever gets a girlfriend, we can go on a double date.” Oliver covered, turning around to face the others.
“And I said no. Anyway, let’s go eat!” Kaz replied, walking towards the door to leave.
They shrugged and followed along, you and Bree walked together. “So, he knows?” She asked in a hushed tone.
“Yup, saw us together,” You answered.
She nodded in okay and that was the end of that conversation, not wanting to say more and accidently out you two.
Even though it wasn’t just you and Kaz together, lunch was still enjoyable with your friends. Although it didn’t stop you from holding Kaz’s hand under the table. You wondered if the two of you could sneak away and catch that movie. You could’ve, had your friends not suggested they do something else after lunch. Maybe you should just tell them about your relationship, at least then you could get some alone time.
You were back walking around in the city, you and Kaz stayed in the back while your friends threw suggestions around on what to do. You were kind of happy because they were distracted from the two of you. It gave you the opportunity to discretely hold Kaz’s hand without them knowing. It didn’t last long because Skylar looked back at the two of you. You pulled your hand away before she could notice and gave her a sweet smile which she returned.
“Do you guys wanna try an escape room?” She asked.
“Oh, sounds fun but Chase would probably solve and ruin it in a matter of seconds. No offense,” You replied.
“None take cause you’re not wrong. Which is why I suggested we go to the Science Museum,” He said.
“Not a chance,” Kaz replied.
“We could go to arcade,” Oliver suggested.
“Now that sounds fun,” Kaz agreed.
“I’m in,” You said.
“Me too,” Bree concurred.
“Okay, that does sound fun,” Chase said, giving in.
“Then it’s settled,” Oliver cheered.
Once again you weren’t exactly alone with each other but it made it easier to sneak around. When you got there, Bree suggested the six of you break into teams; the classic girls vs boys. Oliver suggested three teams of two, mainly because he wanted to be on a team with Skylar. You didn’t understand why everything had to be competition between them all. Nonetheless, you teamed up with Kaz because he’s your boyfriend of course. And that left Bree and Chase as a team, which they didn’t mind, already boasting that they’d be victorious.
It was fun, for a while the two of you were coming in lead before being surpassed by Oliver and Skylar. But they were soon surpassed by Bree and Chase who you had to admit were the two most competitive people you’ve ever met. I mean after they stopped fighting and actually listening to each other’s ideas, they were crushing it. Eventually they beat you all by many, many points so you just declared them the winners. And after that, you guys just decided to play for fun with whoever. This gave you the perfect opportunity to be alone with Kaz and the two of you snuck away before the others could notice. But not even seconds after you were alone, Kaz got distracted by a claw machine and became determine to get something.
You rolled your eyes at him but nonetheless joined him. There were a couple of times he came close to getting something. And you would groan in frustration with him whenever the prize slipped through the claw.
“Hey, I’m going to the bathroom, be right back,” You said, placing a kiss on his cheek before you left.  
When you came out of the bathroom, your boyfriend was there, patiently waiting for you. He looked at you with an innocent smile, standing straight with his hands behind his back. That made you suspicious, usually when he looked like that, he’d done something he didn’t want you to know about.
“Kaz… what did you do?” You asked cautiously.
His smile turned into a frown. “Why do you assume I did something?”
“Uh because that’s the same look you gave me when you broke my tablet last month,” You answered.
“That was an accident. Anyway, I wanted to give you this,” He said, pulling out a plush penguin and handing it to you.
“Oh my god, its so cute. Thank you, best boyfriend ever,” You hugged him tightly, arms wrapping around his torso.
“Anything for you,” He replied, hugging back just as tightly.
“We should probably find the other before one of them accidentally finds us,” You said after pulling away.
He agreed and the two of you left to find your friends which wasn’t that hard since you all kind of met halfway.
“There you guys are, where were you and why’d you sneak off?” Skylar asked, confused look on her face.
“We got distracted by a claw machine,” You answered smoothly.
Chase immediately got into a rant on how to easily beat a claw machine which made you all groan and walk away. He chased right after you all, calling you all out for so easily ditching him. Bree made some snarky joke about him being a nerd which made you stifle a laugh into the back of your hand. Chase scoffed and mumbled something under his breath, probably something about being superior. You went home shortly after, deciding that you had enough fun for the day.
You had dinner at home and then watched a couple of movies for the duration of the night. The lights were off which was great, you and Kaz were occupying a couch. Skyler and Oliver had the other and Chase and Bree sat on the floor, hogging the popcorn. With the lights off, it made it easier to cuddle without worrying about the others seeing. When it hit eleven o’clock, Chase called it quits and ushered everyone off to bed, which made you all groan. It was only eleven but he argued his usual point, you all needed to be sharp and alert in case they get called into a mission.
You sighed and broke away from Kaz before the lights came back on and they saw you two being extra friendly towards each other. The tv was shut off and the glasses and bowls were cleared before everyone started heading off to bed. You and Kaz lingered back a bit, making sure everyone was out of sight. You stayed on the couch for a bit, Kaz laying on his back while you lied on top of him. Once again, night time was one of the few times a day you got to yourselves. You had your head resting on his chest, listening to his heartbeat which, due to his powers, was beating at an irregular pace. You closed your eyes, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere, and before you knew it, you fell asleep.
Kaz glanced down to see you fast asleep, finding you incredibly adorable when you’re asleep. He couldn’t bring himself to walk you up and simply draped a blanket over the two of you, falling asleep soon after. This wasn’t the first time the two of you ended up asleep on the couch together. Whenever that happened, one of you always made sure to get up before the others did. This time, however, both of you forgot about that and were woken up by someone else. Kaz woke up first when he felt someone shake the two of you awake. In front of him stood Skylar, hands on her hips as she looked at the two of you with a questioning look. He looked at her and then back to you, who was still sound asleep, and then back up to her.
“Yeah, if you're wondering what this is, it’s exactly what it looks like,” Kaz said.
“You know I had a feeling you two were together,” She said, confirming her own suspicions. “But, why are you guys keeping it a secret?”
“Because, Chase made that whole ‘it’ll ruin the team dynamic if any of us were to date’ speech. We didn’t want anything to change within the team,” He explained.
“Nothing changed when Oliver and I started dating, why would if be different with you guys?” She asked bewildered.
“Mmm, because we all expected that,” You mumbled sleepily. “What time is it?”
“It’s actually still pretty early and the others are still asleep, so you’re in the clear,” Skylar said, knowing what you were thinking.
“Doesn’t really matter now because now the only person who doesn’t know is Chase but we might as well just tell him,” You told her.
“Wait, I’m third to find out? Who found out first? If it was Oliver I swear to god,” She huffed.
“No it was Bree, and believe me, you did not want to be the first,” Kaz said.
You turned red as you remembered the night Bree caught you two making out. In your defense, it was all Kaz’s fault, and that sarcastic look you gave him told him just that. He had a smug look on his face, clearly proud of his actions from a couple nights ago. You stuck your tongue out at him before getting up, stretching and popping your joints. Kaz sat up, same smug smile still on his face, you just rolled your eyed at him and walked away to get ready for the day. You headed straight to the shower while you saw Kaz lie back down.
After you finished showering and getting ready, you headed back downstairs, running into Bree along the way. Downstairs, Oliver and Chase were also up now, having breakfast with Skylar and Kaz. You walked over to the kitchen to make yourself a bowl of cereal before taking a seat next to Kaz. Bree came soon after and joined you guys at the table. Now that pretty much everyone knew about your relationship, you openly grabbed his hand that was resting on the table. He looked a bit surprised but fully supported your intentions. Guess now was as good a time as ever to officially announce your relationship, and you really wanted to see what kind of reaction you’d get out Chase.
“So, um, I guess we should officially say that Kaz and I are dating,” You spoke, looking over at Kaz with a gentle smile.
“What? Wait, when did this happen?” Chase asked, showing the reaction you expected.
“Oh, about time, I was wondering how long you guy would keep this a secret,” Bree said, smiling widely.
“You knew? Who else knew?” Chase wondered.
“I did,” Oliver answered.
“Me too, found out like an hour ago actually,” Skylar told him.
“What? How come I was last to know?” He asked frantically.
“Because, it’s funny when you’re the last to know,” Kaz quipped.
“Haha, hilarious. But seriously, why’d you hide it?” Chase questioned.
“Well when you said that team members shouldn’t date because it would mess with our team’s vibe, it made us cautious. We didn’t want that to happen so we decided to just be together in secret,” You explained.
“Okay, that’s my fault. But I was wrong, when Skylar and Oliver started dating, nothing changed. I mean sure they had a few fights on missions but it all worked out in the end. So there’s nothing wrong with you two dating,” He told you.
You smiled when you heard that, that’s exactly what you needed. You looked back at Kaz, smile widening now that you didn’t have to be so secretive.
“Great, now that that’s out of the way. How did this even happen?” Bree asked, point at the two of you.
“Ah well, I can answer that,” Kaz started. “It was before the final battle between us and Rodissius. I knew that there was a great chance that we wouldn’t survive and I didn’t want to go out without telling {Name} how I felt about her,” Kaz told them, squeezing your hand.
You scooted closer to him and leaned against him, resting your head on his shoulder. You remembered that day like it was yesterday, one of your favorite memories. The six of you were all beaten and bruised, completely exhausted from all the fighting. Rodissius had kidnapped Chase in the hopes of getting his powers back, like he did with Skylar. But in doing so, he set off the final battle between both sides. There was no way your team was letting him get his powers back, and you would do everything in your will to make sure it didn't happen. But it was a battle you weren’t sure who would come out of it alive. Before you all left to rescue Chase and defeat Rodissius, Kaz pulled you aside.
“Look {Name}, this is going to be our hardest battle yet and we might not make it alive,” He said seriously.
There were few times you’ve ever seen Kaz so serious, and you always hated it. It always meant that the situation was very dire and right now you just needed some positivity. “Kaz, don’t say that, everything will be-”
“We don’t know that but just in case, I wanna do this before we die,” He said.
Before you could say anything, he placed his hand on your cheeks and pulled you in for a kiss. Your eyes widened in surprise but they soon closed, and you kissed back. You never in a million years thought that Kaz would feel the same way you do, and here he was proving you wrong. The kiss ended too soon in your opinion but it had been the damn best kiss you’ve ever had.  
“I’m so glad you feel the same way, otherwise that would’ve been so awkward,” He spoke after a few seconds.
You laughed a little, his humor always cheered you up when you needed it. “Yeah, lucky you. But we have to believe that everything’ll be fine, okay?”
“Yeah but, you know, just in case,” He replied, once again kissing you.
“Kaz that’s so sweet,” Skylar awed. “Also that was 7 months ago, how’d you two manage to keep it a secret that long?”
You both shrugged because honestly you don’t know, in the beginning you half expected everyone to find out within a month. But hey, at least now you could openly show your boyfriend affection. You looked up at him and gave him a sweet peck on his lips, earning groans from the others.
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