#I hate this show and its fans so bad
plenaurum · 11 months
I just saw a D*mon stan say that Zach's death is "on Stefan" because he left Zach with D*mon to go see Elena.
This is what I mean about a lot of D*mon stans. They can't accept the fact that D*mon has shown repeatedly that he is not a good person, and that every thing that D*mon has done is because of himself. So they recontextualize and jump through hoops to stop from holding D*mon accountable for his own actions. Hell, D*mon even told Stefan in Season 1 to stop blaming himself for everything D*mon does.
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It's RIGHT THERE on the show.
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bananonbinary · 7 months
Once More With Feeling (buffy the vampire slayer) pisses me off so much because Wish I Could Stay is a fucking bop and it gets stuck in my head all the time but unfortunately i vehemently disagree philosophically with everything in it
which is sort of the problem with btvs as a whole tbh, a very well made, very compelling show that is nonetheless wrong in so many irritating ways i dont even know where to start bitching about it
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faunandfloraas · 4 months
Full offense but fans who get to go to fanmeets or performances and get close enough to take pictures and then proceed to whitewash the boys or maybe even face app their features so a nose looks smaller or sharper, skin texture is non existant, etc etc. Are literally bastards to me. You don't deserve to be there.
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strawberryscorp · 7 months
albus comes home after having a bad day and collapses into scorpius's arms
scorpius could be doing anything but he'd pause and play with albus's hair while letting him rant about his day
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sonknuxadow · 14 days
my feelings on sonic boom (the show to be specific, im not really familiar with the games. #fakefanalert) are so complicated these days like there are things i like about sonic boom. i wouldnt revisit it every time i cant find anything else to watch if i hated it . but sometimes the characterizations in boom really bother me . like i dont think their personalities being a bit different is an inherently bad thing i understand its an alternate universe where the characters have been living completely different lives, and its also a comedy show so things are often gonna be exaggerated for the joke. but i hate how some of these characterizations that do not work well for the mainline characters impact peoples view of those versions of the characters anyway and sometimes even bleed into the games themselves
basically every time i see someone call knuckles a himbo or amy a girlboss mom friend i look at sonic boom and go THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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shoechoe · 5 months
reading the invader zim comics you can tell they absolutely love the fact that they're allowed to have blood now
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orcelito · 14 days
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Losing my mind at how when Sasuke almost dies, he's remembering his relationship with Naruto, INCLUDING when they (accidentally) kissed. Like, that is a noteworthy enough memory for him that he's thinking of it as he thinks he's dying. Come On Man.
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Then Naruto cradling Sasuke to his chest as Sasuke laments not getting his revenge, then tells Naruto not to die... and then Naruto loses his absolute SHIT......
Like what do you MEANNNNN this isn't a tragic romance 😭😭😭😭 I'm losing my Mind !!!! 😭😭😭😭😭
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flwrshee · 8 months
the engene at school is so weird
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excitedrainbow · 8 months
so so excited for Burrow’s End and so so frustrated with the biggest parasocial fans telling anyone who was discussing what other TTRPG systems could be used that they should never question the expert GMs, please just leave us to our (loving!) conversations!
there are always going to be dickheads who talk shit and rudely tag in the people/performers they’re referring to, but most of the time any fan critique or discussion I see of D20 comes out of being big fans of both the show and TTRPGs, is super respectful, and no one is tagging in anyone involved with the show. yeah some of us get tired of how often DnD is used in the recent games, because it isn’t always the best system for the story and there LOADS of other TTRPGs that would be cool to use!
for this season, most of the discussion went DnD???? Again???? > wait it looks like there’s a bunch of combat and monsters > probably not suited for Wanderhome/other suggested TTRPGs > what other animal TTRPGs could work > Aabria is an incredible GM and she’s worked with other systems before so her choice of DnD for this story is interesting, let’s see how this works out for the story > oooh this is what Aabria has said about using DnD, ok cool, can’t wait to be emotionally hurt im so tired of seeing a loud minority of people increasingly butting in on respectful conversations to say “they like DnD! they play however they want to! they’re the performers why do you question their choices?” Or “omg how dare you have the audacity to question them” or other bullshit like that. if all you want to do is never have conversations about TTRPGs or cast/GM choices etc. and never want to hear any respectful critique or discussion then I think your fandom experience is going to be poorer, but that’s your choice. you don’t have to start shit with other people just because you can’t stand that they’re lovingly but thoroughly discussing/critiquing this form of media and not putting the cast on pedestals. parasocial attachments to vaguely famous people aren’t new things but god they are getting worse and making the experience of fandom more awful
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bahoreal · 9 months
The worst part about the s2 trailer is finding out people I thought were cool were Izzy fans. Izzy is an abuser and a racist. You're fucking gross. Disappointed.
you spend too much time on the internet
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thedevotionaltour · 2 months
marvel should hire me to write bc i'd pull the funniest thing on earth where i am wiping his catholic slate CLEAN and i would explcitily have him go ehhhh i've never really been religious me and my dad went some easters and christmases and attended a few services outside of that but that stopped by the time i was around 10 and my dad just kinda gave up on it because he didn't particularly want to go by that point either. and even then we hadn't gone every year for easter and christmas in that time frame. and then we never bring that shit up again in the story. he is only catholic in the sense he went a few times and it's the only church experience he knew and his dad probably grew up going to church more in his youth being dragged in by his family but he never felt particularly compelled to go back to it once he moved out on his own. catholic only in the fact that his family was irish catholic but his dad is a lapsed catholic who did not give a fuuuuuck
#based off my own father's filipino catholic experiences. and my own religious experiences in general. bc my mom's protestant but still didnt#raise me religiously. i've been to church a handful of times and it was never bad but it never ever stuck. i just kinda remember some stuff#and what i do know it's more from the general cultural osmosis of american christianity than anything#plus i grew up in a known for its religiosity suburb. but again. that still didnt really rub off on me.#in my mind jack is a guy who when entering a church will still dip his fingers in the holy water and cross with it#and matt watches and maybe mimics but he doesnt really get it still bc their service attendance has been so extremely infrequent.#so i imagine it's far more like that for matt than the insane bs they've been pullin the last few years. given the you know.#50 somethings years of established only really culturally casually catholic matt. bc well. why wouldnt he be new york irish catholic.#i imagine is the thought process. but i will never be a fan of how it's a big deal now. bc it just never has been. ever#and that's not to say a character cannot become religious or be religious or have it become more of a thing in their life!#very much it can be done. but i think it's been done piss poor. from all i've seen and what i've read of recent stuff. so it's just bad.#like it isnt done in a meaningfully way or sensical to my understanding. it's like. pure show pandering fanon appeal.#so it's utterly meaningless as a whole with no point or purpose aside from it#can we go back to just using it for cool art visuals bc i think we can all appreciate a cool splash page of a church fight and stuff#but please. dont try to make it more than that if you arent going to do it well#SORRY I KNOW EVERYONE ON PLANET DD HAS MADE THIS POST BUT I REMEMBER AND GET SOOOOO IRRITATED!!!!! IT'S SO STUPID POINTLESS DUMB I HATE ITT#static.soundz
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brokenhardies · 3 months
tbh as a six fan i feel so bad for thirteen fans
bc there are a lot of thirteen fans who are willing to defend shitty writing and poor decisions bc thirteen's their favourite doctor and there's no other way to say she's their favourite bc thirteen has only been off the air for 2 years at this point. thirteen also has the bonus problem of being the first female doctor which means a lot of her criticism is clouded by misogyny and other icky incel alt right shit
meanwhile with six, a lot of his problems had the benefit of the wilderness years, big finish, the expanded universe, and even people looking back at his doctor and realising that there was some good in his episodes. a lot of his fans didnt become his fans until recently and even most of his haters are quite clear that they hate the writing decisions and not the actor himself
like until jodie gets some good material - maybe big finish? theyre doing fugitive doctor and dhawan master stuff that might improve the problems with those - a lot of thirteen fans are going to be clutching at straws and trying to figure out why they like her and how to say so in a way that won't upset the predominantly male fandom, as well as won't disagree with common and very bloody obvious criticisms of chibnalls era
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vaugarde · 1 year
i dont doubt ppl are obnoxious about madoka tho lol i can absolutely see that
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paintingformike · 2 years
mike mischaracterization (and even bylers themselves not completely understanding the way byler’s storyline was developed and set up this season) is what leads to so much byler doubt on twt and im tired of watching it happen 🤷‍♀️
#like im gonna be honest...its not just mlvns that are watching the show with their eyes closed#but also a specific subset of bylers who are will fans but hate mike...#most of them dont really bother thinking into why certain narrative choices happened for will and mike’s relationship#and think the duffers just randomly “ruined” their relationship for no reason? 😭#i feel like they dont understand that this tension/conflict between mike and will was still necessary to build up to them getting together#most of them wish their relationship stayed the same as it was in s2#and i do miss that dynamic too. but if there was no build up/tension that led to byler finally getting together#it would also be pretty boring#like mike needed that internal conflict in s3 im sorry. if you understand the way he was written#then you’d know its pretty clear that his arc will be closed through byler too and it makes sense for his character not just will’s#they also think the rain fight was bad for byler and see it only for what it was in surface level: mike being homophobic#like its not even just about him projecting but the fact that they spell it out for you that most of what he was saying in the fight was bs#through hopper’s letter...he did not want to actually grow up and get a girlfriend and outgrow dnd#he was literally scared of things changing between him and will and his true feelings are depicted in that final sequence 😭#and ofc they conveniently forget the painting plot too#like genuinely how could you still be so hopeless when will’s lie is literally whats holding mlvn together...#byler
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acrobattack · 2 months
I know people really really want a bunch of side characters to be part of the main cast or have their own spinoff or something but I really appreciate the original just sticking with the girls all the way through
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cjbolan · 1 year
Anyone else think Aemond was Alicent’s favorite? Seriously he’s the only one of her children she shows any affection to. While mostly ignoring Helena and abusing Aegon.
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