#I hate the popularity of Big Displays of Affection That Fix Everything such as this specific trope
bonefall · 1 year
Does Onestar go to the Dark Forest? Cuz I remember you mentioning you dislike "redemption through death" and he technically did violate Darkstar’s Commandment by abandoning his own kit so :/
No, he does not go to the Dark Forest
They don't instant-damn for single violations of the Warrior Code, though they do blame him for abandoning Darktail and are a lot more pissed about him allowing The Kin to get as bad as it did.
But, this is before the Law of the Lake, and during a time StarClan is much softer. He DOES get a Trial, but not enough of them are FURIOUS angry to enter emotional-override.
It's very... disappointed. Loving but disappointed. Especially from people like Firestar and Tallstar, who wanted Onestar to rule peacefully, and help the other Clans. The people who are angriest with him are the people who loved him the most.
Cats like Skystar think he was great. Cats like his dad Cloudrunner wouldn't damn him.
But I do think they allow Darktail to testify at this trail. He needs to go to the Dark Forest, he's an evil cat who horribly drowned several young warriors, but they will still allow him to say his piece on the cat who abandoned him.
"...And I hope that you all vote to accept him," He says to wide eyes, "Because the worst punishment of all is having everything he denied me. His friends, his family, his leader name. Every time you see him, remember the place he denied me, and remember every warrior I sent here to get my revenge."
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missnobodymadness · 9 months
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Artwork is by Have-You-Gone-Mad
Warning: This post contains OC x Canon, keep scrolling if you dislike these.
Today I feel like talking about one of my own OC x Canon ships, Myline x Itachi, this ship brings me some comfort and I really need that right now. I'd like to talk about their dynamic and for that I will use a few questions I saw on Toy House.
What made me choose Itachi as Myline's lover?
We can't deny Itachi is one of the most popular Naruto characters and even though he is far from being my personal favourite, I felt like he'd be the perfect fit for Myline, not only because of his personality but also life experience. Both are avoidant, Itachi has an extremely hard time getting attached due to the trauma his past decisions and regret enforced on him, involuntarily closing his heart to such "useless" feelings, hiding his hard and cruel truth: The fear of loving and losing again. Yes, I didn't forget about Izumi and neither did I get rid of her in my fanfic, she is part of Itachi's story and will stay like that. Myline was emotionally neglected throughout her emotional and behavioral development, getting her feelings, demonstrations of affection and weaknesses ignored and sometimes even punished, just like Itachi, they were both forced to grow up before their time. Both need an abysmal level of trust to finally allow and give themselves to each other and that's the journey I want to tell.
What are their sexual/romantic orientations?
Myline is a demisexual, Itachi is not mine but I portray him as an asexual personally.
How did they meet?
They meet when Itachi joins Akatsuki, he saves her from Tobi's hands who was about to kill her in a desperate attempt to finally awaken her sharingan. They were 14 and 13 respectively at the time.
How did they get together and who made the first move?
Itachi took the first step, but unintentionally. It was a rainy night and the the conversation between them was taking a more emotional turn and Itachi finally opened up to her about Izumi, his regrets and how much they haunted him, confessing his feelings for Myline indirectly while venting about everything, not expecting her to get it or even reciprocate those feelings, to his big surprise, she understood the message. LOL
What are their love language(s)?
Basically, their relationship pillars are respect, support and mutual help. They are not very pyshical and struggle to express their emotions so they show their love in very peculiar ways. Itachi helps Myline with her hygiene (she truly struggles with it because of her depression) and she helps him with his poor health, worrying a lot about it. Myline always brushes his hair. They also communicate through body language a lot, understanding easily whenever one of them is in need of some personal space or time alone and they will keep their distance until they are ready to come back to each other again.
What's their opinion on PDA (public display of affection)?
They don't do it. Myline hates to demonstrate that kind of affection in public because in her mind, it is like showing her weakness to her enemies, this is a traumatic response from her past, unfortunately.
Do they live together?
No, usually they only see each other whenever they are sent into a mission together and whenever they have a break from missions as Itachi's partner is usually Kisame.
Do they use pet names or cute nicknames?
Myline does, she calls him "her sun and moon".
Do they have a theme song?
Yes! I like to imagine the song "Fix You", from Cosplay, as their relationship theme as I feel like the lyrics fits them very well.
This totally made me feel a lot better today, thank you, I love Tumblr.
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vlads-yuka · 4 years
A few Ikepri suitor theories (hc?)
So just earlier (not really anymore, since this took me a few d a y s) I was talking on discord about who among the suitors would be which type (the mom, yandere, tsundere etc) and since I wrote such a long thing about Rio, I thought I could try to do the same for the others 👉👈
I base my assumptions on translations I found of canon content (as of June 7th) as well as my own understanding of Japanese (I might be wrong about things that I claim canon, so if I do please tell me).
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So it's pretty obvious that Leon is the Ore-sama type basic black haired first guy. I honestly don't have much to say about him, his animal is the Lion, often labeled as the king of animals (how funny haha) so he's going to be very proud and probably use MC just to do his thing and that's it. It's likely he treats MC unfairly and grants you a few misogynistic comments about how useless you are if not to allow him the throne. Eventually, he'll fall in love and become at first awkward af and then probably really sweet and somewhat protective (he has a goal to achieve and his pride won't allow him to let you be hurt in front of him). He'll have some kind of sexy scene when feelings are returned and single handedly resolve whatever drama happens while swearing to protect you and make you happy once everything is over.
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Yves is really awkward. He tries to act tough like he doesn't give a damn but that's to hide that he's too clumsy to say things honestly (unless it comes to Licht). Pretending to be a tsundere, maybe his lack of luck will also come with the fact that being a bitch to everyone draws them away from you, and he's probably scared of hurting the people he cares about with his harsh words, but that's his only way to hide his "weak" self. He actually doesn't feel comfortable with a lot of people so he doesn't bother opening up. He's dense as fuck and doesn't realize that Licht DOESN'T CARE. Once you try hard enough and keep on being nice to him even though he'd expect you to hate him by now, he'll be so thrown off guard that you'll get to see his adorable stuttering messy self. He'll probably threaten you to not spill what you know about this part of him. He'll gradually sweeten and allow himself to touch more MC and he probably has the cutest laugh once he fully opens up. He's not really clingy unless he's sleeping with MC (you're not getting out of the hug until he says so) and will act selfishly from time to time because suddenly he wants a hug but doesn't want to do it in front of everyone. Note that his earring will be an important part of his past and since there's only one of it, it's either that the other is somewhere else or it's originally not an earring and was something else belonging to someone dear to him. He might break/lose it at some point in his route (since he's unlucky). After MC help him trying to fix/find it for his sake he'll grow soft and tell her how she makes him happier than ever by being her lover and he doesn't need it anymore if he has you, thanking you to have let him love you (I'm thinking about that one adorable cg in the trailer where you can't see his earring and I can't tell if it's just hidden or not) and he'll find/have it fixed soon after. He'll probably tell you that being by your side makes him feel better because he's so lucky to have you that it's almost like his usual rotten luck is meaningless (or at least that's what he'll think if he's too embarrassed to say it). He probably needs to be praised (not exaggerated or he'll sulk thinking you're making fun of him) and he'll blush into an adorable mess.
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Licht is that one suitor who thinks he doesn't need anyone (and no one needs or wants him). He's super love deprived and will say mean stuff like he's too cool for you (it's canon he's a kuudere and misanthropist) and sincerely doesn't want to have to do anything with anyone. He's the definition of a lone wolf (funny innit) and will be cold, interested and mean with MC for a good part of the beginning of his route. Now this could go two ways. Either Nokto will reveal you about his/their past (because he's that bitch but he probably cares about him) which will allow you to somewhat find your way inside his shell and let you do something he likes, which would, for once, let him show his pure and cute smile, or something will happen causing him to have to protect you (it may be a real danger, but I'd rather think it would be something not necessarily dangerous but triggering to a trauma) and he'd drop his resting bitch face. I think his case could be similar to Kenshin's. He doesn't dislike people, he just hates that he can't/couldn't protect them. His animal being the wolf, I think Licht would become very protective once in a relationship. Him being the powerful male of you two, he'd act like the leader of a bundle of wolves and protect you as you and him. By that I mean he doesn't protect you especially, he protect what the both of you are, and it's like protecting himself at the same time. I think he'd be really quite but would love nuzzling in private. He's that one prince who's icy to everyone but warm to his lover in private. In the same logic as protecting, he'd make sure that you have everything you need and I can imagine Nokto working a bit behind the scenes too to make sure Licht can open himself in a good environment with MC. I don't think Licht hates Nokto, but I definitely think he'd be mad that Nokto is popular and can keep people around him (and in that way, somewhat protect them) so I can see Nokto understanding that and plotting things so MC can help his brother regain confidence. Licht would be the type to, like wolves, have his lover stick to him all the time, but it wouldn't feel obsessive, it'd feel more natural and protective (he's definitely not a yandere imo). In terms of displays of affection, he wouldn't be too vocal about his feelings (he doesn't know much about it yet, it's not really familiar to him to let himself feel so much) and wouldn't say much in general, he's more of an action person. In public, your hands would probably be GLUED but that's about it. In private he'd definitely hug a lot more than kissing and would be the big spoon most of the time when cuddling.
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I have a feeling Jin is one of those suitors who thinks MC is too pure for him and he shouldn't stain them with however disgusting he thinks he is. I expect him to be a fun mix between Shingen and Arthur and I'm pretty sure his route will be a RIDE. He's absolutely shameless and probably touchy (it's canon he's a boob man, Clavis said it so you better believe it), but I don't think he will with MC. Since he said in his profile he wants to watch MC chose a suitor rather than get involved in becoming king, I think it's going to start by him spending gradually less time with Clavis as he spies on you. Naturally, he'll fall in love (before MC does) and understand quite fast but might take some time to acknowledge it. Something will probably happen like MC randomly tripping or facing a dangerous situation for him to come out of the shadows to protect both her body and her pureness (the type of guy to fight while telling you to not open your eyes and remove your hands from your ears until he says so). Upon you thanking him, he'll go with a bitter smile because he knows he loves it but doesn't deserve it. MC will probably try to make it up to him and so he will spend more and more time being intoxicated with love while trying to push you away. Will come a moment where something bad happens and he realizes that the only way to protect what he wants to protect is with the throne. He'd probably say some cheesy line like "I didn't intend to become the king but I guess it wouldn't be too bad to have you as my wife" and will end up accepting. He'll be a king putting the well-being of the people before his and he'll keep on saying how proud he is of you. In terms of affection, he wouldn't go overboard in public but he'd definitely say some inappropriate stuff in your ear to make you blush in front of important guests. I think he would definitely keep PDA to a minimum because you're his woman and he doesn't want anyone else to see your pleasured face. But boy once you're together between 4 walls he has no self control and doesn't care a single bit if you want to work a little more before sleeping, because you're not going to be able to anyways with him in your bed. An eagle looks like it'd be free spirited and proud so I think this is where his personality will go.
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The information we have on him definitely makes him one of the hardest characters to guess for me, so I'm quite unsure and I'm sorry (I love him tho). For a start, I think a good comparison would be Nobunaga, since the first impression is pretty much the same. Now Chevalier certainly isn't as shameless as Nobu when it comes to touching women (in fact, I think that in the beginning of the route he'd be treating MC with respect but lots of distance). I'm pretty sure I caught him referring to himself as a monster several times, and he's convinced that his core is filth. However, the fact that he's a monster doesn't mean he can't do anything good. The fact that he's often drenched in blood means he fights a lot and this comforts him in his own thought that he's a monster (my best guess is that he's been called so by people in his childhood because he beat some brat up or something and he just decided to stick with it because it's just more convenient than trying to explain why he did), as well as the fact that he probably doesn't smack just anyone and does so it protect his ideals (in that way, he's quite like Mitsuhide). Again, I think that, like Mitsuhide, he overall doesn't bother supporting his acts with saying why he does them, and just does what he thinks is right. Rio mentioned that Chevalier is a late riser and Sariel added that tigers are nocturnal. During night, I think he secretly does some sort of charity stuff (secretly, because it's just laughable to have a monster do charity and he wants to keep acts of light away from his name, that's associated with filth) and probably also beats up some criminals here and there. I think that this would be uncovered a night where MC can't sleep and follows Chevalier out of the castle (maybe she's curious and wants to understand him more, maybe he dropped something) and finds about it. He's not stupid and MC probably is to some extent as usual so he'll notice and will start to tell her why he does this and why he doesn't want it to be known. Following this event MC will start to think that after all he's not just a monster and will stick with him when he goes doing charity at night because you can "Do whatever, it's not my business". While spending time there with you, you'll slowly creep up on his list of things he wants to protect even if he has to stain his hands. Of course, some kind of drama will lead him to have to do it, probably in front of a large number of people and I can see him leaving his sword aside and kneeling to the enemy to protect MC from danger. There, he'll show his sweet side and his desire to see you happy more than anything. Of course, you, who already loved him, will call him out on his bs and tell him you don't want him to be hurt either and you love his beautiful smile. He'll definitely be confused at first but then will take a new breathe and save you, who became a part of him. He'll obviously still think of himself as a monster, but he knows that doesn't mean you can't love him. He won't stop fighting for his ideals, but now that he has to protect himself to protect you, he'll stop being as reckless and definitely will be thankful that you helped him access the throne to pursue his dreams (even though at first everyone told you that you should stay away from him, but you loved seeing his eyes so full whenever he was doing something good). In terms of relationship, Chevalier will be reasonably protective and will trust you to not betray him because "Only you could love a monster like me, and I won't stop loving you either" or something like that. He'll definitely be quite of a tease in private when he wants things to get heated but most of the time it'll just be fluffy with small forehead kisses, hair combing and warm hugs (he's always the big spoon and he's soo warm).
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You heard it, the court's number one problem child is romanceable (and this is so messy wtf I literally can't decypher him at all I feel like I wrote something so wrong for him ugh I'm so sorry). He loves to stir up drama and then sit back to watch and has no shame in doing so. Since MC will, as usual, be kinda dumb and innocent, Clavis will tease her A LOT, and use her to stir up even more shit. No one at the court really likes him (COUGH Sariel COUGH) but some somewhat tolerate him, like Chevalier (but if he goes overboard he'll end him). I mean I say no one important, because he sure has a lot of women swooning over him, but I can see him being all flirty and stuff but then not doing anything because he just doesn't really care, it's for fun (lol). When he mentioned Jin's preference, I think he said that he himself was more of an ass man (he said something like leg or something iirc but bruh we all know what that entails when the other option is boobs). Clavis will propose you to mess up the king election (more like drag you into it), but I'm pretty sure that it's because he knows that something fucked up is happening or bound to happen. It seems he will pull up a Mitsuhide except he drags you into it, probably to have you by his side when shit will go down so he can protect you (since you'll trust him, i guess ?). Everything will go according to plan, except for the fact that he's starting to be fond of you, so instead of just having you into the drama and protect you from afar, he'll start to actively stick with you, which will screw up his plans. I'm honestly not too sure about what will happen but basically he realizes he can't be as carefree as usual when something so big is going on and his love interest is in the middle of it because of him and decides to tell you what is happening so you can untrust yourself to him. I think from this point onwards, you both will somewhat have understood what you feel for each other, but nothing will have been said. Hand holding will be normal, and cuddling too if the situation forces you both to stick together outside and/or hide. He figures he'll just confess properly after everything will be over and he'll get to apologize for getting you into all of this. Once it is actually over, he'll turn into a big romantic (Chevalier but cringe) to start the relationship like it deserves to and then will proceed to tease the shit out of you. Overall he'll be a Mitsuhide or Leonardo type lover in my opinion. Now HEAR ME OUT, have you ever seen a leopard walking ? It's beautiful. He knows it. I can just see him walking while somehow seductively balancing his hips sjshid imagine him crawling on bed djdbjd MY MIND IS GOING DOWN THE GUTTER. He's such a flirty seductive ass but I swear he's loyal he just wants to see your cute pouting face. He's quite blunt when it comes to PDA (that's where the fact that he's an ass man comes in handy if you see me haha I can't help it he has a thot dot) and will not hesitate to straight up make out in public if he thinks it's needed (he's not dumb sjbsix he likes to stir up shit for fun but he wouldn't do something extreme if he knew it would end up bad when there are other ways).
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Two words: skirt-chasing liar. The man painted his nails to have them black when he does the fox/kitsune hand symbol, he's totally trying to have people distrust him. It is mentioned that Nokto's behavior is a great contrast to his past heroic acts. Linking this to what I wrote of Licht, I think he might have been praised for whatever he did and he hated it because he didn't reach his goal (like nobunaga who unites Japan but hates the fact that there are victims nonetheless). What would be the most interesting would be if it was like I hypothesized of Licht, that he couldn't protect someone in particular. In that way, there would be a contrast between Licht feeling like he can't protect anything and Nokto who can protect everything but what he really cares about. Following this logic, his womanizer personality could be explained in the way that by chasing skirts left and right he can feel like he doesn't have anyone important and protect himself from the pain of loving someone too much and the pain of losing them. Now, either the two's traumas are totally different, or it might be the same event; if so, my best guess would be their mother's death. However, Nokto being a womanizer leads me to think that it was actually a love interest that he lost. Being a good liar and trickster (kitsune things), I assume he's good at reading people and is probably very observant of his brother. If his brother even confided in him, I'm pretty sure Nokto would hide his disappointment of not having been able to protect a few people for his brother's sake. I think his route (or at least the beginning of it) would be a mix of Mitsuhide and Arthur's, being some bold flirting at first as a warning because he wants to draw pure MC away from him. I think MC would then be drawn by his caring attitude toward Licht (almost like a big brother, even though he's the 7th prince and Licht is the 6th) and would make him notice how kind he is. Nokto would probably find a way to make her uncomfortable with heavy flirting mixed up with denying but if it repeats, he'll probably just say that he wants to protect the last person he dares to care about. MC would probably see pain and sadness in his gaze and choice of words and kind of like Arthur's route, she'd be drawn to this vulnerable caring side of him and understand the flirting is only a part of Nokto. Drama will happen, and Nokto will have a breakdown, because he got attached to MC and is convinced he won't be able to protect her. It's likely he tries to push you away even more to make you mad and break his own heart before he has to see you die before his eyes too. Due to this bring a heavy and very bottled up trauma, he will be looking very distressed and MC will rather try to soothe him. I do think Nokto might be crying at this moment (the other one I have in mind would be Yves) and both will realize their feelings at this very moment. However Nokto still won't think he can protect you, but maybe Licht would think something like "I can't protect anything by myself but I can help my brother protect what he cares for" and help him, which would easy Nokto into the idea of having to fight. It's also possible Clavis and Chevalier join in, but I'm not too sure about that. In terms of relationship, Nokto would be a super touchy fluffy lover, liking to feel your chest move in rythm with your breath against his chest while hugging you tightly reminds him that you're alive and that he could protect you and he always will no matter how many times he has to. Like Licht, he would be very protective, but he won't become too obsessive if you soothe him back enough and prove him that you won't break in his palm (the fact that he becomes king also helps since you can have personal royal guards). He's a bit more into PDA than his brother and won't mind resting his hand on your hip in public, but your cute facial expressions are for his own pleasure only~
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So Luke is the big brother one (but only for MC) and apparently he's lazy. Like a bear, he's huge but you can bet he would spoon you For his lazy traits, I think it might just be his personality, but I do think his doting comes from his past. A guess would be that he was very fond of his little sister but lost her to another man for arranged marriage. I don't know where or when Ikepri happens but arrange marriage can be planned very early, and this would explain his hate/disinterest for official affairs and his doting (it's like he would try to see his little sister in MC while treating her as such) and the fact that he tries to drag her out of official affairs as well. Like mentioned in his profile, his eyes sometimes look somewhat dark and dull, so I assume this could be when he thinks back about his past. I wouldn't go as far as saying he's a yandere, but he'll definitely try to drag her away from court life (not especially people, not especially violently, he'd just try to not lose her). It's sad, but you will probably get sis-zoned for a nice long time before he realizes that 1. he can't force you to do something you don't want to and 2. he doesn't just love you as a sister. Maybe this realization will make him want to become king with you to not lose you, or maybe he will be needing a little something else to be pushed to do so. In terms of relationship, he'll be doting and have remnants of big brother behavior but he'll finish his light scolding sessions with a big fluffy hug. Jokes on you if you wanted to spoon him. For PDA, I think he'd be pretty much just like hand holding and head pats/hair ruffling.
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Sariel is known in the court as the "Devil". I would say his role is a mix of Giles (midcind) and Mitsuhide. As the profile says, his past, identify etc is quite of a mystery so I wouldn't get too much into this. Now Sariel expects MC in his profile to kind of suck up to him and do as he pleases while she finds a new king. Whether Sariel is loyal to the princess (you) and the crown or not will determine whether he's simply a shady suitor or the villain of most of the other routes if not all of them (William things hehe). He'll obviously be EXTREMELY shady and will make it very clear that it's best you stay away from what his job entails. However MC will find a way, consciously or not, to get involved way too much in Sariel's affairs (Mitsuhide things haha, he radiates the energy of other chaotic shady suitors only) and he will have to first of all scold her a ton shit and secondly a find a way to get her out of his business. They will probably struggle together their way out of an important job of his and MC will most likely have a good impact on the overall outcome but he'll mostly scold you for getting on the brink of death thanks to what he'll consider a foolish move. As a relationship, once king, I don't think Sariel would go any further than formal hand holding, arm holding and back of the hand kisses. I have a feeling that in private he wouldn't be the touchiest either (I mean he's busy with his shady stuff) but he would definitely pull you into his lap without asking and I could see him stroking your hair while your head rest on his shoulder until he finishes work before carrying you to bed, whether you're asleep or not.
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Rio IS the yandere and it's 100% canon I'm not accepting critiques on this (someone saying "Look only at me, you only have to think about me" screams yandere already, not to talk about my obsession consisting of comparing him with Toneri of Yuroma) and I honestly think it's soooo cool that the yandere is a butler I love it. ANYWAYS. Rio lost his memory 3 years ago (he was already your butler back then) which means his memories only consist of serving you. That said, you're literally his world, his only friend and his master. I think Rio would be scared not only to forget about everything again and see (I assume) you sad again and forget all your smiles he saw for 3 years (I definitely think he's one of those suitors that love you right off the batch but give you the liberty to be happy with whoever), but also lose you as easily as he lost him memories. If he lost you to someone else, either he'd be forced to watch you be happy with another man, or be left behind. As a loyal dog, he would totally hate the later. Now being your love interest's butler is extremely convenient as a yandere. If he doesn't want you to get out of your room he just has to give you some sort of somniferous stuff or lock you in saying you're sick and "My Lady does not wish to receive anyone in her quarters". Butlers not only attend to their master's wishes (he does say that granting your selfish wishes is also his job), but also are their first connection to the outer world. If your butler doesn't come with you outside, he'll at least be there to see you off and the first person waiting for your return. Now I don't know what entails the secret behind his memory loss at all so I'll leave it as it is. I don't think Rio will be as brutal as Toma from Amnesia or anything (Sariel is watching too) and will probably try to convince you that you need to stay in for a while and that he'll look out for you (bonus points if something bad actually happens). I'm actually not sure to what extent Rio would go. Would he harm others ? Just keep them away ? I don't know, but a dog sure knows how to bite to protect its owner. The route will probably follow the classic yandere schematic: everything is fine, he gets really obsessive, you try to push him away, he gets hurt, you explain him that you love him too but you can't stay locked in forever, he eventually chills. As a king, I think he'd take some time to stop being there for his Mistress' every needs but he definitely would in private, he just wouldn't want to embarrass you in public. For PDA, he would also not be too touchy, sticking to basic butler extent touchy, but he'd be extremely cuddly in private, trying to hook up as much time as possible from you. He'd give a lot of little pecks and smol kisses everywhere on your face and neck until you stop working so he can pull you on the bed in his arms for a slower making out session.
That took me quite a while, phew ! Sorry if there typos and sorry for the huge length inconsistency !
If you have something to add, especially regarding the ones I didn't write as much, please do say so in comments or in my messages and if it adds something to the analysis (and if you're okay with it) I'll add it with credits !
I'm so excited for Ikepri I hope to be able to play soon but for now it's 3am haha
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babbushka · 7 years
First Friday
For the @huxlolidays prompt, “Barbecue party in the ‘Gaarden’” For those who want to read it on ao3 you can right here!
“Do you think they’ll have braised nerf?” Hux asked, holding up different civilian clothing options still on their hangars to see what would look best on him. As if he didn’t look amazing in anything he wore, Kylo thought.
“Darling, I have never been on board during one of these things. Your guess is as good as mine. Much better, as a matter of fact.” Kylo replied with a smile. Hux huffed and disappeared into the refresher to undoubtedly fix his already perfect hair.
If there was one thing Kylo knew, it was that Armitage Hux, General of the First Order, the Starkiller himself, was the most picky eater in the entire galaxy. After five years of knowing one another, three of which were now spent happily in love, Kylo has rarely seen Hux divest from the standard meals served on board the Finalizer. Contrary to popular belief, the food on the star destroyer wasn’t actually terrible, nor was it the same exact thing every day. Hux had worked hard to command this ship, and he would be damned if it didn’t serve the best. That being said, Hux himself usually stuck to the same routine of orders.
Getting Hux to try foreign foods was a bit like trying to get Millicent out from under the bed on cleaning day.
“Love would you please just try it? You might like it!” Kylo held up the brightly colored sweet.
“I know what I like, Ky. And it certainly isn’t that color.” Hux folded his arms in defiance, and turned away.
“It’s pink! You like pink.” Kylo tried, pushing the treat into Hux’s hand. He had stared at it like it was a ticking bomb, full of panic.
“Yes but not to eat!” Hux had tried giving it back.
Kylo always brought back a special snack from his missions along with the skulls that Hux so coveted. He had read once as a child that famous Republic pilots would bring their sweethearts gifts from the far away places they visited, just a token to show that they had thought about their lover during their time apart. Kylo had thought that to be a ridiculous notion, until he met Hux. Suddenly everything reminded him of his General, but the easiest things to bring back on board were treats.
Hux had never read such stories, and was not terribly inclined to try anything new, thank you very much. After much convincing, Hux would eventually take a bite of whatever Kylo had smuggled in, and would react with the same faux-disgust each time. Hux knew that Kylo knew he typically loved every treat Kylo has brought him, but neither would dare say it out loud.
“Are you almost ready?” Hux called from the bathroom, bringing Kylo back to the present.
Today was Friday, and at the first Friday of each month, the Finalizer held a party of sorts. They called it a barbecue, named after a style of meats occasionally served for lunch during the summer months.
Hux had agreed to the idea exactly one year ago today, and justified it in his books by saying it was to keep morale up among the troops. The troops certainly loved it; if they had managed to complete all their work for the day, they got to take their uniforms off and enjoy themselves in a lounge room called the Garden.
The Garden had been Techie’s idea; he had wanted a place that had real live plants, reminiscent of a planet he had seen in a holofilm. When one entered the Garden, it was like they weren’t in space at all; the ground was soft grass, peppered with wildflowers here and there, big trees that had various flowers growing from its branches, and enough wooden tables with first order table cloths to seat dozens. The lighting system and view port had been programmed to appear like a bright blue sky, complete with fluffy white clouds and a shining sun. There was even a breeze. Every other day, the room was reserved for Techie, but on the first Friday of each month it was welcome to all.
It had begun as a small affair, just Techie and his boyfriend Matt enjoying a picnic in the grass. Techie had run over to Hux with bright eyes saying how wonderful it would be if all the crew could enjoy the synthetic fresh air, and that had been that. The next month, a few officers joined the picnic, then a few more, until suddenly word had gotten around the ship and it was an event everyone looked forward to.
Kylo was never able to attend one of these Garden barbecues, either always on missions or recovering from them, and as such Hux had never gone. The troops may love blasting music and cracking open chilled bottles of Ebla beer, but Hux had other things that needed tending to – usually Kylo.
But all that was going to change, because for this month, Kylo wasn’t scheduled to leave for his next mission until after the weekend. He was absolutely thrilled, and had taken it upon himself to find out exactly what he could bring to make the party even more fun.  The answer had been a resounding request for a BBQ droid. Kylo had never heard of such a thing but apparently, they were stationed in the kitchens of the Finalizer and could only be checked out by clearance from a Commander. Taking advantage of his position, Kylo had reserved them all for the party.
“I’ve been ready for the past half hour.” Kylo replied, trying not to sound too teasing.
“I just don’t know what’s too casual, or too formal.” Hux’s reply came from the fresher.
“Let me take a look at you, I’ll give you my honest opinion, cadet’s honor.” Kylo grinned. It wasn’t often he could see Hux in civvies.
His lover hesitantly stepped out of the ‘fresher, and Kylo couldn’t help but laugh.
It was just so strange to see Hux without the signature greatcoat and jodhpurs. Instead, he pulled a black sweater over his red button up which was tucked into loose black trousers, and wore his casual boots, instead of the shined to perfection uniform ones. He had pushed the sleeves up to his elbows, and was looking so adorable Kylo could not stop beaming.
“That’s it, I’m changing.” Hux sighed, retreating to the closet. Kylo was up in a flash.
“No! No! You look good.” He wrapped his arms around Hux and squeezed him tightly.
“Kylo.” Hux gave a warning, but Kylo could feel his smile against his chest.
“Very good,” Kylo continued, “Too good.” He playfully placed a wet open kiss to Hux’s cheek, who effectively squirmed out of his hold.
“How can you say you’re ready? You’re not even dressed!” Hux smacked Kylo’s bare arm.
“What do you mean? Of course I’m dressed.” Kylo scoffed. He had opted for more comfortable clothes; his black tank top he usually reserved for training, black cargo shorts, white socks, and his comfy sandals.
“Ky?” Hux asked, voice deadly serious. “What are those?” he pointed to said sandals.
“What’s wrong with them?” Kylo asked innocently. He knew Hux hated them, but he would be damned if they weren’t his favorite. He also didn’t have any other boots besides his combats, but that was an argument for another day.
“They’re hideous! I tolerate them at home because I love you, but I can’t have you running around in them.” Hux was laughing now, the nerves of the party getting to him.
“’Tidge we’re going to a barbeque, no one is going to care.” Kylo glowed, pressing the lock on the door, causing it to slide open.
“Okay. But just this once.” Hux shook his head in defeat, exiting the room with Kylo right behind him.
By the time they arrived, the party was in full swing. Officers and troopers alike were mingling at the picnic tables, dressed in casual clothing and sipping drinks. Someone had brought an old stereo system and had tapped into a radio frequency that was playing upbeat music. The many BBQ droids that Kylo had reserved were busy cooking away, keeping the food platters piled high with fresh burgers, hot dogs, ribs, and more. A few people had even set up some games in the grass; throwing rings onto a peg, or throwing sandbags onto a wooden plank. A few troopers were even tossing a ball back and forth -- Hux thought there was a lot of throwing going on.
“Lord Ren! General!” Phasma called from across the Garden. At her greeting, the entire crew quickly rushed to salute, but Hux smiled shyly and shook his head, motioning for them to go back to having fun.
“Captain!” Kylo waved, jogging over to where she had saved them seats at one of the tables.
“Armie, you made it!” Techie ran to him, throwing his arms around his big brother.
“It looks like quite the party.” Hux awkwardly put an arm around Techie. He wasn’t used to public displays of affection like this, but his brother was not one to be denied. He waved to Matt, who was sitting on a big red and black blanket in the grass.
“Yeah, all thanks to you. Can you believe it’s been a year?” Techie smiled, the corners of his eyes scrunching up.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t come earlier.” Hux ruffled his hair, making his brother laugh.
“Nah, that’s okay. You’re here now. You and Kylo should go check out the food, it’s amazing.” Techie gave Hux a parting hug, and dashed back to Matt.
As if summoned, Kylo appeared beside him, casually looping an arm around his waist.
“I should have eaten before we came,” Hux fidgeted with the hem of his sweater, suddenly nervous. He had forgotten in all his excitement that a large part of a barbecue was actually eating food that someone cooked. Food that was outside of what Hux considered to be Good Food.
“I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.” Kylo pressed a kiss to Hux’s temple, and the two made their way down to the buffet table.
Hux was indeed surprised, because lined up were big platters of all his favorites! There were cojayav wings lathered in all sorts of sauces, gamorrean pork seasoned with Hux’s favorite dry rub, traladon ribs, and even braised nerf! Fruit bowls and various salads were full and fresh, and Hux felt his eyes go wide, he had never seen these foods in such large quantity ready for the taking.
Kylo laughed, the emotions rolling off of Hux sounding like sweet music to his ears.
“You said you’d never been to one of these before!” His tone accusatory, piling his plate high.
“I haven’t, but I was in charge of the food this time around.” Kylo held his plate out, and a BBQ droid gave him a huge rack of ribs.
“You let me worry for nothing.” Hux tutted, feeling his cheeks pink up in embarrassment.
“I just wanted to get to see your face.” Kylo kissed him on the cheek, and Hux rolled his eyes.
“Ha ha.” He replied, rolling his eyes and giving Kylo a playful shove.
“Phasma saved us a seat, come on.” Kylo twined their fingers together and pulled Hux towards the group of officers they called friends.
Phasma was halfway finished with a kebab of sorts when they arrived at the table. Everyone else at the table greeted them, and someone offered them a beer, which Hux politely declined. Kylo accepted on both their behalf, earning him a playful roll of the eyes from Hux.
“I gotta say Hux, if Kylo’s in charge of the menu next month, you’ll get an even bigger turnout.” She clinked her beer bottle against Kylo’s and grinned.
The two then proceeded to see who could drink theirs faster, with Phasma beating Kylo by just a fraction of a second.
“We’ll have to see. Who know when he gets shipped off again.” Hux leaned into Kylo’s side, he had thrown his arm across Hux’s shoulders and it just felt good to be with friends.
“Or for how long.” Kylo pointed out, not knowing if his next mission would take six days or six months.
“Well you might as well enjoy yourselves.” Phasma winked, just as a group of troopers cheered from the other side of the Garden. It appeared as though whatever game they were playing was getting interesting.
“I’m going to go see what’s going on over there.” Kylo’s attention was drawn like a hyperactive puppy, and Hux smiled as he let him go.
“Make good choices.” He called, Kylo giving him the finger with a teasing smile.
“You know, even if Kylo can’t make it, maybe you could come to the next one. It means a lot to the troops to see you hanging out with us like this.” Mitaka piped up, his cheeks slightly red from too much beer.
“Maybe. The food is really good. The company isn’t too bad either.” Hux joked, getting honest laughs.
“It’s good to see our General has a sense of humor.” Unamo winked at him.
“I have to admit, this does beat sitting at my desk.” Hux conceded, mind immediately going to the list of things that needed completing upon his return to his office.
“Oh, no.” Phasma interrupted, “I can see the wheels working in that brain of yours. In a couple hours you can leave and return to your paperwork, but for now, please laugh at your boyfriend with us.”
Laugh at his boyfriend? What did that mean?
“Hey Hux!” Kylo’s voice called from the food station. Hux’s jaw dropped when he saw what Kylo was wearing; he had tied his hair up into a messy bun and somehow acquired an apron made to look like Darth Vader’s robotic suit. He was waving a pair of silver tongs with one hand, and flipping burgers with the force. “Want me to cook something up special for you?”
An errant frisbee flew towards him just then, but Kylo caught it in the nick of time, tossing it back in the direction it came from. He then began whistling along to whatever tune was on the radio, manning the grill with ease. The entire table couldn’t stop laughing, the image of one of the deadliest men in the galaxy tapping his foot to beach music too much for them.
“Kylo get over here!” Hux begged, exasperated. The table burst into giggles again, Mitaka even falling out of his seat from laughing so hard. It was infectious, and soon Hux found the absurdity of it all funny too, and was blinded by tears.
Kylo smiled fondly, not really knowing what was so funny. He was just glad to see Hux having a good time.
“Hux,” Phasma wiped a tear away, “What the hell is he wearing on his feet?”
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About Me - Life Story Part 1
Dear tumblr,
Every few years I introduce myself in some fashion, just to keep an updated version of myself current. This year i decided to retry giving an elaborated, but still somewhat brief outline of my life story so far. I did this a few years ago, and i probably did it better back then - but i didn’t finish. And i lost half of it and the rest is on a computer i don’t really use anymore. I will write this saga in segments as to not to explode the heads of anyone who wants to read it by taking up too much time at once, or overdoing information, and it give myself time to go through the different parts. So here goes part 1.
My name is Renee Clariss Sanborn. I was born and raised in rural northern Idaho in a town called Kendrick that was ¼ meth town, ¼th Garth Brooks/hunters/trucker land, 1/4th early 1900's antiquity, and ¼ woods with no people. My house was an antique historical monument that my father bought for my mother so they could fix up based on my mother's fantasies of fixing it up to be a place where socialites from all over the world might visit (nothing of the sort ever happened). The home even has it's own wikipedia page – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Kirby_House . I have two younger siblings, a brother and a sister, and two older half sisters, and 11 nieces and nephews, and two great nephews. I have a number of uncles and aunts too, but other than my grandmothers, I really have not spent a lot of time with most of them.
My father and mother met in a factory. My mom, Sandra, was very pretty and had spent most of her young life in an abusive marriage to her first husband. My father, Dave, was a failed musician, turned body builder, turned cocaine dealer. After a few years of a rocky relationship, my mother ended up getting pregnant, so my father stayed with her mostly based on that fact, and when I was three they moved us all out to Kendrick, with a population of 300 people.
My mom grew up near Couer de' Alene Idaho to a highly sociopathic and abusive father who made her and her mom and brother's lives hell. She also likely contracted lead poisoning since she lived for much of her time in a town called Smelterville where there has been very heavy lead poisoning due to the mines and stuff around that area. I don't really know what my mother was like when she was young other than she tended to follow boys around, soccer, and she sewed her own clothing. She did some modeling at a college for a short period, posing nude for artists to paint, though she never did go to college herself. My grandmother didn't like that and forced her to stop. My mom's first boyfriend took her up to Alaska when she was seventeen while they were building pipelines. She worked as a waitress at a strip club. She had my oldest sister up there, and shortly after her boyfriend ditched her. My mother refuses to say much about this time period, but from stories I have gathered from my family, the owner of the club was also a pimp, and he raped my mother and beat her and my sister Maria, and tried to force her to be a prostitute. I don't know the details of this situation, but when her and Maria escaped and came back to Idaho, they were both severely malnourished and bruised from head to toe.
My mom didn't really get along with the rest of her brothers and her own mom, and was a bit of the black sheep of the family. She moved down to Lewiston Idaho with Maria when she was nineteen. My mom, being apparently clueless, married the first man she saw in the first bar she applied to be a waitress on her first day looking for work in Lewiston. He was a very rich, older abusive drunk of a man. She stayed with him as a housewife for several years throughout the eighties, had my second half sister Roxanne, and eventually after ten years of marriage, she left him. A month later, she was working at the bullet manufacturing company and she met my dad.
My mom never really has felt love for men at all. She sees them as dumb creatures who are also dangerous who can pay your bills for you if you look good enough. So, that's how that worked out. My dad for whatever reason bought the shtick and after a few years of an on again off again relationship, and after finally having broken up permanently, was told that my mother was pregnant. Since my dad was kind of a fifties guy, he married my mom out of duty, and because he wanted to get out of disco-drug culture but didn't know how. So my existence was what more or less gave him reason to start life anew.
My dad never really knew his father. He has one very vague memory he says, of being in a highchair and seeing his father screaming at him because he would not eat the baby food on the spoon. My father's father, my grandfather I am told, was a very angry and abusive guy. They all lived in southern California. My grandfather Robert was a sailor, and my grandmother Betty who's father was a member of the mafia, but we never knew who he really was (a different story for a different day), was raised by nuns and for her entire life, both chain smoked continuously, and was absolutely phobic of just about everything. For this reason, she never learned to drive. She would cry hysterically when it rained. She talked the way fifties women should talk, only she had a slightly more baby-talk way of speaking. Anyway, my grandfather was a very physically abusive man, and it's been suggested that he was probably bipolar. But he didn't really live long enough to figure much out. He was hit by a drunken semi driver who went in the wrong lane. And so my father and his family packed up and moved to Lewiston Idaho.
My dad grew up without a father, and so he followed his older brother Bob around, who was and is highly intelligent and also quite criminal. There was always a rivalry between him and Bob, with Bob always being jealous of Davy. This is only notable, in that it came to shape who my father was. My dad was one of those very simple 50's boys who actually needed a father in his life. I don't believe that all boys 'need' dads, and I think that can be a very outdated idea that implies that male influence is better than women's, or that family structures have to have that patriarchy in them. But my dad longed for a male figure to look up to. Behind a lot of his attitude throughout his life, I think that underneath it all he is still trying to live up to some invisible male expectation that was never laid out for him.
In the late 60's, my dad became one of the few kids in the town of Lewiston to be a hippie. This was a very big deal, and he got into a lot of fights for it, for having long hair. He did LSD over three hundred times before he turned 17. He became a bassist in a band that played a sort of New York Dolls style of music, though they mostly did covers. After high school they toured all over the north west and were considered quite a popular act in their day, considering the scarcity of that kind of music in the inland north west. After three or four years however, the entire band had gotten very much into drugs, and were not able to keep a tight ship. My dad has always been sort of a fool about people. He cannot tell when people are his friends, he tends to act in a way to play all his cards. He also is very extroverted, at times quarrelsome and overbearing. So they likely started to play him like a fool. My father bought most of the instruments and speakers with money he inherited when he was 18 from a trust fund set up because of his father's death. They stole his instruments and they kicked him out of the band.
He cut his hair and at some point developed a taste for body building and Huey Lewis and the News. He applied at the local bullet factory that paid well, and after ten or so years of dealing coke and being a steroids taking self centered – and most likely totally dickish asshole, he met my mother and decided that was a good idea for whatever reason. (I apologize for my thinking that my parents relationship, and my birth were terrible ideas).
So my oldest sister Maria, who is eleven years older than me has some serious mental health problems. She displays very strong signs of Borderline Personality Disorder. I am not diagnosing her per say, but from what I have read, she really does fit all the criteria. My mom for whatever reason decided to distribute love very unevenly among her children (my mother also has some serious issues). Maria had it the worst. My mother's first husband hated Maria and made her life a fearful hell, Maria's own father didn't want anything to do with her, and my father was also abusive to her. My mom would literally push Maria away when she was a child and needed a hug. This really affected Maria for the worst. She stopped going to the bathroom on the toilet, and this was when she was eight. She started lying and stealing compulsively. And my mom kept shipping Maria off to other families, other friends from work, whoever she could con into taking Maria, some of these families also being abusive. It was very clear that my mom just didn't want Maria.
My dad came into the picture, and he being an aggressive dummy – particularly in those times, would make a habit of whipping her whenever she wet herself. This went on this way till she was twelve. Maria tried to commit suicide when she was eleven by drinking a bottle of rubbing alcohol. My mom found out, but even then, my crazily cold mother didn't seem to care. My dad did care, but he and my mother were both horrible about this, and instead chalked all of this behavior up as just ways to get their 'attention' as though that were something Maria didn't deserve, and she was scolded for her suicide attempt. I honestly, for the life of me cannot understand why nobody in my family took Maria to see a mental health professional. Instead, she was further ostracized and resented until she ran off when she was fifteen.
This behavior from my mom and dad's part really goes to show what kind of cold selfish people the two of them can be. It's confusing because they are not always this cruel, there seems to be random bursts of care at random times. It's hard to explain. But I have seen this side to my parents. I use this as a reference because anything I might say from personal experience is bound to be a bias interpretation. Maria's case is clear cut abuse and I can site it to make my point when I need to.
Roxanne, my second oldest half sister had a much different life than Maria. Roxanne was very hyper and giggly. She was my mother's pride and joy. She would go on to spoil Roxanne terribly. Buying her whatever she wanted on a whim. She was considered everything Maria was not. Maria grew up with this little impish angel dancing around her, and Maria grew to hate Roxanne to the point of putting Roxanne in some very dangerous situations hoping she could get Roxanne maimed in some way. Roxanne was also one of those little children that wants to start dating when they are kindergartners. I grew up with Roxanne as a sort of role model in some ways. She always seemed really cool to me. I didn't have her energy though. I also had a different father, and was raised under different circumstances. I was always fearful where she was always foolishly fearless. She was tall and thin, where I was clumsy and pudgy. Roxanne would laugh on a roller coaster, and I would always cry. In this way, we were just very different. The similarities are mostly in our facial structure – out of all my siblings, I look like her the most I think. And I tried very hard to be a cool 90's girl like her.
When Roxanne was thirteen, her father's girlfriend sent photos of her to seventeen magazine. They accepted her, and for a short while, it looked like Roxanne was going to be a model. But at the same time, Roxanne had been sleeping with boys and partying. She was only twelve when she started doing this. I remember very vividly that we shared a room. Roxanne would always torture me in some fashion, but then she would wait till she thought I was asleep, and she would climb out the window and off into the night to go do god knows what. I never told on her.
So, at age twelve, she got pregnant. It was kept as a secret from my father for a time, but then he found out and all hell finally broke loose completely in the family. My father didn't feel like Roxanne had any business raising children and thought she should put the baby up for adoption. Roxanne wanted to keep the baby and my mother stood by her on this decision. On top of this, my mother had stopped working for a few years around this time and had ran up 80,000 dollars in debt – mostly on things you order on television and clothing for Roxanne. So my dad was working constantly trying to keep up with my mom's spending. She simply would not stop. They had half finished fixing up the old house, but it was clear at this point that half done was all it would ever be. Also, my mom had my brother and sister as babies around that time, so that added to the stress of it all. Maria had caused fights until she moved away to live with her boyfriend. I had had a brother William who, due to a drunken doctor, was born brain dead and died five days later in the hospital. This loss kind of ruined my parent's marriage. It was all just crumbling.
So there was a bitter war in the house, and general tension that my dad would explode. Roxanne had grown to hate my father for being the meathead who tried to keep a patriarchal order in the home who called the cops on her when she ran off to do drugs for days at a time. My mother resented my father because he didn't like her spending, because he talks constantly and over everyone else (he still does), and he never seemed to listen at all, and by this time it was clear that I was his favorite person in the family, so at six, though I was not aware of it at the time, I was resented by my sister and my mom.
So, what happened next, during this time was, Roxanne made up a story that my father had molested her when she was young. It was shocking, and it caused a lot of problems for my personal morals – not knowing the truth of the situation until I got much older and Roxanne confessed that she lied. This basically made my father evil in my mother's eyes. So, she kicked him out of the house. And then my mother drove off to party. My dad was living in a camper somewhere at this time, working three jobs, still paying the bills. Roxanne had accused him of the most foulest crime ever. It was really something.
At this point, I want to take a step back though and explain that even though this sounds bad, and in some ways for me it was, I personally did not live this life that everyone else had chosen for themselves. My personal world was quite magical and I was not fully affected by the circumstances in my family.
From my perspective, my mother was always distant. This might have affected the kind of nurturing person I am, or rather, am not. I felt very distant from my own femininity because I didn't really get allowed in the female circle of my family. I was pushed away, and this essentially made my father the major influencer over me. I am not like other girls. I don't know why, but I think it is because of my mother's lack of involvement with me whatsoever after age three. She didn't play with me, hug me, or talk to me. I remember her as a silent statue while my father just blabbered and blabbered. It may be one of those mysterious favoritisms my mother has, but it might have simply been that she resented that my dad loved me more than he did her or her other daughters. In any case, it wasn't my fault. She favored Roxanne over me, and so having been rejected by the mother figure, I went to my dad for reassurance. This kind of set the stage I think for how I am able to fit in in female social circles as a whole. I have female friends in my life, but they are never like other female friends. And the girls I hang out with have always been social outcasts. And I usually feel like an outcast even to them.
However, my mother was good at providing me with a sort of homemade way of living. She sewed half my clothes, which were generally frilly old fashioned outfits. Half my toys were actually antiques. I was taught to pick up after myself. I became quite organized. Breakfast was made for me every morning on an antique tray, that I would take into my antique table, and chair, and I would eat my meal and then put it outside the door. I was very self sufficient when I was young and I never got bored. The bread we ate was homemade. She was really good this kind of thing. I think growing up in an old house, with a wood stove, with old fashioned furniture, clothing, living in a town of old fashioned brick buildings with old men that still dressed like it was the 20's gave me this really strong sense of bygone eras. I was somewhat immersed in antiquity from a young age.
My best friend in the world growing up was actually my grandma. Until age five, my phobic chain-smoking afraid-of-everything grandma lived in a few upstairs rooms in the house. She always owned cats. She always smelled like cigarettes. I would visit her just about every other day and we would watch Bob Ross, and Mr. Rogers. I used to hold her hand and push on her big mushy veins. When the weather was bad, my mom and dad would not let me near her door, knowing that she was secretly crying in fear. I only found out later what was happening. She had two cats, Stanley and Booker. My father hated cats back then, and he resented her love of animals. My grandma Betty, and my mother however, did not get along. My dad didn't agree with either one of them, but they put him in the middle of their squabble. Eventually, my grandma moved to live with my dad's younger brother Steve. It was very hard for me, and my family didn't tell me till she already moved.
I had a lot of structure when I was young. I do remember the sorrow in the house when William died. That kind of changed things. But everyone was quite nice to me, aside from Roxanne, who delighted in picking on me. I had a friend up the street named Colt, who would come to my house and we would make mudpies. There was a public pool that was open in the summers, and a creek that ran through the town. It was a beautiful place to grow up when you were very small. The old people that my grandma Betty would sometimes visit down at the diner would always dote over me, in my antique style dresses my mother sewed for me. I remember these days very positively.
I mostly looked forward to my father coming home after work. I used to eat dirt for some reason and I think I got worms at some point for this. I found scissors one time as well, and I chopped half my hair off. My mother had to chop off the other side to make it even, and I cried thinking I looked just like a boy. I used to play games where I made ants have competitions to see which one could live the longest in water. It was probably the meanest thing I ever did. I was generally a very calm and well behaved child. There were only three times I ever got into trouble. The first one was, I decided I wanted to be a black person. I am not sure at all where this came to me. I just felt that I should be black. I didn't know anyone who was black. I just thought black skin looked better. I just felt like my family didn't understand me for this. I decided I was going to change my skin color with dirt. I realize this story might seem kind of racist to anyone reading it, but I am attempting to just be honest about what happened, I was four and I didn't mean anything at all to be insulting, other than having an honest need to change the color of my skin. I wasn't trying to be funny. I seriously thought mud would do the trick somehow. I got naked, went outside, filled up a basin with mud, and completely soaked myself in it. Then I proceeded to walk around covered from head to toe in mud naked in broad daylight down the street. My father came home from work, he saw me and I not only got hosed down with cold water that made me cry, I also got whipped. My dad is racist too, so he probably indoctrinated me with some terrible bullshit to defer me from wishing I had dark skin.
Aside from my mother buying things online, she also would buy animals we could not take care of, birds, fish, iguanas, cats, dogs, pigs. We'd keep them for a short while, before they would eventually die or we would have to get rid of them. She never would talk to my dad about it at all. She would just wake up one morning and buy the animal. My dad would come home and there we would have three iguanas, or a new dog, or whathaveyou. We had a pig for a short time named Angie. Angie was my friend. I would pet her and feed her popcorn. She was a very sweet little pig. Eventually my father got rid of her, selling her to essentially be slaughtered. After this I refused to eat meat. I didn't know that meat was animal flesh until that point where it was explained to me by Roxanne, and it took a a lot of firm punishment to get me to eat meat after that. I eventually did of course go back to the brainwashed world of meat eating, but I never really forgot it entirely, which is why I eventually went vegan as an adult as soon as I was able to as an adult.
The third thing I did was uncharacteristic of me and shocked my family. My best friend Colt had a cousin named Carrie. Carrie was very well liked by the adults. All the kids wanted to play with her. She lived far away, so her visitation was also taken as a celebration. Even Roxanne liked her over me. She said so herself. I remember sitting off away from everyone else by the trees. Carrie wasn't mean to me or anything, but I remember feeling like I needed to set things right in some way. I felt like Carrie threatened my place I guess. I was instantly left out the second she came to visit. I was a very introverted child and I didn't know how else to get attention other than to be at the right place at the right time. So I went and found a big stick. It might have been Carrie's birthday, I cannot quite remember. I walked straight up to her friendly smiling face, and I remember mindlessly whacking her as hard as I could in the face with the stick. The funniest thing about this incident is that I was not mad at Carrie. I did not do this aggressive thing because I was mad at her. I remember feeling compelled, but not by strong emotions. Which was why I was equally confused when everyone around me began scolding me. It even confused me why Carrie was crying. Nobody could understand why I did what I did. I didn't feel guilty because I didn't understand it either. It just happened. Everyone around me was angry at me or in shock. I just felt confused by the entire event.
A week before I started school, my friend Colt (who moved at the end of that summer), convinced me to put a bead up my nose. I remember it very well. It was a pretty red sparkly one. I put it up my nose, and I could not get it out. Eventually Roxanne found out, then my mother. Everyone did everything they could but it was lodged into the very back of my nostril at this point. So I was driven forty miles to the hospital, where they used some strange doctor's equipment and pulled it out. I remember feeling very relieved. A week later, I turned five. My father found this obscure Japanese cartoon that I fell in love with – which just so happened to be Totoro.  They took me all the way up to Spokane to Chucky Cheese (which wasn't really as fun as I had hoped – all the kids seemed really wild and the pizza was sub par). It felt like the rites of initiation.
Anyway, school officially sucked. Kindergarten was probably the hardest year of school I ever had. My grandmother had moved away. Maria had moved out, and despite being a pain to the family or whatever, she was actually quite sweet to me, always letting me look at her stuff, she would read the bible to me, teach me cheesy songs by guns 'n' roses. I didn't really know about how often she stole, or lied. I didn't know about the orgies or how she ripped up her papers in class. I thought Maria was a beautiful princess. Anyway, she was gone. My grandmother had moved. Colt moved away as well. He had been my best friend for two yeas of my short life, and he was gone. I had just gotten a bead pulled out of my nose.
Maria had me watch Crybaby for the first time. I was enchanted. At five I was madly in love with Johnny Depp in Crybaby. I didn't see it as a satire, or a comedy. I thought of it as a really intense romance. I was absolutely obsessed and consumed by any passion that a very little girl that I was could possibly feel for someone. I was probably more in love with Johnny Depp than my parents had ever been with each other if I am going to be honest. My mom, though obsessed with her boyfriends, has never actually been in love at all. I am not sure she really actually likes men, or trusts them. And my father is not a romantic person. I think by definition he would be considered aromantic by scales of sexuality/gender/and romantic inclination. He just sees utility in human interaction and no poetry at all. I kept trying to draw Johnny Depp over and over. I also by extension thought Elvis was pretty nice too. It was never good enough. I was a bit of a perfectionist. I remember crying because my drawings kept looking like a typical ungifted child's drawings. I wanted to make adult art. I was not capable of it. I remember the frustration. But it was this early age that I decided I wanted to grow up to be creative. I realized that with art, you can take the beautiful things in the actual world, and you can insulate them and pack them together into music, stage, words, and pages of lines and color. And you can study those beautiful things and work with them in their purity in a way that life rarely provides the opportunity for.
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cryptnus-blog · 6 years
Can Blockchain Fix the Ad Industry? | Ben Dickson
New Post has been published on https://cryptnus.com/2018/06/can-blockchain-fix-the-ad-industry-ben-dickson/
Can Blockchain Fix the Ad Industry? | Ben Dickson
Few would argue that the digital ads industry isn’t broken. We’ve come to accept ads as a punishment for using free services, but they’re invasive, annoying, and creepy; they collect too much information, and they can contain malware.
Even the companies running ads on their services know users hate them. Just watch a few videos on YouTube, and you’ll eventually get a message box that encourages you to subscribe to the network’s paid service to get rid of ads.
But users aren’t the only ones complaining. Publishers are also finding ads less profitable; they’re either bombarding their users with more ads or moving toward other methods, such as sponsorship programs and subscription-based business models.
Advertisers, too, are finding the practice increasingly inefficient, forcing them to spend more on ads, a considerable percent of which go to waste. (As a user, I don’t even remember the last time I clicked on an ad in a website or streaming service.)
But this doesn’t mean digital ads are completely dead. A handful of organizations, startups, and large tech companies believe they can fix the problems with blockchain, the distributed ledger technology that underlies digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum.
In the past year, blockchain has almost become like a hammer searching for a nail—or a marketing term for quick cash grabs. As someone who has been covering the space, I’ve seen companies trying to solve every problem with the internet by (nonsensically) “putting it on the blockchain,” “tokenizing” it, or “decentralizing” it, which are all different ways to say the same thing. Blockchain isn’t the solution to everything.
But I think blockchain has a chance to deliver on its promise in this case: It could change digital advertising from a landscape riddled with hostility and questionable practices to one that promotes transparency and cooperation.
What’s Wrong With Digital Advertising?
“The biggest problems with the digital-ads industry are lack of transparency, fraud, and the big number of intermediaries,” says Ivo Georgiev, co-founder of AdEx, a blockchain-based advertising network.
Under current online-advertising models, an opaque patchwork of intermediaries stands between advertisers and publishers and gains the most, at the expense of other involved parties. These intermediaries are companies like Google and Microsoft, which stand as gatekeepers between advertisers and publishers. They decide which ads are displayed on publishers’ websites and also keep a large share of the revenue coming from those ads.
“Advertisers aren’t always in control of where their ads are being displayed, and the costs are continually rising,” says Saulo Medeiros, CEO of Kind Ads, another blockchain startup providing decentralized ads. Medeiros adds that on the other end of the advertising chain, publishers aren’t in full control of the ads their websites display.
“Publishers are suffering in terms of reputation, and of course, in terms of revenue. Without transparency, the many middle parties along the way take a huge cut, and the publisher does not know how much they would earn in a better system,” he says.
Revenue calculation formulas vary depending on the advertising platform a publisher registers with. For the most part, as their traffic and popularity grows, publishers can see their revenue grow. But they don’t always see the details of how much money advertisers bid for placing ads on their website and how much intermediaries shave from the revenues.
Intermediary fees are also hurting advertisers, who have to spend more and more on ads. But without full transparency, they can’t target their audience in an efficient manner.
“Without transparency, it’s difficult to know how much revenue you’re losing along the way as a publisher. For advertisers, the issue is the same: You’re paying more when you don’t need to. Also, we believe that the lack of transparency is a problem for targeting, as you cannot work directly with all the data that would be available to you in a transparent system,” Medeiros says.
Publishers also have to give into the vast decision-making powers of those intermediaries. A stark example is YouTube’s demonetization, in which the streaming giant unilaterally decided to reduce the ad revenues of many content creators.
Privacy Issues
Privacy is also a big concern with online ads. End users have little knowledge of how ad tech works and learn about the extent of its invasiveness only when they see creepy ads follow them across websites and ferret out their deepest secrets.
“Users don’t trust publishers and advertisers,” AdEx’s Georgiev says. “They are afraid that their personal information is being misused.”
Privacy-aware users use browsers and extensions that block ads and trackers, which again hurts the revenue of publishers that depend on ads to keep the lights on.
The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which came into effect last month, puts further strain on the way advertising technology is working. The GDPR requires publishers to be fully transparent about their data collection and mining practices. But publishers often don’t even have access to or control all the details of the information that the technology they install on their website collects. That’s why the deluge of notices and emails publishers send to their visitors are mostly a reminder that using their websites is a consent to giving away personal information.
“With GDPR, website owners have to notify web users what kind of cookies are being used on their websites and how much of your personal information is being stored and used. This is supposed to stop the misuse of personal information (which affects ads), but I doubt most people will read these privacy policies and pay attention,” Georgiev says.
“The current ad-tech world is fundamentally incompatible with the GDPR—a lot of data about the user is being collected in a non-anonymized way, and that will have to change,” says Medeiros.
Blockchain’s Solution for Online Ads
Instead of storing information in centralized servers, blockchain uses a network of independent computers that replicate every record of data it generates. Data stored on blockchain is immutable, and no single company can own or manipulate it without controlling or hacking a considerable number of the computers in the network. Furthermore, public blockchains allow anyone to review and audit the information they store instead of keeping it in walled gardens.
With cryptocurrencies, blockchain’s transparency and immutability has enabled true peer-to-peer exchange of monetary value without the need for intermediaries such as banks and financial institutions to establish trust between parties. The same concept is now being used in other applications, including the advertising industry.
Giogiev believes that blockchain will play a key role in addressing the ad industry’s transparency problem. “We believe most of the issues are solved with a decentralized (peer-to-peer) transparent system. The blockchain comes in when you need to solve the issue of payments, and when you need trustless trading between the publisher and the advertiser directly,” he says.
Obviously, an advertising platform that removes intermediaries means bigger revenue for publishers and lower costs for advertisers. But publishers also get full control of their website’s ad experience, says Kind Ads’ Medeiros. And users get the opportunity to decide if and how their data is used and are compensated for being part of the cycle.
But what would advertising look like on the blockchain? Kind Ads provides advertisers and publishers with a platform where they can directly negotiate and deliver ads without going through intermediaries. Payments are made in KIND, Kind Ads’ proprietary crypto token, without extracting platforms or commission fees (although every transaction on the blockchain has a small fee that goes to miners, the computers that confirm and ensure the validity of transactions).
AdEx uses smart contracts, software that runs on the Ethereum blockchain, to enable advertisers to bid on publishers’ websites with its ADX token. AdEx also keeps verifiable track of delivered ads on the blockchain and makes sure advertisers are paying for real impressions only, making it easier to prevent ad fraud.
Another interesting project is Brave, the decentralized browser created by Brendan Eich, the inventor of JavaScript and cofounder of the Mozilla project. Brave natively blocks ads and trackers on websites to prevent invasive data collection and to improve user privacy. If the user explicitly opts to view ads, Brave replaces displays ads that have been negotiated between advertisers and publishers on its blockchain platform. For each ad displayed, publishers receive Basic Attention Tokens (BAT). Every Brave user also has a BAT wallet integrated in the browser and receives a fraction of the BAT tokens delivered upon viewing ads.
This model could make ads much more enjoyable for users. It could also ensure that advertisers get more out of every dollar they spend on ads.
The Challenges of Blockchain
While the proposition of blockchain is promising, decentralized advertising platforms will have to compete with the likes of Google, Microsoft, and Facebook, which already dominate the market. Despite their questionable practices, the centralized ad networks are what most advertisers and publishers use. Without convincing them to abandon the giants, nascent blockchain companies won’t be able to create the network effect to make them profitable and efficient ad platforms.
Another problem with blockchain applications is the value of tokens. Bitcoin was worth around $1,000 at the beginning of 2017; it spiked up to $19,500 by the end of the year and then dropped as low as $6,000 in 2018. Other cryptocurrencies and digital tokens have seen similar fluctuations, which casts doubt over their reliability as a means of storing value.
Cryptocurrencies also face a liquidity challenge. Since the advent of Bitcoin, proponents have hypothesized a future in which every store and online service accepts cryptocurrencies. But nearly a decade later, the adoption of Bitcoin is still very limited. Niche crypto tokens such as the ones offered by blockchain advertising platforms are used even less. Unless holders find an exchange where they can convert their tokens to Bitcoin or fiat currency, they won’t be able to spend them anywhere. This could present a real challenge to publishers that depend on ad revenue.
Nonetheless, decentralized advertising is slowly but surely gaining traction among companies and drawing the attention of big names. Recently, IBM, which has its own blockchain development platform, partnered with advertising company Mediaocean to pilot a blockchain network for advertising. The platform has already attracted some notable participants, including Unilever, Kimberly-Clark, Pfizer, Kellogg’s, and IBM’s own Watson.
This might be a good first step toward the adoption of blockchain in the advertising industry. As with every evolving technology, a lot of initial solutions will likely die off and give way to their successors. But there’s a strong belief that blockchain and its many applications are here to stay. It will be interesting to see what the online advertising space will look like in a year or two.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 6 years
But it wasn't just optimal in that sense, if the president faced unscripted questions by giving a press conference. Though they were to work like casual conversation. For nearly everyone, the opinion of other investors. Could other countries introduce more individualism into their technology companies and research labs keep hackers from doing the kind of gestures I'd make if I were a boss making people work this hard. B forms, if you keep growing at 10% a week you'll be surprised by the misdeeds of famous people do; in the sciences whether theories are true or false, and worse still, it can certainly help their competitors. School, so I won't repeat it all here. But since I've been dealing with this problem. They generally do better than to get someone else to tell you, is nil admirari. But this Lisp must be a better platform for it.
So Great May 2003 If Lisp is So Great May 2003 If Lisp is So Great May 2003 If Lisp is so great, why don't more do it? How much is that extra attention worth? If I had to pick the worst, it would be a step up. And we know from experience that some undergrads are as capable as the successful founders of following all the implications. So if you start a startup anywhere. I've never cried like I cried at his funeral. If you move there, the authorities fed you, prevented overt violence, and hate speech.
The quantity of meaning compressed into a small space by algebraic signs, is another circumstance that facilitates the reasonings we are accustomed to carry on by their aid. If anyone remembers Viaweb this might sound odd, because we didn't want them to be written too densely. A startup can't hope to enter a market that's obviously big and yet in which they happen to be the domain expert; you have to defend yourself. It's not a good place to look is in our blind spot: in our natural, naive belief that it's all about dealing with future investors: how much money you're putting in, and control of, their companies. No cofounder Not having a cofounder is a real hacker's language will always have a backup plan. We'd clean up our offices, wear better clothes, try to put it would be such a great idea, why hasn't someone else already done it? The author is a self-indulgent.
That will change the way they made money: by selling ads. Result: this revolution, if it delivered on that promise. Startups live or die on morale. Plant it in the hope of catching it. A corollary is that you have to decide who the founders are the whole reason kids get into trouble with if they believed us. They're helpful in doing deals and pumping out new features, increasing traffic, doing deals, getting written about—those investor meetings are more likely to succeed, what we were practicing for. The question of whether hockey would be a disaster to have kids soon.
I'd always supposed that all smart people, and how consistently bad people fail as startup founders. I've lived in where people genuinely cared about art. Exceptional programmers have an aptitude for and interest in programming that is not simply that they like what they can't have, if you love to hack you'll inevitably be working on filtering at the network level, because it contains things that could endanger children. For example, physical attractiveness wouldn't have been there 100 years ago. But even then, not immediately. Can something people have spent thousands of years, then a VC fund. We didn't realize it till I was writing this, my mind wandered: would it be useful to have metaphors in a programming language in this sense, but also to make them better, but that it is. For all its power in the market. You know there's demand, and people don't say that about things that don't scale is to how Henry Ford got started as a consulting company into a product business. It deals with the most radioactively controversial questions, from which because they're writing for a popular magazine, they start with the labels. This article is derived from a keynote talk at the 2003 Spam Conference. Bill did everything he could to steer IBM into making that blunder, and he was right.
But seeing what startups are really like will at least initially experience the other side. This metric needs fleshing out, and it did not. And since lots of other people: people not as smart as Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg knew at first is that they know what corp dev people at companies that are dynamic. But even the most unobservant people, and this is especially true of a highly articulated tool like a programming language. Reading the Wall Street Journal. History is full of worry. Few people can experience now what Darwin's contemporaries did when The Origin of Species was first published in 1982 to. In fact, software that drove an impressive collection of dials displaying real-time server statistics a hit with visitors, but indispensable for us too, modifications including bug fixes to open-source projects. This doesn't just affect what they claim was the reason. We worry about that, so stories of this type of profitability is that it's much larger. If you were going back to the stone age: technology. Here's a recipe that might produce the next Facebook, if you're working on something else.
0 notes
violent-as-flowers · 7 years
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Welcome to my Chocolate Box Exchange letter, Chocolate Box is a low pressure fanfiction exchange where assignments only have to be 300 words or more. I’m on AO3 as ViolentFlowers and I’m a lurker who likes to write with a deadline breathing down my neck.
I’m not strict on the format for gifts, I love first/second/third pov and past or present tense; so please feel free to write in what you enjoy the most. Any rating is fine.
Likes! I like stories about women characters; I enjoy getting to know them and  seeing the world from their point of view.
I love femslash. I enjoy stories with established relationships, where the sharp edges of the characters remain but the characters still find a way to fit together. I’m into snarky characters that bounce back from being pushed down. I’m also way more into Rivals to Lovers then Friends to Lovers.  I enjoy restraints and power plays.
I’m open to dark themes but I also really enjoy it when a dark story can still make me laugh. I enjoy crack so feel free to play around. My favorite type of story is one where the normal tropes are subverted in interesting ways. I love stories about music, bands, or musician AUs. Feel free to add them into any of these fandoms, I love them!
I love porn! I enjoy characters exploring their bodies, finding out what they fantasizes about, what gets them hot and bothered, also masturbation(I really like masturbation). Both plot driven stories that have a sex and PWP (Plot What Plot) are great but it’s also fine if you fade to black on the sex or if the characters just show affection. Hugs, hand holding, kissing, support, and love are also great! If for whatever reason you don’t want to write porn please don’t force yourself, I love the bond that characters can have with each other when they love each other and that doesn’t have to be detailed porn… unless you like that.
Do Not Wants - No incest please. I do not want men raping women, but I’m okay with rape in other aspects. I do not want watersports or scat. 
I would prefer if underage characters were aged up to 16 for explicit porn. For fade to black sex I don’t mind if the characters are underage.
Anya’s Ghost - Anya Borzakovskaya/Siobhan,  Anya Borzakovskaya/Emily Reilly,  and Anya Borzakovskaya/Elizabeth Standard
Anya/Siobhan - I’d love to see these two grow closer while dealing with the supernatural! Possessions, witches, spirits, werewolves, things that go bump in the night. When and how did they become friends? What kind of embarrassing crush has Siobhan been hiding from Anya? Or is it Anya that has the crush? Or does it turn out to be both? What happens when one or the other starts dating a boy/another girl? Does college change anything? Does one of them have supernatural relatives? Getting a car? Getting their driver's license. Sleepovers? Dressing and undressing each other.
Elizabeth/Anya - The popular girl who's not as happy as she seems and the girl that isn't popular but just wants to fit in. I’d love to see them sneak around with each other, maybe not realizing the growing feelings between the two of them. Or is it like fake/pretend dating to get back at Sean? Has Elizabeth been trying to deny that she really likes girls or has it been a thing that she just tries not to think about because of course she likes boys, right? All of the coming of age stories where either of them realize that maybe they’re not straight, but with spooky things. Maybe Emily locks them in a closet together so she can get to Sean. Maybe Elizabeth gets bitten by a werewolf. Maybe one of them gets visions. Maybe they end up working on a school project together and have to battle vampires. Maybe Sean gets turned into a vampire and they have to hole up together and get rid of their virginity. Hate sex. Putting on makeup.
Emily/Anya - Something creepy and messed up for this would be awesome. Non-con or dubcon are both okay for this pairing. Possession, paralyzation, or somnophilia would be really interesting. A missing scene from the book would be great too with creepy creeping. I also like the idea of Emily ghosting her phantom form through Anya's body to touch her under her clothing or inside her. Emily could invade Anya's dreams to interact with Anya in a way that Anya can't escape. Or maybe Emily could become really small and touch Anya sexually in public. What if at the end of the book Emily didn't move on, but instead moved into Anya's body? Sharing it with her. What if she pushed Anya out of her own body? I'm partial to light bondage and restraints.
Gravity Falls - Wendy Corduroy/Mabel Pines, Pacifica Northwest/Mabel Pines,  Wendy Corduroy/Pacifica Northwest/Mabel Pines
Wendy Corduroy/Mabel Pines - I really like both Wendy and Mabel and feel like Wendy’s rough affection and Mabel’s aggressive cheerfulness complement each other. I’d love to see a story exploring how Wendy is more than what people assume about her and that Mabel is one of the few people that's paying enough attention to really understand her. I’d love to see the two of them go on an adventure or save the town, so that they get a chance to see what makes each other tick while growing closer/realize they like each other. Or, I don’t know, something like pretending to date to get rid of a creepy stalker, body swapping with each other, or any other terrible cliche story plot. Kidnapped by mermaids! End of the world confessions!
Pacifica Northwest/Mabel Pines - I think that Pacifica would have a hard time even getting across to Mabel how much she actually liked her because she just doesn’t seem to understand normal human interactions. I also think Mabel, once she realized that her feelings for Pacifica were attraction, would be either be extremely upfront or possibly even more awkward then normal.
I’d love to see Mabel unknowingly drawing Pacifica close to her by the sheer force of her goofy affection. Or maybe Pacifica trying and failing to ask Mabel out by stand offish presents and over the top displays of wealth. Pacifica gives Mabel a make over! Trapped, with my crush, in my multi-million dollar artificial intelligence controlled mansion that's trying to kill me! PROM NIGHT OF HORRORS... and kissing.
Wendy Corduroy/Pacifica Northwest/Mabel Pines - Basically smush any two prompts from above and maybe add Bill! I just really want to see the three of them work like a smoothly oiled machine to defeat their varied and outrageous relationship problems and anything else that gets in their way.
Daria (Cartoon) - Jane Lane/Daria Morgendorffer and Jane Lane/Quinn Morgendorffer
Jane Lane/Daria Morgendorffer - Show me their first time! Do they get drunk/high and make out? Does one of them do something that's sneaky and nice for the other and the other one catches them at it? Does Daria write a story that's basically about how she wants to bang Jane? Show me how they argue! Is it a fight that ends in kissing? Does one get frosty and won't talk to the other? Is there strange art making that gets in the way of everything? Or is it all a back and forth of snark and sarcasm?
The future! What if one of them went to college, believing it'll suck, only for it to be amazing. Except, they keep turning to where the other person should be, but they're not there to share the adventures and successes. So when finally the other comes out to visit they realize how much they want the other to always be there. Alternatively one of them becomes wildly successful, like Bill Gates level, and things get really weird for them, but the only thing that isn't crazy is their relationship with each other.
Jane Lane/Quinn Morgendorffer - Jane and Quinn are two different characters staring at each other across a long divide of expectations and snark. I’d love to see what it would take to bridge the gap between them. Is Quinn going through a phase and wanting to make out with a girl? Does she need practice for an acting job? Is Quinn secretly a porn star? Does Jane not know what to do when she finds out that Quinn is mean to her because she’s had a crush on Jane since forever? Does Jane feel drawn to Quinn in a way she’s never felt comfortable with? Does Daria finally set them up together? Does Quinn becoming a fashion mogul, rich and powerful, and then when she returns to Lawndale she sweeps into town like a hurricane, upsetting everything only to end up dominating Jane in a torrid fling?
Harry Potter -  Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter - I really like it when Draco suffers. I like canon school age stories where both Harry and Draco are obsessed with each other or where different events cause them to begin to understand each other. But I also like stories set post-canon/after the war where it shows the two of them figuring out who they really are and how they fit or don't fit into regular wizard society. I love redemption/corruption arcs and also wild "what if" story ideas, the weirder the better!
What if Draco was a weredragon? Cough, what if one of them has a tentacle? Or what if, there was a secret Potter/Malloy family curse? Maybe Draco summons a demon, gets an incubus and doesn't realize it, so when he wishes to be the most powerful wizard, instead he ends up being able to fix anything so long as he uses his dick! One of them likes to feed stray cats only now they are starting to believe that one of the cats is actually the other stuck in their animagus form. Butterbeer, how is it made? You'll never believe it...
Scott Pilgrim - Knives Chau/Kim Pine, Envy Adams/Knives Chau, and Envy Adams/Kim Pine
Envy Adams/Kim Pine - In no way do I think this meeting of minds would be friendly, but I have a burning desire to have Envy and Kim hang out together and (possibly)have a pissed off make out session, or angry hate sex. Maybe during the Scott Pilgrim movies’ Chaos theater preparation/rehearsal/sound check or maybe after Kim has hit the big time as a musician/music writer/professional shit talker/producer who runs into Envy at an event.
Envy Adams/Knives Chau - I would be really interested to see these two meet back up in the future. Is Knives better known, more important, different? Has Envy’s career taking off, bombed, ended up in the middle? Do they hit it off or is this just about pay back? Is Knives still good or did she end up becoming a bad girl?
Knives Chau/Kim Pine - I’d love to see more of what happens between Knives and Kim, was that drunken kiss the only kiss that they shared and it keeps Knives up at night, or did that blossom into a relationship? Or did they drift apart only to meet up later in life and find themselves once more drawn to each? But this time are the roles reversed and Kim is the one looking up to Knives or is Knives still looking like Kim is the sun in her sky? Does Knives at least knock Kim off balance by how far she’s come? Or are they both down on their luck? Has life knocked them around so much that they actually end up hooking up without even recognizing each other? Just another drunken one night stand, only surprise, it’s that person that they haven’t thought about in forever – that person they couldn’t stop thinking about.
Other Space - Karen Lipinski/Tina Shukshin
Karen Lipinski/Tina Shukshin - I'd really like Karen, and want her to get closer to Tina... But Karen can't seem to handle emotions so it's way more likely that they'd get dosed with space sex pollen or be accidentally married or get shot into space sharing a tiny escape pod that was originally a reality show closed set where they used to shoot porn.
Feel free to use any sort of cliche SF space plot, space madness, accidentally becoming gods to a tiny civilization, trapped on a planet, aliens made them do it, fake married, hey I grew a tentacle, end of the world sex, or good old body swap.
I'd love a story set back when they were both at the UMP Academy. Maybe a story where after Karen and Tina have their terrible first time together, they for some reason keep having unsatisfying sex over and over until they manage to have really amazing sex, which ruins everything.
I'd like them to wrestle in space jello for dominance! Neither of them lose both of them win!
Crossover Fandom - Star Butterfly (Star vs. The Forces Of Evil)/Mabel Pines (Gravity Falls)
Star Butterfly/Mabel Pines - OMG! The glitter, the excitement, the unicorns! I think this pairing could be amazing! Think of how much fun it would be for Mabel to go to Mewni and or encounter all the weirdness and magic. Or what happens when Star gets stuck in Gravity Falls and she causes total chaos! How do the two of them meet? What are the dates like? Is it a slow burn or a tornado of attraction and glitter. Do they meet on a dating show, at an interdimensional convention where Mabel is trapped as Bill's date, in a very big house in the country, in collage, princess reform school, or maybe in prison?
Alternatively anything where Mabel ends up with Star's wand.
Lady of the Shard - Acolyte/Radiant Goddess and Acolyte/Old God
The Webcomic is available for free here: https://gigidigi.itch.io/lady
Acolyte/Radiant Goddess - I love all of the face touching, blushing, and size difference between these two characters. I would love to see more shared dreams, breakfast in bed, bathing and hair brushing, or maybe some kinky goddess worship.
Acolyte/Old God - The parts of the comic with the Old God really seemed like they were heading somewhere dark and I'd be very interested if you wanted to go down that path, but I'd also be okay with fluff as well. Some possible themes: loyalty kink, pinning, forced arousal, abusive relationship, mind control, brainwashing, non-con, mind wipe.
(Warning: Dark noncon requests below.)
Westworld - Elsie Hughes/Clementine Pennyfeather, Bernard Lowe/Robert Ford,  Logan/William, and  Man in Black/Teddy Flood.
Elsie Hughes/Clementine Pennyfeather - I'd like something sweet for this pairing. Maybe where Elsie gets seduced by Clementine while fixing or testing her. Maybe Clementine showed elevated interest in Elsie from day one and neither of them know why. Problems with an update causes some sexual issues that Elsie has to get hands on to fix. Or maybe Elsie decides that more testing is needed to work out a problem with Clementine. I'd also enjoy something where Clementine turns the tables on Elsie or at least thinks she's turning the tables. I like the idea of Elsie being attracted to Clementine, so when Clementine shows interest in Elsie they start a strange secret relationship of sneaked affections. Please no non-con for this pairing, dubcon is okay.
For the rest of these pairings I'd rather you went dark, I'd love something with non-con or dubcon. Though I'm not a huge fan of extreme violence or death; feel free to include it if the story calls for it just don't linger on it.
Things I love that would work well with these pairings: bondage, inappropriate gun use, intimidation, forced blowjobs, gangbangs, prostitution, sexual slavery, mind wipes, being aware that you're doing something but not being able to refuse, gloved hands, forced service.
Bernard Lowe/Robert Ford - What interesting things did Robert program into Bernard and how do he test them out? What has Bernard forgotten?
Logan/William - Peel back the not so friendly banter to expose the delicious dark non-con center. I'm interested in all of the missing scenes from when the two of them were searching for Dolores while Logan was tied up at William's mercy. What did William do to Logan to get revenge? Did William pimp Logan out for information? I'm also interested in the flip side when Logan had William tied up. I'd love to know how there new dynamic might work when they end up back in the real world.
Man in Black/Teddy Flood - How many times did the MiB take his anger out on Teddy for getting in the way? Feel free to tell me all about it.
Teen Wolf (TV) - Adrian Harris/Stiles Stilinski,  Gerard Argent/Stiles Stilinski, Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Stiles Stilinski/Original Male Character(s), Kate Argent/Derek Hale, Gerard Argent/Derek Hale, and Derek Hale/Original Male Character(s)
For these pairings I'm looking for dark messed up stuff with non-con. I'm not a huge fan of extreme violence or death; feel free to include it, but don't linger on it.
Things I love that would work well with these pairings: bondage, inappropriate gun use, intimidation, forced blowjobs, gangbangs, prostitution, sexual slavery, sex pollen, forced service manipulation, abuse of authority, molestation, somnophilia, A/B/O, anything with power play, I'm okay with AUs.
Kate Argent/Derek Hale - Any expanding on canon where Kate gropes, molests, prostitutes, or gets Derek off against his will from when she had him tied up at her mercy. Any scene from back when Derek was young and thought he was in love. I really like the idea of Kate swooping in and kidnapping Derek for her own nefarious purposes after she burns his house.
Gerard Argent/Derek Hale - Down for pretty much anything horrible here. Kidnapping and forced breeding? Brain washed and kept as a pet. Derek caged or chained up and used for sex.
Derek Hale/Original Male Character(s) - Hunter/rival pack gangbang. Sexually abused for a magic spell.
I like Bottom!Stiles, but I like him horny and defiant while also being scared and hating the things that are happening to him.
Adrian Harris/Stiles Stilinski - Harris really likes to take out his anger on Stiles. Maybe something happens during detention, or he sets a trap to teach Stiles a lesson. Stiles is an alpha/omega in hiding and Harris claims him against his will. Harris somehow get the legal standing to punish Stiles as he sees fit.
Gerard Argent/Stiles Stilinski - I want more about what happened in the basement. Or for Gerard to kidnap Stiles for his own uses.
Peter Hale/Stiles Stilinski - Down for pretty much anything horrible here. Banter and non-con. Kidnapping, breeding, pay back, amusement, knotting.
Stiles Stilinski/Original Male Character(s) - Hunter/dirty cop/rival pack gangbang or kidnaping.
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