#I had time today
didhewinkback · 2 months
Is an intimacy coordinator needed for a fully clothed sex scene simulation? Man, you people cannot make me hate Olivia. Try your damnedest but it has not worked to this day. She is awesome and freaking strong! That's probably also why she is hated by weird fans.
do you honestly think that a stipulation of a intimacy coordinators job is that they are only required if there is nudity? you think actors don't need someone there to help choreograph a scene where one actor has his head in between the other actors legs? are you for fucking real? you honestly think it is more appropriate for the only person to be choreographing and listening to the actors in incredibly vulnerable circumstances where one actor has his mouth next to the others vagina for a 12 hour shoot day is someone who is dating one of them?
i usually try to ignore messages like this because you're a freak who lurked in my tags to find something about olivia in it but this shit actually gets me so heated. it is incredibly irresponsible to promote a movie as a feminist manifesto about female pleasure when there was no one on that set to protect your female lead. kirsten dunst just talked about how uncomfortable kissing scenes (yes bitch, kissing scenes when all their clothes are on) were for her as a young actress. anne hathaway just did an interview about how she used to have to make out with actors for chemistry tests and how she wished there was someone in those situations to vouch for her. i could go on forever. intimacy coordinators are a necessity on set no matter how intense the intimate scenes get - they are there to advocate for and protect the actor and change things if an actor feels uncomfortable no matter what. if the only person there to help you during that scene is the director and she is currently sleeping with ur scene partner that is not a situation in which you feel advocated for, heard, comfortable or protected. and truly how fucking dare you act like the only thing that would make someone feel vulnerable in that situation is being naked.
there is nothing feminist or empowering about abusing your position of power. you don't get to get off from bad behavior and being bad at your job by arguing that people wouldn't be saying this shit if you were a man. that movie sucked and so do you.
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chloeseyeliner · 9 months
it's almost officially autumn, which means i have reached the point of my life when i wake up, (try my best to) do things, inter alia refresh the young royals tag for, like, an hour and a half every afternoon to see if there are any updates on the release of the third season, (try my best to) do other things, refresh the young royals tag again full of hope, (make an effort to) sleep. repeat.
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thatseventiesbitch · 1 year
Donna’s Decisions In The Relapse: An Analysis
In S4xE6 “The Relapse”, Midge leaves her family and Kitty sends Eric over to the Pinciotti’s in a sport coat with a casserole. Donna promptly jumps his bones and they do it, leading Eric to believe they’re back together while Donna insists to their friends that they’re not.
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I’ve always thought that one can’t really blame poor Eric for thinking that having sex meant they were back together, based on what we know about how seriously Donna approaches sex. She and Eric knew each other since they were kids and exchanged ‘I love you’s’, but it still took months of dating before she felt comfortable losing her virginity to him. Her parents’ laissez faire attitude towards casual sex seems to have created the exact opposite instinct in her. So for Donna to say something like,
It was like I would have done it with anybody.
- that really raises some eyebrows. It’s not something we would typically expect from her character.
However, one also has to take into account the circumstances her character was in during season 4. Her mom left the family - she moved across the country without warning, abandoning Donna and leaving her to be raised by her well-intentioned but bumbling dad. Her boyfriend, who she’s in love with and depends on for stability, broke up with her and is being a jerk in the aftermath - kicking her out of the basement, pitting their friends against her, etc. Donna was already in a not-great place before these things happened. She was acting out for her parents attention by failing classes and smoking on school grounds in S2xE9 “Eric gets Suspended”, she was stressed out about her family’s financial stability after Bob lost his job in S3xE8 “Jackie Bags Hyde”, crying about her parents’ unhappy marriage compared to the Formans’ in S3xE16 “Romantic Weekend”, etc. So losing both Midge and Eric now - two pillars of support - could be enough to spiral her into a very bad place, where she’s making some decisions she normally wouldn’t make.
And she was acting impulsively throughout much of season 4, including some presumed sexually risky behavior. Agreeing to go to the Le Motel with Casey. Drinking with him during the day, and cutting school. Maybe sleeping with someone random - anyone - in this moment in S4xE6 “The Relapse” would have been a believable choice she’d make at this point in time, another string in this pattern. Eric just happened to be the one who walked through the door.
But maybe not.
Donna tells both Jackie and Hyde that “it was like she would’ve done it with anyone [when she hooked up with Eric].” 
Again, maybe it’s true and it’s how she honestly felt. Maybe she was being utterly self-destructive in that moment. But maybe she’s trying to save face in front of her friends because she’s embarrassed. She just hooked up with her ex! And she’s not ready to face the reason why - which is because she still has feelings for him (duh).
Case in point? When Eric confronts her about what happened at the end of the episode, Donna doesn’t tell him the same line about how she would have done it with anyone (although he’s of course heard it at this point). What she says is, 
“I’m sorry for needing you, but I did.”
- and I think that’s closer to what really happened. Donna needed him. Not anyone, Eric. Her person. For some comfort sex, for a distraction, to just feel loved and not totally alone in the wake of this huge loss and life change. 
Eric, as mad as he was at the start of the scene, is immediately diffused by these words for what it’s worth. And he also forgives her without a second thought. Which makes me think he gets it.
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So I guess that’s my (controversial?) fandom opinion of the day: I remain unconvinced that Donna would have hooked up with ‘anyone’ that day. I think that line was a convenient excuse she gave to her friends, but she and Eric know the truth.
This is really solidified for me a few episodes into season 5. In S5xE9 “Black Dog” when Eric and Donna are arguing about the best way to help someone you love through a tough time, they have the following exchange:
Eric: When your mom left, I gave you space.
Donna: But I didn’t want space. I wanted you with me.
Eric: You didn’t tell me that.
Donna: I couldn’t find you!
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It’s a recurring joke/plot in the episode that the men all tend to give their partner space when they’re upset, but that the women want to be showered with love and attention instead. Eric and Donna devolve into bickering about this for the rest of the episode, but it reveals an interesting new detail: Donna wanted Eric with her when her mom left.
This further confirms, to me, that Donna and Eric falling into bed together that day was far from accidental. She knew exactly what she was doing, lol.
It seems like Donna is someone who uses sex to mask emotional pain. She does it here in “The Relapse” when her mom leaves, and again in the beginning of season 6 when she was preparing to go away to college and leave Eric. At that point, Eric seems to become aware of it (“If I get her sad, she gives it away like goldfish at a freaking carnival”). But that’s getting into a different topic. 😊
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heathenkweer · 1 year
its kind of pathetic that you made up a self insert mary-sue to ship with luis when hes the gayest character in resi4. you made him bi so you could put him with your female oc and you spam the tag with your fanfic posts, its annoying
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*slow blink*
Luis being with a woman doesn't somehow cancel out his queerness or his attraction to men, or make him straight. (Also, I find that a lot of the things fandom points to as "proof" that he's gay are... kind of just how some men in European countries act, even when they're straight? I don't feel comfortable describing his characteristics as inherently gay or not, as a white chick from America, where a dude is seen as gay if he washes the dirt from underneath his nails more than twice a year.)
Anywho, the existence of my little fic doesn't threaten the existence of Luis/male character fics. There are still plenty there. I'm just over here doing my own little thing. If you're tired of seeing me, then block me. Curate your online space to make yourself happy. ✌️
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mauvecherie-writes · 2 years
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If you are not the demographic being targeted and you feel some type of way about that, keep that shit to yourself and go find yourself elsewhere. A lot of reader inserts cater to white readers and I’ve never gone out of my way to comment on the writers work “hey, you described her hair as silky smooth and her nipples as pink when I a short kinky Afro haired black woman with brown nipples felt excluded.” I just stopped reading and found something that catered to me.
You don’t get to tell a writer what is and isn’t when the work was never for you in the first place. My sister held her own but that top comment really pissed me off and rubbed me the wrong way. @melodicheauxxo’s writing is not for you and if you don’t like that, fuck off, respectfully
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atalana · 3 months
the curse of adhd:
i will remember with absolute clarity, when the thought strikes me that i have a text to send someone, that this is the fourth time in three days i've attempted to send this specific text
i will forget, in the time it takes me to pick up my phone, that i picked it up intending to send a text
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time-woods · 9 months
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do you think theyll ever be able to escape that cycle of sadness ? or will they be forever stuck in the madness, together ?
they really are bound to that sadness madness
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tizzymcwizzy · 4 months
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gigisworld96 · 1 year
Jus ruined ole boy fantasy 😂😂😂😂that’s what men get when they do unsolicited shit
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rennascorner · 3 months
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happy update day! 💐🏠
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pleasureribs · 1 year
Oops! All Fresno Nightcrawlers™️
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idledee · 2 months
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in your gaze where i'm seen, consume me
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thatseventiesbitch · 2 years
My Reddit essays (Pt 1)
[On fans accusing Donna of being toxic in her relationship, or bad to Eric]
Eric very much became a shell of his former self in season 7. To me, it seems the writers/showrunners didn't know how to handle TG's impending departure from the show. They had Eric/Donna's wedding collapse because they were afraid to write a married Eric/Donna in season 7, and then have to deal with writing off one half of the married couple after TG left the show. So instead we got the weird plots they came up with for him for season 7, to lead to his eventual ending in Africa. I agree that it's frustrating to watch. It's why I don't watch season 7 a lot - and season 8 almost never.
I do feel that a lot of people write off the way Eric treats Donna in the later seasons, though, and that's not really fair. We can dislike the plot all we want, but it's just as much a part of their relationship history and dynamic as any episode from season 4. Eric leaves Donna at the altar... and she forgives him INCREDIBLY easily. Eric is really selfish when he decides to go to Africa - he doesn't talk to his partner about moving overseas for a year, and then is all ????? when she's upset at him for it. But once again, Donna forgives him and promises to wait for him. She comes around and is supportive - goes with him to get his vaccines, gets him a going-away present, drives him to the airport. And then when he gets to Africa? The dillhole breaks up with her in a letter.
Writing that all out gives me pause. Like, shit, ya'll really think Donna is the toxic one here? Hmm. In the early part of their relationship they were teenagers, high schoolers who were both learning how to be in a relationship for the first time and making mistakes. This is how Eric was acting when they were grown.
We haven't even talked about
The David Milbank episode, where Eric implies he only spent time with Donna as a friend so he could one day date her/he values her for her body not as a person
The several times throughout the show (S3xE7 Baby Fever and the S6 episode when they thought she was pregnant) that Eric made comments about how he expects her to stay home and raise their children, even though he knows this is definitely not what she wants
The SAT episode, where he loses his shit and has an inferiority complex meltdown because she scored higher than he did.
I'm gonna stop, because Eric is actually my favorite character too and now I'm getting pissed at him.
I still don't see what you see, in terms of Donna treating Eric poorly at any point in the series. I do not think Donna was a perfect girlfriend by any means. She had some moments that were bad, selfish moments (like all of the characters did) but they were pretty few and far between. The criticism I see of her most often on this subreddit is that she overreacts or gets upset at Eric for insignificant things. And that's just not what I see. In each example in this thread, I've explained how Eric played an equal role in the conflict. He, just like Donna, was in his first relationship and made some mistakes as he figured it out. In most of their conflicts, they were both at fault and they both realized it in the end. That's what I enjoyed about their relationship.
I also see criticism that Donna's a hypocrite or never apologizes, and that's also just not what I see. Donna apologizes a lot. She makes mistakes a lot, but she usually realizes it by the end of the episode and apologizes or admits to her role in the situation. A few examples:
S4xE5 "Bye Bye Basement" - Donna is being mean to Eric after their break-up. He calls her a bitch and Donna reflects, and asks their friends if they agree with him. They do. She realizes she's got lingering feelings left over from their break-up and that's why she's lashing out at Eric. She goes to him and apologizes for the way she’s been acting.
S4xE7 "Uncomfortable Ball Stuff" - Donna yells at Eric after seeing him kiss a girl on their date-that-wasn't-a-date to the Pricemart Ball. This was hypocritical of her. But she know it, and comes over the next day to apologize.
S4xE27 "Love Wisconsin Style" - When Donna gets dumped by Casey she comes back to Eric. A lot of people focus on how she asked him to take her back and whether Eric was right or wrong not to do so. But what Donna actually said first was, "I'm so sorry" - seeming to take responsibility for their break-up/year apart/the whole Casey situation. It also seems like she's about to go into that subject more/apologize again in S5xE1 "Going to California" when she and Eric are in the back of the van. She says, "Eric about Casey, and all that stuff -" but he cuts her off and says he doesn't care.
S6xE17 "Happy Jack" - After she catches Eric in the bathroom, lol, she forgives him at the end of the episode. She says she knows the celibacy thing was her idea and it's been really hard, so she accepts some responsibility for the odd and disgusting things he does.
S2xE20 "Kiss of Death" - Donna is initially really mad at Eric for accidentally killing her cat and then lying to her about it. As I type that I'm like... yeah, girl, I fucking would be too!? But after she talks to Jackie she puts it in perspective and at the end of the episode she's reflected and she tells him that she knows he only lied because he didn't want to hurt her.
S2xE6 “Eric’s Panties” - This is the episode where Donna finds panties in Eric’s car and jumps to the conclusion he cheated on her, but they were actually Midge’s (from her hook-up with Bob). At the end of the episode she apologizes to Eric, says she knows she made an ass out of herself, and (at his insistence lol) says she knows he’s hot enough to get other girls.
S6xE21 “5:15″ - After the Mitch-wedding fiasco, Donna lets Eric gloat and point out that he was right and she was wrong, even though she doesn’t seem thrilled to be wrong. She’s then supportive of Eric beating up Mitch, and tries to help him by telling him not to do the Forman death-grip because it doesn’t really hurt (lol).
I. Could. Keep. Going!!!
Donna is not a perfect character, but most of the time in she and Eric's fights or conflicts, she is not acting unreasonably and/or Eric is also acting unreasonably. She's also a very reflective character. She has no problems apologizing or admitting she wasn't right about something, and she does so over and over again in her relationship with Eric.
I don't know why so many people are just predisposed to want to hate her, but I don't think those people are watching the series with an objective eye. I have lots of theories on why Donna's a lighting rod for male hate. But that's quite a different topic.
**There have been some fascinating discussions on reddit lately. Bringing my thoughts over here to my T70S blog!**
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chiptrillino · 7 months
Trick or treat ! 🎃
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Well just a wip so maybe a treat?
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siren-of-agony · 2 years
Answers to "it hurts"
I know (apologetically)
I know (condescendingly)
It's supposed to
I'm sorry
It'll be over soon
Stop whining
And it'll get worse if you don't *insert threat*
Well it wouldn't have to if you didn't *insert mistake*
You're supposed to say 'thank you'
I love hearing you say that
This is nothing, I'll show you actual pain
Get used to it
You'll get used to it
Stop lying
At least you still feel it
Shut up
Why don't you beg me to stop, then?
Can't be that bad if you're still talking
I don't care
Did I ask?
It's the only way you'll learn
You can take it
Answers to "please stop"
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becca-e-barnes · 10 months
Bucky pinning you down so you can’t squirm and he’s just sitting inside you while he tortures your clit feeling you clench around him. He makes you cum over and over until he finally cums.
Overstimulation + super soldier stamina = …
- 🍯
Dear God, I know I just don't have it in me to behave during cock-warming. When it comes down to it, I genuinely have no patience at all 😵‍💫
"You..." Bucky begins, pressing you down onto the bed before gripping your ankles and forcing you to flip over onto your front. "Have a problem with control."
With your face turned away from him, you can't help but smile to yourself. No one has ever said it out loud but you know he's right.
Being in control is where you're most comfortable. No hands are safer than your own. Except maybe his. You know he won't fuck this up.
"And you..." He continues, gathering your wrists behind your back, holding them tightly with one hand. "Need to learn how it feels to have control taken from you. Do you understand?"
As soon as you begin to nod your head, you feel him start to tape around your wrists, holding them together behind your back. Once he's content they're secure, he sits on the edge of the bed, facing the mirror before he pulls you onto his lap.
"Legs spread over the top of mine." He orders and you do as you're told, not because you have to but because you want to.
You notice the way your cunt is already glistening in the mirror and you're almost embarrassed because he hasn't even touched you yet.
"Fuck, you're made for this." He groans, lining his cock up to your slick entrance and you wonder if he's holding his breath too while he slides into you, as deep as your bodies will allow.
You're obsessed with the sight in front of you; your own naked body, with your legs spread so far apart you can see how your cunt is stuffed full of him.
Being shorter though, your feet can't touch the ground like this. There's no way you'll get enough leverage to fuck yourself on him but as soon as you start to tell him that, he silences you with two thick fingers between your lips.
"I'm not letting you fuck me." His free hand roams over your body, squeezing your breasts, pinching your nipples and then settling between your spread thighs.
"I'm going to play with you. I'm going to see how much you can take. I'm going to work out exactly how you like your clit stroked and I'm going to do that until your legs are shaking and your body won't let you cum any more. Maybe then I'll fuck you but sweetheart, that will be hours from now." His breath is hot against the side of your face, his fingers slipping from your mouth to your waist while he starts to flick gently against your clit.
"I'm going to start slowly. I'm going to do everything I can to drag this out as long as possible. I can feel every clench and flutter of this pretty little cunt and I'm going to enjoy it until you're dripping over my balls." At this rate, it won't be long until you're dripping onto the carpet, never mind over him. You dreamed he'd want to take control like this but you never imagined the way your body would respond.
"And then, when you've cum more times than you can handle, I'm going to tell you that I love you while I fuck you like I don't."
Update: Part 2
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